Transcript: #45 Paleo Organic Skincare with Trina Felber

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  • 12:40 What makes Primal Life Organics Paleo and vegan at the same time?
  • 15:43 What are some of the issues with the products that most women are using?
  • 20:55 Harmful ingredients found in most personal care products
  • 28:46 Harmful ingredients in Commercial makeup
  • 33:54 Primal Life Organics makeup line: Primal Colors

Wendy Myers: Welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast. I’m your host, Wendy Myers. You can find me on and here is my co-host, the tough as nails General Leigh Lowery.

Leigh Lowery: Hey, guys. I’m excited to be here today.

Wendy Myers: You can find her on Today we are interviewing Trina Felber, founder of, a totally primal skin care line. They’re considered Paleo because they only use ingredients our primal ancestors had available to them from nature. We’re going to be talking about personal care products and why you seriously need to re-evaluate the products you are putting on your body every day. They’re likely harming your health and making you fat. Haha.

Leigh Lowery: Say what? You mean I could put something on my body and it could be making me fat? Oh God!

Wendy Myers: Yes. Unfortunately, I had a toxins expert, Laura Adler, on a previous show called “Obesogens, chemicals that make you fat” and she revealed there are about 15 to 20 chemicals that are in beauty products that can actually cause you to create more fat cells or make the fat cells that you already have grow to a really much-larger-than-normal size. Any kind of chemical that’s estrogenic, and there’s many many typical personal care products you find in stores today can make you fat, unfortunately.

Leigh Lowery: Wow. This will be a great show then.

Wendy Myers: First we have to do our little disclaimer.

Leigh Lowery: Please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. The Live to 110 podcast is solely informational in nature. Please consult your health care practitioner before slathering your mug in any type of treatment we suggest on this show.

Wendy Myers: Hahaha. Also guys, if you’re interested in shedding a few pounds, maybe a few pounds you put on from your estrogenic beauty products; you should download my Live to 110 by Weighing Less e-guide. Simply go to and you’ll see the big welcome graphic where you simply enter your email. You’d immediately be sent the free 35-page weight loss guide so go do it right now.

Leigh Lowery: Now that they know what to do with the e-guide, what’s going on with that book of yours?

Wendy Myers: It’s going good. Right now, I’m fishing around for someone to do the copy editing so that they can figure out the readability of the book, make it more readable. Then after that it has to go to a line editor where they go through it and get out all the little mistakes like punctuation or whatnot. I’m researching on how to put it on Amazon. I’ve decided I’m going to exclusively offer it on the Amazon select program so I’m really excited. Everything’s coming together.

For those of you that haven’t heard of it before, it’s going to be called The Modern Paleo Survival Guide. The book is basically  about taking Paleo to the next level by including the most nutrient-dense foods that are on the Paleo diet. It’s also going to have crucial lifestyle tips that are in line and work with how our ancient bodies function optimally. It will also go on to the importance of detoxing which is really my platform that I love to talk about, it’s my favorite subject. Because this aspect is not found in any other Paleo book but it’s crucial because you can eat the healthiest Paleo diet in the world and still suffer health issues and disease if you don’t detox from heavy metals and chemicals so prevalent in today’s modern environment. The EPA did a study and they found that on average, people have 700 chemicals in their body. So obviously, these are not going to promote health and we have to help the body along with some detoxification methods that I reveal in the book. That’s basically it.

Hopefully, it’s going to be available May 1st 2014 on Amazon but I’ll keep you guys posted on the sale day. So we’re talking about natural products. What kind of products are you using right now?

Leigh Lowery: Well, I do use natural products now and that’s based on some experiences I’ve had not using natural products in the past. You always wonder when you start to use products, you get a little rash here and there but I had this one in particular, that I always tell people about. When I was in 9th grade, I was getting ready to go on a date with a high school senior. His name is Brady Hewitt. I just thought he was the cutest guy. I couldn’t even believe he asked me out and I was so freaking nervous. So I was like, “Alright, I got to really prepare for this.”

So I got a new outfit, I shaved, I got a tan, I did all of the necessary things. But at that age, I had just started noticing that I was getting a little little, tiny, fine, peach fuzz-moustachy-looking kind of thing. Yes, sorry, that’s just the truth guys. So I was like, “how am I going to get this out?”.  Obviously I’m a girl. You’re not going to shave that off. My girlfriend was saying she got hers waxed. I didn’t have time for that, so I went to the store and I got myself a bottle of Nair. Haha. Do you know what Nair is?

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I’ve used it before. It smells like you’re putting toxic sludge on your legs.

