Transcript: #60 Combat Electromagnetic Fields with PEMF’s with Allie Ochs

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  • 02:49 About Allie Ochs
  • 08:21 The IMRS2000
  • 12:21 What is Wireless Radiation?
  • 19:41 What are PEMF’s?
  • 32:25 Technology History
  • 40:25 IMRS2000 on Dr. Oz
  • 42:11 The Missing Link
  • 43:21 How much is the IMRS2000
  • 44:46 The most pressing issue health issue today
  • 48:19 For more about Allie Ochs and the IMRS2000

Wendy Myers: Hello, welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast. My name is Wendy Myers and you can find me on

Today, we’re going to be interviewing Ollie Ochs about post-electromagnetic fields also known as PEMFs. PEMFs had been harnessed into a device that you can lay on for a few minutes a day to heal your whole body.

It’s an incredibly interesting tool that can counter the effects of all the electromagnetic wireless radiation that we are exposed to everyday, which contributes to cancer and countless health conditions (not to mention obesity, as well).
I first learned about them when I was researching a post on how to heal osteoporosis because the PEMFs had been found to be very effective at building bone density.

Please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. The Live to 110 Podcast is solely informational in nature, so please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging in any treatment that we suggest on this show.

I’m really excited. I’ve been getting ready all week for the Livin’ La Vida Low Carb Cruise. It’s Jimmy Morris putting this cruise together, which he does every year. I’m going to be speaking about obesigens, chemicals that make you fat.

And so I’m all packed up and ready to leave. At 5:30 a.m. tomorrow. I’m going to fly to Orlando and get on the cruise. I was telling all of you guys about it for a few months. Hopefully, some of you are joining me on the cruise. It’s going to be so much fun. We’re going to St. Martin and the Virgin Islands and Coco Key where they have NASA where they used to launch the space shuttle.

I’m also really excited. If you can go to my website at, you can download my brand new Modern Paleo Survival Guides. They’re little charts that give you a little taste of the Modern Paleo Survival Guide, a little chart on protein and fats and oils and a couple of other charts that basically summarize what you’ll find in my new book, The Modern Paleo Survival Guide that will be coming out October 1st on I’m really excited about that and really more excited to finish the book and actually get it out to you guys finally. It’s been a long, long road of writing the book.

And also please, everyone, if you’re enjoying the podcast, please leave the Live to 110 Podcast a new review and rating in iTunes. That will help me get up in the charts so that people can find me and I can help spread the word on health.

2:49 About Allie Ochs

Wendy Myers: So today, our guest is Allie Ochs. She is the president of Swiss Bionics Solution Canada and She’s an international speaker and PEMF expert – I seem to be having a problem pronouncing that. She educates about the health effects of wireless radiation, the next cancer tsunami and PEMF or post-electromagnetic fields that restore human health on the cellular level.

Allie discovered the power of PEMFs while suffering from severe chronic health issues and was able to avoid invasive surgeries and unnecessary drug dependencies. She’s a pioneer in this industry. Allie brought PEMF technology to North America and has helped thousands of people take control over their health. Allie has lectured globally and has appeared on numerous radio and TV segments and has been a speaker at CARP, the American Academy for Ozone Therapy and many health shows. You can find her at

Wendy Myers: Hi, Allie. How are you doing?

Allie Ochs: Hi, Wendy. Thanks for having me.

Wendy Myers: Yes! I’m very excited to have you on because I think this is a really important technology. I’m actually going to become certified in the PEMF technology and sell them, sell the equipment. I’m really excited to get one myself. I just read a lot about them and I think they’re just a very simple, easy thing that people can do to tremendously heal their health and combat wireless radiation that we’re exposed to every day.

Allie Ochs: I’m so happy you’re going to come onboard. You’re going to be one of our PEMF power women.

Wendy Myers: Yes, I am. Ready to…

Allie Ochs: You’re ready to rock.

Wendy Myers: Yes, I am. Well, why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself and your story and how you became involved with the pulse electromagnetic fields.

Allie Ochs: That was about 8 ½ years ago. At that time, like you said, I suffered from a multitude of chronic civilization conditions – like the whole world suffers. People just don’t know how to get better and neither did I because conventional medicine didn’t have a solution for me.

