Transcript #544 How to Conquer Stress: The Root of All Disease with Jibin Chi

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#544 How to Conquer Stress: The Root of All Disease 

with Jibin Chi



Jibin Chi

A seed doesn’t guarantee you have the fruit you have to cultivate. So that’s why I see what I do. In addition to that, to teach people how to cultivate the way of living, to understand your mind, body, understand the energy, how it works by applying those things together, you have a combination. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

Hello, I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Myers Detox Podcast. Today, we have my colleague Chi on the show. He has a really fascinating concept about the nature of disease that he reveals today. He talks about how he doesn’t care about the label or the diagnosis people have because it’s all caused by stress. By doing some very simple things to return the body back to our factory settings, reducing various stressors in the body, and correctly transferring energy in the body, you can dramatically reduce stress and reverse any disease state. It doesn’t matter what the label is. In his professional career, he has worked in preventive medicine, pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals, tissue engineering, medical devices, and biotech industries across Australia, China, Japan, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, the U.S., and Sweden, where he currently lives. Today, he pioneers the QI system. It’s the Cautious Health Initiative concept, encompassing Qi living, Qi healing, and Qi awakening. He’s the founder of the Qi Academy in Sweden. You can learn more about that at blending modern science, technology, ancient practices, and wisdom to promote holistic well-being and the cautious nature of life. Learn more about Dr. Chi at


Chi, thank you so much for coming on the show.


Jibin Chi

Thank you for inviting me to have this talk. I’m very excited. I really enjoy your work. It’s fantastic to have this chance to chat with you.


Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah. So why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself?


You’re a medical doctor, and you’ve spent your entire life researching. You have just a vast array of knowledge that we’re going to do a little brain dump today. Tell us about your background a bit.


Jibin Chi

Well, that’s a long story, but I’ll try to keep it short. As you said, I came from a medical background, but over the last 30 years, I’ve been mostly working, let’s see, not directly in medicine, but in related healthcare. So eventually, I focused on translational medicine. Basically, I bring innovative medical scientific breakthroughs to the market. Because of that experience, I had the opportunity to explore different fields in medicine, biotechnology, and cutting-edge science. At the same time, I also had the opportunity to work around the world. I worked in Australia, Europe, Asia, and the U.S. Through all these experiences, I found innovation very interesting and inspiring. Later on, I focused solely on bringing innovation. So, with that, starting at the beginning, it worked out perfectly fine with all this exciting new technology, etc. But gradually, you suddenly realize something’s not right. When you put different technology, different science together, suddenly there’s something confrontational. I couldn’t understand what’s going on, so I went through a journey of my own. So, I started looking into what’s wrong with the signs, what’s wrong with the medicine, and why we cannot prove something that is obviously correct. That journey led me to explore more things, such as physics, mathematics, quantum theory, and eventually even ancient knowledge about energy medicine, spirituality, etc. So, through this journey, I suddenly realized there’s something fundamentally wrong with our understanding of life. From there, I started to go backward to go through two processes: one direction to use what I learned, for example, the knowledge I built over so many years, and the other side, understanding the foundation. I think it is just a logical understanding, but the direct experience, the intuitive mind, where the true knowledge, true energy, and true wisdom come from, you have to experience through direct experience, like spiritual practice, meditation, etc. And that’s what I went through. So, through that process, I transformed myself, my own life, and also my knowledge. That’s why today, I’m in kind of a no man’s land on the main street.


Dr Wendy Myers

Yeah, well, tell us about your overarching theory. I love the conclusion you came to after all of this education and search for knowledge, and speaking all over the world. What is this overarching conclusion you came to about stress and the nature of disease?


Jibin Chi

Very interesting, very good point to start with. Everything is about energy. We live on energy. There are only two kinds of energy. That is really the essence of stress. If you look into the science of stress, consider just the publication from last year. Scientists are shocked that if you destroy a metal, it actually exhibits a capacity to heal itself. It was shocking to a Scientist. But the truth is, there’s a saying, “What I touch, what resists me, is what I understand.” Humans are conscious beings; we are energy. So, the so-called stress is fundamentally your natural response to whatever resists you. That confrontation is the energy and the force that make us grow. For example, when we talk about stress, we often use medical terms in a negative way, but life cannot exist without stress. From the very first breath you take, we always think oxygen is the life force. It’s not true. It’s a free radical. Free radicals are fundamental. Today, everyone thinks, “Oh, free radicals are so scary.” I say, without free radicals, you cannot survive. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred. Stable oxygen is stable energy, and it can never transfer. To make us survive, the first step, the first breath you take, involves free radicals. Only by unpaired energy, we can transfer energy. That’s the root cause of stress, and that’s the essence of life. Everything comes from a natural response. Does it make any sense to you?


