Transcript: #10 Synthetic Vs. Food-based Vitamins with Tracy Coe

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  • 13:33 Why is it imperative to take supplements?
  • 19:52 Popular food supplements like Juice Plus
  • 25:32 Synthetic versus food based vitamins
  • 31:30 Switching over to food based supplements
  • 34:55 Synthetic Vitamins
  • 38:33 Food based vitamins contain synthetic vitamins
  • 42:26 What exactly the synthetics do to our immune systems?
  • 44:53 Are food based vitamins better absorbed?
  • 47:36 Allergies from food based multivitamins
  • 54:24 Co-factors to absorb vitamins and nutrients
  • 57:51 Pricing and dosage of food based vitamins

Wendy Myers: Good afternoon everyone. Welcome to Live to 110 podcast. My name is Wendy Myers and I’m a Health and Nutrition coach. We’re broadcasting live from Manhattan Beach, California. I’m sitting here in the studio of Coe-Dynamic Pilates, owned by Tracy Coe. She’s a Whole Health Quantum Nutrition Coach. And we are going to be talking today about synthetic versus food based vitamins. And I’m doing this show because 50% of the people in the US take some kind of supplement. But many are taking cheap brands or wrong forms that are ineffective and even harmful to their health, so this show is really important. And Tracy and I want also both want to teach you about the pros and cons of synthetic and food based vitamins and help you figure out which one maybe right for you. But before we get started I have to do a little disclaimer. Please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition. The Live to 110 podcast is solely informational in nature. Please consult your health care practitioner before engaging in any treatment or taking any supplement I suggest on the show. Please go check out my website, I started the site to educate you about Paleo nutrition, the importance of detoxing from heavy metals and industrial chemicals that are a major underlying cause of disease. And how to treat your health conditions naturally without medication. My goal with is to help you prevent disease and live a long healthy life, hopefully to 110. So now for today’s show, I will be debating with Tracy Coe about synthetic versus food based vitamins. We’re going to get in to the ring and dig it out, seriously. Haha. Now Tracy, you’re the founder of Body and Mind Coe-Dynamics Pilates and Whole Health Nutrition Center. And you’ve been a comprehensive certified Pilates teacher for over 11 years and are Whole Health Quantum Nutrition Coach, that’s a mouthful. Haha.

Tracy Coe: It is, I know.

Wendy Myers: And you also host a kind of health classes at your studio, I love that your studio provides a whole host of health services for your clients. I mean, you just got a lot of stuff going on here, you got Pilates and fresh juice delivery, health and wellness classes. I love it.

Tracy Coe: Thank you.

Wendy Myers: And you are located here in Manhattan Beach, California. And your website is And if some of you listeners can’t wait to get a hold of her after the show, her phone number is 310-798-7600. Tracy, thank you so much for being on the show.

Tracy Coe: Well thank you for having me Wendy.

Wendy Myers: So, please tell the listeners a little bit about yourself and how you became interested in nutrition and supplements.

Tracy Coe: Sure, I’d love to do that. So, I actually started off, I took vitamins my whole life. My mom was very much into vitamins; her mom was very much into vitamins. Our heritage is from Italy. So very fresh foods, very health oriented and that still plays a significant role today and so, from childhood to now, I’ve taken vitamins just because I knew I thought they were good for me.

Wendy Myers: I wish I could say that. Haha. I’m not.

Tracy Coe: But I took vitamins not necessarily that always my food was the right things, right? So that kind of started my swing of things. I was in commercial financing for several years in a career industry that had nothing to do with health. And I was missing something inside myself and so I ventured out, looked at various careers. Pilates was not as well known then as it is now. I was going in this as a therapy, and a wonderful friend of mine blessed me with the introduction of Pilates. I didn’t get it first and now I do and I love it. And I will be teaching and training until I reach my 110. Haha.

Wendy Myers: Great. I’m going to do the same teaching about health. Haha.

Tracy Coe: As to nutrition and vitamins, through my journey I got to learn a lot more about it. For those who may know me, they characterized me as an athletic person, a Pilates teacher, being healthy. And I was kind of following the latest fad on what was available to terms of, what is the common trend going on right now. No fats or low fats and the doctor said this is what you should be doing, the Hollywood scene said this is what you’d be doing and I’m like, “OK, well, it sounds good.”

Wendy Myers: I know, everyone got thrown under the bus and that’s a sad thing.

Tracy Coe: Yes. And I was one of them. And then all of this actually drastically changed. I went in about 9 years ago for a routine axial knee surgery, and two days later I ended up with the systemic staph infection. And I was on the tilt and fighting for my life and then after I had my life back, I was still trying to regain who I really was, my stamina, my health, my sleep, my mental stability, I mean everything went kaput.

Wendy Myers: You mentioned you were a vegetarian at that time?

Tracy Coe: I wasn’t vegetarian. I was very cleanly eating.

Wendy Myers: Oh, OK.

Tracy Coe: Yeah. I had done some fitness competitions and so I had that type of regimen of a diet. But that was more of a regimen and not necessarily a hype lifestyle or whatever.

Wendy Myers: Oh, OK.

Tracy Coe: As I was trying to regain who I was, that really took me on a big pursuit, to find out what is to health. What does it look like, what does it feel like, what it sounds like. What I should and should  not be eating. What’s good for me, what’s not, that promotes life; that promotes really good health and all the way down to the vitamins; are they needed? Are they good? Are they pure? Am I getting what I’m taking into my system and do I even need what I’m taking?, am I wasting a huge amount of money? And all these questions have kept cycling in my head and so, this is the knowledge and education that I was really looking to find. It came upon me one day when I was trying to, I know this sounds complicated when I’m trying to explain it, so one day I was just reading through and one of my daily devotionals popped up through Our Daily Bread and it was titled “The Pursuit”. And that’s really what I felt at that time. I was trying to pursue to gain wisdom. And so I looked up the definition of wisdom actually, because I thought this would be really cool. So the definition of wisdom, understanding what is true, what is right, what is lasting. In Proverbs 2 in the Bible, it says, to gain wisdom is to listen, to apply your heart, to cry out, to lift up your voice, to seek and to search. And these are some of the items I believed I have done and will continue to do to help both myself and others along.

Wendy Myers: That’s fantastic. Now, you’re also a Whole Health Wellness and a Quantum Nutrition educator. Can you tell me more about your training in nutrition?

Tracy Coe: Sure, absolutely. In my pursuit, I’ve been blessed by many educators and mentors. And ranging to PhD’s to biochemists, to naturopaths, acupunctures, herbalists, and what I was searching for in a mentor, in a teacher, in a educating program was what I was looking for, you know. People who really understood or at least strives to understand the entire design of the body and the mind and how they work together. Many times these days, you go to a doctor, he can look at your knee but he can’t look at your foot, and that’s not how the body works. The body connects, even in Pilates; it connects all the way through, from head to toe and your outer being. So, that’s what I was looking for, I was looking for someone who understood how nature is there to provide for us. God gave us nature, He knew what he was doing then, He knows what he is doing now. And there’s so many documentaries that just show that this nature is here to feel our bodies and we are responsible to feel nature at the same time. And so, again, in this part of pursuit, there’s number of reputable strong resources I’ve started to look into and took me deeper,, Weston A. Price Foundation which is a non-profit organization, that’s based on Weston A Price’s, work when he went out and study the phases of all the cultures and really what they ate. And it changed the structure of the phase from good to bad and back again. My primary education has come through Quantum Nutrition, which I stumbled upon when I was recovering. I knew there was something different about this company and their education program. As I learned more about the consistency of how they worked with the body and mind, and not only working to clear symptoms, but actually trying to restore the root drivers that were causing the symptoms. And a main function of them, their work was based on food based nutritional support. Some other key components of their wellness program that I have not found elsewhere include, they focus on a nutrient dense diet. They are I guess it’s seeking to correct root drivers, not just to treat symptoms, but to bring your body to its ability to function on its own innate self to have health when you’re properly providing it with nutritional support. They work on a cellular level, on a bio field level, which I’ll talk a little bit more about that, kind of like your outer aura, we’ll say. They take into consideration, your environment, your home environment, your work environment, your past, your future, your present. They use the technique called Quantum Reflex Analysis, which we’ll be diving into a little bit more, but very quickly, what it is, it’s clinically researched kinesiology test that is based off the scientific research on Dr. Omura. There’s over 40 Pub Med reports recorded on its uses.

