Transcript: #42 Estrogen Dominance Syndrome with Dr. Lawrence Wilson

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  • 13:11 Dr. Wilson’s path to the Nutritional Balancing Science
  • 25:44 Estrogen Dominance 
  • 32:30 What are the most common estrogenic products that contribute to estrogen dominance?
  • 43:46 The Yin-yang Method
  • 1:06:41 Dr. Lawrence’s thoughts on hormone replacement therapy
  • 1:22:04 What is the most pressing health issue on the world today?

Wendy Myers: Welcome to the Live to 110 podcast. I’m your host, Wendy Myers. You can find me on and here is my co-host, the tough as nails General Leigh of

Leigh Lowery: Hi, everybody.

Wendy Myers: Today we’re going to be interviewing Dr. Lawrence Wilson of It’s one of my favorite websites. I’ve learned so much on there. I get so many of my questions answered. But today we’re going to be exploring the topic of estrogen dominance which contributes to countless health issues including cancer and reproductive issues and fertility, etc. Whether you’re aware of it or not, you are constantly exposed to estrogenic chemicals that are found everywhere. They’re in the air you breathe and the products you use, the food that you eat and the water that you drink. It’s really sad.

Every client that comes to me typically has some degree of estrogen dominance especially the women. This is clearly problematic that at younger and younger ages, we are exposed to so many estrogenic chemicals that women are suffering health issues including cancer and fibroids and endometriosis, etc. at younger and younger ages and this is why this is a very important podcast that I wanted to bring to you listeners’ attention.

People don’t realize that in the past 40 years, the rates of estrogen-related disorders like cancer in both sexes have reached epidemic proportions never before seen in history. For instance, the age of puberty has dropped to as low as 8 years of age. Endometriosis affects 10% of all women  in their 30s and 40s. PMS affects close to 30% of women as you men may know haha. Uterine fibroids affect almost 25% of women from ages 35 to 50. Breast cancer afflicts close to 10% of women. It’s terrible. Men are having problems with fertility, decreased libido, improperly formed sex organs, gynecomastia or man boobs, and men, women and children today are also notably fatter due to the effects of excess estrogen. That was a tongue-twister. So, needless to say, that’s a huge problem that you need to be aware of. But first, we have to do our little disclaimer.

Leigh Lowery: That’s right. Well, this is General Leigh and I am in the 30% affected by PMS. Let me state that for the record. Haha. Please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. The Live to 110 podcast is solely informational in nature. Please consult your health care practitioner before engaging in any treatment that we suggest on the show.

Wendy Myers: When you said that you were affected by PMS, my coffee almost came up through my nose. Haha. Good timing on that one.

Leigh Lowery: I’m just supporting that claim.

Wendy Myers: Too bad we’re not doing a video podcast because that would’ve been really funny. Haha. So, everyone, if you’re interested in shedding some of those holiday pounds which we knew you put on, you can download my Live to 110 by Weighing Less e-Guide©  on I should’ve gotten a URL that I can actually pronounce. Haha. I have no business doing a podcast. I cannot pronunciate things but I’ve always been tempted to work with a speech therapist or a vocal coach. Haha. Because Leigh, as you know, we’re both from Texas so we grew up in Texas with this drawl. Even when I say drawl, I drawl it out. Then, come to California, I have this valley girl accent. It’s just a horrible affliction I do not wish on my worst enemy.

Leigh Lowery: Valley girl with a twang.

Wendy Myers: It’s bad. So even when I listen to myself on the podcast, I’m listening back, I’m like, “Oh God, that was just terrible.” Anyway, if you guys want to download my weight-loss guide, just check out the big welcome graphic on, see I can’t say it still, put in your email and then you’ll get that free guide immediately. It’s been a lot of work on that. It’s a 35-page e-guide. It’s very very thorough. I highly recommend it. You’ll also get my 14-part email series on The Modern Paleo diet so I hope you like reading because they’re long emails. Haha.

Leigh Lowery: You have a lot of stuff going on. How’s that book of yours coming along?

Wendy Myers: It’s done.

Leigh Lowery: Oh, good for you!

Wendy Myers: Halleluiah! It’s a miracle. I love how Diane Sanfilippo of puts it that writing a health book is the most unhealthy thing I’ve ever done. Haha. Basically, I was up many many nights stressing out. It’s a really really fun process. I love writing and I love trying to communicate my message to people on how to get healthy. It really fills me every day. I love it but it is stressful writing a book. It takes a tremendous amount of time, in addition to running a website and writing blog posts, etc. Even my last hair test showed that I was stressed out because there are certain markers on there that you can see. It shows a stress pattern and mine just went nuts. It was a pattern I’ve never seen in my hair mineral analysis before. Haha.

Leigh Lowery: I wonder if it would be the same if you’d pull my hair when my mom’s in town. Haha.

Wendy Myers: We can do that. We can do a hair test next time mom’s in town. It’s really interesting that my hair test showed that because I’m reading in my Nutritional Balancing textbook that your hair patterns will show stress if you had surgery or whatever it is, mom’s in town. It was interesting that my hair test showed that.  But anyway, it’s finally done. My baby’s at the graphic designer’s and I’m going to do a PDF version that you can just click download onto your computer and start reading it. But if you want to get more techie and you’ve got your smartphone, iPhone or your Android, etc. you can download an ePub or eReader version of that onto your smartphone. I’m also going to have a kindle format for those of you in kindle and prefer amazon, the book’s also going to be on amazon.

Basically I wanted to write this book to show everyone how to take Paleo to the next level because frankly, the traditional Paleo diet is too basic and a little outdated frankly. So what I have as a version of my book is called Modern Paleo diet and it’s just about taking Paleo to the next level. I’ve got a chapter on every different type of food. It just breaks it down so that you know which vegetables are the most nutritious. It’s all about nutrient-density. Which fruits are the most nutrient-dense? What forms of nut butter should you be eating. Should you be eating potatoes and grains and legumes. I break everything down all backed by scientific studies and data so that you can eat the most nutrient-dense Paleo diet.

Then I go into all about lifestyle tips and so that you can basically work with your body. How our bodies have evolutionary been designed to exercise, to sleep. I go into earthing, I go into all kinds of interesting little tips because we are totally out of sync with how our bodies are designed to work, to how we’ve evolved over millions and millions of years. We got to bio hack our body and figure out what is the best way to live, the best lifestyle that is conducive to health.

Most importantly, the book is also about detoxification because even if you eat the healthiest Paleo diet in the world, you won’t live a long disease-free life unless you detox from heavy metals and industrial chemicals that are the reality of our modern environment. Cavemen were not subject to this deluge of chemicals. There’s a hundred thousand industrial chemicals unleashed in our environment. There are tons of heavy metals that we are absorbing because of nutrient-poor diets.

So I have a chapter in the book called Detoxify or Die. It’s very dramatic. That goes into exactly how and why you need to detox in the most effective methods. That’s the book in a nutshell. It’s going to be for pre-sale pretty soon on Actually, by the time this comes out, it will be available for pre-sale. I’m really proud of my little baby.

Leigh Lowery: I’m proud of you, too. That’s so awesome. Every time I hear you talk about Detoxify or Die, I just think about the foundation of our body. You cannot just pile good stuff on top of a bad foundation so I really love that. I think that’s great.

Wendy Myers: Have you ever had anyone affected with estrogen-related health issues like cancer or fibroids or anything like that?

