Transcript: #70 Shocking Benefits of Ozone Therapy with Dr. Garry Gordon

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  • 02:49 About Dr. Gordon
  • 04:19 Living in a highly polluted world
  • 10:03 Ozone Therapy in North America
  • 12:45 Treating Infections with Ozone Therapy
  • 17:33 What is Ozone?
  • 20:58 Benefits of having Healthy Cells
  • 25:32 Detoxification
  • 33:17 Why we need Ozone
  • 43:33 Ozone for Optimal Health
  • 47:20 Ozonating Machines
  • 54:00 The new olive oil: RENU
  • 55:08 Ozonated Water: ASEA
  • 59:18 Oxidant Depletion
  • 01:04:05 Incorporating Ozone and Oxygen Therapy into our Health Routine
  • 01:05:33 Most Pressing Health Issue of Today
  • 01:10:55 Pregnancy and Detoxification

Wendy Myers: Welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast. My name is Wendy Myers. You can find me on Today, I’m really, really excited. We have Dr. Garry Gordon, also known as the ‘father of chelation’ on the podcast today, but we’re going to be talking about ozone therapy. I think it’s an amazing therapy. It’s so promising and it can be applied in many, many different ways and forms. So we’re going to talk today about all those different forms and how you can ask your physician or functional medicine practitioner to apply this therapy to you to heal disease. But first, we have to do the disclaimer. Please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice (even though we are interviewing a doctor). The Live to 110 Podcast is solely informational in nature, so please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging in any treatment that we suggest on this show. And guys, if you want to go sign up and get my two free e-guides, I have the The Live to 110 by Weighting Less e-guide and five free Modern Paleo Survival Guides if you want to get a preview of coming attractions on my upcoming book, The Modern Paleo Survival Guide where I teach you how to eat the most nutrient-dense focused Paleo diet, so that you can live a long, long healthy life. And also check out my Modern Paleo Cooking Show where I cook all kinds of recipes for my upcoming book as well. The latest episode is up online and it is called Butternut Squash with Fried Sage. So give at a look. Now, our guest today, Dr. Garry Gordon received his doctor of osteopathy from the Chicago College of Osteopathy in Illinois. He received an honorary MD degree from the University of California, Irvine. And for many years, he was the director of the Medical Mineral Lab in Hayward, California, a leading laboratory for trace mineral analysis worldwide. With Morton Walker, D.P.M, Dr. Gordon co-authored his book, The Chelation Answer. He is adviser to the American Board of Chelation Therapy and past instructor and examiner for all chelation physicians. As an internationally recognized expert on chelation therapy, Dr. Gordon is now attempting to establish standards for the proper use of oral and intravenous chelation therapy as an adjunct therapy for all diseases. I wanted to give that intro. Even though we are talking about ozone therapy, there are so many other things that you do. So Dr. Gordon, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Dr. Gordon: Thank you. It’s a pleasure to be with you, Wendy.

Wendy Myers: Yes!

2:49 About Dr. Gordon

Wendy Myers: So, why don’t you first tell the listeners a little bit about your work and a little bit about yourself?

Dr. Gordon: Well, at age 79, I’m really finally beginning to be healthy. I was born sick and I was born with many health challenges. I had to close my medical practice by age 29. When I was born, the first six months of life, I ran high fevers. I’ve been a total mess. So it’s been a challenge that I’ve spent millions of dollars going to conferences on every continent trying to get answers about health. I’m anxious to share the answers that we have found because chelation was a major thing in my life. When we started to get the lead and mercury out, things started to work better. Now, we have a poisoned population that is fighting infections that are starting to kill everybody and technically, everybody listening to us today. Provably, if they dropped into Harvard and said, “Check me right now. I want to be tested,” 96% of all people listening to us, they have cytomegalic virus. If you don’t have that, you’ll have chlamydia or candida or cytomegalic virus, Lyme or some little problem that’s slowing you down so you don’t live to that 110 we’re all supposed to live to. So this is all part of maintenance. If you have a car and you want to drive it a million miles, there’s going to be some maintenance involved. That’s what we have to teach every one of your listeners, some effective methods of maintenance to deal with the fact that we are living on a poisoned planet.

Wendy Myers: We’re here to tune you guys up, listeners.

4:19 Living in a highly polluted world

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and that’s definitely one thing that I propose and I’m a big proponent of, the importance of detox added to a healthy diet and lifestyle. Healthy diet and lifestyle is not enough. We have to detox heavy metals and chemicals and viruses and infections.

Dr. Gordon: So when we talk about infections, today, it’s front page news that when you visit a hospital, one out of twenty-four are likely to come home with an antibiotic-resistant infection. And in fact, these infections are decimating our population. Increasingly, antibiotics do not work. So when we look at answers that our listeners can benefit from, even the New York Times’ says that silver – and there are lots of differences in silver. You can make one at a home, but that doesn’t do much good or you can do some very advanced ones like the advanced cellular silvers (ACS200) that has been documented to even kill everything that is toxic to our body. So that’s kind of what brings the picture to where we’re going with ozone today because when we do this silver, amazingly enough, if you go to Wikipedia, you’ll find that silver is a catalyst for oxidation. That opens the door to the story about ozone therapy because ozone is the exact opposite of what we all thought we wanted. We are all laboring [inaudible 00:05:51]. All of us are suffering with what is called the free radical theory of aging. It turns out we were able to document from an extremely excellent well-written article from Germany publishing experimental gerontology that the free radical theory of aging is all completely wrong. So we make it practical. That means that if you just slather an antioxidant on your face, which you can buy at any department store for anything from $50 to $500, the before and after pictures are not very impressive. But if you go to my website, we show you how wrong that paradigm is because if I put an oxidant on the face, amazingly enough, we have before and after pictures of at least 90% who puts a stable form of ozone that has been put into a gel. Now when we put ozone into water, it’s going to do some good, but it’s very short-lived, it’s gone. But we’ve been able to answer that problem. We’ve been able to stabilize it. So today, we’re going to have some fun…

Wendy Myers: Oh, yeah.

Dr. Gordon: …really bringing ozone into people’s thinking because it’s really confusing because you’re here in a smoggy day in Los Angeles that the ozone level is too high. So you think, “Oh, I don’t want anything to do with that crazy ozone stuff.” Well, it turns out that ozone in Los Angeles isn’t good for us because it is reacting with other molecules in the air turning them into unfavorable molecules, but when you get pure ozone, it can do miracles and in fact, save your life. So my infection protocol today involves the use of things like vitamin C or silver…

Wendy Myers: Colloidal silver, right?

Dr. Gordon: Exactly, or the use of ozone. You can put it in people’s ears, you can put it in the rectum. You can ozonate the water, ozonate olive oil. You can do many different things. All of them have some benefit.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I had a friend of mine that had Ozone Colonics. Her doctor – this is in Mexico, very radical in the eighties – he put an ozone stick or whatever it was with some [inaudible 00:08:16] he had made in her rectum. She had meningitis and some other problem and it saved her life basically.

