Transcript #378 Top Health Habits That Can Increase Your EMF Resilience with Nick Pineault


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  1. Find out what’s in store for this Myers Detox Podcast with Nick “The EMF Guy” Pineault who joins the show to talk about the top ways you can build resilience to harmful EMF! He also discusses what EMF does to your body and some awesome strategies to protect yourself.
  2. After writing numerous articles on nutrition, Nick went looking for other topics to investigate, and eventually discovered that many prominent scientists were putting their careers on the line to bring forth information about the dangers of EMF. Learn more about Nick’s journey to becoming an expert in EMF.
  3. Nick wrote a book called The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs that provides a whole host of amazing information about EMFs without the doom and gloom that other resources provoke. Learn more about his book.
  4. Even before 5g, 3g cell phone service was already admitting wireless radiation at levels that have been shown to create biological effects, and make about a third of the entire population electrosensitive, with mild to moderate symptoms. Learn more about the dangers of 5g and why cell phone service is continuing to increase in strength.
  5. Many independent news sources have done comprehensive research on the effects of 5G, finding significant evidence that it can be harmful to our health, while mainstream media has only reported that it’s safety. Learn more about the censorship revolving around 5G.
  6. When looking at ways to increase protection from EMF, Nick highly recommends starting in your home, shielding it from outside EMFs, and using strategies to reduce the EMFs internally. Learn about some of the best ways you can begin protecting yourself in your home.
  7. Nick made a course with EMF expert, Brian Hoyer, which provides a whole wealth of information on different types of EMFs, their sources, ways to reduce EMF exposure, tricks for protecting your home, and so much more. Find out about this incredible course.
  8. Find out about some of the devices that we use that we should not be concerned about when it comes to EMF.
  9. Staying hydrated, making sure your minerals are in balance, and detoxing toxins and heavy metals are all great ways to help your body build resistance to the effects of EMF. Learn more!
  10. You can learn more about Nick, his work, and listen to his podcast at
  11. Take Nick’s awesome EMF quiz to find out how electro-polluted your home is! Click here!
  12. Make sure to pick up a copy of Nick’s book The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs
  13. And join his incredible course, “The Electro Pollution Fix” Click here!


Wendy Myers: Hello, I’m Wendy Myers. Welcome to The Myers Detox Podcast. My website is On this show, we talk about everything related to detoxification. Today, we’re going to talk about EMF, the top ways to create EMF resilience and how to make your body strong against EMF or electromagnetic fields. It is a really important topic and something that is growing in our environment. You need to have awareness about it, awareness about the whole political landscape about why it’s beginning to be censored. We’ll also discuss what you can do to protect yourself and what it does to the body. There’s a lot that you need to know about this topic.

Wendy Myers: If you guys want to learn all about detoxification, on, we have hundreds of articles and hundreds of podcasts. Please, go there right now and subscribe to my newsletter. Just opt in to get any one of the free e-guides on the website. You’ll be the first to hear of the cutting edge issues regarding toxins, all the latest trends in detoxification and any sales we have on any of our detox programs and supplements. Just go to and sign up now.

Wendy Myers: On this show, we’re going to be talking with Nick Pineault. He’s been a friend of mine for about 10 years. He’s such an amazing resource for EMF knowledge and it’s all science based. He has a book and a couple of different programs on EMF, EMF protection and EMF mitigation. I wanted to have him come on and talk about what’s going on with the 5G satellites in the environment. What is going on with every mainstream newspaper saying that 5G is totally safe and what is the real story? What’s really going on? What should you be concerned with with EMF exposure? What should you not be concerned about? Namely infrared saunas and the scanner at the airport.

Wendy Myers: There’s a lot of overreaction to things, when people get concerned about EMF. I have people emailing me all the time. They’re worried about their infrared saunas or they’re worried about their miHealth device that’s part of our NES Health BioEnergetics program. You need to be focused on the things that you should be worried about. We’re going to make some of those distinctions today on the show. I know you guys who listen to the show are concerned about heavy metal toxicity, the levels of toxins that you have in your body and how to get them out. I created a quiz at, that is based on some lifestyle questions. With it you can discern your relative levels of body burden of toxins.

Wendy Myers: If you go take the quiz, it only takes a couple of minutes. After that quiz, you get a free video series, a pretty long video series, that answers your most frequently asked questions about heavy metals, how to detox, the best testing to determine the heavy metal levels of your body and how long does it take to detox? All these are questions that people inevitably have when they’re trying to detox their body. Go check it out at

Wendy Myers: Today, our guest is Nick Pineault. He’s also known as The EMF Guy. He’s the number one bestselling author of The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs, and an advocate for safe technologies. Through his unconventional approach, blending of humor, science and common sense, he’s becoming a leading voice on the topic of electromagnetic pollution and how it affects our health. For the last few years, Nick has been interviewing some of the best minds on health & technology and facilitating the creation of courses and educational materials to raise awareness on this very important issue. You can learn more about Nick at You can learn more about his course at

Wendy Myers: Nick, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Nick Pineault: It’s my pleasure. I’m looking forward to it.

Wendy Myers: What made you passionate about EMF and wanting to focus only on electromagnetic radiation?

