Transcript #388 Surprising Ways to Unblock the Lymphatic System with Dr. Jennifer Grammith


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  1. Find out what’s in store for this Myers Detox Podcast with Dr. Jennifer Grammith, who joins the show to talk about some her top tips for draining the lymphatic system, as well as the top tool she uses in her practice to drain the lymph. Dr Grammith also discusses lymphedema, how the lymph is a key component of our immune system, and so much more!
  2. Dr. Grammith began her career in western medicine as a cardiologist, but eventually became a naturopathic doctor, after watching her father become cancer free when he was originally only given two weeks to live. Learn more about Dr. Grammith’s professional journey.
  3. Learn about how to properly diagnose if you have lymphedema. It is key to be able to recognize it yourself.
  4. A sedentary lifestyle, stress, and unresolved emotional trauma, can greatly impact the development of lymphedema or blocked lymph flow. Learn more.
  5. Find out about some things you can do at home to facilitate proper lymph flow!
  6. Dr. Grammith uses what’s called an XP2, which is an assisted lymphatic drainage therapy that has incredible results. Learn more.
  7. Learn more about how emotional trauma can lead to blocked lymph and lymphedema.
  8. Dr. Grammith trains qualified practitioners all over the world in lymphatic therapies. Learn more.
  9. Dr. Grammith does an assisted lymphatic therapy that uses inert gases to help dissolve congested lymphatic fluid. Learn more about this therapy.
  10. Learn how Dr. Grammith uses an E-Box scan and ZYTO Scan in her practice to help diagnose and address underlying root problems in her patients.
  11. Read about Dr. Grammith’s ideas about the power of the mind, and how emotionally and mentally approaching a diagnosis is key in overcoming it.
  12. You can learn more about Jennifer and her work at
  13. Mention the Myers Detox Podcast and Dr. Grammith and her team will give you a complimentary 15 minute consultation!


Wendy Myers: Hello everyone. I’m Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Myers Detox Podcast. You can check out my website at Please go there and subscribe to my newsletter. You will get all the latest, cutting edge tips on how to detox your body and the latest news on toxins in our environment, and how they’re affecting us. Today we have Dr. Jennifer Grammith on the show. This is such a good show. She’s going to be talking about surprising ways to unblock your lymphatic system and how to facilitate drainage. We have so many interesting tips today on the show. We’re going to be talking about the top tips that you can do at home to help drain your lymphatic system. We’ll talk about the top tool that Dr. Grammith uses in her practice, that uses inert gases to facilitate lymph drainage. This works much better than lymphatic drainage massage. We talk about how lymphatic drainage massage is kind of superficial. Her techniques get very deep into the tissues.

Wendy Myers: We’ll talk about lymphedema, which is blocked or thickened lymph. It can be mistaken for weight gain. Some people think that they’re gaining weight, but it’s really just their lymphatic system fluid, building up, not draining and recycling properly. We’ll also talk about how the lymph is a key component of your immune system. It’s not just to drain toxins. There’s much more to it than that. It feeds nutrients throughout the body as well. It’s very important to optimize its functioning. We’ll talk about how juice fasting cleanses the lymph and how long you have to do a juice cleanse to optimize lymph. We’ll talk about why Dr. Jennifer Grammith believes that all illness is the product of underlying emotional trauma. It’s something I’ve talked about over and over again, on the show. We’ll talk about the specific types of trauma that block the lymphatic system.

