Super Longevity: Exosomes, Stem Cells & Plasma Exchange Explained
with James Strole
Dr. Wendy Myers
Hello, I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Myers Detox Podcast. On this show, we talk about all kinds of topics related to health, but more on the advanced side. I like talking about detoxification and how heavy metals and chemicals cause various health issues and really drive home why you want to be detoxing and spend all this time and effort doing that. We also talk about anti- aging, bioenergetics, and other advanced topics related to health. Today, we’re going to be talking about radical longevity with James Strole. He’s an advocate for super longevity, breaking the death barrier and potentially living indefinitely, not just extending lifespan. It’s a really interesting show today. We’re going to be covering different cutting-edge tools he employs like exosome, stem cells and plasma exchange alongside foundational wellness practices that increase longevity. We’ll talk about mindset, spirituality and emerging technologies like gene therapies that show promise for dramatically reversing biological age. Of course, we’ll touch on cleansing and detoxing for heavy metals.
We’ll talk about the best diet for longevity. James believes it’s the paleo diet, which helps to retain about 80 to 95 percent adherence to reduce inflammation. He believes moderate exercise without pounding the body and breaking it down too much or punishing yourself too much is key. We’ll talk about calorie restriction, intermittent fasting, and cutting-edge longevity therapies like exosome, stem cells, therapeutic plasma exchange or TPE for deep detoxification, young blood plasma transfusions for rejuvenation and gene therapy showing promise for dramatic age reversal and the work of Dr. Bill Andrews in developing telomere extending therapies. So, it’s a very interesting show today.
Our guest is James Strole. He’s a futurist dedicated to helping bring about a world in which vibrant, unlimited human health spans are the norm. He’s the Executive Director of the Coalition for Radical Life Extension. He’s also the producer of RAAD Fest, the longest global longevity event in the world. James is also the Director of People Unlimited, an international organization that supports people pursuing unlimited lifespans. You can learn more about that at As an emotional and spiritual platform for immortal living, James teaches the concept of the immortal lineage, an experience of abundance and unbridled enjoyment of life. So, this goes beyond positive thinking to a new strength and resilience that’s innate in the human body. He’s also the co-author of the book, Just Getting Started: 50 Years of Living Forever. You can learn more about his work at and attend his yearly conference at James, thanks so much for coming on the show.
James Strole
You’re so welcome. Happy to be here with you, Wendy.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself and your dedication to age reversal and longevity and how you got into that?
James Strole
Well, I’ll try to put that in a nutshell, that’s the story, because I’ve been working in this field for 50 years. I started working in 1972 with two partners at that time. We were traveling all over the United States and eventually all over the world speaking on physical mortality. I’m an immortalist. On that note, I’m not trying to force that belief on anybody or that concept. There’s a lot of people now who are embracing the possibility of unlimited lifespans and it will happen someday. It is going to happen. I think it’s going to happen sooner than we know, which is really crucial. That’s the initiative that I am pushing for more than anything, but I got started in 1972. Before that I was always interested in longevity. I didn’t call it longevity at that time. I actually also called it the possibility of having heaven here on earth and heaven meant to me that we would end all this tyranny of aging and death and the strife we have in this world and create a world that’s conducive to us already thriving in. So, I always had that in me. I was, you might say, spiritual from that standpoint.
I grew up in a Christian family. I had great parents. They were progressive on that level and then my mother actually took me out to see a lot of different speakers when I was a kid, all kinds of different speakers. That’s when I ran into people talking about unlimited lifespans and intro yoga. I got involved in it when I was 16 and it was all about creating a super body to skew the crew, using your super enlightenment to create a super body that would not die. I think like anybody, if you’re having a passionate purpose, you draw to you what you really need in that right. You draw other people in that conversation. You find those connections when you are passionate about a purpose. So, that has always been my purpose. And now, to cut to the future here to the present, I’ll say, I am director of the coalition for radical life extension, which produces RaadFest, that’s, and it’s the largest age reversal and the largest super longevity event in the world. We’re having our 10th anniversary in Vegas in 2025, July 11th through the 13th. So we’re very excited.
Dr. Wendy Myers
I am going to be there. I’ve always wanted to go
James Strole
I want you there and all your friends.
Dr. Wendy Myers
I’ve always wanted to go to your conference, but the timing didn’t work out for some reason. Like last year, I think I was producing my heavy docuseries. I was launching and I couldn’t come, but my girlfriend went and she said it was amazing. So, I’m definitely going to Vegas, the Raadfest in July.
