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Top Takeaways
- Infoceuticals are water that has information imprinted on it, like operating instructions, which can reestablish correct communication in body on a bioenergetic level.
- Water can act as a computer chip, storing information that acts like code in the body, communicating with the specific code of our different cells to bring them back into resonance with each other.
- NES health is on the forefront of helping consumers utilize bioenenergetics in a simple understandable remote way, where they can do bioenergetics in their own home.
- NES health created a system that scans the body and indicates energy blockages, or areas of the body that are out of sync.
- These blocks and roadblocks in our meridians, our communication systems, and energy flow can be caused by heavy metals, chemicals, and emotional trauma, which is a huge underlying cause of physical health issues.
- Specific infoceuticals are then used to bring those blocked parts of the body back in sync, so that the body can heal itself through its own means.
- When these energy drained parts of the body restore their energy, organs can better function and detox toxins.
- Not only can a NES scan detect physical energy blockages, but also emotional trauma, which can then be addressed using various infoceuticals.
- NES eliminates the guesswork of trying to figure out the source of an issue, and provides multiple infoceuticals to help various parts of the body that are all connected to a common problem.
- Infoceuticals can even help parts of the body that are affected by EMF.
- To get a free copy of Steve’s book Energy for Life email mailto:[email protected]
- To start an NES program Click Here!
Wendy Myers: Hello everyone, my name is Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Myers Detox Podcast. You can learn more about me and heavy metal detoxification at On this show, we talk about everything related to heavy metal detoxification, and different alternative health modalities to improve your health and biohacking techniques. Today, we’re going to be talking about one of my favorite things, which is bioenergetics. We’re going to be specifically talking about how information infused water or imprinted water called Infoceuticals, can dramatically change your health outcomes and emotional well being.
What we’re talking about today, it’s really the future of healthcare. It’s where healthcare should be going. Because when you’re working with the body’s energy field, and taking infoceuticals or imprinted water to change the body’s energy field, you are really getting to the root cause of why you have physical health symptoms. Taking infoceuticals are one of the ways that very elegantly, easily, inexpensively can get to the root cause of your health issues and release them and get rid of them to resolve your health outcomes.
We’re going to be talking about all kinds of concepts related to that and exactly how information or correct operating instructions can be imprinted on to water. How imprinted water can help resolve one’s unwanted health symptoms. How information in printed in water creates physical change in the body and can improve your emotions dramatically. How infoceuticals can help to protect from and repair EMF damage from electromagnetic fields. We’ll talk about the last 100 years of science on water memory, like how water holds information like a computer chip, and how when you drink that water that information gets delivered to your body and elicits a change. It’s just really, really interesting conversation we’re having today with Steve McArdle.
Steve McArdle is certified as a NES Health Bioenergetic Practitioner. He got certified in 2007, and he is among the first practitioners in the NES Health Family and saw clients through his private practice in Michigan. NES Health is a Bioenergetic Program. He also has an extensive professional career as a writer and teacher, and today combines all these facets in his role as Director of Training and Education for NES Health. He’s written and taught extensively on health and wellness topics, including the physics of biology, and he’s co author of the book, Energy for Life. Steve, thank you so much for coming on the show.
Steve McArdle: My pleasure for being here Wendy, thank you for having me.
Wendy Myers: You are an expert in bioenergetics and infoceuticals and energy. You are a NES Health Practitioner and a teacher about energy and so bioenergetics. This is a really interesting conversation that I wanted to have because I’m really passionate about energy medicine and it being the future of medicine and bioenergetics. I want to really open people up to this conversation about the possibility that the body it doesn’t work just physically we have an energy field, and we can manipulate or change that energy field by feeding it information. One of the ways that we can do that is taking water that has information imprinted onto it and infused into it, and then feed that to our body and impart massive change and responses physically in the body.
That’s the conversation we’re having today. Number one, let’s talk about can information… I have already answered that question, but just how was information imprinted on water? Does water have a memory? Let’s start there.