Dr. Wendy Myers 

Yeah, absolutely. We definitely have to have stressors. There are healthy forms of stressors as well, like hormetic stress, which helps us detoxify using saunas to create stress and facilitate detoxification in the body. In our many conversations, you’ve talked about the nature of disease and that all disease can’t live in the body if you take away the stress or the bad stressors. Can you talk a little about that?


Jibin Chi 

Yes, I would like to take this in two steps. First, let’s fundamentally explain why we humans are able to live. The so-called yin and yang energy, positive and negative charge electrons, merge together to give light. As soon as we take birth, when yin and yang combine, we grow. As a baby in the mother’s womb, this is when we grow rapidly because yin and yang are together. But as we start to enter this world, yin and yang begin to separate in our body. This can be correlated to what we call the physical body and the spiritual or mental body.  Today, the fundamental stress as we grow is that we increasingly separate this so-called yang energy and yin energy. The yin energy, so to speak, is the physical energy: the food we eat, everything going through our metabolic system. Spiritual or mental energy, driven from the heart, goes upward. This separation is the root cause of stress. Now, with that understanding, we move to the next step: where is the stress coming from? Take a simple example: we always say we are what we eat. So, what are the foods? When we talk about food, we think of the physical food we eat—the protein, the calories, etc. If you believe your body has at least three layers—the physical, the energy, and the spiritual—each layer requires its own food.  In the physical body, the metabolic body, we use physical food as a source of energy. But we also have an energy body, that energy from the breath and the heartbeat. And what about the mind? Every moment, the thoughts and emotions are your food. When we talk about stress, we often focus on the physical part. The body and energy only harmonize when yin and yang are in balance and mix together. So, the separation and our focus with our open eyes only look at the physical body, which means your energy is not right. The mind is more significant. The physical body is only 4%. If you look at the universe, everything we can see is only 4%. The physical body, like the particles in physics, is perfectly described as the field governing the body. So, when we ever try to change our physical body, focusing on just the physical—what we eat, what we do—you lose the big picture. So, that’s why the battle of stress, in the end, is really a question of how you recognize your deterministic factors. When we talk about stress, the first thing I always tell people is to first look into your mind. You see, today, just imagine—take, for example, I always like tennis. Look at Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. With all the audience and all the noise, to be the best tennis player, you must have the mind to concentrate and focus on yourself. What I mean is, today we look around, and we have all the problems around us, with social issues, etc. When everything is not right and you look in that direction, you never get yourself in harmony. The anchor is your mind and body. If you can create that anchor, the harmony in yourself, in your own energy, then your field will become much stronger because you’ll connect with a much stronger energy field. So, your physical body—I’ll keep on telling people—this is the best pharmaceutical company you can ever find on the planet Earth. It can produce whatever you need. Of course, with that understanding, that also leads to another layer where you start to look into what is good for you, what kind of food you should eat, and what kind of activity you should be doing. So, that becomes natural. That’s why the way I look at it, I think, first, we have to make ourselves resilient to have the things in ourselves. You see, the body is your temple. You have to have your mind and body in the right shape, in the right tempo. Then you will be able to consciously, subconsciously, and unconsciously choose what is right for you.


Dr. Wendy Myers 

Yes, yes. And I love your approach in using energy medicine, sound frequencies, and different modalities to achieve that state of harmony and reduce stress in the body. So, why don’t you tell us about the system you developed, the Chi system, if you will? It’s like a two-part system, and it’s something that I’ve been using. It’s so transformative. It has dramatically improved my stress state and my sleep. I am highly motivated to sleep very deeply, and I have spent tens of thousands of dollars and done extensive research because I just want to sleep well. That’s one of the reasons I got your system. You demonstrated it on me in person, and I felt this complete release of stress in my body. I thought, “I want to do this on a daily basis. Absolutely!” So, why don’t you tell us a little bit about the first aspect of the system, which is the Chi Wave Sonic? Tell us what that is and what the goal is with that device.


