Guide to Sources and Symptoms of Toxic Metals


Industrial dumping and manufacturing have unleashed – and continue to unleash – pollutants into our air, food, and water. As a result of this modern industrial environment, everyone now has a body that is contaminated with heavy metals. But what are your points of exposure? This guide will inform you of the sources of heavy metal exposure in your everyday life, along with common signs and symptoms that heavy metals have infiltrated your system. Armed with this information, you can make decisions that will better support your overall health and wellness.

Unfortunately, most people are not familiar with the many points of exposure to heavy metals that surround them in their day-to-day lives. If you are one of them, don’t worry! You are not alone.

I designed this guide to give you the information you need regarding heavy metals, so that you can take actionable steps to:

  • Shield yourself from further exposure to sources of these toxic health hazards
  • Detox from everyday living​
  • Support the body’s natural excretion of these pollutants from your system
  • Support and maintain a clean and healthy lifestyle going forward

A quick note on how to use this guide: Please feel free to print it off or bookmark this page and come back to whenever needed. To search for a particular metal or symptom that has been troubling you, press “Command F” and you can enter your keyword in the box that pops up in the upper right hand corner.

Sources and Symptoms of Heavy Metals

Sources – anti-perspirants, aluminum foil, aluminum cookware especially when exposed to salty, acidic foods, teas especially mint and peppermint (most teas have aluminum), animal feed, antacids, aspirin, astringents, auto exhaust, used as an anticaking and drying agent (in flour, baking powders and table salt), beverages in aluminum cans (soda, beer, juice), ceramics, cheese (processed), cigarette smoke, color additives, cosmetics, mercury amalgam fillings, ‘natural’ deodorant stones and crystals, tap water (used to cause sediment to sink to the bottom of municipal water sources), some medications, nasal spray, pesticides, pollution, toothpaste, vanilla powder, occupational exposure, paper manufacture, sugar refining, wood preservation, leather tanning, waterproofing textiles, scrap metal recovery, aluminum welding, coal combustion, cereals especially rye, antidiarrheal medications, renal dialysis & phosphate binder treatments, I.V. fluids, parenteral feeding

Symptoms – ALS, Alzheimer’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, anemia and other blood disorders, appetite loss, autism spectrum disorders, behavioral problems, breast cancer, cavities, colds, colic, colitis, confusion, constipation, dementia, dry mouth, dry skin, excessive perspiration, fatigue, flatulence, headaches, heartburn, hyperactivity hypoparathyroidism, inhibition of enzyme systems, kidney dysfunction, learning delays and disabilities, liver dysfunction, lowered immune function, memory loss, neuromuscular disorders, neuropathy, numbness, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, paralysis, Parkinson’s disease, peptic ulcers, psychosis, reduced intestinal activity, senility, skin problems, spleen pain, stomach pain, ulcers, tingling, and weak and aching muscles


Sources – coal combustion, recycling centers especially lead battery recycling, manufacture of flame retardants for plastic/vinyl/synthetic fibers, waste incineration, cement kilns, non-ferrous metal mining, smelting, & refining,  glass for hypodermic syringes, glass manufacture, coal combustion, forest fire vehicle brake linings (released as dust), indoor firing ranges


Sources conventionally raised poultry and eggs, commercial chicken feed, some beer, treated wood (wood preservatives), coal combustion, drinking water (Argentina, Chile, Mexico, United States, China, Bangladesh and India), pesticides, fungicides and insecticides, glass and mirror manufacturing, paints, pigments, table salt, tobacco smoke, rice and rice products (organic has much less), cosmetics, seafood from coastal waters (especially oysters and shrimp), soil

Symptoms – resistant weight loss, weight gain, fatigue, abdominal pain, anorexia, brittle nails, burning in mouth/esophagus/stomach/bowel, cancer, confusion, convulsions, dermatitis, diarrhea, drowsiness, edema, fever, garlicky odor to breath or stool, goiter, hair loss, headache, herpes, hyperpigmentation of the nails and skin, increased risk of liver/lung/skin cancers, interferes with the uptake of folic acid, inhibition of sulfhydryl enzyme systems, jaundice, keratosis (hardening of the skin of palms and soles of feet), kidney and liver damage, liver fibrosis, mucus in nose and throat, muscle aches and spasms, muscle weakness, nausea, nervousness, peripheral neuritis, respiratory tract infection, sore throat, stomatitis, swallowing difficulty, sweet metallic taste, throat constriction, vasodilation, vertigo, vitiligo, vomiting, impaired healing, and weakness


