Transcript #407 The Power of Gut Health for Detox with Tim James


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  1. Find out what’s in store on this Myers Detox Podcast with Tim James, who joins the show to talk about how gut health affects your ability to detox. Tim goes over what factors cause bad gut health, surprising solutions to re-establish the gut microbiome, his amazing 4 tenants of health, and so many other great topics on gut health, detox, and staying healthy. 
  2. Plagued by eczema, bleeding rectally, and being 42 pounds overweight, Tim experienced an extremely harrowing event on vacation that lead him down a path to becoming a health expert. Learn more about Tim’s journey.
  3. Learn about Tim’s incredible strategies for cleaning up the gut, including supplements to take, and protocols that address different areas of the gut. 
  4. Find out the major contributors to poor gut health, including stress, and the astronomical amount of toxins that we are exposed to everyday. 
  5. Learn about Tim’s 4 tenants of health, his four secrets that, when done correctly, can greatly improve your health.
  6. Find out what supplements Tim recommends using, and what to look out for when choosing the right supplements.
  7. Learn about Tim’s supplement line which consists of Green 85 Juice Formula and Gut Detox.
  8. Read Tim’s final words, and where you can learn more about his work and his supplements.
  9. You can learn more about Tim and his work at


Wendy Myers: Hello, I’m Wendy Myers of Welcome to the Myers Detox Podcast. Today we have a special guest. We have Tim James on the show. This is such a good show. It’s very funny and very entertaining. Tim’s going to be talking about gut health and how that impacts your ability to detox. We’re going to be talking about all the different things that negatively impact gut health and Tim’s really surprising solutions to re-establishing the gut microbiomes. It’s really, really funny, really interesting and so on-point. He’s also going to be talking about his four tenets of health, the four basic things that you need to do to get healthy. I think so many people over-complicate their health. They think it has to be this amazing or new protocol, this supplement or what have you. Sometimes getting back to the basics is what you need to do to achieve the results that you want, with your health so we talk about Tim’s top four tenets.

Wendy Myers: We talk about so many interesting things on this show. We talk about how to choose your supplements and the mistakes that people make in choosing their supplements. We’re going to be talking about why you want to drink clean, restructured, energetically charged water. Tim goes into great length about what that is and what it can do for your body. We talk about so many things, it’s such a good show. Tune in to learn more about gut health, especially if you’re having gut health issues.

Wendy Myers: I know you guys watching this show are concerned about your body burden of toxins and what to do about it. That’s why I created a quiz you can take at After you take the quiz, you will get your results and then you get a free video series that answers all of your frequently asked questions about detoxification. Things like how to do it, how long it takes and what kind of tests you want to take. Just so many different questions are answered after you take the quiz at

Wendy Myers: Our guest today is Tim Jackson. He’s the Health Hero and he’s the founder of He’s one of those guys that will leave you feeling younger and more energetic just by hearing him speak. I could attest to that. I had a great time on the show. He’s filled with wisdom and so many great tips and tricks. The whole hour is filled with great tips that Tim gives us. His passion flows out of him like a fresh waterfall in a dry desert. He’s turning 48, but he feels like he’s 18 but with more energy. What is his secret?

Wendy Myers: After suffering from multiple health issues, including rectal bleeding, two separate skin issues, chronic acid indigestion and surgery to remove one of his organs due to serious digestive issues, Tim knew that something had to change. It was only after watching his closest ones die of cancer and the untimely death of his younger brother that he finally decided to take action. Tim’s journey led him to a shocking discovery, which helped his friend beat cancer and transformed every area of his life. Feeling charged with a duty to help others, he started sharing his knowledge with anyone that would listen. This led to him producing his own chemical-free food products and Chemical Free Body was born.

Wendy Myers: Tim’s inbox is constantly flooded with people singing and dancing about how his products had given them a new life that they couldn’t believe was possible. His story will have you laughing, crying and gasping, but most importantly, he will give you a recipe for a longer, happier and healthier life. You can learn more about Tim, his work and his supplements at Tim, thanks so much for joining the show.

Tim James: Wendy, thank you for having me on. I’m excited to share with your listeners. I hope that they get one thing from today that they can go home with, get excited about, take action on and get some results.

Wendy Myers: Yes. That’s how we do this show. We want people to get lots and lots of tips that they can use at home. You are known as the Health Hero. You’re the founder of the Can you tell us a little bit about your story and how you got into the whole toxin-free world?

Tim James: Yes, absolutely. Well, it didn’t start out that way. I actually grew up in Eastern Oregon on a small pig and cattle farm. I grew up on the standard American diet. I was hunting and fishing a lot where you hunted deer, elk, chukars, pheasants and quail, I mean, pretty much everything. I played baseball like I said, at a high level. Everything was great. I loved my childhood. I loved growing up in the woods, out in the farm and in the garden. Everything that we did, I enjoyed it. My friends and I were outside a lot. We never wanted to be inside until Nintendo came to be. Then I was going crazy on Nintendo when I was kid, like when I was 11 or something.

Wendy Myers: I was all about Atari.

Tim James: Yes, Defender, deet, deet, deet. That was a cool one. Do you remember Pong 2, that one before?

Wendy Myers: That was a little before my time. I hated Pong, but I played it anyway.

Tim James: When it’s all you got, you do it, right? So anyway, those darn electronics have stolen a lot of childhoods from people, from kids, from being out in nature and lowered their immune system too, causing stress and all this stuff. I remember throwing a video game, but we’re getting off course here. So anyway, let’s just fast forward. I’m 37 years old. I moved to Portland, Oregon. Big city financial advisor, two kids, wife, house and mortgage. I’m coaching sports and doing all that stuff. I had found myself 42 pounds overweight. I had a huge patch of eczema on my left knee and two patches on each elbow that would crack and bleed all the time. As a financial advisor we were supposed to wear white shirts. I couldn’t do it anymore because I would just ruin them. I’d stain them with blood. If I went over to your house, I’d bump up on your walls. I was always cleaning blood. It was really annoying, painful and embarrassing.

Tim James: For me, I was a very outgoing A-type personality person. But guess what? With the weight gain, the lack of energy, the mental fatigue, the mental clarity loss and these salamander elbows and knees, I found my universe shrinking. I didn’t want to take my shirt off at the beach. I was embarrassed just to be me. I’ve found out as I’ve shared my story, that a lot of people are in similar circumstances. Stay until the end because we have a lot of stuff for you to turn that all around.

Tim James: Anyway, this went on and then I had really bad acid reflux. I was eating Tums and rollers 24/7. The doctor wanted me to take Prilosec. I didn’t want to do that because it just sounded weird. Probably one of the best things I did was not getting on all the drugs and stuff. Who knows what that would have done? I had already done plenty of antibiotics as a kid, destroying my immune system without knowing it. My parents didn’t know either. They were good, decent people. They just didn’t know. Then it got worse. Then I started bleeding rectally. Every time I pooped, it was very painful. On a scale of one to 10, one being no pain and 10 extreme pain, I was about a six or seven, followed by blood. Here I am bleeding rectally, bleeding elbows, bleeding knee, and life wasn’t really that fun. I’m just like a head in the sand. I was a guy. I was like, “Oh, I hope that goes away,” every time it happened. It just wasn’t fun.