Leigh Lowery: I think you are. The funny part is, you’re right. It does go on your legs. I thought, “Well, it removes hair so what the heck, I’m just going to put a little bit on the moustache and I’m going to follow the directions…” Well instead, I ended up putting it on, and I followed the directions and I left it on for the right amount of time, and I felt my lip burning. I knew something’s going to be wrong here and I wipe it off and, I’m not kidding you, within 5 minutes, my mouth swelled up. I had, instead of a peach fuzz moustache, I had a rash moustache. Haha. It was so bad. Needless to say, Brady Hewitt did not ask me out again. It might’ve been that he was in fear of what that rash moustache was, but that’s life. That’s my experience with really unnatural products. What about yourself?

Wendy Myers: Oh, gosh. Nothing really comes to mind. I just know in the past  that I literally have tried every toxic product on the market. Haha. Since I was a little kid, literally since I was 10 years old, I’ve been obsessed with facial products, obsessed with skin and preserving my skin, I don’t know why. I did everything. I’ve tried oil of Olay, Lubriderm, Curell, every single possible product. Everyone at Neiman Marcus, all of the midrange, Nordstrom, everyone. I unfortunately, have turned my body into a toxic cesspool ha ha by doing this. And I really feel like, because I’ve been putting this products on my body for 30 years, that they have contributed to the fact that I have trouble losing weight now. I mean, certainly, I’m healing my thyroid. You guys all know I do this program called Mineral Power (formerly called Nutritional Balancing) and I’m healing my adrenals and thyroid right now but I know instinctively that 30 years of slathering estrogenic chemicals on my body has contributed to my little micro weight issue thatI have trouble losing weight.

Our guest today, Trina Felber, is the founder and creator of Primal Life Organics. They have products for men, women, and babies ranging from body care to makeup and they have tooth powder as well. Trina is the proud mother of three, a certified registered nurse anesthetist, a cross fitter, and a Paleo advocate and educator. Trina, I’m so happy to have you on the show today.

Trina Felber: Hi, Wendy. Thank you. I’m very excited to be here with you today.

Wendy Myers: First, why don’t you tell the listeners a little about yourself and why you started your company?

Trina Felber: Thanks, Wendy. As you mentioned. I am a nurse anesthetist by trade or by education and I understand the functions of the body at the cellular level. I comprehend nutrition. I understand how drugs affect the body, detox and what’s involved. The body is a very complex system and one organ affects how the rest of the organs function. Your skin is the largest organ of your body and what you put on your skin in essesnce becomes a very real part of you. It has the ability to alter cells and that can either lead down a path of beauty or path of destruction.

And when I was pregnant with my first daughter, it was the first time I actually looked at what was in the ingredients of the products that I was putting on my skin and I realized that I did not know what those ingredients were. When I started to delve even further, and look at what they were, it really scared me because there were numerous ingredients that were neurotoxins and when you’re thinking about a newborn baby, a baby that’s just developing in fetus, they have a very immature and developing neurological system and if these drugs do cross, which they have been proven to cross, many of them do, these chemicals, they can alter a newborn that has no system developed. Many of them can affect the immune system which is another issue for a newborn.

So I decided to start dabbling with making my own skincare and I started with a belly serum and some face products, happened to mention to my husband who is a businessman by trade, that you know, I really should look into selling this. So we did. We started a company. It was originally called All is Organic Botanicals. About a year and a half into that, I realized, as we were getting more into the Paleo world, and I was understanding what Paleo really meant, I realized that my products were Paleo and that I really really want to touch that market of people who were looking for the cleanest skincare possible.

So I decided to launch Primal Life Organics with the intention of providing 100% Paleo, gluten-free, vegan type of products to people that were looking for that because when you look at a product that says organic, which is where I marketed my first company, organic has so many meanings now and the true meaning does not hold true because organic products could have  ingredients in it that are harmful. So I really wanted to break away from that organic label. I was so proud of the Paleo and the primal community. That that’s really where I wanted to connect.

Wendy Myers: I completely identify with you when you said that you had to start taking a look at the products you were putting on your body when you became pregnant because that’s exactly what happened to me when I became pregnant. I started delving into the baby books and they were saying you don’t want to use products with this in it, you don’t want to use cleaners with this in it. You really had to re-assess what you were putting on your body.

Trina Felber: That’s true. I find that to be very true for a lot of women. We live with ourselves every single day. We love ourselves, we care about ourselves, but we don’t really think about things in this much detail until it comes time to make a new creation. For many women, that’s the first time they really look at what’s in this stuff they’re putting on their skin or what’s in the food that they’re putting in their body. When you’re creating new life, you really are in tune to what you’re body is telling you to have. I find it very interesting that for many women, that’s exactly when they look at new products or what’s in their products.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It just opens a whole other world. It’s such a beautiful process. Haha.

Trina Felber: It is. Then when you realize what you’re putting on your body, you’re like, “oh my goodness”.

12:40 What makes Primal Life Organics Paleo and vegan at the same time?

Wendy Myers: I had no idea. So what makes your products Paleo and vegan at the same time? I think that’s really interesting.

