Transcript: #140 Resolve Spousal Disputes about your Child’s Healthcare with Nikki Jencen

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  • 04:05 About Nikki Jencen
  • 07:42 Early Struggles
  • 13:40 Getting on the same pages
  • 17:15 What You Can Do
  • 19:09 Tips for Newlyweds Planning to Have Children
  • 21:22 Tips for Better Communication about Child Healthcare
  • 31:03 Communication Issues
  • 33:24 About the Women’s Wellness Academy
  • 41:36 The Most Pressing Health Issue in the World Today: Toxins, GMOs, Vaccines
  • 43:30 Where to Find Nikki Jencen

Wendy Myers: Hello, my name is Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast.

I really apologize. We’ve been on a hiatus for a little while. I actually had a virus for several weeks and I didn’t have any podcast recorded that were backed up that I could’ve used and I was not able to record any new ones because I assumd you didn’t want to hear me coughing and hacking away during the entire recording. So now, I have a lot of podcasts recorded. We have a lot of very interesting shows for you coming up in the next few weeks.

Today, we have Nikki Jencen on the podcast and she’s going to be talking about how to get on the same page with your spouse regarding your child’s healthcare. I think this is a big problem for a lot of women including myself.

My husband and I had a lot of arguments and disagreements about our child’s health because I had very firm beliefs about what I know to be true and what I know is best for my child and he had a lot of very, very strong beliefs about what he wanted for his child, what he envisioned for his child.

Everyone wants the best for their child. That’s the end goal.

But I also wanted to announce on this podcast that I have separated from my husband and we have begun divorce proceedings. Just on a personal note, I wanted to let you guys know that. Sometimes in life, two people grow apart and they just can’t get along any longer. They just can’t make each other happy. My husband and I decided that that was the right path for us, to go our separate ways.

We’re both very, very happy about the decision and what-not. But I also very strongly feel that being on Mineral Power for myself and many of my clients, when you begin mineralizing your body and detoxing metals and chemicals that are interfering in your brain function, you begin to have mental clarity, you begin to feel better, you begin to have more energy and you begin to see things more clearly, see things for what they really are.

And for myself, I just decided to make the decision and leave my husband because that, I knew, was ultimately going to make me the happiest, best person even though it was a painful decision. I don’t think I would’ve really come to that conclusion as quickly unless if I had been on this kind of a detox program.

And I have this with a lot of my clients as well. Their brain fog begins lifting and they leave their spouses, they leave their jobs and the make major life changes because they finally have the energy to stand up for themselves and claim what is rightfully theirs.

So [those are] just some interesting thoughts in regards to the kind of power that you can achieve. You really come into your own as you become healthier.

So today on the podcast, I want to make the disclaimer. Please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

The Live to 110 Podcast is solely informational in nature, so please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging in any treatment that we suggest today on this show.

04:05 about Nikki Jencen

Our guest, Nikki Jencen, she is a telesummit host and founder of the Women’s Wellness Academy and Weight Loss to Wellness Program. She also is founder of the Wheat-free Adventure Class. She’s also a gluten-free Paleo chef who specializes in helping clients with gluten-free living and weight loss.

Nikki carries degrees in sociology, social sciences, broadcasting and is certified in nutrition and the culinary arts. Nikki is passionate about inspiring women to live their best life and helping co-create a healthy future for our world.

When Nikki isn’t working, she is off enjoying life in sunny San Diego with her husband and her two kids.
Nikki, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Nikki Jencen: Hey, Wendy! Thank you so much. I am so excited to be on the podcast. This is amazing!

Wendy Myers: Well, why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself and your story?

Nikki Jencen: Well, it’s been quite the journey. Where do I even start really?

Let me begin when I first got sick. I was pregnant with my daughter and me and my husband took a trip to Las Vegas. I ended up getting really sick there. And it turns out that I have a gluten intolerance.

So that started my gluten journey, my gluten-free journey. I took out all gluten from my diet. And then I lost 30 pounds and all these things started changing my life. When you lose 30 pounds, it seems to change your life.

Then I became a nutritionist. And then, after that, I started a program called Wheat-free Adventure to get people to lose weight.