James Strole
That’s how I got into this field, probably like you on some level. I always had some interest in it from the time I was 11 years old. I said to my mother, why can’t we have heaven here on earth? She was great. And Jesus said, oh, that’s a good idea. You should pursue that. So that was always in my heart, in my consciousness. Of course, I did all the other things that other kids do growing up, but that philosophy or purpose kept me from getting into a lot of things that could have possibly sabotaged me because I had that spirit of taking better care of myself, not doing some of the more risky things that some of my friends were doing, staying out of the drug culture because I didn’t want to destroy my body. I tested doing some pot and et cetera when in high school, but I didn’t get into it because I didn’t want to sabotage this energy I felt already in my body. Here I am today.
I’m actually broadcasting here from our center. You might see why you don’t have any prompts and back, I guess, but it’s a large center, 2500 square foot meeting room. It can seat about 125 people. It’s called People Unlimited Inc. I’m the owner and it’s a community of like-minded people that are all interested in super longevity. We educate and inspire each other here. We have doctors and scientists all the time to talk on longevity. This weekend, we’re actually having a weekend event. You’re actually invited to that too, if you want, you can come in, zoom in and just compliment you if you just want to see what we do. It’s three days. You can go on our website, see the schedule and if you want a link, we can send it to you. You messaged the office anyway. You can see what we do if you want.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Where is that located?
James Strole
Scottsdale, Arizona.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Okay, great.
James Strole
Yeah, we get people coming in here from all over the world to learn and just experience the community. Some of them end up moving here to participate. For others, we have an international community. We zoom in people around the world for our events. We have a great system here, AV set up to, like if you were on, for example, zooming, you could talk to us and we can speak back and forth and you put out a big screen, everybody sees, so you’re almost like in the room, but you’re not.
Dr. Wendy Myers
That sounds amazing. I want to join for sure.
James Strole
We love what you guys are talking about. We love her. I think you’d love it.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Why don’t you tell us, what are some of the tools or some of the things that people should be doing, the top tips if they want to live a long, healthy, medication-free, disease-free life? That’s what I’m all about because I’ve seen so many family members just really suffer and their life cut short and it is totally avoidable. So, what are some of the things that you recommend people do?
James Strole
Well, just like you mentioned earlier in our conversation before coming on, cleansing is very important. That’s a foundational part of being healthy, to cleanse. What I mean by that, you can do, like you mentioned, a heavy metal detox is an important one because we’re so exposed to contamination in our environment of heavy metals and plastics and you name it, and that, of course, accumulates in our body over time, and we don’t realize how much that sabotages the immune system. So, cleansing, even if you did a cleanse for well, some people like to do a cleanse a couple of times, two days, once a month. Even if you did three or four days every six months, you can chelate heavy metals out of the body that’s been around for a while. I’ve done several chelations and they’re very beneficial. I think it’s contributed to my fundamental health in a tremendous way.
And then there is of course exercise, but I don’t exercise, to where I use the term, pounding my body or overdoing it because that’s not really a longevity protocol. You see people who overexercise all the time. They have joint issues eventually when they get it later in later years. They must have hip replacements. There’s also the elite athlete that has to do certain things to get where he gets, but we also see them trouble with injuries all the time. So, you don’t want to injure yourself. You want to be in your later years and able to move freely. I’ve been here 76 years. I don’t say old. I think age is a discrimination that we have in our society, but I don’t care. I’m 76. I say I’ve been here 76 years. I don’t have an egg in my body. I just got my blood work back a couple of days ago, a very comprehensive blood work. The end of the company who drew the blood, they’d never seen so many vials, but that’s how my doctor is.
I did all these tests. He came back to me yesterday. He says, oh, I wish all my patients had the blood work you’ve got, but that is because of time and you don’t have to be perfect at it. That’s an important thing for people to get, but if you’ll systematically do things that are better in your body more than you are destroying your body, do things that if you’ll do any percent of the time that you’re really or 90 percent of the time. I do probably 95 percent of the time. I’m eating a paleo diet. I’ll stray off of that maybe 5 percent of the time on something on occasions. You can do that and you can really enjoy life better than ever, because the greatest enjoyment you can have is your health. If you’re healthy and you’re any age, but in this case, as you’re mature, you want to be able to play with your grandkids. You want to be able to be out and go out by yourself. Now, I go out for a mountain bike ride. I do all these things I want to do.