Wendy Myers: Wow.

Tracy Coe: Yeah. You can find it very easily and look into what they are already doing with it. And so what Quantum Nutrition does is they take this, what I’m going to call QRA, Quantum Reflex Analysis, and they use it against the meridian math, the Chinese meridian math of your body, testing for specific function or lack thereof or deficiencies, emotional stressors and or toxicities within and around the body. And what this does is it helps us identify where that body and mind need to be supported, it also determines exactly types and quantities of nutritional support that one might need, to get their body back to its full operating position. It takes time, it is a program. Another primary element and what we’re really focusing on today is their products that are beyond organic products. Dr. Bob Marshall is the founder of Premier Research Labs and Quantum Nutrition, two separate companies, the founder of both. In his field of work, he worked with clinicians and various operations and found that the nutritional products were degrading and degrading and degrading and were less effective for the people that were trying to get healed. And so through his journey, he has striven to keep his companies as an industry leader and excipient free, preservative free, premiere quality nutrition products and super foods. And I’ll go into a little bit more about the products a little bit later.

Wendy Myers: OK. Yeah. That’s really profound that they, I love that they check the supplements. They check the ingredients before they go into the product and make sure they have been radiated and  what not. Because there are so many products out there even a lot of the products you buy at Whole Foods where the ingredients are coming from China.

Tracy Coe: Exactly.

Wendy Myers: Or the ingredients are not organic and they’re just… especially, like from the membership of club houses and Costco and Sam’s Club, these products are coming from China. And they looked like they’re made and bottled in the USA but the actual ingredients are coming from China and have all kinds of heavy metals and all kinds of other chemicals in them and really, you should not be putting them in your body thinking these things are healthy and they’re not.

Tracy Coe: And most people don’t know this. They think, OK I got this at Whole Foods, got to be the best product out there. I got this at the vitamin shop they said it’s the best type, it’s the best product out there. Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: And it’s really hard to tell. I will talk a little bit more health the QRA testing, it can be used as a one second toxicity test. And bam, you know, right away.

Wendy Myers: Wow.

Tracy Coe: That whether it’s toxic, and if it’s not, you can even bring it in, what I’ll call your bio field, your space and determine on a general or global basis, “Does my body did even want this?”

Wendy Myers: OK, or need it.

Tracy Coe: Or need it.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: Exactly.

Wendy Myers: Yeah I love that because it takes supplementation to a whole other level.

Tracy Coe: Absolutely.

Wendy Myers: And so, before we get into the discussion about the pros and cons of synthetic versus food base supplements…

Tracy Coe: Absolutely.

13:33 Why is it imperative to take supplements?

Wendy Myers: Why do you think that it’s imperative that everyone takes supplements?

Tracy Coe: Well, I believe it’s imperative on several reasons actually. In today’s time, we don’t get the nutrition that generations past used to get from their food table, from their dinner tables, from their breakfast tables. Number one is poor quality food choices, point blank.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe:OK. That’s a big one, but rush of time, we got this going on, we got that going on, and fast food and things like that are in our nature right now. Number two, even if you are trying to eat the best food possible, the soil has gone so significantly depleted with pesticides and herbicides and genetically modified organisms now that the food that we eat today are nowhere close to providing the nutrients that they did 100 years ago or 50 years ago. They did a comparison on a peach, Vitamin A that you get from a peach. In the 1900’s you could get 1 peach and get an exuberant amount of vitamin A amongst many other things of course. In 1950’s, you get the same amount of vitamin A from one peach in the 1900’s, you’d have to eat four in 1950. Today, I think you have to eat up to, I love peaches, but you have to eat up to 70 peaches to get the same quantity of nutrients from a peach in 1950, 70!

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It’s really sad and part of that I think is from hybridization, they used plants and just have them bred down so that they travel well, they don’t rot as quickly and they have all these characteristics that make the producers more money but they are suffering in nutrition.

Tracy Coe: Exactly, exactly. And the soils go back; way back to Dr. Matt Thurston and he did a study on the soils back then. And they came out and said, “If our soils were great, 2 things; we would not need any pesticides and herbicides and any other sprays to keep the food healthy because the soils would naturally do that and number two, it would take care of all our health problems.”

Wendy Myers: It’s scary all these pesticides that are being used on the plants, unless you are getting organic of course, but actually how they kill weed is they chelate minerals and other nutrients out of the weed and it dies.

Tracy Coe: Exactly.

Wendy Myers: And when you eat those pesticide residues, the same exact thing is happening to you. You’re slowly dying when you eat pesticides over decades.

Tracy Coe: And not only that, they’re picking the food faster, so with Dr. Matt Thurston and Dr. Northern also did part of the study, and they had indicated that food which was at its full complement of nutrients is when it’s picked at its peak in full ripeness. And when it’s done that way, it would actually, if it was not cut into, would never spoil, will just dehydrate. It’s what would happen on that. Another thing that you need to consider is, why we need vitamins these days, is we said food choices, we said the degrading soil, the types of foods that we buy are no longer that nutritious but also how we are preparing our foods. Even again we are buying the best foods and it’s for cooking and barbecuing to death and boiling them to death.

Wendy Myers: That’s leaking those nutrients out.

Tracy Coe: It’s leaking the nutrients out.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: So again, back in the culture days, they didn’t have microwaves that would put radiation in your food or around you. They preserved their foods through culturing fermentation which I think is slowly coming back around and it’s still used in many countries outside of this country very little.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it was used prior to refrigeration, so people are getting their probiotics and stuff they needed but now…

Tracy Coe: Exactly. They would soak their grains to make their bread, so again, a lot less… they didn’t even know what gluten was.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: Because it didn’t bother them, because they were practically preparing the grains so that the body could actually break it down.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I think people are really stressed too. People have fast paced lifestyles and the more stressed you are the more you use up the vitamins and minerals in your body so you have to replace those. And there is also stress induced by toxicity. Everyone across the board has heavy metal and chemical toxicity. The average person has 700 chemicals in their body because of industrial dumping, age of manufacturing and you just breath in the air, you drink water, you drink food, you’re getting toxicity from heavy metals and chemicals.

Tracy Coe: And what’s even scarier about that is that goes straight to the umbilical cord.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Babies are born on the average of 70 chemicals in their body.

Tracy Coe: So what’s happening is, the children being born today are being born with even less nutrients starting off with.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah.

