Transcript #432 Heavy Metals, EMFs, Electrosensitivity and How to Protect Yourself with Wendy Myers


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  1. Find out what’s in store on this Myers Detox Podcast with Wendy Myers who discusses heavy metals, EMFs, electrosensitivity, and the best tips to protect yourself from their harmful effects. She talks about the heavy metals that pose the greatest threat to your health, the everyday items that can expose you to these metals, how heavy metals can worsen the effects of EMFs, and so many other important topics to help your overcome heavy metal toxicity and electrosensitivity! If you’re experiencing health symptoms that you just can’t pinpoint the source of, this is the episode for you!
  2. Find out which heavy metals pose the greatest risk to your health, and how they negatively affect your body.
  3. Learn about the everyday items that can expose you to these dangerous heavy metals.
  4. Find out what foods contain high levels of heavy metals.
  5. Find out the top signs and symptoms of heavy metal toxicity.
  6. Learn about electrosensitivity and how heavy metal toxicity can make you a magnet for harmful EMFs.
  7. Learn about some of the best detoxing strategies to eliminate toxic heavy metals from your body.
  8. Find out what foods are best for detoxing heavy metals.
  9. Learn more about HTMA tests and why they are the best way to figure out what heavy metals and minerals you need to address to improve your health.
  10. Find out what supplements and detox techniques you should use to detox some of the more common heavy metals that may come up on your HTMA.


Wendy Myers: Hi, everyone. How are you doing? I’m Wendy Myers, thanks for joining me today. So, we’re going to be talking about heavy metals, EMFs and electromagnetic fields, electrosensitivity, and how to protect ourselves.

Wendy Myers: So, a lot of really, really interesting things I want to touch on today in this webinar. And so regretful as it may be to say our environment is, it’s very contaminated with heavy metals and chemicals. There’s a hundred thousand metals and chemicals in our environment today, and that’s growing every single year, and it’s not only the physical toxins that we need to be worried about. There’s also what are called EMFs or electromagnetic fields that are emitted from Wi-Fi, from computers, from satellites, from electronics, from the electricity in our walls. There’s a lot of different, you know, EMFs non-native EMFs in our environment that are very harsh to our body’s sensitive energy fields. And so, we’re going to talk all about that concept in a moment. And so, we’re going to dive into these two toxins today and how they can potentiate each other or make each other worse, and what you can do to, you know, remove this health issue.

Wendy Myers: So, today we are going to talk about which heavy metals pose the greatest threat to your health. We’ll talk about the everyday items that expose you to these heavy metals, and we’ll be talking about the surprising list of foods that contain lead, mercury, and other toxic metals. We’ll talk about the signs that you’re suffering from heavy metal toxicity, how heavy metal toxicity can make you a magnet for EMFs. And we’ll also talk about how to reduce your electro sensitivity by detoxing. I’ll talk about my best detox strategies that don’t cost a fortune plus a lot more.

Wendy Myers: So, number one, so which heavy metals pose the biggest risk to your health? So, there’s over 30 toxic heavy metals that negatively affect your health and increase susceptibility to electrosensitivity or being overly sensitive to EMFs. So, the first one is cadmium. So, cadmium is found in large migratory fish. It’s found in the air. It can be found in a lot of different foods. It’s used in fertilizers. So, it can be found in fertilizer. It can be found in sewage sludge, that’s also used to fertilize our crops. So, it’s in our foods and there’s a cancer link with cadmium.

Wendy Myers: So, what cadmium does is it interferes when two cells are dividing, it interferes with the DNA copying properly. And so, you can get a mutant or aberrant, you know, formed DNA that causes a mutant cell, which if that cell is allowed to grow unencumbered by the immune system, so the immune system is weakened for some reason, that cell can grow unfettered into a tumor and that can be benign or malignant. So, that’s kind of how cadmium creates cancer, and cadmium is also found in cigarette smoke. This is why cigarette smokers have a higher incidence of cancer because they have a lot of cadmium in their body interfering with their cells copying and dividing properly.