Dr. Gordon: I’m so glad you brought that up because I’m of a position today that I think families need to start to think how we are going to survive because the National Institute of Health has a division on infectious diseases and they tell us that the next plague is definitely coming. They just don’t know when. So when all hell breaks loose, that’s not a good time to go to the emergency room because if you didn’t have the worst bug, you’re going to get the worst bug because you’re going to be sitting next to somebody who is really unhealthy and he coughs in your face. So we need to think, “What are you going to own at home?” So on a minimum basis, I want you owning a bottle of really unique vitamin C that goes intracellular almost like if you had it given in the vein because nothing is better in a sense than things that’s put in your vein – ozone in your vein, ultraviolet radiation, vitamin C. When I put it in the vein, I don’t have to worry, “Is your stomach working well? Are you absorbing it? Is it getting throughout your body?” But that gets expensive, so we need stuff we can do at home. So in that light, I’m so glad you talked about saving somebody’s life by putting ozone in the rectum because it’s a very complicated situation technically in this country that doesn’t embrace ozone. It’s difficult, but you can go to They’re careful. They didn’t use the word ‘ozone’, so the government doesn’t close it down, and you can learn a lot.

10:03 Ozone Therapy in North America

Wendy Myers: What? The government is closing ozone places down that are using that therapy?

Dr. Gordon: You have to understand you live in America, which is very backward. I’ve been a member of the International Ozone Association for over 35 years. Nobody would enter a hospital in Russia without receiving ozone in the rectum or ozone in the incision or ozone in the vein. I mean, it’s how we treat the water of Los Angeles. In Lake Tahoe, this is how we treat water. And so everybody knows that ozone kills everything that’s bad. But in America, we’ve got to protect these hungry drug companies. They need all that profit. So they’re going to keep selling you thousand dollar injections for your infection that aren’t working. So we’re talking here about how to survive. And so technically, if you went to Amazon and you put in ‘ozone generator’, as long as you don’t say you’re going to treat a human being with it, they legally can sell you ozone to treat water or fluids.

Wendy Myers: So is ozone illegal to be used medically?

Dr. Gordon: It will depend on what state you’re in. You see, the medical profession has to protect the big drug company because they’re in bed together along with the insurance companies. So in the states of Arizona and Nevada, our doctors, MD’s who take the time to get a special advanced license as an MD, you are not allowed in this state to do ozone even as a naturopath. You’re not supposed to do ozone in this state. But in the state of Arizona, if you take a special exam, which we call Homeopathic Integrative Medicine, then my degree is better than just a regular MD. I can do things your other MD’s can’t.

Wendy Myers: Okay. So people can go to alternative therapies and get it, as well as oxygen therapy?

Dr. Gordon: Exactly! Wendy Myers: …certain things, certain things.

Dr. Gordon: Yeah, so try to understand that nothing – if the patient is supposed to be dead in the morning, everything has failed and no antibiotic is working, that is a time I need full access to all my tricks. So then, I can’t walk you into any hospital here and save your loved one. The person has to get out of the hospital somehow by ambulance. Beyond my office, I can’t. The hospital will not allow us to do ozone even if it will definitely save the life. So let’s not go down that any further. We need…

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I was very curious. I just wanted to point how it just boggles my mind how these lifesaving therapies are not allowed to be used in a hospital setting. That was my whole point.

12:45 Treating Infections with Ozone Therapy

Wendy Myers: But let’s talk about your infection therapy, the protocol you use to help people to heal from infections using ozone therapy.

Dr. Gordon: So to go back in the dark ages before I had ozone, I treated everybody’s infection without antibiotics, with massive doses of vitamin C, enough to give you diarrhea. And then we fix the vitamin C in such a way that it doesn’t give you diarrhea. We call that BioEnergy C’s, so that you can take huge doses because most people can’t afford to go and have it in the vein. But if you’re deep trouble, nothing is going to quite beat something in the vein. So going back to the dark ages, I used garlic like kyolic liquid, I used high dose Vitamin A (including half a million units a day) and I used vitamin C all the way up to 50,000 milligrams a day. Remember, you can get it in 1000 mg. tablets. That would be 50 tablets a day. Now, vitamin A, I mentioned half a million, you only get today 8,000 or 10,000 in a capsule, so you might need 30 or 40 or 50 capsule. Anyway, we’re not going to dwell there because that was before we had all the knowledge we have today about ozone. So once we move into ozone, we’re moving in to this new world that says the anti-infective theory of trying to get rid of infections with antioxidants is not working. We have to use an oxidant. Think of it, when a white blood cell sees a bacteria, it releases hypochlorous acid, which his like chlorine. Now, to make chlorine so everybody remembers what I said, if you were the world’s top dermatologist and a child is brought to you with eczema, it is actually recognized that you can go to the store and buy Chlorox and put one measuring cup in a bathtub and the kid’s eczema starts drying up dramatically because everything we thought we knew about antioxidants is only 180° wrong.

Wendy Myers: Oh, no.

Dr. Gordon: So as you look at the big picture, what we are trying to teach people is that we live with choices and we have to learn what is an oxidant and what is a reductant. Those are big terms, which are covered in great detail in a nice book, which is actually called The Healing Secrets. This book by Gary Samuelson, The Science of Healing Revealed tries to explain this concept that we have now documented that perhaps many of us are taking too many antioxidants and we’re not living as long as we were meant to live and we’re getting more cancer. Now, this is shocking, what I’m telling you, but it’s all heavily documented. I have done webinars on my website that anyone can go to,, click on the word ‘media / webinar’ and select talks that explain what I’m saying. One of those talks is called ASEA, one of them is called RENU. Now, why would I go into that area? Well, it turns out that we know that if you own your own ozone machine – which probably many people should do, one you can buy that actually isn’t junk for $499 from Amazon. It’s not set up to make it convenient to treat your body, but it is well set up to treat your water or your olive oil. It can be modified with a little creative thinking to just change one tube or two so that we can actually treat people. Nothing is more lifesaving than the vein, but it’s hard to get a vein (you have to find a doctor). But if you own your own ozone machine, you could take an oxygen tank, have a regulator, run it from the oxygen tank past the ozone generator and the gas that comes out smells very different than regular air. We don’t encourage you breathing it for a long time because it is a little irritating, but when you put it directly with a tube, a tiny tube in the rectum (it’s painless), now it’s going all through your body almost like the doctor when he puts it in your vein. So I can save lives all the time by preparing people to learn about ozone.

17:33 What is Ozone?