Leigh Lowery: My best friend from college at a very young age started having fibroids and ended up later being diagnosed with endometriosis. I remember what her doctor told her that was the one thing that’s going to help her, is cutting out her coffee. So I’m excited to tell her that she might be able to have that cup of coffee. That’s not the only thing that’s going to help her but she ended up having surgeries on those fibroids and I think, you know we talked about earlier, that there are sometimes better ways to go about things and that this is a heal-able disease.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Western medicine treats estrogen-related disorders in certain ways but the problem is, a lot of treatments don’t work. I have friends with endometriosis that the doctors are obviously not curing. They’re cutting fibroids out but the fact remains: the environment that caused those health issues in the first place remains. It’s a systemic problem and that’s why I focus on diet and detoxification and detoxifying your environment because that’s the only way you’re truly going to heal these disorders. You’re not going to take your medications or surgery. Fibroids come back, cancer comes back, all these things are a systemic problem. That’s why Western medicine doesn’t always have all the answers so we got to give it a little bit of a helping hand with some of the natural things we’re going to be suggesting on the show today.

Leigh Lowery: I love what you said because what she’s dealing with, it has recurred over and over and over so I’m excited for her to hear this podcast and really get some more information.

Wendy Myers: I know. Most of my clients have estrogen-related disorders as well. I have many clients that have fibroids, don’t have one with  endometriosis yet, but just lots and lots of problems. Lots of women are copper toxic. Estrogen and copper tend to go together so if anyone’s copper toxic on their hair test, we know that they have some estrogen issues going on. So it’s a big big problem. I had it as well. When I was vegetarian for a couple of years, I went to my doctor and I just did not feel good. I couldn’t think and I was just not feeling well. The doctor found out that even though my estrogen was really really low, it was much higher in relation to progesterone. Even though my estrogen was super low, I still had estrogen-dominance which is what we’re going to discuss today on the show.

Today we’re going to be talking obviously about estrogen-dominance with Dr. Lawrence Wilson. Dr. Wilson has a medical degree but has chosen to work as a nutritional consultant only, having performed hair mineral analysis on over 50,000 patients over the course of 30 years. He has specialized in Nutritional Balancing science, a method of improving health that he originally learned from Dr. Paul Eck, a brilliant biochemist and founder of analytical research laboratories which is one lab where hair mineral testing is performed to determine targeted Nutritional Balancing Program that I’m constantly blabbing about on the show. Dr. Wilson is the author of 5 books, having co-authored or contributed chapters for many more, and he’s also written many research papers and over 900 articles on his website Dr. Wilson, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Dr. Wilson: Thank you for having me.

Wendy Myers: So what’s your story? What is your history and how did you become such a huge proponent of Nutritional Balancing science using hair mineral analysis?

13:11 Dr. Wilson’s path to the Nutritional Balancing Science

Lawrence Wilson: Okay. Well, I’ll try to keep it brief. I know we don’t want to talk about a nutritional topic. I would say my interest in natural healing began when I was about 20. That was when my brother was diagnosed with Hotchkin’s disease. That was in the 1970’s. For a couple of years I just accepted everything. I was raised around medical people. We were not familiar with natural healing methods at all but one day I stumbled upon a book that talked about a group of people who never got sick. It was the Hunza people of Asia. I found my way to a health food store and I found a book about the Hunzas, and all of a sudden I was all excited about this because I was terrified. I was young myself. My brother was even younger than I was. He was about 16 when he was diagnosed. And it was late stage. They didn’t give much hope for living very long. The whole thing was rather shocking.

So for the next 10 years, I floundered around; I tried all kinds of diet systems. I studied macrobiotics by Michio Kushi. I studied raw food and vegetarian systems. I door-to-doored a lot of people in the Boston area where I was. I tried to learn all these different systems that looked truly confusing. At the same time, I was also letting go of my childhood upbringing which is that the doctors know everything and you just do what they tell you because I would take articles to them, to my brother’s doctors. He was getting very good care in New York. They were usually nice to me. They’d just, “Well, if there was anything to it, we’d just be doing it.” But I found out later that they didn’t really know about this. They really didn’t know about all the natural healing methods particularly remedies for cancer that I was researching. I got a library card to the Harvard Medical Library and sometimes the New York Academy in Medicine Library. Both are among the best in America.

My own health, meanwhile, went downhill. I went on to medical school because my family said, “We’re not going to listen to you because you’re not a doctor.” So I ended up going to school. That was not a good reason for it. I wanted to go to some kind of a natural school but my family is very medically-oriented so we compromised. I went to a medical school. I did not want to go to American Medical School. I knew that it lacked in nutrition. I was very rough on my health. I continued to research, to try things, learning things. I lived at a natural hygiene spa where it’s just fasting and I started with some of these, a natural hygiene and other vegetarian type people. I had western practice books and I actually gave talks, quoted that book left and right. I researched a man named William Herbert Cope, brilliant guy from Detroit and things like that.

Anyway, I ended up in Phoenix, Arizona. I was not feeling well at all. I went to a health expo with Dr. Paul Eck. I was already into metabolic cancer therapy program myself. Dr. Kelly did not give credit. He just said it was all his stuff. It turns out that Dr. Eck had taught Dr. Kelly. Dr. Eck was the first one who said, “I’ll teach you all this stuff and it didn’t come from me.” He told me about George Waltman. He told me about (?). He told me about Melvis (?) where he got this information. I have a little nutrition office. I decided I would try Dr. Eck’s system. I thought Dr. Eck was a pretty wise guy. And it worked. The results were better. So I decided to study his system. I actually want to work for him one day a week.

At the same time, I kept my little office and I tried many systems of nutrition. I did the blood type diet with people. I read all kinds of books. I tried different systems but I kept coming back to Dr. Eck’s system which by the way was not that well-developed. There were a lot of things that were not done the same way they are today. Dr. Eck was learning himself and he gave me all kinds of stuff that turned out to be wrong and so on. He was not very involved with diet. He was mostly involved with supplements and he was learning all this himself. So I was working with him when he developed a lot of products and some of the protocols and procedures. I slowly recovered my health and I helped a lot of people.

I had a large practice in Phoenix for about 16 years or something like that. I kept coming back to Paul Eck’s work. Because while none of it was perfect by any means. I got the best results with his system. That’s why I became a proponent of his system. I thought it was crazy at the beginning especially the emotional things. If you have a lot of iron, you are often angry. If you have a lot of copper, you’re probably afraid. If you got a lot of cadmium, you’re probably macho. These kinds of stuff sounded absolutely kooky to me with my medical degree and I have studied nutrition for about 10 years. It was very very unusual. Paul Eck was quite the researcher. My image of him is surrounded by books. He was an original researcher. He also had a house in Northern California and he would drive from Phoenix to Northern California, about a 14-hour drive I think or more, and he would put a big book, like a book on lead poisoning on the steering wheel of the car and he would read the whole book.

Wendy Myers: Hahaha.

Dr. Wilson: How he stayed alive. I don’t know. I don’t know why he didn’t have a car accident.

Wendy Myers:  Haha

Dr. Wilson: But that was Paul Eck. And Paul Eck wanted everything right. He wanted everything right. He used to tell me hair analysis doesn’t lie.  And he used to pride himself on researching things and he can remember. See, I’m not an academic researcher like that but he was an academic researcher. Plus, he was a clinician and he was a very widely read man. That means he read oriental philosophy and he read all the kinds of nutritional books out there. He’s a big fan of the Dell Davies who’s one of the early modern nutritionists. He also knew about natural healing.. He had gone to  a natural healing school himself, the Naturopathic school in Chicago. He knew many people. He had worked for a guy named Allen who developed a machine that the FDA actually heated and went around mashing up with sledgehammers. But it was quite a machine and it could measure the oxidation rate of all kinds of things. And so he knew about all that. And all that went into his work and more.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It is, because Nutritional Balancing. It’s quite a system. It’s remarkable.

