Transcript #521 Do Ionic Foot Baths Really Work for Detox? with Mark Axelson and Dr. Terrence Cooper

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#521 Do Ionic Foot Baths Really Work for Detox?

with Mark Axelson and Dr. Terrence Cooper


Mark Axelson  

Negative ions have very, very positive effects on the body and the structure of water in the body. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

So many people are deficient and these ions for various reasons, we’re not grounding properly. We’re not spending time on the earth. And there’s just a lot of different ways that we’re not being grounded. And that’s part of how a foot bath works is heating your body, a lot of these negative ions…


Mark Axelson  

The human body is doing the detoxing, so it already knows what to do. It does this through urination, defecation, perspiration and respiration. We’re not changing that with the Ionize Me Maxx.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

We’re going to be talking about if ionic foot baths really work. How do they work? Exactly? And what kind of health issues can be addressed using an ionic foot bath.


Our guests today are Dr. Terrence Cooper… So after Cooper was born in Michigan in 1941, he served in the US Marine Corps for four years before spending two and a half years in Samoa as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. And he attended Sacramento Junior College in California and Brigham Young University in Utah before going to chiropractic college, and Dr. Cooper practiced chiropractic for 43 years before retiring, and he gave over 1800 ionic detox sessions in his clinic, and has personally undergone over 300 ionic detoxes and he’s now the consulting physician for Health and Med. And our other guest is Mark Axelson. He’s the founder of Health and Med and he’s a provider of products for detox and healthy living. And he founded his company in 2007. So Health and Me is a manufacturer of the ionized mean Mac series, ionic foot detox bath. And his company also provides whole body vibration machines, portable infrared saunas, nutritional supplements and other natural health products. Marc received a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering to the University of Iowa and 1992 and an MBA from Brigham Young University in 1997. And prior to founding Health and Med, Mark’s career was in marketing and sales of capital medical equipment, and Mark enjoys hiking, choir and pickleball. He’s married to his wife, Luana, and he has six daughters, two granddaughters and one grandson, and you can learn more about Mark and his products just go to And now a word from one of our sponsors. So imagine a world where we don’t actually fight cancer, we just tell our bodies to stop growing it. Sounds groundbreaking, right? Dr. Dana Flavin, who’s a world renowned cancer specialist for over 40 years warns we are swimming in toxins that are in our daily products, our food, water and air. The real danger, these toxins signal our body to grow cancer. That’s why I urge you to join Dr. Flavin and Nathan Crane, an award winning health researcher in an eye opening web class. They’ll reveal the nine key toxins that could be triggering cancer in your body, and most importantly, how to eliminate them. Don’t just fight cancer, go right to its root cause. So join me by going to now to register for this free web class. It’s so important. Again, that’s, make the change today. Mark and Dr. Cooper, thank you so much for joining the show. Glad to be here.


Dr. Terrance Cooper  

Glad to be here. Dr. Wendy, thank you for your time.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, so I want to talk to you guys about doing ionic foot baths. So first, why don’t you guys tell me a little bit about your backgrounds and how you got so into detox. So Mark, why don’t you go first? Yeah,


Mark Axelson  

sure. So I’ve always been interested in natural health products or products that help the body’s natural ability to heal itself to shine. So, back in 2007, we were looking around for good products. And I was thinking that a lot of people when they think about health and interventions they need to make people think about diet, exercise, you know, for diet they think, you know, healthy foods and nutritional supplements, hopefully, a whole food supplements and for exercise they think cardiovascular, strength training and stretching. So if somebody is doing all those things, they might think they’re doing pretty well at taking care of their health, but I beg to differ. There is one more important component, it’s detox. You know, people study so that people have a lot of, you know, styrene and xylene, and chloroform and benzene in the body. And so I wanted to get a product that would address that important component of health. So in 2007, we began importing some ionic detox systems from overseas. Then, after a few years, we started making our own, manufacturing our own machines, because our customers were finding that the overseas machines had a lot of technical issues, high failure rates, and frankly, weren’t as powerful. So we started making our Ionize Me Maxx machines several years later, those machines we make in Cedar City, Utah, USA, and we have an industry leading five year warranty on those. And we made them really strong and powerful by ionizing a lot of output voltage, lot of output current on those machines.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah. And that’s why I wanted to have you guys come on the show. Today, I wanted to talk about ionic foot baths because there’s a lot of people that have doubts if ionic foot baths work, or there’s a lot of naysayers out there. And I want to kind of, you know, really educate people about this because I love ionic foot baths. I love the Ion Maxx five that I personally use. And I think footbaths are one of the easiest ways and most effective ways to detox. So I wanted to have a clinician, come on Dr. Terrence Cooper, come on who uses foot baths a lot in his practice, and the incredible results that he’s seeing with his 1000s of patients that he sees. So tell us a little bit about your background. Dr. Cooper?


Dr. Terrance Cooper  

Thank you, Dr. Wendy. I’m a retired chiropractic doctor. I practiced for 42 years. And I had a very busy practice. And I wanted to add an adjunct to what I was doing as far as practicing with chiropractic. So I got into detoxing, and I used some machines, but I didn’t get the satisfaction that I wanted. This fire there wasn’t pulling out…the patient were still complaining, so I checked with the Health and Med and I met Mark at that time and I got his machine. I’ve done over 1800 detoxes. Very effective. I’ve treated everything from brown recluse spider bass to Lyme disease, and many other cases. And I found out that it works. But not only that, you know, some people say I use the machine, I sell it. And other people say I just sell the machine. But I’ve used the machine, I did over 300 detoxes on myself with wonderful results. I’m 82 years old, think my health is fantastic. And I owe that to detoxing. And so it’s shown me as far as, my goodness, blood pressure 126 over 62. I do feel good. And I owe that to detoxing.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, I agree. I owe my health to detoxification. And I think detox not only addresses so many of our chronic health conditions today, but it’s also incredibly anti-aging, because toxins cause so much damage to the body and oxidation and different types of oxidative stress on the body. You have to pull this crap out, in order to have a healthy functioning body. Why don’t we talk about some of the stories you have, like veterans you’ve worked with? I’ve talked to you before about this, but you’ve seen all kinds of incredible results with veterans and with other people with different health issues related to toxins. Tell us about some of your stories using the Ion Maxx foot bath.


