Transcript: #170 How to Prep For a Detox with Dr. Jay Davidson

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  • 01:24 about the Detox Project
  • 02:51 the Medicinal Supplements Summit
  • 04:04 about Dr. Jay Davidson
  • 04:55 why the Detox Project
  • 06:49 what we’re going to be talking about in the Detox Project
  • 09:17 preparing for a detox
  • 14:21 detoxing and supporting the liver
  • 16:37 liver supplements
  • 17:42 activated carbon charcoal
  • 18:12 coffee enemas
  • 22:02 parasites and detoxification
  • 29:48 detoxing and supporting the kidneys
  • 32:32 oxalates
  • 35:28 detox methodologies
  • 45:01 infrared saunas
  • 46:34 frequency technology
  • 48:21 the future for detoxification: genomics
  • 52:05 the most pressing health issue in the world today
  • 53:35 where to find Dr. Davidson and the Detox Project
  • 54:25 the Chronic Lyme Disease Summit

Wendy Myers: Hello, my name is Wendy Myers. Thank you so much for tuning in to Live to 110 Podcast. You can find me at my website, and learn about my detox program,

Today, we’re talking about a very interesting topic, how to prepare your body for detoxification. For a lot of you, you have a little bit of work to do in prepping your body prior to embarking on a detoxification. Or for many of you listening, if you’ve tried a detox program and had a really negative reaction, there are some steps that you likely need to take prior to starting a program like Mineral Power or any other type of detox. And we’re going to reveal those steps today on the show.

A lot of people have oxalates. We’ll talk about what those are and how they prevent detox. We’ll be talking about parasitic infections and other types of infections that can inhibit your body’s ability to detox. We’ll also talk about lymphatic drainage and a lot of other different types of interesting topics.

01:24 about the Detox Project

Wendy Myers: Dr. Jay Davidson of is going to be on the podcast. He is the host of the upcoming That is starting September 26th to October 3rd. It’s a free online event talking all about detoxification.

They have guests such as Dr. Mercola, Dr. Joseph Mercola, one of the most well-known names in the health field, Suzanne Somers who has a new book out called TOX-SICK. They also have Dr. Deanna Minich, she’s a co-host, Dr. BJ Hardick who’s also a co-host of The Detox Project. And they have so many incredible speakers. Sayer Ji is a speaker as well.

I highly, highly recommend it. It’s a very important topic. You know my favorite topic is detoxification and I personally think it’s one of the main keys to health. So definitely go check it out.

Before we start the podcast, I have to do the disclaimer. Please keep in mind that this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please keep in mind that this podcast is solely informational in nature and it’s for entertainment purposes only. Please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging in anything that we discuss today on the show.

02:51 the Medicinal Supplements Summit

Wendy Myers: And if you missed it, I hosted my own summit called the Medicinal Supplements Summit, you can check it out at I know that is a mouthful. It is hard to type in, but you could do it. I know it.

I recently hosted this. It happened September 12th through the 19th and I had 50 experts, the world’s top experts in health and nutrition, talking about how to take supplements, what supplements to avoid, what supplements you need, testing the customized supplements to your body and so many different topics surrounding supplements.

I know a lot of you are confused about what supplements to take, so hopefully I’m able to relieve some of that confusion and help to educate you on this vast topic. So go check it out at

You can purchase all the 50 recordings and transcripts. But there are bonus talks that are available for free right now. You can go to And there are 15 bonus talks available for free right now that you can listen to.

04:04 about Dr. Jay Davidson

Wendy Myers: Our guest today is Dr. Jay Davidson. He is a doctor focusing on a natural functional medicine approach. He is also a very popular speaker, number one international bestselling author, husband, father and a former radio talk show host.

Dr. Jay was the host of the Chronic Lyme Disease Summit with 33 experts that happened in April of 2016. We touched on that at the end of the podcast today. And he’s also the co-host of The Detox Project, an online free summit that starts September 26. Check that out at

Dr. Jay Davidson is admired for his ability to bridge the gap between the scientific health community and the layperson. Go visit him at

04:55 why the Detox Project

Wendy Myers: So you’re hosting the upcoming Detox Project, which is a free online summit. I have to say I’m a little bit jealous because I want to host my own detox summit. Maybe that will come up in a couple of years.

But this is so important. I am fanatical about the importance of detoxification as all of my listeners. Everyone knows that I’m all about infrared saunas and coffee enemas and mineralizing your body and taking targeted supplements based on your metal toxicities and doing testing for metal toxicities and the importance of that in reversing and preventing health conditions.

So tell us why you wanted to host the upcoming Detox Project.

Jay Davidson: Yeah. You just finished up with the Medicinal Supplements Summit. Yeah, that was awesome. They’re really great, great people and I was honored to be on it as well too. But yeah, the Detox Project, I felt such a calling and reasoning to do it to really bring the message of true detoxification.

When you think of detox in America or even around the globe, a lot of times in the health world, you hear about juice cleansing or colon cleansing or just fasting or something. While those can be maybe pieces to the puzzle on detoxification, when I think about detoxification clinically, I think about, Wendy, the fact that we want to get into the cells and detoxify the chemicals at the cellular level, not just flush the colon or do some juice fasting for seven days and say, “Oh, we’re detoxed. We’re cleaned.”

I think that was really the main objective with the Detox Project. It’s to bring clarity, truth and just bring in people like yourself (which you’re a speaker on) people that aren’t getting results detoxifying people to really magnifying and get people well.

06:49 what we’re going to be talking about in the Detox Project

Wendy Myers: What are some of the topics that you talk about the Detox Project?

Jay Davidson: Your topic I love is heavy metal detoxification, understanding the different types of heavy metals. I think that topic alone is enough for listeners to definitely make sure they get signed up and listen to you because again you’re just a wealth of knowledge.
We’ve got some pretty heavy hitters like Dr. Mercola who’s diving into his own personal detox regimen. He’s probably one of the most well-known alternative health practitioners probably in the world.

