Transcript: #47 Take Control of your Mind and Meditate with Roy Masters

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  • 10:23 Roy’s Influences
  • 13:58 Roy’s books on meditation
  • 20:58 The effects of stress
  • 33:26 How meditation can cure society’s ills?
  • 39:27 Basics of the Roy Masters meditation
  • 43:27 How to do the Roy Masters meditation?

Wendy Myers:  Welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast, I’m your host, Wendy Myers.  You can find me on™, and here is my co-host, the tough as nails General Leigh.

Leigh Lowery: Hi all!

Wendy Myers: Yeah, you can find her on, L-e-i-g-h.  Today we’re going to be interviewing Roy Masters of, the Foundation of Human Understanding, where we’re going to be exploring the topic of meditation and how it can vastly improve your life.  This exercise is so simple, it takes so little time and it has such profound implications for emotionally detoxing, if you will, that you cannot afford not to do it.  It’s something that I’ve been incorporating daily into my lifestyle and I just… I can’t tell you how much it’s helped me.  And I beg you do at least try incorporating Roy Masters’ meditation into your lifestyle, to solve your problems, to reduce stress, to increase awareness and essentially, to emotionally detox.  But first we have to do the disclaimer.

Leigh Lowery:  That’s right. Please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. The Live to 110 Podcast is solely informational in nature.  Please consult your health care practitioner before engaging in any treatment or fitness regiment that we suggest on this show.

Wendy Myers: And if you’re interested in shedding a few pounds. Please go and download my Live to 110 by Weighing Less eGuide© on™.  Just go there and you’ll see the big welcome graphic where you enter your email.  It’s that simple.  And you’ll be immediately sent the free 35-page weight loss e-Guide and also my 14 part email series about The Modern Paleo Diet, so I hope you like reading.

Leigh Lowery: And how is that book coming of yours?

Wendy Myers: It is done, and I love how Diane Sanfilippo of‘s put it: writing a health book is the most unhealthy thing I have ever done.

Leigh and Wendy: Ha ha.

Wendy Myers: I’ve been pretty stressed out and you know, when my child goes to sleep, I’ve got to stay up and write and sometimes I’m  staying up until to 1 or 2 AM, and not getting enough sleep. It’s the price of poker but I’m really happy it’s done, I’m really proud of it and I can’t wait for it to be thrust into the world.  It’s called The Modern Paleo Survival Guide and it’s basically about diet, lifestyle, detoxing and surviving; you know, how to survive our toxic, modern world. And I won’t go into details about it, it’s just a simple, you know, cliff notes about it, and just all the stuff that I’m really passionate about, and have been studying for the last five years, and I’m happy to give birth to it and give it to all the listeners.  So look out for that on the website.  Well, Leigh what about yourself, have you ever tried meditating?

Leigh Lowery: Oh my gosh, I think like, I was amazing at meditating on everything my ex-boyfriend was doing wrong!

Wendy Myers: Ha ha.

Leigh Lowery: I’m really good at meditating on things that are driving me insane, but I just recently actually started a guided meditation and I have felt such benefits from it.  And when I don’t do it I really can tell and I end up drifting back to that same old girl who’s kind of focusing on what I say, meditating on the, maybe, the negative sometimes. So I got to really do this and maybe you could tell me.  I can’t wait to hear what Roy has to say about it.  Maybe I’ll learn something awesome today.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, he’s a really interesting guy.  He’s been around for a long time.  He’s really passionate.  He dedicated his entire life to getting his message out about the best way to solve your problems and heal your life. His show Advice Line is really, really good.  I checked out an episode on the Internet before we did the interview and it’s really good.

Leigh Lowery: That’s cool, but what about you and meditation? How’s that go?

Wendy Myers: Well, I can get lazy about it.  I mean, I’m a Nutritional Balancing practitioner, and the Roy Masters meditation is actually what use and prescribe to my clients and to anyone who’s doing them. But of course, you know, I’m the teacher of it with my clients but I’m always not so good about doing it.  But since interviewing him, I have been trying to incorporate it more and more into my life.  It has really helped me to clear my mind, because with the website, and my writing and the podcast etc, my mind just keeps going, going, going nonstop and I have to create a space just to shut it up.

Leigh Lowery: Oh, yeah, and just like anything it takes, you have to do something and practice it on a regular basis for it to become a habit, so, absolutely!