Tim James: Then I was on a plane. We took a plane flight down to Peru. I know you’re down in Mexico now, which is pretty cool. You can get some nice weather and do all this stuff. We planned this trip. My wife and I met her dad down there. We were in Tumbes, which is just south of Ecuador. Beautiful beach, a private place. There’s like nine families on this private oasis. All of a sudden I got really, really ill. I had tremendous pain in my gut. I was bent over. I had to walk at a 90-degree angle, I couldn’t even stand up straight. That’s the only way I could walk. I missed the plane flight out of there by 30 minutes. There’s only one  flight out a day.

Tim James: Her dad was a medical doctor who ran a big clinic in Lima, thank God. They put me in a van and we left from our vacation. For six hours in the middle of night, I’m on this bumpy ride to Piura, which is another town in Peru. Took me into a hospital there and put me on the examination table. There’s bugs flying around my head. It’s like in a third world country, right? I’m pissed because I’m like, “Gosh dang it. I paid into healthcare my whole life and now I can’t use it.” That was frustrating. I landed, got on a taxi and went right into surgery and then spent the rest of my vacation and my wife’s dad’s vacation … listen to this. He had never taken a vacation in 30 years. This was his first vacation. It was terrible. He’s back at the hospital, right?

Tim James: My wife ended up wheel chairing me back into the United States, as I was still in recovery. What I learned from that lesson, Wendy, was that my poor health doesn’t just affect me, it affects everybody else around me. Especially the people I care about most. We’d put a lot of time, effort and money into that trip. It was a big deal for us and it got cut short. I still didn’t know what to do. I mean, I tried high fat, low fat, high carb, low carb, high protein, low protein and five meals a day. I was reading books and trying to get healthy but every year I gained two to three pounds and just got a little unhealthier. If it wasn’t for my dogs, I don’t think I would have exercised. They couldn’t walk by themselves. I wasn’t even in the gym anymore and I was a gym rat from playing college baseball and I enjoyed it.

Tim James: I just didn’t want to do it. There was no drive there anymore, and it was painful. Then a friend of mine on my baseball team, Clay Mahoy, got diagnosed with cancer and we lost him. He was 40 at the time. He left three little boys behind from ages about six to 17. Up until that point, I had lost people in my family before. My grandma had died of brain cancer. My aunt had died of skin cancer and both were horrible. Anyways, I had gone through that. My mom was like an angel taking care of my aunt with melanoma. It’s really rough on people on both ends. People are old so you think, “Well, they are old. They die of something.” You don’t think much of it but Clay was 40. So now I’ve got somebody about my age and I’m like, “What is going on here?”

Tim James: Then right after that, my good friend Charles gets diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, which is a supposedly incurable blood cancer. This was fall of 2010. He breaks the news to me and he says, “Hey, I want to live. I’m going to go to this place in Florida called the Hippocrates Health Institute.” Have you heard of them?

Wendy Myers: Oh yeah, I have.

Tim James: Okay, cool. So we went there. For those of you listening that don’t know, at the time it was like a 61-year-old detox and nutrition clinic. I had no idea what I was getting into, literally. I just said, “Yes, Charles, I’ll go support you.” January 1, 2011, we fly to Hippocrates.

Tim James: We land, and on the way there he’s like, “Oh, by the way, Tim, when we get there, there’s no meat, no dairy, no salt, no sugar, no vinegar. There’s nothing cooked over 115 degrees.” He’s reading out of this little manual thing. I’m like, “What? No meat?” I’m freaked out now. I’m freaked out. If it wasn’t for him having cancer, I would have turned the plane around. As a farm kid, meat was more about being a man and how are you going to build muscle without it? I literally freaked out there. I’m like, “Okay, Tim, you had a salad bar in high school just minus the hamburger. We’ll figure it out”. Your friend’s dying of cancer, you pull it together if you’re here for him and not you.

Tim James: I go there and they put me on this high vibe diet, basically of sprouted nuts, sprouted seeds, sprouted grain, sprouted beans, sprouts, sunflower sprouts and all that stuff. We drank purified water. We drank lemon and lime juice in it. We had these wheatgrass shots and green juices. They had people putting wheatgrass down their throat and all over their body, actually inserting it rectally. That’s a therapy there. 

Wendy Myers: That’s hardcore.

Tim James: Yeah it is really, especially for me, like the first class there was called internal awareness. It was a three and a half hour class. This dude comes out. He’s a medical doctor. He’s chiseled. Dr. Scott Josephson, in fantastic shape. I thought he was 40. That day was his 50th birthday. I’m like, “What? You’re 50.” You couldn’t believe the guy was 50. After I went around and met the other people working there, the people that have been at the Institute working there for 10, 15 or 20 years. They looked 10 to 20 years younger than the rest of the population.

Tim James: You couldn’t tell their age. There was this one nurse. I thought she was maybe 36, and she was super attractive. She was 53. I’m just like, “These people are blowing my mind.” I’m like, “How is this even possible?” But I was still like, “How could this program help somebody with cancer?” They have got a race for the cure and billions of dollars being spent. We’ve got our best people on the case, right? Well, the Hippocrates Health Institute is not just a detox and nutrition clinic, it’s a school. They have 40 hours of lectures a week and have to re-educate you on how life really works. Back to that class, this internal awareness class, Dr. Josephson taught us about from the time we chew food until the time it exits the body and everything that happens. Now, that was fantastic.

Tim James: Then he was trying to sell us on enemas and colon hydrotherapy sessions. Now you’re probably familiar with those, or your listeners are?

Wendy Myers: I talk about that all the time.

Tim James: Okay. So you guys know what it is.

Wendy Myers: Guys love coffee enemas.

Tim James: Yeah, that’s wonderful! He starts talking about this stuff and I’m elbowing Charles going, “Okay, dude, I helped you to come here, but I am not going to do that colon hydrotherapy deal. It’s not happening.” This doctor was smart. He used virtual colonoscopies. They went inside a 24-year-old woman with Hashimoto’s and thrush, which is a yeast infection. It’s all white, yellow and nasty in there. I’m like, “Oh my God.” Then he goes into a 65-year-old male with colon cancer and parasites. You can see it’s all black and gross in his colon and worms crawling around.

Tim James: I’m like, “Oh my God.” Then he went to a 45-year-old female with breast cancer and I think she had colitis or Crohn’s or something. Some type of digestive issue and her gut was all jacked up. It was all nasty and gross. Then he showed a healthy person, “Now this person over here has been living the lifestyle that we teach and the colon looked great.” I was just like, wow. He goes, “These people eat the standard American diet,” and he goes, “You know, it’s not a big deal at birthdays, parties and weddings, once in a while but you know how much of the standard American diet stuff you’ve eaten?” I’m thinking, “That’s all I’ve eaten and my colon probably looks worse than these people’s.” It was all of a sudden that the light bulb went off and I’m like, “That’s why I’m so messed up. My colon’s got to be just destroyed.”

Tim James: Then it clicked because it’s like a tractor or a car. If it’s not running well, you don’t just throw more fuel into it or better fuel. You got to take it into the shop and clean it. If the check engine lights go on in your car, you don’t just keep driving your car. Oh, everything’s fine. If you do that, a couple things are going to happen. It’s going to break down and leave you stranded. You’re going to die of a heart attack or you’re going to be in the hospital when the wheel falls off. When you do get there, the bill’s going to be a lot more expensive if you don’t take care of it upfront.

