Transcript #10 How EMF Effects Your Health with Nick Pineault

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  • 00:00:30 Meet Nick Pineault
  • 00:03:00 How Nick became aware of EMF pollution
  • 00:04:30 Lack of FCC and government laws
  • 00:06:00 What is 5G?
  • 00:10:00 Future increase in EMFs throughout our cities
  • 00:15:30 Research of laptop use on male fertility
  • 00:18:30 Sources of EMFs
  • 00:27:00 EMF Radiation and its connection to cancer
  • 00:33:00 What EMFs do to our cells –Calcium Channeling
  • 00:35:00 How EMFs disrupt the human bio-field
  • 00:40:00 Are you EMF sensitive? Symptoms of EMF exposure
  • 00:46:00 Using a Meter to test EMF pollution in your home
  • 00:51:30 Taking caution with future technologies
  • 00:55:30 Proving the skeptics wrong

Harry Massey: Welcome to the Supercharged Podcast, where we help you to enhance your energy, health, and purpose.

Wendy Myers: Bioenergetics is truly the future of medicine.

Harry: Imagine having a body charged with energy and a mind quick as lightning. Is that a superhero? No, that’s you, supercharged. We’ll be talking to experts who have studied
the physics of life so that you can have energy for life.

[00:00:30] Wendy: Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Supercharged Podcast. My name is Wendy Myers of [Wendy’s new website is]. You can check out all the episodes for this show on Today we have my friend Nick Pineault on the podcast. He is also a NES bioenergetics practitioner. He wanted to talk today about the science behind EMF, electromagnetic fields, and how they impact our health, our body’s bioenergetic field. We’re going to be talking about the symptoms of EMF sensitivity, surprising sources of EMFs, and what you can do to protect your health.

Our guest, Nick Pineault is a health journalist who has published more than 1500 online articles through a daily newsletter called Nick and Gen’s Healthy Life.

In 2017, he authored The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs, which you can find on Amazon. That’s an unconventional book which combines common sense and humor to tackle the very serious topic of electromagnetic pollution and its effects on human health. You can
learn more about Nick at Nick, thank you so much for joining us on
the podcast.

Nick Pineault: My pleasure, Wendy, I’m excited to talk about a lot of scary stuff today. Let’s face it.

Wendy: Yes. So we’re going to talk about EMF today, electromagnetic fields, or pollution, EMF pollution.

So, why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself and your background.

[00:03:00] Nick: Sure. So my background is really online health journalism. I’ve been writing about health for more than five years. My wife Gen, that you met, and I have started a newsletter almost five years ago, through selling eBooks. It became a daily newsletter where I write my thoughts about all sorts of topics. It’s called Nick and Gen’s Healthy Life. I’ve just been writing about so many different things in the last years. Diet. I talked about your work a little bit. I talked about what Mercola is doing, Dr. Axe, and all these authorities. Kind of reporting on what everyone else is doing and trying to put that in a way that’s digestible, because there’s so many websites out there, and so many breakthroughs happening in the last years.

Last year I became especially worried. I don’t even remember how. It’s probably just a calling. I just became very worried about my cellphone. I’m like, “Wait a minute.” I started reading these books like Deborah Davis, Disconnect. Then there’s Martin Blank, that has a great book, Overpowered, for example. I read a few of them and I realized the extent of the problem. I realized, “Wait a minute, this thing is tested on a mannequin head that’s 6’2″, made out of foam, and filled with liquid, and it doesn’t resemble my brain.” So, I’m like, “Well, it doesn’t make sense the way they’re tested for safety, these cell phones that emit electromagnetic fields, EMFs.” So, I realized, “Wait a minute.

This might just be the biggest health threat of our time if this is true that they’re not tested the way they should be.” Then, I just went on a journey reading everything. I think I Googled EMFs and went on YouTube, and kind of listened to everything in the first 100 pages of videos you can find about EMFs. I heard a lot of crazy stuff like people, “Oh, EMFs are like the government trying to mind control us,” and like really extreme stuff. Like, “Okay, maybe there’s something to it, but I can’t verify as a journalist.” But other things, other people, especially Deborah Davis and the Environmental Health Trust just report on the science on the topic, the overwhelming science. All the countries around the world that are actually thinking this is serious, and they take action.

So, France in 2015, for example, they banned Wi-Fi from nursery schools. They had a bunch of different laws that were voted in 2015 in their parliament. Since then, it’s only getting clearer and clearer that France is going to take even more steps towards reducing EMFs. In the meantime, meanwhile in America, the story is very different.

Wendy: Yeah, in America, where the government has their head buried in the sand. I need to move to Europe, because they’re protecting their citizens from food, and glyphosate, and Monsanto, and EMFs. They just are not being bought out. At least not as badly as our government here in the United States.

[00:04:30] Nick: Yeah, just so that people can understand. Tom Wheeler is the head of the FCC, Federal Communication Commission. He declared that in a press conference a few months ago, when being told, “Are you going to put a halt to 5G, to study health effects? He said, “No. We’re not going to study health effects. We’re not going to wait for studies. We’re going to roll 5G. We don’t care.” That’s what he said in a press conference. He’s like, “No, we’re going to move forward, because-

[00:06:00] Wendy: What is 5G, for anyone listening? What is 5G?

Nick: Sure. So let me go back to the start. So, we had, since the first big phones that were the first cell phones where you had to plug them in your car. You had 1G, first generation of signals. Then you had 2G. 3G was when you could start scrolling on the internet.

So, early days of Facebook, 2006, 2005. Early days when YouTube came about, 3G was the
new technology.  It was incredible, and these are third generation antennas that were popping everywhere. Then in 2012 all the telecom companies were like, “Well, 3G could be faster. We need something faster.” Because users like you and I, we love HD video.