Dr. Wilson: It’s an amazing system and the more you learn about it. The more you realize it incorporates all this things. I remember Paul Eck telling me, “Larry, the system that is closest to ours is acupuncture”.  And then again, I thought that was crazy. I though what do you mean? They use needles. And I did not understand that for years. So I worked with that acupuncturist and he started to tell me that we should identify acupuncture patterns on the hair analysis and we could do it better, that he could do it with pulses and the tongue diagnosis. All the things that they use. And I was amazed because you see the truth should converge. You know what I mean by that. It could be in acupuncture. It could be in all the sciences and the Nutritional Balancing I’ve come to believe simply the truth which is different than any system.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: It’s a little different than the Bob Jones’ system that he came up with after working on it for a while. It’s a little bit different. This is based on science.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: Why it happens to work the way it does,  why  it requires to work with hair sample and not blood sample? I don’t know, exactly. Why  it requires that the chart, the minerals to be arranged in a calibrated chart in a particular way? I don’t know why that is but it does require it. You can’t do this work if you don’t have calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium in that order on a calibrated chart and of course, most of the labs don’t have that or they arranged it alphabetically.

25:44 Estrogen Dominance

Wendy Myers: Yeah, well. Let’s talk a little bit about estrogen dominance

Dr. Wilson: And by the way, I want you to know I got burned out on this work in 1996. I thought I got as far as I could with Nutritional Balancing and I think I had pretty much, because that was the year that Dr. Eck died and the work was not fully dissolved and I would start going out. I wasn’t getting any better. So I closed my practice that I moved away from Phoenix. I didn’t do very much with this work for about another 8 years and then although, I remained consult  for an analytical research lab and I also had a small practice myself with few clients. But then I took it up again and I started working with it more and it started to develop. I developed a sauna and I added that and it made such a difference it wasn’t funny. I realized that I wanted to pursue this work more and I just want you to know that. We all go through this at times. We started doubting things. We don’t feel any better. We think “Well, this work doesn’t work.” But actually the work needed refining and so that’s what I’ve been doing since that time which was about 11 years ago. Okay, let’s move on.

Wendy Myers: Okay. Haha

Dr. Wilson: Okay. Let’s talk about estrogen dominance.

Wendy Myers: So what is estrogen dominance? What is that for someone who has never heard of that before?

Dr. Wilson: First of all, we don’t focus on the dominance because what we find is the livers in particular are so toxic and such a mess that in some cases the estrogen levels are higher than the progesterone levels which is one way to look at estrogen dominance. There are many subtle difficulties and problems at the liver and also with estrogen. You could get estrogen from chemical and other sources and so they do talk about that as estrogen dominance. And that’s usually what doctors mean by unless you want to refine that for me.

Wendy Myers: Can it be estrogen your body makes, can it be synthetic estrogens that cause that?

Dr. Wilson: There are many possible in reading factors and you mentioned few of these questions to me. The diet can have to do with it because estrogens are found in animal fat. Particularly, that of an unhealthy animal who themselves have estrogen dominance.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. The are given hormones

Dr. Wilson: It could come from dietary things. It could also come from the diet because there are estrogen mimicking chemical in the environment and those get into your food, they are found in plastics and pesticides. I think the word is estrogen mimetic. Meaning estrogen-like chemicals. They bind estrogen recepticides in the body. Personal care products is another source, it has many chemicals and preservatives, medications can contribute. Certainly people who are long-term users. Actually a lot of drugs not just birth control pill. It could be other medications that affect the liver. Pesticides as you mentioned.   Metaloestrogen, I’m not sure what that refers to, except that a lot of metal products are toxic and they affect the liver.  And then obesity, I don’t know if it’s a cause but it certainly can be associated with it, certainly, depending on what you eat.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I was thinking of a fat-fat is kind of an active substance that produces estrogens. The more fat you have, the more estrogen you could produce.

Dr. Wilson: Yes. The fatty tissues are associated with estrogen.

Wendy Myers: Okay.

Dr. Wilson: So, whether it’s an animal fat, eating a lot of animal fat which is one problem with some of the diets like the Weston-Price where they are telling everybody to eat a lot of fat. That’s a problem because they’re getting too much.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And so what kinds of health issues is estrogen dominance causing in our society?

Dr. Wilson: Well, as I say. I look at it as: if you had a healthy liver and kidneys but we’ll stick to the liver, a lot of this wouldn’t be a matter. It wouldn’t be a problem. Your liver would handle the estrogen, it would detoxify the estrogen and you’d be okay. But when the estrogen is build up, one of the biggest ones is cancer. Estrogen is the carcinogen. One of the most carcinogenic substances there is. So certainly cancers of all types is one of the major problems. Another one would be all kinds of female problems, which certainly can be made worse by what they call estrogen dominance. Because they’ll just say it’s one type of liver, that would be common. And by the way, it’s very common. I don’t know what the holistic doctors interpret their statistics or what they claim as far as how many people have estrogen dominance. But I would say it’s a common develop.

Wendy Myers: So, how is estrogen dominance determined? Can you determine it on medical test on hair mineral analysis?

Dr. Wilson: I don’t think the hair test is reliable. That’s what I told you earlier and the hair test you could look at the sodium-potassium ratio because sodium is more associated with estrogen, definitely more associated with progesterone but it’s not a reliable indicator. You can also look at copper and zinc and that ratio that I don’t think that’s too reliable either. I wouldn’t determine that from a hair test. Doctors can use hormone test, determine it. Which can be blood test or saliva test and I believe that’s how most of them assess it.

Wendy Myers: Okay, so can you have low estrogen levels say from adrenal fatigue or menopause and still suffer from estrogen dominance?

Dr. Wilson: Yes. I would say you could because it is a relative measure, estrogen in relation to usually progesterone or other hormones. So you could have low estrogen but you could have even lower level of other hormones. Did you have that?

Wendy Myers: I did. I remember I had a really low estrogen when I went to my naturopathic doctor prior to finding Nutritional Balancing but I don’t remember the ratios of estrogen to progesterone.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah. Well and you see estrogen is not one hormone as you know, so it’s more complicated than just the total because there are different estrogens.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Well she mentioned all those but basically she told me that my estrogens were the level of the menopausal women which made my day. Haha

Dr. Wilson: Yeah. Well, it might have helped you to understand why you felt the way you did.

32:30 What are the most common estrogenic products that contribute to estrogen dominance?

Wendy Myers: Oh, Yeah. So what are the most common estrogenic products that contribute to estrogen dominance?

Dr. Wilson: Well, I don’t know that I would single any out. I would say fat, excessive fat in diet is one. We don’t find the problem like plastic in the water bottle. We didn’t  find it to be the problem and you don’t even have to do the saunas necessarily. I just don’t find that to be the major issue. I think pesticides are a major issue and there are estrogen mimicking chemicals in there. And the pesticides are very widespread as you know. They’re all over the place.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: Just because you eat organic, that’s better, certainly. But it’s not a guarantee because the soil may have been used with pesticides, they might have sneaked some pesticides in there and there are also natural pesticides which are allowed but they are still pesticides and they could still  be toxic to the liver  and the other organs but I would say probably the pesticides are right up there. Other, chemical exposures would be another one and body care products are one of them because people lather these stuff all over their skin, their hair and all kinds of things like that. So I would be careful, the fewer products you use on your body generally, the better. And use some old-fashioned soap because even the perfumes and soaps and other chemicals can definitely be toxic.

Wendy Myers: The perfumes are  estrogenic. They contain the phalates that are estrogenic.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah. Well they contain many  chemicals which are estrogenic. When you say estrogenic, all it has to do is damage the liver in certain ways;  delivered the toxication  pathways, and it becomes estrogenic. That’s all it has to do. It has nothing to do with the chemical called estrogen. There are thousands of chemicals probably and toxic metals that damage the liver and the liver is the organ that detoxifies estrogen, gets rid of them. Because estrogens are made by your body, at times, and some of those are found in food. But the liver has to get rid of them so any chemicals that damages the liver potentially able to damage the ratio of estrogen to other chemicals.