Tim James: So I went over and signed up for my first colon hydrotherapy. The next day they go in and they weigh me. I do it for an hour. For those listening, you basically sit on a tube rectally. Water goes in and out for an hour to clean your colon. It’s really not that big of a deal. 

Wendy Myers: Did you lose 10 pounds?

Tim James: It was yeah, it was actually 10. I lost 10 pounds of impacted fecal material.

Wendy Myers: Really? Wow.

Tim James: The record at the institute at the time was one lady lost 27 pounds in one,  hour colon hydrotherapy session. You think about that, 27 pounds of impacted funk, gunk and junk. That’s the size of a medium-sized dog that fell out of this lady.

Wendy Myers: That’s how Elvis died. He had impacted fecal matter.

Tim James: Elvis and John Wayne had leaky gut. They had it all, right? In fact, they brought up Elvis and they brought up John Wayne as part of the story, right? So I’m blown away. I had night sweats. I was irritable for a few days, because I’m going right off the standard American diet to eat like a chipmunk so it was a big transition for me. That’s why a lot of people can’t do it at home because you’re busy. You’re working, with kids, taking care of everything and stressed. It’s a lot. We’d like to show people how to gently do it at home. Anyway, I’m very irritable. I don’t want to talk to people and they said, “By Thursday or Friday you’re going to wake up and feel like 10 to 30 years younger.” I’m like, “Oh God, please be Thursday,” because I didn’t want to go through another day of this.

Tim James: I woke up Thursday morning and I felt freaking fantastic. Charles and I, we did a little routine. We drank the lemon/lime water, we did the wheatgrass shots, the green juices, we worked out, did saunas and hot and cold plunges in the pool. We’re walking back to our little hacienda and I was like, “Dude, do you feel as good as I do?” He’s like, “Yeah.” I said, “We have discovered the fountain of youth.” I’m like, “This is literally what everybody’s looking for. My arms are literally tingling with energy. My brain, I feel like I’m 15 again, dude. I feel amazing.” I said, “I can’t believe I’m going to do this, but I’m going to give up all meat except for bacon. I’m going to do this whole program with you.” We came home.

Wendy Myers: I’ve been to a place where I’ve given up everything but bacon. I completely identify with that. It’s all there is.

Tim James: We come home and I start sprouting like crazy, growing wheatgrass. I struggled for a while trying to get sunflower seeds to sprout, the seeds were crappy. I finally got good ones and I’m growing those. Then we started juicing twice a day. That was my key, I juiced twice a day. I never freaking miss my green juices. I never miss them. 

Wendy Myers: I don’t either. I had one today.

Tim James: I started growing sprouts. In 60 days from the time I got home, 42 pounds were gone, the eczema in both of my elbows, gone. The other skin issue, my shoulder, I forgot to tell you guys about was this nasty fat stuff bubbling up, that was gone. That freaked me out. The patch on my knee took about eight months to heal up. I could feel my ribs again.

Tim James: My mental clarity was still good the whole time. I started working out again and everything started tumbling in the right direction for me. My friend, Charles, within two and a half years of the lifestyle, healed himself of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Supposedly this death-sentence cancer. I couldn’t even pronounce that in the very beginning when he first told us what it was. I’m like, “What?” I just called it cancer, because I couldn’t pronounce it. He was able to go see his son graduate high school, which was one of his big goals to heal for. He told me at the beginning, “I want to live. I want to see Charlie graduate high school. I want to see him. I want to go to father/son weekend and see him in college.” He was able to do all that. He went from bankruptcy and a cancer diagnosis to an executive in business.

Tim James: He’s got no cancer. He’s ran six marathons. He is cancer-free. We ran with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and our team in training. A lot of people were like, “What’s he doing? He should be home resting.” I’m like, “He’s kicking your butt.” He was healthy. He was on the way to healing, and crossing the finish line was an epic moment for him. I was very emotional. Again, I’m emotional just thinking about it because we knew at that point when we finished, that he was going to live. He did, it’s been 11 years and we played guitar a few weeks ago. We’re still friends. We hang out and it is awesome. I’ve just continued to geek out on this stuff. I walked away from being a financial advisor and now I coach people full-time and do similar stuff to you. We have products and stuff.

Tim James: I love teaching people about detoxing, sprouts and the power of nature. Getting all the man made garbage out of us that we can’t see. I can’t believe I get to do what I get to do and it’s fun.

Wendy Myers: Yes, it’s very rewarding and that was a really entertaining story. I liked that you connected with us so well about why you’re doing what you’re doing and why you’re so passionate about it. You know a lot about detoxification. Why don’t we talk about gut health and how important that is, why so many people will get it wrong and why you need to have a healthy gut health to be able to detox?

Tim James: I believe that the digestive tract, the small, large intestine, the stomach, that whole esophagus all the way down your teeth, right? The gateway to your health is your mouth so I take care of all this stuff. If we’re just going to focus primarily on the gut, we really have to start off with the mouth. You have to chew your freaking food well. You have teeth for a reason. This is part of our core four secrets. This is core secret number two actually, chewing your food well. I’ve benchmarked 600 people in my private coaching practice, less than 4% of people are chewing their food well. That means 96% of us have huge room for improvement here. Not only do we masticate the food and break it down and get into smaller pieces so it’s easier to digest, but we secrete enzymes. We have two ducts in our upper mouth and four in our lower mouth to secrete these enzymes, amylase and lipase, that break down our fats and our starches.

Tim James: When you chew your food, you’re pre-loading your food with these enzymes. Then they go down in your stomach and the enzymes then break down the starches and the fats. In your stomach you have substances called hydrochloric acid and pepsin. These break down the proteins, so that’s handled. What’s really interesting is that when you chew really well, you’re actually stimulating Meridian points in your teeth. I learned this from Gabriel Cousens. You can uptake your serotonin, your happy juice by up to 500%.

Tim James: For those out there listening and dealing with anxiety and depression, did you hear what I just said? Just by chewing your food well you can up-regulate your serotonin, your happy juice by up to 500%. What pill could you possibly take that would do that? Even a natural one. It’s amazing, forget about the synthetic acid-base pharmaceuticals. This is a big deal to chew your food and you’ll also eat less. You’ll get better absorption of nutrients, you’ll get digestion and absorption of nutrition. If you don’t chew your food well, you’re going to have fermentation and gut rot, and you’re going to slowly cause leaky gut. You’re going to have those little microscopic tears or holes in your intestinal lining and then undigested food particles and microbes are going to slip into the blood and start wreaking havoc. It could show up as cancer, Hashimoto’s, headaches or whatever. It just depends on your predisposition to a weakness, whatever the hell you’re eating or what you have got going on in your environment.

Tim James: So number one for gut health is the mouth, taking care of the oral microbiome is very important. That’s why masks are actually destroying the oral microbiome because when you put a mask on, you’re disrupting the airflow, raising the temperature of the mouth and then three of the bad bacteria proliferate. That’s why dentists call it “mask mouth”. They’re seeing a 50% spike in tooth rotting, gum disease and cracking teeth because the oral microbiome is being disturbed. Since our whole body is connected, the ankle bone is connected to the foot bone, well your oral microbiome is connected to your gut microbiome, connected to your brain and everything else in your body. This is a very intelligent system that we have. When you disrupt one area, you’re disrupting the rest, right? We have got to take care of that.