Trina Felber: Vegan is a term used to describe the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products. I would have to say about 95% of my products are considered true vegan. My moisturizers, for instance, all contain beeswax. Most vegans, I don’t want to make anyone upset if they are vegan, but many vegans are okay with the beeswax so I put beeswax in my products. If someone is a true die hard vegan that does not want beeswax, then I have the serums available. The serums are 100% vegan. There are two other products that I have that contain emu oil which is an oil from the emu bird so those would not be considered vegan but all of the rest of my products are considered vegan. There’s no animal products and they would be vegan and Paleo. Paleo encompasses, in my mind, it’s the healthiest way of living. There’s no preservatives. Everything is whole. Everything is fresh in my mind and that is what my products are. They’re made with real food sources that you could actually eat.

Wendy Myers: That emu oil certainly sounds Paleo. Haha.

Trina Felber: The emu oil is definitely Paleo. It’s an amazing oil. It regenerates the skin. It’s really really rich in lipids so it’s really really good for the skin and I love it so I couldn’t leave it out.  It’s in the moisturizers. It’s in the Beyond Moisturizing and Infinity moisturizer. We make everything fresh so I can do special orders. It’s not that hard to do a special order. If someone  truly wants the Beyond Moisturizer but they’re truly against the emu, they can email me. It might take a little bit longer but we can do a special order with that. If they’re okay with the beeswax then we can do the order without the emu oil. That’s the nice thing about making everything fresh when it’s ordered.

Wendy Myers: I love that you make everything fresh because personally, I’ve really gravitated towards products that are made with all-natural ingredients and are made very fresh. There’s not that many of them around but I’ love that idea because I don’t want to put stuff on my face that’s sitting on a shelf for two years like you find at the department store.

Trina Felber: Right. I agree totally. The problem with the shelf life is you have to be able to support that shelf life so you have to put things in it and there are natural preservatives that you can put in but they’re more expensive so most companies do not put natural preservatives. They put  the artificial ones which is the other problem.

15:43 What are some of the issues with the products that most women are using?

Wendy Myers: What are some of the issues with the products that most women are using?

Trina Felber: Most products contain ingredients like we were talking about that are harmful to the cells and the organs of the body. Some are neurotoxins like I mentioned. They can disrupt the neurotransmitter. Some are mutagens; they can produce DNA damage in humans and other mammals. Mutated cells can lead to cancer. Not always, but they can lead to cancer. Some dehydrate the cells and the skin. Many of these ingredients can cause rashes and allergies. They disrupt the endocrine system and they can be airway irritants. So all of this mumbo jumbo, what does it mean to you, the consumer? If you’re suffering from skin allergies, take a look at what you’re putting on your skin. Cancer is a possibility. Infertility, birth defects are also possible from the things that are in your skin care, reproductive problems like cysts and hormonal issues. There’s been links with learning disabilities and concentration problems, early puberty in young children, diarrhea, irritable bowel, NGI malfunctions and then, like I mentioned, the DNA damage can occur as well. It’s all scary stuff when you stop to think about it especially during pregnancy which is why many women look at it then.

Wendy Myers: Yeah I did a podcast with my old co-host about Toxic Beauty where we go into how there are so many estrogenic ingredients in most personal care products and they lead to the majority of the issues you just mentioned.

Trina Felber: It’s very scary. When you stop to think about it and look into it, it can be a very scary thing and to look at the rise of cancer. I still work in the operating room and I see these women coming in with breast cancer. Some of the cells or the tumors or the tissue that was removed from these breast cancers of these breast lumps were found to have the chemicals that are in some deodorants so you have to think that there has to be some sort of link.

Wendy Myers: Yeah I’ve read it. Most breast cancer tumors do contain aluminum but that doesn’t mean it’s causing it but there’s a correlation.

Trina Felber: Yeah, there could be a link there and it’s very scary. If there’s something you can use otherwise, then it’s just safer to use something else.

Wendy Myers: So what kind of contribution do you think that personal care products are making to our toxic body burdens?

Trina Felber: Everything is related to your whole person, so your diet also comes into play but the skin is the largest organ in the body and it absorbs what comes in contact with it. If the food that we eat is organic, then the skincare is just as important. To look at the functions of the skin, there’s numerous functions of the skin. It protects you from pathogens and environmental issues, it gives you the sensation from nerve-endings to cold, touch, heat, pressure. It’s a thermal regulator, meaning it all helps to control your body temperature, it controls the evaporation – your sweat or your insensible losses, and it also is a place for storage and synthesis for lipids, which is your fat tissue, most drugs or chemicals or toxins, are what we consider lyphophillic, meaning that they love fat tissues so if you’re going to put something that is fat soluble on your body and it’s toxic, it could sit in your fat tissue for a while and it can cause damage, not today maybe but down the road as those toxins accumulate.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, one thing that we talk a lot about in my show is detoxification, how important it is. And definitely the skin is one of the most congested organs. People aren’t sweating enough, people are putting on these toxic chemicals on them and clogging up their pores and the poor skin, it just suffers. Ha ha.

