Transcript: #148 How to Break Negative Food Associations with Tyson James Lee

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  • 02:10 About Tyson James Lee
  • 06:29 Food Associations
  • 14:15 Food Associations and Obesity
  • 16:51 How Food Associations are Created
  • 20:13 Breaking Food Associations
  • 28:11 Changing Eating Habits and Overcoming Sugar Addictions
  • 33:40 Overcoming Bread Addictions
  • 37:00 TyFit Program
  • 41:39 The Most Pressing Health Issue in the World Today
  • 45:23 Where to Find Tyson James Lee and TyFit

Wendy Myers: Hello, my name is Wendy Myers, welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast. You can find me and learn more about my healing and detox program at You can also find this video podcast on my Youtube channel, WendyLiveto110 if you prefer to watch the video.

Today, we’re interviewing Tyson James Lee, also known as The Action Boss. You can find him at We’re going to be talking about food associations and how to break negative food associations.

There are many people out there today and I know many of you listening are caught up in the grips of food addictions, binge eating, overeating, difficulty of losing weight and gaining weight, and many people that they feel like spiraling out of control and they don’t know how to break out of the grips of food addiction.

I’ve definitely been there myself and really have gotten a lot of help and done a lot of research myself on this. And so I thought Tyson would be one of the perfect people to come on this show to talk about all the tips and tricks he uses with his client base and his TyFit program on how to break the negative associations and break free of those chains.

Please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and it’s is not a substitute for professional medical advice. The Live to 110 podcast is solely information in nature, so please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging treatment or anything that we talk about today on the show.

02:01 About Tyson James Lee

Wendy Myers: Tyson James Lee has been treating clients for over seven years and has his bachelor’s degree in sports medicine. Last year, he launched this company called TyFit and is now one of the highest paid online trainers in the world.

TyFit is a company built on delivering the truth to the world about nutrition and fitness. The goal is to have direct impact on the obesity epidemic in America. TyFit teaches weight loss, muscle gain, injury recovery, anti-aging, and ultimately, human performance. Tyson spends countless hours researching and trying the most effective ways to achieve your ultimate body and healthy body.

Tyson’s clients lose an average of 30 pounds in eight to twelve weeks and he’s even had more spectacular results than that. It’s really amazing.

Tyson has overcome several career life threatening injuries, from a strep A blood infection that left him crippled to blowing up three discs in his back. Each time being forced discover more effective ways to achieve peak performance without putting severe stress on the body.

After each injury, Tyson has come back bigger, stronger, and faster, only gaining a wealth of knowledge in the process. And it’s fair to say that Tyson to fight defied all the odds to get where he is today.
Due to his passion for helping the world, he has taken his life’s knowledge online in his program TyFit in the hopes to have a greater impact that stretches across the globe.

Tyson, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Tyson James Lee: Thanks so much having me, Wendy. Love it! Love it to be here.

03:45 About The Action Boss

Wendy Myers: Why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself and why they call you The Action Boss.

Tyson James Lee: They call me The Action Boss because they take a lot of action. And I took a lot of misinformed actions (just action, action, action) and I ended up taking enough of it over my life to create some success. So, I often tell people for 28 years, “Tyson tried to get his self together, tried to do this business, tried to do that business, tried to go to school, tried for success, and Tyson just couldn’t figure it out.”

So it’s like me, myself, and Irene. One day, I woke up and I birthed the Action Boss. And the action boss dominates business, dominates life, dominates relationships, dominates relationships, and dominates this industry. It pretty much dominates everything. So, the Action Boss is the alter-ego to Tyson. And that’s what I created, the action. The Action Boss is awesome. I look up to him, would love to meet him one day. It would be really remarkable.

A little bit about me is that 20 months ago, I was really miserable in life. To make a long story short, I took $600 dollars and a backpack from Washington state down to San Diego, California. I started training in at a couple of gyms, sleeping on couches, renting rooms. I even slept on the beach for a couple of weeks. Basically, I went from being homeless to being one of the higher paid online trainers in the world in 20 months.

My business has been launched for eight months and I’m doing things in the industry that not many people have accomplished as far as the growth of my business. I also teach organic Facebook strategy. So, I have generated every single penny in my business without spending money on marketing so that’s my claim to fame.

Business is amazing. I’m a very blessed individual, but a lot of that is because my clients who’s has an on average of at 30 pounds of fat meets 12 weeks again and again — and the fat whisperer. I’m the last resort when they could get help from any other weight loss program solution. I come in, I’m the specialist and we get them down to the weight that they want to get down to.

Wendy Myers: You have a program called TyFit and I went through your program. I lost a ton of weight. I felt fantastic when I was doing it and it’s a great. It’s a nice tight, little eight week program and teaches you all the basic principles of fat-burning. You’re even called the fat whisperer.