Jibin Chi

Okay, thank you very much. First of all, I’m really, really happy that you enjoyed the system and that it was able to help you. This is what I’m so excited about every time people benefit from these things. So, let’s talk about the Chi Wave Sonic. The fundamental principle goes back to my belief in the essence of battling stress. In medicine and health, I always follow the butterfly effect. Today, you see, the problems they talk about—sleep problems, mental stress problems—we always look into the outcome of the butterfly effect. Thousands of miles away, the tornado causes issues like sleep problems and other issues, and we start to address those. But in reality, it’s the flipping wings of the butterfly. That’s actually the foundation of stress. Stress has another very important element in medical terms called allostasis, instead of homeostasis. Homeostasis is already familiar; it’s about maintaining balance. But allostasis is not as well known. It’s a snowball effect, where a little butterfly shaking its wings generates a flow. Let’s see the flow of energy, like snowballs. So, when we try to address issues like tornadoes or hurricanes, whatever happens thousands of miles away, it would take a lot of problems and costs. Just like, say, you take a hundred thousand dollars to address a sleep issue. But today, what I’m doing is the opposite. Let’s forget about all the problems you have. Think about the body as a piano. You see, after you play a piano for a while, the first thing you do is not repair it; you actually just retune it. So, the Chi Wave Sonic basically retunes your body with the creation of sound. It doesn’t matter if you go to medical science or spiritual knowledge; we all understand sound is creational. And sound is healing. There’s string theory in science and om chanting, all these things. But how does sound work? There are so many systems out there that do sound healing, etc. But fundamentally, people don’t understand how sound—the creation of energy— it’s not just happen to change your body or mind just by hearing, because the air is a very bad medium for sound transmission. So, what is a better medium? It’s actually our body. Our body—the bones, the water—transmits sound much better. That’s the first thing. So, with Chi Wave Sonic, we use a different approach. Instead of just letting you hear the sound, we actually use the vibration physically in your body while you hear it at the same time. So, it’s three-dimensional, connecting the mind and spiritual aspects with high frequency, and at the same time, we’re using very low frequency on your body. That is the sound cushion you use. You can massage yourself, or when I do it, I do it for you. Let’s see the creation note, the signal in this. This is just how we use it. But the second important thing is what kind of sound. Today, we always pick out one particular frequency, saying this is the best frequency, that’s the best frequency. This is cherry-picking. What we use in the Chi Wave Sonic is the entire nature sound, from the extremely low frequency to the highest frequency that can be played on the instrument, even going over 20,000 Hz. So, by using the entire sound frequency, it’s like putting you back into the traditional environment to recreate you. Whenever you are exposed to this full range of sound frequencies, you are exposed to pure nature. Today, we can only choose frequencies from what we understand, which is only 4% of matter. We don’t understand 96% of the unknown. But by putting you back into natural sound, that’s what eventually drives you. You sleep much better with this. Why? Because you cannot sleep because of your mind, because your conscious mind is a busy mind. 


Dr. Wendy Myers 

Yeah, especially my mind—it’s very, very busy going on up there. 


Jibin Chi 

So, with the Chi Wave Sonic, what do we address? This is the part we address: physical stress, creating harmony and harmonization. That’s the essence. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah, absolutely. And so, I want to give people a visual of what the Chi Wave Sonic looks like. So, basically, you put on some headphones and you’re listening to a CD or mp3 player with a range of tracks that have these different frequencies. The device also connects to another device that has these two little pillows, if you will. They’re silk, about the size of a baseball, and you can put those on your body. I put one on my heart and one on my groin, but you can put them anywhere, really. I put them on my heart because I want that frequency to go out to the edges of my body, but it seems like it’s going to do that anyways, no matter where you put it. You just go to sleep with them on. You mentioned leaving them on your body all night long, and they have these subtle vibrations. They’re vibrating pads that vibrate those frequencies into your body. That’s a very effective form of sound healing. It’s incredibly relaxing because, at the end of my day, I feel like I’m very wound up. All of us are, especially if we’re working, on the computer all day, dealing with EMF, and facing emotional stress and trauma, which are frequencies in our bodies and our energy fields. And then we have all the blue light we’re looking at. We’re very stimulated. This has been a challenge for me and many people trying to sleep—just calming all that down and releasing and surrendering to deep sleep. I love the Chi Wave Sonic. At the end of my day, I have this routine where I put on the Chi Wave Sonic. You said you don’t even have to listen to the frequencies if you don’t want to, but you can just put the pads on, because you’re getting the frequencies in your body. It just puts me into this profoundly relaxed state, and I sleep so deeply. It’s just amazing. I’m doing it every single night, and I think it’s made such a huge difference. Not only in my sleep, but I wake up before my alarm. I’ve gotten much more deep restorative sleep. I’m less stressed when I wake up and throughout my day. You can do it any time of day; you don’t have to do it just when you’re sleeping. You can do it any time, during meditation or whatever you want to do. It’s really an amazing device.


