Live to 110 by Weighing Less — FREE eGuide

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Grab your copy of my FREE 50-page weight loss eGuide! Like most people, you’ve probably been frustrated in your attempts to lose weight in the past. The Live to 110 by Weighing Less© eGuide provides an effective solution based on the latest nutritional knowledge and science available today. The best part? It really works and it’s FREE!

This 50-page guide on weight loss basics is offered to you for FREE as a kind gesture to entice you to join the Live to 110™ tribe! Does your weight feel out of control? Are you overwhelmed by all the competing weight loss programs you see?

Have you struggled with?

  • Yo-yo dieting
  • Fad diets
  • Gaining lost weight back
  • Emotional eating
  • Unstoppable cravings
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia

Have you tried too many rigid diets that involve?

  • Counting calories
  • Counting carbs
  • Fasting
  • Measuring your food
  • Processed nutrient deficient ‘diet’ food
  • Counting points

There are lots of ways to lose weight, but I’ve found that diets and fasts don’t work in the long-term because fasting and low calorie (nutrient deficient) diets cause your metabolism to slow and regain your lost weight plus more when you’re done with the diet.

You must adopt lifelong healthy eating habits if you want to be slim and healthy. First, you must start with the basics. The Live to 110 by Weighing Loss© eGuide will give you great basic tips on how track your results. These tips are all vital to lose weight and keep it off!

You will learn:

  • The best diet template for weight loss – The Modern Paleo Diet
  • 6 Quick Start Rules to get you started losing weight NOW
  • The 15 habits of highly effective eaters
  • Fitness tips that really work
  • How to stop cravings dead in their tracks
  • Stress reduction techniques
  • And so much more!

With my plan, you will have the tools to overcome the obstacles that are preventing you from successfully losing weight. Be assured the path to your slender, healthy, energetic self is not impossible or outrageously difficult, but it does require that you consistently follow a simple plan for a period of time. The first step is to get the right information.

The Live to 110 by Weighing Less eGuide© is a mini-tool kit that contains the diet, the tools – the basic foundation – you need to lose that stubborn weight. Let’s get started!

Free Download | Live to 110

I hope you enjoy reading the eGuide… and the peace of mind knowing that it will guide you in the right direction on your path to weight loss.

Look forward to my book When Diet and Exercise are Not Working: Roadblocks to Weight Loss coming soon. If my free eGuide does not result in the weight loss you desire, there are roadblocks on your path to weight loss that you must address for weight loss to proceed. The best diet and exercise program in the world will not work unless you address the all too common roadblocks to weight loss I reveal in the book. I will email you updates and let you know when it is available for sale on™.

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