Dr. Terrance Cooper  

Thank you, you know, and I’m the only consultant position in the world. For a consulting firm such as a Health and Med, I get a chance to talk not to a couple of people, literally hundreds. And I’m here to help people stop the problem before it starts. People call me. What do I do when I’m diabetic? What do I do, I got cancer. Now one thing I tell people, detoxing does not cure anything, absolutely cures nothing. What it does, it takes the toxins out of the body and then the body heals itself. Good example is that a lady out of Tennessee contacted me and she said that  her husband had leukemia and she had one of our machines and so we started detoxing him and she did aromatherapy also but primarily detox within a period of six months, he no longer has leukemia. We got all the blood tests to prove that. I’ve got another gentleman, since you mentioned, in the Gulf, the Gulf we had about 30 years ago, I had a veteran come from that he was totally disabled. He had I believe the saffron gas. And oh, he’s just terrible. He can’t walk. He’s in a wheelchair. And he is also totally disabled, 100%. They put him on oxycontin due to pain. And that is a derivative of heroin. But what happens is on him, he’s able to now instead of taking the chair that goes upstairs, he’s able to walk upstairs, he said, Now I can walk up stairs 20-30 times a day. And when we had the problems with the terrorists, he and another friend of his took a weapon, walked around his daughter’s school, and he just had that type of help. And due to detoxing only, nothing else. And I’ve got people who, tell you what, I help people build businesses for detoxing. And I’m able to keep them out of trouble. But also, for instance, they say, I got a lady who just contacted me earlier today. Her name is Cheryl, but she’s from Alabama and she said Dr. Cooper, I’m 64 years old, I got a metal rod within my foot. Can I detox with that? Some other people told me I can’t. And I told her Yes, you certainly can. It’s not going to affect that anyway. And I’ve got other people say I’m having heart issues. Can I use it? I’ve got a pacemaker, can I use it? And I always say that I check with their cardiologist first. I checked one cardiologist, the old pacemaker used to have the wires that went from the little unit to the heart inside. And this one cardiologist said hey, this is the finest piece of equipment out there, your product’s not going to affect this at all. Another thing that I have worked with over the years and that is I had one lady who said Dr.Cooper, I’ve had massive headaches. I’ve had MRIs, CAT scans, nothing’s wrong. But she said I started detoxing. And within three days my headaches were totally gone. What happened? I told her I don’t know. I have no idea. But all I do know is that it works. And another thing that is so helpful is that I can help people. I’m sure you know about it. Dr. Wendy and that is a castor oil pack. First, what’s a Castor Oil pack? If you take a piece of materials, cotton, six by six folded over, now you have three by six, saturate it with but nice where it’s moist, put it on the right angle of the liver, and then take our belt, the infrared belt and plug that into the machine. And as one of the medical doctors told me, he said it opens up your blood vessels by 25%, works miracles. And you can detox that liver or you put it around the kidney or you can detox that. Because once you plug that into the machine, the machine is going to pull directly from the area that you put it in. I got people wrap it around their thighs, around their hips, you just don’t want to wrap it around your higher… Of course, you don’t want to wrap it around your head. It would swell in that and some people are big headed anyway. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah. But I love that, I love that feature that you have this infrared belt that will help, I’ve never seen that with the other foot bath companies. And that you can take that infrared technology and those infrared frequencies essentially, and really maximize the time that you’re detoxing, especially if you know giving your liver some support to help it with its job of detoxification, it’s really ingenious. And I really think that your foot bath is a lot stronger than other foot baths out there. Because it’s really important to think about power and voltage when you’re using foot baths, because people have to do on average about 400 hours of foot baths on average. So they have to do quite a few of these. And if you buy a model on Amazon or like a cheaper one or you’re shopping by price or what have you, you can get a machine that you might have to do 2000 hours on. And most people, they’re not going to do that. They’re just not strong enough to really get the effects that you’re looking for. Can you talk a little bit about that mark?


Mark Axelson  

Yes, actually, to perform electrolysis of water or splitting up water into pieces. You really need at least a voltage of 13.6 volts to accomplish that, but it should be much higher than that. Otherwise it’s just going to go back and forth. It’s clean water in its pieces. So you’ll want your ionic detox machine to have plenty of output voltage, probably at least 15 volts, in order to function to actually do its job of detoxing. Our machines, we made sure we had plenty of output power. And they have 18 to 20 volts of output. And one of the machines also has five amps of output. So the IonizeMe Maxx, is already the most powerful machine in the industry at producing ions, and we double that with the Maxx five. So with a Maxx five, you could actually perhaps, do 15 minute treatments instead of 30 minute treatments and get pretty much the same type of results. So the more ions that are entering the tub means the more ions entering the body through the pores of the feet, and then the more ions circulating throughout the body.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, let’s talk about how that works. Like how does the foot bath work exactly? Because I think that’s what a lot of people’s kind of skepticism is, they think that all the toxins are coming out in the water… And how does that happen? Like what’s exactly going on there with how it works?


