10 Powerful Supplements to Protect Against the Effects of 5G


The rollout of 5G – short for 5th generation wireless system – is here! And it is already raising a lot of questions in regards to human health. This is because 5G produces much higher and stronger electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) than previous wireless generations and involves the installation of considerably more antennae. 

So while 5G means more speed and more efficiency for our wireless devices, what does it mean for our health? 

Studies have already shown that exposure to electromagnetic fields (or EMFs for short) may lead to a myriad of negative effects on your well-being. 

Reducing your exposure to EMFs – especially those now being emitted thanks to the new 5G system – is the first step in guarding your health against this new electropollution. 

We’ve talked before about some of the steps you can take to protect yourself from these health hazards. But to best protect yourself from 5G EMFs, there is one more critical step that I highly recommend you take – shore up your natural defenses by working a number of specific, high-potency nutrients into your diet. Let’s take a look.

The Risks and Symptoms of Exposure to 5G Frequencies

Before we dive into the best nutrients you should work into your diet to boost your natural defenses against 5G radiation, I wanted to give you a quick overview of what 5G is in the first place!

5G, or “5th Generation” is the latest wireless technology currently being rolled out worldwide. It’s basically the new kid on the block in terms of wireless technology.

It produces electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) that are higher than those of the generations that came before it. These higher frequencies allow for information to be transmitted faster and more efficiently. In the world of wireless tech, 5g is the newer, shinier thing.

But these higher frequencies may also be a cause for concern when it comes to human health.

Exposure to EMFs causes an overproduction of free radicals and can induce above average amounts of oxidative stress by interrupting cellular respiration

​​You see, as we currently understand it, the primary route for EMF damage is through something called reactive oxygen species (ROS). You probably have heard of these chemical compounds referred to by another name – free radicals. 

Your body produces free radicals naturally as a normal part of your biological process. But when the amount of free radicals you’re exposed to outweighs your antioxidant defenses, oxidative stress occurs.

And this can pose a threat to your health.

Oxidative stress can damage essential parts of your cells, such as fatty acids, proteins, even your DNA. This impairs the way your cells function and can have a snowball effect when reactive oxygen species go unchecked. [1]

Some of the known risks and health symptoms associated with EMF exposure include [2,3,4]:

  • Decreased Heart Rate Variability
  • Increased Stress Hormones
  • Negative effects on the Central Nervous System (CNS)
  • Increased risk for mood disorders
  • Poor sleep
  • Changes and disturbances in the cardiovascular system
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty concentrating

The World Health Organization has also classified radio frequencies (which are emitted from 5G) as Group 2B — possible human carcinogens. [5]

Those most vulnerable to the health effects of EMFs from 5G include children and infants, due to their small body size. These younger members of the population are more likely to absorb more EMFs because their brain tissues are more absorbent, and their skulls are thinner than those of grown adults. 

Of course, one of the first steps in protecting yourself from the potent electromagnetic frequencies produced from 5G is to minimize your exposure in the first place.

Check out this article for some simple things you can do each day to do just that!

But there is one more additional – and crucial – step you should take to guard your health in the face of this high-frequency electropollution: provide your body with cellular-level protection through vital nutrients.

Let’s take a deeper look at that now…

Eat These Nutrients That Protect Your Cells From 5G EMF Stress

If radiation from EMFs is damaging your cells, it would make sense that any compounds that can protect your cells would be a crucial line of defense. That’s why you need to protect your body on a cellular level. And to do this, nutrition is key. 

One of the most direct ways to enhance your antioxidant stores is to get them directly through the nutrients you eat.

Luckily, nature has provided us with several compounds that we can get through plant foods to combat the damage that high-frequency EMFs may cause to our cells. 

Here are the top nutrients and foods I highly recommend you start working into your diet to help protect you from the damaging effects of EMFs produced by 5G.

