Transcript #421 How to Detoxify with Electrons with Spencer Feldman
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- Find out what’s in store on this Myers Detox Podcast with Spencer Feldman, who joins the show to talk about the different ways electrons affect our body, how we get them, why we lose them, the difference between getting electrons and grounding. Spencer also goes over why oxalates and crystals form in your body, how electrons help your body detoxify, and his awesome device that he developed to help add electrons to your body.
- Find out how Spencer got involved in the world of detox.
- Learn more about how we gain and lose electrons through our body.
- Find out how air and food affects our loss and gain of electrons.
- Find out how oxalate crystals form in the body, how they affect the body, and why raising the voltage of your body is essential to get rid of these crystals.
- Learn more about how electrons affect the buildup of crystals in the body, and why it is essential to have a “trickle charge” of electrons.
- Find out why grounding is not adequate enough to regain the electrons you are losing due to our environment.
- Learn more about the electron device Spencer created that provides electrons to the body, which helps break up crystals, remove parasites, and even helped one user with her fibromyalgia.
- Find out some of the other ways you can use Spencer’s electron device, like attaching it to a blender, and using it with a breathing device that charges the air.
- Learn more about how electricity can greatly improve our body’s ability to detox, and how having more electrons would allow us to need far fewer antioxidants.
- You can learn more about Spencer, his electron charger, and other amazing products at
- To learn more about Spencer’s Electron Charging Device, click here!
Wendy Myers: Hello everyone. I’m Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Myers Detox Podcast. And today we have my good friend Spencer Feldman on the show. This is such a good show where he talks a lot about electrons and how they act in the body, how we get them, what causes electrons to bleed from our body, how easily we lose electrons, a, the difference between electrons and voltage. And he also talks about a device that he developed that helps to add electrons to your body. And he also discusses how electrons help our body detoxify. And we also go into different types of crystals like oxalates and crystals form in our body. We also talk about gout and those crystals and how they’re formed, and how these impede detoxification and what you can do to break up these crystals to allow the flow of electrons in the body. And so, really, really, really interesting conversation.
Wendy Myers: Our guest Spencer Feldman, he is the founder of, and he’s a multiple patent-holding inventor with more than 20 years experience formulating and manufacturing detoxification products for doctors and their patients, and his trailblazing use of suppositories to deliver ingredients that would otherwise require intravenous therapy has changed the way many doctors do detoxification. And he’s the owner and formulator of the Remedylink brand of products. Now in his fifties, he lives with his partner completely off-grid on his 100-acre farm, where he spends his time tending his orchard and garden while continuing to design new products to help detoxify people in our evermore toxic world. And you can learn more about Spencer and his products at
Wendy Myers: Spencer, Thanks so much for coming on the show.
Spencer Feldman: Thanks Wendy, nice to see you again.
Wendy Myers: Yes, well why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself and why you became so passionate about detox?
Spencer Feldman: Oh gosh. You know, most of the people you will talk to who are in the alternative medical industry didn’t necessarily get in because they were simply curious about medicine. They got in because they were sick, and I’m no exception. Personally, I was a mid-forceps birth so I had to get crushed coming out. Like most people I got vaccinated and I think I had acne as a kid. The doctors put me on some drugs that are now called “black box drugs” because of the suicide risk associated with them. The drug I was on, it was called Accutane, and a lot of the people I know who’ve been on it have actually gone kind of crazy. It definitely messes with the brain.
Spencer Feldman: The body has an ability to bounce back from insults, but some people get enough insults that they fall into a place where they can’t maintain homeostasis anymore and things start to fall apart. So my body started falling apart. I’m still learning how I was damaged, mostly by the medical establishment. I mean, as an example, I had some gaps between my teeth when I was young which my mother thought didn’t look good, so she got braces put on me. What that did is it shoved all the teeth at the front back in, braces will do this, braces are contractive, they’ll bring the teeth closer together for some people. That means, for me, the lower jaw had to go backwards to close which meant that I didn’t sleep well for the last 30 years, which has all sorts of consequences. That’s not something I ever really knew. I knew I didn’t feel like I had lots of energy when I woke up, but I thought that was normal.
Spencer Feldman: Then I got this thing called an Oura Ring, that you put on your finger, it’s one of these many sleep tracker devices. It said I was basically getting zero deep sleep. I’m like, “Well that’s not good.” That’s where you create memories and where your brain repairs. Now I’m at age 52, I’m going to have to go get braces again and this time have it done to undo what the braces did to me, when I was 12, and put my teeth back the way they were.
Wendy Myers: Wow, really? Wow.
Spencer Feldman: I mean, it’s like here I am at 52 thinking, okay, I’ve got this all figured out. Then I find one other thing that I’ve been living with for 30 years, that I haven’t been sleeping properly. If you’re a hacker for your body, even if you’re in the industry, there’s still things you’re going to keep learning that aren’t necessarily working right for you.