Mark Axelson  

Okay, so you put your feet in a tub of water, and in the water is an ionizing array that’s attached to the Ionize Me Maxx machine. The machine is producing, safely, a direct current in the water, this direct current is actually enough to split the water up into all the different pieces that water can be turned into. So you have positive ions being produced and negative ions being produced. So when these ions enter the body through the 1000s of pores in the feet, circulate through the circulatory lymphatic systems, one thing that occurs is they can attach to oppositely charged toxins in the body. So negatively charged ions are able to neutralize positively charged toxins, such as free radicals, and heavy metals. And the positive ions may be able to neutralize other toxins such as Roundup, or biotoxins. But what is important to say is not everything that’s happening. A lot of people don’t realize that ionic detox is actually changing the structure of water in the body, it’s actually through the negative ions being produced, it is aiding the body with producing more structured water, or otherwise known as exclusion zone water, which allows the cells themselves to be negatively charged. And so research is showing that in human bodies, where there is more exclusion zone, or more structured water in the body, those bodies are functioning better. And when there’s less structured water in the body, those are indicating the sicker bodies that are not functioning very well. So a lot of this has to do with the power of ions. And in this case, negative ions have very, very positive effects on the body and the structure of water in the body. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yes, and I think that’s so important to use a device like this to increase the amount of negative ions that you’re taking into your body. Because so many people are deficient in these ions for various reasons. We’re not grounding properly, we’re not spending time on the earth. And there’s just a lot of different ways that we are, we’re not being grounded. And that’s part of how this works is how a footbath works is feeding your body, a lot of these negative ions, your body’s grounded better, it works better, and there’s many many other benefits to like feeding your body these negative ions.


Dr. Terrance Cooper  

Dr. Wendy, can I just mention maybe it’s made it a little bit easier for people to understand. A lot of people don’t know what free radicals are. But in 2003 the Nobel Prize winners were two medical doctors, chemists, and they found out that there were cells in the body that were clumping. And when they were clumping together, nutrients could not get in and toxins could not get out. And they found out that a negative ion would open up those cells releasing toxins. And so people say well, what’s body detoxing? What’s the reason for it? First of all, if the body is clumping together, the cells are not functioning, you can’t get rid of toxins, what happens, your immune system goes down, you begin to have problems with diseases, we have a lot of obesity. We have diabetes, mellitus, cancer. There has to be causes for everything. And so what we’re doing with this machine is just putting out negative ions, they go through the feet, through the pores up the circulatory system, as Mark said, and they open up these cells and pull the toxins back out. Now, Mark and I have talked about this, and that is, a lot of people say, Well, what happens if I just put my, if I don’t put my feet in the water? And I’m going to get brown water anyway? Yes, you will. And that’s due to ionization, that’s due to the metal, that’s due to the salt or chemicals that are in the water. But in all cases, you know, the powerfulness that we have with our machines, you will notice there’s a scum that comes up. And there’s those bubbles called hydrogen. That is what’s being pulled out of the body. And I’ve demonstrated that on the newsletter that I put out to people. But have you noticed Dr. Wendy, how heavy your machine is? Yes. It’s the reason why we build the transformers. And it’s the only machine in the world that has Transformers. So we’ll have the necessary power and Mark’s research that they’ve done, they come up with being able to have enough power to pull the toxins out of the body, not just to put a little scum there, but really pull the toxins out of the body. And you will notice when you use your machine, you can feel the pulling power can’t ya?


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, absolutely.


Dr. Terrance Cooper

  Also, there’s an odor there also that can be terrible, but it’s what’s coming out of our bodies. Now  hopefully that was a little bit easier. And I’d like to mention that people can call me anytime that they want to, there’s no charge. But I’m here to keep people from getting in trouble. I just had different people contact me probably six, seven called the past couple days, people what about this situation I got? I’ve got this young child, what should I do with this? And I can let them know. So they’re not going to get themselves in trouble or create a problem for anyone else.


Mark Axelson  

I would like to mention one thing that’s important here, and that I’d like to make the qualification that the Ionize Me Maxx is not yet an FDA approved medical device. So we are working on that, we actually have some studies underway that hopefully, if things go well, this can be approved as an FDA medical device, but at this time, we cannot say that it is used for treating or curing any disease. However, we can, in fact Dr. Cooper and we talk to people every day that experience amazing things and I will say this, the human body is doing the detoxing. Okay, so it already knows what to do. It does this through urination, defecation, perspiration and respiration. We’re not changing that with the Ionize Me Maxx. But what we are doing is we’re sort of lightening the load on the body so that it can more efficiently process the toxins through the use of the negative ions.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yes, yeah, you’re just removing the roadblocks to the body’s proper functioning. That’s all you’re doing and most detox products and supplements are not FDA approved. So that doesn’t really matter at all, but we just are looking for results and foot baths absolutely do work. And I just recommend them to so many, all of my clients, I recommend foot baths to all of my clients and I was really really impressed with the performance of your device, the Ion Max and so you have a couple of different versions of them. You have the Ion Max, and they have the Ion Max five. Can you explain the difference a little bit there? 


Mark Axelson  

Sure. So the Ionize Me Maxx is our most popular model. And that one already is the most powerful in the industry at ionizing and producing massive amounts of ions. We also have one that is called Ionize Me Maxx dual, and that one is kind of like two maxx’s in one. It’s like two machines in one machine, in case you want to detox two people at the same time. This is often very useful in practices where they want to have two people in the room like a husband wife, detox or at home if you just want to both detox at the same time, could be a date night. I don’t know. Sometimes people are watching a movie together and detoxing together. So a dual can be used for that. And then the Maxx five is just this pretty much the same thing, except it’s just doubling the amount of output amps. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

You guys listening to this show, I know that you’re worried about the level of toxins you have in your body, you’re worried about your toxic body burden, and what it’s doing to your health and to your brain, etc. So I created a quiz that you can check out at just a couple of seconds. And after you take the quiz you get your results and our free video series on everything related to detoxification. I answer a lot of your frequently asked questions about detox, you get a great video series totally free. Answering a lot of your questions. So check it out, take it at


Dr. Terrance Cooper  

Mark, can you tell them what we’ve been doing with the Veterans Administration?


