Transcript #22 The Revolutionary MiHealth PEMF Handheld Device Part 2 with Cyril Bourke

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#209 All About The Revolutionary MiHealth PEMF Handheld Device With Cyril Bourke


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00:01:05 Cyril Bourke’s background & electrotherapy expertise
00:01:25 Merging Harry’s vision with Cyril’s biofeedback background
00:02:35 Early electrotherapy techniques
00:05:12 Russian’s biofeedback device created for the space program
00:07:48 Biofeedback vs. TENS vs. SCENAR
00:08:53 How the MiHealth supersedes SCENAR by taking out the guesswork
00:11:26 Testing frequencies with organs to program the MiHealth
00:13:51 The MiHealth takes a quantum leap in healthcare with this unique attribute
00:15:23 How Cyril scanned and calmed an aggressive bull with the MiHealth
00:18:00 The various folders of information signals that the MiHealth offers
00:19:35 Using MiHealth to support fertility and reproduction
00:20:42 Study of 350+ participants regarding on-body vs. off-body therapy
00:22:00 How the MiHealth is paving the way for energy medicine

Harry Massey: Welcome to the Supercharged Podcast, where we help you to enhance your energy, health, and purpose.

Wendy Myers: Bioenergetics is truly the future of medicine.

Harry: Imagine having a body charged with energy and a mind quick as lightning. Is that a superhero? No, that’s you, supercharged. We’ll be talking to experts who have studied the physics of life so that you can have energy for life. Well, great to see you again, Cyril, so we’re here in the Rancho in San Diego, which is a lovely place, and for today we were just to talk a little bit about the MiHealth, because I think … When did we meet, about 10 years ago?

Cyril Bourke: It would be … 10, 11 years ago. Yes.

Harry: 10, 11 years ago. God, that’s quite a while.

Cyril: It’s gone just like that.

Harry: Yeah. Easy. When we first met, I mean, you were an absolute expert in the Russian technology, SCENAR.

Cyril: [00:01:05] Well, my background was engineering, electronics, and I’d been involved in pain management working with biofeedback, so yes. I got involved with SCENAR and other things, and basically was applying that in clinic. So yeah, I had a lot of experience in should we say, electrotherapy.

Harry[00:01:25] And we met around the same time that I think we had the idea to basically make a handheld portable health device, because we wanted to make something that would basically help people, well basically help people to reduce their pain, but also be able to scan, see what was going on in their body, and then also to rejuvenate their energy, and you know hopefully activate healing too, and that was at about the same time, and it was very fortunate that we both met, because you had a lot of technical insight from all of your prior engineering and Russian background.

Cyril: So I came to the United Kingdom and did the bio-energetic training, looking to the scanning system, and it was obvious that you could take it to the next step, and you’d already started thinking about that and had a whole project in line. So I guess I was able to add some elements to that, related to biofeedback, and take part in the team. It’s been an amazing journey, seeing all those things develop and seeing how the components from many different directions have come together to provide that, right now, today. The public can get hold of those and use them.

Harry: [00:02:35] Yeah, well maybe we should just start back with the basics. I mean, electrotherapy, actually some forms of electrotherapy have been around, I think 120 years, and it’s pretty interesting. I went to New Zealand back two years ago, and I was in this museum in Rotorua of all places, and they had all these pictures of people being electrocuted in baths and without baths, electricity, and I hadn’t quite appreciated how long electrotherapy has been going on, which is some very rudimentary fundamentals of what we’re doing today.

Cyril: I know the buildings you were in, you were in the asylum, I believe.

Harry: Which is fairly appropriate. Although maybe it should’ve been you there.

Cyril: Well the asylum there was used to … And they did use electrotherapy, and it’s been convulsive therapy, and many, should we say unpleasant processes with electrotherapy have been applied over the years. But the modern electrotherapy where you’re using low level energies to specifically target and support to body’s repair processes, that’s the evolution that’s occurred. And I mean, TENS was available in the early 1900s, and all the way through until the ’30s, it was a very active therapy, and people exploring and creating new breakthroughs in that area. It was only when pharmacy took over the main applications. It was almost left behind, thinking at that point in history that the pill, the chemistry would be the answer to everything. Now, we’re 100 years on, and we realize that it wasn’t the whole story, and now people have gone back and looked at the starting points and evolved it. 100 years ago, we didn’t have oscilloscopes, we weren’t able to see the electrical, biological processes of the body. And now we do. We’ve got a much better understanding. We’ve gone beyond what we might call jam jar science, where people think it’s about chemistry and physical events alone. Effectively, if they couldn’t put it in a jam jar-

Harry: Well we’ve sort of gone from biochemistry to electric … Well, we’ve basically gone from biochemistry to electric to electricity to then knowing that electric currents produce fields to-

Cyril: Well, that’s it. That’s exactly right. The two have been … They have to merge. They are the same technology. I mean, in fact, without the electrical theories, chemistry didn’t exist. They had no way of calculating chemistry until they understood electrical charge and things of this nature. So they always together, and now we need to broaden that so that people understand that.

