Transcript: #119 Raising Healthy Children with Luke Pryor

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  • 03:44 About Luke Pryor
  • 06:14 Children’s Health Today
  • 07:50 Children and Burnout
  • 10:54 What it Takes to Produce Healthy Children
  • 12:21 Problems with Prenatal Vitamins
  • 14:39 Pre-Pregnancy Detoxification and Mineralization
  • 18:17 Right Diet for a Child
  • 20:23 Supplements for Children
  • 23:37 Other Procedures to Help Children Be Healthy
  • 24:55 Improving Children’s Eating Habits
  • 26:42 Children and Nutritional Balancing Programs
  • 29:08 Nutritional Balancing Programs for Autism and Developmental Delays
  • 32:55 Importance of Building a Foundation of Health at a Young Age
  • 35:37 Most Pressing Health Issue in the World Today: Children’s Health
  • 37:48 More about Luke Pryor

Wendy Myers: Hello. Welcome to the Live To 110 Podcast. My name is Wendy Myers.
You can find me at You can find this video podcast on the YouTube channel, Wendy Live to 110. Go there and subscribe. Make me happy. And you can also find the video on the corresponding blog post on

Today, we’re having Luke Pryor on the show today. He is a Nutritional Balancing Practitioner for Dr. Larry Wilson’s protocols. He’s going to be talking about the health of children, how to improve children’s health and how to reverse the disturbing trend that children today are expected to have a shorter life span than their parents.

We’re going to be talking about how to reverse that trend by mineralizing the body and by detoxifying the body. I think this is incredibly important to do this for children and to be thinking about this for pre-pregnancy planning and if you’re thinking about having a child. That’s what we’ll be talking about today on the show.

Please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please keep in mind that this program is for entertainment and for informational purposes only. Please do not attempt anything that we suggest on the show without first consulting your physician or healthcare practitioner.

I’m so excited for the release of my Body Bio Rehab Program. Hopefully it’s out by now by the time you hear this podcast. It’s supposed to be released May 1st.

I designed this program over the last few months because I have so many questions about diet and exercise and detoxification and just basic facets of health. And I wanted to create this program to teach you how to take care of your body, how to reverse disease. I’ll give you just the very basic information that you need to live a long healthy life.

The program is going to be detailing the diet that you should be eating, but starting with that 30-day Paleo reset to get rid of the foods that you’re sensitive to and explore your body and what foods work for you and what don’t. I’m going to have a section on exercise, what type to do and how much. There are lots of questions about that. The kind of supplementation you should be taking, just basic supplements everyone should be taking.

There will be a module on sleep, how to improve your sleep, how to improve sleep hygiene and supplements that can aid in sleep until you can heal your body to a certain degree. You have to sleep in order to have a healthy body and reverse disease and heal your adrenals and thyroid, et cetera. I’m going to have a section on stress reduction. Stress is our number one killer. You need lots of tricks in your tool kit to reduce stress.

And then lastly I have a module on detoxification. This is something that most people are not tending to their health regimen. And they’re making a grave potentially fatal mistake because everyone has toxins and heavy metals and chemicals in their body. You have to adapt a daily life-long detox plan in order to get these chemicals and metals out of your body and maintain a clean healthy body. I’ll tell you how to do just that.

So go check out and enjoy the program. It’s only $49. I made it very, very affordable for everyone.

03:44 about Luke Pryor

Our guest today, Luke Pryor, is a Nutritional Balancing Practitioner using hair mineral analysis, using Dr. Lawrence Wilson’s protocols. His website is and he has a new website called

After discovering Dr. Wilson’s work and healing his own health with his program, he decided to get certified in nutritional balancing science, which I decided to do the same. I was so impressed with the program.

He works with clients around the globe, including many children. And he aims to spread the word and help people heal themselves at a deep level, using nutritional balancing science.

Hi Luke. Thank you so much for coming on the show.

Luke Pryor: Hi Wendy. Thanks for having me.

Wendy Myers: Why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself and your background, how you got into hair mineral analysis, et cetera?

