Transcript #507 How Deuterium Depleted Water can Help Detox Your Body with Michael Hobson


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  1. Today we take a deep dive into the many facets of water, including minerals, deuterium, and vibrational frequencies. 
  2. Find out about Michael Hobson and his interest in water.
  3. Explore the vibrational frequencies found in water. 
  4. Learn about the importance of minerals in water. 
  5. Get details on silica, a critical mineral for our health. 
  6. Find out the how silica can pull aluminum from our bodies. 
  7. Explore details about Michael’s special water. 
  8. Get information on the pH of water. 
  9. Learn about Deuterium and heavy water. 
  10. Consider the electrical patterning of water. 
  11. Find out where to purchase Aquene Springs Water with a discount. 

Wendy Myers: Hello everyone. I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Myers Detox Podcast. Really interesting show today on how to upgrade your water. A lot of issues around water, drinking spring water versus distilled, and the importance of silica in your drinking water. Talking about deuterium-depleted water. We talk about a lot of the different problems with tap water, including all the negative frequencies that are in tap water, not just the toxins and medications that are in tap water. And we talk about the nature of water and how you can send healing messages to water and then drink it, to heal your body and all of the different natures of frequency and energy in water. Today we have a guest who’s an expert in water, Michael Hobson. We talk about all these topics and more on today’s show. A lot of things you have not heard before about water are really important because it’s the basis of your health, so tune in.

  And I know you guys listening, you’re concerned about toxins in your body, the burden of toxins in the world and in your body. So I created a quiz at, and it took two seconds. And once you take that quiz, you’ll get the results of your relative body burden of toxins. You get a free video series afterward that answers all of your frequently asked questions about how to detox your body to produce better health, more energy, better brain health, better mental clarity, and easier weight loss because toxins interfere with every different metabolic function of your body. It’s shocking. So detox needs to be a part of her health regimen. That’s why I do this podcast. But today we’re going to be talking about water. So our guest today is the founder of Aquene Springs, Michael Hobson.

He has spent his life studying frequencies first as a mathematician, then as an economics professor, and then a corporate business consultant, and through his several businesses in the music industry at the forefront of both the vinyl movement and live recording industries. Michael’s interest in frequency has eventually brought him to water. And he became fascinated with water and started a decade long deep dive in understanding all of its capabilities. And after years of studying water, water structure, and water frequencies, deepening his understanding of this underappreciated molecule that appears to be the foundation of all life on earth.

Michael heard about a special water that came from a source and a remote part of Idaho. And through a series of coincidences, he found his way to the spring where this pristine water that tastes like no other, has a sweetness to it, finds its way to the earth’s surface at 139 degrees Fahrenheit and naturally comes out of the ground at 80 gallons a minute. And it was here in this special place known for centuries to Native Americans as Crystal Spring, that it became clear to Michael that he would have a role in helping to bring this water to the public. So Michael built up Aquene Springs with the intention of shepherding the source water to the world and protecting the untouched nature that surrounds the spring from which it comes. And you can learn more about Michael and Aquene Springs at Michael, thanks so much for joining the show.

Michael Hobson: Hey, Wendy, it’s such a pleasure to be here with you. And I’m here today to talk about water.

Wendy Myers: So you’re an expert in water. So talk to us about maybe why all waters are not the same. I know you’ve said about frequencies in water. Just give us the low down on your opinion.

Michael Hobson: Well, I think I have to give you a little bit of context and background before I actually dive into water, and I think it’s important. And I have a feeling, based on having listened to quite a few of your podcasts, that your audience will appreciate how what I think I’m about to say will maybe bring some of the things together that you’ve covered over time so well with a lot of your guests. And I guess where I want to start is that from my perspective, one important thing or objective, let’s call it, is that we should try and thrive. So if our objective as human beings is to thrive in mind, body, and spirit in this life, how do we do that? And it turns out that water has a place in that. And I like to think that water mediates our ability to thrive both electrically and biochemically.