Sources contaminated groundwater, cigarette/tobacco smoke, barium sulfate beverages (used in certain medical procedures), cathode-ray tubes (in plasma TVs, LCDs/liquid crystal displays/ TVs, LCD computer monitors, and laptop computers), flat panel display devices/FDPs (such as TVs, computers, and smart phones), clay slurries used in drilling oil wells, filler for rubbers and plastics, manufacturing of ceramics, paint pigments, paper filler, petroleum production, pyrotechnics (signal flares, fireworks), rat poison, mining & processing of barite ore, phosphate fertilizers, insecticides, black tea, soybeans, soy baby formula

Symptoms – abdominal pain, cardiac arrhythmias, gastrointestinal dysfunction, diarrhea, high blood pressure, hypokalemia, lesions on lungs, low blood potassium, muscle twitching, muscle weakness, respiratory failure, respiratory issues, vomiting


Sources tobacco smoke, air pollution (burning fossil fuels), coal burning, dental crowns/dental alloys used in dental prostheses, electronics, glass, manufacture of plastics and household products, industrial dust, metal work, mining, steel alloys, volcanic ash, and X-ray tubes, fuel oil combustion, waste incineration, recycling plants, electric utilities, copper -berrylium wire used in electrical devices, fertilizers especially phosphorus, fertilizers & sewage sludge

Symptoms – adrenal insufficiency, arthritis, asthma, beryllium ulcers, bone spurs, bursitis, chest pain, cough, decreased appetite, depression, dermal granuloma on hands /arms/ and chest, dermatitis, disturbance of calcium and vitamin D metabolism, emphysema, enlarged heart, fatigue, fever, heart palpitations, inflammation of lung tissue, intestinal ulcerations, magnesium depletion, night sweats, kidney failure, liver cell degeneration, lung cancer, lung infection, lymph node hyperplasia, osteoporosis, rickets, shortness of breath, symptoms of slow metabolism, testicular atrophy, underdeveloped bone marrow, underdevelopment of organs, unexplained weight loss, and vital organ dysfunction


Sources cosmetics and makeup, stomach remedies (Pepto Bismol), some medicines, occupational exposure, coal combustion, low melting point alloys used in fuses/sprinklers, glass, ceramics, electronic devices, food processing equipment, mining, smelting, chemical plants, waste incineration, fertilizers & sewage sludge

Symptoms – anemia, diarrhea, headache, nausea, pain, reduced metabolism, sperm reduction and infertility


Sourcescigarettes and marijuana, airborne industrial contaminants, artist’s paints, auto exhaust, batteries, burning coal, ceramics, coffee and instant coffee, copper alloys, dental alloys and amalgam filling, dyes, electroplating, fossil fuels, fungicides, galvanized pipes, hydrogenated oils, incineration of tires/rubber/plastic, shellfish and large ocean fish (tuna, cod, haddock), metal coatings, motor oil, organ meats (kidney), paints, pigments, plastics, processed foods, rubber (especially rubber tires and rubber carpet backing), sewage, silver polish, smelters, solders (including in canned food), water (tap, softened, well), welding material, occupational exposure, phosphate fertilizers, gypsum byproduct, sewage sludge, crab (mostly in hepatopancreas – part of the digestive tract)

Food grown on cadmium contaminated soil due to sewage sludge, chemical fertilizers, and contaminated irrigation water: Potential contaminated foods can be broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, carrot, onion, potato (significant dietary contributor), tomato, spinach, fruit, sunflower seeds