And then, from there, I was also a social worker in Wisconsin. I was working full-time and doing Wheat-free Adventure and doing also some cooking stuff. So then I became a gluten-free Paleo chef.

I left the social worker job that I was there for eight years. That was so stressful. I left that, I became a gluten-free Paleo chef and started working for clients, helping them lose weight, delivering their meals for them and in the meantime, still having Wheat-free Adventure.

And now, just this year in March, I did my first telesummit called Mega Wellness Summit, which was a fantastic week (it was only a week, but it was the busiest week of my life). It really was great. I think it changed a lot of lives. I got to talk to Dr. Izabella Wentz, Sayer Ji, some incredible shifters out there in the wellness world. It really propelled my career.

And so now, what I’m doing is helping women with my newest and latest project which is Women’s Wellness Academy. So I’m very excited about that.

Wendy Myers: Great! Well, we’re going to talk today about how to get along and perhaps agree on making decisions about your children’s health.

07:42 Early Struggles

Wendy Myers: Why don’t we start with your struggle with your husband regarding your children’s health? Why don’t you tell us that story?

Nikki Jencen: Yeah. I was raised more natural and holistic, but I wasn’t as into holistic things as I am today. But I knew ten years ago when I was pregnant with my son that there might be something up with vaccines. My mom brought it to my attention saying that I had seizure and fainting spells as a child and so she connected that with vaccines very early on. She didn’t really tell me anything until I was pregnant with my son.

I didn’t think that there was any problem with vaccines. So that’s the kicker that started the whole situation with my husband and I where he was raised conventionally, I was raised more holistically and naturally and so we were just butting heads like, “I don’t really want to take my kid to a doctor who doesn’t believe the same things that I’m believing and want to do with my kid. I don’t want my kid to have antibiotics or be injected with foreign things that I’m not exactly sure what’s going inside that serum.”

Wendy Myers: Mm-hmmm… I’m right there with you on the same page because my daughter was vaccine-injured and developed autism following a series of vaccines. Luckily, she’s recovered thankfully. But many people are not so lucky.

Luckily, my ex-husband agreed to not vaccinate especially once she was injured by the vaccine. That’s a very, very tough issue that a lot of women face that are trying to protect their children from these vaccines that clearly cause injury and death and brain injury.

[There are] very traumatic injuries just in my small client population. There’s a lot of very serious injuries, paralysis, et cetera from vaccines.

Nikki Jencen: Right! And I wasn’t worried about the disease or the illness that they want to scare me with. I was actually scared of the vaccine.

My husband, he was in the military, so he was injected hundreds of time. He’s like, “Well, I’m fine. So I don’t understand what the big deal is.” And then, when you have to put your kid into daycare or preschool, the issue comes up again. So, it’s like always having the scab that you’re scratching at within your marriage because it’s always – I wouldn’t say the problem is always there, but it comes up whenever you have a life change. So as soon as we had to put our son into daycare, “Well, where is your vaccines’ paperwork?” Well…

Wendy Myers: I don’t have that…

Nikki Jencen: I don’t have that.

Wendy Myers: So how did you work to resolve that conflict with your husband?

Nikki Jencen: Well, I do have an entire video series of me explaining exactly how I did it and how we overcame the situation. And still, to this day, I would say that it isn’t a problem because he definitely sticks by me now. But I tell the story of that. It took a very long time. Wendy, when I say “a long time,” I mean a long time.

Wendy Myers: But you won clearly?

Nikki Jencen: Well…

Wendy Myers: I joke, it’s not about winning. You want to agree and be on the same page. I jest.

Nikki Jencen: Here’s the thing. I’m scared of vaccines, I really am. I don’t know what was going to happen if I injected my children even later in life. So when this whole California SB277 thing came out, that’s another something I had to scratch at because I had a talk about it with my husband like, “What are we going to do?” He doesn’t want to homeschool.

Wendy Myers: And if anyone is not familiar, this is the mandate in California where now all children going to public schools will be required to be vaccinated. And I think it’s also for children going into private school. I’m not 100% clear on it.

