The Juice on Juicing


It’s time to start juicing! Starbucks is even opening a chain of juice bars. Jump on the bandwagon! Juices are one of the best ways to detox from heavy metals and a ton of other chemicals and poisons with no side effects or harmful complications.

Thousands of people have healed themselves from cancer and other deadly diseases with this simple, time-honored remedy. Hundreds of scientific studies have been published on the health benefits of fresh raw vegetable juices.

Juice provides all the nutrients from fruits and vegetables in a concentrated form and in large amounts. For example, to make a glass of carrot juice you need a pound of carrots. Nobody can eat a pound of carrots at once, but you can get the nutrition from that pound of carrots by drinking them. On top of that, juicing removes the fiber, which impairs the absorption of many nutrients in the veggies.

The absorption rate of juice is 99%, whereas even the best human digestive system in the world is only able to absorb 40% of nutrients from food. Therefore, juices can recharge and rejuvenate quickly. When we eat food, energy is required to digest (digestion is the number one zapper of energy) and less than 40% of the nutrients will be assimilated. The digestive system has virtually no work to do in digesting juices. They get absorbed in 20-25 minutes, providing the body with a concentrated amount of nutrients.

Why not just buy juice in the stores? Juices in stores have been processed and pasteurized, destroying all the enzymes, most vitamins and phytonutrients. They are simply a source of sugar. In freshly extracted juice, the natural sugars are balanced with enzymes, minerals, and other nutrients, which turn them into energy for the body.

Try to have one juice and/or wheatgrass every day. One to two cups daily is the route to health! A combination of pineapple, carrot and a little beet in the morning will prepare the digestive system for the coming meal, stimulating stomach acid and pancreatic enzymes. A mixture of carrot, apple, celery, and beet has wonderful liver-cleansing ability. Green juices from leafy vegetables (spinach, lettuce, parsley, dill, carrot and beet tops) with some tomato and lemon are a great source of magnesium and iron and good chelators of heavy metals. Cabbage, apple and celery juice stimulates digestive enzyme production and is a good kidney cleanser. There are so many combinations. Play around and see what you like. My favorite is kale, celery, cucumber, parsley, lemon, and green apple.

Take it easy on the fruit juices. While they do have vitamins, they are also a highly concentrated form of sugar, especially the tropical fruits like mango, pineapples, and bananas, in addition to oranges and watermelon. Use these sparingly to flavor less appetizing vegetables. Try to stick with vegetable juice.

With juicing, you can consume large amounts of fresh vegetables and fruit every day in the most digestible form. It’s one of the most important things you can do for your health.

Below is a list of recommended types and brands of juicers. If you can’t afford a juicer, you can still enjoy fresh juice. Simply blend your fruits and veggies in a blender with some water and squeeze through a nut bag. Enjoy your fresh juice!

Types of Juicers

Centrifugal Juicer – Non Ejection Type

Omega Juicer Model 9000

The basic centrifugal juicer processes the fruits and vegetables by contact with the shredder disc at high speed. The spinning basket holds the pulp inside and the juice passes through holes in the stainless steel basket and exits through the spout at the front. This juicer type can make about one quart of juice before the juicer must be stopped, the pulp removed, and re-assembled.  Ideal type of a juicer for one or two people.  Good yield.  Longer cleanup time. Will not juice wheatgrass.


Omega Juicer Model 9000

Centrifugal Juicer – Automatic Ejection Type

Breville Elite


This type of juicer is generally easier to operate and clean than the standard centrifugal juicer. These are very fast and fairly loud machines. There is no need to stop and clean out the juicer until the juicing session is complete. Ideal for a family. However, you will get slightly less yield especially with leafy greens.  Will not juice wheatgrass.


