Transcript #415 Healing Anxiety, Depression & Mental Health with Natural Medicine, Family Constellations, Homeopathy & Trauma Therapy with Ameet Aggarwal


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  1. Find out what’s in store on this Myers Detox Podcast with Dr. Ameet Aggarwal, who joins the show to talk about how you can address the root cause of anxiety, depression, and variety of other mental health conditions, using bioenergetic modalities, psychoenergetic modalities, EMDR, family constellations therapy, homeopathy and Bach flower remedies. Dr. Ameet also talks about how you can address mental health issues by addressing things on the physical level as well. If you or someone you know has been struggling with their mental health and are looking for other strategies to address it, this is a can’t miss episode!
  2. Learn more about Dr. Aggarwal’s story and how he became interested in helping people with mental health issues.
  3. Find out why talk therapy can only go so far, and what really needs to be addressed in order to heal from mental health issues.
  4. Learn more about trauma, how it surfaces in the body, and what situations in life traumas can derive from.
  5. Find out all the areas of your body that trauma can affect on a physical level.
  6. Find out why people become depressed, and the many ways Dr. Ameet addresses depression, depending on their depression type.
  7. Read more about the best ways to approach therapy and healing.
  8. Learn more about Dr. Aggarwal’s incredible course that goes through both emotional and physical healing practices aimed at getting to the root cause of mental health issues.
  9. Find out where you can learn more about Dr. Aggarwal and his work.


Wendy Myers: Hello everyone. I’m Wendy Myers, welcome to the Myers Detox Podcast. Today we have a really important show. We have my good friend, Dr. Ameet Aggarwal who is joining us from Kenya. He’s a really good friend of mine. I wanted to have him come on the show. He’s such a sweet, loving, caring soul. He helps people with depression, anxiety, insomnia and trauma, which is the underlying root cause of these ailments. We go into how to address these things, these issues at the root cause, using bioenergetic modalities, psychoenergetic modalities, EMDR, family constellations therapy, homeopathy and Bach flower remedies. We talk about Dr. Ameet’s course on depression and how to address things on a physical level as well. How your liver is your master organ and you need to address fixing your organ if you want to regulate your neurotransmitters, your hormones, your digestion, et cetera.

Wendy Myers: Detoxification, of course we talk about that. It is a really, really good show. Dr. Ameet, he’s fantastic. He was voted one of the top 43 naturopathic doctors worldwide. He’s helped thousands of people around the world heal from trauma, anxiety, depression, and chronic disease by combining naturopathic and functional medicine, gestalt therapy, family constellations therapy, EMDR and homeopathy. He has a free online course and books at He’ll help you get relief faster from burnout, anxiety, depression, chronic disease and trauma by helping you heal your body and mind together, holistically. He also helps kids living with disabilities in poor communities in Kenya with holistic medicine and homeopathy through the sale of his online courses and books. By supporting Dr. Ameet, you support his charity work, working with children in Kenya that have essentially been rejected by their families and villages because of their disabilities. He’s doing beautiful work in Kenya. Dr. Ameet, thank you so much for joining the show.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: Pleasure, pleasure. Greetings from Kenya, everyone.

Wendy Myers: You live in Kenya. Tell us a little bit about your story and how you got interested in the health field and helping people with anxiety and depression.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: I was actually semi-depressed without knowing it. I had no idea it was going on for me, actually. I joined the Naturopathic College in Canada and totally started healing my gut, my liver and different things. I noticed my body and my mind started healing together. That was very intriguing for me. Then I landed in psychotherapy school without knowing what the heck I was getting into, to be honest. My whole childhood got exposed, all those normal experiences, what I’d normalized or thought, okay, this is part of life, got seen by a very caring therapist. Suddenly my power and vulnerability started growing. My vulnerability grew in a positive way. Suddenly I could speak my truth. I could ask for what I wanted. I was more clear in my mind about communication with others, other people’s feelings, my own needs, my own vulnerability and my own emotions. Slowly and surely the anxiety and depression started going away.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: I realized the importance of healing both the body and the mind together, which we’ll talk about today. You cannot do one or the other. A lot of people focus on healing your body and ignoring emotional trauma from childhood, parental issues, conflicts, beliefs, divorce, separation or financial stress, which all have a huge impact on our mind, our nervous system and our adrenal glands. We’ll get into that today. I also focus on family constellations therapy, trauma in our ancestors and how that’s passed on through generations into us. We carry a lot of weight and I don’t want to call it nonsense, but just a lot of noise that affects our mood, our ability to be happy, our energy and our immunity. Using family constellation therapy, I also help people disentangle from ancestral trauma.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: The nervous system in their mind, their emotions and their energetic field is just clear. Then when you do that work, the body heals much faster as well. The gut heals faster, the liver detox is better. The adrenal glands get more into balance faster because there’s less emotional stress plummeting the nervous system, exhausting the vagus nerve, stifling your liver and creating cortisol imbalances. That’s how I combine both body and mind therapies.