Wendy Myers: Next is mercury. So, there’s a 2007 research paper that noted that a study of men over a period of 13 years found that for each microgram of mercury found in their hair, the risk of acute coronary events increased by an average of 11% , and cardiovascular death rate increased by 10%. So, that’s pretty, pretty high. So, mercury is found in, again, migratory fish, it’s found in the air that we breathe, it’s in a lot of different products, it’s used as a kind of sterilizer in 400 different products and medications. It’s excellent at killing bacteria, and people also get exposed to mercury, they break a thermometer or what have you, they break a fluorescent light that has mercury, and then lots of different ways we get mercury.

Wendy Myers: Also lead, lead is found in, again, the air, food, water. If you walk around in your shoes and you walk around in your house, you can get lead, track lead into your home. There’s lead pipes, people get lead in spices. A lot of different places people acquire lead. Lead lowers IQ in children and then into adulthood, it also causes fatigue, it’s one of the leading causes of dementia. Mercury also causes dementia as well.

Wendy Myers: Then there is thallium. So, thallium is naturally occurring in petroleum products. So, any kind of smog from cars you’ll get thallium kind of released into the air. Also, it’s found in kale as well. It’s pretty high in that.

Wendy Myers: Nickel. So, nickel is a metal that is found in jewelry. So, kind of cheap imitation jewelry, you’ll get nickel in kind of low-quality stainless steel cooking cookware that can release nickel as well. Also, if you have fast foods, anything that’s using partially hydrogenated oils, they use nickel as a catalyst to hydrogenate those fats to keep food having a longer shelf life. So, nickel can cause autoimmune disease and poor immunity. And that’s only five metals. I mean, there’s many, many, many more that I haven’t even discussed that you want to find out if you have these.

Wendy Myers: And then there’s everyday items that where we’re exposed to metals. So, number one is cookware. You have aluminum cookware, every client that I’ve tested that uses aluminum cookware, their aluminum is sky high on their hair mineral analysis or their HTMA. So, I want to look out for that, you know, using low-quality utensils. Utensils that tend to be really, really light or forks and knives that are really, really lightweight, the ones you find at restaurants, those tend to be made of aluminum because they’re very inexpensive, you know, stainless steel is probably the best option or titanium. Those are the best options for cookware. And we’re talking about heavy metals right now but there’s also a cookware that has the PFAS. It’s like the non-stick pans. They have the PFAS that are really PFOAS that are really toxic for you as well.

Wendy Myers: And so, also beauty products, there’s lead in mascara, lead in lipstick. There’s aluminum in deodorant, lots of petrochemicals in the fragrances that are in these products. Petrochemicals that are in the parabens, which are the preservatives, just a lot of petrochemicals that are in the Vaseline and the glosses, the lip glosses and things like that, a lot of petrochemicals in these products as well. And then aluminum foil and aluminum cans. So, a lot of people cook with aluminum foil, well, that can easily get into your food because it’s very kind of very bendable. It’s very kind of a weakly bonded aluminum. If you drink from aluminum cans, you get aluminum that way. Mercury fillings leaching mercury into your body every time you bite down on those. And there’s household cleaners, the household cleaners definitely, those are going to have all different kinds of chemicals, and then the conventional household cleaners that you’re releasing all kinds of fumes into your environment.

Wendy Myers: So, then let’s talk about some of the surprising lists of foods that contain lead, mercury, and other heavy metals. So, just a note here, all foods have toxins, so it’s impossible to avoid because food is either, it’s landing on it from the air, or it’s being watered with water that has toxins. The fertilizers, the pesticides, all of these things get into our food. So, all of the foods are contaminated. You just want to avoid the most contaminated foods; you don’t want to vilify anyone food or food group. That doesn’t really make a whole lot of sense, like I’m not an advocate, say, not eating fish just because it contains mercury. Fish is a very healthy food, a very healthy source of protein, omega-3 fats, and other nutrients that are very important. And so, you can’t avoid mercury in our environment, it’s impossible. Cutting out fish is not going to cut out your mercury load completely.