1. Flavonoids 

Flavonoids are a group of phytonutrients that can be found in foods like [6, 7]:

  • Broccoli
  • Green tea
  • Moringa
  • Kale
  • Parsley
  • Red cabbage
  • Berries like blueberries, cherries, and raspberries
  • Acai
  • Chinese skullcap (also called “the golden herb”)

Flavonoids are responsible for the bright, vivid colors of these plants. [8,9,10]

Research shows that flavonoids offer “biological protection” against radiation due to their antioxidant activity. They appear to reduce the carcinogenic effects of radiation while enhancing the health of your cells.

These potent compounds may even reduce your biological age. As opposed to chronological age, your biological age is a measure of how old a person seems given the health status of their body. In other words, consuming foods high in flavonoids may be a key to aging better [11]. 

2. Sulforaphane

Sulforaphane is another antioxidant compound that’s found in cruciferous vegetables like [12]:

  • Cauliflower
  • Kale
  • Cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • And the most potent source being broccoli sprouts

Aside from its antioxidant effects, sulforaphane exhibits a range of biological benefits including supporting a healthy inflammatory response, along with anti-aging, DNA Protective,  and neuroprotective benefits. [13, 38]  

Additionally, studies have shown that sulforaphane increases glutathione (GSH) levels in both the blood and the brain. This is important, as one of glutathione’s primary jobs is to regulate oxidative stress and protect your cells. GSH plays a central role in redox homeostasis (reduction-oxidation), which is the process of neutralizing free radicals. [14,15]

Unfortunately, EMFs can greatly reduce the effectiveness of glutathione. [16] 

Exposure to EMFs causes an overproduction of free radicals and induces above average amounts of oxidative stress by interrupting cellular respiration. And so, when glutathione cannot keep up with this extra free radical burden  – things can get dangerous.

That’s why sulforaphane is so crucial to protecting your health. It helps boost your body’s production of glutathione in the face of electromagnetic radiation exposure.

When put to the test against radiation, sulforaphane has been shown to inhibit the DNA damage that high electromagnetic frequencies can exhibit. What’s more, in the case of radiation as part of cancer treatment, sulforaphane can help repair damaged DNA. [17]

3. Green Tea

Thanks to its high antioxidant properties due to its abundance of polyphenol compounds, long-term use of green tea may provide protection against the oxidative stress caused by EMFs.

In 2016, a study was conducted on workers exposed to high-voltage power lines and found that green tea polyphenol supplementation (GTPS) may create protective effects against the health conditions brought on by exposure to electromagnetic fields and the subsequent oxidative stress[16, 18].

4. Melatonin

One of the primary hormones that assists your circadian rhythm in its sleep cycle is melatonin. When your body senses that it’s night time, your melatonin levels rise. Melatonin then signals your body to relax and makes you feel sleepy. [19]

One study found that melatonin also protects agains​t neuronal Nav current increases that result from low level EMF exposure in cerebellar granule cells (GCs). [20]

But in order for your body to signal the release of melatonin, it must sense a lack of sunlight. EMF exposure can interfere with that. [21]

Research in both humans and animals shows that EMFs can decrease your body’s ability to produce melatonin. This may be due to the fact that your pineal gland (which is responsible for producing melatonin) senses these frequencies as light. [16, 21, 22] This can lead to poor sleep and a whole host of other health problems.

See why melatonin is so important?

It is not recommended that you take melatonin long-term, however. That’s why it is crucial to find ways to protect yourself against EMF exposure and boost your body’s ability to combat oxidative stress naturally.

5. Moringa

Moringa is a superfood plant that comes from Southeast Asia, where it’s been used for centuries as a traditional remedy and vitality enhancer. It’s still relatively new to the Western world, but research has shown that moringa has powerful health-supporting benefits.

The benefits of moringa include a rich nutrient profile, antioxidant properties, and the ability to support a healthy inflammatory response. Studies have also shown that moringa even protects against the infertility-induced by electromagnetic radiation in men. [23, 24]

One study found that moringa oleifera leaves “have potent antioxidant activity against free radicals, prevent oxidative damage to major biomolecules and afford significant protection against oxidative damage.” [25]

6. Turmeric

Turmeric is a bright orange/yellow spice that’s been used for thousands of years in ancient medicine practices in Eastern cultures as a healing plant to modulate the body’s inflammatory response.

