Transcript: #518 Most “Organic” Mattresses Are Toxic + the Bed I Sleep On

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#518 Most “Organic” Mattresses Are Toxic + the Bed I Sleep On

Dr. Wendy Myers  
I don’t think people realize that when they’re sleeping, their body needs to be totally shielded from EMF. 

Claus Pummer  
The most important subject in life, for my personal opinion, is sleep. The

Dr. Tom Moorcroft  
more calm we are, the more open we are to receiving from our environment.

Claus Pummer  
My business is, I want to get a good night’s sleep. And I really want to help people feel better, sleep better and automatically gain a better health and live a long time.

Dr. Wendy Myers  
So imagine a world where we don’t actually fight cancer, we just tell our bodies to stop growing it. It sounds groundbreaking, right? Dr. Dana Flavin, who’s a world renowned cancer specialists for over 40 years, warns we are swimming in toxins that are in our daily products, our food, water and air. The real danger, these toxins signal our body to grow cancer. That’s why I urge you to join Dr. Flavin and Nathan Crane, an award winning health researcher in an eye opening web class. They’ll reveal the nine key toxins that could be triggering cancer in your body, and most importantly, how to eliminate them. So don’t just fight cancer, go right to its root cause. So join me by going to now to register for this free web class. It’s so important. Again, that’s, make the change today.

Claus and Dr.Moorcroft, thanks so much for joining the show.

Dr. Tom Moorcroft  
Thanks for having us.

Dr. Wendy Myers  
Yes, yeah, so first of all, Claus, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you came to found Samina Sleep?

Claus Pummer  
Yeah, the good, good story. I’m originally from Germany. So everybody will recognize my strong accent and I try to be talking slower than normally. So when I was living in Germany, I became a master cabinetmaker with a master’s degree in woodwork. And this was leading me to building beautiful bedroom furniture in solid woods, and I was of personal interest, I was always interested to sleep the best I can for my personal health and my well being. And this led me to the founder and owner of Samina, who his name is  Dr. Günther Amann-Jennson. He is the psychologist, medical doctor on an airy professor and a scientist in Austria. And we started the relationship between us, I was creating and designing bedrooms for this company. And in the same time I was able to try Samina for my own personal use. And then after it’s been so successful, in my own experience with Samina, this became my main business when I moved from 1998 to Toronto, Canada,

Dr. Wendy Myers  
and now you live in Mexico, correct? Like me.

Claus Pummer  
Like now with COVID, everything changed the world upside down. Our last official trade show in the United States was in March 2021, in Dallas, Texas. And then after, from this point on, most of the trade shows got canceled, and most of them actually never returned. And then everybody found out, you know, with a summit like we’re doing today in webinars, we actually have a much wider, broader audience. And we can reach more people to talk about important things in life. And the most important subject in lives, for my personal opinion, is sleep. We always underestimate sleep. Sleep is passive life, what seems kind of boring, and not exciting, but Dr. Tom Moorcroft will recommend, will recognize this in his work. How important sleep is and when you don’t sleep, we have a lot of issues, right?

Dr. Wendy Myers  
Yes. Yeah. And I, you know, I personally have always prioritized sleep ever since I was a teenager, it was just for me something that I’ve always made sure that, you know, I wasn’t that person that woke up at 5am to go work out. I’m like I’m sleeping in. You know, and it’s something I’ve always prioritized, and I attribute my good health today to better sleep. So Tom, why don’t you? Why don’t you just talk about some, maybe some roadblocks that people have to sleep when it comes to… Well, actually, should we talk about some consequences of poor sleep or do you have any statistics on that?

Dr. Tom Moorcroft  
Well, you know, it’s interesting for me, because it’s like, you know, like Claus alluded to. Uh, essentially a third of your life should be sleeping, give or take depending upon where you’re at in life. And I think we do kind of downplay it. And I think having over 15 years of experience like with working directly with patients with chronic illness, like chronic Lyme disease and other chronic fatigue illnesses, most people aren’t like you Wendy. They’re just like, I get –. This was me growing up, right? Like, I was like, I would sleep. But it wouldn’t do much, right? Because like, no one was really teaching me about the proper foundations of how to get a good night’s sleep or the importance. And I was so in this sleep debt, and I was exhausted all the time. And so I just said, Oh, sleep when you’re dead, right? Because some paramedic told me this. And I thought it was cool. And we’re all like, we’re all overworking. We’re not focusing. And we all feel bad, but we blame it on Oh, is our diet or some virus? Or you know, what, we’re not really looking at that strong foundation of why do we even sleep because people really didn’t even know when we were growing up. I’m gonna get there just like you do it. We think we know. And now we know that it’s really important for consolidating our memories, but also one of the most important pieces is brain detoxification. And we see that like, so so many people are looking to prevent Alzheimer’s, prevent Parkinson’s and prevent all these things down the line. And they want to, you know, they asked me, What’s my best bet? And what’s the best brain supplement to take? I’m like, it’s called sleep. Yeah, exactly. Fasting and sleep. 

Dr. Wendy Myers  
Yeah. People worry about so many other things when it comes to their health, and they don’t have the fundamentals, right, like proper hydration and going for a walk in the sun every morning and sleep. And there’s so many things that people get wrong with sleep that we’re going to discuss today, and how to optimize your sleep as much as possible. And I mean, I have had I have in the past had issues with sleep. Absolutely. I you know, when you’re not sleeping well, you can’t really focus on anything else, you know, and I tried so many, so many different things to optimize my sleep. And it really is there’s a learning curve, to figure out how to optimize this and optimize your circadian rhythms. And there’s so many things. So what are some tips that you can give people to like just the the list that people have to check off to optimize their sleep, even if their eyes are closed for eight hours, people can still wake up feeling that they’ve been hit by a truck and totally exhausted and what’s going on there?

