Transcript: #58 Heal Your Thyroid with Nutritional Balancing with Luke Pryor

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  • 12:10 What is a hair mineral test?
  • 14:23 What is the thyroid?
  • 15:48 Symptoms of hypothyroidism
  • 18:05 Hashimoto’s disorder
  • 20:02 Iodine antagonists
  • 23:14 Stress
  • 25:08 Soy
  • 26:53 Gluten
  • 29:41 Thyroid toxicity
  • 35:03 Stimulant abuse
  • 41:06 Downside of using thyroid Medication
  • 44:23 Why drink spring water?
  • 46:58 The Nutritional Balancing program
  • 1:02:20 Prenatal Care

Wendy Myers: Welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast, my name is Wendy Myers and I’m here with my co-host Cate Beehan from I love that name haha!

Cate Beehan: Hehe.

Wendy Myers: Today we are interviewing Luke Pryor a fellow Nutritional Balancing practitioner about how this program can heal your thyroid and get you off thyroid medication for good. Most are told by their doctor that they have to be on thyroid medication for life. And this could not be further from the truth. While modern medicine is great, is not a healing modality so you have to remember that. Doctors don’t think in terms of healing the thyroid, just in giving medication to replace hormones and relieving symptoms but even this does not work for many people. Luke is going to tell you how you can heal your thyroid. And beat the problem lack of hormone production, autoimmune thyroid issues, or any other issue related o thyroid dysfunction.

Wendy Myers: So Cate, why don’t you do our little disclaimer?

Cate Beehan: Sure. Please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition. And is not a substitute for professional medical advice. The Live to 110 podcast is solely informational in nature. Please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging in any treatments we suggest on the show. Wendy what’s going on with your weight loss guide?

Wendy Myers: Well, it’s finally done. It is up on the website finally. I cannot believe it. It has been months coming. I wrote a little eBook called the Live to 110 by Weighing Less eGuide©. So if you go to my site,™, it’s available to download for free. So just sign up for it on the homepage. You’ll see a big welcome graphic that you’ll just plug in your e-mail. And you know, the guide is basically a 33-page basic weight loss guide filled with all kinds of tips from the latest research about diet, exercise, conquering your cravings, and how to reduce stress. And it’s going to get you started on your path to lose weight. And basically I try to communicate the message that if diet and exercise are not enough, then you might need to get my next book that I am writing right now. It’s called When Diet and Exercise are Not Enough: A Step-by-Step Plan to Eliminate Your Roadblocks to Weight loss©. And that would be available hopefully in Spring 2014. It’s coming along really slow but I am trying to keep the pace up a little bit.

Cate Beehan: Haha.

Wendy Myers: But yeah Cate, so I took your Soul Cycle class couple of days ago.

Cate Beehan: Oh yeah, you finally did!

Wendy Myers: Wendy: Oh yeah, I’ve been promising it forever. Really my hesitation was because you know, I have a back problem, I go to a physical therapist once a week, sometimes twice and I have been for three and a half years! So I have back problems, I injured my back and started working out again after I recovered from my C-section you know after giving birth, and I was just frankly afraid I wasn’t be able to walk the next day. Hahaha. Because even when I go for a walk, my back is killing me and just from a wimpy little walk. But the cycling, I loved it! My back was totally supported, so it didn’t bother my back, I was humpty dumpty to not fall apart.

Cate Beehan: Yeah.

Wendy Myers: So it didn’t bother my back.

Cate Beehan: Good.

Wendy Myers: Humpty Dumpty did not fall apart. Haha.

Cate Beehan: Hahaha. Oh my God amazing! I know that’s the thing. I think a lot of people are nervous to try it because they think “oh I need to get in shape first” and that’s not how it works. You just come and you go at your own pace. You can sit in the back and sit when it’s too much or you know, slow down if you have to, whatever. Is not like you have to do everything I’m doing. I don’t expect that the first, second, third time they do what I’m doing. I teach a pretty challenging class so.

Wendy Myers: Yeah it was great. I like that in the Soul Cycle, I’ve never taken another spinning class, but I loved it that it was your upper body workouts, you have these little one pound weights you are doing and then you do stomach stuff. And that’s a whole workout.

Cate Beehan: One’s or two’s or three’s or five pound weights.

Wendy Myers: Oh okay, so you can choose?

Cate Beehan: Yeah.

Wendy Myers: Oh great. I had the one pound weight. I was like “yeah I’m doing it!” And my butt is still sore a couple days later, but I like it. I like being sore because it feels like I did something. But I thought I wasn’t going to be able to walk. But I can still walk. I’m amazing! So happy!

Cate Beehan: Haha.

Wendy Myers: Yeah and my butt is still sore a couple of days later. But I like it. I like being sore because I feel like I did something. But I thought I wasn’t going to be able to walk. But I can still walk! Amazing! I am so happy.

Cate Beehan: I know, I’ve been sitting for like an hour and then stood up and my legs were dying! I thought two spin classes yesterday and four Pilates classes so.

Wendy Myers: What? Ouch!

Cate Beehan: My legs are like…

Wendy Myers: They’re like log?

Cate Beehan: They’re tired.

Wendy Myers: Haha. Oh no, your poor perfect thighs are exhausted. Haha.

Cate Beehan: Oh my god.

Wendy Myers: But you know the one thing I like about the Soul Cycle class. At first, I didn’t like that the lights are really low because it’s almost like you’re in this dark cave cycling away. But then I got really excited when the lights got turned on. And then you know, when they are turned on, you like cycle really fast when there was an uptick in the music. And you were like “Go for it people! Go for it!” And so it was really stimulating. It made me push those pedals to the metal.

Cate Beehan: Yeah, it’s fun.

Wendy Myers: Is that the goal when you guys turn the lights on?

Cate Beehan: Not everybody does it. Some people kind of don’t really do much with the lights, some people do a lot with the lights. So it’s kind of like everyone’s different.

Wendy Myers: Ok. I liked that it had a use for me. It worked for me.

Cate Beehan: Good.

Wendy Myers: And I like that the music was blaring and you chose really good music. And you know, there wasn’t a clock in the studio which I guess for me is a good thing because I am a clock watcher. And I’m like “Okay, I have three minutes left,” “Okay, I’ve got five minutes left,” “I’ve got twenty minutes left” So I’m just kind of negatively psyching myself out. But since there wasn’t a clock I had to resort to calculating the average length of a song. And counting how many songs had been playing.

Cate Beehan: Oh my god. Haha.

Wendy Myers: Haha. I don’t know why my mind needs to do these things.

Cate Beehan: Haha.

Wendy Myers: And I am happy that my vajayjay wasn’t sore.

Cate Beehan: Yehey!

Wendy Myers: I couldn’t believe it. She survived!

Cate Beehan: Did you use the tall seat or the regular seat?

Wendy Myers: I was wondering that. When I was sitting down it was hard on my little sitz bones, they were kind of aching a little bit but she survived unscathed so I’m assuming it was a gel seat.