Wendy Myers: So, a big issue of a lot of people have they trying to get away from the plastic bottles and drink to spring water out of the spring into their glass bottles or buys spring water into their glass bottles.

Dr. Wilson: We don’t find that to be a problem.

Wendy Myers: Do you know why for whatever reason?

Dr. Wilson:  I don’t know if whether it’s because Nutritional Balancing programs, balance the body enable the liver to work the body and get rid of that chemical or because the whole thing has been overblown.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: One of the problems with the environmental community is that they grab onto something and have good PR. They’ll say, “Yeah. That’s the problem with everything.” and we find that the plastic bottles that the spring water comes in, most of them are quite good.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: Is there a tiny bit of something? Possibly, yes. But good quality spring water is a very remarkable product. I tell people eat whole foods and we don’t like it and that’s what has happened to water. Distilling it and then adding minerals and cleansing it, spinning it and doing all these stuff. It’s a whole food and like all whole foods it comes from nature in a certain way and it has certain protective properties about it and it seems to do just fine in the plastic bottle. We don’t have a problem with that. That is my observation. Not ideological at all. Would it be nice if there were all glass bottles? Yes. Of course it would but it would make a much more expensive because this glass it’s so heavy. The only one that think of the concept of glass bottle is a couple of spring waters. If you want to buy a glass bottle, that’s fine. But I don’t think you have to.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I always kind of felt like even if it was a little bit of BPA or phalates that are in the plastics. I feel like if going in the sauna, you know the sauna, which I do very regularly; that I know the sauna detoxes those chemicals.

Dr. Wilson: The sauna helps. The program detoxes the chemicals. In other words, you have to make your body younger. You have to balance your body. You have to balance the mineral ratios, balance the oxidation right. And then the body will eliminate many more chemical. The sauna helps, the coffee enemas help, rubbing your feet helps, keeping your spine limber helps, the Roy Masters meditation, very powerful and it helps a lot.

Wendy Myers: These are all wonderful components of Nutritional Balancing program.

Dr. Wilson: Yes and those are just developed and added. You should know that those are not a part of Doctor Eck’s system. None of those were. And you know that’s because if you get the report for Analytical Research Lab, it doesn’t mention anything about it right?

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I always wondered that.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah that’s because while they like me over there, there are laws to change everything from the way their father did it. I told them to run the lab and so they mostly do what their father taught which was a very basic diet . Not good enough, we find. And supplements and a helpful lifestyle which I added , Paul Eck was not really focused too much on lifestyle. And then since their death I really refined the diet, we have added a lot of cooked vegetables into the diet because that really helps.

But one thing I really appreciate about Paul Eck is that he changed the program as the conditions changed on Earth this is the problem with a lot of the diets out there Weston A Price,  vegetarian, Mediterranean even the Paleo diet all these other things. Paul Eck responded to the need, he’s very good that way. And people’s bodies have changed which they really have even since 1980 when I started with this. He would want to change the program. Change things and so in adding all the cooked vegetables we find that is necessary because the bodies are so toxic and so deficient in minerals that they need more of that.

Wendy Myers: And so one aspect of the diet you mentioned, definitely part of Nutritional Balancing is eating meat. Eating because you need proteins for many reasons. Meat is not just proteins. Its minerals dense and other things, so because it does have estrogen and hormones. Many in the vegetarian community have decided to resolve that problem but cutting out meat completely. What is wrong with that thinking or rationale for cutting out meat?

Dr. Wilson:  Well, first of all, if you’re afraid of chemicals you better not eat anything.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: I’m serious and you better not breathe the air. And you better not bathe because the chemicals are in the water. Maybe you’ve heard that all the water supplies in the United States are now contaminated with medical drugs. You take a drink of water or you take a bath or shower. You’re getting heart pills, you’re getting birth control pills, and you’re getting anti-depressants, sulfur. That’s the reality. So this idea that just because you’re afraid of chemicals, you’re not going to eat meat. That doesn’t make any sense and you have to question that. You shouldn’t eat fruits, you shouldn’t eat vegetables, and you shouldn’t eat anything. They’re all full of chemicals. So that’s no.1.

Meat is also important because it’s yang and this concept, I wish you and other people would talk about more not many systems use it the only one is macrobiotics which I studied with Mishio Kushi who’s the leading man in that movement. There aren’t many books on this subject but he found an old oriental system. It’s a little different from the traditional Chinese medicine conceptions of yin and yang. We find the macrobiotics’ one is more accurate. But meat is very yang and there is a need for that today. The bodies are yin the time the eons are yin, that is the universe quite founded right now. The chemicals are yin the toxic metals are yin the radiation from all the bombs, Fukushima, the cellphone radiation and the computer radiation that’s very yin and as a result the bodies are yin. And we need a yang component, as you cut out all the yang from the meat, there’s not many foods left. The other foods are yin.

43:46 The Yin-yang Method

Wendy Myers: What happens to a body when it’s too yin? Aside from estrogen dominance?

Dr. Wilson: There’s an article on my website called yin disease and yin means cold and expanded and sort of falling apart, degenerative sort of. And yin is associated with all the bundle problems:  candida, copper poisoning, things like headache, PMS and haziness, depression, anxiety and then it goes on from there. Cancer and even heart disease all that is associated with yin today. Those are all of the diseases associated with the body getting too cold, and too cold means low thyroid, low adrenals, low oxidation and other things. It causes a whole host of problems.

It also makes it in my experience, impossible to detoxify. When I think of detoxification there are two methods that you want to call: the yin method and the yang method. And it’s very important to distinguish them, the yin method is flushing toxic with water, with juices, with vitamins which are very yin, by the way, and all these supplements especially herbs are yin and you can get rid of toxins that way, that’s the yin method. It’s not working as well today. The yang method, is more like wringing out your clothes in the old clothes ‘wringer. You know what I’m talking about? That whole thing you turned and you put your piece of clothing in there and squeezes it.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: Like wringing out a towel. You squeeze the towel and twist it and you can wring out all the stuff that’s in the towel.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: That’s yang method. It contracts. It uses heat, it uses contraction. And that’s more of what we do with Nutritional Balancing today. That is working better. The yin method which is a lot of juices and that kind of stuff that’s not working as well.

Wendy Myers: So, the sauna is more yang?

Dr. Wilson: Yes the sauna is hot and it’s dry. Hot and dry, that’s yang. Coffee enema, the coffee is yang actually. Water is not yang but the coffee is. When you’re looking at detoxification and in this article called “Ying and Yang Healing” and it discusses two basic methods. Yin and yang are physics quality and they’re going to be applied to everything. Cancers can be yin or yang. Arthritis can be caused by yin which is too cold and expanded or it can be caused by yang which is too much heat.

Wendy Myers: I’m very interested in that.  I’ll definitely look more into that because as I progress in my learning in Nutritional Balancing which is a lot to learn. I’m definitely interested in that concept, the eastern medical concept.

Dr. Wilson: Yes you have to because otherwise it doesn’t make sense, otherwise Nutritional Balancing doesn’t seem to make sense. Like we shouldn’t cook vegetables, why don’t we eat raw? Well raw is much more yin.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson:  You know what I mean? We don’t want yin.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: There are other reasons why we want to cook vegetables because it breaks down fiber but we don’t want yin and why do we avoid nuts and seeds, which is part of the Paleo diet and a lot of these other diets? Because they’re very yin. You know what I mean?

Wendy Myers: Yeah

Dr. Wilson: And raw foods in general, salads. Stay away. Why do we include the meat? Well, because it’s yang. Meat and eggs are yang.

Wendy Myers: Yeah

Dr. Wilson: And so if you don’t have that component you will not understand Nutritional Balancing as well. Yin is slow of oxidation basically and yang is faster oxidation. Everything in nature is more yang or more yin. It’s not absolute. Nothing is all or nothing.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: And estrogen dominance is a yin and more of it today is a yin condition.

