Transcript: #158 How to Remove Mercury Fillings with Dr. Bill Glaros

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  • 03:05 About Dr. Bill Glaros
  • 05:03 What is in Mercury Fillings
  • 06:18 Mercury vs. Silver Fillings
  • 07:30 Mercury Fillings in Dental Schools
  • 10:31 Why Dental Schools and the ADA Support Mercury Fillings
  • 13:40 State Responsibilities for Protecting the Public
  • 18:25 Mercury Toxicity
  • 26:13 Where to Find Dr. Glaros
  • 31:37 Removing Mercury Fillings
  • 34:23 Gold Fillings
  • 42:37 Patient Compatibility Testing
  • 45:18 Mercury and Metals on Root Canals
  • 47:11 Working for the Cause
  • 52:35 Biological Dentistry
  • 55:41 Cancer and Dentistry
  • 58:09 The Most Pressing Health Issue in the World Today
  • 60:08 More about Dr. Glaros

Wendy Myers: Hello everyone, my name is Wendy Myers. Thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 Podcast and tuning in today. Today, we are going to be talking about a very important subject which is how to properly remove mercury fillings.

A lot of clients ask me, “Should I remove my fillings?” Yes. Mercury is the most toxic metal known to man that’s naturally occurring. It causes a lot of different health symptoms over a hundred different symptoms, health conditions, headaches, migraines, chronic fatigue. And it’s the most common toxicity among my clients, among many other detox practitioners clients. Mercury is the most common metal found. And everyone has some amount of this in their body.

It is really hard to avoid. It’s in most fish, except the little fish like sardines and herring and anchovies. They don’t live long enough to accumulate much mercury. But it’s also in mercury fillings. It is still in many vaccines today. And we breathe it in in the air through coal burning, and frighteningly enough, crematoriums in the cities. We are peppered with crematoriums that are burning bodies and the mercury in those bodies and the mercury fillings in those bodies are burned and then released into the air and we breathe it in. That is why it’s the common toxicity today. So listen up, you do need to detox mercury out of your body.

So let’s talk a little bit about our guest today. Dr. Bill Glaros is coming on the podcast. He is a biological dentist in Houston, Texas. He’s going to be talking about why mercury is so dangerous, why the ADA, the American Dental Association and the FDA don’t protect us from mercury—the FDA is the Food and Drug Administration (brain fog right now)—and how you can find a mercury-safe dentist , a biological dentist to get your mercury fillings properly removed, so they don’t poison you.

But before we get into all that, I just want to let you know that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. The Live to 110 Podcast is solely informational in nature, so please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging in any treatment that we suggest today on the show.

03:05 about Dr. Bill Glaros

Wendy Myers: So our guest, Dr. Bill Glaros has been practicing dentistry in Houston since receiving his degree as a doctor of Dental Surgery in 1974 at the Baylor College of Dentistry. He also holds a bachelor’s in Psychology from Southern Methodist University.

Over the past 13 years, Dr. Glaros has made 10 week-long medical dental mission trips to Guatemala, sponsored by Faith in Practice and serving with the core friends and colleagues. It’s always the highlight of his year. And his leadership has made Dr. Glaros a highly respected figure in the field of biological dentistry.

In 2013, he was honored to accept the invitation to be interviewed by leading natural health expert and integrative physician, Dr. Joseph Mercola. Every year, he has a week of safe dentistry, biological dentistry to inform consumers about the dangers of mercury and mercury amalgam fillings.

Dr. Glaros was born in Weslaco and raised in Houston, Texas. Dr. Glaros has been married to Joanne, his wife, the one who has worked in his office for 30 years—actually longer, she has worked there since 1970. They’re the very proud parents of three adult children and four grandchildren.

Dr. Glaros, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Dr. Bill Glaros: Thank you very much for having me. It’s a pleasure to be here.

Wendy Myers: Why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself and your background?

Dr. Bill Glaros: I am from Houston, Texas. I’m from Southern Methodist University and had gotten a degree in psychology. I was trying to figure out a career path, and I looked to my dad who was a dentist. He loved his work, he did great work, he provided for us well. I thought that’s for me. And so I went to Baylor College and graduated from there.

Wendy Myers: Okay, great.

05:03 What is in Mercury Fillings

Wendy Myers: And so we are going to talk about mercury fillings. Why don’t we start with the basics? What exactly is in the mercury filling?

Dr. Bill Glaros: A mercury filling is amalgamation, a mixture of silver, copper, tin and zinc and mercury—50% mercury, 50% of the other four elements. It has been used in this country for 150 years as a filling material because compared to what they had back then, it worked great. It lasted a long time. It’s relatively easy to put in place and was affordable.

