Transcript: #151 Can ZYTO and Cyberscan Technologies Show Your Supplement Needs? with Susan Luschas

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  • 01:51 Detox Tip of the Day
  • 03:44 About Susan Luschas
  • 08:38 ZYTO and CyberScan Technologies
  • 21:48 Remote ZYTO and CyberScan
  • 23:52 Determining Supplementation
  • 28:36 Reading Through ZYTO and CyberScan
  • 31:50 Finding the Right Essential Oils
  • 32:07 Issues that ZYTO and CyberScan are good at helping with
  • 46:31 Insurance Coverage
  • 49:31 Case Studies
  • 50:39 The Most Pressing Health Issue in the World Today
  • 54:02 Where to Find Susan Luschas, ZYTO and CyberScan

Wendy Myers: Hello, welcome to the Live To 110 Podcast. My name is Wendy Myers and you can find me at my website, and learn about my healing and detox program,

You can also watch the video podcast, me and the guest talking, debating back and forth on my YouTube channel, Wendy Live to 110. And look at it on the corresponding blog post to my website.

Wendy Myers: Today, we have Susan Luschas on the podcast. She’s such an amazing guest. I really learned a lot on this podcast. I think it’s really one of my more fascinating interviews. We’re going to be talking about ZYTO and CyberScan technologies and how those can help you to heal allergies and find the right supplements for you, the right essential oils, truly customizing your supplement protocol and finding out what health issues you have.

It can detect methylation issues and infections you might have in your body. It’s really, really fascinating stuff and it seems like a fairly simple technology at that. So we’re going to be discussing that on the podcast today.

Please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. The Live To 110 Podcast is solely informational in nature, so please consult your health practitioner before engaging in any treatment that we may suggest today on the show.

01:51 Detox Fact of the Day

Wendy Myers: So the detox fact of the day on the podcast is the toxins that can be found in mercury amalgam fillings. I know I have these. These were put in my mouth when I was five years old and I had them removed when I was 20 years old for cosmetic reasons, but unbeknowngly, I did it for my health as well, but a lot of my clients and a lot of listeners, you have mercury fillings.

They cause a lot of health problems. They don’t just have mercury in them, they also have tin, they also have silver and silver kills gut bacteria. They also have aluminum and some of them can also contain caladium, which is as toxic as mercury. So all these metals, they’re amalgams, but it’s not just mercury in the amalgams. It’s an amalgam of various metals.

When you’re biting down on these metals, they leach into your body and cause various health problems. The aluminum and mercury, these are neurotoxins. Like I said, tin, that’s a mitochondrial poison. It poisons your mitochondria’s ability to make energy. Really a lot of different health problems can be caused by these metals and what I use my Mineral Power Program to detox my clients.

And I always recommend that people have their mercury amalgams removed and replaced with other fillings. Ideally, you want to go to a biological dentist to have this done properly. You do not want a regular dentist that isn’t aware of the dangers or doesn’t care about the dangers to be drilling these metals out of your mouth without the benefits of suction or removal while that process is happening.

So do some homework and hopefully get those mercury amalgams removed. You’re doing your health a big favor.

03:44 About Susan Luschas

Wendy Myers: Our guest today, Susan Luschas is a PhD and she’s an MIT trained scientist and engineer. She was forced to apply her critical thinking skills to debug her own family’s health problems. And she spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in years of her life on doctors’ experiments and research on trying to heal her family’s health and her own health.

And she didn’t stop until her family finally achieved radiant health. Doctors started sending her unhealable patients and the saga continues. She created her own website, And she publishes everything that she knows for free on her website, a really amazing resource. She’s very knowledgeable. So go visit her at

Susan, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Susan Luschas: Thank you, Wendy. Thanks for having me.

Wendy Myers: So why don’t you tell us a little bit about your story so the listeners can get a feel for who you are and what you’re about?

Susan Luschas: Sure. So I am actually an MIT trained scientist and engineer. I got my Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD from MIT in the Engineering and Science and went to a high tech career.

Long story short, my oldest child became chronically ill and no one can figure it out. We went all over the countries, spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, tried everything and basically ended up right where we started or a little worse.

So at that point, the doctors basically said, “Well, institutionalize her and get back to work and live on.” And so I said, “Well, it’s my child. So I may as well give it a try.” So that’s what I did. We had already tried Western, Eastern, homeopathic, all kinds of things. So I stopped working on my normal slowly and I started working on figuring out what the heck was wrong with her and how to fix it. Actually, I tried a lot of things. If they said, “Stand on your head, it might help,” we stood on her head and it might help. As long as it made sense to me, we tried it.

And so what I did over the last year is I’ve been working on a website with video content that basically summarizes all of our hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of trials and experiments and research and what worked and what didn’t. We’re very open about it, very honest about it. I’m not making any money off of any of this. I don’t represent any company. I don’t even take referral links. So I just have a very unbiased independent view of the things that worked and the things that didn’t.

The kind of issues we looked at included autism, allergies, Lyme, parasites, dental infections, methylation, chelation, all kinds of things. So that’s what it is. And the website just launched a month ago, January, 201 and I’m just getting that launched and getting back to my normal “job,” which is high tech, clean tech engineering. So that’s my summary and my story.

Wendy Myers: How is your daughter doing today?

Susan Luschas: She’s great. Sorry, we’ve got airplane going down here.