Trina Felber: It is so hard. Detox is so hard. Sometimes I get calls from people, their face is breaking out when they start using my products and it’s very hard to say but it’s a possibility that it’s detox. If you’ve been using commercial products, there’s so many things in there that can cause disruptions in the normal function of your skin. So if your skin isn’t used to functioning normal because these things are turned off by the chemicals you’re using, once you stop using them, your skin can start to function normally but it’s going to have to get rid of all those things that are built up in there and that can take a while and that is the hardest part to live through. It’s that time that takes a little while.

20:55 Harmful ingredients found in most personal care products

Wendy Myers: What are some of the most harmful ingredients that are found in most personal care products that are not in your products?

Trina Felber: I think there’s a lot of things but to hit the highlights, I would say the sodium laurosophate and the ammonium laurosophate which is listed as derived from coconut so it tries to hide the fact that it’s toxic because you think, “Coconut, it’s got to be okay.” But what it is, is it’s the ingredient that can cause the foaming sensation for the toothpaste and body soaps. It’s also found in garage floor cleaners, engine de-greasers and it’s found in about 90% of the personal care products but this ingredient can cause problems with internal organs such as the heart and the liver and it can cause eye damage, depression, labor breathing among other things.

Benzoyl peroxide is an interesting one because it’s found in almost all acne products. The MSDS states that it’s a possible tumor promoter which basically means it can be a mutagent and produce DNA damage. It’s toxic by inhalation and it can cause irritation to the eyes, skin and respiratory system. If you think about that, a lot of people are using the over the counter stuff that contains benzoyl peroxide. It’s a very common ingredient. Propaline glycol and butalene glycol are two other ingredients that interestingly enough, the laboratory when they’re putting them into your products, they have to wear protective gloves, clothing and goggles. The only legal way to get rid of propaline glycol and butalene glycol is to follow the EPA guidelines and they have to bury it.

The EPA warns against skin contact to prevent brain, liver and kidney abnormalities but it’s okay if it is in your skin care which is being absorbed so think about that. Parabens can be hazardous because they mimic estrogen and act as potential endocrinal hormone disruptors so there are problems with that. You’ve got talc which is in numerous cosmetics and they can cause or assists in developing ovarian cancer so there’s another toxic reason for not using talc. Those are the ones that I wanted to touch on.

Wendy Myers: I think the hardest ones to a lot of people that are moving to more natural products is the sodium lorasophate because we all love that sudsy shampoo and it really makes us feel like we’re cleaning our hair and when you go to a more natural product, they don’t have that in them for the most part unless they’re trying disguise it saying it’s derived from coconut oil but when you use a natural shampoo, it’s kind of flat like it almost doesn’t feel like it’s cleaning your hair because it’s not sudsing up but your hair is clean. Lo and behold, when your style it and dry it, it’s clean.

Trina Felber: There are numerous things out there that can clean your hair. I don’t know of you’ve tried my Dirty Poo but I’ve got two different types of hair washes and one is a shampoo bar so it does suds a little bit with a natural suds from the true coconut oil, not the SLS. But my Dirty Poo is interesting because it’s made from, we call it, dirt. We like to call it dirt being the primals that we are but clays, herbs and there’s a little bit of crystallized honey but it’s completely powder, you mix it with water and the dirt actually absorbs the dirt in your hair and helps carry it away so that you get a very fresh, clean hair.

But there’s absolutely no sudsing. It is literally like going outside, picking up some mud and throwing it in your hair. That is the best way to describe it. That is exactly what it is and the agitation and the electrical charge of the dirt helps to carry away, and there is some adjustment and part of that adjustment is the fact that you’re washing your hair with dirt and you’re not getting suds. Haha. There are numerous ways you can adjust. You can either put a little bit of your old shampoo in the mix so that you get a little bit of that cleansing sensation with a little bit of the foaming, just a touch and it helps to diminish the change. You can also use a little bit of a natural soap in there.

Wendy Myers: I love the name of that, Dirty Poo. Haha. It’s ironic. Keep that dirt in your hair to keep the dirt off. It was interesting because I tried doing the No Poo and it was very harsh on my hair. I loved doing it because it was so healthy but I wasn’t convinced that my hair was loving it so much. So I thought, “What else can I use? I got to be able to do something different.” So I went and mixed up a batch of this dirty poo and the first batch is a little bit different than, obviously, my last batch but I used it and I had the fullest head of hair, I don’t have a lot of hair; but I was amazed at the body that my hair had and how clean it was. I was like, “Wow. This is really cool.” We played around with the recipe and perfected it and got it to where it’s now Dirty Poo.

Wendy Myers: I love it. Haha. Why don’t we talk a little bit about organic products because a lot of women are buying, rather than doing the toxic products, they are switching to organic but are there some problems that these products can pose as well?