Nikki Jencen: Yes, yes. Private school, they were trying to get homeschooling to get vaccinated too. They were like, “Well, that’s dumb. Who are they going to be harming at school.” But it does go into effect in July. And because of the seizures and the fainting, I was able to get some documentation to help me. I don’t know if it’s going to be available for everybody. But at the same time, that might help me. I’m not sure. We’re not sure what we’re going to be heading into here coming up in this next school year.

Wendy Myers: And you can go to and at least fill out a form for exemptions for personal beliefs or religious beliefs to not vaccinate. Hopefully, that will stall a little bit for anyone living in California.

Nikki Jencen: Yeah, that will stall it for a little bit until like the seventh grade. It depends on where they’re at school.

So anyway, that’s another road that we’re going to be on with the whole vaccine issue, husband and I. So the documentation that we have currently, what you’ve just said, the personal exemption and the medical documents, then I don’t know.

13:40 Getting on the Same Page

Wendy Myers: So, how did you and your husband get on the same page with agreeing to not vaccinate your child?

Nikki Jencen: Well, this is what happened. I go into greater detail, again, on the video series at It took a lot of talking.

I didn’t want to throw books in his face and say, “Look, read this, read this, read this. Here’s another video for you.”

That wasn’t going to work with my husband because just like the pediatrician did when my son was born, they told him it’s probably not going to be “best choice for us to see you,” he basically threw the book in my face saying that “What your beliefs are are wrong and I won’t be seeing you as the patient” either.

My husband felt the same way as he did and he believes wholeheartedly that the man in the white coat has all of the answers and that we as mothers, we as humans are less than them and we don’t know our own body.

So it took some time. It took time to heal things.

One he saw that my children were very healthy, that we took multiple plane rides without them getting sick, that they’ve never had an ear infection– they never had an ear infection. They’ve had the common colds, yes,but they never had the croupy cough. They never had whatever, I don’t know, chicken pox (I guess chicken pox isn’t even relevant anymore). But childhood diseases, they never got. They’re extremely health.

And so what it took was other people validating me like, “Oh, your wife doesn’t vaccinate? Neither do I because of x, y and z. So she’s right.” He’s like, “Oh, yeah, totally. Yeah, we decided not to do that a long time ago” like he was…

Wendy Myers: It was his idea.

Nikki Jencen: Exactly. So again, just patience, time, treating it with tender loving care and just not throwing each other under the bus. It’s a very sensitive subject. And just to see the other side of things and to come to a common ground.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it’s a very touchy subject. When I have posted blog posts about vaccination or posted them on Facebook or other social media, people get very angry. People are very, very firmly staunched in their beliefs especially when it comes to vaccination. Even if they have zero education whatsoever, they just have this idea that you have to vaccinate because they prevent disease.
Certainly, there are a lot of husbands out there that have not read one single article on vaccinations, but yet they can definitely pose a barrier to us as wives and as women protecting our children from this very well-known problem to children’s health.

17:15 What You Can Do

Wendy Myers: So what do you think men and women can do? Do you think they can get on the same page when it comes to children’s health?

Nikki Jencen: Oh yes, absolutely. Take your husband, take your wife to see somebody who knows your beliefs. What you can do is go to a doctor who believes what you believe.

Let’s say, for example, Dr. Seers, he’s a great doctor who can see both sides. If you take your children there, he’s going to explain to your spouse both sides of the story. From there, you guys can decide what are the alternatives, what are the choices there that you have not only in regards to maybe vaccines, but maybe one doesn’t want to take their child to the doctor at all or to the hospital or whatever it is. Go seek somebody of a higher profession who has qualifications in that area who can be more or less like an advocate, but also can see both sides of things and be a mediator as well to come up with a solution together.

Wendy Myers: They’re a person of authority, especially medical authority because many times, a spouse won’t listen to you, but they’ll listen to a medical authority, tell them the exact, same thing, but they’ll accept it coming from another person.

Nikki Jencen: Exactly! I never went to the doctor with my husband, with my children. It was actually the validating of his friends that did it.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, who were also not vaccinating.

Nikki Jencen: Correct, correct.

