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Wendy Myers: Hello, everyone. My name is Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast. You can learn more about me at Today, we have a fantastic show. We have my friend Trina Felber of Primal Life Organics Skincare on the show. We’re going to be talking about all things, how to detox your skincare products, and also how to whiten your teeth naturally. She’s got a great new product line out for the teeth and tooth powders, and activated charcoal paste that help to whiten your teeth. A really, really interesting show.
We’re going to be making a lot of distinctions about certain things, about how most activated charcoal tooth whitening products on the market. There’s a problem with them we’re going talk about on the show. We’re going to talk about why your teeth are sensitive and how to remineralize your teeth. Why your gums are bleeding? It may have to do with some of the products that you’re using. The products with toxipaste, the toxic toothpaste most are using, issues with fluoride. We’re going to be talking about a lot of interesting things on the show so that you can have beautiful, natural, healthy, white teeth.
I’m really excited. I recently lost 12 pounds and I’m really happy because I work really, really hard to bring you guys a lot of high quality content. I do so many podcasts, and writing, and manage my company Myers Detox. It just takes a lot of commitment. It takes a lot of hours. It takes a lot of energy. It can be stressful at times to be perfectly honest. So for me, I had been working really long hours and kind of letting myself go a little bit, not really engaging in the self-care that I should have been.
So for me, that’s been a real priority is engaging in self-care and really cutting down my hours. I dramatically cut down my hours almost in half what I normally used to work and just thought, “The finish line, I’m never going to reach it. I don’t want to be racing, racing, racing all the time to this imaginary finish line.” So, I decided to cut back on my hours and focus on having a better quality of life and taking time to exercise every morning. I’m getting out in the sun and going for a walk in the neighborhood where I live in. There’s a little reservoir, so I’ve been walking around that, and I’ve been focusing on eating fewer carbs and not eating any processed foods at all. You know it’s tempting sometimes, so like everybody else, I fall prey to that having some organic chips here or there or something like that.
So, I’ve cut all that out. I cut out my little cracker habit. I like crackers, and I’ve just been eating lots of vegetables, and fresh cooked foods, and really taking the time to cook. That can go to the wayside when you’re a really busy mom. I’m a single mom, and so just really, I come last typically like a lot of single moms. So, I’ve just decided to put myself first and take care of myself, and I feel a lot happier. I feel like I look a lot better, and I feel a lot better than I have in past shows that I’ve done. I’m just super, super happy about that.
My point of this is you really want to think about putting yourself first, reducing stress in your life, and prioritizing yourself because you will get to where you want to go, but you want to look and feel your best. Stress kills, and if you’re constantly stressing out and working really long hours, you’re going to pay the price for that with your health. So, I’d remind myself of that personally. So, I’m really happy. I’m finally prioritizing myself and my health a little bit more, while still helping you guys meet your health goals.
I work with thousands of clients helping them to detox their bodies of heavy metals, and I’ve distilled down my top 10 tips into a checklist. So, you can download this checklist for free. They’re tips and things that you can do at home. They are absolutely free to detox your body. You can download that at It’s my top 10 tips to detox like a pro checklist, so enjoy that.
Our guest today, Trina Felber, she is the CEO of Primal Life Organics. It’s a Paleo skincare company that has developed over 100 skin-based skincare solutions to feed the skin. Her entrepreneurial skills and business savvy mindset are an inspiration to women everywhere. I love her. I’m very inspired by her, and she is a natural skincare expert and skin bio hacker and it’s improving the way you feed your skin. She is a 25-plus year experienced nurse with a Masters in Nursing Anesthesia. Trina is the international bestselling author of Beauty’s Dirty Secret, skincare and healthcare related speaker, writer, and her food-based skincare products have been featured on TV stations all over the country.
She’s dedicated to helping others realize the dangers in everyday cosmetics and skincare, and spring awareness for the importance of using plant-based nutritional skincare products. You can learn more about her at Trina, thank you so much for coming on the show.
Trina Felber: Wendy, no problem. I love coming and talking to you. It’s so much fun.
Wendy Myers: I love your products. So, you’re the founder of Primal Life Organics beauty products. They’re all non-toxic. They’re all natural. I use them myself. I love so many of your products. I use your deodorant, and so I wanted to have you on the show to talk about one of your latest inventions that you have. First, let’s talk about your background. You have an interesting background. Tell me how a nurse, you’re a former nurse, goes from putting someone to sleep with anesthesia to making skincare?