Wendy Myers: I love how you’re approaching this. I suffered depression in all of my twenties and I sought out a lot of different therapies, reading books and just trying everything to feel better. I think one thing that we’ve learned is that experts in trauma like professor van der Kolk say that yapping doesn’t work. It’s nice to have some cognitive awareness of what’s going on with you, why you’re behaving the way you do or interacting in relationships the way that you do but ultimately these are trauma or intergenerational traumas in our energy field. That’s where it needs to be addressed. Correct?

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: Right. You bring up a good point, Wendy. Talk therapy sometimes goes only so far. You’re cognitive of the issue, you’re yapping about it but you’re not going deeper. You’re not having a body experience about what you’re talking about. What I do with my clients is get them to feel it in their body, what’s going on. That’s where their vulnerability and healing starts to take place. Once you start feeling the memory in your body, a somatic experience, your body starts suddenly shifting and the memory starts changing. You come out of the intensity, the loudness of that memory. Suddenly you come to terms with reality a bit more clearly, your confidence starts returning, your body senses a new reality because unconsciously your body was stuck in the old traumatic memory and reality.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: I like to use more body-centered therapies like gestalt therapy, EMDR tapping  and family consultations of course. I combine it with gestalt therapy, so it is more somatic. I’m also excited to be learning somatic experiencing therapy at the moment, as well. I think people get a lot more out of therapy when they’re including their breath, their body sensation and their mind, to connect in a very authentic and vulnerable way. I use the word vulnerability very purposefully because that’s our tenderness and that’s where the healing takes place.

Wendy Myers: Can you talk about trauma a little more in-depth? How so many people have trauma, how that affects their body and how that really needs to be addressed at that root cause energetically in order for people to feel better. What does that process look like?

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: Trauma is not necessarily something that happens to us. It happens within us. That’s what Gabriel Matthew also says. It’s what happens within us. We shut down, we disassociate, we escape and we block off the memory. We make adjustments in our psyche and as well as in our energy body. When trauma happens, our body goes into fight or flight or freeze response. What happens there, physiologically, is your adrenal glands start kicking in and you start making excessive adrenaline and cortisol. Unhealed trauma remains in the nervous system. There’ve been studies done about childhood trauma, also known as adverse childhood experiences or ACEs, where people with ACEs actually end up with more heart disease, chronic illness, cancers, diabetes, et cetera. That’s because the nervous system is really damaged and affected. It’s hyperresponsive to life and to adult stresses. It’s constantly affecting your gut, your liver and your adrenal glands until the trauma is resolved.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: Most people walk around with burnt out adrenal glands because they’ve had some experience in their childhood or adulthood they haven’t resolved. It doesn’t have to necessarily be a car accident or a rape or a big trauma. It could be your mom going on holiday for two months or two weeks or something like that. There’s an abandonment issue or you said something and everyone looked away because they were focusing on your sick brother, for example. Suddenly you felt, gosh, you weren’t connecting and your voice is not important. You, as a young child, automatically adjust in order to stay connected to that family or that environment that you’re experiencing life in. You might work harder for more attention or to be seen, or you might be very careful with your words in order to gain acceptance.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: If there is strong sexual abuse, you might block off a lot of feelings. Sometimes with incest, I often see hypersexuality because that’s your connection with acceptance and love. We make many adjustments as children and as adults, from childhood trauma. These behavioral adjustments are seen as behavioral, but there are also physiological adjustments which are seen like ulcers, headaches and skin issues. I often see skin issues when there’s abandonment or conflict with your parents, especially eczema. These adjustments happen from childhood up to adulthood when stronger stresses come into our life because our body’s now being triggered, and those old memories are being triggered. Your body, nervous system and physiology basically gets more hyperresponsive.