Wendy Myers: So anyway, so vegetables, especially root vegetables like potatoes and other things, are very good at absorbing toxins from the soil. You have to make sure you eat organic, even organic though you can have heavy metals in them. Red meats, those can contain a lot of glyphosates, a lot of toxins that build up in the fat and the gelatin of all the different animal proteins based on their diet, pesticides in their diet, and glyphosates as well.

Wendy Myers: And then there’s chicken and eggs. So, chickens can be very high in arsenic because of  the food that they’re fed around the planet, around the world, the chicken feed has arsenic in it because it makes the chickens grow faster and 50% faster and makes the meat look really pink and healthy. So, if you’re not eating organic eggs and organic chickens, they’re going to have a little bit of arsenic in them. I was very, very arsenic toxic when I started doing hair mineral analysis, HTMAs rather, I was very, very arsenic toxic. And just because I ate so many conventional chickens and eggs trying to eat a healthy diet, and unfortunately I became very arsenic toxic. I know, hard to believe I wasn’t always eating organic.

Wendy Myers: And then grains, especially whole grains like brown rice contain a lot of arsenic as well. Heavy metals will tend to accumulate in the bran of different grains. So, when it comes to rice, I definitely always eat white rice so I’m not eating the bran. So, I’m not a big fan of like, if you’re going to eat grains, yeah, you can eat whole grains, but be aware that, and they have more fiber in them and whatnot, but you are all going to have the toxins in the brown part of the kind of the whole grains.

Wendy Myers: And then there’s juice, juice contains a lot of arsenic, especially apple juice. So, non-organic apple juice can have a lot of arsenic in it. Kale can have a lot of thallium in it. Fast food can have nickel from the hydrogenated oils, plus a lot of chemicals in the food wrapping, the food, the little, you know, boxes and papers have chemicals in them as well. So, you need to eat organic food, but again, eating organic food isn’t enough. So, organic food doesn’t have herbicides and pesticides, and insecticides, but it can still have heavy metals in it. So, just be aware of that.

Wendy Myers: So, some signs that you’re suffering from heavy metal toxicity. So, you can have blotchy skin with lots of moles and red spots, and dark spots. You can have brown liver spots on the back of your hand, you can have, like, weight gain, resistant weight loss, toxins really big factor in weight gain. Poor sleep, inconsistent energy, or always feeling tired even though you have, you know, even if you have chronic fatigue, definitely heavy metals are playing a role in energy production. Low or imbalanced hormones or low libido, very well-established in the research on how heavy metals interfere in your hormones and cause hormone imbalances. I have an article on my website about that, about heavy metals and hormones with dozens and dozens of research studies showing that heavy metals can interfere with your mood. It can cause anger and moodiness and anxiety, depression because heavy metals interfere in your neurotransmitter production and your gut where your neurotransmitters are made, some of them.

Wendy Myers: Also heavy metals can cause digestive issues like gas or bloating, constipation, diarrhea, different kinds of digestive issues as well. Poor immunity, very well documented, heavy metals interfere in your immune system functioning and the action of your different immune system cells. Heavy metals cause thyroid issues, especially mercury. Metals can cause infertility because they interfere in your hormones. They can also contribute or outright cause major health issues like cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and diabetes. And in fact, Dr. Joe Pizzorno, who’s the founder of the Bastyr University, he personally thinks that diabetes’ number one cause is toxins, not necessarily our diet. Brain fog or difficulty concentrating, metals absolutely interfere in, you know, neurons firing and talking to each other. Metals interfere, and aluminum, mercury, lead, big contributors to dementia as well. And heavy metals and chemicals also cause premature aging and wrinkles as well because they use up all of your antioxidants that need to be used to make your skin younger. So, a lot of different mechanisms whereby heavy metals cause premature aging.

