Transcript 195 What is Bioenergetics? with Debbie Ventura

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  • 02:59 About Debbie Ventura
  • 03:57 What is NES
  • 06:04 The body field
  • 11:03 The history behind NES
  • 16:47 The Chinese meridians
  • 22:21 Correcting malfunctions in the body field
  • 29:21 How shock and trauma cause disease in the body
  • 41:05 Testing and measurements with NES
  • 49:39 NES’s miHealth device
  • 01:03:03 Getting results from the NES program
  • 01:09:13 The NES protocol
  • 01:12:38 The most pressing health issue in the world today
  • 01:14:28 Where to find Debbie Ventura

Wendy Myers: Hello, my name is Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast. Today, we have one of the most compelling podcast that you will ever listen to. And I have not said that before.

But this program is on NES Health. And that’s an energy medicine program that corrects the energy blockages in your body.

This is a very important protocol. It’s one that I’ve been doing for several months. And I cannot begin to tell you the changes that I’ve had in my physical state, in my energy levels, in my sleep, in my mood, in my emotions and my physical body, my pain reduction. Everything has improved.

I’m completely blown away by the results and it’s something that we’re now going to be offering on

You can go in and click on the NES Health tab and it’s also going to be an important part of my Mineral Power Program.

We’re going to go into today, talking about what NES Health is and how you correct energy blockages in the body to correct physiological health issues and diseases and symptoms and pain and energy levels.

Anyone struggling with energy, this is it! This is how you build up energy in your body.

You still have to take nutrients. You still have to detox your body. But before I explain it anymore and ruin it for anybody, we’re going to just get right into it with Debbie Ventura.

She is a trainer at NES Health and she was my trainer when I did my certification. I thought she was incredibly eloquent and explained things in a very interesting way.

The podcast starts off a little bit complex, and then it gets easier as we go along. We talk about some success stories and what exactly it is, how do you do the program, what’s involved in it. So just stick with it for a minute. It’s just a little bit esoteric in the beginning, so to speak.

So please keep in mind that this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional, medical advice.

The Live to 110 Podcast is solely informational in nature, so please consult your medical doctor or healthcare practitioner before engaging in anything that we suggest today on the show.

02:59 About Debbie Ventura

Wendy Myers: Our guest is Debbie Ventura. She is a NES Health practitioner and bio-energetic health coach in San Antonio, Texas, my home state. She combines a professional background in technology with a deep passion for promoting wellness through energetic balance and worked with clients around the world.

Debbie has a degree in Classical Homeopathy and is a frequent lecturer and trainer.

Debbie, thank you so much for joining us on the podcast.

Debbie Ventura: You’re welcome. Thank you for having me Wendy.

Wendy Myers: Why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself and your background?

Debbie Ventura: So I was training as a classical homeopath when I found NES Health and prior to that, I worked in the legal technology field for about 25 years. I was a systems administrator. And so I had a big job that was stressful. It sort of led me into my own health journey which is how I learned about energy medicine in general.

03:57 What is NES

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And so tell people what is NES. The listeners can learn more at That gives them information videos and there’s info on YouTube. But it’s challenging for people to get their head around it.

It’s a protocol I’ve been doing for several months. I did the training with you. You’re one of the instructors. And I am just completely blown away by my own results, and every person that I’ve introduced it to, their results, and how quick that they can be.

And I literally wake up every morning with joy. I really never experienced that. I’ve had a handful of times, I’ve woken up, “Oh, it’s going to be a great day,” but it was fleeting. I’m sleeping better. I was really having a lot of trouble sleeping even though I was taking all kinds of supplements. I’ve been perplexed and struggling with that.

My back pain went away that I’ve been pretty much dealing with in one form or another, my lower back for eight years. It was gone in three weeks. And that’s really profound for me and shocking.

And so, for me, I cannot express how much or how excited I am to get the word out about NES.

So, tell us what exactly is NES Health.

Debbie Ventura: Cool! I’m so glad you’ve had those profound experiences. It’s a beautiful testament to the capacity of NES.

So, NES is really a revolutionary 21st century technology that allows us to see and interact with the body’s energetic fields and then make corrections in the most optimal way.

It allows the innate intelligence of your body field to come through. And that’s really what’s so amazing about NES, it gives a voice to the body field.

Does that make sense?

06:04 The body field

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So tell the listeners what is the body field? And how is information transmitted to the body? How does that contraindicate what modern medicine is doing?

Debbie Ventura: So, the body field, I think an easy analogy is it’s like a scaffolding. So we have a collection of fields— And I guess I should step back a little bit and just say that science is evolving at this really incredible pace. It’s a really fun and incredible time to be on the planet because we are learning things about science that are changing the way we understand biology and how our bodies work and how things operate from a wellness perspective.

And so, what we’re learning at the quantum level—and I don’t want that word to chase anybody off because really it’s just a word that indicates that we’re talking about the smallest measure that we can contemplate about our existence.

And so, when we look at things at that level, what we’re learning is that even in the 20th century, when we talk about quantum mechanics and quantum physics, they were talking about, “Oh, we’re waves and particles. Waves can be a particle too.” And so that’s how they explained matter, how these bodies come into form. “Well, we’re energy, but energy turns into a particle.”

And what we’re starting to understand is that that’s a misnomer. We actually are purely waves of energy. I’d like to tell my clients if we could look at ourselves and each other through quantum goggles, what we would see are just waves and geometric patterns of energy emanating from the vacuum of space, condensing to form the manifestation of our physical appearance.

And so, we have this big understanding. One time, this was considered woo-woo and fringe science. But it’s all starting to coalesce into a very coherent understanding, that we are pure energy fields.

And we’re not random energy fields. And I think that’s really where NES has an amazing offering in the world. It’s because NES is based on understanding that our energy fields are highly structured.

And I like to think of them, back to my scaffolding analogy, I like to think of our energy fields as this energetic, very highly structured scaffolding, around which our matter forms and our minds form also. The body-mind complex can’t be separated. It’s all a holistic entity. And they form around these energetic structures.

And so, what’s important about that is when the energy fields are out of balance and that scaffolding becomes a little out of balance, ultimately, that manifests into imbalances at the physical level.

And so we look to NES as a way of really working at that master control system of the energetic level.

And when we make corrections energetically, I like to think of it as alignment opportunities. So it’s a new opportunity to align to a new structure that gives us more support.

And from my perspective, Wendy, everything is about evolution. We’re always moving toward our potential, to our highest growth. And that’s really what NES is able to do. It helps us move into our highest potential.