Harry: [00:05:12] Yeah, let’s just take people, I think to the kernel of the idea that the Russians were thinking about, and I remember you telling us a long time ago how basically the Russians in order was basically for the space program, because they didn’t want to take pharmaceuticals up in space because the chemicals get recycled in the water.

Cyril: That’s right.

Harry: So they wanted to make a portable healing device, or a portable medical device that would replace having to take all these pharmaceuticals.

Cyril: Well, they were trying to initiate the body’s natural recovery and repair processes.They’re particular focus were things like wounds and fire damage, if somebody got burned in the high oxygen conditions of a spacecraft, et cetera. So they had interest in deliberating escalating the body’s recovery, and they looked to acupuncture and they looked at lots of energy based things, and they ended up working with biofeedback, triggering the innate body’s healing processes. And with the 1980s technology that they were applying, they did a very good job. They took biofeedback and stimulated the body naturally to a really distinct level. It was highly effective for the 80’s and since then we’ve been able to add more and more to it, and that’s how I guess the MiHealth process accelerated.

Harry: Yeah, so if we look back, I guess at the SCENAR era, we’ve basically got a TENS device that has been combined with biofeedback, so instead of a normal TENS device that’s basically just putting in a single signal at a specific frequency. Basically we’ve, well, with the SCENAR when you’re combining biofeedback, it’s basically constantly measuring the response back from the body, and then altering its signal. And then when you do that, the body … Because you’re always altering the signal, the body’s basically continually able to sort of trigger of its own … In a way, it’s own healing response, because it never got used to the signal or something like that.

Cyril[00:07:48] That’s right. It’s called Self-Controlled Energo Neuro Adaptive Regulation, which is a big mouthful. But what it meant was the body produced its own signal and energy, and it was different to other areas in the body, in a problem area. And we, as we provide the signal in response to that electrical field, that field itself changes, and we monitor that change and continuously loop it to keep it within an afferent and efferent nerve response. So it’s signals it recognizes, they’re innate to the body. And it doesn’t try and adapt, or should I say, it continues to try and revolve around that signal and continue to highlight change. It never ignores it, and that was the problem with TENS, as a base unit. TENS meant that the body would get used to it and ignore it, typically after maybe 15 minutes or so, TENS effectively doesn’t really work very well when it comes to pain. It’s great for a few minutes, and then stops working. As soon as you got into biofeedback, it starts adapting the signal, getting the body to respond, and effectively, the body believes it’s its own information. So it keeps working with it, keeps working with it, it triggers the hypothalamus, triggers repair processes, gets the body into a parasympathetic state, which is obviously the start of healing. So, biofeedback was a massive move forward, and with the MiHealth, we were able to use modern electronics and write our own chips and get it to a level that had never been seen before.

Harry:[00:08:53]  Well there was quite a number of sort of, well unique things that we were thinking about when we were developing the MiHealth. One is the concept of information. So, in traditional SCENAR, you just have a signal. But basically with the MiHealth we were putting sets of information in onto that signal, on the carry wave. The other thing that we were pretty keen on looking at, actually was just trying to make it a little bit simpler, so combining it with a scan, because I guess in the traditional use of SCENAR, it’s great, but you have to find all these sticky points, which can take some time. So, by using the scan, you can basically see which areas of the body you should focus on first, and then great, and then you can find the sticky areas within those regions, but you’re basically saving yourself a bunch of time.

Cyril: The guesswork is taken completely out of it. That’s really what you’re referring to, isn’t it? Prior to that, people were using SCENARs in a way that were a guess. Let’s guess here, and let’s treat here. Let’s take a whole load of numbers as if you’re a lab tech, and trying to write everything down. It’s not very friendly from a practitioner point of view, and you’re still guessing at every point. Where with the scan, we’re able to see exactly what’s corrupted from information patterns, and then we’re able to use those and re-imprint, as well as using the SCENAR style evolving signal. And to be honest, it’s an improved signal, and we instead of using base clock signals, or should I say frequencies, all the work’s been put in for global scaling. So it’s a unique tool for those two elements being put together. Global scanning providing frequencies that provide nodes of efficiency where the body actually escalates its response, and actually accepts the information more readily than any old clock signal. And those were very specific, and you can probably tell some of the story behind getting that information and applying it.