We want super download, super speed. And the people who were selling telephone plans were like, “Users eventually are going to have 20, and 80, 100 gigs of download per month. So, you guys need to figure out a way to have stronger signals.” Which means, more EMFs. So, that’s 4G, 4th generation.

Another name for it that’s similar is LTE, long-term evolution. You might see that on your cell phone, LTE or 4G. They pretty much mean the same. So this is what we have right now, as of 2017. Now, the industry, because 2012, I mean, let’s face it, it’s ages ago when it comes to technology because it evolves so fast. Now they’re thinking about 5G. They’re like, “Okay, what is the next step in speed? In user demand? How can we have holograms coming out of screens, and super high demand in the number, in the amount of data that users can have? How can we download an HD video, a full-length movie, in six seconds instead of six minutes, for example?” So, that’s the kind of speed that they’re looking to create with new networks called 5G, the fifth generation.

The plan for that is, I don’t know if you listened to my talk at the Mindshare Summit in San Diego, but it was about the rollout of 5G. The plan is, “We’re going to roll this out everywhere across the US.” Even Europe wants to do it, and some people are not cool with that. The plan is to have 5G everywhere by 2020 to 2025. Some people say, “That’s unrealistic, it’s going to be a bit later.” The truth is, it’s starting right now. Right now in the US, there are six to eight major cities — don’t quote me on that — but at least, Austin, Texas downtown has 5G antennas, where they’re performing tests. Because, when there’s a new technology like 5G, you want to make sure it works properly in a city setting

Wendy: They space these cell phone towers, like isn’t it 12 feet apart? I forget how much? Or it’s 12 houses apart. I think it’s 12 houses apart is what it is.

[00:10:00] Nick: Exactly. So that’s pretty much every 2 to 12 homes in neighborhoods, there’s going to be a small antenna on a pole. First it looks very ugly. But then, near an antenna, EMFs, let’s say I’m near my cellphone. This is the antenna, so to speak, so when I create distance from my body, I can reduce these EMFs that are very stressful to my body. If you listen to anything that you, Wendy, publish, or on the Supercharged Podcast. Of if you would look at EH Trust, you’ll understand why these signals are harmful to your body. We can get into that a little bit, but if you already know these things, you have to create distance.

But, now were going to put, instead of a couple antennas in the city, we’re going to have small cell antennas. This is because, right now, your cellphone uses signals that are in a certain range of frequencies. Just like when it comes to NES, how there are frequencies to your body. These frequencies are in the microwave range.

So, essentially, your microwave oven, the way it cooks food is that it emits a signal like 2.4 GHz. It cooks your food. It agitates the particles in your food and it heats it. It’s the same signal that’s used by your cellphone. The same frequency that’s used by your cellphone, and Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. These are microwaves, right? Obviously, your cellphone is less powerful than a 1000 watts microwave, because you would literally be cooking your head right now. So it’s not happening, but it doesn’t mean it’s not harmful. It does something to
your cells. It stresses you out.

It can reduce your deep sleep. It can make you anxious, depressed, sap your energy, and etcetera, et cetera. 5G is different though. Just finish on that point, and then I’m going to catch my breath. Millimeter waves is what they’ll be using. So, right now, you know a lot of people are afraid to go in the airport scanners, right?

Wendy: Yes, I am.

Nick: So, what I’m going to tell you today will sound very crazy, but I’m actually not afraid of airport scanners, because airport scanners use millimeter waves. Millimeter waves, we
go a little bit further down the road towards the very high frequency stuff.

So, microwave, and then millimeter wave is, instead of let’s say 3 GHz that we use for
cellphones, we go up to 10, and 15, and 30, and 60, and up to 300 GHz. So when you go
up the GHz range, it’s super high speed. You can have lighting fast wireless, but it’s super
short distance.

This is why you have to build a bunch of little antennas all over the place, so it’s kind of beaming all directions. You walk around the street with your cellphone, and then you have maybe 12 antennas sending you signals, like finding a position. So, it’s super sophisticated. But the amounts of EMFs are going to be off the charts.

Now, going back to the airport scanner, get this, the amount of power emitted by an airport scanner is actually in the millimeter waves. So, these millimeter waves that are going to be used by cellphones, and Wi-Fi, and antennas in 5G are actually the thing that people try to avoid at the airport. But, at the airport, I looked at the specs of these machines. It’s basically, I think, something like 5000 microwatts per square meter. The unit doesn’t mean, let’s say 5000 units of radiation.

But your cell phone can easily emit 500,000 unit, compared to 500. So the funny thing, or the irony is that people that are super health conscious, like, “Oh, no. Airport scanner, never.” Then they use their phone and the expose themselves to thousands of times more radiation than the scanner itself.

Wendy: Yeah, I just didn’t want to change it. I’m like, “I don’t 100% know. I don’t need to go down that rabbit hole. I’m just not going to chance it. I’ll take the pat down.” But, that’s good to know.

Nick: It’s kind of crazy. So imagine airport scanners times thousands, and thousands, and
thousands, everywhere in the neighborhood. That’s 5G for you.

Because the mainstream and the people responsible to push a technology, they’re either not aware, either putting their head in the sand, either deceiving the public, we can call it a bunch of things on a political standpoint. But they don’t want to stop for a second, study the health effects, and then develop maybe a 5G that has all these things but that maybe is
compatible with the human body. They don’t care about that. They have this meme that
they keep repeating, “It’s safe. Its low-level radiation,” and all these things that you’ll
hear. But the truth is, what we have right now, 4G, is already damaging our health. So
5G, I think, unfortunately, is going to be worse.