Tim James: I just bring that up because it’s a thing of the times, these mask debates. The reality is, the only masks that work are those N95 masks, yet you can only wear them for two or three hours and then you get headaches and lightheadedness. If we’re really serious about trying to block everything, we should just wear hazmat suits. I think there’s a better option, which is boosting the immune system and getting outside in the sunshine. I think that’s a better approach, but anyway…

Wendy Myers: I agree, I agree.

Tim James: Now you want to make sure that your gut is clean. That’s the first thing. Like if the engine’s all gummed up, you want to flush it out. That’s where the colon hydrotherapy comes in. That’s where lots of water is really important. You can do enemas, you can do Colema boards and there’s products you can take. I noticed that you have a Daily Detox Greens, that will help at some level. We have a green product too that does a similar thing. We actually have a product specifically designed for this. For the people that just are not going to do colon hydrotherapy, and I’m pretty convincing, but there’s still people that aren’t going to do it. 

Wendy Myers: There’s a lot of people that are not going to do it.

Tim James: They’re just not going to do it so we have a product called Gut Detox, and you can take three tablets or capsules twice a day for 15 days. You can get that six to 12 pounds of impact of fecal material out of the small and large intestine and there’s no diarrhea. That’s the key because now you can work, you can play, you can travel, you can do whatever you need to do and you don’t have to worry about it.

Tim James: You might notice some increased stool volume, but for most people they don’t notice anything. It’s a very gentle, thousand-year old formula from India. In my practice, our formulator, Dr. Scott, is actually trained over in Ayurvedic clinics with thousands of years of apprenticeship. He said, “Both clinics, no matter what their problem was, they walked out of there with this formula and the other herbal formulas on top of it.” It’s a really good body balancer, but when we doubled down on it, it helps to get that funk, gunk and junk out of there very easily. It’s kind of your little “do it at home” kit. Cleaning it out is really important and then recolonizing with bacteria. We’ve been so bombarded with toxins, heavy metals, radiation, pollution, antibiotics and stress, which is why I would like to have that be a whole topic on gut health, that we have to repopulate that gut bacteria.

Tim James: We do that with things like fermented foods, raw sauerkraut, kimchi’s and there’s stuff called natto, it’s fermented soy. I try to stay away from soy completely, but some people like it. I think it’s kind of gross, but whatever. Then you take digestive enzymes. It’s very important for a period of about two to three years to take digestive enzymes, especially if you’re changing your lifestyle, your diet and you’ve been on the cooked food diet your whole life, or pretty much mostly cooked food. That’s like doing bench presses with a broomstick. There’s no resistance. The resistance is the raw living foods, that’s the resistance. Cooked food has no resistance. When you’re eating cooked foods, you’re doing bench presses with a broomstick. There’s no resistance. You’re not going to really build any chest strength, right, or in the gut peristaltic or gut action.

Tim James: It’s the ability to move food through you, process it and pull it in through the intestinal lining. What ends up happening when people go all raw, they have all this gas and bloating issues. Well, they had it before, but now it’s worse. It’s because you threw 300 pounds on the chest press steel. You’ve been lifting a broomstick, so yes you do. You have people just add 10% of your food by weight, that is raw. We usually have people bump it up 10%, stay there for a while and then bump it up 10% and stay there for a while. Just keep going with it until you find the sweet spot for you. In the meantime, take digestive enzymes with a meal.

Tim James: That’s going to be like having a spotter there helping you lift that bench press as you’re adding more weight to it. Does that make sense?

Wendy Myers: Absolutely.

Tim James: Very important.

Wendy Myers: Really amazing way to explain that.

Tim James: Now after two or three years you really don’t need digestive enzymes anymore. I actually take more of them now because I take them with, or even without meals and the body sucks them up and uses them for cell regeneration. They’re actually a very inexpensive, anti-aging formula. So there’s that. We clean up the digestive tract. We repopulate it with bacteria and we take digestive enzymes. We chew our food really, really, really well. Now, with all that said, I have people that do all these things, they eat super healthy, they get all the toxins out and all that stuff, and they’re still struggling.

Tim James: What I found out is two things. Number one, they’re stressed out. Typically, these people that can’t heal, maybe they’re in a relationship that doesn’t work, husband and wife are sleeping in different rooms. The husband could be an alcoholic. There’s stress at the work, they’re dealing with a teenager that’s in drug use. You’ve got a young child that’s autistic. You’ve got elderly parents that you’re trying to take care of with dementia, or any combination of those types of things. You have a very high stress home environment or work environment. If you can’t learn how to mitigate your stress, it’s like your stomach is just freaking restricted. It’s kind of like living in Chicago in the winter and trying to heal. The best way to heal is to get in the sun, okay? If you look at our skin, we’re supposed to be within about 1,500 miles of the equator.

Tim James: If it wasn’t for heating units and clothes, we wouldn’t be up here. Nomadic people would follow the spring, but when the sun went back down in the fall, we’d go back down to the equator, right? Just like that, we have to reduce the stress, then people have a chance to heal. That’s why breath work is so important. Breath work is actually our fourth secret in this Core Four Secret. So this is the first time I haven’t done one, two, three and four. I’m on two and four. We’ll get to the other ones later, I guess. We have people do breath work because even if you don’t think you’re stressed, you are, and your body is in fight or flight mode.

Tim James: When you’re in fight or flight mode, what happens? The blood leaves the organ systems. It goes to the extremities, the arms, legs, hands and feet to fight or flight. You’re not going to digest your food that well. Simply by taking a deep breath into the nose like this, pause at the top, and then breathe out through the mouth. Just a nice, slow flow, let it all go. Then pause at the bottom of your lungs and completely empty them. Then back into the nose, I’m actually doing this right now to just calm down, because I’m excited. I don’t care how you do your breath work. Do it four counts at the top, four at the bottom. I don’t care. Just take one to two minutes and do some deep, slow breaths.

Tim James: We can’t go wrong here. What you’ll see is you’ll calm down and now you’ll be able to digest your food well. Less than 1% of the population is doing this, Wendy so we know that there are massive rooms for improvement here, with this type of stuff. If you’re a stressed out person and you have anxiety and  depression, you now have that tool in your toolkit. Your breath, you can take that with you anywhere you go. I’ve seen people with severe social anxiety go from an eight on a scale of one to 10, down to a five, in two to three minutes by just doing some breath work. What pill is going to do that for you and what does it cost? You know, that’s why I think people that smoke cigarettes are  probably feeling more relaxed because they’re always taking deep breaths.

Tim James: It might not just be the cigarettes, it’s the breaths they’re taking that reduce the stress in them, right? There might be something there, I don’t know. If you’re a smoker, we have a stop smoking protocol, but anyway, the breath work is very, very important. Now with that, we have covered the stress.

Tim James: The other thing that I would share with people is when I have people that have severe gut issues and we have tried all kinds of stuff, they’ve gotten major improvements but are still not there. I will actually have them call friends and family all over the United States, have them go out to undisturbed soils and box up dirt and send it to them. They throw it in a box and they get their hands in there just make sure that it’s not where coyotes are peeing or something like that.