Symptoms – abdominal pain, aches, alcoholism, alopecia, anemia, arteriosclerosis, arthritis (oust and rheumatoid), bone disease, bone pain in middle of bones, brain fog, cancer, cardiovascular disease, cavities, cerebral hemorrhage, cirrhosis, cramps, depression, diabetes, diarrhea, digestive disturbances, emphysema, enlarged heart, flu-like symptoms such as chills, fragile bones, growth impairment, headaches, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hyperkinetic behavior, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, hypoglycemia, headaches, impaired bone healing, impotence, infertility, inflammation,  joint pain, kidney disease, learning disorders, liver damage, low energy, lung disease, memory loss, migraines, muscle weakness, nausea, nerve cell damage, osteoporosis, ovary damage, prostate dysfunction, reduced fertility/reproductive disorders, schizophrenia, shortness of breath, smoker’s cough, strokes, stomach problems, swelling of the nose, pharynx, and larynx (when chronically inhaling cadmium), testicle damage, tooth deformities, vomiting


Sources – Fukushima fallout, contaminated fish and shellfish, occupational exposure in the nuclear power industry, explosion of nuclear weapons, radiation therapy for certain cancers, accidents associating nuclear powered satellites, mining and milling of certain ores, flora (including lichens and moss), accidents including nuclear powered submarines, contaminated rice, Sake from contaminated rice, some fungi/mushrooms, contaminated tea (10), surface soils near Fukushima nuclear site

Symptoms – chronic fatigue, decreased appetite, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, headache, seizures, cardiac arrhythmias, weakened heart, gastro-intestinal anomalies, chronic blood disorders, malfunctioning thyroids


Sources – cement, cheese (American), dental materials, jewelry, oysters, paint pigments, tattoos, tobacco smoke, steel & stainless steel production, welding, chrome plating, ferrochrome alloy production, chrome pigment, cement, asbestos brake linings

Symptoms –  allergies, asthma, calcium deficiency, fatigue, kidney damage, iron deficiency, nausea, sinusitis, ulcers, vomiting


Sources batteries, hair dyes, radioactive solutions, inhalation and contact exposure in hard metal industry, tungsten carbide industry, coal and metal mining, smelting and refining, and chemical production industries, tires, homeopathic remedies

Food sources – brazil nuts, liver, garbanzo beans, hummus, chocolate, flax seeds,

Symptoms – asthma, cough, dyshidrotic eczema, cobalt allergy may also lead to metal prosthesis failure, allergic vasculitis, contact dermatitis, reactions to injections of the synthetically derived preparations of B12 including cyanocobalamin and hydroxocobalamin, fingernail changes, jewelry reactions and intolerance


Sources any birth control involving estrogen will raise copper like IUD’s (intra-uterine devices) and the birth control pill, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), beer, bone meal, congenital intoxication (acquired at birth), copper water pipes, copper added to tap water as a fungicide, copper cookware, dental alloys and amalgams,  fertilizers, fungicides, hair color, industrial emissions, insecticides, jewelry, nutritional supplements – high in prenatal vitamins, swimming pools, vegetarian diets in general, welding, and occupational exposure (i.e. an electrician handling copper wires)

Foods high in copper (but not necessarily going to cause you copper toxicity unless grossly eaten out of proportion as you see in vegan and vegetarian diets) – avocado, chocolate, corn oil, crabs, gelatin, grains, lobster, margarine, mushrooms, nuts, organ meats, oysters, perch, pesticides, shellfish, soybeans, tofu, wheat germ

Symptoms – acne, adrenal hyperactivity and/or insufficiency, agoraphobia, allergies, alopecia, anemia, anxiety, arthritis (osteo & rheumatoid), autism, cancer, chills, chronic candida albicans infection, cystic fibrosis, depression, diabetes, digestive disorders, dry mouth, dyslexia, elevated cholesterol, elevated estrogen/estrogen dominance, failure to thrive, fatigue, fears, fractures of the bones, fungus, hair loss, headaches, heart attacks, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Hodgkin’s disease, hyperactivity, hypertension, hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, infections, inflammation, insomnia, iron loss/ iron storage diseases, jaundice, kidney and liver dysfunctions, decreased libido, low hydrochloric acid, lymphoma, mental illness, migraines, mood swings, multiple sclerosis, myocardial infarction, nausea, nervousness, osteoporosis, pancreatic dysfunction, panic attacks, paranoia, phobias, premenstrual syndrome, schizophrenia, senility, sexual dysfunction, spacey feeling, stuttering, strokes, tooth decay, toxemia of pregnancy, urinary tract infections, vitamin C and other vitamin deficiencies, and yeast infections


