Transcript #397 The Real Reasons People Can’t Overcome Their Health Issues with Dr. Michael Rankin
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- Find out what’s in store on this Myers Detox Podcast with Dr. Michael Rankin, who joins the show to discuss the real reasons why people are not getting well after after trying everything to overcome their illness. If you’ve been to doctor after doctor and cannot seem to figure out what is wrong with your health, and nothing you do seems to work, you need to listen to this show.
- Find out why Dr. Rankin became a doctor who addressed people’s health issues in a very unique way.
- Learn about one of the most powerful tools Dr. Rankin uses with his clients called the EVOX scan, which can give amazing insight as to what could be the source of people’s health issues.
- Find out how Dr. Rankin addresses emotional trauma, and some of the amazing physical shifts he sees with his patients.
- Learn more about how Dr. Rankin uses bioenergetics to find the various major stressors that are causing people to not get well.
- Find out about some of the ways Dr. Rankin uses bioenergetic modalities to help people find and then detox hidden toxins in their body.
- You can learn more about Dr. Rankin and his work at
- You can also call to schedule an appointment (954) 889-3896
Wendy Myers: Hello everyone. I’m Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Myers Detox Podcast. Today we have a very special guest visiting, Dr. Michael Rankin. He’s my personal doctor. He’s who I go to, to work on my emotional trauma and get rid of any last physical health stuff that I have going on. Liver is always a challenge for me. I’ve had profound experiences with him. I wanted to have him on the show again, to talk about why people don’t get better and continue to be sick. Why do they go to doctor after doctor, do protocol after protocol, take different supplements, follow the perfect diet, try different things and still feel like they’re spinning their wheels? We touch on a bunch of different issues like going to a practitioner who’s not asking the right questions or going to conventional medical doctors who have tests that just aren’t advanced enough.
Wendy Myers: They’re not looking at the right things. They’re not looking at emotional trauma. They’re not looking at heavy metals and toxins. They’re addressing symptoms rather than addressing the underlying root cause. The more I learn, the more that I realize that every physical health issue has an underlying emotional trauma. Attachment trauma in childhood. I know that parental relationships, good or bad, affect our physical health. There are amazing technologies that can very quickly discern what our emotional traumas are, and what physical health issues they are causing. These things are going to be very quickly addressed. I have a really compelling, personal testimonial to using these types of bioenergetic softwares. I was working with Dr. Rankin. I met him through his son and started working with him doing this EVOX software and emotional detox. He identified that my main stressor in my life was my husband. He discovered a lot of the stressors that I had. I had blocks in my lymphatic system. I had issues with my bladder. I was getting chronic bladder infections because of territorial invasion that I felt from my husband, and a lot of other dark things.
Wendy Myers: He scanned my daughter and there was a lot of dark energy and negative things coming from my husband that were affecting her. Over time, actually a short period of time, I realized that I really had to get this person out of my life. I had to leave my husband and go in a different direction. This person was not in alignment with me for a lot of different reasons. I wasn’t happy and I wasn’t fulfilled.
Wendy Myers: I recently left my husband. It was very, very difficult, but now that I have and I’ve been working with Dr. Rankin even more, I feel so much lighter. I feel like a completely different person. I’m just glowing. It absolutely was the right decision for me. Dr. Rankin was able to identify exactly what that unconscious issue was that I knew was there, but I just couldn’t quite put my finger on. I also didn’t realize that this stressor, my ex-husband, was causing me various physical health issues. I found it really fascinating. We’re going to talk about all these different issues on why people don’t get better, on the show. Thank you so much for tuning in.
Wendy Myers: Here is a little bit about Dr. Rankin. Dr. Michael Rankins Senior reveals how the root cause of most health issues, including cancer, is emotional trauma. We dive into his theories on this and the modalities that he uses. We talk about the tests he uses to measure his patients’ progress, and the stunning miracles and successes he has witnessed addressing this root cause of most physical health issues. You can learn more about Dr. Rankin on his website, . I’m tuning in with you from Bali, Indonesia. I’m here for the whole summer.
Wendy Myers: One of the reasons I came to Bali was I wanted to go on a healing journey after leaving my husband. I decided I wanted to come here to do an “eat, pray, love” type adventure, and do a lot of healing introspection. I’m doing a 30 day yoga challenge. I’m going vegetarian during this time that I’m here, I’m doing lots of meditation every day and really turning inward. I wanted to go on this spiritual journey and really connect to my creator to reveal my true nature to me. I’m doing a lot of healing on this journey. I’m thinking about the kind of people I want to have in my life and the kind of partner that I want to have in my life. I’m reevaluating everything in my life and trying to come into complete alignment with who it is that I want to be and how I want to serve you and serve the world.
