Transcript: #154 Ozone Therapy 101 with Bill Quateman

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  • 02:08 About Bill Quateman
  • 15:30 The Health Benefits of Ozone Therapy
  • 22:10 Where to Get Ozone Therapy
  • 31:02 The Arizonian Biosphere II Study
  • 32:47 Resistance to Alternate Healing and Treatment Methods and Products
  • 39:32 Where to Find Ozone Therapy Facilities
  • 41:57 Using the Ozone Technique at Home
  • 45:09 Is Ozone Treatment Safe?
  • 47:49 Vaginal Ozonation
  • 49:38 Detoxing in a Toxic Environment
  • 52:26 The Most Pressing Health Issue in the World Today
  • 55:14 More About Bill Quateman

Wendy Myers: Hello. Welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast. My name is Wendy Myers and you can find me at You can find the corresponding video on the blog posts and on the YouTube channel at Wendy Myers on YouTube.

Today, we’re going to be talking about ozone therapy. I think this is such an important therapy for really everyone to do, not only those that have an infection or Lyme disease or health condition. Everyone has low-grade chronic infections in their body for various reasons. We have mold, parasites and other types of infections, which can be treated with ozone therapy. I’ve done a podcast before on this, but wanted to revisit it because it is so, so very important.

So my friend, Bill Quateman joins me on the podcast today. He’s quite not his own niche in the field of functional medicine with the development of his company Advanced BioCell. He uses ozone therapy to benefit many of his clients and it’s been used for years in Europe and other countries worldwide with incredible health benefits and results.

And Bill is going to tell us why the US hasn’t capitalized on this medical advancement. So tune in and you could hear about the benefits of ozone therapy, what health conditions ozone can help, why ozone isn’t used more widely and where you can get ozone therapy.

But first, we have to do the disclaimer. Please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. So please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging in any treatment that we may suggest today on the show.

02:08 About Bill Quateman

So our podcast guest, Bill Quateman is basically a wellness concierge. He’s an author and a marketing consultant with a focus on integrated regenerative medicine. He’s the Founder and International Director of a functional nutrition company Advanced BioCell, which provides customized personal health. He’s also President of hair loss solutions and beauty company, It’s more than just hair. And he’s Founder of a media and consulting company Angel Mind, which is new media for an emerging world.
Since 1978, as a passionate student, he has studied Holistic Health in Natural Medicine including a 32-year tutorial with Holistic Professor of Psychiatry at Northwestern University, Dr. Bruce Boyd. He has also worked with and learned from some of the most progressive and visionary medical doctors and integrated natural medicine physicians in the field for more than 15 years.

Since 2000, Bill had been in business development in the field of orthomolecular medical nutrition testing. He does hair mineral analysis like myself, and he has worked with some of the pre-eminent doctors and experts in this field including one of the founders of orthomolecular medicine, Dr. Abraham Hoffer.

With his company, Advanced BioCell, Mr. Quateman has developed a comprehensive process for engaging, guiding and educating and servicing clients in the rapidly growing field of systems-based personalized functional medicine, the leading edge of the wellness industry.

Bill, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Bill Quateman: Thank you for having me, Wendy. It’s a pleasure to be here.

Wendy Myers: Why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about your background and how you got into health?

Bill Quateman: Okay. I have a checkered past. I might put that on the table. I started out many years ago as a songwriter and recording artist and made records with Clive Davis at Columbia Records. But show business is a lot like the health and wellness business because in mind anyway, what I wanted to do was to see if I can help people live a better life somehow and songs were the first way to do it.

Then my family was born. I started raising my son. I stayed home. I was the house wife for five and a half years, cooking and cleaning and shopping and sleeping and mommy-and-me classes and cooking dinner and short skirt and high heels. It’s hard work.

I started a publishing company to write a book about stepfamily life because that’s what I had and that’s what I have. And after a couple of years learning the publishing business and getting ready to go out and be a parenting expert, [inaudible 00:05:03] because I don’t have a degree, I didn’t want one, but I could tell stories and sing songs, which I still do, except I don’t really sing about vitamins.

I met a doctor in the field of orthomolecular medicine, which is a fancy-sounding word for therapeutic nutrition. And I had a great pleasure of working as I helped him write his book that he wanted to do with Abraham Hoffer. You may know that name yourself. Abraham was one of the founders of orthomolecular medicine with Linus Pauling, two of probably some of the greatest national medicine minds to have graced the covers of the national medicine books.