Trina Felber: We touched on that a little bit, just the fact that organic has lost its sense of meaning and purity I think. When a product is labelled as organic, it really only needs to have a small amount of a true organic ingredient in it and there’s no regulation on things like these.   So if they’re putting chemicals or fragrance or any kind of preservatives in it, that’s okay. It can still be labelled organic. There’s that false sense of security that you’re getting a product that’s really healthy and this is where a lot of women that come to me, come from because they’ve already investigated natural skin care. They’ve already been interested in it and they’ve already dabbled with organic skin care and when they read their label they realize, wow this really isn’t good after all. It is that false sense of security so what I say read, read, read your labels, look at what you’re putting on your skin and if you can’t understand what the ingredient is, most likely it’s not going to benefit you in the long run.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, if you can’t pronounce the name. Ha ha.

Trina Felber: If you have no idea what the 1 and the 4 in front that D word means, it’s probably was made in a lab and probably is not very good for you.

Wendy Myers: To all the listeners, if you want to go find out what is in your products, or how your brand rates that you’re using right now, you can go to and check out the skin deep database. They have a full list of all the brands and ingredients and you can see if they’re harmful.

Trina Felber: I love the EWG. In fact, we have just now started to list our products on the EWG but products from my first company are still on there but we grew so fast that we never had the chance to get Primal Life on there so we are right now, starting to stall up our products on there.

28:46 Harmful ingredients in Commercial makeup

Wendy Myers: Great. That’s fantastic. What are some of the problems that women can have if they use conventional makeup? What are some of the harmful ingredients that are in commercial makeup?

Trina Felber: Commercial makeup can contain a lot of the same ingredients that your regular skin care can contain. There are few other things in it including propaline glycol, one of what we already mentioned, CPS, PEG, PPG18, Dimethycone, Titanium Dioxide, Talc and Mica. Those are all ingredients that can be found in commercial makeup. The CPS can be associated with environmental toxicity, organ system toxicity, eco-toxicity, endocrine destruction and neuro-toxicity. It can negatively affect your environment and ecosystem as well as your organs, your brain and your hormones.

The propaline glycol, we already touched on, can cause problems with reproduction, allergies and neurotoxicity. PEG, PPG18 dimethycone can be contaminated with potentially toxic manufacturing impurities such as the one for dioxane. Talc is in a lot like we talked about. The problem with talc too is it can be contaminated with asbestos fibers posing a risk for respiratory issues and toxicity and then even cancer. Mica is another thing that’s in a lot of commercial makeup and it can be linked to endocrine disruption, organ system toxicity, cancer and neurotoxicity.

Probably the two most alarming ingredients found in commercial makeup are the propalparaben and mathoparabens which are considered really great health hazards mainly because they mimic estrogen like we talked about and can act as potential endocrinal hormone disruptors. That’s the lowdown on makeup.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I’ve heard they also have a lot of heavy metals in them as well. They have aluminum to make it sparkly. All those sparkly things that we’re attracted to, it’s very popular right now to have sparkly makeup. Those are all heavy metals you’re putting on your skin. What are some of the problems that women can have if they use conventional makeup with these ingredients. We’re literally dying to be beautiful.

Trina Felber: Yes, we are, aren’t we? Anything that’s going to cause disruption of your cells can cause all of the problems that we talked about already, possibly DNA, reproductive issues, all of those sorts of things. The endocrine system, we talked about that a lot but let’s look at that a little but closer because a lot of people don’t really know what the endocrine system involves. It refers to the collection of cells, glands, and tissues of an organism that secretes hormones directly into the bloodstream. Your endocrine system contains all of these different systems, the hypothalamus, your pineal gland, pituitary gland, thyroid, intestines, kidneys, adrenals, reproductive organs which also include your uterus and placenta when you are pregnant and it helps control calcium regulation via the parathyroid. So when you’re messing with your endocrine system, you’re messing with all of these different glands that secrete all the hormones that basically control your body. Estrogen is showing up in our personal care products, synthetic estrogens, phalates, parabens and other hormone-like chemicals can increase cell division and are estrogen mimickers so they can contribute to breast cancer so it’s very scary.

Wendy Myers: It contributes to obesity as well these estrogenic chemicals are definitely one of the underlying reasons why we have an obesity epidemic in our country. 2/3 of the people are overweight.

Trina Felber: You know that’s totally another topic. I totally agree. It’s not just skincare but in food, obesity is on the rise and I think there’s more than just the amount of food that you’re putting in your body. I think it has to do with the fact that some of the ingredients in your skin care and in your food can be causing your cells. When you get down to the cellular level, if it’s not functioning correctly, it’s going to produce another cell that’s not functioning correctly because the cells actually divide to create new cells. That’s how you stay alive. If a cell is mutating, it will just continue to form a new cell that mutates. So I totally agree. Obesity and cancers of all sorts are on the rise mainly because of the things that we’re now considering a normal part of life but they shouldn’t be.