Those features are still the features today that people use in mercury fillings. But the difference now is we have a lot of choices, different kinds of restorations, [inaudible 00:05:57] filling materials that actually work very, very well.

So, it’s been used for a long time in this country and the users of it had a lot of support. We’re going to be talking about that as we go through interview.

06:18 Mercury vs. Silver Fillings

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And so what is the difference between a mercury filling and a silver filling?

Dr. Bill Glaros: Nothing. The thing here is it’s just the name. And it’s the name that the American Dental Association has said, “Gosh, let’s don’t call them mercury filling. That would unnecessarily scare people or make them uncomfortable.” And I’m going, “Yeah, because they’re smart.”

I think [inaudible 00:06:44] that figured out that 90% of Americans do not know about mercury and mercury fillings from their dentist, just from other sources if they know at all. So, most people don’t know. And the mercury filling and the metal filling and amalgam filling, it’s all the same. It’s mercury filling.

Our patients were telling us, “My dentist told me he doesn’t place mercury fillings. He places silver fillings.” It’s deceptive. It’s misrepresentation.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And most dentists today will put a mercury filling in you if you allow them especially if you are looking to have cheaper dental work done which a lot of people are.

07:30 Mercury Fillings in Dental Schools

Wendy Myers: So what are dental students being taught about mercury fillings in dental school?

Dr. Bill Glaros: One thing, to my understanding, is that half the dentists in the country in the United States no longer place mercury fillings. So we call those people mercury-free.
Well, in October of 1984, my receptionist came to me and said, “You didn’t place some mercury filling this month.” And I said, “Great! I quit.” That day, I became mercury-free and didn’t have to turn on them. I just knew I was never going to place another one.

Beyond mercury-free and saying, “I’m mercury-safe,” we’ll get down to some other details. We can talk about that. But in dental schools—I think that was your question, yes?

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So what are dental students being taught about mercury in the dental schools?

Dr. Bill Glaros: The same thing they were taught 100 years ago. It’s okay. They said for 100 years that the mercury is solid. The mercury is held in that filling material. You combine with those other elements and the vapors are no longer released.

It wasn’t true ever. And it’s been 40 years that there’s been an instrument that can measure that. It’s used by OSHA and anybody, all federal agencies and any personal agency that wants to keep track of mercury vapor levels. It’s called a Jerome Mercury Vapor Analyzer. I looked it up today. It has been around for 35 years in its current form.

It’s a great instrument. I bought one. I’ve used one from my dental supplier in a dental meeting that I was attending—not an ADA dental meeting, but one of our group. And we used it over and over.

People with mercury fillings, we would check the mercury vapor level in their mouth. It would be low, maybe 20 or about 30 micrograms per cubic meter. We’ve given them a gum to chew. And after two months of chewing gum, we would take the gum out and put the meter in, and it would tank the meter. It would close the factory if that was on the floor of the factory.

Wendy Myers: Wow.

Dr. Bill Glaros: So it’s not a secret anymore. It hasn’t been for 40 years. However, the American Dental Association has still supported the concept that they are safe for people.

10:31 Why Dental Schools and the ADA Support Mercury Fillings

Wendy Myers: And why is that? How can all the dental schools in this country and the American Dental Association teach the techniques and support the use of mercury fillings? I don’t understand.

Dr. Bill Glaros: I’m with you. I’m trying to give them some [inaudible 00:10:49]. And they were found in 1859 under the principle that mercury fillings were okay. So I could think they’re being true to their founding principles. But there’s abundant evidence that this most toxic metal is coming out on them and that’s not a defensible position anymore.

Sometimes, people say follow the cash. Where is the money? I’m not a real student of this, but I can’t [inaudible 00:11:23]. The American Dental Association did have a patent on the copper, high copper mercury filling, which was more expensive than the others. I used that for the first 10 years because it was the best. And I could polish it, which meant the mercury came out faster than ever. It was a horrible plan, but I used it. They had the patent on that and maybe that’s how they found the lobby fund that they have, which is very rich.

I used to think maybe they’re just protecting dentists. As long as they can keep that position and dentists are using this material, then [inaudible 00:12:12]. So in California, in the ’80s, a man was suing his dentist, the dental supply company that provided their materials and the American Dental Association. I thought, “Okay, here’s the chance the ADA is going to back up this dentist.”

The first thing the ADA did was to go to the judge and say, “Hey, we’re just…” —what do they call themselves? “Hey, we have nothing to do. We’re just a trade organization. We don’t have anything to do with what the dentist buys or places in this patient’s mouth.” And so they got out of the suit. So I have no understanding why that’s the case.