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and with your mind, it just loves to wander.  I used to have a really huge problem with ruminating; thinking about the same negative thought over and over, just thinking I’m going to solve the problem in that way or may be feeding, kind of stimulating some anger. In some way disturbing me, not moving forward in my life. And the meditation… I’ve had lots of therapy, lots of talk therapy in my pursuing of self-help in trying to solve my problems and be a better person.  But the meditation has helped me to really turn inward and solve my problems in that way and clear my mind.  It’s really hard to explain but I’m going to be doing it more often now.  And I beg other people to just give it a try. It doesn’t have to be this big, huge thing. Just 5-10 minutes a day, and just try to create a space daily to do it.  It doesn’t have to take that long and it has tremendous benefits.

Our guest Roy Masters has promoted a simple form of meditation for decades, which we are going to be discussing today on the show.  In 1960, Roy began America’s very first call-in show for personal and spiritual guidance called Advice Line.  Still on the air today, it has broadcast nationwide on a hundred and ninety radio stations and on the Internet.  He’s written 16 acclaimed books and produced numerous meditation CDs.  He is the founder of The Brighton Academy, considered by many to be one of the most innovative private schools in the country.  And he is also the founder of The Foundation for Human Understanding, which, for 50 years, has aimed to provide support to anyone searching for personal and spiritual guidance.  You can find his site at  Roy, thank you so much for being on the show.

Roy Masters: Well, it’s my pleasure.

Wendy Myers: So you’re America’s first radio counselor.  You began your live radio show Advice Line almost 54 years ago.  And that’s just such an incredible accomplishment. I can only imagine how many millions of people you helped.

Roy Masters: Yeah, that is just great.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, in that time span, absolutely. So did you ever think your show would last that long?

Roy Masters: I don’t think ahead of time.  I only think of the moment.  I live in the moment.  I didn’t know that that is what I was doing.  It seems like I was born like that, and never deviated much from that.  I am not saying that I haven’t sinned in a matter of speaking.

Wendy Myers: Ha ha.

Roy Masters: But somehow, I managed to being able to catch my sins and my mistakes, and I say: “Ah, I see what I’m doing wrong”.  And it’ll go away. And I thought everyone was like that but they’re not, they defend their mistakes.  And that’s a hypnotic stage, when we react to something and something gets inside us.  In religious parlance, you call it sin but its reaction is what separates you from God and establishes something unholy in the place of the holy, that may be difficult.  And that makes you a different person, and causes you to believe and think that your ideas are your own, when they come from a bully or a tyrant, or what we call an authority.  And authority is what is wrong with our world.  The only authority we need is what is within us called common sense.

And that is a whole new stream of life and direction that you get contrary to the fact that when you overreact to people, places and things, the authority becomes displaced by something in the world.  It could be your teacher, it could be your wife, it could be your husband; it could be the dictator, and of course, that’s where I began my journey.  I’ve seen a hypnotic demonstration on the stage, on the Brighton Vaudeville Theater.  And I saw that the hypnotist make the victims, the subjects, think his thoughts and carry out his behaviors that is suggested to them and they think it was their own idea. Oh my goodness me!  But the audience didn’t believe that, they didn’t see it, but I saw it.  So that’s where my journey began, to help our soldiers overcome Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  It’s a big leap, so we can go there later on if you want to.

10:23 Roy’s Influences

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I definitely want to talk to you about how your meditation is being used in the Armed Forces.  But first, why don’t we kind of go over, what  are your influences,  what has propelled you to do this work, with opening the Foundation For Human Understanding and writing 16 books on meditation?

Roy Masters: Well, I don’t have any education and I’m not sure of whether be proud of that or not.  But you know my father died when I was 13 years old, I think.  That was just before the war.  And so I had to support my mother and my brother. Of course there was very little income.  My father died and left very little.  It was the Depression.  You know how that is.  My family business is my uncle who was knighted by the Queen for his work in helping World War I veterans with no legs, you know, that belonged in the army. So I became an apprentice of diamond cutter. He was a very nice man, very kind to me.  And so, for 4 years, I was an apprentice.

But I couldn’t use my skills to make a living for my family because I was drafted in the military. So, I can’t do my thing there.  Before that, before I went into the military, while I was doing my journeyman, you know, obligation, I saw a hypnosis demonstration in the Bright Hippodrome.  And that turned me on to thinking: this is what I want to do with my life.  I want to find out if this is true? Can you make people think… can some person make you think their thoughts and their purpose and make them think that it is your own purpose?  The answer is yes.