Harry: The global scaling frequency, part of the MiHealth, is actually pretty interesting, because one of the things that we were wondering about at the time is, you know, if you get a SCENAR, you can basically dial it up from 15 hertz, I think up to, is it about 500 hertz, or so?

Cyril: They’re in around the 450 range. They’re using the basic TENS scale, yes.

Harry[00:11:26] Basically didn’t seem to be any sort of logical reason why, you know, you would use different frequency sets apart from, I think it was chronic you would use  lower frequencies, and if it was acute you would use higher frequencies, and something that was bothering me at the time when we first came across SCENAR is they didn’t particularly seem to be any specific science over why you would use 15 hertz or 25 hertz or 90 hertz, and you could basically dial it up or dial it down, and no one particularly seemed to know, you know, which exactly frequency would be better for what, apart from just this general principle that chronic conditions were better on lower frequencies, and acute conditions were better at higher frequencies. So it was a question I’d pose to Peter, the late professor Peter Fraser, at the time, and we basically then set upon looking at the body, like we were looking at different organs and different functions of the body, and then we started testing to see which sets of frequencies would respond to different organs and different functions. And what we found is yes, indeed, certain organs and certain functions responded actually in a very, very tight frequency band across different areas, and we basically ended up getting this sort of beautiful healing response if we used those sets of frequencies. So, yeah, so of course we immediately programmed those all into the MiHealth device.

Cyril: So you effectively cataloged the points of efficiency for those frequencies, yeah.

Harry: Yeah, yeah absolutely. I mean, the body doesn’t like any form of energy, like it really does like it in particular ratios against each other, and that’s something we also found is actually, yeah, the frequency sets went up in threes, although they went up in this sort of nice fractal pattern, and there was basically a pattern to these sets of frequencies that were harmonious with different functions of the body. And not only that, and I think we mentioned it earlier, but we then basically matched those different frequency sets with information sets, so we would put the information in on that signal as well, and well, actually and that’s why we were actually sort of able to make this bridge to this off body world, because traditional TENS or SCENAR is a completely on body type device. You know, the electrical signal goes just deep into the tissue-

Cyril: Into the skin, yeah.

Harry: [00:13:51] But as soon as we added the information aspect, well we basically found, actually, we just tried it out one day, we just took a MiHealth away from the body, and we found it was still delivering the information into the body, and it’s pretty simple to understand why, I mean, basically, the MiHealth was basically producing a field, and the information was carried on that field, and of course inside your body, you have your body field, and on all of your cells, they have chemical receptors, but they also have field receptors, so as soon as you put a MiHealth nearby, you know, well, the cells in certain organs, those cell receptors are able to pick up that information and respond in turn. And that’s just a massive differentiator. So that really took the MiHealth, basically given it a quantum leap above normal electrotherapy, because you know, you’re at this point, you’re basically into this information and field based type of healthcare.

 Cyril: [00:15:23] And from a user point of view, the clients love it. They thoroughly enjoy the fact that they can use it on body or off body. Whether they’re treating an animal or a horse, you know, dogs, cats, or someone who might be very sensitive, like a child or somebody able, who isn’t willing or wanting a direct contact with an electrical device. They can just treat off body, and almost like a Harry Potter wand, see magical changes.

Harry: I remember three years ago, you sent me this photo of this bull, which made me chuckle at the time, but maybe you want to tell us about that.

Cyril: Well, yes, we were asked to go and have a look at a breeding bull from Michigan. And that bull was a million dollar breeding bull, it was enormous. Absolutely huge animal. And it had behavior issues, and it was having big trouble in the breeding cycles. It really wasn’t capable of producing the kind of straws they needed to export and breed overseas. So its innate value is dramatically dropping as a breeding bull, it wasn’t fulfilling its function. And we were asked to go along and scan the animal, and one of the first things with the farmers was that this bull was very aggressive, had already damaged the vet and smashed his face in and his shoulder, et cetera, and that was a big warning from the farmers in themselves who were quite agitated and sort of not sure what to do with it. And we came along, and this is something that I seem to get quite a lot of mail about, people go on and see this on YouTube, calming a bull with MiHealth. And we simply placed the MiHealth device on a particular setting above, or in front of the animal, and it was in a crush, it had been lead into a crush. And from the very moment I was in front of it, its huge head was trying to strike me and it’s normal behavior. But within the minute or so, it literally dropped its head, completely relaxed, started allowing me to touch it, I was literally able to rub its ears and hold its head, and it just wanted … It’s almost like it wanted to go to sleep. So, it had been in such stress, and the MiHealth device had provided the right information at the right time to calm all those sympathetic systems and literally allow that animal to be handled and to be in the presence of it without having a threat to the farmers and the vets. So that was a brilliant example of how quickly we were able to, in a non-invasive way, make the environment safe and support the animal. Instead of just being a pain device, the MiHealth has turned into something completely different, hasn’t it? It’s fabulous with pain, but it does so many other things. Talk us through how you got to all the folders and the categories.