Even crazier is what the FDA is doing in that. I had a chance in 2011 to [inaudible 00:13:21] the FDA Commissioner of materials and that was a guy named Jeffrey Shuren. And I got to present my case. I could read some of that if I may.

13:40 State Responsibilities for Protecting the Public

Wendy Myers: Yeah because I definitely want to know what’s their state responsibility to protect the American public. What are they doing?

Dr. Bill Glaros: First of all, [inaudible 00:13:49].

“I am honored and excited to be before you to speak to people in position to alter the health of our nation. There’s a war going on in this country and it cannot be considered a civil war. Civil, yes, because it’s social, national and public. Not civil because it’s not polite, not civilized, not courteous, not gracious. Its obvious victims are unborn children and their pregnant moms, school-age children and women of child-bearing age. Its victims include people of any age with a compromised immune system, people with environmental sensitivities and most economically disadvantaged people who get mercury fillings or nothing.”

So, I was charged up. The FDA in 2006 gathered a panel of experts and called this to their attention, [inaudible 00:14:52]. And that meeting of experts, 13 of the 20 recommended restricting the use of mercury fillings for pregnant women and children. We know that the warning was even put on their FDA consumer website. We don’t know why the warning was removed. But then you hear how they re-concluded that mercury fillings were safe again, but they just did it. In 2010, they did it again.

So we had our people there taking notes about the same discussions. The conclusions that came to after that meaning were preposterous. That’s what they did.

Now, I am not going to get into this total political event here. But the head of the FDA, the whole FDA was employed by a dental company, a dental supply company and medical suppliers who sold more mercury filling materials to the United States and European dentists than any company in the world. She was the president of this company. Her job after this is head of the FDA.

She said, “I will recuse myself from this.” She sold her stock. She then sold her stock options. So if that doesn’t stink the worst, there are lots of things I can go into here, but I’ve chosen the high ground here. The FDA is not going to save us right now. There’s some work that’s being done.

My friend, Charlie Brown, who, if I have a chance, I’ll talk to about it later. But the FDA is not going to protect us.

Wendy Myers: Yes.

Dr. Bill Glaros: We have to educate people. We have to educate our patients. We have to tell the truth. And there was a time when that was a bigger risk of that in Texas because the state [inaudible 00:17:18]. Elements who have been doing this for a long time have been subject to that. They are not so actively trying to stop it anymore. I’m going to have [inaudible 00:17:32].

I even came down to this meeting. I said with the FDA, “Let’s start with honest label. Follow that with truthful informed consent. And third, we need to protect the most vulnerable.” Nothing! I sent them a letter two months later. “Hey, remember me? I am the guy that…” Nothing! He’s still in charge.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It’s a sad state of affairs that this is a very common story, a very common scenario that money talks with the FDA. They’re supposed to protect the public, but they protect the interest of the companies who pay them. So it’s a sad state of affair.

18:25 Mercury Toxicity

Wendy Myers: So, let’s talk about mercury toxicity. This is the number one metal toxicity. And what are some of the symptoms and dangers of mercury toxicity?

Dr. Bill Glaros: First, I want to commend you. You had some-nine page article about mercury toxicity sources and detox. And I loved it in there, you had a page and a half of the symptoms that people have. And counting them, there were 104.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Bill Glaros: I was reading a book, getting ready for this presentation. This guy, McGuire, The Poison in Your Teeth, said there are over 100 symptoms. That’s what Wendy said.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I think I didn’t list all of them. I mean, there are certainly many, many more.

Dr. Bill Glaros: So what we see is people were talking about brain fog. So we know that mercury crosses the blood-brain barrier. We know it closes the placenta barrier. We know that it’s very toxic. It is the most toxic material naturally occurring on the whole planet. There’s no safe level, “Oh, that would be okay. That would be okay.” It’s not safe.

So once again, we have to get off of why they are telling us that. And the symptoms can be the neurological symptoms. Often, people get the mercury fillings removed and detoxed. Then they go, “My brain fog went away.” There’s a common [inaudible 00:20:16].

With chronic exposure to mercury fillings, it can affect the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. And red blood cells have four binding sites on it. Sulfur-binding site holds oxygen. It carries oxygen through the body. And the mercury loves sulfur-binding sites too. So often, it appears that the mercury filling jumps on the red blood cell, kicks off two oxygens, you got two oxygens and two mercury molecules going through the body.