Wendy Myers: I just want to thank you for tuning in every week. I love doing what I’m doing. I love hosting the show and helping to educate you guys every week. I know you’re going to love this show because I love Dr. Rankin. He just exudes love. He is such a fantastic guest. Let’s get on with the show. Dr. Rankin, thank you so much for joining the show.
Dr. Michael Rankin: Thank you for having me, Wendy. I’m so excited. The feedback that people are giving about our conversations are just really heartwarming. People are benefiting from it. They’re learning from it. They’re applying it. It’s very exciting so thank you for having me here.
Wendy Myers: We did another show, if you want to go back and listen to it, about cancer. You cannot address cancer without addressing emotional trauma. That was an excellent, excellent show. We got tons of good feedback about that. Today I wanted to talk to you about why people don’t get better. Why do people go to their doctors, do the revolving door of up to 5, 10 or 20 doctors, do all these different protocols, supplements and still continue to not get better? I want to have you guide them on the steps they need to take, to get better. First, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got into healthcare?
Dr. Michael Rankin: I started off in the earliest days, in the 70s, when I was doing research and consultations with companies. I ran into a doctor who really got me excited about what medicine could be about. At the time, I didn’t realize that what his focus was, was helping people without drugs. Helping people without surgeries and helping people without chemicals of any kind. I grew up in a family where we never used drugs and never used any kind of chemicals or anything else, to be healthy. My father told us all, five little boys, you can imagine this man sitting in front of his children saying, “You’ll never be sick. If you think you’re sick, it’s either spiritual or emotional.” He said that basically, if you think you’re sick, you need to get over it because it is not true for your life. You live in divine health.
Dr. Michael Rankin: We grew up with that thought process. Growing up in a family like that, you don’t take drugs. You don’t do vaccinations. You don’t do any of these things because it makes no sense. I wanted to go into medicine and to study conventional medicine. I was going to go the route of being a DO. I ran into this doctor and he said, “Michael, God, can’t be this stupid.” I said, “What do you mean?” He said, “I just finished my third fellowship in cardiology, critical care & intensive care medicine and I won’t do what they’ve taught me, because it makes no sense.” He said, “If someone has a cardiac problem, figure out the reason for the cardiac problem. If you don’t ask the right questions, the answers don’t matter”. I thought, “Oh my goodness. I heard this all my life growing up”.
Dr. Michael Rankin: My father was an attorney, so questions were the answers. You always have to ask lots of questions. This doctor said to me, “If you don’t ask the right questions then the answers won’t matter. The challenge with people is that, if you’ve gone to more than two doctors in your lifetime for a given issue, and it lasts more than six months, the right questions have not been asked and the right messages have not been told”. Let’s use an example, Wendy, you’ve had discussions about this before. If someone says you have Lyme disease, right? There isn’t any such thing as Lyme disease. That’s a wrong phraseology of different words. Lyme is an infection like any other infection. It can cause manifestations, but it only causes manifestations if there is a lack of something else going on.
Dr. Michael Rankin: I just tested somebody yesterday, they’ve got three active Lymes. They don’t show any Lyme disease. If someone says to you that you have this, stop listening, sit back and say, “Wait a minute, I don’t have Lyme disease. I have a conflict in my body”. Ask the right question. “What is that?” I found, for example, with Lyme. If Lyme is manifesting something strong in a body, it’s because there’s a lack of love. Then you have to understand what that means. You’d have to go down that road and find out what does that mean? It comes right back to the emotional issues.
Wendy Myers: We just recently did a test on me and found that I had Bartonella or something like that, during this ZYTO scan. I exhibited no symptoms, whatsoever. I had a rife treatment and got rid of it. The next person that maybe has compromised immunity, heavy metals or lack of love in their life would become very ill from the same infection. I love that you do this EVOX bioenergetic scan on a perceptual retraining with people. It’s something I’ve been doing with you for a few months. It has helped me so much. I actually left my husband because of doing this kind of work. I realized that a lot of dark energy that I had, and trauma that I had, was coming from him. I was really unhappy because of it. Doing this whole process made me realize I was not in alignment with him and I was able to leave him. I’m so much happier today, and so grateful to you as well.
Wendy Myers: This is such a powerful tool that you’re using with several people that I know. You’re going to start using it with my brother’s wife. I trust you implicitly with your skillset and your knowledge base, in using these types of bioenergetic softwares. Can you talk to us about that? About the EVOX and how it tests all of your emotions and then helps to reframe your perceptions, so that you can be happier and healthier.
