Transcript: #11 Best Healing and Detox Methods with Dr Lawrence

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  • 03:10 What is Nutritional Balancing?
  • 05:47 Chemicals and heavy metals cause disease
  • 12:14 Why simple supplement replacement does not work
  • 15:04 Blood tests
  • 19:24 Most hair test laboratories wash hair for analysis – a mistake
  • 20:54 Chelation Therapy and Metal Detox
  • 43:10 The problems with fasting
  • 45:25 IV or IM Therapy
  • 48:00 Is Vitamin D toxic?
  • 59:24 Thyroid replacement hormones
  • 1:05:00 Why hormone replacement “therapy” should be avoided
  • 1:14:38 Red meat. Why is this recommended on the program?
  • 1:21:00 Raw foods
  • 1:23:00 What is Yin?

Wendy Myers: Good Afternoon! Welcome to the Liveto110 Podcast. My name is Wendy Myers and I am a Certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach. Wow that’s kind of a mouthful. We’re broadcasting live from lovely Silver Lake California. Today, I am interviewing Dr. Lawrence Wilson about the effectiveness of different healing and detoxification methods. There’s a lot of programs out there to choose from and this show is going to help to clarify if a program you’ve done or are considering is truly effective in accomplishing your health goals or not. But before we get started, I had to do a little bit of disclaimer, please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition. The Live to 110 Podcast is solely informational nature. Please consult your health care practitioner before engaging in any treatment or taking any supplement I suggest on the show. Now please go back to my website and check out my website, I’ve started the site to educate you about Paleo nutrition, the importance of detoxing from heavy metals and industrial chemicals that I believe are the major underlying causes of disease and how to treat your health conditions naturally without medication. My goal with is to help you prevent disease and live a long healthy life and if you like what you hear today in the show, please give the Live to 110 Podcast a nice review and rating on iTunes and this will help people around the world to find the show easier and get my word out on health and I would appreciate it so much. Today, we’re going to be comparing different healing and detox methods with Dr. Lawrence Wilson. Dr. Lawrence Wilson has a medical degree but has chosen instead to work as a Nutritional Consultant and for over 30 years he specialized in Nutritional Balancing Science. A method of improving health that he originally learned from Dr. Paul Eck, founder of the Analytical Research Laboratories where hair analysis testing is performed to determine a targeted Nutritional Balancing program and Dr. Wilson is the author of 6 books and many research papers and over 800 blog posts on his website

Wendy Myers: Good Afternoon Dr Wilson. How are you?

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Good Afternoon! I’m great, thank you! Thank you for having me on the show.

Wendy Myers: Yeah! It’s so great to have you again as a guest.  You’re such a wealth of knowledge that I want to pick your brain a little bit more. Haha. And you’ve been studying…

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  By the way I haven’t written 6 books, there are currently 4 books.

Wendy Myers: Oh, in the website looked like 6.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson: Well I have helped with other books.

Wendy Myers:  Oh OK. Thank you for clarifying that.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  With the other ones.

3:10 What is Nutritional Balancing?

Wendy Myers:  Well, thank you for clarifying that and you’ve been studying detox and healing methods for over 30 years and have chosen over all the other healing modalities including medicine to advocate Nutritional Balancing science. And can you tell the listeners what exactly Nutritional Balancing is and why it’s such fantastic to heal your body and resolve almost any health condition?

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yes, I have. You’re right. I had practiced for over 33 years, I also worked on myself, but I’ve worked with, easily 50,000 people and over that time I tried many things as you know most holistic practitioners doing some experimenting on different supplement programs, methods of detoxification and other things that people will recommend. And actually, Nutritional Balancing science uses a number of methods, actually about 20 for detoxification. However, the main difference is, first of all, Nutritional Balancing science is the creation of Dr. Paul Eck of Phoenix Arizona who lived from 19… I think it’s 1935 to 1996. And he incorporated slowly a number of healing arts in a very up to date method of dealing with health problems. That is to say, he incorporated ancient principles and incorporated the most modern biochemical science because one of the problems today is that the diseases are different. The diseases are different and both allopathic medicine and naturopathic medicine and all the older systems, whether the acupuncture, yoga methods, ayurveda; they are not geared to today’s diseases; I guarantee that, they are not.  The macrobiotics even which we used a number of their principles, homoeopathy. All these sciences are, if not a thousand years old, they’re at least a hundred years old; Weston Price, that’s a hundred years old. And so he used biochemical principles and other principles, systems principles that are actually quite newly discovered I should say. Principles are new but they worked on recently and incorporated those along with the ancient principles to come up with the system which he changed it as time went on because he saw that the diseases were changing and the situation on Earth was changing.

5:47 Chemicals and Heavy Metals that cause diseases

Wendy Myers:  Yeah, it’s all the chemical and heavy metals that are causing diseases.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  That’s right. And it’s more subtle than that, the magnetic field of the Earth has changed, the earth has become much more Yin because of the radiation poisoning in the last 60, 70 years of the atomic age. There is a proliferation of heavy metals and chemicals like never before. The food supply has deteriorated badly thanks to what is called the Green Revolution, which is the use of hybrid crops and pesticides and super fast phased fertilizers which have dramatically increased the yield of our crops but the nutrients and content has gone way down. So the food supply has changed, the radiation situation has changed and then you get the magnetic stress in the last 20-30 years between cell phones, computers and that all kind of stuff that’s going all around us. And as a result, the bodies have changed and so the problems are unique today, the bodies are very, very depleted; they’re very toxic, and they’re very yin in macrobiotics or Chinese medicine terms.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah, people are getting sicker in younger and younger ages. It’s really frightening.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  That’s right and the diseases are changed so the types of diseases are also changing. We have all these things today, this chronic fatigue, yeast problems, the multiple chemical sensitivity, the leaky gut, those are all relatively new things, you look at the typical medical textbook they’re not there.

Wendy Myers: Yeah and autoimmune diseases.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Well autoimmune has been around for a while but not the degree it is today where most people have thyroid problems for example. Most people have the start of diabetes and the cancers are starting at a younger age. The children are all being born toxic. So, anyway Nutritional Balancing takes into account all this and does it in a very unique way. And it uses hair mineral analysis in a very special way, the hair test must be run by a lab that doesn’t wash the hair and it has to be interpreted correctly and really only Dr. Eck’s laboratory understands most of this on how to do that. And then actually I’ve improved on that in the last 17 years since Dr. Eck’s death I’ve continued his research. And it incorporates all these principles.  I don’t want go into too much of more depth. There’s a lot of articles on my website on Nutritional Balancing science but it is a synthesis, you might say of many ancient healing principles and also most recent systems theory, cybernetics, chaos theory, fractal geometry, transmutation of the elements; these are all brand new relatively new sciences for the last 50 years. And so it’s sort of a mixture of all that.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah I know Nutritional Balancing is very much a detox program. It’s a fantastic one a that.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  It is, the way we set it up is that detox program and many people don’t do it that way even Dr. Eck. If you don’t eat  a lot of cooked vegetables, you will not get the detox effect; you will not get that effect. And it’s very important because we have people who want to do the Weston Price or the Paleo sort of version.  But they are not doing as many cooked vegetables and they will not get the detox effect and then to really get the detox effect, we add coffee enemas and sauna therapy in particular, lamp sauna therapy and that is much more powerful. And so Nutritional Balancing is very much a detox program because you must do that today. Any program you do today, if you want to really make progress with people, detoxification has to be part of it. On the other hand, if you just do detoxification, you deplete the body almost in all cases, you deplete the body, the body is so depleted already but just removing things whether it’s chelation or fasting or vegetarian diet, those things, or distilled water, you’ll end up with much more depleted bodies and it’s no good.