I’m just going to list some of them. Severe back pains for five years, a double shoulder injury (for which I was supposed to have surgery), I had all these ugly “women problems” and I had irritable bowel, I had severe headaches, I couldn’t sleep, I had no energy. And surprisingly, before I knew it, I became depressed. Nobody wanted to have anything to do with me, which is hard to believe because I can be so much fun.

Allie Ochs: Yeah, I know. You’ve got a great attitude.

Allie Ochs: But not in those days. I did not find a solution for my problems. And now I understand. When you are in the conventional medicine stream, the conventional medicine stream looks at body parts or organs, but not at the whole body. You become an arm, a back, a head.

Allie Ochs: Yeah, it’s very frustrating. It’s very strange.

Allie Ochs: They fail to understand (which I didn’t at the time either) that the human body consists of 75 trillion cells and the bottomline is we can only ever be as healthy as our cells are.

So at that time, I was introduced to this technology by a girlfriend of mine that I went to school with in Germany. I’m German. I’m not going to apologize for it.

Wendy Myers: Well, you don’t have to. I’m of German descent.

Allie Ochs: She introduced me to it. I didn’t understand what it did because to me, I spent over half of my life in North America and these technologies and these unconventional therapies are not as readily available in North America as they are in Europe.

So then I started to use this system, the IMRS and then I got better. The first thing I noticed was sleep. You know how important restful sleep is, the REM sleep where your whole body recovers. So then, little by little, everything got better. My back pain, my headaches went away. I have more energy. I slept. I became pain-free. I would say over the course of six weeks to two months, I was pain-free. That’s huge.

And then I went and worked out again. I did life again. Everything changed. And then what happened, people around me, my friends and my family and my neighbors, they were like, “Wow!” They could see the transformation in me and they were constantly over at the house lying on my dining room table having sessions on that “miraculous mat”.

8:21 The IMRS2000

Wendy Myers: So what is it called? It’s called the IMRS2000?

Allie Ochs: IMRS, that’s it.

Wendy Myers: Alright. That’s what I thought, yeah.

Allie Ochs: Yeah, intelligent magnetic resonance stimulation.

Wendy Myers: Okay.

Allie Ochs: So then, this is how I began to pioneer the industry because then, I saw, “Oh, my God! I can help so many people because we’re all suffering from chronic conditions for which we may only find management of the condition, but not the cure.”

I’m not saying the IMRS cures anything, but I finally began to understand that once our cells worked at the optimum level, everything in the body begins to change. Eight and a half years ago, that was the beginning of this technology entering the North American market.

Now I have to say (and I’m sure your listeners will be very interested in that too), when I started it was sort of Allie’s voo-doo machine. A lot of people questioned it. A lot of people gave me a hard time and didn’t take it seriously.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, how can laying on a mat help diseases and pain.

Allie Ochs: Exactly, especially in North America when everybody is so obsessed with the symptoms and people are obsessed with their diseases. Have you noticed that?

Wendy Myers: Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Allie Ochs: It’s like, “My backpain… it’s my headache… it’s my fibromyalgia.” People begin to own their diseases and it actually disempowers them from understanding that their body has a much greater ability to heal itself than we are given permission to believe.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Yeah, I never used to buy it either because I really bought into the traditional Western medical model of treatment – not healing, but treatment – that you require drugs or surgery, that the body doesn’t heal itself and you have to put something into it to help you feel better.

Allie Ochs: That’s right.

Wendy Myers: And so people I think really have to deprogram themselves from that thinking and that ideology because there’s so much more to health than western medicine.

Allie Ochs: Absolutely. And I’m a firm believer. After 8 ½ years, what I’ve been through, unreal with all the health institutions and everything.

But here’s the exciting part that made my mission worthwhile in the end. Never, ever give up. When you truly believe in something and you’re guided by an inner drive where you know this helps humankind even though they think you run around with a voo-doo machine.

But guess what happened? Helps Canada is giving us the medical class II device license.

Wendy Myers: Wow. Wow. That’s huge.

Allie Ochs: That’s powerful. That means doctors can sell it. Doctors can prescribe it. There’s a whole host of implications also as far as credibility.

Wendy Myers: Does that mean they can use it in hospitals, that hospitals can use it as well?

Allie Ochs: Yes. Yeah. Right. And interesting that you say that. I was just in Ohio and I gave a lecture. There were some professors from Bowling Green University, some sports physicians. The police chief bought one.

Wendy Myers: Great.