Wendy Myers: So, we’ll talk about how heavy metal toxicity can make you a magnet for EMF. So, electro sensitivity refers to people’s different levels of tolerance to EMFs. So again, EMFs, Wi-Fi, computers, you know, electricity in your walls, you know, electric sockets can release dirty electricity. We also have the 5G satellites, the cell phone towers, all of your neighbors’ Wi-Fi routers. They’re just so many different sources of EMFs in our environment today. But EMFs don’t affect everyone’s health in the same way. So, while the long-term effects are bad for all of us, the severity of symptoms and the reactions to EMF varies from person to person. So, your diet, your lifestyle, and where you live can all have a really big impact on how much EMFs noticeably bother you. And one reason for that is heavy metals that I just talked about. So, they’re everywhere and depending on how often you’re exposed to heavy metals, you could become more of a magnet for EMF than other people are. And so, and it’s a problem that’s best summed up by naturopathic doctor and nutritionist, Brian Clement. He is brilliant.

Wendy Myers: So, he says that if your body contains various heavy metals that “they will attract and enhance electrical frequencies like a lightning rod, which makes you more likely to develop EHS or electromagnetic hypersensitivity symptoms.” And so, in short, if you want to maintain an immunity to EMFs, you need to detox from heavy metals, and we all have them. It’s impossible to avoid heavy metals in our environment. There’s a few people out there that are very adept, they have amazing genetic detox genes and they’re able to detox very, very, very well. There’s a bell curve with everything in health. So, some people over here can just detox everything. The other people on the other end of the spectrum that are very, very ill, they have a lot of trouble detoxing. So, the more heavy metals you have, the more likely you are to be electrosensitive.

Wendy Myers: So, I want to help you understand how EMFs and heavy metals affect your body. We have to begin with the concept of electromagnetism. So, electromagnetism, as the name suggests, is a science of electricity and magnetism. So, in your body, you know, you have electric and magnetic fields that conduct small currents, and these currents are affected by various metals in your body. And so, we can define electricity as the movement of electrons. And so, metals happen to have electrons that are more portable for lack of a better term. So, in other words, with little force, the electrons of metal atoms can move around quite easily in your body. And so, this movement makes metals excellent conductors of electrical currents. And in fact, your heart and your nervous system rely on the conductivity of metals in your body to keep things flowing smoothly.

Wendy Myers: But here’s the differentiating factor. So, some metals are essential to your health like copper, and copper’s a big part of your nervous system conducting those neurotransmitter signals throughout your nervous system from your spinal cord to your brain. But other metals are toxic, and they don’t have any physiological reason to be in your body. There’s no physiological usefulness for them.

Wendy Myers: So, what happens when you have heavy metals that don’t belong in your body? So, like I said, heavy metals are excellent conductors of electricity, so they can pick up on electromagnetism in your environment like EMFs from the cell phones and the Wi-Fi, computers, and more. And so, the electromagnetic currents of EMFs don’t resonate with your natural body. And so, that means that this heavy metal buildup in your body acts like a conductor to draw these incoherent energy fields in and around your body. And so, by removing heavy metals from your body, you can reduce your electrosensitivity, but also remove many of the metabolic poisons that cause or exacerbate so many of our modern-day health issues and symptoms as well. And it’s a win-win for your health to remove heavy metals.

Wendy Myers: So, next, I’m going to talk about my best detox strategies. So, before we get into strategies, you need to know what heavy metals that you’re dealing with and if you’re deficient in minerals as well because the more deficient you are in minerals, the more heavy metal toxic people tend to be. Okay, so HTMA is a test that helps you determine your heavy metal load. So, it’s called a hair mineral analysis or HTMA. So, if you guys want to learn more about how to do heavy metals testing, I love hair mineral analysis. It’s my favorite heavy metals test, to begin with. It’s really inexpensive. It tells you a lot of different heavy metals in your body, a lot of different minerals that you have. Because if you’re mineral deficient, your body is forced to hold on to more heavy metals to do different jobs in the body.

Wendy Myers: And so, in fact, taking minerals is a great way to detox your body to help push out and displace heavy metals. So, it’s kind of where you find minerals, you also tend to find heavy metals. They can occupy the same binding sites in the body. So, by doing a test and finding out if you’re high or low in certain minerals, you can do this nutritional balancing to detox your body. So, it’s a very natural way to detox your body. So, you can find out your heavy metal levels and your mineral levels with a hair mineral analysis. And so, we’re going to cover how HTMA works, what you can learn from it, and how you can benefit from getting a hair mineral analysis.