Wendy Myers: You know, that is why I love Nutritional Balancing is that it provides a targeted and supplement program to support the body nutritionally while you’re detoxing.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:   Well actually, what the real program does is it balances the body. As the body gets more balanced, it can absorb more nutrients and it can detoxify much better. And then we add the sauna and the coffee enemas which are the detoxification procedures that have been known for years. And we also use foot reflexology and chiropractic; well it’s not built in. It is certainly recommended because if the spine is all jammed up, nothing works right. You know what I mean?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  And that’s very important today too. And when you add those, the body detoxes like crazy and it detoxes much deeper. In my experience, than you can do with chelation therapy or fasting, which don’t work as well, nearly as well and not as nearly as safe today.

Wendy Myers: Yeah! And fortunately, detoxing is not really something that many doctors use with their patients. Though there are some very progressive doctors that use hair mineral analysis with their patients and when you got a doctor or a healer…

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Most of them don’t do it right though.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Those who do hair analysis most of them do not understand as well at all.

Wendy Myers: Yeah!

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Not at all, like 98%.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, they’re using a lab that washes the hair which defeats the purpose.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:   And also, when they get the test results back they do what we call replacement therapy often. Replacement therapy means if something comes back low and we give that you know if zinc is low then you take zinc, if calcium is low then you take calcium. That is called Replacement Therapy.

12:14 Why Replacement Therapy does not work?

Wendy Myers: Can you explain why that doesn’t work? Because that’s what every doctor does, that’s what every podcast I listen to – that’s what everyone talks about.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:   Yeah, the reason it doesn’t work, Dr. Eck tried that early on in his career and it didn’t work. And the reason it doesn’t work is because the hair test is not showing you the total body load of a mineral. You know low calcium does not mean that you don’t have any calcium. High calcium doesn’t mean you have too much. Instead what it’s showing you is a sort of a blueprint or picture of the way the body is metabolizing certain elements, all the elements. But for example, too much calcium in the hair is a calcium loss into the hair; the hair is an excretory tissue. A low calcium is usually a fight or flight response. In other words what the hair test showing you, is the metabolic patterns of the body and the minerals happen to reflect that. And if you study Hans Selye’s Stress Theory, you find that when the body goes into a fight or flight response, it dumps out in the urine. By the way you have to know the metabolism of each element. But in the urine, the calcium and the magnesium are excreted. So what happens is the body gets into a low calcium, low magnesium state and that is a sort of a hyper vigilant state because calcium and magnesium are relaxers and when you go into fight or flight, you don’t want to be relaxed. You want to be able run as fast as you can and so the body will lower the calcium and that magnesium to do that and that is what is being reflected there. And Dr. Eck found if you just gave the calcium and the magnesium to those people, it didn’t work, it just doesn’t work. If you gave proper dose to people then it works.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s like all the mineral levels affect each other. You can’t just take one, it affects another mineral. It has to be balanced and that’s the beauty of Nutritional Balancing of science, is that, it balances out your body so all the levels can rise to the level they’re supposed to be at.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yeah but it is based on some very esoteric principles, in other words it is based on the stress theory of disease and you have to be able to read, use the minerals, it’s not telling you the total body load but it is telling you the stage of stress. And once you know the stage of stress then Dr. Selye, guy named Watson, George Watson, they figured out that by giving certain minerals, certain vitamins, certain foods, you could move the body back to balance you see. But the problem with replacement therapy is that they’re assuming that the level of the mineral in the hair is reflecting the level in the body and it does not.

15:04 Blood tests

Wendy Myers:  And what about the blood, like when you go to your doctor, every client I talk too…

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  The blood is even worse.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, they go to their doctor that are like, “Hey, I have my mineral levels checked and everything was fine.” And when the blood has to be kept in an exact certain level for you to survive so the blood won’t tell you anything important.  

Dr. Lawrence Wilson: Well it will tell you if it’s very bad. It will definitely tell you and then you end up in the hospital, you have a low potassium in your blood or high calcium, it’s quite severe but the blood touches everything. And so the body does keep the blood quite even. You know quite leveled, the levels are kept fairly good even if you’re very sick and so the blood is not generally a good indicator for minerals. Now again if you have severe kidney disease or something, yes it will show you. And of course, it is a relatively late indicator, that will be the best way to put it, in that sense it’s a relatively a late indicator. The hair is a relatively early indicator which means it is better for prevention, prediction and can be used in a different way. So, the blood is different just like the urine. The other trouble with the blood is that what you just had for breakfast will influence the blood. Whatever you just ate, it’s going floating around in your blood and you can do a fasting, you know a fasting thing and that’s better if you’re going to do blood or urine. But those things are influenced by moment to moment  activities: eating, if you get upset, your blood will change instantly. If you’re tired your blood will change, you know what I mean? A woman got her period, her blood will change.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  It’s a very instant reading, now there’re advantages to that, but there are disadvantages. The hair, they’re long term reading, it doesn’t matter if you’re on your period or not or if you just had a big breakfast or something and so that’s an advantage of the hair. So that’s a longer term, which you might call it a more chronic reading and that is more useful because what we’re looking at with Nutritional Balancing is a chronic stress indicators and fixing the body at deep levels.  At times  I wish the hair did give an instantaneous reading, but it doesn’t.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And for listeners out there, if you take anything away from the show today, it’s that you can’t rely on blood test to determine your mineral levels of your health and if you need to supplement. It just doesn’t work that way. So it’s why I urge people to do a hair mineral analysis.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  But you have to do it thought with one of the approved practitioners. Don’t waste your time unfortunately with most people offer hair testing.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  I hate to say that because I don’t like to put people down, but most people  98%, 99% of the doctors, nutritionists, naturopaths others who offer other hair testing, they don’t know how to interpret the test according to Dr. Eck’s method and they do replacement therapy mainly or they just look for toxic metals and then they do chelation. That’s not the way to use the test.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah. I have a friend of mine who got a hair test and she says “oh I don’t have any toxic metals and the first test doesn’t show anything, like I didn’t start showing any toxic metals until I was on 6th month of the program, they’re hidden deeply in tissues.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:   Also, you have to know that if you have a very low toxic metal readings, we call that a poor eliminator pattern and it does not mean that you do not have any. It means you can’t eliminate them; meaning they’re not coming out on your hair, they’re stuck in your liver, kidneys, brain, female organs or other places where they’re doing a lot of damage but they’re not in the hair. And that’s very reliable indicator, the poor eliminator pattern which is written up on the website. And so, you have to learn to how to interpret the hair test, most doctors unfortunately don’t. I teach it but I don’t get a lot of takers, if you know what I mean.

19:24 Laboratories that do not wash the hair

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah. So, if you do get a hair test out there guys, you got to make sure that its coming from Trace Elements Lab or Analytical Research Labs because those are the only 2 labs in the US that don’t wash the hair.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Except for one problem which is the Trace Elements. They don’t interpret it quite the same way.

Wendy Myers: Oh, they don’t. OK.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  No.

Wendy Myers: So you’re not recommending them?

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Nope, don’t recommend Trace Elements at all.

Wendy Myers:  OK.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson: They don’t put the ideal level on their graph. So, it’s very, very hard to find the patterns, they used to but they took it off. The graph, they changed the normals so that makes it confusing. They don’t use the same terminology and the man that runs for the lab was an employee of Dr. Eck but he left in 1983 and a lot of what he does is the same way he did in 1983. The science has moved way, way beyond that with newer patterns,very important patterns like 4 Lows and Sympathetic Dominance, Poor Eliminator and he’s not reading those, he’s not paying attention and neither the people who use his lab, the doctors, nutritionists.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah. The sympathetic dominance is incredibly important in that pattern.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  That is a very important one, yeah.  And the other thing is that they sort of cheapen the products and so they don’t work as well.