Steve McArdle: Right. Let’s first just real quickly start with the topic of information because information seems so vague and a theory of two people, and understandably so because it doesn’t have the physicality that you can grab on to and look at. A lot of times when people hear this idea of information actually causing a change in the body, it’s hard to think that that can be a real thing. What I like to emphasize for people is that when you get into physics, information is at the heart of everything, and it’s actually measurable in terms of when you get down into quantum physics that is below atoms, the smaller than atoms, right? When you get down into the base reality of the world, which even comes before energy. It’s not that somebody has to grasp all these ideas, but just to understand that it is considered by physicists are real thing and that, that is actually what drives energy and energy, the movement of energy is chemistry.
When we think of our bodies and all the tests that can be done medically, for example, and the pharmaceuticals that are used on our bodies they all work on a chemical basis. What we’re looking at when we work with information is actually a control system for the energy that determines the quality of the chemistry and the body. It is just this buildup of you’ve got information that controls energies, that control system for the energy of the body, that controls the body’s chemistry. Normally medicine is hovering up here, what we’re saying is, let’s go deeper, let’s go down into more of the root cause of what’s really going on for someone. I just wanted to make it clear for your audience, that information is a real thing. It really is about acting as a control system for things. That’s information.
Wendy Myers: Yes, and that I think it’s such an important conversation to have because we all know loved ones and family members and then my client base, also people that I see in my practice that have tried everything physical. They’ve tried the doctor, they’ve tried the medicine, they did the testing, they’ve taken supplements, they’ve changed their diet. They’re trying to do all this stuff, exercise, all this stuff that there is known in the mainstream collective consciousness to impart change in the body to feel better. When you’ve exhausted all of those things, what do you do? What do you do if you can’t take supplements anymore? What do you do if you can’t eat? You can only eat five foods? What if you react to everything? What if you can’t leave your home because you’re so sensitive to EMF or chemicals or what have you? What do you do now?
This is the answer, not just for people that are really, really sick, but also for people that are just looking for really getting to that root cause working in the body’s energy field and imparting information to it and to people’s energy field, to then create physical change in the body. I just want to put in my two cents there.
Steve McArdle: You nailed it. If you think about food and diet, right? We’re big proponents of healthy eating and all that as you know, but you can put all the fuel you want in your body. The same as if you have a car, and you put plenty of fuel in the car, if you’ve got a bad map you can drive all day long, and you’ll never reach your destination. Or it’s like if you had all the eagerness in the world to do something for somebody, and you call them up and said, “I’ve got energy, I’m ready to go do something for you. What do you need me to do?” There’s a garbled communication between you and that other person. You’re not going to understand them, and you may run out and do the wrong thing, the opposite thing.
Communication, which is what this is control System is all about. It’s at the heart of everything, right? Likewise, if communication is good, but we have no energy then it’s fine that we’ve got a map, but we have no fuel for the car. We’re never going to get where we want to go either you need both. What we’re saying is, there is another side of the coin that you have to take in consideration when you want to correct the body.
Wendy Myers: Yes. Essentially, what we’re getting at here is that we’re going to be talking about something called infoceuticals, which has the water that has information imprinted on them, correct operating instructions. When you take these, you can establish correct communication, the body, reestablishing proper communication in the body. That’s what we’re really getting out here. Let’s talk about anything else you want to talk about like how water has a memory, and the evidence for memory in water.
Steve McArdle: Well, it’s so fascinating because scientists for probably 100 years or more, have been finding this property of water where it can store information. By storing information, what I mean is, you could literally take a substance that normally creates a reaction in the body, right? Somebody would take the physical substance into the body, they would have a reaction to it. Scientists have been finding for 100 years that you could put this type of substance into water and dilute it to the point that the physical substance is no longer there. Then when the person takes the water, they still have that biological reaction. There’s been tremendous resistance for obvious reasons, because this rewrites our understanding of water and of life itself. A lot of scientists have lost their careers over this, even Nobel laureates have lost their careers over this information. It keeps coming up over and over again, which is just fascinating. It’s like, it’s impossible to suppress it forever and now people are starting to understand that this is the case.
It’s in our society, we don’t hear a lot about it, but overseas there’s a lot of research going on in Russia and places around there. Where the scientists have a little bit more flexibility in this area, and they are researching depth. There are books that talk about a lot of this research that’s being done, and it’s really exciting to learn about it. It’s really disappointing when you see that it’s just not catching on, or it’s being pushed back against to the degree it is because we were finding at NES Health when we’re working with infoceuticals. We’re finding for 17 years since the company was founded, that this is real and that we can have a real biological effect on people, when they are simply given restorative information or that ability to correct the communication that’s going on within the body.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. The Russians are on the forefront of bioenergetics, and the resource they’re way ahead, I just heard about so many crazy things are going on there. They put information into supplements, and they’re just so many different kinds of systems and things that they’re doing, they’re just really on the forefront.