Trina Felber: Yeah. It’s not the path I ever envisioned myself going down. I thought I was a nurse and that’s what I was going to end up doing. Then, all of a sudden I got really in tune with my health. I realized one day, it was after my husband and I got married, I was pregnant, suffered an unfortunate miscarriage, and I started to really do a deep dive as a lot of pregnant women do into what their environment is like. I knew that I was fairly healthy, so I started looking at everything around me, and then that’s when I realized my skincare was just loaded with toxins. Toxins that were cancer-causing neurotoxins, endocrine disruptors. You know the drill, everything.
So, that’s when I became super interested. I pretty much am one of those people, I’m Type A. It’s I’m all in or I’m all out. I pretty much overnight ditched all of my beauty products and said, “If I can’t make it, I’m just not going to use it.” So, I got busy and I started creating skincare made literally from food-grade ingredients like oils, essential oils, herbs, clays, things like that.
Wendy Myers: So, one of your most amazing products that you just developed is things for teeth. So, you went from doing skincare and having all kinds of all natural ingredients in skincare to creating something for dental health. So, dental health is really important in maintaining overall health, but it’s rapidly declining in the United States. Why do you think that that is?
Trina Felber: So, when I talk about dental health, I always tell people that I think we got it wrong, and our education of people and how to brush your teeth. For me, the reason you should be brushing your teeth isn’t necessarily to clean your teeth because your saliva is what you produce to actually clean the acids away, the food particles away from your mouth. Most of us don’t produce enough saliva because of the things we put in our mouth cuts down on our saliva, so that’s the main problem.
The reason we should be brushing our teeth is really to put the minerals back in our teeth. Our teeth are made with minerals and the minerals … It’s like a gateway. The minerals go in and out of your teeth pretty regularly. When you have an outflux that’s greater than what you’re putting back in, that’s when you end up with sensitive teeth, which ultimately can lead to cavities, needing root canals, and fillings, and things like that. So, my interest in the teeth really started when my daughter was at the age two and had a molar come in that had a natural cavity in it, and the dentist told me that, that tooth wasn’t going to last more than a year.
So, we put a temporary filling in it, and I started doing my research and found that there were some better ingredients out there. Ingredients that are natural, that actually have minerals in them that can replace the minerals in your teeth. So, I started formulating a powder made with different clays and I’m happy to say that today, my daughter’s 10 and she still has that tooth that was supposed to fall out within a year. My dental health has inclined as well.
The problem isn’t just with brushing our teeth. It’s the products that we’re using. You got harsh ingredients in regular commercial toothpaste, SLS, triclosan, glycerin that can hurt not just your teeth but your gum tissue. Most of us suffer from bleeding gums and if you suffer from bleeding gums, a lot of times that’s a port of entry for bacteria and other things into your body including inflammation inside your body. So, by using harsh ingredients, you’re stripping away the natural biome that can live inside your mouth and protect you, as well as you’re not replacing any of the enamel or the minerals lost in your enamel. My interest really became apparent when my daughter had her issue and trying to save that tooth.
Wendy Myers: Let’s talk about demineralization because this is something I’ve talked a lot about in the podcast, the importance of mineralizing your body and that includes your teeth. Let’s talk about the demineralization of tooth enamel and if that can be reversed?
Trina Felber: Yeah, I brought my friendly little friend here. This is the tooth. I love dental health. Okay, when we’re talking about demineralization, demineralization happens all along the part of the tooth that you see. Obviously, your root goes way deeper. What I want to point out to everybody is that you cannot take a supplement to replace the minerals you’re losing from your teeth. So, demineralization is just the process of minerals leaving the surface of your tooth, the enamel.
Like I mentioned, if there’s more loss than you replace, and I can talk about how you replace those minerals, but if there’s more loss, then you’re going to end up … Where’s my camera? With what this looks like right here, which is this is an actual cavity that goes into the enamel and the dentin. On the surface when you lose minerals, you’ll lose it at the surface first. So, demineralization is really just the loss, but I want you to notice is that this is your blood supply. You cannot take a supplement to replace the minerals in your teeth. The blood supply does not support the enamel. So, you can’t. It has to all happen in your mouth, which is part of the problem of why not just the wrong, we’re using the wrong type of paste, but the problem is our diet and our soil.
So, our diet is now very acidic, highly processed, has a low minerals content but the other problem is our soil. Even if you’re eating organic foods, our soil is so depleted now that you would have to eat probably 12 carrots when your grandparents probably could eat two carrots to get the right minerals. The minerals like I said have to be inside your mouth to actually go back into your enamel.