Now very few people have lived a life of their own.  And Hitler was able to use intimidation and yelling and screaming and making exciting audios to the great degree and appealing to their fat little egos.  But the point is, he was able to control a whole nation.  And that’s not unusual because, if I may just go back into history, there is only one percent of the whole human race that has ever lived in freedom because of what I am talking about, what is now well known as dictatorship. And the dictator knows how to manipulate the minds of an entire nation.

And we need to discuss those things and right at this present moment we are not under the Fascist technique which is violence, instant violence, beating people up, creating fear and shock.  No, what we are under right now is the social engineering fact that has stuck with several generations. To slowly suborn the virtues of the youth because you cannot conquer a noble nation. So you have to undermine all of the structures that make us a free people and you see, we’re going down.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I guess one aspect of that is the socialism in medicine in Obama Care.

Roy Masters: Oh yes, everything is.  It’s affected everything. Everything is been affected. Art, music, of every kind.

13:58 Books on meditation

Wendy Meyers: You’ve written 16 books and I can only hope to be one day in your shoes, I’ve just finished my first one but can you tell us about your books in meditation?

Roy Masters: Well, if anybody’s interested in beginning, How Your Mind Can Keep You Well, but I changed the title of it.  It’s the same book that I wrote in 1959.  It does not make any difference but I changed the title of the book to Cure Stress, and then the subtitle is How Your Mind Can Make You Well, not Keep you Well.  In the beginning, I was a very strong and healthy fellow, and rugged and you know, constant about learning my hypnosis and practiced it in the barracks.  I became an entertainer for the troops. And I learned a lot of my skills by working and manipulating the soldiers to… I hate to say this but I’ve got to say it: I’ve never had to clean my rifle, I’ve never had to clean my boots.

Wendy Myers: Ha ha ha.

Roy Masters: I had everybody doing everything for me, and I’m not proud of it.  I even hypnotized the officers once.  They came around to me one day and said “I hear you could hypnotize people.”  I said, “yes sir!”  He says, “ Can you hypnotize us?”.  Two of them.  I said “yes sir, sit down,” and they were gone for the evening. And we never did our fire duty.  And they didn’t even know it.  I was lethal. A naughty, naughty boy.  But the point is I developed those skills, then, fast forward, I went to Africa, I saw the danger there, came to America, I went around the country, giving demonstrations at very fine jewelry stores.  And then I settled down, got married.

My knowledge of hypnosis was in the store there when I was 33, I decided… well, the story is this: quickly.  A little girl fell down in front of my house. And she had broken her arm and it was hanging.  It was really, really broken and she was in agony.  And all the neighbors were milling around.  I came out, saw that little girl in trouble.  They were calling the ambulance but it wasn’t there yet.  I walked up to the little girl and said : “Hello.  Do you love me?”  and she says “Yes I do!”  Then I said, “But then you don’t have any more pain.”  And all of a sudden, she became quiet and it became headlines in the newspapers.

In the Houston newspaper, which no longer exists, it’s a long long time ago.  And that began my career in the Institute for Hypnosis for 7 years where I discovered exactly what hypnosis was and it was caused by stress.  And the more angry you become by the stress, the more you become its subject.  And all the illnesses on Earth, all of them, and not just 95% of them, all the illnesses in the world, all the suffering, even war, is caused by stress.  Stress is the root cause of every single misery and suffering on the Earth.  Our response to the stress, well, the Good Book says you cannot serve two masters.  You either respond to one or respond to the other. That’s my cellphone sorry.

Wendy Myers:  It’s okay. That’s a nice ring you have.

Roy Masters: I’m still in the modern age, even though I’m 86.

Wendy Myers: Ha ha.

Roy Masters: So where was I? I forgot now, go ahead.

Wendy Myers: You were doing the Institute of Hypnosis.

Roy Masters: Yes.  So I spent about 6 or 7 years there, then that’s where I created a record.  It was a record in those days.  In 1959, I made a record, and it worked.  And it worked so well I made a thousand of them.  Then I decided I have to go, I’ve got to leave the Institute of Hypnosis.  I ran into trouble with the Medical Society and there’s another story to that but I don’t want to bore you with that, because they sent me to jail for 30 days.

Wendy Myers: Oh, wow, they were bullying even back then.

Roy Masters: Yeah, I un-hypnotized everybody in jail, and the headlines read “Hypnotist Practice Spells in Cells,” and I was helping the people to never go back. I was helping them to overcome their criminal behaviors.

Wendy Myers: Ha ha. i love it.

