Transcript #439 Pain: What Really Causes It? The Mind-Body Connection with Jane Hogan


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  1. Find out what’s in store on this Myers Detox Podcast with Jane Hogan, who joins the show to provide us with some amazing tips on how to become pain free! Jane goes over a variety of different topics when it comes to strategies to manage pain, including diet, inflammatory foods, the autoimmune component, and my personal favorite, the mind-body connection and underlying emotional trauma! If you have dealt with pain for a long time and are not finding solutions, tune into this informative episode.
  2. Learn about Jane’s story and why she got involved in the field of health.
  3. Find out how the mind-body connection and underlying trauma can impact pain.
  4. Learn more about how diet and lifestyle factors can be huge contributors to pain.
  5. Find out how eating nightshade vegetables can actually cause pain in the body if you are sensitive to them.
  6. Learn about how industrial seed oils can contribute to pain.
  7. Learn more about how toxins and EMF are factors that cause pain.
  8. Learn about Jane’s new summit Becoming Pain Free: Healing The Root Causes of Chronic Pain, the incredible guests who will be on it, and the many topics on pain that they will be covering.
  9. Find out what the father of epigenetics, Bruce Lipton discusses on the summit, including muscle testing.
  10. Learn about how breath work can be an amazing solution to pain.
  11. Find out how breath also helps with detoxification.


Dr. Wendy Myers: Hello, everyone. I’m Dr. Wendy Myers of Welcome to the Myers Detox podcast. On this show, we talk about everything related to heavy metal and chemical detoxification and many of the underlying root causes of so many health issues today. You can go check up my website, and join my newsletter. Lots of different places to opt in. You can take my heavy metals quiz at, or you can download any of the free guides on my website to get on my email newsletter and learn all of the latest tips and tricks to detox your body and optimize your health.

Dr. Wendy Myers: And today on the show, we have Jane Hogan. She is The Wellness Engineer, and she’s going to be talking about how to become pain-free. I know so many of you guys deal with pain on a daily basis and pop over-the-counter prescription and prescription medications and just feel like you need to live with the chronic pain because you’re not getting the answers as to the underlying root cause at your doctor’s.

Dr. Wendy Myers: And so I dealt with chronic pain for so many years. I injured my back as soon as I had my baby, my daughter Winter, I injured my back. The second I started working out again, I had never had a weakness like that after having a child. And I just, I always have been fit and injured my lower back and my piriformis muscle. And then, I had a bulging disc and had taken opiate medications, anti-inflammatories, and physical therapy and did so many things to manage the pain. And it’s just very frustrating.

Dr. Wendy Myers: And so I want to give you some great tips on the show today. Like what kind of diet to eat? What kind of foods are really inflammatory, like gluten, dairy, nightshades, industrial seed oils, and not everyone is sensitive to these things. No one should eat industrial seed oils, but not everyone is sensitive to dairy, gluten, and nightshade. So it’s a matter of what works for you and doing a food elimination diet.

Dr. Wendy Myers: We also talk about a huge component: a mind-body connection and the underlying emotional trauma that can contribute to pain and, more importantly, pain syndromes like fibromyalgia. We also talk about the autoimmune component, things like rheumatoid arthritis. A lot of different topics today related to pain. Super, super interesting. So stay tuned.

Dr. Wendy Myers: So you guys listening, you’re worried about toxins, and obviously, heavy metals and chemicals are one of the underlying root causes of pain. And I wanted to help you guys with a simple quiz to determine your relative levels of your body’s burden of toxins. So you can take that quiz at It just takes a couple of minutes after you take the quiz. You get a free video series that answers a lot of your frequently asked questions about detoxification. Just go check it out at

Dr. Wendy Myers: So our guest today is Jane Hogan. She’s referred to as The Wellness Engineer, and she blends science and spirituality to help people release chronic pain using the mind, body, and breath so they can become empowered creators of their own health. Her personal experience of reversing crippling rheumatoid arthritis using natural solutions inspired her to leave a 30-year engineering career and become a functional medicine, a certified health coach, a certified yoga instructor, and a wellness educator.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Combining ancient wisdom with leading-edge science, Jane’s Wellness By Design Blueprint has helped hundreds of people release chronic pain naturally. She’s also the host of the Wellness By Design podcast, and she’s also been published in Thrive Global and Elephant Journal magazines. You can learn more about Jane and her work at Jane, thanks so much for coming to the show.

