Transcript #436 Are Parasites The Missing Link to Weight Gain, Energy Drain, and Broken Brain? With Diane Kazer


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  1. Find out what’s in store on this Myers Detox Podcast with Diane Kazer who joins the show to talk about parasites, parasite cleansing, and how parasites could be the cause of many of your health symptoms. Diane also goes over how parasites go hand in hand with heavy metal toxicity, the dos and don’ts of parasite cleansing, and how different types of parasites affect your body.
  2. Find out why Diane became focused on addressing parasites.
  3. Find out why parasites are so prevalent in our body and where they are coming from.
  4. Learn about some of the health issues that can be caused by parasites.
  5. Learn more about how and where you can contract parasites.
  6. Learn about some of the symptoms of parasites.
  7. Find out some of the reasons why you could be experiencing symptoms from parasites.
  8. Learn about some of Diane’s recommendations when going about doing a parasite cleanse.
  9. Find out why it is critical to have your drainage pathways open before doing a parasite cleanse.
  10. Find out about some of the issues that can come from improperly detoxing parasites.
  11. Learn about some of the top myths associated with properly cleansing parasites from your body.
  12. Learn about Diane’s proven parasite cleansing process, and some of the best things you can do to prepare you body for the cleanse.
  13. Find out how the full moon affects parasites.
  14. Read Wendy’s and Diane’s final remarks on parasite cleanses, and how you can do a parasite cleanse using Diane’s parasite protocol and supplements.


Wendy Myers: Hello everyone. I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Myers Detox Podcast. You guys can learn more about my work and download tons of free e-guides and run with all types of subjects at And today we have a great guest, my friend, Diane Kazer. She’s been on the show a few times, and she’s always really funny and has a wealth of knowledge. Today, she’s talking about parasite cleansing. And so what parasites are doing to your body, the symptoms of parasite cleansing are really surprising information on the show. And she talks about how parasites go hand in hand with heavy metal toxicity and why when you’re doing a heavy metal detox, you also think about parasite cleansing because a body naturally allows parasites to proliferate when you have heavy metal toxicity to clean up the toxic mess. So, parasites will consume heavy metals and chemicals.

Wendy Myers: So, the body’s innately intelligent in that way. And she also talks about the dos and don’ts of parasite cleansing, what you want to do, the right way to do parasite cleansing, and really lots of interesting information about what parasites look like, what different types of parasites harbor different molds and viruses, and bacteria and Lyme even, and why your immune system gets compromised and allows these to proliferate. So, tune into the shows really, really, really good. And just a few announcements. If you guys haven’t tuned in recently, I recently became a naturopathic doctor. So, I’ve been working on that for quite some time. So, I’m really, really happy about that. Something I really dreamt about since I was 10 years old. That’s why I wanted to be a doctor when I grew up. So, I’m really thrilled about that.

Wendy Myers: And, also I just got back from five weeks in Argentina. And so that was just an unbelievable trip. I love South America, and I’ve always wanted to go to Argentina. I’ve been to Brazil and Peru, but I had never gone to Argentina. So, I went everywhere. I went to Buenos Aires and Salta and Mendoza, and I went to Ushuaia, the very southern tip of South America, and then went to the Perito Moreno Glacier as well and went to Iguazu Falls. It just had an unbelievable, just mind-blowing trip. Definitely did some wine tasting for sure. So, Mendoza, Argentina, is one of the top wine-growing regions in the world. So, I definitely partook a little of that and really enjoyed myself. Not a big drinker, but I really enjoyed the wine there. So, that’s what I have going on, but wait, let’s get back to the show.

Wendy Myers: So, parasite cleansing. So, Diane Kazer. Diane is a soccer player turned functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner, and she’s also a courage coach and a holistic beauty expert. And she’s been through many health struggles, and with empathy and fierce leadership, she’s your go-to girl to break through anything. So, no matter what you tried or what you’ve been told. And so, as an intuitive healer, she’s the author of Killer Breasts, a step-by-step guide to overcoming breast implant illness. And she’s also the producer of the Non-Toxic Beauty Summit and creator of Cleanse Heal Ignite. This program helps women use the power of intuition to discover their inner healer by providing them lifelong tools to reverse autoimmune disease, breast implant, illness, hormone imbalances, chronic pain, gut infections, emotional trauma, and perfectionism.

Wendy Myers: So, her mission is to educate and empower irrationally passionate women leaders with safer beauty, body, and breast solutions from products and procedures to diet and detox. So, they can age gracefully and holistically with energy and vitality. They need to step into their power to speak their voice and spark their purpose. So, you can learn more about Diane and her work at Hi Diane. Thank you for coming on the show.

Diane Kazer: Hey Wendy. Thanks for having me again.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So, I wanted to have you come on and talk a little bit about parasites because it’s a big problem. Everyone has parasites, and people just maybe aren’t thinking about that as the cause of their symptoms. So, tell me a little bit about why you got so focused on parasites.

Diane Kazer: Yeah, well, like you, we’re both FDMs in our history, and years ago, it was probably about nine years ago, the things I started seeing come out of me when I was doing my cleansing protocols and started doing enemas one came out, and then it was a nonstop process, nonstop, nonstop, more coming out. And what I noticed is when they were coming out of me, I was feeling a lot better. My skin was clearing up. My hair was thicker. And, of course, a lot of people are wondering what to do for this “anti-aging” thing. But then there’s a question that many people aren’t asking: why are all these things happening? And that’s what I realized is that parasites do a lot of damage, and you’ll see some slides that I’m going to present today. You’ll want to stay to the end because if you look at my WhatsApp chat with a lot of the members in our group that I’m helping through these cleanse that you’re going to learn about today, it’s constant, everyday little things that they’re sharing.

Diane Kazer: Like, “Look at this one, look at this one, look at this one.” And then the ensuing symptom relief, and how much better they feel and they look. So, it’s been such a big part of that missing link that when we finally did it the right way and in the right order and with the right herbs and the right foods at the right time, we finally hit this breaking point where people are like, “I didn’t even know, had to weight to lose. I didn’t even know where these things could live?” And then the benefits are amazing. So, I wanted to share it with everybody.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I’d love it when a client sends you pictures of their toilet and what’s coming out of them. It’s incredible. Yeah. But parasites they’re a huge issue today. And I think they’re a big underlying root cause of people’s problems. And tell us a little bit about that? Why are parasites so prevalent? Which ones are they? Why are the doctors missing them? When are people coming to them?

Diane Kazer: Yeah. We’ll get into all of that. So can I share my screen so you can.

Wendy Myers: Yes. Please.

Diane Kazer: Okay. Great. Yeah. Let me open this just one second.

Wendy Myers: And for those of you guys just listening on the audio or on Spotify or whatever, we have this video. If you want to check up the video on to search for Diane Kazer.

Diane Kazer: Yes. And both of you and I have removed our breast implants, and this is another big thing that a lot of women are ex planting, but then they’re not going after the bugs that have been living inside of them for such a long time, as the implants have been causing a lot of toxic storm in the body. So, yeah, let’s give this. I named this one for you, parasite cleansing and energy balancing for Myers detox. So, these are the missing links that pair with detox programs. So, many of you guys know the amazing work that Wendy does on Myers detox. And, of course, there’s a lot more to it too. When we’re looking at the whole body, there are hundreds of trillions of cells inside of you. And there’s a lot of toxins that are now in our environment that we all know that we’re, I think in the last couple of years, a lot of us have really woken up to just the sheer amount of poisons that are invisible but yet surrounding us at all times.