Dr. Gordon: So let’s discuss what is ozone. Ozone is oxygen with one extra O, so it’s O3 instead of O2. That causes it to become an electron stealer. Now let’s make that clear. It steals the electron, so technically, we think that’s a bad guy because it’s going to make your nylons run faster. It’s going to disrupt the fats in our body to turn them into lipid process. So we think we’re really against oxidation. But it turns out, nature had a plan and that everything in nature is balanced. When we thought we got so smart that we gave everybody lots of antioxidants and we all are drinking our juices and we talk about [inaudible 00:18:20] – I mean, all the games we’re playing are useful, but they’ll be much more useful when you’re smart enough to do at the same time the exact opposite. The simplest way I can make is this. When we talk about oxidants, we are really talking more about oxygen-related. And when we talk about reductants, we’re really talking more about hydrogen-related. Now, everybody knows that if you get hydrogen and oxygen, you might have the building blocks for rocket fuel. You might be able to go to Mars. That’s where I’m taking you because H2O is going to be hydrogen and oxygen. But we kind of disrupted the picture, so I have to really work closely to get all of your listeners to understand that if you have an athlete in your family and he wants to win the Olympics, instead of cheating like Lance Armstrong did when he took and wanted more oxygen in his tissue – he used a drug called Epogen, which would make him have more oxygen-carrying capacity. He got busted for it because it was on the no-no list.

Wendy Myers: He just needed ozone.

Dr. Gordon: Thank you. You’re right on the money because ASEA ( is actually a stabilized form of ozone and many athletes have been able to beat their own record by simply drinking water that gives them the opposite of what we think we needed. And in fact, it’s so sad because what we actually have is we have people that go through all the trouble to exercise – I was brainwashed by Denham Harman who started the free radical theory of aging. He was my hero. So I’ve really been so careful. If I exercise, I want to take antioxidants because I don’t want all that bad guy oxidants because when you’re running, that’s when you get oxidants. So we have found that we have destroyed the benefits of exercise! If you are unfortunate enough to not listen to what I’m telling you today, whoever you love that’s trying to stay healthy and is on the wrong side of the equation, it’s as unfortunate as if you had a car and you think it’s a diesel and you try to put gasoline into it. It’s not going to go very far. So we’ve got to respect Mother Nature and understand how our bodies run and how important oxidation is.

20:58 Benefits of having Healthy Cells

So as we look down the thing, instead of talking about whether it’s good for cancer or heart disease or arthritis or autism, instead of talking about that, what we want to do is we want to talk about the effect of having healthy cells. Now, in every cell of our body is a motor. That motor is called mitochondria. Mitochondria, like in a heart cell, you can have two to 5000 of these little motors inside of every heart cell. Now, if you happen to learn as I have anything about environmental medicine, you’re going to be shocked to learn that when you were born, your mother’s body downloaded the poisons from her body into your body because her body was deemed more important than yours. So if you look at the “ten American studies” – that’s all you have to do, put those words in Google – where we spent a lot of money and found that every baby selected at random is loaded with dioxin, PCB’s, polybrominated diphenyl, ethers, bisphenol, it’s in everybody.

Wendy Myers: That’s why I can’t stress enough the importance of pre-pregnancy planning because we are. Every generation is getting sicker and sicker. Babies are born ill.

Dr. Gordon: Thank you. I was at a high level brain trust meeting this past weekend because of how rapidly the deterioration worldwide. In one country alone, they saw a 30% increase in just one year in the instances of autism. It is pretty frightening. So I’m so glad that you are on to this, Wendy to get people aware that technically, I need detoxification of the prospective father and the prospective mother so that if I go back – I’ve only been out of medical school 56 years. I’m only 79. What I got out of medical school, the average sperm count in any man was about 140 million. Today, you are lucky to find 40 million. So we have all these specialists in fertility because we don’t make babies the old-fashioned anymore. Now we have triplets and everything because of drugs because we’re in low fertile status. So it’s really important to understand we need help if we’re going to have healthy babies and it starts with detoxification. And to make it a little bit depressing, the California Institute of Technology had a Dr. Claire Patterson and he proved that the bones of every child born today have one to two thousand times more lead in the bone than we had just before the industrial age, which is several years ago. Today, it’s front page news that the sharks are so loaded with mercury that anybody eating shark meat is just committing suicide. So where did all the lead and mercury come from? Well, an easy bad guy to point out is that in burning coal to make electricity, we pay the price because when you burn coal, there’s lead and mercury and cadmium and arsenic that goes up – and what goes up must come down. So getting back to the idea of how to keep our listeners alive, what we have to know is that I don’t care what the health condition is – you can give me the name of zutsu gamoushi disease. I don’t care the name of the disease. I have to train you that the names we hang on people’s diseases is for the convenience of the doctors and more so you can build third-party. It has nothing to do with facts. The facts are that if every cell – and you know how many trillions of cells we have. If every cell has all that it needs to give you lots of energy, where does your energy come from? It’s going to be from the oxygen and the burning of glucose and that’s going to go into getting things like ATP. But every cell in your body has all these motors and each one of them have their own membrane. Those membranes actually are documented now to be able to allow the heavy metals congregates, so that with my body, after the eighth chelation, I suddenly turned into superman. I could never go up a flight of steps without going into heart failure. After the eighth chelation, I could wear out a 2-year old Irish setter and run straight up. So it’s nice to know that – you know, you’ve heard the old saying, “Get the lead out”? Well, that’s not a bad saying.

25:32 Detoxification

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I think it’s interesting also that a lot of women getting dexa scans on their bone, the lead is making their bones show up more dense than they really are.

Dr. Gordon: I’m so glad you brought that up. Very few people are aware of that because it is so confusing to people. You’ve just set the stage. Understand as I am the ‘father of chelation therapy’ and we’ve treated over ten million people with IV chelation and I’ve now largely gone into all chelation because all chelation is gentle and a lot more affordable than putting in the vein, as good as the IV chelation is, the IV chelation is fantastic, but it doesn’t solve the problem. It can make you happy because as I’ve said, after the eighth chelation, I could take on that 2-year old Irish setter. But if I didn’t switch to oral chelation and stay on the oral chelation, the old bones in our body, as they remodel and make new bones, release the lead that was in these bones from the time you were born. So instead of worrying about just how much lead is in my water, food and air, I have to worry about how much lead my body is dumping into my cells from my bone as I make new bones. That’s why women become hypertensive at menopause. So I have to treat the whole planet with detoxification that works. And then you get down to what works. We have advocates of everything from vitamin C – I have a very simple thing. We have a stick you can urinate on. It’s got a little green color at the end of it. If it stays green, you are not going to have a long life because it means you don’t have enough vitamin C to help carry toxins out. Vitamin C is the overall average detox molecule for everybody. Then you can go beyond that into zeolite, EDTA, garlic. There’s many, many, many choices. The list gets long. But we have to start with knowledge. The problem is this. I have been the director of the largest laboratory in the world with offices in both Asia and Europe and America. With our lab, Mineral Lab, we saw all the doctor’s data. So I’m an expert at measuring all these lead, mercury, bad things in our body. It turns out that it fools people because the autistic child that can’t talk, when you measure his hair, you don’t see any lead or mercury because he has a block in his genetics and he can’t even push the lead and mercury into the hair. So the poor, dumb doctor not understanding that nothing in the hair doesn’t mean the child is healthy, it means it is all in the poor child’s brain.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it just hasn’t come out yet.