Mark Axelson  

Currently Dr. Duncan, William Duncan, PhD, a big researcher in the field of detoxification. He has a lot of experience with helping disabled veterans. He’s using the ionic detox machines in hospitals, VA hospitals to help a lot of veterans who’ve been exposed while serving in the military, he tells stories about those who were exposed by chemicals in Vietnam, and all the amazing results that those veterans have been experiencing with our machines. And he is currently conducting research in Oklahoma as well. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He’s working with the fire department there to help all the firemen in Oklahoma City to get detox as well.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Oh my gosh, they get exposed to so many toxins with the burning paints and the chemicals in the garages and that’s just horrible. That’s just wonderful that you’re working with the firemen to help detox them.


Mark Axelson  

We’re excited to find the results from those studies. Yes, yes.


Dr. Terrance Cooper  

Dr. Wendy, can I mention a few things about the animals we’ve been treating?


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yes. Why not?


Dr. Terrance Cooper  

This was brought to my attention. I had a lady with a small schnauzer. And she had told me that he had not been feeling well, had been just moping around and just gone to the vet and couldn’t find anything wrong with him. So I told her to detox him, within three days, just marvelous was running around. And with no problem. I got a picture then and I got another lady with a larger dog. And the dog had pancreatitis. There were scabs on his body. And they’re very wealthy and the vet drove all the way from the city all the way up the mountains to Colorado and took care of their dog. And,  what she did is she asked me about it and I said, let’s detox him. And so she went on Amazon, got one of the little harnesses that you put their feet in, and she detoxed the dog twice. And when the vet came up there, the dog jumped up out of his little pen, ran out…. vet couldn’t believe it was the same dog. And we had a German shepherd that had been bitten by a rattlesnake. And the Doc had given it antibiotics. And the owner came to me and he said, All he does is mope around. He’s not feeling good, we detoxed him. First of all, he started out where he just sat down with his paws, pretty soon he laid down, he put his front paws in there, didn’t move around. And the following day, he was running around, just like he was just feeling wonderful. We couldn’t believe it. So a lot of people just don’t realize that the human body works a lot like the animals. And they got toxins anyway, from different things. And so if we can detox animals, we’re going to find out we’re going to get the same excellent results that we get through humans.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

 Yeah, I think that’s so important because everyone, they love their pets and it’s really sad when you look at the statistics that it’s something like 1 in 1.6 animals are getting cancer, like almost half of animals are getting cancers right now. And because you know, they’re walking around on the grass where they spray the glyphosate and animals have a big toxin problem that you know, would be great to address in an ion that’s a footbath.


Dr. Terrance Cooper  

Well, I have one lady now that’s in Missouri. She’s with the detoxing program, the people there detox the humans, but now she’s got one whole section where she’s detoxing dogs. And she’s now experimenting with cats with excellent results. She said be surprised that people just don’t realize their dog just doesn’t feel good. When they do a detox, a couple of detox, it just seems to pick them up and give them a new life and where they’re a lot more friendly. They just run around, they feel good. Just like humans do. You know, like I mentioned, I’ve done over 300, detoxed myself, 82 years old. And I have to owe it to detox. And as for yourself, Dr. Wendy, you’ve had so many of them. And the only thing different between you and me is you’re so much more beautiful than I am.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Thank you. Well, I’ve done 200 foot baths, I’ve done 200 hours rather of foot baths. And will continue to be doing them. And I’ve done years and years of infrared sauna, lots of detoxification over the last well over 15 years now. And so it definitely pays to detox and doing foot baths is a big part of what I do on a regular basis to you know, improve my health and anti aging and get rid of all the chemicals, not only what you’ve accumulated over decades, but what you’re continuing to be exposed to every single day. And one thing I wanted to touch on was the different colors of the water. And Dr. Cooper, you’d sent me a newsletter that showed all the different foot baths of these different people. And it was honestly, you know, a little bit nauseating, because I think of all these toxic chemicals that are coming out in the water, and they have different colors, like different toxins have different colors. And reminds me one time when I went to… I hadn’t done a footbath in a little while. And well rather I had done a series of foot baths and been doing it very regularly. And I went to Los Angeles for a month. And when I came back and I did another foot bath, the water was black. After being in Los Angeles for a month and prior to leaving the Los Angeles the foot bath was kind of like, you know, like a light brown it looked very fairly clean. I’d been doing them for a, you know, regular basis. But yeah, there’s just I couldn’t believe that the water was black. Right after coming back from Los Angeles.


Dr. Terrance Cooper  

Dr. Wendy, I think you hit it right on the nose. A lot of people want to associate colors. This is what comes out of the liver. This is what comes out of there. So now, what comes out is what’s within your body the toxins. Because out of one individual, I got one individual who had been on a strict diet. And all of a sudden what came out of her was a certain kind of brownish, yellowish color. But I had another man that had 600 acres of alfalfa and he sprayed alfalfa with Roundup. Now when he came to me he had sores all over his face, in his hands. and they were just oosing and I told him that what had happened is the Roundup was creating cancer. And when we did start detoxing him I’ve never seen it be it was just like a black syrup that came out of him due to the roundup and what it was doing to his body. And by the way, he lived on all this great food, but I told him you need to get a machine. But he was saying no, I’m going to trust what the medical doctors say, I know this, I feel a bit better, but I’m going to try continuing their medication, he died a terrible, terrible death, the things fell apart and all these just do cancer just from using the roundup. So the thing is, if people want to detox, they’re going to see certain things come out. A lot of people say well, this one comes out of the liver. I found that to be erroneous. And Mark and I chatted about that, but it’s what you’ve been eating within your body. And I’ve got colors of beautiful gold, I’ve got blue. I have no idea what people were eating, except for one thing. Every one of them stated they felt tremendously much better once they were detoxed.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, I can only imagine and what are some of the symptoms that people were reporting before detox and that they reported was relieved after using the foot baths?


