Top 10 Signs You Need a Detox


“Detox” may have become a trendy buzzword, but it’s an absolutely necessary step you must add to your health regimen. If you ignore detox, you’re missing the boat and your health will suffer. Learn the top 10 signs you need a detox and how to do it.

With excessive toxin exposure and stress, our natural detox pathways can become compromised. In this article, I tell you how to clean up your liver and your body.

If you have a lack of energy, brain fog or are suffering from a chronic disease or condition, I guarantee you that toxin accumulation is contributing to the problem.

I learned about detox when I was planning my pregnancy many years ago. Reading the baby books, I was shocked by all the chemicals you had to remove from the baby’s environment and realized I was completely surrounded by chemicals in the air, food and water. This education as a scary wake up call and I realized the dire importance of removing toxins from your environment and from your body.

Anyone that thinks that detox is not important or bogus — ahem, the mainstream medical community — are not serving their patients or their own bodies. It is foolish to think that you can escape the 80,000 chemicals that we have in our environment unscathed. You must be thinking about detox on a daily basis. Allow me to explain how.

10 Signs You Need a Detox

If you have 4 or more of these signs, you may have a congested liver that needs a vacation. How many of these signs you’ve seen in your body over the past 3 months?

  1. Headaches
  2. Increased belly or visceral fat, weight loss resistance, edema/water retention
  3. Cravings and/or blood sugar issues
  4. Overheating/excess sweating
  5. Acne, rosacea, itchy skin
  6. Fatigue unrelieved by sleep
  7. Moodiness or anger
  8. Nausea
  9. Chemical sensitivity — smelling fragrances or chemicals makes you sick
  10. Insomnia — especially waking between 2–4 a.m. That’s an angry, toxic liver.

Learn About Detox With the Experts!

I am hosting The Heavy Metals Summit.

I brought together 38 of the world’s top experts on health to teach you about the latest detoxification techniques, supplements, do’s and don’ts – straight from the experts in the field.

Speakers include:

  • Cohost Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
  • Dr Mercola
  • Erin Elizabeth
  • Jonathan Landsman
  • Joe Pizzorno
  • Ben Lynch
  • Chris Shade
  • Stephanie Seneff
  • Jay Davidson
  • Ian Clark
  • Dr Daniel Pompa
  • Dr Susanne Bennett
  • Robin Openshaw
  • Dr. Tom O’Bryan
  • Sayer Ji of

The Heavy Metals Summit is online and FREE from January 29-Feb 5th. Join us today and gain access to a few free gifts just for registering!

Toxins are everywhere. They are in our food, water, air and even our household goods…and they are destroying your health. Everyone has some level of metals in their body. The connections between metals and disease is now undisputed, but it’s still being ignored by the conventional medical community.

Fortunately, with the info you will find in The Heavy Metals Summit, you can protect and heal yourself and your loved ones from these toxic metals!

Why Detox?

The body has a natural ability to detoxify toxins, such as heavy metals, but in today’s toxic world, this natural ability is severely compromised. Overexposure to toxins and high-stress levels result in weakened digestive/detox function allowing toxins to find their way into the fat cells and brain tissue. (4)

No matter how hard you try to minimize your exposure to chemicals and toxins, they keep showing up in our bodies in increased levels simply because they are everywhere in our environment.

The need for detoxification is based upon the principle that immunodeficiency, inflammatory and degenerative diseases from allergies to arthritis to Alzheimer’s result from the toxic, accumulative effects of poisonous substances and pathogens within the body.

According to reports by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the average person now has 212 environmental chemicals in their blood — things like mercury, lead, cadmium and industrial chemicals.

The World Health Organization has studies that show we have over 700 chemicals on average in our bodies. No matter which study you choose, the prognosis is grim.

Mercury has found its way into organic produce from the coal mine plumes that cover most of America. And then there are all the countries in the world that do not regulate corporate dumping effectively — the rest of the world then suffers their industrial waste spewed into the atmosphere.

