Transcript: #131 The Thyroid and Fat Loss with Damian Dubé

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  • 01:42 About Damian Dube
  • 02:55 The Story of how Damian and Heather Dube dealt with their Health Issues
  • 07:51 Thyroid Fat Loss Summit
  • 09:47 What Doctors are Missing on Weight Gain on Thyroid Issues
  • 19:10 Major Underlying Factors that Cause Thyroid Problems
  • 23:57 Importance of Liver in Thyroid Functions
  • 26:00 Other Elements that Interfere with Thyroid Function
  • 29:18 Disadvantage and Risks in Staying on Drug Medications for a Long Time
  • 34:14 Role of Diet in Thyroid Issues
  • 37:45 e3 Energy Evolved System
  • 39:17 The Most Pressing Health Issue in the World Today
  • 41:06 The Dark Side of the Political Scene on Healthcare

Wendy Myers: Hello. My name is Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast. You can learn more about me at my websites, and to learn all about my healing and detox program. You can also watch this video podcast on my YouTube channel, wendyLiveto110.

Today, we have my friend, Damian Dube on the podcast. We’ll talk all about one of my favorite subjects, the thyroid. Him and his wife, Heather Dube, recently hosted the Thyroid Fat Loss Summit. I was honored to be a guest to talk about one of my favorite subjects, how to heal your thyroid naturally.

I talked about my story about how I healed my thyroid. Damian, we’re going to talk about how his wife healed her own thyroid. And we talked about all the tips and tricks and things that you need to do to also heal your thyroid naturally.

A lot of women out there I know (or men) are struggling with their thyroid and are being told by their physicians that they have to be on thyroid medication for life. While that is true for some people, for most people, they can heal their thyroid naturally. I can’t stress that enough. We’re going to talk about how to do that today on the show.

Please keep in mind that this program is only for informational purposes. Please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging in any treatment that we suggest today on the show.

01:42 About Damian Dube

Wendy Myers: Our guest, Damian Dube, he and his wife, Heather Dube, have a website called e3 Energy Evolved. They are both FDNs and co-founders of their website. Their website is a thyroid adrenal and metabolic restoration system. That’s what their site is all about. They want to help men and women create their lifetime best natural wellness and metabolism.

They discovered their e3 Energy Evolved System during their own battle to successfully beat Heather’s advanced Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, chronic fatigue and autoimmune disease. They did this through nutrition, lifestyle and environmental change to transform her body in only two years to compete as a US national level athlete.

With 50 years of education and experience in nutritional wellness, psychology, athletics and pharmacy between them, they are diagnostic functional nutritionists, athletes and coaches, expert contributors for magazines like Experience Life Magazine and On Fitness Magazine. And they’re also nutrition science peer reviewers.

Damian, thank you so much for coming on the show.

DAMIAN DUBE: Yeah. Thanks for having me, Wendy. I really appreciate it.

Wendy Myers: Why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about your story of how you healed yourselves, you and your wife, Heather, and your issues with chronic fatigue and other health issues that you guys were having?

DAMIAN DUBE: Yeah. Back in around ’06 or ’07, we were living in California. We had a tremendous amount of extreme stressful events in a short period of time. Recently, we got married. The wedding was back in New York, New Jersey. Heather was planning that overseas or across the country while she was working in marketing communications, 60 to 70 hours a week. And then my father had gotten diagnosed with esophageal cancer. I think your dad…

Wendy Myers: Yeah, my father passed away from that as well.

DAMIAN DUBE: Yeah. So that was a little traumatizing. We had a couple of job losses. And then, we relocated, moved. Literally, we closed in 20 days. We had to move and everything like that. There was a lot of stuff occurring all at once.

In addition to that, we were living in the Sacramento Valley, which is like a pool of pesticides. So there’s a lot of agriculture there. Heather was working in the agriculture business, doing marketing communications for some of the largest agri companies in the country.

All of sudden, she just started to not feel well. She started to really get bad allergies, literally fatigue. She was going to doctor after doctor and everybody was just saying basically, “Oh, it’s nothing. It’s allergies. It’s in your head. You’re imagining this” and so on and so forth to the point where she actually couldn’t even physically get out of bed.