Roy Masters: And the warden says “Roy, this is political, you know you don’t have to do this.”  But I can’t stop, I’m sorry.  And so they put me in solitary confinement.  And all of the men in the prison who I helped made sure I had chicken everyday.  And they let me get out after 10 days because I had a month, 30 days sentence, for good behavior.  And it was headlines in the news again, but I knew that my future was somewhere.  I decided to sell a thousand CDs, not CDs but records, and off I went to California to open up the Institute of Hypnosis and went on radio.  That’s where it all began.

Wendy Myers: I love that story. Ha ha.

Roy Masters: It’s a very interesting story, because I wasn’t guilty of anything.  The American Medical Association didn’t like the fact that I was helping so many people, that psychiatrists had nothing to do.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah! That is their way, they’re still doing it today!

Roy Masters: Yeah. Ha ha.

Wendy Myers: Don’t want anyone to get in on their cash!

Roy Masters:  Yeah, that’s right!

Wendy Myers: So how did you parlay the hypnosis into meditation?

Roy Masters: Well, that’s a very interesting question.  Because the human being, well, I don’t know if you call it human being health, that’s free will, because when you come into any culture, if you have been born in Borneo, you certainly will never have free will for as long as you live.  If you have a little brightness in your eyes, that puts you in a soup pot.  Same thing with Germany and other places in other countries, you can’t be a Muslim, and you can’t be born in one of those countries and not be a Muslim, and then you have some kind of a future killing people and thinking you’re doing God a favor.

Whole nations have become mesmerized and sort of regimented, molded.  And so most people live and die without ever knowing who they are.  But America was a free country.  I saw that.  And so, when I was in England, I saw that this is the country and I wanted this for my people.  That is what I saw when I came to America.  I didn’t want to be a diamond cutter.  An so I went around, I bought a machine and fixed it up.  It was 500 pounds, put it in the back of a truck, and went to the best jewelry stores, and used my skills as a way of promoting sales in stores and cutting diamonds in front of people.  It brought people in, and they did lots of business but sooner or later, I was married, had a child and had to stop, and then, one day, I told you the story just a little while ago, a little girl fell down, and that began my career because I took the pain away.

And the headlines read… I still got the headline: “Hypnotist Takes The Pain Away From a Little Girl,” that was the headline.  That brought notoriety to me but that also brought the American Medical Association down on me.  But I was able to survive 6 years, and doing that 6 years in the Institute of Hypnosis.  I learned the other side.  There’s another side.  The hypnotic side, where people do not realize they are being influenced by others.  And the influences caused by stress or by some kind of cruelty that causes you to be angry and upset.  And when you’re angry and upset, the tendency is to be submissive to try and keep peace. On the other hand, the other alternative you have is to become a bully.

And so I found that in everywhere in the world, in your fallen stage, you can only play two roles, whether you like it or not.  You are either an appeaser to a bully, or you are a bully.  It is the only way you can live. And even in America, it was that way.  And slowly but surely, those who understood how to intimidate, these are the social engineers that I’m talking about that have taken over your country, have learned to use, to usurp the loyalty of the youth to their country.  And you’ve seen that in schools and now, the schools have fallen down to being the 27th in the world when we used to be the first.  You have seen the moral decline.  You can’t conquer a noble people, you have to make them ignoble, and then glorify their perversions, which is what is going on today.

And so, once you start to fall from grace and fall from what you know is right in your heart, you become a slave and you may not even realize you are, because you lost the ability to realize.  And my job is to wake people up.  I learned that in the Institute of Hypnosis.  And the way I discovered it, it was actually working that way. There was a lady who came and she was a Christian.  And Christians have the same problems as everybody else, they don’t understand Christianity like they should.  By the way, I’m Jewish, but I love your Jesus, forgive me for saying that.

Wendy Myers: Ha ha.

Roy Masters: I didn’t want to throw that in.  But I discovered Christianity with this lady.  I sat her down on this chair, and she had a terrible problem, and I spent 10 to 15 minutes doing what I normally do, countering the stress factor that the woman has, that she was suffering from.  And so I was able to bring her back to listening what was right in her heart, rather than listening to her emotions, and canceling her ability, her compulsion to react to everything.  And when she went home, her husband was pleased as punch.

Everybody was amazed to see the changes that took place.  She was really a Christian person patient and all the good things, and they couldn’t believe what they were seeing.  And so she came back to me and she says “what did you do to me?”  I said “I just helped you find who you are, the goodness that you had in you and the innocence you had when you were born.”  And she says, “Well, look.  I’m a Christian, you can find what you just said to me.”  And she gave me the paragraph and verse and chapter.  And there it was.  I said: “Oh!  That’s who you are!”