Environmental toxins such as pesticides, preservatives, heavy metals and industrial toxins are mostly fat soluble or “lipophilic” (lipo = fat, philic = like). Such lipophilic toxins have been associated with hormone disruption, immune system suppression, reproductive disorders, cancer and other diseases. (4,5,6)

Heavy metal and chemical toxicity, combined with nutrient depletion and stress = disease. Believe me, you need to nourish, detox and cleanse to enjoy good health.

Give your liver a break!

Here are a few recommendations to unburden your poor liver. It is essential to have a strong digestive system and well-functioning detox pathways — these can be achieved with intelligent cleansing techniques that are backed by science.

1. Consume Antioxidants

Here’s why we need antioxidants. For every molecule of toxin metabolized in phase I (such as from cigarette smoke or pesticides), you generate one free radical molecule. Free radicals damage DNA and accelerate wear and tear in the body, similar to rust on a car. Taking vitamin C and E, Alpha lipoic acid, flavonoids, carotenoids, and glutathione helps neutralize the free radicals you’re making each day in phase I.

Want to get antioxidants from your food? Foods rich in flavonoids: berries, parsley, onions, green and black tea, citrus, and dark chocolate. Carotenoids? Get them from carrots, pumpkin, squash, plantains, spinach, and sweet potato. Also, try green juice and wheatgrass juice.

Studies suggest that turmeric protects the body from heavy metals like mercury, as well as help the body detoxify them. Turmeric also supports optimal digestive function, healthy intestinal flora, stable moods and comfortable movement of the joints.

In one study, turmeric was found to have a protective effect from the free radical damage from mercury. Turmeric was shown to boost the body’s detoxifiers, glutathione, and superoxide dismutase (SOD) levels, which protect the liver from mercury. Turmeric also boosted enzymes like catalase in the liver, kidneys, and brain, supporting detox. In the study, mercury concentrations were reduced as a result of turmeric supplementation before and after mercury exposure. (3)

2. Get in an Infrared Sauna

Infrared saunas are THE most effective way of detoxing metals and chemicals from your fat. I prefer near infrared saunas over far infrared, but both are great for detoxification.

These saunas have many health benefits, including cancer treatment and prevention, detoxification, killing infections like parasites, yeast, and mold, etc.

In one study, they concluded that:

“Saunas can be used very effectively for certain cardiovascular problems and as a means to enhance the mobilization of fat-soluble xenobiotics. When saunas are used to reduce blood pressure and enhance blood flow and cardiac functioning, only short sauna (15 minutes) are necessary. When one wants to enhance the mobilization of heavy metals and chemical xenobiotics, longer sessions are needed. But, for either use, saunas are safe and effective and should be used more frequently to benefit the health of our patients and ourselves.” (1)

3. Simple Daily Detox

I have found that CytoDetox Zeolite is one of the easiest and best ways to detox if you cannot afford the time or expense of a rigorous detox program. It removes toxic heavy metals, chemicals, VOC’s, radioactive toxins and free radicals without removing vital nutrients.

CytoDetox supports the body to naturally capture and eliminate toxins throughout the body. Unlike other detox products, these drops contain 100% natural binders that hold on to toxins tightly, delivered through a patent pending Liposomal Cellular Transport Technology. The CytoDetox® detoxification formula provides a quick and safe whole-body detoxification support formula, and is unlike any other product available on the market.

4. Eat Your Veggies

Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts contain sulfur, which helps you reduce estrogen dominance and support both phases I and phase II detoxification. You also need their fiber to remove heavy metals from your colon!