Sources – Contrasting agent for MRIs; Water; Industrially for manufacturing electronics, magnets, and superconductors used for nuclear, microwave, and radar technology (thus, it can get into air, soil and water)

Symptoms – Headache, Brain fog, Dizziness, Bone and nerve pain, Nausea, Changes in taste, Pins and needles (tingly and burning sensations), Skin thickening, Muscle twitching, Vomiting, Tight skin, Lesions, Hair loss, Itchy skin, Balance problems,  Swelling (edema)


Sourcesgarden composts, wastewater treatment sludge, dark chocolate, shellfish, and Italian wines


Sources computers, coins, dental crowns and gold fillings, jewelry, radioactive solutions


Sources enriched flour, potential contaminant in well water, cast iron cookware, iron pipes, welding, refined foods, iron supplements (most who take them don’t need them and the iron builds up to toxic levels)

Symptoms – amenorrhea, anger, rheumatoid arthritis, birth defects, bleeding gums, cancer, constipation, diabetes, dizziness, emotional problems, fatigue, headache, heart damage, heart failure, hepatitis, high blood pressure, hostility, hyperactivity, infections, insomnia, irritability, joint pain, liver disease, loss of weight, mental problems, metallic taste in mouth, myasthenia gravis, nausea, pancreas damage, Parkinson’s disease, premature aging, schizophrenia, scurvy, shortness of breath, and stubbornness


Sources auto exhaust, batteries and battery manufacturing, cigarette/tobacco smoke, coal and oil combustion eg. electricity power stations, incineration of waste, cement production, roasting & smelting processes, colored inks, cosmetics, root canals, eating utensils, electroplating, gasoline, glass production, glazes, hair dyes, industrial emissions, lead pipes, lead-glazed earthenware pottery, mascara, metal polish, milk, newsprint, paints, pencils, pesticide residues, lead-arsenate pesticides,  pvc containers, rain water, smelters, cans with lead solder sealing (such as juices, vegetables), toothpaste, water (city/well/tap), liver, kidney, old lead water pipes, Ayurvedic, Chinese, & other Asian medicine medicines, shotgun pellets (hunting areas), fishing sinkers, storm water runoff which is contaminated by automotive (brakes, used oil), building materials (brick, concrete, wood, roofing, vinyl, siding)

Symptoms – abdominal pain, adrenal insufficiency, aggression, allergies, anemia, anorexia, anxiety, arthritis (oust and rheumatoid), arteriosclerosis, attention deficit disorder, autism, back pain/problems, behavioral disorders, blindness, cancer, cardiovascular disease, cataracts, cartilage destruction, concentration loss, constipation, convulsions, coordination loss, deafness, depression, diabetes, disrupts neurotransmitters, dyslexia, emotional instability, encephalitis, epilepsy, fatigue, gout, hallucinations, headaches, high blood pressure, hostility, hyperactivity, hypertension, hypo-thyroid, impaired glycogen storage, impotency, immune suppression, indigestion, infertility, inflammation, insomnia, irritability, joint pain, kidney dysfunction, learning disabilities, libido decrease, liver dysfunction, memory loss (long term), mental retardation, menstrual problems, miscarriage, multiple sclerosis, myelopathy (Spinal cord pathology), nausea, nephritis, nightmares, numbness, paralysis, Parkinson’s disease, peripheral neuropathy, psychosis, psychomotor dysfunction, pyorrhea, red blood cell damage, renal dysfunction, restlessness, schizophrenia, seizures, sterility, stillbirths, sudden infant death syndrome, tingling, tooth decay, vertigo, unintentional weight loss


Sources – well water, auto exhaust, gasoline, soy infant formula, fertilizers and pesticides, fuel additive, hair products that contain manganese can contaminate an HTMA, steel, alloys (i.e. dry cell batteries)

Symptoms – neurological symptoms, nervous system damage (may be permanent), dementia, seizures, anorexia, anger, ataxia, schizophrenia (unemotional behavior), extreme criminal behavior (psychopathology), iron deficiency, Parkinson’s disease (or symptoms similar to it), hearing loss, headaches, brain fog, chronic depression, and Manganism (which is characterized by Parkinson’s-like symptoms). Manganese often accumulates in the ears and pons and cerebellar region of the brain.