And that’s what I mean. I know that you’ve had a lot of conversations about electrical stimulation and how that affects our health and well-being. Let’s start with the electrical part. Tesla famously said, “If you want to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” And while Tesla, I think, was speaking on a grander scale, there’s this notion of as above so too below. And so if you want to understand human beings, you should also think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration. So let’s start with the idea that we are really condensed energy.

Remember the old e=mc^2, which means that matter and energy are proportionate to one another. Further, it’s pretty well understood that our cells have frequency, and our tissues have frequency. In fact, one of the macromolecules that’s really important in our cells is microtubules, they’re called the workhorses of the cells. They vibrate in what’s called a nested triplicate of tone when they’re excited. And it turns out that they only resonate properly in the presence of water when they’re well hydrated. So here’s that first roll for water as a conductor of life, even at the cellular level.

Wendy Myers: Yes. And I mean everything around us is frequency, and it’s really important for us to drink proper water. And I have different waters that I drink and I add all kinds of things to them. I add, well, I’ll go in that to a minute, but I add all kinds of things to my water to make them extra hydrating or I’ll add minerals to them. There are all kinds of things I do to doctor my water.

Michael Hobson: Absolutely. In fact, as you suggest, if you think about it, everything in the universe is in motion. That is, everything’s vibrating at multiple frequencies. And when you look back at the cells, which are the basis for tissues and organs, they all have a vibratory pattern and a resonant frequency. And that we can affect those in a multitude of different ways. So I like to think that when the cells are in harmony, which is a state of ease, that we’re healthy and happy. And that when we’re healthy and happy, the cells are in harmony, the above and below thing again. And that to maintain harmony, that is to be in tune if you will.

The cells have to communicate both within and which is among the macromolecules in a cell, but also between cells. And the way they do that is with electrical signals and with photons, light. And whether it be they’re sending a signal, there’s a signal sent from the brain to different tissues via the neurons to affect proton folding or DNA expression in the cell, it’s all about that communication. And so we are electrical and the conductor, or better probably the semiconductor, is water and minerals, exactly to your point.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And I think people make a big mistake with water if they drink water that’s hungry or water that actually can steal minerals from your body. And that’s if you’re drinking distilled water or other types of water that don’t have enough minerals in them. And you can have a problem if you don’t add minerals to it, your body can’t hold onto the water. You need minerals in your water to be able to hold onto it. That’s why if you drink reverse osmosis water or distilled water, it just runs right through you. And a lot of people don’t want to drink water ’cause they feel like they have to go to the bathroom all the time, which I don’t blame them. It’s really annoying. But that’s because you lack minerals or you’re drinking hungry water that just your body can’t retain ’cause there are no minerals.

Michael Hobson: Yeah, absolutely correct. And I would say that only in the case of some kind of a severe detox situation should people drink distilled water as a routine. And I’m not a doctor or a nutritionist, so I’m not making any suggestions. I’m basically saying that I wouldn’t do it because of exactly the reasons that you just talked about.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and I agree. I think distilled water could be used therapeutically, especially if you have radioactive elements in your body. You can remove them with distilled water, so there’s going to be a therapy to it, but we’re talking here about your daily drinking water and what’s ideal to hydrate you and keep your body running,

Michael Hobson: I mean, basically, what you’re saying is if there’s not enough water or the proper minerals in the body, then the intra or intercellular communication can be impeded, setting up a state of, you could say disharmony, followed by a state of dis-ease if we don’t correct that, which means retune or reharmonize that activity. So water is, you can establish water as a conductor of communications in the body, and we’re all aware of how important minerals are as part of that mechanism. And so it turns out as we progress here, that one of the trace minerals that the body uses for many different purposes is silica.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, absolutely. Silica is so important. I talk about silica a lot. In fact, I have a product called Ageless AF that contains a specific form of silica to help detox your body, but I think it’s really important to get it in water as well. Every little bit counts and there are different types of silica as well. And I think a lot of people are deficient in silica because they’re not eating enough vegetables and vegetables are kind of shiny, like the Swiss orange shiny and the bell peppers are shiny, that’s silica.