Wendy Myers: No, that’s fine.

Susan Luschas: She’s doing great. She’s in a mainstream third grade classroom at the top of her class. When I tell people, if I even get into the story, they don’t believe me. They don’t believe she was over autistic. They don’t believe she couldn’t walk. They don’t believe anything. So it’s great. It’s cool. It’s actually cool that they don’t believe me.

So she’s doing great. She has a little sister. The little sister never had any problems, but then again she’s three years younger and was on a different track than my older one. We also know that you give most of your heavy metals and toxins to your firstborn, not your second born. So that probably had something to do with it and the three tick bites probably also had something to do with it on the older one.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So she had Lyme as well, correct?

Susan Luschas: Yeah. And she’s had Lyme at least twice that we know of, maybe three times.

Wendy Myers: Okay. Wow. Yeah, so you have quite a battle on your hands. That’s how a lot of people become educated and get into health and turn their new career into health or their second career in your case because they’re exasperated with the doctors and know intuitively they’re not getting the right answers and have to educate themselves and take the matters into their own hands, which is exactly what I had to do as well.

08:38 ZYTO and CyberScan Technologies

Wendy Myers: So you talk a lot on your website about different technologies and different therapies and whatnot. So we’re going to talk today about the ZYTO, CyberScan technologies. So what’s your background on these technologies? What do you feel makes you qualified to speak about them?

Susan Luschas: Sure. So we’ve been doing ZYTO for about four years on our family of four. I actually calculated it right before this podcast. We’ve done a total of 61 ZYTO scans, which in practitioner bills is about $9000 worth of bills.

On CyberScan, we’ve only been doing CyberScan for about a year or a little less than a year. We’ve done 30 scans, which is about $6000 in practitioner bills. And before that, we did two earlier versions of BioSET or Bio Communication Feedback Technologies, which were the old school technologies. And we did about 15 scans or treatments there, which is another $2000.

So if you add all that up, it was about $17,000 worth of practitioner bills on ZYTO, CyberScan and a little bit of the old school BioSET. We are purely patients. I don’t work for ZYTO or CyberScan. I don’t necessarily endorse products. I’m completely independent. I don’t give any referral links, blah-blah-blah. So I’m just a patient who has done this a lot.

Overtime, I’ve learned what’s good about the technologies and what’s not so good about the technologies and how to use the results and what to expect. A lot of people have come to me and said, “The CyberScan or ZYTO, I’m interested, but what is it? How does it help and what can I expect?” So that’s why I wrote this on my website. I wrote what’s good about it, what’s bad about it and how to use and interpret the results.

So I’m basically a patient with lots of experience and I have an independent voice and can offer an independent review of these technologies.

Wendy Myers: So what is the difference? What is the difference between the ZYTO and the CyberScan?

Susan Luschas: So there are a couple of differences. Let me start with ZYTO. So ZYTO has a hand cradle and you have to put your hand on this mouse type thing that has a little pad for every finger. ZYTO then sends signals to your finger and measures what comes back. And the whole time, you keep your hand on this hand cradle.

In that technology, apparently the body stops responding after so many signals going back and forth. The body says, “I’m tired. I’m just not responding anymore.” So ZYTO is only good for a finite amount of things you’re looking for. This means that ZYTO is actually very practitioner-dependent because what happens is you might, for instance, have Candida showing up as a stressor.

But if your practitioner isn’t thinking and doesn’t know, they might just say, “Okay, Candida, let’s look at what supplements are working well against your particular strain of Candida that’s flaring up.” They might not think to scan for things like heavy metal toxicity or leaky gut or things that might be causing the Candida.

This is very practitioner-dependent as the results you get on ZYTO. So that’s one difference between the two and I’ll get to CyberScan in a minute.

Just summarizing ZYTO and how it’s different, it’s really good at allergies, environmental allergies, food allergies, chemical allergies. It doesn’t always find the root cause of the problem. It’s not very good at that, it’s not good at things like parasites, hidden dental infections. Again, it’s very practitioner-dependent. If your practitioner thinks what might be causing this, then maybe you might get closer to the root of the problem. But ZYTO is generally good at what’s bothering you now. It’s not good at what fundamentally is causing that.

ZYTO does distinguish chronic versus acute. So if something is acutely bothering you like a cold or something is chronically bothering you like Lyme disease, that will show up in your ZYTO scan whether ZYTO thinks it’s acute or chronic.

And ZYTO is also better at supplement rankings. What I mean by that is say you want to know, “For me methylation, what supplements should I take? Which one is the best?” ZYTO is actually really pretty good at that. Again, practitioner-dependent, if your practitioner has scanned for methylation issues, then the supplement rankings for ZYTO tend to be really pretty accurate and pretty effective.

On the flipside for CyberScan, you don’t have to have your hand on this mouse cradle the whole thing for CyberScan. You just put it on this flat plate coil for a couple of seconds and then you’re done. And then CyberScan runs its computer program against the model that it’s created from your hands. So your body doesn’t stop sending signals. There’s no limit to the amount of things you can scan on CyberScan.

So that’s very cool because it becomes very practitioner-independent. Your practitioner has a database of a bunch of stressors, all kinds of things and diseases and toxicities and things like that. And they can just scan the whole database. It’s only limited by the computer and the processing power. So CyberScan then becomes pretty practitioner-independent.