20:54 Chelation Therapy and Metal Detox

Wendy Myers: OK. So let’s talk about some other detox methods, just to compare and contrast because there are so many detox methods out there and there’s so many things people are doing and have the options of doing. So, when people go to their doctor, what are some of the more common detox methods that they’re going to be offered by their physician? Like let’s talk about Chelation Therapy, a lot of people will present at their doctor with mercury toxicity or another type of toxicity and they will be offered chelation. What do you think about this method of detox?

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  I don’t like it at all. It will remove some toxic metals; Chelation Therapy consists of giving substances as either chemical substances or natural substances. You know the chemicals are EDTA, DMPS, DMSA and then there are few others left often and use like penecillamine, deferoxamine which is for iron and these chemicals or natural substances like chlorella, spirulina possibly, bugleweed, yellow duck, Zeolite; they bind to toxic metals, mostly ones that are in your blood. They don’t necessarily go to the tissues very well. They are not absorbed into the tissues but they mostly bind to the things that are in the blood and then they go to the kidneys generally and some of the metal is removed through the kidneys. Now, Dr. Eck found years ago, is that the chelation therapy damages the kidneys. And the reason is that the chelating agents are slightly toxic and therefore they build up in the kidney. That’s one problem and another problem is that the chelating, and by the way chelation I think is better say for heart bypass than bypass surgery which is even worse. You know to spend 5 hours, 6 hours under anesthesia getting your artery replaced or reamed out or whatever. But chelation has a lot of drawbacks and problems, and we don’t need chelation. The Nutritional Balancing will remove the metals deeper and safer and just as faster and faster. So anyway with chelation, one of the problems is that the chelating drugs themselves and even the natural substances is somewhat toxic and they build up in the kidneys. Secondly, some vital minerals are removed along with the toxic ones. In other words, the drugs and the natural substances are not that specific, that’s the problem because the bodies are already depleted. So you removed any of the good minerals and you’re making the person worse. And replacing your good minerals, you cannot do that by just adding a bunch of minerals in IV bottle or taking a vitamin pill because doctors will tell you don’t worry about that we’ll just give you some vitamins or minerals with your chelating substance and you’ll be fine. Nope, the forms of the minerals are very special and once you lose some and it’s not easy to get them back.

Wendy Myers: Because it takes years on Nutritional Balancing program to replace the minerals.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  That’s right. And the reason is because they’re special formed, they’re special. Minerals are not just minerals, there’s many forms or compounds of each mineral. Another problem with chelation is that it tends to throw the body out of balance because it sort of rips the toxic metals out, if you know what I mean, they’re powerful.

Wendy Myers: The body is using those isn’t it? It’s using those for a purpose.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Well, maybe some of them, that’s correct. And so just pulling them out tends to unbalance things. And in some cases, the side effects are horrible of course in other cases and that is from unbalancing the body usually.  In other cases, you don’t notice it but the balance of the minerals in the body and makes it worst and there is no way to correct that because the agents are just very powerful. They just draw things out. You can’t really control it very well. And it’s really an allopathic approach. It’s important to understand that just because is being done by a naturopath or a nutritionist. It’s really more of a “here’s the problem: copper or mercury and here is the solution of drug or an agent and will pull it out”. That is an aliphatic approach and we find that that is often lacking. There are times for it but it’s often lacking in its overall effect in the system, the whole body system. We prefer to balance the body, as we balance the body, the body removes the toxic metals. The body has a million years of experience with mercury, cadmium, arsenic, lead. These are not new substances, if the body’s  energy improves efficiently and the body brought to balance and the body made more yang in Chinese terms today then the body naturally goes to work and gets rid of those metals. We also support the organs of elimination: kidneys, for liver, lungs, skin and that dramatically improves the speed at which you can get those metals out. And Nutritional Balancing uses about at least 10 other methods to remove the toxic metals faster and safer.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I’m really happy, I got my latest test back and I’m dumping a ton of lead and arsenic as well. I’m really happy.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  One thing, that’s another difference, chelation the doctor decides which metals will come out. He gives a different agent for lead or different agent for copper or something. We don’t really know that but if you do Nutritional Balancing the body will dump the one that it needs to dump now. And now when it’s done it will dump a little bit of something else. Now it might come back and do a little more lead, a little more cadmium and then it might do some aluminum. You see it goes in its own order and there’s a certain wisdom there.Chelation you ignore that order and you’ll just say “let’s go after to that mercury”, you know what I mean? Well, that’s not necessarily what the body need at that time and so it upsets things. It can definitely unbalance things and it can be dangerous. So, that’s another advantage. Nutritional Balancing, we just balance things and it’s surprising, it’s always surprising. You get your tests back and all of a sudden you’re eliminating selenium or something.  I know that sounds strange but I just reviewed a test this morning and the selenium level just went way off the scale. I don’t know what is the cause of that I don’t know where this gentleman who’s about 65 got all the selenium maybe from shampoo or drinking water but he had a toxic form of selenium as all pouring out. Your body will remove all of them. You see that’s another problem with chelation. Chelation generally is geared only toward a few.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson: Nutritional Balancing will get rid of all in their own order, but none are missed.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah. I love it. It takes time for the body to do that. You can’t just kill heavy metals for a month or a few weeks. It takes a lot of time for the body to adjust and get rid of all these metals. It takes 1,2, or 3 years or  longer.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  No, actually it’s more like 20 or 30.

Wendy Myers: 20 or 30. Oh no!

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  I would say so.

Wendy Myers: Haha.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Well, I’ve been doing this for 33 years; I’m still eliminating all kinds of toxic metals. On the other hand, I didn’t do the program correctly. You know at least 15 of those years; Dr. Eck was still developing the program. I was drinking the wrong kind of water. I was drinking a reverse osmosis water. I was eating fruit and other foods that we now find are harmful. I was working hard that gets in your way of healing and I probably had emotional problems that also got in the way. I slowly work those out; traumas whatever you want to call it. And so there’s no question and also I did start out pretty sick. Some people are healthier to begin with but actually I remember it took 8 years just for my body to start eliminating cadmium and my mother had smoked while she had been carrying me and for 5 years after I was born. So I knew I was exposed to that. But it took 8 years just for that one.

Wendy Myers: Wow, and I also…

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:   And that’s not unusual.

Wendy Myers: Yeah and the years go by because we’re just doing nothing and still accumulating metals. They eat, breathe, and drink and they’re still accumulating metals and toxins and have to continually be in detoxed. See basically, you have to be in a lifelong detox program anyways if you plan to be healthy and live a long time.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Or lifelong healing program. Now having said that, it didn’t take me that long on a Nutritional Balancing program to be functioning well enough to work you follow. It’s not going to be lying in bed for 10 years. Not by any means.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah.  

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Your health will start to improve often immediately, but you can go deeper and deeper. As you do with a Nutritional Balancing program, other benefits show up which we call development.  And these are actually deep improvements in the physiology of the body which improve your mental functioning and things like immune system. And what we find is that after several years on Nutritional Balancing program for example, the thymus gland will begin to regenerate in adult. As you probably know the thymus atrophies and most people by the time they’re 50, by the time they’re 30 it started and by the time they’re 50 the thymus is just shrunk up to nothing.

Wendy Myers: What does the thymus do?

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  It is a lymph gland and it has to do with fighting infections. And it shrivels up and then your ability to handle infections decreases, your chances of getting cancer increases. I’m hearing that yours Wendy is not fully gone yet which is not as mine was. I was more ill. But the thymus gland can regenerate. Something called the Peyer’s patches can regenerate after a while but that may take even longer.

Wendy Myers: So you’re saying my thymus is almost toast? Haha.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  No, it’s not that bad compared to others.

Wendy Myers:  OK.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  It was not. But that’s because you’ve been living probably better than other people.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  You know for some time.