Nick Pineault: My background is just someone who was interested in finding the truth. That’s as vague as it gets. It got me into nutrition, at first just for myself, like discovering that there was such a thing as grass-fed beef. We’re talking about 2009, so 11 or 12 years ago now, I discovered, “Oh my God, if you’re in Quebec at the grocery store, you’ve just got beef. You don’t even know where it comes from and you don’t know if it’s been grain-fed or grass-fed”. I started understanding that you can actually dive deeper into these topics. This is not the type of education you’re getting from mainstream nutrition. It is not getting all this important information to the people.

Nick Pineault: I started writing about that. Long story short is, in 2016, years after writing about nutrition and feeling that I’d talked enough about it, after seven years or so of writing in French & English and doing thousands of articles on various topics, and a little bit of holistic health here and there. I eventually came across a series of books by Dr. Devra Davis, who’s a co-Laureate for a Nobel peace prize. She wrote Disconnect. I think 2015 is when I started reading it. Dr. Martin Blank had unfortunately passed away. He was at Columbia University. He was a biophysicist with an extremely great background. He was very credible. I came across this book which also talks about the dangers of EMFs.

Nick Pineault: For me, the fact that these credible scientists were really putting their careers on the line and talking about these dangers, really impressed me and concerned me. I said, “They’re saying that in fact cell phones can potentially increase your cancer risk, but much more than that, they can increase your everyday symptoms. For example, they sap your mitochondrial energy in the short and long run, depending on how resilient you personally are. I need to dig further”. It really led me on that path. In 2017, I basically started doing this full time, writing my book. The rest is history.

Nick Pineault: I’ve been doing it full time for almost four years. The book research started in 2016, since then I’m just trying to put educational solutions out to the public. I’m glad that things have evolved so much thanks to you, and other people that are putting this forward. I have even learned from you, from your earlier podcast episodes that you did with Jack Kruse and other people. With many great building biologists and things like that. It’s important that people relate this information because it’s still evolving. I wish it evolved quicker so that people would know a cell phone is not something to mess with and to have on your hand for several hours a day. We need to lower these levels of electrical pollution.

Wendy Myers: I’ve known you for almost 10 years. It seems like it’s been quite a while.

Nick Pineault: Yes, a long while.

Wendy Myers: The cell phone is almost like a lit cigarette, when you have someone near you that has it on, people don’t realize how much it affects your body in so many different ways. You’re my go-to guy for learning about EMF. You have a fantastic podcast. You cover so many interesting topics about EMF.

Nick Pineault: Thank you.

Wendy Myers: You dispel a lot of myths that people may have. They don’t really need to worry about the airport scanner. There’s bigger fish to fry with EMF. I love that you dispel myths that people have, because I had people emailing me who are freaked out about certain health devices. They’re worried about the EMF from them. There’s a million more benefits to these devices, like a RIFE device, a miHealth or these other types of devices. There are more benefits than there are negatives. Not all EMFs are bad. Tell us about your book.

Nick Pineault: The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs.

Wendy Myers: Tell us about that.

Nick Pineault: It came out in 2017. It’s been endorsed by Dr. Mercola and a lot of great experts and doctors like Dr. Ted Ekacoso and Ben Greenfield, all these authorities. It has some credibility to it, after a few years. I think I have 550 reviews now. There’s only Arthur Firstenberg, Invisible Rainbow, that beats it. Anyway, it’s not really a question of popularity. What I did differently than other people who wrote about EMFs, is to make it very accessible and simple, and a little bit humorous too. A lot of people read about EMFs. It can be technical, it can be dry, it can be doom and gloom too. When you read certain books, you don’t feel very good. You don’t feel like you read something funny and entertaining.

Nick Pineault: I try to distill it down to what are the essentials to understand about EMFs? How come we’re in this situation where everyone has a cell phone and most people don’t recognize their dangers? We’re exposed to all these towers, exactly what is the amount of concern you should have? What can you do about it? It’s really a summary of the situation. It’s far from being the most academic or thorough book out there. It’s shorter than most other books. It goes to the essentials of what people need to understand.

Wendy Myers: Let’s talk about 5G a little bit. 5G is not about millimeter waves, you talk about this in your podcasts and whatnot. Can you talk a little bit about 5G and some of the myths surrounding it? Is it really just as harmful as people make it out to be?

Nick Pineault: I did a great episode with Prof. Olle Johansson on my podcast, Smarter Tech. If people want to hear from a scientist and not just Nick Pineault, I’m just reporting the information. There’s no research around 5G. That’s the fifth generation of wireless signals or cellular networks, to be more exact. We have been exposed so far to 1G, 2G, 3G and 4G. Now we’re going into a fifth generation. Engineers and the industry people are already talking about 6G and 7G.

Nick Pineault: It will never stop because users demand greater speed and greater connectivity. They want 8K and 16K. I don’t know when that’s going to stop, that video quality is increasing. I think it’s never stopping. Faster computers, better images and better videos. The bandwidth demand from users, every time we use social media and we stream something, we’re putting strain on the networks. Telecoms know that and now they see the demand. They say, “Well, we’re going to give you better and faster technology.” When they have to replace all these antennas and they have to replace all these cell phones, it’s money making. They have to create new technologies to survive.

