Transcript: #72 Keto-Adapted Diets with Maria Emmerich

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  • 03:07 About Maria Emmerich
  • 06:47 Keto-Adapted
  • 10:19 Healing Health Conditions
  • 13:31 Ketogenic Diet and Neurotransmitters
  • 17:42 Healing the Metabolism with Ketogenic Diets
  • 20:18 Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet
  • 24:41 The most pressing health issue in the world today
  • 28:26 Maria Emmerich’s Cookbooks
  • 31:08 More about Maria Emmerich

Wendy Myers: Welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast. My name is Wendy Myers. You can find me on Today, we’re going to have Maria Emmerich on the show today. I met her on the Livin’ La Vida Low Carb Cruise that Jimmy Moore puts on every year. She has a wonderful presentation and I just thought that her message was really compelling.

I was really impressed. She’s got eight cookbooks and she has a new book out called Keto Adapted and I wanted to talk to her today about the health implications and the diseases that can be reversed with a ketogenic diet, also referred to as ‘low carb/high fat’ diets. We’re going to be talking about that today on the show.

But before we get started, please keep in mind that this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. The Live to 110 Podcast is solely informational in nature, so please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging in any treatment or diet we suggest on this show.

If you guys want to go and download some free e-guides, you can download my Live to 110 by Weighting Less 35-page e-guide. We’ve got all kinds of tips and tricks in there to help lose weight. I also have five free Modern Paleo Survival Guides, little charts that detail all the information in my upcoming book, The Modern Paleo Survival Guide.

Hopefully, it will be out some time the next year or two.

It takes a long time to get these books out – right, Maria?

Maria Emmerich: Ah, absolutely.

Wendy Myers: Ah, a lot of work. But I want to make it just right, so good things take time. You can also go check out my Mineral Power Program. That’s the program I use to help my clients heal and reverse disease and heal their health conditions and detox from heavy metals and parasites and all kinds of little grubbies running around in our body. You can see that, just click the Mineral Power button on my website. I use a hair mineral analysis to design custom supplement programs that help people to detox naturally.

You could also check out my Modern Paleo Cooking Show where I cook all kinds of recipes for my upcoming book. So definitely give that a look.

But today, our guest, Maria Emmerich is a wellness expert in nutrition and exercise physiology. She struggled with her weight throughout childhood and decided as a result to study health and wellness to help others. Her specialty is brain chemical neurotransmitters and how they are affected by the foods that we eat.

She has authored eight books and co-authored a few others including several cookbooks and three nutritional guidebooks including Secrets to a Healthy Metabolism. Her latest book is Keto Adapted, which includes a foreword from Dr. William Davis of Wheat Belly and excerpts from Dr. David Perlmutter (one of my favorites. He’s the New York Times’ bestseller author of Grain Brain. I love his website. It’s so brilliant).

So Maria, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Maria Emmerich: Thank you for having me. It was such an honor to be asked.

3:07 About Maria Emmerich

Wendy Myers: Well, why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself and how you found ketogenic diets that are also referred to as ‘low carb/high fat’ diets?

Maria Emmerich: Well, like a lot of professionals, as I worked with clients – you know, in school, we’re all taught the pyramid with the whole grains, [inaudible 00:03:29] and very little fats up on the top. As I worked with clients throughout the years, people weren’t getting better.

As I adopted the low carb aspect, a lot of people got better, but I wanted everybody to get better and there were a few people that had such damaged metabolisms that even on a low carb diet (which is different than a ketogenic diet), they weren’t getting better.

When I say ‘low carb’, a lot of people think chicken or broccoli or that type of thing or they’ll have chicken breast. They don’t understand how important the fats are.

And as you dive into what our bodies are structurally made up of, you can’t store protein. You either use it at that time or it turns into sugar just like a carbohydrate one. So moderating that protein is really important.

So what’s left? We’re cutting off the carbohydrates. We all know sugar is bad and the carbohydrates turn into sugar and we need to moderate the protein, what’s left? It’s fat. And people are scared of that. They’re very, very scared. But once they start doing that, they feel so much better.

The human body is 74% fat and 26% protein if that’s broken down by calories. So why not mimic that with our diet. Once people started doing that, they start to heal.

Wendy Myers: I think mine is 90% fat.