The only thing that is practitioner-dependent is what your practitioner’s database looks like. For instance, a practitioner that we work with, I’ve gone in there nights in weekends scanning things into her database and helping her build up her database and she’s done this thing too. So she has a big database, but some practitioners may not have big database. But as long as their database is reasonable enough, for as long as you take the time to scan into their database, it becomes very practitioner-independent, which is cool.

The treatments on CyberScan generally tend to be better. What I mean by that is both ZYTO and CyberScan offer treatment options and I found that the treatments on CyberScan are much more effective than the treatments on ZYTO overall as a general rule.

CyberScan is better at emotions. In other words, if you have some emotional trauma, CyberScan will often pick that up and give you an example of that. Actually we had a very good friend of ours suddenly passed away a couple of weeks ago and CyberScan not only picked that up, but it picked up that I am afraid of heart problems and we think that friend had died of heart problems. So it’s interesting to see CyberScan actually pick that up out of the blue and I saw that on my scan. I said, “Wow, it really picked up on that. Very cool.”

It’s very good at emotions, which is very useful for children. Especially my oldest doesn’t always express herself freely. She just doesn’t know how to express what she’s feeling and so CyberScan can be amazing with that too.

CyberScan is also better at finding the chronic infections. It’s much better at parasites. It’s much better at hidden dental infections. It’s also better at chronic infections, other chronic infections like Lyme for example and some of the GI bacteria. It’s much more effective than ZYTO at finding that.

The other interesting thing about CyberScan is it doesn’t distinguish acute and chronic the way ZYTO does, but it does level the stressors, meaning it tells you if it’s at the mental level or the physical level or the levels in between. So it’s interesting. I’m still learning how to use that information and what it’s good for. But it does offer that.

Briefly ZYTO treatments used to look like this. I’ve got some here. It used to look like little veils that you would wear around your neck. They would laser. ZYTO would laser your treatment into these veils and you would wear them around your neck. It’s a little bit old school BioSET type.

And then they move to these bracelets with holograms and they would laser into the hologram. ZYTO also had a really good laser that would laser things like your ring or your watch. They would laser into that as well or into acupuncture meridian points or things like that. If your liver for example was clogged or bothering you or whatever, they could laser directly into that meridian. That’s a [inaudible 00:17:30].

And CyberScan, it’s the same thing, you can do your ring, you can do your watch. But our practitioner also does this, saltwater. And the programs of treatments, they do the saltwater, which you can take orally or put on your skin.

It also does a credit card type magnetic strip. The back is just card art of my children, so that’s nothing. But the magnetic strip on the back, they program that. And then this, you can either put in your pocket to have with you all the time or put it under your bed sheets and sleep with it. So I tend to be haphazard and so I put it under my bed sheets and sleep with it. And then I do the water twice a day with that. The ZYTO bracelets, we would wear all the time and the old veils we would wear all the time, but it’s old school now.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Susan Luschas: So those are the main differences, long answer to a simple question.

Wendy Myers: It’s really interesting that the treatment is etched into the credit card or in the water. What does that encompass?

Susan Luschas: What does the treatment encompass? It depends on what you’re presenting with. So it depends on what I’m showing up with. For example, last time I was there, I was showing up with these emotions from my friend dying, so some things about emotions. And mostly you could think of it as a homeopathic or a drainage homeopathic remedy thing.

So I got programmed for emotions, I got programmed for some GI stuff, which I think was maybe related to some of those emotions. I got programmed for my thyroid. It was tweaked. And I think that was just a hell. I was really busy and working probably too much.

Whatever you present with the stressors and your scan, whatever is stressing your body, that’s what goes into your treatment. And then they can also potentize it in CyberScan to a homeopathic remedy. You could think of it that way. The ZYTO treatments are very similar. But usually again the practitioner can only pick a few things to treat in ZYTO and that’s a similar thing. They potentize it and program it.

Wendy Myers: And so how often do you need to go? I’m sure you have a baseline you need to go very so often to change the treatment and whatnot. So how often do you usually go and to a scan?

Susan Luschas: It’s a good question. I personally think you don’t need to go unless you need it, unless you’re feeling bad.

Our family is still doing some work specifically on chelation. We’ve been doing that for several years and before chelation, we were working on Lyme and parasites and autism and all these other things, allergies. So we’ve been doing this for a long time. And we do it every four to eight weeks, but that’s because we’re working on things. So we’re working on chelation and actively chelating at this point in time. Before, we were actively working on Lyme and before, we were actively working in parasites and so forth.

I think when we’re “done” with chelation, I’m hoping we’ll just go a couple of times a year if anything. And the way I think of it now is we go even though if you were to see us, we look perfectly healthy and act perfectly great, I call it disaster prevention and I also call it monitoring. So, I monitor their minerals, how they are doing with the chelation. Is the chelating drug still pulling out metals or is it pulling out some of their minerals and nutrients that their body needs? So I can see all that on CyberScan or ZYTO, so I monitor.

And we also monitor things like kidney function, liver, excretion. We look if they’re blocked, if their body is blocked for detoxing and draining in any way. ZYTO and CyberScan can find that out in advance before we end up with a UTI or a kidney infection or any other kind of problems or symptoms. So that’s why I really call it for us disaster prevention.