Spencer Feldman: One of the ones that I was hacking with years ago, we talked about it. It was electrons. I read this book on grounding and I said, “Wow, that’s really amazing, the science looks fascinating, what’s that all about?” What I found out as I delved a little bit more deeply into it, is that there are things that the body has to have. You can do workarounds for some of them, and some of them you can’t. You have to get sunlight, a workaround is vitamin D3. But sunlight does more than just create vitamin D, it has a lot of effects on the body. The infrared helps create structured water, it disinfects, it does lots of things. So yes, you can take and should take, vitamin D3. Especially with what’s going on in the world now, but that’s not a way to supplant or replace sunlight.
Spencer Feldman: It’s the same for water. The body does not expect us to be in a desert, we’re not desert creatures, we have evolved. Some people say near the oceans, the human population is mostly either along the oceans or along rivers, if you look at the planet. The body has an expectation of water, so we don’t have the ability to store water very well. If you get dehydrated, it’s going to be a problem pretty darn fast. We do have the ability to store calories. For instance, I do a fast once a year. I think the last fast I did, a couple months ago, was for 14 days. We should probably talk about fasting one day, because it’s really one of the most amazing protocols you can do and it’s completely free.
Spencer Feldman: The body has an ability to store calories, that’s what body fat is. Some animals also have the ability to go even further and go into hibernation. There’s some things the body can store. You can store some B12 and you can store the fat soluble vitamins. We don’t store vitamin C very well, which is why people would get scurvy on sea voyages before they understood to bring sauerkraut or fermented things with them, or lemons.
Spencer Feldman: One of the things we can’t store is, we can’t store electrons. The body has an expectation that electrons are always going to be available, just like water. At least in the case of water, there are places you can go like your local waterfall where you can get water and boil it. You can capture rainwater in a cistern. Historically, not only was there a lot of water available, but to some degree, you could store some of it externally. Electrons are something that the body never really had an expectation of having to store. What happens is the sun is constantly blasting electrons into space, along with all the other things it radiates out. The electrons come on the solar wind, and then they hit our atmosphere and they charge the atmosphere up. Then when the differential between the atmosphere and the earth becomes great enough, we get lightning. The lightning blasts to the earth and helps charge the earth back up.
Spencer Feldman: If you are living an animal lifestyle, meaning no shoes and no house, as an animal. You would be in continuous contact with the earth, you would have a continuous supply of electrons. When we started altering our lifestyles, meaning we started moving into climates that we didn’t have the body to handle. Living in cold climates is not natural to humans. We could certainly do it, and we can adapt, but it’s not natural to us. Now we start doing things like wearing lots of clothing. Then the ground is cold or hard so we start wearing shoes. In the beginning the shoes aren’t a big deal as much, because they’re made out of leather, but they’re starting to insulate us from the earth a little bit, especially when the weather’s dry.
Spencer Feldman: Then we fast forward to where we are now and we’re wearing rubber shoes and walking on carpets. When was the last time I put my bare feet on the ground? It’s pretty rare so the body doesn’t have that free access to an abundant supply of electrons. It doesn’t really know how to handle that. Think of the bear. The bear can store food as fat, but it has it’s backup thing which is called hibernation. It says, “Okay, I don’t know if this fat’s going to last long enough, I’m going to sleep”. One of the things that happens to people when they run out of electrons is they go into a quasi hibernation state. They just don’t have enough power to run their system anymore so they say, “All right, well let’s just turn everything down”. A person could experience that as depression, fatigue or any number of things.
Spencer Feldman: What did we do with this situation? We were meant to be getting electrons through the ground, through our feet, through the air we breathe and through the food we eat. With the exception of the electric eel, I don’t think any other animals know how to store electrons. That would be a neat trick. I think that’d be pretty cool. What do we do then? The main way we’re meant to get electrons is through our feet. I went to acupuncture school for a little while. I didn’t stay in it because it turns out I don’t like needles, which is probably something I should’ve thought about before I went to acupuncture school. I was in my early twenties, what did I know?
Spencer Feldman: Anyway, if you study acupuncture, what you find is that it’s like an irrigation system meant for something that they call Chi. What is Chi? Well, I think Chi are electrons, and I think the way the system is designed is when you put your feet on the ground, the electrons go into the meridian points. Kidney is one at the bottom of the foot, and then from there they go into the irrigation system, which are the meridians and those feed the internal organs. Then the organs have the electrons they need to run their operations. What ends up happening is not only don’t we get those electrons from the ground, but we’re actually running our electric systems backwards. It’s not that we’re short circuited, we’re running in reverse.