Sources – dental mercury amalgam fillings, fish and shellfish (especially tuna, shark, mackerel, swordfish, and other large fish), fungicides, soil, eye drops, soft contact lens solution, latex and oil-based paints, nasal sprays, adhesives, air conditioner filters, air pollution (coal burning), algaecides, antiseptics, battery manufacturing, body powders, bleached flour, broken thermometers, calomel lotions, some Chinese herbs, cleaners and disinfectants including Ajax, Lysol, Comet, Derma Scrub, Dove soap, and Ivory liquid soap, chlorine and chlorine bleach, congenital intoxication (acquired in utero), cosmetics, diuretics, dyes, embalming fluid, engraving supplies, exhaust fumes, fabric softeners, felt, fertilizers, inks, laxatives, lumber, paints, paper manufacturing, some medications, neuropathy, photo engraving, preparation H, psoriasis ointment, sewage disposal and sludge, skin lightening creams, tattooing, water (contaminated), waxes (including floor), wood preservatives, industrial waste dumping

Symptoms – acne, acid reflux, adrenal gland dysfunction/adrenal fatigue, allergies, alopecia, Alzheimer’s disease,  Amylotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), anger, ankylosing spondylitis, aneurysm, anorexia, anxiety, apathy, asthma, ataxia,  Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), autism, autoimmune disease, bipolar disorder, birth defects, bladder disease (chronic), blushing, borderline personality disorder, brain damage, bruising, bruxism – grinding teeth while sleeping, bulimia, cancer, cataracts, cerebral palsy, chronic fatigue, colitis, constipation,, elevated blood calcium, coronary vascular disease, Crohn’s disease, poor coordination/jerky movements, deafness, depression, dermatitis, dementia, developmental delays, discouragement, dizziness, drowsiness, dysarthria (characterized by slurred or slow speech due to weakness or poor control over the muscles used for speech), eczema, emotional disturbances, enlarged prostate, excess saliva, fatigue, flatulence, floaters in the eyes, fibromyalgia, forgetfulness, gastritis, gum bleeding and soreness, headaches (band type), hearing loss, heart arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), high cholesterol, hormone dysregulation, hyperactivity, hypoglycemia/hyperglycemia, hypothyroidism, immune system dysfunction or damage, inflammation of mucous membranes (chronic), insomnia, irritability, Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS), joint pain, kidney damage, leaky gut, loss of self-control, Lupus, manic depressive disorder, memory loss, metallic taste, migraines, mole formation, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), mood swings, muscle weakness and tremors, nausea, nervousness, nerve fiber degeneration, numbness and tingling or “Pins and Needles” sensation, oily skin, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Parkinson’s disease, pain in limbs, panic attacks, paralysis, peripheral vision loss, photophobia (sensitivity to light from weak iris response), rashes, retinitis, excessive salivating, schizophrenia, sciatica, excessive shyness, sleep disorders, speech disorders, spider veins, suicidal thoughts or tendencies, thyroid dysfunction, timidity, tinnitus (ringing in ears), tooth decay, transient ischemia attacks or stroke, tremors, and vomiting


Sources dental materials, fossil fuels, hair color, lubricating oils

Symptoms – gout, hair loss, anemia, loss of hair color, osteoporosis, weight loss


Sources air pollution from combustion of fossil fuels, batteries, coins, cosmetics, dental restorations and orthodontics, electroplating, nickel-plated jewelry, nickel-plated machine parts and tools, electroplating, welding, prostheses (like hip, knee, cochlear and cardiac implants), spark plugs, stainless steel cookware and utensils, cardiac stents, tobacco smoke, water, occupational exposure

Food Sources – hydrogenated vegetable oils (shortening, Crisco, fast food, margarine, processed foods, imitation whipped cream, interisterified fats, partially hydrogenated fats), rooibos tea and red teas, lima beans, pinto beans, white beans, sunflower seeds, chocolate, oatmeal and oat cereal, prune juice, pineapple juice, baking powder