Wendy:  What are some of the studies on the damaging effects of 4G to our health? Or some of the stuff that you’ve read that shows some of the health effects of just 4G that have
been established right now.

[00:15:30] Nick: Sure, the strongest link when it comes to Wi-Fi radiation is on laptop use on the lap. Which is kind of ironic again, because when they invented the world laptop, it was never actually intended to be on the lap, because I think the first laptop was like 20 pounds, so imagine that. It’s like, it’s a beast.

But, eventually they became lighter and lighter, and people obviously, it’s super convenient to be able to work at the airport, or wherever. On the sofa, I see a lot of people using that. But, essentially you have multiple Wi-Fi antennas inside your computer. So, when it’s on Wi-Fi, it’s blasting towards your reproductive organs. As a man, we know that only 4 hours of laptop use makes 25% of your sperm useless. No motility. So, that’s a big marker of longevity and obviously fertility that people are totally losing in 4 hours, or losing 25% of that. So that’s very powerful. Then, I looked, I was like, “Okay. Right. That’s one study, right? Obviously you’re cherry picking.” Well, I looked at meta-analysis. Meta-analysis is when scientists will analyze multiple studies. They will choose the high quality studies only, independent, and they will look, for example, at 60 studies at a time and try to conclude, “Okay. When we put all this information together, what is the conclusion?

What does this data show?” So, in the last year, since 2009, there’s been 6 meta-analysis
that I looked at. They looked at a total of 2001 studies on sperm count and EMFs, and
that 4G that we have at the moment. Each one concluded that EMFs will break DNA of
sperm, impair motility, and all aspects of man fertility. That’s a link that’s not even to

There’s no way you can deny it if you have a scientific mind. I want anyone who’s a skeptic and try to make sense of these numbers. Because if 4Gs completely safe, why is that happening to our fertility? This is future generations. It’s kind of crazy, right? So, what we don’t know is what it’s doing to women. I mean, because they have their eggs since day 1, since their birth. And we don’t know exactly what it’s doing.

Wendy: We can’t make new ones.

Nick: No, exactly.

Wendy: You know, like you guys can. There’s a reason, there’s a lot of different underlying reasons why fertility is a big problem in the US. [crosstalk 00:17:22] are there. It’s bad.

Nick: It’s what, it’s half of all couples that are in the age of conceiving, and I think are fairly healthy, that cannot conceive.

That’s in India, and that’s also in America. If it’s not 1/2, it’s 1/3. But it’s a tragedy that people cannot conceive, and then they rely on IVF and other technologies. They pay 50K out of pocket, or crazy things. People will mortgage their homes to have children. You don’t have to do that if you find the right causes that destroy your fertility. And among them, I’m not saying this is the sole cause of illness in human beings, that would be silly, but among them is EMF exposure directly to your organs. If it’s not laptop use, it could be just keeping a phone in your pocket 24/7 is a huge issue. Or even keeping it by your bedside, because it’s constantly emitting towards your body. Even if you don’t see a notification, every 6 seconds, maybe faster in some phones, it’s connecting to the tower saying, “Hey, I’m here.” Each time, it’s a little hit to your biology.

[00:18:30] Wendy: Yes. So let’s talk about the sources of EMF, for people that may not be totally familiar with EMFs. What it is, what it does, or what it does to us. What are the different sources that people may not be aware of? I know a lot of people here listening, they’re charging their phone by their bed when they sleep.

They don’t put it on Wi-Fi. They have the little phones, we’re all addicted to our phones. They’re next to our heads when we’re sleeping. You’re not putting it on Wi-Fi or turning it off. Tell us all the little sources, maybe some tips and tricks about things people are doing to harm their health

Nick: Sure, so number one I told you about is the phone. Obviously, this is number one source of EMFs period, because it’s closest to your body. It’s also the one you can actually turn off. You have the control.

If it’s your neighbor on a subway train, it’s not like you can go to that person, “Hey, your EMFing me, and kind of second hand smoking me.” Not yet.

It’s not accepted in society and there’s no policemen that will tell that you’re right if you
tell your neighbor to shut down their Wi-Fi router. In the meantime, you have to focus
on your own stuff. Your own devices. Tablets, and cellphones, and laptops would be my
first thing. So you create distance when you use a phone. Instead of using it here, you
can use the earbuds and create one to two foot distance.

You reduce problems by 95% right there. When it comes to your home, it’s your Wi-Fi router, honestly. In a perfect world, we would just disregard Wi-Fi, go wired, have a 75 foot Ethernet cable that’s going all the other way of the apartment, and that’s one way to go, to actually have wired internet. It’s a possibility. If you don’t want that, if it’s not convenient, and you’re like, “well, one step at a time,” one thing you can do and you should do is turn it off at night. So, at least, your cells and your melatonin production, your entire biology will go, “Oh. Okay.” A little bit of relief from all this outside environment.