Jibin Chi

Yeah, these are a couple of things I want to explain. First of all, see, as I said, we use the nature sound, the entire range, from extremely low to extremely high, the entire range. And we particularly shift towards the low frequency. Because, you see, one of the things about healing or handling stress is that the physical body is low vibration. This is why we can see each other. So, when you try to heal the physical body, what’s most important is you have to find a frequency even lower than your physical body because that coherence creates the healing. So, that’s why we focus more on the lower frequency, even though we deserve a complete range of frequency. And then, this sound goes through the system. We actually split it into two different channels. One channel goes into the headphone that you hear at a high frequency, which is relaxing your mind. And then the other channel goes to this so-called sound cushion, this round thing you put on your body or someone does it for you. And that extremely low frequency goes through your body, particularly healing your body. So, we actually address the mind and the body at the same time. The second thing also, you see, as you said, it’s not only improving your sleep; almost everything can improve. Why? Because the music we create actually is created against each chakra. And we have a total of nine. Eight and nine are above your physical chakras. So, you basically can think about the physical body, your mental body, and the spiritual body above, outside your body.


Dr. Wendy Myers

Oh, I need that mental chakra cleared on a daily basis.


Jibin Chi

Relative effect. That’s why it is so incredible. To take an example, I mentioned to people, a lot of people don’t realize how powerful sound is. When the Mexican Gulf had an oil spill, you know how they cleaned the oil? They used sound. Once you give the right frequency, the right energy, the water will go back to the original form, excreting all the toxins. Our physical body, if you count by molecules, is 99% water, not 70%, 99%. So, if you provide the right frequency, your body’s physical structure of water will go to a different format, the healthy, pure water format, then whatever toxin in your body will be excreted. For example, there’s a Japanese worker in a factory who got a toxin and went to the hospital. They told him it would take 30 years to get the toxin out. What happened? His sister used the system, and in half a year, all the toxins were out. How did she do that? By returning the water to its natural structure, all the toxins, whatever heavy metal, were excreted.  So, we have this situation. We always say life is water; we are water. Why, when we talk about health, do we never think about ourselves as water? The essence of life, what I learned through my journey, I started to talk about Dao. Dao of living, Dao of healing, and Dao of awakening. Dao is about wisdom. In life today, we look into science for the next new innovation, the next breakthrough. When we look at spirituality, we’re looking into the next divine experience, all these things. But the true essence of life, just like water, only goes low, goes downward. If you want to fundamentally transform your life, your stress, you have to look for something very basic. Each breath, each thought, each heartbeat, that’s all it takes.



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Dr. Wendy Myers

I love that because I think it’s so important to return to the foundations to address your health. Cause I think health–we talk about a lot of complex topics on the podcast, but you can use certain devices like this to kind of tap into these basic foundational concepts of how the body works with water and energy and reducing stress and things like that. So, let’s talk about the other device that you recommend and the one that I’m using called Airnergy. So, A-I-R-N-E-R-G-Y. Let’s talk about that. It’s another concept related to what we’re talking about, where you’re breathing in certain, I guess, frequencies, so to speak. I do this about an hour a day, sometimes two hours a day. I just put on the little cannula, and I’m breathing in certain molecules.  So, let’s talk about that device and what it’s doing exactly.