Maria Emmerich: I know. Some people, they don’t understand – you know, my mom doesn’t understand why I don’t eat fruits and I was like, “Well sure, olives are fruit.” She just don’t understand why we cut certain things out that have so-called phytonutrients. I tried to break it down and show her all the herbs like the vanilla beans that we always use in cooking has so many more phytonutrients than the fruits we’d have and even a lot of the vegetables that we’ve cut out of our lives just because there’s just too much starch.

I like to eat a lot of food and I’d rather fuel my body with fat. I feel awesome.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I think a lot of people don’t realize – I generally recommend my clients reduce fruit as well, maybe some berries. People don’t realize they don’t have as much nutrition as we think. They’ve been so hybridized. They’re grown with the NPK fertilizers. They don’t nearly have as much nutrients and they have a lot more sugar. They’re bred to have a ton of sugar.

Maria Emmerich: I’ve talked to some zookeepers that even the animals, granted they’re not in their natural environment, so they’re moving a lot, but they cannot give them their natural diet because even like an apple now has been bred to have more sugar in it than what an apple in their main food types would be.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I mean, apples 200 years ago, they were disgusting. They were sour and they were really tiny. Apples growing wild in China (I’ve heard of these apples), they’re not big. They’re really tiny. They’re really sour. They’re medicinal. They’re not the apples that we have today at all.

6:47 Keto Adapted

Wendy Myers: Well, why don’t you tell us about your book, Keto Adapted?

Maria Emmerich: Well, in that book, I describe about how – what keto adaption is and how to become ketogenic and how to start burning fats rather than burning carbohydrates and some of the side effects that are going to naturally come along with that. With those side effects, some of them are not preferable, so you need to be prepared.

When I say that, when you go on a low carb/high fat diet, along goes with a lot of water weight. So a lot of people are like, “Oh, I lost five pounds in a day.” I have really obese clients – they’ll have pitting edema when you routine water and they could fluctuate 20 lbs. whether they’re staying on my plan or not. That’s in a day.

So with that water loss goes a lot of electrolytes. And so if you’re not aware of how to properly fuel your body with the electrolytes, you’re probably going to have some headaches, you’re going to be low in energy. That’s the whole low carb flu, that “Oh, that first week is awful. You have the flu.” You don’t have to go through that. So you just need to educate yourself how not to. It makes the whole transition so much easier.

And in the book, I also include different supplements such as l glutamine. It really helps with those carbohydrate cravings that people are suffering from, magnesium helps with chocolate cravings and different tips like this to make it easier to get keto adapted.

I love food. I’ll always love food. But to get to the point where you love this type of food, you have to go through some – it’s basically withdrawal symptom when you’re addicted to those carbohydrates and bread and those phytates. You need to get your body out and you detox, right?

So that’s kind of what I’ve tried to do. It’s a planning guide on how to do it properly so you don’t suffer through those symptoms that most people are familiar with with the low carb diets.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I experimented with a low carb diet when I first was learning about nutrition and trying out different things. I read Dr. Wessman’s book, The New Atkins, New You. It was a great book, really informative. I went low carb and I developed the low carb flu after about three weeks, so I thought, “Oh well, maybe this is just not for me. It’s just not right for me.”

Oh, hello. We have a visitor. Winter, Mommy’s working right now. This is my daughter, Winter.

Maria Emmerich: Hi, Winter.

Wendy Myers: Yes. Hello, Winter. How are you?

Winter: Hello.

Wendy Myers: Hi! Yes. So basically, I developed the low carb flu and I thought, “Well, this is just not working for me.” I thought I didn’t feel right and I just thought, “Maybe it’s just not right for my body” or what-have-you. I guess I didn’t read far enough into the book about where he details the low carb flu.

Maria Emmerich: Yeah, that being the salt because you’re not retaining the salts like you would with carbohydrates.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. But I have not tried it since, so just me, personally, I just love my carbs too much.

10:19 Healing Health Conditions

Wendy Myers: I do think it has a lot of amazing healthful benefits. I do think it’s the right choice for many people. So I wanted to talk about that as far as what kind of health conditions do you think it’s right for? I know it’s wonderful for cancer, for autoimmune. Why don’t we talk a little bit about that, about how people can specifically heal their health conditions?

Maria Emmerich: Well, sure. That is a chapter like the benefits of adaption. You can find out if you have Candida, if you have cancer, if you have autoimmune disorders and how to heal these certain things.