Tim James: Then you have them put the box in their home and keep it there, and then they go in there every day and move it around with their hands. Stir it up a little bit. There’s these bacteria in the soil, the soil microbiome. We don’t want them to disturb it. We want them to cut a chunk out and put it in the box, not just dump it in. Try to keep it as undisturbed as possible. What they do is they keep a little water on it and get it from different places. We want as much of the soil-based microorganisms as possible. They even take some of it and scoop it out and throw it in water and drink it. It is critical.

Tim James: Now people might think I’m crazy, but there’s studies on children with no pets, children with pets that stay indoors and children with pets that go outside. They’ve done tests on immune systems. The children with the pets that go outside have like a 50% higher immune system because the pets are bringing the bacteria from outdoors. The kids are going to look at the dog’s face and laugh and do all the things they do. The reason why we have so many gut problems is we’re detached from nature. We have got to get back, we’ve got to get our bodies outside in nature. That’ll help reduce the stress. We’ve got to get these oral microbiomes and the gut microbiome built back up. Most of them actually come from the soil. Most of the foods that you guys are eating, they’re tilling the soil. I’m a farmer and I understand tilling. But when you till the soil you’re actually killing these soil microbiomes which actually transport the nutrients into the root system of the plant.

Tim James: That’s why everybody’s magnesium deficient today. You need bacteria to get magnesium into the plant. There’s no way you’re getting it nowadays. That’s why there’s so many deficiencies. Not to mention it’s not there anymore. You want to get food from permaculture, undisturbed. Then you really have got something, with undisturbed soil. Hopefully that’ll paint a picture of quite a few things people can start looking at and exploring. Especially if they’ve got severe gut issues and they just can’t fix them. Those are some things that we’ve used in our practice to help people restore their gut health and overall health.

Wendy Myers: That’s fantastic. It was really, really informative. I really haven’t thought about having a box of dirt to repopulate your microbiome, but hey, it makes perfect sense. What are some of the things that people are subject to that are destroying their gut microbiome? I think there are so many different things working against our gut and a healthy microbiome. Can you lay out a few of those?

Tim James: Number one is stress. Stress is there. Number two, I would say, chemicals, not just the antibiotics that your doctor is prescribing you, but there’s these no-see-ums. Now, when you guys are done listening to this podcast, I want you to go to Google or your browser and type in three words, “umbilical cord chemical”. Eight or nine years ago I typed these in, I heard it somewhere and I was shocked. I found these studies going back to 2005 from where they took samples of the umbilical cord blood of newborn babies. Young mothers supposedly should be the healthiest of all of us, right? They looked for 400 toxic chemicals and guess what they found, Wendy? 250 of what they were looking for, about 71% of what they looked for, they found.

Tim James: 180 of those cause cancer in humans, 212 cause developmental and brain disorders. These studies keep trickling out, but nobody’s saying anything. I sat back in my chair and I’m like, “Oh my God, we’re all polluted.” The older we are, the more time we’ve had to bio-accumulate these toxins into our fat, our muscle tissue, our blood and our brain. Just from the air we breathe, we take 20,000 breaths a day. You’ve got automobile exhaust, jet fuel, paints off-gassing from your house or in your commercial building. You’re breathing in these fumes. If you have a carpet, guess what? It’s probably synthetic and it’s made out of crude oil. It took 3,000 chemicals to make that. Same thing with the plastic that you’re drinking water out of. These plastics are off-gassing, your carpet’s off-gassing formaldehyde. Your water bottle is off-gassing these microscopic plastics that are disrupting your hormones and causing things like breast cancer, ovarian cysts and uterine cysts.

Tim James: For men, it is prostate cancer and man boobs and who wants a man boob? I don’t want one. That’s why I got rid of soy. I got rid of all the plastic. It’s so bad today that you can go 1,500 miles into the interior of these pristine lakes. Water researchers have found that the two and a half inch fish have both male and female organs today. They’re turning into hermaphrodites. Why? Because these estrogen mimickers from plastic’s are so pervasive. Water soluble molecules, like glyphosate from Roundup, are in over 70% of rainwater today. The whole climate change thing, no offense to anybody out there. But the real problem we have is pollution. We have major pollution problems. There are a million people a year dying from air quality problem issues, a million. How come they’re not talking about that on the news? This is a problem. Have you seen the movie, the documentary Tapped, T-A-P-P-E-D?

Wendy Myers: No, I haven’t watched it yet.

Tim James: You should watch this. It’s crazy. It goes into the plastics and the Great Pacific garbage patch. It’s almost like a land mass of plastic that swirled up in the Pacific Ocean. It’s the size of Texas and ships have to plan courses around it. The UV rays are hitting this plastic all the time and these little microscopic particles are going out and little creatures and fish are eating it all. There’s beaches, you’ll see in that movie, that are half sand in Mexico and half plastic sand. It’s scary what’s going on. We have to have awareness of what’s going on. There’s over 100,000 chemicals out there. There’s 2,000 new chemicals made every year, and only one quarter of 1% are tested. If they can’t test them a lot of the time they just stamp them approved, and out the door they go.

Tim James: Erin Brockovich won that big case with the BPA and everybody thinks everything’s fine there. But they have BPB, BPC, BBB, BPE, BPF, BPG all the way down the line. They have got 36 other ones ready to go. We’ll pay millions out over here, big deal, but they’re still profitable. We’re thinking we’re getting BPA-free plastic that’s good for us.

Wendy Myers: They put in the worst, they put in BPF which is 20 times worse.

Tim James: It’s a marketing thing. We have to start being intelligent beings. We have to have sensors. We have to have a controller and we have to change our input. That’s all I did was I got the awareness around it. How do you stop drinking out of plastic bottles? You get your own water purification system and you use glass.

Tim James: There you go. Okay, check, that was solved. Next, what do I do for my air? At least crack your window at night when you’re sleeping and keep the windows open in the day, even in a snowstorm, you have to have fresh air. These LEED-certified homes. They button them up tighter than you could believe and  they’re toxic. These homes are just terrible, terrible. I had Andrew Pace on my podcast. He owns the Green Design Center. This is where you can get all your paint, grout and everything that is toxic free. He caters to people that have high allergy sensitivities and toxin sensitivities but everybody’s breathing this crap in. It’s going to build up and eventually affect your health. You won’t see it because it’s such a slow kill.

Tim James: We’re slowly killing ourselves and we just don’t know it. I want to bring awareness to this and then tell people, “Look, if your toothpaste says “harmful if swallowed, please contact the poison control center,”  you may want to rethink that deal.

Wendy Myers: Yes.

Tim James: How about your shampoo? Sodium lauryl sulfate, that’s a known carcinogen cancer causing. 

Wendy Myers: I just did a video on that.

Tim James: It’s everywhere, all my stuff was poison. It’s simple. Stop giving your money to these corporations that don’t give a crap about you, me, anybody or the environment. Give your money to smaller companies that haven’t been bought off yet. Ones that actually care. That’s it. Then we change everything. We change ourselves. We change our world, that’s how it works.

Wendy Myers: You have such a wealth of knowledge, you speak so eloquently about this subject matter and are very knowledgeable. What are your four tenets of health? 