5. Reduce Alcohol

Alcohol affects and harms both phases I and phase II detox pathways. Women who drink 3 to 6 servings of alcohol per week have a 15 percent greater risk of breast cancer compared to nondrinkers, according to the Nurses’ Health Study. This is because your liver metabolizes excess estrogen. And if you can’t get rid of that excess estrogen, you’re going to have weight gain and potentially even cancer. I recently found out I have a gene that interferes with my ability to metabolize excess estrogen. Luckily, I stopped drinking alcohol on a regular basis 6 years ago! Even low levels of alcohol confer risk. Alcohol should not be on your detox plan!

What is the Next Step?

Given the daily toxic exposures that we all encounter daily, ongoing and focused detoxification is imperative.

  • Start by limiting your exposure to toxins by:
  • Drinking Clean Water.
  • Clean up your environment and home from chemicals and toxins. Use chemicals free cleaners in your home.
  • Detox your beauty products and stop using products with harmful chemicals.
  • Eat organic.

Most importantly I think that people need a lifelong detoxification plan. This is why I created The Heavy Metals Summit.

I brought together 38 of the world’s top experts on health to teach you about the latest detoxification techniques, supplements, do’s and don’ts – straight from the experts in the field.

Speakers include:

  • Cohost Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt
  • Dr Mercola
  • Erin Elizabeth
  • Jonathan Landsman
  • Joe Pizzorno
  • Ben Lynch
  • Chris Shade
  • Stephanie Seneff
  • Jay Davidson
  • Ian Clark
  • Dr Daniel Pompa
  • Dr Susanne Bennett
  • Robin Openshaw
  • Dr. Tom O’Bryan
  • Sayer Ji of

The Heavy Metals Summit is online and FREE from January 29-Feb 5th.

Join us today and Heavy Metalsgain access to a few free gifts just for registering – including a free bottle of Activation Products’ EASE spray magnesium.

Toxins are everywhere. They are in our food, water, air and even our household goods…and they are destroying your health. Everyone has some level of metals in their body. The connections between metals and disease is now undisputed, but it’s still being ignored by the conventional medical community.

Fortunately, with the info you will find in The Heavy Metals Summit, you can protect and heal yourself and your loved ones from these toxic metals!





  1. Crinnion, W. “Components of Practical Clinical Detox Programs–sauna as a Therapeutic Tool.” National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, Mar. 2007. Web. 23 Feb. 2015
  2. Langford, N., and R. Ferner. “Toxicity of Mercury.” National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, Oct. 1999. Web. 23 Feb. 2015
  3. Agarwal, R., SK Goel, and JR Behari. “Detoxification and Antioxidant Effects of Curcumin in Rats Experimentally Exposed to Mercury.” National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, July 2010. Web. 23 Feb. 2015.
  4. Herron, R., and J. Fagan. “Lipophil-mediated Reduction of Toxicants in Humans: An Evaluation of an Ayurvedic Detoxification Procedure.”Alternative Therapies8.5 (2002): 40–51. Sept.-Oct. 2002. Web. 23 Feb. 2015
  5. Guziel, PS. “New Approaches for Treatment of Humans Exposed to a Slowly Excreted Environmental Chemical (chlordecone).” Z Gastroenterol22.1 (1984): 16–20. National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, Jan. 1984. Web. 23 Feb. 2015
  6. Boylan, JJ, JL Egle, and PS Guzielian. “Cholestyramine: Use as a New Therapeutic Approach for Chlordecone (kepone) Poisoning.” Science199.4331 (1978): 893–95. National Center for Biotechnology Information. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 22 Feb. 1978. Web. 23 Feb. 2015

Dr Wendy Myers, ND is a detox expert, functional diagnostic nutritionist, NES Bioenergetic Practitioner, and founder of She is the #1 bestselling author of Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue . Additionally, Wendy is the host of The Heavy Metals Summit, the Myers Detox Podcast, and the Supercharged Podcast. Passionate about the importance of detox to live a long and healthy life, she created the revolutionary Myers Detox Protocol , and Mitochondria Detox kit after working with thousands of clients, as well as a range of supplements to help you detox from everyday living and maintain a healthy lifestyle!

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