Wendy Myers: Okay. Yeah so how long can it take to detox estrogen from the body? Like when someone starts a Nutritional Balancing program.

Dr. Wilson:  Well we never give times and the reason is that everybody does the program at the wrong phase. So we have some people who do it exactly right, not too many.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: But there are actually some people who do the whole program. They do the saunas, the enemas, they take the vitamins they do the diet properly which is a lot of cooked vegetables and there’s a lot of people who do it halfway and a quarter of away and it’s going to take them a lot longer.

Wendy Myers: Yeah

Dr. Wilson: So it’s very hard to say. I would say that if anyone does really the program perfectly a lot of the detox could be done in a few years.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: Anything less than that, I don’t know, you know you are someone along the way. And if you don’t do the program right it might take you 20 years easily.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Well I’m in for the long haul. No I do it really good.

Dr. Wilson: I want to know more people who will be in it for the long haul if possible.

Wendy Myers: I’m in for the long haul.

Dr. Wilson: We don’t like to give time because it really varies. The other reason why it really varies  is the damage to the liver.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: I just got through with a lady who had a healing reaction on her skin I think it was triclorietholin as a child, she was exposed to this chemical. Dry cleaning chemical.

Wendy Myers: Wow.

Dr. Wilson: And other chemicals and oh my God what a healing reaction this lady went through to get this stuff out. It came out on her skin and her skin looked horrible and it took a whole year of doing the program, it slowly went away and now it’s gone. But the point is, her liver was severely compromised and so is mine, by the way. I’m still working on this and if I do things right my liver hurts. And it used to be so tender you couldn’t touch it. Literally couldn’t touch my liver because it just depends on how much damage there is and so it’s very hard to give times to do that. We don’t know what we’re dealing with when we start with people. I used the analogy if you want to step in an old house. Let’s just say you bought an old house and you called in a repair crew, they might be able to look at it and to tell you, but until they start tearing out the walls and looking at the plumbing and all kinds of stuff that’s hidden, it’s very hard to know what is going to take.

It’s he same with your body. The analogy is you take a car in because it’s making a noise. It’s very hard until they tear the engine down a little bit to know what’s wrong.

Wendy Myers: Yeah

Dr. Wilson: The car might just needed some adjustments or the car might needed a new motor.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Definitely

Dr. Wilson: And the body is the same way. And the hair test is not always a good guide, the hair test may not look that bad initially but that’s just the way it is.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: I wish there was a simple test on how long it takes to get well. But there really isn’t.

Wendy Myers: The sicker someone is the longer it takes for them to get well.

Dr. Wilson: Well you don’t know that either.

Wendy Myers: Okay.

Dr. Wilson: You don’t know that you’re sick you may not realize you were exposed to trichloroetholin when you were five.  You know what I mean? I had had a lot of antibiotics but i didn’t realize that those things stick around for 30 or 40 years. It’s very hard to know there are a lot of contaminated water supplies in America you may have drank from one when you were a child and you don’t know these things.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I have a feeling that that’s my situation as well that I’ve enjoyed a fairly good health through most of my life but I’ve always been tired. I always felt like I was a lazy person or something in that nature but I had a feeling that I got some definite detoxification healing reactions coming in my future. Haha

Dr. Wilson: Yes actually I also feel that you probably were exposed to toxic chemicals. Did you grow up in Los Angeles?

Wendy Myers: I did not I grew up in Texas.

Dr. Wilson:  Yeah it depends on what area. If there was industry nearby even agricultural areas and the pesticides that are washed in water supplies. Someday we’re going to realize that all of these things are connected.

Wendy Myers: Oh, Yeah. For sure. Because all of these toxicity in our environment everyone’s liver is extremely toxic. We are not evolutionary designed to handle all these chemicals. So you mentioned coffee enemas is an amazing way to detox and unclog the liver. Can you explain that a little bit more on how it clears excess estrogen from the body?

Dr. Wilson: Well, I don’t know if it clears of estrogens per se.  What it does, the coffee enema is one of the most amazing procedures. All of the procedures that we use work in at least 10 different ways otherwise we won’t use them. We don’t want to burden people to say first you have to this and you have to do that. And next thing you know its evening and you get to spend the whole day doing detox or health thing, making milkshakes or whatever we want you to do. So all the procedures we used work in 10 different ways at once and coffee enema is not different.

Of course does mechanical cleansing of the colon which is one of the most diseased organs of postmodern people. And that has to do with diet mostly. So not eating the cold nature like constipation things like that, the tension affects it. But it also increases bile flow and there are also reflexes from the colon to the entire body and the coffee enema article on the website, I printed out that chart it’s from a book by Dr. Bernard Jenson and it shows the relationship of the colon to the rest of the body through reflexes. He discovered (?) and it’s rather fascinating. For example, while the ascending colon is a reflex up to your brain and you’re having a problem with your brain like brain tumor or something. Often there’s something wrong with the colon and in that area. It’s fascinating. It’s pretty amazing. The coffee works at that level as well.

Coffee is also known in homeopathy as a major antidote and they will tell you do not drink coffee if you’re going to do homeopathy because it will antidote the remedies. It will negate them. But we want that in our work because what it does is antidote frequently,  it literally stops harmful frequencies, coffee can do this. Coffee is the only substance that could do this by the way. And so we use coffee, sort of the opposite of homeopathy where they don’t like it because it work as an antidote. We like it because it’s an antidote and it works at  a frequency level in addition to the physical level and chemical level.

And there are other things it does. It tends to move the energy down because putting the coffee in the rectum is down low and we want to move the energy down low to the body. I used to have a tai-chi teacher and he used to say “you have to get the chi out of your head”, and you do. You have to get the chi out of your head and the coffee would do that. It’ll move your tension down. Even closing the anal sphincter which you have to do with the coffee enema or you are going to make a mess. They used that in the oriental and yoga and other techniques to circulate energy in the body. They called the rootblock. Have you ever heard that term?

Wendy Myers: I have. I wondered why I did yoga for a long time, and why  he would have us clenching our anus. Haha

Dr. Wilson:  That’s right.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: The reason I do that is because there’s an energy flow that has to do with acupuncture, meridians and has to do with other channel therapies and there’s a flow and it goes down inside your body and it will slowly flow throughout the back and has to do that properly. And if the anal sphincter it’s closed, it promotes that. And the coffee enema sort of automatically does that too. I used to find it much easier to do the Roy Masters’ meditation when I had coffee inside of me. And I don’t know the reasons of all of that for pulling my energy down and closing the rootblock, and probably there are other reasons that makes the process much easier.

The coffee enemas also helps to turnoff the sympathetic nervous system which is very critical and the sauna does that too. The coffee also balances certain acupuncture imbalances that almost everybody have. They have the liver and the large intestines are related in acupuncture. And the coffee enema, I believe it stimulates the liver and it weakens the large intestines. I may have that backwards but I think that’s correct and that balances most people. That’s necessary for most people.

So there are many levels in which the therapy works. It’s not simply one, not just physical detoxification or chemical detoxification. Coffee by the way does have some particular substances in it I think it’s called palmitic acids and other things. Those are described in the article too that the body requires. And the other thing is by taking it to the rectum the toxins in the coffee are much less because coffee is not highly recommended, I know you had that as another question.  And we do allow that people will drink a cup of coffee, I don’t recommend it but we allow it. But that doesn’t do it. That doesn’t really help a lot. We do allow a cup of coffee.

Wendy Myers: You allow one cup of coffee a day in Nutritional Balancing?

Dr. Wilson: Yeah. A cup of coffee is not going to ruin the program.

Wendy Myers: Okay.

Dr. Wilson: But I don’t recommend it but we allow it.

