Transcript #372 EMFs: How They Heal You and How They Kill You with Jan Kielmann


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  1. Find out what’s in store for this Myers Detox Podcast with Jan Kielmann, EMF expert, who joins the show to discuss how EMFs can cause major health issues by interfering with your body’s communication system, your brainwaves, and your heart waves. Jan also explains some of the best tips and tricks on how to reduce your EMF exposure.
  2. Find out why Jan decided to change careers from a farmer to a certified nutrition specialist.
  3. There are about 4,000 to 5,000 scientific studies that show electromagnetic radiation can cause oxidative damage to cells just like a chemical can do. Find out more about how EMFs affect our cellular health.
  4. Symptoms of EMF exposure can range greatly from headaches to sleep deprivation, to cancer, suppressed immune systems, depression and more. Find out how EMF can cause these symptoms.
  5. EMFs can affect the natural electromagnetic compass that many animals have, causing confusion and leading to issues like bees unable to find their hives. Learn more.
  6. EMF exposure gets exponentially weaker with distance, this is why it is key to create distance between you and sources of EMF. Find out more about the sources of dangerous EMF and techniques to mitigate exposure.
  7. Jan recommends creating one room in your home as an EMF sanctuary, and making sure to turn off any type of wireless EMF when you sleep. Learn about some of his other strategies.
  8. Find out why Jan recommends holding a radio up to some of the sources of potential EMF in your home.
  9. There are also positive EMFs that can increase blood circulation, healing of the body, activate bone growth, and more. Learn more about these types of EMFs and what Jan hopes to see in the future for EMFs.
  10. Read Jan’s final comments about every battery and strong power source emitting EMFs, such as electric cars and solar panels on roofs.
  11. To learn more about the services Jan offers through Functional Wellness, and how he can help you overcome your health struggles, go to


Wendy Myers: Hi everyone, my name is Wendy Myers of Thank you so much for tuning in today to the Myers Detox Podcast. We have a great show today. We have Jan Kielmann on the show. He’s going to be talking about EMFs. How they heal you and how they kill you. It’s a pretty dramatic show today. We’re going to be talking about how your body emits frequencies and how the non-native frequencies, EMF’s, interfere with this communication system, with your brainwaves, your heart waves, et cetera.

Wendy Myers: We’ll also talk about the symptoms of EMF sensitivity. We’ll talk about some of the health issues resulting from EMFs, the effects on bees and bee navigation systems. We’ll talk about the effects on plants and animals as well. We’ll discuss why you’re not hearing more about EMFs, their dangers in the mainstream media, things you can do to reduce your exposure to EMF, where you can find EMFs in your home and just lots of tips and tricks today on the show with Jan Kielmann.

Wendy Myers: I know you guys who are watching this are really concerned about different types of toxins. These include EMFs, which we’re exposed to every single day, plus thousands of chemicals and dozens of heavy metals. They have a dramatic impact on our health. There are thousands of them that we’re exposed to. Our bodies are really not equipped to deal with these at the levels that we are exposed, on a daily basis. I’ve created a quiz called You can take it to determine your relative level of body burden of toxins. After you take the quiz, you get a free video series that tells you what to do and how to act on this information.

Wendy Myers: You get a free video series that answers a lot of your frequently asked questions about how to detox your body, how it all works, how long it takes, et cetera. So go take the quiz at

Wendy Myers: Our guest today is Jan Kielmann. He is a certified nutrition specialist, the Institute for Functional Medicine certified practitioner and a botanical medicine student. He is currently working on his doctorate in clinical nutrition. He practices personalized nutrition, nutritional genomics and environmental medicine in his practice in Southern California. He remotely teaches medical practitioners worldwide. He believes that true healing has to happen on all levels; body, mind & spirit and includes a natural environment. You can learn more about Jan and his work at Jan thank you so much for joining us on the show.

Jan Kielmann: Hi Wendy.

Wendy Myers: Why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got into the health field?

Jan Kielmann: I’m a certified nutrition specialist, which is kind of the gold standard for a nutritionist. I’m also certified by the Institute for Functional Medicine. There are not that many in the country in terms of a nutritionist. I have a long story. I literally wanted to do natural medicine since I was 17. I grew up in Germany and was advised against that because it wasn’t a university degree. I lost like 10 or 15 years doing environmental stuff and organic farming. It’s not really lost, I actually learned a lot of valuable experience as a farmer. You really learn common sense. Nobody can fool me anymore.

Jan Kielmann: Then in the financial crisis in 2008, I realized I’m feeding sheep while people around me have cancer and are dying, basically. I stopped it and switched over into natural medicine. I’m not a naturopathic doctor, but I kind of combine nutrition, herbal medicine and environmental medicine. I do a lot of the things that ND’s do, as well.

Wendy Myers: We’re going to talk today about EMF. Can you tell the audience what EMFs actually are and why are we hearing about it so much?