Wendy Myers: That’s why I love your tooth powder. I’ve been using your tooth powders for a while. You can feel it. You can feel the clays, but they have minerals in them and it helps to fill in those holes. The little areas that have been demineralized.
Trina Felber: Yes. So the clays that I chose, I have white kaolin, bentonite, and French green clay. So, I just three different clays. They’re unique in different ways. The bentonite and the white kaolin both contain a lot of minerals that your teeth needs. So, the minerals have to be in the ion form. When you are brushing with paste, I call it toxipaste. When you’re brushing with toxipaste, there’s no minerals content. So, you’re basically just brushing your teeth to clean them, just clean the surface. You can do the same thing with water. It’s the action of brushing your teeth which is actually what’s cleaning them, but there’s no minerals in toxipaste.
What I did when I formulated this, was found three different clays that are rich in the same minerals in the ion form so that while you’re brushing your teeth with the tooth powder, you’re brushing the minerals right back into those areas. The minerals have to come into contact with those spots that have lost the minerals. The other problem with toothpaste is that it contains glycerin. Glycerin, I like to explain to people, a lot of people have sensitive teeth. Most people have sensitive teeth. What that means is basically you’ve lost some minerals in your teeth and if you don’t replace them, you’re going to end up with cavities or worse.
Commercial toothpaste has glycerin. Glycerin can put a band-aid coating over the spots, and that’s why you don’t feel especially for sensitive toothpaste, you don’t feel that sensitivity anymore, but the glycerin does not allow healing of that tooth. It doesn’t allow the minerals to be replaced in that tooth. So over time, you’re not doing anything to promote the health of your teeth. In fact, if the glycerin gets removed, that sensitivity is still there and that’s proven by people that switched to Dirty Mouth Tooth Powder. What that does is it takes the band-aid off, which is the glycerin, exposes that area that’s demineralized and as you’re brushing with the tooth powder, usually it only takes two or three brushings, you can actually fill in that area and that sensitivity can go away permanently, which is then promoting the health of your teeth.
Wendy Myers: I can attest to that personally because for years, I had really sensitive teeth because I had a horrible diet in the past. I used Sensodyne toothpaste for years, and years, and years because I had very sensitive teeth. Then, when I started using natural toothpaste, I started using yours, I don’t have sensitive teeth ever. I don’t even think about. I don’t have bleeding gums anymore. I used to floss you teeth like every gap would bleed because I was using the toxipaste in the past.
Trina Felber: Well, it’s funny because before I start … I always tell the story of my daughter, but what I never think because it’s so prominent. You can live with bleeding gums and sensitive teeth, but when you have a daughter that has a tooth, you’re like I’ll repair that. You know what I mean? Right before I made this for her, I suffered from two broken teeth within six months, and my teeth were sensitive and my gums were bleeding. What’s really funny is since I’ve been using this, my teeth, they’re perfect. I haven’t even been to the dentist in five years.
I mean, the sensitivity is gone. I haven’t had any broken teeth. My gum tissue … What happens is because clay is very neutral, it’s very gentle on gum tissue as we know. You make face masks out of it. You can do a lot of things. You can internally take it for a detox and things like that, but it’s really gentle. So, it doesn’t destroy your natural bacteria so that you can actually prevent the overgrowth of bad bacteria which then leads to gingivitis and all sorts of periodontal diseases. So, it’s very productive.
The other clay that I put in here is French green clay which is really, really good because it has the phytonutrients like algae and that the healing properties of the phytonutrients, the plant nutrients are really good for your gum tissue as well as your teeth.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. Let’s talk a little bit about fluoride. So fluoride is in most toothpaste, toxipaste, and when you go to your dentist, they’re always trying to push a fluoride gel or rinse on your sealant. What’s wrong with fluoride?
Trina Felber: Fluoride is it’s neurotoxic. I mean, among other things it’s neurotoxic. There’s no need for it. There’s really no need for it. When you’re thinking about your teeth, you have to consider the fact that they’re minerals, and fluoride’s not going to replace the minerals. It’s not going to strengthen your teeth the way real minerals will, the phosphorus, the calcium, things like that. That’s what your teeth need. The fluoride, besides being neurotoxic, it’s really not doing anything for your dental health. It’s not really improving dental health.
Then, we’ve proven that because we fluorinated water. We fluorinated toothpaste. We fluorinated a lot of things, and the dental health is still declining. So, why are we still doing that? It doesn’t makes sense. If you ever see kids with those whitish spots on their teeth, that’s actually [fluorinosis 00:18:25], I think it’s what it’s called. It’s actually a sign of too much fluoride in their system.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, and it causes like thyroid issues and interferes in thyroid function, iodine object in the thyroid. It demineralizes your bones. It’s horrible for you.
