7 Signs You Need An Emotional Detox


Do you need an emotional detox? If you suspect that you do, you’ve come to the right place!

If you haven’t been feeling like your best self – it’s time to make a change. There is no reason that you shouldn’t wake up every day feeling excited for life, invested in your future, and grateful to be you. 

So, why is it that so many people wake up feeling stressed, depressed, or just generally unamused with life? In a word: emotional trauma.

While you may be aware of your surface emotions, there is a deeper world of emotions that lives in your subconscious mind that dictates how you feel on a daily basis. If your subconscious is filled with loving, happy emotions – you will be a loving, happy person. 

If, however, your subconscious is filled with worthlessness, powerlessness, fear, stress, anger, or sadness, these feelings will dominate your life. 

Happiness shouldn’t be an emotion reserved for vacations and special occasions – you can be waking up with joy every day. 

But how do you accomplish that? 

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • Vital signs that you need an emotional detox
  • Why emotionally detoxing is a mind-body-energy job
  • How your subconscious programs are driving your life
  • The most powerful thing you can do to finally be free of negative emotions

7 Signs You Need An Emotional Detox

#1 Your Mood Is Unpredictable 

The problem with most deep-seated emotional traumas is that they’re unconscious. You may think that your low mood is due to something that happened at work or an argument with a friend, but most of the time, the real source of your pain is hidden away in the depth of your subconscious mind.

This could mean that one day you wake up feeling really good and optimistic, and the next, for whatever reason, your mood shifts. 

When subconscious programs are triggered, we don’t always know why; we just know that we were feeling good – and then we weren’t. 

It can be incredibly frustrating to live this way because it can make it hard to trust yourself and know innately what you can and cannot handle. This is why frequent unpredictable moods are one of the biggest signs that you’re in need of an emotional detox.

#2 You’re Dealing with Mood Imbalances and Stress

Stressed woman

Along the same lines as unpredictable moods are the next evolution of low mood – feeling completely defeated or on edge. If your mood swings become consistent or you end up stuck in a rut for a prolonged period of time, it could turn into a more serious mood imbalance.

In some cases, you’ll go through an acute spell of feeling sad or listless when something difficult happens in your life. While uncomfortable, this is relatively normal. However, if these feelings seem to come on out of nowhere or persists for weeks or months, there is something deeper to look at [1]. 

The same goes for feeling on edge and stressed. If, for instance, you’re a bit nervous about a presentation because you hate public speaking, that’s pretty normal, and the nerves will pass on thier own. However, if you experience edginess or that “impending sense of doom” for no foreseeable reason –  there’s likely a subconscious program at play. 

#3 You Have Trouble Maintaining Romantic Relationships 

Many people that have unprocessed emotions have a challenging time maintaining healthy relationships. In fact, one of the primary reasons we end up in unhealthy relationships is due to a subconscious desire to work out deep-seated emotional traumas inflicted on us by our primary caregivers that we have not consciously dealt with. 

This is why you may end up with a guy that reminds you of your dad or mom (in all the bad ways). 

Depending on how well your parents met your needs as a child, you will either have a secure or insecure attachment style. For those that are securely attached, relationships can be relatively smooth. You meet someone, get a feel for them, decide you like how they make you feel, and voila – you’re in a relationship. 

However, for those that have an insecure attachment, things are a bit more complicated. Due to the emotional traumas that remain in your subconscious from childhood, you’ll gravitate to people that trigger old programs, and the vast majority of the time – the relationship can end badly [2]. 

If you have had trouble maintaining healthy relationships, it’s not that there’s something wrong with you; it’s that your emotional traumas are unconsciously guiding you to partners that may not be the best match. Once you get to the root of your emotional programs, it is much easier to identify a healthy partner vs. a toxic one. You will naturally gravitate towards a healthier partner. 

#4 You’re Not Sleeping

Stressed woman suffering from insomnia

If you’re up at night tossing and turning, it may be time to ask yourself what’s really going on. For some people, it’s that they can’t fall asleep, while others wake up in the middle of the night with a ruminating mind and thoughts that just keep popping up no matter how many sheep they count. 

Most of the time, we blame our poor sleep on stress, but figuring out what it is that keeps you stressed is crucial if you actually want to resolve your sleep issues. 

The fact of the matter is that stressors will happen, but when your tank is overloaded due to unprocessed emotions, even the smallest thing can tip you over the edge.

And worst of all, poor sleep will only make emotional regulation and processing more challenging. This can create a downward spiral that keeps you stuck in an emotional, sleepless whirlwind[3]. 

#5 You Have Nutrient Deficiencies 

Okay, this may seem odd, but there is a very good line of reasoning why nutrient deficiencies may point to unprocessed emotions. 

When you experience early life stressors, it can set the stage for a condition called pyroluria. Pyroluria happens when compounds called pyrroles build up in your system and use up all your vitamin B6, magnesium, zinc and other crucial nutrients.

These nutrients are involved in a number of vital biological processes, one of them being the production of mood-stabilizing, feel good neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and GABA[4].

While the exact mechanism of how stress and emotional trauma instigates pyroluria is beyond the scope of this article, there is a strong correlation between people that have emotional trauma and this condition. 

Early life stress can be especially devastating as it creates subconscious programming that can keep you on edge even when all is well in your world. In fact, research shows that ACES (adverse childhood experiences) can change the neurological architecture of your brain to be primed for fight or flight[5]. 