Dr. Tom Moorcroft  
Yeah, I think the thing that I’ve learned is you hit the nail right on the head earlier is get up and go get exposure to natural sunlight. I mean, in order to sleep, well, we need to be calm, relaxed, we need to, you know, get into this parasympathetic state where the nervous system is calm. But many of us have heard of that sleep hormone, melatonin. And it actually gets triggered like, we create more melatonin by waking up and going out and getting that sunlight. So you’re gonna get a little vitamin D, we’re gonna kick on the production of the melatonin. And we’re also gonna have a lot of serotonin, which is one of our happy drugs that will allow us to at night when a lot of people are up thinking and worrying, well, the more serotonin you have, the less likely you are to worry. So I start my evening ritual first thing in the morning when I wake up, you know? So I get up and I start to do all the things. Another thing is to do some form of exercise, whatever is appropriate for your level of current health, maybe push yourself a little bit, but you need to be tired, right? So part of the reason we sleep is to rejuvenate our energy stores. Maybe we should use up some of that energy during the day. Obvious things like I have like a little cup of coffee here. But you know, once depending upon whom you talk to, and how sensitive you might be somewhere between four in the afternoon all the way to maybe noon, you might want to be cutting out your caffeinated beverages and your sugary beverages. You know, so that you can really get to this place where we’re when it’s time to sleep, you can sleep and then at bedtime, I think this is where where we can really create a sleep sanctuary. And it starts like I said in the morning by getting up and getting the trigger to create the melatonin. But for melatonin to be released well when you’re ready to go to bed, you need to do things like turn off some of the blue lights or at least wear blue blockers and dim the screens, you want the temperature to get a little bit cooler, you want to kind of create essentially create a sleep cave, right? And and you want to kind of cut out a lot of the other exposures to things like Wi-Fi and other Bluetooth. So you want to minimize this electrical stuff. But the big issue that especially when Claus and I started hanging out and talking together, what I was learning is I can minimize the impact of things like my Wi-Fi router by turning it off, but my neighbors have one. I can optimize the way I use my phone, but there’s still going to be some electricity. So are there other things that I can do that I don’t have to think as much about and I think when I’ve talked to you before, I always like to say for your Wi-Fi router, get a timer. It’s like 10 bucks. You set it and you forget it and at least you don’t have that extra Wi-Fi stimulus at night and you have a timer that says, “Hey, look, it’s really time to go to bed now, because you can’t get on your device”. But what’s really important to me is really, that when I go to sleep, I want to create a sanctuary where I’m protecting myself even further from EMF exposure, I’m in a proper body position, because like, my wife likes to sleep, a little more on her back than her side, I tend to like to sleep a little more on my side. But there are, there’s value to sleeping on your side more than your back, there’s also value to sleeping with your head up, you know, we’re really trying to optimize brain detoxification, as well as calm nervous systems. And so that’s where the cool dark comes in. And then with Samina, what’s so cool is like that, and I’m sure Claus can describe this in even greater detail. But it’s like, there’s two sides of the bed, right? And he’s like, Oh, there’s the picture of the wineglass on one side, and then somebody jumping on the other. And you’re like, there’s no way that this bed is that custom to each person without being some electrical fandangled thing, which is going to cause more problems than good. But sure enough, you hop up and down on this, your wineglass next to you is good. When I turn in any position, my body is 100% custom supported, and what my life completely changed when my when I went from like a crooked spine, and trying to prop myself up to having the bed do all the work for me, without me even thinking. That’s really a place for at night is make it comfortable, without a lot of electricity without a lot a lot without a lot of light.

Dr. Wendy Myers  
Yeah, I wanted to comment about that. Because what the Samina bed, which I just ordered mine, which I finally finally invested in myself, in my sleep, I finally did it, because Claus, I met you about seven, eight years ago at the Bulletproof Conference, and I laid on the bed. And I was just like, you know, I was just really taken aback by how comfortable it was and how it formed to your body. And I had thought I had invested in myself by buying a memory foam mattress. This is before I knew how incredibly toxic they are, but I slept amazing because it formed to my body. But you’re the it just this chemicals, you’re just breathing those in all night long. And it’s just, it’s it’s really horrifying when you look at the cumulative effects that that can have on your health, even though maybe you wake up without, you know, your muscles are okay, without a stiff neck and things like that. But when I laid on this and that I saw that it’s in two sections, each beds, it has two sections, like Tom, you just mentioned where your partner when they start rolling around, it doesn’t disturb your sleep at all, which is brilliant. So there’s there’s kind of two separate skeletons or slats or however you call it, that form to your body. And they have the same thing on each side. And so I think it’s just a brilliant design. Can you talk maybe a little bit more about?

Claus Pummer  
Yeah, I think what what I wanted to point out first, when people make this decision to upgrade the sleeping environment and purchase a new mattress, I think overall is people do not spend enough time to read some of the fine prints on home pages. And in general, this is kind of I think, a very important decision to make, what mattress would be the right for me. And this should be not done in five minutes. This is not not enough time. The problem is, as we know, today, you can pretty much say and claim on your own page, whatever you feel like and I call it there is no policing. You have to make your own judgments. This is correct what I’m reading and I believe it or this is incorrect. So the bedding industry became very smart, while that you know, with COVID, online shopping was going up substantially and store visits being kind of limited, especially lying in bed where other stranger lie on the same bed five minutes later. So the mattress industry had a huge jump on online sales and they are really upgraded a game, how sexy homepage looks and how appealing this is attracting to certain people in certain age groups. And you know, even you think you buy organic, and some people are so smart at changing the word organic to the removing the last letter and adding in other words, a letter there. This doesn’t mean this is the same word. And this doesn’t mean this product. This is really an organic.

Dr. Wendy Myers  
Yeah, a lot of a lot of deceptive marketing out there. And I was really shocked Claus and I had a conversation with you about a lot of organic bedding out there. And different terms that are used to kind of greenwash mattresses. Can you talk a little about that because I think you know, a lot of people listening to this podcast are obviously concerned about toxins and investing in their health thinking about, you know, not wanting to be breathing in toxins or being exposed to toxins and flame retardants for 1/3 of their life while they’re sleeping. So how are customers being deceived by kind of green wash products or mattresses that claim to be organic?