Jibin CHin

Oh, right. Thank you very much. Actually, this is a very natural connection to what we first talked about. As I said, my concept of working is to address the butterfly effect and to address the fundamental energy. The fundamental energy we’re talking about involves water.  We cannot live without breath; we can live without food, etc., but why can’t we live without water? This comes to the fundamental point. I always explain to people that life is only one equation: photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide with water and light creates the response in the plant, generating sugar and oxygen. The plant keeps the sugar. As I said, energy can only transfer. So, for humans and animals to survive, what do they have to do? They have to take the energy embedded in the oxygen. Now, let’s talk about ourselves, humans. This is why we cannot live without breath; we need to take in oxygen. But stable oxygen is not going to give you life. In the body, every cell conducts cellular metabolism. Respiration is the opposite of photosynthesis. We take sugar and oxygen, combine them to generate carbon dioxide, and remove it. What do we keep? It’s water.  So, what really gives us life is water and how that connection happens. In the body, oxygen goes through a process called a quenching circle in science. Oxygen has to kick out one electron so that it can transfer that electron and eventually form water. When we breathe, what we really need is not oxygen; it’s the electron. Normally, when we breathe, every moment inside our body, we generate free radicals so that we can generate electrons for ourselves to keep in the water. This is like burning wood inside your house. I hope you follow me. In the old days, to get energy, we had to burn wood. In our body, our cells need energy, so we have to burn oxygen, just like burning wood outside. This causes damage to our body, known as inflammation, free radical oxidative stress, etc. With this breathing machine, it does something different. What it does is you breathe the same air as you normally breathe, but the air goes through the system. In the system, we use a photosynthesis method, using special light to break the oxygen and get an electron out, which we put in the water. When you breathe, the charged water droplets go into your body. It’s like using central heating instead of burning wood inside our body. You are bringing pure green energy into your body. That’s the major difference. It’s not just about breathing oxygen. No, it’s not true. You breathe the same thing, but the only difference is we take the electron, the green energy, out and put it in the essence of life, water. Let that go into your body, and that’s exactly what’s happening. This transforms your health.


Dr. Wendy Myers 

So you’re breathing in those electrons and then you’re creating more structured water in your body. And then what are some of the other benefits? So, tell us what the structured water is, why we need that, why we need more electrons, etc.


Jibin Chi 

You see, I can explain this in a simple way because I think, you know, if I go through the science, then it may be too complicated for people to understand. I take the example of a football game. In a football game, there are only four steps. The goalkeeper kicks the ball to the defender. The defender passes the ball to the midfield. The midfield passes to the forward. And that forward has to kick the ball to make the goal. Right? So, there are only four steps.


Dr. Wendy Myers

I’m sorry. I don’t understand football analogies. It’s a problem. Don’t judge me!


Jibin Chi 

Okay. Think about it simply. Football is energy. So, in a football game or a baseball game, whatever the sport, you just really need to score. You’re passing the goal, right? The ball, whether it’s a football or basketball, you have to score. That’s the electron we need. So today, you see, when we talk about stress, health, illness, cancer, etc., whatever the body, to take a simple example, we need an electron. You see, we can have cancer everywhere else, but not in the heart. Why? Because the heart has the strongest electric charge. So, it’s the so-called transmembrane potential. When you have an electron charge, the newborn cells and the heart cells, etc., are healthy. But when the electron goes down, then only cells in the normal cells that can survive are the fat cells. That’s why you get fat. And if the electron goes down further, there’s no cells that can survive without oxygen except one cell. That is a cancer cell. So, that’s how important it is to have this so-called electron. So, breathing the energy, what it does is simply take out the electron, take the ball out. You cannot just take the electron and give it anywhere because that’s what we naturally do. We create a free radical because it’s damaging since it’s very reactive.


But what we did is we put it into the water. Water is the universal reservoir to store energy. So today, talking about green energy in the world, and talking about green energy in the body, is the same. We need green energy. Today, in mainstream medicine, we’ve developed a unified disease development model. Which I show to people, there’s only one cause of disease. There’s only one model. You think of all the diseases, there are three things. One is carbon stress, carbon coming from the carb or sugar, what you eat. The second is oxidative stress coming from oxygen. Not many people are aware of it. It’s nitric stress, protein. Protein is toxic. So today, if you think about the disease, all diseases relate to these three. So how to combat the stress? Carbohydrate stress, nitric stress, or oxidative stress reflected in your body, physical body, metabolic stress, and mental stress. How to battle that? You can only battle by combining Yin and Yang together. So, just like cellular respiration. Cellular respiration is combining the sugar, which is the Yin energy, and the oxygen, the Yang energy. Yin and Yang together create sugar water. In that water, that embedded green energy is the electron. So in your body, again, water is the foundation. Inside of water, the only thing that gives us life is the electron. So that’s exactly what happens with this energy breathing. By doing that, the benefits are remarkable. Today, not only people use it for their health and wellness, but also for anti-aging and even for professional athletes to improve physical performance for biohackers. You know, last year I gave a lecture at the European biohackers event. I talked about the essence, the Dao of biohacking. If you want to change to be the biological system, what should you be? You just need to do one thing, breathe. Because, you see, whatever they teach you, whether it’s yoga, meditation, or sports, they only teach you one thing, how to breathe. So, this is what Airnergy is about, changing your breath.