Wendy Myers:  I’ve been definitely eating healthy, eating a lot of food. Haha.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yeah! So a lot of people, these organs another change that we find is, the glial cells in the brain they start to generate, the glial cells are support cells. And as they sort of atrophy and shrink more neurons grow. Neurons are the thinking cells; they’re the actual brain cells. Glial cells are supportive cells. They don’t do anything for your brain power. And so your brain power or your brain capacity actually increases. And so these are changes that we call development and there are more, but it means a better memory, a better mind, a stronger body, longer life, generally a happier life.

Wendy Myers: Yeah and I noticed that too in myself. I just feel so much more alive and alert and my memory is working better and you know I really wasn’t that sick before I go to the program. I just kind of was having a hard time.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yeah, you’re just starting out.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I know I’m a baby and I didn’t have that too many health problems. I just kind of, I was generally tired, I wasn’t feeling good, couldn’t think clearly. But within a month, that generally resolved. I was having sleeping issues, so for a month I felt better and now I just continue to improve. But definitely if someone’s a lot sicker, it’s going to take them longer to get better and get results.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:   It varies. You see one of the problems with Nutritional Balancing is that we allow the body  to do things in its own order and sometimes the body right off the bat will remove some toxins perhaps or something will shift in the balance and you feel much better even if you’re very sick but you can feel much better. Although, generally if you’re sicker, it will take longer. Other times and these people don’t stay with the program sometimes; the body decides, we got a real problem here. It may be an old infection because Nutritional Balancing will clear infections which you could look at biological toxins and it’s amazing the infections that would clear up. Most people have dozens of them. I don’t like to say that sometimes because people get discouraged, but they do. They have old ear infections, old sinus infections. Those are probably the most common. The respiratory infections, bronchial things, digestive infections. A lot of people have STD’s sexually transmitted diseases, even if you’ve never had sex, because you can pick them up from hot tubs and swimming pools and toilet seats even, in other places these days they’re so common. And the body will go to work on those. As your vitality improves, as the energy improves, the body starts to improve everything. But you can have what we call a healing reaction as a result and so you may not feel great at first, you may have to go through something. You didn’t have to that, Wendy. So that’s great. You know what I mean? So within a month you’re feeling better.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I haven’t had too many healing reactions but only a couple of headaches and a real crabby, definitely have some of my crabby moments. Haha. But nothing too debilitating or haven’t been in bed or anything like that.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson: Yeah. Well that’s wonderful, then that’s what we like. Some people will and the trick is not to quit the program and to realize that this is important. In other words, if this up for you, if something comes up, like I had an ear infection come up where I got dizzy, but I had a lot of ear infections as a child. You see what I mean?

Wendy Myers: Yeah!

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  I also started spitting up green mucus at one point but then I had a lot of respiratory problem as a child. And so if these things come up, there’s a reason for it and we can handle it but you won’t feel quite as wonderful. And the program works at other levels. Believe it or not it helps you remove, I don’t know what you might call it, karma or things that are in your way, blocks that are in your way; we call them movement patterns because the word karma doesn’t sit well many western people. But the hair test can show us how a person is moving in their life. Fast oxidizer – moving fast. Low oxidizers – moving slowly. Calcium shell – very slow movement. And in the book, the big blue book, Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis, for each of the patterns there’s a movement pattern. And the program will take you back in your life and help you retrace old traumas and clear incidents and attitudes and other things that are in your way.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  It’s quite remarkable and that’s the type of detox too. For example, a lady may have detox her old husband.

Wendy Myers: Haha. I’ve got to detox some on my way.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  That’s right! A child may have to detox his parents.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  You know what I mean? And believe me that’s the case. That is the case, traumas are real.

Wendy Myers:  Maybe that’s why I’ve been crabby; I have been doing emotional detoxing.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Well, it is part of the program.

Wendy Myers: Yeah and that’s really interesting…

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  And for some people it’s very extreme. For most people it’s very interesting. In other words we don’t separate mind and body that way. Some days it’ll be a mental detox and some day it’ll be a physical, a cold or a sore throat or a metal or a chemical coming out of the body. You know it’ll be a medical drug; I had to release a lot of medical drugs because I took a lot of them as a child and they build up in your body, believe me. That’s one of the problems with medical methods , the allopathic method, is that the medical drugs build up. Antibiotics are one of the worst by the way. So many people call me up and they say, “I was just fine until I took a course of antibiotics. And now I can’t digest anything, I have headaches all the time, my liver hurts.” Yeah because those drugs don’t leave your body, some of them leave your body but some of them hang around. And we have to get them out, when you get the drugs out, the body starts performing as it should. And that’s part of detox too.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Let’s talk a little bit about comparing – contrasting some other things Nutritional Balancing. We’ve definitely established Nutritional Balancing is unbelievable. But a lot of people are doing all kinds of weird stuff these days and I want to set them it straight.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  They’re doing fasting.

Wendy Myers:   Yeah a lot of them are doing fasting. What do you think about that? I know you ran a fasting clinic or you were a director of one for a number of years.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:   Yeah, I did work in a fasting spa. It was a natural hygiene vegetarian, raw food fasting spa based on the work of Herbert Shelton and other, his group there. I was disappointed in the result, I did not understand why in those days. Now I do because we find is that the bodies are so depleted, they’re so depleted, then when you go in fast even a fruit fast, juice fast; it doesn’t have to be just water. You deplete the body further and I can say that categorically. Now in the good all days, maybe when the biblical days 2000 years ago because fasting is recommended in the bible. For example, the bodies were much more nourished the food was much better and this is easy to prove. You know there are books, I can’t remember the name of the author, maybe you know Wendy. You know they have compared the USDA Statistics on our food, the food we eat from a hundred years ago to today. For example, a carrot may have a hundreds of the amount of certain vitamins and it had a hundred years ago and minerals. And it’s shocking, it’s absolutely shocking. It’s simple to understand why because they grow 10 times more carrots on the same piece of land and they use super sized fast fertilizers which don’t contain trace minerals, they contain MPK. And so they’re not putting back all the manure and all that stuff and minerals on the soil and so the food is lower in minerals. It’s very simple.

Wendy Myers: Yeah and so…

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  As a result, fasting doesn’t work well.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:   And almost everybody who does fasting comes away more depleted. Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  And that includes any kind of fast: juice, a fruit kind of thing or whatever.  I wouldn’t go on a fast for more than one day or two.

Wendy Myers: How do you explain that some people, they fast and their symptoms clear, they get rid of their contamination.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson: Fasting does do certain things there is no question, fasting rests your intestine for example. Fasting gets you off of all your allergic foods. So there’s no question, just like chelation does something. Fasting definitely affects the body. I watched people get rid of their diabetes and one man was blind and his vision came back during his fast at the health spa.

Wendy Myers:  Wow.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  I remember because he was heaving, he was throwing up bile, the eyes are related to the liver and the fast allowed him to clean up his liver and when he did that his vision came back which was really quite amazing.  So yes fasting definitely does something, and I don’t mean to say it’s absolutely no good that it does nothing. However…

Wendy Myers: You have the price to pay.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yeah and I don’t recommend it because I don’t think it is safe and the number of cases where you had all those miraculous results was not as high as I expected if you read Dr. Shelton’s work. And Dr. Shelton’s work is a hundred years ago. It’s very important to understand that. Hundred years ago, the bodies were much better nourished. And now if you really want to do fasting, what I would do is I would do a Nutritional Balancing program, say for 2 or 3 years, that’s how long it takes to re-nourish the body at least a little bit and then do a week of fasting if you want. But if you go on a fast, you’re going to get more depleted. That’s my experience. We find that most bodies are so bad like we help a lot of women get pregnant. And usually they can often get pregnant within 6 months but we really like them to wait 2 years. That’s how long it takes to at least bring their nutrition up to some acceptable level. It doesn’t matter how beautiful they look, it doesn’t matter. The bodies are depleted. So that would be the thing on fasting.