I’ll start with autoimmune. We all know that sugar is very inflammatory to the gut. And with autoimmune disorders, there’s a lot of gut damage going on and that’s the autoimmune response to what you’re eating and things like that.

So I find it interesting. I think it was only 16% truly heal even though they’re cutting out gluten. The reason that is is a lot of the gluten-free foods out there are made with rice flour. If you break down the nutrients, rice flour has about a hundred more calories per cup than white flour and it has about fifty more carbohydrates per cup.

So even though you’re not getting the autoimmune response, you’re getting a lot of inflammation because of the sugar that it turns into when you consume that.

So cutting out first of all the carbohydrates is going to help.

And again, when you cut the carbohydrates, a lot of people do the high protein. That, again, you can only use so much protein at a time. Whatever you overdo is going to turn into sugar also inflaming the gut.

Wendy Myers: I think a lot of people don’t realize that.

Maria Emmerich: Yeah, yeah. So when we do the ketogenic diet, we’re going to heal the gut with an anti-inflammatory type diet. And again, I would recommend aloe and different things to help heal the gut lining. So you can calm that autoimmune response among with some other things.

And that leads to cancer. Insulin is a growth factor. When you keep that insulin elevated, we’re finding that that’s causing the cancer to grow. I get pictures from people, their cancer is shrinking by these millimeters. It’s like, “Oh, my gosh! This is wonderful.”

But again, too much protein, too many carbohydrates, that’s going to cause that insulin growth factor to increase and we need that ketogenic effect to take place.

Wendy Myers: And that’s about what most people are eating.

Maria Emmerich: Yes, yes.

Wendy Myers: Too much meat, too many carbs.

Maria Emmerich: It is because it’s easy. It takes time and planning to eat this way, but once you get into a routine, it’s really, really easy. And I really like it because you don’t have to go to the grocery store so much. I don’t know, so…

13:31 Ketogenic Diet and Neurotransmitters

Wendy Myers: So one of your favorite subjects is neurotransmitters. How does the ketogenic diet help enhance neurotransmitters and brain function and things like that?

Maria Emmerich: Yeah. Well, I guess when I was a teenager, I think a lot of people, they deal with depression. I see it a lot in my office. This was something that really puzzled me. It’s like everyone that came to me, maybe they weren’t totally full-blown depressed on medication yet, but I would say about 75% of people were on medication. So it’s just really frustrating.

And that happened to me. My husband lost his job. This was quite a long time ago. I went to my doctor that I had at the time. I was crying. I think he lost his job a day before. She’s like, “Do you want to go to anti-depressant.” I was like, “No.”

Why don’t she say, “Let’s check your vitamin D level. Are you taking any fish oil? Are you taking probiotics like bifidu bacteria? How is your gut health?”

Now we know that our gut health is the main thing that drives neurotransmitters. We used to think that they all were built in the brain, but we now know the nervous system runs from the gut to the brain, so that what’s going on in the gut is huge.

If you have chronic diarrhea or constipation, all of these things, if you have low moods, the first thing I would recommend is a good gut bacteria – and not Activia. It should be refrigerated. Get a good quality one. That’s like the best tip I would ever give anyone. My kids even take this.

Seventy percent of your immune system is in your gut, but along with that, our brain is over 70% fat (along with their cells, I was referring to that). Why not mimic that with diet? Happy cells are fueled by fat. The mitochondria – that’s where our powerhouse/energy part of our cells are – they prefer fats for energy. They prefer the ketone bodies to boost energy. And that’s why it is so awesome for cancer, because of the mitochondria. But also, that’s where our energy comes from – energized cells, happy cells.

But we also need to stay hydrated. So again, if you get dehydrated with that low carb flu and you start feeling low, we need to fuel our body with more hydration. If you just drink more water, you’re just going to urinate more. You need to increase the salt, increase the electrolytes. You could do that through either certain types of food that have those things like potassium, but often, I do recommend a supplement.

And some people say, “Well, why do I need the supplement if our ancestors never did?” Well, I would argue that with our ancestors got it from the water that we drink. We now drink bottled water, filtered water. Not a lot of people are drinking well water that have a lot of the minerals. And even them, even the well water doesn’t have the minerals like it did when our ancestors drank it.

Just like our farmer needs to rotate their crops because the minerals are stripped from it, we need to supplement because our water just doesn’t have that.