Wendy Myers: What I got from the training when I did the training was it blew my paradigm of how the body works. In modern medicine and in functional diagnostic medicine and a lot of modalities I was trained in, you think of the body as strictly being ruled by hormones and enzymes and things of that nature—and it is. But there are a lot of things not controlled. There are a lot of things that modern medicine can’t explain, a lot of phenomena in the body that modern medicine cannot explain or account for.

And that puzzle or that hole is filled in with NES when you think of the brain and the heart sending information to the cells and to the body with information on energy waves. And that’s the way that the body is giving instructions to the cells.

It’s just completely mind-blowing to think of this and how NES proved this with quantum physics.

And so, this is a scientifically proven modality. It’s not a woo-woo thing like a massage therapist with a salt crystal lamp or something, you know what I mean, and regular crystals. It’s amazing!

11:03 The history behind NES

Wendy: So, I was reading the book. It’s a book called Decoding the Human Body Field by Harry Massey and Peter Fraser. And they have a ghost writer helping them out with the intense information in the book. It talks a lot about quantum physics and how that works and then NES Health uses quantum physics to heal the body. It’s just mind-blowing how Peter Fraser came up with this.

Can you talk a little bit about how Peter Fraser came up with NES?

Debbie Ventura: Yeah, I can. So Peter was a really interesting person. His work started many decades ago.

He was a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine living in Australia. And I think he studied every healing modality on the planet. He was incredibly versed in all things energetic and biochemical.

And as a doctor of Chinese medicine, what he really wanted to understand—he had this very brilliant scientific mind. He really wanted to understand, “Okay, we have 5000 years of anecdotal information about how Chinese medicine works. But from a physics perspective, from a contemporary physics perspective, what’s really happening in the Chinese meridian system?”

And that was his goal. That’s what he’s set out to understand. He didn’t set out to start a wellness revolution or a system or anything. He just wanted information.

And so, what he started doing is he called them matching tests. He was basically looking at energetic signatures of different aspects of our anatomy and how they fit together energetically—what things talk to what, where he found resonant compatibility or resonant harmonies.

And over time, he amassed an incredible library of data that showed all of these very intricate relationships between the energy fields that emanate from our cells, organs, tissues, emotional states and how the body actually fits together in the presence of those energy fields. And so that was the beginning.

And then out of that research, he ended up developing what we today call infoceuticals, which looks like this. And they are basically water with minerals in them. They’re completely biochemically benign. But they go through a proprietary imprinting process where information matching different parts of the body field are imprinted to the liquid structure, mineral structure of the infoceutical.

It acts like a CD or a tape player. And so when you take little drops in water every day and drink them, it plays back that information in the field.

And so his prototypical infoceuticals that he started out with way back—I would say, it was probably around 2000.

He was just starting to develop these formulations. And about that time, a young man who was really chronically ill named Harry Massey had been bedridden for about seven years of his young life, extremely ill with chronic fatigue and other things, he was doing his own research and had come to the conclusion that, “If I’m ever going to get well, it’s going to be through energy, energy medicine.”

And so, he was on this quest to find the smartest, best people doing energy work on the planet—kind of from his bed which was an amazing feat.

But he ended up in Los Angeles with some friends and met Peter Fraser. He took the very first prototypical infoceutical that Peter had developed and immediately had a healing reaction which is a good thing. We get excited in the energy world when you have symptoms.

Wendy Myers: Yes, yes. It’s the same with detox. When you start detoxing, stuff comes up and out and it’s not always so pleasant, but it’s a necessary part of the process.

Debbie Ventura: Yes! And we’re generally really glad when that’s happening.

And so he immediately got this healing reaction. And I think Harry had literally tried everything there was to try—and with great vigor. I mean all the energy he had to muster, he would put into the modalities that he tried and nothing ever really helped.

And when he started taking the infoceuticals at the beginning of infoceuticals, he knew that this was something drastically different. It was the beginning of his healing.

And so, this was the beginning of this amazing collaboration between these two people—Peter Fraser who had all of this incredible scientific information about how our energy fields are structured, and Harry Massey who had this really keen technological mind and this entrepreneurial drive to create a wellness system that could heal people.

And it also had an element of being able to use it in a remote fashion, so that people who are really sick and couldn’t leave their home to go visit a practitioner could actually work with a practitioner from wherever they were.

That was really his dream and goal in life. And together, they accomplished that. It was really quite an amazing feat.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And it’s amazing to me how, with Peter Fraser being a Doctor of Traditional Chinese medicine, he didn’t set out to do this. But he proved that Chinese meridians with quantum physics. And that’s what he’s doing, all his matching experiences. And he noticed that whatever the kidneys match the same resonance as the retina and eyeballs.

And he took it to the next level. He took the Chinese meridians and refined them even further which was just amazing. And that’s true.

16:47 The Chinese meridians

Wendy Myers: Can you explain a little bit about the Chinese meridians and how they’re information highways and when there are blockages, then physiological problems can result?

Debbie Ventura: Sure, sure. So, they’re just energy channels through the body that connect our organ systems. And we talk about it. I love what you said, the information highway. That’s a beautiful analogy. Really, information flows through the system. And when everything is talking, and everybody’s in resonance, we feel good. That’s peace and that’s wellness.

And when energetic, I guess you could call them “blockages” or when energy is changed in some ways so that information doesn’t flow in the optimal pathway or in the—yeah, I guess that’s the best way to say it, the optimal pathway—things start to break down and things start to misfire.

So, using your analogy about a roadway, it’s like your daily commute. You go to work same way every day. You get to work at the same time, and everything is fine. You have your coffee at the same time of day.

And then one day, you leave your house and you get down to your stop sign and you realize that there’s a detour, there’s road construction and you have to go some way you’ve never gone before. It takes you two hours longer, you lose a hubcap, you might have a flat on the way.

You still get to work, but you’ve suffered some damage, you’ve sustained some damage.

And our bodies sort of work the same way. When the energy is blocked or not flowing correctly, then you end up with places where information is not getting through in the best way. It might be scrambled.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And I thought it’s really, really interesting. So when I did my scan, a lot of my known issues came up. My thyroid came up. And I have been having pains in my appendix area, and that came up. I was having pains in my lower back, and that came up.

It’s not always the case, but the NES Health scan that you do will see your energy blockages. But many times people also have physiological health issues and malfunctions or diseases at those very spots.

Debbie Ventura: Yes, yes. And when I do a scan, I tend to see high readings. We focus in when we do a scan, we look at the highest priorities in the field. And those are the places where we see the optimal place to make a correction, energetic correction.

But I tend to interpret those high readings as places in the body field where, really, if we make a change there, we’re supporting growth at the highest level.

So it’s this evolutionary drive. We’re always moving into our highest potential, our most optimal place of growth.