Dr. Michael Rankin: Yes, absolutely. Quite frankly, if I didn’t have that skill set and that technology together in a synergistic way, it would be much more difficult to help people. It gives us so much information on the subconscious level that you can’t get, except for thousands and thousands of hours and years of psychotherapy of what’s going on. When I do these evaluations, you’ve got a hand on the electrode that is measuring that person’s information, on the electrode. I’m measuring their voiceprint with a microphone in the software. When I see the evaluation come up and it says a religious nature, I find they were beaten up badly when they went to their Christian schools and were talked to very badly over and over again, about how bad they were. This is in the forming years of their childhood. What happens with that? They also had a challenging family environment.
Dr. Michael Rankin: They attract the wrong person. The woman attracts the abusive guy, the guy attracts the abusive woman. I can go back and trace that down, and help them understand “how did I get here?” How many times has anybody been in an abusive, bad relationship and they blame themselves? Well, there’s no blame to be made. It’s an evaluation to understand. If someone is ill and has a headache and if it’s a migraine, then I know it’s very much parent-related, 100% of the time. I use this technology and my divine discernment, to bring about an answer as to what is happening that causes that. Then I get rid of that and the headaches and the migraines go away.
Dr. Michael Rankin: We use all of this technology to evaluate people on a very, very deep level, consciously and subconsciously. Every day 40 things happen consciously, which is left brain. 40 million things happen subconsciously, which is the rest of our existence. If you’re not dealing with the most important thing that’s been with you since your birth and even before, all of our energy is carried on our DNA. You have your mother’s DNA and you have her energy. You have your father’s DNA and that energy. You have the expression of both of those in you. You have the expression of their relationship to one another. With my work and the evaluation of the emotional work, I can get to the root of that and then help see why that is. Like with you, you’re able to release that, understand that and immediately see things that could not be seen before.
Dr. Michael Rankin: We’re blinded by the subconscious energy of our existence that came down through the generations. If I can help elevate that up into the awareness level, then it can be released. That’s what happened to you and you were able to very beautifully resolve it. You now, just continue to massively flourish. All kinds of things are happening because joy begets joy and sin begets sin. If we don’t even know what it is that’s causing our disharmony, that we’re going to keep bringing in disharmony.
Dr. Michael Rankin: Time and time again, I’ve had young women, guys are not doing this for whatever reason, but they’ll send me a picture asking, “what about this guy?” I’ll tell them about that guy. How do I know that? Because if you ever spoke to somebody, you have their energy in you. That’s why I can talk to you about your wife, your daughter, your cousin or your brother, because you have those frequencies in you. You in them and them in you.
Dr. Michael Rankin: What happens to all of us, Wendy, is that we have an expression, exposure and an experience from our life’s upbringing, that may or may not be beneficial to us. Something happened magnificently to make you the person you are. You have this incredible ability and a beautiful servant heart, very heart centered, to be able to go out and help people. To be able to go out and be that servant heart to help people with the discernment to know what to incorporate. When we take the frequencies of our emotions, they can actually put us in the grave.
Dr. Michael Rankin: If you ever have anybody in your life and all they do is complain about somebody else, then what are they trying to tell you? Is it about somebody else or are they trying to tell you something about themselves? If a person remains sick for a very long time, then maybe the message they got growing up is, if you don’t get attention by whatever means possible, then you’re not going to be happy. If they could never get it from their parents, they’re going to find another way to get it subconsciously. People think that they are sick from a lump, or they are dying, because they choose that. They don’t choose that. Nobody would choose that. I mean that’s some form of a mental issue, but it’s most of the time, subconscious. What do I see a large percent of the time with dementia and Alzheimer’s, is a very challenging relationship with somebody else. 100% of the time.
Wendy Myers: They just want to check out.
Dr. Michael Rankin: They check out because the noise coming in their ears is so bad. When a child has an earache, the ear is a receptor of information and emotions. If it’s the right ear, it’s “I really want to hear this wonderful sweet noise”. Left ear is the parents’ arguing and “I wish I’d never heard what they just said”. Left ear earache, you want to fix a problem. If you put sounds from nature in every room in your house, watch your whole mood change. Okay? Go out somewhere in a field or go to a gem shop and get a rose quartz, a citrine or a quartz, get a waterfall and stick it in there and listen to that sound. Your mood will elevate. Why? Because it’s a frequency coming from that reaction of the water to the stone. Come to my house on the farm, you sit there listening to the creek washing over the stones and through the woods. You just sit there and it feels so good.
Wendy Myers: That was me this morning because I’m in Bali, Indonesia right now. I’m in a hotel right next to a river. This morning I was listening to the river and the birds and the frogs. I felt so much joy in my heart, it just felt unbelievable.