The reason why a high carb diet would get those minerals is because it’s fortified. They basically dump the vitamin into the baby’s rice cereal and stuff. It’s fortified. So instead of eating those foods that are fortified, I would suggest a quality supplement.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I agree. Unfortunately, no matter how healthy people eat – that’s one of my biggest messages – everyone needs to supplement especially minerals and electrolytes. I know, cavemen, they used to get most of their calcium-magnesium from water. And now, I rotate my bottled waters to get different mineral sources, different profiles of minerals, but I still have to supplement still.

17:42 Healing the Metabolism with Ketogenic Diets

Wendy Myers: So let’s talk about thyroid health a little bit and how ketogenic diets can help heal metabolism because even Dr. Robert Atkinson himself, if you follow a low carb diet, you might have to go on thyroid medication at some point. He did say this. Do you find that this is true? I’ve read that the thyroid does need carbohydrates, a certain amount of carbohydrates to function. So what is your take on that?

Maria Emmerich: Well, I would contradict that in saying that I get emails multiple times a day that people are off their thyroid medication. So what I was referring to the autoimmune issue – Hashimoto’s, Graves, those are autoimmune disorder. When we get rid of the autoimmune trigger like the gluten and the dairy
I think that’s another common mistake. When people do the low carb/high fat, they don’t think about dairy, they don’t think about nuts, they keep those in there. Those are common food allergen that are triggering the autoimmune response to keep going and so they’re not healing properly.

That’s why my meal plans are dairy, nut, gluten-free. They’re like, “What? How do I get the fat in?” and it’s like, “Oh, you just need to be a little bit more creative with the recipes and things like that.” But when you cut those autoimmune triggers, the thyroid swelling goes down.

But talking about those minerals that we don’t have, the thyroid is a zinc hog. You lose a lot of zinc as you sweat. And if you get dehydrated, you need extra zinc. So that would be an important one.

Selenium. Selenium is needed for the thyroid – and thiamine. Thiamine, that is a B vitamin that is, again, found in fortified foods now. And so when you don’t supplement with those certain minerals, then I find some suffering going on. But once they get on to the right program, they’re like, “Oh, my gosh!” They’re starting to heal.

So I think that maybe that was something that he didn’t tie together because when you add in those supplements, the swelling goes down. They really do heal.

Wendy Myers: Okay.

20:18 Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet

Wendy Myers: And so, what are some other benefits of ketogenic diets? We talked about healing cancer and leaky gut and things like that. So what are some other benefits that people can experience?

Maria Emmerich: I did want to touch on too, what’s interesting is cholesterol is the backbone for building healthy hormones. That’s why breastmilk is pretty much all cholesterol. And that’s probably where I’m like, “I can’t have all these fat.” Well, I don’t think God had an agenda when he created breastmilk because that’s what babies are in, a ketosis state if they’re breast-fed (if they’re formula fed, that’s a whole other issue).

But the thyroid, it needs a lot of cholesterol. So when we fuel it with that – I just wanted to touch on that. That’s definitely important.

What was your question?

Wendy Myers: Oh, no. I wanted to touch on cholesterol too because that is one of the biggest issues some people have. They have been told by their doctor, “Cholesterol is evil” or if you want to lower your cholesterol, you have to take out dietary cholesterol and I think that’s a big issue I think some people have with the ketogenic diet and it’s so not true. That’s what we had hammered into our brains on the Low Carb Cruise, how we need cholesterol.

Maria Emmerich: Yeah, and I read about the cholesterol a lot. If your cholesterol is too low, that’s 90% the cause of depression. That’s been proven time and time again. I mean, that was back in – in fact, it was decades ago that we’ve proven that, but it’s like hush, hush, hush.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s listed as a side effect of statins, of cholesterol-lowering medication.

Maria Emmerich: Yes, it is because of that. And not only that, a lot of the men that come into my office that are on statin drugs or cholesterol-lowering drug, they’re also taking Viagra because, what I’ve said before, cholesterol drives healthy hormones. When you push that cholesterol too low, your testosterone suffers, your estrogen suffers, your progesterone suffers. There’s different types of estrogen, but that’s what goes on and then you lose your libido and all of that type of stuff.