Spencer Feldman: Now the human body is incredibly good at absorbing electrons, but that also means we’re incredibly good at losing electrons, because it’s a two way street. We could pull electrons from almost any surface, but if that same surface has a lower charge than we do, then we can lose the electrons. It goes both ways. There are very few substances that will actually give us electrons, there’s some natural substances, but almost anything you put against the skin, especially if it’s synthetic, will strip electrons off. Some things are faster than others. When we’re walking around in our synthetic blend clothes and with rubber soled shoes on synthetic carpets, what we’re really doing is ripping electrons out of our body from the internal organs, from our bloodstream, out the meridians, out our feet, into our skin and into the environment. We’re constantly bleeding electrons out when we should be sucking them in.
Spencer Feldman: This doesn’t just take place with our skin, although that’s a major part of it. The other two ways we talked about it is through air and food. The food we eat, if it were raw, would be full of electrons, because all raw life has lots of electrons in it. Cooking food was an amazing technology for humans, and if you followed the evolutionary biology, when you cook food not only do you kill the parasites, the bacteria and whatever else is on there. That’s less of a load for the body to have to deal with, so we have more energy. It also makes the food much more absorbable.
Spencer Feldman: If you give a dog or a cat a choice between raw and cooked meat, it’ll always choose the cooked meat. It’s because cooked matter is just by nature, more broken down. Especially for plants, because we don’t have the cellulase enzyme to break plant matter down. We don’t have four different stomachs, so while there’s a lot of things you can get from vegetables, you get orders of magnitude more when you cook them. Mind you, I think raw food is fantastic. I did raw food for quite some time, but you won’t get the absorption you’re going to get out of cooking food.
Spencer Feldman: Now there’s a lot of things you lose with cooked food, there’s a lot of amino acids that get destroyed at relatively low temperatures, like below 110. It denatures proteins and it causes the oils to change. Cooking food has its own issues. I’m more of a fan of slow cooked food. In any case, not to get off topic, if all we eat is just cooked food, then rather than getting electrons from our food into our digestive system and then into our bloodstream, it’s going in reverse. Our body has to donate electrons from our intestines into the food so it can properly be absorbed and properly metabolize, so there’s another electron system going in reverse.
Spencer Feldman: Finally, with the air. You’ve probably heard of these negative ion generators that are there to put a negative electrical charge on the air. They are recreating something in nature, which would be waterfalls, waves crashing in the ocean, lightning strikes and things that are going to put a negative charge in the air you breathe. That’s one of the reasons it feels so great to get near a waterfall and especially the ocean. Not only are you getting all the electrons into your skin through the crashing waves, but it’s in the air, it’s great.
Spencer Feldman: In the natural world, about 100 years ago I think, according to Japanese researchers, air was mostly negative. I mean, we still actually need a little bit of a positive charge, because positively charged oxygen molecules actually have a metabolic use in the body, but we should be mostly negative. The air should be, I think, five to four negative to positive. At least that’s what it was a hundred years ago. The air we breathe in now is four to five negative to positive, it’s more positively charged. One of the things that negatively charged air does is it binds to positively charged particulate matter in the air, and then it combines it and lets it stick to something and drops it out. So the air no longer has a negative net charge to it, in the balance of things, because the air we breathe is so polluted. Most of it is being wasted, not wasted but most of it’s getting used up dealing with the polluted air.
Spencer Feldman: It’s the same thing now with our lungs. Rather than the air we breathe donating electrons from our lungs and keeping our lungs healthy, clean, vital and moving all the junk out of them. Our lungs have to donate electrons to the air we breathe so our lungs start getting toxic. If you look at the lungs of older people in autopsy, there’s a reason why they’re darker, especially if they’ve been smoking. Things are sticking inside their lungs, all that tar and all those things. Well, the nature of anything adhesive is a lack of electrons. That’s what makes things stick together at a molecular level, you get down small, when two things are sticking together. It’s because there’s not enough electrons to go around, and they’re both arguing over who gets to keep them.
Spencer Feldman: When people have these dark lungs from years of smoking cigarettes or living in the city, I think a city life is equivalent to a half a pack of cigarettes a day, something like that. The positively charged particulate matter is now sticking in their lungs and they don’t have the electrons to loosen them up and to get them out, which would happen if you had them. The body has the ability to clear the lungs out with surfactants and with cilia, and it’ll eventually dredge it all up through the phlegm and mucus, but it has to be liquid enough. It has to not be sticky, otherwise you’d never get it out.
Spencer Feldman: What happened is that all three of our electron systems are going in reverse now, what’s going through our skin, what’s getting in our lungs and what’s getting into our food. What I thought we would talk about is what happens when we get low on electrons, and how we could turn that around?
Wendy Myers: Yes, tell us how we do that? How do we go about raising our voltage? Apart from some of the things you mentioned like getting out in nature, going to the ocean and eating raw foods. What are some other ways that we can raise our voltage?