And so as I got into it with this particular doctor, I co-wrote his book with him, I learned all about natural medicine. And I was introduced to hair tissue mineral analysis through this doctor who was using it as the baseline practice for that particular approach, this particular approach to finding out how your metabolism functions or not. And I started building his company being the Marketing Director, CEO. I ran his company.

And then we parted ways about eight years ago because of personal differences and I started Advanced BioCell, which is my company now. We do hair tissue mineral analysis, oxygen cleansing therapy, reverse aging, anti-aging protocols that include reverse aging hormone therapy. We have relationships with the finest stem cell clinics in the world from Thailand and Australia and Germany. And our integrative oncology relationships enjoy a 70% reversal of fourth stage cancer. So it sounds like a broad spectrum virtual network of some of the finest natural medicine doctors in the world.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. That sounds good to me. Yeah, I’m coming in to do a cyber scan very, very soon, which uses quantum technology to know what kind of infections you have and what supplements may work for you or not. It’s really, really interesting technology.

Bill Quateman: Oh, it’s fascinating. Dr. Rex Wilson who’s a very dear friend and colleague who’s Medical Nutrition Director for Advanced BioCell is a superb cyber scan practitioner. Are you going to see him?

Wendy Myers: Yes.

Bill Quateman: Yes. You’re going to see Rex, yeah?

Wendy Myers: Yes.

Bill Quateman: Perfect.

07:47 About Ozone Therapy and Oxygen Depletion

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So we are going to talk about ozone therapy. It’s very, very important to get oxygen into your body and it has a number of benefits. So let’s discuss what exactly is ozone therapy.

Bill Quateman: Ozone therapy is the use of ozone mixed with oxygen to help cleanse and detoxify the blood from the microforms that inhabit our inner environment. That was pretty simple and direct, wasn’t it?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Bill Quateman: I’m listening to myself say that. I like that.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Bill Quateman: Ozone is a highly active oxygen and it’s a biological agent. It’s a gas and it’s a single molecule. I don’t want to get too scientific because it’s really more boring to do that than to tell your listeners the dramatic and tremendous health benefits that ozone mixed with oxygen can bring. When it’s mixed with the blood, oxygen and ozone create a mixture together, which really causes healing on all numbers of levels of the body.

What happens is we live in a low oxygen environment. That’s where we start this discussion really. I hope I come across as a real passionate student rather than a know-it-all because I’ve been studying it really just for the last several years and we at Advanced BioCell have high dose ozone treatments that we offer. But I really am more fascinated and excited by what ozone can do than anything else. So that’s why I get enthusiastic about it.

When the human genes were formed about 10,000 years ago, Virginia, there was 50% more oxygen in the atmosphere than there is in 2016. And what does that mean? What it means for us as human beings is that there is less oxygen to breathe. There are also more pollutants and toxins in the air that also diminish the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere, these chem trails that clog up the atmosphere. And there are more species on planet earth right now breathing whatever oxygen is available.

As a result, just about everyone, you and I know, is walking around oxygen-depleted. And that’s a nice phrase, oxygen-depleted. What it means really is that our blood supply does not have the oxygen it needs. So what does that mean? What that means is that we have a low oxygen environment in our blood, which leaves us open to the microforms inhabiting our blood in a very comfy, cozy fashion with nobody or nothing asking them to leave.

Now you think, “Well okay, why would you want to ask them to leave? That’s not being a nice host.” It’s because the microforms, they are all things we’ve heard about, viruses, bacteria, fungus, mold, yeast, parasites and cancers. And you can see them in live blood cell images and we have before and after where you see all those bits and pieces and fibrinogens, which are markers of inflammation before someone came in for ozone treatment. And then an hour after and then the day after, you can see all the crud in the blood dissipating until you have nice juicy little red blood cells where they were previously clumped in and put together.

What happens is that these microforms, the virus, the bacteria, the parasites, the fungi, they live in a no or low oxygen environment. That’s your blood. They thrive there. They take up residence. They build a bio mass around themselves and exoskeleton made out of chitin. That’s a scaly hard piece.

And then they take nutrients from the blood and they deposit waste materials in the blood. And what happens is unfortunately it’s step by step slowly overtime, but the microforms begin to proliferate. They take up more and more space. And slowly but surely the blood gets thicker and thicker and thicker and it loses its fluid nature because it’s filled with waste materials from the microforms, it’s filled with waste materials from the toxins and the pollutants and the other waste materials that you put in or we put into our blood supply.

And so the blood gets thicker and thicker and thicker. So ultimately what happens is it continues to lose its ability to do what blood is supposed to do, which is take nutrients to the cell and take waste products out.