So cholesterol is really the backbone. Cholesterol is kind of like the firefighter. When it is elevated, it’s putting out a fire. You have to dive into where is that fire coming from. If it’s inflammation from the food you’re eating, you could take a cholesterol-lowering drug and still eat the inflammatory foods and it’s not going to help your heart disease at all. It’s just going to make your numbers look better. What you really should be looking at is the A1C. That is inflammation.

The cholesterol numbers, it’s really about ratio rather than – I see these people saying, “Oh, my cholesterol is too high.” I’m like…

Wendy Myers: I hate that. They’re like, “Ooh, it’s too…” No, that’s perfect.

Maria Emmerich: Yeah.

Wendy Myers: And especially women that are menopausal. In the hunter-gatherer tribes, a normal cholesterol is 250 or 260.

Maria Emmerich: Yeah, the reason why that’s rising is because your progesterone lowers because your ovaries are no longer pushing those out. What cholesterol is doing as it’s feeding out more and more, it’s rising because it wants your ovaries to release progesterone and it’s not going to. It’s not! So that’s going to keep rising. Is it a bad thing? No, it’s not. There’s no inflammation going on, but your ovaries are never going to listen.

Wendy Myers: And I think people have to be careful. There’s a myopia in some of these testing people do with their doctors. You can’t just look at a few bio markers. You have to look at the whole picture – the diet, the lifestyle, the detoxification. High cholesterol is caused by low thyroid function, by infections in the body, gum disease. If you have infections or root canals in your mouth, you can have high cholesterol. There’s so many things that can contribute to it and you just can’t be looking to get that number under 200. There’s so many other negative side effects that can happen by taking a statin just to keep that number under 200. It just doesn’t make any sense.

Maria Emmerich: Yeah.

24:41 The most pressing health issue in the world today

Wendy Myers: So I have a question I like to ask all of my guests. What do you think is the most pressing health issue in the world today?

Maria Emmerich: I guess I have a 5-year old and a 3-year old. When I take them to places and I see what we’re starting babies off eating – I’m not talking toddlers, I’m talking babies. I’m talking about 1-year old’s. When we’re feeding them French fries and cotton candy and we’re starting them off with that, it scares me because each generation seems to get worse.

I don’t know, I guess that is my – no, because I grew up with that food. I’m not judging. I mean, I grew up eating pop tarts for breakfast and cereal for bednight snack and all of these type of stuff. I love my parents and I hate saying that because they didn’t understand. My mom said that the magazines told us that you weren’t progressive if you’re making home-made foods. You are progressive if you did the TV dinners. They really pushed that on her and on everybody.

Wendy Myers: Home cooking was old-fashioned.

Maria Emmerich: And the marketing of Crisco being, “Don’t use butter. Use Crisco…” and all of these.
I hate saying that my childhood is junk food because I love my parents and they tried their best. But knowledge is power and I feel that if people would shut off the commercials, they would get to the real answers. Commercials in magazines, all of those articles are driven to make money. You need to almost shut that stuff off – thank goodness for TiVo, you could fast-forward.

I guess that marketing is very powerful and we’ve succumbed to those messages. And I was too. I would watch a program at night and I wouldn’t even be hungry, but Pizza Hut, Pizza would come across the television and you’d be like, “Wow! I’m hungry now.”

I don’t know if that really answered your question…

Wendy Myers: No, it does. I mean, you feed your children – you have a slide on your presentation where you’re feeding your 3-year old meatloaf cupcake with guacamole icing…

Maria Emmerich: Yup.

Wendy Myers: I mean, I have to try that with my 4-year old.

Maria Emmerich: Well, I have one child that has a sweet tooth and one does not, so I can’t say that the cupcake works for everyone, but I do make treats for the sweet tooth. I just use Stevia and different things like that.
My other son – bless his heart – he loves meatloaf and I did the meatloaf cupcake with guacamole and then a cherry tomato on top. He was just like, “Oh, this is the best.”

Wendy Myers: That’s great. I wish my child ate like that. I’m working, but some kids are really picky, so it’s tough. It’s tough. But you do have a cookbook for kids, don’t you?

Maria Emmerich: Yeah. Yup, yup. They kind of feel bad. I wanted to give you the tools to try to do this and make food look cute and make treats and make cupcakes and things like that that they can enjoy and still be in that Paleo type of diet.

28:26 Maria Emmerich’s Cookbooks

Wendy Myers: Well, tell us about some of your other cookbooks. You have eight books.