Allie Ochs: Yeah, because people are finally are getting it, that they have to take responsibility for their health. So where do you begin? On the cellular level, right?

12:21 What is wireless radiation?

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Well, let’s talk about what is exactly wireless radiation because that’s one of the main things that this machine does, help counteract those effects of wireless radiation that we’re exposed to every day. So why don’t you tell the listeners about what exactly wireless radiation is.

Allie Ochs: Yeah, I will. But just to say that PEMF devices such as ours – let’s get away a little bit from brand names and things like that, but the actual PEMF technology is threefold, the effect. Because it works on the cellular level, it actives the body’s ability to heal and repair on every level. It is also widely used in Europe in the sports field with athletes because it’s like [inaudible 00:13:12], because it increases the body’s ability to utilize oxygen. That’s also why I was at the American Academy for Ozone Therapy. And the third part, wireless radiation. It counteracts some of the effects that occur when we are exposed to wireless radiation.

So everybody (and I’m sure all your listeners) have heard about the impact of cell phones and cell phone towers in our environment, that we are constantly bombarded by wireless radiation. We’re literally being fried every day, but most people don’t understand the mechanism through which this happens on the cellular level in the human body. And Wendy, not only in the human body, every organism. Plants, animals, they’re all affected by wireless radiation.

So inside of each of our cells is what’s called a regulatory gene. That gene decides whether your cells divide into healthy functioning cells or whether they re beginning to mutate. This regulatory gene is susceptible to wireless radiation.

I mean, everybody knows when I put my cellphone on my ear, my ear gets hot, right? But that’s only one of the effects. The effect that I’m talking about is directly on the cellular level. It impairs cell function.

What happens in the human cell when cell function is impaired? The cell charges drops. So a healthy human cell, -70 milliovolt; cancer cells, 20-30 millivolt. That’s already the formation or the existence of a cancer cell. This is the impact that wireless radiation has on the human body and every organism. So all our animals, all our plants, everything is affected by that (that is within close proximity of wireless radiation).

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and this is only going to get worst too. It’s frightening.

Allie Ochs: Yeah, right. And as human beings, we are more or less ignorant towards it because we cannot feel, see, taste or hear wireless radiation. We don’t have an organ to detect it. When I was in Bowling Green, Ohio, the lecturer, somebody said to me, “Well Allie, I don’t like this scare motivation by fear.” I said, “If I were to tell you now that your house is on fire, how long would it take you until you’re running.”

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I hate to do that too. I have to do that with my podcast and blog posts. But you have to wake people. You have to tell them, “This is going to happen to you if you don’t make some changes and do something different.” It’s not a sales tactic. It’s just the truth.

Allie Ochs: I don’t even care what people buy as long as they have the PEMF system, if you buy one from our competitor. I just care that when you and I have this podcast that people get it. So the house is on fire. Even if you don’t feel it’s burning, it’s the reality. And yes, it’s scary, but the other reality also is we cannot escape it. It’s everywhere around us. Camilla Rees, she said at the Bioelectric Convention that wireless radiation is the biggest mistake or it will go down as the biggest mistake in history in the name of progress.

Citizens for Safe Technology, right here, in my neighborhood, this is where the former president of Microsoft, Frank Clegg, he lives there and he started an organization that by now has over 10,000 members. We’re not fighting against technology. We’re fighting for safer technology, safer setbacks so that cell phone towers are no longer allowed to be too close within their proximity of communities, schools, playgrounds because children are even more affected. With what we know with wireless radiation, we’re playing Russian Roulette.

Wendy Myers: And it’s amazing to me when you look at the network (say you’re searching for a network), if you live near an apartment building or in one, there’s 20 or 30 wireless networks and it could be even more. I’m sure, people over New York City or even downtown high-rise area, it’s unbelievable. You’re just bombarded.

Allie Ochs: And it’s predicted that telecommunication companies will grow within the next five years by 900%. If you were to take that in [inaudible 00:18:33] of traffic and cars in the highway, that would mean our [inaudible 00:18:38] highways to Atlanta, going in to Atlanta or going out, it would mean 36 lanes of cars. That would be the equivalent.

The World Health Organization has already issued a warning via a report that was six years in the making and it talked about the Next Cancer Tsunami: Wireless Radiation. It’s the next new cigarette and there won’t be any non-smoking room.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Allie Ochs: There’s no cure for it. There’s no conventional treatment for it. There’s no pill for it. Pharmaceutical companies this time cannot help us.