Maybe your office is super high in EMFs, maybe your grocery store is because now they
have free wife, while you, I don’t know, you have the app of whatever, Whole Foods.
Everyone’s developing apps. Like everyone is telling you to add more EMFs to your life,
so you might as well have lower and lower EMFs inside your own home. Where you
place your Wi-Fi router is critical because this is number one source. I saw some people
that didn’t know better, and they placed it under their bed. Because they’re like, “Well,
there’s a plug there.” The tech guy was like, “Okay, guys. Let’s install it there.” They have
super high connectivity, but they’re essentially sleeping right next to a cellphone tower.
A miniature cellphone tower. It’s horrible. They wonder, “Well, it’s been two years now,
and we’re so exhausted. Our sleep is crappy.” Well guys, you have something that’s
proven by more than 80 studies to reduce melatonin and create adrenaline spikes, and spikes in blood sugar even, in certain studies, or spikes in adrenaline, stress, cortisol,
there’s a lot of different links. Overall, it’s definitely not something you want in your
sleep. So, first place that Wi-Fi router as far as possible from your bedroom or living
areas, from your kid’s bedroom, obviously. So, maybe in a closet, maybe in somewhere
that’s really remote. Then have it on the Christmas light timer. It costs about $10 on
Amazon. You can look it up. You hook up your power cord on your Wi-Fi router on this
timer, so you can set it up so it goes off at 11 pm, and it comes back on at 6 am. At least
your entire family, your entire house, is a very low EMFs, very high healing environment
at night during seven hours. This is how, I think, you’ll be able to manage to get exposed
the rest of the day by all the other sources that you have little control over.

Wendy: But what about all the other people’s Wi-Fi routers? In my neighborhood, when I go searching for my internet right now, there’s 30 other wireless routers. It’s very
depressing, because I can’t turn their router off. I can’t turn off their electric smart

Nick: Yeah, that’s a thing. So there are a lot of outside sources nowadays that can be a
problem. To be perfectly honest with you, the first step, I’m focusing on baby steps for
people. In certain situations, let’s say you take care of your own home but maybe you’re
in a large apartment building in New York City, right? There’s cell phone antennas at the
outside blasting at your window. You realize your neighbor maybe has this industrial
strength Wi-Fi router right on the wall that’s your bedroom head. What do you do? My
advice would be like, either move. It’s not necessarily the best way, the easiest thing to
do. Or hire a building biologist. There’s a profession in the United States. Thankfully,
building biologists are there. They are almost in all states, almost all provinces in
Canada, way more in Europe — they’re always ahead — but you can call them up. Have
some sort of counseling with them, advice for example, on how you can use certain
paints that you can paint an entire wall with it, and it will reflect these signals very
effectively. There are certain things you can put in your windows. This all sounds kind of
crazy to people that maybe are new to the topic, but if you feel sick in your
environment, and you just can’t pinpoint exactly what’s wrong with you, having this guy
come over at your house, they’re going to be able to tell, “Okay, are the levels very
low?” Maybe there’s something else. Maybe there’s mold. Maybe you have chemicals.
There’s all sorts of crazy toxic sources at home that could be responsible for your ill
health. But maybe they’re going to see on their meters, they have professional grade
meters, “Wait a minute, this is coming from the outside.” And if you shield it for maybe
$150, “Oh my God, I feel good in my home again.”

How much would that be worth to you? That’s the question. In reality, people that are ill
are almost willing to do anything to get better. So, it’s a major source, you have at least
to be, not become paranoid about it, but you have to be aware that EMFs, now, it’s a
new kind of sugar. It’s a new kind of smoking. And it’s a new kind of environmental
stress that might be worse than junk food. Maybe all these sources like depending on
how sensitive you are, maybe is the worst thing for you right now. The thing that’s
actually taking away all that mental clarity that you used to have, all that energy, and all
that good sleep, that good deep sleep that you had. Suddenly, you moved, like it happened for you, and you share that in the podcast a lot. You moved to a new place,
and you’re like, “Wait a minute. My sleep isn’t what it used to be. I don’t feel like myself
anymore.” Some women even report, “I’m having menopause symptoms at 41.” I’m like,
“Wait a minute, this is not normal.” Turns out, they had the Wi-Fi router under the bed.
They had their cell phones under the pillow. They had, maybe, like 30 different smart
meters that are these utility meters that are essentially cellphone towers, again, that
will communicate with the utility your power uses, they can be very strong, right outside
their bedroom wall. So, you have to be aware of that. It’s not like anyone’s going to tell
you to look for those things before moving in, so you have to be aware if you want to
stay healthy these days. I think, and it’s not just my opinion but the opinions of many
independent scientists, dozens, thousands, that this is one of the main causes of chronic
disease. Or one of the main contributors to chronic disease in 2017.

[00:27:00] Wendy: And cancers. Cancers, leukemia and other types of cancers. There’s a lot of research that shows that EMF are an underlying cause, because they change how our cells function. That they, energetically, they impact our body and they change how our bodies function energetically. They impact our bodies energetic field and how our bodies communicate, and how our cells work, and that’s why cells will more easily mutate when exposed to EMFs, and then can grow into a tumor and a cancer. Can you talk about that?

Nick: Sure, that’s correct. There are a lot of studies showing strong links. A lot of people
debate, “Oh is it credible? Brain cancer, no brain cancer?” They like arguing in the
media. Honestly, for me, cancer is the last thing that happens. First you have fatigue.
First you have insomnia, and down the road there’s cancer. But it’s true that research,
for example, shows that there’s a huge increase when you talk on your cellphone in a
few different cancers. So, there’s frontal lobe, there’s Parotid gland, your salivary
glands. There are inner ear cancer, acoustic neuromas.