Jane Hogan: Wendy, thank you so much for having me. I’m absolutely delighted to be on your show and share what I’ve learned with your audience.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Yeah. So why don’t you tell us a little bit about your story and how you got into the health field?

Jane Hogan: Yeah, well, I was an engineer for 30 years, and in 2016, I’d had a really stressful year. The year before, my mother had died suddenly, and I had to deal with, well, my grief because she was my best friend and also dealt with the house and so on. And so on the tail end of that, I started getting this joint pain, really bad.

Jane Hogan: My shoulder would hurt, and my arm would have to go in a sling, and it just was really terrible. And I thought that once all this stress was over and I had a little vacation, I would be okay, but I wasn’t. I got worse. And within about three months of the first symptom showing up, I was barely able to walk, and I couldn’t squeeze shampoo out of the bottle. I got stuck in the bathroom because I couldn’t turn the door handle.

Jane Hogan: It was really bad. I just felt like my life was out of control, and I was afraid for the future because I just didn’t know what was going on, and nothing was showing up in my blood work. And so it was kind of scary. I actually had a moment, though, when I was kind of at my worst, I don’t know if it was my soul talking to me or what it was, but I felt like this, knowing that I was going to figure it out and I would be fine. My life was not meant to be in pain like that. And I would also be telling people about it. So that was sort of in the back of my mind, but I still didn’t know what was going on.

Jane Hogan: And then, my doctor, she was a conventional doctor, but she surprisingly said, “Sometimes food can be related to joint pain, gluten, and dairy.” And so I was like, “What?” Thought that was crazy, but I cut out gluten and dairy and sugar, cold turkey, and within about five days. You’re probably not surprised to hear this, Wendy, but within about five days, I had so much less pain that I went from feeling like a victim to feeling empowered.

Jane Hogan: And that just kind of took me on a whole route of learning about functional medicine, lifestyle, toxins, and all these other things. And then over the years, I would get better, and I would plateau a little bit and then discover something else and then keep on going like that and eventually realize that. Actually, when I was doing my functional medicine health coach training every month, we had a topic on mind-body medicine. And I really started to learn about the power of the mind, the power of our thoughts. And so that took me to another whole level.

Jane Hogan: And now I realize that it’s between stress coming from our thoughts and toxins. These are the things that lead to illness. So anyway, eventually, I reversed it and just decided I really wanted to tell people about this. And so I left my engineering career, became The Wellness Engineer, and here I am now.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Yeah. I love that. I love The Wellness Engineer, it’s so cute.

Jane Hogan: Thank you.

Dr. Wendy Myers: I really like your story because I think so many people don’t realize the connection between their emotional life and their emotional trauma and how that expresses physically in their body. Because the research does show that, there’s a very famous ACEs study that 67% of physical health issues are due to emotional traumas, and certainly losing a loved one falls in that category.

Dr. Wendy Myers: And can you talk a little about that and what the research shows about this mind-body connection to the pain you were experiencing?

Jane Hogan: I think there’s so much research showing this connection, and so many practitioners have written about it. The Body Keeps the Score is such a great book by, oh my goodness, Bessel Van Der Kolk. That is such an amazing book and so many others.

Jane Hogan: And we know, for example, in terms of the power of the mind, that the placebo effect comes into play 30% of the time. So we know there’s a mind component, but coming back to the stress and trauma, definitely. I can see it in my own clients that, everybody, there’s some event that kind of triggers their pain and can continue to trigger their pain. But also, what I learned, is that it was not, this was the tipping point, kind of the bucket filled completely filled up, and then the one last thing just couldn’t take anymore. 

Jane Hogan: It was really when I looked back on it. It was a lifestyle, really, a whole life of perfectionism and people-pleasing. And why was I doing that? What’s behind that is usually a feeling of not feeling good enough. And I realized I didn’t have the capital T trauma in the ACEs score, really severe trauma.

Jane Hogan: But I had some trauma that was just like an older sibling teased me, but when I was little, I stuttered as a result of that. So in my little world, it was obviously traumatic for me. And so I grew out of it, but I still had that trauma. It still sits in your subconscious mind. And so I think all of it kind of came up again, too, when my mother died because she was sort of my protector.

Jane Hogan: And I see it all as a gift. I don’t look back on it and go, “How mean. That shouldn’t have happened.” Because, of course, that creates more stress in our body. So I look back at everything as a beautiful gift that brought me to a better version of myself, and to the work that I’m doing now, and to speak to you right now.