Dr. Gordon: Exactly!

Wendy Myers: They have to detox.

Dr. Gordon: Thank you. And now, we have places like Harvard Medical School Publishing and the journal circulation of the American Heart Association, Lead: Unmask a Silent Killer. And now they’ve publish papers that show the level of lead in your knee bone determines how soon you go blind with cataracts as you age because that lead doesn’t stay in the bone, it gradually poisons your body unless you’re lucky enough to be on something every day on your life to help take toxins out. And so if you have the toxins out, these infections that we’re talking about today – Lyme, candida, Chlamydia, cytomegalic – I mean, I repeat, Harvard says 96% of all people properly tested have CMV, which is a retrovirus. It’s not AIDS, but it’s similar to that and it is effective in helping shorten your life because it’s growing and they’re blocking your artery. So as we go back to ozone, first of all, I have to caution people, don’t waste your time trying to – I mean, ozone has been around forever. I mean, as I said, in Germany, you can get ozone in any hospital. It’s just that America have to protect the drug companies so that they could keep selling antibiotics that don’t work because they need your money. They didn’t know how to keep these drug companies alive, so even if you die, we need your money. So we’re going to give you an antibiotic even though it’s widely published that they’re not working. And even New York Times’ says, “At least take some silver.” But the point is we have to teach people that when you are in trouble, ozone has no failures. As I have no failures, none with ozone in water called ASEA. It’s a company that you can buy from You can buy a bottle of the water. It costs $40 for the bottle. And what would the bottle do? Well, everybody has heard of Lyme. We have to have patients that no one could get well. They had already spent a hundred thousand dollars [inaudible 00:30:18] pipe in their body, taking in antibiotics every day for six months. That runs into $100,000 real fast. When that didn’t work, they finally learned about what we’re telling you about today – ozone. But ozone comes in many different fashions. As we’ve talked about, I could put ozone into olive oil and that holds onto it for a while because when I put ozone in water, normally, it’s gone within two hours. But when I was finally able to stabilize it – and the company doing that, I’m so excited about that I actually wound up having my own website where people can go and learn about the science of what ozone can do. But remember, we live in America, so ASEA has to be very careful in this country to not say that there’s any disease being helped.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Gordon: All they can do is talk about what happens when you give the cell everything it needs, which is why I again mentioned The Science of Healing Revealed by Gary Samuelson because this book is able to help people understand that if you’re not getting oxidants – and where’s a cheap place to get an oxidant? Get in your bike and run. Exercise is going to give you oxidation. In a sense, the sun also oxidize our skin. That’s why we wind up getting burned. But if we look at the big picture that we want to teach people, we know that there is no condition – The study that’s so amazing with ASEA is they took elite athletes – now, you shouldn’t be able to be healthier than an elite athlete and they had them drink the ASEA water, which I repeat is $40 for a 32-ounce bottle. Now, how long is that going to last somebody? Well, people drinking that water… Wendy Myers: You get that

Dr. Gordon: Yeah. Yeah,

Wendy Myers: Okay. I’m going to be going there after we get off the call.

Dr. Gordon: Okay. So let me explain. It’s really exciting to understand what the ozone story when we were finally able to stabilize it so that it works, we have people like a particular case of a lady that nobody had been able to help. She started taking – it was expensive. She finally was able to become a distributor. Anybody can become a distributor. Then she gets it for like $30 a bottle instead of $40. But the point was she, for a long time had to take a bottle a day. If you keep it cold, it sits fine. If you don’t keep it cold, because it is made from salt and water (and in a sense, salt has always got a little chlorine), so in a sense, if it’s pretty warm, it’ll taste a little bit like swimming pool water and it’s not your greatest taste. If it’s cold, you don’t mind.