And due to the abundance of research on its active compound, curcumin, turmeric has become more mainstream within the nutritional world – especially for this potent anti-inflammatory supporting activity. 

One thing worth noting here is that oxidative stress and inflammation go hand in hand. When oxidation increases in your body, it causes more inflammation, and when inflammation increases, it causes more oxidative stress. [27]

Since EMFs induce high levels of oxidative stress in the body, it is reasonable to expect that inflammation goes up as well. 

And as we have been discussing, reducing the oxidative stress in your body by flooding it with antioxidants is key in supporting your natural defense systems against the harmful effects of EMFs. So it makes sense that you also want to support a healthy inflammatory response in your body with certain antioxidants like turmeric – as another way to help reduce oxidative stress.

Due to its ability to modulate and support a healthy inflammatory response, turmeric can be particularly helpful when it comes to EMF exposure. 

One study found that curcumin (the active ingredient in turmeric)  was actually able to inhibit the pro-inflammatory response of EMF-exposed cells [26]. 

7. Vitamin C

We all know that vitamin C is a powerful immune system booster. But how can it help protect against EMFs? 

The key is actually when it is paired with vitamin E (which we will talk about next).

Studies have shown that, when used in conjunction with each other, vitamins C and E can provide protective effects against exposure to low-frequency electromagnetic fields, like those emitted from household appliances and electric transmission lines. [28]  

These two nutrients make a powerful pair because “vitamin C regenerates vitamin E, whilst vitamin E scavenges free radicals – which increases the antioxidant effect and further helps repair damaged cell membranes.” [16].

And we already know the importance of shoring up our antioxidant defenses and protecting our cells in the face of EMF exposure.

They can also provide powerful protection for your skin! The Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University has said that, when used together, vitamins E and C are even “more effective in preventing photodamage than either vitamin alone.” [29]

8. Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that acts as an antioxidant to protect the cell membranes in your skin and the underlying extracellular matrix from oxidative damage. This effect can be boosted when vitamin E is combined with another antioxidant – vitamin C. [29] In addition to what we discussed above, vitamin E also helps maintain vitamin C and prevent it from deteriorating too rapidly [16].

And not only does vitamin E help reduce oxidative stress, it is perhaps the most important antioxidant necessary for hindering lipid peroxidation. [31]

In broad terms, lipid peroxidation is “a process under which oxidants such as free radicals attack lipids containing carbon-carbon double bond(s), especially polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).” [32] The end result of the lipid peroxidation process (LPO) is the Malandialdehyde (MDA). [31]

High lipid peroxidation rates occur under toxic conditions – like when one is exposed to 5G EMFs. 

We already know that exposure to EMFs can lead to DNA damage, as well as an increase in oxidative stress by eroding our body’s defense systems against free radicals. Free radicals can then overwhelm the system and outpace the body’s ability to provide adequate defenses or repair capabilities. 

We can now add to that list of dangers lipid peroxidation. [30] When LPO begins, molecular cell damage occurs and may even promote accelerated aging. [32]

Vitamin E has been found in multiple studies to not only provide protective effects against oxidative stress, but to also leave one less vulnerable to lipid peroxidation. [30, 31]

9. Selenium

Selenium is an essential micromineral and antioxidant used by your body to prevent free radical oxidative damage to your cells. This powerful nutrient plays a role in a number of biological processes, including reproduction, immunity, DNA synthesis, and thyroid hormone metabolism. 

Like vitamin C above, studies have shown that selenium can significantly reduce oxidative stress in the body when combined with vitamin E. One study in particular showed that when used together, selenium and vitamin E, helped reduce the oxidative stress in the ovarian tissue of mice. [34]

Selenium has been shown to provide protection from the oxidative stress created from exposure to 2.4 GHz frequency EMFs as well as cellular death, or apoptosis, caused by the same EMFs. [35]

Another study concluded that selenium may provide protective effects for male reproductive system against electromagnetic field-induced tissue damage. [36]

Unfortunately, selenium deficiency affects anywhere from 500 million to 1 billion people worldwide, with the United States being significantly impacted[37]. 