Jan Kielmann: Yes, EMF is the term for electromagnetic fields. You could also say EMR, electromagnetic radiation. If you think about it, if you take a step back and think about it, we are exposed to EMFs all day long. There are good and bad ones. The good ones, we’ll talk about these later in more detail. The good ones are kind of like solar radiation, like the warmth from the sun, the light from the sun and that’s a beneficial EMF.

Jan Kielmann: Most people are not aware of this but we’re now in year 110 of the capturing of our medical system, in a sense by a certain industry. Most of the focus has been on biochemistry, which is where chemicals change things in the body, but there’s a huge important field called biophysics. What does electromagnetic radiation do in the body and how does electric tension work on genes? That’s why it’s kind of a new field, even though it’s an old field, but it has been a little neglected. We’re now getting into rolling this up, educating the public on the benefits and also the dangers of these electromagnetic radiations.

Wendy Myers: How do EMFs influence our health on a cellular level?

Jan Kielmann: This is interesting because the industry that wants to sell cell phones and wifi routers and all this kind of stuff, they only do safety research in terms of temperature. If you have your cell phone very close to your head for 20 minutes, you may get a rise in the temperature in your ear. That’s what they focus on.

Jan Kielmann: We actually have about 4,000 to 5,000 scientific studies, so it’s very well-documented, that electromagnetic radiation or fields have an influence on the cell. They can have an influence upon it in the form of a toxin, so they can cause oxidative damage just like a chemical could do. This is where it really gets interesting because it can also influence our epigenetics. The epigenetics are the other switches on the genes. If the genes are the light, then the epigenetics are the light switch, which one can turn on and off.

Jan Kielmann: Unfortunately there’s also an influence, not as damaging but also an influence, on inhibiting cellular repair. At night when we sleep, our cells repair and then prepare for the next day. If that is inhibited by strong electromagnetic fields then it can lead to havoc over time. That’s not something that usually happens within a day, it’s something that happens over weeks, months and maybe years.

Wendy Myers: EMFs, it’s well known, also reduce the melatonin production in your pineal gland and in your mitochondria. That has a devastating effect on our sleep and immunity, overall.

Jan Kielmann: Yes, because melatonin is not only our sleep hormone but it’s also one of the strongest antioxidants in the body. It’s actually strongly recommended for COVID prevention. Yes, that’s a big factor.

Wendy Myers: Can you tell us some of the symptoms that people might experience upon exposure?

Jan Kielmann: There are actually different levels of symptomatology. You can be a very sensitive person and feel it very early on, or you could be very intoxicated if your body’s already full of chemical toxins and heavy metals. These are metals. You know that metals can potentiate electrical signals and you really can have strong symptoms.

Jan Kielmann: For me personally, if I’m in a strong field, I can either feel a dull pressure in my head or a tiny little bit of, I can’t even describe the sensation, but it’s in my ear. I can feel it in my ear. If this computer was running on wireless and Zoom uses up a lot of bandwidth, then maybe after an hour or one and a half hours, I would feel it in my forehead, almost behind the bone. It’s a very subtle feeling, you kind of have to recognize it, even I sometimes don’t know.

Jan Kielmann: Let’s say if I feel a weird headache that I cannot explain, the first thing I do is I look around to see if there are any EMF sources that I can turn off. This is what I do first. Within an hour or so, if the headache doesn’t go away, then I’m like, “Maybe it’s an infection.” Then I take a natural antibiotic to make sure it’s not. It’s so subtle and you kind of have to almost learn it intuitively.

Wendy Myers: I get a kind of tinnitus. I feel like I get a buzzing sound in my ears because that frequency is vibrating my eardrum or my cochlear functioning. I’ll also get tingling if my computer is on my thighs. I’ll feel some tingling from that but people can have much worse symptoms. There’s a whole range of symptoms or effects that have been shown in the research, to happen, or symptoms people may feel.

Jan Kielmann: Yes, it could be a host of symptoms from headaches to sleep deprivation. The epigenetic effect, we’re literally just scratching the surface in an hour interview, but the epigenetic effects can lead to everything from cancer to suppressed immune systems. We have seen it in the research and we see it in clinical practice, too. If people are exposed to, for example mold spores, the mold feels threatened by the EMFs and actually produces more toxins. It can make pathogens more toxic. It can increase the effects of chronic infections. There’s endless, endless amounts of research. There’s actually a conference in February, I think, on electromagnetic fields, which is highly recommended.

Wendy Myers: People can have anxiety, depression and heart palpitations. They think that they’re depressed about themselves or their life and go to their doctor. They get antidepressants and it’s not the underlying root cause.

Jan Kielmann: Yes and even fatigue. We now have reports of young people having heart attacks because the phone is so close to the heart. If you text like this, really close to the heart, the radiation hits the muscle and there are literally people having heart attacks from that.