Cate Beehan: Oh amazing!

Wendy Myers: Yeah I was really happy about that. So I’m coming back.

Cate Beehan: Good. Are you going to come on Thursday?

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I’m have to look at my schedule. I think I am going to come on Thursday.

Cate Beehan: At 11:30?

Wendy Myers: Yes, I am going to be there.

Cate Beehan: And we can grab food?

Wendy Myers: Yeah absolutely! I can totally do that.

Cate Beehan: We could do girl talk.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, my question is: how many classes a day do I need to do before I have your body?

Cate Beehan: Shut up haha.

Wendy Myers: Because that’s really my goal.

Cate Beehan: You’re insane. Haha.

Wendy Myers: I just need to know how many classes do I gotta do?

Cate Beehan: Well…

Wendy Myers: But I’m going to go twice a week. I do strength training, I do Pilates and Gyro three times a week. Gyrotonics is kind of like a different form of Pilates but it’s a different machine. It’s not Pilates, is just a different contraption. It’s a crazy contraption. So I do that three times a week, now I’m going to do Soul Cycle two times a week and see if I can kick off some weight loss.

Cate Beehan: Yeah, girl!

Wendy Myers: Let’s get on with the show already! This is a really important show because I hear all kinds of shows or other podcasts on the thyroid, talking about how you need to take natural hormones instead of synthetic ones, or you need to add T3 for some people, like they’re talking about some revolutionary thyroid cure. That’s great but it’s not enough. So why isn’t anyone talking about healing the thyroid? Actually healing it? Because many people like myself are producing plenty of hormones. I don’t need hormone replacement therapy. I don’t have an autoimmune thyroid disease called Hashimoto’s. Yet my thyroid function is low and I have hypothyroid symptoms namely difficulty losing weight, and doctors can do nothing for me. They told me that I was fine. So people like me, they just send home and say, “Hey, good luck, fatty!” and your thyroid tests are normal. They tell you to eat less, exercise more. So don’t take being sent home and told that you’re fine. If you feel something is not right in your body, it’s not right! If you have low energy and you’re not feeling well, and your hair is falling out, I don’t care what tests say. You don’t have to suffer anymore and Luke is going to fill us in on the blanks on what is really causing thyroid problems and how to truly heal your thyroid.

Wendy Myers: Hello, Luke! How are you doing?

Luke Pryor: Doing good! How are you Wendy?

Wendy Myers: I’m fantastic! It’s very nice to have a fellow nutritional balancing practitioner on the show.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, I’m excited!

Wendy Myers: Yeah and I actually met you on Facebook on a Nutritional Balancing group that we both belong to where everyone exchanges ideas and talks about Nutritional Balancing. So I’m really, really glad that I met you because you are particularly knowledgeable about the thyroid. So why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself and why you decided to become a nutritional balancing practitioner.

Luke Pryor: Well, I’m 22 years old and I live in a small town called Grass Valley in Northern California and I was studying actually physiology because I wanted to be a fitness instructor. I was really into fitness. It started when I was working at the gym and I thought that’s how you got people healthy. You tell them how to lift the weights and run on treadmills and all these different things. That’s what I wanted to learn how to do so that’s what I was going to school for. Basically, I just exhausted my body, working out all the time. I was doing kickboxing, jujitsu. I was lifting weights, doing strenuous power lifting four times a week and I just got exhausted.

One of the problems in our society today is that people are lied to. They think that, to get healthy, you can eat whatever you want, you don’t have to sleep and do all these things but if you go burn all the calories that you consumed on the treadmill, you’re going to have the enough energy to rebuild your body. But that’s simply not true. I discovered it the hard way. I just burned my body out, being narcissistic. I was just continuously breaking it down but not rebuilding it.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it’s a very common scenario. A lot of women also do chronic cardio and they’re working out 5 days a week. People don’t realize they get burned out and these professional athletes, they get burned out. They get adrenal fatigue.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, yeah, it’s extremely common especially in adults, when you look at the hair test. All of these people going to the gym and doing strenuous exercise but when you look at their hair test, like 85 percent of the people are in some stage of adrenal burn out. It’s just crazy.

12:10 What is a hair mineral test?

Wendy Myers: Yeah, just for you listeners who aren’t aware of this, a Nutritional Balancing program is based upon a hair mineral analysis that kind of tells you your stage of stress, adrenal function, thyroid function, heavy metal toxicity and your mineral levels. Just FYI, in case you didn’t know that.

Luke Pryor: Yeah. So my health felt apart you know. And then I developed brain fog, I was cold all the time, I had no energy to work. And then how I discovered Nutritional Balancing actually is I started using just a traditional sauna at the gym that I worked at. And I noticed that when I was done with the sauna, was the best I felt all day. My brain fog symptoms would disappeared for a while. It just made me feel the best I could feel all day after I hit the sauna. So I began researching sauna use and different types of sauna and then I just happened to come across Dr. Wilson’s article about infrared sauna.

Wendy Myers: That’s how I found him too. Haha

Luke Pryor: Yeah, yeah and I was like, “Oh! This is pretty cool! What is this? ” I had never heard about Nutritional Balancing and after about 5 minutes of reading it, I was blown away by the amount of information he provides to people. I was doing a lot of research on health. I was already avoiding gluten and not eating dairy, I was eating only raw dairy, and I was eating really good in all these things. But I was blown away by the precision and depth of what he was talking about. The knowledge base is incredible!

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it is! His website is for you listeners that are interested in researching this Nutritional Balancing a little bit further.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, I can recommend to all of you out there his website. He has like 900 articles on there about any health condition you can imagine and all the other things. He’s truly a wonderful man.

14:23 What is the thyroid?

Wendy Myers: Let’s talk about the thyroid. What is the thyroid and what role does it play in the body?

Luke Pryor: Well, the thyroid is a small gland that’s right below the Adam’s apple and it is responsible for energy production of the body. Dr. Eck, who was the founder of Nutritional Balancing, likes to say that the adrenals are like the fuel supply of the body, right? So you think of a car, the adrenals supply the gasoline and if you mix the gasoline with air in the right amounts, you get the right fuel mixture. And then the thyroid hormones are like the spark plugs. The thyroid hormones have to be able to enter the cells that ignites the fuel. The adrenals are for binding. So it’s part of the energy mechanisms of the body. There are two main energy mechanisms, that’s the adrenals and the thyroid. These work in hand and together to provide energy for your metabolism. So the thyroid is actually one of the ways to determine oxidation rate which is basically the state of the metabolism of the body. It’s basically the difference between adrenals deficiency and the thyroids deficiency. The main thing for the thyroid is producing the thyroid hormones which are for energy production and that’s why you get all those symptoms – low energy, can’t lose weight, sensitivity to cold – all these different things, because you have low energy.

15:48 Symptoms of hypothyroidism

Wendy Myers: Yeah, exactly what symptoms would one be experiencing if they’re a hypothyroid or have reduced thyroid function?