Dr. Michael Rankin: Wonderful. The east Indians came up with this word “chakra” to explain the energy points in the body. And if you really studied it, you find that those energy points relate to various organs. You can find a book on Chinese acupuncture. You can open that book to any page and look at what organ is associated with what part of the body, and then touch that part of the body. Let’s say, for example, you touch the middle of your chest. Indians told us that is the heart chakra, the energy of the heart. If you draw a line from one nipple to the other, where it crosses the sternum, you touch that part of your body and if it hurts, it means you have heart stress. If someone has a heart attack, what part of the body do they hit? What part of the body do they shock? The heart chakra?
Dr. Michael Rankin: Well, I’ll be darned. Why do they do that? Because that energy point attaches to the liver, to the lungs and to the brain. Well, important thing, right? You can tap it and actually change a pattern. If somebody has asthma, we can squeeze this part of their hand because it’s the large intestine. What is the large intestine? Colon. What is asthma? Colon toxicity. What is the emotion of the colon? When you squeeze this part of your hand and you have pain there, you are holding onto old stuff. What is that also called? Constipation. If someone is constipated, they’re holding on to old stuff. You want to see if you’re holding on old stuff, squeeze this part of your hand.
Wendy Myers: That part hurts, on me.
Dr. Michael Rankin: Holding onto stuff, right? You just went through a life changing experience, which has great joy and relief, at the same time holding onto old stuff. If someone says I am sick because of mold. That’s not necessarily true either because you can have someone in a very strong mold environment. Let’s say you’re traveling and you’re in Bali and there’s a lot of mold in Bali. If you’re traveling in Bali and you have a lot of mold exposure, why aren’t you sick? It comes back to you asking the right questions. If you’re over reacting to a stimulus, why are you overreacting to a stimulus? You have to ask the right questions to find out what is the reason for the manifestation of the conflict.
Dr. Michael Rankin: What we look for is what is going on with the person and how do you evaluate that person? The standard word that’s used is diagnosis. What does that mean? Well, what it means is evaluation. If you don’t evaluate appropriately, then the answer doesn’t matter. If we go with the construct that our body is a creation of beauty, wonder and love, then it should be divine in all those regards. If it’s divine in all those regards, then it makes no sense to be ill. Make the assumption first of all, that the body is a divine creation by whatever construct your belief is. It means that we should be in divine health. If we’re supposed to be in divine health and there’s a manifestation of what appears to be an illness, a challenge, a physical issue or a stressor, then figure out what that is.
Wendy Myers: I really liked your approach because you focus so much on emotional trauma and how our emotions and our perceptions can cause our physical health issues and mental health issues. I truly believe after studying bioenergetics for the last five years and health for my whole life really, that every physical health issue has an emotional trauma behind it, as the underlying root cause. That’s where people need to begin. I’ve seen huge shifts in working with my own client population, where people are looking for this physical answer, the next supplement, the next program or something that’s going to help. If they do something with emotional trauma, they have a massive shift in their physical health. Can you talk a little about that?
Dr. Michael Rankin: Yes, absolutely. Let’s take someone that I just talked with who has a dissociative disorder. What is a dissociative disorder? It means they’re not safe in their own body. Well, why not ask the question why they’re not safe in their own body? If they’re disassociating from themselves, then some message came to them, more than likely in the first several moments that they were inside their mother’s womb. Something was going on that scared that developing fetus. What happens in the first 18 days of human existence? The governing vessel, which runs from your lips to your tailbone, in the first 18 days, the first thing that forms in the acupuncture Meridian system is the governing vessel. Where does it connect? To the brainstem. Where does the brainstem eventually connect to? The limbic system. So if this is happening to this person, then go back to what is the root cause of that.
Dr. Michael Rankin: The simple question to ask is, what is your relationship like with your mom? “Horrible. We don’t talk,” was the answer. What is your relationship like with your dad? “He died. He was a violent alcoholic.” Not safe to be in this home. The father was an alcoholic when the mother was pregnant with the woman. The mother was rather a gnarly personality. There was a lot of conflict between mom and dad, who takes the brunt of it? The child. What does the child always think 100% of the time in a family environment? It’s their fault. Depending on where they are in the lineup of their existence as their siblings, they will take the brunt of it. They will either resolve it, be in charge of it and then basically not face it again, which is not necessarily the most beneficial thing.
Dr. Michael Rankin: How many children have you heard have ADD? What is ADD? ADD is an allergy stress response in the body that’s causing an overstimulation of the brain to overreact to a stimulus. So what do they do with that? They give an Adderall or some other add drug to quash the natural energy that’s responding to the stimulus. So what’s the question that should have been asked? What is the person responding to? What is the simple way to figure out what they’re responding to?