And that’s how Jesus came into my life.  And I’m Jewish.  Then I read the New Testament and I thought, wow, I know all this already.  I do.  It’s inside me.  And that’s where it should be in everybody.  Not just verse and chapter, but acting it out like in an actor on stage.  Which I’m sorry, it is happening to America, which is no, well, there is no power that is advancing upon us.  You know, socialism is taking us over.  The socialism and me, Dark side of the Force, that you see encroaching upon us all.  It is a very dangerous force, something that existed, ever since man lost paradise.  And religion has to be real, the Christian religion is the only answer, if it’s understood as it should be, which means that you don’t need verses and chapters. What you need is a connection to your Creator so that you unfold like a flower and you can’t help knowing all the things that begin to flow into you from within.

In other words, something is happening, something happens when you learn to be still.  You begin to know, without knowing why you know.  And all the things you know without knowing why you know are in the Bible, in verse and chapter.  And verses and chapters should lead you into that.  But somehow, they take precedence over your mind.  And many Christians act those words out like an actor on the stage.  And that is no match for what is advancing upon us. Even Christianity, if it’s not pure, if you can’t transcend verses and chapters and find the real McCoy which is your creator and your Jesus inside you, so that you move and have your being like an unfolding flower, there is no way that we can survive what is coming to us.  Because it is increasing intimidation, and the way the system works is that you increase the pressure on people.   It’s called hurt to rescue. You hurt them and then you rescue them, but the cure is worse than the disease. And so it goes.  We are all addicted to drugs and alcohol, and every help takes you further down to hell, so to speak.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah, everything you are saying really resonates with me.  Because I reached a low point in my life I was addicted to alcohol and making all my decisions out of fear of not having enough money, very, very poor decisions or not healthy.  I was angry at my decisions and everyone, I felt entitled to everything.  And at one point, my health went down, and I discovered your meditation, thru Nutritional Balancing which is a program I utilize for physical and emotional/mental detox, and your meditation is a part of that.  And in turning inward on myself, and maybe getting in touch with my higher power, my inner power, its really tremendously helped me to calm my anger, calm my responses, and emotionally detox, if you will.

Roy Master: Isn’t that magical?  Don’t you think that’s magical that’s coming from somewhere that seems like nowhere?

31:58 The Effects of Stress

Wendy Myers: Yeah! because for me, organized religion, well, it’s never resonated for me, because I’ve always more attracted to Buddhism and things which are more about the individual, and discovering yourself and empowering yourself and that’s why the meditation is very very attractive to me.

Roy Masters:  The meditation is the translation into something practical, called Be Still and Know that I am God. In other words, whatever Be still and know it’s been lost.  You can rehearse it, you can recite the Lord’s Prayer and not understand a word of it, just recite it and then you finish it and go on being the same person you were before.  And so, the mystery of Be Still and Know… I discovered that.  I discovered how to detach the soul that is enslaved to the emotions.  And the emotion is subject to the pressures of stress.  And so, the stresses or pressure are so effective that they dislodge you, they disconnect you from your Creator.  And in that disconnection, we place the spirit behind the stress.

And stress is temptation.  Stress is a code word for temptation.  And the person who is stressed is sick and subject to illness and disease and, I’m trying to find a word; to be servile, to appease the bully as a way of looking for peace.  And there is no peace.  And so, all we got in our country today, except for a few people who can’t be hurt, like myself. And the media has produced, the media has become a media for those people who have been trained to think that communism is Americanism.  So, you have a media that appears years and years in schools and colleges and universities have been infiltrated, and psychology, instead of being psychology taught to people, they used, was able to inject communism into psychology so the psychologists and psychiatrists were actually practicing communism.

And in fever, there is no cure, the talking cure didn’t work.  So they had to resort to drugs.  But the psychiatrists and psychologists were equally hypnotized by their education.  And so therefore, just one person or two people entering a college can be taken in, they can multiply what he does by graduating clones of himself. And this is what’s happened.  You can teach a person to be a lawyer that no doubt, will fight the Constitution, and thinking he’s doing the country a favor.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Roy Masters: And sympathizes with the worst human beings, which you see is going on!  These lawyers are all mesmerized.  They were born into a country that was already compromised.  In the beginning it was small but it grew bigger and bigger because others, well, they graduated teachers, they created teachers and to mesmerized kids.

33:26 How meditation can cure society’s ills?

Wendy Myers: Well, lets talk about how meditation can cure society’s ills and heal emotional issues and mental health issues.  How can one benefit by meditating everyday?