Diane Kazer: So, since the 1930s, and you’ve probably talked a lot about this in your show, a 100,000 plus chemicals, 85,000 pretty much have been toxins that are in circulation now, have been introduced into our lives, and of them, less than 1% have been tested for safety. There’s a little regulation on them. And the small handful of chemicals that have been tested were performed by the companies that profit from them. 2000 plus new chemicals are approved every year but have never been tested for human safety. I’ll get to the connection of parasites after this. Of that, only around 10 are tested for neurotoxic effects. In other words, how they impact the brain. And a lot of people now are saying, “Why do I have so much brain fog? Why can’t I think?” Hearing a lot of people talk, it’s like they keep repeating themselves, and they forget what they said five minutes ago.

Diane Kazer: They forgot what they ate yesterday, forgot what they ate 10 minutes ago. And so, we are seeing a lot of neuroses in people’s brains, and that’s not meant to be a shameful thing. Our brains can’t function with this many poisons and ensuing parasites that live inside of them because they have a synergistic relationship. So, none of these have been tested for how they react to toxins with each other in what we call a synergistic effect. And what a lot of us don’t realize is that many people today are struggling with their infertility. About one in three to four, depending on where you’re at, miscarry, and they lose their baby. I mean, a lot of that is from EMF exposure. A lot of that’s from toxins and parasites that live in the body. So, I always tell women, before you even start to build your womb, do a solid cleanse for at least three to six months. Three months of good parasite cleansing and three months of heavy metal chemical and other environmental toxin cleansing.

Diane Kazer: And after a good six months, then your nest is ready for a baby. Otherwise, you’re risking losing the baby or not having a healthy baby or your baby being born with, on average, close to 300 chemicals and pollutants that a baby is born with before they even take their first breath, and it’s so sad. And 180 of these cause cancer, 217 are toxic to the nervous system and brain, and 208 cause birth defects. So, there’s a reason why kids are just set up for failure the moment that they’re born. And so, what happens is women too, women are also, you actually did a really good show on this before Wendy. Toxins that women apply to their bodies, beauty toxins, hair, toxins, and body toxins. I always say, “Look out for your body, your boobs, your brain, your bowels, and your baby.” Make sure all of these things are protected.

Diane Kazer: And people are so quick to cleanse, but they’re also not considering the things causing them symptoms from having a toxic body. So, it’s just as important to reduce toxic load as it is to also cleanse the body. And the reason why parasites are so prevalent now is because they are bottom feeders. They are there to clean up the mess that our bodies cannot excrete quickly enough. And so the more these things that we’re slathering all over our body in the name of beauty, which actually causes aging quicker, when you apply these toxins to your body, the more parasites you’re going to have in the body and the more symptoms, health conditions, rare, mysterious diseases that are diagnosed by doctors who say, “Oh, it’s rare.” And then you get really scared, and you go, “Well, it’s a rare disease. And oh, I’m so unique. And no one else has dealt with this before. So I guess I need to take this drug.”

Diane Kazer: And it’s, maybe there’s something else going on. Maybe there are some questions that we haven’t asked. And so that’s why I want to talk about parasites today. So, here’s the question. I hear a lot of people say, “Well, I don’t have parasites. I can’t see them come out of me. I don’t have them.” But here are the staggering statistics regarding parasites. In recent medical studies, it’s been estimated that 85% of the North American population has at least one of these suckers, these literal suckers living in their bodies. And some people feel it’s as high as 95%.

Wendy Myers: I don’t see how anyone could be exempt from having parasites, and you get them on food. You get them if you have an animal or live on a farm. I mean, there are thousands of parasites. I mean,  I don’t see how people could avoid them at all.

Diane Kazer: Exactly. Unless you’re a robot, I guess. And it’s a whole nother topic. But yeah, it’s true. They’re everywhere. And if you’re not washing your food, if you’re eating chicken or beef, if you’re eating sushi, or eating pork. I mean, I’m not saying, by any means, anything these things are “bad for you,” but they’re a part of our life. So, they’re not bad. They’re just bad when they grow out of proportion. And that’s where people start to have symptoms, and they can’t make the connection. So we’ll talk about that too. So, yeah, they’re everywhere. And hey, if your significant other has one and you go do a parasite cleanse, but they don’t do one. Well, then you’re just circulating bugs and circulating worms. And none of this stuff is meant to cause paranoia. It’s just meant to educate so that ideally, we’re doing a whole house cleanse, a whole house parasite deworming cleanse because this is what’s more infectious than the Vs.

Diane Kazer: So, I’ll let you guys riff off of that with your own puzzle pieces inferences. So, humans can play host to hundreds of different types of parasites, and they can invade all parts of the body, even the brain, as I mentioned before. And we’ll talk about the full moon and how that connects to parasites. And they eat the calcium linings of our bones, the protein coating of our nerves, and the tissues in the colon, which can then cause congestion in the colon. So, when you think about acne, it’s pores getting backed up because toxins are trying to leave, but those pores get congested. It’s the same thing happening on the inside of your body. So, anytime you see skin issues on the outside, there’s some stagnation or congestion on the inside, right? Especially in your digestive tract and especially in the colon.

Diane Kazer: So, constipation is a big problem these days. The average person is going every four to five days now. And I know a lot of people who are like, “I haven’t pooped in a month.” Whoa, wow. That’s a big deal if you’re not even pooping once or twice a day. So, a part of the problem is that they can release a lot of toxic waste that congests these pores where toxic waste is supposed to be eliminated, right? So, that’s also where the eggs are hatched in the colon. So, we have all different kinds of life cycles. And that’s what I do want to get to today as well as how to approach a parasite to cleanse comprehensively and completely. And if a colon isn’t cleaned on a regular basis, pooping is not an example of colon cleansing. We’re talking deeper than that.

Diane Kazer: And we’ll talk about that today too. Or if one consumes, If you, as a human, consume parasites’ favorite foods like sugar and dairy and specific meats and raw uncooked foods or things that we don’t clean parasites from, the eggs will continue to hatch. And then they eat those nutrients as they grow. That’s how they grow; they eat your nutrients. You think about becoming your vitamin factory. You take all these supplements and eat healthy diets, yet very little of that is actually getting to your cells. So, no wonder why you’re deficient, but consuming the healthiest diet and no wonder why it’s hard to lose weight, right? Because these parasites release a lot of waste in your body. So, they eat your nutrients, and then you might get the leftovers if you’re lucky. So, you’re a prisoner to these things, and they destroy your cells faster than they could be regenerated.

Diane Kazer: So, many people are doing stem cells and PRP, all of which I love, but maybe that’s why it’s so popular because they’re decomposing us quicker than we can actually regenerate ourselves. They produce toxins in the body and exhaust the immune system, and the immune system’s all the rage now to protect us from “the next pandemic,” whatever that looks like. They lay thousands of eggs, and every few minutes, another beautiful visual. And they could eventually destroy vital tissues and organisms and even cause death so that people don’t connect cancer actually. The connection between cancer and parasites is pretty stagnant, yet chemo and radiation are the only Western medical treatment for that. And I know you talk a lot about that because of your dad, and that’s what started you, Wendy, and similar for me is I’ll get to it.