Wendy Myers: These non-native electromagnetic frequencies interfere with the frequency that your heart puts out. It sends out a field, like 10 feet around us. Our brain waves are a signal that gets interfered with by these non-native harsh frequencies which are getting stronger and stronger and stronger. That’s why I try to talk about on the show, that we are energetic beings. Our genes throw off a field, our brains have brain waves and our heart puts out a field. That’s what the EMF is impacting, this communication system in our body.

Jan Kielmann: I don’t know if everybody’s educated on this, but when you do basic classes in biochemistry or even in general chemistry, the first thing you learn is that on the chemical level where the molecules are holding together, it’s all electromagnetic. It’s like magnetic Legos. The oxygen holds to the carbon and makes the molecule, and it’s a magnetic connection. Everything in and around our bodies and the other living beings, like I see a tree behind you, everything around and inside the living beings works electromagnetically. Nobody should be surprised that these radiations have influences on us positively or negatively.

Wendy Myers: Can you talk about the effects on the animals and the plants? There’s devastating effects on them as well, it’s not just us.

Jan Kielmann: It really depends on how strong it is, but there are images out there of trees losing their leaves when a 5G cell is set up, right next to them. Bees, birds and humans as well, have a very sensitive electromagnetic compass in their brain. That’s how birds find their way to Africa, butterflies find their way to Mexico and bees find their way around. They can sense the electromagnetic field of the earth. If that is disturbed by this radiation, on top of the damage it can do on the biochemical level or on a biophysical level, it can kill them. It can inhibit the immune system, which then secondarily, can kill them or it can confuse their orientation and maybe even ours.

Jan Kielmann: I just saw a study last week that said we also have a compass. We’re just not aware of it, but theoretically some of us or all of us, could sense the magnetic field of the earth. Bees get confused and they don’t find the beehive anymore. They fly around, lose their energy and die. There’s a lot of negative effects. You can assume that if we are affected, your pets and other animals will be affected too. There are studies on cows that are standing in straight electricity, in the fields, and their milk production goes down. They get sick and they kind of crumple up. It’s a topic to take seriously. It’s not some kind of new-age thing.

Wendy Myers: Especially when it comes to the bees. That’s our food supply. We do not want to mess with the bees because we’re not going to get our almonds. There are a lot of foods that need to be pollinated by bees. That’s really one of the more concerning things when it comes to the plant and animal life being affected by that.

Jan Kielmann: We talk about protecting the environment, but honestly there’s a little disconnect because we take our car, we drive it to the store and that’s where we get our food. If we would literally go out and get it from the plants, we would not have this cognitive dissonance and we would understand that we directly live off the environment.

Wendy Myers: Can you talk a little bit about the major problem with EMF technologies like cell phones, wireless networks, smart meters, Bluetooth and the stuff that’s all around us all the time?

Jan Kielmann: The problem is that there is only a limited amount of frequencies that the industry can use so they put a lot of stuff into these frequencies. In the end, we are exposed to a lot. If you saw the electromagnetic spectrum, it goes all the way from the frequency of a planet to the tiniest little wave that has a lot of energy like radioactive radiation. That’s also electromagnetic radiation, right? They had to pick certain frequencies. For example, wifi, which now almost everybody has. It’s in every public building and almost every house, at least in the U.S. They have a wifi router. That wasn’t the case like 10, 15 or 20 years ago.

Jan Kielmann: They use 2.4 usually, or 5 gigahertz radiation. This is supposed to go through walls and reach every corner of the house. This gives you a nice connectivity, but the problem is the side effect that you get being exposed to those fields. The interesting part is that the exposure gets exponentially weaker with distance. What people don’t understand is they get really afraid of the power line a mile away or they get afraid of the cell tower half a mile away, but what the problem really is, is what’s closest to you.

Jan Kielmann: If you run your computer on wireless, then that is the closest source to you that is literally bombarding your brain. If you have your phone on, you have antennas on your phone, not meaning like wireless but Bluetooth, cellular and the phone function, there’s four antennas in the phone. If you have them all running at the same time and you hold it to your head, you have a major amount of radiation right next to your brain and unfortunately right next to your eye.

Jan Kielmann: I just had a client request last week from a 24 year old with cancer in the iris of the eye. I did a little research and it didn’t take more than five minutes to figure out that there is a connection to electromagnetic radiation. Maybe she got a cell phone when she was 15 and she’s been on the phone for nine years talking to her friends. Now she’s got cancer in her eye and she may lose her eyesight.

Wendy Myers: I have a colleague who has eye cancer in her eyes as well.

Jan Kielmann: Brain cancer in kids is going up because wireless networks are installed in schools. Kids sit for six hours or whatever in school, then they come home and they sit near the wireless network at home. The body has no chance to recover. The good news is that distance is key. Distance is your friend. The more you can turn it off, on the phone for example, you do not need to have Bluetooth on all the time. You may not need to have wireless on all the time. You may not even need to have cellular on, which is the internet data that comes through the tower, all the time. Even if you just keep your phone on, you’ll have a 90 to 95% reduction in radiation, you can still be called and you can still text. You just don’t get iMessage and none of the apps work.