Wendy Myers: We’ll talk about the biofeedback bio-energetic system that she uses, called the E-box ZYTO. It’s part of the ZYTO bio-energetic system, but the E-box is used to scan and address emotional trauma. She uses that in her clinic. We’ll also talk about her online certification program for assisted lymph drainage that therapists, doctors, physical therapists and massage therapists use, worldwide. We’ll discuss how you can do that too. It’s such a good show. Dr. Grammith was also one of the other doctors that participated in our Harmoni pendant study. We had about a hundred different clients, patients and eight different doctors, do the study on this Harmoni pendant. You can learn more at You can look at the two white papers based on that study. Also, if you’re listening to the show and you’re concerned about detox, I created a quiz called

Wendy Myers: You can go there and take the two minute quiz. After that you get a free video series that answers all your burning questions on how to get started with detox. Go check it out, please. If you like what you’re hearing on the show today so far, and you’re interested, please click that like button below. Click the subscribe button. Subscribe to my channel so you get all the latest tips on how to detox and how to optimize your health. We talk about so much more than detox on the show. Our guest today, Dr. Jennifer Grammith, has a 20 year background in the medical field in internal medicine and holds a doctorate of naturopathy accredited by the American Naturopathic Medical and Accreditation Board. Jennifer is also the founder and president of Rightway Health and Wellness.

Wendy Myers: She shares her many years of traditional medical training and education, plus her skills and knowledge as a naturopathic doctor and lymphatic decongestant practitioner and instructor. Jennifer is certified by the Academy of Lymphatic Studies on manual lymph drainage and complete decongestive therapy. She specializes in nutritional counseling, lymphatic decongestant therapy and low level laser detox therapy. Jennifer has integrated cutting edge energy medicine technologies into her practice with great success. She uses the ZYTO scan. In addition to serving her local clients, Jennifer can be found training therapists, providing nutritional assessments and counseling to offices across the country. She also trains medical workers around the world, as well. You can learn more about Jennifer, her work and her online training at Jennifer, thanks so much for joining the show.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: Thank you. Thank you. Glad to be here.

Wendy Myers: Why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself, your background and what you do.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: Well, my background is that I’m kind of retired from mainstream medicine as a nurse. I worked in cardiology, oncology and internal medicine. My journey transitioned with the diagnosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma for my father. Of course we did chemo and radiation. That’s all I knew to do at that point. I was very young and my career was just short and hard. They gave him less than two months to live. I was devastated. Working in the field of oncology, I didn’t think there were any other alternatives. Fortunately for me, I was very blessed to have a director that knew all about what we called back then, alternative medicine. Today we call it functional medicine. He steered me in the right direction by introducing me to a man who had cured himself of a brain tumor.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: That changed my direction. I went back to school and became a naturopathic doctor. After my father survived the two months, the tumors shrunk to half their size in six months. A year later, he was pronounced cancer-free. Still working in the same field while going to school on it, was hard to swallow. Eventually, I went fully into functional medicine and started working with cancer patients that way. I helped them to change their diet, their lifestyle and later found the importance of the mind-body connection. I noticed that with some of the patients that would not heal, they had very deep trauma. I didn’t feel like I was qualified at that point in time, to help them through that trauma. They’d get a little bit better and then we would hit a wall.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: I went back to school to become a psychologist, because I wanted to be able to help them walk that journey as well. Meantime, I started seeing a lot of lymphedema patients and didn’t know what to do with that either. In my field prior to that, in oncology, we’d remove lymph nodes and we’d radiate the body. We would cause most of the lymphedema cases. I knew very little. We had a chapter in nursing school, about the lymphatic system. My background with that was very elementary, until I went back to school and became a lymphedema specialist. That’s when my direction shifted again. That’s why I specialize in the immune system. So as a naturopathic doctor now, and a lymphedema team specialist, I help people to rebuild their immune system, to support their immune system and to heal their body using the lymphatic system.

Wendy Myers: I love that you talk about emotional trauma and dealing with that. I resonate with that. I think so many underlying health conditions are the result of emotional trauma. That’s why I’m talking about it more and more on the show and doing my own personal work with emotional trauma. Transmitting and releasing that. It’s such important work because I feel like we keep hitting a wall. Tell us about lymphedema. What are the symptoms of that? How does someone figure out if they have lymphedema?