Wendy Myers: I like that you brought up that these emotional traumas, based on the ACEs study which is a phenomenal study, can lead to physical health issues. I think people don’t realize that connection. They know they have a physical issue and they start looking for a physical solution. Our physical health is very much tied to our emotional state and our traumas. Can you talk about that a little bit more, expand on that?

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: I’d love to. What happens is, let’s say now we’ve got this whole traumatized nervous system that’s hypervigilant and it’s driving your adrenal system. Your adrenal system then produces excessive cortisol and excessive adrenaline. Now over time, your adrenal glands burn out and you get a cortisol imbalance. That’s one cause. The other thing that causes a cortisol imbalance is chronic inflammation. Where does chronic inflammation come from? It comes from the foods we eat and leaky gut syndrome. If you have excessive gluten, excessive dairy, or foods that you’re sensitive to, as well as excessive medications like the birth control pill, excessive alcohol, et cetera, you kill off the good bacteria in your gut and you damage the gut lining. When that lining gets damaged, we have toxins leaking into the bloodstream causing inflammation everywhere in the body. That inflammation is the leading cause for asthma, eczema, arthritis and a lot of chronic conditions. That chronic inflammation requires cortisol from adrenal glands. Basically your body releases cortisol to manage the inflammation.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: Over time, unhealed trauma, which causes the cortisol response and the adrenal response, as well as chronic inflammation causing a cortisol response, both of those combined exhaust your nervous system. With cortisol imbalance we get blood sugar issues and we get hormonal issues. Actually what happens is your thyroid levels start dropping as well. When your thyroid levels start dropping, the gut lining becomes weaker. You’ll see that people have a worsening of leaky gut with chronic stress. That’s why people with eczema, with arthritis, with any health condition, get worse with chronic stress. I believe it is because your immune system drops and leaky gut gets worse as well, because of this cortisol-adrenal connection with stress. Also, what happens is when you have a cortisol imbalance and excessive inflammation, you have more toxins in your body.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: Those toxins go in and slam every single organ in your body. They slam your liver, your liver is inflamed with lots of toxins and your liver’s the master organ. It produces bile for digestion, it controls your hormones, vitamin storage and blood sugar regulation. It does over 500 different functions in your body, including immune cell activation. Suddenly you have got a stagnant liver, like we call it in Chinese medicine, that’s not producing enough bile. You’re going to get poor digestion, more gas, bloating and constipation especially, which will worsen leaky gut. Number one. Number two, you end up getting PMS symptoms, estrogen dominance, progesterone deficiency usually, or basically a hormonal imbalance. Now you have more toxicity in your body from a stagnant liver and a hormonal imbalance. Beautiful recipe for certain types of cancers as well. With the free radical damage and with estrogen excessive cancers, if you have excessive estrogen, of course, there’s more proliferation of the cells when your liver’s stagnant as well. Your liver detoxifies your lymph a lot.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: Suddenly when you have a stagnant liver, your lymph is not getting cleaned up really well so you have clogging in your lymphatic system. That means your immune system drops and detoxification from around your cells reduces so you have more toxins surrounding your cells in the interstitial fluid, causing more fluid radical damage. There’s more genetic mutations, more cancer susceptibility and less mitochondrial function as well, which leads to lots of different diseases as we know.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: When it comes to autoimmune disease, when trauma basically triggers all this chronic inflammation and cortisol imbalance, and we have more leaky gut, then our immune system in the gut is more exposed to food proteins and toxins that we’re ingesting. That creates a hyper-immune response in the body. Sometimes the immune cells we create end up attacking our own body tissue. Theories are because some of the food proteins mimic our own body’s particles, but there’s no definite conclusion about that.

Wendy Myers: Let’s talk about depression. You focus on depression, you have a program on depression. Depression and anxiety go hand in hand, so you talk about both but let’s talk about how you approach depression and the things that people are doing wrong. Why do they feel depressed? Why isn’t what they are doing, working?

