Transcript #385 You Cannot Address Cancer Without Emotional Trauma Release with Dr. Michael Rankin


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  1. Find out what’s in store for this Myers Detox Podcast with Dr. Michael Rankin, Sr. who joins the show to reveal how the root cause of most health issues, including cancer, is emotional trauma. We dive into his theories on this, the modalities he uses, the test he uses to measure his patient’s progress and the stunning miracles and successes he has witnessed addressing this root cause of most physical health issues!
  2. Find out about Dr. Rankins journey to becoming a doctor focused on helping those with cancer and pain through emotional trauma release and other amazing modalities.
  3. Learn about the incredible bioenergetic techniques Dr. Rankin uses to help his patients uncover and release the emotional trauma that is causing their ailments.
  4. Learn more about the Zyto Scan Dr. Rankin can uses to determine the mental blocks he must address in his patients.
  5. Find out how unreleased emotions can lead to things like fungal and bladder infections.
  6. Learn about some of the techniques and practices Dr. Rankin uses to determine whether a patient is creating progress in their health journey.
  7. Dr. Rankin uses a device called an Echoscope that has helped heal patients in incredible ways. Learn more.
  8. Find out how the Echoscope works to create coherence in the body.
  9. You can learn more about Dr. Rankin and his work at


Wendy Myers: Hello, everyone, how are you doing? I’m Wendy Myers of Welcome to The Myers Detox Podcast. On this show, we talk about everything related to healing, health, detoxification, heavy metals, chemicals and how to detox them. Today, we have a very special guest on, Dr. Michael Rankin Sr. He is someone that I’ve known about for years. I met him through a friend of mine, Robbie Besner of Therasage. I could not be more grateful because this person has helped me so much. He’s such an incredible healer. He is a very heart-centered, caring, loving person who’s dedicated to helping people get better. You’ll see that in his energy. He’s just amazing. 

On this show, we’re going to be talking about how you cannot address cancer without emotional trauma release. We’re going to talk about a lot of different types of cancers and the emotional trauma related to those cancers. We’ll talk about the different modalities that Dr. Rankin uses to address emotional trauma, why the person has that trauma, the very powerful scans that he does that help to determine the different emotional traumas that people have, what organs that they’re affecting and how to release them. That’s something I’m personally doing with him right now. 

I’m working with him doing the scan that he uses. I’ve done a scan with him in a session at home. I flew to his clinic in St. Louis. I was there for about a week, but I did four days of all the different treatments. I wanted to go on their emotional trauma detox circuit that they have there in St. Louis. I wanted to see what it was all about because I was very drawn to him, like a moth to a flame, because of the command of his knowledge, conviction and caring in what he’s doing when he’s working with people. It’s a really, really compelling show today.

We’re going to be talking about a lot of different case studies that Dr. Michael Rankin did with people that he’s worked with. We’ll be talking about all these different modalities that he uses. We’ll be talking about almost a crime in the current cancer industry with how emotional trauma is not being addressed. They use different modalities that harm people, like radiation and chemo, without addressing the underlying root cause. We’re also going to be talking about my own story with my father and how he basically died from his cancer treatments. We’ll discuss what you want to do instead. You don’t have to be coerced or be fear induced to make a decision about your treatments, there are so many different amazing options out there. 

I highly recommend Dr. Rankin Sr. as your first stop. I know you guys listening to this show are concerned about heavy metals and toxicity levels, because that is a big contributing factor in cancers. In fact, cadmium causes more cancers than all of the other heavy metals combined. That’s why smokers get cancer. Cigarettes have a lot of cadmium in them. I developed a quiz. It’s called You can go there and take this two minute quiz. It will give you your relative body burden of toxins, based on some lifestyle questions. Then you’ll get your results.

After that, you get a totally free video series that breaks down all your different frequently asked questions about toxins, heavy metals and detoxification. Go check out that quiz at Our guest today, Dr. Michael Rankin Sr., is an ND, MA and BA. He’s a doctor of naturopathy who has been practicing at the Kelley Metabolic Center since 2012. He originally went to medical school to be a DO, but dropped out when he realized it just wasn’t for him. He’s been studying the meridians, traditional Chinese medicine, emotional trauma and the like, for the last 50 years. 

At the Kelley Metabolic Center, he addresses cancer conflicts, pain and emotional trauma using an Evox scan, which is a ZYTO scan. He uses recall, hearing and trapped emotional response. He also does cancer metabolic evaluations and advanced biomedical evaluations for full body assessments, and a laser detox method developed by Dr. Lee Cowden, who’s Dr. Mercola’s personal physician. He also firmly believes that emotional trauma is at the root cause of all health issues. He uses emotional trauma resolution modalities in all of his assessments and programs with his patients.

You can learn more about Dr. Rankin and his work at Dr. Rankin, thanks so much for coming on the show.

Dr. Michael Rankin: Thank you for having me, Wendy. I really look forward to our discussion today.

Wendy Myers: I met you through your son, Dr. Michael Rankin, Jr. He is one of the doctors on our Harmoni pendant study. You were so gracious to offer to do an Evox ZYTO scan, which is a bioenergetic scan looking at emotional trauma. That’s something that I’m very, very focused on right now in my personal health journey. This session was so profound for me. It was so life changing. It was one of those life points where you have a fork in the road. You can go this way or that way. I was so thrilled by that, that I decided to come out to your clinic and spend four days doing all the little treatments that you do. All the cutting-edge stuff that you do in your pain and cancer clinic.

Dr. Michael Rankin: Thank you.

Wendy Myers: Why don’t you tell everyone a little bit about yourself and how you came to work with cancer patients and pain patients? What’s your story?

Dr. Michael Rankin: When I first got into the medical field, I was more looking to do research and then support companies to do research properly because a lot of research that’s done is not really done very well. It’s very manipulative. People will tell the story but not really tell the real story. I was very interested in trying to do research. One of the areas that I thought I would get involved with was cancer. I started watching what was happening in the cancer ward at one of the major hospitals. I noticed that there were a lot of emotions related to cancer. I saw people coming in and looking quite normal, looking like you, looking like me and looking like they weren’t really very ill. 

Within a matter of weeks, I saw their attitudes change. I saw their shoulders slumping. I saw their whole demeanor collapsing. I thought, “My, what is that? There’s something really major happening here.” I started really praying about what is the impact to these people. It wasn’t just the treatments. It’s the way they were being spoken to, which is, “If you don’t listen to us as the “doctor,” you’ll die.” Wow, that’s fear motivation. That’s really not good. That’s not good. I had a friend that was a cardiovascular anesthesiologist and he let me go in and sit in on a lot of the open-heart surgeries.

I’m really fascinated by biology in general. It was one of things that I studied in college quite a bit. I would sneak around to the area where the patients are waiting to get their open-heart surgeries done, and I began to notice, again, that people that were going to have an open-heart surgery to replace the coronary arteries, were people who were very negative about themselves and very negative about the surgeries. Even if they weren’t really that sick, they would do very poorly post-op. Those who have a really defined sense of understanding and a defined sense of health, even though they were the worst possible candidates who were older and maybe some kidney stressors or whatever else, but they were really emboldened and strong in their faith. They did very well post-op.

I went, “This is fascinating, fascinating.” The key to every one of these people was that I wanted to do something, study and do a better job than what I saw happening by motivating people with fear. Motivating them with some knowledge and motivating them with maybe some understanding about divine health, because the ones that understood divine health were doing well. The ones that didn’t were very negative and did very poorly, even if their health condition wasn’t bad. Then as I started to study and investigate becoming a DO, which is what my original plan was, I ran into this wonderful doctor who was board certified in three specialties, cardiology, critical care and intensive care medicine.

I told him my plans and I started to do these studies and began that whole walk. He said, “Michael, I don’t know if you understand what I’m about to tell you but Jesus can’t be this stupid.” I said, “What do you mean?” He goes, “I’ve learned all this stuff. I’ve got three specialties. I promise you, the creator can’t be this stupid to give chemo to a patient that’s already sick and then make them sicker. To do something to someone’s heart and it’s going to get worse and on and on it goes” He said, “Do you really think we need this many drugs?”