And so now, okay, we’ve got everybody scared about wireless radiation, but it is awareness. Let’s look at some of the solutions that everybody can do. It’s one thing to have a problem, but don’t talk about a problem unless you have a solution.

19:41 What are PEMF’s?

Wendy Myers: So what are PEMF’s exactly?

Allie Ochs: They are pulsating electromagnetic fields within the frequency range of the biological window of human cell frequency. People have to know their frequencies. It’s not brain surgery to know about frequencies. I’m just going to put it in simple layman terms. The biological window of human cell frequencies ranges from 0.5 hertz to 28 hertz.

So within that biological window, these are where the cells are happy because they can resonate with their own frequencies. When cells resonate with their own frequencies, they vibrate. Vibrating when cells vibrate, disease cannot invade. They’re most happy at -70 millivolt because that is what they need to replicate into new healthy cells.

I’m going back to frequencies in a minute, but just as a little brain jerk, the heart vibrates at 100 millivolt or more. Why? Because it’s constantly pumping. That is why there has never been cancer of the heart as the primary site of cancer.

Wendy Myers: That’s very interesting.

Allie Ochs: Yeah, there’s a book coming out. It’s going to be called [inaudible 00:21:10]. I hope it’s going to be out within 2-3 weeks because we want to wait until we actually have this sticker from Helps Canada so we can have that in the book as well and it talks about it. It will be available on the website.

Wendy Myers: So who’s publishing this book?

Allie Ochs: Some of our people that have been in this industry and it will be in layman terms. It will have testimonials. It will explain what PEMF’s are, what they are, how they work on the human body, lots of research.

Wendy Myers: And it’s called [inaudible 00:21:48]. It’s called [inaudible 00:21:48]

Allie Ochs: Yup.

Wendy Myers: And where will that be available?

Allie Ochs: On

Wendy Myers: Okay, great. Great.

Allie Ochs: And on Facebook of course. I mean, I’m the Facebook queen, you know?

Wendy Myers: You are, I love it! You are unstoppable.

Allie Ochs: I am just so driven to educate people.

Wendy Myers: You liked every post that I do. I feel loved.

Allie Ochs: I love what you do. Who doesn’t want to live to 110? I think it’s fabulous.

Wendy Myers: was taken. So I had to take it back down to Live to 110.

Allie Ochs: We need to have healthy cells, right? So going back to frequencies, we talked about the biological window of human cell frequencies between 0.5 and 28 hertz. Anything outside of that window, cells are not happy because they’re being attacked by it or assaulted by it and they cannot vibrate or resonate with these frequencies. So if you look at the outlet in North American, 60 hertz, right? Already not so good.

That’s why one thing that people should do is don’t ever sleep with an electric alarm clock. It goes constantly [buzz] in your brain. And so when you look at cell phones, 800 megahertz; cell phone towers, gigahertz. These are all frequencies to distort or impair human cell function. So it drops the charge in the cell. And that is why this is such a silent – I mean, do I want to call it ‘killer’? Not really, but it makes us all sick.

And NASA came out and said (I just posted this on my Facebook too) that they’ve known since 1981 all the effects of wireless radiation already. It’s out there. So what else can you do? Put your cell phone in airplane mode. Don’t live close to a cell phone tower.

Wendy Myers: What about electrical outlets? Do electrical outlets affect you at all?

Allie Ochs: Yeah, of course. Right, they do. But the worst is the wireless radiation. In the meantime, we can demand safer technology from telecommunication companies. That’s what we’re doing with Citizen for Safe Technology. That’s the other part of my passion, demanding safer technologies. Like the cigarette companies, ultimately, they have to give in and they have to change everything. And then we ended up with non-smoking rooms, restaurants smoking site and non-smoking site out of nowhere. So there was progression.

But this time, with the rapid development of technology, we don’t want to play Russian Roulette because there are so many studies available and they primarily come from outside of North America. Helps Canada, for instance, “Oh, we don’t have any of our own studies so we have to do more studies on the effects of wireless radiation…” I wrote to them and I said, “Are you telling me that the cells are different in Finland, human cells, than they are in North America? That’s not possible.”