I’m using that word a lot, but that’s what NES does—it optimizes things.

But I tend to see high priorities in the scan. There are places where if we make a correction here, we’re supporting the organism in the most fundamental way and in the most efficient way.

I love that we work with the body field’s innate intelligence. We’re incredibly intelligent beings. We’re self-regulating.

We are self-healing. We’re self-regenerating. And we just need energy and information to make sure that that’s all happening in the right order at the right time.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And I find that really interesting. There are a lot of energy medicine tools out there. I dabbled a little bit in some like the ZYTO scan and other things like that. But there’s an acupuncture that works with the meridians and things like that. But the problem is they don’t pinpoint, like NES, exactly in your body where there’s an energy blockage.

And it’s like flying blind. It’s hard to fix something if you don’t have a roadmap like a—I won’t say a diagnosis (like a medical doctor, they can diagnose and they know what they’re working with). NES does not diagnose anything. But it can tell where those energy blockages are, so you know exactly where you need to focus the infoceuticals and energy medicine there.

Debbie Ventura: Yes, exactly. To my knowledge, it’s really the only thing that works truly at the field level. ZYTO and electrodermal screening and other types of energetic modalities tend to work at the electromagnetic field level where we’re really looking at the electric current and how it moves through the body and organ systems. And we’re looking at impedance where things get stuck at that level.

NES is a deeper dive into the body field. It’s a deeper dive into the field system and how those fields really interact. So, you get much more specificity.

And I think too that speaks to the brilliance of Peter Fraser’s lifetime of work. We have this incredibly detailed mapping of our field structure that nobody else has. It really is revolutionary when you are able to see the body and body field from that perspective, yeah.

22:21 correcting malfunctions in the body field

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And say you go to an acupuncturist and you say, “Oh my thyroid. There’s a problem with my thyroid,” maybe you’ve have that pre-diagnosed by a medical doctor—and I’ve been there. I’ve done it. I’ve done all the needles for the thyroid. But the problem is that you may be having a problem in a different area of your body, and that’s causing a thyroid issue.

The beauty of NES is there’s a certain order in which you have to correct things before you get to the thyroid.

Debbie Ventura: Yes.

Wendy Myers: Can you talk a little about that and how you just don’t go and attack the thyroid and try to manipulate it? It’s a bigger picture.

Debbie Ventura: It is a bigger picture, yes.

So, when we have the benefit of working at the field level, again, we’re relying on the innate intelligence of the body field to say, “This is where I need support now.”

The thyroid is a great example. If you’ve got thyroid issues, that’s the regulating gland of all of those systems in the body, right? And so that organ is affected by a lot of things. It’s affected by environmental toxins. It’s affected by stress, whether or not we’re moving out of fight-or-flight mode and all of that stuff.

So, when we do a NES scan, let’s say that you’re hypothyroid (which a lot of people are in our world today), your thyroid might come up like yours did in the scan. But often, what we see are the higher field corrections that need to be made, so that we can mitigate environmental damage in the body field.

And also, because we have mind elements—I’ve danced around this a little bit—we can also see how conflict and trauma are affecting our field. And so that’s a big deal.

When we are working energetically, it’s really important that we understand that there is a connection to our emotional state always and how we are manifesting in the world.

So, that is also part of the structure of NES and where we focus at a really high level in the field.

And the other thing that I’m glad you—thank you for bringing that up because the other cool thing about NES that’s not totally apparent until you dive in or go to training is that there is this incredible connection that Peter Fraser found to embryology, to the way we develop and the way we heal.

So, in NES, for instance, we have 16 energetic drivers that relate to different aspects of our organ systems and how well they’re powered up. Those drivers are in a very specific order in the NES system.

They start with source energy, which relates embryological to the source energy that forms when we are conceived from our parents. It carries a charge, an ancestral charge. In homeopathy, we call it miasms. In the regular world, we call that genealogy or what’s happening at the genetic level.

And then, the next thing that happens embryological in the formation of the embryo is, at about 40 days, the heart starts pumping.

We know from a NES perspective that what’s happening are those little cardiac cells that are starting to form are actually creating an electromagnetic field. And as with each beat of those cells, they’re actually going out into the field and bringing information back about how this organism’s supposed to develop.

And then cell driver is our next driver field. And that relates to the formation of all the cells that start to happen.

So, we see that throughout NES, these beautiful connections to how we develop and how we heal. And when we honor that structure from a therapeutic perspective, we get really great results that last, which is what you’re starting to experience.

Wendy Myers: And it’s so interesting—and I’m going to say, “It’s so interesting” like 800 times for this podcast. It’s so interesting that you have to heal in that order with the source energy and then the heart and then the cells and then on and on and on with how embryonically the organ systems develop.

And say if your problem is the very last thing to develop in the fetus, you have to address these things up here before you can get to this. And that’s the brilliance.

I don’t know how Peter Fraser figured this out. But it’s—

Debbie Ventura: I don’t know, divinely inspired.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. He definitely had a digital download for sure. But that’s how you have to heal. You have to heal in a certain order. And that’s the concept a lot of people are missing in healing. “Oh, I’m going after the thyroid. I have a thyroid issue” or “I’m going after another aspect and focusing in on that.” That’s why it doesn’t work, and that’s why people are so frustrated doing all these things, and they just don’t work well.

And I personally was at that point myself where I was personally frustrated. I was professionally frustrated with my own results.

I’ve been working on my health for quite some time, eating an amazing diet, exercising, taking care of myself, going to bed at 9:30, 9:00 or 9:30, taking amazing supplements, detoxing. And I had taken my health to a huge level.

I was here. But I knew instinctively I wanted to be here. How do I get from here to here?

And NES gave me that answer.

And I had the same problem with my clients. I know I could help them in a huge way, but many of my clients are coming to me and they’re too sick to detox. Sometimes, they can’t even take supplements.

How do you help those people, some people that are so far gone and had just been seeking out so many different modalities of what’s working? And they just arrived at the game a little too late for modern medicine or even a lot of natural healthcare practitioners.

NES provides that answer for them.

Debbie Ventura: Yes, yes. When you are really sick, you’re energetically depleted and information is not moving through your hologram. And so just by restoring the capacity for information to move through the field, that, in and of itself, can then open up pathways so that you have more energy to deal with.

We can power up your organ systems, we can connect you back to the earth, and all of those things, and also clear trauma and help clear conflict and trauma at the emotional level.

And all of those things together, you’re right, it’s been the missing piece. It’s been the missing piece of wellness. I totally agree.

