Transcript #373 How to Detox from Breast Implants – Are they Wrecking your Hormones, Energy & Immunity? with Diane Kazer


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  1. Find out what’s in store for this Myers Detox Podcast with Diane Kazer, who joins the show to discuss how to detox from breast implants, the issues surrounding our toxic beauty culture, and the dangers of the toxic beauty treatments many people undergo.
  2. After Diane began having hormonal issues, an autoimmune disease doctors could not pinpoint, and flare ups of inflammation, she decided to research what was happening, and concluded these symptoms were linked to her breast implants. Learn more about her health journey that lead to her removing her implants.
  3. Every woman who has breast implants has some sort of symptoms that’s either directly or indirectly related to them. Learn more about this and why removing implants is not just about your physical health, but also taking the journey to love your body again.
  4. Learn about what you will find in Diane’s new book Killer Breasts, including the 10 B’s that are draining and diseasing the modern woman today.
  5. Diane did a 10 part docu series with David Icke called Dying to Be Beautiful, where she goes through many of the harmful facits of the toxic beauty industry, from chemicals, to procedures, detox, health issues, beauty politics, and much more. Find out what else you will learn in this amazing document series.
  6. It is imperative to look at the toxic load in your body and your gut health, while in the process of healing from explant surgery. Learn more.
  7. Diane offers several different programs to help woman remove their implant and heal both physically and emotionally. Learn about what’s offered in her programs such as the Explant Solution and the Explant Warrior, Detox Warrior. 
  8. You can learn more about Diane and her work at
  9. Don’t forget to take advantage of Diane’s $500 dollars worth of free bonus material if you purchase her new book Killer Breasts! Just buy the book HERE! Then put in the Amazon order number HERE!
  10. Get a special introductory rate for Diane’s amazing Explant Solution program that helps walk you through overcoming breast implants! Click here!


Wendy Myers: Hello, everyone. My name is Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Myers Detox Podcast. On this show, we talk about everything related to detoxification. Today we’re going to be talking about how to detox from breast implant illness. We’re talking about explant surgery and about toxic beauty. How so many women are dramatically affected by our culture, and this pressure to be perfect and beautiful. We’ll discuss all the toxic treatments that we do, including Botox, getting our hair done, our nails, lip fillers and injections. We do all these different things that harm our bodies because we’re dying to be beautiful.

Wendy Myers: I have my friend, Diane Kazer, on the show today. She’s going to be talking about her own experience with breast explantation and what she does to detox her body. Also, what she did to reclaim her health after this procedure. I talk about my own story of removing my breast implants as well. I discuss all the wonderful benefits of doing that, and how happy I am for having done that. We talk about lots of other women’s stories too.

Wendy Myers: A friend of mine got breast implants. Her implants calcified and attached to her ribcage. She was having pain in her breast, she had to go do the surgery to remove the implants and they discovered this. They had to have a team of surgeons fly in to fix this issue. It was life threatening. She got new implants and the same thing happened. She had to have them removed completely and kept out for six months. Before she had them removed, she had gotten a leukemia diagnosis. When she got the implants removed, the leukemia diagnosis went away, I guess. Then after six months with no implants, she decided to get implants again.

Wendy Myers: Women truly are dying to be beautiful. Today, I’m going to be talking about the deep-rooted issues behind that and how to address them. Diane Kazer has written an amazing book called Killer Breasts that I highly recommend if you’re considering an explant surgery to remove your breast implants. She also talks about what to do, how to choose a surgeon, how to address all the different emotional issues surrounding this decision, should you get a breast lift and all these different choices. She answers all of these questions. She has a program that you can do following surgery to totally detox your body, and detox mentally as well. She’s such a love to talk to. I just love interviewing her on the show.

Wendy Myers: I know a lot of guys listening to this show are concerned about toxins, whether they are from breast implants, the air, food or water. There’s so many different ways that we are exposed to toxins and it’s growing every single year. That’s why I do what I do. I want to educate people about all the different toxins, where they’re coming from, what they’re doing to us and how to get them out of our body.

Wendy Myers: If you’re concerned about toxins, I implore you to go to I created a quiz where you can figure out your relative body burden of toxins after going through a questionnaire. And after the quiz, you get a free video series that goes into a lot of your frequently asked questions about detoxing. Where do you start? What testing do you do? How long does it take? All those types of questions are answered. Go check it out at

Wendy Myers: Our guest today, Diane Kazer, is a pro soccer player turned functional and diagnostic nutrition practitioner, courage coach and holistic beauty expert. Diane has been through many health struggles, and with empathy and fierce leadership is your go-to girl to break through anything, no matter what you’ve tried or what you’ve been told. As an intuitive healer, she’s the author of Killer Breasts, A Step by Step Guide to Overcoming Breast Implant Illness. She’s also the producer of the Non-Toxic Beauty Summit and creator of Cleanse, Heal, Ignite. This is a program which helps women use the power of intuition to discover their inner healer, by providing them lifelong tools to reverse autoimmune disease, breast implant illness, hormonal imbalances, chronic pain, gut infections, emotional trauma and perfectionism.

Wendy Myers: Her mission is to educate and empower irrationally passionate women leaders with safer beauty, body and breast solutions from products & procedures to diet & detox. Then they can age gracefully and holistically, with the energy and vitality they need to step into their power, speak their voice and spark their purpose.

Wendy Myers: You can learn more about Diane and her work at Diane, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Diane Kazer: Thanks for having me again, Wendy. Our third time’s a charm.

Wendy Myers: I love having you on because I have a similar story to yours. I explanted my breast implants. I wanted to hear about your story and why you decided to remove your breast implants.