And when that starts to happen, everything starts to get slower and slower and slower, the metabolism. The nutrients are not getting to the cells. The cells aren’t operating properly. Everything starts to slow down. It gets thicker and thicker blood and the red blood cells start to clump. And so the blood is left almost stagnant in so many cases when it’s supposed to be—what do they call it? Life’s blood?

So what happens then is the nutrients aren’t getting to the cells. The cells aren’t able to make enough energy to send to the different systems in the body, which get to be the immune system, certainly the cardiovascular system, the cognitive function system, the digestive system.

But when the immune system has not got the energy, it’s not got the payment that it needs to function as an operating business—it’s something you could think of as the economics of immunity—if the immune system is not getting the energy it needs, if it’s not getting paid properly so to speak out of the bank account of your energy system, it doesn’t work. It’s not because it’s thinking about it. It just doesn’t have the resources. Any way we talk about this. Do you know what I’m saying?

Wendy Myers: Yes.

Bill Quateman: Of course you do. So what happens then is all these microforms that are always in our blood start to make their way into our systems and start affecting us and that’s the beginning of the trail of ill health.

15:30 The Health Benefits of Ozone Therapy

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So when you use ozone therapy, how can that benefit your health? You mentioned many different ways, but are there any ways specifically it helps to benefit us?

Bill Quateman: Oh, many, many, many ways actually. The basics for this type of natural health are two categories. One is detoxification and cleansing. The other is introducing the proper nutrients because in the science that we practice, which is the natural medicine approach to taking care of ourselves, what the body needs are the right amount of nutrients overtime in your body. If that can’t happen, then you start getting sick.

So the first thing you want to be doing in this scenario of natural medicine that we all believe in is to clean out and detoxify yourself on an ongoing basis. And that’s really one of the most salient conversations, one of the most important conversations in natural medicine these days. I hear it from everybody. It’s your line, “Detox or die.” Isn’t that you?

Wendy Myers: Yeah. That’s my motto.

Bill Quateman: Yeah. And people have really no idea of so many elements of how to take care of themselves. Certainly physiology and body chemistry is one of them. But one of the things that people have really no real insight into is how toxified and polluted all of us really are.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Bill Quateman: So the first thing we want to do is clean out so that what we put in will stay there and be used. So that’s where ozone-oxygen therapy comes into play. It’s tremendous for supporting any cancer treatment.

Otto Warburg is famous for talking about how he truly believed—in 1930s—that cancer was really at bay as a result of low oxygen in the blood, diminished oxygen, depleted oxygen. So when you introduce ozone and oxygen into the blood supply, again it comes back to the base, it gives the blood what it needs to be doing, what it’s supposed to do, which is to take in the nutrients and take out the waste. So when you have a system that’s doing that, it helps everything.

So the conversation about ozone is such that all different body systems and functions are dramatically impacted with the use of ozone. Your circulation is greatly improved because the blood is moving more fluidly. There’s less gunk in the blood to slow it down so the circulation is improved.

With improved circulation comes enhancement in all kinds of areas. Hair, in larger measures, is a result of poor circulation. Poor eyesight is connected in many ways to poor circulation. In the natural medicine field, you would corroborate I believe, Wendy. All problems can be traced to poor circulation as one of the original problems.

So inflammation, let’s talk about the fire inside. Inflammation comes because of all the other stuff that’s built on top of it that’s not getting solved like the toxins and the pollutants that has slowed down the ability of the body to repair itself and handle the problems that come through so that the compounding of all the lack of nutrients and the presence of pollutants start to compound on itself. And then when you do eat lousy food and you don’t take your probiotics, you’re just setting yourself up to create a problem.

There’s so much that ozone does for the whole element of detoxification in every area of the body. When you find yourself cleaned out, you will then start to absorb the good nutrients that you put in whether it’s the foods or the supplements and then that will lead directly to better energy.

So why did you have the better energy? Was it because you had some vitamin C or was it because you had your full compliments of soy-based minerals? Well yeah, but your body was able to get more from the intake on those nutrients because you cleaned out to some or a lot of extent?

Just about every system, every function in the body is greatly enhanced with ozone because for one reason. You’re cleaning out the system and enabling the system to have what it needs.

Wendy Myers: Yes. What health issues can ozone help with? It sounds like almost any imaginable health condition can benefit?

Bill Quateman: Yes, any and all health conditions. I mean we see people that come in with Lyme, we see people that come in with herpes. We see people that come in with mold. We see people with HIV. The viral lobes are undetectable now. They’re doing more than just the ozone.