Jane Hogan: So none of that would happen if I didn’t have all these life experiences. So I actually see the whole thing as gifts now.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Yes. The wake-up call to what your body’s crying for help. And so you mentioned gluten and dairy were contributing, and the research also shows that it really physical health issues, it’s really only 20% diet and lifestyle and the remainders, some genetics and the vast majority of physical health issues and pain syndromes, fibromyalgia, and et cetera, are from emotional trauma. But can you talk a little bit about the diet and lifestyle aspect that contributes to pain?

Jane Hogan: Yeah. Look at our lifestyles. We’re in a constant stress state, and because we’re in a stress state, that comes from just the way we live, the way we work, the way we do everything. We’ve got notifications going off all the time. This creates stress in our life, the stress in our minds, the stress in our body then. And so then when we are stressed, things aren’t working as well.

Jane Hogan: So maybe we could have tolerated gluten, but because our digestive system is not working so well because we’re in a stress state now, it doesn’t. We don’t sleep as well because the endocrine system isn’t working as well. So then, we’re not sleeping, we get aches and pains in our muscles and joints because our musculoskeletal system isn’t working so well, and our detox pack base isn’t working so well. So I think the lifestyle still comes back to stress.

Jane Hogan: Now, of course, looking at food, what we call food these days, a lot of it is not real food. It’s heavily processed, and it’s got a lot of toxins and chemicals in it, as you know. And so these are contributing. So all these contributing factors result in us being not as healthy as we could be.

Jane Hogan: And you mentioned genetics, but genetics actually play a really small part in illness.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Very small.

Jane Hogan: Yeah. Less than 2% they found when they did the Human Genome Project. That less than 2% of our genes are responsible for permanent coding. The rest of them are like dimmer switches that turn off or turn up and turn down. And then we could have a bunch of dimmer switches, genes, turning a certain way, which then turns on illness. So it can turn on autoimmune conditions, can turn on diabetes and cancer, and so on.

Jane Hogan: Yeah, lifestyle plays a huge role. But how we feel about our lifestyle also plays a huge role.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Yeah, absolutely. And since some of the foods that are big causes of pain issues are nightshades, can you talk a little bit about that? A lot of people, they don’t make that connection between their joint pain and eating a tomato.

Jane Hogan: Yeah. I know it’s funny. It must be hard for you in Mexico with all those nightshades that are used down there.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Well, I’m not sensitive to nightshades, but some people are. Some people are very sensitive to them, and I’m not, but people with pain syndromes can be.

Jane Hogan: A lot of people with joint pain when they study it, they say that. So it’s the nightshade vegetables, the tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplant are the common ones, but it’s also that people don’t realize the spices that are made from those, so chili powder, cayenne pepper, curry powder, and those kinds of things.

Jane Hogan: A lot of people’s joint pain does find that nightshades bother them. And also, it can depend on whether those nightshades are even raw or cooked. So for me personally, I can’t eat raw tomatoes. They will aggravate joint pain, but cooked tomatoes are fine. Go figure.

Jane Hogan: So I would say, sometimes I wonder, Wendy, too, if someone is told that nightshades could be a problem for them do then nightshades become a problem for them? How much does our mind play?

Dr. Wendy Myers: Yeah. Your mind, whatever you believe, that’s your reality for sure.

Jane Hogan: Exactly. So I would say test it out. Just test it out for yourself and see how you do with it. Or maybe tell yourself, “I’m fine with them.” And maybe you will be fine. But there is that correlation. So it’s definitely worth testing out to see if they’re a problem for you.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Yeah. And if you eat an inflammatory diet, you’re eating industrial seed oils, which are very easy to get a lot of. Those are super inflammatory, and those are going to cause problems. Can you explain that a little bit? For me, I used to go eat at Whole Foods, and we had this food bar. I’d be so excited, and I’m eating healthy food, and it wasn’t organic, and then you look at the ingredients, it’s made with canola oil which is an industrial seed oil. What’s the problem with that?

Jane Hogan: Yep. Those industrial seed oils, for me, they’re kryptonite. They’re probably worse than gluten. So the industrial seed oils, the problem with them is that they’re heavily processed. They’re already oxidized. So a lot of people know that oxidative stress in their body isn’t good.