29:21 how shock and trauma cause disease in the body

Wendy Myers: And that’s what also I love about it. It’s the addressing of emotional trauma, shock, abuse and all those things that most people have experienced in their life. And another reason why I was a little bit frustrated with my own program and things I was doing with my own health. The only thing I can really offer people is to try meditation. “Do meditation. It’s kind of an emotional detox. It works great!” But there’s more to it than that.

Can you talk a little bit about how shock and trauma cause disease in the body?

Debbie Ventura: Sure. Yeah. That’s a huge subject. And we should probably just have a talk one day just about that because it’s fascinating. I really do believe that it’s the root cause of all things that we experience from an unwellness perspective.

Let’s see… where can I start that’s a good starting place for that?

Whenever we encounter a situation for which we are emotionally unprepared—it happens often for children because we don’t have life experience and so something occurs in our lives. So that’s where we get that early onset trauma.

But it happens all through our lives. Nobody’s spared. We all encounter situations for which we are unprepared emotionally.

And when we do, a lot of things happen in our bodies. For one, we go into a fight-or-flight mode. So, we go into this conflict-active phase where our bodies have to deal with the stress of this conflict.

And the entire impetus in that moment is to survive and resolve the conflict. That’s the whole goal at that point.

And so, when we are in this conflict-active state of something has happened to us, “I don’t know how to really deal with it. It’s got to resolve. Either I’m going to die or somebody else is going to die—” I mean that’s really at the fundamental basis of all conflict. It’s kind of a life or death thing. And so even if the situation isn’t truly life or death, at some point, that’s how we interpret it.

But basically, when we are in this conflict-active state, our bodies go into shutting down non-essential processes—shutting down digestion, shutting down reproduction. And that’s not just our reproductive organs. That’s our bodies’ ability to regenerate and to reproduce at the cellular level, which needs to happen all the time. That goes on hold while we’re conflict-active, trying to resolve an issue.

And as soon as that issue is resolved, we then move into this healing phase where the body then has to repair the damage that was done in the conflict-active state.

So, I can give you a really simple story.

About two years ago, I was in Australia. It was 5:00 in the morning. We’re about to go on a plane to come home.

We’re waiting on the taxi. I’m carrying my sister’s gigantic suitcase down the flight of stairs. And I slipped. I had on foot flops like an idiot. I slipped on the steps and I twisted my foot. I broke it completely in half falling down the stairs. I had this complete non-union fracture in my foot and I had 20 hours of travel ahead of me.

And so, I got my tennis shoe on. Thank God, I had my miHealth device (which we haven’t talked about yet). But I travelled for 20 hours and schlepped a broken foot around through five different airports and two continents.

And when I got home, I collapsed in bed, went to an emergency care center the next day. Sure enough, my food was mangled and needed surgery drastically.

But what happened for me is that, as soon as I got back from the doctor and fell back into bed, when I woke up eight hours later, I had the worst case of bronchitis I have ever had in my life.

And I haven’t had many cases of bronchitis, so it was a very odd thing for me to have. But what I realized immediately is that for those 20 hours of schlepping my broken food around and trying to get through the airports and all of the trauma that was piled on top of having a broken bone, my body was in conflict-active mode that whole time.

It was trying to survive. It was trying to really pump a lot of oxygen into my body, so that I could schlep this poor broken foot through all these security scans and all that stuff.

And I think on some level too, there was a death fright. I was afraid that I might never ever get home. I didn’t know what was going to happen.

And when I finally did, my body had to prepare the bronchi. So, what had happened was during that conflict, the bronchi in my lungs actually—they actually ulcerated. Actually, what happens is they open up so that there’s more air capacity in the bronchi, so that there’s more air available to the body.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. That’s a classic stress response. Yeah.

Debbie Ventura: Yes, exactly. And so then the bronchitis was the ulceration of the tissue healing itself. And that lasted for exactly—it lasted for about 72 hours, which is about the time that it took me to get home, get diagnosed and all of that stuff.

So, my regenerative healing phase was pretty much in the same measure as my conflict-active phase. And that’s an important thing to understand about how conflict affects us. In our world today, we tend to stay in stressful situations way longer than we should. And what happens is it’s just taking this enormous toll on the body.

And then, when we finally do resolve the conflict, when we retire because our jobs have been stressful for 35 years or whatever, when we finally do, we’ve got a long healing journey ahead of us.

I think that that’s an important part to understand because it’s really important that we get out of stressful situations as quickly as possible. We need to recognize them and move through them and heal them.

And that’s one of the beautiful things about NES too. It helps us in that regenerative healing phase. It helps speed up that process, so that we don’t have to spend 35 years regenerating. We can re-align our energy fields in a very efficient way, so that our bodies can come into balance in a much, much faster pace than they would just left to their own devices.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it’s really mind-blowing to me how NES helps to regenerate physically and emotionally. And that’s so important especially for a lot of our female listeners who are very—they want to heal themselves emotionally. Of course, the male clients too. I don’t want to leave you guys out. But women are obviously more interested in that.

And we know that even in the research—Nikki Gratrix was on the podcast a while ago showing how in the research that adverse childhood events, ACEs, cause disease later in life. These people have more disease, more health issues, more mental health issues in a significant more amount than people who don’t have as much trauma in their lives.

And so, it’s proven in the literature and the research that this does happen. And NES provides a way to profoundly heal yourself say without going to 10-day silent meditation retreats which that, to me, would be pretty much suicide, no talking for 10 days.

So, I prefer taking infoceutical water drops. I’d much prefer that. And for me, with my own traumas that I’ve had in my life, I was in a very—my last husband is a very stressful relationship, verbally abusive and a very angry person or turned into an angry person. He hid it pretty well on the beginning. It’s difficult to be around a person like that or you got a friend like that or you had an ex like that. You’re around that energy, and you can’t help but absorb it and internalize it and then project it to a certain degree. And I always thought, “How am I going to purge this? How do I get rid of this?”

I didn’t really know how. I’ve been doing meditation and I knew deep down, it just wasn’t quite purging. I want to get it out of me. And with NES, it’s coming out.

Debbie Ventura: Yes. It’s like conflict. You can think about a particular event or let’s say the relationship that you’re in for a period of time. It actually creates a standing wave in your field that is creating, sending out—you know when you throw a rock into a pond, you get these ripple effects. It’s sort of the same thing with the conflict. You get these ripple effects in your field.

And until that energetic block or event is cleared at that level, it’s going to continue to ripple. It’s going to continue to create interference patterns in the rest of the field, which that’s where your body is going to build itself around, that conflict.

Wendy Myers: Yes. And HeartMath has shown this in—the CEO or founder of HeartMath was in Harry Massey’s film, The Living Matrix, which explains energy medicine really nicely. It’s a highly recommended film if you want to learn more about this.