Diane Kazer: So, this is very interesting because they are said to have the ability to mimic vital organs in our bodies so that they can’t be detected by doctors. So, when people go get a colonoscopy, and they’re looking for problems in the colon, because someone has hemorrhoids or whatever that look like diverticulitis, IBS, then they say, “Let’s do a colonoscopy. Well, we didn’t find anything, maybe except for a little inflammation, maybe some polyps, let’s cut the polyps out,” but why is there inflammation? Why are there polyps? So, these are microscopic organisms, and we just don’t have the treatments or the scans in Western medicine to even get to the root cause of why we have these issues.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And even when you do testing, say you have a great doctor, and they say, “Let’s do parasite testing.” You can only really detect maybe a big test for a dozen on a functional medicine test. And there are 100s or even 1000s of different types of parasites. So, it’s hard to detect them. They just test for the most common ones.

Diane Kazer: Yeah. I always like to say, think about war and the bad guys hiding in the bunker. And so it’s our military’s job to find the bad guy in the bunker, but good luck. They’re really, really good at adapting and hiding. So, I don’t even use just blood tests or stool tests or any kind of testing to look at and say, “Oh, you don’t have a parasite. So, that didn’t show up on the test.” And I want to get to that as being one of the myths that people believe, too, because it’s still happening with a lot of practitioners. A lot of naturopaths, a lot of medical doctors, not intentionally, but just based on training. So, I hope this interview also makes it to them so that they can also consider how they organize their practice and support patients. National Geographic says, “Parasites have killed more people than all the wars in the history of humankind.”

Wendy Myers: Wow. Wow.

Diane Kazer: Yeah.

Wendy Myers: That’s a big statement.

Diane Kazer: Very big. So, we’re all afraid of war, yet we have a war that’s living within, and no one is really teaching us how to reduce that war from within. So, this is what these little suckers look like. And if you guys are listening to the podcast, this is what you’ll see. Hopefully, go watch the video of this. They’re so cute. Look at these little worm selfies. So, many of them are microscopic, and you can’t see them because they’re protozoa. And actually, that’s what’s happening with a lot of these shots, and I know what I’m talking about by that. A lot of these shots have them inside of them, and they’re microscopic. Most of them are protozoa, which is why I,  the thing that starts with an I, is very common that people are taking. And we’ll talk about that a little bit later. The roundworms, tapeworms, hookworm, nematodes, cestodes, and flukes.

Diane Kazer: These are things that you might actually not be able to see in your toilet when you poop, but they live inside of them. And when I’m working with clients in my practice, what we see when they’re on a parasite protocol is that often these things will come out separate from the stool, and you really can feel when they’re coming out. Some of them like flukes, they are part of your stool, but it’s hard to find unless you’re really looking for them. So I always tell my clients, “Look back. There’s a treasure in that toilet.”

Wendy Myers: Or poop and throw a strainer. I have clients who poop through a strainer so they can see what’s in there.

Diane Kazer: I agree with that statement. People, but it looks gross. Well, you guys, these are part of you, and they’re there in a spiritual sense. They’ve been there to protect you for a very long time. And so when-

Wendy Myers: When some of them were big with the tapeworm, I had another client that had clumps of worms come out of her, clumps of worms.

Diane Kazer: Which part? Which orifice?

Wendy Myers: Okay. Out of her poop shoot.

Diane Kazer: Poop shoot?

Wendy Myers: Her rectum. Sorry. Yeah. So, she could see them for sure. But yeah, they’re some of the microscopic with some of them you can see for sure.

Diane Kazer: Yeah. Yeah. The winds that I saw eight years ago, two years after I installed my breast implants. And then realizing later, I’m like, “Was I pooping out silicone, remnants of particles that were leaking from my breast implants, or was this really a tapeworm?” It’s really hard to say because tapeworm looks like silicone when it comes out of the body because I had that happen to me too. So, will you ever know exactly which one’s coming out of you? No, I even thought back then I wanted to send it to a lab, be part of the research, and be part of the solution, but that was even more difficult. So, yeah. I think it’s really important, like when you were saying you could even use a strainer to see what’s coming out of you and then the same thing for your children. If they’re not feeling well, they have allergies, sensitivities, and tolerances.

Diane Kazer: Those things are not genetic as much as they are biologically inherited from womb to tomb. Like I was mentioning, that’s what happens. Mothers pass this stuff down to their babies, and they don’t intentionally do it. But this is why it’s important to cleanse before you have a baby and start building a nest. So, yeah, the hookworm is a very visual mouth, and I don’t want those things in my body. I don’t know about you, but roundworms are also a whole another spectacle I see. We don’t know which ones sometimes come out. But when they do, and Wendy, I don’t know if you want this in here.

Diane Kazer: Okay. So, parasite exposure. What a lot of people think they might inherit parasites from is world travel. They think, “Well, I don’t travel. I don’t need a lot of sushi. I don’t have pets.” And so therefore, the mind gets blocked from the possibility that they might not be only living inside of you because they are. Everybody has parasites. But if they’re living inside of you and thriving because of you. So, you are the host, and if they’re sucking the life out of you, then no wonder why you’re tired. No wonder why you can’t build your beauty. No wonder why your immune system feels so often. You get sick so often. No wonder why you can’t sleep. There are a lot of different things. And I think about parasites with the connection from biological to energetic too.

Diane Kazer: So, it reduces our vibrational frequency. It lowers it. And so we then become more subject to spiritual attack too. So, I believe everything’s connected. Where do we really contract them? Contaminated drinking water. I went scout Giardia from showering in Peru, in the deep Amazon jungles, and did some plant medicine down there. And people say, “Well, Diane, can’t you just do the plant medicine? It gets rid of all your parasites.” I’m like, “No, because I came back from that trip with Giardia.” So, contaminated drinking water. It’s very important to know your drinking water and how to clean that out. Contaminated meats, insect bites, gardening, pets, sorry guys. But a lot of you are licking your, doing the French kiss thing with your animals. And that could actually literally bite you in the butt later on. And I have horses, I have a horse, but I’m very cautious about how I interact with her.

Diane Kazer: So, I’m not saying, don’t bond, but yeah. Well, a lot of people are doing this a little bit recklessly. Swimming in lakes and creeks, and then kissing and drinking from our loved ones. And then feeding them, of course, they stick around because it’s a pound puppy. They’re running around and, or a cat, stray cat, they keep coming back because you feed them. Same thing with parasites. So, you can’t just go to cleanse. You also want to ask the question of what’s feeding these things? So, I believe very much in the terrain theory. And the terrain theory means that if our immune system is rolling out, it’s tired, fatigued from fighting a lot of these bugs we’ve had for a long time, it’s rolling out the red carpet to allow them to thrive. So, cleaning the fish tank is my recommendation and what we’re going to talk about today.

Wendy Myers: I agree. I agree.

Diane Kazer: So, I’m going to scroll through these quickly because you guys can go back to the video and push pause anytime. But my point is here. We’re going to go through about eight of these slides that show the symptoms of parasite infections. Because people ask, “Well, how do I know if I have a parasite infection if they don’t see it come out of me?” Well, I categorize them as stomach and digestive complications. I call it bipolar bowels where there’s no consistency of two bowels. And bipolar bowels equals bipolar brain, and I wonder why am I anxious and depressed all at the same time? And it starts in your gut, really. There’s a whole elevator called the biggest nerve that connects those things. And then abdominal pain, swelling, bloating, mucus, stools, leaky gut, nausea, hemorrhoids burning in the stomach, and bloody stools.