Without sufficient amounts of selenium, your body can have problems making enough glutathione. That’s important because, as we discussed above, glutathione helps to regulate oxidative stress and neutralize free radicals. [14,15]

10. Zinc

You probably already know that zinc plays an important role in supporting a strong immune function and a healthy inflammatory response [42]. 

But did you know that zinc is a potent antioxidant that can decrease oxidative stress? [39] Studies also show that supplementing with zinc may also reduce lipid peroxidation in the brain. [40]

Additionally, studies have revealed that EMFs can significantly reduce the levels of zinc in the tissues of both the lungs and liver [41]. Exposure to EMFs can also cause damage to tissue in those same organs. Supplementation with zinc may discourage the cellular damage in the lungs and liver that may otherwise be inflicted by electromagnetic frequencies [41].

Unfortunately, zinc deficiency is incredibly common. In fact, it’s estimated that 1 in 2 Americans over 50 have zinc deficiency.

If you are looking to get more zinc into your diet, foods  rich in zinc include: [16]

  • eggs
  • pumpkin seeds
  • turkey
  • lentils
  • cashews
  • seafood such as oysters (the highest known food source of zinc!)
  • grass-fed beef

How To Protect Yourself from 5G EMFs With High-Potency Nutrients In One Easy Step

If you’re like most people, you may not be able to sneak each of the foods we just discussed above into your diet every day. If that’s the case, I’ve got good news for you — you don’t have to. 

I’ve spent a lot of time working with clients and researching how to best detox from everyday living and protect myself (and others!) from the contaminants in our environment.

I wish I could say that eating clean and exercising was enough, but unfortunately, with the current state of affairs, that’s just not going to cut it. Perhaps, even more so, when it comes to EMFs and our increasingly high exposure to electropollution.

With this understanding, I pulled together all of my research into cellular health and formulated a supplement called Daily Detox

Daily Detox combines the most potent and well-researched botanicals that support your health on a cellular level to give your body the nutrients it needs to fend off the damaging effects of EMFs from 5G. 

You’ll see that it includes the highest quality versions of many of the nutrients we discussed above!

With broccoli sprouts, moringa, green tea, kelp, turmeric, and so much more, this blend gives you the inside-out protection that your cells need to combat the ever-growing radiation in our environment. 

In just 30 seconds a day, you can flood your body with a cascade of nutrients that support your organs, cells, and tissues and enhance your body’s defenses against the everyday toxins you come into contact with – including the electro pollution generated by 5G.

There are plenty of things you can do to protect yourself from exposure to 5G EMF radiation, but building up your body’s natural defenses is by far the most effective strategy in the long run. 

Bottom Line

5G is coming – or in many areas, it is already here! – and its effects, while largely unknown, have the potential to be seriously damaging to your health. 

Take care to shield yourself as best you can with lifestyle interventions like turning off your WiFi when not in use, and keeping your phone at a distance when you don’t need it. But for full-body cellular-level protection, nutrients are vital

But thanks to things like processed foods, nutrient depleted soil, industrial manufacturing, GMOs, food additives, environmental toxins, and even stress, many of us are severely nutrient deficient

Nutritional deficiency can affect our health in a myriad of ways. But in short, it means our bodies are not getting all of the minerals it needs to run optimally so that it can provide adequate defenses against our daily exposure to environmental health hazards like EMFs. 

That’s why it is crucial to your overall well being that you reinforce your nutrient defense systems.

High-quality ingredients like those found in Daily Detox could make a world of difference regarding how your body responds to 5G. In fact, these botanicals could not only support your overall cellular health, but also support a better aging process of your cells.


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Dr Wendy Myers, ND is a detox expert, functional diagnostic nutritionist, NES Bioenergetic Practitioner, and founder of Myersdetox.com. She is the #1 bestselling author of Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue . Additionally, Wendy is the host of The Heavy Metals Summit, the Myers Detox Podcast, and the Supercharged Podcast. Passionate about the importance of detox to live a long and healthy life, she created the revolutionary Myers Detox Protocol , and Mitochondria Detox kit after working with thousands of clients, as well as a range of supplements to help you detox from everyday living and maintain a healthy lifestyle!

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