I said, “I don’t know.” I said, “I’ve never taken a drug in my life but my father died fairly young and I don’t really know why, but I knew that it wasn’t because of bad health. It’s after he went to see the doctor, he died young. He was 49.” Then I began to investigate, and I realized that everything I was going to learn in conventional medicine was going to harm somebody. I said, “I just can’t do that,” so I eventually quit the whole process. I went strictly into research, behind the scenes, trying to influence what was being done with the way concepts are being evaluated. The way people were being treated or evaluated. 

I realized that in the post open-heart surgical suites or in the post recovery areas, let’s say it was cancer or cardiovascular or whatever else, the nurses had a huge impact. If the doctors or the nurses were very negative, then the nurses might not be very positive with their patients. The patients wouldn’t do as well as they could, because of the negative influence of the people that they had and what was happening with their patients, which was not positive. I thought, “Wow, that’s not good.” Then I started studying and studying for hundreds of hours, related to doing emotional release work.

I lived in Texas at the time and I don’t want to go to this thing. It’s psychobabble stuff. I’ve seen psychologists that..I don’t mean to say totally negative things about psychologists, but for me, it didn’t help. There’s a lot of jaw jacking talk. It did nothing for me.

Wendy Myers: I did it for 10 years, and yapping doesn’t get you anywhere.

Dr. Michael Rankin: Yapping didn’t get me anywhere. I met 10 to 15 doctors that were doing emotional release on all kinds of different levels. Some of it is called Recall Healing and some of it called Evox, which is a generic term. I decided I need to learn from everybody, release all of it and show people how to release all of it because the only person that can really release their stuff is the person doing the work. Being a very competitive person, whether it’s in sports or helping people heal, the slower they heal, the worse it is for them. People would come to me when I studied to become a naturopath, and then eventually became one and did all the testing for naturopathy.

I realized that the missing link for everybody was emotions. Long before, this doctor showed me how to reverse cardiovascular blockage in the neck, they didn’t need a carotid endarterectomy. They needed to have some emotional work done, and they needed to do a proper diet. I said, “Well, I could do that.” Then when I got my credentials to become a naturopathic doctor, I focused a lot on the emotions. I found that 100% of people with a cardiovascular problem had an emotional problem first. Everybody with cancer had an emotional problem first. Of the people with cancer, nobody was dying of cancer. 

They’re dying of fear in treatment and that’s not good. Then I looked at this study overseas, where the top five reasons why a person was passing away after a diagnosis of cancer, wasn’t cancer. It was chemotherapy, radiation, emotions, starvation and then hospice. None of those are cancer as you notice, right? None of them. 97% of the people that do conventional treatment die of treatment, indirectly or directly.

Wendy Myers: My father died of his cancer treatments. If he hadn’t had any cancer treatments for his esophageal cancer, he would have lived years longer. If he had done something else.

Dr. Michael Rankin: Oh my god. Oh my goodness gracious, Wendy. When I realized that, then I really started working on the emotional side of things and realized I can incorporate all the Recall Healing, all the emotional release work, all the energetic work, all the impacts of everything about health that relates, first of all, emotionally. Take a woman with breast issues. I talked to a lady yesterday with breast issues, the right-side breast. What happened to this lady with a right-side breast tumor? The biopsy told her little to nothing, but caused a lot of fear, caused her to want to do PET scans and CAT scans and all this kind of stuff.

When you look at the research, a PET scan and a CAT scan cannot tell you if it’s cancer. If it could tell you it’s cancer, they wouldn’t do a biopsy. What did Dr. Revici tell us about doing a biopsy? 87% of the time, it spreads the cancer that would not otherwise spread, so it’s not the tumor that’s the issue. It’s doing something to the tumor. What happens when they biopsy a prostate tumor? It spreads it. Biopsy any tumor and it spreads it, 87% of the time. When did we learn this? 1938.

Wendy Myers: That’s what happened to my father. They biopsied his tumor, then they cut it out of his esophagus. After that they radiated it and all the tissue was destroyed. He got totally weak.

Dr. Michael Rankin: Exactly.

Wendy Myers: They cut it out and then it spread to his liver and somewhere else, I forget. They tied his sutures but because the tissue was so destroyed, within six weeks, he bled out from his sutures. They couldn’t hold on because of the radiated tissue.

Dr. Michael Rankin: It was tribal tissue, right?

Wendy Myers: It was all tribe.

Dr. Michael Rankin: With the lady I talked to the other day that had a breast tumor, they biopsied it which wasn’t a good idea, it causes spreading cancer. Who deals with spreading cancer in the United States? Nobody. What did Dr. Weinberg of Stanford University say? If you give chemotherapy, it will make your cancer worse. In a presentation that’s on video that you can find anywhere on the internet, Dr. Weinberg of Stanford University says spreading tumors, spreading cancer and chemotherapy. We know that happens. We know that happens. What other group of people in the world know about spreading cancer?

The Chinese. What do they know about emotions and cancer? The Chinese know about emotions and cancer. It was the Chinese that taught me that all the emotions are held in the governing vessel which goes from your lips to your tailbone. All emotions for all time are held in the governing vessel and trapped to be released. It’s somewhere in your body as a result of some trauma. What was the trauma for the lady that had the right-sided tumor in her breast? A miscarriage. You show me any woman that’s had a miscarriage, and I promise you, 99% of the time they’ve never gotten over it unless someone’s really helped them to release it. 

For the people that believe that they’re created, all I have to do is remind them that to be absent in the body has to be in the presence of God. To be absent from the body to be in the presence of the Creator, well, where’s the Creator? It’s in our heart. Where do we feel that? We feel it in your heart. When you feel love for your child, you feel it in your heart. That creation is in your heart. That’s why the heart chakra is so important. The heart energy center, that I learned from the Chinese predominantly, is that the heart center of the body is in the heart chakra connecting to the pericardium, connected to the liver, connected to the lungs, connected to the blood, connected to the blood flow into your brain and on and on it goes.

What dominates that? What can dominate that heart is a wound. For this woman, heart tumor, I mean a tumor in the right breast connected to the loss of the child, married to somebody who is not very nice to her, very controlling to her and very condemning to her. Right-sided tumor, husband, female, and then before that the father was the same way. What is the epigenetics of tha? We learned about the epigenetics. It’s a transfer of information through the DNA. When the transfer of that energy through the DNA hits that person, they can either take it, deal with it, accept them and do something about it.

If you’ve ever met a negative person in your life, where did they learn to be negative? What does negativity give a person? It gives them a sense of control. It’s a false sense of control. Where do they learn it from? Their parents, one parent or another. If a person’s negative, they didn’t all of a sudden become spontaneously negative. When you test these people, you find out that negativity gives them power, but they don’t want to pass it on to their children. They’re negative and what are they passing on to their children? The same thing they try to avoid from their parents.

What happens is the person tries to avoid being that parent that was negative, and it becomes so much that they become the same negative person their parent was. How do you do that? Well, you send love. How do you send negativity to a person who just sucks all the life out of you like a psychic vampire? How do you do that? You send love to that person, no matter who it is. When I’ve dealt with abused women who have been molested as children, how do you help that person release that issue of that molestation as a child, which happens 78% of the time?

78% of the time, a child has been touched inappropriately or their parent has been touched inappropriately. What happens is that message goes down to the DNA. That’s the DNA and information that passes down to the DNA, and passes it down to the DNA. How do I help? For example, I’ll never forget this lady was very strong. When I told her that she needed to pray for her abuser, which was multiple abusers through her mother, who exposed her to multiple abuse for her own joy. She kept blaming her mother. Why did she get abused as a child? Because her father left the family and got connected to a woman in a circus, who turned out to be a prostitute first and then was in the circus. Then he connected with her and that woman killed her father. 