Tyson James Lee: The fat whisperer, I know. I’m giving myself new nicknames every now and then so…

Wendy Myers: It’s great. You give a lot of inspiration and you basically teach people how to break their negative food associations, so that’s what I wanted to talk about today on the show.

06:29 Food Associations

Wendy Myers: Why don’t you talk about what exactly are food associations?

Tyson James Lee: We all have associations, which are emotional connections to the things we do in life. Based on events and things what happened when we’re child or things that happened throughout our life and, it’s when these beliefs and associations are created, if we don’t stop to ask questions, a lot of times, they just dictate how we operate through life.

So, I’m really under the impression, – and sure, the American diet is terrible, Wendy. There are fast-food joints on every corner and that has a huge part to do with obesity and health of America. But I would love you to consider for one second, that it’s the way we are going about raising our children that is creating this dysfunction around food.

You’re five years old. You scrape your knee on the sidewalk playing with your friends and you come in and you got tears in your eyes, you’re like, “Mom, you know what, my knee sucks and all this.” And she looks at you and . And she’s like, “It’s okay, honey. Let’s go get you an ice-cream and it’ll make it all better.”

Right and in then and there, it creates the association and the belief would cover that food would cover up emotional pain, which couldn’t be more bullshit. It couldn’t be further from the truth. But this is the belief that’s created and instilled in us from a young child.

Think now, think about when you go to the doctor and you get a shot, what do they give to you? They give you a piece of candy. They give you a sucker. We’re constantly told that we get to be rewarded by putting sugar in the body or negative food that creates disease and dysfunction when we go through some sort of traumatic pain or anything.

And then also, as we raise our kids in today’s society, we use food and treats and candy as rewards. You can got an A on your paper, here’s candy. It’s your birthday, let’s go you a cake. Right here, it’s okay to be rewarded, but what this is doing, Wendy, it’s creating beliefs and associations in children that food is comfort, that food will take away emotional pain, that food is the solution to a problem, which couldn’t be further from the truth.

We grow up and we become adults and now we do understand the truth that, sure, an ice-cream is not going to help a cut. In fact, its got no nutrition portfolio at all and it actually doesn’t help the body heal in any kind of form or fashion.

We go through the motions and these beliefs and associations have already been created. So, without thinking about it, when we’re stressed out or we come across a tough situation, we automatically turn to food because it’s just second nature.

And so, most people aren’t even aware that they have these food associations. A lot of people have heard emotional eating, a lot of people do.

What can happen once these food associations are created is we can continue to sabotage with food and actually move further away from our goals.

The example that I like to use is you’re a girl and your boyfriend comes over one night and says, “Honey, it’s just not going to work anymore.” And tThe boyfriend dumps the girlfriend. So, the girl gets all depressed. She’s all sad. She turns to the pint of Ben and Jerry’s in the freezer, right? Just classic story. The girl broke up with her boyfriend, let’s shove some food down her face.

Let’s look at this from a conscious standpoint. What does she really want? She wants to feel confident. She wants to be loved. What is she currently going through? She’s probably feeling unworthy, she maybe feel unconfident, feels like she’s not good enough. Regardless, if this is the truth or not, those are the feelings that are created.

What she really wants is to lose a few pounds. She wants more confidence in her skin . She wants to look better. But because the associations are so embedded in her subconscious mind, she goes for the ice-cream without even thinking about it.

Now when we step away, we detox emotion and we actually look at this so – you’re telling me she wants to lose weight, she wants to be more confident, and she wants these things. But then she’s going for ice-cream, which is actually taking her the complete opposite way of what she wants to create.

A lot of this is just asking questions about what we’re trying to search, but she’s using food to fill up on a feeling and she doesn’t even think about it.

Real quick— before we move on, one more example is, I had a lady come to me and she had gained a ton of weight in the last year and she had always been healthy and fit up into this point, coming. I come to find out, she was drinking a bottle of wine and eating half a pound of chocolate and popcorn every night.
As I got to know this client, got to know her better and better, it turns out that her mother did pass away a year ago. And when I found this out I said, “By chance, did you and your mother used to get together once in a while and drink wine and eat gourmet chocolate and popcorn?” And she’s like, “Oh, my god.” It just hit her.

She was actually trying to recreate connection with her mother and she was shoving bullshit down her throat to do it and she wasn’t even aware. Once she’d she became aware, we actually looked at the truth, is “Well, is eating this stuff actually going to bring your mother closer to you? Is it going to bring her back? Is it going to increase the connection?” No, it’s not. You’re actually just going further away from actually what you want to create.