Jan Kielmann: Then when you actually are free and you want to do something, turn on your cellular data, do it and turn it off again. There are ways to reduce your exposure dramatically. You just have to become aware of it. The insidious thing about this radiation is we’re not being educated publicly because of commercial interests. Even though the science is there, we cannot smell it, we cannot see it and only some of us can feel it, you know?

Wendy Myers: I think people have to be aware. You cannot trust a lot of the things you see on the internet or even in major mainstream media news publications, even the wall street journal. I saw something that our 5G is totally safe and I think these are PR pieces that are being paid for, and when the research is clear. There are so many books full of the scientific research showing harm for many, many different types of frequencies, including 5G. 5G is not the only thing that’s problematic. People just need to have awareness about this. The special interest groups and corporate interests that have a lot invested in having 5G continue to exist, on the beta.

Jan Kielmann: These are trillion dollar markets. They’re strong interests. TV stations have to live off something too, so they get donations and advertising money. Basically we’re not talking about three or five scientific studies or anything weird. We’re talking about thousands of scientific studies. The science is very strong. If your listeners are interested, this electromagnetic frequency conference next month is literally run by PhDs that present the data. Some of them have become activists because they could not in good conscience look at it anymore, at how many kids get brain cancer now. The statistics are going up, so they are lobbying the federal government and they’re lobbying the state governments to set up safety rules and laws that protect, especially our kids, because kids have very thin skulls. The radiation goes in even faster, even deeper and they are growing every day so they have a lot of cellular turnover. It’s really dangerous to get any disruption in that. If you have cancer in a fast growing tissue, then it’s usually an aggressive cancer.

Wendy Myers: While we were all in lockdown, there were 5G towers installed in all of the schools, it was just crazy. There were reports of that happening in my daughter’s school and the old school in Huntington Beach. All of the schools got the 5G towers.

Jan Kielmann: I actually have a pretty good line to my kids’ school, so I can talk to the principal at any point. When I told them about food colorings, they cut it out within a half year. There was no more food coloring allowed in school. They really have a hard time when I tell them about EMFs, because they’ve invested in all this infrastructure. There was a wireless router in every classroom. You can actually go into the wireless router software in most models and you can reduce the energy output. It’s usually set to 100%, which is really high and a lot of energy. You can set that down to 10%.

Jan Kielmann: Especially if there’s a router in every classroom, it still works perfectly. That’s another 90% reduction. They supposedly did that and they confirmed to me that they set the radiation to the lowest possible level. I went into the classroom and I could not stand in it for more than 10 minutes. I got such a headache. I do not know, I’m really concerned about these kids. It’s a real problem.

Wendy Myers: Kids are not even thinking about that. Kids are going to be sick and still go and play. They’re not going to be complaining of symptoms typically, unless they’re really, really bad. Whereas adults, we have more awareness about this. We talk about the different levels of sensitivity to EMFs because I know a lot of people who, if they can’t see it or feel it, it doesn’t exist for them. Tell us what the reality is and the spectrum of sensitivity that people can have? How is it actually affecting them even if they can’t feel it?

Jan Kielmann: The spectrum literally goes from not feeling anything to people having to move out to the desert because they can’t take it anymore, being around people. That’s how sensitive you can be. Usually you can assume if somebody is that sensitive, there is other toxicity. It could be mold, heavy metals or chemicals. We call it the “barrel” in environmental medicine. If you consider our body as a wood barrel that you fill up with antibiotics at childhood, then lead from the gasoline in the nineties, add mercury from your tooth fillings, aluminum from the vaccines and you fill that up, eventually you can overflow that barrel. It’s usually the EMFs that make it overflow, because that’s the newest thing.

Jan Kielmann: I don’t know if anybody has any idea of how much it has expanded. Some of the statistics we have is that the amount of electromagnetic radiation that we’re exposed to now is approximately four quadrillion times higher than it was before the industrial revolution. You have to understand something, we used to be a natural being living relatively out in nature. Even if we had a house, it was still a house made from wood. We were literally immersed in nature, more or less. The only time we would have been exposed to electromagnetic frequency would be in a thunderstorm with lightning or in a solar storm. That’s the only time it would ever happen, which is not every day.

Jan Kielmann: Now we’re exposed to this stuff 24 hours a day. Even with our recommendation to turn off the wifi at night, do not sleep next to your smart meter and make sure that you keep your bed away from power lines. Even those recommendations, while they do help, are nothing compared to what it was before we invented everything.

Wendy Myers: People, I can’t urge you enough, you have to be paying attention to this and learning about mitigating EMF in your environment. Even if you do all these things you are recommending, even if you have some EMF protection devices in your home, there are still the EMF satellites that are going up every day from Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos from Amazon, Bill Gates is funding SoftBank which is a Chinese company. There’s a hundred thousand of these satellites.