Diane Kazer: It was a long journey. I remember hearing your story and hearing my friend, Anna’s, story. There was another woman who was sharing about how hypocritical it felt for her as a health practitioner to see women talk about detoxing plastic from their lives, not using plastic forks, but yet having plastic surgery and breast implants living inside of their body at all times. I started seeing those things and that really triggered me. Back then I didn’t really know as much, but when we’re triggered about something, it’s usually because we have some unhealed aspect of ourselves that’s calling for attention and love. That really triggered me to see that, because I had just done a video that previous week on how to reduce plastic in our lives. I said, “Is she talking to me?”

Diane Kazer: It was one of our friends, Dr. Michelle Sands, who I still thank to this day and who I wrote about in my book, as well as I did with you. What that showed me is that, “Huh, there’s something that I’m not looking at, and maybe it’s something inside of me, maybe it’s a ticking time bomb,” like on my book cover.” That was literally leaking toxins through my body and causing an autoimmune reaction that no doctor has ever been able to pinpoint, or see in labs. I didn’t really hear anybody else talking about it. You’re on the forefront of that too.

Diane Kazer: Those three things really planted the seed for me, but yet, there’s still a part of me that was like, “Well, I have a bikini competition next week. My boobs feel fine, they don’t look strange or lumpy or anything like that, so it must not be my breast implants.” This is one of the top eight or 10 myths I talk about all the time. It’s like, “Well, my boobs feel fine if I have implants, so it must not be those that’s causing my hormonal issues, my autoimmune disease and my flare-ups of inflammation.” I say it’s four things, weight gain, body pain, energy drain and broken brain, all of which I was experiencing.

Diane Kazer: I started to get rashes, massive rashes, on my chest, armpits and face. I got acne and I took two rounds of Accutane when I was 18 or 19 years old, but it stopped working. I got acne all over again, and I was like, “What’s happening here? I eat so healthy. I avoid all the common allergens like dairy, gluten, soy and GMOs. Maybe it’s stuff they’re spraying in the sky, or maybe it’s because I live close to the freeway and it’s heavy metals from the freeway?” There are all these maybes because we live in a toxic world.

Diane Kazer: After years and years of doing all the research, I finally realized, through seeing women like you who had gone through similar symptoms, that maybe I should dig deeper into the possibility of it being my breast implants. I was sick, like you, really sick.

Wendy Myers: I was in denial too. I also felt like a hypocrite because here I was talking about detox and yet I had these plastic boobs that we know we have 30 or more chemicals in them. I had them implanted when I was only 19. When you’re a teenager, you have body dysmorphia issues and I literally thought men would not be attracted to me unless I had larger breasts. How insane is that? It is crazy. When the doctor put them in, they were too big and they were not what I wanted. I never really liked them. Finally, I was like, “Well, maybe I should check for breast cancer.” I was about 40 at the time and I decided to do like a SonoCine, instead of the typical test that they do.


Wendy Myers: A mammogram. I had two girlfriends have mammograms and they’d popped their implant, and they had to pay out of pocket to have them redone. I got a SonoCine and they told me that my implants were leaky. There was silicone in the tissues surrounding the implant. I thought, “I’ve had these things for 25 years. It’s time to get them out.” I’m so glad that I did.

Diane Kazer: That’s something that I’ll stand here and tell to every woman that has implants, is that your implants should not be treated as pancakes in that device, that mammography scanner. I actually did a whole episode on SonoCine, thanks to you, Wendy. You brought that up to me. I have that in my own podcast. I talked about the importance of doing SonoCine and how that is the greatest technology, even for women who don’t have breast implants. Do research to see what kinds of things you might find in there.

Diane Kazer: For the last few years, I’ve been working with women through their toxic beauty journey and explant-healing recovery. They’re looking for a coach because it’s so complicated what these implants do to a woman’s body. I will sit here and say every woman reacts to these things. It’s just about how much, when and how much recovery will each woman have. How we sign up for any autoimmune disease, regardless of genes, is to put a foreign thing into our body. It could be a foreign thing that consists of 30 plus chemicals or toxins, specifically. There is a difference between toxins and chemicals, right? Chemicals could be toxic or not, to the body.

Diane Kazer: These implants have been around for 100 plus years. They’ve never really done an adequate long term study to prove their safety. Now there is finally a black box warning on breast implants. Many countries are banning them because of not just cancer, not just BIA-ALCL which is a rare form of cancer that only occurs with women who have textured implants, but there’s a lot of women who have a whole host of other symptoms that are characteristic of something called “breast implant illness”. There are 30 plus symptoms that many women are experiencing. We’ve all come, thank goddess, to all share our experiences, which is why I explanted too. Because these scans and the type of research that women have to do today, we had to do on our own, because the western medical industry has not helped us with this. It just goes to show the power of when we get together and start talking. We can do really amazing things.

Wendy Myers: It’s amazing to me. I’ve talked to several plastic surgeons and they all deny that breast implants cause health issues. They deny that you can develop a sensitivity or an immune reaction to the breast implant or the components in the breast implant. I’m like, “Isn’t that funny how you can become sensitive to wheat, or a blueberry,  cucumbers, mustard or all these things that are on food sensitivity tests. But no, you can’t become sensitive or develop a reaction to plastics, heavy metals or other components in implants.” That doesn’t jive.

Diane Kazer: Sounds like a lot of cover up to me. I’m still palm-to-forehead myself every time I hear this because I work with women. I’m working with women in Germany, Mexico and various countries in Europe. These women are all told the same thing. Especially by these plastic surgeons that say, “You don’t want to remove these implants, you’re going to look weird.” Hey, beauty dysmorphia. I coined a term called “beauty dysmorphia”, because that’s what they’re doing. It’s a massive cover-up because if they claim that there could be something we’re reacting to, that could also be a lot of money, a lot of lawsuits and a lot of errors and omissions so it’s just not happening in America and in California, but it’s happening all around the world.

Wendy Myers: I’m in a lawsuit, because my implants were the Dow Corning implants. It has been going on for 25 years. It’s a class-action lawsuit against them. I think it’s one of the first of its kind and it’s still not even resolved. The deadline was 2019, to submit your claim. I’m sure it’s going to be many, many years before any women get relief.