21:48 Remote ZYTO and CyberScan

Wendy Myers: Yeah. That is so fascinating. I mean do you have to see a practitioner in person to be able to put your hand on either the scanning devices? Can you do it remotely at all?

Susan Luschas: Both of the technologies, ZYTO and CyberScan can be done remotely. ZYTO, my understanding, my vast understanding of it was that the patient needs to buy one of these mouse hand cradle things and have it. And the practitioner, they log on online and they communicate online and the practitioner can run the software and communicate with the patient remotely. So, all that the patients have to do is have this hand cradle thing.

The hand cradle things come with laser in them. So the practitioner can program that laser to treat the patient remotely. In ZYTO, I think the independent laser that they sell is actually much more effective than a hand cradle laser, but they just discontinued their laser and I don’t understand why. I think it was a big mistake.

In my opinion, we’re seeing much better results with their independent standalone lasers – that’s what I’m trying to say – stand alone laser as opposed to the laser and hand cradle. But anyway, if you buy the hand cradle, the patients buy the hand cradle, they can definitely be treated and scanned remotely.

Basically for CyberScan, it can be also done remotely usually from blood, hair or saliva or any kind of bodily fluid or something like that. Usually what I understand is they’re sending it into the practitioner and then the practitioner can work with that.

It scans that in as their model of the patient for CyberScan and run the scan, run the treatment. And I’m not sure then. I assume the practitioner would send the water and the credit card back. I don’t know if there’s a way to treat them immediately remotely. I’m not sure about that.

23:52 Determining Supplementation

Wendy Myers: So you mentioned that ZYTO and CyberScan can tell you what supplements work for you. Can you explain that a little bit?

Susan Luschas: Sure. So in ZYTO for example, they scan your stressors and then they scan what they call balancers. And those balancers are things that help with your stressors.

Say you’re just coming with Candida for example or some Klebsiella, some GI thing, in your balancers, you’ll get a sense of, “Okay, is grapefruit extract better? Or is caprylic acid better? Or is naistatin better?” You’ll get a sense as long as your practitioner has these things in their database.

You’ll get a ranking of what’s going to work the best against your strain of Candida according to what ZYTO thinks. And I think that’s just amazingly invaluable. I don’t know about you, but I’ve got here at home probably about 300 supplements, bottles of whatever. And how do I know what drainage remedy or what methylation supplement for example I need or my children need?

And it changes overtime. So things like methylation, I don’t believe at all that you have this genetic mutation and you have to take this MTHFR supplement. I haven’t seen that at all. I’ve seen that my methylation, my whole family has different genetic mutations of course and I’ve seen that the supplement we need changes overtime. Its changes depend on how much sleep I’m getting, how much stressed I am. My methylation cycle can break in 200 different places.

So just because I have a specific genetic doesn’t mean that a specific supplement is always going to work for me. And ZYTO and CyberScan both help me scan my home supplements and what I already have and say, “Okay, what’s going to work the best at this point in time?” That just saves me a lot of time.

I also do energy testing kinesiology at home. I do that middle of the night, we’re having something, common cold, some Lyme flare up, whatever it is. I can just test at home. I found that my home testing is actually pretty consistent with what ZYTO and CyberScan are telling us. I’ve pretty much seen that 100% consistency between them.

Back to your question, the supplements, I’m going to cheat a little bit and look, so I don’t forget anything. The supplements that I think it’s most useful for are detox and drainage, methylation, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and any new medications that I don’t know about. Someone is maybe recommending a supplement and things like that.

I can’t really say for sure if a supplement is toxic, if it’s got toxins or lead in it or who knows what. But if it’s never testing well on ZYTO or CyberScan, for any of the four people in my family, I can’t 100% conclude that it’s toxic, but I can say, “Okay, that’s probably not something we’re going to keep around.” So it’s very useful for that.

Wendy Myers: So can you test supplements in the CyberScan?

Susan Luschas: Yeah, both of them, everything. I mean you can test. You should see the database. We got everything in there, pills, homeopathic remedies, homemade kimchi, everything. I mean I’ve even scanned all kinds of crazy stuff.

This next week, we have an appointment where I’m going to make some liposomal DMSA and we’re going to scan that in and see how well that test, which is interesting, so we can do some new experiments without actually experimenting on ourselves first. We scan it in and see how it tests first. We got homemade food, grass-fed beef. I’ve got prescription medications, steroid cream, all the antibiotics, parasite medications, parasite herbs, everything in there.

CyberScan, like I said with ZYTO, you can only scan a limited number of things, but in CyberScan, it’s just limited by computing power.

Wendy Myers: Wow.

Susan Luschas: So my supplements list if you look on my website, there are some examples you can click and you can see my actual results on some of the scans and the supplements list is sometimes 10 pages long worth of stuff.

28:36 Reading Through ZYTO and CyberScan

Wendy Myers: So when you’re testing a supplement, say you’re testing the DMSA – I’m very curious about that – or liposomal DMSA, what will it say? What does the readout say that it is potent, its potency or it’s not effective? What does it say?

Susan Luschas: So it will say that for me, given my stressors that showed up in my scan, it will level that, it will rank that on a scale. CyberScan, for example, uses a scale of minus 12 to plus 12 – plus 12 being very beneficial and minus 12 being not very beneficial. So it will give me a numerical rating from plus 12 to minus 12 of how beneficial that is for me.