I don’t do things like I said that are risky because if I do, here’s the thought for people to think about. Look, the age is coming. The era is coming and actually it’s here right now. Dr. George Church from Harvard and Aubrey Ray are both basically trying to convey to everybody that, look, we’re in the era now of super longevity and in 2030 we’ll be entering into AI and the merging of the human body that will take us into singularity. Meaning, we’ll be merging with AI and the body together and whole new things are gonna happen, nanotechnology. Human beings are gonna have the ability to live much longer than we ever even dreamed, possibly unlimited. So, why go out and risk that? Why go out and do some daredevil thing, or drive down the road a hundred miles per hour because you think, oh, I’m going to die anyway. That’s consciousness, right? That’s why people do that. They think they’re going to die anyway. Why not just go out with gusto? Why really take care of your body? You don’t have limits. But that’s not the reality anymore. The reality is, you’re risking possibly eternity, if not another 50 to 100 years. This age is coming fast. I think in between one and five years, we’re going to have a super longevity therapy or innovation that will change the world.
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Dr. Wendy Myers
I’m excited about the potential for AI to very quickly troubleshoot what is going on with your body and what you’re doing that’s causing inflammation or causing that breakdown in your body. You’re going to be able to very quickly figure out what’s going on with you. We’re pretty much in the stone ages right now. I’m really excited about the potential for bioenergetics for people to be focusing more on bioenergetics to fix their physical health and just lots of exciting things happening. You mentioned you do the paleo diet. Are you also into calorie restriction, which is shown to aid longevity and fasting, and how do you incorporate that?
James Strole
I’ve done the calorie restriction and I limit my calories every day. I don’t overeat. I enjoy food. There’s an occasion that maybe you might eat a little bit too much, Paleo cookie or something. I’m laughing about that because a lot of our members here do paleo. So, we decided to or some people said, well, are there good paleo desserts? And there aren’t many of them. So, one of our members put on a paleo dessert party. Everybody brought a paleo dessert. That was just a couple of days ago. It’s actually Saturday night. It was a big old layout of paleo desserts. And of course I overate. A key thing though is not overeating. What was the other part of that question?
Dr. Wendy Myers
Fasting and calorie restriction. I agree that the paleo diet is the diet that’s the best for the majority of people. I think that that’s the way to go. We’ve been eating for millions of years, thousands of years, rather. That is what our body is just evolutionarily designed to function optimally with.
James Strole
That’s exactly right. We’re more adaptable to ancient foods. And consequently, whether people aren’t aware of what that really means, it means that those foods are not going to have as big an inclination to create inflammation in your body. Inflammation is the destructive force that we deal with in the body. You want to eliminate as much inflammation as possible. Now, what is a whole other part of that, when we need some inflammation, but we don’t need the inflammation that we have, that’s overkill in our bodies. Ancient foods were more because we’re more adapted to them, then we’re able to digest them better. Like you said, and some people don’t understand that principle totally, but really, I personally think the paleo program is for everybody, but you do it in different ways. There’s vegetarian paleo. There are different ways you can do the paleo. The carnivorous diet is pretty fantastic.
It’s just another piece of what could be called paleo because you’re just eating meat, in this case. You’re eating carnivorously and it is a paleo concept. You’re eating ancient meat foods. I think it’s really great. I would like to see everybody on that diet and because everybody could do well on it because just about keeping information out and you can do it in many different ways, any different kinds of food because some people need different things than others.
Dr. Wendy Myers
I’m amazed at when you do a paleo diet, how much less inflammation you have, less aches and pains, less food sensitivity reactions, heartburn, brain fog, things like that, and better blood sugar control. It checks all the boxes.
James Strole
Exactly. Unfortunately, people start getting these pains sometimes in their 30s and 40s. They go, oh, I’m getting old, I have pains in my legs and my shoulders. They are pains in my body, not realizing that it’s not really about age. It’s about the baggage we carry through time, such as toxins, which are creating inflammation in your body. That’s why your joints don’t heal as fast and you’re having these pains. But if you detox, like many times I’ve had a pain or some type of condition growing up in my joint or whatever, I’ve had detox and it would go away.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Yes, let’s talk about different modalities you use to foster longevity and reverse the aging process. What are the top tools that you’re using to foster your longevity?
James Strole
Well, just to be clear, like I said, there’s a difference between longevity and super longevity. Longevity fundamentally is the idea of living as long as you can healthy until you age and die. You’re living a healthy, vital life until you die as long as you can. Super longevity is about breaking what I call the death barrier, which is about 123. Well, the longest human being documented lives about 123. Scientists say fundamentally we have the ability to live without innovation to about 125. So, I’m into super longevity, but I do all the wellness programs, of course, because that’s the foundation for it. You have to live long enough, like Ray Criswell said, live long enough to live forever. So, the growth is exponentially moving so that we can say tomorrow there’ll be new innovations that we can take if you stay alive. There’s new things you can do all the time. Along with the basic wellness protocols I recently did TPE, therapeutic plasma exchange.