19:09 Tips for Newlyweds Planning to Have Children

Wendy Myers: So what do you think newly married couples should discuss prior to having children.

Nikki Jencen: Great question! If I would have sat down with my husband, we talked about disciplining and we talked about how we wanted to raise our kids. But what we didn’t talk about was how we were going to raise them holistically. I really didn’t know that I was going to be gung-ho on raising my children holistically at the same time.

Wendy Myers: A lot of women are in your same boat because people grow and change within a marriage. Many women listening today weren’t so healthy when they got married, but they are listening to this podcast and doing a lot of research on the Internet and reading about health and wanting to be more healthy and sometimes, your husband is just not as interested in that as you are.

Nikki Jencen: Exactly! And we all grow over time. We have to consider that as a growing pain in marriage. But before you get married, you’re not going to always foresee that that’s going to be an issue later down the road, right?

But what you do have to recognize is that you’re going to have children together and that you’re both going to have to be co-parenting. One is how you are going to discipline? If your husband wants to spank and you don’t, that’s huge. If your husband wants to scream and yell as a way of discipline, you have to talk about that.

Again, you’re not going to know exactly how you’re going to be as a parent beforehand, but you can also tune in to how they were raised. Were you yelled at? Were you spanked? Did you get lots of shots as a child? How did your mom treat you when you got sick? Did she gives you lots of hugs? I think a part of that is a window to see how they’re going to be as a father.

And the same goes for the men listening to this as well.

21:22 Tips for Better Communication about Child Healthcare

Wendy Myers: So what are some tips that you can give the listeners to help them better communicate with their spouse to resolve disagreements about child healthcare?

Nikki Jencen: Again, I’m not a marriage counselor, but I do want to say that for one, it’s patience, it’s love, it’s kindness, it’s compassion.

Compassion will heal most things, when you say, “I hear you. I hear what you’re saying. And I’d love for you to hear my side as well.”

And never put the you in there, “You did this to me. You’re doing this to our children.” As soon as you put the you in there, what happens? It’s like, “Oh, boy! I’m going to go ahead and get mad now because I feel like you’re blaming me.”

When you put the “I feel that this is best for our children and I know that there are other ways. How can we communicate as a partnership to come up with what is ideal for our children. What’s in the best interest of them?”

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s going to make someone or anyone much more receptive to listening rather than, “Why do you want to do this? You’re going to harm them.” Those walls of defensive will go right up and they won’t hear a thing that you say.

Nikki Jencen: Exactly! And there’s a lot of time that my husband didn’t hear me either especially when it came to vaccines because he just thought it was ridiculous. He really did. He thought, “Well, everybody vaccinates, Nikki. Everybody does it. Why do you have to be that person who goes against what professionals are saying?” That’s a hard thing to take. It really digs at your soul I think. “Why do you have to be different?”

Wendy Myers: And so are there other tips that you want to give about communication that you think might be helpful?

Nikki Jencen: In regards to your children’s health, I feel that you have to always be their advocate. They don’t have a voice. They don’t know what to say for themselves.

Let’s just say this. Every person has intuition. They’re built with it. As soon as you step in to the doctor’s office, as soon as you step into a situation that gives you that gut feeling that you shouldn’t be doing this, you need to communicate right then or there with your spouse or whoever to say, “This isn’t working for me. I’m getting a bad feeling here.” Go with your gut feeling. Trust your gut that you are right.

I think we’ve left behind the days where – I don’t want to say ‘self-medicating’, but where we trust ourselves in our own healthcare. And we do know best for ourselves, we really do.

Wendy Myers: And you do. In this day and age, you have to take responsibility for your health. That’s one of my main messages on No one is going to do that for you – not the doctor, not the nurse, no one. You are the first line of defense in your family’s health and you do have to educate yourself and arm yourself with knowledge because you know yourself best. You know your body best.

Nikki Jencen: And don’t rush your husband to understand your side of things. Like I said, take your time. Time will heal things. Get professionals who are on your side, who believe in you to speak to your husband or your wife and come to a decision together.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I had an interesting discrepancy with my ex-husband. He was a germ-phobe and I was a chemical-phobe. So when it came to our daughter, he didn’t even want her going to preschool to avoid germs. I just thought that was completely insane. It was only she had some developmental delays clearly and she had a diagnosis of autism did he allow her to go to preschool. Otherwise, she would’ve had further delays. So this was, to me, completely insane, but I eventually was able to convince him otherwise.