Luke Pryor: My name is Luke and I am a nutrition practitioner here in Northern California. I got into it because my own health fell apart. That’s the biggest reason.

I was involved in a lot of different athletic type of endeavors. I was into power lifting, MMA and Jiu Jitsu and that type of stuff. I’m playing basketball with my friends and stuff like that.

Basically I just wore myself out. I developed brain fog. I wasn’t following the best. I was taking nasty pretty workouts, but god knows what’s in them, protein powders, that type of bro science type of stuff. It had just worn me out and I got brain fog and I was tired all the time. I found myself taking naps at work. I didn’t have much motivation and things like that.

I actually worked at a gym. I noticed that my brain fog really cleared when I was using the sauna. That was really the only time I didn’t have bad brain fog. It was only for 20 minutes, but it’s amazing. So I was using the sauna anytime I could. I started researching more about sauna therapy. Eventually, I came upon a man by the name of Dr. Wilson.

Wendy Myers: That’s how everyone finds his site. That’s how I found it.

Luke Pryor: Yeah. And then I read more about hair analysis and the work of Dr. Eck and all this type of stuff.

I did my own program through another practitioner. I liked the results I got and I really want to do it myself. So after six months of my own program, I became a practitioner. I’ve been doing it ever since for about two and a half or three years now.

06:14 Children’s Health Today

Wendy Myers: Yeah. We’re going to talk today about children’s health. What are you noticing today about children’s health? I’m testing a lot of children and they’re in trouble. Can you talk a little bit about what’s going on with children’s health today?

Luke Pryor: Yeah. I’m sure I’m noticing the same things you’re noticing. Not to be a pessimist, but it is a little bit disheartening when you truly understand hair mineral analysis like I’m sure you do. And you see firsthand the state of the children’s bodies today even the very young children.
People talk about adrenal burnout and things like that. They talk about it in regards to older people. I look at hair tests of children. They’re three years old and they are already in what we call burnout. The situation definitely seems to be getting worse unfortunately.

I think there is more awareness being brought to the issue as we see more developmental disorders and things like autism and things like that. I think there’s more info for parents than ever before, but unfortunately, it’s difficult to know.

One of the things I run into is children come from good families. They’re eating pretty good diet, drinking spring water. They have low stress levels. The mom stays at home and they’re homeschooled. They’re doing all the things you’d really consider right and still it’s not enough unfortunately.

But hopefully we can reverse this course definitely.

07:50 Children and Burnout

Wendy Myers: How does this happen? Isn’t it because of the mother is depleted in toxic and then she passes it onto her child? Can you talk a little bit about how does this happen? How are kids in burnout today?

Luke Pryor: Obviously depending on the age of the child, if you test the hair of a newborn, it’s basically all due to the health of the mother. But if you test a two or three year old, it’s just partially due to the things they’re feeding the child and their vaccination schedule and things like that, stress levels in the house, different factors like that.

Probably in regards to very young children, the biggest single foreign factor like you mentioned is the health of the mother. And the people in general are getting less and less healthy. So the mothers are obviously getting less and less healthy and so the children are getting less and less healthy. For some reason in our society, we don’t pay much attention to how the health of the mother really affects the health of the child.

I’m sure you’ve seen it yourself, with your clients and yourself. You look at the hair test of the mother and then you look at the hair test of the child and they’ll be very similar. They’ll have the same toxicities, same deficiencies. They’ll even have the same type of patterns like four-lows and things like that.

Wendy Myers: I find that so interesting. When a mother’s concerned about her child and I test them, they’re in four-lows and they’re actually copper-toxic. “Mom, you need to test too because your test is going to look very, very similar to this.”

Luke Pryor: The health of the mother is a little bit more subtle, but the health of the mother does wear off on the child.

A lot of the children I’ve seen four-lows, the mother has a four-lows personality. They just worry about every little thing even though they might be stay-at-home moms. They just worry about every little thing and they’re just constantly stressed for no particular reason. Do you know what I mean?

That affects the child too. Sometimes I tell the mothers, “You need to focus on your own program too because you’re wearing it off on your child too.”