If you look at the blood chemistries of some people that are totally without the energy like they used to be when they’re full of energy, their red blood counts double than what we would except for them. Well, if there are two mercuries on there and not four, that would explain why—the body is always trying to do the right thing I believe. And we’re getting in the way of that.

So a lot of these people, we get their mercury fillings out of their mouth and we got a good detox program and get it out of their body. Their red blood count go back to normal and their energy level is good. So that’s one of the factors that it does.

There’s a chemist, Boyd Haley, who was the head of Chemistry Department for 10 years at University of Kentucky. And he has so much evidence showing that mercury fillings or mercury vapors from whatever source can cause all the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. But he has been shut down and wasn’t able to get funding for his study. Isn’t that interesting? It’s sad. He’s a genius.

It’s interesting. Mercury can [inaudible 00:22:29] a bacteria resistant or immune to mercury and therefore, it makes them resistant to antibiotic and antifungal treatments. So often people will have a Candida problem and they will go to their physician trying to get rid of it, trying to get rid of it, but with no success. What do we know about Candida? We know that in the body, the bacteria in the gut methylates mercury, which is more toxic. Candida de-methylates mercury. It’s a friend.

Once again, the body is doing exactly what it needs to do in our highest interest. So we have often found that patients can get the mercury out of their teeth, detox it out of their bodies. And then the Candida, the same protocol that never worked before works with ease because the Candida is finished with their good work.

It’s just sad that we can’t do anything better than we’re doing right now.

Wendy Myers: I know you could go on and on and on about the symptoms that mercury toxicity causes, headaches, pain syndromes. I mean, it’s just…

Dr. Bill Glaros: And so as a dentist, I have to be very careful. When patients call every week and talk to Joanne—who’s my wife who has worked in my office, we’ve worked here for 30 years doing this stuff together—people would call her, call the office and get Joanne, “I want him to tell me that this is causing my health problem,” she’ll say, “Gosh, I wish he could tell you that. I wish he was licensed to. But he can’t. He’s not licensed to. And sometimes, they don’t understand that if he’s diagnosing medical symptoms and treating them, he’ll lose his ability to practice dentistry.”

So, I’m very, very careful appropriately. When people come in, they are often working with someone like you, working with a physician, a naturopathic doctor, an acupuncturist, a nutritionist. They have a trust in you. They’re going to follow your protocols. There are so many ways to do it. And it doesn’t seem critical exactly which way. Some people say, “Oh, don’t start any detox until all the mercury is out.” Other people say, “Oh, my gosh! You guys still have to detox [inaudible 00:25:29].” And we’re like, “No, it works on both sides. It works both ways.”

So, people would like to know and understand [inaudible 00:25:38] for medical legal reasons, which is very critical unfortunately these days. We tell them that we know the protocols. And that’s what we do, we follow those protocols.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I mean the research is well-established. You don’t have to diagnose someone. Readers or listeners can go on PubMed and go on other places. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of research studies on the toxicity of mercury proven beyond the shadow of a doubt.

26:13 Where to Find Dr. Glaros

Wendy Myers: So Dr. Glaros, can someone call your office and get information or an appointment to find out if they have problems with mercury toxicity?

Dr. Bill Glaros: If they have problems with mercury toxicity, if they’re ready to get the mercury fillings out, they will call us often. And they might not be anywhere near in the country, but they know from some of the other things they’ve seen or source the contact. And that’s why it’s critical for the patient to be educated. It’s not so easy a thing that you can just call a hotline.
There are two organizations, the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology and the International Academy Biological Dentistry Medicine, big names.

But those two groups, I’m a member of those, I want to support any group that doesn’t like mercury fillings. So, all you have to do is just be a member to do that. Join and be a member of those organizations. People have to get educated, so when they call the office, they are interviewing the office.

They have to look at the website. They don’t have to, but it’s a good idea to look at the website. If you [inaudible 00:27:45] something on this website or her website about mercury toxicity. It’s something about protocols that they follow. So our patients love it. I can just see how smart our patients are.
We had a lady whose mother was going to come in Tuesday for removal of the mercury filling. She called on the weekend before. She said, “My mom’s filling came out.” I said, “What did you do?” She said, “I put gloves on and I took the filling and I put it in a baggie and I sealed the baggie and then I put the baggie in a glass jar, filled it with water and sealed it.”

She said, “How did I do?” Teasingly, I said, “Oh, pretty good.” She said, “Pretty good? What do you mean? What could I have done?” I said, “Well, you could have put it in the only place. You could have put it back in her mouth.” She got it! She laughed. It was fun. That’s not untypical of how educated my patients are. Consumers are better [inaudible 00:29:11] open the world up appropriately.