So, these emotions are embedded in our subconscious and we’re unaware that they’re even there.

Wendy Myers: I had a similar experience when I was with my ex-husband. I was very unhappy in the relationship the last couple of years. I found out I was eating a huge chocolate bar every single night just to feel better.

I literally ate a gigantic brick of chocolate bar. That was really not in line with my being a health coach and trying to coach people to get healthier. But I felt better when I ate that and the listeners may have also noticed I’ve lost 20 pounds since I’ve stopped that terrible diet. And it just came from recreating my life in a way that’s more positive. I don’t need that chocolate crutch anymore so to speak. I was able to break that negative break that food association.

Tyson James Lee: The truth is Wendy is that the chocolate, actually is , it may create a quick feeling of better. But it’s band-aid solution and food doesn’t really make you feel better. It doesn’t create the feeling we’re looking for.

For that reason, when we’re done, we usually look and we’re like, “Oh, man!” We know that we just screwed up and then we feel more guilty, we bring on more shame, and we are how we perceive ourselves to be. We’ll go into that in a little bit in the conversation, victimizing ourselves.

When I screw up or when I eat something I shouldn’t, instead of being like, “Dude, you shouldn’t have done that. What are you doing?”, I simply hug myself, I give myself a little love and say, “Dude, it’s alright. You’re amazing and you’ll get it next time.”

Wendy Myers: I don’t blame myself as much either. It’s very easy to fall in that trap of self-loathing and beating yourself up because your failing, so to speak, when you’re trying to do a diet or skip sugar or what have you. But you just have to pick yourself up and get right back on that horse again the next day.

14:15 Food Association and Obesity

Wendy Myers: Let’s talk about why do you feel that food associations play a major in obesity and over eating?

Tyson James Lee: Okay, so based on the way that we’re raising our kids, we’re basically teaching our children that food is a way to cover up emotional pain (and I’ve already covered a little bit of this). You get parents where their kids are crying and they just want them to shut up. They’re like, “Here’s some candy. Here you go, here’s a sucker.” Or whatever.

What is happening is that, like I said, they grow up and then they have eating problems. Other eating disorders are created based on the way that parents taught them about food.

I understand that a lot of parents don’t, but we got to stop rewarding our children with food. This starts with us, it starts with the parents, and we’ve got to stop rewarding our children with food because we’re setting them up for major failure.

Like every client that I’ve ever had and I’ve taken them through this process, it just blows their mind. And this is the same way that I’ve helped drug addicts recover. It’s finding out what they’re actually trying to fill up on.

And so the kids will assume, that by eating this food that made them feel better when they were a little kid, that it will cover up the emotional pain – and it won’t.

And so this is why people get 80 percent on the way to their goal and then they they sabotage. This is why people lose weight and gain weight because they don’t actually break the food associations or change the belief and change the association to create what they want.

And so it is absolutely playing a part in obesity now. There’s the food supply’s terrible. We’re a fast-food nation. Those things play an important part too. But every single client that I’ve ever worked has some type of food association and when we break those food associations, they’re aware that it doesn’t actually fix the emotional problem. It really is as simple as that.

Once we break the food associations, the biggest thing I hear from my clients is, “I don’t and will never look at food the way after your course.” And that’s what we’re really trying to instill because when we change the way that we think, Wendy, we change our results.

You can go on a million different diets and you can lose weight and gain it back, but if you don’t fix the reason that you were overweight in the first place, the psychological, emotional reason, you’re not going to have long term success.

16:51 How Food Associations Are Created

Wendy Myers: How and why are these food associations created?

Tyson James Lee: We’ve gone into that. We you could go on forever, but yeah, about how and why they’re created, any association.

For instance, I’ll get a little personal with you guys. I, for years, showed up in a mask and I was so afraid to being me in front of anybody. And I know that’s hard to believe now, right? But I was so afraid of being me in front of anybody. And so I dug back into my past to figure out why this was.

When I was seven years old, my father came home from the bar, he was drinking and he was very upset. Him him and my mother started fighting and he actually stuck a gun in his mouth. I took off and I ran out the back porch. I jumped over the fence and I ran two miles. By the way, guys, my dad is still alive. We have a beautiful relationship today. I ran and I hid behind a dumpster.

I remember there sitting there thinking, “I must not be a good enough. I must not be a good enough son.” And that’s where I started to create the belief that I couldn’t show up as who I was. And that was because if I did, that I was going to hurt others. And that’s when I created the belief that I had to show up in a specific way to seek approval and love from other people that I wasn’t good enough by myself.

It was just that one incident, but then it shaped the belief and the belief continues – our belief system proves us right so. We see what we want to see.

If we have a certain belief, we will always see that in our life. It isn’t actually until we change the belief that things start to change.