I’ve signed up now for young blood plasma, which I’m gonna be going to Texas to do, but I signed up for that. I’ve done exosomes, placenta stem cells, seniletics, NAD, and people will understand, I don’t just throw things in me that are the newest thing. I do blood work, I see how my blood is. I also make sure when I decide to do something that the benefit outweighs the risk. So, what are the risks? Some people, you get to your 60s or 70s, you begin to feel feeble, somebody says, oh, do some exosomes to build your strength. They’ll go, Oh, what’s the side effects?
Dr. Wendy Myers
What are the side effects?
James Strole
Well, there’s very little or no side effects, but they’ll worry about that. I understand that you would be even afraid to do them. Then their risk, though, is far more than not doing it because they are getting feeble. You have to be thinking, oh, I got to keep my strength up. What can I do to keep my strength up? What can I do that minimizes any type of risk that I can do in doing that?
So exosomes, stem cells, all these great new therapies and modalities are safe under the right circumstances. They are so beneficial to do really when you’re younger. We have Dr. Sandra Kaufman who comes here to Scottsdale every two or three months and gives everybody who wants to exosomes. It’s great. She gets the best exosomes in the country and she has the best price. So, almost everybody gets it done and their differences are remarkable.
Dr. Wendy Myers
What are the benefits of those? What are they trying to accomplish?
James Strole
Well, exosomes are the signaling mechanisms of stem cells and a lot of people now think that exosomes are actually as good or if not better than taking stem cells, but I think it matters on the application in the situation. You get a full body injection. You can get them injected in the shoulder if you have a bad shoulder. I’ve seen remarkable results. My executive manager here had a knee surgery recently, but she took exosomes before she had that new surgery, about 30 days before. And her knee and the results of the surgery were made. Her doctor seemed surprised. He said, we’ve seen nobody heal this fast. So, they’re very healing. A lot of times people get those exosomes and they won’t need surgery if they catch it fast enough. But then even if you’re going to need surgery, it’s recommended to do those exosomes before you get a surgery for a joint or whatever because it really helps the healing process tremendously.
She’s already getting around that knee. Now she’s going to do the other knee, but she’s going to get exosomes before. So, they have all these benefits. Then there are senolytics, which get the zombie cells out of the body, that is the cells that have died and they bogged down the body. That’s why you’ll sometimes see a runner, for example, a long distance runner. They’ll look peaked because they’re putting out so much energy and consequently their cells are dying to renew. And sometimes you don’t dispel them as fast as you need to and they bog down the system. It’s pretty interesting. I use Senolytics Activator from Life Extension. It’s very inexpensive. You only take three capsules once a week. It’s a nice, natural way to actually refresh your body. It’s really good for your skin.
Sitting is the new smoking. You get up and stretch a little bit. Don’t sit all the time in front of a computer or whatever, just a few short little moves. It can be 30 seconds or a minute. You’ve changed the dynamics of your body. You’re not just squatting and pretty soon getting a hunch back over a computer. There are also exercises to extend back your shoulders to where you’re keeping your posture. I’m famous for that. I get people asking me all the time, how do I have this? That’s good posture. Well, that’s one of the techniques I use all the time. Stretching back, putting my thumbs out and turning clear back and stretching my back way back, you know, my short way back every day and doing special breathing. I do all those things. I walk out in the morning. I greet the sun. I open my arms and let the sun shine up in my body for maybe three minutes and give my gratitude for being alive. All these things are a mindset too, along with being healthy.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Well, let’s talk about mindset because I think that is so important. I think sometimes people get older, they start having health issues and they start having negativity and just get into this negative mindset. Maybe get a diagnosis from their doctor and then they become their diagnosis almost and it’s like a death sentence almost. When they’re told by an authority figure that they have this and there’s no cure and they have to be on medications for life and all this nonsense. What’s your take on that?
James Strole
Well, there’s plenty of data now. We’ve had different life coaches through time that have always said how powerful the mind is. It can change the course of your life by how positive or negative you think. But now there’s also a lot of science and scientific data on it. When you go to a game, for example, why do teams, for example, want to play at home? Because they get the best support and it elevates them mentally to get that to get that energy given back to them. So, a lot of time more home games are one than not right for teens. That’s just one thing. We demonstrate this all the time in our society. It’s interesting that people still don’t get it on some level, or maybe they do. They have so much negativity around them. Sometimes it’s hard to pull it together. It’s so powerful. I actually had an experience a couple of years ago because I said I had been working in this field for 50 years. I was trying not to get discouraged, but just realizing that and then maybe you’ve experienced some of this too. I don’t know if you’re actually into super longevity or what, but I knew that to the level of unlimited lifespan, or even another 50 years, it’s going to take a lot more strength and resilience, both physically and emotionally, then we understand because when I came through the pandemic.