So just be aware. One other important thing, people don’t like to hear it, but it’s a simple, inexpensive thing to do, if you have wireless in your house, get rid of it.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Allie Ochs: That is so important. You’ll find you’ll sleep better. You’ll have more energy. You don’t have that much brain fog because a lot of the symptoms of exposure to wireless radiation coincide with all the civilization illnesses that we have in North America and elsewhere that nobody finds a cure for.

For instance, take fibromyalgia, a lot of people have it. In Japan, people that have the same symptoms as people who are diagnosed in North American with fibromyalgia in Japan, they call it magnetic field deficiency syndrome.

Wendy Myers: Wow! Hmmm… that’s very interesting.

Allie Ochs: Exactly.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I have a lot of clients that come to me with diseases and the doctors just throw their hands up, “We don’t know what causes it or what to do.” I feel bad for them. I think it’s absolutely the wireless magnetic field and the dirty electricity and chemical and heavy metal toxicity. They’re just things that modern medicine is not addressing or even talking about. Very few doctors are talking about heavy metal toxicities or wireless Internet and things like that.

Allie Ochs: Because they don’t know, but you may find it very interesting, Helps Canada is making funds available for doctors, physicians (if they want to) to learn about environmental diseases.

Wendy Myers: That’s great.

Allie Ochs: Oh, yeah. Because there’s a whole host of diseases and symptoms that are associated with wireless radiation – fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, arthritis, headaches, irritability, attention-deficit disorder. That doesn’t even exist because when you move these kids away from their iPad’s and their cell phones and wireless radiation like take these kids to a beach, away from cell phone towers, barefoot on the beach, no rubber soles, no nothing…

Wendy Myers: …doing some earth thing.

Allie Ochs: Right. So a pulsating electromagnetic field system, that is within the biological window of human cell frequencies. When you lie on the whole body mat, it emits the frequencies of your own cells and your cells resonate and vibrate. So it raises its cell charge.

So when our cells work at the optimum level, what happens is some of the damage can be reversed – some of the damage that happens with exposure to wireless radiation can be reversed. But I don’t like people to think, “Oh well, I can’t be in that soup of ‘dirty electricity’. It doesn’t matter as long as I have a pulsating electromagnetic field system.” That’s like giving you a diet pill and you can eat whatever you want.

So it’s very important for us human beings to understand our body on the cellular level and also as an electromagnetic being. This falls into the realm of energy medicine. Conventional medicine is just at the brink of discovering that we are not a chemical, mechanical or structural being. We’re far more than anything an electromagnetic being. The Institute for Bioelectric Research has made electromagnetic fields a priority of research.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and I totally agree with you because the people that I speak to, that I have mentored with or the friends I have that are very, very knowledgeable about health and natural healing, they’re very much into energy and that everything is energy, that you have to choose foods based on their frequency. It’s going to be very complicated and esoteric. But the people who I feel know what they’re talking about are talking about energy.

Allie Ochs: And for the lay person, when you say to them, “Food has frequencies,” the lay person or that’s not in that realm may not quite get [inaudible 00:30:46] has a higher frequency than a McDonald’s hamburger. Your cells resonate with that high quality food, that natural food that the body craves. That’s what the body has been designed for just like the body has been designed to be powered by the electromagnetic field of the earth.

Here we are, we have no access anymore (or very little) to nature, to grounding, to earthing, but it has to be a pulsating field to power our cells. And also, within our environment, all the wireless radiation also destroys or reduces the electromagnetic field that we so desperately need to have healthy cells. It’s wild what’s going to happen because telecommunication companies will forge ahead.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and people have to fight it.

Allie Ochs: We want to have it all like you and I want to be on Skype. We can be without wireless if we’re plugged in to our router. We don’t have to be wireless. For people, until they get it changed in their house (it’s like $200 or $300 to change it, right?) – sorry, my phone is ringing.

32:25 Technology history

Wendy Myers: So where does this technology come from?

Allie Ochs: The technology itself is made in Switzerland and parts in Germany. Our company is in Switzerland. So we have companies in Switzerland, Germany, Asia, India, United States and Canada. It is based on NASA technology and based on a 47-page NASA study. I mean, pulsating electromagnetic field, the idea of replicating that originated when the first astronaut went out to space, Yuri Gagarin. Have you ever heard that story?

Wendy Myers: No, no. I haven’t.

Allie Ochs: It’s fascinating. He was only in outer space for an hour and a half or so and when he returned, he had severe osteoporosis and depression among other things.