Michael Hobson: Absolutely, 100%. I mean, you are so right about that. So it turns out that silica is the molecule that comes from silicon, which is an element in the periodic table. When it combines with oxygen, it makes something chemically referred to as silica dioxide or SiO 4. So as I’m sure you’re well aware and have shared with a lot of your listeners, silica is the basis of bones, teeth, hair, skin, collagen, and our connective tissue. It’s important for gut health, and cardiovascular health, it actually binds to the capillaries, arteries, and blood vessels in our body to help with blood flow. It’s also well-known to be important for wound healing. Remember, something that I didn’t know actually is that silica is the second most prevalent element in the earth’s crust just behind oxygen, and also has an affinity for aluminum, which is the third most prevalent element in the Earth’s crust.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So taking silica, however, you ingest it, is a really good way to detox aluminum among many other heavy metals like arsenic tin, thallium, cesium, bismuth, and other ones as well.

Michael Hobson: Yep. I get a question quite often, “Why is silica important?” And this is a pretty well-known fact that when we’re babies, we’re about 85% water by volume. And when we pass, we’re only about 60 or 65% water. So you really could say that aging and dehydration are synonymous. Something that people like to visualize is that we start out as grapes and end up as raisins.

Wendy Myers: I thought they were fluffy and juicy.

Michael Hobson: Yeah. So what’s not well known, but it is also true, a little-known fact, is that as we age, we lose silica as well. So you mentioned that, and you’re absolutely right. So we lose it as silica content in our body. So I would ask the question, is it any surprise that the elderly have skin issues, gut issues, problems with bones, hair, and teeth wound healing, and increasingly as you suggest suffer from chronic inflammation including Alzheimer’s, ALS, and others that increasingly seem to be linked to aluminum toxicity from living in what is referred to as the aluminum age where aluminum, sorry, is everywhere. It’s in our food, it’s in the air, and so forth.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, aluminum is a huge, huge problem. I did a whole podcast with Dr. Bill McGraw on how to detox aluminum and silica was a big part of that conversation. But yeah, aluminum is everywhere and it’s impacting us in so many ways. It’s in the air that we breathe, and it’s just like you said, it’s the third most common element in the earth’s crust.

Michael Hobson: And what’s interesting is, and I’m sure you went over this with your listeners in that segment, that in human beings and animals, the silica binds to aluminum and we excrete it by sweating or urination. And so you have to say, “I always knew that exercise and sweating was good for me. I just didn’t realize how much it was.” Now, it turns out that aluminum is toxic to plants as well. So what they do cleverly is they encase aluminum in silica, and that’s how they avoid being inflamed as a result of aluminum toxicity. So they’ve developed that ability.

Wendy Myers: Well, that’s really interesting.

Michael Hobson: Yeah.

Wendy Myers: So any other benefits to silica or any other mechanisms of action of silica?

Michael Hobson: I mean, yes, there is, and I’ll get to that in a minute. But I think the conclusion we’re talking about here is that the takeaways for cell and tissue health are to stay hydrated and supplement silica in your diet. As you suggest, to increase our silica intake, we can eat more plants that are silica-rich or drink water that has a high silica content. It turns out that the uptake of silica in the gut is more readily taken in from water from being an aqueous solution than it is in plants. So as a better source of getting it, it turns out to be from high silica waters, albeit I don’t think that’s enough to drink high silica waters. We need to continue to eat more vegetables specifically, but fruits and vegetables generally, I think.

Wendy Myers: So tell us about your water. So you have a company. You found a source of water that’s rich in silicon and has other benefits as well. Tell us a little bit about, like, what the water is exactly and the history around that.