Nick Pineault: Their business model for let’s say the cell phone manufacturers, is based on the fact that you are going to replace your phone, if possible, every day. They wish for you to throw that phone away every single day. They would be happy because you would just keep purchasing. They don’t care about you keeping your phone for 10 years. That’s part of the reason we’re always moving forward with new generations. 3G and everything before it was already concerning. It was already admitting wireless radiation at levels that have been shown to create biological effects and have been shown to make about a third of the entire population electrosensitive, with mild to moderate symptoms.

Nick Pineault: Dr. Magda Havas from Canada, who studies electrosensitivity and the science around EMFs, teaches in university at Trent in Ontario, Canada. She’s a highly esteemed scientist on the topic. She says that 3% of people are completely debilitated. That’s a lot of people. We’re talking about millions and millions of people around the world that don’t necessarily know that they’re being debilitated. That was before 5G so that’s something to keep in mind. People may come across this podcast because of the 5G keyword, and they say, “Oh my God, what is that? 5G is concerning. I heard about it in 2020, or I just heard about it now.”

Nick Pineault: Well, 5G is just more of a bad thing but everything before 5G is still there. We’re still being exposed to these things, and wifi, Bluetooth and everything else. All of the sources of electropollution are a concern to me. There’s different things that can be called 5G. A lot of people have been sold this idea that 5G is only about millimeter waves. These very, very high frequencies, much higher than what we used to be exposed to with other generations. In fact, 5G is a mix of these lower frequencies, just like 4G and 3G. That’s mostly what is rolled out at the moment as we speak in 2021. That’s mostly what is being used for 5G.

Nick Pineault: So it’s essentially the same stuff, except it might be even more stressful for your biology because these signals, they’re engineered by electrical engineers in a way to connect even more devices to one antenna. To connect competing signals together without them stepping over each other. These technologies mess with the wave. When you mess with the wave, the wave hits a cell and the cell gets even more confused. It’s not that much about the power levels that 5G brings to the table, but it’s about how chaotic or uncertain EMF is.

Nick Pineault: In nature, you have EMFs, visible light is an EMF and you have natural earth magnetism. All of these EMFs, if you look at them on different measurement devices, would be extremely smooth. They wouldn’t vary every microsecond and show a very erratic pattern. These are unnatural patterns that you do not find in nature. Generally speaking, when you have pulsation, when you have EMFs that  you listen to on an EMF meter, a wifi router basically sounds like a military operation. It sounds like this because it’s 10 times per second that it pulses, at 10 Hertz. This is what your body hears.

Nick Pineault: It hears something that is extremely unnatural. You have zero signals in nature that pulse that way. 5G brings to the table this hyper complexity that’s going to be even more stressful for our biology, or at least that’s what we think. There’s no surprise because I’ve realized that unfortunately, the world doesn’t really make sense in a lot of situations. 5G has not been tested on anything, not in-vitro, not on humans and not on animals, on nothing. There’s zero studies at the moment on 5G, on real 5G antennas on rats or mice or the long-term studies. All we have right now is long-term studies like the NTP study, National Toxicology Program, which came out in 2018. Its final recommendation or final conclusion was there were clear carcinogen in rats and mice, and that’s from 2G to 3G.

Nick Pineault: It took until from the end of the ’90s until 2018 to put together the study, the funding and then the controversy around it. Then they delivered the news,, “Well, it’s a carcinogen, guys.” That’s 2G and 3G. Guess what? We’re already almost looking at 6G now so by the time we study 5G, we’re going to be at 13Gs? The problem here is that it’s clear that our capacity to study this toxin is so far behind our ability to put money into the industry and pay them so that they come up with new technologies. We’ll always be behind. This is also why with 5G, a lot of people are saying, “Enough is enough. We already have troubles with 4G, so let’s stay at 4G.”

Nick Pineault: Everyone has good connectivity. Let’s aim to reduce these levels following a principle that is used with ionizing radiation, with nuclear radiation, which is the ALARA principle. As Low As Reasonably Achievable. What does that mean? Well, exactly what I just told you. Imagine you have a wifi router. As low as reasonably achievable, if you turn it off at night, well, this is reasonably achievable and you’re reducing your exposure eight hours per night. Why doesn’t a router automatically turn off at night? There’s a type of wifi that is even smarter than that called the Echo Wifi from a company in the Netherlands. If you type Echo Wifi on any browser, you’ll find it.

Nick Pineault: That Echo Wifi can go into sleep mode. I was talking about it to a friend, just a few days ago. Basically it goes into a sleep mode. It means if my device, my phone here is on airplane mode, it’s not connected to the router. The router goes to sleep after a few seconds and says, “Well, there’s no one connected to me, so why am I even on?” It goes to sleep and it doesn’t emit any radiation. When I open my wifi, it automatically sends a beacon signal to the wifi router, and now the wifi router says, “Oh, well, I guess someone needs me to irradiate the room,” which is what is wifi coverage in your home, right? That’s radiation that you’re introducing.

Nick Pineault: I’m not wanting to judge. I prefer an internet cable that doesn’t use wifi, but some people still use it and that’s fine. At least you’re just getting what you need. If I use wifi for 15 minutes for social media, and then I turn it off. Then I’m only exposed for 15 minutes per day. That’s really the big issue with these new technologies. It’s more chaos and unabated exposure, uncontrolled, where engineers couldn’t care less about the exposure because everything is considered safe. That is the main issue with this entire story.