Suzanne Somers is talking about her journey from cancer to healing herself through detoxing. We got Mike Adams talking about fluoride and the toxicity of fluoride, especially in the water supply. We’re even diving into the vaccines, which really doesn’t get touched much. And Dr. Tenpenny really wants to cover the idea of the toxins that are present in vaccines, not just mercury, but the other adjuvants and other chemicals that are in there.

We’re also diving into environmental toxins like glyphosate. Jeffrey Smith is talking about that. There are antidepressants and the chemical toxicity that gets associated with it and the effects of antidepressants. Dr. Kelly Brogan, New York Times bestselling author, she’s on this as well.
We’re just diving into this topic more and more and trying to give people a well-rounded aspect. Even the food, so gluten to essential oils to all kinds of things, dietary-wise, ketogenic and its role for detoxification, how it can help heal cells.

So I’m really amazed at the lineup we have and of course, you’re definitely one of the amazing ones.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I thought it was so important to talk about the toxic metals that cause fatigue because a lot of people don’t realize the reason that they’re tired is because of these extreme prevalence of toxic metals in the environment that get into their bodies. And it’s one of the main reasons why people are tired. So it’s such an important message.

And I love that you have Suzanne Somers. She has a book out called TOX-SICK, which is really interesting. And she has written 23 books. She’s just a wealth of information herself. She’s unbelievable.

I used to live in Malibu. I’d see her at the farmers’ market, but I was too chicken to walk up to her and say, “Hi, please be on my podcast.”

09:17 preparing for a detox

Wendy Myers: On this podcast, we are going to talk about the things that you should do to prep your body prior to detoxification. This is an interesting topic I haven’t touched on before, but I think it’s very, very important. So why don’t we talk about your top tips to prep your body prior to doing a detox?

Jay Davidson: Yeah. I would say the importance of prepping the body has come from a personal necessity.

Back in 2007 when my wife ran a heavy metal test, she did a urine challenge with DMSA. It came up high mercury, high lead. And I was the guy who was just going along and I wanted to get tested too. So I got tested. I came up high mercury, high lead as well.

We did DMSA chelation and had the reaction stop. In 2008, we met a different practitioner down in Florida at the time and they’re like, “Oh, you had a reaction with DMSA. Try DMPS.” And so we tried DMPS and I had a horrific reaction. I ended up getting the allergy to nuts, seeds, mangoes, just things I had never had before. I was like, “What is going on?”
That’s basically when I put the detoxification in the shelf. And then come full circle, when the bottom fell out, my wife almost died, my daughter was born, it forced the idea of an understanding what’s going on. Why do some people do well with detoxification and some people don’t assuming they’re following good protocols?

And I think a lot of it has to do with preparation. If you think about the body, you have drainage pathways. You’ve got the colon, which is a drain. If somebody is constipated, that means that that pathway is not moving well. So anything the body is trying to excrete via the colon is going to sit there longer. So again that can cause symptoms and stress the body or cause inflammation. So the colon is a drainage pathway.

And I always like to separate—in our world, you’ll always hear detox thrown out, “Oh, this is like a detox for the lymph,” but they’re referring to it as draining the lymph. I like to use the word drainage instead of detox.

I like to use detox for the fact you’re actually going to pull chemicals out of the body, extract them, remove chemicals. I think drainage is more making sure the colon is moving, the liver gallbladder is moving, the lymphatic system, the skin pathway, the sweat pathway, so all what I would consider drainage pathways. So I believe the importance before detoxification is prepping these drainage pathways.

It could be simple and of course, people’s eyes are probably going to glaze over when I say, “Make sure you drink enough water.” It’s as simple as that. Yes, hydrate because that’s a way that the body can excrete and move things out of the drainage.

Get enough sleep. I mean there’s something called the glymphatic system. It’s glial cells in your brain along with lymphatic system and they put the words together, “glymphatic.” It’s the brain lymphatic system and we now know in science that it’s all connected.

But basically when you sleep, that’s when your brain drains. That’s when it drains all the chemicals. Essentially when you’re awake, there’s inflammation, there’s fluid that gets built up and when you sleep, it drains and it cools the brain off.

If you think about, “Why is somebody else always yawning when they’re tired?” it’s not as if trying to get more oxygen. Really what you’re trying to happen is you’re actually trying to cool the brain off because the fluid in the brain that built up, I think it drained from enough sleep. If you yawn or if you pop your ears, you feel it’s like opening up that brain to oxygen pathway. And it’s just trying to cool it down.

Get enough sleep, seven to eight hours. Research shows if you get four hours of sleep, your quality of work is equivalent to a drunk person. For those people that don’t sleep enough, I mean those are just basic things, but powerful.

But beyond that, I would say make sure the colon is moving. Make sure to give attention to liver and kidneys. And I think from a client standpoint, a lot of clients I work with in the Lyme world and toxicity world are very sensitive, very chemically sensitive. The liver gallbladder is an area that can really be a magnifier to really help people get well faster.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I love to drain the lymph. I love rebounding and lymphatic drainage massage. I think those are two great things you can do. I try to get a massage once or twice a month to just flush out toxins in my body and it’s a pleasurable way to detox you or drain, rather.

Jay Davidson: Yes, yeah, yeah. And if somebody has a cellulite built up, that’s really the inability to drain fluids. That typically gets thrown into the lymphatic stagnation category.
If you have cellulite that’s starting to form, you want to think drainage. Make sure the body is clearing toxins out. Rebounding is great, moving the body. I love the lymphatic massage as well too.

Of course, there are herbal tinctures and things that help to work on lymph drainage, but yeah, if you’re starting to notice your skin getting the cellulite dimples or something, think drainage first.