Trina Felber: It’s horrible, yeah.
Wendy Myers: It’s insane that we’re putting it in our mouth every single day.
Trina Felber: It’s not needed. It’s so not needed. That’s the scary part. It’s the kids that I worry about because there’s so exposed to it. They’re exposed to it so young. As we we’re growing up, it might not have been that much of exposure issue, but now it’s in so many things and the exposure of everything that we expose our kids to. It’s just really scary.
Wendy Myers: Well, let’s talk about whitening your teeth. There’s a lot of products in the market. Everyone’s going crazy trying to whiten their teeth. Everybody wants white teeth, and I’d even done the laser whitening before where you put a gel on your teeth and the dentist lasers it. It’s the most excruciating thing I have ever experienced at that time. I was not so natural and not using natural toothpaste. I had the tooth sensitivity at that time and that, it’s excruciating. That pain, I can’t even begin to describe it.
Trina Felber: Peroxide is usually the ingredient. We always said bleaching our teeth which really, like why did we even think that sounded healthy? I always talk about like when I was … because I did the same thing and I would suffer through the 20 or 30 minutes with the trays in my mouth and my teeth felt like they had pins and needles in that.
Wendy Myers: Oh God. I [crosstalk 00:19:54].
Trina Felber: Remember that?
Wendy Myers: Yes, I’ve done this before too. It’s excruciating, absolutely.
Trina Felber: That’s peroxide. It’s not good for your teeth. It’s not good for your gum tissue, and you ultimately swallow it because you’re salivating. It’s very harsh on your esophagus. That’s delicate tissue. I got creative and decided that I needed something, because the tooth powder itself will whiten. Just so everybody knows, the tooth powder itself, the clays actually bind and pull off stains off your teeth, but to ramp it up to the next level because I’m not a girl that settles for anything, I wanted to create something that was really out of this world for whitening your teeth and completely natural.
What I did is developed … This is what it is. Let me unplug it so you can see it. So, it’s an LED teeth whitener. So, it has eight LEDs on the top, eight LEDs on the bottom. So, it uses blue light technology, which has been it’s set to the 480 nanometers to actually whiten teeth. So you can use this device, whitens top and bottom at the same time. The blue light has also … Harvard did a study that the blue light cuts down on the bacteria that can cause gingivitis. So, not only will it help whiten your teeth, but it also helps kill the bacteria that whitens your teeth.
The best thing, this is what I’m so proud of. Because peroxide is so damaging, I wanted to create something that was really super safe and not harming or hurting your mouth while you’re doing this. So I created, it’s called Boost Whitening Paste. It’s activated charcoal. It uses activated charcoal, which we know now everybody’s into charcoal. It helps to pull toxins, pull stains off your teeth so it whitens, but I infused it into olive oil. So if you’ve ever done oil pulling, most people use coconut oil, but olive oil is actually better than coconut oil for oil pulling because it whitens your teeth and it helps repair gum tissue and things like that.
So I infused activated charcoal, some clays, essential oils that help whiten your teeth all in olive oil. It not only will whiten your teeth, but it actually polishes them, cleans them, and will … Remember the minerals that I talked about? The clays are in there. So, if you have sensitive teeth, this is the best system because it actually holds the paste on your teeth to allow those minerals to reabsorb. So, you’re going to be doing a couple of things at once while you’re actually whitening your teeth.
The best thing about this because I’m a girl that loses all of my plugs, so I attached it. I can’t lose these. Since you have a USB, there’s an Android and the iPhone adaptor and all you-
Wendy Myers: Well, that’s great.
Trina Felber: Yeah. All you do is you plug it right into your iPhone or phone Android, it turns on. I put the whitening paste on my teeth, and I set my timer on my phone for 20 minutes. I pop this in my mouth, put this in my pocket. Most of the time I do dishes when I’m whitening my teeth.
Wendy Myers: If anyone watching or anyone listening, Trina is holding almost like a mouth tray that’s lit up. It’s like a white blue light and you put that mouth tray, the tooth tray into your mouth and just … How long do you use it for?
Trina Felber: 20 minutes.
Wendy Myers: 20 minutes.
Trina Felber: Yeah, and usually, most people do about four times a week for about four weeks. Then, once you’re teeth are where you want them, you just do it once or twice a week. That’s so simple.
Wendy Myers: That’s great. No pain?
Trina Felber: No pain. It’s activated charcoal.
Wendy Myers: No peroxide.
Trina Felber: Yeah.