When this happens, it increases your risk for pyroluria and, in turn, increases risks for nutrient deficiencies that lead to low mood. 

#6 You’ve Been Carrying Excess Weight That You Can’t Lose

If you’ve tried every trick in the book for shedding pounds, the culprit for your weight gain is likely hidden in your subconscious.

When you have unhealed emotions, they stay in your biofield, and you carry them around like excess weight. Over time, they can manifest as actual weight. 

And you can try to exercise and eat clean, but these physical actions will do very little good for healing the trauma in your energy body. 

On a physiological level, unhealed emotions can ramp up your fight or flight response (sympathetic nervous system), which over time can lead to chronic stress and weight gain[6].

Therefore, if your scale has been stuck for a while, it’s time to shift your focus away from your physical body and look deeper at what may be weighing you down emotionally. That’s because emotions and emotional trauma have a tremendous impact on your biology. And these need to be addressed to make big shifts physically that could be impeding weight loss. 

#7 You’ve Been On A Healing Journey, And Nothing Seems To Change

Depressed and stressed woman

Many people are aware of their emotional wounds and have been on a healing journey for quite some time to work them out. But here’s the problem; if you’ve been on a long healing journey and are not seeing the result you think you should for your efforts, you’re missing a piece of the puzzle. 

Maybe you’ve tried energy healing like reiki, or perhaps you worked with a therapist, maybe you’ve even gone to the jungle to take plant medicine – all of these are excellent self-care modalities – but why hasn’t your life changed?

Healing can take time, but it also takes an integrated approach. If you don’t see results on your healing journey – it’s time to dig deeper. And you may throw your hands up in the air and say, “how much deeper can I go?” but the truth is that your subconscious will only reveal the layers that your conscious mind and physical body can handle.

That’s why doing an emotional detox sets you up for success – it physically, mentally, and energetically clears the way for those deeper layers to come to the surface to be healed. 

How To Release Emotional Baggage Once and For All

If any (or all) of the above signs resonate with you, it’s time to consider an Emotional Detox

Did you know that over 67% of all physical health issues are due to emotional trauma? When you think about this, it’s staggering. And a huge reason is that people are not able to meet their physical health goals or feel good emotionally. Emotional trauma must be addressed no matter what you’re trying to accomplish with your health. 
Thats why, one of the most important detoxes you can ever do is an emotional detox

But how do you do that? Where do you start?

I created this Emotional Detox Masterclass to help.

It’s filled with proven emotional detox practices that have worked for many of my clients and colleagues and can help you to break free from emotional baggage that is making you stressed, tired, uncomfortable, & overweight.

Watch this totally free, online class now to learn:

  • How to quickly break free from stress, unresolved emotions, and past trauma
  • Proven emotional detox strategies  
  • Mistakes in functional medicine and psychology that are unnecessarily costing people thousands of dollars
  • The deep connection between your emotional & physical health
  • How “stuck emotions” weaken your health 
  • Signs you’re suffering from trapped emotions and emotional trauma 
  • An early life “stressor” that can lead to a 20-year reduction in lifespan and increase your risk of 7 of the top 10 causes of death…
  • The emotional risk factor that women are 50% more likely to be harmed by than men

Reserve your spot (again, it’s free!) and start watching now.


Having unprocessed emotions doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with you. In fact, most people in the world walk around with some level of unprocessed emotions. I would even venture to say that 99.9999% of the world is walking around this way. 

However, on rare occasions, you may meet someone who seems to be genuinely happy. They can just let things roll off when life isn’t going their way, they always have a smile on their face, and they are truly excited about being alive. This person isn’t superhuman; they’ve just dealt with their emotional trauma (or perhaps, they have been lucky enough not to have too much).

The good news is that this could also be you. Sure, you likely have a program that pops up saying, “nope, that could be other people, not me.” But guess what? That program is just another piece of the puzzle – a piece that can also be healed. 

If you’re ready to dig deep and feel a new level of freedom in your life, check out my Emotional Detox Masterclass today to begin your healing journey.  

*These statements have not been reviewed by the FDA. The ​Emotional Detox Masterclass is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.​ It is not intended to replace any medication or healing modality prescribed by your medical doctor.


  1. Yang, Zhi, et al. “Altered negative unconscious processing in major depressive disorder: an exploratory neuropsychological study.” PLoS One 6.7 (2011): e21881.
  2. https://www.attachmentproject.com/blog/four-attachment-styles/
  3. https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/stress/2013/sleep
  4. https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminB6-HealthProfessional/
  5. https://developingchild.harvard.edu/resources/aces-and-toxic-stress-frequently-asked-questions/
  6. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/stress-management/expert-answers/stress/faq-20058497

Dr Wendy Myers, ND is a detox expert, functional diagnostic nutritionist, NES Bioenergetic Practitioner, and founder of Myersdetox.com. She is the #1 bestselling author of Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue . Additionally, Wendy is the host of The Heavy Metals Summit, the Myers Detox Podcast, and the Supercharged Podcast. Passionate about the importance of detox to live a long and healthy life, she created the revolutionary Myers Detox Protocol , and Mitochondria Detox kit after working with thousands of clients, as well as a range of supplements to help you detox from everyday living and maintain a healthy lifestyle!

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