Steve McArdle: It’s the real challenge of special interests when you have a power structure that involves that, “Hey we don’t want that to work because that threatens our money. It threatens our power.” It’s understandable, but at the same time it’s disappointing, and it’s great that there are areas where those same interests are not suppressing, where that work is being discovered. Luckily, we’re in a world now where we can communicate country to country and learn the best of what’s been done out there and start to incorporate it even if the mainstream has not yet caught on to what’s possible.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. I mean NES Health is on the forefront of helping consumers utilize bioenergetics in a simple, understandable, remote way where they can do bioenergetics in their own home. NES Health has just created an unbelievable system to be able to figure out what’s going on in your body and using infoceuticals to give information to the body to impart the physical changes and physical improvements that people are looking for. I’ve been to several trainings, I just went to another training over the weekend with you in Tampa, Florida and I’ve been a two previous ones. I’ve dealt with thousands of clients that are doing NES Health and talk to so many people. It’s just amazing. The testimonials, the stories that people have of NES Health completely turning around their lives using infoceuticals, using information that’s imprinted into water. Because water is like a computer chip, it can hold information.
Steve McArdle: Basically, right. Yes.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. It’s just amazing to me. It continues to astound me, the more I learn.
Steve McArdle: Yeah. When you think about audio tapes back when they were literally on tape, right? You would see something like that you would think, “Well, that’s not something you could have information on that actually makes music out of a tool.” Or CDs, the same type of thing or the information you can store on computer chips to run so many different things. Information, when you think about in those terms becomes much more real, and you understand that physical substances can be imprinted with information that then has real effects in the world. Right? That’s all we’re saying is that water has some capacity to do that. That’s what all the research is showing. Now we’re not with there are theories about how it’s possible within water, but whether or not those prove out how it’s happening, we know that it is happening and that’s the exciting part is we know we can get those effects.
Of course, as we continue to explore it and learn how is that happening? I’m sure we will enhance, again, you said the future of medicine, right? We’ll continue to grow this and make developments but exactly as you said, the testimonials you hear as long as I’ve been doing this, it still excites me. It still makes me giddy. When I say see results of assessments relating so directly to what somebody is dealing with. The biggest thing of all, of course, is when the rubber meets the road, somebody actually takes the remedy. While sometimes, results are more subtle, and sometimes they take a little time, other people have these dramatic results in a matter of hours, and it’s incredible to watch it.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah. It doesn’t cease to amaze me either. I mean, I just also just my own personal experience. Like last night, I started having a toothache. I actually had a toothache, mildly throughout the NES Health Conference, but I was there over the weekend. I was using another device called miHealth, and it just gives information on energy waves, same exact concept. It has managed my pain amazingly, until I can get to the dentist. I’m just using information that’s not imprinted in water, but it’s imprinted on an energy wave. It’s the same concept, is just a different vehicle for delivery. I’ve just been using this device on my face, and I’m not in pain. I would be in excruciating pain right now probably until I can get the dentist until Saturday.
Steve McArdle: First thing I was going to ask. I was going to say, did you put miHealth on it?
Wendy Myers: Yeah.
Steve McArdle: Same thing everybody who is in pain just like I hear those stories endlessly, with somebody feel physical pain, and they use that and such fast results they get, right?
Wendy Myers: Yeah, it’s amazing. Infoceuticals can do similar things. Let’s talk a little bit about the science, and some of the pioneers in water having a memory and there’s absolute science behind this Nobel Prize winners have more, someone like Luc Montagnier has won a Nobel Prize based on this type of researcher. Let’s talk about some of the other people that have proven that water has a memory and can hold information.