Jan Kielmann: That is a problem. Luckily, like I said, the distance exponentially reduces the exposure. So one foot of distance has a two-fold reduction in exposure. That’s the good news about the satellites, but they will still do something. You could freak out about this and go into a panic and go crazy, but we do have control over our computers, our iPads and phones. A lot of people that know about this research, actually now go back to cable. We still have ethernet and it still works with all these devices. I have my computer on ethernet. I don’t have my phone on ethernet right now, but with two adapters from Apple, I could easily connect it to ethernet, turn off all the radiation and surf the web at full speed without even paying anything.

Jan Kielmann: You can do the same with the iPad. You can do the same with an Android. There actually is a lot we can do in our environment. There are measuring devices so we can measure exactly how much radiation and where it comes from. There are shielding pans and shielding garments. A friend of mine, he rented an apartment and he had just moved all his furniture and everything in with his new wife. He was super happy in Germany. Then they put up a cell tower right in front of his apartment. He bought a professional meter, an 800 Euro professional measuring device. That device showed him exactly where the rays from the cell tower would go through his apartment. He sealed off the wall and there was nothing to be measured behind that sealant. There’s a lot we can do.

Wendy Myers: They have graphite paint that you can use.

Jan Kielmann: There’s a lot we can do. Even if you don’t feel it, don’t feel safe that it doesn’t do anything. You might be resilient or not but the epigenetic effects I think we have no idea about. There’s a very interesting book out there called, The Spark In The Machine. It’s been written by a medical doctor who’s also an acupuncturist, explaining how acupuncture works on an electrophysical level. This basically is that our skin has the fascia under the skin. It’s a connective tissue and connective tissue is conductive to electricity. It has a crystalline structure.

Jan Kielmann: We literally have our own body electricity that the body generates. It’s a DC current and it’s very low. The way they found this out is they took a specific kind of lizard that you can actually cut off any leg, which sounds gruesome, but anything but the head and the torso and it will grow back. They tried to find out how this can grow back? They measured the electrical skin resistance and they saw that at the point where the leg was cut the electricity changed, that the lizard was creating. The genes were activated to regrow that leg. They were electromagnetically activated and then when the leg was fully regrown, the electric current, the DC current on the skin changed back to normal. It’s unbelievable what electricity does to our bodies. You really have to become aware of this.

Wendy Myers: Is there anything else that you can talk about for ways for us to reduce our risk from electromagnetic exposure?

Jan Kielmann: The first rule in environmental medicine is always to cut out the exposure The acute exposure is electromagnetic radiation. Let’s say you’re lucky and you live in a house, not in an apartment, where you have all your neighbors running 20 wireless routers around you. If you’re in a house and it’s only your wireless, it’s easy. If you’re the last person going to bed, you can just turn off the wireless at night and go to bed. Make sure you also turn it off at the devices around you. There’s also something that we didn’t talk about yet. It’s baby monitors, cordless phones and those kinds of smart devices in the house.

Jan Kielmann: If you think that you need a smart fridge that has a TV and internet in there, that’s okay, but take a look to see if you can actually cable that fridge and turn the wireless off. The smart devices are fine as long as they’re cable, but as soon as they’re on wireless, then you have to keep your wireless on and you cannot reduce your exposure anymore.

Jan Kielmann: The best thing is, for example, take your bedroom or the room where you spend the most time and turn it into a sanctuary. Meaning, clean bedding, clean mattresses, organic if possible, clean in terms of dust and other exposures and clean in terms of electromagnetic radiation. If you have wireless, you can put it on a timer that turns it off at midnight and turns it back on at 7:00 or 8:00 AM, if you need it early.

Jan Kielmann: That would give you 8 to 10 hours of minimal exposure, which then your body can use to repair and restore resiliency. We have a certain resiliency even though we carry 10 trillion cells around. Each individual cell is extremely sensitive to EMF and other chemical damage, but as 10 trillion cells together in our organisms, we have a certain resiliency. We have to make sure that we always stay below the threshold where our resiliency ends and disease begins.

Jan Kielmann: The further we stay below that, the less likely we’re going to get sick. Maybe to make that even more graphic, the EMF may be directly attacking us and may be invisible, but we have things like chemical toxins, 85,000 man-developed chemicals. Not all of them are toxic, but we have 85,000 chemicals now that did not exist 200 years ago. We are exposed to an estimated seven to 8,000 a day. So those can contribute by stressing your body and then there’s heavy metals coming from coal burning power plants, tooth fillings, vaccines or aluminum cook pots. If we can reduce the chemicals, the heavy metals and the EMFs, then it’s relatively easy to stay below the threshold. 

