Transcript: #128 Anti-Aging Workouts with Tyson James Lee

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#248 Changing your Brain and Fighting Depression with Exercise with Tyson James Lee


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  • 02:45 About Tyson James Lee
  • 06:12 Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
  • 10:36 Tyson’s Anti-Aging Workout Program
  • 22:11 HGH and Post-Workout Cold Showers
  • 24:08 HGH-Enhancing Supplements
  • 27:38 IGF-1, Insulin Growth Factor 1
  • 29:05 Creatine
  • 30:45 Carnitine Post-Workout
  • 34:10 About TyFit
  • 42:00 Takeaways with Tyson James Lee
  • 45:19 The Most Pressing Health Issue in the World Today: Cancer
  • 47:16 Where to Find Tyson James Lee

Wendy Myers: Welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast. My name is Wendy Myers. You can find me on and you can find this video podcast on the corresponding blog post or on my YouTube channel, WendyLiveto110. Please go there and subscribe.

Wendy Myers: Today, we have my friend, Tyson James Lee on the podcast. He’s one of the highest paid online fitness trainers online. And he is going to be talking about how to increase human growth hormone and how that is essential if you plan to lose weight and get fit and get jacked and get ripped and be your best self and get in the best shape of your life. He’s in incredible shape and he did it all naturally just by using these simple natural techniques that we’re going to talk about on the show to increase human and growth hormone, no injections needed.

Please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please keep in mind that this program is for entertainment purposes only. So please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging in any treatment that we suggest today on the show.

Just a little bit about my own story with weight loss, I have been trying to lose weight the last few months and I employed many of Tyson’s techniques. And as a result, I have lost 20 lbs in the last about 2 ½ months. I received incredible results doing the sprints that he recommends and taking certain supplements that we’re going to talk about today on the show.

And I’m just really cleaning out my diet. I really decided to really fall my own advice and get serious about cutting out all sugars and really cutting out most grains except corn that I’m not sensitive to. I’m really getting serious about my own health goals, cutting out dairy. As a result, I’m very, very clean. I’ve lost 20 lbs and I have about 10 lbs more to go that I plan to lose.

I feel very hopeful because I know I struggled for a while with my own weight and working all the time. Running an online health website and working 18 hours a day and drinking coffee and not exercising, it’s really not that healthy. I’m trying to get all of you guys healthy. So I decided to do a few bio hacks that Tyson recommends. And I’m really pleased with the results. I’m really, really happy. That’s why I wanted him to come on the show.

02:45 About Tyson James Lee

Tyson James Lee, our guest, has been training clients for over seven years and has a Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Medicine. He was a personal trainer for many years.

On June 1st, he launched his own company called TyFit. Tyson is now one of the highest paid online trainers in the world. TyFit is a company built on delivering the truth to the world about nutrition and fitness. The goal is to have a direct impact on the obesity epidemic in America. TyFit teaches weight loss, muscle gain, injury recovery, anti-aging and ultimate human performance.

Tyson spends countless hours researching and trying the most effective ways to achieve your ultimate body health. Tyson’s clients lose an average of 30 lbs in 3 to 12 weeks and I’m definitely a poster child for this as well.

Tyson has overcome several career and life threatening injuries from the strep A blood infection that left him a crippling blow out three disks in his back, each time being forced to discover more effective ways to achieve peak performance without putting severe stress on his body. After each injury, Tyson has come back bigger, stronger and faster only gaining a wealth of knowledge in the process.

I think it’s fair to say that Tyson defied all the odds to get where he is standing today. He’s going to tell us a little bit about his story. Due to his passion for helping the world, he has taken his life’s knowledge online in hopes to have a greater impact that stretches across the globe.

Tyson, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Tyson James: Wendy, thank you so much for having me.

Wendy Myers: Why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself and how you got started in fitness?

Tyson James: All right. I got started in fitness about seven years ago. In my freshman year in high school, I was 4’10”, 89 lbs. There was not a female that was smaller than me. A lot of people are like, “Whoa! Have you ever had a weight issue? Do you even know what it’s like?” I didn’t have a weight issue, I had an underweight issue. I know what it’s like to be unhappy with the way that you look.

So growing up, I was a really, really tiny guy. I mean, when I reached full height, I was 5’8”, 130 lbs. I got really tired of being the small guy. I got into fitness about seven years ago. Just like anybody, I started going to the gym and taking $20 weight protein from Wal-Mart. As I continued to progress through it, I really found a passion and a love for it. I really decided to dedicate my life to learning all the fitness knowledge that I could and staying up to date with the latest research.