Wendy Myers: You don’t read anything about this in the mainstream media like the New York Times. You only read stories about how 5G is totally safe and that’s just very, very suspicious. It boggles the mind that there’s zero studies on 5G. It’s crazy. That’s very surprising.

Nick Pineault: It is. You talk about The New York Times. There’s an incredible rant by an anchor of RT, is it Russia Today? Anyway, that RT network is a news network funded by Russia so we’ve got to be careful about the news, but you gotta be careful also about The New York Times big time. What they demonstrate in that segment, it’s so hilarious. The anchor talks about the fact that The New York Times tells us that 5G is perfectly safe, and he takes The New York Times of that day, that was from about two years ago.

Nick Pineault: He looks at the pages. First page has a half-page 5G ad. The second page has a half page ad. All the first pages of The New York Times are exclusively telecom funded. What do you think is going to be accepted to be published in The New York Times? Is that the opinion that of course 5G is dangerous, or is it the opposite? Of course, if someone writes against 5G or says, “Well, we don’t have enough information,” it won’t even pass. When you look at independent news outlets in the US, you’ve got The Epoch Times, for example. All of the independent news outlets have published great investigations on 5G or wireless radiation as a whole, and have concluded the exact same thing that I did several years ago.

Nick Pineault: All the investigative reporters that are still independent and who can express themselves freely have said, “Well, for one thing, we can argue about how dangerous it is, but for sure it’s not safe, and for sure it’s not tested enough. For sure, the industry as a whole has a strong control over regulations, which is again, kind of the wolf guarding the hen house.” This is a big problem in many industries, including telecoms. You won’t get that in your average news because it’s a big advertiser. It is similar to big pharma and other industries where you have such media control that it becomes almost impossible to have a sane discussion on the topic, in mainstream.

Wendy Myers: I love The Epoch Times, I highly recommend subscribing and supporting them. They were just de-funded by YouTube though, because of their impartial reporting.

Nick Pineault: Oh, really? I didn’t know that. As of today or yesterday, Robert Kennedy Jr., RFK, just got banned from Instagram.

Wendy Myers: The censorship is so sickening. We live in communist China, essentially.

Nick Pineault: It’s mad. It’s kind of a subtopic, but I think it’s important this year. I want to educate people how to think a little bit more, because we’re in a very weird spot with information. You listen to a podcast, The Wendy Myers Podcast, and you’re like, “Okay, well, is it the truth? How can I look at both facets of any problem?” Well, if someone is trying to censor speech, like banning you from social media instead of engaging in a debate, that’s a sign that there’s a big problem. That should not happen. I look for people that are real skeptics from the other side of the argument, for example, an engineer that is pro-industry and says, “No, 5G is not an issue.” How do I find someone who’s actually open-minded to real debate?

Nick Pineault: These would be the people who would say, “No, censorship is not right.” When it comes to EMFs, it’s a little bit similar. Some would say, “It should be zero EMF. We should destroy cell towers.” Some people are already doing that, not endorsing that. Some people think it’s the right way, “We should burn the towers. We should shred the iPhones.” That’s the extreme interventionist approach. Some other people would say, “No, everything is fine. It’s perfectly safe.” The truth is probably in the middle but if you sensor Nick Pineault and you sensor Wendy Myers, and then you sensor everyone who’s against anything, it creates a movement that, “Oh, they have something to hide.” 

Wendy Myers: It’s having the opposite effect.

Nick Pineault: The opposite effect. It’s horrible. Those who do not realize that censorship is dangerous, they are a bit dangerous themselves.

Wendy Myers: They’re part of the problem.

Nick Pineault: They’re part of the problem. I’ll fight for people who have opposite views from my own to be able to express themselves. That should also be the case for everyone listening to this. It’s difficult because sometimes I feel like the other side, or someone who says, “No, cell phones are perfectly safe.” I don’t want them to express themselves because I think they’re wrong, however, it’s important that they still can or else I become the censor so it’s wrong.

Wendy Myers: I’m curious if there’s going to be more and more censorship of 5G and people talking about EMF in the future, as this becomes more and more of a heated thing. These EMF satellites are going up and all the globalists like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and other people are fighting for the skies because whoever owns the skies owns all that data. What are your thoughts on that?

Nick Pineault: The big tech companies, if you look at the Facebook’s, Google’s and LinkedIn’s of this world and all these tech giants, they have huge vested interests in those satellite projects and in 5G. Telecom companies, some of them own stock and vice versa. They own telecom stock, for example. Same thing for pharma. It’s a lot of friends and investors. Again, just like with The New York Times example, if Facebook happens to be very connected to Verizon somehow, maybe they own stock and they want 5G to really roll out. Well, it’s going to influence them badly. It’s going to bias their corporate policies towards considering 5G or anti-5G speech, or pro-5G safety speech, if you want to put it this way. I think it’s more of that, trying to have transparency about what the heck we’re getting exposed to.

Nick Pineault: Maybe we’re going to start seeing more and more people getting banned. I know that the search terms for EMFs and for 5G, there’s been a switch last year at some point. I think it was at the beginning of the year where my own websites got pushed back to Google XYZ page. I don’t even use Google anymore so I don’t even know where I rank. I don’t care now. I consider talking about 5G like if you’re really serious and you want to share information, you don’t want to stay attached to a big social media following and these kinds of things, because maybe it’s all going away. I have a YouTube channel right now, but I have a sub channel BitChute. I’m going to have these mirror sites just because I don’t know if tomorrow morning they’re going to put the AI to the task and say, “Anyone who has 5G and danger in their conversation is going to be cut out.”