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I just recently got some genetic testing done. I have a genetic expression called BMHT.

When you have that – you can find that on 23andMe – that means a person is going to have more internal stressing and need to do EFT, emotional freedom technique or biofeedback to release that internal stress that will make people worry a lot. That manifests differently for different people, but I thought that was really interesting.

Luke Pryor: Yeah. In regards to those techniques, one of the things I’ve been experimenting with – I don’t know if you’ve ever heard Elliot Hulse. He does certain Bioenergetic things and stuff like that where you’re releasing tension by doing deep breathing and exercises.

I’m reading some good reports from that. I don’t like with the older people as much because they’re bending the spine backwards, which can injure people.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, that’s interesting about your gene expression. Yeah.

10:54 What it takes to produce Healthy Children

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I think that was really interesting. I’m getting more into genetics and things like that. What can we do to produce healthy children today? What does a parent need to do to have a healthy child?

Luke Pryor: The best thing is for them to start a program about a year before they get pregnant. The best is to really plan. Do you know what I mean? It’s harder to do if a woman just gets pregnant especially if she’s not in a good financial or emotional situation. Do you know what I mean?

Ideally I think it takes some planning a couple of years ahead of time. You got to save money, plan ahead financially and you got to be able to take time away from work. If you’re a working mother, you have to
prepare for that.

And then also nutritionally, I would prefer if mothers started a nutrition program using nutritional balancing about a year before they get pregnant. But just starting when you’re pregnant is still excellent. That still helps tremendously.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. That’s what I love. People can do a hair mineral analysis program like nutritional balancing or mineral power when they are pregnant.

All the supplements are totally safe, except maybe the grandulars are up for debate, but they’re very safe and produce very healthy children. We need minerals.

Luke Pryor: Yeah. If you’re watching this, just because you’re halfway through your pregnancy, it doesn’t mean you should avoid doing program because you think it’s too late. Even if your due date is a week from now, start now.

12:21 Problems with Prenatal Vitamins

Wendy Myers: What are some of the problems with prenatal vitamins that most of them are taking?

Luke Pryor: First of all, they’re inadequate. They’re just not enough. Taking one multivitamin a day isn’t going to do much in general.

Second problem is that they’re not individualized for the mother. As I’m sure you’re aware, certain mothers might be in what we call fast oxidation or slow oxidation or something like four-lows and they need a different multivitamin than other mothers.

And the dosages also change depending on the hair test. Some mothers may need more zinc than others depending on the hair test.

Wendy Myers: Sorry, I’m watching a whale just jumped out of the water. I’m sorry.

Luke Pryor: Oh, that’s amazing.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I just watched a whale jumped out of the water. It was amazing.

Luke Pryor: I wish I’m watching a whale from my living room.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. They’re migrating north right now. They’re migrating north. So every single, I’m seeing whales go by with their little babies. It’s really magical.

Luke Pryor: That’s beautiful. You can watch whales from your living room.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, while I’m podcasting.

Luke Pryor: I’m a little bit jealous.

Wendy Myers: But anyway, I’m sorry to interrupt. I was just shocked by that.

Luke Pryor: Yeah. And another thing is just that in the dosages in the individualized programs, certain mothers need zinc more than others. Some women, depending on their chemistry, need higher dosages.

Some women need more calcium, magnesium. Some women need more copper if they’re in fast oxidation. Do you know what I mean?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Luke Pryor: So it’s hard too with prenatal care, what most doctors do is they just give one standard multivitamin. And also the multivitamin usually has copper and iron in it and most women don’t need copper at that time. Most women are copper-toxic and iron-toxic. So that’s a problem as well.

And doctors don’t encourage healthy lifestyles and things like that. Do you know what I mean? A woman should be ideally taking care of her body from the moment she’s born. Do you know what I mean?

So a lot of women don’t live the most healthful lifestyle for the younger part of their lives. And then they get older and they finally settle down and then they have children. Do you know what I mean? That’s a problem as well. Prenatal care starts the whole life of the woman.