Tracy Coe: Than maybe somebody who is born in the 1940’s.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. That happened with my child as I do something called Mineral Power (formerly called Nutritional Balancing) with hair mineral analysis. So I did this hair mineral test. And I had the low zinc and low iron and I had copper toxicity and I had cadmium toxicity and aluminum toxicity as well. And then my daughter was born and she’s got some learning delays, unfortunately some speech delays. So, her hair test showed the same thing. She was born with my heavy metal toxicity and my nutrient deficiencies. Which fortunately we’re correcting very quickly and she’ll be fine in a year or two, she’ll be totally fine. But these children are born with the mother’s toxicity and nutrient deficiencies and that’s why we’re seeing such high rates of autism, now 1 in 50 for males.

Tracy Coe: Exactly.

Wendy Myers: Have autism or in autism spectrum, learning delays, speech delays what not, so you really have to consider supplementing and detoxing.

Tracy Coe: Your own body before conceiving. Yeah, absolutely.

Wendy Myers: Thank you for finishing my sentence.

Tracy Coe: Yeah. Wendy Myers: You read my mind. Haha. So people ask me all the time about Juice Plus.

Tracy Coe: OK.

19:52 Popular food supplements like Juice Plus

Wendy Myers: What do you think about really popular food based supplements like Juice Plus or popular green powders that people like to put in their smoothies?

Tracy Coe: OK. So I want to go into this question about having people know about their products. And I think that’s the main thing, is knowing about your products. Starting off with learning exactly what the source is. Is it a pristine source? What was it shot to determine if the sources were from the right species? There’s ton of aloe species. What aloe species is being used? Has it been tested for like it indicated pesticides, radiation, things of that essence. Are there toxicities? and that’s one of the things that Quantum Nutrition does, is that they have this, looks like a hundred thousand dollar machine for the luminescence machine, as what they call it, they have several of them that check all these products to determine are these the most pristine products. They do not use anything less than a 10 grade products, 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest.

Wendy Myers: Wow. There are definitely a lot of herbs that actually have heavy metals and a lot of heavy metals in them. Unfortunately.

Tracy Coe: Exactly. And then, another way to answer that is also knowing how worthy your products that you’re taking. How were they processed? Were they processed under high heats or are the nutrients still intact and the nutrients that started off with, are they still intact to where they were today? So even if they are pristine quality, is it still pristine after it was processed into a product? Knowing whether or not the raw materials where they from one’s living sources and this is where we are going into. I like to say the phytonutrient sources. In other words, is taking them light from the sun and it grabs it and he contains it in the resource cell, the raw product. And that raw product which is continuous to flow back through to the person that takes it. Another way you want to consider is do all the materials used to make a vitamin resonate with one another? where the effect of the whole is greater than the effect of the individual sums of nutrients or  did they just throw them in the kitchen sink and put them all together and shove them into a pill. Now your body is taking them, it might be an overload. It can’t even break it down. How are your products bottled? Is there light radiating into the bottle? That’s again possibly destroying the nutrients that are already containing and,or does your bottle contain cotton which 90% of our cotton crops are now GMO.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s heavily sprayed with pesticides because it’s a non-food.

Tracy Coe: You have this pristine product and then you get stuffed cotton inside the product that is a GMO cotton.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: And spreading it around. How were the product shipped? That’s even another thing to consider.

Wendy Myers: And stored too.

Tracy Coe: And stored. So, you know, Quantum Nutrition, they use the UPS. They don’t use gamma radiation. So are your products being radiated in transport?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: You know, going into that, all those items.

Wendy Myers: Also, a lot of people don’t realize that they buy supplements from Amazon; they’ve been stored in these hot warehouses for months and months and months. And the product may be bad by the time you get it. Tracy Coe: Exactly, exactly. And then the last thing and basically the end of all of what I just said is, does it pass the QRA test? The Quantum Reflex Analysis testing.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: Which is easy to learn. Takes practice, easy to learn but really resourceful, if you know somebody who does it, very resourceful to do.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I have a little thought on the green powders, because it’s that question that I get a lot in my practice. And I’m not personally too big on loose green powders that people put in their smoothies, only because they go rancid really quickly and even if you refrigerate them. And I remember one powder that I bought, it had chlorella in it,  and I didn’t realized that you needed to refrigerate it after opening, and I used that bottle up to the very last drop of powder which was used. And it smelled so bad by the last scoop. But I just thought that it was this gross stinky algae in the product that caused it to smell like that, but it was actually rancid. So for this reason, if you are going to do a green powder, just do it in a capsule. Because, they are not exposed to the oxygen so it does not oxidize and go rancid as quickly. So, just keep your green powders in a capsule.

Tracy Coe: Well you see, on my end I do loose green powder. We do capsules as well.

Wendy Myers: OK.

Tracy Coe: But two things I like to say is, these products don’t go rancid.

Wendy Myers: Oh, OK.

Tracy Coe: Yes, they don’t go rancid.

Wendy Myers: The Quantum or the Premiere Research Lab?

Tracy Coe: Yes, the Quantum, Premiere Research Lab yes. I’ve had green powder that has been for a long time that’s never gone rancid. The other thing that you want to consider though is if you’ve taken the capsule, what type of capsule is it.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: And what is that capsule processed with.

Wendy Myers: What type of capsule do you like?

Tracy Coe: These are V caps, vegetable capsule.

Wendy Myers: OK.

Tracy Coe: But there are different sources of vegetable products as well as capsules. So if you are taking in a capsule, what I would suggest actually, buy it in a capsule, break open the capsule, empty the content and discard the capsule.

Wendy Myers: OK, yeah.

Tracy Coe: Just discard the capsule. That’s what I would suggest.

Wendy Myers: OK, great.

Tracy Coe: Because again, you might have a wonderful product, but the capsule stuff might be toxic.

Wendy Myers: Oh, yeah.

Tracy Coe: And I found that over and over again with people bringing in products in the testing room, things like that.

Wendy Myers: Oh, OK. It wasn’t the actual product it was the capsule.

Tracy Coe: Yeah, the actual encapsulation exactly.

25:32 Synthetic versus food based vitamins

Wendy Myers: Yeah, great. Haha. Lots of problems here people. We are going to try to work it out for you. So what is your position on vitamins? Do you prefer food based or synthetic? I think it’s probably obvious that you like the food based.