Who abandoned her? It was her father. Where was most of her stuff coming from? She had a blood disorder called hypogammaglobulinemia, which is a blood disorder in the spleen. What is the spleen? That’s where the emotions are held for the ancestral bloodline, that spleen. What is leukemia? It’s the filing of the ancestral bloodline. It could be physical. It could be emotional. It could be whatever it is but as soon as you let a person see the spoiling of their bloodline, what was hers? Praying for her father. She was a Christian, but a very angry one. 

Jesus, show me how to love my father unconditionally. Release him with forgiveness. Please release him with forgiveness. She cried on that first session. She goes, “I don’t cry,” because a lot of abused people that are adults, and abused children, will never cry. It is because of control, they didn’t want to show weakness. She cried. What did she keep doing? She kept praying for her father. “Jesus, show me how to love my father unconditionally. Release him with forgiveness.” She wrote a book about abuse, and it was all negative. She changed her book, but the only way to release from the abuse, whether it’s physical abuse, spousal abuse or whatever other kind of abuse, emotional abuse with negativity is emotional abuse.

The only way to release that is to send love to that person. Then you’re free. You ask any person who’s ever had a negative relationship, man or woman, the way that you stay badly connected to that person is through anger. If you don’t want to stay hooked to that person, you send them love. The generic side of it is, “Creator, show me how to love that person unconditionally, and release them with forgiveness. Reveal my true nature. What do I need to do?” We ask the Creator to show us how to release our true nature. Now, we’re tapping into our heart. 

The heart for everybody is the center of our understanding, so the divine nature of all human beings is in the core center of our heart. If that liver is blocked because of anger and grudge, how do we know that? Meet somebody with sciatica pain, it’s a grudge. The top five reasons somebody has sciatica is a grudge, holding onto a grudge or some other form of anger. What is liver cancer? It’s anger, but it’s also a fear of lack. If someone has liver cancer, you’re not going to get rid of the liver cancer by poisoning them with more poison, because their liver is already incapable of handling anything. 

What’s the number one thing for all people, across all boundaries, for pain? Failing at cancer recovery. I’m not talking about conventional treatment, because that always fails. What is the number one cause of people not succeeding at whatever it is they’re trying to recover from? Dehydration. We need to hydrate with distilled water that you make yourself with a quarter teaspoon of sea salt, not Himalayan salt. You put a quarter teaspoon of sea salt per liter. Now, you will hydrate. You take your water in glass bottles, you drink it and you hold it in your mouth for a moment or two.

That water with the sea salt, which is the same thing they give you in an emergency room, normal saline. What’s normal saline? Sea salt and water. That hydrates you, then hydrates your liver and then hydrates the rest of your body. In Asian medicine, the liver is the mother of the heart. If you have anger, you can’t feel love. All you can feel is pain. If you look at anybody with a heart problem, show me their liver. Check their liver. You’ll find anger. What’s the best thing we can do for our children?

We think we know our children so well. I promise you, we don’t. We don’t know them well enough to know what they need, so we ask the creator to reveal their true nature. What do they need? Coming out of their mouth will blurt out something to you, and you go, “Wow. I didn’t know they were thinking of that.” What does the child need? Hours and hours of attention? No, you walk by the child, he’s working on a model of something. You sit down and say, “Child, what are you working on?” “Oh, daddy, nothing.” “Well, no, it’s something. What is that?”

They’ll say nothing because they think you’re too busy. They don’t need an hour or two. They need 10 minutes of attention. “Well, tell you, show me what you’re working on.” Just stay there until they show you. Now, you’ve honored your child by giving them the attention they need. It’s that little bit of special time. What’s going on right now? There is this pandemic going around the world. I don’t know what to call it. It’s just a demic. What is it? It’s just fear. I don’t know anybody in my constituency of people that I’m working with, I don’t know one person from the age of my grandchild up to the oldest person I’ve got, not one person is sick.

They’re all doing well. Why? Because they all hydrate. They’re all doing their emotional release work. They’ve rejected the fear. What is the first thing I hear from somebody that comes to get some cancer testing? “I’m so afraid.” “Why are you so afraid?” “The doctor said if I don’t listen to her, I’m going to die.” Really? Never follow the train of thought fear. Fear is the opposite of love. Fear is the opposite of peace of mind. If you believe in divine health, which I do, I’ll be 70 on my next birthday, which is a few days from now, May 3rd.

I’ll be 70 years old. I’ve never had anything wrong, ever, in my life. I’ve broken 14 bones from acting crazy on motorcycles, bikes and whatever else. I love horses and football injuries. I’ve never had a drug but once when I had to get operated on, and they would not operate unless I took 15 minutes of antibiotics. I took 15 minutes of antibiotics, and no pain drugs. Within seven days, I got acupuncture. Now that I have the tools, like my son uses in his practice, to get rid of pain. Put a frequency device on a broken bone and within seven to 10 days, it’s healed. Done. 

What is the crux of everybody’s issues right now? Everybody is low in minerals. Why are they low in minerals? They’re low in minerals because of frequencies. What kind of frequencies? This kind of frequency. Cellphones are jacking up everybody’s frequencies, so they’re demineralizing. They’re dehydrated. They’re constipated. They got bludgeoned by their smart meters. Everybody’s got a smart meter. You stand in front of that smart meter for just a few seconds, and I promise you, your heart is going to hurt. The right center of your chest is going to hurt, because I’ve stood in front of that. It will hurt because the negative energy of that thing is bludgeoning your energy point.

If you do a heart monitor, and stand in front of a smart meter, you’ll get your answer. What are the smart meters doing to thyroid issues? Bludgeoning the thyroid, so don’t sit next to your modem. Put a cloth over your modem. Hardwire your modem. Turn off your modems at night. Put a little meter on it. That’s what I had to do, because I couldn’t remember to turn this stupid thing off, so we hardwired everything now. Even then, I don’t want it even functioning in the house, so we put a cloth over it. We hardwired everything from the modem to everywhere in the house, so it’s all hard wired.

At night, the electricity turns off to the meter. I took the smart meter, and I put this on the back of it. I got this device from California, and I put that on the smart meter. Now, the smart meter that sends out normally negative, horrific energy sends out very positive energy, very healing energy, because you can’t block any energy. That’s impossible. It’s just not going to happen, but you could put something on the meter to send out positive energy. We discovered that in some experiments with an inventor in California.

Wendy Myers: To transmute it, to transmute.

Dr. Michael Rankin: It changes into a wonderful positive energy, like you’re being healed. What does this do when you put this into your water, when you put this into your food? It knocks out the chaos.

Wendy Myers: What’s it called?

Dr. Michael Rankin: It’s called a tri-vortex disc. It is magnificent. I have it on all my phones, all of my healing devices and on the back of tablets.

Wendy Myers: You’re so full of knowledge. You have so much experience working with cancer patients and people with pain. What I really want to get to the root of is that you believe that everyone that is ill, that it’s a physical issue, but the underlying root cause is emotional trauma. 

Dr. Michael Rankin: Absolutely.

Wendy Myers: You really focus very much on emotional trauma and energy medicine or bioenergetics in your practice. Can you expand on that a little bit, about emotional trauma and how you work with people to uncover their emotional traumas? What do you do to release it?

Dr. Michael Rankin: Absolutely. Michael will tell you when we first started working together, before I became a naturopath, he said he got calls from people who said, “I was talking to your dad, and while we’re working together, he’s doing something. I don’t know what he was doing. He didn’t really explain very much but I don’t really care because whatever I went to him for, is gone.” There’s a lot of information in books. This book, for example, one of the best encyclopedias of emotional work in the world is this book. It’s called The Complete Dictionary of Ailments and Diseases by Jacques Martel. It’s a magnificent book.

You look up something like shoulders. Shoulders carry the burdens that were not yours to carry. They were too heavy for you. When people have shoulder pain, they carry the burdens that are too heavy for them. Why are they doing that? No one else is going to do it, so they’re rescuing somebody. The lady I mentioned a while ago that had a breast tumor, why did she have a breast tumor? The stress of her marriage, which is male, was not very nurturing. Why did she marry somebody who wasn’t very nurturing? We tested it. It was her father. She’s trying to repair the relationship with her father.