Ozone is wonderful stuff and it’s dramatically impacting, but it always takes the raw materials, it always takes the minerals, it always takes the vitamins and the amino acids and the fatty acids. Those are crucial. It’s not the be-all, end-all. It’s just a very powerful way to allow the body in its ability to do what it would do were it not all gunked up.

22:10 Where to Get Ozone Therapy

Wendy Myers: Yes. So how can someone utilize ozone? Is it always necessary to go to a physician’s office or a naturopathic doctor to utilize ozone?

Bill Quateman: Well, it depends. I just had a client that came in today. He was visiting from Poland. One of my clients, who’s a friend of his referred him. And he’s in the position. We could do it. He used my advice to set him up with his own ozone altar you might say.

If you’re in a position to do so, you could get yourself an ozone generator and an oxygen concentrator, which is required. You get yourself a little cloth ozone sauna. And you could have your own home setup. We help people do that all the time at Advanced BioCell.

So, one way to do it is to have your own ozone set up in the house. You can do ear insufflation, which means you put stethoscopes in your ears and ozone and oxygen goes right into your cranial cavity. It’s been shown in the research it would be very, very impacting for brain cancer.

So you think, “Okay, if it’s impacting brain cancer, it’s probably going to help out with some infections that are probably in my head somewhere.” If there’s something in your head, well some of it is in your head.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So you go to your naturopathic doctor’s office and get ozone therapy, what does that look like? I mean the blood and…

Bill Quateman: Yeah, yeah. There are other ways to do it. The way most people do when they see us here at Advanced BioCell is they come in to be treated with ozone and oxygen. It’s doing it in your own setup like we were talking about with a little sauna or ear insufflation or rectal insufflation and drinking freshly made ozone water, which is very, very important for you no matter what. Drinking water is good, but freshly ozonated water is even better. Athletic performance is enhanced, energy levels are brought up slightly. So that’s there.

Otherwise, for other ozone treatment, there are a number of different ways. One way is direct IV or ozone is put directly into the vein. Another way of doing ozone is just right under the skin. Another way of doing it is ear insufflations, rectal insufflation. Normally when people come to see us, we are practicing now the newest technology for ozone intake, which is called high dose ozone therapy.

Ozone is effective because of three elements. The first part about ozone is the quantity. How much ozone are you taking in at a treatment? The next part of it is concentration. How strong is the concentration of ozone in the dosage that you’re getting? And the third part of it is the frequency. How often are you getting an ozone treatment? So it’s quantity, concentration and frequency.

The reason those are important is because when you have these microforms, these little hard shelled exoskeletal forms that are sucking your blood, they won’t go quietly into that dark [inaudible 00:25:53]. When you hit them with ozone, they’re going to react because they’re going to fight back and there oftentimes can be what’s called a Herxheimer reaction, which means you have the healing crisis and I think it’s much better to call it a crisis because you don’t feel good.

Wendy Myers: Yes.

Bill Quateman: There can be headaches. There can be flu symptoms. There can be chills. There can be some nauseousness. That can happen from any type of detox that you do as you well know. The interesting part about what we do with high dose is that it’s used with the technique called major autohemotherapy. Now major autohemotherapy is when you infuse 220 milliliters of blood out of the vein and into a surgical glass bottle. And then we infuse that blood under hyperbaric oxygen pressure with ozone and oxygen. And then that blood is infused back into the body.

The difference of what we do in this technique is treat the blood with ozone outside the body. So what that does is it puts ozonides, which are the beneficial elements of ozone-treated blood into the blood, which then go back into the body acting as little bits of vaccine-like product because the viruses and the bacteria that have been killed in the bottle go back into your body and they act on your behalf as a result.

That one time in the bottle and back in your body is called [A pass?]. And what we do with high dose ozone therapy here at Advanced BioCell is we do that in a single two-hour treatment 10 times. So what you’re getting if you come back to the three areas is you’re getting the highest dose of ozone you could get at the highest concentration level in the shortest amount of time. Roughly speaking with high dose ozone, you’re getting about 100 times more ozone than you can get any other way in an immediate two-hour period.

So that is a new version of ozone therapy that is becoming very popular because people are finding that with the higher doses in the higher concentration in the shorter amount of time, the benefits to the health and wellness, for why they came to ozone treatment—it is a shorter period of time—the results are very, very dramatic.

Wendy Myers: How much does a treatment like that cost?

Bill Quateman: Well, we have different packages and so forth. An initial treatment is $1150. And we have package rates that bring the price down because we want people to understand that having an ozone treatment is a wonderful thing and it’s an important thing to do. However, having ongoing exposure to ozone is really the best benefit that someone’s going to find.