Wendy Myers: So I know a lot of people that are trying to do a Nutritional Balancing program and still have their coffee. But I’ve been drinking a cup of coffee a day and I started about a year and a half ago coinciding with when I began with my Nutritional Balancing program, but my question is you mentioned in your text Nutritional Balancing and hair mineral analysis that cadmium is in coffee which drives copper out of the blood and back in to storage. So are you saying that you can drink coffee and effectively detox copper?

Dr. Wilson: No you can’t. As I said a cup of coffee we allowed that, we don’t find it interfeers too much. It’s not a lot of caffeine in there.

Wendy Myers: Okay.

Dr. Wilson: There is some. And what you have to understand is that the absorption of the stomach when you drink the coffee it’s different than  the absorption in the colon. If you think about it, your colon is not just a big pipe which people think of it as, right? No, it’s this amazing organ that absorbs water from the stool and it absorbs nutrients with it but somehow it keeps the poisons out. A lot of stuff is in the bowel movement and the stool is poisonous. It’s very poisonous. It’s a very bad stuff which you can tell by the way  it smells and the reason why we have sanitation issues is because it causes disease.

Wendy Myers: Yeah

Dr. Wilson: And to somehow or other an intact colon is able to filter whatever is in there. It filters it and it keeps the poisons out and lets the good stuff back into the body. It absorbs the water and certain amount of nutrients, the rest is kept out and that goes when you put coffee into your body. You know what I mean?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: The body can absorb the good and yet somehow it keeps out the bad that’s in the coffee. And so that’s why we use it that way and it works. Where drinking coffee is not so great. There are too many toxins in coffee.

Wendy Myers: Is the cadmium organic in other coffee?

Dr. Wilson:  I don’t know that for sure.

Wendy Myers: Okay.

Dr. Wilson: I don’t think so, necessarily. I don’t think that’s the difference, the difference is mostly that the organic coffee would have few pesticide residue.

Wendy Myers: So if you’re doing a Nutritional Balancing program do you recommend avoiding it just because the caffeine stimulates your adrenals but you think that one cup a day is not going to hurt you?

Dr. Wilson: Well, we don’t recommend it but if you want to have a one cup of coffee a day, it’s all right.

Wendy Myers: Okay.

Dr. Wilson: So it’s recommended to avoid it, I would say. Well drinking it. I don’t think you need it. I don’t think it does anything good.  You simply use it as a stimulant mostly.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Okay.

Dr. Wilson: There are some studies that people who drink cup of coffee have a little less of certain diseases so there are probably some antioxidants in coffee that there are some other things that are decent in there we don’t find it necessary by any means. We’re doing the coffee  implant  that is really what it is, that has some amazing effect.

Wendy Myers: Well it seems like you’d still be absorbing these antioxidants so not just the toxins.

Dr. Wilson: Well, we don’t even know the colon. The colon is so complicated, the body is so amazing, you know what it exactly absorbs from  the coffee, I’ve never seen studies.  It wouldn’t be easy to do.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: But I suppose you could study the coffee before you put it inside the person. Put it in and then study it again. Expel it and study it again, figure out what is in the coffee that is being expelled. But coffee and all herbs are quite complicated. They really haven’t been studied thoroughly and it’s not so easy to identify all the chemicals in an herb or a plant.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So I had a question from a colleague, they say there will there ever be a situation for instance for breast or prostate cancer which are estrogen related where you recommend supplementing with progesterone cream to oppose the estrogen or DIM as a supplement or any other supplements to counter-attack high levels of estrogen which is basically the solution most M.Ds or N.Ds would recommend.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah. I would say we have not needed to do that. I am aware that some people do that especially things like DIM which work. But we would prefer to DIM would be eat a lot of broccoli. In other words we would prefer to use the whole food and some people would use powder right now. It’s not as concentrated as chemical. But what we find is if you do a whole Nutritional Balancing program the body will get rid of that estrogen and start detoxing quite quickly and so thus far I’m not saying this won’t change. Thus far we have not needed it; to go certainly with progesterone which is adding another hormone which is unnatural. The body should make the hormone and the same with the DIM. Have never needed to do that. It doesn’t mean we would never do it ever again but so far we would have not needed to because there are so much other detoxification going on with Nutritional Balancing and balancing of the body that the estrogen levels fall pretty quickly. Just one more thing, the naturopath and the holistic people using those products and by the way I flirted with them in years past. They are not really cleaning out the body. They are really not balancing things. They just say you well you got PMS, so take some estrogen and take some progesterone. You know what I mean?

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It’s just symptomatic.

Dr. Wilson: They’re using it as a remedy and we don’t find we need remedies in most cases. We don’t like remedies, we don’t need them. The problem with remedies are they’re not whole system. So the fix a 1/6th of the problem but they can cause 5 others.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: That’s the problem with all remedies. They’re not associated with the whole system. There are some remedies like the coffee enema which we call stiric remedies because they do a lot of things with the whole system and because some this is semantics which we call remedy. But they work on the whole system. But just taking DIM or progesterone certainly, those are not because progesterone is something to be produced within the body. DIM is found in the vegetables such as broccoli even though you have to eat a lot. Okay.

1:06:41 Dr. Lawrence’s thoughts on hormone replacement therapy

Wendy Myers: So let’s talk about hormone replacement therapy because that’s something most doctors if you go when you found out that you’re chemistry is out of whack, you have menopausal, you have adrenal fatigue. The first thing they’re going to do is recommend hormonal replacement therapy so what are your thoughts on that?

Dr. Wilson: Yeah. There’s a long article on the website called “hormone replacement therapy”, we find that that’s pretty horrible. It gives quick results so doctors like it but they’re not rebuilding the body. If you rebuild the body the hormone starts normalizing up to itself and it’s too much that starts going down. If it’s too little it starts going up. That applies to thyroid which is probably the most common hormone replacement by a long shot by the way, because that one is used by regular medical doctors, naturopath and holistic people, all kinds of people are given thyroid replacement. We find we never need that, is very rare.

The only time we need it is when you’re thyroid is surgically removed then you’re got to need thyroid hormone replacement but otherwise we find that just getting away. Hormones are supposed to be produced within the body, the levels are supposed to change from minutes to minutes literally. Depending on what you’re doing, how much stress you’re under,  how tired you are, what you’re digesting and all the rest and when you start getting hormone replacement, you’re upsetting the whole feedback system. The whole natural hormone feedback system. If you’re lucky, it  works at least for a while but you’re not rebuilding the body and that’s the difference with Nutritional Balancing, we rebuild people with health. The hormones take care of themselves.

Wendy Myers: And doesn’t  hormone replacement therapy can in fact induce estrogen dominance and cause cancers?

Dr. Wilson: Well sure, because hormones are toxic and I don’t care if they are bio identical but still in general, they are powerful toxic substances. They are worse than a lot of medical drugs. People always have to tell me what drugs they’re taking and when they tell me they’re on anti-depressants, muscle relaxants, and then they tell me they’re on thyroid. Often I would say, “you know what’s the most important one to get off of? is thyroid”.

And the same things applies to the adrenals, DAGA, those things are powerful. They have powerful substances I don’t care if they are over the counter, which they are. Those are powerful substances and so we find that we don’t need them. That’s the best answer I could give you and the doctors do need them because they’re not doing other things. And then Nutritional Balancing is not for everyone. We do ask quite a bit of people you want to change their diet, you want them to take about 8 supplements and that’s the minimum, and so a lot of doctors, they’re looking for the magic bullet.

Wendy Myers: That’s what their customers want.