Dr. Terrance Cooper  

Well, I got many but let me tell you, I had a lady in Tempe Arizona. She said to Dr. Cooper, I had the most wonderful gift. I can memorize numbers, give me a phone number, and never forget it. Give me a list number, I could add them up. When I went through menopause, she said I lost that gift. And it was very difficult. She said it was a tremendous gift. But she said once I got your detox machine that evening at eight o’clock, I went ahead detoxed and then in the evening when I slept she said all I dreamed about was numbers, the next morning my gift was back. I could memorize again. I had a guy who came to me, did the radio, the same thing. He said Doctor, I can’t even, I can’t even give the sports, I can’t even do the news. I just can’t even think but he did a detox. After he said, what happened? He said, my mind is just as clear as ever. I don’t know. But the body knows what it needs to get rid of. And so that’s why like us, if you’ve got a problem where you know that you’ve got a liver problem, sclerosis liver or anything like that, heavy drinkers, then go ahead and use that infrared belt to help that liver so you can detox it all the more. But a colleague of mine said he went to Canada and at a detox seminar and the presenter said, whatever is most critical within the body, is what the body is going to release. Now, I had a lady that called, she said she wanted a machine, she said, Dr. Cooper, I got stage four cancer, breast cancer. And I said, you know, if you got stage four, I don’t know if…if the Lord wants to call you home, you’re going to go home. But she said, I know that but she said I must, I’d like to have some relief. And she did have relief. She eventually died. But she said I’d heard from her, she said thank you for the relief. It was marvelous. And so that’s what we have to offer. And you know, the medical doctors can’t explain except that they don’t like it. And I had one doctor that I do know, but he says it’s fantastic. He said, I feel better now than I felt with ever taken any drug in my life. By detoxing.


Mark Axelson  

We have found that some of the symptoms are being relieved after a series of treatments, maybe it takes several treatments, maybe up to a month to start seeing a difference. But sometimes it happens right away. And when does that happen? It happens when, it happens quite a bit. When the symptom has to do with the leg or the feet. So we’re finding that if somebody has swelling in the leg, they can actually notice in only one treatment, a decrease in swelling in the leg, or if they have pain of some kind in the foot. After the treatment, they start walking around and they say well, after one treatment, I have less pain in my foot. So it’s kind of interesting. And I think we should also mention that there is something known as ionic hand detoxification as well. The first year, the very first time when I was selling the ionic detox systems, I encountered a brother and sister that had chronic sweating of the hands, their entire lives, they were middle aged. And after some treatments with Ionic detox, that completely went away, and it changed their lives. And in that case, they put their hands in the water instead of the feet. Interesting.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, I hadn’t really thought of that before, but it makes perfect sense. I mean, yeah, yeah, a lot of pores in your feet, and nerve endings and things like that. So you know, naturally you put your feet in the water, but you can do your hands too, especially if you have any kind of pain or arthritis or anything of that nature in the hand region.


Dr. Terrance Cooper  

Well also Dr. Wendy, the hands got the pores just like the feet do. But whatever is closer to that area of the hands. I mean, if the feet… I had one lady that had rashes all over arms and sores. Well, we’re not going to do the feet because the problem is right at the hand so we exactly did it within that area. I had a 51 year old man come to me and he said, Dr. Cooper, he’s a good friend of mine, he said, Doc, I’ve had this stink smell. And I’ve had it for 15 years, he said I can’t be around people. And he said I can’t hold the urine and I’ve been on all this stuff and nothing helps me he said but I was working at the school for children and teaching them and the kindergarten kids they come up to they say teacher you stink. And so I had to tell them to put this imaginary line, you can’t cross the circle. I’ll talk to you. But he said I hadn’t dated. Nobody couldn’t date anybody. It’s just the smell. I’ve checked with doctors. They couldn’t find out what it was. So I started detoxing him, 100% cured and he also found a sweet little gal and they got married. But he said I don’t have to worry about it anymore. And the urination problems are taken care of also. So something builds up within the body now we need to release it, how aren’t you going to release it? The body does not have the ability due to what? The cells are clumping, the system is not functioning, the liver is not functioning the way it should. So all we’re doing is we’re pulling them out through the feet or through the hands to help that body so it can heal itself. And that’s what a lot of people… and people don’t realize that you have toxins over a long period of time. Like for instance, I remember it. Like six, seven years ago in Salt Lake City. They said there were toxins in vegetables. So they went to the different stores and they found toxins on every, pesticides in every store that had vegetables that were not, were not growing at home, they found it was there. So people have to be careful on what they buy and how to get rid of the toxins, but they are in your body. How are you going to pull them out? You’re going to pull them out through detoxing.