Dr. Michael Rankin: One of the simplest ways to figure that out, is to do the Coca Pulse Test. It’s a free test. You can find it online and get a free download of the Coca Pulse Test. Now you’re going to ask yourself the right question. If I take a pulse on my finger with a pulse oximeter, and my pulse is 52, and I eat the food and now my pulse is 68. I’ve gone up by 12 points or more. I had an allergy stress response to my food, therefore my brain is going to overreact to stimulus. That’s the question that should have been asked.
Dr. Michael Rankin: What is the big term today, Wendy, that everybody’s talking about? Auto-immune. What is auto-immune? Auto-immune is rejection by one or both parents. What happens about 60% of the time when I bring that up? They say, “Oh, I had a good relationship with my parents” until we go a little further into the dialogue and they talk about what they needed to do to please their mother. Well, that’s not necessarily a good relationship. That’s just figuring out how to please your mother or how to please your father. That’s still rejection from both parents if I don’t perform. We have this technology where I can actually do a voiceprint, which came from Sherry Edward’s work. When you do a voiceprint then you can tell what the emotion is behind the voiceprint. The challenge is that some people use that software called EVOX and they just say, “Oh well, it says red. It means anger.” What difference does that make? It’s still the wrong question.
Dr. Michael Rankin: Why is there anger? To what person is the anger directed? A majority of the time they want to talk about the anger being directed towards somebody. When the anger quite often is directed toward themselves, as it relates to being rejected by one or both parents, AKA auto-immune. If auto-immune is being rejected by one or both parents, and it is a direction towards ourselves to do some damage to our own physical, spiritual, or emotional health, then solve that question by answering the right question. Then you can figure out what that is. Get to the crux of our relationship to something outside of our carnal existence, ego, which is left brain and get into something spiritual, right brain. How do you do that?
Dr. Michael Rankin: Let’s say for example, you pick this book up and you open it and you start reading out loud. I don’t care if it’s the Bible or whatever you want to read. It doesn’t matter what it is, but most people have healing in their own voices. If they read out loud something of beauty, like Pablo Nerruda is one of my favorites, because I think he’s just the most beautiful poet, he wrote all these beautiful love poems about his wife. It was just the most beautiful thing to listen to or to read or to imagine. You read it out loud, now your left brain is turned off. Your right brain is turned on. Now it’s connecting to your heart and you can say to yourself, reveal my true nature.
Dr. Michael Rankin: God, Jesus, whatever, reveal my true nature. What am I supposed to know? So where does the answer come from? It becomes between you and your spiritual self. You don’t go to your doctor and say, what am I supposed to know about this? Forget that nonsense. How can you ask a stranger, relatively speaking, what you’re supposed to know or think about yourself? Forget that. It’s the one person to whom you’re going to ask the question.
Wendy Myers: How many people do you know, how many clients or patients have gone to so many different doctors and get worse and worse and worse, from the medications they’re put on or unnecessary surgeries they’ve had or just the time it takes. They’re going downhill. So many people are told by their doctor they have six months to live, there is no cure or you’ll have to be on this medication for life. People take that to heart. They internalize it and pass on at the time that their doctor said that they had left to live.
Wendy Myers: A prime example is my father, he was given six months to live and he died within six months. I really have a big problem with conventional doctors who have a very limited toolkit and don’t take the time and effort to learn beyond what they’re taught in their conventional medical school education. That’s why I love that you employ bioenergetics. I think this is the way of the future, doing bioenergetic scans, doing voice scans, and very quickly learning information about that person and the order in which you’re supposed to address their health issues. Can you talk about how you use bioenergetics when working with your patients?
Dr. Michael Rankin: Yes. Wendy, it’s such a good question. I really thank you for bringing it up because it is my favorite thing that we learned so many years ago. One of the tests that we do is on 480,000 different points. How do you even use that much information? Well, the doctor that created that and coalesced that into a meaningful group of information, evaluated the organs, evaluated the toxins, whether it’s Lyme infections, whether it’s bacteria or fungal or viral. He looked at the brain function. He looked at the dental and he looked at the energetic fields. We can actually look at all of the energetic meridians of the entire body. We can look at all the chakra energies of the entire body. Then we can coalesce those top down, to find out what is the biggest stressor.