Wendy Myers: Yes, absolutely Jan. We talk a lot about different toxins on this podcast and EMF toxins are definitely something that you want to be paying attention to. It’s easy to overlook it because I think it’s easy to get overwhelmed with diet and exercise. Then adding detox to that, that’s a full-time job in itself. Then there’s the learning curve, learning about the EMFs. Where they are, mitigating them and what to do. There’s a lot of garbage out there that people are marketed to, about EMF. I think that people get a little bit overwhelmed and then just don’t do anything. Are there some easy things you can recommend for people? Like a little checklist?

Jan Kielmann: There’s actually something I find really impressive. Our problems, we can’t see them, we can’t smell them, we can’t hear them, because our sensors are not made to recognize that. They are made to recognize the visible light, but the spectrum is much bigger. What I find really impressive is you can take an AM radio, it could be a little Walkman radio, a travel radio or maybe even a connected radio. You put it on the AM scale towards, let’s say the left end, where there’s no radio station. It’s just like a fizzing sound or ideally not a lot of sound. Then you can take that radio and hold it next to your computer, next to the adapters in the power plug, next to your screen, next to your phone and just to listen to it. It will pick up the radiation.

Jan Kielmann: Some of it will just be the screens, but you will actually hear how it connects to the tower, or you will hear how the internet downloads stuff to your phone that you don’t even need, like the newest stocks that you never look at. I find that very impressive. You can do that with kids. You can do that with adults. You can do that with people that are skeptical. You can sit down, think about it and be like, “Wait a moment, the stuff I’m hearing now is the stuff that is affecting every cell in my body all the time.” It gives you a little bit of a graspable sense of what is actually going on. Then I think you will naturally take it more seriously, because it’s now not just other people warning you, but you’re actually hearing it. If you become sensitive you’re also feeling it, then it will in a gentle way force you to take it seriously.

Wendy Myers: I think EMF is one of those things, almost like smoking, where there’s a lot of denial in the beginning. People said, “Smoking is totally safe, what are you talking about? That’s ridiculous that they cause health issues.” I think EMF is going to be the same way. Do we have any hope for the future, of turning this around and making safer telecommunications technologies?

Jan Kielmann: I think so. Like I said, the science is big. Some of these scientists are so committed that they have put their foot in the door of the federal government, which is heavily lobbied by the industry. There is hope that under the goal to protect our children and to protect our population from cancer, that we will have a chance in the future. The 5G rollout is there and that may cause additional problems, which is sad for the individual client or patient getting sick. Maybe, overall it will help us because there will be so many reports of people getting sick, potentially, that it cannot be denied anymore.

Jan Kielmann: Unfortunately, humans often only react when there’s pressure or when there is suffering. I’m like that too. That’s a problem because just imagine the difference between having cancer and not having cancer. Take this young girl with cancer, she’s 24 and she is most likely going to lose her eyesight for life. She’s probably a pretty girl with big goals in life and just imagine how little it would have cost to deal with it, a little bit at least. Reduce the exposure versus now having to get rid of this cancer. Basically they’re putting a radioactive band aid, a pirate patch, on her eye. It’s radioactive, that kills the cancer and at the same time kills her eyesight.

Jan Kielmann: It’s horrible and I’m literally thinking that we need to learn to act on certain things before it’s too late. Before we suffer, before we get cancer, before our kids get sick, because if you wait that long the amount of energy, time, money, and everything it takes to repair that is exponential. Sometimes it cannot be repaired. I do a lot of cancer support. I’ve seen clients not being able to make it just because it was too late. If they would’ve come with the same problem a year or two earlier, they could have made it. We have to take things a little more seriously. We can’t just keep dreaming.

Wendy Myers: That’s human nature. Definitely people wait too long to address certain things. With detoxification, it is the same way. There’s people that don’t get around to it till they’re really, really ill and then they’re too sick to do a detox. They have to be stabilized first.

Jan Kielmann: I do think there’s a future because we don’t only have negative electromagnetic frequencies, we also have positive ones. Tesla, the famous inventor, actually found a few positive ones. These are reported to make your face shine, which is really interesting. We have one right here, which is the infrared radiation from the sun and also some of the visible light spectrum. We have a PEMF, that’s pulsed electromagnetic frequencies. That can actually be used to increase blood circulation and to increase healing in the body. For bone healing, it actually activates bone growth. We have red light therapy and laser therapy. There are a lot of beneficial frequencies. I did some experiments on myself. I was exposed to a strong wifi Zoom meeting a year ago and literally it felt like the skin covering my brain was hurting.

Jan Kielmann: I thought to myself, if this is a negative EMF, why don’t you try to counterbalance that with a positive EMF? I happened to be at a place where the fireplace was burning, so I thought, that’s infrared radiation which is a positive EMF. I put my head into that heat and within five minutes, from my experience it would have taken an hour normally, but within five minutes that discomfort was gone. It was counterbalanced by the positive radiation.