Wendy Myers: I didn’t really connect symptoms I had to my implants, but I was certainly tired, brain fogged, angry, slept poorly and had thyroid hormone stuff. After I had them out, I definitely felt better, and better and better. I do a lot of detox stuff, naturally it’s just kind of what I do, it’s my lifestyle. You developed a program to help women go through that whole detox process. Can you talk a little bit about that, what you recommend for women and how you help them recover?

Diane Kazer: First, I want to throw out a few myths. For anybody listening to this, you might think, “My breast implants are intact, they’re fine. They’re not causing any problems.” I also hear a lot of people say, “Oh, my friend has implants. They don’t seem to be causing her any problems.” Here’s what I want to say. Like I mentioned earlier, every woman who has breast implants will usually have some kind of symptoms, whether it’s directly or indirectly related to her implants, you can’t really prove that. There’s no lab test that you can take that says, “Oh, here, it’s your implants,” right? We’re working at the core here, of why we even want implants to begin with?

Diane Kazer: This is where a lot of women get pissed off at me. I was pissed off when somebody called this out too, I thought, “Well, who would I be without my implants?” That’s the deepest aspect of this. It’s not just, “Oh, these implants could be causing women’s body harm,” but deeper than that. It’s this bully within that we have been conditioned to believe that unless we’re altering our body, or obsessed about our body, or constantly looking to perfect our body on the toxic beauty treadmill, then we shouldn’t love ourselves. Heaven forbid that we have an upper lip that’s not pouty and puffy. Heaven forbid that we have elevens on our forehead. Heaven forbid that we’ve got a little bit of lines on our neck. I’m not saying that I don’t battle with these things every single day because they’ve been programmed into our minds, from Baywatch and Barbie. It’s the image of impossible proportions of women’s bodies that have led women to remove a rib or two, or four, and get implants. It is getting worse.

Diane Kazer: Moms out there, I want you to also see that your daughters are looking at you as a role model. If you have implants and I’m saying this without judgment, I’m saying this with curiosity, why do you need them? What part of you believes that you need them and where did that belief come from? Also just challenging everybody to consider, who are you without your implants? How much do these implants play a role in your feeling good about yourself? What are we teaching to our next generation of children, daughters, and even the sons who are looking at these role models of women with huge breasts? Mine were so big. I look back, Wendy, and I’m like, “How did I not see this?” This is dysmorphia. Other people could see it, perhaps, but I couldn’t see it.

Wendy Myers: I think men don’t like implants.

Diane Kazer: Most of them don’t.

Wendy Myers: They like natural breasts. That’s the catch 22. I had implants and I thought men would be more attracted to me but almost everyone I dated did not like them. I was like,”What? What?”

Diane Kazer: All this money, right? All of this suffering. There was only one incident where I ever remember that I got rejected from a guy because I told him that I was getting mine out, and it was on a dating profile. I said something on my messaging with him like, “Well, I’m not sure what kind of woman you like.” I was in Orange County too, Los Angeles, where you and I both used to live. It was normalized so much there. The porn industry, they completely numb us out to connecting in the heart. They’re not bad people, they’re programmed too. These guys are programmed too. They see large breasts and they think that’s what defines a woman. So, I said to him, “I’m not sure what kind of man you are, but I’m removing my breast implants next month.” He never responded and just stopped messaging back.

Wendy Myers: Oh, God. Even more validation to remove them.

Diane Kazer: Yes, more validation. It’s like if you want fake things, then it probably means there’s a part of you that’s fake and you’re also hiding. That’s cool. See you later. There’s a lot of emotions, a lot of trauma and a lot of programming attached to this whole, what do breast implants mean, where did it come from and what can we do with it moving forward?

Diane Kazer: There’s a line in the sand. This is what I talk about in my program. This is what I talk about in my book, Killer Breasts. It’s not just about removing these toxic tits from your body. It is about also taking the journey of how to love your body again. It sounds like, “Oh, yeah, just love your body and get a pedicure and manicure.” Now most of them are closed or you have to wear three masks to go in. We’re losing touch with nature, which was a great way to self-love. Get out and connect with mama nature. Now it’s a lot harder than it used to be before. This really is a call to love ourselves the way that we are. I talk about that and the soul’s journey. Remove your implants and now what?

Diane Kazer: Last week, I just got a really lovely, angry message from a woman who was very upset with me because I still had pictures of my breast implants on some of my materials, my emails or podcasts, which I totally understand. Just look at Instagram. There’s a lot of women on there who are promoting total body and beauty dysmorphia, sucking out all parts of their fat, re-engineering their body, complete AI and transhumanism. I’m not for that. If people want to do that, cool. However, it gets really toxic when I have women emailing me and saying, “Diane, I don’t know what to do. My 13 year old daughter, my 10 year old daughter is talking about how she’s too fat and she’s really thin. She’s talking about wanting breast implants. What do I do? Where’s this even coming from?”

Diane Kazer: Whether we know it or not, these messages are happening left and right. They’re everywhere, and our kids are seeing it. It’s important for you to consider, as a role model, what are you doing for your children? What are you doing, maybe even as a teacher, or as a doctor or whoever? You’re leading the way. Women are leading the way so people can see us as role models.

Diane Kazer: Anyway, my whole journey with this is to help women connect back to the heart that has been covered up with breast implants for so long. No matter how much work I did with the multiple coaches that I had, emotional coaches, emotional-trauma-freedom coaches, how much work I did with the ego, the stories I was carrying around about the perfect body that I needed to maintain for achievement, for people-pleasing and perfectionism, I was not prepared for what happened a week after I removed my breast implants. You can see mine now if you’re watching this video. 

Wendy Myers: You have boobs. I have boobs.

Diane Kazer: Yeah.