14:21 detoxing and supporting the liver

Wendy Myers: You said the liver and gallbladder are very, very important obviously in detoxification. And I think for a lot of people, that’s the bottleneck.

I think most people, because of all the chemicals, the 700 chemicals we have on average in our body and all the metals that everyone invariably has to a degree, the question is what metals you have and how much. The liver is having to deal with all that stuff, plus all our bad diets and sugar and bad fats and things like that.

What is the role that liver plays in detox and what are some good ways to support it in detoxification?

Jay Davidson: The liver is the detox lifelineof the body. In order for the body to neutralize chemicals and to start removing them out of the body for the most part, they all get processed to the liver.

Think of the liver as the detox lifeline. It’s going to go through different phases, phase one, phase two. Phase one is it transforms chemicals into somewhat a little bit more dangerous chemicals. But then phase two allows it to kick it out of the body. And then there’s phase three technically where it dumps usually into the bile. The liver detoxifies and it’s the chemical warehouse. It’s what basically allows the body to detox.

Most of the chemicals end up getting dumped into the bile. The liver makes bile. A lot of chemicals get dumped into the bile. The gallbladder sack is a storage sack for the bile. And then you got the bile duct sack that connects to it.

If somebody has their gallbladder out, typically it’s toxic overload. Think of when the toxins get into the bile, it makes the bile sticky, sludgy. I always think of it as trying to push glue through a straw and it’s not moving. Then as that gets gummed up, then you’re going to start forming stones and clog-up.

And then of course you have a gallbladder attack because things aren’t moving. And the gallbladder attack is just a symptom of toxicity. So getting the gallbladder out doesn’t solve the toxicity issue. It just tries to pull out the storage sack where a lot of it was built up. And then obviously that leads to other digestive issues.

If you’ve had your gallbladder out, you definitely want to think toxicity and detoxifying. And if you haven’t and you’ve had gallbladder issues and you haven’t had it out, that’s definitely an area that you want to give attention to start mobilizing that.

16:37 liver supplements

Jay Davidson: I think there are a couple of things, Wendy, in that category as far as draining the bile ducts that really helps. Of course, there’s supplementation. There’s Systemic Formulas. It has a formula called LB and it stands for Liver Gallbladder that helps to soften the bile.
There’s a formula by Standard Process called Fast Food that also helps to soften the bile. There’s another formula from Herb Farm called Stone Breaker that also helps to soften the bile. They’re all working a little bit differently, so I mean in severe cases, you can use them all to help soften the bile to get that movement going.

But the important thing to understand is when the bile is released, if you’re eating food and it’s got some fat in it, the body is going to release bile to help digest that.

Now the bile is expensive energy-wise, ATP-wise to make, so a lot of times, it gets recycled. If toxins are in the bile and the bile is getting recycled, that means the toxins are getting recycled, recalculated. So the key is not necessarily just loosening up the bile to make sure it’s moving well.

17:42 activated carbon charcoal

Jay Davidson: Another key is we need a catcher, we need something to grab on to that bile. An activated carbon charcoal is a favorite of mine. Of course, there are binders like clay and silicon things, I guess depending on people’s preference, but I always like an activated carbon charcoal to be there to take that regularly on an empty stomach so that it can grab on to some of that bile and you can start basically going number two and getting rid of that so your body can start making new bile. I think that’s an important piece.

18:12 coffee enemas

And also if you’re thinking about that category, coffee enemas are a great tool to actually help purge that liver gallbladder bile. And I remember hearing about coffee enemas years ago. And I heard the pop star Usher is doing it to make sure he shows his abs. And of course, my mind equated that, “Okay, that’s weight loss.”

Coffee enemas are all about purging the bile and really flushing those ducts. It does help to raise glutathione S-transferase, which can help a detox too, but it’s specific with the thing about the draining category.

If we do something that we could soften the bile, we do something to help purge the bile like a coffee enema for instance and then we take something to bind on to the bile, I think that’s a great way to really flush out that liver gallbladder area.

And I’ve noticed lately especially, parasites can be a huge factor in this too. Parasites love the small intestine. They love to be in that bile duct, gallbladder, liver area and clog that up. If you have parasites especially if there’s a full moon and your symptoms get worse that you’re not aware of, it’s probably just a sign that there may be parasites going on. Cleaning up parasites can help with the draining pathway.

Another thing too that I found is if you do actually physical massage, if you feel your lower and maybe I could get on camera here, right below your right ribcage—your right ribcage is where your liver gallbladder is—you can poke around and you really want to lay down flat on your back. Have somebody do this if you can, but you can also do this yourself.

Poke around any area that you feel firm. It’s almost like trigger point pressure, any area that feels ropy or like a little ball. You want to put some trigger point pressure on it, nothing like the death grip, not super h hard, but put some pressure on it. Let it sit there for 10 or 15 seconds.
A lot of times, what you hear is a little blah-blah-blah like a gurgle and that’s the bile ducts and things releasing. Just for people that poke around, move around anywhere this tender release. If you’ve never done this before, chances are when you do it, a lot of times you’ll hear some gurgling and expect maybe to use the bathroom once or twice extra and things start.

I think physical pressure might be a key to help people in the liver gallbladder area.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I do that when I’m doing a coffee enema or massage in that area. I just take them, “Come on, guys. Let’s get going here just to help it out a little bit.”

Yeah, I love coffee enemas. I think they are so important. I recommend them to everyone of my clients, granted they don’t have a caffeine sensitivity. But even if you do, you can use a tiny little amount of coffee. You might only need a tiny bit to stimulate the expansion of your blood vessels or your veins and detox pathways and the liver to excrete their toxins and the bile and whatnot. So you might only need a tiny little bit.