Spencer Feldman: You’re really going to need a machine to do it, and I’m sorry to say that. I was hoping that grounding would do it, and it’s not. Let me explain why and what happens. We’re going to have to fight fire with fire. Science got us into this mess, unfortunately science is going to have to get us out. It would’ve been great if there was some really great technique to do, but unless you’re living by the ocean and you go in everyday, I don’t think there’s going to be enough electrons in anything available naturally, to undo what has happened. Let me explain why I think that’s the case.
Spencer Feldman: What happens when we get low on electrons? Crystals form in the body and we don’t detoxify well because you need an electrical charge on the voltage of each cell to pull the nutrition in and to push the toxins out, and the circulation gets sticky. Like if you take a balloon and you rub it against your shirt, it’ll stick to the wall, right? That’s because you’ve pulled the electrons off the balloon, and now the balloon and the wall are fighting over the same electrons and it gets stuck to the wall. The same thing happens to blood cells. If you look at red blood cells at the capillary level, you’ll see the red blood cells get stuck there, they can spend a minute or two there, because they’re sticking like balloons to the wall. They don’t have enough of a charge to move properly. Let’s focus on crystals, because this is where the detox part comes in. This is going to explain why I don’t think grounding will actually work, initially.
Spencer Feldman: You’re probably familiar with a condition called gout. This is where uric acid from purines, some people say from fungi, forms crystals in the joints, initially the big toes. It is a very painful experience, and this is one of the reasons why people used to go to soak at hot springs because they would often be high in sulfur compounds. That would help make these crystals more soluble and you could beat them out. The ancient healing springs were often due to helping to deal with crystals. More recently you probably heard about oxalate crystals, that’s been definitely making the rounds and it’s good that it has. Oxalates are elements found in plants, then the plants use them for structure, for transport and holding onto nutritional elements.
Spencer Feldman: It’s a little tricky trying to figure out what foods have oxalates in them because you can find three different analyses of the same food, and some of them are high, some are medium, and some are low. What that tells us is that it’s not just the species of plant that may or may not have an affinity for oxalates, like spinach is incredibly high, but also the conditions in which they’re grown, perhaps the quality of the soil or the exposure to certain toxins may stress the plant out. You may see a fig from one tree with very low oxalates, and from another very high. You can try to minimize oxalates in your diet by avoiding the things that are really high right off the bat like spinach, soy, rhubarb, buckwheat and things like this. Even that isn’t enough because theoretically any food, if it’s grown, and I’m not sure what the conditions are that does it, can trigger oxalates growth in the plant. In any case, oxalates are another thing that show up in the joints in the body.
Spencer Feldman: Why are crystals forming? Let’s talk about one more type of crystal, and then I’ll explain why they’re forming, how they’re related to electrons and how you get them out. When someone gets mercury or lead in their body, it doesn’t stay as elemental mercury or lead. It’s going to bind, it’s going to connect to something and create a salt. For instance, mercury and lead can both bond to phosphate or sulfate, both of which are abundant in our bodies. Phosphate and sulfate are bound to calcium, potassium, magnesium and so forth, to make bones, nerves and connective tissue. They balance pH and detoxify in exchange of oxygen, so we’ve always got sulfate and phosphate around in our bodies, assuming we’re eating a decent diet.
Spencer Feldman: Because of that, if the mercury or lead get in, then they’re going to form mercury phosphate or mercury sulfate and lead phosphate or lead sulfate. This is a challenge because we want to get these metals out, but once they crystallize, it gets a little trickier. Why would these things be in our body in the first place? Well, if you go watch the movie Biosludged that Mike Adams made, have you seen that film?
Spencer Feldman: The sewer contains not only everything that’s flushed down the toilet, but everything that all the industry makes. That’s all the chemicals, all the bacteria and all the toxins. Now if we were clever like the Swiss we’d incinerate it first, but we don’t. Even if we did, that would still leave the metals behind. All of this stuff gets pelletized, basically, or dried out and then sold as fertilizer and it goes in our food supply. Every flushed toilet unless you’re by the rivers or the oceans, and all of the affluent toxic waste coming out of the industrial plants, gets in the sewer and gets on our farmland. They’ll say, “Hey, here’s some free fertilizer,” because indeed urine and feces will generate fertilizer, if that’s all that’s in it but all the drugs and all the other things, that’s a whole other ball of wax.
Spencer Feldman: All this stuff gets into the food chain because it’s all being dumped onto our farmland. We’ve got all this stuff that we’re exposed to and now we’ve got some mercury and some lead in the body. The body has a natural ability to get rid of these things, but they crystallized, and they connect together like Lego blocks, or like little magnets. Once a crystal gets over seven nanometers, which is pretty small, so once it gets over 1/20,000 of the diameter of a human hair, it becomes 10,000 times less soluble. Once these toxic crystals get in our body, whether they’re metal crystals or crystals like oxalate and uric acid, or the other 15 crystals that we tend to find in the body. If they get to a certain size it’s really hard to get rid of them. Once they’re there at that size, they’re really not very soluble.