Harry: [00:18:00] Well, I mean, it basically span off that idea that we could carry information on a signal, you know, and as soon as took the MiHealth away from the body, and it was still actually affecting people, we were like, well, holy shit. That basically means we can deliver information into the body, you know, and we’re not restricted to that traditional, sort of, the frequency response, and that old SCENAR world, so we basically started creating these different folders. So we have a folder for like physical rejuvenation. We have a folder for protection, so if you have a food allergy, it’ll help antidote the food allergy, or protect against EMF or airplane travel. All sorts of other folders.

Cyril: You’ve got wellness in there, you’ve got an energy folder, a mind folder. All
addressing different categories of support for the client.

Harry: The connection between the mind and body is so incredibly strong, and you know, one of the quickest and easiest ways to make people feel better is just to reduce their stress. What happens when you’re able to reduce stress? Well, their energy goes up, their body field ends up more correct, cell communication starts working properly, and just people feel it almost instantly better. I mean, if you can get stress down, you just feel good. And that mind folder, basically has all sorts of different function from chill to emotional stress release, to mental clarity, and a few other special little things that you can see on the charts in the trading.

Cyril[00:19:35] Yeah, and in reality, calming down isn’t just a state of relaxing and feeling good for an afternoon. When we’ve been trying to support patients who are having trouble with fertility, for example, treating with those types of folders have Because if you perceive your environment to be stressed, as in your having to worry about whether you’re gonna get the next contract, or whether your job is stable, or can you pay the mortgage, et cetera. These things can literally taint whether you can reproduce. If it’s not a safe environment, if it’s not a good environment, you’re not gonna bring a family into it. And our functions actually hold back that reproduction. So it’s not just a chemistry event. So by using the MiHealth to support those events, people are far more fertile, far more capable of living a happy and successful life. The MiHealth is reaching into areas that we’ve never even realized it could. It’s been quite remarkable using it in clinic.

Harry: And also what’s been a bit fascinating is we, well, I wasn’t quite sure. I was like, is on body stronger, or is off body, or is off body just as good. And in the early days, we basically had all these reports from practitioners saying, well, no, actually off body seems to be just as effective. So we did a little study, I mean, it wasn’t so little, I think we had-

Cyril: It was actually quite a big study.

Harry: Yeah, I think it was 351 people.

Cyril: Yes.

Harry: And with that study, well, actually

Cyril: It was over three countries.

Harry: It was over three countries, and we basically found, and this was with off body, that I think it was in the first treatment, 89% of people noticed an improvement, and then by the second treatment, it was 93%. So that was pretty good.

Cyril: Yeah, it was very consistent. People were definitely seeing a stable response in either process. And often it comes down to a client’s preference on a particular day. And also, they’ll often combine, maybe some of it’ll be on body. Maybe some of it’ll be off body. The combination seems to work just as well for people whether they do on or off or both.

Harry: Perfect. So, have you got any closing remarks about the MiHealth that you think
people should know?

Cyril: [00:22:00] Well, it’s a device that people can own themselves. They can treat themselves, their children, their animals, their families. The device now is capable of doing remote scanning, which means they don’t even need to travel around the country to find a practitioner. They can literally plug it into the system, and actually get a scan back, and have a conversation with a practitioner and use that device to use targeted treatment, no matter where they are on the planet. Now, that’s unique. The MiHealth is opening the way for energy medicine in a way we could’ve never perceived. And the frontiers are with the practitioners. They’re using it, they’re making changes for their clients, it’s gonna be a remarkable next few decades.

Harry: Well thank you Cyril, and yeah, if you’re watching this, I mean please come to a master class with Cyril, because he’s just an absolute genius, and at expert at the MiHealth device and how to get really amazing clinical results.

Cyril: Well, thank you, Harry. Cheers.

Harry: We’ll see you soon.

Wendy: Please keep in mind that this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition, and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please seek a medical practitioner before engaging with anything that we suggest today on the show.

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