And what the HeartMath is showing that our hearts send out this energy field or this wave that’s 10 feet around us.

So, that’s why when you’re around happy people, you feel more happy. Or when you’re around negative people, you’re just like, “Ugh!” You feel it and it affects you. That’s why I try not to hang around with negative people ever anymore because I just don’t want to be impacted by that.

Debbie Ventura: Sure, sure. Well, I heard someone say recently that happy people don’t get sick, which I thought was a really interesting comment. And Bruce Lipton, the incredible cell biologist has written a book about that called The Honeymoon Effect. And it’s all about how your—he talks a lot about how your environment shapes how your cells function. It’s epigenetics, right?

But there is something profound about happiness and wellness. They go together. And when we’re in a place of not being happy, we generally are not well.

There’s this chicken and egg thing that happens. Do we get sick first and now we’re not happy because of that? Generally, I think it’s more about what’s happening emotionally that starts the process.

So yes, when we can clear those traumas out of the energy fields, amazing things happen.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. In my first scan, a trauma point came up. I thought, “Oh great, we’re going to clear that out.” Clean out right up with a chimney sleep.

41:05 testing and measurements with NES

Wendy Myers: But let’s talk about the software that Harry Massey helped to design.

He took Peter Fraser’s work. I don’t know how he did it. He’s just a genius, a brilliant guy. He systematized it and put it into software so that we can measure the human body field and the energy blockages. Can you talk about that?

Debbie Ventura: Sure, yeah. So, the software, it’s this amazingly elegant software solution. And so when you’re doing the scan, basically there are series of screens that come up that show different facets of your body field.

So, for instance, one of the first things we look at is how well the body field is aligned with the earth’s big fields. As earthlings, we have to be connected properly to the earth to feel well and stay well and get well. And so we look at your connection to the earth. We look at the state of your polarity, how well you’re holding an electrostatic charge. It’s important for the flow of information.

So, we look at really high level elements of the field and how you are connected to your big environment.

We also have a screen where we look at the energetic drivers, which you were talking about a little while ago. These relate to the organ systems and how well they’re powered up. So they can get a really beautiful quick visual of where I’m carrying stress and how it’s affecting my organ systems on an energetic level.

We also look at the flow of information. We’ve talked about that for the last many minutes. We can see that. We can actually see the pathways, the energetic pathways through the field and how they relate to our anatomy and where things might be stuck or where we can make a correction that’s going to give us the most opportunity for growth in that moment.

We also look at immunity and metabolic processes from an energetic perspective. Those are two other places that we look at in the software. They are also very profound, that we can see that level of detail in the field.

And then of course, we’ve been talking about the mind. We have what we call the brain holograms which are just beautiful ways of getting a visual awareness of where we’re holding stress emotionally in our bodies.

And then, we have some other really interesting things in NES. We can look at how well you’re energetically navigating your environment. We’re exposed to 60,000 chemicals a day or something in our environment. And they’re really hard on us energetically. There are a handful of those that are really damaging to our energy fields like electromagnetic frequencies, cellphones, nuclear radiation.

And so, we have ways of measuring how well are you navigating those things in your environment? How sensitive you are to those things? And where can we make corrections to help support you environmentally?

We can also see an energetic snapshot of nutrition, which is really interesting, especially for people who are interested in nutrition. It’s just a way of understanding how things are being regulated from an energetic perspective.

It’s not functional levels or lab test or anything like that. But from an energetic perspective, we’re able to see, “Oh, this is what’s going on with the body from a regulatory perspective as it relates to nutrition.”

Wendy Myers: I thought it was interesting—I used that word interesting again—that you can look at a lot of different minerals and nutrients in the body and see how well your body is able to utilize that. It’s not telling you the levels in your body, but your utilization of that.

And for me, my iron came up, and I’ve always craved red meat—red meat, red meat, red meat. My body is just craving more and more iron because it’s just not able to utilize it quite right. And I think that was incredibly interesting.

And then when you talk about that one of the scans shows how well your body’s magnetism is aligned with the earth’s—we’ve all heard of grounding and how it’s important to protect yourself from EMF. Well, guess what, a lot of people aren’t able to do that for various reasons.

Yeah, I’ve got a little cellphone or a pad under my computer, but I’m not going to stop using my computer. I can’t. If I have to get all you guys healthy, I have to suck it up and just get exposed to these computers and my cellphone.

I’ve got five computers in my house. I’m doomed. And I live in Los Angeles. There are 450 cellphone towers within a four-mile radius. So, short of moving to Kuwait, I just have to deal.

And those things affect our energetic body field and they affect our cells’ electromagnetism. And that’s why I wasn’t sleeping.

And for me, I was like hearing the angels sing because I’m finally sleeping really, really well. I mean, I’ve lived at the beach for a while and I slept very well because I was walking on the sand every day. And it’s this is very calming environment. So that’s something.

But come back here, I have a home in East Los Angeles, doom and gloom, EMF everywhere. And I wasn’t sleeping good.

And doing the NES program really within a couple of weeks, boom, my head hits the pillow and I’m just out. I couldn’t be more thankful for that because I know everyone listening, most people really struggle with sleep.

For me, my supplements work really, really well for a while. But still, I wasn’t getting that quality restful sleep—that dreaming the dreams every night that are an indication of really good quality restorative sleep and emotional purging.

And so, that’s really key. And I love that NES works on that first, to get you sleeping so your body can heal.

Debbie Ventura: Yeah. We also have a measure of the circadian rhythm in the body and how well you’re moving from sympathetic to parasympathetic dominance from that fight-and-flight mode of the daytime to the rest-and-digest night time mode. So we can work on that too.

And I don’t know if you use your miHealth for EMF, but the beautiful thing about NES is that we have ways, especially with EMF, which is so pervasive in our world—like you said, it’s really hard to get away from. And most people are adversely affected whether they know it or not.

But we have a lot of things we can do.

First of all, just by working on your highest priorities and strengthening your field overall, you become less susceptible to the things in your environment that are detrimental energetically, especially EMF.

But we actually have an EMF infoceutical that corrects specific areas of the information pathways. One of the things that happen with EMF is that it blocks the flow of information. It scrambles our channels. And so we have an infoceutical that corrects the very specific parts of the pathways that can be damaged by EMF.

And then, the miHealth device, which is this really amazing tool that NES has as part of its total wellness system which can be used on or off body, it basically puts information back into the field. We have some really fantastic protection functions, which I don’t know if you’re using those, but they’re really great for EMF.

Wendy Myers: I am. I just went to Texas in my mom’s ranch. And on the plane, they’re just setting for air travel. I put that on myself, and then I put it on Winter for a little while (my daughter). And it protects you from all the radiation and all the EMFs and stuff that you get while you’re flying.