When I realized that that was the root cause of the belief that had created me wanting to show up in a mask and so afraid to be me, I broke that. I took away emotional attachment, I found it untrue.

Is it really the truth? That I wasn’t good enough and that’s what my father thought — no, he was stuck in his own shit. He was in a bad marriage. Had I had nothing to do with as his son. But I took that on my shoulders.

And so, in the this same way, these food associations are created from experiences. And then we continue to use food to cover up our pain again and again. It becomes habitual. And then, pretty soon, we’re doing this without even realizing what we’re doing.

Just like somebody who would have this association. They get stressed out and they would be – like. I have clients, they’ll be on a diet and they’ll go in and grab a piece of cheesecake and . And halfway through the first bite, they’re like, “What am I even doing?”

Somebody said the other day, “I just went to the vending machine, got a soda pop and took one sip and finally was like, ‘What am I…?’”

People go through the motions like robots not even asking questions or becoming aware. It’s basically dictated to by their beliefs and associations. So, that’s how they’re created and they’re created based on a lot of how we are raised.

Really, what I want to do is I want to get the message out there to you parents. You are setting your kids up for failure if you are rewarding them with food. If you’re telling them is a way, you’re going to have fat children.

20:13 Breaking Food Associations

Wendy Myers: How are food associations changed or broken?

Tyson James Lee: Well, to break a belief or break an association, we got to find the root cause of it. We just go back in the past a lot of times. Asking questions is also huge.

So, this is basically food consciousness. To become a conscious individual, you want to ask questions. I often use the example of my nephew. I tell people to ask questions like a child. I remember my nephew, he’s like three. He’s like, “What color is that?” “Light blue.” He’s like, “Why?” “That’s what they painted it,” “Why?” “That’s the paint he had in the truck.” “Why?” And he’s just curious, right?

But when we get older, Wendy, we stop asking questions. We just take it for what it is. It’s not beneficial. We got to ask questions. We want to continue to learn, to grow and evolve. And if we stop asking questions, we stop learning, we stop growing, we stop evolving. So we have a food association that’s created.

For instance, I was talking about the lady who lost or gained 60 pounds in a year. Once we figured out why she was eating food and we actually learned the truth of, ”Well, is that actually connecting you with your mother? Is it bringing you closer to her?” Well, no. Well, now we can break that.

There are a couple of tips and things I can give the listeners now to break food associations. Let’s say that you’re stressed out and you’re a stress eater. You’re stressed out and you’re going through the motions. You’re not asking yourself questions. And you reach for the chocolate in the fridge. You’re pulling it up to your mouth and you’re about to eat it. Well, you’ve never even thought for a second that, I guarantee you, why. “What am I trying to fill up on? What feeling am I trying to fill up on?”

“Well, I noticed that I’m stressed out right now. Hmmm… interesting that I would go for the chocolate. Is the chocolate actually going to create less stress in my life? Is the chocolate actually going to give me the feeling that I’m trying to fill up on?”

And the answer is no and any sane, conscious individual can realize that. But if we don’t ask ourselves these questions, we continue to go through the motions.

And it’s very interesting because the feeling that we’re trying to fill up on is never actually accomplished or given to us by the food. We’re human beings, we’re the smartest creatures on the planet, yet we make things so difficult on ourselves.

And so we’ll use the example of the children again. Let’s say when things are tough in life or you’re going through a crisis, you turn to food or you break up with somebody, you turn to food. Well, I would ask a client, “When is the very first time you could remember doing that?”

“Well, I remember my mom. She gave me this food and it made me feel better when I was this young or this age. That’s when I remember doing it.”

Some people, it’s a cheeseburger. Some people, it’s ice-cream. Some people, it’s candy. It’s different for everybody. What’s the truth though? Did the ice-cream or the candy actually created less than pain, actually filled the emotional void that you were looking for, cured the stress, and made your day better? Sure, you’re a kid. It puts a smile on your face. But we can all see that that isn’t the true reality.

But remember, beliefs and associations are created. Once that belief is created, it continues to prove it selves true in our lives again and again. We honestly do not see what we don’t want to see or what we are unaware of. The example I will use is you go to the car dealership, you but a new car. You’re thinking, “This car is bad ass. This is awesome! I’ve never even seen this car on the road. I can’t wait to get this car.” You get in it and you pull out of the parking lot, you drive around town for ten minutes and all of a sudden, you see it six times. Everybody’s been in that situation where you get a new car and you see it all over the road because now you are aware of it.