Steve McArdle: Sure. Well, I know I’m going to draw a blank on a lot of the names I’ve run across over the years. Because again, it goes for 100 years of research, and I’ll draw a blank on most of those. The name that really comes to me is Jacques BenVinste, he was a Nobel Prize winner and had he was renowned in France. He had his own large Lab, and he had somebody within his lab come and express an interest in studying this thing. BenVinste at the time, did not even think it was possible, but he was open minded enough to allow this person to explore the possibility that you could dilute a substance within water and water would retain information about the original substance to still have a biological effect. They studied it for years, he was shocked to find that it was legitimately leading to results. They continue to study for years, and they ended up getting the information published in Nature Magazine or the Nature Journal.
Unfortunately, Nature then wanted to come over and test what was going on because they said, this is not even possible, given that this would make us rewrite everything. They went over, and they had him redo his tests, and he showed them the results. They then decided to change the protocol of the test and ran it again with something that was less sensitive. They lo and behold, they changed the test, they didn’t get the same results. As weird as that sounds they then went back, and they wrote to all their readers and said, “Yeah, this isn’t real, don’t worry about it.” Well, meanwhile, all these other labs were able to reproduce results and then BenVinste was getting by actually running it the way he had run it. It’s really fascinating to see how resistant the community is to having something that will shake up the way they have to explain things, but shaking things up is how you move into the future.
He had, you mentioned Montagnier who was able to actually take his work to the next level. I believe he was able to actually use electronics to stimulate the water to actually reproduce the effects of DNA in a clean vial of water. That is he didn’t need the original DNA in that water, he was able to reproduce the electronically and that is much more along the lines of what infoceuticals are. Montagnier was another Nobel laureate, again, both of these men lost their reputations within scientific community, but good for them that they said, “It doesn’t matter, this is real. This is what we’re finding. At the end of the day, the truth is what matters.”
Wendy Myers: Yes. Let’s talk about how NES Health took this information. This 100 year history of the research on the memory of water and then created their infoceuticals.
Steve McArdle: Yes. One of the co-founders of NES Health was Peter Fraser, and he spent decades I think matching tests is maybe another day to discuss because they’re a little bit complex. He basically had a way of determining if one thing matched another. He used a technology to determine their connections, basically, through information, right? He would determining that the information on one basically would speak with the information of another. That’s a simple way to put it. He did this for years and years and years in order to basically map out this control system, this underlying control system that ultimately determines the chemistry of the body. How we would normally think of ourselves, he was looking at this underlying control system.
In doing so, he was able to come up basically with mathematical codes that could represent or stand for all the different organs and systems of the body. When I say a mathematical code what I mean is a way for it to be reflected through a computer, right? By doing that, he then had a code that could be imprinted into water. This is done using modulated light, basically modulated by these codes and imprinting light into the water. An interesting point of the resources done around the memory water is that it only works in an electromagnetic field. If you block out all electromagnetic fields, the imprinting of information cannot take place onto the water. Well, normally that’s provided by the earth, the earth has these massive fields, but they’re very low power. When NES imprints its infoceuticals, it actually does it under really high power, under 10,000 volt electrostatic charge.
The reason for that is that produces a lot of stability, unlike something like homeopathy where you would not ship that through an X-ray, or you wouldn’t take it through an X-ray in an airport or anything like that. The NES infoceuticals are really stable, those types of things aren’t a concern because of such a high power that it’s imprinted in. Within that field, we use lights, and we use various frequencies of lights in order to imprint this information. It’s all based on these codes. So that What happens is when you drink the water, and you just take a few drops that you can put onto your tongue, or you can put in some water and drink it. What happens is that information of a healthy liver cell, that information of a healthy kidney cell, or whatever it might be is now in this control system.
Where there might be problems with those cells physically, there is that idea of when you strike one tuning fork, right? It’s at the key of C, and you have another tuning fork at the key of C nearby, you can bring them close to each other. Without touching, the one that is vibrating will start the other one vibrating, it’s through something called resonance. That same thing is what happens with infoceuticals. They’re introduced into this control system, and the cells that are a little bit off get brought back into resonance with the new correct signal that we introduced.
I know it’s a lot to understand, I’m trying to keep the concept simple. If you think of just that idea of resonance and saying, “Hey, we’ve brought in the correct signal, we’re going to bring these back in alignment with that.” That’s really what’s happening, and it restores the ability for the body to communicate correctly in for energy to flow correctly. As a result for chemistry to then respond.
Wendy Myers: Yes. That’s such a great way that you explained it like that. Dr. Peter Fraser his goal in owning, he owned an Acupuncture School for 14 years.