I don’t know how you experienced it, but I saw too many people die. I saw the world suffering much less all the strife that has been going on and it, and I thought, wow, if you live a long time, you’re going to see a lot of things. I think maybe that’s why a lot of people you talk to or sometimes want to escape this world because it’s too much. And so I was thinking, wow, I feel good, feel strong, but I’m going to need something like supernatural strength to walk this long path. I’ve been working for so long and moving to convince people that longevity is really popular and super longevity is really possible and facing so much negativity. The other time now that’s changing more and more, more and more people are embracing that. But, I thought, what am I going to do? The short story is, I took a break one night of even thinking about it because I was in a state of inner seeking about it.
I started watching, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of it, The Chosen, the series about Jesus. I’d already walked out of religion per se. So I thought at first, oh, I don’t want to watch that, probably some religious propaganda. But then as I read about it, I thought, oh, it’s crowdfunded. It’s a very accurate, they say, historical account of him, as accurate as they could get. I like biographies, so I thought, okay, I’m going to watch this. So I did, and I started watching it. I had a good close contact and that part when I was a kid around Jesus, because I grew up in that family, but I didn’t connect how the church related to him, connected more about him, just about this passionate, loving person that’s all about life. So when I started watching this and this after came on, he started speaking the words of Jesus and I was laying back in my bed and actually knocked me back in my bed. I pushed, it’s like, I felt a force just push me as it’s very impactive. And I thought, wow, what is that? And then I thought I would get over that in a few minutes. I can say, okay, that’s a nice experience, but it stayed with me and I can watch some more of the show.
When I woke up in the morning, I was feeling better than ever. I thought, wow, what is this? I thought, okay, it’ll last for a while, maybe 24 hours, but it’s still nice to feel, but it never stopped and it grew in me. I’m not telling you the short version of this, and had to do with, I got in contact eventually that Jesus was the first person to actually speak about and in that context, break the death barrier and in a physical way, that seed of life has always been in us. It’s been a primal scream in all of our bodies for thousands of years. But he was the first person to actually put words to it and living proof of immortality. Yes, living proof of it. And he was speaking, drink of my blood, eat of my flesh, you shall have an everlasting life. I’m here not to bring something to support the new. I’m here to support the old. In simple terms, I’m here to bring newness to you. I’m here to bring the kingdom here on earth, not out here somewhere. Heaven’s here on earth. All these statements but most of all, it had an energy behind it. His words were potent. They were fertile and out of that fertile expression, he created this new immortal lineage that’s in the body and for us to tap into. I just let myself tap into that.
And since then I talk about mindset. It goes beyond mindset. It’s like I moved from this part of this world to this world. It’s like a birth. We were born into a mortal program, all of us. What program is hell, really. To see people you love, like you were talking about, die. But now we have an opportunity, and it’s always been there, to birth ourselves out of that mortal program into an immortal program. And that’s what he established. So it completely changed the dynamics of my whole body, the stress left me, the load or the burden of working in this 45, 48 years and all the strife left me in that way. I’m not trying to paint a perfect picture, but because it’s not about perfection. It’s about the abundance of life in our bodies. I felt this new life happening and since then, that’s been two years, it’s just grown stronger and stronger. I’ve expressed this and people are limited here. At first it was like they didn’t know for sure where I was coming from. You might be thinking that and that’s okay. I understand.
Dr. Wendy Myers
No, I had the same experience a few years ago.
James Strole
Oh, wonderful. I felt drawn to tell you this. Maybe that’s why, but it was magnificent. It’s totally changed the people in the room because it’s contagious. That’s what Jesus wanted. He wanted us to be the embodiment of him, not just worship him as somebody outside ourselves. We’ve always looked for somebody to redeem us. We’re to be that embodiment of him and do the greater works. I think the greater work is that spreading this now between each other and having a communion, having a real caring that goes beyond the conscious mind, and having a communion with each other rather than just conversation.
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Dr. Wendy Myers
Yeah, I agree. I’m all about JC and I’ve definitely let him into my life and I have such a richer life and so much more happiness and peace and health because of that. I have so much less stress and fear and surrender, that a profound level of peace that I haven’t experienced before. So yeah, I highly recommend it. But yeah, I think it’s about letting him in when you’re ready. We all have to get to a pace where we’re ready to accept spirituality or praying or what have you. But yeah, I think it’s an important, very important component of health and longevity.