But there are a lot of women out there that their husband wants them to start school one time. For me, I wanted my daughter to start school at two years old. I started at three years old. That clearly, in studies, show that children that start school at a younger age are much more successful and are overall happier. There are lots and lots of studies that show that’s advantageous.

But additionally, I was a chemical-phobe, so I didn’t want certain chemicals and cleaners and things in the home. And him being a germ-phone, he wanted everything clean with chemicals.

Nikki Jencen: Hmmm…

Wendy Myers: Because bacteria was the threat. So we had a lot of conflict in the house over these fairly…

Nikki Jencen: Well, then it goes to, “Here we go with essential oils. This will kill the bacteria and germs, honey. It’s all good.”

Wendy Myers: He wasn’t 100% convinced with that unfortunately.

Nikki Jencen: He wanted to bleach everything?

Wendy Myers: He wanted to bleach everything, yeah, for sure.

Nikki Jencen: I can understand that would be definitely a conflict. With my husband, he thinks that – my daughter, she bites her nails and she puts everything in her mouth. And so, he feels that that’s where she might get sick. I’m like, “Hmmm… I don’t think so.”

When we touch something and we put it in our mouth, we have to have an immune system, we have to allow our gut , our immune system to fight for us.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it has to practice. That’s how it gets good at fighting germs, with practice.

What I would do is I would take my daughter to parks and let her get super dirty and play in the dirt and all these stuff. He would’ve died if he had known that I had done that because he just didn’t want her touching things and getting sick. He had a lot of fear around that for some reason. But I thought, “Okay, she needs to practice getting sick just to strenghten her immune system.”

Nikki Jencen: Exactly! And it starts with our gut and putting good probiotics in her gut and having good organic food to eat. It’s not all about germs, it really isn’t.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. No, it’s not, not at all. It’s about how well your immune system can defend you. And that, like you said, involve so many other factors than simple exposure to viruses or bacteria.

Nikki Jencen: Yeah, I just did a class on that actually, “Is it really the germs that’s making us sick?” It was a germ campaign back in the nineties when they wanted to come out with this whole antibacterial thing. To get rid of the bacteria on your hands is really not very good. We need to have that bacteria to defend us.

So we have to be mindful of campaigns that are twisting our minds to put us in a fear state.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that we’re going to be safe if we used triclosan-containing hand soap and whatnot. The Purell, I avoid it like the plague because it has chemicals and perfumes that are estrogenic and things like that. My ex-husband would be lavishing that over his hands every opportunity he got to the point where his hands were dried and cracking from so much hand-washing and alcohol-containing Purell and whatnot.

I would avoid that like the plague. I want no part of that, no part of the triclosan devastating the environment. There are lakes and rivers and whatnot that have been disseminated because of the run-off from the triclosan. So it’s an environmental concern as well.

Nikki Jencen: Right, right. And it’s just about campaigning. What we have to be mindful of is what we chose to believe because now, we have OCD epidemic.

Wendy Myers: Oh, yeah!

Nikki Jencen: I definitely think that it’s part of the germ campaign.

31:03 Communication Issues

Wendy Myers: So what really is the issue when it comes to communicating with your spouse and your child’s health?

Nikki Jencen: What really is the issue when it comes to communicating with your child’s health? Well, I mean, the real issue is that what is best for your child. You can’t be a mind reader. You can’t see the future. But the children are the bottomline, their health is the bottomline, what is best for them.

Even though you’re going to come back with backgrounds of, “Well, I was raised this way and I was raised this way,” the common ground is to discuss what is best for that child. We are all individuals. Every single one of us, we’re going to eat differently, act differently, our personalities are different. So we have to be treated as individuals. Herd immunity doesn’t make sense because we are all different.