Wendy Myers: I like my boobs.

Diane Kazer: I love them.

Wendy Myers: I like little boobs, I always have. I’m so glad I had them taken out.

Diane Kazer: I do too. What the hell happened to us?

Wendy Myers: They’re not even that little.

Diane Kazer: I’ve got to say, some women are out there going, “I have mosquito bites,” or, “I don’t have anything,” or someone will say, “I had socks for boobs.” I get it. There’s alternatives to that. If you really want to give your boobs a little facelift, a boob lift, you can do something called fat transfer. You could also do something called a lift. I talk all about that in my book, because there are things I would have done differently. There are things that I’m happy that I did and there are things that I would have done differently.

Diane Kazer: I also talked about, in the book, how I saved myself $5,000 on having explant paid for by my insurance, because I did not let them win. I was very persistent. I talk about that formula in my book. A lot of women get so sick but they’re also in relationships where their husband, or at least the story goes in the woman’s mind that, “My husband will leave me if I have these removed. I’m a stay at home mom, I don’t know what to do. He’s not going to pay for these.” I think this is a great way for us all to rise.

Diane Kazer: That’s a big part of this, is learning how to ask the question, “I have implants, maybe I don’t want them. What are my options?” This book goes through the entire thing. So does the program that many women have asked me to write. Once they have read this book and I’ve had them write their own answers to their soul’s journey about what’s next? They’re still afraid of the surgery, they’re afraid to go under the knife again or they’re afraid of the anesthesia. It’s just so interesting that so many women have gone under anesthesia to get them, but they’re afraid to go under the anesthesia to get them out. I just wonder if that’s really the case or if they’re more afraid to lose this identity of who they think that they are supposed to be, with the implants in.

Wendy Myers: It’s so sad when you hear about people, and there’s so many women out there that get their breasts for other people. For their husband, or they do deals. I had a friend that did a deal. Her husband agreed to have another baby if she got DD implants. They made this deal. It makes me sad when I hear that women don’t want to remove them because they’re worried their loved one is going to leave them. The thing is, when you are improving your life, you’re detoxing and you’re getting more clear about who you are. Sometimes you decide you want your influence out. Sometimes major changes happen, like you leave your husband, or they leave you, because it’s not in alignment.

Wendy Myers: For me, I changed. My breast implants were no longer in alignment with who I was, and I wanted them out. I didn’t care what the repercussions were. I didn’t care if I had Frankentits afterwards. I was worried I was going to have weird looking boobs.

Diane Kazer: Me too.

Wendy Myers: Like scars all over them. They’re not perfect, but you know what, I don’t care. If you don’t like my boobs, bye.

Diane Kazer: Bye.

Wendy Myers: Bye. I don’t need you in my life. So I made a decision for myself. I love that you’ve written this book, Killer Breasts.

Wendy Myers: I love this book because I think it really drives home this message about how to deal with all this. It is a very scary decision. I was really scared about it and I’m still paying for my boobs. I financed $15,000 to remove them. I got a breast lift with that because I didn’t want boobs down to my belly button. It’s not an easy decision to make. I’m glad that you’re illuminating this pathway for women.

Diane Kazer: It’s very, very confusing with all of the buckets, emotional, physical and chemical. This is really not just about going in and having them removed, this is one of the myths. I’ll go through one of the eight myths right now, all of which I go through in my book. What I mean by myths is that these are stories that women carry around about what they see in other women. Just like anything on social media, you see someone showing what women’s eyes and a face looked like before breast implants, and then they show their eyes and their face with the lack of swelling that they had before, and their eyes look more alive, the color comes back.

Diane Kazer: Women tend to project and expect that that’s the results that they’re going to get. A week later, everything’s going to be better. They’re back in the bedroom, in the boardroom and they’re back on their badass horse. It is not that way for the majority of women. 70 to 80% of symptoms will cease to exist within about a month of explant, but a lot of women don’t know how to properly heal after that. I get emails all day long, Wendy, from women saying, “It’s been two to three years post-explant and I still don’t feel better or I feel just a little bit better.”

Diane Kazer: I don’t want that to be these women, but I also want to share, let’s just get real. You and I, we help people detox, right? We help people heal. We’ve got these tools that not everybody has at their disposal, which is why I wrote this book. This is why the links you’re going to share are for women to get these, and get all the free gifts, over $500 of gifts that I’m giving away with this book. I wanted them to have hope, not just this book, but also to see women tell their story about where they were before, what they had tried, how much money they spent, how much hope that they had lost, how many people told them they wouldn’t get better and then on the other side of explant, where they are now.

Diane Kazer: There’s 15 women that I interviewed, including you, about how sick they were and how stoked they are now that they got rid of their Frankentits. It’s the stories that they were carrying about why they were so afraid to not remove them, how they overcame those hurdles to get to the other side of removal and where their life is now. Wendy, I’m living in Sedona right now. I’m living in one of the most naturally beautiful places in the world, in my opinion. I wrote a book, I wrote two programs, my docu series comes out today. It’s 10 episodes on David Icke’s media station called Dying To Be Beautiful.

Wendy Myers: Amazing. I love it.

Diane Kazer: I’m excited because Jaymie Icke, his son, said it was the best series that they’ve ever produced, and they’ve produced a lot of things. I really got deep in there, got into my heart and shared some very vulnerable things about this journey that a lot of women are hiding behind. There’s a lot of women who are practitioners in our space and they’re still afraid to share that they ever had implants because they feel like hypocrites. I’m like, “This is the biggest wound being called forward. Not just the wounds that you have that have led you to have these little anchor-like stitches and scars that you and I both so proudly share, right, and wear so proudly? This is beyond the scars. What are the emotions in-between the scars?” There’s trauma there.