The story I tell is you have a fish tank and you have a little fish flopping around in the tank and it’s having a good time. And then you back up a car to the fish tank and you put a hose on the tail part of the car and dump it into the fish tank. After not too long a period of time, the fish is going to be flopping on his side because of all the crap in the water. So what are you going to do? Are you going to give the fish supplements or are you going to clean the water?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Bill Quateman: The thing is that tube from the car exhaust is always in the fish tank, in the world that we live in.

Wendy Myers: Yes.

Bill Quateman: Do you have an air purifier?

Wendy Myers: I do.

Bill Quateman: Good because if you don’t, your lungs are taking all that crud out of the air. Do you have a shower filter?

Wendy Myers: I have a whole house filter.

Bill Quateman: Okay. So there you have it. It’s keeping crud from getting up your nose when you shower or through your skin from the tap water.

Wendy Myers: But even with all those protections, I still go walking outside in Los Angeles, so I’m breathing in thallium and all the toxins and whatnot that are in the air. It’s unavoidable. It’s difficult to avoid, no matter what precautions you take.

Bill Quateman: That’s the point. The point is it’s unavoidable. So what do you do? You build a bubble.

31:02 The Arizonian Biosphere II Study

Bill Quateman: Are you familiar with the Arizonian Biosphere II?

Wendy Myers: No, I’m not.

Bill Quateman: Oh, the Arizonian Biosphere II, I want everybody to Google it. In the late ’80s or early ’90s, there were some scientists who were thinking, “What would happen if a human being lived in an environment where the air was clean, the water was pure and the soil was mineralized from which they grew their food?” Wow! It just sounds like paradise, isn’t it?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Bill Quateman: So what they did was they built a glass place in Arizona. It’s called the Arizonian biosphere. And the second was large enough and they put four people in it and they lived there. And then after a couple of years, they were evaluated at UCLA and they unsurprisingly said, “Based on the biological aging markers that we’re finding, if you did this ongoing, you could live to be 120 years old.”

But that was in 1990. That was before stem cells really peaked. So if you add all these layers of what you can do that’s good for yourself, that’s what the air purifier and the shower filter and the whole home filter and taking time to meditate and laughing a lot and having lots of hugs and drinking a lot of water and sleeping enough and taking the pills and having some blood cleaning is going to fill out your picture of “How can I live well?”

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I have not tried that yet. It’s something I have yet to try. I’ve done the hyperbaric oxygen chamber, but have yet to try ozone. I’m going to have to try out your little menu in your Advanced BioCell when I come in.

Bill Quateman: I would love you to. I’d love you to.

32:47 Resistance to Alternate Healing and Treatment Methods and Products

Wendy Myers: So why isn’t ozone used in the US as much as it’s employed elsewhere in the world?

Bill Quateman: Money. Ozone works too well. Take money away from the people that are making you sick. I’m sorry.

I used to be real angry about it. I was the angry young man, “I’m going to get those guys and everything.” But the pharmaceuticals and the AMA and the insurance companies have all the money and there are people these days, especially your audience for example, certainly the clients that follow Advanced BioCell and the like, they’re avoiding with their dollars and saying, “Oh, I don’t think so.”

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And Harvard who publishes a lot of health information owns a lot of the patents for medical equipment and whatnot. So there’s a lot of power and the powers that be.
Unfortunately, the United States were denied a lot of natural health remedies from being in the mainstream and from being more well-known. And millions of dollars goes into debunking natural health testing and treatments as quackery. And that is not done in other countries in Europe.

Bill Quateman: Right.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Bill Quateman: Ozone is practiced with tremendous success in Germany and Russia and Austria and Egypt and Cuba and Thailand. They have clinics for 20 years. They’re getting tremendous success.

Magic Johnson went to Germany and got ozone for his HIV. I know this because one of my close colleagues is a friend of his in his circle. And not only did he do that, but he was threatened. “No two ways about it.” Think about it. Have you ever heard anybody interview Magic Johnson and say, “So how did you get your HIV under control?”

Wendy Myers: We never heard that.

Bill Quateman: You never heard anybody asking that. And the reason you never heard anybody asking that is because it’s in his writer that they can’t ask him that. And the reason that they can’t ask him that is because he was threatened. If a big figure like that says, “Yeah, I went to Germany and I had ozone and my HIV is totally under control,” they’re done. They don’t want people to know that.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It’s really sad the pharmaceutical companies have so much power and everything is steering you towards a medication.