A lot of where my heart is I see there are millions of Americans spending thousands of dollars on personal trainings, supplements, fad diets, whatever it may be. The truth of the matter is a very, very small percentage of them are actually achieving their goals.

Most trainers would look at the clients and say, “Well, you’re not working hard enough. You’re not staying on track enough.” Where I’m at in my life now is I take full responsibility for everything. So I looked at it as a fitness industry and I thought, “What are we doing that’s ineffective for people when these people are spending their money and working hard?” So I really dedicated my life to research and finding the most effective ways to achieve your ultimate body health.

06:12 Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

Wendy Myers: Nice. So you developed a fitness program developed around improving the amount of human growth hormone that you produce. Can you tell us exactly what human growth hormone is and why we want more of it?

Tyson James: Yeah. Human growth hormone is the fountain of youth, so to speak. It’s also being recently termed as the fit hormone because HTH literally does everything in your body that keeps you young, healthy, vibrant.

When we’re young, when we’re children, the production of HGH in the body is actually what allows us to grow to full maturity. So I got really interested in this idea. And around the age of 30, we go through what’s called somatopause. That is the decrease of HGH in the system and that is when the first phase of the aging takes place, which is called hormonal aging.

When our metabolism starts to slow down, we start to get some wrinkles. We’re just not quite as vibrant as we were when we once were young. When I found out about exercise-induced human growth hormone, I literally found out that we can reverse and freeze that part of the aging process. It was incredibly intriguing to me. Not to mention that it packs on muscles, strips fat and it has a wide variety of so, so many benefits.

Obviously what I tell people is the real celebrity secret is HGH injections. Celebrities have been getting HGH injections for years at around $15,000 a year to get these monthly injections. Now that’s why you have 50 year old celebrities that look 30 or 35. And then you get marketed too on the side of your Facebook feed with these new celebrity secret or celebrity workout or doing what the celebrities are doing. The truth of the matter, Wendy is the celebrities are getting HGH injections.

Now synthetically, it does have quite a few side effects. And when you release it naturally, it doesn’t have any side effects. So with this very particular type of workout, there are a lot of things that I incorporate into increasing the HGH in the body naturally. This specific workout has been shown to increase HGH on average by 771% without injections. So the idea is to mimic these injections.

The greatest part about this, Wendy is it takes less than an hour a week. So you have all these people spending all this time in the gym. If you’re working out effectively, the way that we should, then you’re not going to have to spend that and make that time commitment.

So to give you an example, if you go and you watch children on the playground, you go to your local park and you see these kids playing, what do they do? They run as fast as they can with their bodies, chasing and playing tag, whatever they’re doing. And they don’t stop until they’re completely exhausted and they repay the oxygen debt. As soon as they recover, what do they do? They take back off again. This is how God intended us to move. This is how we instinctually move as creatures and by doing this, we release human growth hormone.

Now after high school, if we don’t go on to collegian athletics, we stop the high intensity movement. Because we stop this high intensity movement, the amount of HGH that’s secreted into the body drops in a incredibly large amount.

So the key to being young is to produce the same hormones there in your body when you’re young. A lot of people don’t know this, but hormones are really the mechanisms and the control for your entire body and they’re responsible for if you’re overweight, underweight, happy, sad, hungry or not hungry. They literally dictate and control everything in the body.

What’s beautiful is HGH is like the mother nature of hormones. It is the ultimate regulator. When HGH is high, it regulates all other hormones, all other thermostats in the body, keeping your body functioning the way that it was meant to function.

10:36 Tyson’s Anti-Aging Workout Program

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Can you tell me a little bit about what your anti-aging workouts look like?

Tyson James: Yeah. First off, I do give the workout away for free. So you can go to and get a free copy of that workout. They’re sprint workouts.

If you look at a marathon runner, he’s really tiny, thin and almost frail-looking. When you look at Olympic sprinters, they are literally ripped. And they’re not in the gym a whole lot.

Wendy Myers: I always wondered why they were so ripped and they’re runners. Yeah.

Tyson James: Yes. There was a big controversy, Wendy about 10 years ago. The controversy was that Michael Johnson and all these world class sprinters were testing positive for HGH. And they were like, “Okay, all these world records are shut. All these guys have been doping.” And then they come to find out that the workouts that they’re doing are actually mimicking human growth hormone injections and that is why they looked so phenomenal.

Increasing muscles, stripping fat, it is absolutely remarkable. These workouts are very similar to what Olympics sprinters do. People say sprint and they automatically think about running as fast as you can. Well, the workouts that I teach, it’s not about what you’re doing externally. It’s actually about the way you work the internal system.