Jay Davidson: Yeah. I’ll say this, my wife has been sensitive for years and she hasn’t consumed caffeine because of it, but since been sensitive to caffeine and doesn’t really drink teas or coffees or anything like that. And coffee enema, she does absolutely fine with.

I think for the most part, even people that are caffeine-sensitive and she had stage three adrenal fatigue, I think the fact that the coffee is getting absorbed in the hemorrhoidal veins and goes right to the liver rather than ingesting through the mouth, I think that’s completely separate.
But yeah, if you have adrenal fatigue or caffeine sensitivity, start with a little bit. Make sure you do okay and you can always increase the amount.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Everyone is a little bit different. I definitely feel much different when I drink a cup of coffee than when I do a coffee enema. Sometimes I’m really, really stimulated because I probably use way too much coffee in the enema.

But yeah, some people just have a real tough time with caffeine either way, but do your best.

22:02 parasites and detoxification

Wendy Myers: Let’s talk about parasites. You’ve mentioned those when you were talking and definitely parasites can be a big problem in the gut, in the liver and other areas. Do you think that you need to address parasites before you embark on a detoxification program or can those be done simultaneously?

Jay Davidson: It depends on the person. If somebody is in a very sensitive state and they flare up from fragrances, they flare up from every kind of food, their list of foods is down to six foods, that always [inaudible 00:22:40] me clinically, saying, “Okay, your liver gallbladder is definitely problematic. Intestinal area is definitely problematic. I wouldn’t want to necessarily start anybody with detoxifying in that state.” Really focus on draining.

And one of the things I would say that stands out for parasites is if you do have intensification of symptoms or you’re in a full moon, think parasites. And it gets thrown out there in the Lyme disease world, which is not completely correct, but not really inaccurate either because there are co-infections of Lyme disease. Babesia is one of them and it’s technically a parasite, so you get some overlap there.

But if you have an intensification of symptoms, full moon, you want to think parasites for sure. If you have dairy sensitivities like a milk allergy, I think parasites are number one in the list.
And that’s a lot of times why I’d scare away from running allergy type testing because as you clear these toxins out and clear these pathogens out and pathogens are just basically like a bug, I would put parasites into the pathogen category. But as you clear these out, a lot of times, those things go away.

I get a little picky as far as laboratory tests. “If you feel sensitive to that food, just stay away from it and let’s go upstream and let’s fix the cause. You can start clearing those parasites. A lot of times, that allergy disappears.”

If somebody’s really sensitive, I think the parasite is probably top of the agenda. Otherwise, if they seem to be absolutely fine. I think detoxification, you can definitely move forward with.
And typically, detoxification I think is that rate-limiting step or maybe not rate-limiting step. It’s maybe more of a time-consuming thing that it takes the longest out of everything else to detoxify the body truly.

And a lot of times, people say, “Oh, I did a four week cleanse and I’m detoxed.” The body is not going to release all the toxins all at once because it would be too dangerous. It’s going to be a slow mo process, I think, embarking on detoxification.

And then within that protocol, detoxifying, for instance, heavy metals, integrate in some pathogen things because the heavy metal detoxifying is going to peel away biofilm and biofilm is just like a blanket or a protective layer for pathogens. So as you detox, for instance, heavy metals, you can peel away biofilm and new packets of pathogens are going to get too.
I don’t know if I could say this. I had a client yesterday. Actually, I was talking to him and I’m like—I’m just throwing some arbitrary numbers up. Let’s say it takes two years to detoxify heavy metals and it takes six months to get rid of the pathogens in your body, Lyme and some co-infections and parasites. You couldn’t just do six months of parasite, pathogen, Lyme and then move on to the heavy metal detoxification because the heavy metals are protecting the pathogens.

I think it’s most important to embark on detoxifying for you for instance first and then integrating in the pathogens along the category. I think at least for that client, it made the most sense. But again, it’s very dependent on who you are, what you need. And again, like you say, get tested and see chemicals and toxicity problems that you have.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I couldn’t agree with you more. It’s interesting, Dr. Klinghardt talks a lot about this, about how parasites and metals co-exist. They potentiate each other. And when you start addressing one, then the other one can reveal itself.

And a lot of times, we have parasites and yeast because the body allows them to overgrow because they clean up metals. So there’s this co-existing parasitic relationship that they have.

Jay Davidson: Even diving deeper into the parasite, bacteria and viruses can live in the parasites. So I have a good friend who was struggling with Lyme disease and did all kinds of natural treatments and everything he could think of and figure out for Lyme.

You couldn’t get over it until you address the parasites. As soon as you address the parasites and the parasites died off, then the viruses and bacteria that were living in the parasite are released and then the immune system can get to it. It’s almost like the parasite was the barrier for other bugs.

I think there’s such an intricate relationship with all those things, just like there’s an intricate relationship with minerals and heavy metals. There are so many connections to address and understand.

Wendy Myers: Do you want to know how I get rid of parasites?

Jay Davidson: Yeah.

Wendy Myers: Well, I make suppositories at home and I use these suppositories. They have different oils, essential oils in them that kill parasites like clove, oregano oil. I use BioPures 10 and 1. I use a little bit of onion oil and garlic oil, but my house smells like an Indian restaurant after I make these. It’s horrible.

And I just use manuka honey essential oil as well. And I will do those for about two weeks on, two weeks off. And I do that for about eight to 10 weeks periodically, maybe once a year. I find that’s really, really effective, especially if people have digestive issues. They might have a tough time with orally taking supplements, but there are also really good oral parasite cleanses.
And then you got to maybe take some bentonite clay to absorb all the chemicals and the parasites die off. You can take this to absorb the chemicals.

Jay Davidson: Yeah. I was relatively asymptomatic and recently did a parasite cleanse and got a couple of 20 inch rope worms out and I was like, “Okay, so if I’m getting this stuff out, pretty sure just like heavy metals.”