So we have to take that into consideration. The bottomline is that children are individuals. They need to be treated as individuals. Their diets need to be catered to them. Some children are allergic to milk from infants through being a baby. I would say that most children shouldn’t have cow’s milk, right? But some babies are more fuzzy with others even with breastfeeding. So right again, you have to see that child as an individual. My child is allergic to–

Look, I’ll say for myself. My son, whenever I ate broccoli, he became extremely gassy. So then, I knew that I couldn’t eat broccoli. Well, what else did I have to do with my diet to make sure that my son was going to be happy and that it wasn’t going to affect his body?

Making changes and shifts within their own diet and within your own relationship with your spouse to make sure that your children are getting the best care that they can get.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, absolutely.

33:24 About the Women’s Wellness Academy

Wendy Myers: So you’ve designed a new school for women. Can you share a little bit about that?

Nikki Jencen: Yes, back in May, I kind of hit this rock bottom. I don’t even know why I hit a rock bottom because life was really great at that time, but I just felt like, “What am I doing here? What is my purpose? Who am I supposed to help?”

So one day, I was – I always have these downloads in the shower. It’s like, “Seriously, tell me. What do I need to do here? Who do I need to help?” And it wasn’t all of a sudden, but in increments, slowly, but surely, I started to get visions of what I needed to do and who I needed to help.

So I put a message out there on Facebook, “What kind of nutrition school would you want to attend? What would be the classes and the courses that you would want?”

The feedback that I got was great. What I got was that I needed to help women in particular and talk about nutrition. Let’s empower women to really rise above, to take action of their own health and their family’s health. Let’s talk about vaccinations. Let’s get you the information that you need so that you can counteract that with your pediatrician.

How about this? I haven’t even seen this in a school, getting women before they have children. What do you need to do to your body to prepare for children? I don’t think a lot of women think about that. I certainly didn’t. But you should really go through a detox period, right? Your body should detox. How do you detox? What are the methods and what do you need to take in order to prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy – and not only that, a healthy baby?

Is it going to help you to get a flu vaccine during your pregnancy? No. Please do not take that poison when you’re pregnant. But I’ll tell you, every OB is going to push that.

Wendy Myers: I got the flu shot and the H1N1 at the same time. I knew I shouldn’t have done it. My doctor said it was a really good idea.

Nikki Jencen: …that gut intuition.

Wendy Myers: I knew I shouldn’t have done it and it could very well have contributed to my daughter’s developmental delays or even her autism diagnosis and what-not. So you really do have to go with your gut. I love it that you’re educating women. You have a pre-pregnancy planning course. I think that’s fantastic. It’s very important.

Nikki Jencen: It is very important. We’re going to have weekly yoga class. We have five incredible teachers. One of our yoga teacher, her name is Shana Artman, she’s local to San Diego here where I live. She is amazing! The words that she speaks just speak right to your soul, to your spirit. Ah, she’s just astonishing.

Then we have – I don’t know if you’re familiar with Dr. Jack Wilson.

Wendy Myers: No, I’m not. I’m not, sorry.

Nikki Jencen: His wife, Dr. Heather Wilson, she is a chiropractor in Arizona and they wrote a book – well, he wrote a book (Dr. Jack Wilson did) called The Paleo Cardiologist. And if you look them up, they’re a phenomenal couple. They raise their children completely holistically. And they’re from – well, he’s from a medical background. So he has an incredible story. She’s an incredible woman and she is a teacher.

We have Dotty Sunshine who is women empowerment all the way. She runs an organization called Moms in Charge which is a great way to connect with other moms as well. And we have – who else do we have?

Wendy Myers: Oh, these are all teachers at your academy?

Nikki Jencen: These are all teachers. These are amazing women who are already in the health and wellness industry that are paving the way to teaching other women how to live naturally and holistically and to raise their children and their family.

Let’s talk about talking with your husband about it. If he’s not on the same page, hey, have them talk to me. I’ll get him in touch with who he needs to talk to if you do that.

Wendy Myers: So what kind of courses does your academy offer?

Nikki Jencen: Great question! I have a whole list of them. So, we’re going to be doing, like I said, the weekly yoga. We’re going to be doing cooking classes with myself. We’re going to be talking about a class on forgiveness. Isn’t that cool, a class on forgiveness. Why love can heal all things? We’re going to be talking about homeopathy.