So I teach my clients how to do these four different ways. One is on a piece of cardio equipment, one sprinting, one in a four-by-four box basically that they can do anywhere and then also one at home workout basically. And I also teach some people to do this with weights.

My whole theory is hitting the four thresholds of the HGH release. To do that, sprinting is the most effective. Obviously our legs are the biggest muscles and so by using our legs, we’re able to really tire ourselves out. The normal sprint workout would be eight 30 second sprints with 90 second breaks. Now these intervals have been shown to be the most effective for HGH release. Also, you can do it on a piece of cardio equipment, on a bike, 30 second sprints, 90 second breaks.

The cool part about it is in the sprints, when you’re running, sprinting on a pavement or a ground or on a track, has to be probably one of the most physically tiring things that you can do. So the sprints don’t always have to be 30 seconds. What we’re trying to do is during the sprint, we’re trying to hit four specific thresholds.

Now, the first threshold that initiates release is raising your body temperature one degree. Any warm up can do that. I’m in Southern California. You go outside and your body temperature raises one degree. So that’s the first threshold that we hit.

The second threshold is the lactic threshold. Now, you guys have all been doing pushups or some sort of workout where your muscles just start to ache or start to burn. And even though you are mentally pushing 100%, your body still starts to slow down. So this is the lactic threshold and this is the threshold that is – they’re all important, but this is the one I say is the most important. Fifteen minutes after we hit the lactic threshold is when GH is released in the pituitary gland into our body.

Each time you hit this threshold, 15 minutes of HGH is coursing your body, basically enough that courses through your system for 15 minutes, giving you a synergistic window where it’s eating fat, packing on muscle and effectively healing the body and doing all the things the HGH does.

The third threshold is the oxygen debt, which is what I explained with the little kids running. When you’re done, if you’re not panting, if you’re not sucking wind and panting and trying to repay that, then you didn’t go hard enough.

When you hit all these three thresholds, a mechanism goes off in the body called the adrenal response. Now the adrenal response is the same response that happens in the body in fight-or-flight mode. Have you guys ever seen those crazy YouTube videos where some guy who’s 100 lbs overweight goes and lifts the helicopter or a car off somebody in that fight-or-flight instance? So we were basically created with this fight-or-flight mechanism to allow us to gain strength and go through short periods of high intensity in situations of danger. And this is what we trigger in the body when we run like this, this danger situation.

After the adrenal response is hit, that’s when we release HGH out of the body. So there are four thresholds. I teach my clients to hit these thresholds with lifting weights, to hit these thresholds in any type of physical activity. Sure, you burn calories when you work out, but there’s really no benefit that you can get like HGH in the system. So if we gear our workouts towards continuing to hit these four thresholds and release HGH, we’re going to see a world of difference in the results that we’re getting.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I have a trainer that I worked out with and he always starts with 15 minutes of doing high intensity interval training or more. He’s torturing me.

Tyson James: Yeah.

Wendy Myers: But it’s great. I mean you feel great when you’re doing it.

Tyson James: Yeah. I’ll just give so everybody here can actually walk away from this podcast and be able to go do them.

They are very intense. If you haven’t moved full speed for a long time, you definitely want to start with three or four. I start my clients with four. Definitely start among cardio equipment to build up the fast-twitch muscle fibers. If you’re going to start going full out sprinting on a track when you haven’t done it for a while, you’re probably going to sustain an injury.

So there are eight rounds if full capacity. What mimics injections is eight rounds. And so it would be a 30 second sprint followed by a 90 second break. The 90 second breaks are incredibly important. I usually start my next sprint at about 88 or 89 seconds. I have an interval time that goes off in my head.

Now, like I said, 15 minutes synergistic window each time you hit the four thresholds. The entire workout of eight sprints is a two-minute workout. It’s 16 minutes of working out. It’s only four minutes in movement and then you cool down and you’re done. And you get all these amazing benefits.

When I’m sprinting, it tires you out so much that I only time the breaks. I don’t time the actual time on sprinting. On cardio equipment, you almost generally need to go 30 seconds to hit those points. With sprinting, I can hit those thresholds in about 22 to 23 seconds. As soon as I got the lactic threshold, I push on for another three or four seconds and then I come to an end and I time my breaks.

So it’s really amazing to start with four. And if you’re going to start with four, what I’d recommend is that you do two to three minute jog warm up, the hamstring. Then do two sprints, maybe starting at 40% building to 75% to really warm up your legs and your fast-twitch fibers. And then you can go ahead and do four sprints with 90 second breaks.

Each week, you want to increase by one. So then you go to five, then six, then seven, then eight. This workout can be done three times a week.