She had to leave her job and her face literally had ballooned up. She has so much information. She didn’t look like anybody in these doctor’s offices, yet they’re telling her that everything is fine, that she’s normal and so on and so forth.

Heather is kind of a bulldog from Jersey, so she doesn’t take that as an answer. She did a lot of research on her own and we ended up finding a practitioner to help us piece things together a little bit. At least he made sense to us.

So we have actually flown her across country for almost two weeks and she spent two weeks in his office, which was extremely costly. This is the time when the economy was tanking and I had actually lost my job as well. And so, we were living on credit here, the American Dream.

This doctor made sense. He was a chiropractor. He ran some tests and determined that she had Hashimoto’s. She tested positive for lupus. She had chronic fatigue. She had really bad eczema and Candida and a slew of other autoimmune conditions.

Over the course of the next year and a half to two years, we healed her naturally to the point where she went back to competing at a national level figure body walk.

That’s when we started to shift our mindset around health. We were always into athletics. But now we’re taking that athletic background and shifting it more into healing.

What we found through her healing process is that she not only was healing all these things, but by the shifts I was making in my nutrition, I was no longer lactose intolerant. I no longer have athlete’s foot and things like that. Heather’s yeast infections went away, her migraines went away. All these other things that most people think is “normal” just went away.

So, as I was saying, that’s what sparked us to go back and further our education to become diagnostic and functional nutritionist. And then we took that, plus all of our experiences across the life span and created e3 Energy Evolved in our system.

And really, the purpose for this is to pay it forward to other women who have suffered from all these different conditions that aren’t getting any answers from the doctor, feeling hopeless like they’re just stuck in a rut and they can’t get out of it. We want to pay it forward and really show them that there is a way to get out of it.

The medical system is not looking at it correctly. They’re not looking at it in an all-encompassing manner. They’re really doing a disservice to these women that are suffering from autoimmune disease, Hashimoto’s, chronic fatigue and so on.

07:51 Thyroid Fat Loss Summit

Wendy Myers: Yeah. You just recently hosted the Thyroid Fat Loss Summit. Correct?


Wendy Myers: I was a guest speaker in the summit. So why don’t you talk a little bit about that and why you wanted to host this kind of large summit to teach women about how to heal their thyroid naturally?

DAMIAN DUBE: One thing that sparked that was – we have a little bit different mindset. We both come from the athletic and competition industries. We don’t really care too much for those industries and some of the negatives that go along with it like the hardcore dieting. Some people are even using drugs and some women are even using drugs prescribed by their coaches. It has caused a detriment to their health and this whole metabolic disorder, metabolic syndrome or whatever. From that stems thyroid problems, autoimmune problems and fat gain/weight gain.

So we wanted to go to a little bit of a different direction and show that body fat or the inability to lose weight is a byproduct of other things that are going on systemically and metabolically within your bodies. So that’s why we created Thyroid Fat Loss Summit to focus on a little bit different way of looking at the thyroid and all of the different factors that come into play when assessing and treating thyroid conditions and then also how it plays into your weight gain.

So it’s pairing everything together so that you can correct your autoimmune and thyroid problems, Hashimoto’s and all that and at the same time, losing body fat without exercise, without over-dieting, without all these other things that become industry normals.

09:47 What Doctors are Missing on Weight Gain on Thyroid Issues

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So many women that are struggling with their thyroid disease also struggle with weight gain no matter what they do. I see this in my client population and I struggled with this myself when I had my thyroid issues that were as yet undiagnosed. What do I have to do? I was working out eight hours a week, harder than an Olympiad in my 20s. What’s going on?

So what would you say to them that their doctors are missing?

DAMIAN DUBE: So one thing we like to say is that you’re not sick because you’re fat. You’re fat because you’re sick. And I hate to use that term “fat.” Basically, what we’re trying to say is that body fat storage is a byproduct of poor health. The industry focuses on eating less and exercising more. What we’re trying to say is that’s not the solution and that’s going to actually create more stress within the body.