We see what we are aware of. Our perceptions dictate our actual reality. And so, if that belief is created that food will cover up emotional pain, then you’re going to get into situations where you’re going to create that emotional pain, you’re going to use food and it’s going to make you feel better for a moment. But it’s ultimately taking you further away from where you want to be and we could go into to why sugar’s bad for stress and all kinds of stuff. But really, this interview and the concept that I’m teaching is food association.

So, ask yourself a question. “What am I trying to fill up on? What feeling am I trying to fill up on?” And then ask yourself if what you’re going to do with the food is actually going to create that feeling. So, it’s as easy as like, “Oh, no! It’s not. Okay, well, how do I create the feeling that I want to fill up on?”

So, if you’re the girl that her boyfriend left her, she wants to feel more confident, she wants to feel loved, she wants to lose 10 pounds. Well, the ice-cream is going to take it further away. But if she asks herself how she’s actually feeling, what she wants to create, and what she wants to fill up on, then she can go to the gym or then she can talk to a friend or she can actually create the feeling. The saddest part is that we’re using things to create these feelings that aren’t not actually creating the feeling. It’s a vicious cycle, again and again.

This is a huge issue. You guys can go on all the diets that you want. You guys can go on all the weight loss programs. You may do well for a little bit. But if you do not break these food associations, you will go back to your old patterns and your old habits. To change the results you have, you have to change the way you think.

This is without a doubt the most important concept I teach because it is what delivers long lasting sustainable results in my clients. We got to break associations. Same thing with drug addicts, they got to break the associate. Same thing with any habit.

Wendy Myers: One of the most profound books for me that I have read about changing food associations was David Kessler’s The End of Overeating. It’s one of the absolute best books that I’ve read on that.

He talks a lot about different strategies that you can employ. When you’re on automatic pilot and you’re just driving, even when you’re driving down the road home from work and it’s just lined with fast food places, time to take a different route because you get these reward queues, these queues in your environment that you just go into automatic pilot. You see the queue, you have a thought, “I want to eat that. I feel like snacking. I want to have a little party in my mouth.” Then you go and you’re just on a automatic pilot. So, you have to be aware of the queues in your environment pushing you to eat. He has so many different strategies based on science…

Tyson James Lee: David Kessler, what was the book called?

Wendy Myers: David Kessler, The End of Overeating

Tyson James Lee: Thanks, I’m going to check that out.

Wendy Myers: Yeah! And a lot of the principles I wrote about in a blog post that listeners can look up are Kick Your Cravings’ Butt. It’s really long and I’m very proud. I spent two weeks writing it. There are a lot of tips and tricks there too about how to change your food associations and stop those cravings right in their tracks. It’s really just about awareness, being aware and stopping that impulse control.

Tyson James Lee: It’s all about asking the right questions.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, because that’s the hardest thing to do, stopping that impulse control to eat.

28:11 Changing Eating Habits and Overcoming Sugar Addictions

Wendy Myers: Let’s talk about what are some tips to help people change eating habits and overcome sugar and bread addictions?

Tyson James Lee: They’ve proven that sugar is more addictive than cocaine. It hits the same center in the brain. I’m not saying that it’s bad as cocaine. It’s pretty damn bad. basically, more people are strung out on sugar than any other drug in the world and it truly is addictive.

I’m going to read you guys things that will help you right now, some notes I took.

Sugar, for one, is an unsustainable energy. It’s void of nutrition, you guys. There’s no nutritional benefit at all. It gives you a little sugar rush, but that’s the only energy it delivers. And it’s also linked to decreased absorption of essential nutrients.

The more bullshit sugar that you eat, the less your body’s actually going to absorb the good food that you’re taking in. It’s so counterproductive to any kind of result.

And then, also, too much leads to fatty liver. I just off with a good friend of mine the phone earlier today. He was raised on fast-food, sugar. He’s got a fatty liver. If you have a fatty liver, your liver will not metabolize fat. It will store fat.

You have two options, to metabolize fat or store fat. You get a fatty liver, you ain’t burning fat. You’re storing. That’s huge. And sugar will lead to a fatty liver.

I’ve read this study the other day, Wendy, the average American drinks 57 gallons of soda a year.

Wendy Myers: Oh, God! It’s so hard to imagine. That used to be me. I used to have soda, a diet soda at every single meal, sometimes even breakfast. Horrible! I’m ashamed to admit that. It’s sad, but it’s the typical American diet.

Tyson James Lee: Sugar also leads to inflammation, inflammation leads to disease and pain. That is no good.

Sugars are food for cancer. It is! Cancer eats sugar. It survives and thrives off sugar, you guys. Two in three people are expected to [get] cancer. In today’s world, we can’t prevent it – or we can prevent it. But in today’s world, we can’t avoid it. So people want to avoid this cancer cause.