So, that’s one thing. You have to be smart. You can get on my website for a list of questions to ask. is my website. And on the homepage, on the right hand side is the questions to ask of your mercury-free, mercury-safe dentist. There’s a list of issues there that somebody would have, would follow.

And it’ sbest to ask those questions as open-ended questions rather than saying, “Is your dentist using mercury fillings?”, “What kind of filling materials does your dentist use?” Rather than saying, “Does he use a dental dam to protect the patient’s nose?” they need to ask the question open-ended, “Tell me what kind of protection your dentist uses for the patient.”

You got to know some of the answers. You have to be prepared also for them to ask you after a few questions. “So what are you looking for?” The patient is looking for a dentist who knows the protocols and is committed to following them strictly.

So what are the protocols? I can write dentists in three categories. One would be a general dentist. A general dentist places and removes mercury fillings the same way he was taught in medical school, the same way he had learned it there or she learned there. Half the dentists now are women [inaudible 00:31:13].

In my classroom, one woman was a PhD in Anatomy. And there were 130 guys. Now it’s 50/50, women and men—sometimes, more than men. I think that’s terrific.

I forgot where I was going with that.

31:37 Removing Mercury Fillings

Wendy Myers: So when someone is looking to have their mercury fillings removed, can any dentist remove fillings? And what exactly should you be looking for? I know you said ask these questions. But can anyone just go to a regular dentist that’s not a biological dentist to have your mercury fillings removed?

Dr. Bill Glaros: All dentist can remove fillings and do. But everybody doesn’t do it the same. So a general dentist with their training and education in dental school, he will do exactly what he did in dental school or what she did in dental school. That is scary.

They got a room of 15 dental hairs and 15 dental students and they are taking out mercury fillings with no support at all for the patient from toxicity. The dentists are themselves getting sick and are exposed to it. They don’t have traps. I want to talk about those incidences I’m saying if I may.

Wendy Myers: Yes.

Dr. Bill Glaros: But a general dentist, she’s going to do it like she did in dental school.

There is a mercury-free dentist. In 1984, when my receptionist said, “You didn’t place mercury fillings this month.” I said, “Great! I quit.” I became mercury-free that night.

That’s good. That’s a good start. That has nothing to do about mercury, but I didn’t know any protocols. Patients were coming and saying, “You know the protocols,” and I go, “Not really, but I will find them, I’ll learn them.” So it takes learning the protocol.

So, we are going to take somebody who said, “I’m mercury-free.” The second category then is the general. “I’m mercury-free. I don’t place those mercury fillings anymore.” Great, that doctor needs to be encouraged, but don’t go to him because he’s not thinking any safety precautions for the people the planet or the personnel. It’s all about himself. I am not sure why dentists [inaudible 00:33:56] professions and suicide and divorce. That seems to be the case.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Partners are so toxic.

Dr. Bill Glaros: Right! And as a group, even the ADA has done studies that suggest the dentists and dental personnel have higher mercury levels in their body than other groups. But then another group is they’re not concerned about [inaudible 00:34:18].

Wendy Myers: It’s not surprising at all.

Dr. Bill Glaros: Yeah.

34:23 Gold Fillings

Wendy Myers: And then there’s a lot of dentists that say they won’t do mercury, but they are putting gold fillings. Can you talk about some of the problems with that?

Dr. Bill Glaros: Well, I like gold restorations compared to any other metal that’s out there. More people handle gold better than nickel. Gold has gotten super expensive right after I got out of dental school, but it’s not related to me getting out.

But at that time only, you couldn’t have gold [inaudible 00:34:58]. The gold cost $35 an ounce. And it has only skyrocketed in 30 years and it went up to $300. So they started using alternatives to gold and those were nickel-based alloys, titanium, things that with the compatibility with gold. And if people didn’t want to show gold, it would be covered with ceramic.

I won’t use any metals anymore. I haven’t for years. When you mix metals at any environment and you have a [inaudible 00:35:51] saliva, then the interactivity, the galvanic reaction can cause some people [inaudible 00:35:59] things with some of the metals.

So, going back a little bit into the mercury-safe dentist, he’s a dentist who is going to be mercury-free. He doesn’t place it, but when he takes it out of people’s mouths, he follows a strict protocol to protect the patient.

The beginning level would be someone who is mercury-free, someone who protects the patients, ideally with a nosepiece that covers their nose and not just the [inaudible 00:36:42]. That protects the patient’s breathing; wrap around [inaudible 00:36:50] covers their eyes; dental dam, best if it’s not a rubber dam, but non-latex; saliva ejector underneath that to pick up the vapors that might get through; two high volume sections on the outside or a single suction of [inaudible 00:37:11] and midsection that can be used.