Luke Pryor: Sensitivity to cold is a common one, just low energy in general, having to sleep all the time. Like you said, hair falling out is common. All of it is like having adrenal fatigue. They go hand in hand. One doesn’t really burn out without the other burning out you know. For example, you’re never going to really have low thyroid without being in some stage of adrenal fatigue.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I heard that they work in conserve. The adrenals get fatigued and then the thyroid has to take over its job and then it goes caputs. Haha at some point.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, exactly! When adrenals burn out, the body will naturally use the thyroid. It makes up for it like a secondary engine. Those are most of the symptoms. Low energy is the main one. There can be numerous things. Brain fog can be due to it because you have low energy. Energy is a common denominator. Because even if you have candida or anything and you can’t get rid of it, because the body doesn’t have energy to get rid of these things, your body needs energy to get rid of candida and to digest food. So even poor digestion can be a symptom of low thyroid, or even being depressed because when people are depressed, they don’t have any energy.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I heard high cholesterol could be a symptom too because the thyroid regulates cholesterol.

Luke Pryor: Oh yeah, yeah! High cholesterol, people don’t realize, is just a symptom of stress to the body. It doesn’t have to be emotional stress, it can be physical stress, too.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, or dietary stress. Haha

Luke Pryor: Yeah, yeah, definitely! All these things stresses to the body. That is why it’s always best to take a system’s approach.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah, I agree because that’s one problem when you go to your physician. They say, “Oh! You have thyroid problems, I’ll give you thyroid hormones,” but it’s a systemic problem.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, it’s the same thing as if you had back pain and they told you to take a bunch of Vicodin.

18:05 Hashimoto’s disorder

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s what I love about Nutritional Balancing, it addresses the causes, what’s actually causing the hypothyroidism. Even Hashimoto’s, auto-immune, Graves’, any kind of thyroid condition, is going to improve on a Nutritional Balancing program.

Luke Pryor: Yes, certainly! You can heal Hashimoto’s pretty quickly. I had a client who had Hashimoto’s and we’ve been able to reduce her synthroid use already. It’s amazing how fast Hashimoto’s would heal. Can we talk about Hashimoto’s for a second?

Wendy Myers: Yeah! Why not!

Luke Pryor: Hashimoto’s is usually an infection of the thyroid. That’s what it actually is. So technically, it’s an auto-immune disorder. For the body, as in most auto-immune conditions, auto-immune means the immune system has been activated so the body attacks itself, right? So in the thyroid, there will be an infection in the thyroid, and then the body will attack the thyroid to try to get rid of the infection.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that makes more sense.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, but the body doesn’t usually have enough energy to get rid of the infection so it’s just basically attacking the thyroid. And then the thyroid can’t produce enough hormones.

Wendy Myers: I remember talking to my old Nutritional Balancing practitioner that I initially worked with and she said that even long-standing Hashimoto’s can be healed relatively quickly in a few months.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, it’s really quickly. It’s quicker than other thyroid things. That’s because it’s an infection. You can get rid of the infection pretty quickly.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah!

Luke Pryor: One of her problems was she competitively swam from age 5 through college.

Wendy Myers: She swam?

Luke Pryor: Yeah! She swam in chlorinated pools.

20:02 Iodine antagonists

Wendy Myers: Yeah

Luke Pryor: So one thing that people don’t realize is all of the iodine antagonists. Her body absorbed all the chlorine and those compete with iodine for absorption.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, one thing I was really surprised about was when I found Nutritional Balancing and realized my thyroid wasn’t working properly. I was blown away that chlorine, fluoride and bromine that’s found in breads like a dough softener, is antagonist, it competes with iodine for thyroid function. Let’s say you have too much of these halogens, like fluoride and chloride and bromine, the iodine can’t get in your thyroid to make your thyroid hormones.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, nutritional-wise, that’s actually the biggest problem. The biggest problem isn’t actually iodine-deficiency. Most people actually get enough iodine. They put it in table salt and most people actually get enough iodine. The biggest problem is actually other halogens, the iodine antagonists. There’s chlorine in tap water. People swim in chlorinated pools. They give people fluoride tablets. There’s fluoride in the water along with chlorine. There’s fluoride in toothpaste. All these different things. There’s bromine and they use it in the baking process, when they mass produce bread and pastries and all these things. They used to use iodine but for some idiotic reason the government outlawed it and made them use bromine, so now they use a toxin.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, just wonderful. Haha. Also every time you take a shower, you’re showering yourself in chloride and fluoride, and it sucks through your skin.

Luke Pryor: Yeah. When it’s just a short shower, it’s not too much of a problem. Baths are a bigger problem.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I think it’s really because of these exposures to halogens so frequently, that it’s one of the reasons that’s causing the obesity epidemic. It’s absolutely contributing because we have 1 in 5 people are on thyroid medication. It’s not surprising, given the fact that we fluoridate our water and it’s full of chlorine. Ideally, it’s nice to kill germs but it has its consequences using the chlorine.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, definitely! There are better ways to clean the water. They’re starting to use ozone and other stuff now, thankfully.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, what I like about Nutritional Balancing is that we have to take kelp so that we have to increase our iodine consumption to factor in all these halogens that we’re exposed to everyday.

Luke Pryor: And iodine antagonists is one of the major things doctors don’t tell you about. Most of them are simply not aware of it. And it’s the single biggest thing in our experience. You have to remove those and you have to replace them with iodine. You have to get rid of them in the body. And the body has mechanisms to you know, to get rid of mercury and copper and all these things. So same with halogens, the body has mechanisms to get rid of that. You just have to give it the energy, to get rid of the things

23:14 Stress

Wendy Myers: So that’s one cause of hypothyroidism. What are some of the other causes that cause a thyroid to begin having problems?

Luke Pryor: Stress. You’ll notice that thyroid issues are much more common in women in our society. You don’t find as many men with thyroid issues for whatever reason. In my experience, the women, their bodies aren’t able to handle stress as well in the modern life. They push themselves so hard. I know so many young women. I have young female friends and they go to school. They’re going to school full time, and they work full time on top of it, and on top of that, they don’t sleep enough, and they have terrible diets. I know one girl, her lunch will be like a pack of Gushers. And she’s just working all the time and when she’s not working, she’s in school, and she won’t sleep for like 2 days straight.

Wendy Myers: Wow! Yeah, it’s very common! We have this go-go-go fast-paced society in the US and it has its consequences.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, so all the stress eventually wears out the thyroid, just the same thing with the adrenals. Eventually, just pushing yourself, and pushing yourself, will eventually lead to the breakdown of the energy mechanisms of the body. And stress takes many forms. It could be emotional stress, if you’re not happy in a relationship, or something like that. It could be physical stress, like I said, you’re working too hard, you don’t have enough sleep. It can also be dietary stress. When you’re drinking soda it adds stress to your body. All the poison gets in your body, and it has to activate stress response to deal with it.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, the liver has to detox it.