When you look at really bodily functions, stress is the biggest cause of all kinds of different issues. We all think of stress as mental stress, jobs, relationships, economy and finances, so on and so forth, but there are other forms of stress as well. So you’ve got your toxins, toxic exposure from the cosmetics you’re applying to your body, the cleaning supplies in your house, the carpet is extremely toxic, all your furniture that’s got fire retardants on it are all extremely toxic to the endocrine system, to the liver and so on.

But then we also have to look at exercise as a form of stress. Dieting is a form of stress. So when you’re tapped out stress-wise and your adrenal glands are already depleted and then you increase that exercise, you’re just further spiraling into that metabolic syndrome so to speak. So the solution of exercise more and eat less is completely backwards.

We’ve had women come to us and their doctor said, “You need to exercise more and eat less.” And they said, “I’m not cheating on my diet. I’m doing everything I’m supposed to do.” And then the doctor says, “You’re lying.”

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

DAMIAN DUBE: And then she breaks down in tears because she’s in front of her husband and the doctor’s telling her she’s lying, she definitely has to be cheating. Well, it’s not that she has to be cheating. It’s that the doctors don’t understand the stress and adaptation that’s involved.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I’ve been a poster child of trying to push myself and push myself to try to lose weight because I’ve always been a very thin person, thinner than average so to speak. And after I had my baby – that’s when a lot of women’s thyroid and adrenals tank after that because they’re so mineral deficient, the baby just sucked everything out of them and just really any pre-existing health issue that they had really come to fruition after they have a child.

And I was doing the same thing. I was working out six to eight hours a week. I was going to bed hungry every night. I was doing the prescription that you read about in all the books. Eat less and exercise more. And it wasn’t working. I have so many women coming to me and it’s heartbreaking, they’re just killing themselves trying to lose weight.

What I had to do and accept was that I decided that I wasn’t going to worry about my weight. If you guys are watching my cooking show, you can see I was pretty pudgy there for a while because I chose my health over vanity and looking good. I decided to take three years where I was not really exercising. I was exercising very mildly about twice a week and just focusing on sleeping and resting and de-stressing, meditation, supplementation, detoxification and food sensitivities, cessing out what those were doing and all these little known causes of weight gain I was addressing.

And after healing my body for two to three years, then finally, now I’m back to exercising four or five times a week because I can handle it now. My thyroid adrenals are healed. Now my body can handle that stress. And I’ve been able to lose I guess 20 lbs. in the last several months.

DAMIAN DUBE: That’s fantastic.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it’s great. But it was a long road and there are no shortcuts to healing. So I just wanted to tell my own personal story for a lot of women out there. Sometimes, you just have to accept a little weight gain for a while before you can get to where you want to go weight-wise.

DAMIAN DUBE: Yeah. I’m really glad you brought that up because as a man and me saying that, coming from a man, women are going to say, “Well, what do you know? You don’t understand.” But you hit on a big thing, letting the weight go mentally. If you’re focusing on the weight, that is an additional stress. It’s never going to go away. So you need to let that go. And like you said, rest and let your body repair.

When you’re spending all this energy exercising, whether it’s HIT training, CrossFit, marathon running, so on and so forth or even heavy weight training, you’re detracting from your body’s ability to repair itself. It needs all its energy to focus on repairing and basically not dying. So you add this additional demand onto your body’s systems and it just freaks out. It can’t repair and you’re never going to lose weight.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. You have to spend some time, a good amount of time healing your endocrine system, your adrenals and thyroid, your hormonal systems before you can really get to the weight you want to be at.

A lot of women don’t want to hear that. I lose quite a few clients. When women are coming to me and they want to lose weight, I’m like, “That’s going to take you a few years.” They don’t want to hear that. They want a quick fix and it doesn’t work that way.

DAMIAN DUBE: There are ways to speed it up if you’re super aggressive. But the reality is that if you’re 30 or 40 years old, you still got another 40 or 50 years left. What is a year or 18 months out of that 40 years? It’s a fraction. So just give your body a little bit of time.

I’m not saying don’t exercise for a year and a half. But maybe it’s going to take you four, five or six months of no exercise to just allow your body to restore itself while doing all these other things that you mentioned before – detoxification, sleeping, nutrients, supplements and so on.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, gut healing and figuring out your food sensitivities and avoiding dairy and gluten and all that fun, fun stuff.