Bill Quateman: Well, that’s the machine.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Bill Quateman: Just recently, I don’t know if you’re aware of it, but a friend of mine is in the industry. He said the last several days, CBD is now illegal.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, exactly. And that is the active ingredient in hemp and it’s definitely helpful with cancer. It’s just unbelievable to me and it’s really saddening to me because I have a friend that has cancer that is taking CBD oil and getting a lot of relief from that. And now it’s illegal to sell as a supplement.

Even Quicksilver Scientific, Chris Shades, he has a CBD oil supplement and obviously he’s not going to be allowed to sell that. It’s very, very sad. It’s amazing they can take a molecule found in nature of plants and try to say that it’s under investigation as a drug, so now it cannot be sold as a supplement. It is just mindboggling.

Bill Quateman: It’s not even possible to consider it in a rational human mind. Wendy. Tamoxifen, the number one chemotherapy drug for breast cancer is listed by the CDC as a cancer-causing agents for human beings. What are we talking about?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Bill Quateman: So it’s really important with this story to say to the people that are listening in, wake up. Don’t take guys in the white coats word for it. Ask your own questions, do your own investigation. The internet is a miracle right now. And talk to people that you resonate with, that you feel comfortable with, that are getting you results rather than just say, “Okay, I’ll take this drug” if you don’t need to.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, you do. You have to take responsibility for your own health. No one is going to do that for you. That is your job. And if you want to be healthy, you can’t go to your physician and expect miracles because it’s not going to be found in a drug.

You could manage a symptom to relieve pain or other symptoms until you can get it under control with natural means. But that’s the best you’re going to do.

Bill Quateman: We’re in the era of what I refer to as four P health. Health has to be predictive. It has to be preventive. It has to be personalized. And here’s the catch, it has to be participatory. That’s the one that people get stuck on.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. They don’t know unless they do the work. I don’t even want to do the work, but I do it because I want to feel good. And it’s too easy to take a pill and just passively expect results because a lot of people do take a pill and they do feel better. They take a pain pill or their insulin or blood pressure medication or whatever it is and they feel better, but it’s ultimately not the long term solution.

Bill Quateman: Yeah, right. That’s the idea. What’s your goal? If you start with your end in mind, what is your goal? Do you want to be pain-free? Do you want to live forever? Do you want to be beautiful? Do you want to be moving effortlessly and easily? Did I miss anything?

Wendy Myers: Do you want your brain to work?

Bill Quateman: Yeah. Do you want to go to a party without a problem?

Wendy Myers: Without being in a nursing home.

Bill Quateman: Exactly. So if you say, “All right, yeah, that’s what I want, Bill, Wendy. Yeah, I want to live forever, I want to look 18 years old and I want to feel good doing it,” okay, well we can help you do that. But you have to participate.

39:32 Where to Find Ozone Therapy Facilities

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And so let’s get back to ozone. Where can one find ozone therapy facilities?

Bill Quateman: Okay. So I don’t know if I’m allowed to say that you can find them at Advanced BioCell.

Wendy Myers: Of course.

Bill Quateman: Oh, okay, good. So is our website.

Wendy Myers: Yes. There will be a link below the video and on the transcript and in your bio on the blog post. They’ll just click on the link and go there.

Bill Quateman: Okay, great. Thank you for that. If you call (310) 550-6767, you can talk to us, ask us any questions, book an appointment. We can get you up to speed on whatever you like to know.

There are only a few people in the Los Angeles area that are doing the high dose ozone, which is a relatively new approach to this over the last year. I don’t know any of the people that are doing it. I’ve heard there are. But we’re practicing our treatments out of the Integrative Physicians Medical Group on Barrington in the West Los Angeles area. We’re happy to talk to anybody about any questions they might have.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And so this is just not something commonly found. You’re not going to find it at your typical doctor’s office or even hospitals.

Bill Quateman: No, you won’t find them in hospitals because they really help people and it’s outside the view of the hospital. The hospital generally just wants to either stop your pain or keep you alive and send you someplace. That’s what they do. They’ll cut you, they’ll burn you or they’ll give you drugs. And then in emergency situation, you want that to happen if you need it. Other than that, no.

The way ozone is found, here in Los Angeles for example, is either through programs like this or through networks of people that you know that know it or other ways. There’s no official listing. There are some places that do listing. Ozone is not illegal in California. It’s just not sanctioned by the AMA. So as a result, nobody is really helping out, “Hey, there’s this great way that you can clean your blood” because it’s not part of the bigger machinery.

41:57 Using the Ozone Technique at Home

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Can you safely use ozone at home? I mean clearly the technique that you’re using is going to be maximally effective. But can you get a lot of benefits at home with using the tent and an ozone machine?