The patient is draped to their knees. We now cover their face with a towel and make sure they are comfortable with that being on them. I never had anybody who has not been comfortable enough. I have that on during the 10 or 15 minutes to get the mercury fillings out.

The patient, it’s ideal, you put them on a detox plan with trace minerals. Mercury is sneaky [inaudible 00:37:52]. So, you want a detox plans. Work with someone like you who knows how to get it out, know what the patients’ symptoms are. That’s critical. And that’s just for the protection of the patient.
We started wearing about it 20 years ago a mask that covers my nose, covers my mouth [inaudible 00:38:19] replaced when they started to replace them. There were straps over my head [inaudible 00:38:29] with the spotlight. I never had a patient say, “What’s on the stuff you are wearing? Or why are you doing that?” Every system has their own in my office. And there are tons of offices that are mercury-safe.

We got to protect the personnel. They have wraparound [inaudible 00:38:55], I have wraparound [inaudible 00:38:58]. It’s a critical element.

And then we got to protect the planet. [Inaudible 00:39:02] stuff in, then he is exposing his staff and his patient, himself to the vapors when it’s being done. The section system that picks up the particulate matter on the fillings is dumped straight into the public water supply system.
Dentists have not been very good about volunteering to have that kind of a system that picks that up. I heard of that system 30 years ago, and I’ve had them for 30 years. I changed the offices and a new system.

I have a system that picks up all the mercury stuff that comes out of [inaudible 00:39:53] rooms and collects it. And once a year (sometimes, twice a year), we have a truck that goes in there and it’s collecting the mercury for that period of time. We’re responsible. [Inaudible 00:40:13]. We registered mail—not US mail, but another carrier—we send that to a company that’s called [inaudible 00:40:27]. We mix it, we’re responsible for it until we have a notice from a [inaudible 00:40:33] company that they are going to dispose of them properly.

Any dentist who is not placing them and taking it out and doesn’t have a tram is creating that kind of problem. It’s just sad. That’s a start.

The building that we moved into, I’m so excited because they already have air conditioning. The insulation was on the inside of the [inaudible 00:41:08]. I was embarrassed. It’s not a good idea. So, I got to do a whole new system for myself. I got there and put the insulation on the outside so the air is running through only the duct stuff and not all the stuff that they have. Insulation [inaudible 00:41:29].

The corners, I don’t have corners in my treatment rooms. It’s round because mercury get caught in the corners. And your chair, this is common in dental systems. Every unit, we have our own water supply, not the public water supply. We put ozonated water. When we’re we spray water from there, things are [inaudible 00:41:58]. It’s not the public water.

Another thing in that regard, I’m a mercury-safe dentist. We know we’re taking out something that for most people, it’s just totally toxic to them. But if a patient has sensitivities, a history of allergies, then for us, any patient, before we put a new restoration in their mouth, we’re going to check the compatibility of it.

42:37 Patient Compatibility Testing

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I was going to ask you about that. How do you check the compatibility? It’s a really interesting concept of how you choose the right dental materials to put into a filling that works for the patient. That’s amazing.

Dr. Bill Glaros: Some people, they are great with everything. The testing I like the best that we use is called the Meridian Stress Assessment, electrical acupuncture or EAV, electrical acupuncture by voll. A German physician [inaudible 00:43:09] this system.

But we have 12 different localized settings. The next section is bonding agents [inaudible 00:43:23] fillings. I have my favorites. They are technically excellent. But sometimes, I don’t use the one I like the best because they are more compatible than the other one. All that I have listed are compatible good materials.

So, if I have another dozen new materials for composites for metal, for anything, for a [inaudible 00:43:47], for an implant (although I don’t do implants), it’s a way for us to see what we are going to put in. If they are going to invest, we have to. [Inaudible 00:44:00].

Some dentists like the muscle testing. They are very expert with that. I’m comfortable with that. I’m just [inaudible 00:44:12] that technique for determining on compatibility.

There are two companies, [inaudible 00:44:23]. Whichever company that you draw blood, you send it to them, they will do a serum test and check it against 500 elements to see what would cloud the serum. If it clouds the serum, then you don’t use that material because they’re going to be a problem. I don’t like that so much, but many do [inaudible 00:44:51] that can do the Meridian Stress Assessment.

But that is the way that a sensitive person can have more insurance that what they are going to have put in is going to be compatible for them. No promises, but certainly, there is a lot of [inaudible 00:45:16].