And a lot of people that travel a lot, they’re a mess simply because of the effects of all that radiation and EMF that have in their from air travel.

Debbie Ventura: Yes. NES is a great travel tool if you’re traveling for sure. But yes, it really does help with the EMF and the environmental toxins just by strengthening your field.

As your body field says it needs it, just by working on those high priorities, you really get a very strong field that is innately protected from things in the environment. It’s just fantastic today overall.

49:39 NES’s miHealth device

Wendy Myers: Yes. And so let’s talk about the miHealth. So it’s a PEMF device. It’s a pulse electromagnetic field device and there are lots of them out there. I’ve had people in the podcast before talking about them.

Typically, you think of them as this whole body mats. You lay on the mat and press the button and you’re on it for eight minutes. It’s very, very helpful. They’re amazing healing devices… and scientifically proven.

But the miHealth, it’s a little handheld device. It looks like maybe bigger than a cellphone. And it’s almost like a hundred settings or 150 settings.

Debbie Ventura: Yeah, it’s incredible, yes.

Wendy Myers: They are very specific to target problem areas.

And so, can you talk about how we find those target areas and then address them with the miHealth.

Debbie Ventura: Sure! There’s a couple of ways. So, one is with the scan. So, the Provision Scan, we actually have a screen that comes up in the very beginning of the scan that aggregates the highest individual points throughout the scan for correction or for optimization. And that’s when we bring the miHealth in, in those very specific areas.

And what the miHealth actually contains, Wendy, are the mathematical data sets that match parts of the field. So, it’s incredibly specific.

For instance, I’ll give you an example. My spouse is a high school basketball referee. He just started his season a couple of weeks ago and injured his big toe chasing around seventh grade girls. He’s got games ahead and he’s totally freaking out.

And so, every night, when he would come home from work or his games, I would do the miHealth.

And by the way, I only use it off-body. You can use it on body (which is the actual interacting with the nervous system) or you can use it off-body (which is the way I use it in my practice).

And I only use it off-body, but I did a couple of functions that opened up the field at the field level and at the cellular level. And then I did a function called acute balance which is for acute pain because he was in pain. And within two minutes, his pain was gone.

And then I brought in a nerve function that just supports the energetic field of the nervous system to help calm it down, so that he’s not having nerve firings. From an energetic perspective, that’s really painful.

And then, we have points specifically for toes. And so I did the energetic rejuvenator point for his toe.

And so, putting together that little set of functions, last night, he had a game. He had two games. And the second was a varsity game that went into double overtime. He came home and he was thrilled. He’s like, “It didn’t even hurt. And they still don’t hurt.” He woke up this morning and still had no pain.

So, that was an eight-minute little protocol that I did with miHealth that kept him out of super pain, super injury place. So that’s how it works. You build functions.

There are two versions of this device. There’s the client device that has very few pre-programmed functions, but it’s designed to be used with a practitioner in the NES scan. And your NES practitioner can upload functions based on the scan that specifically support you in that time period.

And then, there’s the professional device which is also available to consumers, which has all available functions on it. And it’s amazing. I can’t imagine not having this now that I’ve had it for several years. You probably feel the same way.

Wendy Myers: Oh yeah, I love it so much. For me, I got a little of a shoulder injury and I’ve got the lower back bulging disc. I had been using all kinds of things, literally spending—I probably have spent $40,000 to $50,000 at least in the last eight years or more.

I used to go physical therapy three times a week dealing with my back, hoping I could one day walk better. At one point, I couldn’t walk for more than 10 minutes. And I was determined to get better and get my physical functioning back.

And using the miHealth and doing the NES infoceuticals, I take my miHealth device and put it on the lumbar spine part and just do that. And within three weeks, it was just gone. And I haven’t had any pain since. It just completely blows my mind.

Not to mention my shoulder, it always has bothered me. And really, the physical therapy never really worked. I did an on-body thing where you’re literally sending electricity into that area. It even sticks. It will get stuck on a spot that is problematic. So you just go for it on that spot where it keeps sticking. And there’s just no pain. It’s just gone. It’s amazing!

I did it on my aunt when I went back to Texas. I spent Thanksgiving at my aunt’s house. She’s had pain for two years non-stop in her hip. I did a 15-minute session with the miHealth on both sides of her hips and she said, “It’s the first time in two years I haven’t had pain.”

I don’t know long that lasted. I told her it’s not going to last forever because you have to keep—obviously, it’s not a miracle. You’ve got to keep doing sessions with it. But she was pretty happy as I have been.

Debbie Ventura: Well, yeah. That’s the other way. We use it in connection with the scan, but we can also use it for symptom support which is exactly what you’re talking about. It’s incredibly effective.

And combined with an infoceutical protocol, which is clearing emotional blocks, opening up pathways, restoring energetic function in our organ systems and our cells, together, we really do see lasting amazing miraculous healing.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And I used it on my friend of mine. She’s got five degenerative discs in her back. Obviously, she constantly deals with pain.

I did this technique on her called the spinal scrub where you put it on a setting and you go back and forth along the spine. You keep going up and down and up and down the spine. And it kept sticking on the areas where she had the five discs, the bulging and the degenerated discs.

And so I just kept working on those spots. You can tell it loosens up or it’s working because it doesn’t stick as much. You just keep doing it until it’s not sticking anymore. She just felt amazing.

We had been walking too much. We’ve been out and about doing stuff and the walking aggravates her. And she wasn’t in pain the next day. Normally, she’d be in bed, in agony, having to take opioid pain medication—and she didn’t have that because of that.

Debbie Ventura: Yeah. I had a really interesting client. It was early in our work together. I think he was about 70 when we started. But he had had pain in his lumbar spine most of his life.

And after one of our sessions, he called me on a Saturday and said that he had had this profound emotional trauma that came up for him that he hadn’t really thought about in 50 years.

It was around a loss of a close family member that he just really had not dealt with.

It was the infoceutical that deals with connective tissue and circulation. And neither of us were anticipating it, but what came up for him was an enormous emotional release. And his back pain went away. It was gone. He had had it for 50 years, and the back pain was gone. And it was actually an injury that had happened during the same time that he was having this emotional conflict.

I mean, I was driving while he was calling. I usually don’t answer the phone when I drive. But this guy, why is he calling me, this man? It was important. And we were both weeping on the phone that he had this incredible profound transformation. And the pain that he have had for 50 years was just gone like that.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I always thought that my pain was a physical thing. I had the X-rays or whatever, the MRI, that I had a bulging disc. And obviously, you think, “Oh, it’s a physical issue. It’s a nervous system issue, pain signaling in the nervous system.”