33:54 Primal Life Organics makeup line: Primal Colors

Wendy Myers: Why don’t you tell us a little bit about your natural makeup?

Trina Felber: Primal colors. I just love it. I was making my own makeup for probably 4 years and really wanted to launch something that was truly primal or Paleo because when you look at a lot of the makeup that’s out there, the ingredients that we mentioned are in them. Even in some of the cleanest makeups, they still have ingredients that you really should avoid. So I really played with my own makeup to try and develop colors and makeup that can actually be something that you’d want to put on your face.

So we played around with a bunch of different ingredients but the mission of our makeup was to provide something that is completely natural. We made our makeup from food sources and dirt so we use a premium mix of different types of clays and the clays are actually full of nutrients for your body. They help to detox your skin so it’s not just sitting on your skin, it’s going to help detox your skin while it’s on your skin, and a variety of foods, the foods actually bring the color to your skin. Some of the  food sources that are in our products would be beetroot, spirulina, cranberry, acai berry, cocoa powder, ero root and cinnamon. The plant sources that we use are roses, and hibiscus flowers and some of the clays that we use are sea clay, cayoline, rasul, French green and bentonite so that’s it. We don’t have any hidden ingredients, we don’t have anything. It’s a powder and you can put it on wet or dry. Everything works fine wet or dry and we do have videos on how to do the wet method, if you’re interested, on our website.

Wendy Myers: That just sounds amazing. Haha. I have to get my hands on some.

Trina Felber: It’s fun because it’s different. You have to go into it with an open mind because they’re not going to give you the bright colors that you see at the makeup counters. They’re more of a natural color when you put them on so the green will be a light green, the pink will be a light pink. You can make them darker. We call them stains. There are lip stains and cheek stains and the foundation. That’s what we have right now. We’re working on mascara which is very tricky and we’re going to come up with some lip stains as well. They are very natural stains so literally they’re not real dark so you get a very natural look when you apply them.

Wendy Myers: I prefer that anyways. I don’t like to go out looking like I have this mask on. I think women wear way too much makeup, so au naturale is I think much better.

Trina Felber. It is. It’s a very natural look. There’s a little learning curve with applying it obviously so I always recommend don’t put it on the first time when you’re heading out the door to go to work or for a big date or something. Play with it, try and get the right consistency, and the right amount for you and once you have it, and it takes about 5 seconds to put on. It doesn’t take long at all.

Wendy Myers: What is your bestselling product?

Trina Felber: I would probably have to say that the Dirty Mouth tooth powder is our bestselling product right now. It’s a powder. It’s made out of clays and clays are rich in vital trace minerals like calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, and the tooth powder is made of bentonite, white cayoline, baking soda, French green clay and whatever flavor you choose, it’s an essential oil that gives it the flavor so if you’re choosing peppermint, then it has peppermint flavor. We also have a natural for people. There’s a lot of people that are sensitive to taste. And for ids, too. For kids we usually recommend cool orange and the natural flavor. So we have naturally peppermint, spearmint, cinnamon, anise and cool orange flavors for tooth powder.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I just switched to tooth powder because I was using Toms of Maine thinking I was using this natural toothpaste but you look at it and it’s got sodium lorasulfate, and titanium dioxide and I realized I needed to re-evaluate what I was putting in my mouth and swallowing a little bit of. So I started using tooth powder but I’m going to try your tooth powder because I’m not so thrilled with what I’m using.

Trina Felber: I started making it because my daughter, sometime in utero, whenever her teeth were forming, her molars had a defect in her left lower molar, and we didn’t discover until she was about a year and a half old but she had some, it almost looked like a cavity but it wasn’t a cavity. There’s a chunk in the middle of her tooth that was missing. She never really complained of anything but we were like, “What the heck is that?” So I started researching toothpaste and what’s in them and how to remineralize the tooth and that’s how we developed the tooth powder and I have to say, her tooth… we have no issues with it, we just went to the dentist two weeks ago and he was amazed.

There’s a tiny little filling that they put in there. It wasn’t a permanent filling because she was a year and a half at the time but the filling has stayed which they didn’t think it would. The tooth itself looks perfect. It’s not worse. It looks healthy and he thinks that it’s going to make it through her childhood. That is the reason I made it but it really does help strengthen your teeth. It helps to remineralize your teeth and you can. Your teeth are living tissues so they can be healed.

Wendy Myers: I totally agree. I definitely think it’s interesting concept to use your toothpaste or your tooth powder to remineralize your teeth because it’s 100% true. The program that I do, Mineral Power, is very much a program where you take minerals and you remineralize your body and in the course of the year and a half that I’ve been on it, my tooth sensitivity has totally gone. It just doesn’t exist. I’ve had it for years and I just thought it was just going to get worse and worse. So you absolutely can re-mineralize your teeth.