What did that do? That breast for the woman is the nest. The prostate for the man is the nest. Let’s say that the man has prostate issues. Something in the family lineage defiled the family unit. Something happened. What happened? It could be any number of things. The father was not very pleasant to the wife. The father cheated on the wife. The wife cheated on the father. Whatever the case may be, the child picks that up. Now, he’s going to fix it in his generation, so it’s generational stuff. I just say it’s very simple. The DNA carries all emotions, so what do we do?

We connect to an electrode that monitors the person’s energy, and tells us something about the person’s energy. A person I did earlier, they had no belief in their own abilities to heal. Why? Well, they said, “Well, I want to heal.” They had no chance of wanting to heal, so they’ll tell everybody around them they want to heal, but they had no will to live. Why don’t they have a will to live? Because they felt like a failure. What does that manifest in? Dementia and Alzheimer’s. What happens with Dementia and Alzheimer’s? What happens when your brain shuts down?

What’s the perfect place to hide? In a demented brain, in an Alzheimer’s brain. What’s exacerbating that? Lack of hydration. What’s exacerbating that? Cell phones to the head. We have all these stressors. We have emotional stress, let’s say from spouse to spouse. You show me somebody with Dementia and Alzheimer’s. I will show you somebody that’s living under emotional stress. One way or the other, man to the wife or wife to the man. “Oh, we have a great marriage.” Like my son Daniel would tell you, “Papa is a human truth detector. I can’t tell him anything that he doesn’t already know the story of.”

Why? We’re all connected to the one that created us. We’re all connected around the world, so we can get involved. We can listen to the news, and get all wound up and negatively stimulated by the news. That’s what they want to happen. What should we really do? Turn off the television? Take your daughter or your spouse, hand in hand, and walk down the street without your cell phone. How many people do you see walking down the street looking at their phones? What’s happening right now? People are negatively stimulated. Where do they go to get their stimulation all day long? Facebook, horrible. TikTok, horrible. They all spread all this negative news.

What are we doing? We’re bludgeoning our brains with negative news. You show me some of what’s on Facebook, TikTok and Twitter, all that all day long, all day long, all day long. All they’re getting is the negative stuff. I’ll show you somebody with anxiety. I’ll show you the children with anxiety. I’ll show you the parents separated from their children, on and on it goes. Everybody should take their cell phones and put them into a lead box. Put them away at 6:00 at night, period. 6:00 at night until bedtime, read some kind of papers or books.

We talk to our children. We share with our children. My son, Daniel, my 19-year-old, he’ll call me now and we’ll talk for two hours, non-stop. I just try to make sure I talk to him at the end of the day, because I know he’s going to go on and on and on. I want to listen to him, because he’s got a lot to talk about. He’s had a whole day’s worth, a week’s worth, a month’s worth. He’s a senior in college. He’s doing very well. Where do the emotions come from? Breast is the home. Prostate is the home. 

Leukemia is from downward inputs of spoiling of the family bloodline. It’s all recoverable. Nobody recovers from chemotherapy except 1% of the time or 2% of the time. Why do that? Why go there first? Don’t use the excuse that “the doctor said”. We’re as smart as any doctor. I was a whole lot smarter before I started studying anything about doctors. How did I learn that? 23 years after or 26 years after my father died, I found out the doctors killed him with the drug. My father didn’t die at 49 years old because he was unhealthy. My father died at the hands of a doctor who gave him the wrong drug.

They killed him. They gave him a drug for pain and killed him. We live in divine health. My father told us when I was 14 years old, “If you’re ever sick, it’s either spiritual or emotional. Get over it.” Now, here I am at 70 years old, and I’ve never been sick.

Wendy Myers: He was an attorney, and was saying that.

Dr. Michael Rankin: He was an attorney for goodness sake.

Wendy Myers: Saying that if you’re sick, it’s emotional or spiritual. 

Dr. Michael Rankin: Spiritual.

Wendy Myers: As I did this Evox ZYTO scan, it was so amazing. This is the starting point that you do when you’re working with people, because the ZYTO scan, is a bioenergetic scan, much like NES Health, but it has 500,000 different data points, including our emotional traumas. It’s really compelling.

Dr. Michael Rankin: Exactly.

Wendy Myers: Tell us a little bit about that scan and why you use it with your patients.

Dr. Michael Rankin: Well, I’ll tell you, number one is it’s about a two-hour scan, and it tells me everything about emotional, spiritual, physical and every organ. What organs are out of balance in priority? If I had to do that on my own, it would take me about 40 or 50 hours of doing that on my own. The doctor that created this is just a genius, and he wanted it organized so anybody could be a genius like him. He was very understanding of how the human body worked. Years later, I’m now using this technology that he created, the software to use within the platform. The platform is an electrode. 

The electrode is just a way for me to connect with anybody in the world. I can work with someone in Timbuktu. I can work with somebody in Italy. I can work with someone in Pakistan. I can work with somebody in China, New York or Boston. It doesn’t matter where they are. I can get a reading from them, and then I can look at their reading and I can tell mental blocks to healing. Now imagine this, I was working with a very successful, very determined guy. What was his mental block to healing? That if he died, nobody would care. Now, that’s not a very positive thought.

When we talked about that, he said, “Oh, my God,” “I always wondered that my whole life. If I passed away tomorrow, would anybody remember me?” What was the number one thing though, out of 27 different mental blocks to healing, which would have taken me weeks to discover? One test tells me if he is healed, it’s not safe for anybody else. What does that mean? He’s developed a way of living in his family where everybody expects a certain thing. Is it this family or the family he came from? The parent from the family that he came from is still the same person growing up, and they’ve never changed.

If I become a positive person, that I’m somehow disenfranchising myself from my own parents. It’s scary to be better, because I’m all of a sudden losing my power. What’s negativity? Power. What’s his mental blocks to healing? If I get better, it’s not safe for everybody else. Think about that. It makes no sense. No will to live. You think this vibrant person that’s successful, has a will to live. He said no, no will to live. It’s not safe for me to heal. He went to a certain type of school that taught idolatry, statues and everything. Idolatry, it’s separation of our spiritual self with the creator.

It doesn’t matter what it is. You can call it Christian. You can call it Hindu. It’s still the same idolatry. It doesn’t matter. It’s still idolatry. There was no spiritual nature in this person. As soon as I see those things, and I very quickly go through these results, and then I look at his scan and I can see all of his brain functions. Out of the top 20 things, the brain is out of balance on seven out of 20. What do you think I’d better do? I’d better help him get his brain in order because that person who’s in their early age, is on the road for dementia.

What happened to his grandfather? Dementia. What did he think was possible for him? Dementia. No, it’s not possible for him if he does the things he needs to do. We went back and looked at what was the relationship between grandmother and grandfather?  It wasn’t good. Why did grandpa get dementia? Because grandma was a really gnarly, very negative person. What did grandpa do? He went into his shell. Where was his shell? Dementia. Separated himself from his environment. What was the other part of this person’s challenge? Shoulders.

What showed up in the very first part of his scan? Joints. Why joints? Because he’s carrying the burden of himself, his father and his father’s father. It wasn’t safe to be positive. Wow. In one scan. The other thing we looked at, we looked at all the cancer levels. We looked at 20 different levels of cancer. We looked at what is it going to take to resolve those cancers? We can tell you very, very clearly where the stress of the body is, that allows the cancer to grow. 

Cancer never kills anybody, period, full stop. The treatment of cancer, the inappropriate dealing with cancer, is what causes people to succumb.

Wendy Myers: The lack of data addressing emotional trauma.

Dr. Michael Rankin: The lack of not addressing emotional trauma. If you don’t address the emotional trauma, then you end up being easily manipulated and talked into doing something that’s poisonous, starving to death, because you did chemo or radiation. You become emotionally disenfranchised from yourself because you’re already emotionally disenfranchised from your own understanding about yourself. Then you become depressed because now you’re sick as a dog, and you did it to please everybody else in your family. That was your emotional construct. What did they find out when they did research about this? Why did most people do the conventional treatment?