43:10 Safer ways other than detox and fasting

Wendy Myers: The bottom line is there are better ways to detox than fasting, there are safer ways.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  I think there are. There maybe times for fasting, a short fast particularly really does the rest of gut in intestinal tracts and that’s the real problem for some people. So there may be a time for a short fast but Dr. Eck stayed away from fasting, he found that it was not necessary it’s not helpful especially if you’ll do our diet and one of the features of the diet and I do this with anyone who has really a bad gut like leaky gut,  is eat one food in a meal. You know baby’s do that. If you just put food in front of them and they often will just eat one type of food per meal and that is much easier to digest. And you could call that a type of fast. You know what I mean?

Wendy Myers:  Yeah! It’s keeping it simple.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Keeping it very simple, I suggest no more than 2 types of food at a meal. Cook vegetables and either one starch or one protein that’s the latest way I like to do the diets. If you start combining more, you keep it simple, well you maybe you can get away with it. But a lot of people’s intestine is so bad that they do much better on mono meals they call it, which is one food per meal. Which is sort of like a fast except that you change foods, you know what I mean? You can have different foods.

Wendy Myers: Yeah! You know I’m so far from mono meal. I love the smorgasbord where I have 10 different things, like I’ll munch a little bit of each thing, but it’s hard to digest I know.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:   It is. You would make faster progress Wendy, you’d find. You’d make faster progress if you got back to the way 2, 3, and 4 year olds like to eat. And by the way many primitive people also, the primitive people, they don’t have the variety for one thing; they don’t have supermarkets, but you they’d kill an animal and everybody would sit around and eat some of the animal or they’d cook some bread and everybody eats some bread. But the point is the meals are much simpler.

45:25 Why healers and doctor’s use IV or IM Therapy?

Wendy Myers: Yeah! It’s simple. Now can you explain why some healers and doctors use IV or IM therapy and do you recommend these methods?

Dr. Lawrence Wilson: You mean Vitamins, IV Vitamins?

Wendy Myers: Yeah! IV Vitamins.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yeah, well first of all it’s fast, I mean you know IV? You’re by passing an IM -Intramuscular and Intravenous. You are bypassing the stomach and so vitamins and minerals can be delivered directly into the bloodstream. And so that is actually the appeal of that I would say. And definitely, it’s a different theory because again you are not going to balance the body very well. The body is all kinds of buffering systems. So when you eat, for example you eat a meal, it’s full milk, let’s say it’s high calcium. Well, that much calcium would kill you. So the body absorbs a certain amount of it and lets the rest pass. And it has all these very sophisticated buffering systems, so that you don’t overdue on something. Even if you drink something like orange juice that’s high in potassium or something, that much potassium will kill you, or it could if you just took it all in. The body regulates how much is absorbed and of course there’s no control like that with IV or much less. And we find that the body’s mechanisms we can work with it. I don’t seem to need IV Vitamins and IV also is of course more expensive, more work and you have to find the vein and all that kind of thing. But the real problem is not that it doesn’t tend to balance the body. It is good if someone is very depleted. It might be good to do an IV Vitamin thing, 1 to twice which way, it’s sort like filling up the garbage pail and just like throwing up all the vitamins and minerals in there, the body can take what it wants kind of thing. But what we find is that it’s yin and it will unbalance things.

Wendy Myers: Because cancer patients do them because they’re so depleted.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:   Some cancer patients, yes but the therapist we recommend, Kelly Program and the Protocel or Cantron, that does not involve IV’s as a general rule.

Wendy Myers: OK.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  It does not require them. It does not involve them and we don’t like them, they’re yin. And yin is bad today.

48:00 Is Vitamin D toxic?

Wendy Myers: And many doctors are using mega doses of supplements. I’ve heard a few friends that have very low vitamin D levels because they’re vegan, being given 50,000 IU Vitamin D. Is it that toxic?

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yeah, well if they  do it for a short time is OK.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  You know what I mean? To build them up. There is the orthomolecular approach which is the use of high dose vitamins like Vitamin C and others.  Dr. Eck shied away from that, first of all, with Nutritional Balancing you do not have too. It is a more delicate balancing and secondly, it’s more of a drug use. It’s more of using Vitamins like drugs which you can do. But it does not rebuild the body. It is just a temporarily remedy. I use to go to the orthomolecular conventions. I remember going there; there were 500 cured schizophrenics in the audience and I went and talk to them. They said yeah of course, they have to stay on those high doses of vitamins. They were taking it niacin and zinc, B6. If they got off the vitamins within 2 days, they will be psychotic again.

Wendy Myers: Wow.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  The schizophrenia would come back. So they weren’t getting cured, so to speak. They weren’t really getting corrected. It was a remedy and is it better than drugs? Yes, I think it is better than drugs it’s less toxic. It can be nice and can be nasty; it can build up in the body. So, I think the orthomolecular approach is better than drugs but it certainly is not too sophisticated, it doesn’t balance the body. It is a step in the right direction, Linus Pauling and all the work that he did. And supplements are yin as our herbs. And so in Nutritional Balancing we’re very careful about giving too many supplements and about giving high doses of them.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah. I thought I learned from you guys because I walk through the door and I was taking 30 different supplements. Definitely something I learned from you guys and Nikki Moses was less is more.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yes it really is in the area of supplements and herbs. We don’t like homeopathy too much for the same reason, it’s very yin. And some people are doing it a lot and you don’t really need those. It’s strange because you would think that you would. Actually I lose clients that way. People come in with the big shopping bag and they’ve read “Life Extensions” or “Prevention Magazine” or some other magazines. And when I tell them they don’t need anacetalcystine and alpha lipoic acid, Vitamin E especially and other things, they leave. They just figure, “Well you know what, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

Wendy Myers: I know. I used to read those the Life Extension, newsletter and some other newsletters and you have to realize that these newsletters and articles are so convincing but these companies are selling products. That’s why they write really good articles in charge of selling it to you, so you have to be careful what you read and what’s the motivation.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:   You have to be very careful and same with the Internet research. There’s an article on my website about Internet research and all the pitfalls because I get called all the time, “I read this article on the Internet and it says you should never do magnesium stearate.” Or, “Don’t do this.” Or. “Do this.” Yeah, but anybody can write an article and  a lot of them are commercial products and other things. And then there’s a lot of just of partial information or incorrect information for various reasons. The medical profession probably owns a thousand websites, you’ll realize, the AMA and their friends.

Wendy Myers: Yeah!

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  And they don’t want you doing all these vitamins so they put up a lot of scary stuff.

Wendy Myers: Yeah!

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  How you die from this and die from that so you have to read very careful. And I would say the inexperienced person is impossible.

Wendy Myers: Yeah!

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  It’s hard enough for someone like me or you Wendy, who works in this field full time. I have an advantage that I work with many people, probably a thousand people and I get feedback. And people tell me, “I’m doing this product, I saw it on the Internet,” or wherever they saw it, and “What do you think?”  And we have ways with the hair test and others to look inside and see how the product is working. But if you’re not doing that, if you’re not a full time researcher, it’s very impossible to check out all the claims.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah. I’m reading articles. So I read an article, there’s a recent one on CBS News about Gardasil the HPV vaccine and how it’s improving the reproductive health of women by 56% or some bias like that. And of course, the second I look at it I know the study was paid for by the pharmaceutical industry and most researchers…

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Well you know that, but other people don’t realize it.

Wendy Myers: Yeah and then it’s being broadcasted on CBS whose the pharmaceutical industry’s commercials are being shown on CBS. So of course they’re going to report that. You never see anything in the news about deaths from vaccines or death from medications. It’s very rare. It’s just so overwhelmingly blatant that it has to be reported for them to look legitimate. But it’s just so difficult to discern what is being paid for by the medical association, the pharmaceutical industry and what is legitimate research that’s totally unbiased.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  That’s right. And even the medical journals, they have something in the journal of medicine lamenting the fact that the level of integrity of medical studies today is very low. That even the medical journals wrote that. Lamenting the fact that it’s so easy for a drug company to pay off a doctor to do a study and you don’t know, he hasn’t revealed that he’s being bribed, being paid half a million dollars to come to some conclusion. And that just goes on all the time. That just goes all the time.