33:17 Why we need Ozone

Dr. Gordon:  Now, let’s go on this other thing. Why do we seem to need all these ozone? What’s going on with our oxygen levels? Well, as we look at the big picture, the oxygen levels of the earth have varied greatly over time. It turns out that in Tokyo, they’ve learned that people are so short of oxygen that they give you free-of-charge an oxygen bar so you can go and breathe oxygen, so you can go on shopping for several more hours. It turns out that the really big casinos in Las Vegas have learned to pipe oxygen into the room. That way, the gamblers don’t get tired and they continue gambling. Wendy Myers: Oh, yeah. Dr. Gordon: So all of us can do better with better levels of oxygen. But as we look at the big picture, what are the risks of using ozone therapy. That’s why doctors in this country not being familiar with it, they would be – even if they’re your relative – he can be your brother and he could be MD – he’s going to say, “I’ve never heard of it. If I was any good, I would know about it.” So the International Ozone Association in America – we have the American Ozone Association. It’s under Dr. Frank Shallenberger. We have one lady in Boston who saved over 8000 pets that were slated for destruction because nothing would cure this pet. Ozone was given either rectally or in the vein and the animal went back to become a champion jumper. It went on to become the champion in the show ring. So whatever people tell you, please know that it is so sad that we get fixated on knowledge that isn’t true. Now, every MD should remember when they got out of medical school, they tried to be honest and said, “You know, we charge a couple of hundred of thousand dollars and we now know that half of what we talked to you is going to be proven wrong. We just don’t know which half that is.” So if the doctors were honest, they know when they got out of medical school that much of what they had learned was wrong. That’s why we have all these drug recalls. That’s why they take away these [inaudible 00:35:31] and they have all these. Sometimes, people are just very resistant to the thing. So the risk or downside of using ozone is that if you are breathing it in the room in high level, the lung can get a little irritated. But we actually have devices that allow us to destroy any loose ozone in the room because we do not want people having any negatives. But, I repeat, when I put ozone directly in the patient’s rectum or in their bladder or in their vagina or in their ears – Honestly, I had a growth in my ear, a bone spur. It was operated. The operation didn’t go so well. Things were re-growing. They were scheduling me for another operation on my ear. In other words, they would have to take my ear of in order to get in. And so I was facing major trouble. I went and used ozone and I bubbled ozone into my ear for less than five minutes and all the bad stuff cleaned up. I canceled the operation and I’ve been hearing fine for the next 50 years. Wendy Myers: Love it, love it. Dr. Gordon: So please understand I love ozone. We have all these men who have lots of trouble with their prostrate and we have women with interstitial cystitis that are afraid they can’t travel anywhere because they might have to urinate every 20 minutes. Wendy Myers: And ozone helps with that? Dr. Gordon: There’s no condition that you could mention because you’re only restoring health to the cells. If we try to get out of the old paradigm of putting a label on something to say, “This is baldness… this is schizophrenia,” if we get away from putting label on things – just know that when you make all your cells extraordinarily happy, wonderful things happen. Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s what I keep trying to tell people. The underlying causes of all disease are nutrient deficiencies and heavy metal and chemical toxicities. And of course, these infections you talk about as well, you just take that away and voila! You have health. Dr. Gordon: So in order to prove that to people, when I went to Germany with Dr. Frank Shallenberger who now runs the American Association for Ozone Therapy (, he and I both studied in Germany. I’m as dumb as the other MD’s, “I don’t think I have any infection in me,” but the instructor said, “All of you will be treated or you will not graduate from the course.” So we put ozone in me. I woke up the next day like a ton of bricks had been off my – I woke up so healthy that I began to realize, “My heavens! We all have infections.” The problem is this. You and I do a good job of teaching people about lead and mercury and dioxin and PCB and people have all heard about candida and they know a little bit about Chlamydia, they’ve heard of valley fever, coccidia, mycosis, Lyme. They’ve heard a lot. But if they went to infectious diseases, they think we were all wrong. The infections are in everybody. And if we can get those infections to be under control – because the body is miraculously designed when you give it everything it needs. And you’ve got the message right. We have to get those toxic metals out and we have to replace any nutrient and mineral deficiencies. And of course, technically today, everybody is relatively deficient on things like vitamin B, selenium, magnesium, iodine. I mean, this list gets long. It’s kind of expensive to stay alive and be healthy. But I bring a point to your attention. There are going to be people that if they take the time to read and see some interesting things – or even better, go to my website because on Thursday, I’m going to do another webinar because the information keeps coming out so fast. You don’t have to attend the webinar, I just record it and it goes up on my website. Now, why am I enthusiastic now? Well, because we just had a lady who had diabetes. She got a little injury in the bottom of her foot. The hole got deeper and deeper. Nothing was helping. They were thinking about amputating her foot. So she used two things, ASEA water to drink and ASEA gel to put over the foot. So the gel is merely the ozone, five times stronger than the drink. It’s the one that when you go to my website, you’ll see a lady with a turkey neck who looks like she had plastic surgery after just using the ozonated gel on her face twice a day for four weeks. She looked so different that you would think she had been to plastic surgery. We’ve had case after case like that. My point is this. We have a lot of people who wind up using all kinds of antioxidants thinking they need the night cream, they need this thing and they’re spending money. And I’m always disappointed because Nick Perricone is a friend of mine. He writes these big book as the top guy in the country selling skin care, but he’s on the wrong paradigm. He’s got a diesel car and he keeps putting gas on it. It’s just not working and nobody has before and after pictures like anyone will see when they go to my website and click on ASEA for a webinar and RENU (the RENU is just the gel). The RENU was cool because this lady’s foot, in less than a week, was out of the thing. They were no longer talking about amputating it. It’s now been three weeks. And now they’re saying, “You know what? We’re not going to have it amputated. We can just put a little skin graft over it because the hole has filled in.” Now that is really something that’s important to me because when I started the whole chelation movement, that was only – well, I’ve been practicing medicine 56 years. Forty years ago, I started the chelation movement. Why did I start it? Because after the eighth chelation, it turned me into superman and I had to share that to the world since they didn’t know about it. So I spent a lot of time. But when I started it, some of the most dramatic pictures I had were of feet that were early gangrene that were facing being cut off. Chelation saved those feet. But that was always having to go to the doctor and put something in the vein. Now, I’ve written a book about detoxing with oral chelation. It turns out that although the IV is much more concentrated and it’s going to work faster, it doesn’t solve the problem because the bone takes 15 years to make all new bones. And because the bones in your body are loaded with lead, you are required technically to do something consistently for 15 years if you’re going to get to optimum health. So that kind of means I don’t want to have an IV every day for 15 years, but we did do the trial to assess chelation trial where I was lucky enough to pressure NIH to give us $31 million – they thought that was going to be the end of chelation because they believed chelation is quackery. And so they agreed that they would do the study. The terrible thing came out. We showed 51% less deaths in diabetic and they were really upset because they thought chelation was quackery and they had to publish it in the journal, the AMA. My enemies had to publishe chelation in their journal showing that it works. But never fear, they need the money bad enough. All the hospitals [inaudible 00:43:18] – and it’s all unnecessary. When you just give people an oral chelation, there are no more deaths from heart attack, but that’s still not being optimally health.

43:33 Ozone for Optimal Health

Dr. Gordon: So what are we going to do about ozone to have optimal health? So some of the fascinating ways I see ozone being used and applied is as I’m indicating to you, an alternative to seeing a plastic surgeon. That’s a big say, but you won’t believe it until you see the pictures.

Wendy Myers: Hand me some of that cream.

Dr. Gordon: But listen to this. I have a very lovely lady. She wound up with a very bad ankle injury many years ago. Since then, nothing she’s done has been able to get that left ankle to get back to normal size, so it’s always hard for her to find shoes. Now she heard all about this water and she started drinking the water. But when she put the gel and just put it over here ankle morning and night for a total of a week, she said, “My food’s back to normal size.” We have kids with all kinds of rashes and people with injuries. Think of this way, we need the power of the oxidant. In those slides that I give in my talk will prove to you with very good, solid science that oxidation is going to cause you to live much longer. Remember, exercise is one way to get some oxidation. Just don’t take your antioxidant before you exercise. Now, as we look at the big picture, some of the fascinating things about ozone is that you need to keep a pile of ozone in your house. The ozone that I’m recommending is the only time somebody figured out how to stabilize it because we’ve all known that we could do magic if we could have it. That’s why some people will buy their own ozone generator and take the olive oil and ozone in because that seems to make it even more stable. Even if that dies, it’s going to last – but we now have actually a 2-year shelf life on ASEA water, which means we’ve been able to take magic and have it there whenever you need it. And interestingly enough, to get the FDA approval to some of the water, the FDA had to visit the plant, which is in Salt Lake City. It’s a multimillion dollar plant because it’s really made out of two things, water and salt with a lot of science and physics involved. The guy that helped design this, Gary Samuelson has his degree in medical physics. And bottomline is he’s an expert in a big word we haven’t used yet, redux signaling molecule. That’s a mouthful, but I have to put it on this tape because we need everybody to know that if you want to learn where this all is going – Ten years ago, if you used that word and google ‘redux signaling molecule’, you’ll find this many articles. Now, you’ll find this many articles. In other words, it’s going for the sky because they now know that technically, you can create cancer move far more effectively when you learn how to use safe – Remember, when they give you chemo and radiation, those are oxidase. Those are oxidation therapies. They’re just not very friendly therapies because they kill everything. So now, we have something that the body can selectively use. So as we look to where all this is going, I think myself that since I live in Fountain Hills and it’s pretty steep right outside of my door and I have to ride my bike up here, I think for me, the big thing is that I drink my water before I take that – and it’s so much more fun, I don’t have to shift down into those lower gears and I can see a lot more [inaudible 00:47:15].