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: It’s really going to be up to the client to figure that out, unfortunately, because if you wait to the point that a physician finally figures it out, you’re going to be in one of the later stages. I was actually speaking a few years ago in Mexico City, to a group of physicians and medical doctors about lymphatic health and lymphedema. I asked the audience, I said, “How many of you know how to properly diagnose it?” I had one doctor in a group of 400 that knew or felt comfortable diagnosing that and then knowing what to do for that. Stage one is If you’ve had radiation or you’ve had surgery, whether it’s to remove lymph nodes or just abdominal surgery, if you start to notice that you’re beginning to swell and your skin is getting tight and thick and uncomfortable, that is the early signs of lymphedema.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: As it progresses, you can do what is called a stemmer sign. In the affected area, you can press with your finger or your thumb. If it leaves an indentation, that is a sign that the lymphatic fluid has turned to a very congested state like butter and your lymph is blocked, as we talked about earlier. That would be considered more of a stage two. When you get to stage four, it’s elephantiasis, it’s hard. Unfortunately in mainstream medicine, all we have is manual massage, bandaging and compression. That’s what I was trying to do as well, but I don’t do that anymore because most of my clients back then, when I got certified, were not compliant. You know, they didn’t want to come into my office and let me massage them for hours and wrap them up in bandages and leave them there.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: Most times the bandages would fall off or they would try to rewrap and they would cause more damage than before. It didn’t work for me for the bulk of the clients that I was dealing with, with lymphedema. That’s one reason I started searching for an instrument, a tool, that I could use to get the same effect or better without them having to come into my office. That’s why I had the XP2 lymphatic drainage device developed for that particular group of patients that I was seeing. Then I found out that your lymphatic system is not just about lymphedema. We could all benefit from a functioning lymphatic system because it’s the very system that encompasses our immune system. What chronic disease process or acute process doesn’t have to do with the immune system? There’s not any. They all have to do with the immune system. It is definitely a foundational therapy in my practice and the practices that I work with worldwide.

Wendy Myers: The lymphatic system carries the toxins out of your body as well, as one of the routes. 

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: One of the main routes, yes. Most definitely. That’s what most people know about the lymphatic system is, “Oh yeah, that’s my detox system.” It’s also the system that bathes every cell in the body with nutrients. You see a lot of people and a lot of practitioners like myself, scratching our heads, wondering why are all these obese people so malnourished. It’s because they have a blocked congestive lymphatic system, they’re not eating the foods that feed the system and it’s not being carried to the vital organs and glands. That’s the first thing I noticed and I didn’t notice it until I started working with autistic children who are extremely malnourished because of the dysbiosis in the gut, the gluten sensitivity and the inflammation. I started using lymphatic therapy with them, with their supplement regimen and got absorption going.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: I was able to, in most cases, bring their supplement load down less than 50% and get better absorption and better response with them. That was remarkable because some of the protocols for autism are so extensive. I have parents bringing suitcases full of supplements into my office and really struggling, trying to get their children to ingest all of that and still not getting good absorption. I was able to reduce it drastically.

Wendy Myers: That’s fantastic. It’s not what you supplement with or eat. It’s what you absorb that counts. How does the lymphatic system get blocked in the first place? How do people develop lymphedema and other issues related to their blocked lymph flow?

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: Typically it will begin with just inactivity. Your lymphatic system doesn’t have an automatic pump like the circulatory system. It requires movement, exercise. Many people have such a sedentary lifestyle that that starts the congestion. Most Americans have a degree of congestion in their lymphatic system. Then your hormones, when you’re stressed out and you’re starting to create cortisol and things like that, that creates inflammation, all the dysbiosis, the Glyphosate that we have exposure to, that causes the leaky gut. All of those toxins start leaking out into the blood, that blood and lymph that creates congestion. There’s a lot of different things and we’re just bombarded with toxicity. Then what really amazed me was that emotional component. I can have a person who is raw vegan, does 12 to 15 servings, which I recommend, of fruits and vegetables a day.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: They do everything right, but they have extreme stress. Within seconds of them being in a stressful situation, their lymphatic fluid goes from a watery consistency to like cottage cheese. You can feel it when you do the assisted lymphatic therapy and you can see it if you do thermography. You can see it in a lab blood cell analysis. That showed me the power of the emotions and the stress. I mean, most of us have chronic stress, not just acute. Acute stress is good, it keeps us safe when we respond, but chronic stress is what most of us are dealing with day after day after day. We wonder why we have all this inflammation throughout our body. That’s one of the main reasons. That’s why I feel it’s so important. I believe that in every disease process, the underlying issue is emotional trauma.