Breville Elite

Breville Ikon BJE510XL

Waring Pro 450

Masticating Juicer

Champion Household, Champion Commercial

The Champion Juicer masticates or “chews” the fruits and vegetables. You enjoy less waste from produce as it squeezes more juice from them than a centrifugal juicer and does it very quietly. It has more versatility than the centrifugal juicers. The Champion homogenizes, makes nut butters, baby foods and fruit desserts. You can juice wheatgrass with the purchase of an attachment. This juicer is heavier than most juicers and generally considered to be less attractive than conventional juicers.


Champion Household, Champion Commercial

Single Auger Juicer

Single Auger Juicer

This type of juicer operates by using a single auger that rotates at low revolutions per minute (rpm).  Low RPM juicers preserve nutrient value, as there is less heat, friction, and oxidation.  This type of juicer is easy to clean and will juice wheatgrass and leafy greens with excellent efficiency.  The single augur juicer is somewhat slower than centrifugal juicers, especially on carrots.  Great Versatility: makes nut butters, frozen fruit desserts, baby food and can make pasta shapes like spaghetti and linguine.


Omega VRT350HD (Vertical)

Twin Gear Juicer

Twin Gear JuicerThis type of juicer uses inter-meshing stainless steel twin gears to squeeze and press fruits and vegetables.  It operates at less than 200 RPM so nutrient value is high and the effective squeezing by twin gears produces highest yield. The twin gear juicer will juice all fruits and vegetables including wheatgrass and leafy greens, make pasta shapes, nut butters and frozen fruit desserts.  These juicers are larger and heavier than other juicers.  There is a longer cleaning time.  They are preferred by raw food enthusiasts because of the high nutrient value and high yield.


Greenstar 3000

Greenstar Elite

Juicing Recipes

Classic Green Drink

Carrots 4, Celery 2 stalks, Parsley 1 handful, Spinach 4 leaves

CBS Tonic

Carrots 3, Beets 1/2, Spinach 3 leaves

Tip Top Tonic

Apple 1, Carrots 4

Carrot Cleanser

Carrots 3, Beet 1/2, Cucumber 1/2

Ginger Zinger

Apple 1, Carrots 4, Ginger 1 inch

Tomato Salad Drink

Tomato 1, Parsley 1 handful, Spinach 2 leaves

Ruby Begonia

Apple 1, Beets 1/4, Carrots 2, Raspberries 8

Maui Wowie

Ginger 1 inch, Pineapple 2 rounds, Sparkling Water 1/4 cup

Fred & Ginger

Apple 1, Carrots 2, Celery 1 Stalk, Ginger 1 inch

Veg-Tang Tonic

Carrots 3, Celery 1 stalk, Parsley 1 handful, Garlic 1 clove

Green Apple Drink

Apple 1, Carrots 3, Parsley 1 handful, Spinach 3 leaves

Liver Cleanse

Apple 2, Grapefruit 1/4, Grapes 1 small bunch, Lemon 1/4, Beets 1/2

Tomato Surprise

Tomato 1 large, Carrots 2, Celery 1 stalk, Cucumber 1/2, Spinach 3 leaves

Earth Goddess

Carrots 2, Celery 1 Stalk, Beets 1/2, Parsley 1 handful, Lemon 1/4


Apple 1, Celery 1 Stalk, Ginger 1 inch, Parsley 1 handful, Lemon 1/4

Red Eye

Carrots 3, Beets 1/2, Garlic 1 clove, Ginger 1 inch, Scallions 2

Have another recipe you love? Do you have a story about how juicing has helped you heal your illness? I want to know! Tell me your story by leaving a comment below.



Dr Wendy Myers, ND is a detox expert, functional diagnostic nutritionist, NES Bioenergetic Practitioner, and founder of She is the #1 bestselling author of Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue . Additionally, Wendy is the host of The Heavy Metals Summit, the Myers Detox Podcast, and the Supercharged Podcast. Passionate about the importance of detox to live a long and healthy life, she created the revolutionary Myers Detox Protocol , and Mitochondria Detox kit after working with thousands of clients, as well as a range of supplements to help you detox from everyday living and maintain a healthy lifestyle!

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