Because of our environment, food supply, just things getting passed on and just the lack of knowledge of heavy metal toxicity, there are so many people in America that have heavy metal toxicity issues at extreme level.

So detoxifying heavy metals I think is important. I think parasite is also one of those things that no matter how you’re feeling well or sick, it’s something you should definitely consider doing.
I always think of the cartoon Shrek when he says, “It’s always better out than in.” It’s really gross when you think about parasites and then leaving your body and having to pull it out. That’s definitely awkward and a gross moment, but at the same time, it’s such a relief to know they’re not in me anymore. Get them out.

Wendy Myers: I know. A lot of people have little friends for dinner that are eating their food. “Why am I not absorbing my nutrients?” When I do nutrient tests, some people are incredibly low. It’s because there are little parasites that are eating everything, eating all their nutrients.
And for me, I’ve done a lot of traveling in third world countries. I spent months in Africa and months in Central and South America. I picked up all kinds of stuff, not to mention my sushi addiction for so many years. There are 10,000 parasite eggs per one square inch of sushi.

Jay Davidson: No way.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it’s really disgusting. So I was just crawling with parasites. But anyways, allow us to digress.

Jay Davidson: I was going to say it makes you think twice about sushi.

29:48 detoxing and supporting the kidneys

Wendy Myers: Yeah, exactly. Let’s talk about kidneys. Is there something you can do to cleanse your kidneys in prepping for detoxification?

The kidney really gets worked when you’re detoxing. They filter your blood and they’re basically the little house for mercury and cadmium. 90% of your mercury and cadmium gets stuck in your kidneys because you’re filtering your blood.

What can be done to prep them so they aren’t damaged during a detoxification?

Jay Davidson: Yeah. I would go back to just again the simple things. Make sure you’re sleeping enough. You go to bed at by 10 PM. I think it’s a good time to get to bed too. You don’t want the later times. Earlier bed definitely helps typically for the body.

Make sure you hydrate enough water. It’s super important to the kidneys. Make sure you have proper mineral balance.

It’s interesting with minerals and I know you can dive into this way more than I’ll even hit on, Wendy. But certain minerals, if you’re high in a certain mineral, it can make another mineral high or it can make another mineral actually low. Or if you’re high in a certain heavy metal, it can disrupt the minerals. I think mineral balance is such an important piece to the body’s ability to drain and just move things out through liver and especially kidney.

I think water, minerals, sleep are top three things. But as far as the kidney category, really a lot of it, you want to give attention to liver because typically liver will dump to the kidneys and kidney clear out. So there’s definitely a whole pathway to address. But kidney-wise, I love to use herbal supplements and herbal formulas to really support the kidneys.

My favorite, there’s one from Systemic Formulas called K-Kidney. I like to use that in the evening time with clients and then KS. I always think of S as start of the day. The KS is the morning time.

And a lot of it has to do with the fact that your organs have different rhythms that the liver will rebuild and break down at different times of the day and just figuring out which formulas support those in the natural rhythm, organ rhythms per se.

I’ve been huge things with spinal issues though too. Spinal issues in the area of the kidneys can affect that.

Think about what you’re consuming. If you’re one of those soda drinkers or diet soda drinkers, immediately stop because it doesn’t matter what supplements you’re taking. I mean that stuff is just damaging to the body.

You want to limit inflow of toxins. And then look to just support the organs. If you’re somebody that only has one functioning kidney, you want to give extra, extra attention to them.

If you’re somebody who everything seems to be flowing well, I would still give some support to them. But definitely customize based on what your body seems to need the most.

32:32 oxalates

Wendy Myers: Another thing that just occurred to me that’s really important to get rid of before detoxification are oxalates. Can you talk a little bit about that?

Jay Davidson: Yeah, oxalates. In the dietary world, you’ll hear a lot of different diets out there. FODMAP has been something the last five years, histamine diet, low oxalates. Salicylates is another thing that get thrown out there.

I think magnesium citrate is what I found to be the best tool for oxalates. So magnesium citrate, I found to help somebody who has issues with oxalates. What’s your opinion on that category?

Wendy Myers: I just want to preface what oxalates are just because a lot of people don’t even know what they are.

Oxalates are little crystals. You can ingest them in a lot of green foods or they can be formed by gut infections like chronic yeast infections. If you’ve had chronic gut infections for long time, you can make these little crystals or like little barbs, these sharp little things that cause a lot of damage in your body and they gum up your detox pathways.

And when I do testing, I’m amazed at how many of my clients have oxalates. And they gum up your body’s ability to detox and it’s so important to reduce those oxalate levels prior to having a successful detox.

Jay Davidson: Yeah. And I think it goes back to a principle, giving attention to the digestive tract before you detox.

So let me just say this. Let’s say somebody has mercury toxicity, heavy metal. And this is my opinion. I do not believe you can get the gut 100% well if there’s mercury toxicity because it’s an upstream issue to the gut. But you have to give attention to the digestive tract so that when you move upstream and you start detoxing, it can handle it.

And I think just like what you’re saying, gut infections, I mean that’s a sign that the immune system can be compromised. If gut flora, gut health is not well, maybe take down some of the bad bacteria. You have bad and good bacteria and the gut obviously want more good than bad.
And then you got the squatters, the [commensalates?] in between. Do something maybe taking the bad bugs down and reducing the squatters, the commensal bacteria and putting more good ones, supporting something that heals up the tight junctions.

And then move upstream to detox and I think that fits right into the oxalate thing too, just making sure that pathway is flowing and moving.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And the oxalates can be a little bit complicated. There are a lot of supplements that help dissolve oxalates, but you definitely want to get tested with a Great Plains organic acids test before embarking in an oxalate detox. It can be nasty.