Wendy Myers: Yeah and I think it’s any author and you’re reading something about a study, try to find out who paid for the study because the results will typically be favorable to the funder.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yes but they are very clever.

Wendy Myers: They’re sneaky.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  They’re sneaky about keeping that hidden and it usually takes a real investigative journalism which there isn’t too much of that around to find out who’s really behind this and what do they really do. By the way interpreting studies is very hard anyway. Meaning, they may have picked the people for the study who they knew would benefit; you see what I’m saying?

Wendy Myers: Yeah!

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  So there are all kinds of sneaky ways to bias a study. All kinds of ways; typical ways for example; the cancer studies. They stop the study before the side effects of the drugs really kick in, that’s typical way. Another thing they do is they only do 5 years survival time. So if you’re alive in 5 years you’re cured, they called that a cure. But if you die the very next day, they don’t mention that.

Wendy Myers; Yeah!

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  So, there are all kind of tricky things that are bias studies and that’s why it’s very hard to actually do good research yourself.

Wendy Myers: Yeah! And all the things they do. Go ahead.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  We have to depend on clinically oriented people and that’s where I hope we can help.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. That’s important to find a few reliable sources of information. I go to your website; I go to and a couple other people who I rely on if I want the real take on a subject, unbiased take.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yeah, it’s tough. It’s very difficult and it’s very tempting because some people have beautiful websites and they can sound very convincing.

59:24 Avoiding thyroid replacement hormones

Wendy Myers: Yeah! Now, let’s take a little bit about Hormonal Replacement Therapy because this is a biggie because 1 in 5 people are on thyroid hormones and many millions of women are on Hormone Replacement Therapy for their general function, menopause or what have you. And I learned from you that one of the major ways of people can prevent through healing is with Hormonal Replacement Therapy and this is something commonly recommended by a physician when someone whose adrenal fatigue, thyroid conditions or menopause and I fell on the spell of thyroid replacement hormone to increase my metabolism. I got this “brilliant” idea to lose weight by taking thyroid hormones because my thyroid was under-active because of toxins and other reasons. And I got some testing done but my thyroid was normal, but I was presenting with thyroid symptoms and what they found was I was producing hormones but they just weren’t getting into my cells. So my case would have been totally overlooked by almost all doctors even naturopaths and after I had my hair mineral analysis, I learned that I was estrogen dominant and this excess estrogen or xenoestrogen, stuff that mimic estrogens, were preventing the thyroid hormone from getting into my thyroid. It was preventing with thyroid hormone that my thyroid was making from getting into my cells to being used. And my doctor had no clue what I was talking about when I mentioned this to her, she said she had never heard of this before. And I was sick of being fat, so I started taking thyroid hormones to see if they would work and voila they definitely worked, I did lose weight. But the problem is when would I get off the hormone roller coaster? Many doctors tell you that once you begin thyroid medications you have to take them for life and they’re assuming that the thyroid will never work out again on its own. But did I really want to take hormones for the rest of my life? Of course not. So I got off them and following the Nutritional Balancing program which has succeeded in almost healing my thyroid. I still have some time to go, I’ve been there a few months or maybe I year to go before it’s completely recovered. But strangely, now it’s healing without my directly addressing the thyroid because the program heals your  whole body and everything in your body just starts working like it’s supposed to and I love it. And it’s critical to understand how to heal your thyroid rather than just covering up the symptoms with medication. So can you tell the listeners how is taking hormones preventing patients from addressing the actual underlying problem with their thyroid and why do you recommend avoiding thyroid replacement hormones?

Dr. Lawrence Wilson: Main reasons why I would recommend avoiding it, like chelation is you don’t need it. We find that we can correct unless the thyroid gland has been surgically removed or irradiated to where it’s not there anymore, it’s not functioning anymore. The thyroid can be revived, it’s just toxic, you get the iodine antagonists, chlorine bromine and fluorine, copper and mercury mostly and they build up in the thyroid and it stops working. You can also get the Hashimoto’s, the infection in the thyroid, similar to Graves’ disease which is hyperthyroid and if you clean it out, balance everything out, the thyroid starts working again. So, one reason to avoid the hormones is we don’t need them. Second reason is hormones are designed to be taken from the inside of the body. They’re designed to be secreted and they change from minute to minute. If you’re going under stress, you’re going to produce more thyroid hormone. You relax, you produce less. And it goes up and down all day long and when you take a solid amount, apill, you upset the whole system, you wreck it. So, it’s not a natural therapy at all, the idea bio-identical hormones, really it’s not bio-identical at all because that’s not how it’s administered, it’s not supposed to be administered in a pill or a patch or anything, a shot. It’s supposed to be secreted by the body. I don’t even think those bio-identical are necessarily bio-identical. There can be variations. So we find that hormone therapy definitely gets in the way. A lot of it causes cancer, estrogen therapy, some of the female hormone therapies that they do, not good at all. And we don’t need it, we don’t need these strong therapies.  Now it may take a while to rebuild it using Nutritional Balancing, it could take a year, 2 years, 3 years even in some cases. So you know hopefully it’s not that bad that you can’t get by. But usually we can give remedies if we have to, for say hot flashes or something and the weight comes off people. Everybody who does Nutritional Balancing gets thin, literally thin if you do the diet properly.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  You get thin. So the weight is no problem. And there is an article, just like there’s an article in chelation therapy on the website. There’s an article on hormone replacement that it tends to unbalance the body, it tends to rigidify the system so the body is not flexible, sometimes it tends to cause cancer. All the hormones are toxic. It tends to build up in the liver and elsewhere and particularly the synthetic ones but also the natural ones. And so, it’s a very easy therapy, a lot of holistic doctors are attracted to it, even some of the good people like Dr. Brownstein talking about the thyroid. He’s a medical doctor. But they don’t know how to rebuild the body so the only thing left to them is to give the hormones.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  If you know how to rebuild the body, you don’t need to get hormones and we do seem to be able to do that.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah, I was talking with Nikki Moses, she’s one of the people that you’ve trained and I was amazed to learn that Nutritional Balancing can even help to reverse long standing autoimmune thyroid dysfunction that’s called Hashimoto’s.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  That’s a very easy one to reverse.

Wendy Myers:  Wow.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson: Grave’s disease sometimes a little longer depending on what the cause is and some people have pituitary toxin. It can take a couple of years. But Hashimoto’s disease is generally easy. Wendy Myers:  Wow, yeah.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  And by the way, since like Reverse T3, that’s just mercury poisoning and about 100 conditions in all there are is mercury poison. Remove the toxins; let the body get rid of the toxic metals and these conditions just vanish.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah and the body will stop attacking.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  It’s a different perspective. We’re not into identifying disease; we’re not into diagnosing and curing. Those are medical words and we don’t do it that way. Our method is more like when you take your car to the car mechanic, they take the parts off, they clean them up, they replace the parts that are worn out, they put everything back and everything works fine. That’s how they fix your car. They don’t spend their time on fancy diagnosis, sometimes they do but it’s mostly about getting rid of the gum and the poison and repairing and replenishing what’s missing and the machines start to work.

Wendy Myers:  And putting in some super charged fuel.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yeah the right fuel, that’s right. Stop putting in a wrong gasoline, that’s a good point.