Dr. Wendy Myers

And so you’re feeding your body the electrons without that pesky free radical production that your body then has to deal with, using up all your antioxidants to do so. That’s what heavy metals and toxins do in your body; they create free radicals that the body has to deal with. So this, in essence, can help you by feeding energy to your body. What are some of the issues today? Why are we not able to get enough electrons? Why is it that we need to feed our body these extra electrons?


Jibin Chi

Well, actually, in that sense, I just have to correct it. It’s not that we don’t get enough electrons. We actually get too much, but not in harmony. As I said, our energy constantly fluctuates. Every thought generates so much excitement, each heartbeat generates so much, but that energy goes upwards. It’s like cooking a pot of water where all the steam goes upward, but the essence of life is to combine and create a Yin-Yang mixture. So, about breathing, what we try is not to create more electrons but to store those electrons in water. That’s the essence. A couple of months ago, I did a lecture for Japanese doctors online, talking about stress in the mind and body. In that, I explained, think about it in sports terms. It doesn’t matter if it’s football, basketball, etc. Today, people talk about taking supplements, etc. I’m not saying it’s not right; you need it. But think about sports. You need more defenders when you’re losing a game. In basketball, if you’re not doing well, you need more defense. In football, baseball, whatever, when you’re not doing well, you defend. But unless you make a score, you’re never going to win the game. The essence is not to create more electrons. Think about what you’re familiar with, like basketball or NBA. If you’re not a good team, the ball is constantly on your side because the other team is on your field. So you need good defense, right? That’s why we need antioxidants and all these things, but it doesn’t mean you’re going to change the game or make you win. You get a lot of electrons, you get a lot of balls in your hand, but you’re never going to put that ball into the basket.  What energy breathing does is, instead of just processing the ball so much, it’s about how much you can make the goal. Eventually, you need to put the ball in the basket, and that is the true difference. Today, people breathe a lot more. For example, a hundred years ago, per minute, healthy people breathed six or seven liters of air. Today, even healthy people breathe more than twelve liters, double what we breathed a hundred years ago.  That’s a lot of electrons, but you don’t make the home run. Putting electrons in the water is the home run. Energy breathing just does one thing, makes a home run. Baseball is very popular in the US. You hit a home run, you’re done. If you don’t have a home run, you keep on trying. That’s what’s important. So today, you see, this is why, for example, in your battle with sleep or other people with mental or physical issues, we try to defend ourselves from disease and problems. But what we truly need, our physical and mental bodies, is harmony to bring energy into the body, and that green energy is only one electron electromagnetic in the water. The electron is not just a particle; it’s an electromagnetic field. That energy in the water is crucial. Nobel Prize winner Albert Szent-Györgyi talked about it simply. The very basic foundation of living is about the oxygen going into the water, the electromagnetic field, and the excitation by electrons. That’s the basic and the most profound, and that’s exactly what we’re doing with energy breathing.


Dr. Wendy Myers

Yes. And so tell us a little bit about some of the benefits. Like what are some of the side effects of people incorporating the energy into their health regime? Like I said, I’m doing it for an hour a day. Absolutely. Sometimes I get in like two hours a day. So what are some of the benefits people can expect when they’re breathing in all of these electrons in the water?