Steve McArdle: Right.
Wendy Myers: His goal was to scientifically prove the meridians in traditional Chinese medicine. He was doing all these experiments trying to measure the frequencies of all these different objects, thousands of objects. The different frequencies, all the different organs give off in the body and trying to figure out what the frequency of a perfectly functioning liver and the frequency of a perfectly functioning kidney. That’s a simple way to put it but he’s trying to map this out so that he can the use a computer software that was eventually developed to then measure where the blockages were in the body’s meridians or on the organs or what have you. Anywhere in the body there was an energetic blockage, or a block in communication information getting to that organ or body part. That was really his original goal.
Steve McArdle: Well, and the really cool thing about it was that he was able to use modern technology to confirm a lot of that ancient history of traditional Chinese medicine and at the same time, found some variations. He was an expert in these meridians, and he knew what should be speaking to what according to the Chinese. He was able to confirm a lot of that, but he was also able to update some of it, which was really exciting is to find that level of confirmation and yet also that that side of the correction to it, right?
Yeah. It was really his partnership with Harry Massey, the other co founder of the company, who he had the background that allowed the new software to be developed that could make these tests quick. Because the approach that Peter was taking was much more involved, took a lot more time took a great deal of expertise, and, frankly allowed for practitioner bias. That’s why Peter tested and retested and retested things over years and years to really map things out. With the software that Harry was able to help develop, the practice your bias is taken right out of it, the time is taken out of it because it’s more like taking a snapshot of everything at once it takes two seconds to do. It’s fascinating software when you’re able to get this assessment. Then it’s even more fascinating when you actually end up with the remedies that make these have these results.
We’re thinking all these years I’ve been looking to convention to the standard way of fixing the body, so to speak, right? It wasn’t until I got beneath that that things started happening, right? That’s the story for so many people. I mean, it was Harry story in the very beginning when they first met, the reason he came on board and partner with Peter was because nothing from Madison and nothing from all the alternatives he had tried, had been able to help him through his chronic fatigue. It wasn’t until he started taking the early remedies that they had that ended up developing a lot more remedies and in ways that were inspired by Harry to take it a different direction. As a partnership, they were able to develop the rest of the line, but those early ones that Peter had developed within days, Harry was starting to see these massive shifts that he hadn’t seen. He said, “My gosh, this is for real. This is for real.” That’s when it became his lifetime commitment to bring this out to the world, infoceutical.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. He met Peter Fraser, and he was able to take all this 30 years of research that he done, and put it into a software system, where today, people can do a scan, they just put their hand on a little scanner, and in a few seconds it test 450 different data points in their body to see what has an energetic block. Usually when we have an energetic block, you may or may not have a physical breakdown and functioning but for so many people, it’s just uncanny the high correlation between their known physical health issues and what they see in the scan. There’s no denying that, people are really shocked. They’re really shocked when they see their scan results. Then based on the scan, it tells us what infoceuticals that they should focus on first.
Steve McArdle: Right. What this control system or body field as we like to call it, what is it most needing in that moment for support? Because, a lot of times we’re stuck up in this brain, and we’re thinking in a more medical sense, right? “Okay, well, this is wrong with me. I need to take this thing and it will fix it.” That’s the disease and cure mentality. What we’re saying is no, you may have these symptoms going on here. Yes, medically, they might describe that as this disease or that disease. We’re not even thinking in those terms.
What we’re saying is, all these symptoms could have lots of different causes. You have reached this point through your own unique path, and have built. We all have, right? We’ve all been down for years and years, going along this path and creating this tangle underneath everything, and it needs to be untangled in a certain order. That’s why we do like to use this scan to say, we’re not worried about the symptom so much. We’re worried about what’s going on underneath and how we untangle that. As we untangle that, then the body has its own ability to resolve all of this. That’s the whole approach of bioenergetics.
Wendy Myers: There’s 72 infoceuticals, it might be a little bit more 75 or something, but there’s usually a few new ones that had come out. Originally they made a couple thousand, they did a lot, Harry and Peter did a lot of these different experiments. Harry has told me about a lot of them that are really funny. Over time, they had experimented on themselves to try to get whittled down to these most effective most important infoceuticals that are for the kidney, for the liver, for the brain, for the emotions, for what have you. For sleep and there’s lots of them. In looking at the scan you know, which ones are that you need to take. Usually people take about five, you have to take more. You can get too much of a good thing, you don’t want to take 20, there’s only so much information you can feed your body every day. There’s only so much change your body can deal with.