But there’s a group on Yahoo! called the Low Oxalate Group. And has a lot of information about that if you’re interested.

Jay Davidson: Cool.

35:28 detox methodologies

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Let’s talk about your favorite methods of detox. You just interviewed over 30 experts about all kinds of detoxification methods. What are your favorites?

Jay Davidson: Step one is remove the source. You can detox as much as you want, but if you’re around a lot of things—and again, you can’t live in a bubble. You’re going to get toxins. But obviously the overloading amount of toxins, the obvious things.

So if you have Teflon, get rid of that. If you have mercury amalgam fillings in your teeth, to think you’re going to detox mercury out of the body and still have a source in your teeth, again you want to remove the source. And if you have mercury in your teeth, find somebody that can help prep the body find a biological dentist that can try to protect you as much as possible before you get them removed. And then find somebody to help coach you on how to detox.

But detoxification, I love to recruit multiple things. So I think heavy metal detoxing is definitely a modern day epidemic and I love using true chelators. DMSA is one of those things that I actually reacted to in 2007. But the reason I did it is because I had leaky gut.

And then also the person that gave me instructions, they mega-dozed me, they gave me a high dose and they also just told me to take it a couple of times a day, which violates the half life rule. If you’re going to embark on detox, fine, you want to understand what’s going on with your body and then what would be the proper protocol.

Let’s say you have mercury for instance. For mercury, I love DMSA as a heavy metal chelator to start cleaning up the tissues of the heavy metal. But DMSA is a water-soluble chelator. So if you’re going to make a difference in health with somebody with mercury toxicity, you got to get the mercury out of the brain.

Mercury loves the brain. It loves the hypothalamus. It loves the pituitary. And the hypothalamus and pituitary, they’re both in the brain. They’re both basically, if you just think of it, like the king and the queen of hormones in your body.

So if you have any adrenal issues, which could be energy fatigue, lack of ability to handle stress when something happens, that could signal the adrenals or if you go from a standing or a laying position and you stand up and you start feeling light-headed or dizzy, you want to think adrenals.

If you have thyroid problems, if you’re missing the outer third of your eyebrow, if you’re having a slow metabolism, if your hair skin just is not as healthy and vibrant as it seems, that could indicate thyroid problems, of course, you can always do a complete thyroid panel, looking for more than just TSH, free T3, free T4, antibodies, reverse T3 and all those things.

But if you have adrenal issues, thyroid problems or even sex hormone issues, whether you’re male or female, females would be more of the ovaries, estrogen, progesterone. Guys would be more prostate, gonads for testosterone and progesterone.

If you’re having any of those hormonal issues or let’s say you have two out of three or three out of three, you don’t want to just focus on those organs because those inevitably can be downstream to the problem of hypothalamus, pituitary, which then could be an issue for mercury toxicity, mercury loves those areas. So getting mercury out of the brain I think is an important thing and something to embark on.

But in order to do that, you need a fat-soluble chelator, something that will not only cross into the cells, but actually cross into the blood brain barrier. And make sure you get the concentration going.

I think heavy metal toxicity is definitely a favorite of mine because I’ve seen such great results client-wise. But it’s been something that changed my wife’s life and it actually changed my life as well too. I don’t have quite as awesome stories as my wife does, but it’s like the spillover effect. She’s getting well and I’m just going to do what she’s doing. And soon enough, I’m like, “This is really what health is supposed to feel like.”

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I know. It’s night and day for me too from where I was five years ago to today. I just can’t believe it.

Jay Davidson: Yeah, it’s from pain to purpose. In that moment, you’re like, “God, why? Why? Why?” And then later on, you’re like, “Oh, I got it. Okay.”

Wendy Myers: “Oh, that was the problem.” So what are your favorite supplements, the fat-soluble supplements that detox mercury?

Jay Davidson: For brain chelation, ALA, I love that, alpha-lipoic acid, not alpha linolenic acid, but alpha-lipoic acid. And it’s usually really inexpensive. That’s one of those things if I’m meeting with a client and I see on the list they’re taking alpha-lipoic acid like 500 milligrams or 700 milligrams a couple of times a day. That will be something I say, “You might want to hold off on that because that’s a fat-soluble chelator.” And whether you’re detoxing right now or your body is ready for it, that’s something that I get a little sketchy about if somebody is taking alpha-lipoic acid, ALA without wanting to detox.

And alpha-lipoic acid, it’s talked about as antioxidant. It’s talked about helping the liver and glutathione production. So there’s a lot of benefit to it, but it’s also a fat-soluble chelator. I think ALA is a great choice.

There is DMPS that can also clear up mercury. But that’s water-soluble. That’s not fat-soluble.
They’re used to be something that Boyd Haley had out called OSR number 1. And then it was taken off the market and it’s going to be reintroduced I think soon. That is a fat-soluble chelator that crosses the brain.

I actually interviewed the scientist that actually discovered this and figure this out. He’s actually got three doctorates. He’s MD, PharmMD so pharmacist doctorate and then also a PhD. The guy is brilliant, Dr. Nikolas Tsirikos-Karapanos. That’s his name. He’s Greek.

He used to work for Mayo and he works for the Cleveland Clinic. He’s the top heart surgeon in the world. But he figured out how to basically hydrolyze a clinoptilolite fragment and clinoptilolite is part of a zeolite.

But zeolite naturally, this is something that surprised me even on the interview. Zeolite actually contains heavy metals. So just understanding that whole category, just taking zeolite by itself, I think there’s a lot more to it. So there’s something he figured out how to do called hydrolyzed clinoptilolite fragment, HCF I guess for short.

Not only he’s actually done pharmaceutical test to show that it actually crosses the membrane, but it actually gets in the brain too.

There are multiple tools. And I think from a clinical side, looking at detoxification, I don’t like to rely just on one thing and, “Hey, let’s mega-dose.”