James Strole
Just to be clear for me. I love what you’re saying. My experience felt different to me. I let him in when I was a kid and I was baptized, but this is different for me rather than just letting him in. This is what we do as he’s in us. I think he wanted us to be the embodiment of him to actually resurrect him and be who he was. He said we would do greater works. So it’s a little bit different than in my experience of taking him in, because I did that one time, but it’s like actually becoming the same genetics, the same lineage, and then taking on the full powers of who he was because we were meant to be that. We’re meant to be something phenomenal that we’ve never allowed ourselves to be because of the suppression we face in our lives and trauma.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Yeah, and there’s definitely a spiritual battle going on the planet right now. And so absolutely. It can be fear inducing and frustrating, but I think accepting, accepting Jesus in your life for me is help to navigate all that, but so where do we watch chosen? Where is that playing?
James Strole
Amazon. You can also pick it up on Netflix, but Amazon is where I was watching it. I think you’ll love it. It’s so humanistic. Any other of these shows I watch, the story of Jesus, they make it so ethereal, and this, he jokes in it. He tells his stories. The disciples are always fighting with each other and he’s having to correct. I mean, it’s very, very, very humanistic. And the way they put it together and the accuracy of the historical account was really good. It’s been done by a lot of different religions. Per se, they call it profit and people and so they got opinions for everybody from rabbis to you name it
Dr. Wendy Myers
Talk to us about other things you’re doing. You mentioned exosomes. You mentioned plasma exchange and I’m seeing lots of advertisements on Instagram to donate your plasma and get money for it. Like there’s a big demand for plasma. What are the benefits of that exactly?
James Strole
Well, you’ve been able to do it before, but more people for longevity purposes are donating plasma. And it’s great because you’re obviously helping humanity by doing that, but you’re also really helping yourself because then when you donate your plasma, you’re donating that older plasma, and then it has to renew and regenerate in your body. You’re actually helping cleanse out toxins out of your body and creating a transfusion for plasma for your body. So, it’s really healthy to do. We have members here that do it all the time. Plus, you get paid anywhere from 100, 150 bucks for it, wherever you get it done. For recess or which I did T P E, which is therapeutic plasma exchange it’s like the same, almost like, some people will identify it like donating plasma, it’s a little bit more, I’ll say in depth from the standpoint that you’re hooked up with two lines.
They took all the blood out of you. They spend the blood, take out the plasma like they do, but then they put albumin back in for protein and other nutrients. You’re rebuilding your plasma on a very infrastructure level. That might be the word to use because they had me hold a bag of my plasma they took out. It was huge. I was like this and it was heavy and it was yellow, like a gold color. They said it was a healthy Plaza. They said they wish they could sell it to somebody, but they weren’t licensed to do it. So that’s a really good way of deeply detoxing the blood and regenerating new plasma.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Is that similar to INUSpheresis? I’m going to be doing INUSpheresis in December in Switzerland. I’m going to a clinic there called Swiss Mountain Clinic. But I heard it’s INUSpheresis, which it’s a blood cleansing thing that cleans out the plastics.
James Strole
Probably pretty much the same thing. Some people have called it different things. But I don’t know. I’ve never heard it called inus. There’s also young blood plasma. There are a few clinics in Texas actually that you can do it. There’s a clinic there that takes the young blood plasma only, solicits young blood, people in their twenties. I think they’re looking for anywhere from like 20, 25 or three and below. You have to be over 18 to donate. They pay those people for donating that, and then they transfuse it into people who are, say, are more mature. That young blood is filled with millions of exosomes and stem cells and hormones. It’s pretty amazing. Several of our people have done it here and had really great transformations from it.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Oh, wow. Fantastic. It’s really interesting, all the technologies out there.
James Strole
Very interesting.
Dr. Wendy Myers
And so you have to go look up young blood.
James Strole
Right off the bat, people have this, oh, is that a vampire thing?
Dr. Wendy Myers
It’s not adrenochrome. It’s just plasma.
James Strole
But this is the future. First of all, it helps the young people, because that detoxes them by donating plasma, and they get paid for it. So, it’s a win-win for these guys who are students and so forth. And then it helps the older people by renewing them. So, it’s really where our societies should be, all at different ages and groups helping each other. It’s just a way of doing that.
Dr. Wendy Myers
What are some other technologies that hold a lot of promise for regenerating yourself?
James Strole
Well, the newest things coming up, they’re already out, are gene therapies. I’m really excited about gene therapies. There was an article recently, I don’t know if you know this, Parrish, with BioViva lab
Dr. Wendy Myers
What’s it called again?