Wendy Myers: I firmly believe that too now, as well. Are there some simple tips, things that people can do at home to facilitate lymphatic flow?

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: Yes, there are some things and movement is one of them. Exercise and it doesn’t have to be really strenuous because different people respond to exercise differently. If you’re type A blood, you typically do well with yoga and low impact exercise. Type O, they like strenuous exercise. Rebounding 10 minutes on a mini trampoline twice a day is great to do. We really need to start teaching our children to do that. I see more and more childhood illnesses. Just in the last few weeks, I’ve had just a slew of children, aged 15 and 14, struggling with dysbiosis, lymphatic issues, brain fog, autism, ADHD, depression and suicidal thoughts. It’s a big, big problem and you cannot be healthy in your mind when your body is toxic. If you have all of this stress and things that are unresolved, then your body’s going to be in a state of inflammation.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: It’s this vicious cycle and people don’t really know how to deal with that. Exercise for one, juicing for another. Juicing helps to feed the body, the nutrients in a way that’s very absorbable. It kind of bypasses the dysbiosis issue while we’re trying to heal the gut and then get the critical nutrients that their body needs to function properly. If you have more like a stage three or stage four, then that’s when you really need to see an assisted lymphatic therapist and get a deeper cleanse with something like the XP2, which is an inert gas ionization device.

Wendy Myers: Let’s talk about that for a minute. That’s really interesting. I exercise five days a week and I’m juicing every day. So juicing for the win. I’m definitely checking those boxes off. Tell us about the assisted lymphatic therapy, what that entails and results that you’ve seen with that.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: The assisted lymphatic therapy deals with not just the superficial lymph, which is mainly what manual lymphatic drainage deals with, and in the superficial lymph it is important. 70% of your lymphatic system is superficial, it’s right underneath the skin, but that 30% is in the gut. We really can’t get to that well, manually. That’s where the assisted lymphatic therapy comes in because that’s where 70 to 80% of your immune system lies. If you are dealing with any kind of chronic disease process, you’re going to have to be able to reach where the immune system is, in the lymphatic system and direct the immune system. That’s what we do with the XP2. You can see this really well, but these are cases like lymphedema. This is the before picture of her arm, and this is a mastectomy, where she had 10 lymph nodes removed and you can see the swelling is two to three times bigger than her other arm would be.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: This is just after treatment. Manually, that’s very difficult to do. You would have to do day after day of manual massage, wrapping, and then put them in compression. This is done with the XP2, one to two treatments a week for an hour, no compression and no bandaging. Same thing up here. This congestive heart failure patient had swelling in the ankles. We were able to get it down drastically. You can see that those more complicated cases can be treated very effectively. The main thing is that patients are compliant. It is kind of like getting a full body massage because we do it with a full body approach. I mean, we do the central nervous system. We do the full front of the body and the back of the body to stimulate superficial and deep lymphatic function. The types of conditions that can benefit from that can be anything from chronic fatigue syndrome, neuropathy, fibromyalgia and any inflammatory issue.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: I’ve worked on patients with glaucoma and macular degeneration. We’re doing it of course for lymphedema, but non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. I had a case where he had tumors the size of oranges under his arms and like a soccer ball in his abdomen. He had congestive heart failure. His story is quite amazing. He went in through the mainstream initially. They couldn’t do anything. They gave him just a short amount of time to live. He was young, in his early fifties I believe. After just about six months of therapy, we were able to help repair his heart and get him off being listed as congestive heart failure. We were able to reduce the size of the tumor. He is now thriving. He actually has his own podcast where he shares his story, his journey, his walk with me and his recovery.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: You see things like that all the time, but he’s one of the first men to really deal with the physical issue. Of course, with the dietary changes he followed everything to a T. The most beautiful thing was that he was willing to address the emotional trauma. He had a lot of emotional trauma that was around his church and some of the community. He felt very betrayed. That’s where he believes that his cancer just kind of progressed. He was brokenhearted and that caused the heart condition. He’s alive and well and thriving to this very day.