Because my family wanted me to do it. Okay, well, maybe your family just wanted you to be healthy. Why not investigate alternatives? Everybody’s smart. My children are all smart. Your children are smart. We can all discover what’s appropriate. We can go back and study the basics of this. What stops this emotional trauma? The unworthiness of knowing. The doctor is smarter than me. What is that statement? I’m not smart. The lady that cleans my house, she’s brilliant, absolutely brilliant. There’s stuff that she knows how to do, I don’t know how to do. 

I told her this morning, “You’re just absolutely brilliant.” Oh, I’m just not smart. I said, “If you say it one more time, I’m going to fire you.” I said, “Why do you say that?” “I don’t know,” because somebody said it to her as a child. Who said it to her as a child? Her mother. What happened to her mother? Her mother was mentally ill. Why was her mother mentally ill? Because she had a trauma as a child, and nobody ever addressed it. Her mother had a really messed up gut. What did that cause? A form of schizophrenia, bipolar. Her mother told her all this negative stuff as a child, so what’s going on right now?

The emotional trauma is causing her to be obese. She’s 100 pounds overweight. Why? To be safe. That’s what a majority of weight issues are not being safe. If anybody listening said, “I’m safe. I’m safe,” and they tested themselves, and I can teach you very easily how to test yourself. The majority of the people are not safe. You just take a phrase that I used this morning, Wendy, with somebody. What was the phrase? A very simple phrase, “I deserve to feel safe, comfortable and confident in my body.” I did this with a very successful person who doesn’t sleep at night, because he doesn’t feel those things.

He’s not safe in his own body. Why? Because he felt that way growing up in his childhood. Now he’s not safe. His family’s not safe with him. I don’t know what to do about it, so I’m going to work a little harder. I’m going to work six days a week. I’m going to work seven days a week. I’m going to work 14 hours a day. I’m going to work 15 hours a day. My son is never positive, because what am I doing? I love spending time with my family, because I’m not safe. I’m not safe. I’m not safe. I got to save my family from myself, so I’m going to work and work and work and work and work.

Everybody listening to this podcast can get one simple book, and everybody should get this simple book called Feelings Buried Alive Never Die. Then you go through this book, and you look at what does this mean? What does it mean to me? How do you do it? Just say you’ve got a problem with respiratory. What is respiratory? Lack of love.  I’ve had asthma my whole life. I promise you, a person reads that and they look in this book, Feelings Buried Alive Never Die. Lack of love. What is Lyme disease? Lack of love.

Do you know how many active Lyme I could have in my body right now, when I tested a couple weeks ago? Three active Lyme. Do I look like I’ve got Lyme disease? No. What is Lyme disease? Lack of love. 100% of the time, if you give me a person that has Lyme, I promise you there’s a lack of love consciously or subconsciously. They’re trying to live up to an expectation that’s not real. They’re not living for themselves. They’re not accepting love for themselves. They don’t feel love from around themselves. What’s a parasite? A parasite, same thing for a different reason, lack of love.

Wendy Myers: We all have parasites, fungus and mold and all this stuff.

Dr. Michael Rankin: Everybody does.

Wendy Myers: All of us have that. People focus so much on this. What are they doing wrong?

Dr. Michael Rankin: It’s natural because they think this little microbe has some kind of control over them. Are you kidding me? Stop eating genetically modified food. Stop eating GMO foods. Stop eating crap. What are making holes in your gut? Everybody’s got parasites. Everybody’s got fungus. Everybody’s got Lyme. Everybody’s got all kinds of bacteria issues, everybody. I had a patient the other day. He had psoriasis on their ankle. Why do they have psoriasis on their ankle? Guess what it related to. When they were younger, they kept spraining their ankle to where they can no longer play basketball, and they were looked at like some kind of a wuss by their buddies.

They’re carrying that shame, shame with fungus. What’s all psoriasis? Fungal based. What is all fungus in everybody’s body? Dandruff in the head, fungus. What’s fungus? Devaluation conflict. Everything has an associative emotion with it. If someone’s got a fungal issue coming out of their toes, I promise you it’s rattling the body. All they do is look in the mirror, look at their tongue. If they got fungus on their tongue, they could just email me, and I’ll tell them everything about their tongue in a matter of seconds.

This is where it is, and this is why it is. If you get fungus on your kidneys, and it shows up on your tongue, the tongue shows where your kidneys are with a little image we could send them. If it’s fungus on the kidneys, that means they are living in fear. Where’s the weakness? In the kidneys.

Wendy Myers: The kidneys represent isolation, as well. 

Dr. Michael Rankin: The kidneys represent isolation.

Wendy Myers: A lot of people are going to have kidney issues from this whole pandemic, from isolation and fear.

Dr. Michael Rankin: Exactly, Wendy. Exactly. Guess what else is happening across the board. As a community of women that you connect with through all of your thousands of podcasts and all the people that connect with you, just ask everybody, “How many have a bladder infection when this demic started?” Why? Territorial. What do you mean territorial? What does a male dog do? A male dog goes out and marks territory with their urine. What does a woman’s planet do when their husbands all of a sudden home because of this current demic? Everybody’s home, everybody’s in the woman’s way and blah, blah, blah, or the woman’s home and the husband whatever.

It’s territory stress. What’s territory stress? Bladder. 100% of the time when we see urinary tract infections, something changed in the family unit. Somebody came home more than before. What happens when the man or the woman retires? Now they’re home, whereas before they weren’t home.

Wendy Myers: It’s interesting when I first got together with my husband, the first six months, I had a bladder infection. I couldn’t get rid of it no matter what I did. No matter what I did, because he moved in really, really quickly. We shacked up, really connected, and it was too quick. Nothing worked to clear up these bladder infections. It was really mysterious to me. Not anymore.

Dr. Michael Rankin: Exactly, and it will never work until you fix the underlying problem. This lady called me yesterday. She’s going to call me back at the end of the day. I said, “I need more time with you to get you empowered.” This lady was very successful in her business. Her husband told her if she didn’t quit, that he’d get a vasectomy. She had a problem with their first child. She didn’t quit. Got a vasectomy. Now, she’s got a tumor in her breast. Where do you think that came from? From that action. Every action has a reaction in the body, but every reaction in the body can be evaluated. How do we do that?

I don’t really care what you pick up. My choice of picking something up and reading out loud, so the only voice I hear is the voice of God speaking through me. I pick up the Bible and read out loud. I read the Bible all the time. Well, where is the manifestation of it? Show me the proof. This is not an academic statement. It’s like when someone’s in fear, how could you have fear and faith? Fear and faith cannot harbor the same space. Whatever your faith is, I don’t care what your faith is. Fear and faith cannot harbor the same space, so pick up a Bible, and pick up loud stuff.

Pick up whatever you want. Picking up Pablo Neruda’s Love Sonnets, my favorite of all time, caused me to start writing poems. That man loved his wife. Oh my goodness, gracious, pick up Pablo Neruda’s Love Sonnets, and read out loud. What does that do? It takes the stress right out of the breast for a woman that has breast cancer. This love that she reads about, this love that Pablo Neruda had for his wife. What’s colon cancer? Colon cancer is holding on to old crap literally and figuratively. When they do a colonoscopy, they go in and snip that thing that’s in the colon. What if that’s cancer? Now, you’ve just cut the very thing that the body made into a little mini tumor, a little polyp, which is a little mini tumor.

They’ve now cut it and spread it. Good idea? Bad idea? I don’t think it’s a good idea. I wouldn’t do it. If you ever trust somebody to go do an evaluation without cutting on you, then go ahead and do it. I don’t see the point. Everybody I’ve ever met has got something growing in their body. Everybody, because that’s what the body does. People don’t die of cancer. They die of the emotional conflict that’s put their cancer out of control. Lymphoma, what’s lymphoma? It’s a devaluation conflict. 