DAMIAN DUBE: Exactly! Yeah. Those are some big points that we definitely want to touch on.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

DAMIAN DUBE: You also mentioned that a lot of this was rebatting after giving birth. What we have to understand too is that a lot of it, the causes of Hashimoto’s and thyroid problems, are congenital. They’re stemming from preconception. So when your mom is depleted nutritionally, you as an offspring are also going to be depleted nutritionally.

And then the other thing with that is prenatal care, if prenatal care is done incorrectly and started way too late. Some cultures start prenatal care in the teenage years where they start to focus on nutrition and rest and that type of thing. We focus on it once you conceive. And at that point, it’s almost too late.

In addition to that, when the doctor is saying, “You need to take this prenatal vitamin that’s loaded with copper,” your needs for copper as an expecting mother are increased, but your absorption of copper is also increased. So you don’t necessarily need to add more copper. I know you talk about copper quite a bit.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

DAMIAN DUBE: That’s a big thing too. So if you’re adding additional copper that your body is going to absorb more, it’s also going to deposit more. And a lot of times that will be deposited in your thyroid, which will affect your thyroid function.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I became very copper toxic following my pregnancy because I did the prenatal vitamins with, I think, 400 milligrams of copper in them. That’s why women become Looney Tunes after they give birth because they have so much copper and it causes mood disturbances, anxiety and depression. It’s not postpartum as much as it is copper toxicity induced by prenatal vitamins.

DAMIAN DUBE: Yeah. Also, it’s linked to PCOS, fibroids, ovarian cyst, all these other things that women experience in their 20s, 30s and 40s.

And then on top of that, it’s depleting zinc. So it’s going to start to displace zinc, which is an anti-stress mineral, which we talked about earlier. When you’re stressed, you’re body is going to use its zinc storage. Now, when you’re displacing that zinc, you don’t have enough zinc to deal with your stress, which is essential for certain enzymes that are required for different functions within the body.

19:10 Major Underlying Factors that Cause Thyroid Problems

Wendy Myers: Why don’t we talk about some of the major underlying factors that cause hypothyroidism and even Hashimoto’s, autoimmune thyroid?

DAMIAN DUBE: Yeah. We talked about copper. You touched on before food sensitivities. I think this is a big problem with a lot of diets, so to speak. Everybody is on a different diet. You have your autoimmune Paleo. You have your vegetarian. You have all these different things.

The problem is that when your immune system is compromised for whatever reason, your body, as you’re eating these foods, your gut lining or your intestinal lining starts to become a little bit really permeable and some of these undigested foods will start to seep through with your blood, which then your immune system starts to attack.

So you might be eating broccoli, which is a healthy food, but your immune system might say, “This isn’t supposed to be here. I’m going to attack it,” which then creates further immunity issues, further toxicity issues that your liver has to pick up, which we’ll talk about in a little bit as well.

But then also, those undigested proteins or amino acid strands, some of them actually resemble the proteins that are in the thyroid. So when you’re eating a food that your body is having trouble with and your immune system attacks it and then it sees some of the proteins in your thyroid that look very similar, it says, “Hey! This looks like that food. I’m going to attack it.” All of a sudden, your TPOs go up and now you have Hashimoto’s. That’s a big thing.

So, finding out what you’re actually sensitive to and eliminate those foods can definitely help.

Wendy Myers: And it’s hard. It’s hard to do a food elimination diet. I have tried doing them and I was not so successful because you have to be so disciplined to do those. So I prefer people do a blood food sensitivity test like the MRT or ELISA. I personally do the MRT.

DAMIAN DUBE: I do too.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. There’s no way you can do a food elimination diet for 150 foods, which the MRT does. It just makes it so much easier.

I had one client, she was sensitive to beef (really off the charts sensitive to beef), almonds and cacao, which she was eating every single day. Taking out those foods made such a huge difference in her life and how she felt and with inflammation and weight gain.

You’re going to be gaining weight if you’re eating foods that you’re sensitive to because they promote inflammation in addition to aggravating other health conditions. Food sensitivities mimic pain syndromes and so many other health conditions. So it’s just really an invaluable part of anyone’s treatment protocol per se.