Diane Kazer: Doesn’t sound very fun. And some people say, “Oh, I got bloody stools because I have hemorrhoids.” Please, you guys, stop making those assumptions. There could be something really going on down there. So, just because you have bloody stools, don’t pass it up as nothing. That’s gas letting ourselves. And we’ve been taught to talk that way to ourselves. But really, this is your body speaking. Other symptoms were your body’s speaking that it could be the language of parasites. So, like skin disorders and allergies. I mentioned earlier: dry skin, dry hair, brittle hair, hair loss allergies, and itchy nose allergies. And the fun one is the crawling sensation under the skin. “Oh, what is that? Why do I feel like flies are landing on me all the time?” I had this when I first did Botox years ago, and I was laying in bed at night going, “Why does it feel like I have creepy crawlies all over my body?”

Diane Kazer: So, any level of toxic load can bring on the parasites. So, you can read through all these later on. Mood and anxiety problems, fearfulness or having a lot of fear, unrealistic fears, paranoia, unclear thinking, slow reflexes, and just brain fogginess oftentimes, and you just can’t pinpoint why. Sleep and energy issues, chronic fatigue. Be careful not just to blame on your adrenals. So, it’s not your adrenal’s fault. They’re responding to their environment. And then teeth-grinding, bedwetting, drooling while asleep, disturbed sleep, multiple awakenings, nightmares, and insomnia. So, obviously, if you’re not getting good rest, you’re not waking up feeling like you can conquer the world. And then caffeine is the first thing that you grab. And then caffeine is very acidic, and parasites love that environment. They love alcohol. They love acidic environments. They-

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And all these cuties they’re nocturnal. So, they become active at night, and your body loses cortisol and wakes you up.

Diane Kazer: Yeah. They love to have the party between 1:00 and 3:00 AM. They’re like, “Hey, let’s start throwing all the party favors throughout her or his body in the middle of the night.” And then you wonder, “Oh, I think it’s just because I have to pee.” No, your body’s waking you up for a very specific reason. So, other things too, many people are struggling with pain and pain management. I have a very interesting slide. I’ll show you guys what many people are reaching toward. How could we ever get rid of the pain when we don’t get rid of the cause of the pain? So, muscle and joint complications and complaints are very common with parasite infections, muscle pain, joint pain, muscle cramping, numbness to the hands or feet, heart pain, pain in the naval, and pain in the back, thighs, or shoulders.

Diane Kazer: You can get adjusted and massage your body, but those things are going to keep coming back unless we get rid of the reason you have those pains, arthritis, autoimmune disease. These parasites make it rain. Many toxins cause a lot of pain throughout the body and then a fast heartbeat, blood sexual reproductive problems, hypoglycemia, PMS, anemia, which is very common in women, very low iron, very low ferritin, candida yeast infections, UTIs cysts, and fibroids. A lot of people don’t make the connection here with women, especially that parasites love our sacral chakra. They love our reproductive organs. They love that area. Interstitial cystitis is very common too. Bacterial infections, candida overgrowth. Women continue to take products and insert them into their vaginas hoping that these things will go away. But the question really is, why do we have these symptoms?

Diane Kazer: Why do we have these issues? Sure. You had a great love-making session the night before, but it could be your tampons or birth control. Yes, but it’s a combination of many of these things. And they could cause a lot of water retention. In fact, one person that I’m working with right now, her sister, just came to her and said, “I do not know why I am gaining one pound a day.” She’s gained 20 pounds in the last month. So, there’s a lot of imbalances that these things cause-

Wendy Myers: Women just blame themselves or think it’s just the hormones. And there are a lot of different factors that can contribute to that weight gain.

Diane Kazer: Yeah. Yeah. And then the first thing that they’ll do is say, “Well, I’m going to go do some HRT. I’m going to go get some bioidentical hormones. I’m going to go see an endocrinologist. They’re going to give me Synthroid, or they’re going to give me birth control because I’m desperate.” And we do what we want to do because we’re wearing invisible capes, and we need to keep moving throughout our life. A lot of super moms out there or super leaders, and we have a lot of responsibilities, but we’re just not being taught what is causing a lot of the blocks that prevent us from being able to be super moms. So, other issues could be oral mouth issues, body odor, and you can’t Botox your body odor around your armpits. I think that’s just crazy how people are still injecting their armpits with Botox.

Diane Kazer: So, they stop sweating instead of asking, “Why am I sweating in the first place?” Or sweating is natural, but it also could be increased because you have a lot of toxic waste that these parasites are dumping throughout your body at night. Sweating is also very common. That’s not just menopause. That’s not just hot flashes. That’s also a lot of toxic waste throughout the body. Weight issues we talked about as well, uncontrollable hunger eating, your appetites also bipolar all over the place. You can’t stop eating carbs. You really wish you could stop, but you can’t. You feel disempowered by your food cravings. It could be weight gain or weight loss. It could be longstanding obesity. So, it could really show up in many different ways. One of my friends, David Wolf, says, “When you get rid of parasites, you’ll never have a cough, cold, flu or fever ever again.”

Diane Kazer: And a body filled with toxins like heavy metals experiences a lot of weight loss resistance where no matter what diet and exercise changes that someone makes, they’ll find themselves still not losing weight. Until toxins are properly cleared from the body, weight loss will be a challenge because parasites are there to mop up the mess of metals and a lot of these mold spores, and they’re there because they have to be. And when they show up, their clue or any of these symptoms show up that infer that they might be underneath your proverbial parasitic could. They’re clues that you’ve lost a healthy intestinal probiotic species and a balanced gut micro we like to see. There is a place for bad bugs in our system, like 20% bad and 80% good. But when we lose that balance, and it’s usually typically the opposite when I see in stool testing, that means that your immune system is weak.

Diane Kazer: We’ve rolled out the red carpet for these infections to come in and thrive, and you get sick easily, and you can’t fight off these parasites. Even if you’re someone who doesn’t get sick and you say, “Oh, I don’t get sick that often,” it doesn’t mean that you don’t have parasites. It shows up in other ways, as you saw in all those symptoms. So, it’s not just about killing parasites. Like Wendy talks about, it’s also getting on a proper parasite or a heavy metal cleanse because parasites are that I’m off of the mess that we can excrete properly and quickly enough. And then also getting rid of the things silver fillings or breast implants or things that constantly leak heavy metals throughout our body. So, those are the taking time bombs that the parasites have a job. They’re there to clean up the mess from the things that live inside of us constantly.

Diane Kazer: So, Candida and mold parasites are all protected inside the body. Speaking of heavy metals, they’re protected behind the wall of metals. So, they have this symbiotic, synergistic relationship where they say, “Hey, I’ll protect you if you protect me.” So, there’s this barrier, which means that when you go on a parasite cleanse, you also want to address heavy metals at the same time. I see many people going on Candida cleanses, parasite cleanses, or heavy metal cleanses, but they don’t think about the entire habitat where they all love to thrive together and protect one another. They got each other’s back. So, without addressing the gut bugs at the same time, you might feel worse, which is why a lot of people end up quitting. Candida, specifically those that live inside parasites, releases up to 79 different toxins when they die.