You show me somebody with lymphoma. I promise you they’ve had some devaluation conflict in their life. It’s a highly fungal driven cancer. Read the book Fungus Linked to Cancer, for goodness sakes. Look at Dr. Simoncini’s work in Italy, where he’d open people up as a surgeon, and he’d say, “Every tumor was surrounded by fungus.” Well, solve that problem. What is the fungus there? It’s a devaluation. Understand, we are designed, we are created to do with anything. One of my best friends in Texas, a devoutly family spiritual man. He’s older than me. I think he’s 77 or 78. He used to hold the flag for DDT, and they smoked right over the top.

He said it was the sweetest melon stuff. Then we used to chase it on our bikes as we watched the plane spreading DDT, but no cancer issues. The guy works 80, 90 hours a week. He’s one of the healthiest people I know. He lives in divine health. Does that mean he’s always doing the right thing? Not necessarily. At some point, because of his faith, he decided to stop drinking because he was a complete jackass when he drank. He decided not to do that anymore. He turned out to be a really nice guy when he wasn’t drinking. Why is that? Because anger is held in the liver. 

You keep putting alcohol into the liver. What does alcohol do? It separates you from your spiritual nature. Now, you’re going to bludgeon your heart through your liver, and you’re completely disenfranchised and full of anger. You can’t even feel alive when it’s there. Why do people drink more? They can’t feel love, so they drink more to get more love, and they just become hard to be around. He stopped drinking, and now all of a sudden, he’s not that same guy. His liver is healed. He’s a happy guy, and the liver is angry, for sure.

The spleen is all about purification or bloodline. Lymphoma, what is lymphatics? Lymphatics is where we carry our shame. What is gorging on every woman’s breasts more so than any human body, lymphatic tissue. You get dehydrated. What’s going to happen is you’re going to carry more stress in your breast with the lymphatics being clogged. If you’ve ever done lymphatic work, everybody knows as soon as you do the lymphatic work and you hydrate yourself to do more lymphatic work, and take care of that, all of a sudden, you lose all this stress. You feel very much at peace.

There’s a very good word I learned from a doctor at Mayo Clinic, reverse logic. Use the reverse logic. Start with the problem, and with branching logic, we’re back to the source of the problem. You work back to the source of the problem. You figure out how it got there in the first place. What is emotional work? Getting back to the source of the problem.

Wendy Myers: It’s so powerful how you work with people. You work with me. You work with my business partner. I connected you with another client. I mean, I’ve sent dozens of clients to you guys after my experience working with you. You’re also just so heart centered. You care so much, so much more than any practitioners that I’ve worked with. I really encourage people, if you’re dealing with a serious health issue, and you know in your heart that maybe you haven’t done any emotional trauma work, it might be at the root cause of your health issues. We know that it is. I encourage you to reach out to Dr. Rankin and just experience working with him for yourself, because it was truly profound for me.

I’m going to be coming out every five weeks to do the whole series of treatments that I did, or such cutting edge stuff. 

Dr. Michael Rankin: Thank you.

Wendy Myers: What you also do, is monitor the success of what it is that you’re doing, if it’s working or not.

Dr. Michael Rankin: Exactly.

Wendy Myers: That’s what is missing from a lot of practitioners. They might do test to test to test, and like you mentioned, they’ll do an MRI, or they’ll do some other tests or another functional medicine test, and just keep testing. But really, it doesn’t track the progress of success. 

Dr. Michael Rankin: Not at all, Wendy.

Wendy Myers: Tell us about what you do to track what you’re doing, whether it’s working or not.

Dr. Michael Rankin: This is really important. Back before I became a naturopath and I was just doing research, I heard this word remission. I didn’t understand what it meant, and it made no sense to me. I just started thinking about what does remission mean? Well, it means nothing, because they’re using a visual evaluation to determine if somebody is in remission, or they’re doing some kind of a test that tells them nothing about being in remission. People are not necessarily in remission. If they don’t do the proper test, like we do, to monitor the progress over weeks and months, they don’t know if it’s going up or down. 

Do you realize that the tumor marker test they give you can actually go up when your tumor is dying? We can monitor that. We can see if the organs are getting out of balance. By that time, pain hits the patient. They are long past the point of crisis mode. They need to step back before they go out to do whatever they’re going to do. Do you realize that we work with somebody that decides to do the conventional treatment, that we can help them do whatever they’re doing without pain? Why this doesn’t happen, is beyond me. If you look at our website,, you’ll see all these different issues and how they manifest physiologically in the body.

We can see where the cancer is at the beginning. We can see where it is six weeks later, and six weeks later, and six weeks later. We can tell them different things that are optional and available for them to use. They can track it themselves. We have a device. I can monitor them with this device in my office, and tell what the level of the energy is in their body. If the level of energy in their body is too low to survive, don’t you think you better do something about that? Absolutely. There’s many things they can take home, and use on themselves to build up their energy. There’s many types of juicing protocols. 

What’s the right juicing protocol? We test them and find out what is the right juicing protocol. So many of these websites and so many things on Facebook and other places are generic, generic, generic. Just because mistletoe works on somebody doesn’t mean it’s going to work on somebody else. When someone says, “Well, I’m going to use some type of protocol, how do you know what works for you?” You don’t know. We do a test to find out what’s supposed to work, and then monitor and see if it’s working. I can literally tell without talking to the patient, whether or not they’re following my protocol.

I promise you, if they haven’t followed my protocol, we do a test, every five weeks, and we organize that upfront. In the fifth week, we do another test. I said, “Well?” They go, “I’m sorry, I wasn’t really doing this.” I said, “You see that?” I see that. I said, “Your bacteria is out of control, but your fungus is getting better.” We’re able to monitor people, and we’re able to determine if they’re staying on course or not. Then we can predict ahead of time, but let me give you one simple thing that everybody can do right now today. You get a proper test to measure your pH, we use the Halcyon tests.

You can get it on Amazon and all kinds of places. We found it to be the most accurate. You measure your saliva in the morning, so you spit three times. On the fourth spit, you measure your saliva. That gives your foundation of pH, and it gives you a bellwether of survival. If the pH is below 6.5, and stays below 6.5 and keeps creeping down, the chances of survival are very little, because physiologically, the body is falling apart. It should be seven and above. What else do we monitor? Dr. Revici told us to monitor the urine pH in the morning and at night, 12 hours later.

If the pH goes above and below 6.2, then we know the body is cycling. The body is supposed to cycle. It’s not supposed to say high or low. If someone’s pH in the morning is 6.8, and they think it’s good, and it’s 6.8 in the afternoon, that means they’re constipated. They’ve got a stuck pH. It’s not supposed to be stuck. It should go above and below 6.2. Anybody can do this, right? They can monitor their saliva. They can monitor their urine. They can do it themselves. That’s a very simple way of doing it. If they want something more sophisticated, they can just email me or my son. 

I don’t know how many thousands of tests Michael’s done, but we sit down with every test that someone does, and we tell them what it means. We did a test for somebody. There was very little cancer in their blood, very little in their urine, so a tumor marker test would show very little, but their spreading cancer number was off the charts. What caused it to be off the charts? They were doing radiation after radiation with mammogram after mammogram after mammogram after mammogram, so their spreading cancer was off the charts. If they don’t do something to get that into control, they’re going to have a spreading cancer by the time they find it.

Cancer doesn’t spread just haphazardly. People don’t get cancer here and cancer there for some unknown reason. We know, they know. We know the reason. Dr. Hamer showed us the reason with recall healing. That’s why we incorporate all of that with our emotional work. That’s why we do all the testing. On the scans that I do, I can tell what emotional, spiritual and personal blocks are there. I promise you, Wendy, if I do that scan, and it prioritizes the top 20 things in the first part of the scan, emotions are the top three. If there’s only one in the top three, guess what we’re going to work on, for sure.