Wendy Myers: I love that. I love to hear stories like that. People having awareness and taking responsibility for emotional trauma. It’s so easy to fall into that trap and think you have a physical issue. It must be only a physical solution. There’s so much more to it than that.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: People have got to realize that you have these symptoms for a reason. Your symptoms lead you to figuring out the puzzle pieces of what’s going on in your body. Pay close attention to your symptoms. I had a cancer patient who had brain cancer and had struggled with making decisions in their life or struggled with feeling threatened and didn’t want to deal with the emotional component. Your body creates things in it to save you, to protect you, to bring you to an awareness that you will do something about it. When you don’t deal with your emotional trauma, it’s downloaded into the body and it causes stagnation. You can see that through testing. You can see where it causes the stagnation, and that’s where many times cancer will progress or heart disease or diabetes.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: All of that has to do with emotions. Heart disease has a lot to do with broken heartedness. Diabetes is loss of the sweetness of life and sometimes lymphedema is feeling stuck and devalued, having to protect yourself. A lot of times patients will develop lymphedema if they’ve been attacked, especially bilateral lymphedema in the legs. I had that lady there with the arm, her emotional issue was that she always felt like she had to be ready for a fight. She was always attacked, attacked by her family and attacked by her ex-husband. She developed lymphedema in the arm that she was always trying to defend herself with, which I found very interesting. She actually had a total mastectomy and all the lymph nodes removed, or a large number, in both arms.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: You would think it would happen in both, but no, it just happened in the one. It’s very amazing how the brain and the body work together. We really have to retrain our brain and our body to work together, in a way that benefits us. The only way that can happen is if you listen to the messages your body’s trying to give you.

Wendy Myers: It’s interesting. I think people that have weight gain or they think something is weight gain, can actually be lymphedema and swelling. They’re getting a good diet, they’re exercising and they’re doing everything right. Their bodies are a little bit swollen. It could be lymphedema.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: Right. Many times they’ll go to the doctor and they’ll say, “You know what? I just have all this thickness in my leg and hips.” They’ll say, “Oh, you just need to lose weight.” When it’s a lymphatic issue, it’s not about obesity and weight gain from the things that you eat, just like you said. Your lymphatic system is not draining and so this liquid will accumulate and you’ll see that a lot. Sometimes it’s not even lymphedema it’s lipedema, and that is inflammation in the adipose tissue. That type of lymphatic disorder causes you to have a lot of pain and discomfort. Many people think that they have nerve damage or something like that. There are so many lymphatic disorders that people are not aware of. We need to become aware of them. You can never go wrong by stimulating and supporting your lymphatic system.

Wendy Myers: You train practitioners in this. Do you just do this at your clinic or do you offer other practitioner training?

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: Now I train all over the world. My program, the University, is really about training qualified practitioners to do lymphatic therapy for a vast amount of different conditions. We have it in about 17 cancer clinics all over Asia, several here in the US and a lot of physical therapists now do it because that’s typically who does lymphedema-type treatments. We have massage therapists doing it. We have clients learning how to do it for themselves. If they have Lyme disease or they have lymphedema and they’re going to need that therapy for the rest of their life, it’s better for them just to learn how to do it themselves. Now, all the training is virtual. We’re able to do the A and P online, along with the hands-on training for certifications. We do all the certifications worldwide

Wendy Myers: That’s amazing. So anyone listening here can get trained in doing this lymphatic assisted therapy?

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: Correct.

Wendy Myers: Amazing, amazing. What is the role of lymphatic drainage massage because that obviously seems like it could be very helpful, but there are more advanced strategies. If someone is listening and they are concerned about their lymph, can they get a lymphatic drainage massage?