Fast-twitch muscle fibers take twice as long to heal on the body than slow-twitch muscle fibers. On average, slow-twitch muscle fibers take 24 hours to heal. Fast-twitch muscle fibers take 48 hours to heal. So we definitely want to give our body enough time to recover before we go on. I tested this theory. I did sprints four days in a row. By the fourth day, I was completely drained and it was just not even beneficial.

So you’re like, “What is he talking about? Fast-twitch fibers, slow-twitch fibers?” This is why this work will so benefit. Slow cardio, you work your aerobic system. High intensity, you work your anaerobic system. Slow cardio, you work your slow-twitch. High intensity, you work fast-twitch and super fast-twitch.

Now, your fast-twitch muscle fibers are responsible for up to 50% of the muscle fibers in your body, Wendy. And after high school athletics, we stop using them. It’s crazy.

Now, you’ve heard of marathon runners dying of a heart attack. Never has a sprinter died of a heart attack and this is why. So a lot of people are like, “I’m afraid to move as fast as I can.” I’m going to explain to you guys why it’s safe.

So your aerobic system and your slow-twitch muscle fibers are not on an equal plane field, meaning you can build one without building the other. You can strengthen your slow-twitch fibers without strengthening in the aerobic system of your heart. You can’t do the same thing with fast-twitch fibers. So it’s amazing. Fast-twitch fibers move five times faster than slow-twitch and super fast-twitch fibers move 10 times faster than slow-twitch.

What happens is that anytime you’re moving five times faster or 10 times faster, to activate those muscle fibers, to do that, we’re actually working the anaerobic capacity of our heart, meaning that they’re on an equal plane field. One can’t get stronger than the other. So your body simply will not allow you to push harder than your heart can handle. So it’s beautiful.

There’s actually a mechanism that the Mayo Clinic found in some research in 2012 that when you hit the adrenal response, you have a protective mechanism in your heart that allows you to push as harder as you can for about 30 seconds at a time. This was put into our body instinctually because of the fight-or-flight mechanism. So when we are in those dangerous situations regardless of our health, we’re able to push at full intensity.

So what do you get? You get to work your slow-twitch, your fast-twitch and your super fast-twitch muscle fibers all in one workout.

The sprints are so intense that you do hit the anaerobic threshold of your heart. As you’re repaying the oxygen debt – this is why the 90 second break is so important – your heart never falls below the aerobic threshold. So you’re working your heart aerobically and anaerobically at the exact same time.

They’re actually training marathon runners with sprint workouts. For years, it used to be three decent sized runs a week and then one long run on a weekend for distance training in marathon runners. Now they’re actually doing three the sprint workouts a week with one long distance run during the weekend. And marathon runners are continuing to improve. World records are continuing to be broken and are continuing to get faster because those trainers were evolving and developing and becoming better at what we do.

22:11 HGH and Post-Workout Cold Showers

Wendy Myers: So I heard that after, you get all hot and sweaty doing all these sprints that you recommend cold showers.

Tyson James: I do.

Wendy Myers: Does it help to increase your human growth hormone?

Tyson James: Yes. It actually has been shown to increase testosterone by 10%. Also cold showers are remarkable for recovery. I’m lucky I live by the ocean. After leg day, I run to the ocean and I jump in for about 5 to 10 minutes and it really speeds the recovery process.

Also it has been shown to turn white fat into brown fat. For those of you guys who don’t know, white fats are the fats stored on your body. Brown fats are also stored on your body, but brown fat is able to be broken down. Your body will use this energy and it turns into glycogen to the ATP pathway. So we’re actually able to use brown fat for energy. Taking cold showers increases the amount of white fat turning to brown fat, 15-fold.

For instance, if you are not to change your exercise program or change your diet, just by implementing cold showers, somebody would lose an additional 9 lbs of fat each year.

Wendy Myers: Wow. Yeah, I need to step at the ocean. I live by the ocean too, but I’m always too chicken to go in because it’s so cold. I’m no hero.

Tyson James: Well, the cool thing too is if you enjoy your warm shower, the whole premise of taking the cold shower is literally to cool your body temperature down. So enjoy your hot shower for 5 to 10 minutes and then just blast it on cold and you want to blast it on cold until you start getting goose-bumps and your temperature cools down.

Wendy Myers: Can you do intervals with that, like do hot-cold?

Tyson James: I heard about that, but I haven’t implemented that.

Wendy Myers: So you just did a cold for a couple of minutes, one to two minutes?

Tyson James: Yup.