Symptoms – disruption of hormone and lipid metabolism, skin issues like rash, nickel dermatitis consisting of an itching of the fingers, hands, and forearms,  allergic contact dermatitis, pruritic dermatoses, pruritis ani,  papuloerythroderma-like eruption, fever, abdominal pain, asthma, bronchitis, cancer – oral, lung, or intestinal, cyanosis, non-productive cough, decreased lung function, depression, dizziness, diarrhea, dyspnea or difficulty breathing, eczema, fever, headache, heart attack, heart palpitations, hemorrhages, insomnia, irritability, jewelry intolerance and allergy, kidney damage and dysfunction, low blood pressure, lung damage, muscle tremors, nausea, paralysis, respiratory distress or shortness of breath, suicidal thoughts, tachycardia, tetany, tightness in the chest, vertigo, visual disturbances, vomiting


Sources car exhaust, coins, dental crowns and alloys eg. gold-platinum dental restorations, radiation, razors, watches, ‘white gold’, chemicals, petroleum refining, glass & glass fiber manufacture, crustaceans, plant roots , neurological prostheses, electrode implants, anti-neoplastic drug therapy eg cisplatin, sewage sludge especially from hospitals, chromic acid and chrome baths in the electroplating industry; occupational exposure related to the following – use in metal finishing, in chrome plating, anodizing, conversion coatings, and for corrosion resistance; use in leather finishing for shoe uppers, glove, and garment leathers, and bag leather; use as corrosion inhibitors in radiator coolants, internal combustion and gas turbine engines, refrigerator and air conditioning systems, and water cooled nuclear reactors; use in photoreproduction processes, as sensitizing agents for photoengraving, photography, lithography, and blueprinting; use as corrosion inhibiting and coloring pigments, artists’ colors, jointing pastes, inks, rubber, ceramics, and color blending; use in dyeing of fur, leather, fabrics, wool, and nylon; Oxidizing of dyes; After treating on cotton, and in textile and paper printing; use in manufacture of glue used in shoes, furniture, and packaging; use in fungicides; use in aqueous preservatives and fire retardants for wood; For protection of textiles and seed; use in battery manufacture to increase shelf life; to provide corrosion resistance, and for battery depolarization; use in manufacture of safety matches and explosives; use as a chemical reagent, oxidizing agent, catalyst, indicator, in bleaching of fats, oils, and waxes, in chemical synthesis, and in analytical chemistry; use in manufacture and packing of cement

Symptoms – causes damage and degradation of DNA, exacerbates hydroxyl radical damage, damages cell mitochondria and inhibits enzyme activity and function, allergic reactions such as contact dermatitis, stomatitis, lichinoid reactions, periodontal gum disease, increased salivation, obstruction of important enzyme systems like creatin-linase, aldolase, alcalite phospatase, carbon-anhydrease, trypsin, chymotropsin, cellulase, disturbance of collage synthesis like bone and cartilage, obstruction of thymidin in the DNA, pain in teeth and jaw, burning tongue, cold feeling in mouth, metal taste, peeling of mucous membrane around teeth, fungus like coating in throat and sore throat, painful, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, extreme nervousness, extreme tiredness, confusion, memory loss, dizziness, migraine headaches, burning of eyes, allergies, impairment of immune system, blisters on body, dying of the teeth, granulomas, puss pockets with dead tissue, swollen tongue, nerve pain in the face, paralysis of face, muscle cramps of tongue, lips, around eyes, sinus infection, bronchitis and lung ailments without clear reason, difficulty breathing at night, problems with stomach, intestines, liver, bladder, kidneys, weight loss, joint and muscle pain, muscle cramps and weakness, ear noise, visual disturbance, depression, insomnia, outbreaks of sweat, palpitations, difficulty concentrating, clammy skin, chronic conjunctival inflammation, vascularization & opacification of the cornea; late esophageal, gastric and pyloric strictures and stenoses; ulceration & perforation of the nasal septum; Respiratory irritation may occur with symptoms resembling asthma. Liver damage with yellow jaundice; skin rash


Sources catalytic converters, dental fillings, jewelry, pacemakers, tobacco smoke

Symptoms – breathing difficult, cough, eczema, rash, runny nose, urticaria, wheezing


Sources  no toxic sources

Symptoms – hyperthyroidism


Sources dental fillings, food coloring, jewelry


Sourcesair pollution, ceramic glazes, cathode-ray tubes for televisions, ceramic making

