Heavy Metals That Weaken Immunity
Infections can come in all shapes and forms, from bacterial infections to viruses and infectious diseases. While your body has an arsenal of tools to protect itself against these invaders, physical and environmental factors can come into play that work against your natural immune response. … READ MORE
5 Hidden Food Sources of Lead
Lead is one of the more common heavy metals in our environment. It’s in gasoline, and diesel exhaust, and other types of air pollution, and as a result, most of us are exposed to it every day. Over time, lead accumulates in your bones and … READ MORE
Pesticide-Contaminated Foods: The Dirty Dozen You Want To Avoid
You need to know which fruits and vegetables should ONLY be eaten if they are organic. Which ones are so heavily contaminated with pesticides they are a hazard to your health? Keep reading and find out. READ MORE
Off-Gassing: How You Can Decrease Your Exposure
If you’ve even unwrapped a new carpet or brought home a freshly manufactured piece of furniture, you may be familiar with the chemical-laden scent that these products emit. The same goes for house renovations and installations — what is that “new” smell that seems to … READ MORE
Forever Chemicals: How to Protect Yourself
The products you use everyday might be a source of harmful toxins known as forever chemicals. In this article you’ll find out what forever chemicals are, where they lurk and how you can protect your health from them. READ MORE
The Alarming Incidence of Fatty Liver and What to Do About It
Incidences of diseases of affluence like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity continue to rise in the United States. While these metabolic conditions are well-known and understood, a lesser-known condition, fatty liver disease, is quickly becoming one of the largest threats to human health in the … READ MORE
7 Warning Signs of an Unhealthy Gut
As research into the gut microbiome continues to grow, scientists are discovering the vast array of roles that your gut bacteria play in your body. Everything, including energy production, metabolism, sleep, and cognitive health, are impacted by these little microorganisms that live in your gut. … READ MORE
6 Medicinal Mushrooms to Protect Your Liver
Medicinal mushrooms have been used for thousands of years across all cultures for their potent healing capacities. While these remedies were considered folk medicines for a long time, today’s research is uncovering how powerful mushrooms actually are for regenerating the body[1]. Among the many benefits … READ MORE
7 Tips To Support Lymphatic Drainage
While most people like to focus supplements to remove heavy metals, or focus on their liver and digestion when it comes to detox, one crucial system often gets left out of self-care regimens — your lymphatic system. In this article, I will discuss why it … READ MORE
How To Do A 5-Day Sugar Detox
Whether you realize it or not, sugar is everywhere in our food supply. Even if you actively avoid added sugars, food manufacturers sneak sugar into everything from sauces to nut butter to bread and more. It’s no wonder that the average American consumes more than … READ MORE