Jan Kielmann: With these experiments and everything I’m learning, I’ve started to think. I’m just going to throw it out there. If any one of you uses it as a business, this an NDA and I get 10%. The idea I recently had was, why do we use the non-beneficial EMFs for communication? Imagine if we would use beneficial frequencies for communication. We would use our phone and it would make our skin glow, because it’s a beneficial one. We have to somehow talk to the industry and convince the engineers to focus on the beneficial frequencies and see if they could be used for our communication needs. Then we would actually literally not have a problem.

Wendy Myers: I know they’re working on 6G and even 7G right now. We’re working on the next generation.

Jan Kielmann: In this fashion, if we’re able to open the flaps, then we don’t have to demonize them as the evil engineers that are stupid. We could actually open their minds and they could be a part of the solution, by working on positive stuff.

Wendy Myers: That’s how a lot of the technologies work when people put certain devices in their home to protect from EMF or mitigate EMF. Some of these work by emitting certain frequencies, like a Schumann’s resonance that’s I think 7.83. They try to take that frequency and deflect or mitigate the negative frequencies, or EMF, by using these positive healing frequencies.

Jan Kielmann: Right and we can do that now. We don’t have to wait for the engineers. There’s grounding mats for your house. There’s grounding shoes for outside. You can actually sleep on a grounding mat. You just have to make sure that your house is properly grounded. There was a case of a lady getting really sick from a grounding mat because there was stray electricity in her house and so she was sleeping on stray electricity, but there’s a lot that we can do.

Jan Kielmann: You remember the old tin foil hat? There’s beanies and baseball caps now, that are insulated against electromagnetic radiation. What you may not be aware of, and I talked to a stewardess because there’s wireless on the airplanes now. I fly to Europe a lot, which means I’m in the airplane for 11 hours. I asked the stewardess, “Where are your wifi routers?” I just wanted to know” and she’s like, “They’re usually over the wings.”

Jan Kielmann: They’re right in the middle of the plane, so they radiate forward and backward. There’s one or two of them, depending on how big the plane is. They never tell you that, so they may sit you right underneath it and you may get completely blasted with the wifi radiation, on top of the radioactive radiation that you naturally get when you fly. At 30,000 feet, my Geiger counter actually goes off and says, “Please remove yourself from this area because there is radioactive radiation out there.” You get a double whammy of radiation, together with a scotch or wine for the pesticides. Be careful, it’s really crazy. 

Wendy Myers: So sit at the back or the front of the plane.

Jan Kielmann: Yes, or get one of these baseball caps that actually look kind of cool, but they’re insulated with a silver containing garment that you don’t see. It’s inside the cap that deflects this radiation away from your head. It sounds like the tinfoil hat, but it actually looks cool and works. It measurably works. 

Wendy Myers: They have the EMF clothing and they have EMF sheets, too. If you don’t really want to spend a bunch of money, you can use the EMF grounding sheets to protect you while you’re sleeping. In the blue shield devices, they use three different kinds of technologies. One is the Schumann’s resonance and a couple of other ways to mitigate EMF in an entire home. That’s what I use to protect my family, but there’s lots of others. There’s a key technology that’s great too, from what I understand.

Jan Kielmann: There’s lots of great stuff. I recommend that at the first layer of defense, you go with the stuff that’s actually measurable. Then maybe as a second additional layer of defense you can use the quantum technologies. That way you’re absolutely sure that this stuff really cannot hit you. It’s almost like a two layer defense.

Jan Kielmann: Then you don’t want to get too clean, you have to keep some resiliency. I have a colleague, I’m not going to say their name right now, but he’s a very respected and very nice colleague, I like him a lot. He built himself a house and he built into that house EMF reflecting film on the windows and EMF reflecting walls. I’m starting to think that maybe it’s a little too much because the house is not in a dense area. It’s out in the green countryside anyway. You need to keep a little resiliency.

Jan Kielmann: If you are completely away from a certain toxin and then you go to the city or the densely populated areas where that toxin or EMF is very strong, your body has not had the chance to develop resiliency. It’ll hit you even harder. I don’t think we should exclude it 100%. We should just exclude it 90% if we can, so that we still have our resiliency. We can still tolerate it if we travel to New York or if we travel on the airplane. We won’t get sick every time we step outside of our house.

Wendy Myers: That’s one of the reasons you don’t feel good after you fly is all this radiation exposure. We’re exhausted after that. Is there anything we’ve left out of the conversation here, that you want to add to?

Jan Kielmann: I just remembered something really important that we forgot. That is power lines, power cables and batteries. We’re getting a lot of solar cells now on our houses and we’re getting a lot of electric cars. We forgot to mention that. Around every battery and around every strong power source, like a strong power cable, there is an electromagnetic field.

Jan Kielmann: I used to work in an office where I didn’t feel well. Eventually I started measuring and I found out that I was literally sitting on a 231 Watt power line, doing my work, 10 hours a day. I did some research and we were able to shield it off with a metal plate. You have to be aware, if you drive a Prius and you don’t know this, the batteries are under the back seat. If you put your kids in the back seat, especially if it’s girls but also boys, we already have fertility problems in this country.