There’s so much of it in our system. The best thing to do is protect your immune system, so that you can prevent it because all cancer is a single cell pathogen that bypasses the immune system and grows into a tumor. We’re all exposed to cancer-causing agents, chemicals, and things like that. Those of us with good immune systems will prevent it.

Sugar, not fat, raises cholesterol. I think that’s a big one for you guys. It’s not fat. Fat’s actually beneficial. You guys actually know that eating pure grass-fed butter which is fat lowers cholesterol. It lowers cholesterol.

We’ve been misinformed about it a lot, but the good thing is we’re learning more about the human body today than we’ve learned in the last freaking 50 years. It’s an amazing time to be a health professional. We’re just learning so much more and we’re actually able to help people so much more effectively.

How to get off sugar? I’m a big fan of belief and affirmations. I wake up every day, I don’t crave sugar. I’m eating healthy, I’m living in a perfect body of health. Positive affirmations are incredible. I use them with all my clients. Basically, if you can convince yourself that you’re going to be sugar-free, then you will become sugar-free.

A couple of really cool tips for actual sugar cravings. If you’re going to cut sugar, there’s no way to avoid withdrawals or cravings typically in the last 10 to 14 days. You actually have to go completely off sugar for 10 to 14 days.

And when you’re doing this, please just remember, it’s does get better because most of my clients were like, “That’s what I’m telling myself. But in a moment, it seems like…” My clients, “No, you don’t understand. I’m freaking hungry.” I’m like, “No, no. That’s you secreting hormones.” But you’re addicted to sugar and your body will crave it.

What can we do to cut down on those cravings? Bee pollen is amazing. Take three teaspoons of bee pollen every morning. That is very good.

My number one recommendation for sugar craving (and this is amazing. I really just discovered this stuff four months ago. All my clients who used it got tons of success), peppermint essential oil. Peppermint essential oil hits the same addiction response center in the brain that sugar does, right?

We just put a little drop peppermint essential oil on our tongue. Our mouth just gets all pepperminty and the sugar craving goes away. You can do that once every hour if the sugar cravings are that bad. But do remember also that they go away. A lot of people, they make it five, seven, eight days, and the cravings are just so bad, they basically cave and they’re like, “I can’t live with this forever. I can’t seriously fight this kind of addiction forever.”

With bread, it’s the same thing. Another good thing to know is sugar and bread makes you guys stupid. It slows down cognitive response. It makes you stupid. Nobody wants to eat something that makes them stupid.

Wendy Myers: What’s another good thing that reduces sugar cravings is gymnema sylvestre. That is an amazing herb that really helps reduce sugar cravings. It’s something that I use before that really helped me.

Tyson James Lee: That’s awesome! I just wrote that down.

Wendy Myers: And a really good one is by Standard Process. That’s a really nice one. It’s all organic and food-based. It’s great.

33:40 Overcoming Bread Addictions

Wendy Myers: Let’s talk about how to overcome bread addictions. There are a lot of people out there addicted to bread, eating bread every single day, thinking about bread, smothering butter on it and jelly and what not. How do we overcome bread addictions?

Tyson James Lee: The same way. I mean, addiction is addiction. So, you guys get to understand that I approach food addiction just like drug addiction. I have worked with heroin addicts before. I’ve worked with severe, severe drug addicts to help them break associations and overcome it.

You guys, mindset is huge. If you’re asking, Wendy, is there is a different way that I would approach bread addiction versus sugar, no. Addiction is addiction. Creating new healthy habits, positive affirmations, support system is huge. People that support what you’re trying to accomplish –
And then beliefs. One of my favorite quotes in the world is by Henry Ford. He says, “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right.”

Wendy Myers: I love that quote. I love that quote. You said that to me one day and I felt very, very inspired by that.

Tyson James Lee: That’s awesome! You inspire me, Wendy.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And then I got right back on my TyFit program after that.

Another thing I wanted to add is that when people are severely craving sugar and bread and other carbohydrates, many times, they have a serotonin deficiency and they need to have their neurotransmitters checked and they can balance those temporarily and that can really help them to overcome sugar and carb addictions.

Many times, the reason people have low neurotransmitters is because they’re not absorbing proteins in the gut. I see this with almost every person that I work with. A vast majority, people that have low energy levels, they’re not able to have the energy to absorb proteins in to their gut. Amino acids, those amino acids are the building blocks of neurotransmitters that will prevent sugar and bread cravings.

It’s a whole vicious cycle. I use my Mineral Power program to help people to regain their energy, regain their protein absorption ability, it solves a lot of different problems. But sometimes people need to balance their neurotransmitters in the mean time.

Tyson James Lee: I completely agree with you. We’re actually finding that 95% of serotonin is created in the gut, not the brain. With serotonin, it’s like “happy gut, happy you.” No, I’m dead serious, you guys. Gut health is so important. We’re finding out that this is more important than anything.