Debbie Ventura: Sure, which it is all of those things.

Wendy Myers: Yes. But I realized too that my back pain was due to an emotionally trauma. I’m not going to discuss it, but it was due to something of that nature. I had a realization when I was at the NES training, hearing other people’s stories, just story after story after story of their pain resolving after being on the NES.

And I just had a realization as to why I was having my pain and I was able to—it released prior, but I had the realization that it was caused by an emotional trauma.

I think a lot of people that have pain, it’s not what they think.

Debbie Ventura: That’s right. That’s right. There is an emotional connection. And one of the things that’s really interesting when you start working energetically is there are mind-body connections to everything.

Do we have time for a quick story, another quick story?

Wendy Myers: Yes, absolutely! We love stories.

Debbie Ventura: This is a really great example.

So, I had a person come in. I was teaching a class, and I had a person come in. And she didn’t want to tell me anything about herself. She just said, “No, I just want a scan and see what comes up,” which happens a lot.

So, she sat down, we did a scan.

And she didn’t really have any physical symptoms. She was just really curious about NES and kind of low energy and just wanted to see. And I didn’t really have any infoceuticals with me.

But anyway, we did the scan. And what came up for her was the pancreas driver. It’s the field generated by the pancreas. It’s an indication of how much energy the pancreas has available to work with.

She was like, “Hmmm… that’s interesting. I don’t know what that’s about.”

I said, “Well, pancreas tend to hold trauma and shock around some element of fear, but a very special flavor of fear.

It’s fear flavored with disgust. So, it’s sort of like something has occurred that was really scared, and it was just disgusting.”

She looked at me, and she was like, “Oh, my gosh! I can’t believe that.” She didn’t really want to talk about it.

Wendy Myers: …because it was disgusting.

Debbie Ventura: …because it was disgusting. But what had happened was—and she has actually given me permission to talk about this story because it was so profound for her. But what had happened was she had just found out within—I think maybe about four months prior to doing the scan. So, she was still sort of conflict-active, and didn’t even realize it.

But she had just found out a few months prior that a very close colleague at her work, somebody she’s worked with for six years, had been planting cameras under all the female professors’ desks and in the rooms where they change into lab coats and lab clothes and stuff. And it was just this horrible, disgusting thing for her.

She was totally frightened. Complete vulnerability, all of that stuff.

And it manifested for her as something dealing with the energy fields of the pancreas.

I didn’t have infoceuticals, so I did a little bit of work with the miHealth over the pancreas. She had a huge healing reaction. I saw her the next morning. She was vomiting. She was really sick. But I would say within 24 hours of all of that—the scan, the healing reaction—I saw her talking to someone and recounting the whole story. It was the first time she’d ever been able to talk about it from a detached perspective.

She was so profoundly grateful. She was like, “This was the true healing that I was looking for, and didn’t even really know that I needed.”

She started the infoceutical protocol, and everything resolved for her within a month. It was incredible. She moved on.

So, that’s a really great example of how we hold things in our bodies, and we don’t really know it. And so it makes you wonder about things like diabetes that affect the pancreas. What’s occurred in our lives?

01:03:03 getting results from the NES program

Wendy Myers: So, let’s talk about how long it takes to get results on a NES program and how long you should probably stay on a NES program.

For me, I had results within a very short period of time, a couple of weeks. The pain resolved in three weeks. And then, a lot of other stuff, emotional stuff, started coming up. I had very quick results.

And that’s key for so many people because when you do a detox program, it takes forever. It takes a really long time to start feeling results. And usually, people feel worse. They’re like, “What are you doing to me?”

The same thing can happen with NES too. But what I like about it, it can be relatively quick results, so people will stick with it.

Debbie Ventura: It can be. It’s hard to talk about generalities when you’re talking about energies because we’re all completely unique beings on the planet. We all have our own journeys and our own ways of learning and resolving things in our lives. So, it’s going to be different for everybody. But fast results is not uncommon.

For really chronic things, I tend to see big shifts happen around the fifth month. I’m not sure what happens there. But sometimes, between the fourth and fifth month, we see big shifts.

I usually tell people depending on what you’re working with, if you’ve got chronic issues that you’ve been dealing with for a lot of years, I would tell you, you probably want to look at staying with it for at least six months. Stay in there.

If you were in my practice, that would be six months of protocols, so six protocols of infoceuticals and work with the miHealth.

And in that time, you’re going to see a lot of changes.

And there are some people that it does take longer. That’s the reality of it. I don’t want to give people a false idea that “Oh, I’m going to do this, and then I’m better in two weeks.” While that does happen often, there are some people that it takes a really long time.

I have a client that she has mast cell activation syndrome (she’s highly reactive to everything in her environment) and postural orthostatic tachycardia (where when she lays down or sits up, it feels like her heart is going to explode).

She started working together in September. And she’s a remote client. I’ve never met her in person. We’ve only worked remotely. When I met her in September and started working with her, she had been bedridden for almost six years. She literally could not get out of bed.

And I’ll never forget, it was her fifth session (we were always on Skype), and it was the first time that I had seen her sitting up. I was like, “Oh, my gosh! You’re sitting up.”

And do you know that that was, let’s see, five months into it. At the seventh month, she went on a roadtrip with her family for the first time in seven years. She went on a vacation, a week-long vacation with her family.

So, that was a 7- or 8-month journey. And she’s still working on her journey. But she’s been sick for 20 years. She’s been dealing with a lot of really, really profound problems for a long time.

So, that, we had the results that we did within such a short period of time. I was ecstatic—and so was she!

Wendy Myers: Even say you don’t have these profound resolutions in your health right away, people will experience more energy.

Debbie Ventura: Yes!

Wendy Myers: They will experience better sleep and these subtle things that people are looking for desperately.

And that’s what I love about NES. It powers up your energy levels, so you do start feeling changes within a relatively short period of time compared to a lot of natural protocols that people use to heal their health.

So, that was really my only point. You can’t expect miracles in 30 days, but you can feel the changes. And when people feel that, I suspect that they will continue.

Debbie Ventura: Yes, yes. And I think there’s also this sort of sense of peace. I don’t know if that’s something that you sort of noticed as well.

Wendy Myers: Absolutely!

Debbie Ventura: I’m big on peace. I really want peace in my life. To me, peace is sort of a counter to stress. That’s one of the big benefits of NES. You do feel this very calm sense of peace which is nice.

Wendy Myers: I’ve experienced that myself. I feel like I have peace. I feel like I have joy. And I have this profound sense of optimism because I know I’m going to resolve any remaining health or emotional issues that I have. I have the tool to be able to do that. And I have the tool to offer—my clients and your clients, to be able to offer them that where they may not have any hope of resolving those any other way.