Luke Pryor: Stress takes many forms. That’s the biggest factor, stress of the body.

25:08 Soy

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I also love the fact that Nutritional Balancing addresses the excess estrogen, called estrogen dominance. It’s something I never hear a physician speak about. I think it’s a huge problem contributing factor to thyroid issues.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, the estrogen in women, and testosterone and all those things. It’s all the more reason to avoid soy. Soy will make the body produce excess estrogen. That’s one of the reasons why we have everyone avoiding Soy. Soy has something in its compounds that mimics estrogen. A little bit of fermented Soy once in a while is not too bad like tempeh or something like that. But all these vegan types, they just consume so much Soy.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that used to be me. Haha I think that was a main cause for my thyroid. Haha. After I had a baby then I had a vegan diet, veggie-vegan, for about 2 years and I ate a lot of Soy during that time.

Luke Pryor: Yeah. These people, they tell you that you shouldn’t eat meat, then you eat all the Soy, and they’re lethargic and have little muscle mass. It’s especially hard on men because men are more testosterone-orientated so Soy is even worse for men. But it’s a problem with women too. No one should eat Soy, period. But if you’re going to have Soy, have it fermented, it breaks down a lot of the toxic compounds and only have it once in a while. It should not be anywhere close to the staple.

26:53 Gluten

Wendy Myers: What about gluten? Why is gluten a problem?

Luke Pryor: Well, we find that a lot of people do feel better when they eliminate gluten completely, at least for a while. But we find that the biggest problem is actually wheat. I still eat gluten. I eat oatmeal that has gluten in it, oats , barley, rye. I still eat those things but we find that wheat is the biggest issue today, although some people do feel better when they eliminate gluten completely, at least for a while, because gluten is a hard protein that’s hard to digest. But if your digestion is good, it’s okay. In the program, most people can eat gluten, especially in small amounts. I eat oatmeal every once in a while for a quick breakfast and I don’t have any problems with it.

Wendy Myers: Okay. Yeah because I’ve also heard that as far as auto-immune thyroid issues are concerned, that when we eat gluten, that the proteins in gluten look exactly like the proteins in the thyroid. So if you have a gluten sensitivity, a lot of people have undiagnosed gluten sensitivity, they’re not aware that when we eat that it, the body attacks it but then it also attacks the thyroid because it looks similar to it.

Luke Pryor: Yeah and usually the gluten sensitivity is really, what they’re saying, is just that you have bad digestion.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Luke Pryor: Yeah. The same thing with dairy. A lot of people can’t handle dairy. A lot of times, it’s just like the gluten thing where you get food intolerance like people have intolerances like corn, and all these different things. Usually it’s just bad digestion. The body can handle some gluten, usually, it’s just the digestion. Gluten sensitivity, in my opinion, is just bad digestion. But not in the case of wheat. Wheat is not a good food for anyone to consume today, it’s inflammatory.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I heard that the wheat that’s grown in the US has 2 to 3 times the gluten of, say, the wheat that you get in Europe. It’s a completely different product.

Luke Pryor: Yeah. In Nutritional Balancing, we don’t recommend people to eat any whole grain wheat from anywhere, even the organic wheat. It’s just been do hybridized. Not only does it have all the gluten like we were talking about, but also it has a lot of glutamic acid in it which is an inflammatory amino acid. It really doesn’t even resemble the wheat that we used to grow. Wheat was probably a good food to eat a hundred years ago. People used to live off wheat. It used to be a good food but it’s been so hybridized and modified and they grow it on depleted soils in mass amounts. It’s just not a good food.

29:41 thyroid toxicity

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I agree. Absolutely! Another thing I like about Nutritional Balancing, because I love it so much, is that a lot of physicians don’t talk about toxicity of the thyroid. One of the reasons it’s not working so hard anymore when you go to your doctor and you’re diagnosed of hypothyroidism is that, copper and mercury toxicity prevent your thyroid from functioning properly. Can you explain that a little bit?

Luke Pryor: Yeah, in things like your adrenals and your thyroid, and many mechanisms in your body, your body has all these enzyme binding types. It’s like the energy pathways of the body. For example, in the thyroid, the thyroid needs specific nutrients to produce T4 and to convert T4 to T3. T4 is a thyroid hormone that the thyroid produces and gets converted to T3 which is the more active form, and that gets converted to the cellular level. But the thyroid needs nutrients and certain minerals and enzyme-binding sites to be able to complete this process. For example, selenium is absolutely required for this process. If you’re selenium deficient, you’re not going to be able to produce adequate amounts of hormones. Your body also needs other things like manganese and vitamin C for this process. If your body doesn’t get enough of the minerals such as these and the enzyme-binding sites, they will replace them with other things. So if you’re not getting enough selenium, it might accumulate more mercury along with copper. So copper and mercury will embed themselves in these sites and then what happens is that the body can’t use the nutrients that it would normally because the copper/mercury are blocking the synthesis of the hormones. So part of the process is you have to get rid of the copper and the mercury and replace them with the preferred minerals. Replace copper with other things like manganese and zinc and stuff, instead of mercury.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I thought this was really surprising when I read it but according to Dr. Wilson, one of the proponents of Nutritional Balancing, is that copper and mercury is pretty much ubiquitous in our society. Almost everyone is copper/mercury toxic.

Luke Pryor: Yes. Everyone is pretty much copper or mercury toxic. Pretty much all slow oxidizers are copper toxic. Anyone with four lows has copper imbalance. Mercury as well. You can’t really avoid it in our society. I’m not saying people shouldn’t make an effort. You should make an effort. You can’t avoid most of it but even people that don’t eat high mercury foods still have a lot of mercury in their bodies. Some people get it from their mothers, they get it in utero. It’s just in the air if you live in the city. There’s smog everywhere.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it’s from coal burning. You just breathe and you get mercury. I get it from the sushi haha. I have a sushi addiction so I’d go once/twice a month, I used to go twice a week. I always have mercury on my hair test. Haha.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, anyone that eats a particular amount of large fish, mercury is going to show up on their hair test at some point. You can guarantee it. People should avoid tuna like the plague and it’s just getting worse. The oceans aren’t getting any cleaner. The problem, as you said, is the coal plants. In America mostly, they’re forced to put scrubbers on to get most of the mercury out. But in India or China, they don’t have these regulations that we have. And all smog goes to the air and it precipitates down to the ocean and it accumulates.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I know. It sucks that we suffer the consequences of their lack of regulation there.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, exactly. We just recommend don’t eat large fish. No tuna, no swordfish. Salmon might be okay once a month. The smaller the better. A very good food that we recommend everyone to eat is sardines. One reason why people can eat sardines is because they have a very short life compared to large fish and they’re much lower down the food chain. There are studies where they test the mercury content of sardines versus salmon, and actually found that sardines have 20 millionth as much mercury as salmon.