Tracy Coe: OK. Again, and I’m going to stick with my words, I like phytonutrients food based products, OK. There are food based products out there that don’t have the phyto, the sun, the light energies in them, anymore. And I want to explain a couple of reasons on why that is in terms of what our bodies are actually made of. Our bodies thrive on light, OK. Do you ever, I don’t know, if you grow up out here, but it’s usually sunny out here. We get those June gloom days like a month, and you’re just so kind of drained and I’m sure people in Seattle feel drained. And then that sun comes out and everybody has a whole new light ahead of them, their eyes are brighter, they’re glowing. Well that is something our bodies are trying to retain and live up of. There was a scientist who properly stated that humans are actually light eaters. So what happens is the body absorbs energized photons from the atmosphere and from our food. Phytosynthesis is what transform the sun rays, frequencies into green plants, trees, and grasses and herbs. And then when they’re consumed, it releases a nutrients in light frequencies. And so we become the absorbers of that light. From there, what I like to explain is that, or just even to give you an example: have you ever seen anybody’s hair while they are standing in the sunlight and it’s radiating? It’s like color of the rainbow. They have looked at bio photons under a molecular level, through a microscope and they see the colors of the rainbow being radiated out from these molecules. Dr. Pottfretts is a German biophysicist who demonstrated that there is at least of light that emanates from healthy cells. This body of light distinguishes between living and non-living. This has been termed the word “bio-photon”, that’s where I’m getting the word bio-photon for anybody who is listening and is like, “What is that?” So, the organisms of bio-photon emissions, they change, so they’ll change like if you have a person who is a healthy person their body of light will be like a stronger light of colors and rainbow versus a person who might be going through cancer and getting chemo treatments which will be much more dimmed or very little light at all through that. So, we can even take this as a step further again answering food based versus synthetic based and again just explaining what the body is made of. So our bodies are built on cells and each cell has an energetic structure that resonates or like vibrates or oscillates, would be another couple of words you can use. Anything that promotes this resonation will strengthen the cell. And anything that lowers it will weaken it. So for an example, if you are playing a tune on an instrument, and another instrument with the same acoustic resonance will pick up that tune. It will visibly vibrate, and that’s what our cells will do. And so when you are best using the energy of bio-photons, what happens is the cells will at the least amount of energy, will pick up the most amounts of light and structure and strength. There is no light in synthetics, but you probably know that. Again, a German research shows that a short term use of synthetics or even poorly manufactured food based vitamins, you may derived like a short term boost and who knows that your term could be months to a few years and have a positive effect to the DNA of the cell but in a long term can accelerate cell aging and create or even exacerbate other health challenges or imbalances. Man-made nutrition, synthetic as I just put, can stimulate chemical energy in the body but they deplete quantum energy. So that’s it, the outer aura of bio field that we are going to talk a lot a little bit, I will. And over time in taking chemicalized [sic] supplements ages the body faster. So when we stimulate our bodies through chemicals or non-light or dead supplements, whether it be pharmaceuticals or food based, improper food based products. We actually deplete the nutrients and electrons needed to protect us from the unhealthy conditions of our world and therefore suppress our bio field. That’s a lot of information.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Haha.

Tracy Coe: Sorry people this is a little bit more than one. Haha.

31:30 Switching over to food based supplements

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And just for argument’s sake, I’m going to be the synthetic vitamin advocate though otherwise absolutely think that food supplements are amazing and I don’t personally answer for everyone all the time. So, enjoy while Tracy and I do get over the hot issue in the supplement world today. But do keep in mind that during our conversation that there are some supplements that don’t really fall onto either the food based or synthetic category or they could be in both. Normally food based supplements are more in reference to vitamins and trace minerals while the macro minerals like calcium, magnesium and others don’t really fall on either category. Though they can be taken as a food based supplement or taken separately. So when did you switch over to food based supplements and why?

Tracy Coe: Well, I switched over when I discovered or I probably didn’t even know. To be honest, I didn’t know the difference between food based and synthetic.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I didn’t either a while ago.

Tracy Coe: I was just taking what I felt was right for me. And that’s when I started to learn about Quantum Nutrition and started to get that level of education and understanding what’s providing nutrients and what’s not. And like I said, you can test even various food based vitamins and use that QRA test and if there is something is not properly used, if it’s a wrong resource, if it’s the wrong raw source products, if this didn’t pass the quantum reflex analysis testing, the QRA testing, if it’s making your body go weak, what’s the point of taking that? no matter what it is.

34:55 Synthetic Vitamins

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I have definitely a similar experience. When I first started getting into nutrition and I was stumbling around taking all kinds of supplements. Like they were all, pretty much they were all natural but I was taking way too many. I was taking 30 plus supplements a day. I had this huge shopping bag full of vitamins; my husband thought I was insane. And a lot of people make that mistake when they first ruin the health, it’s very easy to be swayed by this article telling you that you have to take this supplement. And I wasn’t really getting anywhere health wise. Now I couldn’t say I was really feeling better but this is only because I wasn’t on a targeted supplement program. And then I was researching a blog and found the Mineral Power Program on Dr. Wilson’s site who I interviewed in podcast number 6 on fatigue and brain fog, but they used mostly synthetics, not mostly synthetics, but they use mostly minerals and some food based selenium and things like that so it’s not all synthetic. And I was reluctant at first but I succumbed and now I can say I feel so much better than I did a year ago being in this program even though there are some synthetics involved, my results made me not so fearful so to speak of synthetics. But I want to make it very clear when I’m talking throughout the show about synthetic vitamins, I’m not in support of cheap synthetic vitamins like Centrum or Geritol or any brands that you can buy at drug, grocery or membership club store like Sam’s Club or Costco, because I believe these to be absolutely toxic and a waste of money. You know they contain ingredients like iron and copper that most people should never take as a supplement. And they also invariably contain cheap binders that prevent you from absorbing the nutrients many times. The pill even ends up in your stool whole. So, I only advocate high end, well designed and developed synthetic brands like Thorn Designs for Health, Medigenics in agree of therapeutics, the brands Endomet, which are used in Mineral Power science. And definitely if you’re going to buy any type of supplement I’ll be looking on, there’s many, many amazing website that carry high end products but you can pretty much go to and be guaranteeing you’re going to get a high end supplement. So what are your thoughts on it?

Tracy Coe: I’m going to ask, can I extend on that a little bit?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: This is something where we’re going to completely agree on. Haha.

Wendy Myers: OK. Haha.

Tracy Coe: So there was a study conducted and reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association in the winter of 1999, so it’s about 14 years ago. They tested 196 vitamin supplement products from “health food stores”. Only 5 of 196 were found to be non-toxic and effective. That’s 2.5%.

Wendy Myers: So bad.

Tracy Coe: Now the good news is there are effective and non-toxic products out there, like that you just mentioned. There’s some good products out there. What’s difficult is that determining what I am buying, is it effective?, is it non-toxic? So, you can again quickly determine this through the QRA testing which I will love and will continue the resource to that. By either QRA testing at yourself and some other person or if you know a QRA practitioner, otherwise, you might be playing Russian roulette.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: And trying to find a nutritional support product that is up to the quality that your body actually needs or you might just even be wasting your money.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: So, I want to extend a little bit on what I will call excipients, OK? And…

Wendy Myers: Or ingredients.

Tracy Coe: Or ingredients that are non-nutritive, ingredients in a product that you are taking. And to be fair to our listeners, kind of what I said is excipients are elements in your product that you are taking that don’t provide any nutrition and many times actually providing toxins into your body. And excipient is like this, other words for them are binders or fillers or glue agent that’s used to keep a product together.

Wendy Myers: It helps the manufacturer, it doesn’t help you.

Tracy Coe: Now some of these products might be listed on your list when you look at the bottle and see what are the ingredients. Most of them are listed on under other ingredients. But manufacturers do not list all the agents that they used to actually process your product.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, they’re not legally bound to.

Tracy Coe: Yeah. So just a few common examples that people might see and what type of effect they can have on your body in terms in what we’ll call it non-nutritive or excipients might be anything with the stearate after it, like a magnesium stearate which is used as a lubricant agent. And research shows that is actually compromises your immune system.

Wendy Myers: And there’s another, like a vegetable based magnesium stearate. I always wonder if those are safer.