Nick Pineault: I don’t know when it’s going to happen, but this is the direction we’re seeing. This is the direction we’re seeing with multiple things. Again, I think it’s completely the wrong direction. I do see that it’s going to increase in the future, making our job a little bit more difficult. It’s going to create the opposite effect. I think it’s going to make people more suspicious that something is up. That can be good because they should be suspicious, there’s a lot of money, a lot of corporate interests that are trying to say, “No, everything’s fine.” Until they have too many lawsuits, they lose or basically regulation crushes them or something like that, but it can take decades.

Nick Pineault: They’re just trying to continue the status quo as long as possible because at the moment, their wireless regulations are so lax that they can basically install these antennas anywhere, especially in the US, but in most Western countries too, this is the case. At the moment, business is good and they’re making a ton of money. Then if they get sued a little bit it’s going to be peanuts. It’s just like what happened with Monsanto. It took a lot to bring down Monsanto. Even then it was sold, so it continues on. We’re trying to do our best here, but it’s rough. I don’t know exactly how that ends but I think that the entire topic can evolve regardless of any censorship attempt, when people talk about it.

Nick Pineault: If consumers also change their behaviors, like if we see a few lower radiation phones on the market that are trying to emerge and people buy them. It’s going to give a nudge to the industry to take this market opportunity. If there’s money to be made in health, they’re going to make it healthy. If there’s no money to be made, they won’t necessarily invest the money, unless they were forced by law but they control the law at the moment. It’s a bit difficult. We’ll see how things evolve.

Wendy Myers: It’s really interesting how so many different topics are converging right now, that you’re not supposed to talk about. People are worrying about 5G, they’re focused on 5G and satellites and they will be bringing in the earth’s atmosphere soon. What are people missing? What missing sources of EMF should they be paying attention to, more so in our environment?

Nick Pineault: I think people should be focusing first on what they’re installing in their own homes. You have to have a certain degree of concern about what’s outside the 5G towers. Don’t forget the 2G to 4G towers also matter, it’s not just 5G. If you don’t have 5G in your city, you might still be overexposed by towers and things like that. That’s a concern. At the same time, the reality is that it’s very hard and expensive to shield against. You can hire Brian Hoyer from Shielded Healing, he’s my colleague in my course, or a building biologist will do too.

Nick Pineault: These professionals know how to take measurements and tell you how much you’re exposed in your bedroom. You can shield the entire room. That’s a project I have for this room, we’re trying to actually buy this condo here. This is my office/bedroom, and maybe it’s going to be completely shielded. It means you apply paint to the walls, the flooring and to the ceiling. Then it becomes an almost zero EMF room. What this does is at least at night, you’re getting this relief. You’re getting these EMF levels that are similar to what you get in radio silent zones. There’s not a lot of them left on the planet, in fact, only in very remote areas.

Nick Pineault: That’s something you can do against the 5G towers but it’s an investment. It’s something I do recommend if you’re really serious and you live in your own home, and you can do these changes. It will be a few thousand dollars. That’s an investment and that’s something a lot of people are opting to do, especially those that are very sensitive. For some of them, it’s a little bit too much and they have to just take a home in a radio silent place. I think before investing all your mental, physical and emotional energy in the towers, think about what you install in your own home.

Nick Pineault: Is your computer wired with an Ethernet cable? If you’re still using wifi, that’s an improvement you can make. That’s really what I’m trying to teach people is habits first, try to change how you use technology to rely less and less on wireless. It’s a little bit ironic, on the other side, people who look at our movement, anti-5G and anti-electro-pollution, and they point us out. I think it’s a good observation that some 5G activists use cell phones all day to connect with all other activists, and they have the cell phone here and the Bluetooth watch.

Nick Pineault: Some people do that because they’re not aware that oftentimes, your devices that touch your body, they’re leaching to a great amount of exposure that sometimes can even trump a tower that is fairly close, depending on all the factors. These things still matter, like your own exposure from your devices. Creating that distance from your body and the devices, turning off wifi when not in use or simply foregoing wifi altogether and using Ethernet cables, that’s the cable that goes from your computer to the router. You’re connected, you’re wired in and it’s super-fast. It cannot be hacked. It’s reliable.

Nick Pineault: In this room, when we arrived in this condo two years ago, I was struggling to even do a call like this. I think you were possibly my first interview I did for my book, in fact. I think the signal was a bit choppy because of my damn wifi. I was very frustrated, getting all prepped and then my interview didn’t go well because the internet quality wasn’t there. Now we have an internet cable that goes from this room and goes 50 feet to the other side of the condo. Iit delivers lightning fast internet. That’s good. That’s also something where if you have your computer in one place in your home, there’s no reason to be on wifi, especially if that’s a home office these days.

Nick Pineault: After the pandemic, so many people are working from home. That’s another reason to wire it in. That’s really what you need to think about. We can be concerned about the satellites which are again, more of a bad thing. Not only are we concerned about our immediate vicinity and the towers in the city, but now if you look at the sky there’s 42,000 satellites from SpaceX. They’ve already started launching them. It’s multiple utter billionaires with these technocrats and they want to launch thousands of satellites. I think some of it is just because they can. It’s a trend for trillionaires.