Jane Hogan: So here we are. If we think we’re adding free radicals, it’s already creating oxidative stress in our body. So I like to use just olive oil, an organic one. So extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil is great, and avocado oil. They’re sort of my three go-to oils that I know are good for me.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Can you list the bad ones?

Jane Hogan: Okay. Let’s see if I can remember them all: canola oil, safflower oil, cottonseed oil…

Dr. Wendy Myers: That’s in a lot of processes.

Jane Hogan: Corn oil. There are the seed ones. Yes, coconut’s good. But yeah, those ones are bad. That’s all I can remember off the top of my head right now.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Yeah. And there’s soybean oil. I think you said that soybean. There’s the vegetable oil, just the plain old vegetable oil.

Jane Hogan: Plain old vegetable, what the heck is it? Soy, in general, the problem with it is there are a lot of GMO products used in soy and corn, and because of that, they’re heavily sprayed, and then we get the chemicals along with it. So I’d be very careful about corn and soy in general.

Dr. Wendy Myers: And then safflower and grapeseed are really not.

Jane Hogan: Grapeseed, that’s another one.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Yeah. It sounds kind of healthy. And I know there are some brands that have organic ones like Spectrum has organic grapeseed, but it just goes rancid really quickly. And that will cause you inflammation exactly whether it’s organic or not.

Jane Hogan: Yeah. And, Wendy, food in general, when you think about any foods that have a long shelf life, probably have something in them that stops bacteria from growing. So if it stops bacteria from growing, then, well, that’s not going to be so good in our belly because, or in our digestive system, because we have bacteria that we need there. And so we don’t want to stop it from growing. So those foods with a long shelf life, generally, and just depending on what it is, but that’s something I watch out for and be careful about.

Jane Hogan: We just want to give our bodies the best that we can. It’s our one vehicle to get through life. And people treat their cars better than they treat their bodies. You’d never think of putting crappy gasoline or some gasoline substitute in the car and expect it to run.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Never.

Jane Hogan: But yet we do stuff like that with their bodies all the time.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Yeah. Yeah. And it’s amazing. And people, a lot of people, just kind of aren’t paying attention until they have some major breakdown in their body, they get a diagnosis, and you don’t want to wait, that’s decades or more of a process going on before you get a diagnosis. And for some people, it’s really tough to turn that around.

Dr. Wendy Myers: And so let’s talk a little bit about some. Is there anything else you want to talk about in the root causes of pain?

Jane Hogan: Well, I would say the toxins are a big one as well, chemical toxins.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Oh yeah, those.

Jane Hogan: Household products, EMF. So there’s a lot of those. I would say the two broad categories of root causes are stress and toxins, kind of the two big categories. So the toxins can be coming from the food. They can be coming from the air. They can be coming from the energetic environment through EMFs. They could be coming through what we put on our skin, what’s in the water, the plastics that we drink our water from, not me, or you probably, but other people.

Jane Hogan: So yeah, we’re just generally exposed to so many chemicals. And our bodies do a really, really good job of dealing with them, but over time it gets harder and harder. So we need to help our bodies out. And when we have pain or illness, it’s really just the body talking to us to say, “Hey, I need some help here. Pay attention.”

Dr. Wendy Myers: Can you talk about EMFs and how those contribute to pain?

Jane Hogan: Well, we are energetic beings. Quantum physics tells us that we are made of energy. So even though we don’t think of ourselves that way, we really are made of energy. So we respond to energy. So when we’ve got these, and of course, there are frequencies that we thrive in, and there are other frequencies that aren’t so good for us.

Jane Hogan: So there are electromagnetic frequencies, EMFs, that can create, or they have frequencies that aren’t good for us. And so it throws us off. If we are meant to be at a certain frequency, and actually all of our parts of us are organs, all have their own frequencies, so when they stay in those frequencies, we’re healthy. But if we’ve got these other interfering frequencies, then they’re not going to operate as well.

Jane Hogan: Then we’re going to get sick. If our systems aren’t operating well, then they’re not functioning the way they should. And so we can get sick.

Dr. Wendy Myers: And so let’s talk about some solutions. You’re hosting a new summit on pain. I think this is important because so many people are dealing with pain and are just taking pain medications and doing them a huge disservice. And not only that, but people who actually need opiate medications don’t have as much access to them. Doctors in the United States are very reluctant to prescribe them even when needed. And I’ve seen this happen to several friends, and it’s devastating.