Maria Emmerich: Well, actually, I have a sweets, a savory and a kids’ book that I recently combined into a very large hardcover book. They used to be soft covered and people were like, “Look at my book! I use it so much…” The hard cover is really quality.

And then I have a slow cooker book. That was inspired also by once I had a newborn basically and a toddler and trying to balance work and everything like that, I kind of got into that…
Wendy Myers: Just throw it in the pot.

Maria Emmerich: Right! That was really important. And so I just started taking pictures of the foods that we ate. I was like, “Here’s some slow cooker ideas.” I was giving them to the clients and I was like, “Oh, I need to put this into a book.”

But speaking of books, you’re familiar with Jimmy Moore of the Low Carb Cruise, this morning, we signed a contract with Victory Belt Publishing, the same book that did his Keto Clarity and Cholesterol Clarity and Practical Paleo and all those. We’re going to do a keto cookbook together, so…

Wendy Myers: Oh, fantastic! That’s great!

Maria Emmerich: I’m so excited.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, he’s the low carb man. He’s the king. That’s exciting because he just had his book Keto Clarity published – actually, tomorrow, August 5th. It’s my birthday.

Maria Emmerich: Oh, happy birthday.

Wendy Myers: Thank you. Yeah, he’s publishing his book tomorrow and I’m going to help him promote that as well. But I think it’s great. I think it’s great work, what you’re doing and what Jimmy is doing. These people’s diets are right off 50% carbohydrates. It’s way too much. people need to reduce that.

Maria Emmerich: And I mean, seriously, I love food and that’s why the whole cookbook thing was such a passion for me. It’s to give you the tools to make substitutions and be like, “You like pizza? Make it this way.” Just switch a few little things and you keep those on-hand, you’ll be so successful and yeah…

Wendy Myers: And everyone, I encourage you to go to Maria’s website. She has beautiful photographs of her food – gorgeous! I was salivating over them.

Maria Emmerich: Thank you. You should’ve seen my first few pictures.

Wendy Myers: But they’re beautiful now, so I definitely recommend if you’re looking for some amazing low carb recipes, she’s got millions of them literally on her website. And all her other cookbooks and her new book, Keto Adapted, I definitely recommend going to take a look at her site.

31:08 More about Maria Emmerich

Wendy Myers: So why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit how to find you and if you have any upcoming events? What’s going on with you right now?

Maria Emmerich: Well, you can find me on Facebook under KetoAdapted. My website – I have to think about this because I’m not a techie person at all. It’s

As far as events, I’m just working on the cookbook right now with Jimmy and working with clients. I do have classes, but I don’t have anything planned. We are moving – you know, just summer and things like that. So nothing coming out right now, but I definitely post a lot of free information on the website and on Facebook, little tips and tricks and encouragements to stay on the plan.

I do have a forum, which you can find the link on my website. That’s where a lot of people go to maybe do like a weekly check-in or weekly weight-in.

It’s not just about weight loss either. It’s about how you’re feeling, if you have joint pains or anything like that.

Wendy Myers: And you work with clients as well too?

Maria Emmerich: Yeah! Yup, that’s what I do all the time, phone consults and meal plans. That’s my main job, yup.

Wendy Myers: Well, thank you so much, Maria. Thanks for coming on the show.

Maria Emmerich: Well, thank you so much for having me.

Wendy Myers: And are you going on next year’s Low Carb Cruise do you think?

Maria Emmerich: Maybe. I’d have to bring my family. I missed them terribly this year.

Wendy Myers: I really missed my daughter a lot. That was the hardest part for me. But I had fun. It was great meeting all these amazing people on the cruise. I’m going to try to make it next year. We’ll see.

Maria Emmerich: Well, sure.

Wendy Myers: But hopefully, I’ll see you there.

Maria Emmerich: Same here, yeah. Bye, Summer wherever she is.

Wendy Myers: Oh, Winter, Winter.

Maria Emmerich: Oh, sorry. My good friend in high school was named Summer and that’s how…

Wendy Myers: No, people do that all the time. It’s really funny. No, I think she scurried off already, on to something new and exciting.

So listeners, if you want to learn all about detoxification and my version of paleo, the modern paleo diet, you can go check out my website, You can also find me on Facebook and Twitter at iwillliveto110. Thank you so much for tuning in. Please give me a review on iTunes if you liked what you heard today. Thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 Podcast.

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