Spencer Feldman: Certainly you can use chelators, but imagine if you’ve got this crystal like this, well the chelator can only go access the surface of the crystal, it can’t get to what’s inside the crystal. It’s a very slow process, and the strength that the chelators have to pull something away from a fully completed crystal. It’s a lot more difficult when the crystal’s larger. What we really need to do is we need to break these crystals up. Get them sub-seven nanometers, so that they become soluble again, so we can pee them out, so we can chelate them out and so forth and so on. We have to break up the crystals. I’ll tell you how to do that, but first let me explain what’s happening as to why they’re forming. It’s connected to the electrons here. I know we’re going all over the place.
Wendy Myers: No, I love how I don’t have to ask you any questions, you are just flowing.
Spencer Feldman: Okay.
Wendy Myers: Making my job really easy.
Spencer Feldman: Well, do you have any questions so far?
Wendy Myers: I do not, I’m just enjoying listening.
Spencer Feldman: Okay. Imagine you have three neighbors, and they each have an RV. These are the three little pigs, one’s smarter than the next. So the first guy, or gal, uses their RV for the summer and in the fall they just park it. When this person comes back in the spring to go on a trip, that battery’s dead. He puts it on a charger, it’s not taking a charge and that’s it, he needs a new battery. His next door neighbor had an RV last year, did the same thing, and he was a little smarter. What he did is he disconnected the battery. He came back in the spring and the battery was dead, but not as completely dead, because it was only self discharging at a few percent a month. He put it on a battery charger and recovered it. The battery was never as good as it was before, but it was good enough to do his trip.
Spencer Feldman: Then the third person, with the third RV, that family’s had the RV the longest and they’ve gone through the first two bits of trouble, and not only did they disconnect the battery but they put it on a trickle charger. When they got ready to go in the spring, that battery was in perfect shape and ready to go. We have three technologies, three different people in the RVs, one let their battery get destroyed and it had to be replaced, one didn’t get too badly destroyed and one was perfectly fine.
Spencer Feldman: What was going on in the battery, is that the lead was sulfating and forming crystals. This is the same thing that happens in a cell phone battery. Over time, especially if you don’t keep that battery properly charged, it can’t hold a charge anymore because crystals are forming inside the battery. It’s those crystals that are decreasing the battery’s ability to hold a charge and to receive a charge. When we get low on electrons not only do we form crystals, like all those toxic metal crystals and all those other crystals in the body which are an issue because now they’re very hard to get rid of, but the presence of the crystals themselves make it more difficult for us to get a charge again. It’s a negative feedback loop, it’s a vicious circle. Once a battery starts getting crystallized, it’s very difficult.
Spencer Feldman: Now we can’t be like the family with the damaged battery and just go out and get a new battery because we have 30 trillion cells in our body and each one of them acts like a little battery. What that charge does is it’s pulling in charged elements which are nutritional and pushing out charge elements that are waste products, or toxins. We can’t replace all 30 trillion cells, so we have to figure out a way to do that. The military has a similar problem. They might have a million dollar battery on their nuclear submarine so they can’t allow that battery to just be replaced, it’s too expensive. They have to have the ability to cover damaged batteries. It’s been figured out, you use voltage spikes, and that’s what’s happening with the lightning. The lightning’s like a voltage spike, decrystallizing the earth, so to say charging and healing the earth up. We would need something similar to that. You’ve heard of grounding, grounding is the trickle charge.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, but grounding is not enough for a lot of people because of EMF, electromagnetic fields from wireless and internet. I’ll ask you about that in a second, but because of that putting this positive charge on people, just grounding by itself isn’t enough to correct that impact that so many of us are dealing with today.
Spencer Feldman: Yes, especially when 5G starts going over the power lines and then 5G is everywhere. What happens is all of our electronics run on current more than voltage. You can make voltage engines, engines that run on voltage, but current is much more efficient. Voltage is a pain to work with because it likes to shoot out of wires and cause all sorts of problems so our electronic world is based on current. I mean, of course there’s voltage with current, of course they’re both happening, but it’s based on running things with more current than with voltage. The challenge with that is anytime you have current running across a wire, you create an electron vacuum and it’ll pull electrons out of the environment.
Spencer Feldman: When they had the big electrical towers over the schools and all these kids got leukemia, then they came around and said, “Oh, well it can’t be the towers because look at all these cows underneath them, they’re not getting leukemia.” I’m like yeah, well the cows were barefoot, so all the electrons that were being pulled out of them by the wires, were getting replaced by the earth. The kids were not barefoot, the kids were in with rubber soled shoes.