Claus Pummer  
So there are two tricks how they’re doing it. So normally, commercial mattress brands in the United States have anywhere from 7 to 12 different components. And some of these components are having certified Green standards. So the question is, who is creating those standards? So these standards are very often created by third parties but then is the question where is the third party funded from? And very often the parties are funded from the mattress companies. So this is kind of a certification, what becomes a little bit iffy when the money comes from the same manufacturer or vendors. And this is all organization mind, you know, doesn’t matter which brand you really purchase or commercial buys. They’re all in a big pool of the same kind of business. So I saw this set means those certifications are also very low bars, at least for a German speaking and German born raised man like me, when something is 60% or 70% organic, I still don’t want 30% chemicals in my bed period. I want full organic. And is this possible? Yes, it’s possible. So those standards and those certifications are really low hanging fruit for us at Samina and then the trick, what they’re doing is, so let’s say there is 9 or 10 components, they still purchase under organic certification. So are questionable. The other ones are all synthetic based. And the reason how you can find this one out, when anytime you see the little R sign with recycle, or the little GM trademark, this means the patent office in the United States gave me the right to use this word exclusive for my company, and any competitor will be not able to use the same terms. So what this means? The patent office in the United States will never give you a patent on the real piece of God’s Earth product. So I cannot walk in at the patent office today and say I’d like to get the word banana registered. It’s not possible, banana came from from Planet Earth. So this means for the consumers: Anytime you see a registered trade name, those products are synthetic based,  man made, and that automatically contain contents of petroleum flame retardants and other toxic byproducts.

Dr. Wendy Myers  
Yeah, and when I was having a conversation with you about how these companies greenwash mattresses, there are so many different layers and like you said, there might be two or three layers that are typically organic or organic latex, but there are other components that are not that like you said that are these toxic ingredients are being hidden behind these kind of, you know, organic or green or environmentally friendly names and trademark names. That’s all they are trademark names. And yeah, and then that and so, you know, when you think about it, you know, you have flame retardants in mattresses, the majority of mattresses…isn’t it in the entire United States, they have to have flame retardants on them sprayed on them right?

Claus Pummer  
Yeah, there is still a very old law from the federal government in the United States to anything any mattress assembled in the United States needs to have flame retardants, this is all going way all the way back when smoking in bed was very popular.

Dr. Wendy Myers  
In the seventees, in the eightys.

Claus Pummer  
And this law was never changed and untouched. So even when mattress companies list on their own page, “our mattress is three of flame retardants”, I don’t believe them 100% while the federal law is in place and when you get audits what happens when you have a manufacturing location? You would pay substantial fine on this violating of federal laws, so the much safer way this is what I had to decide my unpopular decision, should I start manufacturing some in the United States or leave it in Austria, where we are originally from? I had to decide to leave it in Austria while  those kinds of law does not exist in Austria period. So my product can be imported without infusing them with any kind of flame retardants and you’ll get penalized with the government anyway, while we pay much higher duty rates and have other complications like expensive freight charges to get products on A to B but the product is more authentic. Let’s say organic is organic, but also people believe a mattress is still organic when I have metal springs partially in my bed with merino wool, or natural Italia rubber on top or below me. No, this mattress is disqualified to be organic as well. The bottom line is exposure of electromagnetic fields and radiofrequency during the time of sleep are having the same  severe damage, what you may experience on off gassing of chemicals, PDEs and flame retardants. 

Dr. Wendy Myers  
Yeah, and you know, at least you can detox out, you know, some of these chemicals that you’re, we’re accumulating, but with the EMF I mean, that’s just a non stop chronic exposure is just what and I’ll get into that in a second, I want to talk about toxins a little bit more, that are found in mattresses. But yeah, the EMF is a huge problem. The last thing that you want when you’re sleeping all night long is to sleep on a mattress with metal coils, that’s attracting all the EMF around it, and then just funneling it right into your body. It’s just frightening. But let’s go back to toxins for a second. So, Tom, can you talk a little bit about flame retardants? And and what those can do to our body?

Dr. Tom Moorcroft  
Yeah, you know, I mean, I think any of these, we, I think a lot of us have heard about, you know, Xeno estrogens, Xeno biotics and all these external chemicals. And a lot of them, depending upon the specific chemical, can alter, you know, the function of memory, the function of our endocrine or hormone system. And many of them even can promote cancers and stuff. And so, like you were just alluding to, like, I try to really minimize my exposure at nighttime, because you think about it, we try to get in that relaxed, parasympathetic nervous system state, which is the opposite of Go Go Go and fight or flight like driving the car, but it’s the opposite of stress. And also one part of what it does, which has to do with why we don’t want to be exposed to as many toxins is, as we’re sleeping, and we’re getting more and more parasympathetic, we’re also that’s when our body is absorbing the most through our gastrointestinal tract, that’s where we’re digesting and assimilating the most amount of food and the nutrients from them. But the same thing about our skin. So the more calm we are, the more open we are to receiving from our environment, which when we’re talking about food, that’s a good thing, usually, and receiving, like, you know, the benefits of sleep are good. But if we’re starting, if we’re getting ourselves in a place where we’re exposed to more of these chemicals, that can alter the way our hormones function, the way we think, and maybe even promote cancer, etc. And, you know, so many of us, I mean, in my history I’ve had, I’ve had heavy metal issues, I’ve had seen EMFs bother me, and it’s like, it’s crazy, sometimes you’re so used to the exposure that you don’t even recognize it until you’ve detoxified from it. And that’s one of the things that was really dramatic when I shifted my sleep system, the more detoxified, the more I was a little for the beginning parts, I was more sensitive to everything, which a lot of my patients are like, I don’t want to get any more sensitive, but like, just wait, let your body clean out and then it’ll really be stronger, so you develop the resilience. But it’s really important, like even now, we’ll talk about like EMF as a problem, or maybe some of these off gassing from some of the, you know, plastics, what about just like when you go to a hotel, and I lay down and I’m smelling this horribly powerful perfumey thing, that’s now it could be the chemical that’s bothering my body while I’m sleeping. It could also just be that my nose is not used to being assaulted with the perfume so now I’m getting the stimulus all night long. So I’m always trying to minimize and look at like what are the both the direct toxic effects of those but also the indirect effects were like hey you know, like, is this really, am I sleeping as well as I thought? And I really learned that after my Samina experience, like I thought I was really good. But and one of the things too I should point out is like when I first started hanging out with Claus we start playing around we… because I don’t believe anything he says, because I don’t believe anything anybody says. I do what he said, I go to the website, I read it and then I do my own research. So I grabbed him a milli voltmeter because I’m like, there’s no way this grounding pad works so well to protect me while I’m sleeping, but it feels like it does. So I got my my meter and I’ve got like 600 milli volts in my hand. And as soon as I hop on this thing, it goes well below 100 millivolts it’s like 30 to 40 and healthy sleep really we want to aim for below 100 milli volts coursing through our body of electricity. But the reality is most people who do even a really bang up job are still at two or 300 where as I  can get to below 40 wIth my LOKOSANA grounding mat, which I got it which is part of the Samina system. But what’s really crazy is my daughter was doing this video with me and she decided that there was a lamp plugged into the wall next to us, and she wrapped her arm around it 16,000+ milli volts so what we were finding, going back to what you’re saying about the coils, is because like, I can go look up, like the chemical compounds of some constituent in a particular bed and find out what it is known to do poorly. And we all think about, oh, let’s go to the MSDS the material, you know, the Material Safety crap. But the bottom line is, if I take my lamp, and I plug it into the wall, and then I bring the lamp closer to me, the cord from the lamp is actually extending the electricity out of the wall, bringing it closer. So how many of us have everything is coming closer to the bed, and then you think about, oh, now I brought 16,000 millivolts closer to my body when I want to be below 100. And now I have coils in my mattress that are amplifiers of that. So I’m always going like, there’s the really obvious toxic exposure. And I can look at that. But then I’m like, what am I doing by accident trying to be cleaner in my room, but I’m not even thinking about the cord coming closer and closer to my body. 