Wendy Myers: Wow!

Allie Ochs: …because there was no magnetic field. If you look at the moon, there’s no magnetic field and nothing goes there, right?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Allie Ochs: So this prompted NASA to replicate the magnetic field of the earth in what’s called a coil technology.

Wendy Myers: So are there spacesuits full of the IMRS2000.

Allie Ochs: Right. And the study is a 47-page study. I’ll just give it to you in two sentences because that’s a nutshell. I’m the nutshell version like, “Give me the nutshell.” So this study in two sentences says that when cells are exposed to a low frequency based pulsating electromagnetic field, they go faster and stronger. That’s what you want. That is true health. That is true anti-aging from the inside-out. People are finding that apart from their health issues disappearing and their health improving (every organ improves), when you are on a pulsating electromagnetic field, you gently detoxify every day.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I’m sure with that vibration, that aids to rid the cells of toxins because that’s what infrared saunas do as well. They kind of vibrate that cell, the light energy (the red light) and it helps you to detox and release their toxic content. That’s the exact mechanism the near infrared saunas that I talk a lot about too.

Allie Ochs: Yeah, and a pulsating electromagnetic field is the next step up from a sauna because once you are on a pulsating electromagnetic field and your cells are charged, the effects last for six hours after. That’s so exciting.

Wendy Myers: That’s kind of like you fuel up your cells.

Allie Ochs: That’s right. It’s like taking your cells that suffer from impaired cell function – and your cells, when they’re not healthy, they look like raisins. So now you lie for eight minutes on a pulsating electromagnetic fields and now they look like grapes. You can actually see that in dark field microscopy. Are you familiar with it?

Wendy Myers: No, I’m not. No.

Allie Ochs: So that dark field microscopy is like a life blog analysis. We’ve done that lots of times.

Wendy Myers: Oh, I’ve seen that with vitamins. They do it with vitamins where they’re showing different aspects of vitamins and other things.

Allie Ochs: That’s right. That’s pretty exciting when you can see what it does to the blood cells.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I’m definitely all for plumping up my facial cells. Can you lay it out on your face.

Allie Ochs: You don’t need to. You don’t need to because it happens from the inside-out. So your skin improves, your hair, your nails. So all that good stuff.

Wendy Myers: I am so getting one. I cannot wait. After we finish the podcast, I am signing the paperwork to get one.

Allie Ochs: Oh, good. Oh, you’ll love it. You’ll be helping so many people. The testimonials we get and the thank you notes from people, how it change their lives, it’s going to be the next big thing. The FDA has already approved pulsating electromagnetic fields for the healing of non-union bone fractures. It has approved pulsating electromagnetic fields for a transcranial application for depression, for brain tumors. But of course, in conventional medicine, these poor people with the brain tutor that are allowed to use the pulsating electromagnetic field only after they’ve been to radiation and chemo.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Yeah, of course. They have to pay for that first. And then they get the cheap, more effective treatment.

Allie Ochs: That’s right. So optimum cell function is the essence of human health because all your cells are all plumped out meaning they have membrane surface so that they can absorb nutrients, oxygen and eliminate toxins and carbon dioxide, that is the optimal.

A lot of people, they go to nutritionists, but they’re not getting better because their cells don’t function. I always find it interesting that in spite of all the progress in the conventional field of medicine as well as in the complementary fields which include supplementation, nutrition and all that, that people by and large are not getting better; the opposite. The World Health Organization predicts by the year 2020, cancer will double.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I believe that. I believe that. And that’s why I started Live to 110. It was to help people adopt a lifestyle and diet and detox and technologies like PEMF to prevent cancer because my own father died – there is cancer treatments, but it’s a real wake-up call when people have illness or an illness in their family or a loved one die. It finally wakes them up, so they kind of don’t have the blinders on anymore. They have got to act soon or the statistics are going to catch up with them.

That’s exactly why I’m doing this podcast and spend all of my time educating people about how to prevent this because it’s common. I love that you call it ‘cancer tsunami’ because there’s lots of things in our control. We are not victims of the statistics. We do not have to be.

Allie Ochs: Exactly, nor do we have to become a hostage to our genetic make-up because it’s not all genes.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it’s a very, very small percentage of…

Allie Ochs: It just takes the right environment. Be conscious about WiFi. Just do the simple steps that we were talking about. And use the pulse electromagnetic field system not just for yourself or not just for your back pain (it takes care of those things), but also as a lifestyle product for your entire family. People use them for dogs. We have them use it for horses and eat food, organically grown food that are rich in frequencies. High frequency foods that are natural. Food is medicine.