Wendy Myers: So, if you have brain fog, if you have mood swings or other symptoms that your doctor can’t seem to help with, there’s a good chance toxins are the culprit. I assure you, I’ve researched toxins for over a decade. It’s amazing all the different symptoms that they can cause. So, an HTMA can really help determine what metals are the source of your health issues and kind of give you the key to what that underlying root cause is of your health issues. It was very eye-opening for me, my first heavy metals test that I got, I was fascinated by this. I was very mercury toxic, I was arsenic toxic, I was toxic in aluminum, uranium, cesium, thallium. I had so many metals and it really gave me a lot of answers as to what may be going on with my health and why I hadn’t been successful up to that point with all the things I was doing for my health. Why I just wasn’t getting relief.

Wendy Myers: So, also, I mentioned that the mineral levels in your hair can give you insight into your metabolic rate, into your cellular health, your toxic heavy metal load, your energy production, mineral deficiencies, mineral imbalances, your nutritional status, and a variety of common health conditions as well. We can see how well your thyroid is working also with HTMA. And HTMA it’s also, it’s a very affordable non-invasive lab test that just measures the mineral content of your hair and the heavy metal content of your hair, and your hair contains a great deal of information about your biology. It’s very informative.

Wendy Myers: And the HTMA is one of the best and easiest ways also to improve your performance and to feel better every day because minerals are like the spark plugs of your biology. They drive reactions and biological pathways and almost every process in your body. So, it’s really important to measure the mineral levels in your body and replace deficient minerals. And so, doing this also happens to detox your body as well by pushing out and displacing heavy metals. And also, hair mineral analysis, it’s totally painless, it’s really easy to do. You just have to take a small sample of your hair at home, and you send it off to a lab to an accredited hair analysis lab, could not be easier. And also, you know,  there’s a really strong correlation between the levels of minerals and heavy metals and the tissues of your body and what’s excreted into the hair. And so, this is what makes it ideal for looking at your body burden of toxic metal.

Wendy Myers: And like I said, getting at HTMA is really simple, you can order the HTMA kit online. You can send your hair in the same day, you just download all the directions, it’s super easy. Cut a little sample of your hair and mail it to us, and after a couple of weeks, you’ll get a full report on the mineral and heavy metal content of your hair and what that means for you. So, there’s no need for a blood test or going to a clinic or a doctor. So, you can get an HTMA without leaving your home and get that HTMA interpreted by one of our six different practitioners that were trained personally by me over a year. You can do a Zoom call with them and get the interpretation of that HTMA just without ever leaving your home.

Wendy Myers: And what I like about this test, it’s really inexpensive. And this test is so valuable because like I said, it gives you so much information about and insights into your metabolism. It gives you insights into, like I said, your heavy metal levels, your mineral levels, thyroid, adrenal functioning. Just so much information is in a properly interpreted HTMA. It’s really, it’s amazing.

Wendy Myers: Also, some other ways to detox your body are ionic foot baths. These are one of my favorite ways to detox the body. All you have to do is put your feet in some water, some saltwater. Turn on the ionic foot bath and you get all these toxins that are released into the water, and you also increase urinary and fecal output or excretion of toxins two to three days after you do the ionic foot baths. So, those are amazing. The only company I recommend is the IonCleanse by AMD, which is But at best, they’re a couple thousand dollars. So, they’re not cheap, but they are very, very, very effective and very easy to do. And anyone can do them, any age can do them, they’re super safe and very effective. And, you know, they don’t take a lot of time out of your day. You can do them while you’re watching TV, they just don’t really, and they’re easy to do also.

Wendy Myers: And next, we have full- spectrum infrared saunas, another one of my favorite detox protocols. It’s so healthy for you, so pleasurable, full-spectrum infrared saunas have a lot of different benefits. I really like the Therasage sauna, They have a fantastic sauna, it’s full-spectrum, it also has red light panels in it, so you get red light therapy with that as well. So, what saunas do is that you have this infrared light, so it’s an invisible light, and the infrared rays are sent to your body, they kind of vibrate, they penetrate your tissues. They kind of vibrate your cells and that helps the cells to release their toxic contents.