Dr. Michael Rankin: Once you figure out what the biggest stressor is, then you deal with that to take care of what is underlying that. If you try to just go to the infection and that’s what the person is told is their big issue, or you try to go to the cancer and the cancer is not the biggest issue even if they have a presence of cancer. Everybody has cancer from the time they’re born, until the time they pass, in the physical body. Everybody has cancer. What we see in this test is, everybody’s cancer and everybody has cancer. Whether it’s their child, their grandpa, their mom, everybody has cancer. We look at every aspect of that person from their hydration levels, their energy levels, their cancer levels, their brain functions and their adrenals. All those stress levels. We look at all of the phenolic stress of their foods. We look at all the phenolic stress of their inhalants. We look at all of their glutathione levels. We look at their homocysteine levels. We look at their C-reactive protein levels. We look at liver function, phase one and phase two liver.
Dr. Michael Rankin: If you’ve never studied phase one and phase two liver, 100% of the listeners to your podcast have got a challenge with their phase one and phase two liver. It is the most common issue in the entire world, phase one and phase two liver. If you don’t know what that means, go study that, it’ll be the most important aspect of your education. When we look at the phase one and phase two liver, how many people have big bellies? Fats on their bellies? Bigger bellies? What is the cause of that? Liver. Liver. Diabetes. What is the cause of diabetes? Liver. What is the secondary cause of all of those? Lungs?
Dr. Michael Rankin: What happens when people are not breathing effectively and they’re not outside? Their breathing is affecting their detox ability, which is then affecting their liver. The liver in Chinese medicine is the mother of the heart. So if the liver is out of balance, then number one, what is that going to affect? Sleep? When you go to a doctor, and say, “I can’t sleep”, he gives you a drug. I mean, seriously? Ambien or some other nonsense like that to help you sleep. The basic effect is, when we look at the test and we say, “What is causing this problem to not be able to sleep?” In a test, we could look at EMF stressors. We can see it, that’s one of the things that’s causing their problems. We can look at mental blocks to healing. If there’s a mental block to healing and the number one thing the mental block to healing is, unworthy and unwilling to heal. Well, probably we want to address that first because everything else is of no consequence or interest until you address that they are not willing, ready, or able to heal.
Dr. Michael Rankin: We look at the spiritual blocks to healing. How many people have a spiritual block to healing because they feel they’re unworthy or they have never been forgiven for whatever it is? What does that even mean? Forgiven? Oh, I forgive myself. Nonsense. That word is just useless. That phraseology is useless. We could actually see that in our test. If the person has never been forgiven, never accepted forgiveness for whatever it was when they’re 12 years old and now they’re now 57. Why do they have a health challenge now? Because something happened when they were a child. Again, it goes back to emotions.
Dr. Michael Rankin: I have a woman right now who’s been sick for more than 15 years. Why? Because she had the impression that was given by one of her parents, that she was an unwanted pregnancy. She has never been wanted. Auto-immune, rejected by one or both parents. It turns out it was not true. Period. Made the assumption, never talked about it. It was too hurtful to talk about. Turns out the person that she was told didn’t want her, was the one whose life was saved by the pregnancy of her. What do you think that did to that person’s health? Completely started to restore that person’s health.
Dr. Michael Rankin: All these years was an unwanted pregnancy and a burden. When it turns out it was a rumor and she didn’t know it, she was living with a lie. If there’s something in your mind that is negative towards you, we can actually test that with our device in an hour and a half. We can tell you absolutely everything about the human body, physiologically, emotionally and spiritually about what’s going on. We can look at tap water contaminants, and someone says, “I got a great filter and I have 400 tap water contaminants.” You know what’s in our tap water Wendy?
Wendy Myers: I was shocked when you did a test with me and I could not believe the stressors that came up that were in my tap water. I was just absolutely shocked. For me, I’ve been detoxing for so long and it came up for me, polonium was my number one stressor. It is not something I’d ever worked on detoxing because I didn’t know I had it because most conventional tests don’t test for that.
Dr. Michael Rankin: Exactly. So that’s when we take that technology and we take the fact that all of those stressors in the body have an energetic imprint. I had a patient a couple months ago who was into astrology and I’ve never known what astrology was per se. I’ve heard about it. The way she described it is that, you have planets and those planets have energy. The sun has energy. The moon has energy. Our body has energy. This rock has energy, right? Everything in the world is energy. And so, when we are affected by energy coming into us and what are we on right now? We’re on a computer. The energy of that computer, 70% of all of your body’s energy is affected by your eyes. 70%. So if 90% of a person’s day is looking at this, holy cow.
Dr. Michael Rankin: What’s going to happen to their energy? What’s going to happen to the thought process? What is one of the number one causes of not sleeping? This. That’s why we put these in the back of it to reduce the negative energy from that. The smart meters we know will zap the thyroid. One of the things that we look at in our energetic evaluations is thyroid. When we get done with all of that, we can do a laser detox with that. I’ll never forget this rest of my life. Michael did a detox on a man that when he was in his six to seven, eight year old timeframe was helping his dad clean parts. Michael did a laser detox on him and the chemicals that came out of that 60 some odd year old man. I mean, he had to open all the windows in the clinic because of the smell coming off of this guy, from 60 years prior, and it was coming out now. What did he do?