Nick Pineault: I don’t know why they do it exactly. Sometimes I just don’t understand these people. For sure, it’s a bad idea. It’s a bad idea for astronomy, for space junk, for the environment and for electropollution. That’s just one of the many factors that come into play when you send thousands of satellites into space to provide global internet. It is such a bad idea. It’s one of the worst ideas I’ve seen in the last few years, and I saw a lot of bad ideas come to fruition. I don’t understand why they’re doing that. It will be an additional concern, if you go outside you’re going to be exposed a little bit. Some of it will be a blanket exposure to low level but still decent amounts of exposure that we literally don’t know what it’s going to do to us. That’s a concern.

Nick Pineault: At the same time, if we focus on that too much, we’re going to all make ourselves sick, mentally. It’s difficult to stay mindful and understand that this is happening, to try to fight against it and still stay healthy. You know that. You talk about heavy metals and environmental toxins so much so you’ve got to be mindful. Every time you take a bite or you’re afraid that your food is poisonous, mentally, you can really make yourself sick with all that stress. It’s something to be mindful of, your reaction to all this news. You’ve got to be informed and spread the word, but also forget about it every day, and not every time you look at the sky. Now you think that it’s falling on your head.

Nick Pineault: It can be a little bit too much, easily. That’s also part of the reason why I want to keep my message relatively light. If it’s too aggressive and I tell people, “Well, you should be worried to be a human being and to step outside, you should wear a shield if you go outside.” It’s going to be so fear inducing and we don’t need more of it. It’s one of these topics where it’s very difficult. For example, for the satellites, you can fight against it, there’s the Healthy Heavens Initiative called Healthy Heavens Trust Initiative, HHTI. If you type that you’re going to find it.

Nick Pineault: It’s a project between attorney’s and  international experts. They’re attorneys from the US and an international team. These people are fighting against the FCC, basically the fact that the FCC approved all these satellites. They’re saying, “Well, it’s nonsense.” They’re connecting with astronomers that say, “Well, now our instrumentation to look at space is not working as well. So what gives? No one consulted us.” It’s electrosensitive. It’s people who are experts in light pollution that say, “Well, the satellites are reflecting light that we emit from the planet back to us. If these satellites go over the country of Italy, it breaches an international treaty about light pollution.”

Nick Pineault: No one cares because Elon Musk and these guys are reckless. They’re launching these projects even though it breaches multiple international agreements on multiple fronts. They don’t care. It’s shoot first and aim later. We’re going to see what happens. If you want to follow this project, I think it’s interesting at least knowing that there are credible people. They are attorneys that are trying to sue the SEC and Elon Musk, they’re coming for you too. If eventually it becomes more costly than it’s going to make them, to put the project forward, then I think it is going to be abandoned.

Nick Pineault: One of the ways you can support it and also feel that we’re getting somewhere, is either donating, participating or just talking about these nonprofits that are fighting against this nonsense.

Wendy Myers: It is frightening to think about all 100,000 satellites that would be slated to be launched into the atmosphere in the next two to three years. You’ve mentioned the amount that is in the sky right now, are already interfering with the instruments that they’re looking at to discover space. You want to just control what you can. I talked about the same thing with toxins. You can’t be terrified, there’s toxins everywhere. You just have to control what you can and call it a day. You don’t need to be terrified of everything that you eat or whatnot. You made a great course that really gets down to the basics about EMF protection and things that you can do. It’s a simple, inexpensive thing that you can do to mitigate EMF in your home for your body and for your environment. Can you talk a little about that?

Nick Pineault: Sure. Thanks for asking. It’s a project I co-launched and co-created with Brian Hoyer from Shielded Healing. He’s the specialist when it comes to EMF mitigation. Going to people’s homes, they can read measurements with these high level meters and then tell people, “Well, here are the changes we recommend.” Brian has been thinking about creating such a course for years. Basically he found that when he went to people’s homes, it was difficult to come into someone’s home and then do the education, to tell them about all the different types of EMFs. For example, the difference between wireless radiation, dirty electricity and how to basically change your light bulbs. All the little basics that he thought most people should know.

Nick Pineault: He spent hours educating them and he thought, “Okay, maybe they should have a bit of education before I come to their home, so they can already do a lot of things by themselves without having to pay thousands of dollars.” It’s mostly free or little gadgets that you can purchase that are fairly affordable. This was really our mindset that people can do this by themselves for cheap, and rapidly minimize electro-pollution at home. That’s the course Electro-Pollution Fix. In a sense, it’s an EMF protection course. I would say even a better term would be EMF minimization course. You can minimize EMFs at home, when you take this course.

Nick Pineault: An example for wifi is, you can put it on the Christmas light timer, and then it turns off at night automatically. It costs ten dollars. We try to have these very cheap solutions because a lot of people who take the class are already so caught up in different EMFs solutions, they don’t know where to put their money. We really try to focus them somewhere on what will really matter, like the light bulbs, for example. It’s a good thing to replace those CFLs, the swirly light bulbs. That’s one of the priorities when we talk about artificial lights. We have different modules where we teach you these things. It’s a very actionable course, the opposite of my book, where I do get into science quite a lot. In the course, we glance over it, basically.

Nick Pineault: We do talk about the dangerous a little bit, but we take it for granted that people just want to know what to do. That’s the course. The course is a very actionable step-by-step approach, if you will.