Wendy Myers: Wow! I didn’t realize that.

Luke Pryor: Yeah. It’s a big, big problem. So if you want your thyroid to function properly, do not get mercury in your body. Don’t eat any large fish. The only fish I recommend people to eat are sardines, anchovies, herring, fish like that. Maybe the salmon, once a month. Preferably, don’t even eat salmon. It’s unfortunate! There’s nothing wrong with salmon inherently. And obviously if you get salmon from Alaska, straight out of the stream. It’s not going to have near such mercury like farmed fish.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, the wild salmon

Luke Pryor: I’d be careful even then.

35:03 Stimulant abuse

Wendy Myers: One common cause of thyroid issues, like the one I suffer from, is stimulant abuse, that a lot of people are addicted to coffee and sugar and diet pills and even starvation diets. Those can actually be stimulating. How can those contribute to thyroid disfunction?

Luke Pryor: Yeah, they’re just further deranging the energy mechanisms. We live in a tired society. That’s why Starbucks is so popular. They have huge sections for all the caffeinated drinks, Monsters and Red Bulls and all these things. So many people buy it, they can’t go to work without it. You have a huge monster energy drink. It’s just a short term answer for stimulating adrenals, for stimulating the thyroid. The analogy that Dr. Wilson likes to make is true. It’s like whipping a horse. Your body is tired and you’re just whipping it over and over again to try to get a response out of it and you’re just deranging it more and more. So the answer is really to replenish the body and let it rest. That’s how you get real energy. It’s unfortunate that we live in a stimulated society where everyone wants short term energy.

Wendy Myers: Yeah and I think also, when people have thyroid issues, and this is true for me, is that they crave coffee and sugar and other stimulants. Alcohol can be a stimulant for some. Even on this program, by healing myself, I really crave coffee and sugar to give a fake, full energy boost.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, it’s a huge problem, definitely, and it’s hard for a lot of people to break themselves off it. In some instances, we’re all humans, there might be an emergency or you have to work late one night, and sometimes to get through your day, for some reason you have to use a stimulant, I recommend a cup of black coffee isn’t too bad.

Wendy Myers: Oh, okay.

Luke Pryor: Yes. There is some toxicity in coffee. There’s a little bit of cadmium in it. We find that it isn’t really too bad if you use just a cup of coffee and preferably obviously you don’t put any sugar in it.

Wendy Myers: Okay

Luke Pryor: You can put cream in it. Organic cream would be fine.

Wendy Myers: What about green tea? Is green tea okay?

Luke Pryor: Yeah, green tea is ok. I wouldn’t use it as a crutch. Green tea, I believe, I’m not sure on this, I think it has even less caffeine than coffee, right?

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it does, about half.

Luke Pryor: I’d say green tea is okay too because tea is not too strong and it won’t dehydrate you much.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Well, let’s get in to some of the mechanisms behind why exactly someone maybe hypothyroid. Because for many it’s not just as simple as the thyroid just stops producing hormones. And when you go the doctor, that’s the presumption. You have thyroid issues, here’s some synthetic hormones. It’s not that easy. There are many mechanisms that can go wrong which is why simply supplementing thyroid hormones doesn’t work for many. So what are some of these mechanisms?

Luke Pryor: Like we talked about, nutrient deficiencies, people are full of the iodine antagonists, that don’t allow you to absorb any iodine. People are iodine deficient. They don’t consume enough iodine in the body. They’re not getting enough nutrients. Your body needs selenium to produce thyroid hormones. It needs vitamin C. It needs manganese. It needs a lot of different things to produce the hormones in the first place. You have to let your body recover. Stress. If you stress out your body, eventually your thyroid burns out. Infections, like Hashimoto’s we were talking about, plays a role. That’s an infection in the thyroid that’s causing an auto-immune disorder. And until you get rid of the infection, the Hashimoto’s won’t go away. A lot of people abuse synthroid, the synthetic thyroid hormones, because it’s hard to gauge exactly how much you need. I think it’s something that people don’t talk about. And a doctor would be like “oh you are still tired? You should probably take more synthroid.” So a lot of people abuse it and we were talking about stimulants, people actually use synthroid as a stimulant.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it is a stimulant and I took it for a little while before I found nutritional balancing and they’re very stimulating. When you take too much, you get anxiety. Like when you had too much coffee, it’s hard to sleep, that night.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, a lot of people that use them are actually in fast oxidation and there’s no way their body would be in fast oxidation if it weren’t for synthroid. It’s like a toxic form of taking artificial. It’s like you’re constantly on caffeine high and on fast oxidation, like you’re constantly whipping the thyroid. It’s pretty dangerous and the doctors don’t know exactly know how much you need. They’re just guessing. People don’t realize, the doctors are asking, “Are you still tired? Then let’s up your dosage.” And just like any prescription, people abuse prescription, like Vicodin and stuff. People abuse synthroid. The doctors tell them to take a certain amount and then they’ll just take more like, “Well I’m still tired, what the hell, I’ll just double my dosage.” They don’t realize the damage that they’re doing to their thyroid. They don’t realize the damage that they’re doing to their body.

41:06 Downside of using thyroid Medication

Wendy Myers: Yeah and they never heal their thyroid. They’re not addressing the causes like the nutrient deficiencies. For a lot of people, the synthroid doesn’t even work because, like me, my thyroid is producing the hormones that it needed, it just wasn’t getting into the cells. What I was trying to get at is, what are some of the issues that prevent the thyroid hormone from getting into the cells so that they can work and burn your calories?

Luke Pryor: Yeah, the cells have to be permeable. We were talking about nutrients. Not only do the cells need the nutrients to convert it into the more active form inside the cells, the cell walls have to be permeable to the thyroid hormones. They should be able to accept it. The hair tests measures what blood tests won’t measure. A lot of times, people are tired, like we were talking about, they go to the doctor, and they get a thyroid test, and a lot of times, even if they’re tired, their thyroid levels will come up normal. And the doctors say, “Well, your thyroid amounts are normal,” and they don’t really know what’s wrong. So what’s happening is at the cellular level, the cells aren’t able to receive the thyroid hormones and that problem is at the cellular level. So it doesn’t matter how much thyroid hormones your body is producing. If the cells can’t receive it, and cells can’t utilize it, it’s not going to do you any good.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, isn’t that caused by sodium-potassium imbalance? That has to do with osmosis or permeability of your cells or the ability of things to go in and out of your cells, called osmosis?

Luke Pryor: Yeah, that’s one, and also the calcium and potassium ratio, because calcium also affects cell permeability.

Luke Pryor: Yeah that’s one of it. And then also, the calcium and potassium ratio. Because calcium also affects the permeability. So the tendency is the higher calcium is the less permeable that the cells are. So for instance, are you familiar about the calcium shell?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Luke Pryor: So for your listeners who don’t know it, calcium shell is just a really high calcium level on a hair test. And the higher the calcium, the less permeability the cells to take hormones. So that’s why Doctor Eck uses the calcium to potassium ratio. Because potassium and calcium, at the cellular level are what synthetizes the cells to thyroid hormones. And yeah calcium and potassium they both play a role.