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: Depression has multiple causes. Number one is, of course, the cortisol imbalance we talked about. When cortisol is imbalanced, serotonin, dopamine, GABA and melatonin all start dropping. The first thing you gotta do is heal the gut, reduce inflammation and detoxify the liver, which I talk about in the online program. You support the adrenal glands usually only after you’ve addressed inflammation. A lot of people make the mistake of doing adrenal herbs and supplements when they’re still inflamed and toxic. Then they get skin rashes and aggravations and anxiety from adrenal support because they haven’t regulated their detoxification pathways. My course goes into a lot of details about detoxifying your liver and healing your gut. That’s number one. Once you do that and you’re supporting your adrenal glands, I also include homeopathy. Homeopathy is super important for one releasing trauma and these specific homeopathic remedies, which I also cover in the course, to address specific symptoms of depression.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: There’s different remedies for each type of depression. You might wonder, what do you mean by each type of depression? Well, different people present with different symptoms. Honestly you have got to treat them individually rather than with a blanket drug. For example, some people with depression are more withdrawn, resentful and they’re just wary of the world. It could be post-trauma, post-abandonment or betrayal. That needs a particular remedy, for example, it could be Natrum Muriaticum homeopathic. Other people have more suicidal thoughts. They feel guilty. Maybe they’ve lost a lot of wealth or been shamed and fallen from this status that they felt. They feel, gosh, I’m not worth it anymore, they’re worthlessness. With that we use homeopathic gold Aurum Metallicum. These are just a few examples of the individuality and the beauty of homeopathy. The individuality of homeopathy is what makes it work so much better than a blanket drug, sometimes.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: I mean, I combine both, I don’t take everyone off drugs. Sometimes drugs are important to balance the nervous system while somebody’s treating the root cause. Drugs do save lives for a lot of people, especially in suicidal patients and strong schizophrenia bipolar, but you have got to work on treating the root cause, which brings me to my next point. Sometimes the root cause is trauma. So as you’re healing the gut, the liver and working on using homeopathy, I also look at the history of a person. Based on that, what type of traumas, we do emotional healing exercises or psychotherapy. The online course has a lot of those emotional healing exercises one can do, according to a timeline of their life from birth to present. People get a lot of relief from that.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: As we’re doing that, some people are depressed because they are loyal to one of their family members. This is now where family constellations therapy and intergenerational trauma comes in. If your mom was suicidal or neglected by your father, you will nurture her in your heart. You will most likely protect her. That sense of responsibility towards mom and that protection, limits your ability to thrive as an independent child. You’re entangled in her trauma out of love, out of responsibility. In a healthy system, in a healthy consolation therapy session, what we’ll do is we really bow to the bigness of our parents, to the elderliness of our parents compared to us as their child. We bow with respect and let them gently carry what happened in their life, so that we are allowed to become the innocent child again, so that we can take life in a healthy way into our energetic field, and trust that they carry their stuff with dignity.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: We have very special healing sentences in family constellations that enable this transition from entanglement to freedom. I often see my practice, for example, people who one of their parents is an alcoholic. They might end up with an alcoholic partner as well, because strangely we sabotage our lives out of feeling guilty. We don’t know, we think abuse and alcoholism is normal in the family, sometimes. That becomes a familiar connection and even a sense of love for some people. Sometimes we even feel guilty like who am I to be happier than what my mother had? Energetically, I cannot even open up to more happiness because there’s a betrayal of my family if I’m happier than them. These are all loyalties we have subconsciously, that are going on, that limit our ability to basically come out of depression.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: If there’s a miscarriage or aborted child, and we don’t acknowledge it, we don’t do certain healing sentences for that child, we remain entangled with that missing and unacknowledged child. I see this all the time in therapy. By including that missing child, giving it a place in our hearts, in our lives, in our parents’ lives, in our family system and saying, gosh, I don’t have to live both of our lives. I don’t have to live your life for you and mine. You know, I see you had your place and I need to find mine. That frees up people a lot in their minds, especially for anxiety, actually. The other thing that happens when there is a missing child, for example, there’s a longing for death for some people and they can’t explain why they’re suicidal or they’re longing for death and they’re tired of this world. They’re carrying their mom’s grief for that child, and the mom is grieving that child, she’s not happy, so the mom is preoccupied. They’re not fully available for the second child.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: The other very interesting thing about miscarriages and abortions is that let’s say you are the “first child”. You think you’re the first child, but there was a child before you. Often, what I see is that the client is usually overwhelmed or stuck until I ask them, okay, go ask your parents if there was a child before you. They’re like, “Wow, how did you know that?” Then I’ll do a healing sentence with them. I’ll get them to feel that first child. Now this sounds a bit woo, woo but trust me, it’s one of the most exploding therapies out there in the world, family constellation therapy. It works very deeply. When you recognize that you’re not the first child and you really sense, what does it feel like to be the second child in the system or the third child? That there’s another person out there that needs to be loved and accepted and recognized? Your nervous system and your body will feel a lot of relief. This burden will come off you suddenly. Then you’ll have more, you’ll be able to thrive more and take in life more.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: We take in life energetically through our consciousness and our consciousness sometimes doesn’t take in life because it’s preoccupied with sorrow, with misery, with loyalties, now risking our mom, our dad, or victims of war from our grandparents’ time. Our soul, our consciousness and our subconsciousness are trapped there through intergenerational trauma. If we don’t take in life because of these preoccupations, we don’t thrive. Our immune system suffers, our mind suffers, we remain depressed, anxious, carrying this weight of the world on our shoulders. We don’t go into healthy relationships, we sabotage our relationships and we wonder why is everyone happier than I? Why can’t I be happy as everyone else is? We start comparing ourselves and are disappointed with ourselves, it’s a vicious cycle. We get hard on ourselves over time.