On ZYTO, the numerical rating, it’s the same thing. ZYTO however, long story short, is relative to a baseline level of your body. So ZYTO isn’t necessarily between a fixed number. ZYTO might go up to 1000, it might go up to 500. And so in ZYTO, what you are looking for is the most positive number, which has no limit. It just depends how your practitioner has scanned in your baseline basically. So there is no numerical limit there on ZYTO, but you’re looking for the most positive number. In ZYTO, it can go up to two decimal places and so you can see exactly which supplements are testing the best.

Wendy Myers: That’s so fascinating. I need to get one. I need to get straight in that and get one. It’s so amazing because I think in the future and even what I do right now, it’s very important to customize your supplement protocol for you and that’s even more compelling in the future as we have CyberScan now. And in the future technologies, you’re going to be able to really hone in on exactly what your body needs.

Some of the test we do, nutri eval and what not, they’re very limited, they’re very indirect, they’re very expensive. And so the CyberScan seems like an incredible tool, an incredible alternative that’s far more advanced.

Susan Luschas: Yeah. The only downside to the supplements that I want to mention is that they don’t really do dosing. So how many pills and how many drops per day?

ZYTO does have a dosing function that you can try to dose the supplement on the person, but it doesn’t really work that well honestly. And CyberScan doesn’t have the function at all.

Wendy Myers: Okay.

Susan Luschas: For example, if say on me, DMSA is testing really well. I still need to come home and dose it myself and figure out, “Okay, do I need 250 milligrams twice a day or three times a day? Or what exactly do I need?”

You can, in CyberScan, scan in DMSA, for example, 62 milligrams, 125 milligrams, 250 milligrams and that dosing function. But that’s the pain for every supplement to scan in all these different dosages.

The summary is neither of the technologies is great at dosing. So I still use my home, muscle testing, kinesiology for dosing.

31:50 Finding the Right Essential Oils through ZYTO and CyberScan

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And so I was reading about ZYTO and that you can actually find what essential oils you need as well. I thought that was really interesting.

Susan Luschas: Yeah, you can scan all those in, yeah, exactly which one is testing the best.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Susan Luschas: It’s invaluable because there are so many of them.

32:07 Issues that ZYTO and CyberScan can address

Wendy Myers: So what kind of issues are ZYTO and CyberScan really good at helping with? What kind of health issues and other problems?

Susan Luschas: Right. I’m going to again just make sure I don’t forget anything. So ZYTO is really good at allergies, all kinds of allergies, really unbelievably amazing. I really went in there all stuffed up from my grass allergy and came out and sat in the grass and mowed the grass. It’s unbelievable with environmental allergies on ZYTO.

I can’t really comment on CyberScan because by the time we started using CyberScan, none of us had any more allergies, so I can’t really comment on allergies for CyberScan. But allergies for ZYTO, if you have a practitioner again who knows what they’re doing, can be unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable.

The one caveat with that is that your ZYTO allergy treatments won’t stick until you heal your gut. So you can get rid of your allergies, in my case, for maybe a season, say the spring season. But it will be back next year unless you heal your gut. And for some people, they’ll get rid of their allergies, but it will only last a month or two and that’s because they need to heal their guts.

So now once we’ve learned how to heal our gut, we did that. Now, we just have no more allergies. It just hasn’t been an issue for us for many, many years. So ZYTO is very good at allergies.

They’re both really good at detox and drainage pathways, so things that supplements can’t really help you with like energetic excretion pathways and really weird ones too. We might find that I’m stuck in my pancreas and my spleen and the symptoms are just nothing I can quantify or nothing that I can explain, but after I got that drainage treatment for my spleen and my pancreas, I just feel better and it’s just weird. I mean they can really find these drainage and detox pathways that I don’t know how else to find. So it’s really good at that, really good with methylation.

ZYTO in particular had or at least our practitioner had methylation treatments in ZYTO. So she could treat you with all the Yasko RNA foods and all of those things. And those methylation treatments, I feel like after we did those treatments, we didn’t as many supplements for methylation and that was a big deal.

We didn’t see the fatigue and then I figured out it was methylation. That whole methylation problem just went away and we do still what I call disaster prevention. In other words, every time we go to ZYTO or CyberScan, we’d look for it and make sure if something was coming up, we may or may not take a supplement. But the energetic treatments for methylation actually worked for us.

Monitoring and fixing detox organ functions before they break, so kidney, bladder, things like UTIs, we’d get that right before it ever happened, especially for instance in chelating when a lot of metals are going through that area. You can tend to have all kinds of bacterial and yeast flare ups and we just catch those right before it even happens, so again back to disaster prevention.

Mineral and vitamin deficiencies, this is one we’re doing right now with our chelation. We’re looking at are we pulling vital nutrients? And ZYTO and CyberScan are pretty good at that. Ranking supplements, we already went through that.

Acute viral and bacterial exposures. For example, this is a good one, you get that CDC form home from school saying that someone in the class had hand, foot and mouth disease. And then you’re like, “Does my kid have it? Should I keep him home? What’s going on?” Well, the ZYTO and CyberScan can tell you.

They can only tell you if they were exposed. In other words, if their immune system was exposed to it, they can also tell you what will work best against it to get rid of it, so things like the flu, the hand, foot, mouth disease, all those things that come home from school and you just want to know, “Are they getting it? Are they exposed?” They can tell you those things.