So there are lot of different cancers that are linked with, and these are ipsilateral
cancers, so same side where you use a cellphone, people get a tumor. So the link is even
stronger because of that. Because it’s not like you get a tumor on the left and you
usually speak on the right. Well, okay, obviously it’s probably not your cellphone. But if
it’s always in the data showing these cases, it’s very strong. So, Hardell, he’s a Swedish
researcher, he says from all his research, and he’s one of the most published authors on
the topic. He says, “very year that you use a cellphone, you increase your risk of brain
cancer by 8%.” That’s how he puts it. One study, it’s going to move a lot of ink in the US,
and it’s going to make the headlines, hopefully, if it’s not repressed or anything like that.
The NTP study, National Toxicology Program, this is a branch of the US government that
was mandated, I think it’s part of the FDA, but don’t quote me on that. The idea is that
the US government paid $25 million to have this study done on the effects of
cellphones, and cellphone EMFs on rats, because when you study cancer this is actually
the golden standard. Like people don’t come back to us in the comments and say, “Well,
it’s rat studies, not human studies.” “Well, okay, if you want a human study on cancer,
you want someone to give you cancer, and then they confirm?” I mean, it doesn’t make
sense. That’s why we study animals, right? This is the golden standard of research. What
they found is that 30 minutes of cellphone a day for 36 years, in the human equivalent compared to rats, will lead to increase in heart cancer — and this is a very rare cancer that they almost never see in animals — and brain cancer. These results have been prepublished, early publication there because the researchers were so scared of the results,
so concerned that they decided to release them in late 2016.

[00:33:00] Now the full report of this NTP study, that you can look it up on Google. You’ll find a lot of things. The final report is due now, they’ve been postponing it, and postponing it. I think the industry’s kind of freaking out, and even the government, they don’t know what to do with it. It’s like a hot potato. It’s coming in, I think, it might be April 2018 now. Honestly, it might take years. Who knows if they’re going to kind of, “Oh, no,”
because it’s so credible. It is the US government, right. The researchers were not bias.
They were mandated to prove, without a shadow of a doubt that cellphones are safe. It
was their mission to confirm cellphone safety. They found the exact opposite. Not only
that, but people who argue that cellphones are safe, they’re going to say, “Well, the
only thing you should look at it when it comes to health effects are the healing effects.”
The whole idea, why people, skeptics and physicists, and people in the IT, they all think
that this is low-level radiation. So technically, the amount of radiation admitted by a
cellphone cannot break your DNA, because it’s non-ionizing. It’s a bit technical, but
ionizing radiation is like nuclear radiation in gamma rays and x-rays for example. We
know that x-rays can damage your DNA. It’s called ionization. It will cause cancer if
you’re exposed to multiple x-rays. That’s a reason, in a medical setting, an x-rays serious
business. It’s like, “Well, we do it. But we do it with super care.” But in the ’50s, they
used to x-ray children’s feet in shoe stores, just to find the right fit for their feet. That’s
before they found out, “Oh, wait a minute, what are we doing?” With each exposure, it
accumulates this DNA damage in your body, and eventually you might develop cancer
because of that. So, that’s what’s happening. People are saying, “Oh, well, microwaves
are not x-rays. They cannot do that. They cannot damage your cells directly.” Right?

That’s the argument, and that’s true. But what is not said, and that’s the research by Dr.
Martin Pall, P-A-L-L, and the guy has discovered that EMFs, these low-level EMFs, do not
directly impact the cell. It impacts a little part of the cell that is called the voltage gated
calcium channels. This is a little door inside your cell that lets calcium in or out. So, it’s
just calcium channeling. The consequences of EMFs coming in and screwing up with
these little mechanisms, and keeping the doors open 24/7 so the calcium flows in, so
there’s excess calcium, and inside the cell, it totally wrecks havoc. Imagine a factory
where I pour molten lava in there. Then the workers are screaming around like, “Oh my
God. What’s happening?” It creates a lot of different things inside a cell, and it creates
DNA damage that way, in an indirect manner that might be worse than ionizing
radiation. So, if that’s true, there are a couple studies, and I’m working on a book and
another thing for my book right now. I actually looked at one study where German
researchers have compared 24 hours of cellphone use and how much this damages
DNA. Then, 1600 chest x-rays and how much this damages DNA, using a technique
called the Comet Assay. So the Comet Assay is when you take a substance, you take a
signal, you try to break DNA, and then you put a special paint in it. Then you put it
across a slide. If something is super broken, you’ll see a little dot that’s lights, and you’ll see a trail of damage. This is called the Comet Assay because it looks like little comets. The more it looks like a comet, the more damage that has happened. So they compared how much damage by 24 hours of cellphone use, and 1600 chest x-rays and they found it’s the same thing. If that’s true, that’s just one study and that’s early. But it’s even
controversial to talk about these ideas, because it might mean, and I had this discussion
with Dr. Mercola.

[00:35:00] I’m not saying it’s a fact. I’m just saying, we should look at these
things, because maybe we’ve made the biggest mistake of humankind existence, just
like x-rays. I mean, x-rays, they used to be x-raying children’s feet, and now you say that,
you’re a criminal. Well, maybe right now, we’re x-raying ourselves 24/7 and we don’t
realize it. Maybe our children will be like, “You guys were really the stupidest generation
in history, to do that.” If this is even remotely true, if this is 1% true, it is very concerning
and it means that we need to spread the awareness first, and then ask for safer
technologies. But, you know what, Wendy, no one in the tech industry that I know of — I
want them to reach out to me — is studying, “How can we make a signal that is fast, that
is effective, that is wireless, and that is bio-compatible, that does not disrupt these little
doors in our cells. And maybe that does not disrupt the human bio-field,” which is
another aspect, completely different. How many factors are disrupted inside the human
bodies when exposed to these foreign man-made frequencies? We don’t know. We
don’t know. And maybe there are mechanisms that we don’t even think about that are
quantum and like super … I don’t know.