Trina Felber: Right. Exactly. A lot of people have those sensitivities and it is because your teeth are not the healthiest that they could be and those nerve endings are right there so you’re right. The people that have used it that have had sensitive teeth, loved it because they’ve never been able to use toothpaste because of that really peppermint or spearmint flavor. The natural is a good thing to try if you have any sensitivities like that or children that are sensitive.

Wendy Myers: I use Sensodyne for years because before Toms of Maine came out with a sensitive line, the only thing there was was Sensodyne and I hated using it because I knew it was toxic but if I didn’t use it, my teeth were sensitive so I love that you have an alternative to Sensodyne.

Trina Felber: Let me mention, because we talked about the benzoyl peroxide in other acne products, I just want to mention that probably my bestselling facial care product would be my Banished Blemish Serum which is meant as a spot treatment and it is completely natural. There’s no benzoyl peroxide in it obviously. What I have in it is organic jojoba oil which I infuse with cayenne pepper. Cayenne pepper is amazing. It brings heat to wherever you apply it just like when you’re eating something that has cayenne pepper in it, you feel that hot sensation. So it brings the blood right to wherever you apply it so that the nutrients that are in the serum can also help to heal the blemish.

It’s amazing. I just discovered that by accident. I was making the jojoba oil infused with cayenne for something else and I had a blemish one day and I thought, “I wonder if this is going to work.” I went to bed and the next morning my blemish was literally gone. I was so shocked. It wasn’t dry. It was healed. So I started making this and it’s amazing. It really does work. It’s probably my bestselling face product and you put it on the blemish, and it has, I believe it’s 11 different essential oils that will help heal the blemish without really drying it out because there’s no drying agents in it. It’s just oil with essential oils.

Wendy Myers: That’s kind of the opposite of what most people are used to doing. If they have a blemish, it’s typically because of oil or sebum so I think it’s brilliant. It’s kind of counter-intuitive to use an oil to heal a blemish that’s cause by sebum.

Trina Felber: Right, and people are afraid to, I was afraid I’ll admit, put oil on my face. When I started making the stuff, I had very oily skin and I very quickly realized that my skin loves oil and the reason that it’s producing too much is because the stuff I was putting on it is causing it to dry out so my body was compensating, my skin was compensating by overproducing my own sebum. In reality I don’t have oily skin. In reality, I have a normal to dry skin which blew my mind because all through my teens I thought my skin was so oily. I could wipe it 20 minutes after I wash it and there’ll be oil there but that’s why.

Wendy Myers: I always had this compulsion in the past to use a harsh cleanser because I felt like I had to wash off all the oils and those oils are protective. You don’t want to wash them away so now I use a clay-based cleanser. It doesn’t remove that much of the oil.

Trina Felber: Right. It lets your natural oil still be in place and it’s not going to strip your face,  I agree.

Wendy Myers: Yeah I think that’s also good too, to use a facial product, a facial moisturizer, or serum that has essential oils in them because for me, I was told by a dermatologist many years ago to avoid any product with oils in them because they would clog my skin. I have lots of little milia, lots of little white heads and black heads and no big acne issue but just lots of clogged pores so she told me not to use products with oil in them which was wrong because I use lots of products with essential oils in them and my skin is clear now.

Trina Felber: Yes, it is very hard to get past that thought that the oil is going to congest your skin because it actually opens up your own gateways and allows your skin to function normally because your skin was meant to be around oil, to have oil with it. It is hard to get past that.

Wendy Myers: Your company is growing rapidly and expanding due to, I believe, your philosophy and your commitment to the quality of your natural products. I’m just curious. What kind of new products do you have in development?

Trina Felber: We have lots of things. I have lots of things that I could do. I have a foot repair that I can’t wait to get out. We’re expanding our facial line. We’re going to be releasing two facial exfoliators very soon that I’m very excited about. We are making products for muscle care, muscle spasms, joint care. We’re also going to be expanding our baby and our pregnancy line and we are going to be looking at providing products specifically for men very soon, and I would also like to add some more hair products.

Wendy Myers: Men. That’s a very big growing sector. Men are starting to take better care of themselves.

Trina Felber: Yes, they are. My husband loves to be my guinea pig so he’s always the first one that tries my products. He’s very good at letting me know:  Yes or No.

Wendy Myers: Haha. That’s not going to work. A little too natural. Haha.

Trina Felber: Yeah, a little too natural right.

Wendy Myers: Well I have a question I like to ask all my guests. What do you think is the most pressing health issue in the world today?

Trina Felber: When I think about our health issues, there are two that come to mind and we’ve touched on both of these. The first one is the obesity for the numerous reasons that we talked about. The other one is cancer. I think that both of those issues have a lot of internal and external causes that could be controllable, not every single one. I’m in the health field. I know that sometimes things happen and there’s no cause for it. However, I also feel that they  both have external causes as well. If you can control the external causes that you know are harmful, there’s a good possibility that you can prevent things from happening.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I completely agree with you because my own father passed away from cancer and that set me on a path to getting healthier and learning how to prevent cancer, what causes it and starting, and to of course help you listeners learn how you are in control of your health and that you can prevent cancers and many of the diseases that we suffer from today.