Mark Axelson  

It’s interesting how you mentioned the smells coming out of people. And also in the actual detox session, you can smell, there’s a difference in the smell as well. I recently was speaking to a customer who had quit smoking several months earlier. But when undergoing Ionic detox, there was a smoky smell in the foot tub. So what’s going on here? The smell of the toxins is also exiting the body.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, I mean, I can only imagine the amount of toxin levels in smokers. And no matter what, I do testing on smokers, and no matter what time they quit in their life, or they even smoke for a year, they still have high levels of toxins in their body. And cadmium is one of the main toxins. And cadmium is more carcinogenic than all of the other heavy metals combined. And that’s why smokers get cancer. So anyone if you’ve ever smoked, you have got to do some detoxification, it’s imperative. And I just say that because my own father died from esophageal cancer, which pretty much only smokers get. And so I’ve done a lot of research on this and you’ve got to, you’ve got to detox if you’ve smoked, even for just a year, at any point in your life, but really anyone it doesn’t matter who you are, no matter what measures you take to remove toxins in your environment, in your diet, in your beauty products, your cleaning products, etc. You still are going to accumulate and be exposed to hundreds of chemicals per day. And heavy metals, even organic food has heavy metals, it might be pesticide free. Still 7% of organic has pesticide residues, but it still can have heavy metals, even supplements. So no one is exempt. Everybody has to detox their body if they really truly want to experience a level of health that their body is capable of. And for me using ionic foot baths has been a really key component of my strategy for good health and longevity and will continue to be and you know a lot of people are,, kind of are curious about how the ionic foot baths work.  Well it’s not just toxins going into the foot bath water, you also have an increased output of, you know, toxins in the bloodstream, exiting through the urine and then stool for days after you do a foot bath. So it’s not just the initial toxins coming out into the water. You also just increase detoxification a few days after doing one.


Mark Axelson  

I like to think of the water as more of a symptom of what’s going on rather than the entire detox. Because the detox as we mentioned is happening through the body’s normal processes. Only a small amount of toxins that are exiting the body would be exiting through the feet into the tub. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Would you recommend taking any kind of binders, or anything of that nature to kind of, you know, catch all these toxins that are being mobilized by the foot bath?


Dr. Terrance Cooper  

I don’t. Some of them take, they say they wanted to take charcoal, things such as this. No I don’t because the experiences I’ve had is that you will pull the toxins. I’ve just thought of a lady who worked in the oil field for 20 years and she wasn’t feeling good. So I detoxed her one time, two time, three nothing hardly came out of her. And she sarcastically said is it really going to work?  And I said give it a chance. The fifth time… you should have seen what came out of her. It was a horrible black But it was gooey. And that intercellular, she’d been 20 years this what’s going on within her body. And another thing I’m reminded of, when my wife and I first moved to an area, instead of the neighbors visiting us. We went around to visit them, one of the house we called on as the lady came through the door. Her name was Rosemary, and she introduced her husband, Bobby was in a wheelchair without socks on. See when I see that I think that we’ve got a problem with gout. So I asked him if he had gout. And he said, Yes, he said, I’m in a wheelchair within two or three months, the way where I can walk, but it keeps on coming back at different times. So I told him, I said, Well, I was a chiropractor. And I said, I’ve got something that could help you and sarcastically, “what are you going to do, adjust me?” I told him no, I got this machine. And so I did let him borrow the machine. I showed him how to do it. And we belonged to the same church. But that was on a Monday. On the following Sunday, he was using a walker. And I told him to continue to detox it daily. The following week, it came with a cane, the third week he was walking normal, it works. And the thing we need to do, we need to get what is causing the problem within our bodies. We can’t say we’re going to use this method or going to take this drug or that drug, no, let’s let the body cleanse itself. And to do that, you’ve got to be able to detox and you’ve got to have a powerful enough machine that’s going to pull the toxins out. I’m not cutting anybody down. But the Chinese, their’s just nothing there. There’s just no pull. But when you start pulling toxins out of the body, you’re gonna see the residue, as I’ve showed you pictures of, they’re terrible. They look terrible. That’s exactly what the machine is pulling out. And the people like I had one day, she said, I feel 20 years younger, what is going on? I said, the body has just been able to function because we’re pulling the toxins that are causing the problems of tiredness, where you got brain fog, all these things would be pulled away as you start getting rid of what’s causing the problem.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Absolutely. I can always say for myself, I felt like my brain function is so much better even than it was in my 20s. I had a bunch of mercury fillings removed about five or six at the same time when I was 21. And I would just, I spent my 20s just in a fog and depression, and really couldn’t genuinely smile and really was not the best way to spend your 20s. And today, I feel like after so many years of detoxification using the ion Maxx with that. I just have so much better brain functioning and cognitive power. And my memory works great. And I just am so so thankful for you know what I enjoy today, the health that I enjoy today. And yeah, so are there any questions that we haven’t answered?


Mark Axelson  

I thought of one Dr. Wendy. Yeah, you were talking about binders. And whether they should be used. And it made me think of the idea that it is possible in some rare cases to have too much detox. Too much ionic detox is possible if somebody is very sick, and I thought we could have Dr. Cooper speak on that topic a little bit. 


Dr. Terrance Cooper  

Well, you know, I’ve had a lot of people who have, I think I mentioned last time I chatted with you, Dr. Wendy. I had a lady call me. She said I’ve done the detox and I’m dying. I’m absolutely so sick. So I didn’t get worried about it because I’ve done this enough to know it works. I said, Okay, explain to me what you have done. And she said, Well, I did two detoxes today. And then I have an infrared unit in my home. My detox just pulled far too much out of the body. And so what I did is I said take four days off then on your fifth day redetox and explain to me how you’re feeling and she did. And she said I feel wonderful and a lot of time people say when I start detox. I’m getting a little nauseated. What’s the problem? I usually think of hyperglycemia, so I say grab yourself a bite to eat. But one thing we found a lot of people, the older people have been on drugs in the past. They’ve they’ve used marijuana and all these other and think, Oh, Dr. Wendy I sent you pictures of people who were on heavy drugs. People have got to know exactly what is within their bodies. Some of the most gross pictures of goo that come out of people have been those who have desire heavily drugged in the past. And if they detox, it will pull them out. But I’m available for people to ask me a question, and they’re welcome to call me and I will be there. There’s no charge, but I’ll let you know. So you don’t go overboard. Because if I know a person’s in acute condition, I may say go three days straight, but I got to know how they’re feeling first, again, know what their problem is. What’s the weight, their height? And so if I can do that then we can save everybody a lot of problems, but they will get the results that they want. Because it works.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yes, yeah. And that, you know, you mentioned that so many people are taking medications on Poly pharma, my father was on 10 medications before he passed from his cancer treatments for esophageal cancer. And, you know, I mean, most of us know, have a loved one on five or more medications. And people don’t realize these are things that the liver has to break down, the body has to break down and metabolize. And with 100 million people in the US alone that have non alcoholic fatty liver disease, our livers are not working very well to detox the body. A lot of people are really behind the eight ball, when it comes to their body’s ability to detox. And they need help. And that’s why I want to talk to you to talk a little bit more about the infrared belts that you created that you can use along with the foot baths. So tell us exactly how that works.