Dr. Wilson: They don’t want to do all that because that’s too much work.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: They just want to do some tests. They just want to say “oh, Yeah. Your testosterone is low”. “Here take this stuff and it will make you feel better.” and you know what, the people feel better for a while. So everybody is happy. And that’s the style to practice. We don’t feel that a responsible style practice because you’re not rebuilding the body you’re not balancing the body. A person could have a heart attack, you’re not addressing that. You’re just fixing one little thing. Nutritional Balancing tends to fix everything. It breaks up your troubles, your emotional troubles which could be very important. So it’s a difference between the systems. I don’t know how you put it.

Wendy Myers: Yeah and so is everybody’s situation where hormone replacement therapy safe for estrogen, progesterone is warranted. For instance, if a woman has had a hysterectomy with both of her ovaries removed?

Dr. Wilson: We don’t find that one as necessary. We do give people thyroid hormone replacement or we don’t give it. We say take it if you don’t have a thyroid. If you don’t have your adrenals, you have to take adrenal hormones. If you don’t have your ovaries, your adrenals should produce enough female hormones and you’ll be fine. That’s true with every menopausal woman and just because you’ve has hysterectomy with the ovaries removed it’s not a reason to take hormonal replacement. There might be a time for a while if a diabetic needed insulin to save their life. But actually if they start eating correctly the need for insulin drops quickly. Blood sugar can be under control. So the answer is yes, if the organ producing basic supplement has been destroyed or surgically removed and mostly your adrenals or your thyroid or your pancreas, then hormone replacement is necessary.  If you have pituitary problems you have to take pituitary hormones. There are certain illnesses. Those are quite rare but they do exist. Otherwise we find that they are not necessary.

Wendy Myers: Okay. In a book you authored called, Nutritional Balancing with Hair Mineral Analysis. You said that high copper women are often diagnosed as estrogen dominant. So copper toxicity contributes to estrogen dominance but what is true estrogen dominance look like. Can you have estrogen dominance if you have low copper or is high copper always a trait of estrogen dominance?

Dr. Wilson: Well you know what, I haven’t studied that in depth but I want to guess that high copper tends to be a feature always of estrogen dominance. And one reason I say that is because high copper is so hidden, it may not show up on hair test but there’s what you call hidden copper indicators and those are things like high calcium level, very low potassium level, low sodium potassium ratio, high mercury, low zinc; these are hidden copper indicators.

Wendy Myers: I have all those. Haha

Dr. Wilson: And the copper level is less of an indicator although sometimes it’s the obvious one, very elevated. And by the way copper less than one, particularly when the copper is too low that’s an indicator of hidden copper and so there’s a correlation doctor Eck found it between copper and estrogen. There’s a correlation in the body they go up and down together and so I’m guessing that there is a relation between estrogen dominance and copper which is very common about today as you know.

Wendy Myers: So how does one get rid of their copper in their body, obviously doing a Nutritional Balancing program?

Dr. Wilson: You have to do that because otherwise it’s not clear it’s going to work. There are people who give penicillamine, that’s a chelating agent but it’s dangerous stuff that people who give a lot of zinc that tends to put your body out of balance, your vitamin b6. But you can easily throw the body out of balance by giving these random vitamins. Vitamin C, that would lower copper. It’s a copper chelator, and people use various methods but we don’t like those methods because they’re often wrong and they make you worse. It might get rid of your copper but what else they do? We never like to focus on one mineral. Dr. Eck learned this, if you possibly can don’t focus on mercury, copper. It’s okay when you’re learning but you really want to fix everything. They’re all related. Otherwise you go from the fine pen to the fire.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. What I find with a lot of my clients, and studying your text, is that a lot of vegetarians tend to all be copper toxic. Why is that?

Dr. Wilson: Yeah. Because the main source of zinc is meat. In other words, zinc and copper have to be balanced. If you want to look at copper high foods, they tend to be vegetarian foods. Nuts, seeds, beens,  grains, there are other ones like avocado but those are high copper, where the zinc food tends to be meat and there are very few sources of zinc other than meat. The pumpkin seeds, but  how many of those you can eat?

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Haha.

Dr. Wilson: So if you are a vegetarian almost by definition are copper toxic. Also when you do a vegetarian diet it’s yin, it slows down your adrenal glands and if that happens you can’t process copper properly. That’s one of Dr. Eck insights. It has to do with (?) and copper binding protein. And things like that because that’s what he believed in. And I haven’t been able to disprove it certainly. And as a result, the copper starts building up and there may be a multiple reasons. Simple nutritional reasons why you’re getting more copper and why you’re not getting the zinc to balance it and also more complex chemical reasons why the vegetarians all tend to be copper-toxic.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. That’s certainly what I have found because I was a vegetarian for a couple of years and I was slight copper toxic prior to that but I really nailed my health. Haha.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah you know what, the children are being born copper toxic today. If you really want to go all the way back you might have been born that way. And then you junk up your liver with medical drugs and vaccines and junk food and that’s make it worse because it starts to weaken your adrenals, stress tends to weaken your adrenals,  especially in the women. I think you asked me about the women. Well, I forgot that factor. Women are under more stress. They are subject to being raped. They’re not as strong as men and the traditional roles are gone today. Women used to stay at home with more peaceful environment. They weren’t out in the working world. And all that kind of stuff. And so all that contributes to stress and copper problems.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I don’t know how some of these women do it. They are working, and all these pregnancies, 3 kids, and they have to do the cooking and cleaning.

Dr. Wilson: Someone had a joke, I think it said “In the 80’s the women had it all, in the 90’s women just had it.”

Wendy Myers: Haha. Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: So what you see now is a lot more depression. The women are getting lung cancer and getting all these diseases they never used to get. There are many diseases. The women are just a mess and it means the whole society is a mess because the women are having the baby. And that is why Nutritional Balancing, you may have notice on my website, the dedication on my book, it’s dedicated to women. We’ve got to fix the women. The young mothers, the young mothers to be, the teenagers.

I believe that this is a deliberately attack on America and her people is to attack the women because  the women bear children and even the doctors I forgot about that, they wouldn’t allow the teenage girls to paint their toenails and fingernails and hair dyes and all these junk on their skin. Even the braces now are made out of nickel again, they’re poisoning all the kids. And then we wonder why the kid’s are born autistic, ADD, and we can see it in the hair test. They are just a disaster. But the women have to be the focus, not that we don’t want to help the men, we do, but the women are a total mess and that means the society is a mess. That’s the future and what’s sad is that it doesn’t take too much work and we can produce super babies and we can produce super children and super everything. And the mothers-to-be need to go on program.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I’m hoping in another year or two and the next future to get pregnant again. So I’m just really thankful that I found Nutritional Balancing to clean out my body.

Dr. Wilson: That would be wonderful. You want to do it now because it takes a couple of years. But even if we get the woman when they just become pregnant, we can do a lot. The saddesr ones are women who say they’re afraid to go on a program because their doctor doesn’t want them to or they are afraid  because of their pregnancy.

Wendy Myers: Yeah

Dr. Wilson: I used to be very afraid of it too because I didn’t know what would happen. If the toxic metals would come out of the baby but it doesn’t happen that way. And in fact, as of right now we find it’s the opposite. Not to go on the Nutritional Balancing program when you’re pregnant isn’t safe, not to go on while you are on prenatal care is dangerous. That’s how good it is.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Wilson: I’m not sure of other nutrition programs and just taking a pile of vitamins when you’re pregnant that is not the answer. It doesn’t work.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I had a client of mine she got pregnant. And she went to her OBGYN and he approved all the supplements on Nutritional Balancing which I was really happy about.

Dr. Wilson: Well that’s lucky. Most don’t or don’t know how to evaluate it. They never call me. You’d think they might call and at least talk about it but they don’t have the time or are not interested. And instead they give the women one size fits all pre-natal vitamin. Most of it are loaded with copper. If you look at that. That’s not going to do it. Not for today’s women and that’s why I have a foundation for supporting children and women under 30 help them take their vitamins because we have to fix them. No question.

1:22:04 What is the most pressing health issue on the world today?