Tracy Coe: It all depends on how it was processed with that.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: Again, it’s QRA testing can definitely can determine that. Methylparaben or anything that’s paraben, these are actually known cancer causing agents, known cancer causing agents. Titaniumdioxide, used for colored corn starch, which again one of the highest products of GMO products.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: That are laid in with other chemicals and has caused allergic reactions in many people. Talcum powder, again another suspected carcinogen. And then most of these binders actually can compromise a person’s digestive system. And there’s so many people out there these days they have a weak digestive system. They can’t even absorb the nutrients from the food that they’re taking and now they’re taking these toxicities and it’s just wrecking havoc on it.

38:33 Food based vitamins contain synthetic vitamins

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Now, one of the main problems in the food based bio market is the fact that a lot of food based supplements actually contain synthetic vitamins? I believe this represent the majority of the market of food based vitamins. So some claim to be all natural, some of these vitamins, but they will use yeast or algae or other food as a base and then they can call it natural, they can call it food based, but then they simply add synthetic vitamins to this food base. And can you explain to us how one can avoid this problem?

Tracy Coe: OK. So the first thing I will say is QRA testing.

Wendy Myers: OK.

Tracy Coe: Getting your products tested by a QRA practitioner or learn how to do one second test so you can test yourself before you buy the products. The other thing that I will say is know your products, drill in to the companies that are hopefully manufacturing and not just selling them for you. Do they know their products from point A to the very end?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: That means from its actual resource and was that resource in question through further testing and then know how it’s package, how it’s bottled, packaged and shipped.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And more unfortunately this cost money as expense to do this. So you are not going to get the generic brand of Whole Foods supplement.

Tracy Coe: No, like 5.99

Wendy Myers: …and expect miracles to happen from these products.

Tracy Coe: Exactly.

Wendy Myers: You have to spend some money and pour out some cash to get the higher end supplements. And it takes a little while to figure out what the good ones are. It’s taken me years, so it’s better to just go with the brands or the people that ethically have made themselves… have made a decision to do test their products by a third party and be watching every step of the manufacturing process to ensure that the product they produce and sell you is a hundred percent what it says on the bottle.

Tracy Coe: And that or know someone like us that is out there that has put their time to studying and really looking into it. I mean I don’t have time to look at the stock market. I count on my financial adviser to do that.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah.

Tracy Coe: And I trust him to do that. This is what I have time for. And so that’s why I like to be a resource to others. To help them free up their time as well as provide nutrients for their body so they can have that faith and know, not only do they have faith, they can see it when they come in for one on one consulting. They can see how their body reacts to various products or foods or personal care products and so on and so forth.

Wendy Myers: I can tell you a few mistakes that I’ve made and when I go to the store, those vitamin C for instance, you know under current law, vitamins marketed as natural, only has to contain 10% natural plant derived ingredients. And the other 90% can be a synthetic.

Tracy Coe: Yeah.

Wendy Myers: Like what I said when I was going to buy some vitamin C, I wanted 30% Acerola cherry or Rosehip vitamin C, but most of these products they add synthetic vitamin C also called ascorbic acid, 95% of that is made in China and the food based vitamins that recommended do not use this loop hole and are high quality. But this is definitely something to watch out for.

Tracy Coe: I agree, I agree. It’s like anything else you buy, I mean just because you’re buying something organic, doesn’t mean it’s good for you.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, exactly. Like organic chocolate pudding.

Tracy Coe: Thank you! Haha. Might taste good. You know I eat some that stuff too and I will go with if I buy my cookies, I will buy organic cookies.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: But is it providing nutrients for me? No. But it’s providing nutrients for my soul.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Haha.

Tracy Coe: So I appreciate that.

42:26 What exactly the synthetics do to our immune systems?

Wendy Myers: So let’s discuss the main concern with the food based versus the synthetic vitamins. Many proponents of food based vitamins believed that synthetic attacks the immune system in various ways, and I have concerns about this too, but also worried that  this concern could be over blown a bit and what are your thoughts about this issue? I mean what exactly do you think synthetics do to our immune systems?

Tracy Coe: Well, I think I’m going to repeat a little bit of what I have already said is as was discovered by many scientist, not just one, is that because synthetics do not contain light and our bodies fed off of light, over a longer term possibly or shorter term, it actually degrades the body’s ability to work with nutrients…

Wendy Myers:  I believe that synthetics can cause immune system reaction but food and food based supplements can also cause immune system reactions as well. But then again is not necessarily a reason not to take synthetic supplements and really doesn’t seem to harm your immune system in any meaningful way. And for these reasons I know I’m all for using synthetic vitamins but I definitely see your point where you think that over the long term it can, you know, it can tax your body in certain ways. It can be a drain on your system.

Tracy Coe: Exactly. You know another thing that was discovered with synthetic is what happens is your body is being opened up right to take in nutrients. With good vitamins, with proper vitamins. Your body is being opened up to take in more nutrients. And sometimes what you might be doing is if there’s another item that’s there that’s not good for you. The body is being opened up and actually taking in toxins with that, OK? It’s one other area of that.

44:53 Are food based vitamins better absorbed?

Wendy Myers: So everyone if you like what Tracy has to say and you are interested in learning more about the services that she offers and her nutrition services, please visit her website . And then that brings us to the absorption issue. Many believe that synthetic vitamins are less than 50% absorbed. But what are your thoughts on this and are food based vitamins better absorbed?

Tracy Coe: Well, your body’s ability to absorb vitamins is all based on your digestive tract and so, many things, you know, are the products that you’re taking, do they contain raw sources that resonate with one another, OK. And people’s bodies who have a weak digestive system have a really hard time absorbing minerals, absorbing resources. So, your products need to be to the ability that it doesn’t either  require your digestive system to take them up or requires minimal energy of your digestive system to do that. And Quantum Nutrition does that with some of their products, they have what’s called nanonized products. So where actually 98% of the products is already digested and it goes straight to the body’s blood stream.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So I think even though some of the people are taking lower doses of the food based vitamins, all of it is going to be absorbed, not all of it, but vast majority of it is getting absorbed.

Tracy Coe: Yes.

Wendy Myers: And I used to think that synthetic vitamins are less than 50% absorbed but in my researched I found this not necessarily the case with every person or every nutrients because absorption depends on many, many factors. Many synthetics are poorly absorbed liked we mentioned before simply because they’re bound together really tightly with cheap binders that don’t allow the release of the nutrients.

Tracy Coe: Correct.

47:36 Allergies from food based multivitamins

Wendy Myers: Not necessarily because of the synthetic vitamins themselves. But that issue aside, vitamins and minerals if taken commonly, are in forms that are not absorbable like a few of the six forms of magnesium don’t absorb well. Some cause loose bowels. And others absorbed, don’t cause loose bowels. So, you have to know which forms to take. But this is going to be circumvented by educating ourselves in the forms that are best absorbed and buying from reputable manufacturers. But people absolutely see their vitamins and mineral levels improved with synthesized vitamins. So, they are absorbing to a degree. But let’s discuss allergy issues of food based vitamins. Some people have reactions to fillers and food based vitamins like potato starch and night shade or oat flour which contain gluten. And some have reactions to other foods and food based supplements because they usually combine a lot of different foods in a pill. And I think that food based multivitamin supplements likely contain a lot of different foods that could pose problems, like what are your thoughts on this?

Tracy Coe: Absolutely. So, when you speak about a food reaction, this is typically a strong indication that there is something that’s compromising the person’s digestive system. They have some form of enzyme or amino acid that they’re lacking thereof to help break down what are you are taking in. That’s something that can be corrected. Your digestive system can be corrected on that.