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: Most definitely. There’s lymphatic drainage massage therapists, there’s PTs and PTAs all over the country, that will do that for you. Like I said, it addresses 70% of the lymphatic system, the superficial lymphatic system so you’re going to benefit from it. It’s just with the chronic cases. When you do assisted lymphatic therapy, it’s really the same technique as manual, just using the assistance and the inert gas ionization so you can go deeper into the body. We can get at the lymph in the central nervous system. We can get the lymph in the guts activated. It’s very similar. We have a lot of manually trained lymphatic therapists or lymphedema specialists that are now learning assisted therapy, and using that in their practice. It saves them time and they don’t have to necessarily do the compression or the bandaging. It’s a win-win for everyone.

Wendy Myers: You said that the assisted lymphatic therapy is using inert gas ionization. Can you explain that a little bit more and kind of what that treatment looks like?

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: It’s using a device that has argon, krypton and xenon gases. Since the seventies, we’ve been using this type of technology for lymphatic conditions, for acne, sinusitis and things like that. Those gases actually decongestant the lymph. Manually, when you are doing lymphatic therapy, you’re moving congested lymph from one area to another by manually pressing against the skin in the body. This lymphatic therapy dissolves it, dissolves that congestion and turns it back to that watery state. It turns it from that butter, cottage cheese or fibrotic tissue back to that watery tissue that can flow easily through the collectors. These collectors can be the largest lymphatic vessel in the body because it is like a string of yarn.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: Then most of the collectors in the body are like a few strands of hair. You can imagine trying to push butter through a few strands of hair. It’s very difficult and that’s why people get congested. They swell and sometimes they notice it, sometimes they don’t. They typically will notice it more when it’s in an extremity, but many times it’s in the core and they don’t notice it. They just think that they’re gaining weight or retaining fluid and to some degree they would be.

Wendy Myers: That’s fantastic. I’ve had a habit since I was a teenager. I actually went to two different massage schools when I was 19 to learn all about lymphatic drainage and therapeutic massage. I’ve had a lifelong habit of at least once a month, getting a deep tissue massage and at the end of it, doing the lymphatic drainage or a version of that during that whole massage. I love Korean spas. They do the best massages ever, on the planet. They know what they’re doing there.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: They certainly do.

Wendy Myers: Unfortunately, I don’t have that in Mexico. I’m sure I can find one somewhere, but anyways. Why don’t you tell the listeners where they can work with you? Where can they learn more about your work and you’re training?

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: My main office is right here in Atlanta, Georgia, but I work with practitioners in many cities across the US and over in Asia. You can work directly with me here in Atlanta. You can work indirectly with me with one of my other practitioners. I have a team here too. I have two other practitioners that work with me that are trained in lymphatic therapy. They are certified in the advanced level. They teach it. We have instructors all over. Like I said now, because of COVID, it’s 100% online. You can do training anywhere and we have training monthly. All you need do is just reach out to our office at Rightway Health and Wellness. We can connect you with someone close to you who works directly with me, or we can work directly with you if you are in our area.

Wendy Myers: Fantastic. What is your website again?

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: It is

Wendy Myers: Fantastic. What other therapies do you do there at your clinic?

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: Because my specialty is the immune system, I see all types of clients. I see cancer, Lyme, any kind of heart disease, diabetes and all of that. I do a number of things. We do biofeedback testing using the ZYTO technology. I do and review labs for optimal levels. Many times clients will go into the doctor, have labs drawn, and then everything looks like it’s within a range. They think they’re okay. They leave there and six months later, they go back and the doctor says, “Oh, well now you have diabetes.” Well, if you look at the optimal levels of those numbers, which are a smaller range, you can actually see where you’re trending towards diabetes before you ever develop it or heart disease. You can see if you’re dealing with bacteria by looking at the neutrophils or viruses by looking at the lymph sites.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: Your blood does tell you a lot if you know what you’re looking for. I helped to teach clients how to look and read their own labs, so that they can prevent these trends from happening. Then we do E-box therapy for the emotional retraining of the brain. I do some of Annie Hopper’s work as well for the brain retraining and recall healing. Dr. Michelle Schrader is a dear friend of mine. We’ve worked together now years and years ago, we worked on her grandson who had a brain tumor. I helped her to figure out what was going on with him and found the tumor. Then she and I worked together doing E-box and helped him to resolve the emotional conflict behind him. He’s thriving today with no recurrence. It can be done.