Wendy Myers: But also, when you’re getting this invisible light, you are essentially, you are sending frequencies to your body that stimulate stem cell production, and they help to regenerate your tissues and help promote healing. You are also charging up your body or charging up the cells’ membranes as well. You’re charging up your body’s voltage like a battery because the sun also emits full-spectrum infrared as well. These spectrums of light, they charge up your body, that’s why you feel good after you go into the sun. And so going to a full spectrum infrared sauna can help mimic that, you know, charging up of your cell, charging up your immune system, ramping up the production of stem cells, and it’s very, very healing.

Wendy Myers: So, not to mention it stimulates your cells to release their toxic content, all the heavy metals and pesticides and things that are stored primarily in your fat cells in your body. The body loves to store toxins away in your fat cells. So, when you start detoxing, one of the side benefits is weight loss, because you’re getting rid of the storage receptacles. You don’t need the storage receptacles any longer if you get rid of the toxins, which are being stored there.

Wendy Myers: Also, food. So, food is a great way to detox, obviously. So, the top five foods to help with detoxification, broccoli sprouts. So, broccoli sprouts are rich in sulforaphane, and that’s a compound that contains sulfur, and it’s a key ingredient that promotes the elimination of toxins from the liver. And so, this amazing compound has, you know, hundreds and hundreds of studies that prove that they defeat a variety of age and toxicity related health issues, and broccoli sprouts also contain really powerful antioxidants and your body’s master antioxidant, glutathione, which supports both phases of liver detoxification as well. And just notes sprouts have up to 100 times the detox power of broccoli. So, I’m definitely a big fan of the sprouts and I grow them myself, I put them in tacos, I put them in salads, I eat them by themselves, I juice them. There’s a lot of different ways I incorporate broccoli sprouts into my diet. They’re super healthy.

Wendy Myers: And the next is garlic. I love garlic. It’s really rich in allicin and selenium. And selenium is deficient in 98% of people’s diets. Everyone I’ve tested with a hair mineral analysis, they have very low selenium levels unless they eat a ton of garlic or they eat Brazil nuts. And so, the allicin and selenium are two really potent nutrients that help to cleanse and nourish your blood and body. Garlic is also loaded with sulfur, which activates liver enzymes that help the body flush out toxins. Also, selenium is needed to make glutathione, which is the body’s master antioxidant used to detox. And selenium is also an essential micronutrient that’s been shown to help boost a natural antioxidant enzyme levels in our livers.

Wendy Myers: So, the next one is onion. So, onions are rich in allicin as well, that helps to flush the liver and your digestive tract of unwanted chemicals and toxins. And they’re rich in sulfur and many compounds to aid detox. So, regular onion consumption may even be helpful in the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disorder or disease along with a healthy diet.

Wendy Myers: Next one is ginger. So, ginger contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory molecules that aid in liver detox. So, it cleanses the body by stimulating digestion, circulation, and sweating, and its digestive actions may serve to cleanse in and the buildup of waste and toxins in the colon, liver, and other organs as well. Ginger is also a really powerful support for the liver, and it’s been shown to help relieve some symptoms of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease as well.

Wendy Myers: And then there are egg yolks. So, this is kind of a surprising surprise, this is on the list of top detox foods, but I’m going to tell you why. So, eggs are really rich in choline. So, choline is essential for liver function, for brain development, for nervous system, and neuro metabolism, and many are deficient in choline. And it’s essential for detoxification. So, choline is needed for fat transport and metabolism. It’s essential for making a substance required for removing cholesterol from your liver. Inadequate choline may result in fat and cholesterol buildup in your liver. Broccoli sprouts are also a really good source of choline as well, but we need choline for detoxification.

Wendy Myers: So, with the understanding of how heavy metals can increase the harmful effects of EMFs, your first step in assessing your EMF vulnerability is to look at the levels of heavy metals in your body. And so, the best way to determine the amounts of metals that you have carrying in your body or your body burden of heavy metals is through a hair mineral analysis also called an HTMA. So, this process it’s simple, it’s efficient in helping you determine the amount of heavy metal stored in your body as well as mineral deficiencies that you may have. And HTMA, it’s done at home, it only requires a very small amount of hair, it’s non-invasive, painless. It has dozens of metals and minerals.