Wendy Myers: Wow.

Susan Luschas: Yeah. So that summarizes what I’m a fan of, ZYTO and CyberScan.

Wendy Myers: So what are you not a fan of? What are ZYTO and CyberScan not good at helping with?

Susan Luschas: I actually have almost an equally long list of things they’re not so good at.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Susan Luschas: So the first thing is chasing gut bacteria. And sometimes I feel, especially in ZYTO, like we’re just chasing gut bacteria around. And every time you go in, you’re just saying, “Oh, the Candida flared up. Okay, you knock that and whap that mole back in the hole. And now you got Klebsiella flaring up and you knock that back in the hole.” You just chase around the gut bacteria without finding the root cause.

And again, this is back to being a little bit practitioner-dependent. You can go every time and waste your time and money in my opinion and not find the root cause of those gut bacteria. Yeah, you feel better once the Candida gets whapped back down and yeah, you feel better once the Klebsiella gets whapped back down, but you’re not getting to the fundamental root cause of the problem. So sometimes, I feel like they chase bacteria around.

Just chasing food allergies around, again ZYTO can really help with food allergies, but they’ll just come back if you don’t heal the gut. And ZYTO won’t tell you that you need to heal your gut. It will only tell you you’re sensitive to the food and it can treat you for it and you should probably stop beating it for a while to lose your sensitivity to it. But that sensitivity will come right back if you don’t heal your gut. So again it’s not getting to the root cause of the problem.

Probiotics, this is a difficult one. ZYTO will sometimes recommend probiotics specifically with FOS or inulin to help with something. Maybe let’s just say e-coli. But what it won’t realize is that the FOS and inulin in that probiotic will flare up your Candida.

So it doesn’t see into the future. It just looks it, “Okay, this is stressing you right now. So what can I do to help that?” But it doesn’t see into the future that some of the other things in that probiotic might actually cause other things to flare up. So it doesn’t see into the future. Generally, if ZYTO and CyberScan are testing well on a probiotic, I’d take it really with a grain of salt. I’m really careful about that, specifically the FOS and inulin probiotics. I’m very careful with those.

Wendy Myers: Those are the probiotics in them?

Susan Luschas: Yeah. The other thing actually related to probiotics again on the same lines is that I am now actually of the opinion that probiotics feed parasites and I know that’s not a popular opinion, but that’s just been my experience with them. So again, ZYTO and CyberScan won’t tell you that. They’ll just say, “Oh, it will help your e-coli,” but it won’t realize that it might feed parasites or might flare up some other bacteria. So they don’t see into the future.

Hidden dental infections, this is a big deal because a lot of us have them. I had them. A lot of us have wisdom teeth removed or root canals or things like extracted teeth. Most of them unfortunately in this country are usually infected.

ZYTO and CyberScan, ZYTO especially will never find them. I can pretty much say that. You just won’t find them. And CyberScan is actually better, but not 100% either. But CyberScan is much better in hidden dental infections than ZYTO is. And again, those can give fundamental cause for things like thyroid, adrenal issues especially.

Wendy Myers: That’s interesting that you can find Lyme or other kinds of infections, but the dental infections elude it. Do you know why that is?

Susan Luschas: Actually, ZYTO doesn’t find mine either because what happens is Lyme takes down the immune system and so that leave the terrain open for Candida and all kinds of other viral and bacterial things to flare up and that’s what ZYTO will find. It won’t actually find the Lyme.So we have Lyme for a long time, years undiagnosed and ZYTO never found it. So ZYTO won’t find Lyme either.

Wendy Myers: CyberScan?

Susan Luschas: CyberScan is a little better, but again, it’s the same situation where the Lyme may come up, but it won’t come upat a very high level. So I talked about in the scan ranking on CyberScan, it goes from 100% down to 0%. It’s in percentage.

And so it might find Lyme, but it’s probably not going to find it at 100%. It’s going to find it as a 30% stressor on your body. And our practitioner’s CyberScan database has so many things in it that realistically from a file standpoint, we can only printout the 199% items and that is already 20 pages. So we’re even not going to look at the things that rank up to 30% level.

So on CyberScan, we have probably a fine line, but it’s going to be so low and so on page 1500 that you’re never going to see it there either. And really the Lyme for example might be the fundamental cause of the 100% stressors, but both of these technologies are not really great at root cause problems like Lyme, hidden dental infections, parasites. They’re just not great at the root cause.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Somewhat they’re great at a lot of other things. So that’s good.

Susan Luschas: Yes, exactly. Actually, that was next on my list. So not good at hidden dental infections, not good at Lyme disease.

Antibiotics and medications. Sometimes I tow and CyberScan will come up and say, “Amoxicillin is testing the best against whatever is bothering you.” Again, these things can’t see into the future. So they can’t see that taking the amoxicillin might actually shift your balance such that you end up in a worse place than you started.

So again, they’ll recommend the amoxicillin for whatever is stressing you on their scan, but they won’t see into the future to see that if you actually take it, you’ll end up sicker because other things will flare up. So they just don’t see into the future.