James Strole
BioViva. You might want to look her up. She’s doing amazing work, her company and gene therapies. And she’s also working with Dr. Bill Andrews of Sierra Sciences. He actually has been providing the gene therapy for her, along with another company called Mini Circle, which I think they’re in either Rissdale or somewhere in that area that they’re also working. You can go offshore and get gene therapy for less money. I’m excited about Bill Andrews’ work because he’s got a gene therapy that’s been proven in the lab already. He’s got all the data on it. Every scientist I talk to says, hey, this is the real deal. He’s just looking for funding to get it completed, to get to go into human trials. And if that works a hundred percent, you could be 90 years old, take the gene therapy, be chronologically 90, but biologically 25. That’s really exciting. That’s a world changer. That’s why I’m excited about something like that.
Now, even if that worked 50%, that would be amazing. The idea is that at least it’s the telomeres. It’s gene therapy, a hundred percent. Telomeres are the end caps of the chromosomes and when they wear out, that’s one of the most, I’ll say, prominent concepts of why we age. There’s a lot of different ideas around age, obviously, a few different theories of why we age. And I think, I’m not saying that this gene therapy will be the answer for everything, but it will be, because I think, actually, we’re going to be creating many different therapies, innovations that will work together synergistically. If you can reverse the aging to 25, that’s pretty remarkable. Your skin will change everything. You can renew yourself back. That’s the theory. This scientist, Dr. Bill Andrew is one of the best scientists in the country. So, it’s real stuff. It’s not science fiction.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Anything else that you can talk to or speak to about improving?
James Strole
Yeah, Dr Greg Fahy is working on and has proven. He’s the first Scientist that has actually technically and has the data that’s reversed aging. He’s been able to prove it by two and a half years, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but fundamentally, it could be is. We’re finding out more all the time the cascading effects of that. He is renewing the thymus. He reversed the age of the thymus by two and a half years. He’s making more success in that all the time. That’s very exciting. I’ve seen people do that, hairs turning back to normal color or almost normal color. One guy took the treatment. I met him at Raadfest. He was in his eighties. He took the treatment now he’s running marathons. He couldn’t move very well before he’s running senior marathons. It’s amazing stuff that’s happening. We’re in a whole new world now.
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I want to thank one of our podcast sponsors Bon Charge. They have this amazing red-light mask here that I absolutely love. I’ve been using this for about a month now and I’m really blown away by the results. It’s time to step up your skincare this year with the redlight face mask by Bon Charge. I just spend like 10 minutes a day wearing this mask and it has so many different benefits. It really works. This face mask, essentially, the red LED lights penetrate really deeply into your skin. They boost collagen production, reduce inflammation, and ease the signs of aging. So, if you want plumper, younger looking skin, skin, if you want to significantly reduce or eliminate acne, blemishes, redness, and inflammation, if you want to reduce pigmentation, if you want to stimulate cellular repair and circulation, if you want to reduce puffiness and help to drain the lymphatics in your face and for you guys, you can use this advanced LED technology to revolutionize your skin care by tackling razor burn, dryness, and redness. It’s really easy to use.
I only have to wear it 10 minutes a day. So, you can do it while you’re watching TV. I just do it at the end of my day, right before I go to bed. You can do it while you’re relaxing, while you’re in your sauna, whatever you’re doing. I really like it because it’s totally portable, so I can take it with me wherever I go. You don’t have to have it plugged into anything. It’s totally portable. I’ve seen a really big improvement in the tone and texture of my skin. I really feel like it’s helped. I have a lot of sun damage just from worshipping the sun my whole life. I feel like it’s really helped reduce the appearance of the pigmentation from the sun damage. I felt like it helped with the puffiness that we can get as well. I really like the results of this mask.
Bon Charge is a red light face mask. It’s really easy to use to take care of your skin. It’s totally painless and it’s not going to heat up your skin or cause any kind of heat damage or anything like that. The red wavelength is 630 nanometers, which is used to reduce redness, inflammation, pigmentation and it prompts cellular repair and circulation. The near infrared in this is at 840 nanometers. It’s the deeper fibroblast cells stimulating new collagen and elastin production, resulting in firmer, plumper, more youthful-looking skin. So trust me, you want to get one of these. Try the Bon Charge red light face mask. You can get it at That’s B O N C H A R G E. com and use promo code WENDY to get 15 percent off.
Dr. Wendy Myers
And what about supplements? A lot of people aren’t able to access some of these things. So, what are some things that people at home can do to improve their telomeres and supplements that they can take? There’s a lot of hype around a lot of different supplements. What is your take on the best supplements for longevity?