24:08 HGH-Enhancing Supplements

Wendy Myers: Okay. So what supplements can you take to enhance the release of human growth hormone? Or what supplements do you use with your clients?

Tyson James: Okay. We’ll get into how to release more of it out of pituitary gland. The average person holds 0.4g to 1g of HGH in the back or it’s released out of pituitary gland.

It’s like a mother’s breast milk. When a mother stops breastfeeding, the milk dries up. The more that she breastfeeds, the more that she produces. HGH is the same way. Our body is amazing like that in its ability to adapt, so the more that we release the more that we hold. Now think about it, only 0.4g to 1g of HGH for the average person. We have the ability to hold up to 10g.

After you have completed progressing all the way through these workouts and have been doing them for 8 to 12 weeks, you are actually going to increase the back store of HGH, Wendy, meaning that these workouts at the end are 10 times more effective for you than when you start. So the real results start to come after about a month. When I do sprints, I’m going to release 10 times more human growth hormone than those who don’t usually do them.

Now, L-Arginine is directly responsible for opening up the pituitary gland. So I take a gram a half of L-Arginine and Arginine and 2g of L-Glutamine 25 minutes prior to the sprint workout.

As we do high intensity or any working out for that matter, our glutamine stores drop. And when our glutamine stores drop, we lose our ability to produce HGH on the level that we’re looking to produce it. So by taking the glutamine, as soon as your level starts to drop, that supplement is going to hit the body, they’re going to raise and you’re effectively going to release more human growth hormone. So these are the supplements that you take prior to the workout.

After the workout, you’re going to want to take 25g of whey, which has also been shown to increase HGH production. There’s no sugar in whey. You want to take organic hormone-free whey, any kind of whey that’s coming out of Australia and New Zealand, the only two places where it’s still illegal to infuse whey with hormones.

So the FDA doesn’t require that we put the hormones in whey, but I’m telling you, it is so full of hormones. If you get to go organic and all natural with one product, that’s going to be whey.

Wendy Myers: Of course, it’s the one product that the FDA is not regulating.

Tyson James: Yeah. So get 25g of whey protein, preferably some protein that’s sweet with stevia or not sweetened at all because any sugar two hours after the workout, where you have synergistic window of HGH, completely cuts HGH production. So that’s another reason the American diet is so full of sugar that we have really cut our ability to be able to release HGH, Wendy.

No high fat meals two hours before the workout. Now, when I’m talking high fat meals, I’m talking a Big Mac. I’m not talking a little 3 oz piece of salmon or something like that. I’m talking high fat meals. That will also stop the production of HGH.

27:38 IGF-1, Insulin Growth Factor 1

So those are the supplements for the workout. Now, I’m a huge fan of IGF-1, Insulin Growth Factor 1. The best form you can get is Deer Antler. It’s a more expensive supplement, but you get what you pay for. If you’re going to buy a $20 bottle of IGF-1, it’s not going to be really effective. IGF-1 is the precursor, so to speak, to HGH. The more IGF-1 that you have in the body, the more you’re able to produce HGH.

Almost everything that I teach is geared towards releasing the HGH. Why? It’s because it’s effective for weight loss. It’s effective for muscle gain. It’s anti-aging. It’s good for recovery. It actually thickens your skin by 7% and fills in wrinkles by over 60%. It repairs organs in a faster pace.

I’ve dealt with massive amounts of injuries in my life and doing the sprint programs was actually one of the ways that I was able to come back from my injuries incredibly fast. IGF-1 is actually illegal in the NFL now because people have been taking it for injury recovery. It speeds up the speed that your body recovers that. So it’s phenomenal.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. IGF-1 is also essential for recovery from osteoporosis and for growing bone mass and things like that. And conversely, people who have high blood sugar or diabetes have low levels of IGF-1.

Tyson James: Yeah.

29:05 Creatine

Wendy Myers: So it’s just interesting. Are you interested in using creatine at all?

Tyson James: I’m not.

Wendy Myers: No? Why not?

Tyson James: No. I take a lot of pride in the way that I look and by doing it all natural. So my theory on this, Wendy is that God made our bodies so amazing and so unique with everything that we need inside us and the ability to produce anything inside us. So I feel that in a long term, taking massive amounts of supplements actually stops your body from producing just like it adapts to everything. It stops your body from producing what it naturally needs to grow.

For me for instance, organic way is the only supplement that I’ve ever really taken besides a couple of branched-chain amino acids, vitamins, supplements, things like this. But as far as creatine, I have never taken creatine. I feel like it’s just a lot of water weight and the results are not sustainable.