Dr. Wendy Myers  
Yeah, and that’s just frying your nervous system and scrambling your brainwaves, you know, and interrupting the brainwaves you’re supposed to have while you’re sleeping. And I don’t think people realize that when they’re sleeping, their body needs to be totally shielded from EMF, we can’t shield ourselves 100% during our daily lives… we can make our home somewhat of a cocoon. But at some point, we have to leave and venture forth. But when you’re sleeping, you have to be thinking about especially going more and more into the future, you have to be thinking about creating an EMF free or super low EMF environment while you’re sleeping or your body just can’t rest and recover. You just can’t rejuvenate. When you’re just being kind of…because our bodies are electrical, our bodies need to be grounded. Our bodies work through electricity, and energy. And we have to have different tools to kind of optimize and protect that mechanism.

Dr. Tom Moorcroft  
And Wendy, when you’re talking about like you said earlier about hydration is such a key. So, we’re supposed to be 70% plus water. And so a lot of having the proper nutrient balance in our water within our body is what allows the electricity to flow. And what allows our brain to detoxify better is actually, you know, having the system primarily works through hydration. But the other part that’s so interesting is if we’re exposed to EMFs, or if we’re also exposed to other toxic substances, we can develop a thing called Rouleau bodies, which is essentially saying our red blood cells will stack on top of each other. And so whether it’s the toxin from your detergent, the toxin off gassing from your flame retardant or plastics in your frame, or the electronics, or the direct EMF: all of these things lead to inflammation in your system and hypercoagulability the blood that mimic acute infection, chronic infection, cancer states and also autoimmune conditions. So these Reuleaux bodies are indicators of all these big nasty things we don’t want but we can actually be causing them by sleeping in an inappropriate environment.

Dr. Wendy Myers 
And so Claus, can you talk about the grounding pad that’s part of the Samina sleep system. There’s so many different components so the sleep system, it’s not just a mattress, it’s an entire system but let’s talk about this one part of the system that helps to like just completely ground your body while you’re sleeping and protect from EMF.

Claus Pummer  
The nice thing with the Samina sleep system is we actually have four different layers and each layer of the sleep system is emitating one part of the human body. This means you really have peace of mind there is a specific product for a specific body part available in with a Samina purchase. The grounding pad LOKOSANA was actually recognized last year in October as the medical device in the European community and certified. This means when you are living in Europe, in one of the 27 European countries and your western trained doctors subscribes you a grounding pad, and you have a half decent health insurance those health insurance will reimburse you for purchase of a Samina grounding pad while we did recognize, while we managed to get a certification.  So the nice thing with this Samina grounding pad is the principle is different than many of the North American versions which are based on direct contact to the human skin. The Samina grounding pad is actually 47% of pure Silver compared to the ordinary ones anywhere between two and 5% Silver- aluminium layers. And in the last recent years, exposing us to 4g and 5g cell phone towers in the residential neighborhoods for driverless cars, and much faster internet, we do require a much higher contents of a grounding material in our beds to be really grounded under this guideline one then less than a millivolt. So the silver material is embedded in merino wool. Then naturally speaking, merino wool is nothing else than a natural sponge, and can remove human moisture during the time of sleep away from you what will lower your body temperature in that beginning of the night, and during the morning hours of the night you will actually increase your body temperature slightly before waking up. And in the same time, you take the moisture away from the dangerous dust mites, who love to live in your beds and do other damages. So the combination of this 40% of pure Silver, the Merino wool above and below, and about 12 magnets going to the left and the right side to bring you automatically in North South Pole irritation, what will also stabilize the magnetic field under the sleeping area, and will naturally improve your sleeping benefits and your sleep quality and sleep efficiency with north south pole. Imbedded in Merino wool, this layer is a very powerful layer. What this means? Silver is about, let’s say a number at 500,000 times better conductor for EMFs and electromagnetic fields than the human body. All these frequencies go around you and get pushed away through the cable attached permanently to the ground buyer of the outlet. But then, of course there was this argument,  and still the argument is around today, what’s happened with dirty electricity on my ground wire in my outlet and what sort of grid with dirty electricity on my LED lighting? We had to install a kind of a breaker in the small tiny cable from the grounding pad to the outlet to make sure nothing can go this way, and we’re pushing everything this way. So there is no harm from the human body to have any exposure to dirty electricity. And second of all, you don’t even touch the material with your bare skin. So there can be no harm anyway. And this really leads to this what Tom already said in the beginning of our conversation, we will substantially increase our melatonin level naturally. And we compress our cortisol levels, what is our stress hormone, and under the doctorate microscopy, we will encourage the red blood cells to keep carrying a huge amount of oxygenation, what will stop long term human inflammation.

Dr. Wendy Myers  
I think that’s so important because when you talk about the cord, not allowing… I think that’s so important when you talk about the cord going into the electrical socket, from the grounding pad, you protect that dirty electricity from going, you know into the pad because there’s a big problem with a lot of grounding pads, where when you plug them in, inevitably you’re going to have this dirty electricity or this electricity just kind of like sheds off of your your home’s electrical system, which is a huge problem. And that can go into a lot of different grounding pads and create more of a problem that people are attempting to solve with the grounding pads. But you’ve obviously thought about that and incorporated that. What do you call it? The grid?