Wendy Myers: Yes, that’s fantastic. There’s a lot of people out there that just don’t have time. Even myself, I’ve known about EMF for well over 10 years, but I didn’t really have time to incorporate that into what I was already doing for my health, which was so much. It’s great that you put together this evidence-based course for solutions that really work. It takes all the guesswork out of people making their EMF mitigation choices.

Nick Pineault: Exactly.

Wendy Myers: That’s fantastic. Let’s talk about things that people don’t have to worry about, that people shouldn’t be worrying about when it comes to EMF. What about the airport scanners? What’s up with those? Are those a problem?

Nick Pineault: I looked at it before I was on Ben Greenfield, more than two years ago. I was very surprised because a lot of people told me about these scanners and I was worried for myself. I did a pat down thing, I don’t really mind getting pat-downs so I didn’t care that much. It just took a little bit longer. My wife went through the millimeter scanner because she was like, “Okay, you do your thing.” I was like, “Okay, well, is she getting something super dangerous?” I did look at the companies creating these scanners, what are the models that are actually used at the moment in the airports that I go in?

Nick Pineault: I did the deep dive and I realized that the power density or the power of these machines is so low, it’s almost ridiculous. It’s 60 to 90 microwatts per square meter as a comparison, your cell phone could go to 100,000. It’s mainly meter waves. The range, if I recall correctly, is 20 to 40 gigahertz, which is higher than your cell phone. If you compare one of these millimeter wave scanners with a 5G phone that uses millimeter waves, it’s not even comparable. The phone would expose you to multiple times, I think in the thousands more times exposure from a phone compared to this scanner itself.

Nick Pineault: I think that the fear of millimeter waves has been a little bit overblown from the scanners because people don’t really understand. They didn’t look at the power density and they didn’t look at these things. For sure, it’s not good, but ironically a lot of people who are afraid of the scanners will take the pat-down and then they put their phone in their pocket. Then you see them, the phone next to their abdomen and they’re on 4G LTE on Instagram for three hours before their flight. Then on the flight, they have a wireless tablet and there’s multiple wifi hotspots that are right on the headboard of the seat.

Nick Pineault: So if we look at it that way, was it really useful to get a pat-down? Well, a little bit, but you’ve got to take things into consideration. What is the duration of that scanner? It’s less than one second if I remember correctly, or two seconds, compared to the exposure that you might get from a phone for several hours. I think the answer is we have to focus on what kind of behaviors lead to the greatest amount of exposures in proximity and duration. If, for example, you decide to not have wifi at home, it could have a big impact because if you’re spending 50 hours a week in front of the computer then that’s 50 hours of no wifi.

Nick Pineault: Imagine what a difference it will make and you don’t see it. I can tell you that two feet from your computer, you’re getting exposed quite a lot in your face and your entire body is getting wifi from your computer. That’s a large amount of exposure. Whereas, you put it perfectly at the beginning of the interview, people will say, “Well, I have a BioMat or I have a PEMF device or miHealth,” or any healing device, red light therapy or sauna, “Should I worry about the EMFs that are created that are a byproduct?”

Wendy Myers: The other thing that’s a big thing with a lot of infrared saunas, are like EMF free. Come on, it’s not a big deal.

Nick Pineault: Exactly. For people who are extremely sensitive, possibly. You use a red light therapy device, and you want to make sure that only the red light therapy or the therapeutic frequencies get emitted and you don’t also emit a large magnetic field that is detrimental, that’s logical. I think that every therapeutic device should be low EMF and only deliver what it’s supposed to deliver. It would likely be better, but then people who freak out would say, “Well, I’m getting exposed to that BioMat. I don’t know, I’m laying on the BioMat, it is plugged into the wall. Is my body voltage too high? Should I worry? Is it even worth it to use it?”

Nick Pineault: First ask yourself, are you seeing benefits? Your body will tell you. If you’re feeling amazing after a session, I think that the pros outweigh the cons. You already know that it’s providing benefits and you can test it for several days in a row, then you stop. Are you seeing benefits when you add it back on? You get to play around with your different healing technologies because you know your own body. You are your own experiment here. That being said, I think it’s important to take into consideration the duration. If you use a BioMat or a healing device for 15 minutes per day, well, it’s just 15 minutes.

Nick Pineault: If you use your computer eight hours per day, you should still do the BioMat while you’re at your computer. Think about what will lead to the greatest reduction in my overall exposure. Oftentimes it is in the places where you sleep like your bedroom. Are you removing those wireless devices from your bedroom, or are you even considering going a step further and shielding your bedroom? That’s the ultimate step you can do, if you’re willing to invest. Then during the day, where are you spending your time? If it’s in front of a computer, that’s probably your top priority. If your kids are spending a lot of time in front of tablets, wiring those tablets if possible, is probably essential if they spend a lot of time on devices.

Nick Pineault: Just focus on where it matters and don’t worry too much about the exposures of a few minutes. It’s something I learned from Brian because he really put things into perspective when it comes to EMFs. I did screw up a little bit at the beginning, and even in my book talking about all of the different exposures. The toaster is the most absurd example, a toaster and its large amount of magnetic fields. Sometimes it can be very, very high exposure, but how often do you have a toaster on your ear or on your face? While your toast is toasting, you’re probably not even that close to the toaster. This exposure is there, but it’s not touching you. It’s not even near you.