Mark Axelson  

The infrared belt is also a detoxifying therapy, as well as ionic detox. So since both of them are detoxifying, they do have a synergistic effect when they’re used together. Infrared has a lot of research behind it, a lot of the research is coming out of Japan. But basically, when you heat them, when you provide the body with a deep penetration of heat, then you have pain relief effects, you have better circulation, and you have a variety of health benefits. So since we’re there, the people are already sitting there getting detox, why not give them a second great therapy. And so that’s why we added the infrared function.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, and it’s super easy to use, you just kind of put it on, turn it on and then do your foot bath in, you can use it alone as well have, you probably use it to improve a castor oil pack absorption, there’s a lot of different uses for


Dr. Terrance Cooper  

that that is correct, because you don’t need to, you don’t need to be detoxing at the same time, you can turn the machine off your low back is sore, maybe to him from a inflammation of the of the lower back the paraspinal muscles, what happens is when you put that bell down, it’s going to warm that infrared, infrared is going to warm that area and help that healing process to you can use on on other areas of the backer across the shoulders. And you don’t have to be detoxing. But once you plug it in, and wherever you put it, you’re going to be pulling those toxins from that area, wherever you put it across the liver. And most people say marvelous, they just tell me tremendous success that they’re having, especially when you start cleansing the liver using the infrared belt.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yes, yes. And so if you guys want to get your own foot bath, or your infrared belt, go to, and you can learn all about the ionic foot bath, the ion maxx and the ion Maxx five, which is kind of like that’s the kind of the the cheaper model and the more expensive, more powerful model. It just, you know, costs more to make those. So you guys can like I said, Go to So Mark and Dr. Cooper, do you guys have anything else that you want that we left out


Mark Axelson  

one other thing that I think your listeners would like to hear about, I don’t know how many of your listeners are health practitioners or health business owners. But we have solutions for those listeners too because we have actually created an additional income guide for health practitioners to help them know how to either add ionic detox to their existing business, or to start a new business just doing that. Doc Cooper has more experience than anyone I know at operating an ionic detox business. And so we have not only the guide that he and the company have created, but we also have consultations from Doc Cooper from his experience to help you practitioners to get going with Ionic detox.


Dr. Terrance Cooper  

I love this work. It works. And it feels good at 82 to feel good. And I fled to detoxing but thank you for your kindness is of letting us talk to your people and they’re in good hands when they’re with Wendy.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yes, yeah. Thank you. Yeah, and I think it’s really really important to talk about the the practitioners because there’s a lot of practitioners and doctors that listen to this podcast. And you know it, it takes time to learn how to detox people with a supplementation and just, you know, the dino testing that you can do and the complexities of that. But it’s very easy to, you know, to recommend doing ionic foot bath to patients, and it’s very simple thing for them to do for the patients to come in or the clients to come in. And you can have these available add, you know, your massage facilities at doctor’s offices that, you know, just any type of clinical setting or inpatient setting, you can offer detox foot baths, I think that’s a really, really important way to expose your patient to detox and also, you know, eliminate their symptoms and things that are related to, to toxins and heavy metals and chemicals that all everyone has, that are inevitably contributing to their symptoms. Not


Mark Axelson  

only that, but if you’re practitioners, like to enjoy having a captive audience, I mean, they’re, they’re already sitting there for 30 minutes getting detox, so why not present them with whatever you want to present them with having to do with their health? Yes, fantastic. It’s another benefit of ionic detox for the business owners. But again, yeah, we have the step by step guide to help the practitioners.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Okay, great. Like I said before, if you want to get your own ion Max foot bath, go to And yeah, and you can see the full bath that I’m using, and then I’m recommending to my patients, and so can’t recommend them highly enough. And I like the foot baths because they’re very easy to use. I use them when I’m working. You can use them when you’re watching TV. They don’t take extra time out of your day. It’s not something another thing that you have to fit in. You can do it while you’re doing other things. And there’s a lot of people that they need to detox, but they’re not saying they’re not able to use an infrared sauna, which is another option for detoxification. You know, children can’t use saunas, very elderly people can’t use saunas. There’s a lot of people that are heat intolerant, or have different contraindications. But almost everyone can use an ionic bath and like you said, Dr. Cooper, there’s you’ve had, I mean, almost no patients really, that can’t use them. Correct.