Jan Kielmann: The ovum, the eggs of the future generations are already existing in little girls. So we really have to protect them. They’re sitting in very strong electromagnetic fields, especially in the backseat more than in the front seat. The Teslas I have not measured yet, but I’ve heard that they are not clean either. They are probably worse than a Prius. You have to be aware that there are fields and it’s okay probably to be in there for a half hour or hour, but it may not be okay to sit in that field, especially for kids, for six or eight hours on long trips. Just be aware of that. Be aware of keeping the power lines away from where you sit and when you are.

Jan Kielmann: People often sleep under solar cells on the roof, right above them. Even the solar cells and the transformers will have radiation. You have to make sure that it’s not so strong that it disrupts your sleep or your cellular repair at night. Americans are some of the sickest people in this world, unfortunately. We estimate the genetic lifespan to be about 120 years, which is kind of confirmed by the centenarians that we can prove. We have their birth certificate and their death certificate, but we all get sick in our fifties, and then sicker in our sixties, and then some of us start dying in our seventies and most people are gone in their eighties. That’s really too early, at 60 that’s half of our life, we shouldn’t be that sick.

Wendy Myers: My dad died at 67 from esophageal cancer. His treatment of his esophageal cancer was way too early. We all have lost loved ones way too early. That’s what I try to talk about on the show. All the different toxins and what we can do about them, so we can live a long, healthy, disease -free, medication-free life because that’s what I want. I want to live like my grandma and my great-grandmother lived to 98 and still was driving herself and living alone. She lived a great life.

Jan Kielmann: There you go. It’s not just about the absence of disease or healing or curing things. It’s literally reaching a level of wellness, where we actually are happy about our life.  We have energy, can do what we want to do and literally can enjoy life instead of just talking about, “I don’t want to live with cancer or in an intensive care unit.”

Wendy Myers: Jan, thank you so much for coming on the show. Why don’t you tell us a little bit about where we can learn more about your work? Do you work with clients? Where can people learn more about you and work with you?

Jan Kielmann: I have a little office called Functional Wellness. We do work with clients one-on-one. We do a lot of lifestyle change, it’s almost literally life-changing to come to us. Sometimes it has to be. Sometimes you can really see your disease symptoms as a strong hint that you have to change something, otherwise you will not make it. A lot of our clients are able to do these changes because they are ready. They reflected on and thought about it. They are very happy about the direction that their life is taking.

Jan Kielmann: We’re trying not to make people dependent on us or micromanage them. We’re trying to educate them, so that they can live a sustainable lifestyle. Hopefully not contract cancer or any other of the chronic or autoimmune diseases in their life, that basically bring everybody down and make everybody suffer.

Jan Kielmann: We do that online, remotely, or in-person. I’m setting up a course for the purpose  of really focusing on prevention. Just like you do because an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. If you amplify that proverb, it has this very strong meaning. Once you get told that you have incurable cancer, you’ll understand what that means. You will regret that you didn’t put a little more effort into prevention. We’re literally trying to focus on prevention. It’s a very difficult subject because like I said, even myself, if I don’t suffer I don’t always change. We’re trying to work with examples from our own clients, other people, video interviews and so on, so that you can hear it from your fellow patients and clients. They beg you to please take care of your health before it is too late. That’s what we do.

Wendy Myers: Yes, I agree. I have never had any major health issues by working really, really hard on my health. I don’t want to be one of those statistics that are so common now. They say, one in two to three people get cancer. Autoimmune diseases are the fastest growing subset of diseases. That’s not happening to me. I want to do everything that I can. I hope you guys listening really take that to heart. You don’t want to wait until you get a diagnosis. That’s too late.

Jan Kielmann: It’s very smart and you know what, it actually can be fun. It doesn’t have to be suffering. You can do this in a fun way. You don’t have to suppress all the fun in your life, eat cardboard and stuff. We can really make it doable and make it fun.

Wendy Myers: Yes, absolutely. I love all this stuff that I do. I love my infrared sauna. I love doing coffee enemas, because I feel great. I’m doing them, but some people are like, “This takes so much time.” It’s an investment in yourself and you’re worth it. Absolutely.

Jan Kielmann: If you look at the people in Japan, they ride their bicycles at over a hundred, they work in their garden and grow their own veggies. Ask them if you can have a very long, very happy life.

Wendy Myers: Yes, absolutely. Well, Jan thanks so much for coming on the show. I love talking about EMFs. It’s one of my favorite topics right now. Thank you so much for coming on. Everyone thanks so much for listening to today’s show. This is the Myers Detox Podcast and I’m Wendy Myers. You guys can learn more about my work and learn all about detoxification at Thank you so much for tuning in and I’ll talk to you guys next week.