40:25 IMRS2000 on Dr. Oz

Wendy Myers: So what prompted Dr. Oz to endorse PEMF’s and have it on his show and on national TV?

Allie Ochs: Because one actor who actually bought our system – I don’t want to do name-dropping, that’s not right…

Wendy Myers: Very L.A., not so Toronto.

Allie Ochs: What? The name-dropping. Oh, if you do “I was with… on the weekend” or last week, NFL players, you would’ve want to come over in Ohio in the same hotel. Twenty-five NFL players. I had a riot.

Wendy Myers: Good time.

Allie Ochs: And of course they get it. They totally get it. So one very famous actor who’s friends with Dr. Oz made Dr. Oz aware of this technology. That prompted the Dr. Oz show. And Dr. William Pollock was on that show who also sells our system among others and Dr. Pollock and I in the early days, we worked together. He was at some of our conventions and he was here at my house, Dr. [inaudible 00:41:49]. I mean, there are so many people that have all the research that have dedicated a lot of their time and resources to educate people just like you have. You do a lot with food because you know about it so you want to share that with people, so that they can make better choices.

42:11 The Missing Link

Allie Ochs: Optimum cell function, you can eat the greatest food in the world, if your cells don’t function properly, you don’t have a whole lot.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I think that’s the missing link. I have so many people that contact me, “I’ve adopted a Paleo diet or Paleo with a little bit of carbs” and they don’t feel better.

Allie Ochs: Nope.

Wendy Myers: That’s just one piece of the puzzle.

Allie Ochs: It’s the missing link. It’s the missing link for all of us because like I said before, our magnetic field around is in diminishing because it’s clouded by wireless radiation, but people cannot connect the dots because we’re so disease-obsessed. I sometimes give an hour and a half lectures about human cell function, about electromagnetism. And then at the end, some people say, “Will it help my back pain?” Well yeah, of course. Weren’t you listening? It does so much more than that because it works on the cell, not on the disease.

43:21 How much is the IMRS2000

Wendy Myers: What is the cost of a device like any kind of PEMF or the IMRS2000?

Allie Ochs: About $4000. And right now, we have a special rate. You can get the official unit, which is valued at $4790, you can get it for $3,950, which is I know what you’re getting. So you saved $840. But you know, even if it was $20,000, it’d be worth it.

Wendy Myers: So can people make payments on this?

Allie Ochs: I’m not sure in the United States. Here, we have financing, but they can lease it.

Wendy Myers: Oh, they can lease it. And how much is the leasing generally?

Allie Ochs: Well, $200 a month.

Wendy Myers: Oh, that’s not bad. That’s doable I think for a lot of people.

Allie Ochs: Oh, yeah. Yeah. And it’s not just for you. It’s for your whole family.

Wendy Myers: And so can people try it before they buy it?

Allie Ochs: Yeah, they can rent it. It’s $500 a month to rent it plus $1000 security deposit. So then they use it for a moment (and you can do that too) and then if they decide to keep it, we just charge the balance after a month, but they don’t use the $500. And if they decide that they don’t want it, then of course, we don’t pay them the $500 back, but the $1000 security deposit.

44:46 The most pressing issue health issue of today

Wendy Myers: And so I have a question I like to ask all of my guests. I have a feeling I already know what you’re going to say, but what do you think is the most pressing health issue in the world today?

Allie Ochs: What do I think?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Allie Ochs: The most pressing is for people to take control over their own health. I know that isn’t a health issue, but a health issue is created – we have multiple health issues. I mean, cancer, food, GMO’s, everything. I don’t think it’s just one thing. I think the biggest health issue that have been created in that we people continue to suffer from and it’s almost like we sort of let it go and we think that, “Yeah, of course, cancer is the biggest health issue,” but cancer is the symptom of something already going on in your body for a while.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Allie Ochs: It’s a symptom, right? It’s not the actual disease.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, people don’t realize it takes five to ten years before they manifest symptoms once that first cancer cell mutates.

Allie Ochs: That’s right. So that’s why you know the saying, “We all have cancer inside,” right? It’s prevention. I think that a lot of our health issues could be overcome by education, things like you do, educating the public.