Wendy Myers: I actually just did an E-box ZYTO scan with Dr. Michael Rancin Sr. It was so unbelievable. I was crying, he was crying and it was so amazing. The ZYTO scan, it’s a bioenergetic scan. It’s a bioenergetic feedback scan. It’s similar to NES Health, but I think it’s much more detailed. Then you have a very detailed emotional trauma component with the E-box scan, which is the ZYTO scan, but it’s an emotional trauma scan.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: It’s a therapy too. It’s a scan and a therapy. It gives you a ton of information. You take the E-box and the ZYTO, and you look at the labs that do heart rate variability and BIA as well. That’s information that’s drawn from that can give you a very detailed picture of the health of the individual. Mind, body and spirit all show up with those types of testing. It’s very helpful because I just got off the phone right before this interview with a client who was in tears. She’s like, “I’ve been searching and this doctor is just telling me if I don’t do this, I’m going to die.” They put that trauma on them. She says that, “I don’t feel called to do that. I don’t feel that poisoning my body is the right thing to do. I just want someone to help me, support me and monitor me.”

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: I see that, day in and day out, where patients are just so frustrated with our medical model. They just need that personalized attention and to feel like there’s hope for them and give them back control. It’s no longer the doctor being God and dictating everything that they do. Stepping back down to the role of teacher, and letting me teach you some tools or give you some tools that you can use to empower yourself to be the healthiest that you can be. That requires dealing with the physical, the mental and the spiritual.

Wendy Myers: It’s really very upsetting to me when I hear a doctor saying, “Oh, you have six months to live,” or “There’s nothing more that we can do,” or “It’s time to go home.”

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: That’s the God mentality.

Wendy Myers: There’s always something that you can do. The doctor is just speaking from his frame of reference, in his limited toolkit that he’s told that he can or can’t have. I think people need to be aware of who they’re speaking to when they’re being told things like that.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: You need to go to your doctor who works for you, and you need to interview them. You need to know what their foundational beliefs are and understand where they’re coming from. Realize that they are not God. They do not know if you are going to live for six months. Dr. Calvin shared a story at one of the conferences where a lady who was diagnosed with a terminal illness. She was an older lady and her children didn’t want her to know. The doctor said, “Just take her home. There’s nothing we can do for her. She will probably live a month”. They took her home and they just loved her. She just loved having all the attention. She was happy and she lived like 12 or 15 more years. They were giving her a 90th birthday party or something like that.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: They were laughing and they’re like, “Mom, you remember when you went to the hospital back in so-and-so.” She’s like, “Yeah.” “The doctors told us that you are not going to survive because of your illness. They said you would die in a month.” Did you know that as soon as they told her that, because she had such high expectations for doctors, she died a month from that day that her children shared that with her, after years of living. That’s the power of the mind. That’s something that fascinates me. My mother, who died at age 59, when she was younger, had run into a lady who was a Palm reader at a company dinner. She was just so kind, and didn’t want to hurt the lady’s feelings. She said, “Let me look at your Palm.”