14:39Pre-Pregnancy Detoxification and Mineralization

Wendy Myers: Can you talk a little bit about the importance of detoxification prior to being pregnant and using that as part of a pre-pregnancy planning routine?

Luke Pryor: Yeah. One thing we have to understand is that with women, the heavy metals pass right through the placenta to the child. That’s why we see the same toxicities on the hair test. It’s because the child and utero is receiving those same toxicities.

So detoxification is fabulous. Like I say, I like women to go on a program about a year ahead of time just because it takes time to detoxify.

Coffee enemas are fantastic and the sauna therapy. We don’t like sauna therapies while you’re pregnant. I think there have not been any studies done. It might be okay in low dosages, but in general we don’t have any data on it. So we like to avoid it.

Wendy Myers: I think the fetus is just not able to cool down. If you really heat up your body and the fetus isn’t able to cool down, it can be problematic.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, definitely. But even while you’re pregnant, coffee enemas are fantastic, especially for morning sickness and things like that. I get reports definitely that coffee enemas tremendously help with the toxicity feeling of morning sickness and things like that. And also by doing things like that like we talked about before you get pregnant, you’re starting to remove those metals.

It’s important to realize that the detox actually quite – I wouldn’t say it’s quite as important for a pregnant woman as getting enough minerals because if she’s getting enough minerals, it’s going to block the absorption into the child. Do you know what I mean?

Detoxifying the body really takes years and years, but it’s not necessarily necessary to produce a healthy child. If you just detoxify a little bit and you’re really getting enough minerals, it tends to block most of the heavy metals from getting in there.

Wendy Myers: Wow. Yeah. It makes a lot of sense. I wish I had known about coffee enemas detoxifying when I had gotten pregnant because the coffee enemas would have helped a lot with constipation, which many that experience this are miserable.

It’s also so important to have a healthy child to just remineralize your body because the baby sucks all the minerals out of your body. And it can take you 18 months at least to regenerate and replenish those minerals if you’re able to.

Luke Pryor: Yeah. It really depletes a woman. When a woman’s pregnant, it starts turning on certain hormones and stuff where the baby is almost like a parasite that’s just sucking stuff in.
And I’ve seen women who aren’t very healthy will start losing teeth.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Luke Pryor: Bless you.

Wendy Myers: Yes. Thank you. Yeah, I’ve heard that. The hair…

Luke Pryor: Yeah, their teeth start shrinking as they start sucking the minerals out. So yeah, it takes definitely considered effort or [travel?] enough minerals into the body.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. After my pregnancy, I developed adrenal and low thyroid functioning to the point where it drove me to my doctor to seek treatment. “What’s wrong with me? Are these brain fogs? It didn’t go away.” But that lead me to nutritional balancing in Dr. Wilson’s website for which I’m very, very thankful.

What happens to a lot of women? They have a baby and their mental and physical health just takes because they’ve lost so many minerals.

Luke Pryor: Yeah. Having the children is a huge stress on the body, emotionally, physically. It’s a huge stress on the body. And most women’s bodies today aren’t healthy enough to handle that stress.

18:17 Right Diet for Your Child

Wendy Myers: So Let’s talk about once you have the child, what kind of a diet should the child eat?

Luke Pryor: Most children are in what we call fast oxidation. Most children until about the age of 10 need a plenty of healthy fat in their diet.

They get a lot of fat from the breast milk for preferably two or three years. The first two or three years, the diet is preferably breast milk. But even though they’re being breastfed, we still like to crush up some supplements into the breast milk.

I tell this to clients all the time. It’s a mind trick in today’s world. But if we put a mother on a program for one year and then she gets pregnant and then she stays on the program the whole time and then she has the child and then we test the hair of the newborn, that newborn will still need a couple of supplements on low dosages once or twice a day in the breast milk. So even in the breast milk, we like to grind up some supplements to get even more minerals into the child.

And also quality of the breast milk is extremely important. It’s important that the mother stays on a program because the breast milk will be superior. Do you know what I mean? The woman has to be producing high quality breast milk to nourish the child. If she stays on her program, she’ll have a lot better breast milk.