What I teach is for longevity and life-long health. For every positive thing that these supplements do, there’s a negative. If you’re taking all kinds of supplements and you’re not doing the research, chances are that you’re creating long term damage in the body.

I have nothing bad to say about creatine. It’s just not for me. I take a lot of pride in, “Hey, it’s a great diet. It’s a lot of grass-fed meat.” And I just try to give my body everything that it needs.

30:45 Carnitine Post-Workout

Wendy Myers: Are you a fan of carnitine? I’ve heard that can be helpful for post-recovery and [inaudible 00:30:51] and whatnot.

Tyson James: Yeah, carnitine is great. Carnitine is just another branched-chain amino acid. So like I said, the l-glutamine and the l-arginine, I take. Carnitine is great too. They are things that are going to speed up the process of how you look.

But again, if you’re in this for the long haul, if you’re in this for life, it’s important to gain the knowledge. And all these supplements that we take, in pill form or powder form, they’re actually in our food. So if you start studying nutrition and getting in depth with nutrition and know the foods that you’re going to be taking, you can actually take these foods before and after your workouts to get the same effects. We all know that vitamins and minerals from our nutrition are absorbed on a deeper level and more effective level in the body versus supplements.

31:41 Tyson James Lee’s History of being the Action Boss

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Your website is called So what do they call you the “Action Boss?”

Tyson James: I pretty much just had success through massive amounts of action that came with massive amounts of failure. I just take action every day on several different things.

I’ve been on a couple of different podcasts lately where they called me one of the fast success stories. So just a little bit about where I was, last April, I came out to Southern California with $600 in a backpack. There was actually a time where I was sleeping on friends’ couches and even the beach a couple of nights and I was homeless for three weeks, just determined to make it happen.

And I told people all the time that the American Dream isn’t dead. It has simply changed its shape. Now that we’ve switched from the Industrial Revolution into the Digital Technological Revolution, it is the largest shift in mankind’s history again giving the entrepreneur power. And we all have the ability to run our own business online now without the overhead that we once did.

I just took massive amounts of action and I started to brand myself as the Action Boss. I made a magazine cover, the cover of Ryan Lee’s magazine, the Warrior Magazine. It’s an online magazine. When I made the cover – I believe I sent you the picture – they wrote a statement. “It’s not about what you say that says who you are. It’s about what you do that says who you are. Tyson James Lee, the Action Boss.” Ever since that magazine cover, it just stuck and now I have people messaging me all the time and they’re like, “Hey, boss. What’s up, Action Boss?”

It just stuck. It was one of those things. But I feel like I really put a lot of force behind it by taking massive amounts of action and going from basically broke and homeless to getting an opportunity to close marketing programs. I’ve closed $140,000 worth of deals in about seven days, bringing in about $14,000 for myself.

Then I got hired to run all operations in Marci Lock Enterprises to scale her business from six figures a month to seven figures a month. And because of the publicity I was getting and the results that my clients were getting, I felt that it was time to run my own business again. That is when I launched TyFit.

34:10 About TyFit

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Tell us a little bit about TyFit.

Tyson James: TyFit is geared on bringing people the truth about nutrition and fitness. We’ve learned more about the human body in the last 10 years due to fMRI technology, all kind of different brain scans, body scans that we now have the ability to use to gain more research than we ever had before.

It’s a fitness industry, Wendy. We’re still training people primarily the same way that we did 20 years ago regardless of all the new information we have.

Now, a lot of this information is being done in private labs that are privately funded by people that really have a heart to find more effective ways. Like I said at the beginning, I believe it’s unjust that millions of Americans are spending thousands of dollars to try to achieve the body or health that they want and they’re continuing to fall short. That’s why I created TyFit. It was to deliver the truth about diet and exercise to people in the most effective ways.

I had a rare blood infection called rheumatic fever strep A. I went from 167 lbs to 139 lbs in two weeks. The doctor said I was about eight hours away from losing my life. The only reason that they said I survived was because I was so strong and fit and healthy. They were like, “You literally owe your life to your fitness.” So I took that as, “Wow. Okay. So this is what it is.”

I was in the hospital for over four months. I was in ICU, then the recovery unit. I dropped massive amounts of weight and it riddled the left side of my body with post-strep rheumatic arthritis. For the first six months after I got out of the hospital, every time I took a step with my left foot, it was like nails shooting in. I was no longer able to put the stress that I once had in the body.

I started like everybody else that has achieved a remarkable physique, spending 10 to 15 hours in the gym, spending 5 to 10 hours, preparing meals, food, eating very clean.

There were a couple of things that were wrong with that. One was fitness was all I had in my life. I didn’t have a financial gain or relationship gain and other areas of my life were struggling because I was focusing so much attention on this.