Wendy Myers: Now, I know people, their gut is the most diseased organ, you know in their body.

Tracy Coe: But a blockage in the digestive system or a compromised digestive system can be a number of things. It could stem from a poor diet over many, many years. You might have a great diet right now but what did you do 20 years ago, is your diet right? And has your body been cleansed from it?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: Which takes time. Is there some type of internal blockage in your body’s meridian system? Is the actual flow of your body’s energies properly seeding into the different systems on the body? Because everything is connected and or this could stem all the way back from the health of your parents at the time of conception as we discussed a little bit earlier.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Because the babies inherit their mothers probiotics and they’re very protective.

Tracy Coe: And I agree with you. There’s some multivitamins or even green sources or these super food things that people put together, not people but manufacturers put together I’ll say and hasn’t tested the product as a whole. Is that product as a whole doing better than the individual sums of those products?

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I guess it’s probably about trying to get one and seeing which one works for you.

Tracy Coe: Exactly. Well, that works in conjunction or the raw sources actually complementing one another.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I think it’s also important to point out here that, you know, people have to learn what food they’re sensitive to because most people don’t know that they’re sensitive, they bring all kinds of weird symptoms and no doctors can be able to pinpoint it but the fact is 75% of all people have food sensitivities. I have a blog post about this on called “Food Sensitivities Makes You Sick and Fat“, if you want to learn more about this subject, and too people have to read labels and find out what is in the product. You have to find out, is there potato starch, is there an ingredient and that doesn’t work for you. And if you’re unsure, call the manufacturer. Find out what they’re using in manufacturing and for fillers.

Tracy Coe: Exactly.

Wendy Myers: So I guess the bottom line is, if you begin to start taking one supplement at a time, don’t buy a bunch of new supplements at once and start gobbling them down because if you have a reaction you won’t know which one is causing it and this is equally true with synthetics too. And if you start a new supplement and you get a headache or other types of allergic reaction, you’ll know exactly what supplement caused it and get the signal to try a different product.

Tracy Coe: Right. And one way I avoid this is when I work with my clients on a one on one basis. There might be clients that their bodies are needing of some different substances but if you test further the body is saying,“Yeah I need this but I can’t handle it right now.”

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Tracy Coe: And that’s what’s great, again about QRA testing and working with individual because all of us are different. We all have different backgrounds, our bodies are conceived differently, different genes, different cells and so forth. And so we do have different reactions.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I heard some practitioners, they feel like people have to detox to a certain degree.

Tracy Coe: Absolutely.

Wendy Myers: To heal their digestive system before they can even start taking a ton of nutrients.

Tracy Coe: Yeah.

Wendy Myers: Because their body just can’t handle it.

Tracy Coe: Exactly. And the other thing I worked with is clearing again what I will call your meridian path too. Because you might have some internal blockages that just straight out internal cleansing can’t even capture.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Yeah, that’s why I’ve been doing acupuncture for the past few months and I have to say I feel so much better doing it. So subtle but it definitely has improved my state of mind and just how, I’ve felt a bit, just that much better. It’s really great. So have you ever experienced personally a client having allergic reactions to food based supplements?

Tracy Coe: I haven’t. Probable reasons why is one I just described, I worked with my clients, I worked with them one on one and when I know there are products that are actually very strong, that could cause reaction, I will test that person before they even take the product. So I will know whether or not can this person handle this product. Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s really smart. Just prevent the problem before it even happens.

Tracy Coe: Yeah. Haha. It takes me a lot of hours of restless sleep.Haha.

Wendy Myers: Or you could spend $1,000 at your local immunologist and find out all the food you’re allergic too. Haha.

Tracy Coe: You can do that too.

Wendy Myers: But those change early if you do it every year.

Tracy Coe: Exactly.

54:24 Co-factors to absorb vitamins and nutrients

Wendy Myers: But also I’m getting certified right now on Mineral Power science and they use the hair mineral analysis and the guy, Dr. Wilson, he has done this program, it’s been tested on 200,000 people. But in his lifetime in his practice, he’s prescribed supplements to about 30,000 people and he did say when he first started he wanted to only use food based supplements. But he found problems in dosages and some other few problems we’ll get into, but, he did find some people reacted to them, some people didn’t respond to them. But I’m sure he wasn’t doing this, a ring test that you are talking about, the QRA testing. So because of that, he moved into using some synthetic vitamins but of course the minerals aren’t synthetic, he uses chelated  minerals that’s the majority of the program. So I guess in his experience he just kind of forced to stop using the food based supplements just for the vitamin portion of the program for some of these reasons. But another big contention in supplement debate is that taking isolated vitamins are useless because you may need other nutrients also called co-factors to absorb the nutrients. Similar to how a nutrients occurs naturally together in food. So like let’s take vitamin C for instance and most fruits and veggies, vitamin C is found with bioflavonoids which help absorption. And this is obviously difficult to simulate on synthetic vitamins. So many manufacturers try by adding 10% bioflavonoids to a ratio to vitamin C. But you also need vitamin A when you take vitamin C for various reasons. So, others think that you don’t need the co-factors to absorb or utilize nutrients. So can you explain what your opinion Tracy is on this issue?

Tracy Coe: Absolutely and we’re going to agree about this as well. So I think it’s becoming more of an agreement than a debate. Haha.

Wendy Myers: I want a debate. I want to dig it up.

Tracy Coe: OK, Well we agree on that too haha. So, first of all nature was designed to take care of us, which I explained earlier as I believed it was earlier. When nature begins to fall apart, typically man caused corruption. We kind of dive in piecing the part, trying to make a bigger investment out of it. More money what have you. And this has been shown in our soil. But taking isolated vitamins over long term could cause harmful deficiencies in the body. Cause like you just indicated, you are taking a single vitamin but your body needs all these other elements whether it be minerals or vitamins or various issues. It comes with a whole orange or whole piece of kale for your body to absorb it for it to get transported and so forth. So taking vitamin C alone is not what an orange is just made of. Orange is not just vitamin C.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: Spinach is not just vitamin C.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. One thing that I think is also important to know is that if you take your synthetic vitamins with food, if that’s what you’re used to take and if they’re balanced properly with other vitamins and minerals and supplements they can work just fine. But if you take with food, they could pull in needed co-factors from the food that you eat. But I do think each nutrient is different. Some are very dependent on co-factors for absorption but others are not and another thing worth mentioning is that food based vitamins can also be isolated while some food based supplements are pure whole foods. Many are isolated, extracted from their whole food base. And the food based from others is, most of them, the majority of them, talk about co-factors that naturally occur in foods which are missing when you take isolated nutrients. But in many cases it’s hard to get certain vitamins in sufficient quantity if you use only condensed foods like what is found in many food based supplements. And in fact one of the more prominent companies in the food based vitamin field, Standard Process, does add vitamin and mineral isolate concentrates to some of their products and sometimes it’s impossible to get enough from simply dehydrating a food and putting it into a capsule. For example a food based chromium made from yeast is still an extract or an isolate. The same chromium can be put onto a synthetic or food based supplement. Even a food based vitamin C is extracted or isolated from a plant such as the acerola cherry and in some cases the entire food is dehydrated and put into a capsule but, you know, it’s not always the case. And the word isolate can apply to both food based and synthesized products where the product does not contain the co-factors ideal for absorption. So you definitely have to be careful with which products that you choose.