Symptoms – bone deformities, impaired bone growth, bone tumors, and chronic renal failure


Sources – car exhaust, smog, ant killers, cigarette/tobacco smoking, cardiac scanning (thallium isotopes are used in this procedure), cement plants, coal ash, inhalation of contaminated dust from pyrite burners, kale and other cruciferous vegetables, lead smelting, manufacture of electronics, low temperature thermometers, optical lenses, imitation precious jewels, semiconductors, scintillation counters, green-colored fireworks, oil drilling, anti-knock additive in some gasoline in areas where high-octane gas is in short supply, production of photoelectric cells, rodenticides, smelting activities, soil, water fluoridated with fluorosilicic acid, zinc smelting, mushrooms, clams, mussels, juvenile Atlantic salmon

Symptoms – fatigue, abnormal heart rhythms, abnormal reflexes, abnormal vision, abdominal pain, agitation, alopecia, atrophic changes of the skin, blood in stool, bone marrow depression, brain fog, breakdown of red blood cells, burning sensations that are unusual and painful, coma, confusion, constipation, convulsions, chronic fatigue, degenerative changes of the heart, liver and kidney, delirium, dementia, depression, diarrhea, dry and crusty scaling of the skin, encephalopathy, excessive salivation, excessive tiredness, fever, gastrointestinal problems, gluten sensitivities, hallucinations, hair loss (temporary and permanent), headaches, heart damage, high blood pressure, increased radiopacity of the liver, inflammation of the mouth, lips, and gums, insomnia, kidney damage, leg pain, loss of appetite, loss of reflexes, muscle aches and weakness, muscle tremors, nausea, nail changes (Mee’s lines), neuropathy – numbness and tingling in extremities, polyneuritis, respiratory paralysis, respiratory failure, seizures, severe acne, skin eruptions, skin hyperesthesia (mainly in the soles of the feet and the tibia), stomatitis, subarchanoid hemorrhage, tachycardia, urine discoloration (green) shortly after exposure, vision disturbances, vomiting


Sources air, cable coverings, canned foods or juices, dental amalgams, dyes, food additives, fungicides, some herbs, landfills, licorice, occupational exposure, PVC, raincoats (with PVC), rubber substitutes,  seafood – fish, squid, esp. oysters & mussels, soil, smelting, tin recovery from scrap metal, soaps, some toothpaste, stabilizers in plastics and moluscicides, and miticides, toys, tubing, upholstery textiles, water collected from galvanized (tin) roofs, tin coated food cans, tap water pipes, silicon baking pans, processed foods using preservatives & stabilisers such as stannous chloride, liver, kidney

Symptoms – fatigue, abdominal pain, breathlessness, cholangitis of the lower biliary tract, convulsions, cough, decreased pulmonary function, diarrhea, dizziness, dyspnea (breathing difficulty), eye irritation, eye soreness, fatigue, hallucinations, headaches, heart palpitations, kidney problems, liver problems, nausea, peripheral neuropathy, psychotic behavior, severe sweating, skin irritation, skin rash, stannosis (benign pneumoconiosis), stomach complaints, tremors, vomiting, can affect estrogens and androgens (hormones associated with the development of sexual organs)


Sources – bone pins, hip/joint replacements, metal plates, pins, orthopedic implants, prostheses, tablet coating, nettle, horsetail, cosmetics (used to make it white colored), sunscreens (used to make it white colored), paints, jewelry, stainless steel watches, toothpaste (used to make it white colored), food coloring, food additive, candy and gum (used to make it white colored), lettuce, raddish, corn, iron production, aircraft engine & frame manufacture

Symptoms – brain injury, oxidative stress, cell damage


Sources – air, light bulb filaments, x-ray tubes, a component of steel in high-speed tools, turbine blades, phonographic needles, welding electrodes, gyroscope wheels, fishing weights, darts, golf club components, bullets (as a replacement for lead), and in armor penetrators (as a substitute for depleted uranium), pigment in dyes & inks, coal combustion (fly ash), municipal waste incineration, cemented tungsten carbide powders (used in manufacturing hard-metals),  automobile exhaust systems. Occupations with risk of exposure include: carbonyl workers, ceramic workers, cemented W. carbide workers, cement makers, dye makers, dyers, flameproofers, high-speed tool steelworkers, incandescent-lamp makers, industrial chemical synthesizers, ink makers, lamp-filament makers, lubricant makers, metal sprayers, ore-refining & foundry workers, paint & pigment makers, paper makers, pinpoint makers, petroleum refinery workers, photographic developers, spark-plug makers, textile dyers, tool grinders, W. & Mo. miners, waterproofing makers, welders, sewage sludge, fertilisers