I went through an extensive gut rehab for the first time about eight weeks ago. My girlfriend was so weird. She’s like, “You just can’t stop smiling. All you do is smile.” I’m like, “Dude, I’m that happy.” My sister is like, “Oh, you’re just so damn happy, Tyson.” That’s what serotonin does, it creates happiness. It creates feel good feelings. And that’s created in the gut.

I’m sure you can testify too that a lot of addiction comes from metal toxicity. When we can detox the metal out of our body, we can further aid ourselves in recovery from whatever it may be. But yes, there are direct links to the gut and cravings as well.

It’s so funny because sugar and wheat are the two worst things for your gut.

Wendy Myers: Absolutely. It’s catch 22. The more sugar and bread you eat, the more damage to your gut and the more you crave it. It’s a horrible cycle.

37:00 TyFit Program

Wendy Myers: Let’s talk about your program TyFit. I’m super happy with my results. I really enjoy your eight week program. It’s developed around improving human growth hormone production. So, can you tell us a little bit about your program and exactly how you help people burn fat on the program?

Tyson James Lee: To be honest, Wendy, like everything, everything is always evolving, expanding, and growing. The course is very similar, obviously, to what you went through, but it’s much different now.

The clients are getting better results. The results keep getting better and better and better. There’s a part of it that’s centered around HGH production. And that’s so important because the more HGH that we can naturally release, the more we can burn fat, the more we can pack muscle, the more we can repair our body, the thicker our bone density, the better the elasticity we have in our skin, we reverse the aging process, our skin thickens, hair grows more. It’s amazing! It’s the fit hormone. The more you have coursing through your body, the better you feel and the more fit you are.

The only difference between a 16-year old boy and a 36-year old man is the amount of HGH coursing through their system. This is why at 30, your metabolism starts to slow because that’s when we go through the somatopause, the first stage of aging and the HGH starts to decrease.

By doing this workouts, we can effectively skip the first stage of aging. I know that’s pretty enticing to a lot of people. I teach a very specific workout that mimics human growth hormone injections, the same injections that celebrities has been getting for $1800 to $3600 a pop, about $15000 a year. That’s why Jennifer Aniston looks so young. These guys have been getting HGH injections which preserves age.

And so yes, that’s a big part of it, but it’s so much more than that. I don’t like people when they refer to – I’m not a trainer, I’m a coach. I teach higher consciousness as well. I teach getting away from self-sabotage. This is really expanded, so I’m taking clients strictly for personal development now. And then I’m taking some just for the TyFit and some come to get both. So, most people tell me, “Hey, I came to you for fitness. But what I walked away with, it was invaluable. It’s so much more.”

I keep getting housewarming gifts from my clients, it’s awesome. I have the best clients in the world. All of you guys, if you watch this interview, I fucking love you. You guys are amazing. You’re a client, I love you too.

Anyways, human growth hormone, we focus on human growth hormone. That’s the exercise part, the diet part. And what I want to tell you guys also is the biggest result that I’ve seen since TyFit launched was 65 lbs. of fat lost in 10 weeks. That’s remarkable. Sixty-five pounds of fat was the largest result that I ever saw. And I did three 20-minute workouts a week.

Three 20-minute workouts a week, so more is not better. When we actually do things like cross-fit and lift weights all the time, we’re actually dumping a stress hormone called cortisol in the system. That’s slowing down our immune system. Typically, when my clients are the weight loss plateaus, I’ll have them do half as much and they’ll lose twice as much. It’s really, really beneficial.

Then we use teach the diet aspect. I teach a lot of mindset techniques and then positive affirmations, belief, a ton of assignments that help people understand why they’re doing what they’re doing.
We are expanding right now and I’m trying to develop some lower end products, so people can come just for the fitness, just for the personal development, both. But I’m very, very blessed and happy with the program.

I truly believe, and I have no qualms about saying this, that if I’m not already I’m headed in the direction of being the best weight loss professional in the entire world, I’ve dedicated my life to research. That’s part of my job. I research 15 to 20 hours a week, dissect material, finding the best ways to help my clients. And we just partnered with a new company (which I’m not going to talk too much about). I really believe that we’re very, very close once we implement this to where the average or so will be 50+ lbs. lost in 90 days.

Wendy Myers: Wow, that’s amazing, absolutely amazing. Yeah, I wish I had gotten that result. But then, there’d be nothing left of me. I didn’t have that much to lose, so I’m really happy with my results.

41:39 The Most Pressing Health Issue in the World Today: Cancer

Wendy Myers: I have a question I like to ask all of my guests. What do you think is the most pressing health issue in the world today?