Wendy Myers: This is amazing, everything that you’re talking about just resonates with me so much. When I think about my father who had borderline personality disorder, and then I end up getting a best friend who had the same disorder, you go through a pattern until you learn the lesson. Then I was finally able to let her go, because it was unhealthy. It is a really interesting process how people get into romantic relationships where they need to work through their own family issues.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: I want to say, it’s not a lesson from the universe, it’s not. I don’t believe the universe is testing us. That’s saying, okay, when you get over this, you learn your lesson. We’re attracted to those relationships because of its familiarity, and our connection to love for our parents. It’s not that, gosh, you’re not getting your lesson and you’re failing or anything. No, it’s really, wow why am I tracking this? What in my heart is so connected and loving this reality that I need to look at or that I’m with that? The pain is really a signal that you’re blocking the light. The pain of a relationship is because you’re not seeing the light. Once you start seeing the light and healing within your own family, the person in your present life, they just fall away naturally. You get less interested in them or they get less attracted to you. Things happen, quantum physics-wise or energetically, things just shift when we shift within.

Wendy Myers: I think a lot of people are afraid to do that. They want change in their life, but yet on some level understand they’re going to lose people that they care about or even family members if they do this work and do those shifts. People can have a lot of denial and resistance to doing that work.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: I think so. What I see in the world is a lot of shrewds, a lot of forceful therapy, you have got to empower yourself, you have got to get over this, you have got to have positive thinking and all that. That’s hard work, Wendy. That doesn’t feed the soul or naturally heal our soul and nervous system, in the best way. Therapy needs to be done with love, with attention and with caring. When somebody finds the right energetic resonance with a therapist and they can open their heart to that, doing the work doesn’t seem as daunting because it feels like another connection to love. It’s reprogramming or reparenting without saying that what you had was wrong, but they’re really looking for a connection to something that feels right before they’re ready to let go of those patterns.

Wendy Myers: Are you working right now on capacity, working one on one with people, doing all these different therapies with them?

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: Yes, I work online. I see a lot of people using Zoom and we can feel energy through Zoom, that’s not a problem. What’s going on in my heart right now is actually I’m focusing on the online program because I want to focus more on community work. In Kenya I’m treating these kids with disabilities and I want to enhance holistic medicine in rural communities, bring it to another level through the sale of the online course, my books and stuff like that. I do see people one on one, and I’m hesitating to promote that because you’ll get a lot from the online course, and I feel a bit obliged, not obliged, but a lot of love for community work as well. I’m available for both, but start with the online course first.

Wendy Myers: Well, let’s talk about that. Tell us about your online course. What’s it called? It’s about depression, correct?