But, we need to be, I think, we act as a society right now, and it’s not you, it’s not me.
We didn’t develop Wi-Fi, but we’re users. So, I mean, we participate in that, and we’re
like, “Oh, okay. This is a natural thing to do now. It’s so fast.” Right? It’s so fast, but our
safety standards don’t have time to catch up. I think it’s irresponsible, simply. We need
to stop. Some people are doing that for 5G. They’re like, “Wait, guys. Let’s not blanket
the environment more.” Like, “We’re already in deep trouble right here. We think so.”
So, let’s put an end. Not stop technology, but let’s put a pause, get some experts in a
room, and say, “Okay.” Like the antenna guy, and the screen guy, and the iPhone guy,
and then doctors, and then cell biologists, and then people, bring Harry Massey and
Wendy Myers there to talk about the bio-field, I don’t know. But get them in a room,
and then figure out, “Wait a minute. This signal disrupts cells. This one does not. This
one heals.” Right? Because PMF, I mean, in medical settings, it’s crazy. In medical
settings, more and more PMF devices are FDA approved. Used by the government. Used
in hospitals. And it’s totally fine that EMFs are healing. It’s totally accepted. It’s not even
bizarre to say that. But if you say that EMFs can damage you, you’re a quack, and it’s
impossible. “Well, how is that possible?” So, what if I have here a medical device that’s a
PMF that can do, for example, electrochemotherapy. I don’t know if you’ve heard about
that. You put a device on the brain, and it opens up the blood-brain barrier to let
chemotherapy go in. Because usually, chemotherapy, it’s blocked by the natural barrier
around the brain, so it’s not very effective for brain cancer. So you can use a PMF device
to let that poison that’s going to heal, which is chemotherapy, get into the brain. Well,
the same signal, a little bit weaker, of course, is used by a cellphone next to your head.
So, essentially, a cellphone is a medical device that opens up your blood-brain barrier
every time you talk on it. Well, there’s a lot of studies about that as well. So, it’s kind of bizarre. It’s very crazy that there are these two different things happening at the same
time. It’s okay to heal, but there’s no way it damages us. I just don’t get it.

[00:40:00] Wendy: Well, you know, it’s about money. I mean, just the fact that the government is mandating a study to show that cellphones are safe. Unfortunately, we know that in the US, big corporations spend a tremendous amount of money lobbying to get our government to pass laws that favor them and their products. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. It’s going on around the world. But, you know, the fact of the matter is a lot of people are becoming very ill, and even capacitated to the point where
they can’t work because of EMF sensitivity. They go to their doctor, and they run all
these tests. They can’t find anything, or they try to give them drugs. Unfortunately, I
want to bring awareness to people listening, that if you or a loved one is very, very ill,
chronically fatigued, can’t think to the point where you can’t work, you want to be
looking at EMF sensitivity as one of the underlying root causes. Let’s talk about some of
the other symptoms of EMF sensitivity. What can someone be experiencing when
they’re sensitive to EMF?

Nick:  Sure. Very commonly cited symptoms from, some call it EHS, electrohypersensitivity, I don’t even think it’s a good term. Honestly, 1 out of 3 adults, according to Magda Havas, has mild to moderate symptoms of electrosensitivity. Maybe that’s 100%, it’s just that we don’t know. Because if you go into nature and have zero signals, hopefully there’s not a cellphone tower nearby. But let’s say if you’re in a zero EMF environment, almost everyone feels better. So, is it the sun? Is it the grounding? We don’t know, but the fact is everyone feels better off EMFs, even if you don’t feel it. So that’s something I want to stress. Then, the symptoms. Fatigue, obviously. Just a lack of mental clarity. Dizziness. Some people are nauseous. Some people will get tingling, burning sensations, redness, like skin symptoms, some people get them. That’s kind of crazy. That’s visible. That’s not in the head, it’s visible. You put a Wi-Fi router next to them, and they break in hives. It’s  almost like they’re, they’re almost Celiac, like they’re auto-immune to these signals,somehow. Insomnia, poor sleep.
Another big one is heart palpitations or arrhythmia. Because I talked about BGCC’s and
these calcium channels that open. Well, the greatest concentration of calcium channels
is found in the heart. So it is very disruptive. And obviously the heart is what is
electromagnetic. It creates a field. It creates a bio field. Then when you look at an EKG,
you can look at these signals. Right? I’m not making this stuff up. It’s decades old, this
technology now, that we know the heart is this generator of electricity. Obviously, it
kind of makes sense that if you put a cellphone in your shirt pocket, it can disrupt it. A
lot of people, it’s not even a cellphone, there’s just Wi-Fi in your room, and they feel
their heart going, “Boom, boom, budump. Boom, boom, boom.” All over the place. Their
heart rhythms are either very elevated, blood pressure very elevated. All these
symptoms, can … It sounds like its everything. Well, it is. Because for different people,
they will respond differently. Like, I heard from people that are very electrosensitive
some of them will start having tinnitus after a couple minutes. Then, they’re going to
start having brain fog after a couple hours. Then they’re going to get muscle weakness
after a couple of days. So, it’s gradual. When they do studies around people, to kind of prove, “Is it all in the head? Is it real?” They use a cellphone for a couple minutes, and
it’s not the way we’re exposed to these levels. These people that are EHS, or that have
this toll on their body, it’s over time that this is creating that. Just with heavy metals, like
you talk about all the time, or with chemicals, it’s over time. It accumulates this damage
and if you don’t go in a low EMFs environment, you’re essentially a Celiac person that’s
gorging on Wonder Bread. It’s like, you’re essentially, you’re trying not to gorge on it,
but somebody is throwing bread at you, or flour. You’re like, “Oh.” You’re getting hit all
the time. Your body never has rest, right? So, all these symptoms can be part of that.
One way to verify that, and this is a challenge I recommend for anyone listening to this,
is just to turn off your Wi-Fi router at home for a couple of nights straight. Turn off the
circuit breaker to your room. To even remove all of the electrical fields, that’s another
EMF that can be in your room, just electricity itself can be damaging or stressful. Then
remove your cellphone or put it in airplane mode. If you feel better, well, there you go.
There you go. You’re EMF sensitive now. I am. I know if the Wi-Fi is on, I cannot get my
testosterone, libido, mental performance to be what I consider normal. I go back to
normal when the Wi-Fi is off at night. It’s still on during the day.
Gen loves … and I just want to stress this, I’m still using Wi-Fi. I’m not perfect by any
means. I’m not freaking out about it every single day. That would be silly, and that
would even put you in a stress response that maybe is worse than the EMF itself. But I
am aware that when I spend a lot of time in coffee shops, I feel drained a little bit more,
and I need more rest. So, you need to be aware of that, and you need to be very aware
that this is real and this is happening, and listen to your body even more. Even if that’s
not a very scientific thing to do, it’s true. You have to listen like, “Wait a minute, I feel
really off in this room.” At the Mindshare Summit, it’s a business event in San Diego
three months ago, the levels were off the charts. This is a health conference, but you
have these strong Wi-Fi routers. So some people were a little bit dizzy, very sensitive
people, obviously most of them were not. But, it’s like, you have to listen. Like, “Wait a
minute, if I feel something it’s probably real. Where does it come from? Is that
something I ate?” It can be something in the air. It can be, I don’t know, fresh carpet
that’s like emanating all these chemicals. But it can also be these EMFs that you cannot
see, you cannot feel, you cannot smell. So it’s hard. One thing I recommend is getting a
meter. If there are petitioners or health conscious people listening to that that want to
go a little bit deeper and invest a little bit in their health, when it comes to EMFs, it’s
really having a meter, honestly, that helps you figure out, “Okay, am I kind of paranoid
here? Or are the levels off the charts?” At least you can verify, you know.