Wendy Myers: That’s what I work at every day. I love every second of it, just trying to educate. I love learning myself and sharing the knowledge of what I’ve learned. It gives me a lot of joy. I really love it. And I know, I can tell you do too.

Allie Ochs: Oh, yeah.

Wendy Myers: You’re very, very passionate about your work.

Allie Ochs: Oh, totally! Because it’s natural. We’re giving people the natural electromagnetic field, their own frequencies and then the resonance effect takes place. Sometimes, people don’t understand what that means, but a resonance effect is it’s like the tuning fork. You’ve got 75 trillion cells in your body and until they all resonate, it takes eight minutes and the effects last for six hours. So that’s why you go on it twice a day for eight minutes. But what is a resonance effect? Just for your listeners to bring that a little into perspective, imagine a row of people, a hundred people and Wendy is at the front and Allie is at the back –

Wendy Myers: Well, you can go in front of me…

Allie Ochs: No, no, no, no, no. So we have all these people in a row in between us. Somebody tips me and I fall forward, it takes a while until you fall – domino effect. This is how cells work. When they all resonate, they can communicate with one another. It’s just like whatever stuff you put in your brain, whether you think positive or negative, the cells store that information and they communicate it from one cell to another.

48:19 For more about Allie Ochs and the IMRS2000

Wendy Myers: Well Allie, thank you so much for coming on the show. That was really educational. Very motivational for me, I must say. I am ready to sign the paperwork to get one.

Allie Ochs: Oh, you’ll be helping. You’ll be helping so many people. It’s the missing link.

Wendy Myers: So why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about where they can find you, your website, etcetera.

Allie Ochs: They can find me at or on my wonderful Facebook page, it’s ‘Allie Ochs’, which my first and my last name. I’m happy to answer questions. They can befriend me. I’m always very, very education. I’ve never been a pushy sales person because I believe that if you give people information enough, people are intelligent enough these days to decide whether they want something or not for themselves without having to push them. They can also follow me on PEMFGlobal Facebook page. We always post where we are, where I speak, anything.

Wendy Myers: You do a lot of speaking events.

Allie Ochs: Yeah. And I’m so excited. I have to tell you this. You know how life sometimes works? Amazing! It was always my dream when I started and I became aware of Dr. Brian Clement from the Hippocrates Institute…

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I got to get him on a podcast. I like him.

Allie Ochs: Oh, you will. It was always my dream to share the platform with him.

Wendy Myers: Oh, yeah.

Allie Ochs: On May 24th, I am.

Wendy Myers: Oh, nice. Congratulations.

Allie Ochs: Yeah, we’re both keynote speakers at a big event here in [inaudible 00:50:24]. Hippocrates has two of our devices in their clinic.

Wendy Myers: Oh, right.

Allie Ochs: And Dr. Gary Gordon. You know him?

Wendy Myers: Yes, yeah.

Allie Ochs: Yeah. He was in Dallax, Texas. I met him. I had dinner with him, a 3-hour dinner.

Wendy Myers: Lucky you!

Allie Ochs: We fell in love on a professional level. We speak the same language. He is a total believer in PEMF and we are going to talk, Dr. Gary Gordon and I this afternoon.

Wendy Myers: Nice, fantastic.

Allie Ochs: I mean, he’s fabulous! These are amazing people that have done so much good for humankind, totally driven, totally passionate. That’s just the kind of people I love to work with – like you because you have a passion on helping people.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. I love what I di.

Allie Ochs: Exactly! So let’s leave a legacy.

Wendy Myers: Yes, that’s what I’m trying to do. It’s that little, baby legacy, something.

Allie Ochs: It’s dramatic!

Wendy Myers: Well Allie, thank you so much for being on the show and sharing your knowledge about this very, very important issue.

And everyone, if you want to learn all about detoxification and the Modern Paleo diet or healing your health conditions naturally, you can visit at You can sign up and get a free ebook that I’ve written. I’ve got the Live to 110 by Weighing Less e-guide. I’ve got the brand-new Modern Paleo Survival Guides and you’ll get a 14-part e-series about the Modern Paleo diet.

Everyone, thank you so much for tuning in. I cannot wait to get a PEMF mat because I love the thought of healing myself just lying down for eight minutes. I can do that. So everyone, thank you so much for tuning in and listening to the Live to 110 Podcast.

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