Michael Hobson: So you mentioned earlier something that we kind of coined, I think, and that is that not all waters are equal. And there are a number of different ways to look at that. It turns out that, before I talk about the other issues around silica, I want to talk about something that might be a little bit controversial, but I think will probably resonate with your audience. That is water has the ability to store, amplify, and transmit energy and electrical and vibratory information. And for people who want to understand more about that, they can take a look at some of the things that Emoto did. And there’s a plethora of other things once you dig there that show that water in its hexagonal form can take on the ability to entrain information. The reason that’s controversial is that current biology and physics paradigms are built on chemical and atomic reactions that don’t include water as a key component.

If my statement is true that water can do this, then water can store and transmit harmonious vibratory electromagnetic patterns as well as chaotic information. And this relates back to municipal water. While municipal water is safe from a chemical standpoint, it can hold all the chaos, the patterns, the vibratory patterns that it encounters along its journey to the tap. And I like to say tap water will keep you alive, but it’s not able to help you thrive. That is to be in harmony. And I think one of the manifestations of that is when you taste water, not just that it’s got chlorine in it, but that you taste water that is chaotic in nature, that it’s not been through a harmonious process. You don’t really like it, your body says, “No, I don’t really want this.” And I think that also drives, I don’t know if you’ve reported about this before, but there are a lot of different devices in the world that are magnetic devices and so forth that go inline in municipalities that can actually regenerate the harmony of the water on some level.

In fact, the famous water pioneer Victor Schauberger talked about turning water in a specific way, in a centripetal way, in a way that turns it in on itself that can restore harmony. And there are actually pipes that you can buy that are like that. And so there is some hope there. But let me tell you a little bit, ’cause you asked the question about Aquene Springs. Silica source and crystal source premium waters. They’re bottled at the source in a remote area of southern Idaho, not far from the Nevada border in what’s called the High Desert there at about 6,500 feet above sea level, very, very far from any sort of agricultural runoff or even very many people. So another important thing about this water is that we believe that it’s called “primary water.” And I don’t know how many people know about this, but water is actually made on the earth.

And it turns out, in geothermal areas, where you have hydrocarbons, which are everywhere, the heat displaces hydrogen from the hydrocarbons. And I like to say that hydrogen is an unhappy bachelor. It doesn’t like to be on its own. It likes to combine with other elements to form molecules. In that circumstance, it finds the number one element in the earth’s crust, oxygen, and in those circumstances heat forms steam. And then finds its way through the crust for miles, picking up trace minerals, including silica, and then comes out of the ground at 140 degrees Fahrenheit. And that I think encapsulates some of the great features of this water and why it’s so special, its taste profile. I think you’ve had it before. It’s very smooth and velvety in the mouth. People say it’s soft. But it also has a little bit of an aftertaste, a slight sweetness that I don’t know that I’ve ever tasted in water that has that kind of leave, borrowing a term from the wine world. Now, there are high mineral waters that definitely tickle the pallet in a different way.

This is what is considered a relatively low mineral content. It’s about 150 milligrams per liter of mineral. That’s kind of a low mineral content, so we’d like to say it’s lightly mineralized. And the story that I tell, which is true, is that I was led to this location. I was led to this foray into the water world. I studied water for about 10 years, mainly from a physics, biology, and chemistry standpoint with a good friend of mine who’s a world-renowned water expert, a guy called Gerald Pollack at the University of Washington. For people who don’t know his work in structured water and the fourth phase of water, just have a look on YouTube. There’s some pretty insightful stuff there that will help you understand how water is not just water, and that all water, especially the water in our body, is quite different from the bulk water that we drink.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I love Gerald Pollack’s work and that he’s just such a pioneer in development. He discovered the fourth phase of water, which is terribly interesting. And so within all these concepts that you’re talking about and relating them back to this water that you discovered, let’s talk about the deuterium component of it. So it’s a deuterium water as well.

Michael Hobson: Naturally.

Wendy Myers: Yes. And so can you talk about what deuterium is exactly and why it’s important for many people to drink deuterium-depleted water?