James Strole
Well, you do have to watch the hype. Some people say, oh, supplements aren’t good at all. Well, we know that’s not real. Even some of my best doctor friends said we were taught lies in med school and we pee those out or whatever. They don’t do any good for the body. And now these guys that I know are surgeons, everything else, it’s how they keep their immune systems by doing, by supplementing and they don’t tell their colleagues because the colleagues don’t believe in it, but there’s many of them. Great, now you said, look, I’ll tell you a secret. Most of the doctors that aren’t getting sick are using some type of supplementation. Some of the key ones, basic ones that you need to have good levels in for your immune system are vitamin D3, A, especially now for your immune system and zinc together, A and zinc together. There are supplements you can get with that combination.
If you go to the Life Institution Foundation website, you’ll see an amazing amount of all kinds of immune-building supplements, along with new supplements, like the activator I mentioned, that can get rid of zombie cells. They have all kinds of new supplements. They are a company filled with integrity and efficacy. They test everything thoroughly. Their supplements are great quality, and they’re not overly expensive. People should be doing D for sure, zinc and A, depending upon whatever they have to check. It’s good to check with, say, a nutritionist on these things. Most medical doctors aren’t always up on a supplement program, but you do blood tests and you can see what you really need and really keep your vitamin D up because it’s crucial for your immune system. I can keep going down the list, but there are so many.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Are you into things like resveratrol or NMN and NAD and the typical longevity supplements that people talk about?
James Strole
Yeah, I take resveratrol, NAD. Some of these things, I’ll rotate based on my blood work. I think that’s again important. Don’t take things just blindly. Nowadays, and even through life extension, if you don’t have insurance, you get very inexpensive blood work through life extension. It’s worth it because otherwise, you could be wasting money, buying supplements and not knowing what they’re doing, but if you do a test with life extension, or even if you don’t do the test with them, you can call them free after 800 number and they will put a doctor on the line, either a naturopath or a regular physician, allopathic doctor and they’ll go over your blood work with you free. This is a great thing. This is an amazing company. I’m telling everybody about it because it’s an easy way to get information without putting out a lot of money
Dr. Wendy Myers
That’s such a good tip. I have that access for free.
James Strole
I had to spend a half hour of investment time with you. They’re great. And they don’t push their product or anything. They’ll tell you what to do if you want to buy from them. That’s surprising. I’d never seen any company like them without that organization. They are great. They have a large number of supplements, very affordable and very high quality.
Dr. Wendy Myers
I agree. Why don’t you tell us where we can learn more about your work? What is your website?
James Strole
Our website is the coalition website, which is That’s The RAAD Fest Coalition is a nonprofit organization that produces Raadfest. You want to come to Raadfest or know more about it. It’s And I’ll tell you all about the event. It’s going to be in Vegas, July 11th through the 13th. I would say nobody should miss it. It’s gonna be phenomenal. You learn so much. It’s inspiring. You meet like-minded people. It’s a celebration at the same time with the best of science in the world to keep you alive. And then if you wanna reach me personally, you can go to and you’ll see our schedules. You can come online here. We’re the driving force of volunteers behind the Raad Fest. The people here are very engaged in longevity, really beautiful people. You can come online or you can come here in person for events. We have events twice a week, Monday and Friday, plus a weekend event every month. So, you’ll see the schedule there. You can come online complimentary or you can come in person. All the information is there.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Well, James, thank you so much for coming on the show.
James Strole
Thank you for having me on.
Dr. Wendy Myers
It’s fantastic talking to you. I’ve wanted to interview you for a long time and I’ve wanted to go to Raadfest for a long time. I’m going to be there in July if you guys want to see me there. So, thanks for coming on the show.
James Strole
Yeah, don’t forget to reach out and we’ll send you a special discount ticket and friends you want to bring will do the same.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Okay, great.
James Strole
Thank you for having me on.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Thank you so much, James. Everyone, thank you so much for joining us for the Myers Detox Podcast, where we talk with experts from around the world on topics related to anti-aging and detoxification and bioenergetics and more advanced topics than you’re not going to hear on other podcasts. I get a little bored of the basics, so I want to do a little bit more advanced things and I’ll give you those pieces of the puzzle to help elevate your health and your life. Thanks for tuning in.
The Myers Detox Podcast is created and hosted by Wendy Myers. This podcast is for information purposes only. Statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast, including Wendy Myers and the producers, disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein. The opinions of guests are their own, and this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guest qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem, consult a licensed physician.