Claus Pummer  
It’s like a mini breaker in your panel. So it’s not allowing the dirty electricity go this flow, it goes this flow. I also want to tell Tom, Tom, I do a lot of readings right? When we do home services in California area. I wish we only came across readings of two or 400 millivolts. When people have ordinary commercial brands with metal springs, I’m measuring 2,3,4 5000, 10,000 millivolts. This is above any norm whatsoever. The people should be recognizing everything above 1000 millivolts is extreme danger. So it’s actually really worse than we thought it is.

Dr. Wendy Myers  
Yeah, and when you’re when you’re sleeping on mattresses like this with the coil of metal coils, and you’re registering it to three or four or 5000 millivolts. I mean, you’re gonna wake up exhausted, you’re going to be chronically fatigued over time, you’re going to have brain fog, you’re going to have weight gain, you’re gonna have poor immune system functioning. I mean just you can keep adding and adding on different chronic health issues when you don’t get proper sleep. And just that one issue alone, the metal coils in the mattress which is in probably 95% of the mattresses of the people listening to this podcast today, just that one thing alone is causing a huge detriment to your health and you don’t even realize it because like you said, Tom, people don’t don’t realize how badly they’re sleeping until they actually fix the issues that are causing poor sleep.

Claus Pummer  
But you know, like people asked me how I know I have exposure of EMF, or not? Just think about it, how aften you dream. Dreams are part of our life. And when you have a good night’s sleep, you should have dreams every morning before you wake up. And you should technically be able to remember your dreams. And the bottom line is when people have a disturb sleeping environment and at a high exposure of electromagnetic fields and radio frequencies and even you feel or think you’re EMF sensitive, you’ll most likely have maybe one dream a week, maybe two or three times a month or three or four. So this dreaming is totally limited. This is a natural sign and a natural reinforcing for your environment in your current home. You have to do something to make this better.

Dr. Tom Moorcroft  
And I think to your point too, a lot of it is good sleep is not sexy, right? I mean, I joke a lot that I became a competitive sleeper once I actually learned that I wasn’t sleeping. I sleep so much better. Right? But it is and it’s like you get your little monitor whether it’s a ring or a watch or whatever. And you can start to be …but healthy competitive and understanding your your sleep cycle will shift day in and day out. But I think a lot of what you highlighted Wendy, and that we’ve been talking about is that a lot of what happens with sleep is not immediate. So as an example, like we have a concept called sleep debt. When I grew up, they said oh, you have to pay back like a quarter or a fifth of all the sleep. Well, turns out, it’s more like 100%. So all of us who have been become physicians and got the residencies and didn’t sleep for days on end, they were hazing you so that you could form at a sub optimal level or by rote, right? So like you could memorize stuff, because we know that even a small sleep disturbance can decrease your ability to learn by 40%. Right, which is insane. So now we start thinking oh, our kids, if we want them to perform well in school, we need to get em sleeping. If we’re worried about something, or maybe worry shouldn’t be the right word to use, but if we want to avoid early onset cognitive dysfunction, or dementia, well, we have to start 30 and 40 years ahead of time, but we do know is that if you’re say an executive, you’re a high performer, someone who’s doing a lot of work, or even just a parent who’s doing a job or two and raising your kids in your 30s and 40s, if you start sleeping less than six hours a night, we can measure rapid buildup of amyloid plaque which amyloid is is a protein that most of us think of as you know, ultimately leading to Alzheimer’s. So if you don’t want to have Alzheimer’s, you want to wash out your amyloid at night, right? And so but we can measure massive increases in that in the brains of 30 and 40 year olds who are just sleeping less than six hours a night. And how many people do you know do that? Right? And it’s like, it’s unbelievable. If you start sleeping over seven hours a night as an adult, your brain you can literally watch it in real time clean out. And then when you look at things like the influent you want good melatonin, you want good melatonin, so you sleep, but it’s also a great anti inflammatory. It’s one of the best anti inflammatories for everyone’s favorite virus that’s been going around. But so it’s like, hey, if I want to be the most anti viral, well I need sleep, if I want to prevent… because melatonin helps prevent cancer, if I want to prevent cancer down the road, I need to sleep now. And the thing is like I can think about it like I could go buy a nice… Most people spend like 10, five to 10 times more on their car than they do on their mattress. And some people spend 100 times more on their car than their mattress. And you think about it. It’s like I spend between half an hour and two hours every couple of days in my car, or I sleep eight to nine hours every night in my bed. And then I go wow, it’s like but why do I want the car? Well, the car gives me the instant gratification of cruising around in something cool, I can show off to my friends and it serves a purpose. And I think one of the things in our world is I was never taught that sleep serves a purpose. And that sleep was such a valuable health promoting thing. So if people ask me the number one thing you can do for your health is to sleep. Now obviously you have to eat and drink water but it’s like how hard is that? Wake up go and get some sun eat and drink move your body go to sleep and sleep well and calm you know do some self sort of relaxing things right before you go to sleep. But I guess the point is I would love to change the conversation around sleep from aw dammit, I have to turn off Netflix or YouTube and I have to go to bed. But then I have to set an alarm to get up. I’d love for you to go, oh my god sleep. And this is what was so crazy about Samina, like, I laid on it. I was like, it’s a cloud, I jumped up and down and I couldn’t spill somebody’s wine on the other side. I was like this was going to work. And I said to my wife, I was like, we have to buy this thing. She’s like this, are you crazy. And I go, “No, I’m gonna I’m not gonna get a new car, I’m getting a new mattress.” And we bought it with her never even laying on it. And now she wants me to find a way to have it travel with us. Like, it’s literally like, once you experience —sleep is not just like a thing you have to do and toss and turn. And maybe it happened where, where you can not hear it from the three of us. But to directly experience it for yourself, how amazing it feels to actually be supported. Like you’re in a in a womb still. It’s like you’re floating on a cloud or in water. And then you start to wake up going, Wow, everything feels so good. And I can think more clearly, I’m emotionally more regulated. And where I used to have a hard time wanting to go to bed, it’s like I’m turning off the TV, I’m putting down the book. And I’m going to bed early because it feels so good. When we just haven’t…I know that driving a fancy car down the road feels good because I think people are looking at me most of them are probably saying you’re a turd because you’re buying this expensive car and you’re not buying a good mattress. But that would be nice, right? I mean, you guys it’s so important to change the conversation around sleep because it’s the best thing you can do today, it’s the best thing you could do for next month. It’s the best thing for next year. And it’s really the best thing for 10 and 20 years down the road and that’s kind of been sort of where some people get tripped up on it because you have to invest in your sleep now.