Diane Kazer: That’s the trauma that I’m asking to be called forward, for women everywhere so we can heal collectively. There are women that are doing toxic beauty things every single day, Botox, fillers, toxic hair dyes and makeup. Last year I interviewed you for the Non-Toxic Beauty Summit. This is a lot of what I talk about in these 10 episodes, about how 96% of women don’t think they’re beautiful. We’re literally dying to be beautiful.

Diane Kazer: It’s not just breast implants. I made up the “10 B’s”, and these are the 10 B’s that are draining and diseasing the modern woman today. Number one is breast implants, number two is Botox, and number three is bacterial overgrowth which could be in the mouth, the gut or our goddess garden, our lady parts, that’s not properly being addressed. Antibiotic overuse is happening that’s actually injuring a lot of people. The third leading cause of death today being Western medications, improper use of medication. Surgery errors, that’s the number one cause of death. We really need to take health into our own hands and find our natural beauty with non-toxic avenues and treatments.

Diane Kazer: The number four “B” is birth control. Number five is brain inflammation and mood imbalances. Benzodiazepines are huge. It’s been so hard and challenging to help women get off of benzos. I’ve seen many women come in with Botox, benzos, birth control and breast implants. I’m like, “Whoa.”

Wendy Myers: That was me. That was me.

Diane Kazer: You were on benzos too?

Wendy Myers: Yes, for a year once upon a time. The worst thing ever getting off of those.

Diane Kazer: Good Lord.

Wendy Myers: It was so horrible. Worst thing.

Diane Kazer: Did you go through Jordan Peterson kind of stuff?

Wendy Myers: I don’t know. No, I definitely had horrible withdrawal symptoms. It was terrible, until I finally figured it out. I went cold turkey. I finally had to because I had just walked in to a doctor and said, “Hey, I have trouble sleeping.” “Here, take this, have some “Xanny” bars.” I didn’t think anything of it, and I couldn’t stop taking them once you’re taking them for a while. So yeah, all of the above for me. 

Diane Kazer: It’s the modern woman and how toxic we are, we don’t realize it. We’re the slow frog in the boiler, right? The heat just keeps getting turned up higher and higher, and we’re like, “Wow, this hot tub feels nice.” That’s when we’re numbed out with all the things. We were high on life, but then eventually the things stopped working and/or we became more toxic, and then the water got boiling so hot that we’re like, “Okay, this is uncomfortable. I gotta get out of this.”

Diane Kazer: That’s where I come in as the previously existing modern woman who was suffering and struggling with these toxic beauty things. These short term band aids don’t get to the root of the problem, that so many women are taking blindly, because they are desperate. We are overworked, we have too many things to do and we’re all pushed to our limit right now. We’re up against the wall, like, “I will do whatever I need to do to feel better now, even if it means I take a shot, a pill, I put patches on my butt or I get pellets installed in my body so I can have some kind of hormone replacement therapy.” We’re not getting to the root of it, which is that 90% of our thoughts are limiting beliefs. They’re self-sabotaging and on repeat every single day.

Diane Kazer: This is the trauma. This is the ancestral lineage that has been passed down to us from our mothers, our grandmothers and our great-great-grandmother’s who have been slaves. What we’re experiencing today is a modern slavery of women who are supposed to look a certain way. We’re competing against each other and it’s all rooted in shame. It’s all rooted in not being beautiful enough as we are, and the constant barrage of billboards. “Here’s how you need to look.” It changes a month later, and then people get butt implants, breast implants and ribs taken out. We need to stop this madness.

Diane Kazer: It’s insane, and our babies are getting the brunt of this. Our babies are born with 250 plus toxins and chemicals in them, and they haven’t even taken their first breath. Women who have breast implants have a more impaired ability to have babies, to be able to breastfeed and many of them are passing on the toxins to the baby.

Diane Kazer: I have a specific podcast that you guys can listen to, on that. Emily Shannon, we turned her around. She was on the date rape drug to fall asleep, prescribed by her doctor, microdosing the date rape drug, of course. These are things that we really need to start questioning that don’t make us conspiracy theorists. That makes us curious and conscious consumers of our own bodies, protecting our temples and our future, the future of our babies and the future of our planet.

Diane Kazer: Number six of the “Top 10 B’s” is beauty toxic products. That applies to every woman. These are the masks that we’re using to cover up. I’m not talking about face masks, like the mouth masks, I’m talking about the masks that we put on every single morning. Five pounds of lead every year that the average woman puts on. More than 95% of lipsticks have an excess of safe limits of lead, and they’re kissing their babies with it. It’s on their skin. They’re doing other things with their husbands or significant others, maybe with their mouths. I won’t say how but you get the visual.

Diane Kazer: Skin absorbs all of this stuff. It’s our third kidney. It is the most absorbent organ of our entire body, so our bodies are absorbing all this stuff. It doesn’t take just breast implants, it’s not just about Botox and not just about fillers. I talk about all this stuff in my book. Breast implants or not, this book covers so much ground. It’s for the modern woman, 96% of you don’t think you’re beautiful. That’s number seven, the broken beliefs. That’s the biggest explant for all of us. We need to explant that microchip that says you’re not enough as you are.

Diane Kazer: Then number eight, blindly trusting and dismissing your own intuition of what your body is trying to tell you. “Oh, my hormones are broken. They hate me.” No, they’re trying to get your attention that something’s wrong. Maybe you’re toxic, maybe your gut’s inflamed. Number nine is betraying our body. That means we’re cutting our body open every single day or every year, getting updates to facelifts or whatever. We’re just constantly betraying our body.

Diane Kazer: Then number 10 is binging. I know you have a history with that that you’ve been really outspoken about too. Binging on anything, binging on sugar. It is said that 98% of us are addicted to sugar in some way and don’t even know it. We’re binging and numbing. All those “10 B’s” are things that I cover in this book and beyond in all of my programs. We need to stop as women, but we can’t do it artificially. We can’t just say that putting on a nice business suit, and putting on a nice face and changing the color of our hair is going to do it. We’ve got a lot of work to do for the next generation, starting with ourselves.