Bill Quateman: Sure, you can. We were talking about that earlier. So if you get yourself an ozone generator and you get an oxygen concentrator because you need the oxygen and then the tubing and then the bottle of water because the ozone has to run through the water and mix with the oxygen. And it’s not complex, it’s just like an orange juice can. It’s really in the end.

Yes, you can. You can make fresh ozone water for yourself. You need to make it and drink it because it dissipates after 15 minutes. You can do ear insufflation, I remembered. Put it in your ear. You can do the ozone sauna with the tent.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I have some clients. They have an infrared sauna and they infuse the ozone into that and they killed two birds in one stone, which I think is great. But are there any particular brands that you recommend? I did a podcast before and it had lots, thousands of views on YouTube. And everyone is out saying, “What brand of ozone generator do you recommend? And do you want to avoid the cheaper models?”

Bill Quateman: Yes, you do want to avoid the cheaper models. Advanced BioCell is connected with one of the finest manufacturers for ozone generators. This is a private manufacturer. So these are all top-of-the-line personal use ozone generators tuned to 42 I think so that it brings in the sacred geometry frequency and you can actually ultimately take in more ozone because of the frequency tuning.

But yes, we can easily recommend a place where we can help people get set up with systems and instruct them on how to use them. It is a good idea to find someone that you can rely on and depend on when it comes to getting an ozone rig for yourself because you do want to get some instruction, you want to get some guidance, you want to get some hands on.

And really that’s the most central idea with Advanced BioCell. We’re here to really educate and enlighten and guide people so they can take their own health in their own hands and take care of themselves. I mean you have your own ozone set up in your own house, it’s going to cost you less than a CT scan and you can take care of yourself and your friends and your family your whole life.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Yeah. So are there any brands on Amazon that you would recommend?

Bill Quateman: No, no. I don’t know any other commercial brands. I’ve heard some unfortunate stories about some of the commercial brands. I just am not aware enough. I’m sure there are some good ones out there, but I personally prefer to go through our private vendor because I know what I’m getting and it’s stuff that lasts for years and years and years. And he’s one of the leading experts in the field as well.

45:09 Is Ozone Treatment Safe?

Wendy Myers: And can ozone be dangerous? I know that there are certifications for doctors to administer ozone therapy? There’s a group or a board that certifies people. I’m a little unclear on the details. But is that because there is a danger involved in improper use of ozone?

Bill Quateman: When it comes to direct IV, when you’re infusing ozone directly into the blood, absolutely that needs to be something you’re educated to do and trained to do. If it goes too fast, it could cause a problem. If you’re not careful in the way you administer it, there could be an air bubble that gets into the vein and that’s very dangerous.

Of all the protocols available in the world for health and wellness, whether it’s pharmaceuticals or it’s surgery or it’s radiation or it’s ozone, the least problematic by light years is ozone.

There was a study in Russia that was done eight years ago, 5000 ozone treatments. And this was with the direct IV, 5000 treatments with a 0.000005 incidence of problem. We have over 275,000 deaths every year in the hospital from the proper use of prescription medications. You do the numbers.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So relatively speaking, ozone is a pretty safe bet.

Bill Quateman: It’s probably the safest.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So if someone is using it at home, they get a tent and they’re ozonating, how often can they do that?

Bill Quateman: With the ozone generators at home, you could do it every day. Again, it goes back to the three areas, the quantity, the concentration and the frequency. So the quantity that you can get from even a top-of-the-line privately made ozone generator is not going to be too much for you if you’re drinking the water that you make, if you’re sitting on the ozone sauna, if you’re doing ear insufflation, vaginal or rectal insufflation. You want to be careful with the timing because otherwise it will just dry out in your insides too much and it can uncomfortable. It won’t really hurt you.

47:49 Vaginal Ozonation

Wendy Myers: And so let’s talk about the vaginal ozonation. What benefits can that incur?

Bill Quateman: What you’re doing if you’re getting the ozone into the area of the reproductive organs and although if you do it direct IV or the way we do it with major autohemotherapy, you are getting a systemic effect. There’s no question about it.

When you put in the ear insufflation, you are getting a more concentrated impact in your cranial area, which is why they say it can be beneficial for brain cancer kind of stuff. I find that I do get some drainage from my ears when I do ear insufflation.

For example, when you do ozone coffee enema, what you’re doing is the coffee is causing the liver to contract and expand. And it’s likened to getting the plaster off a balloon. If you deflate the balloon a little bit that has plaster on it, the plaster will flake off. How do you deflate the liver? Well, the coffee makes it expand and contracts slightly and it loosens the toxins and then expresses them out. So when you do a coffee ozone enema, it’s getting right in there through the capillaries close to the liver.