47:20 Ozonating Machines

Dr. Gordon: Now, what do I think ozonating machines for the house? If you are lucky enough to have it in your budget, because as good as ozone stabilized ASEA – listen, I have done work. Let’s repeat that. The ASEA bottle retail is $40. Now I said that in one lady that was impossible to help would’ve already spend a hundred thousand. If she drank a bottle a day, that’d be $40 a day. That could add up, so she became a distributor, which anybody can do. They pay a $40 one-time fee and then you get it for $30. Big deal! To do that, you go to You sign up and you get it. But what is really interesting is if we think about having it in the refrigerator at all times because as said, it’s already got – you don’t even need to refrigerate it, but it’s got a 2-year shelf life. You never know when the next nasty bug is going to come. Now, amazingly enough, I’ve been fighting infections because I’m really into how bad infections are in our lives, so I mentioned advanced cellular silver. I mentioned Wikipedia shows that silver is a catalyst to oxidation. So now, I’m taking you down the direction of what could make ASEA even stronger. And so it turns out that you can buy legally a form of silver called ACS200 and have it in the house and we have proof that that actually does kill ebola and it actually kills candida and it will kill lyme. So we have data. Now, a lot of company sell silver, but they have no data because they never were able to perfect it. We’ve gone so far that you’re soon going to see our product called StiroPlex on home shopping. And what does that going to do for you? StiroPlex will be a jar that you can take to the hospital and spray wherever mom sits in. If you’re taking mom to the hospital and she’s going to sit that bed, you want to spray everything around her because you don’t know who died there last week. We’ve got a very big plant. A little place called Brigham and Women’s Hospital (the teaching hospital of Harvard in Boston) and a Mayo hospital in Florida have now bought this kind of silver to sterilize the whole hospital because hospitals are now becoming so dangerous. Then we have two hospitals that we’re facing being closed down because of c diff. It turns out that all they had to do was spray the whole hospital. In less than a month, we had no more. So we can save the world with some of this knowledge we’re talking about, but the knowledge we’re talking about is oxidation. And so ozone being a gas, as I’ve said, it’s really convenient. If you thought about it, if you found on a website a used ozone generator, you’re way ahead. And I repeat, the company that sells it is called Longevity. It has nothing to do with Longevity Plus, which is an American company that sells this special vitamin C, sells the silver. Do you see? The Longevity company we’re talking about now is in Canada. It’s very confusing, but they specialize in ozone generators. They like to sell the high-end to doctors for $2700, which isn’t a bad price because when I’m in Germany, the machines that we used there cost $12,000 and $14,000. They are worth it because they’re very precise. They can give you the exact dose of ozone that you feel that you want to use on a particular patient. That’s overkill for our average needs. But I need to point out that in terms of do we want an ozonating machine at home, I would say this. We have families where the diagnosis could be valley fever. Valley fever is so stubborn. It’s kind of like lyme. These are hard infections to treat. So you wouldn’t have to drink so much ASEA, if I can add to the ASEA by adding ozone in the rectum and add to the ASEA by adding silver and add to your body’s – Because always remember, we’re living in this picture in which if I got to buy C-sticks – C-stick is the little stick that cost you $10 for 50 tests. What will it do? You take everybody in your family and say, “Go in the bathroom, pee on this piece of paper, if it stays dark green, whoever stays dark green has a dark future.” How can I say that? If it turns to yellow, it means you have a lot of C in your urine and if you have a lot of C in your urine, vitamin C is a carrier for poison. So if there’s a lot of C in your urine, you’re going to have a bright future because you’re going to live longer. We’ve proven this at the largest cancer hospital actually in America that treats alternatively. It’s in Wichita. It’s the Riordan Clinic. It was known as the bright spot clinic because they told everybody that when you pee on the piece of paper, it’s got to go to yellow. That way, they taught people to test themselves and they learned that if they’re peeing a lot of vitamin C, they’re going to live longer because they’re taking toxins out. So there’s many pieces of the puzzle that we’re talking about.

Wendy Myers: So are you a fan of the ozonators, the home ozonators?

Dr. Gordon: Yes, yes, yes. I’m trying to say I’m sorry that I don’t have an easy way to teach everybody how to buy the one that’s available on Amazon for $499. There’s a company in America that sells a lot of ozonators. They really are an industrial company and we use ozone in the industry for various reasons. They’re a good company and it’s a good unit. But they live in America and they can’t teach you how to use it on your body. If you tell them that you’re treating the plant water and you’re trying to ozonate water, they’ll help you all they can. So I’m just saying that $499 gives you a device that you have to be a little creative at the hardware store how you’re going to change this so that it fits that so that it ties to this, so that you can get it into the rectum.

Wendy Myers: What’s the company’s name? It starts with an A, doesn’t it?

Dr. Gordon: Anybody going to ‘ozone generator’ on Amazon, it’ll be one of the first one coming up.

Wendy Myers: Okay, yeah.

Dr. Gordon: Yeah, you’re right. It does start with it. Absolutely, it starts with an A.

Wendy Myers: I think it’s ‘arrow’ or something like that. I’ve seen them. I’ve looked at them.

Dr. Gordon: You bet.

54:00 The new olive oil: RENU

Dr. Gordon: So what do we think about olive oil? It helps heal rashes. Olive oil was my best friend until RENU came along and RENU has made olive oil totally redundant. If you try to make the olive oil effective, your first five batches come out terrible. And then the net result is even when you go to a good company that’s all they do, ozonate olive oil, they still say, “Keep in your refrigerator. If you leave the lid off, it dies.” And so why not have something that always work and is always there. So at this point, even though olive oil was our best answer until RENU came – and RENU has only been out for four months. So this is all brand new story. We didn’t have anything like this. Four months ago, if we had done this interview, it would be olive oil. Now, it’s just about 20 times stronger.

Wendy Myers: Wow!

Dr. Gordon: And it’s only about $35 for a tube of 3 ½ grams. Three and a half grams is enough to slather your face and your ankle for a whole week.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

55:08 Ozonated Water: ASEA

Dr. Gordon: And so ozonated water. Ozonated water is how we treat the water in Lake Tahoe. It is the ideal way to take care of a water and make it safe. What’s really funny is the authorities in an effort to go along with the idea that ozone can – because they have to pretend that it could be toxic or people would wise up and say, “I want it available for my sick wife.” So to pretend that it’s not toxic, they’d say, “Oh, our job is after we get the water really safe, we have to get all that ozone out of the water.” It’s really funny because ozone and the water is always good for you because we are not balanced. When you see the article on my website, when you go to and you click on ‘media / webinar’ and you watch the talk on ASEA and the talk on RENU, you are going to see that to reach that 110 years we’re looking for, you have to have oxidation. The research with 283 good references proves that we’ve imbalanced the body. There’s nothing wrong with an antioxidant. It’s just that we have to learn – as my friend so carefully say on page 30 of his book. He tries to teach you this simple, amazing idea. Look it, does everybody listening to us like the idea that glutathione is good?