Wendy Myers: No toxins. That’s so brilliant because it’s so hot right now because everyone wants to whiten their teeth. I want whiter teeth. I had the laser tooth whitening probably 10 years ago or so before I started and getting pregnant with [Winter 00:23:46]. They’re kind of discolored again from drinking tea, and coffee, and things like that. It’s something you have to.
Trina Felber: I’m going to send one.
Wendy Myers: Yes. Yes, please.
Trina Felber: I’m sending you one. You have to try it. It’s totally different because you expect that stinging sensation, but with the activated charcoal and olive oil, it’s totally different and it tastes good. It actually tastes good because it has the essential oils. So, it’s actually a good flavor in your mouth while you’re doing that. So, the only thing you can’t do, is you can’t talk when you’re having them.
Wendy Myers: That’s going to be a problem for me.
Trina Felber: [inaudible 00:24:18] We need some quite time. You can meditate when you’re using this. I’ve done stretches. I’ve actually grocery shopped with this in.
Wendy Myers: I’m sure everyone’s stopping you, asking you, “What are you doing? What is that?” or looking at you funny.
Trina Felber: Yeah, absolutely.
Wendy Myers: I can’t talk. I’m whitening my teeth.
Trina Felber: Whitening my teeth. “Here, go here.” I’ll just pass out cards, “Go here to find it.”
Wendy Myers: So, tell us about a special offer you have for the listeners regarding your tooth whitening system.
Trina Felber: You know what? They can take 20% off their entire order. So, they’ll get 20% off. What I didn’t mention is when you buy the LED kit which has a travel case and the LED, you get a free boost whitening paste with it. So, this is enough for 20 treatments. So, this is about a month supply, but you can just take 20% off your entire order. So, if they want to get some tooth powder or anything else, then they can take 20% off. The coupon, they can use would be liveto110.
Wendy Myers: Okay. Fantastic, fantastic.
Trina Felber: Liveto110.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. So, L-I-V-E-T-O-1-1-0 for the coupon code.
Trina Felber: Yeah.
Wendy Myers: Great.
Trina Felber: That will work.
Wendy Myers: Tell us about some of the other products that you have. I mean, I love your carrot face wash. I use that myself. I love at your coffee bean serum because I think that’s really a secret to beauty is using the coffee bean serum and really stimulating blood supply to your skin. It’s like that’s one of the things that I use. You have so many good products. Can you tell us about some of your most popular ones?
Trina Felber: Oh, absolutely. My face products are my favorite because I’ll be 50 this year, and I have always wanted to look younger like everybody else, all the women and men. You just don’t want to look your age. So, I have really strived to try and make the best products to prevent aging and what I found was, by combining the right oils and essential oils, it benefits all skin types and it’s anti-aging. So, what I created was a bunch of different serums and face washes, and I have a whole line of products with the best ingredients not watered down. I put no water. It’s all active ingredients. The coffee bean that you mentioned, the coffee bean serum is one of my favorites, not because it smells like coffee. I love coffee.
Coffee when you smell it, it calms your brain. So, what I love about the coffee bean face serum because it’s really good for your skin. It’s got antioxidants. It’s got a little bit of caffeine. It’s got a little bit of collagen in it. So, it really stimulates your skin and absorbs very quickly. I love the fact that by smelling it, it calms my brain. So, in 20 minutes when I go drink my coffee, I have this calm caffeinated brain so I can think better. So, it’s really cool. That’s really good.
Most people when they switched, they’ll buy a face system which has the face wash toner serum and moisturizer in it. One of the comments I get all the time is how amazing the face wash is because it doesn’t dry your skin out. It uses saponified oils. We use saponified oils which is a way to use the oil to cleanse your skin without stripping away your natural oils. Your natural oils are very protective. It allows your natural biome to stay, and live, and grow which protect you. It keeps you moisturized and hydrated. The key to looking younger is just staying hydrated. That’s part of the key.
So many products out there use water as the first ingredient, and water evaporates off your skin. As it evaporates, it takes your moisture with it and cuts down on your natural oil production. It just dehydrates your skin. So you’re going to see your wrinkles. You’re going to see your defects, which would be discolorations, and scars, and things like that. As soon as you flip the switch and put oil on your skin and it starts to penetrate, and you add some really good nutrients to it, you can really revitalize your skin very quickly. So the face wash is really important using a great serum, the vitamin C serum, or the coffee bean serum are my favorites.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, every night I put a serum on my face. I look like a greasy pig. I always picture I have … That’s my rule. I have to put on some sort of facial oil. That’s like kind of heavy like a night cream or whatnot, and I use the coffee bean. I use a couple of your other products to make sure I have the moisture barrier before I go to sleep. I’ve done that since I was a teenager actually.