Spencer Feldman: There’s a bit of hubris when it comes to science. The problem is they’ll say, “Well that’s anecdotal”. If you can’t explain the principle by which you think it’s happening then it’s not science, and that’s absurd. If those kids are getting leukemia, and they are, you don’t just leave them in that environment while you try to figure out how it’s happening. You take them out, and if you can figure it out, great, but you don’t make your kids into Guinea pigs. Now we know. How many kids ended up getting sick under those towers because the politicians and the business people said, “Well, no, no, no, that can’t happen, and here’s why”. No, it did happen, precautionary principle.
Spencer Feldman: Right now, if I put my hands on the keyboard, electrons are being pulled out of me. I grab a phone, it’s a wired phone and it’s being pulled out of me. The wireless headset you’re wearing right now, if we could see electrons, we would see electrons leaving your body, going down those and going out to the earth. I’m not saying live a Luddite existence, don’t avoid electronics. There are some things you can do, you can make your sleeping environment electron friendly. You could turn off the breaker going to your bedroom at night, and if there’s a cell tower, and you know the direction it’s in, put up EMF protective film. Even if it’s just a couple of sheets of aluminum foil on that side of the wall, so at least you’re protected from that.
Spencer Feldman: But yeah, we’re being drained by every electrical device that we are not only touching, but are even near, in terms of electrons. That’s why grounding doesn’t work, because we’re more like the person in the first RV that let the battery die, and now if you stick a trickle charger on a battery that’s died, that’s not going to do anything. Even putting a trickle charger on a battery that’s just gotten low won’t do anything. A trickle charger only works for a battery that was high to begin with, and then it maintains it.
Spencer Feldman: Grounding is good if you are high in electrons to begin with, it’ll keep you there. Meaning if you’ve spent your whole life on the beach and barefoot on the ground, that’s all you’ll ever need. If you haven’t, and we haven’t, then the battery has gone down and the trickle charger won’t be enough. So the question is, where are we on that next level? Are we number two or number three? Are we the battery that’s died but can be recharged, or do we actually have to go in and recover a completely dead battery? What I did is I built a machine that would do those two things, that would act as a charger to charge a low battery, and a de-crystallizer to recover a dead battery. That’s what you have to do, you have to break up all the crystals so that the machinery can work again.
Spencer Feldman: Now we come back full circle. We started talking about all these toxic metals and all these crystals, because whether they’re from metals, from oxalates, from uric acid or what they’re from, not only is that a sign that we’re low on voltage but it’s also a cause of further poor voltage. We want to break those crystals up, not only because we want to detoxify those toxins, but because we also want to be able to receive the charge. Gosh, it took me maybe two to three weeks of breaking up crystals with this machine I made, which is not all that different from what they used to recover multimillion dollar batteries, it took me about two to three weeks to get the crystals out, mostly out.
Wendy Myers: I mean, did you have a lot of detox symptoms? Because there were toxins in those crystals.
Spencer Feldman: An incredible amount of sludge came out in my urine, it was completely cloudy. I actually passed a few kidney stones, uncomfortably, as a result, because I did it too quickly. Don’t do it quickly. If you have 50 years of crystals formed in the body, you can take 50 days to get it out, there’s no rush. Definitely, you want to look to see if your urine’s getting cloudy and then slow down, drink a little more water. The other thing that I found was after about two weeks, I think I shared this with you. I no longer needed to wear wool socks to bed. I have had to wear wool socks to bed since I was in my thirties, my feet were always cold, even in the summertime.
Spencer Feldman: So I figured the decrystallizing took two to three weeks to get the bulk of it out, and then I was just recharging, and then that took about 18 months where I was constantly craving it. How do you know when you’re done? If you start recharging the body, how do you know? Well, you can look to see if there’s crystals in the urine, and if you have the ability you can put it through a centrifuge and put it under a microscope slide and actually see a bunch of crystals coming out of you. The other thing to do is just see how you feel. It took about 18 months, like I said, before I wasn’t craving it every day. Now, a year or two later, if I don’t use it for a week, I don’t feel bad. I certainly feel nice and relaxed when I do get on it for a few minutes. But yeah, that’s how long it took me to recover from it.
Spencer Feldman: There’s a lot of electrical devices out there. A lot of questions people will ask are, what about a Rife machine, or a multiwave oscillator, or a TENS machine, or all these other things, or some other versions, the Russian SCENAR? Mr. Tennant has one, a Biomodulator, so forth and so on. There are a lot of great healing devices, but with exception of one other unit similar to mine in Japan, they’re all removing electrons when they do the other good things they do. Rife machines are like electrical antibiotics and antivirals. All these devices have very interesting effects, but they’re all working on current, they’re all pulling electrons out.
Spencer Feldman: One of the ways you can tell is any unit that has two electrodes. A TENS unit has two electrodes, a Biomodulator has two electrodes, a handheld Rife machine has two electrodes. That means energy is coming in one electrode and out the other so it’s not designed to give you a net increase of electrons. To get a net increase of electrons you’d need a machine that had one electrode, and was designed to positively pressurize your body with electricity, or with voltage. That’s a hint, if you have a machine where there’s two electrodes that are going on your body, or it’s something that’s radiating onto you, it’s stripping you of electrons. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use it, I mean, I use lots of machines that will strip electrons from me. I just make sure afterwards to put the electrons back in.