Roy Masters: Well, the difficulty is, if I may use a strong word, it’s easy to screw a person. You can destroy a person in a minute.  I can hypnotize you in one minute.  Not you necessarily, that’s just a figure of speech.  But it doesn’t take long.  And all I have to do is upset you.  All I have to do is something that you know, to betray you.  You see what the President does?  He promises but doesn’t deliver?  And he acts like, no, nothing happened.  And you know, in all my years, he keeps doing these executive orders that actually promises but it doesn’t deliver, and that about covers it and then everybody in his administration are Marxists.

You don’t know what the person is within power if you think he’s a nice guy but you really don’t understand who he is.  All you have to do is look at his friends.  And so, they’re all mesmerized by what they call political correctness.  He’s a black gentleman who’s programmed to play out the agenda of socialism when he was a kid.  He’s not a bad guy, he’s just a programmed person, doing what the forces beyond him have trained him to do.  So your country’s going down, but we’re all afraid because of our political correctness.  Political correctness in its hypnotic stage, it makes us afraid to stand up, because we’ll be called a racist, and we’re afraid to be called a racist. We’re afraid of a civil war if we stand up, because half of the country is now on welfare, and he’s intimidating us by destroying the economy. And so, the rug is being pulled from under our feet.  And people are not normally independent or losing their independence and have to go on welfare and become humiliated and the humiliation is simply pressure and cruelty and stress on people, and they take it out on their wives and children when they get home.  They got nothing, so, and we’re done!

Wendy Myers: Yeah, people are very much living in fear at these times.  They get stressed, they get sick…

Roy Masters:  Not me.  I’m on the radio saying it like it is.  I’m going to die that way.  I’m going to stand up, because that is what America is all about, and that is what our military was fighting for.  And the last repository of what America has become, the last repository of America, the greatness of America, is in our military.  There was a war fought against them for a while, and thank God, we’re beginning to appreciate them again.  It’s beginning to be a backlash, we got to be very careful how we fight this.  Because if we react and get angry and take up arms, and fire the first shot, that’s exactly what they want.  So there’s a way of dealing with, the way of all of us, understanding how to deal with the cruelty and the game that’s being played, but we must be awakened to it.  And I’m doing my best, but I’m meeting a lot of resistance, you see.

Wendy Myers: Yeah

Roy Masters: It’s easier to screw a person if you, pardon my vernacular, but unscrew them because they defend their mistakes.  The average person is hypnotized… I’ll give you an example.  If you go to Roy Masters hypnosis demonstration which is about 10-15 years old, I’m standing before an audience of 500 people and this is what I say:  I could hypnotize all of you right now but you wouldn’t know what I made you do, I made you do it.  You would take it for your idea and you would defend it. And I won’t be able to talk you out of it either.  So I said “I’ll take one person or two people that volunteer, and I’m going to make sure that he changes his shoes and put them on the wrong feet”.

And I’m going to say to him, whoever comes up, “do you remember me saying that you ought to do that?”   And so the person comes up, it was in a minute, he is in that state and he doesn’t know it.  And I said now, your shoes are on the wrong feet.  And they looked like they were on the wrong feet.  So he changes his shoes around.  I say: ‘why did you change your shoes around?’  He says ‘they feel uncomfortable’.  ‘Now, do you remember me telling you when you came up? What did I say?’  he says: ‘You were going to make me change my shoes.’  ‘You were fully conscious of that, yes? And you were going to make an excuse for it, is that right?’ ‘Then I said ‘now why did you change your shoes around?’  He said ‘they were uncomfortable.’  And then I said ‘why are the audience wearing there shoes around?’  ‘Because they’re crazy.’

Wendy Myers: Ha ha.

Roy Master: Now you can see what you’ve been doing to half of the country.  Make good look evil, and evil look good.  Permanently.

Wendy Myers: How long have you been promoting meditation as a way to help people get in touch with themselves and stop being so unconscious.

Roy Masters: Oh, ever since I came on radio.

39:27 Basics of the Roy Masters meditation

Wendy Myers: So, what are you teaching people?  What are exactly the basics of your meditation?  How did you create your own version of meditation?

Roy Masters:  It’s intuitive.  Everything I’ve learned is from experience.  My observation is like Einstein’s.  Einstein didn’t like going to school.  He hardly went to classes. But he took the notes of his friends and he graduated.  But what he was interested in is one thing.  You know, about light: what is the speed of light.  He was focused on that, but that is a divine thing.  Why did he focus 10 years on the speed of light? And then discovered the magic of what he did.  You know, the Theory of Relativity.  But that was probably from within.  We all must live from within.  Who we are and what our purpose is from Him.