But yeah, breastfeeding for two to three years and then we like what we call a fast oxidizer diet, which is plenty of fats with every meal and lots of cooked vegetables, animal protein twice a day. We don’t like large fish because of the mercury and things like that, avoiding wheat. Some whole grains are good definitely, things like blue corn and rice and things like that.

Wendy Myers: I think the roll of milk is important too.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, exactly. Whole raw milk or even raw cheese or yogurt or even any sort of dairy. Goat is a little bit better, but raw cow is fine definitely. Yeah, those are important as well because they have lots of fat too.

20:23 Supplements for Children

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I agree with you. I think even babies need to be on supplements. And I think we need to be on supplements for life. A lot of people don’t want to hear that, but our food supply is so deficient even if you eat amazingly healthy organic diet or vegetables all day long.

It’s not enough. We just don’t get the minerals we need for more food. Can you talk a little bit about that? What supplements do children need?

Luke Pryor: Yeah. The diet helps definitely. But it’s also important to realize that even though the diet helps, you really need higher dosages of vitamins and minerals to shift the body out of four-lows or slow oxidation, to shift the body out of certain metabolic patterns on the hair test.

You can take a couple of supplements and get more minerals in your diet. But is it really enough to really shift the body out of a certain pattern? So that’s important as well.

Supplement that we like for children first of all is Paramin, which is a calcium and magnesium supplement from a company that I use, EndoMet. We just simply use EndoMet because they seem to be the highest quality. And some of the products, you can’t really duplicate because there are in certain dosages like the certain ratios of vitamins and minerals.

The first and the most important one is Paramin, which is a calcium and magnesium supplement. Children need a lot of calcium and magnesium. They’re in fast oxidation. So they burn through it pretty quickly.
And it has a very nice sedative effect on the children, very parasympathetic effect. It helps them sleep while they grow and things like that. They’re growing obviously and their whole structure is growing. So they need lots of calcium, lots and lots of calcium.

People are often surprised actually about how much Paramin we give children. They’re almost as high for a three-year old as an adult. So that’s the biggest one as far as the dosages goes.

Another important one we usually give is what called Limcomin, which is designed to raise the sodium/potassium ratio on a hair test. If this ratio is too high in a person, we give zinc. If it’s too low, we give Limcomin.

In most children, their sodium/potassium ratio is very low. So we’re getting Limcomin to help raise it because certain vitamins and minerals – for the viewers, we give that because certain vitamins and minerals raise the sodium/potassium ratio and certain ones lower it.

Zinc lowers it. So if it is too high, we give zinc. If it’s too low, we give Limcomin, which is zinc along with copper and manganese and a few other things.

So the children usually need Limcomin. They need the calcium, magnesium supplement and they usually need something called SPF Formula, which is basically a multivitamin designed for fast oxidizers with the low sodium/potassium ratio. It’s what most children are in.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Luke Pryor: They’re usually in fast oxidation with low sodium/potassium ratio.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. That’s why it’s important to test because you never know. Some are slow.

Luke Pryor: Yes. Some are slow. I see three year olds and they’re already in slow.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Luke Pryor: So they need a different diet. They need less fat. They don’t need SPF formula. They need another different multivitamin. And some of them are even in four-lows where basically they just get Paramin.

23:37 Other Procedures to Help Children Be Healthy

Wendy Myers: Are there some other types of procedures that are healthful for children that can help them be healthier?

Luke Pryor: I’m sure the viewers are familiar with near infrared sauna therapy now. We like to just use a single one of those bulbs and just shine it on the tummy of the child for 10 to 15 minutes.

It has an effect on the child. And the child likes it. It has a healing effect on the baby and the child as well. That is probably the major one along with foot reflexology, which is basically just rubbing the feet of the child and twisting the toes a little bit and popping them. Mostly it’s rubbing the feet in children.

As far as procedures for children, those are the two biggest things.

Wendy Myers: How does foot reflexology help the child?