Symptoms – pulmonary fibrosis, memory and sensory deficits, and increased mortality due to lung cancer


Sources – Fukushima fallout, well water, contaminated soil, water filtered through volcanic rock, pottery glazes, high-energy X-rays, nuclear power plants, photographic chemicals, gyroscopic compasses, glassworks, artillery, war zones and anywhere military artillery is used or tested, armour piercing ammunition, photography, special lamps, stains & dyes used in leather/ceramic/wood industries, road construction (phosphate rock mined for fertilser & phosphoric acid in the chemical industry leaves slag which is then used in bedrock), dam construction, coal combustion (most is retained in fly ash), raw shale oil, glass making, high density tank armour, phosphate fertilisers, parsley (highest veg. source), beef kidney, unwashed potatoes, radishes, parsnips, turnips, sweet potato, other root vegetables (U. adsorbs onto the roots), uranium glazed ceramic crockery

Symptoms – hair loss, diabetes and blood sugar imbalances, cancer, non-malignant respiratory disease (fibrosis, emphysema), kidney damage and disease, fatigue


Sources – dental implants and alloys, titanium implants, UV filtering in glasses

Symptoms – rhinitis (nasal lining inflammation leading to runny/blocked nose), wheezing, conjunctivitis, cough, sore throat, chest pain


Sources – alloys and metals used in nuclear power, aerospace, and various chemical industries, manufacture of ceramics, glass, and porcelains, in the synthesis of pigments, dyes, and water repellants, abrasives and polishing materials, igniters in the manufacture of munitions and detonators, lighter flints, skin ointments and antiperspirants, a “Gas getter” in the manufacture of high-vacuum tubes, deodorizer, denitrified, and desulfurizer in iron and steel manufacturing, and occupational exposure

Symptoms – granulomata, adverse pulmonary effects, pulmonary fibrosis

How to Detect Heavy Metals in Your Body

If you think you’ve been exposed to any of the above pollutants, the best thing you can do is test the level of heavy metal levels in your body.

To do this, I recommend a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) test.

It’s the least expensive and most convenient way to test for contaminants like aluminum. It doesn’t require any type of blood draw either – just a small sample of your hair. And there’s no need to even leave the house!

HTMA testing measures heavy metal and mineral concentrations in your hair, which is one of the most common places that heavy metals like to hide. It’s a good way to get a highly accurate snapshot of what’s going on in your body without invasive procedures or expensive scans.

Using an HTMA, you can identify exactly which heavy metals have infiltrated and been absorbed by your body so you can take actionable steps to protect your health.

The information revealed in an HTMA is crucial because, once you have pinpointed which pollutants are in your system, you can take actionable steps to:

  • Support the body’s natural excretion of these pollutants from your system
  • Shield yourself from further exposure to sources of these toxic health hazards
  • Detox from everyday living
  • Support and maintain a clean and healthy lifestyle

Once you have your HTMA test results, you can look at them with a trained practitioner and come up with a personalized plan to support your body’s natural detoxification.

If you think you’ve been exposed to health hazards like arsenic and it may be hiding in your system, order a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. From there, you can plan your next steps to reclaim your vitality.


*Please note that A Hair Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, reverse, or prevent any disease. It is not intended to replace any other medical test(s) that may be prescribed by your medical doctor.



Dr Wendy Myers, ND is a detox expert, functional diagnostic nutritionist, NES Bioenergetic Practitioner, and founder of She is the #1 bestselling author of Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue . Additionally, Wendy is the host of The Heavy Metals Summit, the Myers Detox Podcast, and the Supercharged Podcast. Passionate about the importance of detox to live a long and healthy life, she created the revolutionary Myers Detox Protocol , and Mitochondria Detox kit after working with thousands of clients, as well as a range of supplements to help you detox from everyday living and maintain a healthy lifestyle!

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