Tracy Coe: Yup.

Wendy Myers: Do you have anything to add to that?

Tracy Coe: No. No.

57:51 Pricing and dosage of food based vitamins

Wendy Myers: OK. And then another issue is that the food based vitamins tend to be on the expensive side and I think one of the reasons is that dosages are lower in food based products, so more pills sometimes have to be taken. And a bottle of food based vitamins with the same number of pills can cost twice as much as with synthetic and even more but more of them have to be taken at the same dosage. What are some of the reasons that warrant the high price and is the dosage issue even a problem?

Tracy Coe: Yes. So I think there’s a few points I can make on that. I believe one main reason today is vitamins have become a little bit of a buzz word and so it has become an industry.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: And as a result, it’s become so popular that a vast majority of supplement businesses are merely investment opportunities.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Because of the growth spurt.

Tracy Coe: For investors to make a profit out of it.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: Which to a certain degree, we do have to make a living and so forth. But are they taking the people into consideration of that whole body and the resonance and are we providing true nutrients to that body? Again, most companies are run by lawyers and accountants these days.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: And yeah, just take that into consideration, in terms of dosage, there are a few factors to consider. FDA regulations does regulate on how much dosages you need to, can put in a certain capsule. Many times, you might have to take more than one capsule to get the proper dosage that your body needs. Another thing to take into consideration is the actual effectiveness of that product.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: Is the product providing nutrients at the same time are your cells resonating with that nutrient that you’re taking so it can take it right up?

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I think also when I take a natural vitamin C as food based vitamin C, I’d actually taken the Premiere Research Labs before, I really like it. And I think you don’t need to take as much sometimes because all of it is absorbing. If you take 500mg of the synthetic vitamins C, you probably not absorb nearly as much…

Tracy Coe: No. Wendy Myers: … as a 100mg food based one.

Tracy Coe: Exactly. That is just not… again, the raw sources of vitamin C is not vitamin C. The raw sources are from…

Wendy Myers: The cherry.

Tracy Coe: The cherries. And so they are using a multiple number of sources to make that into a full rounded vitamin C.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And others use Amla berries and kamakama blueberries, all kinds of berries.

Tracy Coe: Exactly, exactly, exactly. Another point that I can make into your question, whether about dosages and expensiveness and stuff is that to determine is the person taking the product just to resolve a symptom, right? You’ll take pills for the rest of your life if you’re just trying to resolve symptoms or are you taking a program nutritional and wellness program to actually resolve root drivers of those symptoms to the point where you eventually you are taking minimal amount of nutritional products and getting more super foods in your body to maintain a strong health.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I think less is more sometimes you don’t need so much stuff.

Tracy Coe: And then again it all depends. The other thing is to consider, do you have any blockages in your body? Any meridian flow blockages where there’s deep ridden toxins that nutrients can’t even get to, to pull out. And that’s where we do what’s called therapeutic mud packing to externally pull out toxins. Is your liver and gallbladder in stagnation, which is supposed to filter out toxins but some people’s gallbladder are so filled with toxins, it’s overloaded and can’t pull out as much toxins as you’re putting into.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I think almost everyone’s liver is just so overloaded. That’s why I do coffee enemas and infrared saunas. I do almost daily near infrared lamp sauna.

Tracy Coe: Excellent. That’s right.

Wendy Myers: That pulls them out. You have to.

Tracy Coe: These product considerations to take when you’re taking a number of pills like“Oh my gosh I have to take all these products.” All right, but where is your body at right now? And how many years did it take you to where your body is in this unhealthy condition? It’s going to take a little time and take a little effort, like you peel the onion, you peel the layer. And that’s where I take people, where they’re at and their personality and where they able to go and take them step by step on their abilities.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Because if you definitely spend decades eating up poor diet and stressed out and not taking care of yourself, it’s going to take a few years to get back to health just to normal standard of health.

Tracy Coe: Exactly.

Wendy Myers: I’m not even talking about optimum health. But it’s old adage, you don’t get something for nothing. Some people are happy to pay more and take more pills for their health. But others may not be compliant on a nutrition supplement program if there is too many pills or just too expensive and some people just can’t afford it. But this is my only concern, sometimes I even offset this trade off by picking some synthetic and some food based supplements. Sometimes I take synthetic vitamin C but other times I just don’t want it and I want to take natural vitamin C, so to each their own. But here is my take, one reason I like synthetic vitamins is simply they’re ease in exact dosage. For instance, like I mentioned I’m training in the Mineral Power science where it’s imperative to use exact dosages of minerals and vitamins to balance the body’s biochemistry. And this protocol works amazingly well and heals the entire body. It’s healing my whole conditions. It’s being slowly. I spent many decades abusing myself but the developer of the protocol, Dr. Paul Eck, and his protégé, Dr. Laurence Wilson on whom I interviewed last week on the show, have attempted to use food based vitamins for the program but they did not have as much success as they would have liked as the improvements in health that they did with the synthetics, but that’s just on this very specified program. That doesn’t mean food based vitamins don’t help you. But, they found that some people were allergic to some of the greens from the food or the food based vitamins and they also have problems designing programs for people. They did so many combinations of vitamins and trying to achieve the correct dosage and thus they resorted to using synthetic in the vitamins portion. So the program is mainly minerals, so it’s just very small portion of the synthetics. But I mean these diets have been healing people for forty plus years and have designed 200,000 programs based upon hair mineral analysis and over the years they cracked the code on how to heal people by balancing their minerals and detoxing them. And I believe they might know what they’re doing. They found they got the best results using synthetics, the synthetic vitamins portion due to dosage and allergy issues. But while on the program, I do take a natural selenium supplement, a natural vitamin C supplement and a greens capsule and minerals but just vitamins portion is synthetic. But this is just because I’m doing this protocol. I think when I’m done detoxing and done balancing my minerals in a few years; I’ll probably switch to the food based supplements. But in this event, I think that the synthetics may work for certain protocols that may not be the answer for a person not on this kind of program. It’s a very intensive program. It’s not for everybody. So for them, I would recommend food based vitamins for individuals supplementing on their own. But I want to make one thing clear, everyone should be taking something. They should be taking some sort of supplementation.

Tracy Coe: As we discussed earlier, yeah.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: But, a source have to be a very good quality high effective source otherwise, don’t take it because you’re just going to waste your money and it’s going to add toxins to your body.

Wendy Myers: Absolutely.

Tracy Coe: I recommend the program that you talked about in terms of the hair mineral analysis, that they’re looking for roots. They’re looking for root drivers causing the symptoms and so forth. And that is a primary thing you need to be looking for. I want to address a couple of items. As we indicated before, that synthetics don’t have the light. They don’t have the light to build the entire quantum bio-field energy which basically your bio-field, your outer aura, it’s the way I’m going to explain  it without going into detox, it’s already a long enough program, for another time.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: It’s actually what controls your inner body system. And over time, synthetics again, they can stimulate a chemical energy in the body but they deplete that quantum energy. So they could deplete your protection field I would say. If you want to think like of the Star Wars theme of something like that. It’s depleting that and therefore over time your body  ends up wearing down a little bit.

Wendy Myers: OK.