Luke Pryor: Your foot is part of the meridian system in the body. So if the child is constipated or something like that, you can actually rub the colon area and stuff like that. But in children, if they’re in a program, they don’t run into too many problems like that. So in general, it just has this [culminating?] healing effect on the children and they like it.

Wendy Myers: It helps the detox too, right? It helps the body to detoxify.

Luke Pryor: Yeah. It helps the detox a little.

24:55 Improving Children’s Eating Habits

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So what are some good ways to teach children good eating habits and good ways to disguise healthy food? I know there are some cookbooks out there that help people disguise spinach and whatnot.

Luke Pryor: As far as disguising things, there are lots of different methods. Children preferably like fat. They hide it with the cheese and cream and things like that, like Parmesan cheese and stuff like that.

They also like to eat what the parents are eating usually. So if they see that the parents are eating healthy, that helps as well. Children like simple meals. A lot of parents think that they need to get fancy.

If you teach them young habits from the early age, it’s a lot easier I’ve noticed. If you set them the habits from an early age, that definitely helps tremendously as well.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I started feeding my child freshly prepared food and baby food, red meats and vegetables and all kinds of things because they stay with that pallet, those foods that they’re exposed to very early on. They stick with them. But if you feed them garbage, they’re going to have a pallet for garbage.

Luke Pryor: Yeah. And you can use also use treats a little bit. There are some healthy treats you can do.

You can do a little bit of almond butter. Carrot juice is sweet. Some children like that. A good one is jicama. That’s a good one because jicama is [at the consistency?] like an apple, but it’s actually a vegetable. You can take a jicama and put a little bit of almond butter on it or something like that. That’s a pretty healthy snack if they’re used to getting fruits or something.

26:42 Children and Nutritional Balancing Program

Wendy Myers: So when people are on this type of program, this nutritional balancing program, how long does it take for children to recover and to heal?

Luke Pryor: Luckily children heal a lot faster than adults just because they have a lot more vitality to begin with because they’re younger obviously. But it depends on the child. Generally, children shift pretty quickly. Generally by the second hair test, you’re seeing a big improvement.

I’ve seen second hair tests. The first hair test was really bad and then the second hair test, zinc shot way up, phosphorous was at a way better level, all sorts of things. Do you know what I mean?

So children, yeah you get huge swings usually for children a lot of times. They will be in four-lows in one test, slow oxidation in the next test. Yeah, it could depend on the child. If they’re starting out from a worse place, obviously it takes a little bit longer. But children in general heal quite quickly, especially compared to adults.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I saw adults about two to three years and children maybe about a year for them to correct their mineral levels and et cetera.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, for sure.

Wendy Myers: What are some of the general benefits to children of doing a program like this?

Luke Pryor: Well, better mood. That’s an important one. A lot of kids have what we call ADD and they’re somewhat irritable and things like that. The whole program is very parasympathetic. All that calcium, magnesium, the diet is very parasympathetic with the animal protein and things like that. So, better mood and better sleep and things like that.

One thing you have to understand is that if all the children are toxic and depleted as we know, then if you put a child on the program, they have a huge advantage in school, in life. All the children are burnt out and the school systems and the society are based around burnt-out children. So we’re catering with everything to burnt-out children.

And minerals affect everything. Your brain needs minerals to function. It needs selenium and zinc to think clearly. So their brains start to work better and things like that. And they can pay better attention in school. Athletics as well. A lot of people like to put their children on athletic programs like soccer and stuff like that. It’s the same situation with the scholastic program.

All the children are burnt out. So if you can heal your child, they’ll be put on a huge advantage basically in every facet of life.

29:08 Nutritional Balancing Program on Autism and Developmental Delays

Wendy Myers: I find that a lot of children that have autism or learning delays have mineral deficiencies. They have zinc deficiencies. They need zinc for the frontal lobe of their brain to work for them to be able to think clearly, et cetera and they can’t if they don’t have proper mineralization.

Like with my daughter, she had really, really low zinc, high mercury and aluminum levels. And by correcting that, she improved dramatically in just a year.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, people don’t believe us when we say that we see autism disappear regularly.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it does happen.