Wendy Myers: And then another problem I had was estrogen dominance just you can get too much estrogen from like eating Soy or using paraben and phthalates hair products. You can get it from being too overweight because fat produces estrogen, and you can just get it from eating pesticides and there are all kinds of estrogen. There’s all kinds of substances that mimic estrogen. And if you have too much estrogen or xenoestrogen or substances that mimic estrogen, these bind to thyroid hormones and prevent them from getting into the cells.

Luke Pryor: Yeah. Plastic as well.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Luke Pryor: Yeah. The problem is also the water supply. There’s a lot of prescription pills and stuff that get into the water supply. They have an estrogenic effect on the body along with the plastics.

44:23 Why drinking spring water?

Wendy Myers: Is that one of the reasons that Nutritional Balancing recommends drinking spring water?

Luke Pryor: It’s true that’s one of the numerous reasons why we recommend spring water. So there are only two types of water that we recommend people drink: spring water and distilled water. But the second best is actually a carbonated tap water. So people can drink distilled water for a while, they’re going to have a detox reaction. Because distilled water actually helps remove the things from the body. But the problem is they lose other minerals as well. So if they use it for more than a couple weeks or like a couple months, it starts to deplete the body of all the minerals. Yeah, spring water is the best. You know, it’s the cleanest. The brand I use is Crystal Geyser. That’s one of my favorite brands I recommend. I think you could have them delivered it to your house too. The benefits of spring water are multiple. It is not only the cleanest. People don’t actually realize that it’s a source of minerals, you know, like using sea salts as source of minerals. Because you feel those minerals in spring water. It comes bubbling out of the earth and goes through the rocks and all the layers of sediment and all these things, not only they get cleaned but there’s also minerals added to it. So a lot of people don’t realize is, water is actually a useful part of your diet, you know. Because if you drink crap water, it’s like eating crap food. You know drinking most dirty water is like eating McDonald’s all the time. It’s no different. You need to drink clean water just like you need to eat clean food.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It drives me nuts when people talk to me about Alkaline water and the benefits of Alkaline water. Because the basis of most Alkaline water is reverse osmosis water and then they add minerals to it. And reverse osmosis water is terrible for you. It doesn’t hydrate you. When I was buying reverse osmosis water fills I thought I was doing myself a huge favor. But I would drink like ten glasses a day and still be thirsty. And your body can’t detox unless you drink the right kind of water.

Luke Pryor: Yeah. I’ve experienced the same thing. And a lot of people wonder. They need to learn the information. Information is hard to come by. Most people don’t know the reverse osmosis isn’t good to drink. They wonder again like you are wondering why I get thirsty all the time and all these little things.

Wendy Myers: Yeah it was driving me nuts. Haha.

Luke Pryor: Yeah. Reverse osmosis is also very empty like distilled water. So it will leech out all your minerals as well.

46:58 The Nutritional Balancing program

Wendy Myers: Well, let’s talk a little bit about Nutritional Balancing programs. We’ve been talking about how the program can address the underlying causes and hair mineral analysis will give us a different snapshot or a different angle of the thyroid functioning, you know, a different angle than what tests your doctor will do which is a very insightful angle for many. What exactly is a Nutritional Balancing program for those of the listeners who don’t know about it?

Luke Pryor: A nutritional balancing program is an all encountering healing program where we use diet, we use nutritional supplements, we use lifestyle, get rest, drinking right type and right amount of water, detoxification, and we use all these things. And how we gauge what diet you need and how we gauge what supplements you need is something that’s called hair mineral analysis. Now, hair mineral analysis will perceive the mineral level of the body as the cellular level. So you can get this information from the skin, you know, people use skin samples. They use the nails. But we use the hair. Simply because it is easier to cut. It grows pretty quickly. It gives you an accurate reading that is fairly recent. It’s pain-free, all these things. So what is really telling us is the mineral count at a cellular level. So from that we can see the oxidation rate which is the state of the metabolism of the body. We can see the vitality of the body. We can see certain psychological things. We can see how adequately you are digesting proteins. We can see, what we were talking about, the cell permeability, the effect on the adrenals and the thyroid at a cellular level. We see how well-functioning your adrenals are, how well functioning your adrenals are, heavy metal toxicities, how well your body is eliminating heavy metals. So it really gives us a snapshot of the bodily system, of the biochemistry of the body. And then from that test, we can see exactly what you need. We can see how we need to start your adrenals and your thyroid, if we need to raise your oxidation rate or lower your oxidation rate. We see the protein synthesis, if you need more protein in your diet. And we can also see tendencies or blood sugar imbalances and diabetes, the potential for cancer, and even depression and all these different things. It’s really quite amazing what can you see from that properly interpreted hair test. It’s quite amazing.

Wendy Myers: Yeah I think it’s really interesting that you brought up cancer because anyone who has a potential to develop cancer, they have to have basically their minerals be flat lined by that time. If you do not have minerals in your body, you are going to get really sick. You are going to have a depressed immune system and that can lead to cancer. So for many people that have come to my practice and I’ve had friends gone to other nutritional balancing practitioners before I got certified. And some of them were flat lining. All their minerals were really really low so it can predict whether or not you are going to get sick with diabetes or whatnot. You know it kind of manifests itself in some way, in some disease label at some point.

Luke Pryor: Yeah it’s health tendencies. They can tell us how likely you are to have cancer somewhere in your body or like how likely you are to developing it, you know. They tell us how likely you are to develop diabetes or how you’re about to have blood sugar imbalances probably at that point. Yeah it tells us tendencies. And it definitely has a pattern like four lows– the tendency for cancer which is where all four macro minerals are low. That’s one that can lead to cancer. Any poor eliminator patterns. Everyone has a heavy metal in their body. Everyone has cadmium in their body. Everyone has mercury in the body. So we know it’s there. But what happens is that, if it’s below a certain threshold, I mean if the body isn’t being able to eliminate them properly, what happens to the body is it’s going to fight all of these to get rid of the heavy metals. So we know they’re there but the body cannot eliminate them. So it’s just building up in the body. That’s the tendency for cancer like elevated cadmium especially on the first hair test.

Wendy Myers: That what was on my first hair test– elevated cadmium.

Luke Pryor: Oh yeah. Mine was four lows, elevated cadmium with an inverted NaK.

Wendy Myers: Oh no. Haha.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, yeah.

Wendy Myers: Sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh. Haha.

Luke Pryor: What’s that?

Wendy Myers: Sorry, I didn’t meant to laugh at your bad first hair test. Haha.