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: It’s on everything actually. It’s on healing the gut, the liver, inflammation, chronic disease as well as emotional trauma. Those are the pillars of health when you heal your gut and your liver. A lot of people make a mistake of only healing the gut and they get only so far. They don’t heal the liver, but the liver’s the master organ. In all my talks, when I introduce the liver and people try healing the liver, their results escalate in healing. My online program goes through healing the gut, the liver and the adrenal system. It goes through a lot of homeopathic remedies you can use for sharp trauma, anxiety and depression. It goes through a whole bunch of Bach Flower remedies you can use for your own emotional pictures. There’s a questionnaire there you can do to find out the top five Bach Flowers for you. Bach Flower remedies are like homeopathic remedies specific for certain kinds of emotions.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: Then I have some beautiful, emotional healing exercises that I’ve created. Some are a combination of my creation and things that are known in the world like tapping, EMDR, journaling, but journaling in a very special way. When people do the emotional healing in the course while healing the gut, the liver and the adrenal system at the same time, I’ll mention adrenal herbs, when’s the right time to take them, et cetera. Their health sustains itself in a much better way compared to when you’re just doing random supplements to mass symptoms or you’re going for random therapy sessions, but not in a sustainable way, if that makes sense. The videos are available for life. You can replay them, you can watch them at your own pace. You can really take your time in your healing journey and digest, no pun intended, but digest the material really well.

Wendy Myers: If you guys want to learn more about Dr. Ameet’s courses, click the link below. Why don’t you give us some cliff-notes about what people can expect when they take the course?

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: First of all, you can start with some free videos. When you click the link below, you’ll be taken to a page that gives you some free videos on healing your gut, your liver and your adrenal system. There’s a beautiful, emotional healing exercise I’ve given there as well where you can release emotional blocks, work on your negative beliefs about yourself and your own feelings. The exercise gives you permission to really feel what you need to feel without judgment. As you’re doing those free videos, you’ll understand the importance of the work. You can always buy the course, the full online program, which has all the exact specific protocols I use, the whole list of different homeopathics, the explanations about them, details about adrenal healing herbs, and even more emotional healing exercises you can do on your own time in a very specific fashion. In the future, we’ll be opening up a coaching program as well so we can hold your hand through the entire program, over five weeks, and you can get much deeper healing.

Wendy Myers: Okay, fantastic. I just love this approach because I think it’s so important. There’s so many people right now that are depressed, anxious, stressed, and people need unconventional approaches. I mean, I think they’re completely normal, the energetics, homeopathy and Bach Flower remedies, it’s another day for me. For most people they’re not aware of how many amazing therapies, that are very simple and inexpensive, are available to them and they are very effective.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: The importance of these therapies, Wendy, is that they treat the root cause. We’re always going for the root cause rather than masking symptoms. That’s the beauty of holistic therapy and trauma healing, because the imbalances in the trauma are usually the triggers for depression and anxiety. If you’re struggling, especially with medication that’s not working, of course talk to your doctor or work with a therapist who can help you manage the medication, but really talk with your doctor or naturopathic therapist about healing the root cause. That is super important because you get much better and faster results.

Wendy Myers: Okay, fantastic. Tell us your website and where we can learn more about you and your work?

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: The website is in the link below, it’ll take you right there. That’s where you can start the free online program. There’s lots of goodies there for you, some free videos as well on other webinars and stuff like that. You can go much deeper in your learning about your own mind, your emotions and how to put all the information together in a very systematic way, in a sensible way so that you’re not wasting money on excessive supplements, excessive drugs or excessive therapy. You’re doing it in a very clean way. You’re healing the pillars of your health; gut, liver, adrenal system and emotions so that when these pillars are healed, these foundations of your health are healed, many problems start disappearing. You need less supplements to control things like insomnia, hormones and weight issues because the pillars are really the foundation of what’s going on in your health, if that makes sense?

Wendy Myers: Yes. Now this is such good information for anyone out there if you are struggling with stress, anxiety or depression. Definitely check out Dr. Ameet’s course. I think he’s doing such important work. You can tell from the show, he is very caring and very loving and thought a lot about this. He has years and years and years of experience. Check that out if this resonates with you. Dr. Ameet, thanks so much for coming on the show.

Dr. Ameet Aggarwal: Thanks a lot. Lots of love, everyone. Chao, chao.

Wendy Myers: Everyone, thank you so much for tuning in. I’m Wendy Myers of Thanks for watching this show every week. I love what I do. I wake up excited to bring you guys this information every day. It can truly change your life and you deserve to feel good. Thanks for tuning in and I’ll speak to you next week.