Wendy Myers: You know what? At the root cause of all mental and physical health is emotional trauma involved. There’s so many amazing ways to address it. Things that are easy and simple to do. I’ve talked about that a lot on the podcast.

Wendy Myers: Tell us more about the David Icke documentary. I love that you have found this amazing voice talking about toxins and talking about toxic beauty. It resonates so much with me and with so many women that have spent their lives trying to become something that somebody will love. I have spent a fortune on all kinds of beauty enhancements, and I did Botox for years. I was dating a plastic surgeon when I was 23, in Beverly Hills. He’s like, “Hey, let’s try some Botox,” and I got addicted to it. I did that for 15 years or so. It’s crazy, the things that people are doing like injecting themselves, and the duck lips. Tell us about the David Icke docuseries.

Diane Kazer: I love it. Thanks, Wendy. Ickonic Media is where you guys can find the 10 part docu series called Dying To Be Beautiful. What a dream for me to be acknowledged by one of my greatest mentors of all time, who in 2010, woke me up to where we were all headed as humanity. Where I know, you and I have worked behind the scenes for so many people, trying to help them see and warn them of what was to come. The things that we had learned. I know your dad passed away of cancer and the things that you learned. We’re always trying to help a former version of ourselves, through the people that come to us. When he reached out to me and said that they wanted to do a series on the toxic beauty industry, it was like one of your favorite people of all time telling you, “Good job.” It was like, “Wow, I must be doing a good job,” because you just never know who is reading your stuff, or who’s digesting it.

Diane Kazer: This is such a triggering topic that many women don’t want to hear about until they get really sick. Botox is the number one most toxic substance known to man, and yet we’re putting it in our face, we’re putting it in our babies and no one’s thinking twice about it. They used it in the Gulf War to kill and paralyze the troops. Agent Orange was glyphosate, and glyphosate is now sprayed all over GMO crops, mostly wheat. That’s what they used in World War II to kill and paralyze the troops.

Diane Kazer: These things were agents of warfare before they ended up in our food supply and our beauty industry. A lot of people are afraid to be whistleblowers on this because people have disappeared in admitting that. If I don’t speak up about these truths and I watch people get harmed, hurt, injured and in pain, then I’m not doing the work I came here to do, as a soul. If I die tomorrow because something happens and I’m no longer here, I know that I’ve lived a life in morality and ethics. Doing my part to help other people learn what is really the root cause of what’s harming them.

Diane Kazer: I’ve seen a lot of Botox-injured people, lots of Botox injured women and lots of Botox injured children. 10,000 people plus in a Facebook group that are all talking about the regrets that they have of ever doing Botox. We don’t know if Botox will ever leave the body, we don’t know if breast implant silicone and other things that travel throughout the body, will ever leave the body. We don’t know if heavy metals and certain things that trap themselves into lymph nodes will ever leave the body, we just don’t know. There’s so many of them. It’s up to you if you want to play Russian Roulette with toxins. Some people learn through pain and have to go through pain in order to find their sovereignty, they have to suffer.

Diane Kazer: I go through all of that in this docuseries. I go through my journey and through how I got here. It doesn’t just happen overnight. It wasn’t just magazines, there was also my journey as a professional soccer player and trying to be the best. For me, I had  tiny breasts when I was 10% body fat, stepping up on stage as a bikini competitor. I was told by a photographer that I wouldn’t make it in the industry, I wouldn’t make my pro card, I wouldn’t do well unless I got DDs. That planted the seed that grew, that brought me into a couple of plastic surgeon’s offices saying, “How much, how big, and when can you do this surgery?” It was very quick too.

Diane Kazer: I wasn’t confident and that started with my childhood. That’s where I want all of us to start. Where did this begin? Episode one of that 10 episode series is about where you first began to obsess over beauty, experience the feeling of not good enough, competing against other women and jealousy. For a lot of us, that’s at like 12 or 13. We go to junior high, our hormones are all over the place and we’re trying to get boys. We’re young, we don’t know better and we don’t have a lot of good role models. We need more of those. We need more of you stepping into your natural beauty, claiming it, owning it, claiming your crown and showing women how to love their body instead of harming their body and cutting it open.

Diane Kazer: I talk all about that. Where I came from and how it’s not just a story of Diane Kazer, it’s a story about us all. I talk about MK, the mind control about this whole thing and how it’s very in our face right now. You look at Hollywood, you look at actresses and you look at how do they look now? We are being so lied to about the treatments that they’re getting. They’re getting paid millions of dollars to say that this one product you could buy for $5 made their face look like that. They spent two hours on one image, photoshopping them for a magazine, two hours.

Diane Kazer: I’ve just learned what you were talking about, Wendy. The average woman spends 30% of her income every single year to maintain her beauty. That’s a lot of money. $100,000 in income is $33,000, a year. I talked about that. Why is it that we are so blind to this, that we’re willing to spend that much money on artificial beauty that is so short lived and maintaining that? Many people don’t know that you have to maintain it. Every 10 years you have to get new breast implants and spend another $10,000, because they expire at some point. They eventually start leaking and bleeding all over your body. That’s when we get sick.

Diane Kazer: They have to be replaced every 10 years, even though about 30% of women have to replace them in the first three years, because of a manufacturer issue, or they are using them in a gym and they pop. It’s very common. That’s another $10,000, so they’re very expensive.

Diane Kazer: I talk about toxic beauty. I talk about women today and politics. There’s politics of beauty too. Women who are more beautiful tend to get more offerings, so women are like, “Hire me, I’ll do whatever I need to do.” There’s a lot of competition. I do talk about the mother wounds too. Paris Hilton just did a documentary. I love that. I loved her approach in this whole documentary. She really shares the pressure of being a celebrity, how hard that is to maintain and how she just became a DJ because of how she was raised by her mother and what she learned in school. You guys should watch that documentary too.