DAMIAN DUBE: You’re absolutely right. You’re absolutely right. Another issue that I find is your bowel terrain. When your immune system is compromised and you’ve got a parasite or something like that (or a fungus or bacteria is introduced to your system), your immune system has trouble fighting it off and then it starts to take over your intestines. Those different things start to make certain toxins, endotoxins.

And yeast is a big one. Yeast will actually hormone mask. So the endotoxins from yeast not only feed the different bacteria, but also attach to cell receptor sites. So when your cell receptor sees these endotoxins, it thinks that it’s the thyroid hormone because it’s attaching to that receptor. And all of a sudden, your thyroid says, “Okay. Well, my cells are getting enough hormones. I’m going to stop production. I’m going to slow production down because I don’t need to produce anymore.”

Meanwhile, you’ve got severe hypothyroid symptoms and then your doctor will see your thyroid and says either “It’s normal… it’s not functioning. Let’s give you some thyroid meds.” Well, if you’re taking thyroid meds and increasing your thyroid hormone, but it’s not making it to the cells because they’re clogged up, it doesn’t matter. Your body is going to send that negative feedback loop and say, “Stop production.”

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

DAMIAN DUBE: So that’s a big one as well. And as this stuff grows, it starts to take over your tyrointestinal tract. It starts to create that dysbiosis we hear of, which is an imbalance in friendly versus unfriendly bacterial flora. That’s going to affect your function with everything. And then, your liver has to pick up the slack again. All of a sudden, your liver is overwhelmed and your liver is very essential in thyroid function.

23:57 Importance of Liver in Thyroid Function

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Let’s talk a little bit about how important proper liver functioning is in thyroid functioning. How that directly affects your ability of your thyroid to be healthy?

DAMIAN DUBE: Yeah. The liver is your primary detoxification organ. So anytime toxins are introduced into the body, your liver has to deal with them. And through that process, it’s using up a lot of different nutrients essential for detoxification like selenium and glutathione.

As these nutrients are being depleted, it then stems into other areas like the thyroid because the thyroid also needs selenium. It also needs glutathione for proper function. So when these minerals are being depleted, then your thyroid is going to have trouble not only producing T4, but converting that T4 to T3, which selenium assists with.

Basically, there’s an enzyme called thyroid peroxidase or TPO. When that is combined with hydrogen peroxide, it helps convert iodide to iodine, which your body needs for your thyroid hormone production. And then the byproduct of that is additional hydrogen peroxide (it’s kind of leftover). The glutathione helps to remove that excess hydrogen peroxide.

So when your glutathione storages are depleted (which if your liver is overly worked, they are), your body doesn’t have enough glutathione to remove that excess hydrogen peroxide and all of a sudden, you have Hashimoto’s basically. And then, your TPO start to go up. So, that’s a big factor when it comes to Hashimoto’s and thyroid health.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I think also when your liver is not functioning properly, you’re not able to metabolize excess estrogen. And when you have too much estrogen floating around, it binds your thyroid hormone and prevents it from getting into your cells. So that’s another big problem that women have, especially if they’ve been taking hormone replacement therapy or birth control pills or any kind of hormonal birth control.

That also causes their copper to go up because estrogen levels correlate with copper levels. So it causes a multitude of problems, not to mention the zenoestrogens, all the estrogenic chemicals, perfumes that you ladies are wearing.

DAMIAN DUBE: Cosmetics.

Wendy Myers: Those are estrogenic and all the phthalates and parabens and preservatives in the conventional store-bought shampoos, pesticides if you’re not eating organic. There are so many estrogenic chemicals in the environment that interfere in thyroid function.

DAMIAN DUBE: Yeah, you’re absolutely right. When you’re looking at your water or if you go to the dentist, the chlorine that’s added to your water is going to basically block your iodine from your thyroid. You have fluoride that your dentist had been telling you for years since you were a child that you need fluoride to prevent tooth decay. Well, that’s also going to block iodine and thyroid production.

You got bromine and bromide in breads. Ironically, they used to use iodine in bread when baking, but the government came in and said, “Oh, we need to replace iodine with bromide because we’re afraid that people are going to become iodine toxic.” So they replaced iodine with bromide and bromide clogs your thyroid and prevents iodine uptake. To me, that’s just insane.