Luke Pryor: Even delayed development where the child is somewhat retarded, you could see that helps tremendously.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Luke Pryor: It’s sad because you read all these news stories where all these scientists are doing all this research in autism and they’re trying to find the gene and things like that. But they’re still not close at all.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, the whole point is mineral deficiencies and heavy metal and chemical toxicities, that is what’s causing it. And that’s the only thing that’s going to correct it. It’s the healthy mother correcting it and catching it early in the child.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, it’s sad because it gets parents’ hopes up. There’s never going to be a cure for autism and like a pill you’re going to take or some gene therapy or something like that.

There’s never ever going to be a cure and you have to get back to the basics, which is what you’re talking about. They’re all zinc-deficient and they’re all toxic with heavy metals. If you take a systems approach, you’re never going to be able to yet.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. For me, I was really fortunate discovering my own nutritional balancing program that I was doing at one point. When my daughter had a diagnosis of autism, I was able to reverse it within a very short period of time, within a two-year period, completely reversed for autism.

She does not have a diagnosis of autism anymore. And so she doesn’t get funding for school anymore, which is a bummer. Darn it. I guess I’ll pay for a very expensive schooling.

Luke Pryor: You could make your daughter to act a little retarded.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, exactly. Sorry, we don’t mean to offend anyone by saying that. But yeah, you can dramatically improve diagnosis of autism and developmental delays and learning delays and retardation by just giving the body targeted nutrient therapy and detoxifying the body. It’s amazing.

Luke Pryor: People think you’re crazy if you say, “Yeah, I healed my autistic child.” “What? That doesn’t make sense.”

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I had a friend of mine actually e-mail me. “It’s really irresponsible of you to tell people that you’re curing autism because you’re giving people false hope.”

I’m like, “Excuse me. I’m not giving people false hope. I did it with my own child. And it can be done. The earlier you catch it, the better.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, exactly, the earlier, the better.

Wendy Myers: The later five and later, the brain is not as plastic. You’ve missed that window. So you’re not going to have as good results after five years old. But prior to that, you can do a lot of improvement.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, people will realize that we’re not doing much and they say, “You can’t say that you cured autism.” We didn’t really cure it. We didn’t give a treatment or anything like that. We just give the body what it needed and then it healed itself.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, exactly. And the body has tremendous healing powers as long as it gets the nutrients that it needs and you removed the toxins interfering in its metabolic function. It’s amazing what can happen.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, exactly.

32:55 Importance f Building a Foundation of Health at a Young Age

Wendy Myers: Let’s talk about – we’ve touched on this a little bit. Why starting so young is important to build a foundation of health at a young age?

Luke Pryor: Like what you’re talking about, there is an important window. It’s much more difficult to heal an autistic 15 year old than a 3 year old. Do you know what I mean?

Now I’m not saying you shouldn’t put your child on the program if they’re a teenager because it can still help tremendously. But it takes a lot longer. You might not get the expected results. Do you know what I’m saying?

When you start young, the body still has so much energy to work with that you can really reverse these things that people don’t think were reversible. And you’re really building a foundation of health for the rest of their lives. Do you know what I mean? Definitely.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I think that modern medicine categorizes some illnesses and health conditions, autism as incurable because medicine does not address the things that cause them. There’s no medication or surgery for it or gene therapy. It’s incurable, but those are the limits of modern medicine.

Luke Pryor: And there’s a whole spectrum. There are children that are autistic that aren’t functioning. Do you know what I mean? They’re so autistic, they can’t function at all. They can’t even be put in school.

And then there are many people you meet and they’re not diagnosed. And you’re like, “That person, there’s a little something wrong with him.” They’re a little bit autistic. Do you know what I mean?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Luke Pryor: So there’s a whole spectrum. Scientists don’t even know what causes it, let alone they can’t even categorize it into thinking, “Where does autism end and ADD start?” Do you know what I mean?

It’s just a description of symptoms or Asperger’s or ADHD, all these different developmental disorders in children. It’s all a giant blurred line. Do you know what I mean?