But the thing is, there are forces that counter that.  I just juxtaposed that it’s that: good and evil.  Evil is loose upon the world and only one percent of the human race has ever lived in freedom because of all the things I’ve said.  America finally managed to tilt Europe into one side and all what people desire is to live in freedom and not just live under tyranny of Europe which has never recovered from what it is.  America became the New World.  I don’t have to say much more about the story.  We went up, we became who we are.  Was beautiful and magic and I saw it,  America from afar, from England, thinking this is where I need to be and because I came here, I was able to be free to do the things I do and to be an Einstein in my own way, and to fulfill the purpose which I was created, which is to discover what I just said.  That there is a way back.

I know that it is difficult because people are convinced that their ideas are their own and their beliefs are their own and their behaviors are their own and the things they want to do are their own, when it’s all the outside doing the wrong, and so, all of our lives, we become completely broken.  Not only did we become sick from every disease imaginable, but we don’t know how to deal with our marriages, we don’t know how to deal with our children and we pass the message on form generation to generation, and pretty soon, there would be nothing left of us.

Wendy Myers: The answers really are inside of us.

Roy Masters: The enemy is watching us fall from afar, waiting to take us over.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah, the answers are inside of us.  We just have to awaken them.

Roy Masters: That’s right.

Wendy Myers: And so, why don’t you take us through your technique.  You have many CDs on meditation…

Roy Masters: The main one is Be Still and Know, is all you need.  You don’t need anything else, there’s no advanced techniques.  There’s just a little bit, you can just listen to some discussions.  That’s it.  It’s all involved in the first 25 minutes, you got everything.

Wendy Myers: Thank you so much for being on the show, I really appreciate it.

Roy Masters: No, I appreciate you too.

Wendy Myers:  Alright, thank you. Bye!

Roy Masters: Bye.

43:27 How to do the Roy Masters meditation?

Wendy Myers: Unfortunately, Roy informed me during the course of our recording that he had another appointment that he had to go to.  So I wasn’t able to get all of my questions.  And some main questions that I really want him to answer were how do you do the Roy Masters Meditation and how does it benefit you.  And so I wanted to talk about basically, how you do it.  Because I’m sure you’re very curious, you guys have been talking about meditation and why do you want to be doing it, but how do you do it?

Leigh Lowery: Yeah, so like, from my perspective, when I say I continue to sometimes, go back to those negative things, I would love to hear how you do specifically, this specific meditation, can you walk me thru it?

Wendy Myers: Yeah, well, it’s so simple.  Now there’s a lot of different types of meditation.  There’s transcendental, there’s zen meditation, but sometimes they can get too hung up on technique and has to be done in a certain way.  It doesn’t have to be difficult.  This is what I do when I meditate.  You can just sit upright in a chair, with your arms dangling to the side, or you could lay down with your arms to your side, that’s what I do.  I’ve been doing it right before I go to sleep every night in order to clear my thoughts out so I’m not obsessing on what I have to do or didn’t do.  It is a great way to just calm your mind, clear it.  You just close your eyes and look at the inside of your head, like you’re looking at your forehead or third eye.   Like you’re looking inside the cavern of your skull.  And just stare at that, and then you just focus on your breath, breathing in, breathing out.  You just try to clear everything out of your mind, and you can also just focus your attention on your right hand.  You just keep your attention on your right hand and don’t let it wander.  You can let your attention go from finger to finger to finger and whatnot, just to keep your head clear.  You just allow the thoughts to come in your head and allow any kind of emotional things or past trauma or anger; just let them come up and then they will disperse.  And it’s really an amazingly effective tool to heal, and to heal past trauma and to purge anger and to emotionally detox if you will.  I fully found it tremendously effective and tremendously grounding, just to look inward and find answers within myself to my problems.  And so, when you’re sitting, try not to think about anything, try not to force anything and just let everything happen.  Just let the universe happen, and let the universe’s energy transpire through you.  And you can also do another thing where you, if you have a lot of your brains very busy and very active, you can try to take the energy from your head and swoosh it down to your feet, you know, almost try to control the energy in your head and force it downwards.  This is a very traditional Chinese medicine type of concept, but a lot of people have too much energy or chi in their head and they need to force it downwards to be more grounded.

Leigh Lowery: Thank God I have no energy in my head.