Dr. Michael Rankin: He energetically painted this man with his own frequencies, from our own scan and released all that. If someone says, “Oh, should I do IV chelation?” Sure, do it about 700 times and do it every day for the next 700 days.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. Good luck with that.
Dr. Michael Rankin: Right? That’s why, when you introduce this to the Ionic Cleanse and that specific one is just so well-made. I think it’s the one that’s been around the longest. When you put frequencies of that device into your body, it ties up the toxins in your body from mycotoxins to heavy metals, and carries them out to all the elimination systems. Then you start using the saunas like the Therasage, you use the Ionic Cleanse, you do the hydration, you put all these things together and then we can go back a month to six weeks later and actually see what is the effect of what you just did.
Dr. Michael Rankin: No guesswork. One of the people I just dealt with, was told horrible things about their cancer levels. I said, “I have more cancer cells in my body than you do, but the difference between you and me is that I don’t believe I can be sick. You’ve always thought you could be sick.” So one of the things that we do when I’m doing the emotional release work, is to divinely discern their level of joy. If I’m working with someone, and all I feel is sadness or I actually see their face and their whole face is down, then I’ve got to get it to where they’re giggling. Many times we act so adult that we forget about the child within.
Dr. Michael Rankin: One of the first things I try to get people to do, is to write a letter to themselves as a two year old. How does a two year old write a letter? With a fine pen and a paper? No, with a crayon. You go out and write yourself this beautiful letter to yourself as this little child. What do you do when you do that? You start thinking about this little child and you start writing a love letter to yourself as this little child. Now what do you do after that? Maybe I ask them to read it out loud and then go burn it. They burn it and as they’re burning it they say, “God, this is none of my business, but thank you for the memory.” All of a sudden they released whatever it was that was associated with that two year old timeframe.
Dr. Michael Rankin: When we write something with a pen, we write something with a material, our frequency is going into that material. That’s why I love using pens and I always try to have loads of them. I always try to have a really nice pen because when I write with a really nice pen, it’s meaningful, it’s important. Okay. If it’s an important letter to somebody, then I try to find some beautiful paper and write it on that beautiful paper. We’re communicating something of a great intimate nature, in this case to the little child within ourselves. I love having your daughter around because she’s such a joy. She’s so playful. She said, “Well, can I bring one puppy in?” Well, of course we ended up with four puppies inside because that’s just what happens. There’s nothing rigid and organized about children, hopefully. There’s something playful, energetic and joyful with them.
Dr. Michael Rankin: We want to think just like that. As you’re listening to this conversation, if you think, I could have done a better job, well, we can always do a better job. But regardless of what you believe, God is a higher knowledge. It’s something outside of ourselves. Far greater than us. We can tap into that. How do we get the answers? We get the answers from a divine source. Now the questions are correct. Now the feedback we give to ourselves is beautiful. Now we sit there and listen.
Dr. Michael Rankin: People come to Michael’s office with whatever their issue is. If it pops up, they may or may not come back immediately to get help with their pain. They’ll think, I don’t know how to release it, but I know why it is. He immediately starts sending good energy towards that person that they just started sharing a house with or an apartment with, because they know that negative energy was causing them bladder stress. We have great empowerment to ask ourselves the right question. The beauty of this technology, the EVOX with the mind discernment, is the most amazing technology to help people get down to the crux of what is the foundation of the issue.
Dr. Michael Rankin: The funny thing, Wendy, when I do the evaluations with the EVOX, and unfortunately a lot of these practitioners just never learned it because they don’t really teach it this way. If there’s a block that I know is a religious block and I give him a phrase that should be really a very acceptable phrase like “I deserve peace, love and harmony,” to get the religious block and then to get the other block that they don’t even believe what they just said, then I know it’s a spiritual block. Then what am I going to do? I’m not going to keep going around and around and around for 20 more cycles. As you know, I’m impatient about helping them get rid of their stuff. I’ll help them get rid of that religious block, which will then allow them on the next cycle or two to say, “I deserve peace, love and harmony.” Now, they attract everything good. Now, they attract that divine health that they were born with and deserve.
Dr. Michael Rankin: When we’re talking about the word deserve, people get this horrible thought that they don’t deserve peace, love and harmony. We’re made for joy. If we’re made for that and we don’t have that, that’s the question that should be asked, “Why don’t I have joy? Why don’t I feel I deserve joy?” Go down that road. If they need help, then come get it. We’ll show them how to find that and empower them to do it. After the initial session, I always have some contact with them afterwards because the homework they do is the most important part. To follow up with what we’ve asked them to do. They’re literally feeding themselves with the things we teach them from the sessions we’ve done. Then I can go back in the next session and actually show what has been released or what they drug in, what they keep holding onto.