It’s hard to say, “Oh, your child now has autism. But if he’s this healthy, now he doesn’t.” Do you know what I mean? So that’s important to realize.

And the same thing goes when it comes to health. If you’re healthy here, you can keep going. Make your child healthier and healthier.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. You’re not unhealthy or healthy. There’s a whole range of degrees.
And I think also that many doctors don’t pay attention to gut health. That has some effect on learning delays and autism and neurotransmitter health that promotes ADD.

It’s just amazing what can be done when you have a brilliant physician or health practitioner that is tending to minerals and detoxification. You can have spectacular results.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, definitely.

35:37 Most Pressing Health Issue in the World Today: Children’s Health

Wendy Myers: I had a question I like to ask to all of my guests. What do you think is the most pressing health issue in the world today?

Luke Pryor: The most pressing health issue is probably what we’re talking about. I can’t think of anything more important than the children because they’re the future. There are probably pressing health issues, but I honestly can’t think of a better one than the one we’re talking about because that’s the future. Do you know what I mean?

If you can get the children healthy when they’re young, it’s so much easier. And I’m sure you’ve known it’s so much harder to heal older people.

Wendy Myers: It is. Their metabolisms are a lot slower. They have more toxins. It takes them a lot longer.

Luke Pryor: If you can just keep your body balanced throughout your life, you don’t have to worry about all these things. It’s a fantastic investment for the rest of your life.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Luke Pryor: And it’s so much easier to heal the children. It’s cheaper and it’s more cost-effective. It’s easier. If you’re watching this, start your children when they’re young.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I absolutely agree with you because it’s been predicted that this generation’s life span is going to be shorter than their parents’ generation. That’s so sad to think that we’re going to become so much more a victim of diabetes and heart disease, et cetera.

It’s all completely preventable. It’s all lifestyle-based. Lifestyle being the food choices we make, supplements and getting enough sleep, et cetera.

Luke Pryor: And it’s failure to thrive. Do you know what I mean? Life gets a lot easier when you have plenty of energy and things like that.

It’s not only diseases like diabetes and anything like that. It’s hard to function when you have brain fog and you’re struggling around all emotional issues and things like that. Life doesn’t need to be like that.

Wendy Myers: The key to life, the key to health is energy. You have to have minerals to have energy. That’s the key.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, exactly.

37:48 More about Luke Pryor

Wendy Myers: You have to have energy to detoxify your body and have your brain functioning, et cetera. That’s why I love minerals.

Well Luke, thank you so much for coming on the show. Can you tell everyone where they can find you and anything you want them to know about yourself?

Luke Pryor: Part of my major media thing is I do YouTube videos once a week. They can just go type in “nutritional balancing” on YouTube search and they can find me.

Or they can just type in “Liiife.” I recently just switched my website and everything. So they can just go to And then they can find me there under the contact page. The same thing, type in down to YouTube.

They can also find me as a practitioner on Dr. Wilson’s website, They can go there and find my contact information there.

I do free 10-minute consultations Skype or [phone?] because a lot of people just have questions they want to talk a little bit about, what I can do for them and things like that. I do free 10-minute consultations.

And then also I encourage all pregnant women and children to go on the program either with me or other practitioner. For women and children, I do offer discounts. I offer discounts for pregnant women or children, 10 and under. I charge quite a bit less just because children are easy to work with first of all like we talked about. They heal quicker. So it’s easier for me as a practitioner.

It’s a good charity work for the world, just to offer that cheaper. It encourages people at a younger age and it encourages pregnant mothers to go on a program definitely.

Wendy Myers: That’s very sweet of you. It’s very nice of you to do that. Well Luke, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Luke Pryor: Thank you.

Wendy Myers: Stay tuned. Listeners, if you want to learn more about how to heal your health conditions naturally and all kinds of recipes in the modern Paleo diet and detoxification, go to my website,

You can learn all about my new online health and healing program called Body Bio Rehab. That’s tending to the five pillars of health, diet, exercise, sleep, stress and detoxification. Find out at

Thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 Podcast.

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