Sereca Soonerhouse, she is an acupuncturist and she knows all about natural and alternative ways to heal yourself. She’s going to be teaching those classes.

We’re going to do classes on meditation. Have you ever heard of Emotion Code?

Wendy Myers: No, I have not.

Nikki Jencen: We’re going to have classes on Emotion Code which is basically healing yourself and your emotions on a DNA level. We’re going to talk about chakras, how our chakra system plays into the role of illness and sickness and how when we can turn the wheel of our energy system, how we become in alignment with our health.

We’ll talk about healing the gut and why the gut is important, our immune system.

Is this enough for you or should I go on?

Wendy Myers: No, that’s great! I think people should go to your website. There are a lot of classes. I looked through the list. I think people should go to and look at the whole offering. It’s very, very interesting.

I love what you’re doing. I think it’s very important. There’s such a huge demand for women, and really anyone, to learn more about health. It’s exploding because so many more people are taking responsibility for their health and they’re hungry for information.

Nikki Jencen: Absolutely! I mean, I’ve never even heard of a school like this before. Why would I go through years of schooling just to get where I’m at today? If you can go through a few months of Women’s Wellness Academy, get great information, they can carry you through the rest of your life.

Not only that, but you’re a student for one cycle because we have cycles instead of – hey, we’re women, right? We need to have cycles. We don’t have semesters, we have cycles. So when you go through one cycle, it’s three months long. But not only that, you’re a student for life. So as long as we’re in business, you could take classes. You’ll be updated on new classes. You can come into our yoga classes which are virtual. I believe Google Hangout is mostly the platform. You can take cooking classes. And it’s all just evergreen for you.

Wendy Myers: Great, great. So when can people enroll whenever classes begin?

Nikki Jencen: Okay, classes begin January 18th. They can roll now.

Wendy Myers: Okay. Fantastic! So everyone, go to to learn more.

41:36 The Most Pressing Health Issue in the World Today: Toxins, GMOs and Vaccines

Wendy Myers: I have a question I like to ask all of my guests. What do you think is the most pressing health issue in the world today?

Nikki Jencen: What do I think is the most pressing health issue? Well, there are so many pressing health issues. Can I just say a couple?

Wendy Myers: Yes, absolutely!

Nikki Jencen: Well, one, we have deficiency in the soil, so that we’re not getting enough minerals and vitamins and nutrients from our food. Then we’re being sprayed by tons of toxins and chemicals on our food. Then we have GMOs. Then we have vaccines. Those are the most pressing in my world.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and they’re very pressing health issues because they’re the underlying causes of disease – the mineral deficiencies that we’re lacking in our food and all the toxins and chemicals. That’s my exact message that I talk about in my website because those are the true underlying causes of disease that people need to wake up to and take control of as much as they can.

Nikki Jencen: Absolutely! And I love that you have a program on minerals because once you put the right minerals in your body,you’re going to see big changes especially in your thyroid and your adrenals and your brain function. So, kudos to you and thank you for having a program like that.

Wendy Myers: Well, thank you. Thank you for educating women on becoming more healthy and being able to provide for their families better when it comes to educating themselves on their health.

43:30 Where to find Nikki Jencen

Wendy Myers: So why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit more about you and where they can find you?

Nikki Jencen: Well, you can find me on Facebook. You can find me on Instagram and Twitter. You can find me on my own website which is Now, my husband’s family is from Poland. So they spell Jencen different, so it’s J-E-N-C-E-N which is a bit different. So it’s, which is pretty easy. And then I’m on pretty much all the platforms – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all those.

Wendy Myers: Okay, fantastic. Well, thank you so much for coming on the show. I really appreciate it.

Nikki Jencen: Oh, I appreciate you. Thank you.

Wendy Myers: And listeners, if you want to learn more about me, you can go to my website, and learn all about minerals and nutrition and my version of Paleo, the Modern Paleo Diet and all about detoxification.

I have a new website coming out in January for That’s my healing and detox program. So definitely go and check that out.

Thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 Podcast.

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