Debbie Ventura: Yes. Yes, yes. I mean, my client that had mast cell activation syndrome, she can’t take supplements. When I met her, she can only eat five foods. She was so highly reactive to her environment.

So, the infoceuticals provided a way for her to actually get support that she couldn’t get anywhere else from anything else.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And typically, a functional medical practitioner will give them phosphatidylcholine and take maybe some natural histamine blocker or some Quercetin or something like that to try to reduce the histamine response. But really, any kind of food sensitivity and asthma and autoimmune disease, you just have to heal the immune system. It’s just one common thread. The immune system isn’t responding properly.

And NES does a beautiful job of calming that immune system and getting it to stop reacting. And those things are easily resolved.

Debbie Ventura: Yes, yes, which is huge. In my mind, it’s incredible.

Wendy Myers: Absolutely!

01:09:13 the NES protocol

Wendy Myers: So, let’s talk about some practicality. How often do you need to get a scan? Let’s talk about that a little bit.

Debbie Ventura: Sure! I do 4-week protocols generally. If I have someone in a very acute state like my mast cell activation person, I will do a 2-week protocol just because things are changing really fast, and we need to stay with the moving energy. But I typically do a 4-week protocol. That’s pretty common for most NES practitioners.

And you get a collection of infoceuticals depending on what comes up as high priorities in your scan. I generally give anywhere from two to four infoceuticals. In rare occasions, you’ll walk out with six because you just need a lot of energetic support. That’s kind of how it looks.

And then, some people come back. If they don’t have their own miHealth, they’ll 1come back in once or twice during that 4-week period just to work the highest priority points in the scan, make sure things are unblocked and open and the field is accepting for all of the things that are coming to it from the infoceuticals.

And it’s pretty simple. That’s the other really beautiful thing about NES, is that it’s simple. It’s not some big, hard thing that you have to learn and comply with. You take your drops once a day. If you’ve got your miHealth, you do that once a day or once a week. And that’s pretty much it! You go on with your life.

Wendy Myers: And it’s inexpensive too, which is key for so many people that they can’t afford a lot of different supplements and protocols and infrared saunas and appointments with functional medicine doctors.

A lot of the hope that people can have is outside of the mainstream medical system. It’s very expensive. Many people can’t afford to do things beyond what their health insurance will provide which we know is just band-aids.

We love our doctors. We need acute care and surgeries and things like that sometimes, and medications sometimes.

But to really get true healing, you have to address the root causes. And one of those root causes is distortions in the body’s energy field.

Debbie Ventura: That’s right.

Wendy Myers: And so what you’re saying is you have to do a scan once a month and to do the infoceuticals.

Do you have to use the miHealth. I know a lot of people are going to be thinking, “Do I have to have this miHealth device?”

Debbie Ventura: Yeah, you don’t. Thank you for mentioning that. No, you don’t have to have the miHealth device. You can do everything with infoceuticals.

The miHealth device adds additional support. If you have pain in your body, if chronic pain is sort of your deal, then I would consider doing a miHealth. While the infoceuticals work at the energetic control, the master control level and your body starts to heal and rebuild around the new energetic structure, of course, pain will diminish and symptoms will dissipate and all of those wonderful things. But if you’re dealing with a lot of chronic pain, the miHealth is really, really helpful for that.

But you can. I have a lot of clients that don’t have the miHealth, that only work with infoceuticals. And they get fantastic results.

01:12:38 the most pressing health issue in the world today

Wendy Myers: Well, I have a question I like to ask all of my guests. What do you think is the most pressing health issue in the world today?

Debbie Ventura: Stress, stress as it impedes our ability to—you know, there’s a connection between consciousness, our level of consciousness, and our health. And stress kind of keeps us from being highly aware and conscious of who we really are. It takes us out of the moment. It takes us out of our true nature. And to me, that’s really where illness begins, at that stress point.

When we stay conflict-active in a stressful situation for a long period of time, there’s no way you can get around being sick from that. You just can’t.

And so, to me, everything that we see as an illness is really a stress response.

I’ve dealt with my own thyroid issues. I was diagnosed with Grave’s disease many years ago. I still have my gland which was a feat to keep it.

Wendy Myers: I know doctors always want to cut it out.

Debbie Ventura: Yes, or irradiate, yes.

Wendy Myers: It’s crazy!

Debbie Ventura: But I kept my gland, thank God. That’s an endocrine issue. But I know now that I was 100% stress-driven. It started because of stress, and it was stress-driven. It wasn’t until I resolved the stress and dealt with it and got it out of my energy field from a conflict perspective that that part of my body actually did heal. And that was actually with NES.

So, that’s my take on the most pressing health issue on our planet… stress. It cuts us off from our ability to be consciously aware of our true nature.

01:14:28 where to find Debbie Ventura

Wendy Myers: Why don’t you tell the listeners where they can find you and learn more about you and work with you?

Debbie Ventura: Cool! That’s my website. There’s information about me and about my practice and some information about NES and some of the interesting things that I come across in the world of new science (that I tend to dump out there on my website). So,

I’m in San Antonio. I see clients in my office in San Antonio, Texas. But I work remotely with clients all over the world.

And I love talking about NES. I do free, short consultations if you’re just interested and want to know more about it.

And if it’s for you, I’m happy to talk about it. It’s my favorite thing to talk about.

Wendy Myers: Great!

Debbie Ventura: So, yeah, that’s the best way to get me. Just jump on my website and book a session, book a consultation.

Wendy Myers: Great! Well, Debbie, thank you so much for coming on the podcast. I was really, really looking forward to this one. I think that NES provides one of the most profound ways to improve your energy and your brain function and reverse disease. And that’s really my mission in life. My life purpose is to expose people to the ways that they can heal their body outside of the mainstream medical system. And this, this is it… for me.

You still have to take nutrients. And you still have to detox your body.

Debbie Ventura: Yeah, of course.

Wendy Myers: It doesn’t do everything. Not one protocol does everything. But this is the key to reversing a lot of issues that people have.

Debbie Ventura: Yes, I totally agree. I have an uncle who says, “Honey, we need it all!” We need all things. But yes, it’s definitely a beautiful adjunct to everything else you do. And it’s the best way that I know of on the planet for getting your energy fields aligned and keep in balance… for sure, for sure.

And thank you for what you do, Wendy. I appreciate you in the world. I’m happy for your mission. We need you.

Wendy Myers: Yes. Well, thank you for coming on. And listeners, if you want to learn more about me, you can go to You can also learn more about my detox program,, of which NES is now a part.

NES is now a fundamental part of my detoxification and healing program.

Thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 Podcast.

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