Wendy Myers: I had a session with you, it was quite a while ago, and I was really taken aback with what you dug up in the session, how quickly it was released and how much better I felt afterwards. The amount of love that you exude when you’re working with someone and your sincerity and your authenticity. Like I said, you’re such a heart- centered practitioner as well, and very intuitive. It makes for a very interesting session. I knew immediately there was something so profound about working with you. I immediately flew to your clinic in St. Louis, with my daughter. We worked with you for about a week there. I’ve been working with you ever since and my life has changed profoundly since then. I highly recommend you to anyone that feels like they’re struggling or they’re stuck. If they’re having trouble getting better or if they know intuitively that they’re not getting the answers that they need to make the shifts in their health that they want, then I highly recommend working with Dr. Rankin. Tell us about how someone can work with you.
Dr. Michael Rankin: The best webpage to use is the web page. They can also call me at (214) 392-8888. They can call the clinic number, which is (954) 889-3896. My personal number is (214) 392-8888. They can call, they can text or they can leave a message there. Just give me a chance to respond. If you have not heard back from me in 24 hours, we’re having some problems with the local towers around here. If I haven’t talked to you in 24 hours after your initial call or contact, know that something is wrong and call me back. You can never call me too many times to make contact, okay? Their web page is My son, Michael is in charge of that. You can also call Michael at (314) 899-9535. That’s (314) 899-9535. He does the work with the pain. Quite often, we will work together.
Dr. Michael Rankin: I’m in his office right now and I use the office right next door to do the emotional release work there. The two of us work together on the testing cancer webpage and on the webpage. There’s a number of testimonials. If someone texts me and says, “Send back the testimonials,” then I’ll send back the testimonials. It’s very exciting because we see that people’s pain goes away by doing emotional work. A woman got off of the kidney transplant list by doing the emotional work. People have had horrible neck pain and we got rid of the neck pain by doing the emotional work. One of the beautiful things that I’ve seen, like with your own daughter, we did the work with you and your beautiful daughter benefited from it too. That’s a wonderful thing about this work with the emotional release, Wendy.
Dr. Michael Rankin: When we work with a parent, the children always benefit, every time. Working with you and the influence that you have to help so many people, I was so excited to be able to do that. When someone comes to us after they’ve had recurring health challenges, especially because there’s a lot of shots being given and all kinds of other things happening, lots of people are being affected in all kinds of a number of ways. They might go to get chemotherapy or radiation or something that’s harmful, and we bring them back with love. Come and be loved unconditionally. We don’t judge anybody by their decisions. We love them where they are and help them bring forth. What is the reason why decisions are made that harm somebody? It is because of a lack of self-love and it’s either conscious or subconscious.
Dr. Michael Rankin: Michael and I, as a purpose in life, love people unconditionally. If you’re having a health challenge or you’re fearful of something, fear and faith cannot harbor the same space. What’s the question I ask? Why do I fear this? If you need help understanding that, then we could help you with that. These two web pages have some information about it and some good clinical information too. The page has a lot more testimonials on it. You can text either Michael and I, we both will respond to text messages to the (214) 392-8888 number. Say, “testimonials,” if that’s all you want or send me your email address through that same texting. I’ll send you back an email. And all we really want to do is make sure that people are helped. If they need more intensive help, then we want to make sure that they’re able to get it.
Wendy Myers: Yes, fantastic.
Dr. Michael Rankin: Okay.
Wendy Myers: You’re located in St. Louis. I highly recommend going and seeing you guys in person. You have so many amazing modalities, Equiscope and so many different things that you’re doing with people that help them tremendously. Like I said, you guys specialize in pain and in cancer. You do so many other things beyond that too. They’re who I go to. I can go to anyone that I want. I’m so thankful that I found you Dr. Rankin, or you found me too. Thanks so much for everything that you do, all the people that you help and the tremendous impact that you make on the world.
Wendy Myers: Everyone, thanks so much for tuning in to the Myers Detox Podcast. We’re broadcasting from Bali, Indonesia. I’m here for the summer and having a fantastic time. Tomorrow I’m actually going hiking to a waterfall. I’m going to be going to a water purification temple where the holy waters there are believed to be anti-aging. I’m going to be filming all this with a drone and it’s going to be super, super fun. Everyone, thanks for tuning in. I’m Wendy Myers of I’ll talk to you guys very, very soon.