#93 Overmethylation and Undermethylation with Dr. Albert Mensah


Dr. Albert Mensah of Mensahmedical.com talks to me about overmethylation and undermethylation so you can clue into this common underlying cause of of health conditions and how to address them.

Methylation involves so many functions in the body including detoxification, neurotransmitter synthesis, folate metabolism, hormone regulation, energy levels, and many other processes in the body. So, you might imagine that if you are not methylating well that you’re not going to feel good and probably have health issues.


Click here to view the full transcript with Dr. Albert Mensah.

About Albert Mensah

Dr. Albert Mensah co-founded Mensah Medical Clinics in 2008 with Judith Bowman, M.D., specializing in the treatment of biochemical imbalances including autism, behavior/learning disorders, eating disorders, bipolar disorder, anxiety syndromes, childhood and adult schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease.

Mensahmedical.com uses a revolutionary method of treating patients with nutritional therapy, diet, testing for genetic mutations and methylation while paying close attention to metal toxicities and copper imbalances. I frankly think this is how medicine should be practiced and I applaud them for leading the way in revolutionary medical treatment.


Are you a Perfectionist? Extremely Competitive? You may be undermethylated.  Most undermethylated persons in the general population tend to be high-achievers and have good mental health.  These people tend to be our doctors, lawyers, corporate executives, professional athletes and scientists who strive for high career accomplishment.  Undermethylation is also more prevalent in college populations and in affluent neighborhoods.

Many individuals diagnosed with mental illnesses have severe undermethylation which is associated with low serotonin activity.  They have a genetic tendency to be very depressed in calcium, magnesium, methionine, and Vitamin B-6 and may have excessive levels of folic acid in nuclei of brain cells.  Undermethylated persons benefit from biomedical therapy to directly correct the underlying problem using methionine, calcium, magnesium, amongst others.

Decide for yourself if you fit into this chemical biotype.  Here is a list of factors associated with undermethylation:

  • high whole blood histamine
  • obsessive/compulsive tendencies
  • history of perfectionism
  • seasonal inhalant allergies
  • low tolerance for pain
  • prior diagnosis of OCD or ODD
  • ritualistic behaviors
  • very strong willed
  • slenderness
  • history of competitiveness in sports
  • calm demeanor, but high inner tension
  • frequent headaches
  • family history of high accomplishment
  • delusions (thought disorder)
  • self-motivated during school years
  • poor concentration endurance
  • social isolation
  • addictiveness
  • phobias
  • good response to antihistamines
  • high fluidity (tears, saliva, etc.)
  • good response to SSRI’s
  • very high libido
  • diagnosis of delusional disorder
  • Planning to have kids?  It is important to know that undermethylated parents are more vulnerable to epigenetic insults that can cause autism.


Are you creative?  Low motivation during your school years? You may be overmethylated.  Most overmethylated persons in the general population tend to be creative or sensitive types.  These individuals may be attracted to professions or hobbies in music and the arts, architecture, education, writing, social services or causes, and philosophy.  Often, they are “underachievers” and may experience learning issues.

Individuals with methyl-folate imbalances may have elevated levels of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine and low blood histamine.  They may experience high internal tension and anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, food and chemical sensitivities, and have a tendency to overreact to life experiences.  In clinical studies, about 45% of persons diagnosed with schizophrenia were found to be severely overmethylated.  Overmethylated persons benefit from biomedical therapy to reduce methyl using folic acid, Vitamin B-12, niacinamide, DMAE, choline, manganese, zinc, amongst others.

Here is a list of traits/symptoms associated with overmethylation:

  • low whole blood histamine
  • high anxiety or panic tendency
  • hyperactivity
  • low libido
  • pear shaped body
  • tendency to be overweight
  • nervous legs, pacing
  • post-partum onset of psychosis
  • adverse reaction to SSRI’s
  • dry eyes and mouth
  • belief that everyone thinks ill of them
  • low motivation during school years
  • high pain threshold
  • diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia
  • paranoia
  • depression
  • sleep disorder
  • upper body/neck/head pain
  • heavy body hair
  • food/chemical sensitivities
  • artistic or musical ability
  • copper overload/toxicity
  • history of eczema
  • self mutilation
  • obsessions without compulsions
  • absence of seasonal allergies
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Dr Wendy Myers, ND is a detox expert, functional diagnostic nutritionist, NES Bioenergetic Practitioner, and founder of Myersdetox.com. She is the #1 bestselling author of Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue . Additionally, Wendy is the host of The Heavy Metals Summit, the Myers Detox Podcast, and the Supercharged Podcast. Passionate about the importance of detox to live a long and healthy life, she created the revolutionary Myers Detox Protocol , and Mitochondria Detox kit after working with thousands of clients, as well as a range of supplements to help you detox from everyday living and maintain a healthy lifestyle!

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