Diane Kazer: So, some symptoms of Candida dying off are similar to Candida overgrowth. So, when people are like, “Oh, it must be dying off.” And they make the assumption it just must die off. Well, are we also going after the parasites? Are you just doing a Candida cleanse but not doing a parasite cleanse at the same time? Because it could just be that there’s a lot of Candida still remaining in the parasites. And it’s very important to make sure that your drainage pathways are open. You’re pooping properly well enough, that you’re sleeping well, that you’re sweating. A lot of people don’t sweat enough. And Wendy and I are huge on saunas and ensuring that all of your drainage pathways are open. Otherwise, when you want to go to excrete, these bad guys don’t have a place to go.

Diane Kazer: And then they’ll go recirculate and probably cause more damage, make it to your brain. And you feel worse, which is why most people end up quitting. They think the cleanse didn’t work, but it’s just that your body probably wasn’t ready to really eliminate all of the exoskeletons of things like parasites, which also release 70 to 80 toxins when they die. The worst three are ammonia, acetyl high, and ethanol. So, these are really harmful to the body. They cause hormone imbalances, adrenal issues, thyroid issues, deficiencies, and respiratory and immune system problems. And the thing is that we have a lot of people who are taking a lot of anti-inflammatories or taking pain pills, but I want to get to the question of how parasites can cause this much damage. And it’s because they harbor a long list of poisons and pathogens inside them. So, you saw some of the bigger ones, and there are also microscopic ones.

Diane Kazer: 70% of them are protozoa, and they’re microscopic; you can’t see them. 30% are visible by the human eye, and we’ll get toward the end. You want to stay to the end because you’ll see some visual images of what the ones that you can see look like. The bigger ones will carry more toxic waste. And that’s why those are the highest priority to get rid of. Lyme lives in nematodes. So, whenever I hear the Disney show Little Nemo now, I think of little Lyme because these nematodes carry a lot of Lyme. So, a lot of people go on Lyme cleanse or a Lyme protocol, but then they don’t go after the parasites that are harboring and essentially are the Uber driver for Lymes spirochetes. Bacteria live in Ascariasis roundworms, mold lives inside parasites, viruses, and toxins are stored in parasites as well.

Diane Kazer: So, suppose you go take an antiviral or an antibacterial or an antibiotic. In that case, you’re really not getting into the bodies where these parasites are harboring them because they’re safely stored. They’re safely in their bunker. And then parasites produce exosomes viruses. So, you might wonder. Why do I feel like I have EBV like Epstein-Barr or HPV? A lot of times, it’s because these parasites are releasing a lot of these viruses that really have not been properly addressed. So, I strongly urge you to consider. I hear a lot of people say, “I’ve got Epstein Barr. My Epstein-Barr is killing me.” And I’m like, “We’ll also remember that they’re connected with parasites.” So, if you’re going to address any of these bugs, do a total bug protocol because they party together. Let’s just say that.

Diane Kazer: And then parasites are sponges for heavy metals and other toxins. So, when these critters die off, they release a lot of these problematic poisons. And I want to get to this. This is the pain point here. The problematic poisons like ammonia that are released from parasites really take you out. These are the people that end up in bed for a very long time. And they don’t understand why they get diagnosed with chronic fatigue. They start wondering if they have cancer and are dying, but doctors miss this in their diagnosis because they’re not taught this stuff in school, nor do insurance companies approve of labs to identify and properly treat them. So, Lyme slows drainage and elimination pathways, which is why drainage is really important. And then it also decreases ATP, which is AKA your sales ability to make energy and why we need to make sure the body has enough energy before you go into proper cleanse because It can take a lot of energy from you.

Diane Kazer: It can drain you. But you also want to get them out because otherwise, if they live inside of you, they’ll drain you long term. So, since parasites use heavy metals to make their protective layer called the biofilm, removing metals and biofilm is also essential. And you’ve heard when you talk so much about that in all her protocols is that these things have such a connection that you may go to a heavy metal cleanse. Do you see people who do metal cleanse with you, and they’re like, “Why do I see parasites coming out of me too?”

Wendy Myers: Yes. Absolutely. So many times. Like I said, the client that had clumps of worms coming out of them was starting a heavy metal detox. And yeah, when you start getting rid of some of these metals, the parasites naturally follow.

Diane Kazer: Yeah. Yeah. And then people start to think, “Well, where are these clumps of things coming from?” And a lot of times, we have a hard time. People who go on a keto diet are like, “Wow, the keto diet made me feel really crappy,” and I’m not really dogmatic in my approach to any macro. I just think we are having a hard enough time eating real food. But if somebody’s drain pathways are congested and clogged, oftentimes because of these biofilms, because parasites and heavy metals and everything within the parasites, then your gallbladder and your liver have a hard time producing and releasing and storing bio, and that’s properly what supports the breakdown of fat-soluble foods and waste and toxins and nutrients. So, vitamins A, D, E, and K are all fat soluble. And if we have a hard time because these parasites are leaving a mess and congesting things, then you can’t break down fat foods, and you also can’t break down and absorb fat-soluble nutrients.

Diane Kazer: Then you end up wondering, “Why am I vitamin D deficient when I’m getting an hour’s worth of sun? Or vitamin A deficient. And I feel like my skin is sagging so quickly.” So, this is why ensuring that your elimination channels are open is really important so that these bugs and their waste have a way out. That’s what we call drainage. So, a lot of people say, “Oh, I do a sauna. Therefore, I’m detoxing.” But really, it’s a drainage pathway. I call it more of a drainage supporter. And then that way, the bugs have a way to leave when you’re doing a proper detox. A detox is properly pulling these things out and killing them and then making sure they can get out of the body, so they’re not recirculating. And then parasites poop and die off. This is what it looks like in the body.

Diane Kazer: So, that releases ammonia, and ammonia is very painful. When you have high levels of ammonia in the body, it’s very painful. And possible ammonia areas are similar to Lyme. That’s why a lot of people are getting Lyme diagnoses. And it could be false-positive, could be false negative. Many women who have had breast implants got false positives, and they think that they have Lyme, but it could be because there’s a higher level of toxic burden. And then that means you have a higher level of parasites, which then release more ammonia and other gasses. Ammonia can end up in the brain, heart, joints, spine, liver, reproductive organs, hips, and muscles. And it feels like a never-ending cycle to try to get rid of the pain. So, why isn’t this talked about in pain management clinics, breast and implant illness, or explant surgery? This new street drug is 10,000 times more potent than morphine.

Diane Kazer: And now it’s showing up in Canada and the US, and this is an article from 2016. So, this street drug is a hundred times stronger than fentanyl. And fentanyl is a hundred times stronger than morphine, making W18 10,000 times stronger than classic opiates. So, a lot of people are taking stronger and stronger medications because they’re in more and more pain. And why is that? Maybe this parasite overgrowth is a missing link. When we can finally address these things, people will be grabbing for stronger doses or maybe illegal doses of many of these things. So, there are a lot of negative effects on this W-18 street drug. And you only need a tiny spec of it to have major respiratory issues. And there is no test for it. So, fentanyl is now being used in surgeries as a painkiller, oftentimes not disclosed to the patient.