Wendy Myers: Okay, that’s really, really interesting. That’s a really good distinction, because I’ve also used a number of devices, and this water product called Whattah that I’ve used to feed my body electrons but there’s that differentiation where you’ve got to decrystallize your body as well. In our fascia we have this crystalline matrix where a lot of the bioenergetic messages and communication happens in our body, and there’s problems when you have this crystallization, dehydration or even scars that will all block your bioenergetic communication in your body. I love that you’re making this distinction there to help people crystallize that idea in their mind, about the process people go through to get their body communicating again.
Spencer Feldman: Yeah, there’s a lot of interesting research about the crystal forms of water in the body and cells acting as a liquid crystal display in terms of how they function. I think there’s a book called The Rainbow and the Worm, that talks about that.
Spencer Feldman: As an example, we had one woman who used the machine, and within a few days she called me up. She had a full body rash, or at least chest and back. She had that for three days and then she decided to go and take some steroids, anti-inflammatories or something, and then the rash went away. When she was done with that experience her fibromyalgia was 85% gone. What a shame, because my thought is had she not suppressed the junk coming out of her skin with the drugs and let it go on for an additional day or two, it might very well have gotten the last 15% of her situation resolved. She didn’t but that was definitely an interesting thing to see, a situation a woman had had for years and was into all sorts of different protocols, getting resolved in a few days.
Spencer Feldman: We talked about getting electrons in the body through three sources, through food we eat, through the air we breathe and through our skin. The machine we made, the electron charger, is designed for you to put your feet on. You can also put it on various parts of your body. One thing to be aware of is parasites can’t stand electricity, or at least they can’t stand electrons. If you’re squeamish when you first start using it, don’t look in the toilet, you may very well be passing some worms. While most parasites are microscopic, some of them are inches long and you may see them come out.
Spencer Feldman: The thing about electricity is there are definitely some parasites that are aggressive, but a lot of them are also opportunistic, a lot of them are just looking for compost, they’re looking for dead matter so that they can be doing their part of the life cycle. When our tissue is really low on voltage, it looks, tastes and smells like dead tissue, so it decides to set up shop. When you raise the voltage it doesn’t want to be there anymore, because it wants to be in a compost pile, and it leaves. You might very well see some live wriggling worms in the toilet. If that’s going to throw you, just the first week you’re using an electron charger, don’t look, just flush.
Spencer Feldman: How else can we get these electrons into us? So one, when I was thinking about the food and the air, I said, “well, how can we get it into our food again”? What I did is I found a way that if you take a Vitamix blender, and I can show you how to do that, it’s pretty easy, you just attach your electron charger at a certain point at the base where it makes contact with the drive shaft that connects to the blades, and now the blades are electrified. If you pour a tablespoon of lecithin in and some water, into a blender, along with whatever else you’re making as a smoothie, and then blend it with the electron charger on. The lecithin will get blasted into liposomes, which are tiny little spheres that will hold an electric charge, and then that’s a way of having a liquid battery.
Spencer Feldman: In the same way that you can’t get enough electrons through your feet from grounding because of what’s happened, better to have a machine pump it in at high pressure. It would be hard to eat enough food to undo what years and years and years of cooked food have done. If you make an electronic smoothie, and you do that for a couple of weeks, you may be able to rebuild the electrical charge in your gut properly.
Spencer Feldman: One interesting thing that I had been told by a person who was using it is, he said, “Wow, I don’t really need to wash the blender out afterwards, it comes out really clean. Usually there’s all this stuff, oils and stuff stuck to the side, no, it just rinses completely clean,” I’m like, “Yes, that’s because it’s full of electrons,” because when things are full of electrons everything flows, things are more soluble, nothing gets stuck behind and left, stuck and sticky. Toxicity can be thought of as just something stuck somewhere and you can’t get it out. When you raise the electrical charge of the body, everything flows better. Then the intestines aren’t like an old blender, it’s not sticky and slimy, everything is clean and moving through the way it should be.
Spencer Feldman: The last thing we did was say, “Well what about the lungs”? There are a lot of people who are living in cities, or they’ve got a history of smoking so I made this device. It’s got a little reaction chamber in it, you plug the electron charger in, you breathe through it and it’s charging the air as you breathe in.
Spencer Feldman: Electricity, I think, is an underestimated player in the detox game, in the detox world. It’s overlooked, and there are a lot of things we can certainly do to detox, but you’ll detox better if you have enough electrons to do it. If you have enough electrons, then the toxins can get pushed out of the cell, and the crystals will be smaller because you’ll hit them with voltage. If you hit it with a voltage spike, you’ll shatter the crystals into little tiny pieces, hopefully sub-seven nanometers, and now you’re able to detox faster. Everything works better when you have electrons.