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: She told her, “Oh, well, you’re not going to live. You’ll die before you’re 60.” I mean, who tells people that anyway. My mother consciously knew that she couldn’t know those things, but every so many years, she would make a comment about that. Did you know, she died a month before she turned 60. I do believe that things like that get lodged in our subconscious mind. There’s a lot of belief patterns that we have that are not good for us and that our lives are not truthful. When we buy into them, there is a physical action in the body that occurs. That’s where you see the mind-body connection.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: I love Dr. Michelle Stridem and her approach. I don’t know if you’re familiar with her. She’s an oncologist that is now calling out doctors and saying we really have to look at the emotional component to disease. We have the science to show us what physically happens in the body and what does that mean for that person? She actually goes in and breaks it down very nicely for you. She really challenges physicians to be very careful with their words by putting that negativity on their patient instead of inspiring hope.

Wendy Myers: Yes, exactly. You know, Dr. Bruce Lipton, in his book, talks about what you believe, how your words, your thoughts and your physical body follow those instructions. You have to be very careful and responsible in how you speak to yourself and speak to other people as well. My father had the same thing. He died from his cancer treatments. He was told by his oncologist that he had less than six months to live. Lo and behold, he died within six months, almost within that six month mark. I do believe it was because of what the physician told him, that he really didn’t try or do anything to get better because of what the doctor told him. He believed he only had six months. I think it patterns people’s behavior and their expectations.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: Right, and that’s so true. I’ve been doing this for 25 years now. I can tell you just from experience, the patients who have strong beliefs and will not buy into the diagnosis that they are given, are the ones that are healed and don’t have a recurrence. The ones that just kind of go through the motions, but they don’t really believe that the therapies are going to benefit them, they’ve given up and they don’t value themselves. They don’t believe that they deserve to heal. They don’t heal. It doesn’t matter what you do. Giving people back the tools makes a difference. We can talk about how “if you believe that you’re going to do well”, but they don’t even know how to get back to that point of belief.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: That’s where these modalities like the E-box and Emotion Code that Dr. Bradley Nelson does, and Caroline Leaf and Annie Hopper. All of these are amazing tools that you can learn yourself, to use to heal your body, heal your family and your friends. I encourage people to educate themselves on these, to become their own doctor, become their own medical detective and practitioners like myself and Dr. Rankin. We’re only here to help guide you in our expertise, but really you have to become your own doctor and your own medical detective.

Wendy Myers: You have to do the work. You have to do the work yourself. No one’s going to do it for you.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: That’s true.

Wendy Myers: It’s a full-time job, let me tell you. Well, Dr. Grammith, thanks so much for coming on the show. It’s such a pleasure. Everyone loves talking about lymphs on our channel and on this podcast. It’s a very popular topic. Thank you so much for coming on. Again, tell us where we can learn more about your work and work with you.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: You can go to our website at Rightway Health and Wellness or contact our office directly. We do a 15 minute consultation with anyone that’s been on your show that heard us on your show. Mention to the staff that they heard you or heard me on your show and we’ll give them a 15 minute consultation. If they have questions about a particular case, I’ll be happy to do that. I encourage you too, to share with your audience on the juice fasting, because you can really purge your lymph if you do a 30 day juice fast. Typically by day 14, you have totally cleaned out that entire lymphatic system. Whether it’s a 21 or 30 day fast, I typically do a 30 day juice fast once or twice a year, to clean every system of the body.

Dr. Jennifer Grammith: That will cut down on the supplement loads that you have to take and things like that. It’s a great lifestyle tool to have to incorporate. You don’t have to start out with a big 30 day one. You can gradually start, but when you get to day 14 to 16 is when you’re really cleaning the lymphatic system and boosting your immune system. Those of your audience that are really concerned about their immune system right now, with all the press and things like that on the viruses out there, I encourage you to do this. The best thing that you can do for your body is to build your immune system. Your immune system is what fights off any pathogen in the body, so it can do its job properly.

Wendy Myers: Fantastic. Thank you for mentioning that. I like that tip on the juice fast, that’s great. One day, I’m going to do a long-term juice fast. I do love juice, but with food. Jennifer, thanks so much for coming on the show and everyone thank you so much for tuning in every week. It’s such a pleasure for me to help educate you on how you can be your own best advocates for your health and empower you with the knowledge of all the experts we have on the show every week. Thanks for tuning in, and I will talk to you guys next week.