Tim James: Oh yes, the four secrets. We did two and four. Let’s go back and do one and three. Number one, drink half your body weight in liquid ounces of purified water every day. If you’re in a city, drink restructured water every day. It’s very important. Again, I don’t need to get into the water details. All water today is polluted. A lot of people are going to springs and getting water, but I’m still suspicious of that because it’s everywhere. A lot of times the springs have too many minerals and they can cause hardening of the arteries, gallstones and kidney stones. We have to be very careful. I just like to make sure my water has gone through a purification system and I like triple purification. If you’re on city tap water, in nature, water molecules are like four to five in a cluster.

Tim James: After it goes through those high pressure pipes in the city, it is like 20 to 25 in a cluster, they’re big. That’s like a bowling ball trying to go through a chain link fence. Your intestinal tract is the chain link fence and the water molecule is the bowling ball. That’s not what you want. We want to restructure that water so it’s like sand and it goes right through the chain link fence.

Tim James: This is very important. I will say this. If you’re a 200 pound person, that’s 100 ounces. If you’re a 100 pound person, that’s 50 ounces. If you weigh over about 250, just stick with the gallon. I had a client who was 500 pounds and he’s like I said, “You need to drink half your weight? That’s two gallons a day. I don’t even drink water. I drink four ounces a day.”

Tim James: So if you’re over 250 pounds, just stick with a gallon deal. That would include drinking water with Daily Detox greens, caffeine-free teas, flax water would count, stuff like that. Back to the water deal. You have to restructure your water. This gal, her name is Danoucha, and she’s trying to sell me on this water restructuring thing. I’m like, “I don’t need it.” I don’t know why I was so closed minded. She put me on the phone with an expert and at the end of 45 minutes of me struggling and kicking he finally said, “Tim, just go drink the F’n water.” So I’m like, “Okay.”

Tim James: I went over to her house. She gives me a quart of water. I pound it, and then she gives me some salt, I put it under my tongue, that increases absorption and you’re replacing some of the minerals. I wait and she’s like, “I’m going to give you a second quart in 15 minutes. We’re going to time it.” I’m like, “15 minutes. I don’t know if I can drink that much.” I mean, I preach and teach this stuff. Well, 15 minutes later I drank it. Guess what? It was like the first one was completely gone. I had never experienced this before. I was like, “Whoa, this is crazy.” She goes, “Tim, I’ve never done this before, but because it would cause somebody to literally go into shock because they would detox so hard on this water. Normally I only start people off on one quart for people on the standard American diet, and that still causes a detox reaction for them. We’re going to do three on you just to see.”

Tim James: I’m like, “Yeah,” my ego is there and I’m like, “You have any sprouts? I’m probably pretty good.” But before the third one, 24 minutes into it, my brain went on and my arms started tingling again. It was the exact same experience that I had the initial time at Hippocrates, after four or five days on their program, except it was triple what that feeling was. I was like, “Holy crap, this is amazing.” She’s laughing and I’m like, “Give me another water?” I drank that down. Then I was shaking her hand, I’m like, “Thank you so much.” I’m like, “I gotta go. I got to teach this class.”

Tim James: I went home and I kiboshed the whole program that I was going to teach and I just talked about this water system and how I was feeling. From three o’clock to 3:30 that afternoon, I drank it at about 11:00 AM and I did have a detox reaction. I felt kind of nauseated for about 30 minutes and then it was gone. So it was pretty good. Basically, Wendy, I was high on water for six hours, like freaking high. I don’t know if you can tell right now because a lot of people think I’m on cocaine and I’m 48 years old, but I’m literally high on water. My goal is with myself and my clients, we want to increase your vibrational cell frequency. That’s what we’re trying to do. It’s actually bio photons.

Tim James: We can talk about this in a moment, but this water is unbelievable and it actually helps you absorb 80% more of the nutrition you’re taking or the supplements you’re taking. If you want to really boost your supplement intake, or you don’t have to take more, you have  just got to have the right water. You have got to get your water right. That’s what I learned. So I called her up and I was like, “Hey, I need to get one of these units.” I’m like, “I can’t even believe it. How much is it?” She’s like, “It’s $4,800.” I’m like, “What?” I was like, “Okay, well I can’t really afford that, but I have to have it. Do you have a payment plan?” She’s like, “Yep.” I did it and I got in the machine. Then I got my mom and dad one very shortly afterwards.

Wendy Myers: What’s it called?

Tim James: It’s a K8. I used to send people to her email, but then we get all these emails saying how do you spell Danoucha? Because it’s like Dawn in Polish, so I created a landing page for her. You can book a free appointment with her. It’s If somebody wants to talk to Danoucha about getting their water right, you can do that. Anyway, I did that. I got my water right and I’ve been high as a kite on water ever since. I’m telling you, it’s freaking awesome. This water is also charged with molecular hydrogen but the key is it has to be tiny so it can get into the intestinal tract, into the bloodstream and get into the lymphatic system to detox you, to move the nutrients and the waste matter in and out of you, your brain and keeping your colon hydrated so it can be a waste removal system, not a storage tank, right?

Tim James: That’s Core Secret Number One, less than 5% of the population is doing it. Then we’ll jump ahead to Core Secret Number Three, avoid liquids with meals. This one’s really simple. We work really hard on Core Secret Number Two, to chew our food and load our food with these enzymes that go into our stomach to break down our food. If you drink purified restructured water, wine, beer or apple juice, you’re going to dilute those enzymes and go from digestion and assimilation of nutrients right back to fermentation and gut rot, leaky gut and a whole bunch of problems. We recommend you stop drinking liquids a half an hour to an hour before you eat. Then wait an hour to two hours after you’re done eating and then drink a lot of liquids again.

Tim James: Less than 2% of the population is doing the liquids without meals deal. If you look at these Core Four Secrets, way more than 95% of people are not doing any of this stuff. We sell products to people all over the world, because of the COVID delays it can take two to three weeks or a month for them to get their stuff. We’re getting emails daily like, “Tim, my gas and bloating is improving and my energy’s up. My bowel movements are better.” They don’t even have the products yet. They’re doing one, two, three or all four of these Core Four Secrets. We believe this is the foundation to health. People are saying, “When do I change my diet and exercise?” No, you don’t have the foundation in place yet. We have to get this foundation. Those Core Four Secrets are what we teach over here and we’re big about them.

Wendy Myers: I think people don’t realize that they have to go back to basics with their health. Somebody will think it’s this complicated thing or this protocol or what have you. You just have to go back to very simple, simple tenets and cover those bases. Then see what symptoms are left over. It’s not as complex as people think it will be.

Tim James: It’s like basketball. You want to shoot layups. They’ll go in every time if you practice and practice with them. If you start going out to half court and throw hook shots up, and you have never done it before, the chances of those going in are very minute, compared to the layups. Just do the fricking layups, drink water that’s purified and restructured, chew your freaking food. Avoid liquids with meals, do some breath work, drink your greens twice a day, get outside and get sunshine. Crack your window at night. Get outside and get barefoot. There’s basic things we need to do to boost our health. Nature’s got our backs. All we have got to do is just get our butts back out there.