Wendy Myers: Haha

Leigh Lowery: I literally went into my meditation as you were doing that, you walked me through it.  I felt like totally like, you know.  And then you said your brain is talking. And my mind doesn’t even see.  So this is probably in a good space.

Wendy Myers: And for me, well, my brain is like a wild animal, just constantly wandering around and I’m like ‘Get over here,’ I just have to tame my brain.

Leigh Lowery: That is so funny.  Somebody said to me the other day, ‘Hey Leigh, you’re looking off into space, what are you thinking about?’  And I said, ‘nothing!’  The red light is red.  They’re like, ‘Oh my god, you’re so bucky!”  Haha.

Wendy Myers: Yeah I know.  I saw a client this morning and they were talking about, you know, on her hair tush she had this indication that she had been pushing herself mentally. Going, going, going, and she was just stressed out on her to-do list, pushing herself to be the best mother and the best wife and whatnot.  She said, ‘actually, Wendy, there’s just nothing going on upstairs.  I just don’t about it and stress about it.’  I just said, okay!  Haha

Leigh Lowery:  Some of us are like that, I’m telling you.  There are some of us who are… not brain-dead but I just… I think I’m a space cadet sometimes.

Wendy Myers: Well, that’s a good healthy habit actually.  Just not be constantly pushing yourself in your mind and thinking and ruminating, and you know, repeating something that you have to do in your head, it mentally stresses you out.  Well it’s good to be able to, if you’re that Type-A personality that you have so much going on, you have too much in your plate, constantly leaping in what you’re doing, racing thoughts, it’s just good to calm down with meditation, and take that space for yourself.  And you can do this exercise, like I said, you can sit in a lotus position, Indian style, I don’t do that because my back hurts all the time because I had a back issue for a while.  So I choose not to do it that way.  I sit either in a chair or I do it in a sauna, infrared sauna sometimes, or just lying down.  And just do it for about 10-15 minutes.  When you are first starting out, just try 10 minutes and just work up.  You can do as long as 20 minutes.  The Zen monks, they do it for hours.  I think that would make me insane.

Leigh Lowery: I love it.  It’s like a no pressure meditation.  You know, I think that’s the thing.  People think that meditation has to looks and feel a certain way.  It sounds like you’ll really just focus on your breath and releasing and dismissing thoughts and not letting it… not fighting anything.  It sounds like an easier, softer way, a non-forceful meditation, that’s wonderful.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it’s very simple.  It doesn’t have to get complicated.  Because I’m that personality type where I want to read a book to figure out exactly how to do it right.  You don’t have to read a book.  You don’t have to get a book on meditation.  You’ll only get confused, like, ah, there are different types out there.  If you are more comfortable you can get one of Roy Masters’ CDs. It’s kind of a guided meditation.  He has different ones for pain or stress and he has a couple of other ones and I’m thinking of buying one because I’m interested in what he has to say on the CDs.  And some people like to listen to music, sometimes the music helps them to de-stress whatnot.  I don’t 100% recommend that but for some people, they need that when they’re starting out to help associate relaxation with that music or what not.

Leigh Lowery: Yeah.

Wendy Myers: So that’s it in a nutshell, I want to at least cover the basics on how one does a meditation, for people who are curious.  And that’s about it.  So everyone, if you want to learn more about the modern Paleo diet, weight loss or how to do a real detox with Nutritional Balancing, please check out, I’m sorry, this program, Nutritional Balancing, it incorporates Roy Masters’  Meditation Exercise, as part of stress reduction and healthy lifestyle techniques that we like to teach our clients.  Definitely go check that all out on  You can follow me on Facebook and Twitter @ Iwillliveto110, and also on youtube at wendyliveto110 and Instagram and Pinterest @liveto110.

Leigh Lowery: And if you want to find me the General Leigh, I will be kicking butt and taking names on my fitness website  You can also find me and some of my pictures at Instagram @genleigh.  I’m also on Facebook and I have my Follow my Fit Food site.  You can find me in Youtube at Leigh Lowery or under General Leigh so please check me out.  If you like what you heard on this show, please give the Live to 110 podcast a very positive on iTunes.  We really need those reviews so take the time if you could.

Wendy Myers: And thanks so much today for tuning in, and remember, don’t think about it, don’t over think it, just start a meditation practice today.  Just go do it right now and start practicing, and you’ll get better and better out of it Better at controlling your mind, reeling it in, and you’ll feel a tremendous sense of calm and self-control come over you.  Please attempt spirituality which is a very essential component to health. Thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 Podcast.

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