Nick Pineault: We shouldn’t really worry about the toaster. We should worry if somehow you had something like an alarm clock that is very powerful and plugged in right next to your pillow. Then you realize, “Oh my God, I spend eight or nine hours every night, right next to the alarm clock and this one also emits the large magnetic fields.” Now, you’re actually getting exposed. I think I did make the mistake at the beginning of putting things a little bit out of context, and it leads to fear. People are like, “Oh no, toasters have EMFs.” It becomes almost absurd because in the end, if you’re getting exposed to a machine in close proximity, it matters.

Nick Pineault: If it’s in a corner and it’s just doing its thing for three minutes per day, if you have Bailey toast, well, you shouldn’t worry about it at all. It’s something I wish I had put into words in a more intelligent manner at the beginning of my activism work. Now I’m trying to make good on it and tell people to just relax a little bit about the toaster and the different kitchen things that I talked about in my book. Say, “Well, yes these emit the levels, but unless you work in a professional kitchen and you’re exposed to a mixer for five hours per day, now that’s an exposure. So if professionally you have exposure to big machines, industrial machines and things like that, now it becomes a priority for you to do something about it. If that’s not the case, think about ration and focus on these things that really will move the needle for you.

Wendy Myers: You have to be rational about this. Anything that is plugged into a wall can emit dirty electricity and EMF radiation. You’ve been exposed to that since you were a baby. It’s just about controlling what you can and mitigating what you can. You’re not able to navigate everything. Are there any health habits that you recommend for people to increase their EMF resilience?

Nick Pineault: Yes, a lot of things that help hormetic stressors, it can be sauna exposure, so the heat or the cold exposure, a lot of things for general health are completely incredible to help build your resilience against oxidative damage. Oxidative damage could be from heavy metals to a lot of toxins that you talked about on your show so many times before. Mold can be an overall stressor of everyday life. That’s the way I see it. Molecular hydrogen would get my number one vote. I did listen to a very over my head, complicated webinar about the nutraceutical approach to EMF resilience and the internal protection. What antioxidants to take. It was by Bob Miller, and he’s mapping the different cycles.

Nick Pineault: I’ll have to listen to it several times, but his conclusion or what he said that I think is important for people listening to this, he said, “If you had to take one supplement, at the moment it would be molecular hydrogen.” Those tablets that you put in water and create hydrogen water. The reason behind that is it’s a fundamental antioxidant that will provide anti-oxidation if you need it and won’t if you don’t. That’s important because you can actually overdo it with anti-oxidation and you do need oxidation in your body for singling purposes. So long story short, molecular hydrogen for EMFs, if you’re getting exposed outside, that’s something I would take on a fairly regular basis.

Nick Pineault: Another thing that I think you’re a fan of, but I know Dr. Mercola is, and so many people talk about it. Staying hydrated. I see you drinking water, that’s tremendous. Magnesium levels and making sure that your minerals are balanced. Follow Wendy’s podcast to learn all about it. You’ve taught me all about it through your work and your education. Staying minerally sufficient in multiple minerals, not only magnesium but all of them, is a good way to not have that overreaction to these signals. A lot of people that are electrosensitive have too much oxidation, they don’t have antioxidant reserves. They have low resilience to anything and they become hypersensitive to everything, just like people who are chemically sensitive. They become very weak, they don’t have energy and they just don’t have the reserves that they need.

Nick Pineault: So build your reserves and make sure that nutritionally, if you don’t have it in your food, you have it in supplement form, but that you have these minerals and these vitamins. If you’re deficient in anything, it could basically unfortunately increase the amount of EMF damage you’re getting.

Wendy Myers: Fantastic. Well, Nick, thank you so much for educating us. These are really sound tips that are good no matter what you’re trying to do with health. Thanks so much for educating us about EMF. I love that you’re so research-based and you have so many practical resources for people. I highly recommend your book, The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs, and your course. Tell us where to get more information about your course again.

Nick Pineault: The course is on That’s it. There’s a waiting list. Depending on when this is posted, either you’re going to hear about it later or it’s available now. Starting this year in 2021, the good news is that it will be pre-recorded and available all year long if you want to take it. It’s something that you take on your own time and you learn as you go. You apply these things for you and your family. We hope that it’s going to help you.

Wendy Myers: Fantastic. Where can they find your podcast?

Nick Pineault: My podcast was on all good podcasting platforms until they shut me down. It’s called Smarter Tech, so The Smarter Tech Podcast. If you go on, that’s my main website and you’re going to find it. I talk about safe technologies and anything that I feel passionate about.

Wendy Myers: I highly recommend that. I always learn something when I listen to your show so you guys have got to check that out. Nick, thanks for coming on the show. Everyone, thank you so much for tuning in to The Myers Detox Podcast, where we talk about all types of topics related to detoxification, including doing an EMF detox that’s so essential right now. Thanks for tuning in, I’m Wendy Myers of I’ll talk to you guys next week.

Outro: The Myers Detox Podcast is created and hosted by Wendy Myers. This podcast is for information purposes only, statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast, including Wendy Meyers and the producers, disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein, opinions of guests are their own. This podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guest’s qualifications or credibility.

Outro: Individuals on this podcast may have direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem, consult a licensed physician.