Wendy Myers:  And in a similar fashion with hormone replacement when my naturopath discovered that, well I don’t go to anymore haha, discovered that I had adrenal fatigue which is absolutely epidemic in our society and affecting tens of millions of people. My doctor recommended hormone replacement therapy. Because the adrenals produce 10 plus hormones like estrogen and testosterone but if they’re tired, they can’t produce as much and you have all kinds of unwelcomed symptoms related to low estrogen, testosterone. And I have read a lot about the bad side effects of hormone replacement therapy including cancer and I absolutely refused her suggestion. So, why are doctors recommending hormone replacement therapy for adrenal fatigue and why should that be avoided?

1:05:00 Why are doctors recommending hormone replacement therapy for adrenal fatigue and why should that be avoided?

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Well because they don’t know how to rebuild the adrenal. Now, there are other reasons that are left, I don’t know. They are a little not so nice. Hormone testing is expensive. They make money on the hormones, they money on the testing, you have to keep coming back for more testing you know because they have to change the dosages sometimes. So doctors like it for that reason. You don’t have to ask much of the patient. Nutritional Balancing asks a lot of the patient. You have to go on a diet, you have to go to sleep early, you have to take 8 supplements, doing coffee enemas and saunas. You know it’s a much more participatory therapy. But I would say the main reason or one of them is certainly that they don’t know how to rebuild the adrenals because they don’t know how to detoxify the body deeply enough or re-nourish it or balance it properly. The adrenals have a lot to do with your autonomic nervous system and that’s a big area. We could do a whole program on autonomic nervous system. But, Nutritional Balancing works on the autonomic nervous system to balance and strengthen and heal it. And if you don’t do that, you won’t fix your adrenals. And the thyroid, but the adrenal is even more I’d say, are very influenced by the condition of the autonomic system, the sympathetic and parasympathetic system. And so, if they don’t know what to do, then the next best thing is just replace everything, replace them all.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah.  Like, “Oh your adrenals are tired, they’re not making the hormones so again, we’ll just give you some more hormones.” And not once, my doctor told me, “You probably need a rest and relax a little bit so that your adrenal can recover.”

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  That’s right. And actually rest and relaxation is very important. And then of course, there are nutrients for the adrenals although there are certain patterns on the hair test where you can’t give those nutrients namely Four Lows and then there’s a whole class of people who’ve been through a dozen doctors and they’ve taken the adrenal supplements and the vitamins and the herbs and they don’t work and that’s because they’re in Four Lows. And Four Lows is a very special pattern where as Dr. Eck put it, you have to put the adrenal to bed, you can’t nourish the adrenals. We don’t nourish the adrenals in Four Lows, we put them to bed.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  And that works.

Wendy Myers:  That’s what I really like about the program is you really stress over and over, you have to rest, you have to sleep in order to heal and recover. It’s just a very important message, people you got to sleep! That’s how your body works. You got to sleep 8, 9 even 10 hours a night to get better.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yes.

Wendy Myers:  And you know I’ve read some books that if you help the thyroid or adrenals for a short period of time, say a year or less by taking a hormone replacement that this can help them functioning again on their own. But not recommend long term and just give them a little push. What are your thoughts on that?

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  I wouldn’t agree with that. I think you’re just wasting time and you’re putting more toxins into the body because the hormones are toxic. Don’t ever think that they’re not toxic. The hormones are toxic. Even the natural hormones that your body makes are somewhat toxic. It’s very important to detoxify your estrogen for example. So now I tell you, if you take hormones under some circumstances, it would rest your adrenals but it tends to mess them up. You know anybody knows the cortisone therapy for example. And there’s a lot of doctors that use cortisone low dose, Hydrocortisone for adrenal fatigue. And it’s true that it will allow the adrenals to rest but I don’t know that I’d ever recommend doing it that way.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  I don’t see a need for that. Instead what we want to do is we want to get to a much deeper level. The problem is with the adrenal, it’s probably just a symptom of the system being way out of balance. And it takes a while to put it back in balance so might as well get started. If you’re lucky and you do hormones and then the body may come back into balance by itself a little bit. But we don’t need to do it that way. We can start immediately balancing the body. And in most cases that will move you along a lot faster and safer.

Wendy Myers:  OK. And a big thing on the Nutritional Balancing program is coffee enemas. And you recommend doing them to detox the liver and the colon these are very toxic organs today in our bodies…

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  And the rest of the body. The coffee enema works on the whole body.

Wendy Myers:  Really? OK.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yeah. In my article on the web on coffee enemas, there’s a map, there’s a diagram of the colon and I took it out of Bernard Jensen’s book on iridology because he found that there’s a direct reflex from the colon, each segment of the colon reflexes to a different part of the body. And so, if you work on the colon, you will work on all the bodies through that reflex system. I thought that Jensen was, he loved to show that like a person had brain cancer and he would show to the iris and even through to x-rays that the segment of the colon related to the brain was full of parasites or full of bacteria. And when you clear that segment of the colon through colonic irrigation or coffee enemas or, well thise are the only methods I think of, the cancer goes away.

Wendy Myers:  Wow.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson: There’s a reflex system. So the coffee although it definitely does some physical cleansing of the colon and it does chemical cleansing of the liver, increases bile flow, alkalinizes the intestine which is very helpful for digestion. It also can work on every part of the body due to reflex system.

Wendy Myers: I’ve heard different estimates that 65, 80% of the immunity is surrounding the large intestine or the intestines.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  I don’t think it’s the large intestine, I think the small.

Wendy Myers:  The small intestine.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yeah, Peyer’s patches and other thing. It’s not the large. The large intestine, its main function is to reabsorb water and to form the stool. And some people, there’s some vitamin manufacturing going on in the large intestine by certain bacteria. The small intestine has more of an immune system function of the lymph tissue around like Peyer’s patches. And so, the coffee though is absorbed into the portal system, into the liver and it works on the liver in a chemical way increasing bile flow and perhaps all the chemicals from the liver. And then, in the colon is a mechanical cleansing process that goes on which is very important because people are producing toxic chemicals in there and then reabsorbing it in the body.

Wendy Myers:  And is it just as beneficial to do water colonic like a colon hydrotherapy spa?

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  It’s not as good,  too much water. We like the coffee, much better which could be put in a colonic machine at least.

Wendy Myers:  It will take a lot of coffee. Haha.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  No, you don’t need all that water; you don’t want a lot of water. I tell people no colonics all the time. You can do a couple colonics when you start out but it’s too much water. So if you want to do with a colon therapist, maybe do a cleansing enema meaning there was a colonic machine. They’ll put some water in there, rub the abdomen, get the water out and then put the coffee and just leave it 15 to 20 minutes even 30.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah, I had definitely throughout my life I’ve had a series of colonics and they really fill you up completely with water and it’s really uncomfortable just to try evacuate you. But with the coffee enemas, you’re only taking in a couple cups of coffee and it’s not that much. It’s too much different.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yes.

Wendy Myers:  I heard a lot of people that are against coffee enemas because they think that it clears out probiotics from the intestine?

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  It doesn’t. We don’t find that to be a case. First of all, a coffee doesn’t go all around and we don’t use that much of water. We use maybe 2 cups of water. So, it’s not going all over your colon by any means. And, we just don’t find that to be the case. Now, if you’re worried about it, you can always take some probiotics, but we don’t find that to be a problem.

1:14:38 Red meat. Why is this recommended on the program?

Wendy Myers:  OK. Now, let’s have a little bit about nutrition. You recommend on the Nutritional Balancing program is to eat meat even red meat. Why is this recommended on the program?

Dr. Lawrence Wilson: Yes, lamb. Because lamb is a very rich food. There’s something special about lamb. There’s a reason why it’s mentioned in The Bible. Jesus was called the Lamb of God. The Jewish people like to pass the lamb you know for Passover. There’s a reason for all of this. There’s a reason. It’s a special animal that seems to have certain chemicals in it that promotes spiritual development basically you know which The Bible is concerned about and general health. Now beef has been very hybridized so we don’t like it as much. But there’s nothing wrong with lamb for most people. I’m not going to say everybody but for almost everyone.