Tracy Coe: Or it’s faster than what it would actually have done with products that are giving light into the body and strengthening the cells for longer aging. And, you know there is a number of a different programs out there and there are many great programs out there sounds like one of them that you are with sounds like a fantastic program. And so for those who might be looking for one, two things I would consider is, you know, does your program consider you as an individual. Does it consider your body, your mind, your past, your present and your future. The other thing is the quality of the tools used in your program. I’m going to go over a few of the qualities of Quantum Nutrition and Premier Research Labs and the tool that they use in their program and why also they had a huge amounts of effectiveness in helping people back to a state of health, anywhere from cancer to somebody having poor digestive issues, to having gout. I mean it’s amazing what you see. To people having mental instabilities to points of basically suicide and have been on 20 medications and now are on none.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I’ve seen that too in myself. I used to be like really irritable and since I balanced my body’s chemistry, it’s just gone. It’s amazing when you balance the body, with a lot of depression and anxiety and there are mentally ill can just simply evaporate.

Tracy Coe: Exactly. So I’m going to talk a little bit about Dr. Marshall, since he is the founder of Quantum Nutrition and Premiere Research Labs, and again as a result of him heeding and the degrading effectiveness of nutritional products, so he was experiencing the same thing. Before he did what he is doing now on his own, he was working with others and found out the products weren’t effective in helping these people. Same thing with what your individuals have found as well.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: And so, during that, that was in the 80’s. And so he combined, he is a biochemist himself, Dr. Bob Marshall. He combines the result of products made of raw materials coming from cheap sources and added excipients and irated the sources all created the degrading of these products. So today, PRL, Premiere Research Lab, does strive to continue to be the industry leader in excipient free. It costs money, it takes extra time, they’re preservative free, and they use phytonutrients, raw living, one’s living sources to create their nutritional products. They’re line is highly complemented by a program, Quantum Nutrition that focuses upon correcting root drivers that are causing symptoms and therefore get the body back to its ability to work on its own innate abilities. To have health, when we speak of health, I mean passion, enjoy, and optimism and energy all day long, restful sleep.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: Ready to go to your next day, can’t wait for the next day rather than, “Oh I can’t wait till I’m 80 so I’m done.”

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Not just free of symptoms.

Tracy Coe: Exactly, exactly. And so, he took time, Dr. Marshall, and he’s been very successful with his phytonutrient based vitamins as well. And the programs that he uses to cleanse the body, build and support the body at the same time. All to the point of working on both the emotional level, subconscious level, conscious level. All the way to again, using therapeutic ancient, we use therapeutic mud packs that externally pull toxins out of the body that might be blocking your internal systems even after they’ve been cleansed. And then again, on top of all that, using this rocket type nutritional based products. And so, he puts this all in a combination with the use of the QRA.

So you are specifically testing that individual body, you know, the gallbladder, the liver, the limbic points of the brain, the heart, the various systems and are they feeding into one another or there’s been something that’s been short circuited that’s not getting sent to one another. And so, this identifies again, exactly to what a person needs, how much they need to the exact degree as well as will they have a reaction to it. And then quantify all those around your living environment, your daily intake of nutrients and vitamins as well too. You know, in the past, maybe 70 or up to 100 years ago, we might not have a need… supplementation was more of an option.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: And I think we already touched base on this because of the food had more nutrients in them. Your parents were healthier provided with more nutrients. But in today’s modern world with less nutrients, against food, and more toxins in our air, in our field, you know, we’re constantly about computer’s electromagnetic field, that are constantly draining the body’s bio field, which drains on the cells, which drains on the brains and so forth.

Wendy Myers: And we’re devolving.

Tracy Coe: Yes, exactly. So I mean like you said, it’s imperative today that we take nutritional products that are giving us super rate good quality, high quality nutrients.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Absolutely. And all I definitely believe that food based vitamins are preferable. But synthetics are fine for a short period of time like a few years that it takes to do a Mineral Power protocol or if you find yourself not being able to afford food based vitamins for a time or you’re allergic to some food based vitamins. But folks just remember, there is more than one way to skin a chicken. Haha.

Tracy Coe: Absolutely.

Wendy Myers: So Tracy your website again is Can you tell listeners what services that you’re available for?

Tracy Coe: Absolutely. So we are a Pilates and a whole health studio here and wellness center. And so we offer Pilates on an individual basis as well as group lessons. We also offer one on one wellness consultations where I do take your past present and future and bring you in and do an entire program of quantum nutrition, quantum reflex analysis, testing your body meridians. We also offer workshops and seminars that we do offer to the public at a very low cost. We have one coming up, June 29th. I think it’s at 3:30 PM. We’re talking about our body filters…

Wendy Myers: Great.

Tracy Coe: On the inside, the outside, and the mind. So a lot about that mud packing I keep mentioning. Cleansing the digestive system, the gallbladder and cleansing your mind.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I get your emails. You got all kinds of classes that you offer they are fantastic.

Tracy Coe: And in these workshops are made so that you can come into the workshop, get materials that’s been referenced and resourced and you can use it on your daily life. So it can be expensive to be ill.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Absolutely.

Tracy Coe: I feel is it’s expensive to be well too but it depends on where your mind is at and priorities are at. It is possible to not have to take all these vitamins and be well and healthy but it really depends on where your body is at and what you are willing to do and be responsible for your body. Are you willing to do cleansing for your body?

Quantum Nutrition and Premiere Research Lab are very high components of this. And have a lot super nutrients based foods that are very reasonable in pricing. And these all goes along with your ability and willingness to be responsible for your food choices, how you’re preparing them if you’re ready to cleanse your body. And that’s a huge component that I just keep on delivering over and over and over again. Because not everybody needs to come to me, right? On an individual basis, but I can have good resources such as you, right?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tracy Coe: So people can take them, with them and not have to pay loads and loads of money but make better choices to give their selves a better health and life of passion and joy and all the energy and good rest of sleep.

Wendy Myers: Hallelujah.

Tracy Coe: Amen. Haha.

Wendy Myers: I don’t think that people realize is that they’re going to have to pay now or pay later. You have to spend money on good food and quality supplements now or you are going to be paying for doctors and nursing homes and medications later.

Tracy Coe: Exactly.

Wendy Myers: There is no way around it. You have to take care of yourself people.

Tracy Coe: Yeah. I believe, like I just said one more time God just blessed us with an amazing inter connectedness gift of our body, our mind, our soul and nature and He knew, He knows what he is doing. And it’s our responsibility we’re stewards of these bodies to take care of our bodies and our family’s bodies.

Wendy Myers: Well thank you so much Tracy for being on the show. By the way I see all your supplements here. You got a whole wall of the Premiere Research Lab. I need to get some coconut oil from there. Haha.

Tracy Coe: Oh fine you got it. Haha.

Wendy Myers: And all you listeners out there, thank you for listening to the Live to 110 podcast.

Next week we have a very important show. I’m going to be interviewing Shawna Kemp; she’s an occupational therapist with many years experience working with autistic children. And we’re going to be discussing the causes of autism, warning signs and treatments for autism. And this cause is very dear to my heart because our beautiful children are being born toxic and sick and it’s frightening. And this is reflected in the fact that 1 in 54 male children are born on the autism spectrum disorder. It affects 80% of boys and only 20% of girls, the boys are more sensitive to the toxins that our environment is suffering from it. And these are the new stats as of the March 2013.

So please tune in to this very important show. And it’s an honor spending this hour with you, listeners, actually longer than an hour. But my only hope is to educate you on your health so that you can help a long, happy, disease free life. Remember the time to be thinking about your health is while you’re still enjoying it. Thank you so much.

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