Wendy: What kind of meter do you recommend?

[00:46:00] Nick: It’s called a Cornet ED88T, like Tom.

Wendy: Can you spell that?

Nick: Cornet. Yes. C-O-R-N, like Nicolas, E-T, like Tom. Cornet. So, this one has three different functions, and it’s under $200 on Amazon. This is the one I recommend. This is the one I use throughout my book, also, to give examples of levels that I’ve read in my apartment at the time of the writing. So, I tell you what’s the difference between a cellphone and a Wi-Fi router. What’s the difference between a Bluetooth signal, or a breaker box, or all the sources of electricity you can think about. So, to help people put number on things. Because, it’s kind of, “Okay, what’s a high EMF environment? What’s a low EMFs environment?” You’ve got to put numbers or have a scientific approach to it. You can actually test out your bedroom and see if your Wi-Fi router is too close to it, if you have a meter. Following my guide, you can do that. You can also, I don’t know, you’re in your hotel room. That’s something I do all the time. I go to a conference. I’m at a hotel, I’m
like, “Okay.” I tell my wife Gen, she knows, “Okay, you’re going to do your thing.” I have
my meter, and I walk around the hotel room. I’m like, “Oh, wait a minute, these levels
are off the charts.” I find that the Wi-Fi router is hidden, like I don’t know, like under the
desk or something like that. I’m like, “Oh, there it is, and I find a source because I can
pinpoint exactly where it’s coming from. Then I can turn it off at night, and sleep like a
baby and prepare myself for business. So, it’s just these things. Like, if you travel a lot, or
if you want to know whether your environment is, instead of being paranoid, you’ll
know the numbers. Having a meter is a really sane thing to do

Wendy: And having a meter in your home, and testing around your home, you can find sources that may surprise you. Like, you could find a Wi-Fi signal coming out of your television that you didn’t even know was on that you could turn off, that you weren’t even using. There’s Wi-Fi signals coming out of the newer refrigerators and other types of
appliances around the home, that you may not even be using that might be feeding
information or to an app, even, in your phone. So, there’s lots of different sources that
you can ferret out by using one of these meters

Nick: Definitely. And this is something that I didn’t talk about, that maybe just … I know we probably have to wrap this up eventually, but internet of things, I just don’t want to talk. Because people are going to see that in the news. They’re going to hear about it. Some
call it IOT, internet of things. Internet of things is just, it means that everything is going
to be interconnected. So, my Wi-Fi router obviously gives me internet in the home, but
then I have my computer and I’m talking to Wendy on Skype. Maybe my mouse is
wireless to my computer. But then, there’s also my toaster. So that way, I’m on my
computer and I’m like, “Hey, toaster,” I don’t know, “preheat,” or whatever. You click
that. And I have my coffee maker. Boom. So everything is interconnected. My
thermostat, my lighting, everything is interconnected. So, all of these sources, some of
them, you’d be surprised, can be as powerful as a Wi-Fi router. Even a wireless, for
example, device like a gaming console. Like the Xbox 360 I have, I play Lego games with
Gen, oftentimes. Can you believe that this thing emits almost as much as a cellphone or
a Wi-Fi router? But then, here’s a twist. When I turn it off, I push a button, I’m like,
“Okay. I’ve had enough gaming for one day.” I turn it off, and it’s still emitting 24/7. I’m
like, “Why is that?” Then I unplug it, and now it’s fine. It’s not emitting. So you need to
unplug appliances when you’re not using them. That’s the truth. Unless you have a meter to verify that the little chip inside that sends a wireless signal is not smart.
Somehow they’ve built it in a way, and that’s going to be wasteful for your energy
consumption, by the way. So that’s kind of crazy. It’s emitting a signal that’s essentially
needless. The console is not in use. You think it’s off, but it’s not. So, all the hidden
sources around the house, you mentioned like smart appliances. Yes. I mean, now your
new LG or Samsung fridge will be connected to your AI and you can talk to him to like, I
don’t know, Bill your new AI in your fridge, and say, “Bill, I want some bananas for
tomorrow morning.” Then Amazon’s going to bring that over in, I don’t know, little
drones, or whatever. This is just a couple years down the road. We laugh at that, but it’s
the future. This is where it’s going.