So when you do vaginal insufflation, it’s also impacting the female organs in a more direct way because the gas is going right into that area.

49:38 Detoxing in a Toxic Environment

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah. Okay, great. Is there anything else that you wanted to add to our discussion about the ozone therapy?

Bill Quateman: Well, nothing other than to encourage everyone to give us a call and find out about it if you’re even slightly inclined. We are doing our best to bring it to people’s attention that having ozone treatment of any kind is just a good idea. And having ozone treatment of any kind ongoing is an even better idea.

Wendy Myers: Yeah because most people have low-grade chronic infections. They have multiple low-grade chronic infections, be it Candida or gut dysbiosis, parasites, et cetera, et cetera. So ozone just completely makes sense.

Bill Quateman: Yeah. That’s the whole idea. In today’s discussions that I listened in on—and I said it because I’m really honored and privileged, I feel privileged to be on these great conversations—the main conversation is just that, Wendy. It’s all about detoxification and cleansing and all the stuff we’re carrying around.

I have a very close friend who has gotten melanoma. We just came across a product that is reputed to take and destroy tumors. It’s a simple thing that he started to take. The gentleman whose product it is was on the phone with us the other day and was saying, “Listen, here’s the protocol. Here’s what you do and I’m telling you from the previous history I’ve had that you stick with it and this tumor will vanish.”

However, I’ll tell you the other stuff that this product is going to help you with in your body is a lot more to worry about than that melanoma tumor. Wow, he sounded very confident. He had some very strong experiences in eliminating tumors with this product, but his point was the same. The toxins and the pollutants that you’ve been carrying since you were born are causing a lot more problem than that tumor on your leg.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I personally believe that we are so full of toxins and that you have to have a daily detox strategy, be thinking about supplements or detox protocols, ozone, whatever it may be. You need to do something on a near daily basis to combat all the toxins we deal with on a daily basis.

Bill Quateman: Exactly. So that’s what we do here at Advanced BioCell, our best to wake people up to bring their attention to the idea. It’s not only a good idea to get yourself cleaned up, but it’s the best idea to keep cleaning yourself up.

52:26 The Most Pressing Health Issue in the World Today

Wendy Myers: Yeah, absolutely. So I have a question I like to ask to all of my guests. What do you think is the most pressing health issue in the world today?

Bill Quateman: I think the most pressing health issue in the world today is the world we live in. I used to think the most pressing health issue in the world today was people’s opinions. But I think it’s really waking up and living in the world every day.

So many of us, certainly my generation, grew up watching Ozzy and Harriet and The Mickey Mouse Club and the world was a different place. The way it was thought about and we all thought there was going to be a nice beautiful thing going, well it certainly has changed and you can’t just sit around and have a trip to whole foods and a trip to the movies and a trip to the bank and be your life because it won’t really take you where you want to go because all this stuff is happening all around you all the time.

And you say one of two people are showing up with cancer. Well, it’s because of all the stuff that happens every day when you wake up that you really just don’t attend to. “I’ll do it later. I’ll exercise later. I’ll take those vitamins when I get home. I’ll rest, I’ll meditate tomorrow.” All that stuff gets pushed back and pushed back, but your body gets pushed back and pushed back.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I completely agree with you. I think that people really need to make their health a priority and you get what you focus on. When it comes to your health, you have to work at it to get results.

So you and I really implore people not to wait until you get a diagnosis of autoimmune or cancer or diabetes or other health condition. The time is right now before there’s damage to your body, permanent damage. And you have control and the power right now to prevent disease.

Bill Quateman: That is absolutely the truth. The best way to be healthy is to never get sick.

Wendy Myers: Exactly. That’s why I do this podcast, to empower people and give them the tools and the ideas that they need to improve their health and prevent disease. So that’s why I do what I do.

Bill Quateman: It’s a wonderful thing that you’re doing it. I applaud you tremendously. And I think all your people are very lucky to have you here.

55:14 More Bill Quateman

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Tell us about yourself. Where can the listeners find you and whatnot?

Bill Quateman: Okay. My company again is Advanced BioCell. You can see our website, That’s with a D, Advanced. The phone number you can reach us at is (310) 550-6767. And we can help.

Wendy Myers: And so am I as well. So you guys can learn more about me at and you can learn all about my detox program at Thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 Podcast.

Bill Quateman: Thank you very much for having me, Wendy.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Thank you.

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