45:18 Mercury and Metals on Root Canals

Wendy Myers: Do some dentists put mercury or other metals in root canals?

Dr. Bill Glaros: It is very common for dentists to put mercury filling inside as a filling material, as a base for the root canal tooth which is weaker. It’s not a good thing. It’s not a good idea from my perspective, to put mercury in anybody’s mouth for any reason. I used to say, “Well, you can cover it with a gold crown because there’s no mercury vapor.”

They have shown studies of mercury fillings in the teeth, in the bone around they’ve taken cadavers, they extracted the mercury filling and analyzed what the mercury level was in the bone for the mercury fillings, and there’s a measurable amount. If there is gold crown on top of the two, then there were 50 times more mercury driving it into the bone. And the ADA said 50 times nothing is nothing, so that does not mean anything.

Once again, you are not going to get help from them. In dental schools, they teach—my patients are shocked that they’re still teaching to place mercury fillings [inaudible 00:47:06].

47:11 Working for the Cause

Wendy Myers: Who’s actively leading dentistry in the US in the correct direction of eliminating mercury fillings?

Dr. Bill Glaros: The two groups that I mentioned, the IABDM and IAOMT are two groups that are very active in teaching dentists, in qualifying dentists. They have all of them take oral and written tests to get the different levels and say, “Okay, I’ve been certified dentist in this organization,” which means you can join and [inaudible 00:47:51], but you can qualify yourself, “I’m allowed to do the protocol.” Whether they do it is a personal thing, and I’m sure that some people would lie about it.

But certainly, you can look at the website and see those things and get a feel for it. You can run down their offices.

Now beyond that, there’s a gentleman named Charlie Brown who I mentioned earlier who was the head of Consumers for Dental Choice. And his friends, every minute of every day, are working on this issue.

There was a [inaudible 00:48:41] Japan. They were going to go out [inaudible 00:48:49] in the world to get their support to discontinue the use of mercury fillings. Even United States was the first person or the first country to sign it, but the FDA didn’t sign it. It wasn’t [inaudible 00:49:06]. So it was a little bit of a sham.

Charlie Brown has challenged FDA’s no right to know policy. They have the right to know that every mercury filling is 50% mercury. [Inaudible 00:49:32] has a petition here to notify people about the same things that I have talked about in the FDA. “Label stuff properly. Let people know. Let them decide.”
I’m going to encourage you to get on and participate in this petition because the government is not going to do it for us. We educate ourselves until so many people know, “Oh, it’s like asbestos.”

Asbestos causes mesothelioma. Everybody knows it. Somebody gets diagnosed with mesothelioma and lung disease are going to die. And they were exposed mercury most of their life. So, [inaudible 00:50:31]. When you are exposed to asbestos, we are going to help you out [inaudible 00:50:36]. It works every time.

Mercury is so sneaky. It doesn’t cause [inaudible 00:50:43]. It picks on people’s genetic weak link. So we can’t count on the mesothelioma story about I can on asbestos. But we can count on one another and educating one another by getting to this public awareness event.

And we have alternatives. We never had alternatives. The first 10 years, I was placing them. I’ve got some alternatives. I’m presenting it in a different way. I used to say, “I’m more interested how long you utilize them [inaudible 00:51:30]. So that’s why I am recommending this.”

Wendy Myers: Yes.

Dr. Bill Glaros: And then there are very many patients who said, “I want the one that…” People don’t argue. [Inaudible 00:51:46].

52:35 Biological Dentistry

Dr. Bill Glaros: In fact, I’ve been talking about that I’m mercury-free and mercury-safe. I was asked to write an article about what’s biological dentistry. If I could, I’d like to read the article. It talks about and summarizes issues that we are talking about with mercury. And our listeners and watchers are going to realize that they’d learn a whole lot of things about making decisions about it.

What’s a biological dentist? A biological dentist is a licensed dentist who uses the greatest elements in practices of conventional density, but also has a great appreciation in his consideration to the relationship of teeth and oral health to the body, holistic.

Some of the elements and practices of conventional dentistry used many of the wonderful and effective dental materials. It’s been re-picked from the same pile that every dentist picks from. They just sometimes pick it like a little [helm].

The difference would be, in a biological dentist, the dental materials are tested. We already know about them. When we use the metals, you know about that. Fifty percent of the dentists don’t [inaudible 00:53:29].

Once mercury-safe, we protect the planet, the patients and the personnel. Our process is concerned with mercury in mercury fillings. We have mercury trapping systems in the office to keep them from being dumped into the public water supply during removal of the fillings, [inaudible 00:53:57] air protection, [inaudible 00:54:02] removal techniques [inaudible 00:54:08] when people hear the term “biological.”