Trina Felber: Your skin looks amazing.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, thank you, and I’m 45. I’m going to be 46 this year, but that’s my rule. I’m going to have to wash my face every night before I to go bed and put on a heavy oil, a facial oil. A lot of products out there, I did a big project when I went to USC about a line of facial products and a lot of the product, I did a lot of research. A lot of products use silicon. They use in their products to give … When you put the cream on your skin, it feels really smooth. It feels really slippery. It fills in your wrinkles, but it’s just this synthetic product you’re putting on your skin that might feel good. It might feel silky. It might make your skin feel really silky, but it’s just synthetic. It’s just a mirage.
Trina Felber: Right. It’s like the band-aid that I talked about with the tooth. It might do something in the short term but long term, the health benefits are totally not worth it. I talk a little bit, when I talk about my vitamin C serum because my vitamin C serum’s different than every other one out there. What I did was I took oils that were rich in vitamin C and infused super fruits, some super berries like acai berries and goji berries and things like that into the oils. So, they’re very high in vitamin C.
So, it’s a different kind of vitamin C than what most people are used to. The normal vitamin C serum has L-ascorbic acid in it. Now, L-ascorbic acid is not oil soluble. So, in order to put it in an oil, they have to mix it with some sort of chemical. The chemical that’s most commonly used causes cell death. I stop. I’m like, “That makes no sense.” You’re putting something, you’re buying it for the anti-aging properties to rejuvenate your skin.
Wendy Myers: But it kills you, it kills your face.
Trina Felber: My God, it’s going to kill you. You’re going to look order. In 10 years, you look like you’re 90 when you’re 50. Really, what’s the point? That’s the problem with skincare today is they glamorize all the good things, but the problem is, is all the bad things they put in there like fragrance, it will kill you in the long run. You’re not going to look better. It’s going to dehydrate your skin, disrupt your normal cell function and possibly even cause cancer or endocrine problems.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, not to mention your hormones, interfering your hormones. There’s a reason so many women have hormone issues, and low libido, and their skin looks terrible because they have low estrogen levels. There’s all these estrogen-
Trina Felber: Even fertility.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, estrogen mimicking hormones, perfumes, and parabens which are preservatives in the products. The beauty products they’re putting on their skin and absorbing to their skin every single day. It’s insane.
Trina Felber: When the studies have been done, there’s different figures out there, but women use 12 to 15 beauty products every day. In my opinion, it’s not the harmful one, it’s the harmful of all of them because they all contain similar ingredients when you’re using similar type products off the shelf. They’re all using parabens, and phthalates, and the silicon, and the things like that, PEG, and fragrance. It’s that combination. It’s almost like an overexposure and overdose of those ingredients. If you were just using one, it’s probably not going to hurt you, but if you’re constantly applying different things and makeup too. Makeup is another thing that women don’t realize.
Even minerals makeup, I blow people away when I say minerals makeup is basically toxic because the minerals are washed in chemicals, because in order to put them in cosmetics, they have to be washed, but they’re washed in chemicals. Then, those chemicals just sit right on your face all day being absorbed.
Wendy Myers: It’s interesting. I have a little comment to make about some of my clients’ hair mineral analysis that I do. They’re very toxic in bismuth. I always know what product line they’re using. It’s called bareMinerals. They are extremely toxic in bismuth and I have clients, it’s just 10X off the charts in bismuth because they’re just putting it. It’s just in the product line. So, I don’t want to call them out so much, but people need to know that some of these minerals makeups are not all natural.
Trina Felber: You’ll absorb it, right. You do absorb it like we desensitize ourself to what we do every day, and we don’t stop and think that what I’m putting on my face. Even makeup is harmless as it sounds, “Oh, it’s only a little bit here and there,” but you wear it all day and it does cross the barrier. It gets in mainly because your own oils will help carry it in, and the oils of your creams and things like that help carry it in and it does. It does a lot of harm inside. I created a makeup line where all the color comes from food. So like I say, “I’m type A, and when I’m all in, I’m all in.”
Wendy Myers: Yeah. I love it that you’ve created this amazing product line. I love what you’re doing and I love your message. It’s so important to just scream from the rooftops. You have to stop using these toxic products that are just being sold to millions of women with the promise of making them healthy, and younger looking and beautiful, and it’s doing the exact opposite.
Trina Felber: Yeah, deodorant’s the other one. The other big product.
Wendy Myers: Yes.