Wendy Myers: And aside from the impact that heavy metals can have on your body or on the way that your body responds to EMFs, these toxic compounds can interfere with all of your vital organs and the biological processes of those organs. And so, I mean, I researched this for over a decade and it’s mind-blowing how much heavy metals interfere in every aspect of your health, every different organ, every different health issue typically will have a heavy metal component, which is the underlying root cause of that, or it exacerbates that health condition.

Wendy Myers: And also just a side note, even if you aren’t experiencing electro hypersensitivity symptoms, having an HTMA done regularly is a fantastic preventive tool for ensuring that you aren’t harboring heavy metals in your body because everyone has heavy metals, okay. There are some people that may detox them really, really, really well, but the more that they build up in the body and they can also build up over time. You need to be paying attention to this, you don’t want to wait until you get a diagnosis or you start having symptoms. Heavy metal accumulation in the body is a fact of life, it’s impossible to avoid. So, there’s no better time than today to begin managing your body’s burden of the heavy metal. So, doing an HTMA is a great way to do that. Or if you suspect that you are electro hypersensitivity or are experiencing symptoms of electro hypersensitivity like fatigue and brain fog, et cetera, taking an HTMA is a crucial first step in helping you combat the ill effects of EMFs that may be causing you.

Wendy Myers: You may be surprised by if you do an interpretation with a practitioner. You’re going to be really blown away by how much information is in a hair tissue mineral analysis. After you buy the HTMA, you will get an offer to buy an interpretation at a discounted price. And I would take advantage of that because it’s a one-time offer, and I recommend getting the consult, I mean, if this is your first time getting a hair mineral analysis, it really is worth it getting a consult to talk to the person, talk to them about supplements, supplements that they recommend. And a lot of times there’s hidden metals.

Wendy Myers: There’s a way to interpret this hair mineral analysis and see heavy metals that you have that are not overtly apparent to a lay person like yourself on the test. Yeah, you can see your mercury levels and your lead levels, but we can tell if you have cadmium toxicity, if you have cesium toxicity, if you have thallium toxicity, and other heavy metal toxicities that are not readily apparent to you because of how we interpret it, okay. So, really helpful on your health journey to get a consult.

Wendy Myers: After you buy the HTMA, you start getting a series of videos,  and after you get results, you get another series of videos that gives you information and insights into the metal levels in your hair. So, we give you a lot of free information. But if you need more info beyond that, you can book a consult with one of our practitioners to really get an in-depth insight in reading on your hair mineral analysis, and a customized supplement protocol for the HTMA as well to detox your body.

Wendy Myers: You can also do something called NES Health bioenergetic. It’s a program that we offer that even though people have blocked detox pathways, you can optimize the body’s function. You can change epigenetic expression by changing the body’s energy field and the information that’s being sent to the body’s energy fields, okay. And so, we are not slaves to our genes. So, genes are just these blueprints, our DNA are blueprints that produce proteins and enzymes, but they take direction from the energy field. So, you can completely change your genetic expression by correcting your body’s functioning energetically. So, that’s what I would recommend because you really can’t accomplish that with just diet and supplements and physical approaches, physical solutions. You really need to be thinking about using bioenergetics, and that’s what moves the needle for people is doing a bioenergetic program, like a scan with  NES Health, which also gives you a tremendous amount of information.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So, we recommend the same protocols for detoxing on what your hair says. So, we recommend ionic foot baths and infrared saunas, coffee enemas, no matter what. But different metals have different nutrients that remove them that are shown in the research. So, all of our practitioners are trained in the different supplements, and what the research shows remove different heavy metals. So, there’s different substances that remove lead, that remove mercury, that remove arsenic. So, you want to test, not guess, you don’t want to just take generic supplements for detoxification. You want to know what heavy metals that you’re working with so that you know what supplements to take or what supplements would be optimal for removing those metals.