Dr. Terrance Cooper  

If the woman’s breastfeeding , if she is pregnant  if you have any, if you have any large open wounds, and I always say contact mica, they want to know about the wound. But if they have a pacemaker contact their cardiologist first. Or if they’re on psychiatric drugs of schizophrenia, anything like that? No, because they will pull them out of the system. And then they can have an episode. Okay. Okay. Well, good to know. That’s great. So


Mark Axelson  

children can use them in many cases. If they’re if they’re above a certain age they can if they’re not going to be, you know, a problem. If they’re too, too young, no good. But for most, what we say age five or six is a good age to start a man.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, well, Mark, Dr. Cooper, thanks so much for joining us on The Myers detox podcast on my it’s going dark over here. I find I’m losing the light. But thanks so much for joining the show. And I love doing shows like this for simple, easy, super effective things that you can do for detoxification. I think that everyone should have an ion Maxx foot back in their home to use for detoxification because it’s what are the most effective things that you can do to pull out all this garbage that you’ve been accumulating for decades, that will and can cause health issues down the road? I just talked to 100 experts on my new heavy Docu series about how toxins cause obesity, diabetes, how they cause, you know, dementia, brain fog, digestive issues. I mean, you name it. There is a toxin that causes every imaginable health symptom and diagnoses and you’ve got to remove these toxins so the body can function normally. It’s just amazing. The research that is out there shows that toxins interfere in our hormones and our sex stress and thyroid hormones and just every different organ system in the body. It’s just shocking. And so that’s why I do the work that I do. And I just thank you for creating tools like this that are so effective. So everyone thanks for tuning into the Myers Detox Podcasts. I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. And I’m bringing you experts from around the world that teach you how to upgrade your health. You know pulling out toxins so that you can enjoy the health that you deserve as you deserve to feel Well Bye!, thanks for tuning in. Thank you doctor.


Mark Axelson  

Thank you Doctor Wendy and Health and Med and Doc Cooper, we stand ready to detox America two feet at a time.


Dr. Terrance Cooper  

All I say is Amen.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

And I interviewed Dr. Terrence Cooper also on my heavy Docuseries, which is coming out in February of 2024. You can opt in for this totally free event at And I interviewed over 100 experts on this series, talking about how toxins cause our chronic health conditions today, how toxins are contributing to the obesity epidemic resistant weight loss, how they interfere in our sex stress and thyroid hormones, how they, you know, interfere in our mitochondrial functioning, causing fatigue and chronic fatigue, how they affect our brain health, our cognition and brain performance and even contributing to dementia. We talked about diabetes, how the number one cause of diabetes is actually toxins. And we talked about how toxins interfere in digestion, how they cause aging, and just all those different mechanisms and then this solution so how to detox one of the best ways to detox what works what doesn’t, so lots of really life saving information in this series, go check it out, sign up for free at



The Myers detox podcast is created and hosted by Wendy Myers. This podcast is for information purposes only statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast including Wendy Myers and the producers disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein opinions of guests are their own and this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have direct or indirect financial interest and products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem consult a licensed physician.


Two of the IonizeMe products featured on today’s episode:


IonizeMe Maxx 5 – The Most Powerful 5A / 20V Made in USA Ionic Detox Footbath System with Doctor Consult


  • Incredible 5 Amp and 20V Output

  • Made in the USA by HEALTHandMED with Full 5 Year Warranty

  • Personalized Health Consultation (For You and Your Family) With Ionic Detox Expert Dr. Cooper Included.

  • Optional Far Infrared Belt with High/Low setting for Better Detoxification

  • Water-Safe



IonizeMe Maxx – Powerful 20V Made in USA Ionic Detox Foot Bath System with Doctor Consult

  • Powerful 20 Volt and 2.5 Amp Output and LED Display

  • Made in the USA by HEALTHandMED with Full 5 Year Warranty

  • Personalized Health Consultation (For You and Your Family) with Ionic Detox Expert Dr. Cooper Included

  • Water-Safe

  • Far Infrared Belt and Carrying Case Optional

Check out for the full range of ionic foot baths available.


Every Day, We Are Exposed To Heavy Metals

Heavy metals like lead, arsenic, mercury, and aluminum never went away. They are still present in home building materials, furniture, food, beverages, and more.
Finding ways to reduce exposure to these heavy metals (and many more) is incredibly important. To do that effectively, people first need to know which heavy metals they are being exposed to — if any.

This quiz was designed to evaluate individual risk factors for heavy metal exposure, and to gauge whether getting tested for heavy metals is recommended or not. Believe it or not, there are simple at home tests people can take if they are being exposed — this quiz will determine if it’s worth it to take one.


Uncover the Toxins That Are At The Root Of  Obesity, Diabetes, Fatigue, Chronic Illness, Hormone Havoc, & Premature Aging 

About the Guests:

Mark Axelson 

Mark Axelson, owner and founder of, wanted to provide products to customers that would help them live healthier, happier, and longer lives with the added courtesy of customer service that they deserve and pricing that everyone can afford. relocated to Cedar City, Utah in 2009 to take advantage of the beautiful, mountainous environment and healthier lifestyle that Utah has to offer.

Dr. Terrance Cooper D.C. - Consulting Physician - Your Ionic Detox | LinkedIn

Dr. Cooper

Meet your ionic detox expert. Dr. Terrance M. Cooper has been a chiropractor for 43 years. He graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa in 1970.

Dr. Cooper has given over 1800 ionic detox sessions and has seen phenomenal results with many different health issues.

He believes optimum health is maintained by regular ionic detoxing.  


About the Host:

Dr. Wendy Myers, ND, FDN-P, NC, CHHC is a best-selling author, podcast host, and expert in detoxification, specializing in the adverse effects of heavy metal exposure. Wendy founded Myers Detox to share her research and support people in restoring wellness with natural detox solutions.

Myers Detox Podcast | Podcast on Spotify

The Myers Detox Podcast was created and hosted by Dr. Wendy Myers. This podcast is for information purposes only. Statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast including Wendy Myers and the producers disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained here-in. Opinions of guests are their own and this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to here-in. If you think you have a medical problem consult a licensed physician.

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