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So what do you think is the most pressing health issue on the world today?

Dr. Wilson: Well. That’s a good question. I tell you one thing, nutrition. The nutrition of the people around the world and the depletion of the food supply, the junk food and the ignorance of the medical doctors and the public health authorities about nutrition. They know very little about nutrition. That is definitely one of the major problems on Earth. No question. That and maybe the proliferation of nuclear weapons and power plants, sources of radiation and also some of the chemicals problems like building all these power plants in China where they just fuel all these junk into the air. Those are important problems too, but the generally poor state of nutrition for most people on Earth is definitely one major problem, that’s why we’re doing this. It seems like such a little effort, we don’t reach enough people but maybe if some people start yelling and screaming about it, maybe it’ll reach higher levels of government. I don’t know if you know this but Michelle Obama was interested in childhood obesity but boy they shut her out. Have you noticed that?

Wendy Myers: No.

Dr. Wilson: Yes, when they were first elected Michelle Obama was running around and giving talks about her organic gardens in the White House and all that stuff but now you hear nothing. Nothing, not a word.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I did notice that. That she was doing this one big campaign at one point.

Dr. Wilson: But they’ve stopped that, you see there are forces that don’t want this knowledge to get out. I know that because I get emailed now and then. You have to know that poor nutrition on Earth is not an accident. There are forces that do not want people to be healthy. And unfortunately most of the people like the doctors and public health people, they just repeat the same old stuff they’ve learned in school. They don’t think about it too much. The knowledge is there. You know that. The evidence is there. But you have to dig a little bit and you can’t listen to the standard authorities.  You have to start to realize  as I did, that they’re are rather ignorant and very patronizing. And paternalistic. And “oh yeah, we have the answers”. But they really don’t have the answers.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It doesn’t seem far-fetched to me and of the big pharma has a billion-dollar industry.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah they are part of it, the pharmaceutical and in some of the western countries, this may sound like a conspiracy theory but it’s no question that certain forces, you can call it communism,  they don’t want us to be healthy. They definitely conspire with the drug companies and the medical schools and they control the medical profession. And they even control some of the other healing professions. So they really don’t want the people to know the truth.

Wendy Myers: The industry has billions of dollars, the equipment testing drugs. It’s not surprising they  want to protect their investments, interests and their profits.

Dr. Wilson: Yeah. Part of it is money, but part of it is also power. A healthy population, you can’t suppress them. The dictators know this. All this African dictators that keep people starving and I remember reading Francis (?). First she was a vegetarian, she said “we could produce more food if we skip the meat” but then she wrote and she said, “No, its political leaders that keep their people starved. Why? Because they can control them.” People will laugh at Obamacare, if they weren’t so sick. I don’t worry about it because I don’t plan to use any of that. I don’t need it.

Wendy Myers: That’s why. I don’t have health insurance. I don’t need it. It offers me nothing except perhaps some good diagnostic testing but I don’t really need that.

Dr. Wilson: So you have to understand that those who are in control of do not want us healthy. It’s not just about money, it’s the control and power that don’t want people healthy and so they prefer people not know about nutrition and prefer to use drug ads on TV all day which they do. I watch the Hallmark channel every now and then and it’s amazing, every other ad is a drug ad. You watch thousands of those ads and you become conditioned. It’s very clear that they won’t want people healthy and they control the medical journals and their control is pretty amazing and their public relations is wonderful. They’re on TV, they’re on FDA.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I tried to tell my clients when their doctors recommend certain medications especially for cholesterol that the protocols are written which prompt doctors to prescribe these medications. They are written by doctors who are paid by the pharmaceutical industry to prescribe these medications. You just have to be careful if your physician is not always an impartial person that’s submitting health care to you.

Dr. Wilson: You are absolutely right. There’s an article on my website that’s called “Your Doctor’s Real Priorities” and people don’t realize it, but you are not your doctor’s priority. Your doctor’s first answer to the licensing board, your doctor may have to answer to his legal people and practice what they call the tens of medicine. Your doctor may have to answer to your insurance companies and HMO’s and you’re somewhere down the line. Number 3,4,5 somewhere in there. People need to realize that that is a fact today. The more government gets involved, the worse it gets. The better way was when the doctor just answered to you. That’s how it should be and you’d get the truth.

Wendy Myers: It pains me to think of when a doctor diagnoses a client as having high cholesterol, just a little over 200 on their cholesterol numbers and automatically they are writing a statin prescription because if they don’t and you have a heart attack, the family can sue them for malpractice. So a lot of times they’re prescribing medicine because is the skin off their back if you get sick from these medication or  if the cholesterol medication destroy your brain, libido and your liver. But if they don’t do it, they could get sued. So they will prescribe you the medication.

Dr. Wilson: Well, the other thing you have to realize because I would train with these doctors, they are all scared of their medical boards, legal people and that’s just the way it is. And of course they are not healthy themselves. We find that if you have high cholesterol, you have to take red rye yeast. It’s sold in health food stores, it has the same chemical in it that statin drug does and it works fine without side effects. And probably costs a tenth as much.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I’ve heard of that. It’s very interesting.

Dr. Wilson: If you want to do that, we don’t worry about that too much. But the medical profession is sad today is very sad. It’s a dysfunctional system and so like the educating system. The education system is making people stupid but the medical profession people are making people sick.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Haha.

Dr. Wilson: That’s a very interesting concept of why these things are reversed. Criminal justice system often produces more criminals.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.  Well, Dr. Wilson, thank you so much for coming on the show that was really interesting. I have to say I really respect what you’re doing. You oversee hundreds of Nutritional Balancing practitioners and reviewed thousands of hair mineral analysis every year performed by each and every balancing practitioner.

Dr. Wilson: We only got a hundred practitioners.

Wendy Myers: Oh, hundred? Okay. I was just kind of guessing it at that.

Dr. Wilson: I reviewed a hundred or fifty tests a week.

Wendy Myers: Oh, wow! I know it seems that’s a very daunting under taking and a huge responsibility.

Dr. Wilson: It’s fun though.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Haha. And I really cannot express enough how much I admire health practitioners like yourself that are advocating innovative and incredibly effective ways to heal a body like Nutritional Balancing. You’ve turned my health around and really presented a program that allows me to do the same for others so I really can’t express my thanks enough.

Dr. Wilson: Well thank you and keep up the good work. Thanks for having me on.

Wendy Myers: So listeners is you want to find Dr. Dr. Wilson’s site you can go on and definitely  I highly recommend its over 900 and plus articles on his site. When I do research, I’m constantly returning to his site again and again because I  try to find research on various subjects and I return to doctor Wilson’s site because I find it’s thoroughly researched the most accurate information that I could find and so I definitely recommend his site.

If you want to learn more about The Modern Paleo diet, weight loss or how to do a real detox with Nutritional Balancing you can find me on you can follow me on Facebook and twitter at IWillLiveto110,  and I’m also on YouTube at Wendyliveto110. I’m also on Instagram and Pinterest at liveto110 so much simpler.

Leigh Lowery: And if you want to find me, The General LEigh you can find me at , on Instagram at genleigh and lastly you can find me on YouTube under my full name which is Leigh Lowery or you could Google me at General Leigh and find me. And if you like what you heard on the show today please give the liveto110 podcast a positive review  on iTunes. A positive review would be wonderful.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Not a scathing review, a positive one ha ha ha. But we would appreciate it so much if you could give us nice review. It’s going to help us send our message out to the world on health. And the more reviews you have, the easier for people is to find you. It’s easier to search for health. And everyone thank you so much for tuning in and remember: Don’t let estrogen take over your life. Toss the toxic commercial care products. Skip the estrogenic foods like soy. Get that liver working with coffee enemas and kick estrogen’s butt. So thank you so much for listening to liveto110 Podcast.

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