Wendy Myers: And bromine is also in Jacuzzi chemicals. If people aren’t using chlorine, the other option is bromine. It does a similar job. I use bromine in my Jacuzzi. I never go in my Jacuzzi, but I do use that to clean it (as well as other ways to clean it as well). The people that are swimming in pools on a regular basis or going in Jacuzzis are getting a nice dose of bromine and chlorine.

DAMIAN DUBE: Yeah. I know when we talked to Dr. O’Brien, he was talking about say you’re in a hotel, you open the elevator and all of a sudden, you’re on the poor level and you just get this whaff of chlorine. When you’re really sensitive to it, that’s an indication that you have a lot of chlorine in your body and it’s blocking your thyroid.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And people’s drinking water. I think a lot of people don’t realize their municipal water sources add so many crazy things to water that are not always reported. They have chlorine, bromine, aluminum, copper. Copper is a fungicide, aluminum makes sediments sink to the bottom. There are so many chemicals in the water. And people are using a Brita filter, that’s insane. That’s not getting anything out of your water.

DAMIAN DUBE: No, no, no. Fluoride too is another one of that.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

29:18 Disadvantage and Risks in Staying on Drug Medications for a Long Time

DAMIAN DUBE: There’s something else you touched on earlier. It was some of the medications people are taking. That’s another thing that’s overlooked in the industry. Every medication, drug-wise, depletes the body of essential nutrients.

You touched on your hormone replacements, HRTs (which I’ve got a list here, so I’m going to have to defer to it). Your hormones are going to replace magnesium, vitamin B6 and zinc – B6, which is essential for thyroid function and anti-stress, as well as zinc, which is essential for both.

Your oral contraceptives, which every doctor, every OB/GYN is telling their patients, “You need to be on birth control pills. If you’re not, your risk for cancer goes up.” It’s a load of garbage because it’s actually the opposite. All contraceptives will deplete vitamin B2, B6, B12, vitamin C, which is also needed for adrenal function, tyrosine, which is needed for thyroid function, as well as zinc.

Your corticosteroids, your prednisone and things like that deplete calcium, vitamin C and D, selenium, potassium, sodium, which are also anti-stress minerals. Antibiotics can wreak havoc on your intestinal line(which we talked about before). They’re creating dysbiosis as well as depleting all your B vitamins, which again are stress.

All these drugs that are being prescribed to everybody, whether it’s over-the-counter or a prescription, are just making the problem worse. They’re not really helping the problem.

I’m not saying that if you’re on medications, go off them. Legally, I cannot tell you to do that. But do some research. Just figure out what your body really needs and if there are ways to maybe gradually go off these medications under your doctor’s guidance.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I was on thyroid medication when I first started having thyroid symptoms. I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I went to my naturopath and she diagnosed me as having very low thyroid hormones and the hormones estrogen of a menopausal woman, which is very uplifting to my self-esteem at 37.


Wendy Myers: She put me on thyroid medication. I took it gladly and I felt better. Then I found hair mineral analysis and began balancing my minerals and feeling better. And then once I felt strong enough and confident enough, then I stopped my thyroid medication.

Definitely, there was an adjustment period of a couple of months because I feel that taking supplemental thyroid hormones interferes in your thyroid being able to heal completely, whatever it is.

It doesn’t mean get off your thyroid medication. It just means that when you’re on a corrective program, at some point, you may want to consider, in conjunction with your doctor, maybe removing that because when you take supplemental thyroid hormones, it downregulates your natural production of hormones. That interferes with the HPA axis communication, so it makes it difficult for your body to begin producing them on its own. That’s something to consider.

It also depends on how long. Everyone is different. But some people that have longstanding Hashimoto’s may have too much tissue destroyed to go off their thyroid medications. So everyone’s a little bit different. It’s definitely something you want to think about on a thyroid healing protocol and when you’re working with your team, your health coaching team.

DAMIAN DUBE: Yeah. The reality is that if your body is producing the thyroid hormone and you feel like garbage because of it, then adding in some supplemental hormone for a period of time might be a good idea.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, for sure.

DAMIAN DUBE: At least it will make you feel better.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah.