Claus Pummer  
Man Tom, you really said the right things. the benchmark for our own sleeping is pretty low and under estimated. People think they sleep well while the benchmark is so low. They don’t actually even know anymore what a good night’s sleep is while it’s so hard to experience. And you know, with Samina we talked about now the brain detoxifying process. We didn’t stop to creating this Samina sleep system with our layers. We are also including now in our bedroom option called the gravity sleep, the incline sleep, where your head is already naturally 3.5 degrees higher than your feet, and the reason is that Samina did find out that our ancestors slept like this already many many hundreds of years ago. They didn’t really could tell us why they did this, this was something more naturally and actually you can catch some of your household animals when they nature to lie down on me on a slight hill. The dogs like to do that and other animal in the animal kingdom. And then space medicine was aware of the problem with not you know with having no gravity how much damage this actually occurs on human bodies when you spend six months or 12 months in orbit with no gravity and you’re returning back to Earth. So with this slight incline sleep what also can be not misunderstood with hospital beds where you kind of having a reading upright position: This is not really a real incline, this is just a contract adjustment to do any other activities and sleeping in bed. A real incline should be like really like over the entire length of the bed.  This obviously can be made by a handful of books up to five to seven inches or a brick stone or you get the nicest solutions from us: our handcrafted, my own design bedroom called Pummer Incline bedframe where you have actually the legs make this adjustments on the outside of the bed and then you also automatically receive the handcrafted bed frame from a piece of solid wood. What did not become paper or didn’t burn down while no one cleans up the forest anymore. We actually have finding the last source of a tree would be a building a beautiful piece of furniture and this is my trade, what I learned. And before I come to tip forget about this point, did you guys know Americans throw about 20 million mattresses in landfills every year? Plus millions of mega ton of household furniture and bedroom furniture made in MDF particle boards while they just don’t last long and people get so used to buy stuff on IKEA or other big box brands were particle boards MDF is a common building material and the negative impact on our environment and our kids and our grandkids is already pretty much discussing to think about it. So with Samina not only grounding, not only inclined sleep for better brain detox and actually the incline, will encourage our brain to detox by 10 times more, what is the substance substantial improvement. When you suffer, what is really important to understand too, sleep apnea, acid reflex and snoring are chronic sleep disorders, we have a huge success now to address those symptoms. Either we can lower them, or we actually make them go away without any medication or any devices to use. There was a lot of excellence happened during this time to begin exploring inclines. And then the rest of Samina, what is just for Marino wool, for better temperature control and sleeping temperature than natural rubber for removing the pressure points on joints and tissue and muscles to not create any kind of numbness on your body. So your arm does not fall asleep and you’re not wake up in the middle of the night. And our double layer wooden slats for the orthopedically spine and support what actually brings your spine in this S shaped curve, like standing position, but in this case lying position, and they individually support between spouses, then you know, you’ll be under than 20 pounds, and your partner maybe is to under 220 pounds. One big mattress can never adjust this naturally to your own side of the bed. So the whole principle of this bed is just fantastic. And I’m so honored and happy to import dispatched to the United States for more than 20 years now, and been so successful, we have a customer group who is way more open minded to look in alternatives before they get sick. Then you know, our statistics are pretty grim as well. An average couple in the United States in the age of 65. needs $250,000 after Medicare pays your ordinary bills till you die. So can you imagine you take this $250,000 and you buy a handful of good mattresses for the rest of your family and the rest of the money you blow while you maybe don’t even get sick anymore, but you actually improve the most important room in your house, your bedroom. How lovely would that be?

Dr. Wendy Myers  
Yeah, and I wanted to touch on the brain detox improvements when you’re sleeping on that 3% incline with a sim unibead because that definitely got my attention. Because you know, I just did this huge Docu series called heavy where I interviewed 100 experts from around the world. And the consensus from Dr. David Perlmutter, from what from other doctors and neurologists that I interviewed on this series where that toxins are the number one cause of dementia, and many people are they have health habits or they have a go forward, you know, position that their neck and their head that prevent prevents us glymphatic drainage of their brain that prevents us glymphatic drainage of their brain. And they have they’re not sleeping enough. And they also there’s other things that are preventing brain detox, but it’s so brilliant to sleep at this 3% incline, where you 10x you increase your your brain’s ability to detox and drain by 10 times and you it does it without you having to do any detox protocols are add add more things to what you’re already doing for your health.