Diane Kazer: I talk about breast implant illness in two episodes, and then I start talking about Botox. There are a lot of things that people need to know about Botox and a lot of things that people need to know about injectables. A lot of these poisons are injected into the skin and they end up migrating to other parts of the body. They find them, they’re doing MRIs, they’re doing scans on women and finding that these things that we inject in the face end up in other parts of the body. They start causing other problems. We don’t even know if these injectables ever leave the body. If you want to know what I mean by that, look at Cat Lady. She’s been doing a lot of surgeries. Look at people who’ve been doing injectables or Botox for a long time, I think they just start losing track of who they looked like when they first began. They were so beautiful.

Wendy Myers: Yes, like Pamela Anderson was so gorgeous. She’s morphed into this total other person. I have a funny story. When you talked about the beauty budget, I remember making out budgets. I had my budget for Botox, getting my hair done, my nails and that worked into my monthly budget. I was doing that.

Wendy Myers: I have another story. I have a degree in business and my thesis was a franchise chain of Botox clinics, because I was so into Botox. I had to pitch that to someone to win an award. I was trying to win the award for the best business plan, and I had to pitch it to some lady on the board of the school at USC Business School. I went to pitch it to her and her eye was totally drooping. It was almost completely closed. After I presented it to her, she said, “I had Botox nine months ago and it paralyzed my left eyelid.” She was really bitter about it. I was like, “I guess I’m not winning the award,” because she did not like my business idea at all.

Diane Kazer: Go back to her now because there’s other Botox natural alternatives, sprouting up left and right. 

Wendy Myers: That’s reality. I was like, “Oh my God, was it going to happen to me?” She was older, she was in her 70s and doesn’t metabolize out these toxins as easily, maybe, or the doctor made a mistake and put in too much, it migrated to her eyelid and paralyzed that muscle.

Diane Kazer: It just takes one shot too, Wendy. I mean, that’s what happens to a lot of these people. It just takes one shot. We all carry this myth that it’s never going to happen to me. All my other friends get Botox. Nobody’s talking about it publicly going, “Oh, I had Botox and I’ve gotten injured.” The majority of women that come to me for help are still hiding behind the shame of aging and ever feeling like they needed to adjust and alter their body in any kind of way. That is why in the majority of my work, I focus on that we have to detox the body. Can you ever clear Botox? We still don’t know. It’s said that it takes you three to six months to clear your last injection, but you saw that woman. You said it had been nine months since she had the last injection?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Diane Kazer: She still had the effect of it. They’ll say it takes three to six months before you should come back in for another round of shots that cost you another $1,000. It’s 4,000 a year, on average. Most people spend more than that. Nine months later, she still had the side effect. Even though the toxin left her body, she still had the consequence of it freezing part of her body. Can they ever come back? No one has an idea. How worth it, is it, to you? How much do you hate yourself? That is the biggest part of this.

Diane Kazer: In episode 10 of the Dying To Be Beautiful series, I talk about the vital importance of loving ourselves. It is said that we only have maybe six decades left on this planet if we don’t wake up. This is serious shit. This is not just, oh, love your body or maybe stop doing some Botox. We don’t just inject and apply these things and they just disappear, we breathe them out. 70% of detox happens through your breath, and you poop them out, you pee them out, your skin rubs against someone else’s skin and then it goes somewhere. It doesn’t just die inside of you. We’re creating a toxic world through our toxic thoughts, toxic stories and the toxic beliefs and broken systems we have that we’re all surrounded by.

Diane Kazer: I’m living in Sedona. There’s nowhere near as much pressure here, to look the part. The people that I am hanging out with, love their beauty but there are still Botox clinics and things here. The things that I talked about in this book and the things I talk about in my programs are how to stop this madness of needing to adjust, alter and inject. Where is this really coming from, and what’s the truth? What is the toxic truth about many of these things?

Diane Kazer: It takes somebody who really wants to let this go. It doesn’t have to be overnight. It can be a bridge over time about how to detox your body. Really, you know this too, Wendy, a lot of heavy metals and toxins are really the things that age us quickly and that cause wrinkles. I started taking ION RESTORE by Dr. Zach Bush. You probably have some of your own products that chelate glyphosate. Glyphosate is Agent Orange. It really inhibits our own collagen production. We take a lot of these collagen products. I have one, of course, collagen, go take it. Great.

Diane Kazer: But it’s not the only thing is just to add more collagen, the question that we also have to ask ourselves is what is blocking collagen? Collagen is not just our skin, it’s also the connective tissues of our bodies. People are having major connective tissue issues, major pain, injuries and their spine is constantly moving out of place. That was me before I had my breast implants taken out. It costs a lot of money to maintain your health when you still have a lot of these toxins in your body. It’s really important to learn how to clear them, to heal your hormones, to do the proper lab testing and to understand how to customize it to you.

Diane Kazer: Also look at your gut, because 95% of women that I’ve seen with breast implants, or who had them, have H pylori. H pylori, that’s a gnarly stomach acid inhibitor in the gut. When you have low stomach acid, anything you eat, consume or breathe is not going to be properly rid of when you don’t have enough stomach acid. You end up having a lot of bugs downstream like SIBO, Candida and parasites. Then women are like, “Well, I’ve got to do a Candida cleanse or I’ve got to do a parasite cleanse.” But I’m like, “Have you had a stool test to even see other things that you might have?” One of the B’s is bacteria overgrowth.

Diane Kazer: I see this constantly. Two clients I’m working with now, spent 30 grand last year on over 10 doctors and no one looked at their stool tests. No one looked at their hormones. No one looked at the toxic level. They gave them supplements like collagen and they gave them supplements that had vitamins, but they did not look at the bottom line root causes of why they were so sick. Very few doctors, I would say less than 2% of doctors even understand breast implant illness, Botox illness and how these things affect the body. If you’re going to work with a practitioner and ask them for their help, make sure they have three things. They have education, they have experience and they have empathy. Wendy, you do too. You did a lot of the same things I have. You can speak from your heart that you know what it feels like to go through that journey.