Tyson James Lee: Obesity leads to more disease because of the health, but I’m going to say cancer. It’s heart breaking. We all have been there, to have a loved one or somebody that we’re very close to or maybe even somebody who’s watching this who’s going through cancer. I am here to tell you guys that with proper diet and nutrition, you can prevent it. You can.

Everybody should be working their butt off to prevent cancer in today’s world with all the exposure to it. I won’t go too much into it, but you can prevent it.

A couple of cool things for the listeners to google, chaga mushroom. Google “chaga” and “cancer”. C-H-A-G-A, it’s chaga mushroom. Google “phytoplankton” and “cancer.” Goji berries, there are a lot of things that you could take that kill cancer cells. I would do some research on what does kills cancer cells and I would just do weekly maintenance. I would incorporate some of those things into your diet, so that you guys aren’t affected by this terrible nasty disease.

Wendy Myers: It is a grim reality today. The statistics are there’s a very good chance that you will develop cancer at some point in your life and there are so many things in your control that you have to prevent it.

But you have to be pro-active. You can’t wait until you get a diagnosis. Once you get that diagnosis, that disease process has been in effect for five to ten years. Don’t wait until you get a diagnosis. Start today to do something.

That’s really my passion with starting When my father was diagnosed (unfortunately, he passed away six months after his diagnosis), that made me really delve into the research on cancer and its underlying causes. And that’s why exactly why I developed my Mineral Power program because, really, my personal mission is to help people to prevent cancer and other types of diseases.

But you have to put some time into it. You have to think about a daily detox regime. And that’s why I created my whole site, so I completely agree with you.

Tyson James Lee: That’s awesome. The last thing that I’ll say is what’s coming to TyFit. We’re actually unveiling this in April and I’m keeping under wraps. We’ll be partnering with a company and we’re going to be able to protect, or not protect, but we are going to be able to predict oncoming disease. And it’s specific as far as breast cancer, colon cancer, whatever type of cancer.

Actually, we’re able to predict 75 types of diseases with 80% to 93% percent accuracy ten years into the future and with 70% to 80% with 20 years into the future. We have the data prove it, over 15,000 assessments. Now, I’ll actually be able to engineer diets.

And like you said, people wait until it’s too late. They wait until they’re sick to do something. What if I was to come to you and be like, “Based on this assessment, based on this blood work, you have a high likelihood to get cancer. You’ve got a 70% chance of getting this type of cancer some time in life.” That would be enough information for somebody to do something about it before the actually problem is there.

And that’s what I’m truly excited about. My passion is weight loss, but disease prevention is a close second.

45:23 Where to Find Tyson James Lee and TyFit

Wendy Myers: So, why don’t you tell the listeners where they can find you and learn more about TyFit?

Tyson James Lee: You guys can go to You can download my two-week free sprint protocol which mimics HGH injections. I’ll give you the link, Wendy.

I run an amazing fitness group on Facebook. I just started running this group about three months ago. It’s called TyFit Elite Fitness. What’s so great about it is I basically wanted to build a group that I could charge $50 a month for and give it to everybody for free.

One of the big problems out is misinformation. There’s tons of information out there, you guys. We’ve got all kinds of it, right? Everything contradicts another thing. Ninety percent of it is garbage. And that’s why you’re not reaching your goals because you’re reading the wrong stuff.

So, what I’ve done, I’ve gathered Wendy’s in a group, I’ve gathered hundreds of health professionals, hundreds of health enthusiasts, all kinds of people that do their research that know legitimate information. There is a ton of value posted in that group on a daily basis with the right things to reach your goals, whether it be preventing disease, getting healthier, more energy, weight loss, building muscle. You can guarantee.

And I have admins that regulate this. As soon as we see bullshit in that group, we delete that post and delete the member. We do not allow that anything in there. It’s a place where you guys can be safe and get the truth. It’s called TyFit Elite Fitness.

Also, you can follow me on Facebook, Tyson James Lee, I’m the only one. I’m the ony one. And then, I have a blog that we’re uploading and updating now, Those would be the best ways. You can follow me on Instagram at @theActionBoss.

Wendy Myers: Thank you so much, Tyson. It’s always a joy to have you on the show. You have so much energy. You’re a very good friend. I really appreciate all the help that you’ve given me. And I definitely encourage the new listeners that are trying to lose weight,you’re struggling to lose weight, Tyson can definitely give you that last piece of the puzzle to help you.

Tyson James Lee: We‘ve got a two month waiting list right now.

Wendy Myers: Well, hey, go get on that waiting list. I recommend it.

Listeners, thank you so much for tuning in. You can find me at and learn more of my healing and detox program, Mineral Power at Thanks so much for listening.

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