Michael Hobson: Yeah. So I’ll just preface what I’m going to say. This is another one of those controversial areas in water. And I’ll say, I just thought of this, but I think it’s true, that deuterium depletion is the new pH. And remember, we’re still in that game of drinking alkaline water and there’s a competition. There’s 9.5 and 10 and 11, and then there’s drain cleaner, which is 14. Don’t suggest anybody drink drain cleaner, but too much of a good thing can be a bad thing is the moral of that story.

Wendy Myers: Let’s veer off on just that topic for a second, ’cause I don’t buy the pH water, the high pH water because our body has buffers, acid buffers. Whatever you put in your body, your body can change to whatever you need. What are your thoughts on the high-pH waters?

Michael Hobson: It is something that I think some evidence to suggest comes out of Japan and some studies that they’ve done with people drinking. When I say high pH, I just mean probably above 7.5, so 7.5 to 9 or somewhere in that range. When you get above that, I think I would consider that to be excessive. But who knows?

Wendy Myers: Because most clean water is like 7 to 8.

Michael Hobson: Exactly, exactly. In this case, ours I think naturally is 8.6. You don’t do anything to it. So there’s no real science behind drinking alkaline water and that being directly related to an outcome, a health or a recovery type of outcome. I’m going to talk in a minute about something that may offer an explanation where the issue around pH is that it’s hydrogen-based. It is in a sense the amount of hydrogen that’s in the water, outside of what’s bound to the oxygen molecules. So it’s entirely possible that it sets up a pattern in the water that may have an impact on the body. That’s literally a complete conjecture. I just offer it as something that we could consider.

I think that there’s something to the idea of alkalinity, however, because why would it be the case that most spring waters, if you look at natural springs and the water that comes out of those springs, generally, not all the time, but generally that water is higher in pH than 7.5. And we think people have gravitated towards it, and it’s one of those things where I don’t know about you, but I trust my gut, so to speak, and I trust my body to tell me when something’s good for it and when it’s not. And so I think I’ve always gravitated once I recognized it towards water that is springwater. So that’s anecdotal, and I’m sorry to not be able to answer the question, but I don’t think anybody else, I’ve never heard an explanation of why high-pH water is preferable.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I mean, I think it’s a great marketing ploy for some of these reverse osmosis filtered bottle designer waters and they market it as high pH and people will pay a lot of money for that at a premium price when you don’t have to because you can just drink spring water. So let’s go back to deuterium-depleted water.

Michael Hobson: Yeah, sure. So the controversy around deuterium-depleted water, that is there’s a theory out there about how energy is made inside the cells. And there are lots of cool videos, you can go and look at them, that look at how these little shafts and rotors work inside the cells, these little motors. And that what runs those motors are hydrogen molecules. And we can get to that in a second, but it turns out not H2, but literally hydrogen, H, elemental, or atomic hydrogen is what runs these little rotors and that’s supposedly the engine of the cell. Now, I am not going to say that’s the way it works or that’s not the way it works. Quite frankly, it’s been a long time since I’ve been down inside of a cell and saw these little rotors and motors going. The theory is that deuterium, which has an extra neutron in the nucleus, so instead of just a proton, remember water, which is the basis for these hydrogen molecules that run the rotors that power the cells and so forth only has a proton and one electron.

But deuterium is what’s called an isotope of hydrogen, and has a proton in the neutron, so it’s heavier. And the story goes, and again, I’m repeating the story, I’m not advocating it, is that when a deuterium molecule which has this proton and neutron, it’s bigger and it’s heavier, and so it stops the rotor from turning as efficiently and, if you will, gums up the work. And so the notion is that if that’s the case, then drinking deuterium-depleted water would have less of that activity going on, and enhance more cellular energy. And that the idea is that some of that deuterium-depleted water, if you will, either naturally or artificially depleted, would be able to just have the cell run more efficiently and that we would be in a better state of health. That’s the theory, that’s the story. And if that’s true, then drinking deuterium-depleted water is beneficial.