Luke Pryor: Yeah. Haha. Yeah elevated cadmium, as I was saying, is the most heavy metal and probably the most correlated with cancer. And they all play a role, you know. You can have cancer caused by excessive iron or manganese and all these different things. So the poor eliminator patterns show really high calcium shell that would be a tendency for cancer. In general, the worst the test is, you would have a tendency for things like cancer you know. Like really low NAK sodium to potassium ratio is how we determine the vitality ratio, where we determine the vitality of the body and a really low ratio like below one is going to be a tendency for cancer definitely.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So how does the Nutritional Balancing program help heal the thyroid exactly?

Luke Pryor: Well first of all, you have to get enough rest. So you rest more. What’s good about Nutritional Balancing is that it’s very participatory. You have to rest more. You have to replenish all the things the body is missing. So we use kelp. That’s one of the biggest things for the thyroid. Because kelp supplies iodine and it also supplies trace minerals your body needs. You see, kelp is almost the body’s like multi-mineral supplement, especially the supplement that we use, it’s full of minerals. So that will supply the iodine, the selenium and all the other trace minerals that all people need. It actually helps remove the toxic ones as well. So kelp is hugely important in Nutritional Balancing of the thyroid. We also supplement extra selenium in the metabolic fats. So for example we’re talking about people who have hypothyroidism. So that would be slow oxidation. Slow oxidation is where there is insufficiency in the adrenals and thyroid so we are trying to boost the activity of the adrenals, we are trying to supplement them and get them strong again. So one of the ways you do that is we raise the oxidation rate and there’s selenium in that. So that is very important, along with rest, drinking the right amount of water, we have to get rid of the antagonists, we have to remove them from the body. Like I said earlier, the body will do this on its own, the body has energy mechanisms to do this once you have given it the energy and minerals it needs. But you can definitely speed up the process. We recommend an infra-red sauna which will definitely speed up removing all the antagonists. I know many people that use an infra-red sauna and they would smell chlorine multiple times. They would sit in the sauna and smell chlorine coming out of their pores.

Wendy Myers: Wow.

Luke Pryor: Yeah that’s very common. So if we want to speed up the process we use Coffee enemas. Sometimes people can detox like fifty times faster when they use these. Although they are not completely necessary for the program, we always recommend people do those because it definitely always speeds up the detox process which will help the thyroid and hopefully remove those antagonists. It will also help remove mercury. You can remove mercury and copper. You sweat out the copper. We also have to get the copper and zinc imbalance, so we have to get rid of the excess bio-unavailable copper and we have to replenish it with zinc. Because the zinc and copper imbalance is very important in your body and if your body has excess copper, it usually means it is zinc deficient and vice versa. Because the two antagonize each other in the body. And we also have to get the body, bioavailable copper. A lot of the problems with people is, they actually have biounavailable copper, they are copper toxic but they still have enough copper, so they have the wrong types of copper. Because minerals come in different forms. Like there are different forms of iron and manganese, like iron oxides for example. These are different forms of minerals that have different charges or co-valence electrons and your body actually absorbs these when it doesn’t have the kind it prefers. So your body prefers a certain type of copper but you are not giving it enough so it continues to absorb the wrong type of copper. And you have to get those out, you know, replace them with the right kinds of foods. So the diet is huge. Not only do we use kelp and the metabolic help, but you have to be getting enough minerals from the diet. So we like people to eat tons of cooked vegetables and that’s the best way to get minerals from your diet. It would be 70% of cooked vegetables preferably. We also like certain foods that are high in bioavailable selenium, because besides iodine, selenium is the single most important mineral in your body for your thyroid. So it’s important that not only we are supplying selenium but you also have to get enough from your diet. And selenium is one of those minerals that has certain bioavailable forms that are better absorbed through food. Is one of the major reasons why we recommend blue corn and sardines so much, is because those two foods have the specific type of selenium that the body can absorb easily. Garlic has quite a bit of selenium, root vegetables have quite a bit of selenium. Selenium is actually found in the skin of the fish, so that’s why we like sardines because they have the skin in it. Selenium is what gives the shimmer to the scale in fish, when it’s shimmery.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, that’s actually selenium.

Wendy Myers: I actually eat my sardines with blue corn chips. Haha.

Luke Pryor: A-ha! There you go. Haha.

Wendy Myers: I’m taking double dose.

Luke Pryor: That has a lot of bioavailable selenium. That’s why we recommend those foods specifically, it’s mostly because of that selenium that you get from them. So, we have to replace your selenium with one of the most important ones: iodine. We recommend three quarts of spring water, you have to drink a lot of water to help flush the toxins out. And like I said, one of the most important things is rest. You have to let your body recuperate. And that’s hard for a lot of people because they are raising kids, and you have to work full time and you are always busy busy busy. It’s hard to get enough rest. That is one of the biggest issues for a lot of people

Wendy Myers: Yeah. When I first started the Nutritional Balancing program, I read that they want you to sleep 9-10 hours a night. And I’m thinking “I’m going to sleep my life away if I sleep 9-10 hours a night”. I thought I was really doing great sleeping 7 hours a night. Haha.

Luke Pryor: Oh yeah. When I started I was in four lows and I was sleeping 11-12 hours a night sometimes.

Wendy Myers: Wow that’s great. And I also found before I started the program, I had a lot of trouble sleeping. For years I woke up in the middle of the night and I was up for an hour or two, and once I started taking the calcium in the correct form, the minerals need to be in a chelated form, which people take the wrong forms of calcium. But once I started taking the calcium and magnesium supplement. Instantly, I’ve been sleeping through the night ever since.

Luke Pryor: Oh yeah, people are amazed. You know, people that have trouble sleeping. I have friends and family members that aren’t interested in going into the full program and they are having trouble sleeping, and I just tell them to take chelated zinc and chelated cal-mag before bed and they are amazed of how well they sleep.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It relaxes you so much. It’s amazing. Because there’s been times I’ll take two or three of the calcium sometimes when I’m a little stressed or something. And you just sleep like a baby.

Luke Pryor: Yeah. So, so many people have trouble sleeping. They are like “how am I going to rest for my thyroid when I can’t sleep?” Well, Nutritional Balancing takes care of that because we supply the cal-mag and we supply the zinc. Because most people can’t sleep because they are low in sedative minerals: zinc, calcium, magnesium, all these different minerals that our bodies are lacking and actually help calm the nervous system. And all of the sudden your nervous system has the zinc that it needs and the calcium and it’s like “oh, I can rest”.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I was amazed. I was so relieved because, I hear this from my clients too, they just get so sick and not being able to sleep through the night. And they don’t need sleeping pills, they just need calcium and magnesium.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, like I said I have people that are not on the program and I tell them to take it and they are amazed, they are on sleeping pills and they think I’m crazy. I tell them “just try it alright? Before bed just take one cal-mag. I swear you’ll sleep good”. And they would sleep for 12 hours and be like whoa!

Wendy Myers: That’s exactly my experience.

Luke Pryor: Yeah. In my experience, they’re more powerful than sleeping medication.

Wendy Myers: Yeah they are because they are the minerals: calcium-magnesium that your body uses to relax. They are the relaxing minerals so you need to relax!