100% of the time, if they’ve got more than two mental blocks to healing, they almost never have two. They always have eight or 10 or 12 or 15. Then we’re able to correlate all of that information, tell them to do a laser detox, tell them to do a colon cleanse, tell them to work with a colon hydrotherapist, tell them to do a water fast when they get strong enough and monitor them while they’re doing that. Then we monitor them again, and we find out their numbers have gone down. Now, we know they’re going in the right order. As soon as your body clears up, guess what clears up, your tongue. 

Anybody can look at their tongue and see if it’s white. Anybody can look at their tongue, and see ridges along their tongue if they’ve got lymphatic congestion, everybody. You saw it. You know how to do it. We teach everybody to do that. We want people to monitor themselves, and they want to get more sophisticated and come and talk to us. Anywhere in the world, we’ll do this. As you know, for a patient here, I’m sending something to England, where it’s totally locked out. I don’t care if it’s locked down. I can test it anyway.

Wendy Myers: I love that you use the ZYTO scan, too. I mean, it’s just a very quick test relatively, but it’s 100 functional medical tests in one. Everything has an energetic frequency that can be measured, everything.

Dr. Michael Rankin: Everything. 

Wendy Myers: Everything. This is what people don’t understand that energy medicine is a medicine of the future. People spend so much money, thousands of dollars on all these different tests. Why do that? Why do this one test for paracetamol, that one test for high blood pressure, and that one test for this and this blah, blah, blah. There’s all different types of bioenergetic tests, the ZYTO tests 500,000 different data points. It’s just amazing.

Dr. Michael Rankin: It’s all complete at the same time. How many times have you had somebody when you’re doing your detox discussion, which you’re so famous for, and I love it. They’ll talk about, “Well, I got this parasite test.” What are the tests you did?” “Nothing.” “Well, what do you know?” “Nothing.” When we do this test, if you had all the tests we’d have to do separately at the same time, it’s $14,200 in testing to duplicate what we do in two hours, and to get it done right then in two hours. The picture you get is that information in two hours, and then six weeks later, we do it again and see where they are. Then do it again and see where they are, and monitor them top to bottom each time they do it. 

I can tell you right now what’s happening to the people. I can see when they’re going outside like I tell them to go outside. Go sit on the grass. Sit in the sun. I can see them positively change just right on the scan we’re doing. It’s unbelievable, Wendy, what I see happens. The number of mental blocks comes down. The number of spiritual blocks come down. The number of issues in the top 25, all of a sudden, the emotions fall down to the last couple of percent. It’s amazing. Their mineral levels that were a problem in the beginning, which was emotionally based, have gone down.

Their mineral issues are going away, and on and on it goes. All by monitoring this test. I don’t like guessing. I could spend a week monitoring somebody energetically without the tool. But in a matter of a couple hours, I can tell everything about them in a matter of hours. I mean, how valuable is that?

Wendy Myers: It’s incredible. I’m very in touch with my physical body. I know a lot of things that are going on with my physical body. The scan, it totally correlated to everything that I knew to be going on with my body, that have correlated with other bioenergetic scans and functional medical tests. But for me, what I’m focused on right now is emotional trauma and wanting to prevent cancer. I know that emotional trauma causes cancers. That’s really why I came to see you, I discovered my lymph was blocked, which I was very surprised to hear. There’s something going on with my right breast, and just a lot of different things going on, that I wanted to release. I want that stuff coming up and out.

I want to get rid of it, so I can be my best self and help as many people as I can. You have just given a tremendous gift to me in the amount of information, direction and counsel that you’ve given to me. It’s a heart centered manner. I really encourage people, if you are struggling, you’re tired of going through that revolving door, and the medical or even functional medicine world. I encourage you to reach out to Dr. Michael Rankin Sr. You work with your son, Dr. Michael Rankin, Jr. He’s been on the podcast before. You guys are going to work in concert, you work together and are such a beautiful duo.

I encourage anyone listening to reach out to them. Where can we learn more about you and the work that you do?

Dr. Michael Rankin: I think one of the best places to go is They can make appointments there automatically. There’s a lot of really good information. I spent months and months and months correlating all the information about emotional release and what it means. There’s not one type of emotional release that works better than another, but they all work together, if you use them all together. We use a lot of different modalities. You go to and you can see those. You can see testimonials on there from different people. 

Wendy Myers: You have very powerful testimonials. It’s so amazing. 

Dr. Michael Rankin: It’s amazing, isn’t it? Isn’t it amazing? We had a lady with pain from liver cancer, which is the worst pain ever. Number one it’s liver cancer, which is very challenging to begin with. It also meant she had a lot of anger, which she did. I did a three hour session on a Friday night, because Michael and I just prayed about it. I said, “I gotta talk to this lady,” so we did. We found out later she was going to call hospice the next day, and she would have been dead, but she didn’t. That one session, that night, got her out of pain.

I have worked with Epstein-Barr. A person told me they were literally dying from Epstein-Barr. Nobody dies from Epstein-Barr. People don’t die from Lyme. They die from the emotional conflict associated with it. One session, Wendy, one session with this lady and she had no more symptoms. I had to prepare them that the next day when she woke up that she was not going to have any symptoms and it was okay. She came in on a stretcher, and she was okay at the end of it. She was a deeply spiritual lady. It all came when they decided they were going to get married, and one was Christian. One was Jewish. She felt like she was betraying her ancestral bloodline.

Wow, Epstein-Barr, do you think your Epstein-Barr changed overnight? I think not.

Wendy Myers: You have so many stories like this. I spent almost a week with you and your son. It was just amazing to hear all these different stories of miraculous healing. It’s not miraculous when you think about it . It is but when you think about it, the tools that you’re using are getting to that root, root, root cause of the health issues. It’s elementary, but it takes a long time for you to get there and to learn all these things. You also use a device called the echoscope and it was incredible. You used that on me. This is an amazing piece of equipment. 

I’ve known about it for a few years. I wanted to use one but I just had never had the pleasure. Tell us about that, and why that’s also a really key component of helping the patients.

Dr. Michael Rankin: Oh, Wendy, this is such a funny story. When I first got the echoscope, it’s about $40,000. It’s a big investment for any clinic. I promised Michael, which I hate to admit, but I promised Michael I’d really watch buying another piece of equipment. Keep in mind that everything I got so far has really helped, but this a lot of money. It’s 10, 20, 30 times more than anything else we have bought. I was at a meeting and I realized I’m supposed to have this. Michael was so mad. Now we have got multiple of these. Who’s one of the best with this equipment in the world? Michael.

Michael took somebody with trigeminal neuralgia, which is a horrible, horrible pain. It’s one of the most difficult emotional pains, but it’s also a physical pain that’s called the suicide pain. Michael called me up and he said, “Man, I had this patient with trigeminal neuralgia, and I’m just cringing.” He said, “It took me about 20 minutes.” He said, “It took me longer than I thought.” I said, “What?” He goes, “Yeah, it was pretty easy.” I went, “Are you kidding?” He said, “No, it wasn’t.” I said, “Wow.” I said, “What else did you do today?” 

He said, “Well, I had this lady with sciatica. She’s had sciatica for about 27 years. She hasn’t slept in forever. She hadn’t had a menstrual cycle in 10 years. I got rid of her sciatica. She didn’t tell me about her migraines. Her migraines went away. She called me the next week and said her menstrual cycle restarted. She was at the age where it should have been functioning, but for 10 years, she had amenorrhea.” It restarted all because of the work he did.

Wendy Myers: What is it doing? I mean, it’s just allowing the body to communicate again? It’s creating coherence in the body. What else is it doing?

Dr. Michael Rankin: Exactly. It’s creating coherence. What happens is there’s hundreds of people that have this device, but I’ve never seen anybody use it like Michael does. Michael has this divine intuition about the human body and the construct of the human body. We know that the body is full of acupuncture meridians, but it’s also the flow of those meridians that makes a difference. Michael’s able to take this device, and find out where the flow of that energy is going and where it’s blocked. He’s able to figure out what are the primary points of blockage in resolution, and then he uses this. When you attach this device, it gives you energy out, and it gets feedback back. 