Wendy Myers: And there are some people that have high deuterium levels for various reasons and it causes a number of health issues, and they have to drink deuterium-depleted water to pull that deuterium out of their system

Michael Hobson: Or to balance that amount of deuterium, right? And so it’s a smaller proportion of the overall situation.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it’s almost like you could think of it like distilled water is very mineral-hungry. When you drink distilled water, it pulls minerals and other toxins out of you, which is why some people drink it for detox. In the same concept, you can drink deter-depleted water to pull out that particular problematic molecule that’s very damaging to your mitochondria in that Krebs cycle energy production system.

Michael Hobson: Yeah, again, it seems like that’s a reasonable story and I don’t confirm or deny it, but it is something that’s of interest and I’m happy that people are looking into it just by chance. Our water is naturally deuterium-depleted. And I know that there’s a whole world out there that there’s artificially deuterium-depleted water, which by the way comes as a side of an offshoot of making heavy water. So if you make heavy water, what’s left over is water, so to speak. And there’s actually a brand, I think called Lightwater and it’s very expensive. So that’s the extent of my experience.

Wendy Myers: And so let’s talk about silica and deuterium-depleted water and how they can help to detox for bodies.

Michael Hobson: Well, again, I think the main way that we’re aware of with regard to silica is aluminum and other heavy metal toxicity that silica binds to and we excrete it. My position with minerals is a little bit different than conventional wisdom, and that is, I really think the evidence is more and more suggesting that minerals, particularly that are soluble in water, in the body, emit patterns, and that those patterns, everything vibrating, emits a pattern, and those molecules emit a pattern that’s important for this symphony that’s going on inside of this really complex system. And so I’m going to take a turn down another controversial road with regard to silica that maybe makes some sense to people. And so to think about that, let’s first think about thoughts as being electrical currents, which we know them to be. There is actually a book written, I think published last year, called We Are Electric, which I highly recommend to people.

And so these thoughts that are electrical currents, they can change the vibratory patterns inside of our cells triggering among other things, gene expression or suppression, and the effect of which is that there are chemical responses, which we are well aware of, that govern our state of ease or dis-ease. And as an example, I want people to think about this activity that we’re engaged in right now, which is speaking. I submit that speaking is a physical vibratory manifestation of our thoughts and that it’s very powerful. And that vibratory information can be stored, amplified, and transmitted through water, both from within as well as from without. So within the cells that vibratory information we talked about before, we can affect our own health and wellbeing with our voice, which is a manifestation of our thoughts. And I’ll explain a little bit more. Think of silica, people don’t realize it, but it’s the basis of quartz, which is well-known scientifically to be able to store, amplify, and transmit information.

And now we’re into the world of crystals. Like water, the silica is like water in that it’s geometrically similar, they take on a hexagonal form, and now we’re into that world of Gerald Pollack and structured water. So imagine, if you will, the idea of holding a thought or an intention for self-healing and speaking that intention from your heart into the water, and then drinking that vibratory intention or instruction to have our cells, tissues, and organs maintain health or self-heal. So I’m going to submit that we have enormous power to sustain and to self-heal. And that all we have to do is speak through our hearts to thrive. Now, that’s not the only thing we have to do. There are some other things that are important as well. I don’t mean to diminish the fact that you can’t just sit around speaking to water and be fine, but I believe that this is an absolutely salient part of our health and well-being. In fact, water is a conductor, it’s a mediator and ultimately a messenger for our thoughts and intentions. Back to that notion of above, so too below.

Wendy Myers: I 100% agree with you, and that’s an amazing notion, is to actually speak into your water your intention or your desires, and then to drink that water.

Michael Hobson: Well, that’s what Emoto used to do. If you look at Emoto’s work, he would put even words. He would write words or symbols and tape them to the side of a glass of water, or he would take a glass of water and put it into a closet and ignore it, or he would take a glass of water and say, “I love you, you’re wonderful,” or he would say, “I hate you.” And then he would take these images and you would see that manifestation of what he was speaking, which of course was his thought. You’d see that in those pictures. And I believe that when we start to really look deeply into how trauma affects us, affects our state of wellbeing, ease, and disease, that we’ll find, and we already know this to be honest, we already know the effects of meditation, of becoming still. We know the advantages of going out and being in nature around trees and nature, which set up a vibratory pattern, which is pleasing to us.