Wendy Myers: Yes.

Dr. Gordon: You’ve got them trained, right? Now, what would they say if they learned in the case of glutathione, it’s made inside of your cells? So you don’t have to buy it. You don’t have to get liposomal glutathione. We have a dramatic picture. We have a picture of a very advanced Parkinson’s patient that anybody can google and see that when he was injected by a really good neurologist in the vein with glutathione, this man who you couldn’t understand one word and for eight years, he walks with a walker, gets up and walks normally and talks clearly. So glutathione is a good guy just that most of us don’t have the money to put that in my vein every day for $150 a day. So if I can get my cells to do it, that’s a pretty good trick. So if it’s such a good [inaudible 00:57:22] inside of the cell where you make it, it turns out you have to have the reductant and the oxidant coming together. We’ve all been so in love with our wonderful beta carotene and our vitamin E – Believe me, when the study came out that taking beta carotene gave those smokers more lung cancer, I said it’s non-sense. I was really mad because I had been an advocate of the antioxidant. I’ve had to eat humble-pie. You understand that maybe we’ve been wrong? So as you get the oxidant and the reductant together, you neutralize. The result is the antioxidant is then free to develop – and we have studies showing from 500% or greater increase in production of your own glutathione. So we have taken a chiropractor that developed a really rapid downward case of Parkinson’s disease and suddenly was no longer able to speak clearly and couldn’t dress himself. So he’s at home and he’s on the downward course. Somebody mentions him to us. They liked the guy and they bought a case of the water (that’s four bottles). So they took him four bottles of the ASEA water. We got a phone call within five days, he was clearly talking and a month later, he’s able to dress himself. So instead of having to do it in the vein, he became able to make his own glutathione, which is the magic detox. But we try to duplicate it by having companies that sell it glutathione precursors and we spend a lot of money. I do love glutathione in the vein because it gives the patient hope. If they can suddenly talk, they can say, “Hey, this is something I can do.” So once the patient has hope, then they’ll start on a program that you and I would have them on.

59:18 Oxidant Depletion

Dr. Gordon: So what I want is 100% success and you never get 100% success with anything, but in the case of ASEA, they’ve actually worked with a very advanced metabolomics laboratory – big word – measuring all the metabolisms in your cells. They have nice toys because a guy by the name of Murdock came up with $600 million. They’re down there in a place called Duke in the Appalachian University chain. They wound up with this fancy lab. And so they have a human performance lab where we tested the athletes and found that athletes could do so much more after drinking the water. I wasn’t one of the immediate success stories when I drank the ASEA water. A friend of mine who really is a good friend, Dr. Tim Shonkwiler wound up becoming so enthusiastic because he was seeing dramatic things happening in his office. He’s the one that saved the lady from having her leg chopped off because he became so enthusiastic about this ASEA. So he knew I had to be convinced and yet, I wasn’t convinced because like a lot of doctors, “I had my mind made up, don’t bother me with the facts.” So he started me with the water. I drink it, but I take tiny amounts and I’m not convinced that – because it says, “To save money, we want the bottle to last the whole week,” right? We don’t tell people, “Hey, spend $40 and drink the whole bottle in a day.” Who want to spend that kind of money? So we say, “Hey, take a little bit, two ounces twice a day. Take it for at least five or ten minutes from everything else, so it’s by itself and watch and see what happens.” Well, that now seems to be the maintenance dose. We now realize that we are so out of balance that that dose might be good for you after we’ve got your MS and you seem to be walking normally and your multiple sclerosis is gone or whatever. Then you don’t stop.” Now, that’s the complicated thing. When we look at the benefits of what this is, it turns out we all seem to be oxidant-depleted. I’ll tell you a crazy story. If your kid wants to become a rocket scientist, all he has to do is learn oxidation. And guess what? You can buy hydrogen peroxide, you can add silver. Silver added to hydrogen peroxide makes it into rocket fuel. So that’s what I’m talking about here today to all of you. Now, this gets a little complicated. I want to take you down a little pathway here. I’ve been talking a little bit about reductant (and I said kind of this hydrogen) and oxidant (and I said it’s oxygen) and I said, “My body knows how to use both.” So here’s where the rubber meets the road. As you have tried to keep all your listeners aware of how to detox, well what are the things that we need to detox? It’s lead, it’s mercury. There’s no one answer to the dioxin and the bisphenol. I mean, it’s a mess to get all the toxins out. So I call mine the ‘power drink’ where I have the green and I have the fibrin, the high-dose vitamin C. And then I use the ZeoGold enhanced. It has zeolite in it and some glutathione (which I still take some more of) and the humic acid and it’s got the zeolite, it’s got the vitamin C. And when we pull all that together, we added something called hydrogen. Well, that’s [inaudible 01:02:29]. But a guy by the name of Patrick Flannigan has been pushing the hydrogen, the idea of hydrogen being a good guy for a long time. Well, it turns out that he was on the right wavelength. He just couldn’t stabilize the molecule. So hydrogen would sound like the exact opposite of what we’re talking about today. Technically, you would say, “Wait a minute! Dr. Gordon’s got me confused. If hydrogen can be an antioxidant, where would the body have room for the oxidant? How would all these work?” Well, it turns out that not all antioxidants are reductants, but in the case of the specific use of hydrogen ions, which has been sold as megahydron and microhydron and hydrogen boost by Patrick Flannigan for 10-15 years, it never reached any excitement level because always, it was unstable and the electron, because it’s an electron donor like vitamin C – But you know, with the vitamin C, if you squeeze the orange and you put in the glass, then you walk away for two hours, a lot of the electrons have gone into the air. We all know that. You have to drink it immediately. So we understand this idea of electron is a little bit tricky. We hate to have you study physics. It wasn’t my favorite course in pre-med and now it turns out physics is running our life.

01:04:05 Incorporating Ozone and Oxygen Therapy into our Health Routine

Dr. Gordon: So in any event, I just want everybody to know that an inexpensive thing that we can do to incorporate ozone and oxygen therapy into our health routine would be to think that if your skin is giving you trouble and you’ve got something like eczema or your kid’s got eczema, we hate to think that there could be something beneficial about using chlorox, but that’s the cheapest trick. A couple of that in water and it’s a miraculously able because it’s an oxidant, so it’s doing some of the good stuff. If we can look at other tricks, if you have the patients to do it and you go online and try to find a used ozone generator – if you own your old ozone generator, it’s going to absolutely be able to help you as long as you drink that water within the first hour. So after you ozonate it, it would taste different, but it will be giving you ozone, so it’s not a waste of time. And of course, I repeat, exercise is still the ultimate. And technically, we’ve all been made so shy about using the sun, but we forget the sunlight is a major oxidant. So it’s something that we all need. A few minutes on our naked body ideally. Five minutes a day would be kind of neat. But those are all parts of the idea of what to do.