If it goes at .5 hertz, it may not go back again at .5 hertz if it decided the body needed something different. There’s nothing I know of that does biofeedback constantly, thousands of times a minute. When you connect the two points of blockage, remember in Chinese medicine, pain is a blockage of energy. This senses where the blockage of energy is, and it senses what it needs to do to restore it. Then it starts restoring it with very gentle, rhythmic types of patterns. Remember, whenever you do this with acupuncture, they’ll do needle, needle, needle, right? But then you gotta come back over and over and over again.

This is so extraordinary that it not only fixes the blocks on either end of the blockage, but it fills in the flow pattern in the entire meridian tree. Let’s say someone’s got gallbladder. Where does gallbladder emanate from? You have gallbladder on your foot. You have gallbladder on your head. Where does most of the migraine start? In the foot, so if you go down and touch someone’s foot with a migraine, they’ll have pain down there, and they’ll have pain up here. Michael knows that. He knows how to follow the line. Where does it go through? Right through the leg, so he’ll go along the tree of the leg, and find out there’s another point there.

Then he determines which end of the echoscope he’s going to use, where he’s going to put them and then it starts giving the feedback. Then he tests it, and he gets more feedback. Then he might change where he puts the electrode. He might change where he puts the other electrode. He gets more feedback. With the lady with trigeminal neuralgia, which is horrible, horrible pain, that’s why they call it suicide pain. In 20 minutes results, sciatica results and migraines results. That’s why we try to work it so that Michaels does the work with the echoscope. I have an echoscope as well.

I’ll go out and do week-long protocols. I’ve flown to England to work on people for 10 days. I’ve gone to Virginia, DC and Florida to work on people. People fly in from all over the place to see Michael for pain, because they have been somewhere working with somebody for years and years and years, they come and see him and resolve it. As soon as they come in the door, if he senses they’ve got some emotional block that’s going to prevent them from allowing him to do what he needs to do, he gets on the phone with us. We try to be as flexible as we can, so if someone calls us about an appointment for something, like the lady that called me about the breast tumor, I said, “I need more time with you. Call me back today.”

She’ll call me back today. She doesn’t have any formal appointment. When I said that the need is acute, then I’ll start dealing with it, and try to give her some guidance on how to make good decisions. Michael does the same thing. When he realizes that the dominance of their block for their pain is emotional, he gets on with me right away, and then we start working on that. It’s a wonderful tag team between the two of us. What’s really cool, Wendy, is when I do this test, the chi fractal test that looks at all my energy points, and then Michael works on me with the echoscope. It’ll go up between 50% and 100% improvement to 300% improvement in a 125-minute session. It’s stunning.

Wendy Myers: I saw the same results too, because you were using the chi fractal test that tests your meridians, your heart rate variability, all these different variables, your brainwave patterns and all that jazz. You were testing me. You did a baseline, and then after I did this one treatment, and after I did another treatment, after I did the echoscope, and wow, did my numbers all go up. All my meridians, all my chakras, my HRV, everything dramatically improved after using the echoscope.

Dr. Michael Rankin: Exactly. We have so many tools, Wendy, to monitor people. So many tools we’ve learned from the Asian medicine. Everything we do taps into that knowledge. When we work with cancer, the Chinese have remained resolving cancer for more than 5,000 years. The most successful herbs of all time that helped with cancer conflicts, and that’s what call them as a cancer conflict, comes from China. When you look at these cancer herbs from China, every description of a cancer or a group from China talks about the emotional, spiritual and physical block of that person. Why do they do that? Because they know that it’s all connected together. 

What happens when we do our scan, our biomedical scan? We’d look at all those things. Then we’d look at the answer to all those things. Now, we know what is the number one thing causing that person from healing. There’s always one predominant block. Then we start from there, and then work backwards. We’re very patient. Once somebody does this scan, I may talk to him 10 times. I may talk to him 50 times. Whatever it takes, whatever they need is what I’m going to do, because the thing that leads all of us that are successful, is love. What I learned from the first exposure I got from the first doctor that started teaching me about this thing, was love.

I realized that the people who are successful in our profession do it with love. Those that are missing love and are all part of the dollar, the dollar, the dollar. Those people will never get well. They go south of the border, and they come back just as bad or messed up as when they went down in the first place. Why? They never got to deal with their emotional conflicts in a total way. They do a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Forget it. If you don’t do the emotional stuff before you go, you’re wasting thousands, 20, 30, 40, $50,000. What’s the number one thing we hear after they’ve been to the south? Broke, and still with the same conflict they went down there with.

Stop doing that. Get the emotional work done first, so that when you decide to do something… What’s the phrase we like to use? I deserve peace, love and harmony. I deserve peace, love and harmony. I deserve peace, love and harmony. How does a person, a man or a woman, get connected to somebody that’s bad for them? They don’t deserve peace, love and harmony. Where does that come from? From their mother or their father or both. Where does that start? Inside the room. It doesn’t matter how smart a person is. If they still hold on to that old story, which is not their story, then their story gets them stuck.

Wendy Myers: When you’re talking about all these different case histories and patients, I think it’s so easy for people to not be able to see the forest through the trees, and only look for a physical solution to what they perceive to be a physical issue.

Dr. Michael Rankin: That’s right.

Wendy Myers: That’s the mistake that people make. That keeps them going to the supplements, the functional medical doctors, the conventional doctors, and just looking for this next program or pill or something that’s going to fix things. You need to look at the emotional trauma, the underlying root cause. That’s a message I keep trying to say over and over and over. 

Dr. Michael Rankin: Exactly.

Wendy Myers: Dr. Rankin, thanks so much for coming on the show. 

Dr. Michael Rankin: You’re very welcome.

Wendy Myers: I wanted to have you come on. You’re someone that I’m personally working with that I have on my personal team. I recommend he be part of your personal team as well.

Dr. Michael Rankin: Thank you.

Wendy Myers: You will not regret it. Go to That’s his website. Any parting words or any anything else you want to mention?

Dr. Michael Rankin: Well, I think you’ve been a very good benchmark for people to understand what helps people, and it’s love. What’s the first thing I told you when I saw your first podcast? Love. I said people follow this woman because of love. She gives love out. She’s always looking for the best solution, and she does it with love. The doctor in Sweden that I work with, he’s just pure love. That’s how we help people the most. We love them, and we love them, and we love them. If they want more than that, we can do some very practical, wonderful things, but it’s all about love first. If you feel fear, that’s the opposite of love.

If you’re being goaded into making a decision out of fear, it’s the opposite of love. Don’t make a decision based on fear. Do it based on love. If it’s a lack of knowledge, just call us at We’ll answer your questions. You may not like it. You may like it. That part doesn’t matter to us. We’re there to give you an answer that might help you, and that’s it. That’s our only goal. I will tell them if there’s something wrong, we’ll get to the bottom of it no matter what. It shouldn’t last for long, endless periods of time. Like you said in the very beginning, you had 10 years of therapy. 

Talking didn’t do it. It’s the emotional release work that allows you to see the beauty of your own life’s existence. It was that pure love that caused you to make a change, and it’s pure love that causes everybody to make changes. That’s what we’re here for, really.

Wendy Myers: Fantastic. You’re such an inspiration, and I want to be a practitioner like you who is truly heart-centered and truly cares about their patients, is responsive to them, and just responds to them. You give your personal phone number out. You text with people, and you’re really there to support people in the way they need to be supported. If someone’s looking for that, something very refreshing and different from the traditional mode of care, reach out. Everyone, thanks so much for tuning in to The Myers Detox Podcast. I’m Wendy Myers of

I do this show because I want to show you how you can heal your body, how you can become your own doctor, how energy medicine is the medicine of the future and how the root cause of our health issues is emotional trauma. These are the basic tenets you need to embrace, when you’re looking to resolve your health issues. Thanks for tuning in, and I’ll talk to you next week.

Speaker 3: The Myers Detox Podcast is created and hosted by Wendy Myers. This podcast is for information purposes only. Statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast including Wendy Myers and the producers disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein. Opinions of guests are their own, and this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guest qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem, consult a licensed physician.