We know about being around other people who have a good vibe, and who have a good feeling that you want to be around because they bring you into a state of harmony as well. And of course, this fits really nicely with a lot of the different devices that people sell that are electromagnetic in nature, some of which I think you’ve mentioned you used before, like the Spooky Two, I think. I listened to a recent podcast that you did, that was very entertaining, by the way. Thank you. And I think you can start to understand that this liquid crystal semiconductor vessel that holds our consciousness is very much susceptible to our environment, to the vibratory nature of things that come from the solar system, quite frankly, that affect us. You could explain mercury retrograde that way. You can explain how crystals that you have, different types of crystal structures, and so forth have different impacts on people. And so in exactly the same way, speaking your intention and drinking that and being mindful, and all of those activities that lead to having ourselves be in a state of harmony. Water is the mediator.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And it really drives from the point how important it is to drink proper water, clean water that has the right maybe energy in it or grounding, or that even has added frequencies to it or deuterium-depleted that has the right minerals, has the right silica content, et cetera, versus tap water that has negative frequencies in it, that it has hundreds of toxins and medications and chlorine and other microbial agents in it. And how that is devastating, really problematic on many different levels physically and energetically versus other types of water that can produce tremendous benefits in your health.

Michael Hobson: Yes, I absolutely agree. So yeah, I think that at least at Aquene Springs Water, I know that it’s here to help us thrive. In fact, I don’t know if you got the bottle of water, which you can actually see the silica crystals in the bottle. You turn it up and these beautiful silica crystals that we’ve programmed vibrationally to have the silica coalesce into these crystals that you can see. And you might ask, “Well, why is that?” Well, at least one reason that I feel very strongly about is that we have to overcome our disbelief. And so if I said to you, “Wendy, just take a glass of water and talk to it,” you’d go, “Okay, Michael, I might do that.” But you’re looking at this water. But if I give you a glass of water that has these beautiful silica crystals floating around in it, and you know that those are the basis for quartz and so forth, I think as human beings it allows us to suspend our disbelief of how powerful we are.

I think we’ve forgotten how powerful we are, and we know from our ex-president and from leaders and rulers across time how powerful the voice is. And I think we’ve forgotten that. And so when you have these crystals dancing around, and then I say to you, “Speak to the water, speak to the crystals, and they’ll vibrate and they’ll take your thoughts pattern and your vibratory pattern and deliver that to your body. And your body, your cells will come into resonance with that.” Remember, vibratory information propagates much more strongly through water than it does through air. If you’ve ever been in a pool and listened to sound, it’s much stronger. And so that just a little bit of vibratory information in our bodies propagates very quickly. And so we can drink our own intentions. And it’s really, I think ultimately it comes down to our mind. I think we’re really responsible both for our health and wellbeing, but also for curing ourselves.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So tell us where we can learn more about this water, purchase this water, and I did get your gift. Thank you so much. I tried the water. It’s absolutely delicious. It has a really soft mouthfeel. It just feels like such good quality water, high quality. And there are certain waters I’ve been attracted to that they just seem like they’re just something about them, like a certain frequency or something that I just love. And Aquene Springs definitely hits that mark.

Michael Hobson: Well, I think you’re right. And we talked about before, if you think about water just generally the universal solvent as leaching everything it can get its hands on, so to speak, that in addition to minerals and taking on minerals and dissolving pretty much everything it comes in contact with. In addition to being the source of life, it’s also very destructive or can be. It’s this miracle molecule that is really, really important for us. And I think if anything, that’s really what I want to transmit to people. If you want to try the water, the best way to do it right now is by going to our website, Aquene, by the way, is a native word for peace, clarity, or tranquility. So that’s where that comes from. Interestingly, the Native Americans, many, many hundreds of years ago, referred to the sacred place where the water comes out of the ground as crystal springs. So the crystal in the water, I think, I don’t have any evidence of, but I think that this has been known for some time and we’re just rediscovering it.