Diane Kazer: So, I also recommend that when you go get surgeries, you ask what kind of pain management drugs they are using? But this just shows us the mere illustration is that people are in a lot of pain, and they’re super desperate to get out of it. And one of the bigger core issues and why they’re in so much pain is parasite overgrowth. So, most people do things to get rid of symptoms that come from parasites. But these things don’t work. A lot of people will try Mucinex because they have a lot of congestion, but that only dries out the biofilm that leaves the bugs intact and allows them to grow bigger and stronger. And you’ll still continue to have a lot of this post-nasal drip. Antibiotics kill the good and the bad bacteria, but not the parasites. Acne creams medications: many people do this for cystic acne, but the cysts are caused by parasites.

Diane Kazer: I took Accutane, and that’s actually a pancreatic chemo drug, but that’s actually being prescribed to a lot of patients now. Microdosing Accutane every day for the rest of your life is the thing that I heard five years ago. And I was like, “Wow, I better do a podcast on this,” because that’s pretty crazy. Microdose chemo, microdose antibiotics, microdose, ivermectin, micro, micro microdose, these things are actually going to destroy your natural flora, which goes back to that little fish tank thing that starts to destroy your terrain. And then it creates an inhabitable environment for these things to flourish, and just cutting out a lot of things like fibroids and cysts and tumors and boils won’t work to fix the root cause of why they keep coming back, which is parasites and a lot of their excrement. And histamines block your cell’s ability to register bodies’ response to histamines.

Diane Kazer: But things that we’re told are merely from things that we were allergic to, but really the truth is the largest histamine producer in your body is parasites. So, medical gaslighting, what you’re going to hear maybe from your doctor or have, or maybe it’s just lack of knowledge. So, maybe it’s just not that they’re bad. They might have just not been trained. Parasites don’t show up to point earlier, Wendy. Parasites don’t show up on your lab test. So, you don’t need to do a parasite cleanse. I hear this one so commonly. But the truth is parasites hide really well, and they rarely show up on tests. And when people go into parasite cleansing, there’s a lot of hearsay on what the best thing to do is?

Diane Kazer: And I hear many people saying, “Okay, I’m going to do activated charcoal. I’m going to do a bentonite clay cleanse, or I’m just going to take some diatomaceous earth, and that’s all I need. And these are the best binders and parasite killers.” But the truth is that they can be weak bonds for parasites to clean up the mess. And they can be very dehydrating, stripping the body of nutrients. They also don’t travel systemically. Most of them stay in the gut. And like we showed you earlier, parasites swim all over your body. Wait till I share with you guys what happens during the full moon.

Diane Kazer: And these things can be very, very hard on that gut. So, activated charcoal is effective at binding things, but it also binds to the good stuff. And I know you talk about that a lot too, Wendy. How can we get rid of the bad stuff and add good stuff too? So, that’s the best in both worlds. And it really hasn’t existed until the last few years since we’ve been talking about it because detox doesn’t have to be stripped of the body. It doesn’t have to be this terrible process where you feel like hell, and you have to take a week off from work. Yeah. You might want to be a little closer to the toilet when you’re going through the very earlier stages of the parasite cleanse. So, it’s a benefit to work from home when you’re doing a parasite cleanse.

Wendy Myers: Yes. Yes.

Diane Kazer: So, myth number two is that all I need is alkaline water because it detoxifies the body and is all you need. I hear that one still so commonly. Don’t know exactly where it came from, but the truth is that it has no binding qualities, and nor can it detox intracellularly. So, it might help the body to reduce levels of acid might, and parasites love an acidic environment, but there’s still never really been studies on that on how you can get rid of parasites using alkaline water alone. Myth number three is I just need to take antimicrobials like oregano and garlic or antibiotics to kill the bugs, and I’ll be fine. And the thing is, I have a lot of clients who come to me, and they’re like, “Oh, I’m on SCRAM.”

Diane Kazer: Like, I just did a seminar last night. And I think, “Oh, I’m taking SCRAM.” It’s all that I need. That’s sufficient. And SCRAM it’s an antimicrobial. And it has a lot of herbs that go after bugs. And my answer is, “Yeah, that could be effective, but it’s not adding good stuff back in, nor is it going back in and healing the gut or the tissues that these parasites go in and gobble up.” So, it could be effective at killing some parasites that are there, but it’s not just about killing. Remember we also. Killing is very yang. It’s when we look at yin yang, it’s very yang. It’s very like warrior energy, but you have this wildfire that gets rid of a lot of the beautiful foliage, and you want the yen energy, the feminine energy, to go back and plant seeds and nourish the gut, the microbes.

Diane Kazer: So, yeah, it could be effective taking SCRAM or something like that, but we also want a fully holistic approach to go back and heal the gut lining and heal a lot of the tissues. I actually had one client who just texted me as we talked on one of these last slides, Wendy. And I’ll share with you what she had mentioned in the next slide because she had been doing just SCRAM before. And then I shifted her over to the thing we’re going to talk about next. And she’s like, “Whoa, there’s a huge difference.” So, the next one is myth number four. Is that something that we know, Iver is all I need to kill parasites and maybe the CB thing. But the truth is that every parasite and antiviral protocol needs a systemic binder along with it. Not just gut binders, but systemic.

Diane Kazer: This means that the binders are traveling throughout the body, and it’s not just staying in the gut because while your gut does have a lot of waste, it does house a lot of parasites. They travel like I was talking about earlier, to your brain and through your nose. It’s a funny visual, but they’re everywhere. So, you don’t just want to detox parasites in the gut or just want to do binders that stand in the gut. You want them to travel systemically because bugs house toxins; remember that. And one thing I forgot to mention earlier is that heavy metals are antennas that draw in electrosmog and EMF frequencies. And so, one of the things I learned when I was going through my breast implant illness journey is that with breast implants having several heavy metals in them, they can act as antennas to draw in EMFs because those metals are inside the body. So, yeah, it could be effective taking SCRAM or something like that, but we also want a fully holistic approach to go back and heal the gut lining and heal a lot of the tissues. I actually had one client who just texted me as we talked on one of these last slides, Wendy. And I’ll share with you what she had mentioned in the next slide because she had been doing just SCRAM before. And then I shifted her over to the thing we’re going to talk about next. And she’s like, “Whoa, there’s a huge difference.” So, the next one is myth number four. Is that something that we know, Ivermectin is all I need to kill parasites and maybe the CB thing. But the truth is that every parasite and antiviral protocol needs a systemic binder along with it. Not just gut binders, but systemic.

Diane Kazer: And most of the time, they’re somewhere inside of a parasite. So, you really want to make sure that you’re addressing that too. So, the solutions. I just shared with you solutions that most people I see try, and maybe they work a little bit, but they don’t work all the way, or they’re not complete enough.

Diane Kazer: And again, it’s not just about killing. It’s also going back and restoring and balancing and adding life back into because the more life you have in your gut, body, and healthy microbes, the better chance you have of having a big infection in the future. Because a lot of people say, “Well, how do I get rid of parasites and then never get them again?” Well, you can’t never get them again. It’s just about having a balance and creating a system so that you can keep them as far away as possible and not feed them. And also, ensure that your drainage pathways are always, always, always open. So, this specific slide, right here, is step number one I’d recommend to everybody. And that is to ensure that drainage, lymphatic system, and liver support are all there before you go into a parasite cleanse. I hear people say, “Can I just go straight into the parasite cleanse?”