Spencer Feldman: I mean, as an example, one of the biggest classes of supplements out there are antioxidants. Everyone thinks antioxidants give you electrons. Kind of. Antioxidants transport electrons. Antioxidants, depending on whether they’re water or fat soluble, and their shape, go to different parts of their body and will donate an electron. Then they are expecting to get recharged, right then and there, and donate another electron. They’re expecting to get recharged a billion times a second. I mean, the reactions happen really fast. So if we take a bunch of antioxidants, then we have the electrons on them, and it gets used one time, and donates that one electron and then there are no more because there’s not a surplus of electrons in the body.
Spencer Feldman: So while taking antioxidants is great for you, you could get by with a thousandth of the amount of antioxidants if you had more electrons, because you wouldn’t need as much. Then they would constantly be cycled and donated to the body. Imagine you have 10,000 trucks coming into a city with food, but each truck only has one loaf of bread. That is nowhere near as efficient as 100 trucks coming in, each with 10,000 loafs of bread, and constantly getting refilled, over and over and over again. Oh no, I guess I didn’t do that right. If you had 100 trucks, okay, I got it. If you had 100 mopeds, each with a loaf of bread, and each moped was constantly going back and bringing another loaf of bread, there we go, that’s the right analogy.
Spencer Feldman: Anyway, the idea is that antioxidants work by transporting and shuttling electrons, and you have to have the electrons there in the first place, for them. It’s an overlooked thing, the body has figured out how to deal with certain ways in which we’ve changed. We moved away from the sunny tropics, so our skin got lighter. We eat more cooked food, so the pancreas of modern humans are a lot bigger than before, because we’ve got other issues going on with the kind of foods we eat. I think people’s livers are getting more enlarged, as a general rule, because they’ve got more of a toxic load.
Spencer Feldman: The body has a degree to compensate, but not only shouldn’t we be asking it to do that, there are some things it just can’t compensate for. It can compensate for low electrons by just making a person exhausted, not the best compensation. I mean, it works, it keeps them alive, but a lot of the things that we’re dealing with as symptoms are really compensation strategies of the body. So now you’ve got somebody who might be low on energy and they think, “Oh, I’m going to drink a cup of coffee, try to compensate for that”. Yes, they get more energy, but now they’re burning out their adrenals and they’re forcing their body to use up electrons even faster and so now something else happens. We can end up going from compensation to compensation. What we really need to do is look at how the body is designed, look at how science has altered the world we live in and try to figure a lifestyle that takes those into consideration and brings us to some kind of homeostasis.
Wendy Myers: Fantastic. This show is really illuminating. I know for a lot of people it’s going to be that missing piece of the puzzle that they’ve been looking for, that they need to try. Spencer, I thank you so much for coming on the show. Tell us where we can get your electron charger and what your website is.
Spencer Feldman: If you are interested in the stuff we make, we are at The electron charger is there. We have a video page that goes into the science of it a lot more in depth for those that like to get into the sciencey stuff more deeply. Thank you so much for having me on, I appreciate it. You definitely have taught me so much about how the body works. Watching your podcasts and the amazing people you have on, it’s been illuminating for me, because you can’t really go to school to learn these things, as you know, Wendy. You go to a naturopathic school or an osteopathic school. A friend of mine was going to an naturopathic school and was told, “Okay, well you may have to do things in the clinic you don’t like, like give vaccines,” and she’s like, “Oh, I can’t do that.”
Spencer Feldman: They’re becoming traditional, in a lot of ways. Some of these schools that started out as alternatives, are being brought into the fold of modern medicine. It’s really people like yourself, Wendy, that are connecting the individual researchers with the general public, allowing us all to figure out what’s going on in ways that we could never do on our own. I mean, there’s so much knowledge and so many things to learn. Thank you so much for helping make all this available for all of us.
Wendy Myers: Yes, it’s my pleasure. I mean, I know when I first started out learning about this stuff it was just so disjointed. When I first started over 10 years ago, there weren’t really any courses about detox. There were maybe a handful. There’s a lot more now, which is great, but even then, they’re a few thousand dollars. I just wanted to find all these experts from around the world and do a download of their brain and their knowledge to figure this out. Figure this puzzle out of how do we detox the body and how do these toxins dramatically affect our health? I really think that toxins are the number one primary driver of disease today. I firmly believe that and try to educate the public about that.
Wendy Myers: Thank you for contributing to the conversation here. Everyone, thanks so much for listening to the Myers Detox Podcast. It’s really a joy for me, every week, to bring you this information and help you to put the pieces of your health together. You deserve to feel good and I want to help you find a way to do that. Thanks for tuning in, I’m Wendy Myers of, and I’ll talk to you guys very soon.