And once again, there’s nobody gets to walk in and say, “This is what it means. This is what it means to me.”

Wendy Myers: Well, thank you so much for coming on the show and sharing your long-term expertise on the dangers of mercury fillings and how to remove them properly because a lot of my clients come to me and have mercury fillings. “Should I remove them?” they ask me. I’m like, “Yes, you should remove them. They are probably contributing to health issues and symptoms that you have.”

And unfortunately, people are going to conventional medical doctors and they are getting medications and they are really never addressing the underlying true cause of their fatigue and brain fog and serious health issues. And you really do need to look into removing your mercury fillings in my opinion.

Dr. Bill Glaros: With a mercury-safe dentist.

Wendy Myers: Yes. Yes, exactly.

Dr. Bill Glaros: We have to educate them. It might be better. But for some people, it’s not better to have them out if it’s not known in the way that we have discussed. I think they’ll be asking questions.

55:41 Cancer and Dentistry

Wendy Myers: Do you have advise if they have cancer or another serious illness like that if they should remove the mercury fillings or wait until they are in remission or better?

Dr. Bill Glaros: My patients are different than a lot. A lot of them come—as a biological dentist, I don’t use mercury fillings [inaudible 00:56:06] root canals for dead teeth. So patients come to me and they are pretty set on what they want to do. They want the mercury fillings out. I promise them nothing, but I give them everything that we have about protection.

I have people that are going to start going to have surgery scheduled three months or whatever. They want to get everything taken care of. So we’re going to look at them. Lots of them have breast cancer. Teeth are associated with the body just like everybody in the body is connected, following the principles of acupuncture.

Stomach and breast struggles are first molar meridian, first and second molars. If they’ve got a root canal tooth and a breast cancer the same side, I cannot promise anything. And if they want me to take that tooth out, I am glad to take it out.

So [inaudible 00:57:30], but they need to be working with the dentist who is comfortable and understands them and not with somebody who does a bunch of stories that “this is going to fix this and fix that.” But I’m just [inaudible 00:57:48].

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I think it is important. Again, everyone is different. Every situation is different. And you need to work with a qualified biological dentist to determine your situation.

58:09 The Most Pressing Health Issue in the World Today: Neonatal Care

Wendy Myers: I have a question that I like to ask all of my guests. What do you think is the most pressing health issue in the world today?

Dr. Bill Glaros: In the world, I don’t know about the world. I know that in the United States, we have statistics about how we take care of our newborn babies. We rank about 17th in the world in the safety and survival of newborn infants. Whatever that’s involved, whether it’s about medicines or re-vaccinating faster and more than anybody in the world, I don’t know, we have the expensive system in the world, but it is not protecting newborn babies. If we can start there, then I’ll be out of a job that then requires that.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. When I first read that statistics, I was shocked. They first ran in consumer report. And it is saddening because you think in the United States, we have some of the best doctors and best healthcare in the world, but we don’t. We do not.

Dr. Bill Glaros: Yeah. And when I say most expensive, I’m not talking about doctors, insurance companies, hospitals. There are a lot of people making a lot of money in this process because pharmaceutical companies are just [inaudible 00:59:46].

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it’s all about the money, absolutely—and patents. Harvard Medical School, another school that owns patents, they make a lot of money and they don’t want anything shaking up the status quo and bringing in new testing equipment and natural health, natural cures and what-not. It’s just not in their plan.

60:08 More about Dr. Glaros

Wendy Myers: So Dr. Glaros, why don’t you tell the listeners where they can find you to get more information about biological dentistry and how to remove mercury fillings correctly?

Dr. Bill Glaros: I can be contacted on both two sides, IAOMT and IABDM. And people can get on our website, And about that website, to let you know, I’ve been doing this for a long time.

Wendy Myers: I know. Wow, you are one of the first people that [inaudible 01:00:38]. How did you get that?

Dr. Bill Glaros: Call the office and interview them. And your listeners, your watchers, I think are people educating themselves and not waiting for somebody to come down and fix them. So I would think that they would be becoming a student and learning this, learning what to ask. It’s the natural outcome of your kind of people.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Thank you so much, Dr. Glaros. That was very, very educational, very, very important information. Thank you so much for coming on the show.

Dr. Bill Glaros: My pleasure. Thanks.

Wendy Myers: And listeners, if you want to learn more about me, you can go to and learn about my healing and detox program, where I can help you to detox mercury properly and safely. Thank you so much for listening to the Liveto110 Podcast.

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