Jibin Chi

Well, you see, the very first, most important benefit is to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. Period. Oxidative stress and inflammation, that’s the foundation for all diseases and health problems. So by having the green energy in your body, your body is just better, completely reset. You’re going to regain so much more energy. What happens naturally, your breath becomes slower, and your heartbeat becomes slower. Your blood pressure returns to normal, and inflammation reduces. So this is connected with everything we need. Another thing, very important, is that the usage of energy becomes more efficient. You see, the reason we get older, get illnesses, etc., is fundamental. It’s all about entropy. We’re going from orderly to disorderly structure. When your body doesn’t have the energy, your body starts working in a synchronized, harmonious way; you work individually in disorder. So by breathing energy, you create harmony. You reduce entropy. That is a profound benefit. I’ve done many experiments and helped many people, even cancer patients. One example, a patient came back after traveling, did all the different treatments, whatever. She went on a wellness holiday, tried homeopathy, all different things, and came back to Sweden, couldn’t walk anymore. I started to help her with this breathing plus some other things I taught her. In two months, the cancer marker, the normal value should be below 30. Her value was over 400 in December 2019. In two months, she got it down to 26, and after one month, she could stand up. I’m not saying I changed the disease or anything. In nature, there’s no disease, just energy adaptation. The same thing with myself. I had loads of health problems. Just by doing what I do, I changed, transformed myself. Another thing, today, comes back to the foundation of health, mind and body.  Today, we approach our health issues point by point. Someone has a problem with sleep. Okay, how am I going to address sleep? Someone has a problem with mental health, how to address mental health? We go point by point. But if you understand how to cook, you never need to go point by point. You don’t look at a new vegetable or another ingredient and wonder what to do. You understand the principle. The principle is always to have a portfolio, a combination. Like a boxer, you can’t just have the best forehand; you have to have a combination. This is the essence of getting yourself healthy. With these systems, I combine how to change my entire energy. When I breathe energy, I breathe not only on the machine; I concentrate through my mind to regulate my breath, go into a meditative state, and smile. I’ve tested this with yoga instructors, etc. You can try to meditate. I can measure you with the Chi Fractal. I can know how deep you meditate, where you are. I can measure people with mental stress, etc. I know exactly where you are. Okay, now you start to breathe. Breathing gives you the first step, you get energy. But how to use that energy? I guide people on how to breathe, how to meditate. Today, I believe meditation is the wrong terminology for modern people. Why do I say that? Because today, modern people live a life unlike a monk. You have to live your life. Before you can meditate, you have to change your physical health. Everything is about habit cultivation. The first thing we do is cultivate the right way of living, thinking, and doing. Cultivate this; that is the real seed, like nourishing. Take the example of the machines I use. I give you the Chi Energy; it gives you the energy. I give you the Chi Wave Sonic; it gives you the right frequency. This is just a seed. A seed doesn’t guarantee you will have fruit. You have to cultivate. I teach people how to cultivate the way of living, understand your mind and body, and understand energy, how it works. By applying these things together, you have a combination. That’s the way I see it. People come to me with different problems. I have this problem, that problem. I say, I only do one thing. I don’t look at diseases. I only look at fundamental energy. Like I demonstrated to you, I only do one test. Working with innovation, I have all different medical systems. Some of the systems I have are more than small clinics, so to speak. But I never use anything. I just use one fundamental test, the fractal test, to analyze your energy, how the energy transfers in the mind and body, including emotion. With that understanding, I modify, change the energy. How to change? With the Chi Wave Sonic, with Chi Energy, and by providing the way to breathe, meditate, and live life to understand energy. In a collective way.

Dr. Wendy Myers

Yes. And I think that’s so interesting when we’ve had conversations, and you’re talking about how you don’t really care about the disease label. It’s irrelevant. It all fundamentally comes down to one foundational thing: feeding the body the correct food, feeding the correct energy, and the mind the correct thoughts, and working foundationally with the body, using sound therapy. Using these specific frequencies to clear the chakras, to heal the body, reduce stress, and then breathing in these electrons in the water, reducing the oxidative stress of the body. Those things produce profound results, regardless of what any label has been assigned to you.