And that’s why honestly, at the end of the day, for me, and I’ll just share this with you from my heart, that for me, this is about being in service. I really consider myself a water shepherd. In the last 34 years, I’ve started and been involved in 11 businesses, and this is one here at the end. And it’s for me time to be in service for the greater good, and this is my way of doing it. So right now, the water is available directly to consumers. I will leak it to you. This has just happened in the last couple of days that we are pursuing a path to have the water be available through Amazon. I know some people feel controversy about Amazon and what they do or how they do it but in terms of it being made available to people on a more affordable basis because it’s heavy and it’s expensive to ship, we’re pretty excited about broadening the offering to people and making it a little easier to get.

Wendy Myers: That’s wonderful because it does make it so much easier for people to just order it and have it delivered really quickly and maybe have free shipping and whatnot. So many people have Amazon Prime, so that’s great. Yeah, it makes it more accessible and more eyeballs to get this water. And so guys, I highly recommend you try that. Just try at least an introductory box of it. It comes in a large box. It’s like a five-gallon box, right?

Michael Hobson: Well, we have a five-gallon box, which is a little unwieldy. I like it. I put it on the countertop. We market it as emergency source water because it’s in this big box. Our idea was that it would be something people would put in their basement or the closet in terms of an emergency situation, but it turns out it’s the most cost-effective and highest-value way to get the water. So it doesn’t really fit in the fridge. And so the small five-liter boxes are very stylish and fit in the fridge really nicely. And then, of course, there’s the 750-milliliter bottle that you can actually see the crystals in and so forth. It comes in those different varieties. I think we also have a code for your listeners if I recall correctly.

Wendy Myers: So the people use the code Wendy10.

Michael Hobson: And you’ll get a 10% discount on the water. And right now, before we go to Amazon, I’ll just let people know that we do charge shipping, but we subsidize the shipping. So the rate that people pay is subsidized by us to make it a little more affordable and less painful to get. So every little bit helps. So Wendy10 is the promo code that we’ll use to give your listeners a discount so that they can try the water.

Wendy Myers: Okay, fantastic. So everyone, go check it out And thank you so much for coming on the show. Are there any kind of parting words or anything else that you haven’t mentioned to the listeners?

Michael Hobson: Yeah, the only thing I would say is that, and I say this to everyone, have great thoughts because it’s really, really important to our health and well-being, and the water in your body will greatly appreciate that.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I agree with you. You really have to be very purposeful and mindful every day of the kind of thoughts that you’re thinking ’cause they promote healing in your body or inflammation or in attracting certain things or people’s scenarios into your life. And it’s really important. You’re literally programming the water in your body with your thoughts.

Michael Hobson: Yes, it is. And people ask me, “Is there a limitation to what you can ask the water to help you with?” And I don’t think there is. I’m at a point and I’ll just, I’m speaking personally now, I’m at a point where I can stop pain almost immediately by speaking that intention from my heart. But really pushing that intention and thought in the water, you can move energy in your body down to that point. And so I think there’s a lot that we can do in terms of getting rid of trauma that we carry along from childhood or along the roadway called life. That is another way of being mindful and telling ourselves, “Hey, I love you. We’re in this together. Let’s not be affected by all the distress and the chaos around us. Let’s live in ease and in love.”

Wendy Myers: And I think that’s where many people are. I think in this age, after these last few years of fear and stress, people are moving towards peace and love and joy and gratitude in many different ways. But yeah, it begins with your thoughts. It’s a movement that begins with your thoughts. Today, we’re going to end on that beautiful note. But everyone, thank you so much for joining me for the podcast today. I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. And really appreciate your time and your energy and joining me every week for this podcast, for I love to bring you experts around the world to help you upgrade your health, to give you those little pieces of the puzzle that you’re searching for to feel good because you deserve to feel good, you deserve good health, and you’re going to find it. Thanks for tuning in.