Supplement dosing, we talked about that. They’re not good at dosing supplements. And the other thing related to supplements actually is they don’t test the supplements in combinations, meaning let’s just take some RX drugs. Let’s say there is a parasite medication testing really well and say there’s amoxicillin testing really well. Can you take both of them? ZYTO and CyberScan don’t really tell you that. If you take both of them, will it ruin your kidney drainage or your liver will stop functioning or who knows what? They won’t tell you that.

So they only test that that particular medication or supplement works well against the things bothering you. They don’t test them in combination. So I get this question a lot. “How many parasite medications can I take at a time?” And ZYTO and CyberScan can’t really tell you that. And for that, again I resort back to my home muscle testing for dosing and combinations of medications that I’m worried about taking together or that I think in my head might cause some problems. I always test them by hand together.

So let’s see, freaking you out is another negative with these technologies. It’s extremely easy to freak out.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Susan Luschas: So the things that come up on the scan, especially if it’s your first time, you may have nightmares and not be able to sleep. I mean it’s really unbelievable what will come up. I mean polio comes up, all kinds of things come up.

Do we have polio? Not that I know of, but have we been exposed to it? Maybe. Is our immune system fighting it? Maybe. I don’t know. I can’t say, but it’s scary sometimes when I see things like polio, pneumonia coming up, but we have no symptoms. So I’m like, “But we have no symptoms of that. So let’s not worry about it.”

But sometimes then you start to wonder, “Is that really accurate or not?” I don’t know. “Were our immune systems fighting it and has won the battle? Is it totally erroneous and false information?” I really don’t know. But it’s really easy to make yourself paranoid if you look at the scans and all the nasty things that you come up with. And believe me, my family functions really well, we’re doing great and we still come up with all kinds of crazy things.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. You need to keep it in perspective. I do hair mineral analysis and metals, urine testing on clients and they get really anxious about the results. They get really weird. But information is power and it gives you a roadmap of how you can improve your health. So you need to keep it in perspective. Do not get worried about it. You’re on the track to healing your body.

Susan Luschas: Yeah, this is a whole new level of paranoia.

Wendy Myers: I know.

Susan Luschas: A whole new level of scary once you see some of these results. And again, you can click on my website to check out some of mine and see if they scare you and it’s not even you, it’s me. So definitely check mine out if you’re ever thinking of doing it just so you don’t freak yourself out.

Wendy Myers: What’s your website?

Susan Luschas:

Wendy Myers: Okay.

Susan Luschas: And if you click on the ZYTO, there’s a tab called ZYTO there, I got some videos of me explaining my results and you can click and download the results yourself, the PDF files and follow along with it. Again, it’s good to look at someone else’s before you do it just so you don’t freak yourself out and you know what to expect.

46:31 Insurance Coverage

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So does insurance cover a test like this?

Susan Luschas: So I found that it depends on your practitioner and what codes they bill. And for ZYTO, it’s not an FDA-approved device, but that doesn’t seem to have mattered. It seemed to have only mattered what codes our practitioner billed. And for us, we had Aetna PTO and given the codes our practitioner bills, it was pretty much covered.

Wendy Myers: Wow.

Susan Luschas: Yeah, not always 100%. I don’t know. It gets complicated with deductibles and things like that, but it was pretty well covered.

CyberScan is actually an FDA-approved device. Don’t ask me how they did that and it still doesn’t seem to matter. It seems to still matter what codes our practitioner is billing. And now we have United Healthcare PPO and we just switched and waiting to see. We’re fighting them to get it covered. They want more information and all this and that.

But I think at the end of the day, they’re going to cover it. So it really depends on your practitioner and what codes they bill.

The reason I haven’t gotten my own ZYTO and CyberScan set up is basically because the insurance has pretty much covered it with the practitioner and with the practitioner, I have the benefit of her database and the things she scanned in and the benefit of her other clients’ databases and what they have scanned in. So I don’t have to sit here and reinvent the wheel and make my whole database. I had the benefit of hers and her clients’ database.

Another reason, actually going back to the question about remotely doing these things, when I go into the office, I almost always have a few things to take with me to scan in. Next time, I go and take my liposomal DMSA that I made and scan that in. So I almost always got a couple of things I want to scan in and that’s a little bit easier if you’re in the practitioner’s office.

So, the answer is insurance is covering it if your practitioner has the right codes.

Wendy Myers: I’m really surprised by that. I thought for sure it’s going to be a flat out no because it’s so cutting-edge.

Susan Luschas: Yeah.

48:41 Different ZYTO and CyberScane Databases

Wendy Myers: So my question, you’re saying that each practitioner has their own database. Why wouldn’t there be a one single cohesive database for the benefit of everyone doing the test?

Susan Luschas: There are actually for ZYTO and CyberScan. They both come with a “database.”

Wendy Myers: Okay.

Susan Luschas: I don’t know the financials behind who gets in their database and who doesn’t. I don’t know anything about that. I don’t know why certain products are in their database and other products aren’t. But I can say that in both cases, our practitioner has a significant amount of other items that she or her clients have scanned in.

So their databases are minimal in my opinion and for some reason, I don’t know why certain product lines that I think are important are excluded.

49:31 Case Studies

Wendy Myers: Okay. So is there anything else that you wanted to add about our discussion with these technologies?

Susan Luschas: Let’s see. No. I just want to add that – back to my website again, I’m not trying to promote my website, but there are examples on my website of how I actually interpret the results, what the different numbers and levels and all the details, the nitty-gritty details of once you get your results, what do you with them? And how do you read them?