Wendy Myers: Let’s talk about supplements because so many people spend a lot of money on supplements. They read an article and they have to have that latest antioxidant. People have this supplement graveyard and they don’t know why they bought them. What is your take on supplements and how to choose the right supplements?

Tim James: First off, when I left Hippocrates, because they were trying to sell me on supplements there, but they have whole food ones. The only ones that I got were those digestive enzymes, because they just made sense. I bought a huge bottle of digestive enzymes for the reasons I spoke of earlier. I’m like, “I’m going to heal myself with whole food. I don’t need supplements.” Well, after about a year or so, I was reading a book and I found out about soil degradation and how 85% of the nutrients are farmed out of the soil. I was like, “Oh my God, supplementation today is not a luxury anymore, it’s a necessity.” If it’s not in the soil, it won’t be in the plant that you eat or the animal that ate the plant so it’s just got to go to the root of the cause.

Tim James: We have to supplement today for multiple reasons, right? One is to help the detox process, to counterbalance the polluted world we live in. The other one is to replace nutrients and bacteria that are missing in the food chain. It is very important. With that said, as a coach, I started doing my research. I’m a label reader. I started calling companies about their food and their drinks and questioning them on everything. Nobody knew what I was talking about. Okay, it says natural flavors. What the hell is it? I want to know. I found out that 90% are synthetic, 10% natural, by law, for natural flavors. Stay away from that. If you see natural flavors on a label don’t ever buy it.

Tim James: I’m reading labels. Then, I started getting the supplements. I read labels. I check these companies out and one day I see Xanthan gum, which wasn’t there before. I pulled out the old bottle and looked to match up and see it wasn’t there. I called the company up. I’m like, “What is this?” I started researching. I’m like, mutated corn syrup fermented in bacteria is used as an emulsifier. I’m like, “Where did they get this corn syrup from? Was a GMO. Was it sprayed with glyphosate?” Now I’m freaked out. I had to call all my clients and tell them, “Look, dude, or dudette, take your stuff and get your refund. We have to find something different now.” Now I’m back to the drawing board, searching.

Tim James: This kept going on. I was getting tired of it. When these companies come up, they get big, they get bought out and these bigger corporations either just table them and get them off the shelves. They take up the shelf space and they sell their crap or they change the ingredients, they pollute them. Now it’s even worse. They’re doing things that they don’t even have to put on the label. They’re forcing chemicals, single molecule chemicals into a yeast, which is a natural substance. Somehow, magically, now it’s a synthetic and they can label it organic and nature boy, nature girl. It’s all beautiful with flowers on it. Most of the products on your store shelf, like in Whole Foods, take up a tremendous amount of area. I can’t say the names so I don’t get sued, but they’ve got synthetics in them.

Tim James: I know, because my formulator has been on the phone with the president of one of those companies, their top formulator, a guy who was big in this nonprofit that was taking all their supplements and having all of his nonprofit organization workers on them. The conversation went very quickly. Scott asked the chemist, “Do you put chemicals and synthetics in your products?” He said, “Well, yes but,” and they tried to explain that whole thing with the yeast.  Scott’s like, “Forget about it.” Synthetics don’t transform in a yeast to a naturally occurring substance. Either it was made by nature or it’s not, that’s the deal. How do you choose a good supplement? Well, first you have to realize that 85% of the supplements on the market are made by pharmaceutical companies. Think about that. They’re going to get synthetic molecules into you one way or another, 92% of the supplements on the market are synthetics.

Tim James: These are acid based. They don’t work well with your body. You have a carbon-based body. Now you’re left with the 8% that are whole food or food based. These are concentrated food, juice extracts and herbs but there’s this thing called “other ingredients”. There’s these hybrids now. You’ll look at a supplement and you’re like, “Oh, it’s got reishi and chaga and it’s got some mushroom mix and oh, it’s got some probiotics and lactobacillus. Okay, good. It’s pretty good and then guess what? Their vitamin C in there is ascorbic acid, right? When you’re reading a label, just to look at your multivitamin, as an example, if you look at vitamin C and then in parentheses behind it, if it says ascorbic acid, you my friend are consuming an acid based synthetic made in a laboratory. That’s what you’re consuming.

Tim James: It should say in parentheses behind it from the Acerola cherry or from the Camu camu berry, or my favorite, the Amla Berry because they actually pick those Amla Berries or Gooseberries ripe, which is what I think all fruit should be picked from. That’s when you know you have a whole food source, but now we get to the other ingredients, because guess what? The other ingredients are still what? They’re still ingredients and you’re still ingesting them. Wendy and I, we hit it off. We’re going to create this wonderful multivitamin. We get the great formula like Dr. Tredway and we make this amazing formula. Then we send it off to the lab to make it, and guess what? They put these excipients in there that are called binders, fillers and flow agents so their encapsulation machines don’t cake up, for speed of production.

Tim James: This is about making money, not about your health or my health. Synthetics don’t take up a lot of room, so the capsules are empty. Americans don’t like to buy empty capsules, so they fill them up with this crap. Then guess what? Look at your labels. Now, if you guys, if you can see this, you see on my drawer there it says no magnesium steroids, no silicon dioxide, no dicalcium phosphate. These are three of the top culprits. These are these binders, fillers or flow agents. Silicon dioxide is a level three toxin on the EPA toxin list, yet it’s in most supplements. The way I look at it, let’s say your mom has the county fair brownie champion recipe. She has the blue ribbon brownie recipe, right? Yet she puts a little bit of cat poop in it. Would you want to eat that?

Wendy Myers: No.

Tim James: Probably not. Why not?

Wendy Myers: I probably still would though, because I really like brownies. I just do.

Tim James: Well, honey, this one’s the same. Then I put little cat poop in there. You know, it’s like, “Oh, gross. That’s disgusting. People aren’t going to eat it.” Why would you put something that’s a level three toxin into your supplements? You’re eating them every day. I can’t tell you how many supplement reviews we do as coaches over here, for people. They pull out all their supplements and all this crap and we go through them and 9.5 out of 10, if you have magnesium stearate in your supplement, it renders the supplement basically useless. It could have genetically modified corn or genetically modified soy. It could come from diseased cow hides. You don’t know about mad cow disease, who knows? It’s nasty stuff.

Tim James: I’m not going to put that in there and I’m not going to put cat poop in a brownie. Sure as heck, I’m not going to take my hard-earned after tax money and go buy a supplement to try to boost my immune system and have part of it destroy my immune system. There’s other things in there, like bad forms of silica that can cause hardening of the arteries and gallstones. There’s so many things that make me upset, like they push calcium on people, “Your bones are weak, you need calcium.” Well, what I’ve seen from the Hippocrates Health Institute is only one out of 125 people have calcium deficiencies. What we have is a weight resistance or weightlifting deficiency. You want to build strong bones, you have got to put up resistance against these suckers. Eat healthy foods, that’s the number one thing.

Tim James: If you need calcium, you would want to get it from arjuna tree bark. That’s the best bioavailable form. Not from ground-up charcoal or it will cause cancer, or ground up oyster shells that’ll cause hardening of the arteries, gallstones kidney stones. That’s what they’re pushing on people for calcium. You see these little ladies in Walmart and places like this like, “Oh my doctor said I need some calcium.” They’re buying it and they’re polluting themselves. To me, again, we have to be the gatekeepers of what goes in our mouth. There’s nothing more sacred than what goes in our mouth, our children’s mouth or our parent’s mouth. I’m very frustrated. I think it’s a moral dilemma, but I just don’t think anybody seems to care.