Jibin Chi

This is actually very interesting. You see, just a few months back, I actually had this conversation with my cancer patient. She’d been using my system for cancer. Later, I was talking about macular degeneration. I told her that I’m writing an article about macular degeneration with the energy machine. She asked, “Oh, does it work on macular degeneration?” I said yes. She said, “Oh, actually, I have that problem. But the last time I went to the hospital, there was nothing wrong. I didn’t know what happened.” I said, “You see, this is a typical example. This person used it for cancer. She never thought about her eyesight, but it is the truth.” Macular degeneration, for example, today, you can try all different treatments. There’s no medicine that can reverse it. But so many people get onto this system, and they reverse their eyesight. A 70, 80-year-old lady could go back to driving a car. Just a few months back, there was a patient from the UK dying to talk to me because he experienced an incredible life change. Doctors told him he could go blind after 35 years, but by using this system, he reversed two forms, both dry and wet, and even with COVID, reversed all the symptoms. I say again, I don’t change diseases. I don’t work with disease. I can only work with energy. Your body, as I said, is the best pharmaceutical. If you provide the right conditions, it’s very important. Just like you buy any system, you buy a computer, you buy anything, you have to work according to the manual of the manufacturer. If we don’t work according to the book of our body, we have a problem.


Dr. Wendy Myers 

Yeah, that’s what we’re aiming to do here at Myers Detox, to give you guys the tools to just return to the factory settings. That’s all you have to do. Well, Jibin, tell us what your website is and where people can learn more about your CHI system and work with you, etc.


Jibin Chi

Okay. Well, I have a website. I have Chi Awakening Academy. I try to teach people to understand life science, medicine, etc. So that’s But I have to say, I’m not putting much effort into that. And also, I’m not doing much of the, let’s see, going out to talk about what I do. Most of the places I go to are scientific conferences, mainstream medicine, like international diabetes conferences, anti-aging conferences, biohacking, or integrated medicine. I’ve been invited to many of these conferences, and also I’m a lecturer and do healing and meditation at the biggest wellness cruise called Holistic Holiday at Sea. That’s the annual cruise from the U.S. And yeah, so, and then I work with people, some of the doctors and healers, and some work with wellness. So those are the places I do. You know, myself, I’m not so much going out to do much work because of my personal reasons. After learning what I had learned, I realized nobody can change anybody else. We cannot change the world. We can only change ourselves. Today it has become my own journey. So I’m actually more working on myself than doing anything else. So I always tell people, I’m not your guru. A lot of times, I refuse people who come to me to let me teach them, etc., because I don’t see myself as a guru. I think the most important thing is I don’t want to take away people’s own light. What I’m doing is nothing special. As I said, I’m starting to finally decide to write a book. It’s by no means I could be doing this myself. I had brain damage as a child, root damage. I only try to learn one thing. I understand I’m stupid because of my brain damage. So I can only learn simple things. My whole life I always learn the simplest things. And today, I realize the simplest thing is the most difficult for people to understand. So the only thing I can tell people is to go back to the basics, to understand yourself, understand life, and look at the very basics. This is the only thing I can tell people. I don’t want to see myself as a guru or anything. I’m not. I’m a very simple person. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

We want your knowledge. Jibin, that’s what we want. We want this So yeah, everyone, definitely check out Jibin’s website,  and you can learn more about his Chi Fractal software, which we didn’t get into. That’s a whole other podcast.  I highly recommend his Chi system, the Chi Wave Sonic, and the Airnergy. It’s something that I’m personally using, and it’s part of my daily routine. I’m definitely feeling the cumulative effects of that and the reduction in stress. After I did the heavy docu-series, which was a project that came from my heart and was very important to me, it was also very stressful. I needed to do something about all the stress that I had. I was finally able to meet you in person, and after my session with you, I immediately got the Chi system. I’ve been using it every single day, and it’s just so transformative because you have to manage your stress. Stress is the number one killer. It’s going to make you sick. You hear that all the time, but I think people try all these different things to manage their stress. They’ll go to yoga, meditate, put down the phone, avoid blue light, or whatever they’re trying to do to reduce their stress. But really, getting down to the foundational aspects of it, using this electron transfer and sound therapy, is really going to produce the profound results you’re looking for, that pay dividends. So go check it out, And Jibin, thanks so much for coming on the show. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. Thanks for tuning into the Myers Detox Podcast, where I bring on amazing guests from around the world that I meet and am so privileged to become connected with. I just really want to help give you those pieces of the puzzle that you need to dramatically improve your health and upgrade what you’re doing right now. So, thanks for tuning in.



The Myers Detox Podcast is created and hosted by Wendy Myers. This podcast is for information purposes only statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast including Wendy Myers and the producers disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein opinions of guests are their own and this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have direct or indirect financial interest and products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem consult a licensed physician.

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