Wendy: People do that right now with their Alexa. Where they’re just ordering, “Hey, Amazon, I need some,” whatever, “some new toilet paper.” People are doing that right now.

[00:51:30] Nick: Exactly, so if you get on that craze, that’s the thing, I guess my last message would be not to go back to the Stone Age. That’s not the question. I think we need to be careful about jumping on the new technologies because once you hear about the problems with 4G, if you decide to grab the new iPhone … Well, iPhone X, I don’t think is going to be on 5G. I think maybe it’s going to be like iPhone 15 or something in three years from now. But, when 5G comes out, if you’re a user and if you decide to use it, you are part of the problem. If you are aware that it is a problem in the first place. But if you’re aware
this is a problem and you still decide, “You know what, the speed is too good, and I want
to download HD videos in six seconds,” you’re going to be part of the problem. Because
if you do not participate in the technology, if you chose, “You know what, I’m going to
stick with my old phone a little bit longer. I’m going to talk about it. I’m going to talk
about your work, Wendy, you had so many great interviewees about EMF. Talk about
my book,” Whatever it is, I don’t know. But if you talk about it, and you avoid the
technology, well the telecom companies are not going to make a dime on the
technology. They’re going to lose money, in fact. They’re going to install all of these
antennas that cost trillions of dollars and they’re going to be like, “Well, users don’t like
it. They demand safer technology.” Well, guess what? They’re going to have to go back
to the drawing boards, and then come up with healthier stuff.

It’s the same things as the food movement, guys. It’s the same thing. If we demand
organic, grass-fed, healthier, sustainable. Companies like Walmart, now, are the number
one sellers of organic foods in the US, if not the world. It’s what happens. Costco. Like all
these corporations that see money in a new health trend that’s healthier for the planet
will jump on board. So if having a safer version of 5G, let’s call it, I don’t know, healthy
G. I don’t know. If there’s a safer option out there that can make these companies
money, they will develop it. The first company that’s going to do it is going to be rich. So,
everyone’s going to jump on board. It’s only a matter of being very prudent, reducing
EMFs at home, and then talking about it. Because it’s a huge topic, and it’s not crazy. I
mean, my book is the Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMF. There’s a reason I chose this title.
People think it’s totally like quackery and BS. It’s not. It’s not. Even one guy that’s a
pharmacist send me literally, an email that really got me shaken up. At the beginning
when I publish my book, I sent him the book, and I’m like, “I know you’re a skeptic, but please read the research.” He told me, “Nick, you should quit.” He’s like, “Nick, this is
not serious work. You cannot go around with a meter. It’s BS.” He didn’t even read the
book, obviously. He just skimmed through it, and he’s like, “No. It’s a non-issue.” This
guy’s going to be sorry in 10 years when he realizes that he doesn’t have a sperm count,
and the reason he cannot have a baby with his wife is because he didn’t believe me. So,
it’s just like, “Don’t take my word for it.” Look at the science, and then take the
precautionary approach that I recommend is to just be careful with these technologies.
And be very skeptical.

Wendy: Your book, The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMF, it’s one of the best books out there about EMF. It’s incredibly well-researched. It’s well-written. I highly recommend people, if they want to learn more about EMFs, the dangers of them, and what they can do to protect
themselves from EMF to go get it on Amazon.

[00:55:30] Nick: Thank you very much. Thank you for the endorsement. I know, the response has been incredible from people in the health field. I feel that even practitioners, even healers, people in the acupuncture, or so many healers know that this is an issue, but they don’t know how to talk about it.

They don’t know exactly what the problem is. No one wants to feel like they sound crazy. that’s the truth. At the beginning, my self-confidence was shattered. Just publishing the book, I’m like, “What am I doing? Am I overstating the issue? Am I doing some fear-mongering?” Like, “I don’t want to talk about a topic and make it sound so big and so fearful, but in truth it’s not.”

This is not the case, people. The independent research is so strong, and people that are at the forefront of healing are seeing it in their patients. Dr. Klinghardt, Dr. Joe Mercola, who’s spreading so much great information on the topic, and he’s publishing a book next year on the topic. I’m actually looking forward to it, because there’s going to be way more stuff than I talked about. It’s evolving. Everyone in the health space, right now, that is independent, and that is staying sane one the topic, is seeing that people are getting sick. It is true. People are getting sick, and we need to talk about it. We need to do something about it, right now.

Wendy: Nick thank you so much for coming on the show. I knew I was going to love this podcast, because you’re just so eloquent and well-spoken about it, and clearly you’ve done a vast amount of research. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge.

Nick: You’re welcome, Wendy. I had a blast. Thank you.

Wendy: Everyone, thank you so much for listening to the show today. This is the Supercharged Podcast.

My name is Wendy Myers of []. I hope today’s show helped you make some distinctions that help to energize your life, improve your energy levels, and your health, so that you can reach your health goals.

That’s why I do what I do. I want to help you make those distinctions and get those tips, those practical tips that you can start engaging and utilizing right now, to improve your life.

Thank you so much for listening. If you like what you heard on today’s show, please go leave us a review on iTunes. It’s the Supercharged Podcast. I would appreciate you taking two minutes to do that, so we can help as many people as possible. Have a fantastic day.

Please keep in mind that this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or
health condition, and is not a substitute for professional, medical advice. Please seek a
medical practitioner before engaging in anything that we suggest today on the show.

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