Wendy Myers: I think coming from that place, you’ve created your own supplement line. Can you tell us a little bit about those?

Tim James: It’s really simple. I juice myself to health and I make a juice twice a day, but guess what? After interviewing hundreds of people that came to my house, over 5,000 of them, actually, they all said, “I bought the juice.” I sold a lot of juicers for juicing companies. They have probably loved me for a long time, and I still do, but the juicer would end up in one to three months under the cupboard, people aren’t using it. I’m like, “Why not? You saw what happened to my health. You saw what happened to Charles. I mean, he healed himself of cancer for God’s sake. Why aren’t you doing this?” “I’m too busy. It’s too expensive and I don’t want to clean that damn juicer.” Same answers over and over again.

Tim James: I said, “What can I do to help you? I really want to help you. What can I do?” “It’s got to be simple. It’s got to be easy. That’s it.” I went back to the drawing board and I wrote three things down. The things that they could do with the least amount of effort and get the most results. That was the water, chewing the food and avoiding the liquids, and we added the breath work later. That’s where we started people out with. Then eventually I made this product. It’s the Green 85 Juice Formula. It is as close to a fresh-pressed green juice as possible. That was the first one. Then we came out with a Gut Detox because I noticed that even though some people were taking the greens, the greens would clean them from the top down gently. Then some people would get plugged up at the bottom.

Tim James: We did the gut detox to clean out all that waste matter. Then when I learned about chemtrails and the aluminum toxicity from those going up the olfactory nerve and giving us Alzheimer’s and dementia in the brain, I was pissed. My grandpa died of Alzheimer’s and my poor health ruined my wife, mine and her dad’s trip. My grandpa had a strong body, but his mind was shot from probably aluminum cookware. He liked donuts and stuff, and a lot of sugar so who knows what else? My point is, I don’t want to ever freaking have Alzheimer’s or dementia. I called Dr. Tredway up and was like, “Hey man, you got something for this?” He’s like, “Yeah, I’ve got two formulas we developed for the military to pull the depleted uranium out of the soldiers coming back from Afghanistan and Iraq because of the depleted uranium on the tank rounds.”

Tim James: That worked and I had combined those two formulas into our Toxin Detox formula. Then we came out with probiotic spores with prebiotics and then digestive enzymes. We have an alpha energy formula, which is a libido enhancer, like boosting testosterone for guys and women. Now we’ve got a new line with a turmeric product, which is a cellular anti-inflammatory product. It’s 185 times more anti-inflammatory. All these things came when I needed them and then we just went and built it. I built everything for myself, and then I just shared it with my coaching students. That’s how the whole thing got started.

Wendy Myers: Yes, you sound like me. You sound like a supplement snob and you only want the best, the best of the best. You couldn’t find what you were looking for, so you just created it yourself. That’s my story as well. I love your T-shirt there. Can you say it? Tell us what that says?

Tim James: Yes, it says, “Love when you poop.” Remember, I used to hate when I pooped. It was very painful and followed by blood. It’s been 11 years since I’ve had acid reflux and bleeding bowels. It’s almost like I’m in a whole different time-space reality. I can’t even believe that was me. If you looked at me at age 37, my belly was huge and I was all inflamed, bloated and swelled up. I had water retention and here I am now 48 years old and I don’t have any of that. I feel like I’m 19. I actually took my 18-year-old out. He’s been training, lifting weights and stuff. He wants to get huge. I think most guys do when they’re young.

Tim James: I went through that phase. I just went healthy now, and I’ve been trail running. Well, I said, “If you want to stop, just stop and we’ll take a rest.” He’s like, “Just go.” So we took off running up rocks and down hills, we’re trail running. After about three miles he was like, “Okay, stop.” He’s like, “I can’t believe you’re kicking my butt.” He goes, “How’s this possible? You’re 30 years older than me.” I said, “Well, I understand detox and nutrition and my cells vibrate at a high frequency. If you want to learn more, come see old dad.” So he’s drinking the greens, he’s doing stuff now.

Tim James: The kids are coming around and they’re starting to listen to dad because I lead by example. I’m not just saying to do something. I’m actually living it. I get compliments on my skin now at age 48. I never got any compliments on my skin in my 20s. Nobody said anything. I was really embarrassed about it when people first started doing it, “Wow, you have really nice skin.” I was like, ah, I didn’t know how to take it because I’m all redneck, but I’ve dropped the ego a lot. I still have a little bit, but I’m still trying to drop the ego and live in the present moment, do all that kind of stuff. Now, when somebody tells me I have nice skin I say, “Thank you very much. I’ve taken very good care of my intestinal villi, and they have rewarded me graciously.

Wendy Myers: I have similar stories. I’m 49 also. I’m getting those skin compliments that I didn’t get when I was in my 30s.

Tim James: I know, it’s awesome.

Wendy Myers: Tim, thank you so much for coming on the show and talking to us about your story and how to take care of our gut. It’s really, really entertaining and so informative. Can you tell us where we can learn more about you and more about your products?

Tim James: Just go to I wish I had this ready right now, but I have a book that we’re going to be working on, a recipe book. Eventually you guys will be able to see it. We have little teaser recipes and some stuff we’ll send out in a little free manual, that’ll be an option. We have a lot of products, if they want to try the products out, they can just go to the product tab. I would suggest going down to the savings bundles and they can get a discount. Then we have like a little jumpstart bundle called the total energy and detox bundle, or just pick something in between. What we can do is we can give them a discount code in your name, Wendy, for an extra 5% off. That way they get a double discount. What do you want the detox code to be?

Wendy Myers: Just Wendy? How about Wendy?

Tim James: All right, it’s Wendy. So put Wendy in and you get a double discount. We have a double your money back guarantee on all of our products. If something doesn’t work, call us, we’ll refund your money and you’ll be put on the phone with myself or one of the other coaches. We will find a solution for you, even if it’s at another company. We’re truly just trying to help people not be in pain like I was and we were. All of my coaches have had tremendous transformations and now we’re all chefs and yoga instructors. We just love helping people that are confused like we were, who have gone through the gauntlet and taken back their power and healed themselves.

Tim James: It’s such a satisfying thing once you’ve done it yourself, because you feel so empowered. You don’t worry about the world going to hell in a handbasket, because if you’ve got a bunch of nuts, seeds, grains, and beans in some storage containers and an edible foraging food book for your area, you’re pretty much good to go. You can live, you don’t have to worry about too much. Thank you so much for having me on the show. Again, I hope somebody listening to it gets one little nugget and takes it to heart and takes action on it. Hopefully it makes a difference in your life. I appreciate you having me on.

Wendy Myers: Absolutely. Tim, thanks for coming on the show and everyone, thanks for tuning in to the Myers Detox Podcast, where I try to bring you guests every week that really try to shine a light on what you need to do to take that journey of health and achieve the health and the joy that you deserve. That’s why I do this every week, because I care about you. I want you to be healthy and happy. Thanks for tuning in. I’m Wendy Myers of I’ll talk to you guys next week.