Dr. Tom Moorcroft  
It’s kind of interesting to me, because 80 to 90% of all of your brain detoxification is estimated to happen during sleep, particularly deep sleep. So we do need to go through the natural sleep cycles in order to have the memory consolidation and the optimal brain detoxification. And that’s just a starting point. Now you can attend AX it by putting yourself in that three and a half degree angle. If you think about it. Most of us are sitting or standing upright most of the day. And then so we have a certain amount of pressure in our head. And then we go to bed we lay down flat if we’re doing it the old school way that while we’re sleeping, our brain is seeing the most amount of pressure it will see in the entire day while you’re trying to clean it out. So it’s kind of like you’re trying to clean out a clogged toilet or a clogged drain while someone’s dumping more and more water into it. So I’m always like how do we minimize the pressure because the glymphatic system you talked about as the name for that brain detoxification system, but it’s kind of a riff on lymphatics right because lymphatics are most of the body. There are low pressure system that require muscle contraction or pressure gradient changes in order to move the these these fluids through it to clean up the body. So what with sleep though it’s mostly we get a fluid waves through the brain while we’re in that deep sleep, but to your point about our posture, once it drains out of our head, which primarily comes through the nose or around the where the vagus nerve comes out of the back of your head, or once it’s out of that there are then it’s all low pressure. So if we have that head forward posture, reading playing on the tablet, we’re going to potentially minimize that. And so then how many people are propped up and they’re in the doing these weird calisthenics to try to get comfortable at night? I mean, I know people who have like the, their other belly, they put their head this way in that way, and they’ve got all these props. Let’s just get a bed that supports us in feeling good. So that like Claus is saying that normal S curve, it’s not just because it doesn’t make your back hurt. Or because it’s what the orthopedist said is the best spinal curvature it’s because that’s how your body naturally functions at its best. So if you want peak performance and you want peak brain detoxification it’s all about the position you’re sleeping in and why why like make it an uphill battle. Yeah, just really keep it as something much more relaxed and just have it as hey I roll over in bed now I’m sleeping and I have to say to I forgot about this earlier Claus but I have had some injuries in sports because as people who know me I like I work hard play hard and love enjoying life. And just like I’m a competitive sleeper I’m pretty competitive with other things to my neck pre Samina was such a mess like just from sports stuff, and crashes and all this so I tried every single pillow I ever knew of. And it was like I just it’s like I’m a pillow graveyard so I feel really bad now that we’re talking about landfills, right. But when I got this Amina pillow, it is like music to my neck it is like the most comfortable. So it’s like these little tweaks that happen now I’ve got my head up now I’m laying on my side but I’m I’m in a proper curve. And I’m not doing this all night because that’s actually disrupting my sleep and it’s disrupting the drainage out of my brain so I think it’s really it’s a big big thing that we just we I mean you could talk about sleep for you know decades and not know all of it but it’s a simple small tricks and tips that you can employ bringing down the electricity that you’re exposed to both from the wall directly and then all the other EMF that flying through the Wi Fi and the Bluetooth and then getting yourself in that calm state getting yourself in a physical position that you can maintain and I think you can do all of that with one simple solution. Yeah and

Claus Pummer  
and the week before I forget it was Wendy and Tom is Samina you know the owners just a smart man mine is he really thought about the pillows that come solder and the inclining grounding. But now coming back you know to dry a bed in a retail store Is this really necessary and makes this actually either sense no. Then maybe you’ll go to a retail environment and you lie 10 minutes and the bed in the front what is most likely the cheapest one and then you make your way all the way to the bay of the store buy the $10,000 bed is as well and you lie 10 minutes there then you dry 20 Different mattresses and you totally get confused right? What is what is good watches right and but this set is you will never find out what are the real health and wellness benefits and sleep benefits after this is delivered to your own home and you sleep a timeframe of four weeks to 12 weeks in this environment in your own four walls and then the argument would be yeah “Claus what happened is when I do not like my Samina and then my question is yeah, what could be the concerns there is no most likely to common concerns about mattress purchase that is too firm or too soft. And they made it happen when you add call us after purchase we can tweak the back on your side to make it a little bit softer. Wherever you’ll find you need more softness, we can make this bet a little bit more so imagine you spent an extremely low amount of money after the purchase and we automatically now including shoulder pads for side sleeping positions in our first layer to let allow to your shoulder to sink in much deeper in the inside of our mattress without any pressure point coming up. So this is so beautiful, you are not getting stuck with the current version of Samina you can really fine tune it and select the bed to your own preference after you get used to it. So it’s just a fantastic product.

Dr. Wendy Myers  
Yeah and I cannot wait to get my Samina bed. I am just salivating at the mouth right now because I I have laid on the bed and I just could not believe because it feels like you’re weightless like you don’t feel anything pressing up against your hips or your neck and, and I’m a side sleeper. So, you know it’s hard for like, I can’t even tell you like the jokes I make when I injure myself, I only injure myself in bed while I’m sleeping. That’s pretty much the only time I hurt myself because I yeah, it’s just it’s kind of ridiculous because I’ll, a lot of times I’ll wake up with like a stiff neck, even though I’m using a pretty good pillow. The stiff neck happens a lot, I’ll wake up with my shoulder hurting because I’m kind of my shoulder like all you know, hunched up and my neck. And then I also discovered last month I have a scoliosis in my lower back. And when I’m sleeping on my side, and I’m my hip is pushed all you know, you’re sleeping on a flat surface, my other side of my hip just gets completely pushed out of alignment, it’s just murder on my back. And I frequently wake up with one side of my back super, super tight. And that happened to me the other day, and I’m just like, I’m done with this, I’m just done with waking up stiff and achy. And having issues like this. And so that’s when I signed on the dotted line. And that’s the next day you sent me the paperwork for the bed and I’m like I’m done. I’m done with this. So I think for many people, especially as they start getting older, you know, they start having more issues with muscle tightness and with not recovering as well from from like their exercise or what have you. I just certainly found that for myself. And so I can’t wait to get a Samina bed and just, you know, stop these injuries that I’m having in bed.

Claus Pummer  
Actually, with the aging process, this week this really came to my attention that we had some specials going on for the Black Friday. And my  biggest customer group is 75 and 85 years older, it’s incredible how much the older generation actually now really treat themselves and spoil themselves for the last quarters of their lives. Then, you know, life expectancies in the 70s but when you follow some basic instinct and you follow some of your guys advice, I believe you can make it to 100 when you follow my advice to sleep well in a good sleeping environment. So those kinds of customers who are already you know, talking about the old people all the time while we have an upcoming race for the government next year, and you know, do you really functioning during the aging process… looks like a lot of older people will live much longer than we thought we live and you know there’s nothing worse you know, waking up in the morning stiff and pain and you should really treat yourself when you’ve reached already an age of 80 years.  You should treat yourself, you deserve it. You did everything right in life to come this far. You’ve finished your responsibilities with your kids and maybe showed them how to live a fulfillment and good life, you worked most likely for 35-40 years of your life. Yes, you deserve a good bed. Don’t be shocked to spend the unusual amount of money and the amount actually it’s not so unusual for me, well of course I’m in the business, but you know the conventional bedding industry really thinks a $900 mattress is good for you. So when the you know calculating backwards and $900 mattress costs maybe $75 to make and there is so many middle man and people involved in these transactions till this mattress reached your home, do you really believe a $75 component mattresses does something good for you? No! My lunch for a party of four people cost me $75.