Diane Kazer: There’s a lot to this. It’s not as simple as it used to be. Blood tests are not going to get you where you need to go, just to discover a few vitamin deficiencies. We’re talking about deeper root causes here.

Wendy Myers: I love that you have this all laid out for people because it is very confusing. It is a very difficult decision. You’re lighting a path for people, no matter what path they choose. You have a few different levels of your program. Can you talk about that and the differences between them?

Diane Kazer: This book took me $100,000 plus to learn. You know too, Wendy, we’ve spent a lot of money breaking our bodies so that we can learn how to beautify our bodies, naturally. This is a great place to start. Wendy will be sharing a link with you so that you can get a bunch of free bonuses. If you get this eBook, it’s $10 currently on Amazon. If you get the actual book,  it’s $15, for Killer Breasts.

Diane Kazer: What you do is you buy that book on Amazon and you get a receipt number. You go to the link that Wendy is going to provide. That link will bring you to a page where you get over $500 worth of solutions and bonuses, one of which is the questions that you’ll want to ask your doctor, surgeon or anybody that you want to work with. I worked with, went to and consulted with 10 doctors before I landed on the 11th one. I worked with him as my explant surgeon. I’m so glad that I did because women I see, have to go to a second or third surgery because the doctor did not properly remove the capsule around their implants that was making them sick. That’s like leaving a dead, foreign material in your body. The body will continue its autoimmune attack. That’s important. It’s two pages long and lots of questions. This is not super easy, and having someone to guide you like myself, is really important.

Diane Kazer: You’ll get that, you’ll get three rounds of interviews, one of which is with Wendy, who share their journey to give you some hope that you’re not alone. A lot of women feel like they’re all alone and that no one will understand them. I want you to know that you’re with us. You’ll also get, Am I toxic? How toxic is my body, and what should I do if I am toxic? What are my next steps? Do I have breast implant illness? I have a whole list of symptoms that might support you to help you understand that it could be your breast implants or it could be something else. Women who have breast implant illness have very similar symptoms to women who just have hormonal imbalances or who are just toxic. Know that too. I work to help you understand that through this whole bonus journey that you get with the book.

Diane Kazer: Many women have a lot more questions. What clothes do I buy? What packing list do I need to have? When can I exercise?” There’s hundreds of questions that I covered in my book, but they all also require a little bit more speaking points from me, so I also created something called the Explant Solution. Wendy will share that.

Diane Kazer: Some women say, “You know what, I want to work with you, Diane. I want to understand this. I really want to just detox my body. I want to go into this, I want to heal my hormones, I want to understand what’s going on in my gut and to look at the whole big picture to heal faster.” I have a program for that too. That’s the Explant Warrior, Detox Warrior. This is something that I offer for people who are going through toxic beauty as well and how to clear that. That really walks you through three months of clearing your body and understanding where you get exposed to toxins, because that’s a big part. It is one of the top five reasons cleanses fail. With so many people, they clear the body of toxins, but they don’t ask the question of where are the toxins coming from? My environment or maybe the bully within, you’re being a bitch to yourself and you say, “Hey, bully bitch, you need to be explanted too.”

Diane Kazer: I work with you on all of those fronts because I got better in six weeks. I lost 15 pounds, 5% body fat and climbed Mount Baldy in six weeks. Granted, I ruptured my Achilles tendon after that because I took a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, which I also caution people against. All the things that I did to break my body so that you don’t have to. What are the warning signs? What are the alternatives?

Diane Kazer: I’ve saved women $15,000 from working with a different doctor than who they were going to work with, or having their mouth addressed because 75% of toxins you are exposed to start in your mouth. I can go on and on and on, but right now we’re at this pivot point where you need people like Wendy and myself, because we’re at the crossroads. I go all in to understanding how to heal my body and take accountability for my own health or I fall victim to the Western medicine industry, which will continue to numb out my symptoms with a pill or a surgery. That is not the answer.

Diane Kazer: There’s a lot of different options for a lot of different people, depending on how deep you want to go and what kind of person that you are. If you’re DIY, you get the book, you get the bonuses, you get into my tribe and you just feel out how I feel to you. You feel out what I talk about in the book. Does it resonate with you? If you want more, do the program. Then if you want more, let’s detox together. I got one coming up. I help you heal your hormones and identify how to take charge of really understanding how to know if your hormones are part of the problem. Blood tests are not the only way to examine that. Western medicine doctors are not trained for this stuff. I’d love to be your beacon of light, if you’re looking for it.

Wendy Myers: Fantastic. Diane, thank you so much for joining us today on this episode of the Myers Detox Podcast. I love having you on. You’re just so clear and so passionate in your message. I really appreciate you sharing your story today.

Diane Kazer: It’s my honor, my duty and it’s always fun with you, Wendy. We always laugh about this stuff. If we don’t have fun, it won’t get done. We’ve got to laugh, and I always laugh.

Wendy Myers: Yes, exactly. Detox is a lifestyle. It’s not something where you get your implants out and you just fix it right away. You have to take some self-responsibility and work to get better. It can be a gift too. I know many people who want their implants out of them, they’re stressed about it, but it can be a gift to recover all of your health, mentally and physically, as well. It certainly was for me. Diane, thanks for joining us today.

Diane Kazer: Thanks again for having me, Wendy.

Wendy Myers: If you want to get more episodes, we have almost 400 episodes of the Myers Detox Podcast. I can’t believe it. You guys can check those out on my website on and on my YouTube channel, Thanks for tuning in. We have so much more in store. I do not plan on quitting anytime soon. I love what I do. I love sharing all this information with you guys, so I’ll talk to you guys very, very soon.