Dr. Wendy Myers: And so there’s a time and place, but there’s also, more importantly, you want to get to the root cause of what’s causing your pain. And so you’re hosting the summit called Becoming Pain-Free: Healing The Root Causes of Chronic Pain. Can you tell us about that and some of the speakers at the summit?

Jane Hogan: Sure. Thank you for asking. I really wanted this summit to be all the things that took me years to figure out all in one place. I wanted other people’s healing journey to be sped up because it did take me years. So I wanted to be faster. So I wanted to gather the people who had helped me and even people I didn’t know about when I started my journey. So I’m really excited about it, Wendy.

Jane Hogan: We’ve got such amazing speakers. There are 48 speakers, people who are really at the top of their game in helping people get out of pain, and we’re covering so many different modalities. The first day is all about hope and the big picture. And then we move into energy, talking about energy and how we are energetic beings and how we can get that energy flowing in a way that’s healing.

Jane Hogan: And we look at mind-body medicine, the gut, brain, and heart connection. And that is so interesting how we’re all interconnected. And we also look at the role of the neck, the back, and posture. The whole spinal cord plays a huge role in how we perceive pain throughout our body. And even just really simple things like changing the position of your head can change the amount of pain you feel in your body.

Jane Hogan: And then we’ve got another whole day where we’ve got different people talking about, I would call complementary therapies like sound healing. I don’t know if you’ve heard of Jeralyn Glass, she’s got these beautiful crystal alchemy singing bowls, and they vibrate at these beautiful, beautiful harmonies. And they’re very healing for the body. And EFT tapping and Traditional Chinese Medicine and Feldenkrais.

Jane Hogan: Then we got another whole day that’s dedicated to specific pain conditions. So I’ve got experts in fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, autoimmune and arthritis, and more. So really, it’s such a broad, broad, and then deep in some areas as well.

Jane Hogan: And one thing I really love is that many of the speakers did a little experiential session so that the attendees can participate and then get a little taste of, well, what does this one feel like when I do this breathing exercise, for example, or experience this sound healing, or do this tapping routine? And so on.

Jane Hogan: So yeah, really excited. We got Bruce Lipton speaking. He’s the father of epigenetics and talks about the role of consciousness and how the subconscious mind plays into our body, and how to heal it.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Can you talk about that a little bit? Because I think Bruce Lipton is one of the highest vibe people on the planet. I’m such a huge fan of his. Can you talk a little bit about what he speaks about at the summit?

Jane Hogan: Yeah. So he’s talking about consciousness and the subconscious mind, especially. And how that subconscious mind creates the body and how our cells, literally right down to the tiny little cells, respond to our thoughts. And so our cells, they’re so smart, really. And part of the cells’ environment is our internal environment, and our thoughts create feelings and vibrations in the body.

Jane Hogan: So he talked about that. He talked about how to reprogram the subconscious mind and some little tools on how to do that. He talked about muscle testing too. I think the best explanation of muscle testing I’ve ever heard. So that is really quite interesting. I don’t know if your audience is familiar with muscle testing?

Dr. Wendy Myers: No, I’m sure a lot of them are.

Jane Hogan: So it’s basically tapping into your internal wisdom to get answers on what works for you, well, answers on anything, really. And he explained it in a way it’s not woo woo, like I kind of used to think it was a little bit woo, woo. Like, “Woo, how does this happen?” But he talks about it very scientifically about why it works and how the subconscious mind is coming into play in that. So it was really quite interesting. He’s absolutely a lovely man.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Yeah. I love him to death. The human body is so fascinating. There are so many different natural ways to approach pain relief and address the underlying root cause of that. And you talk a lot about breath work, and what is the kind of the tie in between using breath work and energy work and tapping into your consciousness to try to address pain?

Jane Hogan: Well, when we think of pain, we’re thinking of a physical body, but of course, we are more than a physical body. We have our mind, which is like, where is the mind? Is it in our head? Is it out? Where is it? But we have our body, we’ve got our mind, and we’ve got a bigger version of ourselves, some people call it spirit or higher self or whatever, but to me, it’s represented by the breath.

Jane Hogan: The breath is what connects it all. If you think about it, we start our life with our first breath. We end our life with our last breath, and in between, we’re breathing. And with the breath, it’s one of those autonomic functions that we can also control. It’s kind of hard for us to control our heartbeat unless we get moving, or other aspects like digestion, we can’t say, “All right, release a little bit of bile now.” We’re not doing any of that. All of that happens automatically, with our subconscious mind running the whole show.