DAMIAN DUBE: But while you’re starting to feel better, you really need to address the root cause and some of the things that we talked about earlier. And then as you’re addressing those, maybe you can come down off the hormone a little bit or at least decrease the dose.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I tell my clients at least a year because natural means take a long time. They don’t happen in six months. So I think it’s good while you’re rebuilding up your body to stay on your thyroid meds just so that you feel good because then, you’ll hate your practitioner.

DAMIAN DUBE: Yeah, exactly.

Wendy Myers: You’d feel depressed and fat and then you’re not going to stay on the program because you don’t feel good. “Why am I doing this?”

DAMIAN DUBE: Right. And you touched on a good point. We didn’t get to this point in six months. We’re not going to get back in six months. But the great thing is that the trip back in most cases is a lot quicker than how long it took you to get to this. So the body just has this innate ability to heal and repair if given the proper tools.

34:14 Role of Diet in Thyroid Issues

Wendy Myers: So let’s talk about diet a little bit. So many women think that they’re going to correct their Hashimoto’s or hypothyroidism by just eating a gluten-free diet or dairy-free diet or Paleo or autoimmune Paleo and other type of diets. Why is that not enough?

DAMIAN DUBE: We touched on that a little bit before when we’re talking about food sensitivities. I think some of these diets are a good start. I think everybody probably should go gluten-free because of gluten’s effect on the thyroid and how it’s related to Hashimoto’s. I think everybody should do gluten-free.

When we’re looking at some of these other diets like the AIP diet, yeah, it can help a little bit. But again, if some of those foods that are on that AIP diet your body is reacting negatively to, your immune system attacking, then that’s not going to fix the problem. And if you’re going to continue to eat these foods, you might feel better for a period of time, but then all of a sudden, you’re going to start to create further issues with food sensitivities and further toxicity issues and further erosion of that mucosal lining of the intestinal tract.

It really needs to be more bio-individualized. Generalized approaches just don’t work, which is why people are going from diet to diet to diet to diet, looking for that golden egg. But when you take a truly individualized approach and you’re learning the right labs and at the same time, looking at the inside of the body and what’s functioning, what’s not functioning, you can create a better program to really truly heal your imbalances and restore your body function.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I agree. You have to have a more individualized approach to diet. That’s why I created my Modern Paleo Diet because Paleo is a good base, but it needs to venture.

DAMIAN DUBE: Yeah, sure.

Wendy Myers: It’s a good template you can venture forth from, but there’s no “one diet” for everyone. Nobody wants to hear that, that they have to do this constant goose chase to figure out what works for them, it’s always changing and as their body heals, they can incorporate more foods. But it’s worth exploring for sure.

DAMIAN DUBE: Yeah. Yeah. Even if you look at high protein, high carb, high fat, low protein, low carb, low fat, all this stuff, really, it depends on where you are in your current health. You might be at a point right now today where you need higher protein, higher fat and then you might be at a point six months from now as things start to shift a little bit where you need to reduce that back just a little bit, maybe keep your protein up, but at the end of the day, we also need more veggies.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

DAMIAN DUBE: Another issue I have is the whole raw food camp. If you’re in a healing crisis, sometimes too many raw foods are not a good idea either because it just takes more work for your digestive system to break down.

Wendy Myers: I agree.

DAMIAN DUBE: That work correlates to additional stress (which we’re not going to beat that one anymore).

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And unless people’s digestive systems are such a wreck (especially in my client population where very few people have good digestion), they can’t digest the raw foods. I don’t care what about some of the raw foodist say, how great it is. It doesn’t matter if you can’t digest it.

37:45 e3 Energy Evolved System

Wendy Myers: So let’s talk a little bit about your e3 Energy Evolved System as it pertains to healing the thyroid naturally.

DAMIAN DUBE: So one of the things that we learned coming out of Heather’s illnesses was we just took what we learned from that plus what we learned through our mentoring with Olympic coaches. One of our mentors is a PhD in nutrient biochemistry or nutrient – whatever, I don’t know. Basically, we took all these stuff and then created our system.

And what we’re doing is we’re looking at the different factors that affect really overall health. Thyroid is just a byproduct.