Wendy Myers: And some people are really surprised by the metals that they have, and it gives them a real light bulb, aha moment, as to what is causing their various symptoms and why nothing worked before to help them get rid of the symptom. For me, I used to have tinnitus, and my really high aluminum levels that are the root cause of that. My aluminum levels came down, my tinnitus resolved, I never have tinnitus anymore. So, if you have really high aluminum levels, you can take a lot of different substances. You can take my Ageless AF that has a form of silica in it. That’s amazing for detoxing aluminum, that’s my number one choice. You can take a DMSA, which is an amino acid. You can take EDTA, which is an amino acid, those are too harsh though. There’s a lot of very effective methods that are more natural for detoxing aluminum, like the modified citrus pectin that is in my CitriCleanse. Also very, very good for aluminum: Sodium R-Lipoate, Life Extension, Super Lipoic Acids great for aluminum.

Wendy Myers: Zeolite, as I mentioned, curcumin, garlic. Lithium, it’s also great, even better. NAC N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, vitamin C and zinc. So, those all detox aluminum. Other things like arsenic, I always had a real tough time with weight loss, and I just didn’t understand why, and then I realized, studied, how these heavy metals are metabolic poisons and how arsenic will actually poison enzymes that transport triglycerides out of your fat cells. And so, there’s just a lot of different examples like that. So, you want to just make sure you’re taking targeted supplements for the different heavy metals that you have because you want to be doing a sniper approach to supplementation, not a shotgun approach because the sniper approach is going to be kind of get you to your goal faster or feeling better faster, if you’re taking targeted supplements, you’re going to detox faster. It’s going to be more effective and you’re not going to be wasting your time and your money on things that may not be working very well because they don’t work on your particular heavy metal toxicity.

Wendy Myers: For lead and mercury, you want to take the supplements that remove those metals. Lead can be kind of difficult to remove, but using an ionic foot bath really, really helpful for removing lead. Lead is just one of those things, we all have lead, we have lead in our bones and it can be challenging to remove, but using ionic foot bath really, really helped to hasten that process of removal. Identifying it and detoxing copper can be tricky. So, namely, you want to take zinc, you need to eat red meat or take zinc supplements. There are also different nutrients that you can take as well.

Wendy Myers: Zeolites are great at detoxing copper, removing copper from your body. So, that’s my number one go-to is the Zeolites. But just be aware they can deplete copper and they can deplete zinc as well. So, you just want to be careful about using zeolites. Zeolites are natural substances, they also need to be clean, I mean, some zeolites can be very contaminated. So, you have the one that I recommend is CytoDetox that’s been triple cleaned. It’s really, really effective. And so, that’s really what I recommend for the Zeolite that I recommend, and it removes a lot of different metals.

Wendy Myers: So, I want to go over the metals here that it removes, if my chart will open up here. So, the Zeolites are really effective at removing aluminum, arsenic, barium, cadmium, cesium, cobalt, copper, gadolinium, gold, if you have gold fillings. You’re going to have too much gold. Lead, mercury, manganese, and nickel. So very, very comprehensive detox products. Sorry, that’s why I like zeolites. But just keep your eyeballs on your zinc and your copper levels if you’re taking zeolites on a regular basis.

Wendy Myers: So, binder is obviously great for detoxification. I developed a product called CitriCleanse, an amazing gentle binder, very effective at absorbing heavy metals and chemicals. Very important part of detoxification. So, binders are a fantastic, very easy, gentle way to detox, and those are kind of universal detoxifiers that you can take.

Wendy Myers: So, thank you so much, I really appreciate you taking the time to join me. It’s such a pleasure and joy for me to teach you guys about heavy metal detoxification and EMF. These are really important things that are affecting your health. Conventional doctors and a lot of functional medical practitioners are just not talking about, and you need to be paying attention to these things that I wanted to talk to you about how heavy metals can make you more electro hypersensitive, more susceptible to the effects of the EMFs. So, thanks for tuning in. And remember I highly recommend getting an HTMA. I think you’re going to find it really, really fascinating.