Trina Felber: I agree.

Wendy Myers: So Trina, why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit more about you and where they can find you and your products?

Trina Felber: Well our company is Primal Life Organics. You can find us at As far as social media, we are on Twitter as Primallifeorg. We do have a Pinterest, primallifeorg. My blog, I do write a blog, is I’m sure most of your readers have heard of Liz Wolfe who wrote the Skintervention Guide and I was a guest expert on. So you can find the Skintervention Guide which is an amazing book writen by Liz on how to heal the body from the inside out. She did a very very good job with giving lots of ideas on how to keep yourself healthy from the inside out. You can find the Skintervention Guide at

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Liz is coming on the show. She’ll be on the show soon.

Trina Felber: I love Liz. She’s wonderful.

Wendy Myers: We’re going to talk about the Skintervention Guide because there are so few skincare guides out there that really get to the root cause of why you’re having skin issues so I love that she covers gut heath and some other issues.

Trina Felber: It’s a great book and when you read it, you think, “There’s no way I can do this.” But you have to take baby steps everything is baby steps. Her and I have talked about the process of being primal or Paleo. It’s about a two-year process and it really takes about two years because when you first start looking at stuff you’re like, “Oh my gosh. This is overwhelming. I got to get rid of this, too?” but if you take baby steps and look back three months from your start you’d go, “Okay, I’ve been doing pretty good. Where am I from three months ago?” and then you go another three months, “Where am I three months ago?” There’s going to be some back steps and there’s going to be some forward steps but it’s an amazing book that gives you all of the tools that you need to get yourself healthy over time and it’s a great source that you can go back to over and over again because you’re not going to get it right the first time. You’re not going to be able to do everything she suggests the first time so it’s wonderful to be able to go back and say, “Oh gosh, now I’m ready for this.” Haha.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Everyone, you can find Trina Felber’s website at if you want to check out any of her products that she talked about today on this show. Again, Trina, thanks so much for coming on. I really admire the fact that you’re so passionate about the quality of your natural products and you refuse to skimp and compromise on the quality like so many manufacturers out there today.

Trina Felber: Thank you, Wendy. I really enjoyed talking with you and it’s just so much fun to be able to be a part of the Paleo-primal movement because it’s really moving fast and people, once they start with the Paleo-primal, they realize quickly that this is how your body was meant to be fed.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I totally agree with you. That’s why it’s one of the most researched terms on the Internet because there’s something to it. There’s a reason there’s 12,000 websites out there dedicated to Paleo because we do need to get back to basics of how our bodies evolutionarily function.

Trina Felber: Yes, I agree.

Wendy Myers: Again, Trina, thank you so much for your commitment to proving people with healthier alternatives to toxic makeup and skin and body products.

Trina Felber: Haha. Thank you, Wendy for inviting me on. I really had a good time.

Wendy Myers: Great, it was so nice meeting you.

Trina Felber: You, too.

Wendy Myers: Everybody out there, Trina is offering everyone a 15% off of your total purchase price if you want to go to and take advantage of that. She’s offering it for one week after this podcast goes live. Just type in liveto110 no spaces in the little product promo code and you’ll get 15% off your purchase. Guys, if you want to learn all about detoxification, the modern paleo diet, or healing your health conditions naturally, go check out my site You can follow me on Facebook and Twitter at Iwillliveto110 and I’m also on youtube at Wendy Liveto110 and I’m also on Instagram and Pinterest at liveto110.

I forgot to mention that I am so excited. Jimmy Moore of the Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb podcast at has asked me to be a featured speaker on the Low-carb Cruise. That is going to be going to the Bahamas, the Virgin Islands and the Netherlands Antelles May 18 to the 25th so I urge all the listeners, if you want to join me on that cruise, I would love to have you. I would love to meet you in person. I’m trying to get all my friends and family and listeners to come on the cruise with me and you have to sign up by February 24th so you have to pay in full by February 24th and you can join me and 17 other speakers talking all about diet, health, lifestyle and it’s going to be so much fun all about Livin La Vida Low-carb and I am just thrilled that Jimmy Moore offered me the invitation and that I will be speaking. It’s so exciting.

Leigh Lowery: If you want to train with me, the General Leigh, you can find me at and to find out more about fitness motivation tips, you can go to follow my fit food on facebook or follow me at instagram with all my pictures at GenLeigh.

Wendy Myers: Guys, if you like what you heard on the show, please give the Live to 110 podcast a review in iTunes. We would appreciate it so much. We need the reviews to get higher up in the search engines so when people search health or nutrition or paleo, they find us and they listen to us. Thanks so much for listening and tuning in today. Remember your shampoo could be making you fat so it’s time to go au naturale with your poo, okay? Haha. Thanks so much for listening to the Live to 110 podcast.

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