Wendy Myers:  And why do we need that? Why is it important on the program?

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  It just seems to be, I don’t know. You know it’s young and it’s got a lot of nutrients in it that we need. Ultimately when you ask questions like that Wendy, there’s no answer.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah, haha.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  I mean, why do we need sunshine? Well, there’s some kind of frequency there that we need but it’s exactly what it is. Lamb and meat have very good forms of zinc for example. They have very good forms of taurine, carnitine, selenium, sulfur compounds, very good organic sulfur compounds needed for detoxification are found in meat. They’re not found in the vegetable kingdom at least it’s not as much. But you know the ultimate answer is that Dr. Eck had found that this would work, he wasn’t sure why we would say because the whole world is so yin and we need the zinc and the zinc is not in the food anymore. Where are you going to get it? You’re left with meat. If we didn’t have to kill the poor little lambs, that would be better. But it seems like we need them today and so we needed to bless them and thank them.

Wendy Myers:  And yes, the vegetarian and vegan diets had become so popular these days because there’s so many studies.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yeah, they’re killing a lot of people.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah it saddens me because I was looking the other day at Barnes and Noble and some of the bestselling books are promoting a vegan diet and I just think it’s going to be awfully disastrous for their health with a lot of people there. Because you don’t have to be a biochemist to know that these diets cannot meet our nutritional requirements as humans.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Well, there are a lot of books out there that love to tell you that they can and I get a lot of e-mails that I’m wrong. You know people have been vegan for 10 years or whatever it is. But, I find that they do OK but they die young so there are problems with that.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah I’ve seen a lot of it. We don’t even know about a lot of nutrients that are in food. I mean we like to think that we do but you can’t supplement a way a lot of the nutrient deficiencies that are in the vegetarian and vegan diet. It just doesn’t quite work.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  That’s exactly right. Yeah, it’s a difficult subject but Dr. Eck found this years ago. I was a vegetarian and he said to me, “You’ll be craving red meat, you’ll see.” I just laugh at him. I couldn’t hardly digest it and so it is. Well, a lot of people as your body health worsen; you can’t digest the heavier foods. But he was right and I did start to crave red meat. And so, whether it’s the young quality or the zinc or the selenium or the sulfur, I’m not sure which one it is.

Wendy Myers:  Yes, and it seems like because the vegetarian or vegan diet they don’t have meat., they’re not getting a lot of sulfur containing amino acids if at all.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Right, very low in dose.

Wendy Myers:  You need this to detox your liver so are they going to be becoming more toxic than a meat eater?

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yes, often they do. And that’s right. And the sulfur in vegetables is not quite the same, not the same at all. So yes, those people become more toxic. They can develop all kinds of diseases.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah, because it seems like they are going to be more toxic. They can also die of cancer and other things that I think they’re trying to prevent. They’re being told by the books to prevent cancer if they stop in eating dairy and it’s just isn’t the case at all.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yeah. If you want to be a vegetarian, at least eat eggs and dairy preferably some sardines.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah I was going to ask you about dairy. Do you think dairy has value like a pasteurized dairy?

Dr.Lawrence Wilson:  It has very much value but it has got to be raw.

Wendy Myers:  OK.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  When you cook it, when you pasteurized, homogenize it, it damages the calcium, it damages the protein, it damages the fat. It’s not nearly as good a product. And you can buy raw in most situations. Now there are people who can’t handle dairy, you have to stay away from it for a while at least 6 months. And then, often if you reintroduce a little bit, again mono meal just a little bit cheese or something, you’ll find you can’t digest it.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah, I found also that I couldn’t tolerate dairy for a really long time and I realized it was just the pasteurizing dairy that bothered me so I didn’t eat dairy for a long time. And now, I got on a Nutritional Balancing program and  you recommend drinking a little bit of raw milk every day or every other day. And I tolerated it just fine, I don’t have any problems.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yeah, well that feels the same because the qualities of most dairies are horrible and a lot of cheese isn’t even cheese, they call it cheese food. It’s some sort of glued together, manufactured, who knows what it is you know, spoiled milk they use sometimes. It’s awful.

Wendy Myers:  And I you know the milk I’m drinking is raw, organic, grass-fed dairy. It’s pretty expensive but it taste amazing and I don’t have problems with it. And so you also think that raw food should generally be avoided why is this and what are some of the problems with raw food diets that are all the rage right now?

1:21:00 Raw foods

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Well the problems are yin disease that we call yin. Raw food is very yin. It’s often contaminated with bacteria and parasites by the way especially in restaurants, I would never have raw food, not even a salad in restaurants for that reason that just isn’t that clean today. But the symptoms people get tired, people get malnourished, they can’t absorb enough minerals from the raw food and there can be dozens of other symptoms; everything from irritability to PMS, to allergies and other things so it’s mainly a malnutrition problem, raw food.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah, for what I understand, the raw vegan diet is actually one of the deadliest diets out there.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yeah. I may put something else up because you warned me about that and I mentioned the problems

Wendy Myers:  Yeah actually, an electron school. There’s a naturopathic doctor who is also vegan himself. He just said, he like the diet so that’s how he ate but in his opinion, he felt that the raw vegan diet, the people die in their 50’s if they’ve been doing it for too long.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yes, you’ll die young. You may seem healthy but they tend to die young. They die of malnutrition.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah and that was coming from someone who’s vegan so he was saying that raw vegan diet is just the deadliest out there.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yeah, I would agree with that.

Wendy Myers:  And what about juicing, do you recommend juicing?

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Only a little bit because that is very yin but it does provide nutrition and so we recommend 10 to 12 ounces of carrot juice mostly because it has a special form of calcium in it. And then in to that, you could put one Swiss chard leaf or a couple of spinach leaves and they have a some grains. And you could also mix that with 1 or 2 ounces of wheatgrass juice. But that’s all we recommend. We don’t want people juicing all day, too yin.

1:23:00 What is Yin?

Wendy Myers:  And what do you mean by Yin? Can you explain that to the listeners?

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Yin means expanded and cold and centripetal in nature and it’s an oriental term. It’s a physics term Yin and Yang are physics qualities. Nutritional Balancing is very much a physics program. It’s about physics not so much about diseases. Diseases are just the system out of bounds. And so Yin and Yang; yang is warm, contracted, centripetal meaning moving, inward and downward moving. Yin is outward moving and upward moving generally speaking. There are exceptions to some of these rules. Yin foods, the foods that grow up in the air or they grow above the ground. Yang foods tend to grow underground, roots or on the ground like vegetables. The fruits tend to grow nuts, seeds, fruits. They tend to grow in the air, much more yin. It’s explained in microbiology I think somewhat and I have some articles on the website It also explained Yin and Yang and what we call Yin disease which is so common today. You know Yin diseases are most of them today but things like; all the yeast problems, most of the cancers, some infections, tumor is a yin. And, that’s our problem today. And it’s a different aspect of helping disease but not too many people talk about it but it’s a very important one.

Wendy Myers:  Well, thank you so much for being on the show. That was so informative and enlightening. And I have to say that I truly respect what you’re doing. And I can’t express enough how much I admire practitioners like yourself that are innovative in incredibly effective ways to heal the body. So please keep trying to educate the world about Nutritional Balancing and I’m here to help spread your message and the Nutritional Balancing program has helped me so much for covering my health and I can’t express my thanks ienough. So thank you so much for being on the show.

Dr. Lawrence Wilson:  Wonderful. Thank you Wendy for having me on the show. It’s my great pleasure and keep up the good work.

Wendy Myers:  Thank you. And thank you all you listeners out there for tuning in. Next week, we’re going to have a very important show with April Renee talking about the dangers of vaccines so you can decide whether or not you want to put them in your body. So thank you so much for listening.

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