01:05:33 Most Pressing Health Issue of Today

Wendy Myers: So what do you think is the most pressing health issue in the world today? It’s a question I like to ask all of my guests.

Dr. Gordon: There is no question in my mind that what I have had to become an environmental doctor and I have to really come to grasp with what we call the “ten American study”, which was when we took the blood from the cord, the placenta cord of ten babies and sent it to a research lab and paid $13,000 per child and found every child loaded with neurotoxins, endocrine disruptors and carcinogens, specifically the bisphenol a, the polybrominated biphenyl. That’s the flame retardant, which by the way turns out to be fraud. It never retards any flame. You burn down faster, but they told us to treat the children’s pajamas and to treat the mattresses with PBDE because the house wasn’t going to burn as fast, it burns faster. But it did a great job. It made us so we don’t have 140 million sperm anymore. Now, we have about 40 million. So we have PBDE in every human being. So please understand that as an expert on trace minerals, I wish that we would have a better test to show you how much mercury is in your brain. But the good news is this. I have been able to entirely eliminate the big diseases – cancer, heart attacks, dementia, Alzheimer. I have a separate hour webinar on my website explaining how I do that, but it takes a motivated person. So listen carefully, if there’s a lot of cancer in your family, the way I keep you alive is I have you do every year about a $500 test called That tells me exactly five years before the lump or bump starts to develop how much cancer is starting in your body. And if there’s none, we go about our merry way. But if that test doesn’t look too good, then you start to say, “Dr. Gordon, what are the best things to do” because we do know that all tumors have been in your body for five to seven years before we see that lung cancer or feel that lump in your breast. So during those years, these tests are so sensitive that they can give me the warning. But at the same time, we now have leading institutions like NYU Medical Center that has got a program that I listen to called Dr. Radio where they sell mainstream medicine, which of course I can tear apart, but when you listen carefully to them, they’re going slowly into the future. They now admit the reason people die of a heart attack is because they’re too sticky in their blood and they make clots too fast. And now we have proof that mercury and lead cause that. So I have reasons that I can comfortably say I can end all heart attack. I haven’t had a patient on my oral chelation die in twenty years even if they’ve been told they’re going to die in a week with blocked arteries. Cancel that, blocked arteries mean nothing. It’s all a complete mistake because it turns out the body makes little arteries that you can’t see on the x-ray. So we’ve been lied to for a lot. But the exciting is no more dementia. I have found a way – because everybody knows that all the things that we fight are tied to inflammation and inflammation is actually tied to cancer and it’s tied to heart disease and it’s tied to brain disease. We have an anti-inflammatory, a natural herb going in northern Thailand that entirely eliminates all Alzheimer’s, all dementia and it is so neuroprotective that it actually helps you prevent vision loss. So that is something we call HRT, which is ‘herbal remedy from Thailand’. And so we have lots of things that can help, but the problem is we’re not going to be able to stop the polluters overnight and I can’t change the fact that we are living on a planet that is far more toxic than what it was meant to be. And the planet is going through pole shift, so we don’t quite have the gauss, the magnetic energy coming out of the center of the earth we once had. So a lot of people will wind up buying some kind of magnetic device called a pulse , the electromagnetic field. The price of those is going to come down, so finally, we’ll sleep with one so our body has the energy to push the toxins out. And if you push the toxins out, you’re going to catch the toxins, which is why I develop something I call ‘power drink’. But people can do great with greens. I mean, greens are fantastic. We have lots of answers. It’s just that if you spend some time focusing on what you think is your likely concern in your family – is it heart, is it cancer or is it dementia? And then watch because I have a full hour on my website under webinars explaining how never to wind up with Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. And of course, you and I know that we have to stop the epidemic of autism. And so you and I are devoted to the idea of getting the mother and the father in pre-planning, before you plan to get pregnant to let us help you because the earlier I can intervene, the better. I can’t do as much once you’re already pregnant. You call me and say, “Well, can you do…” – I have done magic even then, but I’m really skating on thin ice. It’s always better to tie up these toxins well before the actual pregnancy occurs.

01:10:55 Pregnancy and Detoxification

Wendy Myers: How long do you think some should detox prior to becoming pregnant?

Dr. Gordon: Well, the truth is that ideally, we need a year, but we will settle for even two months. We’ll settle for anything because we’re getting pretty good today. Think of it this way. If I give you my power drink – let me answer it this way. It’s going to take 15 years for me to make all new bones in my body, 15 years. So technically, if I’ve been in my program for 15 years, I still have bones that are loaded with reductants and they’re going to try to re-poison me. But that doesn’t make any difference. As long as you have a good enough program to tie up the bad guys, the body feels as good as though the bad guys weren’t there. But there’s no one single – My EDTA, I am in love with EDTA because we chelated ten million people, we aborted amputations, I have nobody having heart attacks, nobody having strokes all due to EDTA. I love EDTA. Actually, that means tetracidic acid. It’s vinegar, but it’s a little bit stronger. Tetra- means it’s four times stronger than vinegar and it does magic. And so it will extend lifespan. But in addition to that, we use things like chlorella, which are the greens. In other words, there’s different things. And the zeolite for me has been one of the biggest things I’ve done. And because we added to our zeolite the reductant, and today we’ve been talking about the ASEA for the oxidant, I think I can have a lot of young people beat their own record at the track, at running. I’m very excited because the research we did with ASEA is that many people could go 12% further before they reach what we call ‘ventricular threshold’ when your body switches from aerobic to anaerobic, which meant that any athlete could probably beat his best record by as much as 2% or even 3% and not have to lose all these awards like Lance Armstrong because everything we’re talking about is all approved – totally natural, totally legal.

Wendy Myers: Oh, nice. Well, thank you so much, Dr. Gordon. That was so good and so informative. You’re such a genius.

Dr. Gordon: Thank you so much.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I love talking about it. I love this show. This is one of my favorite shows I’ve had in a while.

Dr. Gordon: Thank you.

Wendy Myers: So thank you so much.

Dr. Gordon: It’s been my great pleasure.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and everyone, you can find Dr. Gordon on

Dr. Gordon: Correct.

Wendy Myers: Perfect! Yeah, and definitely go check out all his webinars that he was talking about. Go check out the ASEA. I’ll have all the links to everything that he’s talking about in the show notes. So don’t worry. You can click all those links and find everything that he discussed in the show today.

Dr. Gordon: If you want to see an autism kid start talking? Just go on my website, click on PEMF and watch one of the videotapes. People love to show off success stories. So just using a magnet allowed the kid’s brain fog to go away.

Wendy Myers: Wow! Yeah, I had Allie Ochs on the podcast a few weeks ago.

Dr. Gordon: Good. Thank you.

Wendy Myers: …talking about PEMF. Well, listeners, if you want to learn more about detoxification more than you’ve learned today and all about my Mineral Power Program that I use to detox clients, you can go on my site, You can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter, @iwillliveto110. Thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 podcast.

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