Diane Kazer: And I’m like, “Yeah, you can.” But many people, when they miss this step, still have lingering symptoms, or they still have remnants of things because perhaps the trash can’t lead the body all the way. And considering if you went to your doctor and said, “Hey, I would like a parasite cleanse. I would like to do a parasite test.” And I’m talking about Western medicine. They’ll say, “Yeah, we’ll check for a few parasites. But the ones that we look for on lab tests are at least 30.” And they might test for like five if they even test for those. So, they’re not going to help you a lot here, especially since they also don’t understand the lymphatic connection. The average MD learns one hour about the lymphatic system in their training. So, it’s really sad. They’re just not taught this stuff, and it’s not their fault. It’s just our broken system. So, it’s our job to be our own best doctor, right? So, these three here, there are several studies on tadka, especially that open up the bile ducts and the gallbladder. If you still have one and the liver.

Wendy Myers: I love tadka.

Diane Kazer: Have you taken it?

Wendy Myers: I take that. Yes. I’ve taken it periodically. Yeah. It’s really good. It’s good for blood sugar too .

Diane Kazer: Yes. Yes. Because blood sugar is so related to our level of toxic load and whether you have parasites or other microorganisms in the body and tadka has been a huge miracle, especially since I work with some teenagers and children who are on the spectrum, and they’ll try to get into a sauna, and they won’t sweat. And the first sign for me when I hear that somebody’s not sweating in a sauna is their gallbladder is extremely backed up, and they don’t have healthy bio flow, and it’s not triggering the body to release through the skin pour. So, then that means that person’s other drainage, organs, elimination patterns. They’re going to have to put a lot of pressure on those. So yeah, tadka, whenever I hear someone say, “But I don’t sweat well.” The customary thing people will say is, “Okay, well, maybe it’s your thyroid,” which can be, in part, your thyroid, but oftentimes it’s a drainage issue.

Diane Kazer: They’re just really clogged. So tadka is like the superstar that I think everybody needs to be on a pretty regular basis to ensure that our bowels are flowing. I think it could have saved a lot of people from losing their gallbladder and in gallbladder surgeries because our liver has to work really hard. So, when we allow the gallbladder and the liver to work better, everything can work better. Kale support is kidney and liver support. So, the way I used to lead cleanses is I would always ask, how do I help people with their kidneys? You and I both have a liver cleanse, and it’s like, there’s a lot of liver cleanses out there, but how much focus is also in the kidneys and then the whole organ system. So, what I like so much about this is that it includes all of that.

Diane Kazer: So, it opens up all of the drainage pathways. The more your lymphatic system is open, the better it’s flowing, the better your sweating, and the better your skin looks. The thicker your hair can be, the younger that you can look. Talk about like a pro-youth. I don’t like to say anti-aging as much. The Pro youth approach is to really ensure that your drainage pathways are open. So, I like it in an accelerated fashion. So, if you guys get any of these kits, don’t use the links on any of the slides here. I have a special coupon code for Wendy’s followers only on the last slide. And that’s where you’re going to want to go for all of this to order all of these kits. And what you’ll see is on that landing page, you’ll see some description of these kits, but I have an entire PDF that I’ve created on how you can have a successful parasite cleanse, how to follow it, and sensitive dosing because some people are really sensitive and a doctor might say, “Oh, just take what’s on the bottle.”

Diane Kazer: Or someone might say, “Just take what’s on the bottle.” And then that makes you feel crappy. You might be very sensitive and need to slowly work your way up. So, I have sensitive dosing, I have regular dosing, and then I have superstar, perfectionist goes all in dosing. And if you don’t feel well with that, you can go back to sensitive dosing. So, you could take this for about a week and at the accelerated dosing. That’s why it’s called 444. You take all of these, and that’s all in the description in the ebook that I’ve written for you guys. So, you might be like, “Okay, this is too much information,” but I make it very simple in the guide. So, the way that you do this is you do not just go after a kill. You prepare the body.

Diane Kazer: You don’t just throw in Mike Tyson to ring before he’s trained for several years. Going after parasites is like a championship game. So, you really want to make sure that you’re prepared for that. And then the next thing you want to do is the dun da da da. And you want to go into the parasite cleanse. And you’ll notice in this kit, solution step number two is that there are three different formulas for parasites. And the first one is one of my favorites. So, a lot of people are really constipated. Their bowels are congested, and they’re taking a lot of things that are very unhealthy for them to try to poop. Maybe you’re not getting enough water. Maybe you’re deficient in magnesium. And that’s where Wendy can help you guys with her heritage mineral analysis offers. But whether that might be, people are taking very unhealthy things to keep their bowels moving.

Diane Kazer: So, there are many things over the counter that are just terrible for your gut. And to take migratory motor complex supplements to get you to contract your muscles without encouraging your bowels to do it on their own is a long-term recipe for disaster and further constipation. Bugs will thrive because the more constipated you are, the more toxins you’re backed up on, and the more parasites you’re going to have because they need to mop up the mess that you can’t excrete. So, the more waste you have in the body, the double your parasites you have. So, para one is awesome. It has a lot of herbs in there that really help the body to contract. And it’s like a Chiesi, which really expands. And over time, it helps to push things out. Talk about looking down behind you and seeing it looks like a whole tube just came out of you.

Diane Kazer: So, mimosa pudica is a star ingredient in that one. So for people who are really constipated, it is one thing I recommend to my clients to keep their bowels moving and also to keep parasites moving out. So, what you’ll notice is there’s a binder in here. And like I said earlier, if you go on a parasite cleanse, don’t forget that you need a binder somewhere. And this one specifically is a binder. There are six different binders that I like to use with mine, but this one specifically goes after the excrement of basically parasite poop and their little exoskeletons, as well as the other toxins that they release. And here’s a really neat thing, Wendy, tomorrow’s a full moon. Did you know that?

Wendy Myers: I did not.

Diane Kazer: Yeah. So, I love tracking the full moon.

Wendy Myers: So, the parasites are going to go nuts. That’s why people go a little nutty on the full moon. They can’t sleep. It’s just all their parasites going cuckoo.

Diane Kazer: Yeah, I know. So, when you guys act mean to people and have a hard time being nice, let’s just say you feel irritable and moody. You can just blame the parasites, or if somebody flips you off on the road and has road rage, you might like, “Oh, that’s just the parasites.” And you could just throw them a little forgiveness card, but truly the reason why it’s a really good time to do a parasite cleanse during the full moon is that our body is synced. Our body is synced with nature, and our body is synced with the full moon. Same as women, and with our cycles, ideally, we’re synced with the moon. And so, during the full moon, melatonin, your sleep hormone, drops. Melatonin is also an anti-inflammatory that keeps parasites in check. And then your serotonin goes up during the full moon.

Diane Kazer: Serotonin is what parasites use to catapult themselves throughout your body. So, essentially, their slip and slide allow them to travel through your body faster and more effectively. So, the more serotonin that you have during a full moon, you might be a little happier during the full moon because you have more serotonin, you might poop more because of that too, but bugs love it. Parasites love serotonin, and they hate melatonin. So, melatonin keeps them in check, and during the full moon, melatonin’s down. That’s why you have sleep problems. And then you might be more anxious or a little loopy during the full moon because the parasites are moving about freely throughout your body. It’s really fun. So, during the full moon, rather than going through all of that, I recommend that you do this for seven days, and again, the instructions are all going to be in the guide, but you would take these for three days before the full moon.