Jane Hogan: But with our breath, we can change it. And with our breath, we can change the body. We can make actual changes to our bodies. And with the breath, we can make changes in our minds. We can still our minds and create calm. So to me, the breath just connects it all. And it’s the fastest way to get your body into that healing state that is the parasympathetic state, the rest is digest repair, that’s where we should be most of the time. And it’s certainly the only place we can heal compared to the sympathetic state, which is our stress state, the fight, flight, fear state.

Jane Hogan: So to get out of that state, the quickest way to do it is with the breath. And the breath is an amazing detox pathway as well. Some people say it’s the number one detox pathway in the body. So yeah, the breath can be used to still the mind and get us into that calm place. And the breath can also be used to help relax us, even for digestion. So just getting calm, deep breaths can help you eat food and then digest it and absorb nutrients better.

Jane Hogan: And the breath is free. It’s totally portable. It’s the ultimate portable device. We’ve always got it with us, totally within our control. And so easy, I say easy, for people to implement once they start creating awareness about how they’re breathing because a lot of us started as beautiful breathers when we were babies, and then through our life experiences and perhaps posture and things like that, we turn into mouth breathers and chest breathers and rapid breathers.

Jane Hogan: And so it can take a little bit of practice to get us back to the belly breathing, nice long breaths, and breathing through our nose.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Can you talk more about how the breath helps with detoxification?

Jane Hogan: Mm, yeah. So, first of all, the breath is how we detox. Carbon dioxide is a detox product, right? So, first of all, it takes that away from every single cell in our body. Also, I always find this really funny, Wendy, and that is we’ve got this microbiome in our gut, three to five pounds of it, those microorganisms, they’ve all got their own respiration. So they’re excreting gasses, which we have to breathe out. They can’t do it. They’re inside of us. So we have to breathe it out. And in fact, I had Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth at one point, and the test for that is a breath test.

Jane Hogan: What they’re measuring are the gasses that are produced by the bacteria. So that’s another way. We are actually breathing out for them their toxic gasses. And then also, when we breathe properly, using the diaphragm, which we typically refer to as belly breathing, it’s not that we’re breathing into the belly. We’re breathing into our lower lungs, which causes the diaphragm to move down.

Jane Hogan: But this moving diaphragm helps all of our organs work better, and it helps the lymphatic system as well. The lymphatic system is like the body’s sewer system, and it doesn’t have its own pump and so movement. There are other ways we can get it pumping. You can actually manipulate your body and dry brushing and moving, but breathing properly helps with that as well.

Jane Hogan: And just when we get enough oxygen to all of our organs, like the liver and so on, it can do its job. So it just opens up all of these detoxification pathways.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Yeah. I love how you explain that. Just very simple and elegant. So tell us, where can we learn more about your Becoming Pain-Free Summit? What URL do we go to?

Jane Hogan: It is And I think that would take you there actually.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Okay, great. So

Jane Hogan: Yeah.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Okay, perfect. Yeah. And so everyone, go check out the summit if you are experiencing any type of pain because there’s a lot more to address than the information you’re getting from your medical doctors. Because for me, I have suffered from back pain for years. And the only thing that was really offered to me was physical remedies, “Here’s some opiates.” And physical therapy.

Dr. Wendy Myers: And I spent about two years in physical therapy for my lower back and multiple doctors. And it was just really traumatic, and you lose a lot of your choices in life, and you’re limited in what you can do physically. And so I like to provide a lot of solutions and ideas for people to pursue when it comes to pain. So, Jane, thanks for tuning in and coming to the show.

Jane Hogan: Well, thank you so much for having me. And there’s a back pain specialist on the summit.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Oh, good.

Jane Hogan: Thanks so much for having me on the show, Wendy. And I really enjoyed the opportunity to share the summit with your audience and invite them to come along. And I know it’s going to change some lives, so I’m really excited about it.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Yeah. So everyone, thanks for tuning in. I’m Dr. Wendy Myers at, and every week I love to bring you experts from around the world to help you get to those underlying root causes of why you’re not maybe not meeting your health goals, with all the things that you’re doing and trying, all the money you’re spending because you deserve to feel good and I want to help you achieve that goal. So thanks for tuning in, and I’ll talk to you guys very soon.