Trina Felber: When people ask me where to start, because it gets overwhelming. I’ll be the first to admit. It gets overwhelming. I actually have a starter pack that I put together because it’s so overwhelming, but deodorant and tooth powder or toothpaste, that’s what I usually say. Switch those two things, those are staples you’re using every single day, most of the time twice a day for the toothpaste. Then, start looking at your other products and prioritize. What do I use the most of? When I’m out of face wash, I’m going to buy a good face wash. When I’m out of something, replace it with something else.
Wendy Myers: Rome was not built in a day, and I felt the same way. I felt overwhelmed when I first started learning about toxins. I’ve been putting beauty products on my face every single day, morning, noon, and night, thinking I was doing something good. So, I had a lot of products. I just said, “I’m going to do one section at a time.” Like you said when something runs out, I replace it with something natural, and organic, and healthy. Deodorant, I love your Dirty Peppermint Deodorant. That’s my favorite because it has clays in it.
Trina Felber: Clays. Well, we don’t have the Dirty Peppermint anymore.
Wendy Myers: Oh, you don’t? Oh, shoot.
Trina Felber: No. We have … Let me grab this one.
Wendy Myers: I bought a bunch of it. I have a backlog. I bought a bunch of them.
Trina Felber: We reformulated recently.
Wendy Myers: Okay.
Trina Felber: I’ll just send you some. This packaging just came in today, so I’ll just show you the packaging.
Wendy Myers: Oh, nice.
Trina Felber: Yes. We just reformulated. I love this deodorant now. We’ve gotten really good reviews. I took out the baking soda. Baking soda, it changes the pH. So, it causes a rash in so many people. Even if it doesn’t happen the first time, over time it just changes your pH under your pit and it can cause a bad rash. So, I took out the baking soda, and the nurse in me wanted to find something that would just help your body be more efficient. So, what I found is that magnesium, as you know most people are deficient in magnesium. Magnesium does a ton of stuff for your body. It helps with your heart, and your muscles, and also sorts, but for your body odor, it helps you deodorize more efficiently internally.
So, I put magnesium and zinc oxide. Magnesium internally will help you deodorize, but externally it kills the bacteria. There’s two ways you can have body odor, caused by bacteria and also by short fatty acids that live under your armpit. So, I kill them in both ways. The magnesium kills the bacteria and the zinc oxide converts the short fatty acids to zinc salt, and zinc salt is odorless. So, it’s really effective.
Then the dry feeling comes from clay. It comes from charcoal if you’re getting the black formula, and it comes from arrowroot powder. Then, there’s a little bit of hemp seed oil because hemp seed helps with fighting body odor as well.
Wendy Myers: Interesting.
Trina Felber: So, it’s really, really good.
Wendy Myers: Yes, I want to try that.
Trina Felber: I’ll send you some too. The new packaging just came in but this is like the trial. So, we’re still shipping in the old packaging right now. We’re doing the conversion, but I’m so excited to get the eco-friendly cardboard push-ups container.
Wendy Myers: Yes. I love that. I love it when companies are mindful of that and doing the eco-friendly packaging to help the environment. I think that’s a wonderful thing.
Trina Felber: Yeah. So, I’ll send you some deodorant and I’ll send you the LED whitener.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, do that. I’ll do a little unboxing. I’ll do a little video. Like I said, I really love your products. I bought the same, and I do use them. I’m really excited to use the tooth whitener.
Trina Felber: Yeah, it’s amazing. We’ve got some people that have sent some before and after pictures. Even just after one or two uses, you can really see a difference. It really brightens it up.
Wendy Myers: I’ll have to do that. I’ll have to do a before and after photo.
Trina Felber: Yeah. It’s so cool because it doesn’t … Like I said, it doesn’t hurt like the activated charcoal, it just does a great a job. Then, the essential oils and the oil-based just is the key instead of that nasty peroxide.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. I’ve been using your charcoal tooth powder. You have a charcoal … It’s called, it’s a Dirty Peppermint Tooth Powder.
Trina Felber: Yeah, the black peppermint, yeah.
Wendy Myers: I really like that a lot because I’ve been using that to get stains off of my teeth because that’s one of the best natural ways to remove stains. Like I said, I drink coffee and tea, so I’m concerned about that stain in my teeth.