I think let’s look at multiple things and just get all the channels moving. And then of course, if there’s something that’s problematic like let’s say you have a really, really high lead levels, maybe after a while, you might want to incorporate EDTA suppositories to try to pull that lead out of the bone faster for instance.

But that’s also not forgetting the whole power of minerals, which you can of course hit on.

Wendy Myers: Yes, absolutely. I take EDTA suppositories myself and give them to a lot of my clients because we’re the lead generation.

When our mothers are forming us in their womb, all the lead that’s in their bones from all the leaded gasoline they breathe in, your bones get formed from that. And so you’re born with lead in your bones and it causes lots of problems obviously.

But a fat-soluble chelator I love to use is cilantro oil, not essential oil, just cilantro oil. It’s pressed from the seeds. Your brain readily accepts that and it helps to pull the mercury out of your brain, albeit very gently. It’s a gentle chelator, but a natural one. It’s very accessible too not by prescription.

Unfortunately, DMSA, the FDA decided to regulate it a few years ago and pulled it off the market to be taken orally, though there are still some sketchy places on eBay where you can buy it orally.

There’s a very good DMSA suppository called Zetpil. You can purchase that on eBay and other places. That’s a very good source. I have used that personally myself.

But one thing I found with myself and with my clients is I like to do a liver detox ability test to find out how much DMSA their liver can tolerate and process like you. You had that reaction and I’ve heard lots of horror stories of people taking DMSA. If you do this liver detox ability test, I’d do it in a lab in Australia called Naturopathy. You may not be a candidate. Your liver can’t handle it based on this. Or you might be able to tolerate 1000 milligrams.

My test, I could tolerate 500 milligrams. So I think a lot of the physicians make a mistake of just getting a standard dosage. Usually, it’s 500 milligrams of DMSA and it can be really devastating for some people.

Jay Davidson: Yeah, definitely, we’re covering a lot in this podcast interview. I always recommend to work with somebody that knows what they’re doing to help customize it to you.
I love people learning and gaining more knowledge. But again sometimes, if you’re having a health crisis yourself, you get lost in your own emotions. So definitely seek some guidance to help speed the process up for sure.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So don’t go ahead and just buy the DMSA suppositories. You want to test, not guess.

Test you really need it because some people don’t have high levels of mercury. They can do the natural stuff and the lipoic acid and things like that and that can bring their levels down.

45:01 infrared saunas

Wendy Myers: So let’s talk about any detox methods, your favorite detox methods. Are you into infrared saunas or ionic foot baths? You already talked about coffee enemas. Anything else that you really, really like?

Jay Davidson: You’ll hear out there in the world that this is the thing that’s going to cure the world, that will fix everybody. I just don’t know that there’s that one tool for everybody. I think there’s reasoning for everything.

Like foot baths ripped on a lot. They’re hoaky. But at the same time, I’ve seen clinically people that have liver gallbladder issues, it can help ease that burden tremendously, maybe not detoxing the way maybe some people claim that it does, but to clear the stress out of liver gallbladder could be a big, big help.

I love infrared saunas for those that live in colder temperatures that have issues sweating, the person that doesn’t need to wear deodorants because they don’t smell and all that. If you don’t sweat in your armpits, your detox pathways are clogged up. So an infrared sauna.

And of course far infrared sauna, you just talk about a lot. I love this Therasage brand. They actually have far, mid and near, all three different kinds. It’s a little more natural in the infrared category. That can really open up the pathways of the skin.

I think coffee enemas can be a great helper for liver gallbladder, raising glutathione, heavy metal detoxification is important too, parasite-cleansing. I mean there are so many great tools out there. Just figure out what’s best for you.

46:34 frequency technology

Jay Davidson: There’s even frequency technology for instance like a rife machine that if somebody has really horrible pathogen issues like Lyme or parasites, it might be beneficial for them to have versus somebody that maybe doesn’t have that. It’s probably not going to move the needle for them.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I’ve done a rife session before. It’s so cool. I loved it. It’s so helpful. It’s so weird how this light frequency kills pathogens and parasites in our body. It’s really odd.

Jay Davidson: Yeah. The best way to think of it is the opera singer that can shatter a wine glass. They’re not singing the frequency of the wine glass. They’re actually singing a resonant frequency that vibrates to the wine glass and shatters it.

And all bugs and things have a frequency to them. If you can deliver through light plasma discharge a frequency, then essentially those bugs can essentially shatter in the body.
And the cool thing is it doesn’t harm your tissues. But yeah, rife technology is neat. Definitely there’s a lot of stuff out there. Again, you want to do your research. But just see if it’s something that would be a benefit to you.

I know with my wife, we bought everything, PEMF, rife, hyperbaric, juicers, you name it. Everything, we bought because I was like, “Oh, this is going to get her well. This is going to get her well.” And in the end, I realized they’re just tools.

If somebody has a brain damage, they just suffered a stroke, they’re living in mold, then hyperbaric can be a great option to help deliver oxygen to the brain. But for somebody that maybe is not in that same camp, then maybe it’s not the best tool for them.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, there are so many tools. You could spend endless amounts of money. I know I do. I try all kinds of different things.

Jay Davidson: We did.

Wendy Myers: But you just have to try different things and see what works for you, what resonates for you, your body, your health issues because everyone is so different.
48:21 the future for detoxification: genomics.

Wendy Myers: What is the future for detoxification? What does that look like in your opinion?

Jay Davidson: I’m very biased of course. This is my opinion. But I think the future of detox is looking at somebody’s individual blueprint, their DNA and figuring out what their tendencies are from a body standpoint.