So I got to find more effective ways to achieve the body that I desire and also the performance that I desire. That’s when I started to get into exercise-induced human growth hormone and I was amazed that my results were better than before in less amounts of time.

Then I blew my L4, L5, S1 and blew out those disks in my back. I was in chronic, chronic pain. And for 18…

Wendy Myers: How did you do that?

Tyson James: Deadlifting, a CrossFit workout called Linda AKA Three Bars of Death. Yeah.

It was on the ninth round and I was deadlifting and I broke form. It’s just shooting pain right down my back. I was so stubborn and I had achieved such level of fitness that I continued to train for about three more months regardless of the pain I was in. I know I wasn’t doing myself any benefit.

So here I am again. The doctors, the six doctors that I had seen when I was in the hospital said, “Hey. We’re going to work on getting you to walk again. You will probably never be physically active like you once were.”

I did run a half marathon six months after I got out of the hospital. I got the best shape of my life. Then here it comes again with the injury. I’m thinking, “Man, what’s next?” It did break me down for a little bit, but then I got back up and I decided that I was going to make another commitment to myself, to become bigger and stronger and faster than I ever had. That’s when it led me into injury recovery.

And now, I teach and a lot of clients come to me for injury recovery to help back, knee, elbow problems, stiffed necks. HGH is also very beneficial for pain relief. I am able to deliver that.

The cool thing about this, Wendy is TyFit is like preventative medicine. This is all about human health. So you do get anti-aging properties, weight loss properties, muscle gain, less pain, less chance of disease. I’m under the impression that if every American went through TyFit and they followed it to a tea, cancer, Alzheimer’s and degenerative disease would lower by 90% in America. It is about preventing it. Like what they say, an ounce of prevention is worth the pound in cure. So I really, really believe that.

We can get all these people amazing results. The programs do vary a little bit based on individual needs. For instance, I help clients that are not able to work out and they’re losing massive amounts of weight without exercise. I would never recommend that, but it can be done. And when you’re teaching, the most effective ways to lose weight and to gain health, these things just happen.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Where do I sign up? I want to lose some weight and get some human growth hormone.

Tyson James: Yeah.

Wendy Myers: How do people work with you? You live in Oceanside. So can people work with you personally? You’re one of the highest paid trainers on the internet, right?

Tyson James: Yeah. I actually live in Solana now. People can directly message me on Facebook. You can opt in at We send you a free version of my sprint workout. You’re able to get that.

Now, TyFit has been an idea for years, but it was literally, “Okay, I’m going to do this May 10th.” And by June 1st, we launched our program and we took on our first eight clients. Now, I take on eight clients a month. And we are scaling this thing, so we can be more affordable for the rest of the public and for people that don’t have a high income bracket.

It is group coaching. I have a call with my clients once a week every Saturday. And then I also set up a half an hour call with them through the week to keep them accountable.

We brought on a couple of different coaches recently. We brought Travis Dickey who was about eight years ago one of the top 10 in the world for CrossFit, phenomenal biomechanics, how to exercise, injury recovery as well. So we are scaling this thing.

It’s expensive to work with me personally. But what I’m doing is I’m bringing in some phenomenal people and people trainers and I’m teaching them exactly what I know so that they can run in groups as well for a more affordable price.

Also if you’re a motivated individual and you feel that it’s just the information that you’re lacking, we’re actually going to sell just the course for TyFit. Right now, it’s an eight-week course and it unlocks a day at a time, day one, day two, day three. Every action step is right there. There are audios. There are over 20 hours of audios in there. There are different PDFs, everything is laid out, videos that show you exactly what gets to be done so that you can achieve your ultimate body health.

When clients come to me for weight loss, my average results are 30 lbs of fat loss in 8 to 12 weeks. I have a lady that has been in the program now for three weeks and she has lost 22 lbs.

Wendy Myers: Wow.

Tyson James: I got another guy who is under 200 lbs for the first time since he was in college.

42:00 Takeaways with Tyson James Lee

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Do you have anything else that you want to tell the listeners about anything that you do or offer?

Tyson James: Yeah. You can reach out to me and you can find me on Facebook. I’m the only Tyson James Lee. I am incredibly busy, but I am more than happy to jump on a call with anybody for 15 to 20 minutes and at least point them in the right direction.

Out there, if you’re not educated in fitness, it can be so tough. Ninety percent of the information out there is garbage. Fitness magazines create a new article all the time. With a whole magazine worth of fitness stuff, do you really think we’re discovering that much stuff every month? No. They’re rewriting the articles, twisting them a little bit so it makes it interesting for the reader. But the fact of the matter is there are things that work and there are things that don’t. There are things that work and there are things that are very effective.