Luke Pryor: So Nutritional Balancing will help you relax too. Some people are worried they won’t be able to sleep but they definitely will. It’s almost automatic.

1:02:20 Prenatal Care

Wendy Myers: Well Luke, I have one question that I like to ask all of my guests. What do you think is the most pressing health issue in the world today?

Luke Pryor: I would say prenatal care.

Wendy Myers: Oh really.

Luke Pryor: Oh yeah. The children are in bad shape today and you see some of the hair test of children and it’s fairly common to see children with adrenal burnout at age two. It’s crazy.

Wendy Myers: Why is this happening? Why are the children in adrenal burnout?

Luke Pryor: Is mostly the mothers. Any nutrition deficiencies and toxicities pass right from the mother to the child so if the mother is mercury toxic, the child will be born mercury toxic. If the mother doesn’t have enough zinc, the child won’t get enough zinc. Copper toxicity, all these things pass right through the child. So it’s very important that we get young women healthy. So if anyone is really interested I offer a 50% discount on either mothers that are pregnant or children under age 10.

Wendy Myers: Aw that’s nice of you. Yeah it’s really a big problem because it’s one of the reasons why we have such high rate of autism and learning disabilities and so many children and born within the autism spectrum disorder. Because for like my daughter, I was aluminum toxic, I found out and at some point of my hair test I had tons and tons of aluminum coming out. My daughter is aluminum toxic. Long behold, I was zinc deficient, my daughter is zinc deficient and that’s why, as many of the listeners know, my daughter has mild autism and speech delay and it was caused by a combination of those two things and I believe that also, getting a couple of vaccines was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Injecting that toxicity into her body mercury and what not. But yeah I agree with you that our children are in a lot of danger. Our future generations because our soils are so deficient in nutrients and we are becoming more and more toxic from corporate dumping and manufacturing.

Luke Pryor: The single most powerful aspect of Nutritional Balancing, is we can help the next generation. We were talking about autism, those kids have the poor eliminator patterns, they can’t eliminate the heavy metals, and the four lows is common in children with autism as well. We are just not though that in our society, that if a woman smokes cigarettes for 20 years but if you quit right when you get pregnant, your child is going to be ok. That is just a 100% not true. All those things stay in the body and will pass on to the child. This is true with anything. We put millions of young women on antidepressants. Doctors let women go on antidepressants when they are pregnant and they continue on them while they are breastfeeding. Is just craziness.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I actually have a client. She started with the Nutritional Balancing program. And then she became pregnant. And I am so excited because her child has such a wonderful opportunity to benefit from all the minerals that she’s taking. She obviously can’t do the sauna while she is pregnant because it heats her body up too much but I’m really excited that she will have a much healthier pregnancy and a healthier child as a result of being on the program.

Luke Pryor: Oh yeah. Any time I hear about that I get excited. You know children that go on these programs leave other children to dust. You know, people are amazed by the effect it has on ADD and autism, the sooner you can get to them the better because children heal a lot quicker. Children are naturally healthier than adults. So if you get to them while they are young, if you get their pregnant mothers, then they don’t get to deal with the things that adults have to deal with.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. They do not have much toxicity to detox. My daughter, I have her on the program.

Luke Pryor: And not only that. It’s also brain development.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Luke Pryor: Most of the kids that are zinc deficient so their brains don’t develop into their whole potential. They are not going to be as athletic as they could be. And all the children that go into the program they are leaving other children on the dust, scholastically and in athletics. Because kids today are so deficient and toxic.

Wendy Myers: Yeah I know. I first started my daughter in the program about four months ago, and at that point she entered pre-school and she wasn’t really talking a whole lot, saying one word or maybe two word sentences and four months later on the program, she’s in a really good pre-school as well, but she is talking in full sentences now. She is totally communicating it’s like night and day. And of course, it’s because of the program, all the zinc she is getting because she is zinc deficient. So all I can say is I’m thrilled.

Luke Pryor: Yeah, people that find the program for young children, they notice the difference. They get so excited, they are so glad. Hopefully, eventually we get every woman in the world in these programs. The world would be a much much better place.

01:08:49 Prenatal Care

Wendy Myers: Yeah haha. I agree. We have to have goals. So, why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit more about you or where they can find you?

Luke Pryor: They can visit my website at and then all my contact information is there, people can email me, they can also call me. Leave a message if I don’t pick up. I do free 30 minute consultations. We can talk for a while and talk about your problems and I can offer you another things. I also have a youtube channel. If you type in nutritional balancing on youtube I’m on the first page. I think you are on the first page too. There are not many of us doing youtube videos.

Wendy Myers: No haha.

Luke Pryor: Or you can type “interbalance” or there’s actually a link to my youtube from my website. So people can check those things out. There’s also a newsletter I have, people can sign up for. And yeah do yourself a favor, if it’s not with me or Wendy, or someone else.

Wendy Myers: Yeah and if you guys are looking for a practitioner you can also go on and find a list of practitioners there. They are all over the world. Lots of practitioners out there.

Luke Pryor: Yeah the word is spreading.

Wendy Myers: Yes it is. Well thank you so much for coming on the show Luke. I’m thrilled that you agreed to come on and help people to navigate the missing issues surrounding thyroid. Because I’m so sick of hearing thyroid shows claiming to heal, talking about natural thyroid hormone and what not because it pains me to see so many people thyroid hormones when their thyroid just continues to deteriorate. Forcing them to take more and more medication and there is another way. So thank you for taking the time to come on the show and shed some light on this issue.

Luke Pryor: Yeah it was great talking to you. I hope your listeners got something out of it and we can heal their thyroids.

Wendy Myers: Yeah and if any of the listeners wants to try a Nutritional Balancing program you can contact Luke at his website or me on™. Either of us can put you on a Nutritional Balancing program and heal your thyroid once and for all and get it working again like it used to be when you were young. So just to be clear, a Nutritional Balancing program not only heals or targets the thyroid, but it heals your entire body and heals the thyroid in the process. So it can be explained by simply give the body, exactly what it needs nutritionally which is usually minerals and detoxing the body so that the body itself can heal itself of most illness. And if you listeners want to hear more about health you can follow me on Facebook and twitter @IWillLiveTo110. I am also on youtube at Wendyliveto110, some jerk took liveto110 on youtube and it’s not using it so I had to come up with this super boring, unimaginative, Wendyliveto110. Which I can change now which is great. And I have lots of super boring unprofessional videos there so check those out. And I’m also on Instagram and Pinterest at liveto110. Cate, what are your social media?

Cate Beehan: My twitter is @CBeehan, my last name. And my Instagram is Catebee. Please go check out our websites. I can be found at and Wendy’s at™. If you like what you’ve heard on the show, please go to iTunes and give the Live to 110 podcast a nice review and writing. Thank you!

Wendy Myers: Thank you everyone. Thanks for listening! Bye-bye!


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