Those details and examples are all on my website. You can click on them and check them out. So I really recommend that for your first time because it took us literally years to understand what it is good for, what it isn’t good for, how I use these results.

Wendy Myers: Everyone is going to want to know that. So I’m glad you’re giving us a link to your website. I’m going to check it out myself as well because I had never heard of this technology before I was introduced to you. So I’m really, really fascinated. I’m going to do a scan myself. Absolutely.

Susan Luschas: Cool.

50:39 The Most Pressing Health Issue in the World Today: Chronic Illnesses

Wendy Myers: I have a question I like to ask to all of my guests. What do you think is the most pressing health issue in the world today?

Susan Luschas: Right. I think the most pressing health issue is the chronic illnesses that the medical community can’t solve. So that’s pretty much what our family has been through. We didn’t know exactly what was wrong. We went everywhere and no one figured it out and no one helped us.

And I generalize that because under these chronic illnesses fall all kinds of things that we’re not diagnosing or treating like hidden dental infections, parasites, Lyme, leaky gut, detox, all these things that the standard medical community just doesn’t understand, doesn’t know how to diagnose and doesn’t know how to treat and they’re not learning it in medical school. And that to me is the biggest challenge that we face.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I think it’s a travesty. It makes me so sad. And I have clients coming to me and they’ve been to so many different doctors. They don’t want to just take a medication to cover up their symptoms. They want to address the underlying root cause and they want to get rid of it forever. They want to eliminate the health issue or the problem, not just take diabetic medication or what have you.

It’s sad to me that more doctors don’t take their education into their own hands. After medical school, ask questions. Be curious. Seek out further education, some functional diagnostic education. But some people, they’re just not curious. They feel like what they learned in medical school, that word is gold and everything else is quackery and I’ve met many of these doctors myself and been treated by them for various things.

It’s a huge, huge problem. That’s why we are doing what we’re doing to try to get that word out there. You have to take the power into your own hands. Your health is your responsibility. No one is going to hold your hand and cure you. You have to educate yourself because you know your body, you’re the patient, you’re going to be the most motivated to heal yourself, not another person.

Susan Luschas: Right. I absolutely agree with you. And I want to add one thing to it. My experience with people coming out of medical school is that they know how to pattern-match. They know how to say, “This symptom matches to this drug.” They’re very good at memorizing and very good at pattern-matching.

But what they’re not good at is actually thinking and critical thinking and reasoning and debugging. They just never learn the skills and I feel like ironically my engineering skills from MIT and critical thinking and experimentation and thinking skills are what saved my family’s health.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It’s true. A lot of the doctors go in medical school and they maybe have a photographic memory or they’re very good at test-taking or what have you and they can wiz their medical school, but that does not make a good practitioner or healer, absolutely not.

54:02 Where to Find Susan Luschas, ZYTO and CyberScan

Wendy Myers: So why don’t you tell our listeners more about where they can find you and where they can get a ZYTO or CyberScan?

Susan Luschas: They can find me at Everything I know is on that website, all for free. Again, I’m not making any referral links or any money off of it. It’s just out there for free, everything for free and completely independent and unbiased.

Where they can get ZYTO or CyberScan, I don’t know. I have a practitioner here locally that I’ve been working with for this whole time. I could recommend that person if you click on my website and click on this “Download the supplement scans” and stuff like that, you’ll see her contact information on there. She does book out, she’s pretty popular, so I don’t want to make her so that I can even get an appointment.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Susan Luschas: But search online for a local practitioner. I do highly recommend going locally just because I think the treatments are stronger if you can actually scan in your ring and your watch and wear that all day in addition to the water and the card. I think that’s a little bit better.

And you can scan in your own supplements from home. Maybe even have some weird things like some expired supplements and you want to see how they scan and if they’re still good for example. So there are some things you may just want to take with you.

So I recommend finding someone local. Look for reviews, word of mouth. But also check Yelp. There are more and more practitioner reviews on Yelp. And worst case, if you can’t find anyone, go to my website, on the ZYTO tab and click on some of my supplements list and the PDF files and you’ll see my practitioner there.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I guess, I just assumed there will be a database. Or if you’re on, you could find lots of practitioners or people that have been certified.

Susan Luschas: It could be.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Susan Luschas: I haven’t done that.

Wendy Myers: Okay, yeah, because you already have one. So you don’t know.

Susan Luschas: It could be, but for ZYTO in particular, it’s very practitioner-dependent. So I would be really careful on ZYTO. We did have the experience of my oldest child being turned into a monster because they treated her for something, but they forgot the drainage and detox, big deal.

So for ZYTO, I’ve been really careful. I still look for reviews and look for recommendations on ZYTO. CyberScan is more practitioner-independent, but again you still want a practitioner that has a really good database.

Wendy Myers: Those are very good tips. Thank you.

Susan Luschas: Yeah, you’re welcome.

Wendy Myers: Thank you so much for coming on the show. That was I think one of our interesting podcasts that I’ve done because it seems like this technology has such a profound impact on your health. It just sounds so, so fascinating. So thank you for informing us about that.

Susan Luschas: Thanks for having me, Wendy. It was my pleasure.

Wendy Myers: And listeners, if you want to learn more about me, you can go to And learn more about my healing and detox program,

Thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 Podcast.

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