So I cracked the code, so to speak, to human performance. And it targets human health from about 12 different areas including mindset, health, nutrition, the HGH release, anti-aging supplements, diet nutrition, all these different angles. So if my clients do 80% of the work, they’re going to get massive results.

I don’t know a lot of trainers that do this. I actually have a tracking band that my clients wear so I am able to see their activity. Yeah. And if they say 80% more accurate on what’s expected of them, I offer 100% money-back guarantee, no questions asked. So we sign a contract at the beginning that basically states, “These are the results that I guarantee. If you hold up your end of the bargain and stay 80% on task and you don’t reach those results, we refund your 100%, no questions asked.”

I believe the value of this course is $10,000. That is not the price point right now, but anytime you can effectively change the course of somebody’s entire life. It’s at least for 10 grand.

Think about what you’re going to be paying if you get cancer. One in three Americans are expected to be infected with cancer. Where else is this beneficial? This is an educational course. We don’t just tell you what to do. We tell you why we do it and what happens in the body from doing these things.

Your children deserve to have this information. Today’s children being born, Wendy, are the first generation of children not expected to outlive their parents.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Tyson James: That’s so sad. They’re not expected. It’s not their fault. They don’t know. A lot of the parents don’t know how to educate their children on proper diet and nutrition. I have clients coming to me that are like, “This is not just for me. I want to know this information so that my kids have a fighting chance.”

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I agree. It’s a travesty, the situation. I deal with a lot of children myself. And they come to me, they’re four years old and they have adrenal fatigue and they have so many other health issues. They’re just behind the game from the start. So I think it’s absolutely important to educate people about how to take care of yourself physically with diet and exercise, et cetera at a very young age. You have to teach it young and develop good habits.

45:19 The Most Pressing Health Issue in the World Today: Cancer

Wendy Myers: But I have a question I like to ask to all of my guests. What do you think is the most pressing health issue in the world today?

Tyson James: It is going to be cancer and heart disease. So cancer, first and foremost, like I said, one in three people are expected to be diagnosed with cancer sometime in their life. So much of the food that we have got so many PCBs and cancer-causing agents.

For instance, the companies that regulate farmed fish versus wild fish are two different. Twenty-five times the amount of PCBs are allowed in farmed fish versus wild fish. For instance, if you are to catch a wild fish and they were to test it and it had one-twenty-fifth trace amounts of PCBs that was allowed in farmed fish, they would actually consider it enabled for human consumption. That’s how much poisonous stuff is in the food that we’re eating.

The meat company, farm companies right now are in massive litigations. They’re under tons of scrutiny. We’re about 16 to 18 months away from there being consumer warning labels on farmed meat just like cigarettes and tobacco, basically stating that consumption of this product is going to lead to cancer or heart disease. It’s not great for human health. We’re eating it on a daily basis. This is what you get in McDonald’s, people.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I’m so happy to hear that. We do need warning labels on that meat. It’s just so disgusting. And people have no idea what they’re eating.

Tyson James: Yes, they don’t. So I do believe that the most pressing issue is cancer, but the most pressing issue in America is lack of education. That’s what I’m here for. It’s to educate Americans so that they can live a happier and healthier life.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. That’s what we do, to get people healthier and prevent disease so they can live a long healthy life. That’s exactly why I got into doing this as well.

47:16 Where to Find Tyson James Lee

Wendy Myers: Can you tell the listeners a little bit about where they can find you and learn more about you?

Tyson James: Yeah. You guys can find me on Facebook. Tyson James Lee, I’m the only one. You can go to my website, You can put in your e-mail and we will continue to send you newsletters and the things that we’re all about. It’s free of value.

I am posting massive amounts of videos on my Facebook, on my YouTube channel, things like this, giving away as much value as I possibly can. Just by following me on Facebook, you’ll get amazing education of why we’re doing the things that we’re doing. And then the e-mails that you will receive from us, we also give you tons of value about the fastest and most effective ways to be the best you.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I’m your friend on Facebook. I really enjoy your videos. They’re very educational and funny and entertaining. So I love what you’re doing.

Tyson James: It’s like the mix between education and entertainment.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, exactly. Tyson, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Tyson James: Awesome. Thank you.

Wendy Myers: Listeners, if you want to learn more about me, you can find me at And you can learn about my online health program, and learn all about my main program, my healing and detox program, that utilizes a hair mineral analysis.

Thank you so much for listening to the Live To 110 Podcast.

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