If I throw the word genetics out, there are a lot of words that get thrown out in that category or thoughts. I think genetics, you could go, you could run your 23andMe, which you can get from It’s like 200 bucks and you get data, 635,000 different pieces of DNA information and then you can upload it into a template like Prometheus for five bucks and find out you’re five times at risk for Alzheimer’s and two times at risk for uterine cancer.

I don’t like that side of genetics because I feel like it’s just fear. And what are you going to do for that? I like looking at genetics from more of a lifestyle standpoint, saying, “For detoxification, how’s your phase one and phase two from a genetic standpoint?”

And I think about my wife that reacted to everything and all kinds of stuff. Her phase one was pretty good, except for a little bit in the estrogen category, but for the most part, phase one of detox was pretty good. Phase two is horrible.

And I think about the whole caffeine thing. If somebody reacts to caffeine, what’s that from? I’m thinking now the reason why my wife reacted before to caffeine where she’d get heart palpitations and not just feel good and it would just be a horrible reaction. What I believe that happened was just speed up the phase one and phase two wasn’t working. The toxicity in the phases actually got backed up.

So I think you can look at your genomics and see how’s your phase one, how’s your phase two and break it down from glutathione to a acetylation to all these different pieces of it and then see.

And genetics or genomics is maybe a little more proper term is not 100%. It’s probably 90% to 95%, but it’s based on probability. But you can get a lot of information from that to try to customize it for you.

Basically my wife, when she was recovering, people were like, “What are you doing? What happened? How did you get her well? What are you now doing with clients?”

So I wrote a book called The Five Steps to Restoring Health Protocol that laid it all out. And if you want to know more about the draining category, that’s all step two. It’s huge, probably 70 pages in the book or something, 60 or 70 pages.

You can always pick up the book. Just go to Amazon. Search my name, Jay Davidson or Dr. Jay Davidson. It will be the first thing that comes up.

But I think the next step for the future is to plug in your individual genome into protocols like that to customize it even more and try to take some of that guesswork out.

So I think genomics is a Wild Wild West right now, but it’s definitely an area that I’m working with and exploring with clients. And I have actually found.

What’s interesting is looking at supplement genes and micronutrient deficiencies, there’s a lot of correlation. And so I’m finding that to be a pretty cool tool. So I think that’s where I believe maybe the future lies. I don’t know how far. I’m working on it now.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it’s very, very interesting. I just had Sterling Hill talk in my Medicinal Supplements Summit about using genetic testing to customize supplements to you. It’s very, very interesting.

I agree, it’s a Wild Wild West. There is a lot to learn. It’s very complicated and complex. But we are heading in the right direction for sure.

52:05 the most pressing health issue in the world today

Wendy Myers: I have a question I like to ask to all of my guests. What do you think is the most pressing health issue in the world today?

Jay Davidson: Oh, hands down, toxicity. I think toxicity. Americans, it’s very well accepted to take multivitamin nutrients. I think it’s more important to detoxify than try to get more nutrients in the body because then toxicity causes inflammation, which can affect our ability to absorb that. I think toxicity, hands down, is the number one health crisis.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And when I see two-thirds of the American population is overweight, I just think toxicity. It can be choleric intake, but it’s all the glyphosate and chemicals and hormone disrupting chemicals and obesogenic chemicals, chemicals that make us fat and toxins like arsenic that prevent fat release from fat cells. All this is really what I think is contributing to obesity crisis.

Jay Davidson: Yeah, a lot of toxins are fat-soluble that get stored in your fat. So if you can’t drop weight, it probably means you got to detox first and then the body will normalize where it needs to.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that was the key for me for sure. When I was overweight, I was working out like an Olympic athlete. I was like, “What the heck is going on?”

When I was 25, I did the same workout routine. I’d be an Olympian, but it slowly dawned on me that it was toxicity. So I 100% agree with that.

53:35 where to find Dr. Davidson and the Detox Project

Wendy Myers: Why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit more about you and where they can find you?

Jay Davidson: Yeah. The best place is just my website, I definitely encourage you to check out the Detox Project, which I’m sure you’ll have links for that right on your website. Go click on those links and get registered.

It starts September 26, so it’s literally just around the corner. It’s seven days free viewing. I think day eight, we’ll probably do an encore. Yeah, Wendy, you’re speaking. I’m speaking. It’s going to be a great event. So I highly recommend that. But my website is the best place, Yeah, just get registered for the Detox Project.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, so go to and register. It’s totally free online event. And I’m so excited. I’m going to be starting to listen to the talks myself because I want to hear all the juicy information.

54:25 the Chronic Lyme Disease Summit

Wendy Myers: But you also hosted the Lyme Summit last spring. Can you tell us about that because I know a lot of people listening have issues with Lyme? They don’t even realize they have Lyme. It’s very prevalent.

Anyone listening that’s had chronic fatigue or the doctor can’t figure out what’s wrong with you. And you know something is wrong, but the doctors can’t figure it out. People should be tested for Lyme. So talk to us about the Lyme Summit and the website they can go to, to learn more about it.

Jay Davidson: Yeah. If you have any unexplainable illness, the first thing I would say is rule Lyme out, Lyme disease.

I did a summit, yeah, April, 2016, so earlier this year. It’s just an awesome event. It’s such a good feedback and such a great information. It’s such a quick way to learn about the topic quickly and to try to get your feet under because there’s a lot of fear with Lyme. And the more you understand about it, the more you’re empowered to actually make a change.

So the website for the Chronic Lyme Disease Summit is that same name, And Lyme does not have an S. So Lyme is L-Y-M-E. So it’s

Wendy Myers: Great. Thank you so much, Jay. I really appreciate you coming on the show.

Jay Davidson: Thanks, Wendy.

Wendy Myers: And everyone, if you’re listening, thank you so much for tuning into the show.
You can learn more about me at You can check out my detox program called where I use minerals to lift up your body and flush out toxins. Thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 Podcast.

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