Basically, there are three pieces to our system, which is how we came with the name e3 Energy Evolved. So there’s Energy In, Energy Out and Energy Environment.

Energy In being what we’re taking in, the nutrients, the foods we’re taking in; Energy Out being detoxification, exercise, expenditure; and Energy Environment being just everything that’s around us in our homes, in our workplace, in the soil that’s producing our food, all these different things.

When you take all these things together, that’s how you individualize the approach for each person.

39:17 The Most Pressing Health Issue in the World Today

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I have a question that I like to ask to all of my guests. What do you think is the most pressing health issue in the world today?

DAMIAN DUBE: That’s a tough one because I think that most issues are…

Wendy Myers: There are so many of them, I know.

DAMIAN DUBE: There are so many.

Wendy Myers: It’s hard to decide.

DAMIAN DUBE: I think autoimmune disease is a big one because I think everybody is immune depleted. I think vaccines are making our immune systems weaker, not to mention the mercury and the formaldehyde and all these other toxins that are in them.

When your immune system is compromised, that’s when everything else just starts to snowball and that’s when you get your Hashimoto’s, your thyroid problems and really everything.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I agree with you. I wrote an article on how vaccines cause chronic immune system dysregulation. It was really a labor of love because I felt like my own daughter was injured by vaccines. I think one of the reasons why we have such a huge crisis in autoimmune issues and cancer and other diseases that are a result of poor immune functioning or overreactive immune systems (allergies, asthmas, et cetera) is in part due to vaccinations and especially the insane vaccine schedule that we have today, 36 to 42 vaccines for a six year old. I think we’re going to see a larger rush of immune system-induced illnesses as a result of that.

DAMIAN DUBE: Yeah, it’s really scary. The whole political scene behind it is extremely scary. They’ve been lying to [inaudible 00:41:11] these vaccines through the years is detrimental.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, absolutely.

DAMIAN DUBE: It started to come out and the people that are exposing it are starting to drop off.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

DAMIAN DUBE: …which I don’t want to talk about.

Wendy Myers: No.

DAMIAN DUBE: Because I don’t want to drop off.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Yeah, me neither. There are a lot of stories in the news right now about how a lot of natural health practitioners are being murdered. There’s this huge rush of them. We won’t get into that, but I think it’s very telling, the lengths the government, the FDA and other powers that be will go to to protect the billions of dollars they make with medications and medical testing equipment, et cetera.

DAMIAN DUBE: They’re uncovering some of these lies and they’re paying the ultimate price for uncovering those lies right now.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I know. My husband has invested in a company that – he’s 25% owner in this medical device company that scans you. It scans your body very quickly and knows instantly what’s wrong with you and knows everything that’s wrong with you. The inventor of it is afraid he’s going to be killed. So we can’t reveal his name or anything. But they’re going to take it into China because it will never be accepted here.

I think it’s unfortunate. There’s a lot of suppression of medical freedom and there are a lot of companies that are forced to go to Europe and other countries. So I think we’re going to find that our stronghold on medical advancement and medical technology is suffering because the powers that be want to keep their money-making agendas in place here and squeezing out alternative methods that work better and that are cheaper. That’s my two cents.

DAMIAN DUBE: You’ve got lobbyists that are in the ears of all the government officials. These people are taking donations from different groups. Those people giving the donations are deciding our faith. It’s the machine. That’s what the fight is against. Right now, it’s against the machine.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And I love the work that you and your wife, Heather are doing…

DAMIAN DUBE: Likewise.

Wendy Myers: …and all the other health practitioners and crusaders out there that are trying to get the word out that there’s another way that you can heal your body. You don’t have to be on medications for life. You just have to very simply and elegantly give your body the space to heal and there are lots of different ways to do that.

DAMIAN DUBE: Yeah, absolutely.

Wendy Myers: Well, thank you so much for coming on the show.

DAMIAN DUBE: Yeah, thank you. I appreciate it, Wendy.

Wendy Myers: Yes. So listeners, if you want to learn all about detoxification and how to heal your health conditions naturally and how to detox properly, you can go to my website, And you can learn all about my healing and detox program at

Thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 Podcast.

DAMIAN DUBE: Thanks, Wendy.

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