Diane Kazer: And then you take more of it during the day of the full moon and then three days after. So, essentially the kit before this and the kit now should take you about two weeks when you’re actually macro dosing. And the client that had sent me a message while we were just doing this said, “Just wanted to give you positive customer feedback. The liver detox is incredible. The black mark on my skin, where all the heavy metals were trying to surface, was finally released. On day two, the mark went from black to gray. Now it’s almost entirely gone. Apparently, my liver could detox but needed help flushing the heavy metals out of my system.” So, she was the one who was taking SCRAM before. And I said, “SCRAM is great, but let’s go deeper.” And SCRAM could be an example. It’s antimicrobial and a lot of people buy it.

Diane Kazer: SCRAM is maybe a little bit of what’s happening in para three, but also what these supplements have is carbon technology to add the good stuff back in, and they’re all very plant-based and healthy. So, then the third step after that would be if you have the stuff from Wendy’s. You can use her heavy metal mineral solutions that she has or other binders like the PectaSOl-C. You guys can use that if you already have it, or this is a third step that I take clients on, which is the heavy metal and environmental toxin binder. That’s what HMET stands for. And then the iodine. Iodine is so important to block a lot of the halogens and the fluoride things that block our pineal gland that might cause you to have crazy dreams and nightmares. And then the minerals are adding good stuff back in.

Diane Kazer: And these minerals also have a lot of carbon technology that also works to strip the body of unhealthy biofilms. And that could be all throughout the body. In fact, I even use things like CT minerals to nebulize because I don’t know if you guys ever get that post-nasal drip or if you feel like your nose is just always running. A lot of that can be resolved, and we get rid of parasites in all the orifices where they like to live and then add good stuff back in, such as a CT biotic, a probiotic with its own levels of prebiotics as well. Oh, I should have warned you guys, sorry.

Wendy Myers: I’m about to eat. I just did not need to see this.

Diane Kazer: Well, I hope you’re not about to eat some escargot Wendy because, this one on the left. And if you guys are listening to the podcast, you can watch our video.

Wendy Myers: I’m about to have pad thai. I’m about to have pad thai. It’s just not helping.

Diane Kazer: Yeah. Looks like some pad thai. The one on the right. And these things could actually be tapeworms that love the small intestines, and those suckers could be between eight and 10 feet long, actually sometimes 11 and 12 feet long. Yeah. And so you might see them come out in clumps, but this one on the left looks like it has a little antenna. And that one is a very fresh catch from my client this morning that sent a picture and said, “Look at this lovely alien that came out of me.” So, we have all this fascination with aliens that we watch in sci-fi movies. But what about the aliens that live inside of us that need to go out? So, yeah. This one in the middle was me years ago doing my parasite cleanse. And I just started getting a little crazy with making shapes with it, but it’s all fun and games, but this is much better out than in, for real.

Diane Kazer: We can make fun of it, laugh at it, and get grossed out by it. But when these things leave the body, you can start to absorb nutrients better, and things just feel like they could work better. So, you’re not spending a lot of money on supplements and things that are just not getting where they need to go because these things create a biofilm. As you can see, it looks like here, and it coats the receptor sites of our small intestine in other places where we absorb the good stuff. So, this allows things just to thrive better. And this is why it’s so pro-youth and antiaging you on a parasite cleanse. And then this is not any of my clients, the picture here, not me, but for the average person, they’ve got like 15 to 20 pounds of this nucleoid plaque in their colon alone.

Diane Kazer: And so it may come out looking like this because it’s been so congested, that person probably has high cholesterol. Because a lot of things just get backed up in the colon. So, you might see some that look a little bit more compacted and hard like this, but again, better out than in. So, my warrior worm wishes for you to detox these suckers from your body. So, they stop sucking your life force nutrients and cellular vitality because you have nothing to lose except maybe 15 or 20 pounds. And you’re colon alone where these things live as well as the 100 plus symptoms that parasites and their minion mess cause, so happy fishing, friends. And hopefully, you can put this on your calendar for the next full moon. So, the force of the next full moon will be with you. It’s the full moon this week when we’re recording this.

Diane Kazer: But the next time you guys listen to this, maybe if you order some of these supplements from a link that I have here, then it probably takes five to seven days to get there. And then, ideally, you’re starting to plan this around the full moon. And all of that is in the guide that I’m going to give to you guys for being Wendy’s followers. If you go to, you can grab any of these and then use Myersdetox10 to get 10% off. And we will have an expiration date on that. Wendy will put all that on the links below and the information below. And I will give you guys a guide because people get these supplements and get overwhelmed. “Well, I got my supplements. Now what?” And there are so many options. I don’t want you to have information paralysis.

Diane Kazer: I also have little recipes that you can follow in there, too, because there are a lot of things that you can consume in your diet that you can really work on clearing some of these parasites as well, gut parasites, that is. So, people also say, “Well, I’ll just do some papaya and pineapple and coconut oil and pumpkin seeds. And that’s all I need.” Well, that might help to get rid of some parasites in your gut. But again, they travel all around the body, especially when you have high levels of serotonin, like the full moon. So, all of this will be much easier. When you receive your supplements now, you know exactly what to do. So, from the moment that you purchase, we’ll send you an email and a guide on how to start preparing. So, the moment you get them, you get excited like it’s Christmas, and you go on your parasite purge, and ideally, all the symptoms we talked about earlier, we’ll start to subside. So, that’s all I got for you guys for now. And I’ll turn it over to Wendy.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And this is so important to do. It’s really important to do a parasite cleanse periodically. And it’s just something that I think a lot of people are not doing, they’re not thinking about it, but I assure you, it’s something you need to do. I’ve done many parasite cleanses in my day and have been super, super happy with the results. And I think Diane, you’ve got a really good plan here. Like a really good kit, not to mention all the instructions. Because there are a lot of different options for parasite cleansing out there. I think they can get really complex with too many different products. And it’s just confusing. I think you made it really, really simple for people. And I know this product line, the cell core, is a really good product line with high-quality ingredients. So, it’s something I definitely recommend for people.

Diane Kazer: Yeah. Yeah. And if you guys get overwhelmed, even from the three phases there, you can just jump straight into the parasite cleanse kit if that’s what you want to do, but really make sure that you’re doing things beforehand to ensure that you’re getting your sweat glands. You’re moving toxins out through the skin, you’re active, and you know who you are. But I still recommend going through every phase, ideally for the best results. But if you just want to get some parasites out and just try phase two, go for it. But like I said, my client, she’s a very thin, beautiful woman, very active, but even just adding that first phase in, she noticed that it really helped to clear out some of the other things because our liver has over 500 jobs to do. And it’s just so overwhelming, and toxins are such a big root cause. Like, Wendy says detox or die, right? So, parasites cleanse or die in this case. So, we have options, but whatever works for you guys is best.

Wendy Myers: Okay, guys, thank you so much for tuning in. I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. Like I said, go out and do your parasite cleanse. Let’s just try. You want to do it at least once a year. Maybe even twice a year is a good idea to do this on a regular basis. So, go check that offer, use code Myersdetox10 , MYS. So, thanks for tuning in, and again, I want to thank you guys for joining us and taking your precious time to listen to this show. The audience has just been growing exponentially over the past few months. I don’t know what’s going on, but I just doubled the audience size, and I just really appreciate you guys taking the time to tune in. It’s really a pleasure to bring you guys all this information, world-class experts, talking to you about how to improve your health and upgrade your health because you deserve to feel good. And that’s my goal with the show is to help you on your health journey. So, thanks for tuning in. I’m Wendy Myers. Talk to you guys next week.