Trina Felber: The black formula, I have one here. The black formula of the tooth powder is the exact same formula as the white. So, you’re still going to get the clay. So, a lot of people … There’s companies out there selling just charcoal and people are brushing with that. My concern with that is they’re not replacing minerals because charcoal itself doesn’t have the minerals in it. That’s the same problem with baking soda. A lot of people say, “Oh, I’m okay. I just brushed with baking soda.” Well, the problem is it doesn’t have minerals in it. So, it’s not going to actually promote health long term for your teeth. That’s going to clean them, but remember you’re not brushing your teeth to clean them. You really are brushing them to put the minerals back in.
So on the black formula, it has charcoal added to the three clays. So, you’re still getting the benefits of the remineralization as well as pulling the stains off your teeth as well.
Wendy Myers: Yes.
Trina Felber: It’s just a little messy because charcoal is messy.
Wendy Myers: I was thinking that exact same thing because I had this thing where I turned it over accidentally, and I was unscrewing the top and a bunch of the powder went all over the sink. That was fun cleaning up.
Trina Felber: Yeah.
Wendy Myers: There’s just black powder everywhere. You have to be careful with it.
Trina Felber: Yeah. What I tell people is I just … You don’t need much. Let me show, just so people know.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. Just a tiny little bit, like you just kind of barely dip your toothbrush into it.
Trina Felber: This is a charcoal toothbrush. It’s black. It’s perfect, so you can see. So, there’s actually charcoal infused into there, but you wet your brush down and I shake off the excess water and you just dip your tip. I tap it. Whatever ends up on your brush, that’s it guys. That’s all you need. You don’t even need this much probably.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, I’ve had the little black peppermint thing forever. I mean you don’t need to use that much at all.
Trina Felber: No. It works really well. We’re just used to the toxipaste gab. If you actually flip it over and read it, it says 1% active ingredient. That’s it, and it’s the fluoride. It’s 1% active ingredient. This is 100%. So, if you only use 1% of … You would need to use 99% more of this to get the same, or the other one to get the same results of the Dirty Mouth Tooth Powder. That’s how much less you need because their active ingredient is 1% where mine is 100.
Wendy Myers: Wow.
Trina Felber: So, that’s the difference. It’s hard for people to convert their brain. They get this packaging and they’re like, “It’s tiny. It’s tiny.” I’m like, “Yeah, but I don’t have any fillers.”
Wendy Myers: You don’t need anything. You don’t need that much of it at all.
Trina Felber: Yeah. Long, long time ago, they brush their teeth with dirt. That’s really what they brush their teeth with. They used sticks to clean and dirt to brush their teeth. They weren’t shoveling dirt in their mouth to brush their teeth. It was just dipping and brushing, and that’s really all you need.
Wendy Myers: I know. I did that before actually because when I was 25, I went on this survival camp in Mexico. I went to Chihuahua, Mexico in Copper Canyon. I was on a survival retreat. I don’t know what possessed me to do that, but I was feeling the need for some adventure. So, we went hunting for a special plant that had a stick at the end of it. It was like a toothbrush like bristles, and we used some clay that we found to brush our teeth. It was really exciting and adventurous.
Trina Felber: You were an entrepreneur. You just didn’t realize it. You’re like, “Ah, I should just market this.”
Wendy Myers: Exactly.
Trina Felber: That’s fun.
Wendy Myers: Well, Trina, thanks so much for coming on the show. Is there anything else you want to leave us with? Any closing thoughts that you want the listeners to know?
Trina Felber: I just tell people flip it over. Everything that you’re using, just become aware of what you’re using. Know that natural skincare might sound more expensive, or look more expensive with the bottles might be a lot tinier, but that’s because it’s healthier and you don’t need as much. So, my little jar will go longer than a tube, and it’s ultimately healthier, so it’s saving you money. People can find me on We’re on Facebook, Primal Life Organics. We’ve got Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, we’re all over the place.
Wendy Myers: Fantastic, fantastic. Well, thank you so much for coming on the show and sharing all your knowledge about natural skincare and organic skincare. Thanks for coming on.
Trina Felber: Ah, thanks Wendy. Thanks for having me, and I just love your audience. You guys are perfect for me because you get it. You totally get it.
Wendy Myers: Yes.
Trina Felber: You’re on your way to better health and that’s exactly what I promote as well.
Wendy Myers: Yes. You got to detox your skin, detox your skin products.
Trina Felber: Yes, totally.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. So everyone, thank you so much for listening. I’m Wendy Myers. You can find me at You can also find me on I’m going to be starting to do some unboxing of all kinds of my favorite products. You guys are always asking me what kind of products do I use, and I definitely use Primal Life Organics. I’m going to start teaching you guys a little bit more about what I use at home and doing videos, and me living a toxin-free life at home. Thanks so much for listening, and I will talk to you guys next week.