Dr. Tom Moorcroft  
I just think this it’s so important because we have these studies that show any sleep disruption like dramatically will increase your risk of all cause dementia right and you can just say if you’re getting dementia, that means brain detoxification is not working, that’s impacting your performance and your emotions and the way you can participate with your friends, your family, your partner, your children, it’s those little things that we often overlook, you know? And for you, Wendy, the good news is, at least if you were a mouse or a rat, the number one position to sleep in is on your side. We even know that two hours or more on your back will increase your risk of all cause cognitive decline as well. And being on your belly is terrible. But I mean I think that’s really the key is to and as you’re talking about investing in yourself and stuff in your future it is like investing for the future as well as now. But also, I used to have to purchase on a regular basis at least if you want to do it right and you know not wear out your mat, your mattress wears out. You have to get a new one well with this Samina thing, most of it is going to be a lifetime purchases, there are a few things that might need to change. But I’m minimizing what I’m putting in the landfill, which the environmental, like, I want the world to be here for my kid when she grows up, but also, it’s just like, I feel it’s important to not be wasteful about it, and also have a product, once you find something you really like, I don’t want to have to like throw it away and then break in something new. So it’s one of these things where for at least in our family, you know, my whole family sleeps on it. And even my little one, since she, she’s like, just turned 14. So she started when she was eight and a half or nine, I think. And it’s just, it’s just, it makes so much more sense once you get….And I will just remind people, I had really poor sleep when I had chronic infections. And once I got those under control, and I slept better, it took me 10 months before I woke up, rested. So a lot of my clients, my patients who get on a Samina or even just use some of the basic tips that we talked about, that are even that you can start right now as soon as you listen to this, like turning off your Wi Fi, get, you know, getting in this in the bed sooner keeping it cool and all that good stuff. You may be more tired for the first couple of weeks or even couple months. But what you typically will see is that your amount of tiredness throughout the day gets less and less and less. So a lot of people are waking up exhausted, but it’s more like, I wish I could sleep longer, right? It’s different than, like, I just feel like crap. And it’ll start to go and then once I got that paid my sleep debt back, then I was I was doing the opposite I was putting sleep in the bank. And that’s where you really start to feel great. So if you have had an opportunity to not sleep well. And now you’re changing that and you’re sleeping great. Just be aware that one of the number one indicators that it’s working is that you’re more tired in the short run, because you’re paying that back, your body’s rejuvenating, and it’s getting ready to have all this wonderful energy and allow you to do all the things you really want to be doing.

Dr. Wendy Myers  
Yeah, and another thing I wanted to talk about was for me that one of the main reasons that I was waking up multiple times during the night is because I was too hot. And with a lot of natural latex mattresses that some people are buying, they’re really hot to sleep on. And so people have to get cooling pads or just do other things and they don’t realize that’s why they’re waking up you need to have a cool environment to sleep. And you know, optimally doing 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit is that ideal temperature and with the Samina sleep system, you kind of have there space, you know, underneath the slats, you kind of get like air flow through there. And you have the merino wool as well that wicks away moisture and heat from you as well. 

Claus Pummer  
Yeah, I know, the Samina is fantastic for temperature control. There’s two open concepts between the united slats, you have one inch, the natural rubber has tiny holes, then the grounding pad and merino wool topper is merino wool which is totally breathable and transmit you know the airflow like this, the moisture got so sucked away from the human body cools you down and the beginning of the night, gives you a little bit more warning time while the body temperature drops by 1.2 Celsius on the beginning of sleep in the morning body temperature rises again when cortisol kicks in and your heartbeat goes up slightly in wakeup time and then that bed is good height from the floor. People you know think I want to sleep on the ground. No, you don’t want to sleep on the ground. There’s too much formaldehyde in your flooring materials. There’s too much dust mites and dust on the ground and you’re breathing in all unnecessary stuff again. So the good height on the floor, it’s an exceeding height, a dining chair height anywhere between an 18 and 21 inches what my Samina bed is in the middle when you sleep at an angle so we really thought about everything and there is nothing forgotten about this bed. And I can encourage everybody to check out my home page what is which is the American homepage and people can shoot us an email. We do offer a 30 minute consultation for free to talk to one of our sleep advisors. I’m very often pick up the phone and I will be available to have these conversations in depth and be really helping you through this process to understand what you’re really buying then the last thing what I want to do in life, I’m not interested to sell you one more mattress today. I have no interest in this kind of business. My business is I want to sell a good night’s sleep. And above all, I really want to help truly out of my heart for people to feel better, sleep better and automatically gain a better health or stay healthy and and live a long time. This is my really my mission. What took me you know I’m 58 years now. I did not know exactly what I want to do as a young kid and took me a couple of years to figure this one out, you know, really, I would say in the 50s beginning of the 50s, I was really to a point where Samina become my bread and butter and I really saw the positive feedback of the effort we do and how and I was shocked actually how much we could help people with all the positive feedback on Google testimonials or any kind of internal emails going back and forth and I’m shipping this bed around the world. I’m shipping to South Korea, I shipped to Israel actually, two months ago, I shipped to Portugal to Spain to Australia to Canada where I was living for a while and United Kingdom is a huge market for me, I am going there frequently once a year to meet Dr. Klinghardt and do a pretty great show with Jim Gray. What is a biohack guy, he’s on a really good path to do something extraordinary with people so you can buy this bed anytime anywhere and we make it happen to get it to your home.

Dr. Wendy Myers  
Okay, great. So everyone if you want to learn more about the Samina sleep system go to sleep, go to, and you’ll also get a special discount for my followers. So be sure to check out that page and you won’t regret getting a Samina sleep system. I invested in it. I don’t know why it took me so long Claus I don’t know. I met you like seven eight years ago and I’m just kicking myself that I didn’t like pull the trigger sooner. I just I just don’t know why I didn’t do that. But yeah, I’m happy that I finally did it cause as I’ve gotten older over the past seven, eight years and I’ve hurt myself so many times. You know, woke up with a hurt neck or hurt back or I’m just done. I’m over it. So I pulled the trigger. So everyone thanks for tuning into the Myers Detox Podcast. I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. And I’m bringing you experts from around the world to upgrade your health because you deserve to feel again.

About the Guests:

Claus Pummer standing outside

Claus Pummer

Claus considers his greatest accomplishment to be the countless people he has helped to get a good night’s sleep. You can learn more about his work at

about Dr. Tom Moorcroft

Dr. Tom Moorcroft

Dr. Tom’s goal is to empower each of his patients to get in touch with their inner source of health so they can experience optimal health. You can find out more about Tom by visiting About Dr. Tom Moorcroft, DO

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