Steve McArdle: To that point, it’s not harmful to be taking more. It’s just the body is only got so many resources to make that change happen.
Wendy Myers: Exactly, exactly. Infoceuticals, and tell us how they can’t harm you. They’re not going to hurt you. Can you talk about any the pros and cons of infoceuticals and side effects.
Steve McArdle: Exactly to your point. I mean, if you’re even talking herbs or something like that we know that I would not personally sell herbs to somebody without doing a lot of schooling because herbs are medicine, right? They actually work by being slight toxins to the body, and then the body has to respond in the correct way. With interesting infoceuticals, it is the opposite concept. It’s really providing the optimal blueprint for the body, if you will, or say same to the control system. “This is how you’re supposed to be working.” That idea of resonance of if it’s not working the way it’s supposed to. It’s supposed to be like this, but it’s like this. You introduce this to it, and through resonance, try to bring it back to where it needs to be.
It’s a different approach all together at saying, hey, instead of trying to go in and kill the bad things or to pressure the body, and to responding in the correct way. Why not just go in and support it and give it what it’s looking for and remind it. I think that’s the best word you could give it reminded of what it’s supposed to be doing and help it towards that. That is the difference of approach between infoceuticals and something like herbs or homeopathy or even conventional or pharmaceutical medicine, right? They are two different approaches. Now, if you were to use herbs, if that was, for example, your modality you had already trained in herbs, the beauty is that the two can work wonderfully together. That is one thing that we find with infoceuticals is that if there’s a practitioner, nutritionist, a chiropractor, whatever it is, who’s already working in another modality, the response we get from them is almost universally they get better and faster results when they combine it with the information that you get with an infoceuticals.
Wendy Myers: Yes. Let’s talk about how to use infoceuticals. How does someone take them? When do they take them? Can you give us some insight on that?
Steve McArdle: Yeah, absolutely. They come in just a bottle, and you’ve even got one around here.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. I see, I’ve got one right here.
Steve McArdle: There’s energy, energy is an awesome one. They just come in a little bottle and literally just putting some drops into some water and drinking the water. It’s that simple. Imprinting information into water it is ideal if the water is structured because that structure really holds that information. There is, we use salt or mineral solution to be able to structure the water to hold that information. You will get a slightly salty flavor within the water, you can use more water to dilute the taste or very little water if you don’t care. Personally, I put it directly on to my tongue, I don’t even put it into water. I just take out the dropper and put it directly into my mouth. I just make sure that the dropper doesn’t touch my tongue, just so we don’t have a bacterial contamination within the bottle, just to keep things clean, but you can take it directly in the body.
Now, to be fair, there are some people who respond so easily to infoceuticals and I would say, especially children and pets that don’t have all the mental blocks that we do as adults. A lot of times you can just put a few drops onto the skin, and people will have a response and why? Because this control system is not like in your gut, it’s not in your lungs, it’s not inside your body. It’s in and penetrating your body. It’s everywhere and it does extend from the body, which is why you can put your hand on a device and have a reading given. There are people who put it onto the skin and actually get a response that way. I do like having somebody drink it, but it may be in the long run we learned there’s no difference between the two.
Wendy Myers: Yes. We’re going to do a few drops a day of each infoceutical and usually, typically are given about five infoceuticals. What are some of your favorite infoceuticals that you’ve used or seen amazing results with?
Steve McArdle: Yeah. I’ll tell you to jumped in my mind right away, one of them because I always tell when I’m doing training on NES Health. When I’m training practitioners, I always tell them about Bone Driver because it has such an extensive reach, Bioenergetic reach within the body. Bone Driver, as you can imagine, naturally has to do with the fields produced by the bones really by the compression of the bones. It’s one of the reasons that exercise is important or just movement, right? Because we move, and it compresses the bones every time we’re moving around, it does that and that actually helps to generate this field. If we’re not moving, we’re not generating this field. That’s true with all the other what we call drivers as well.
Bone Driver, the nice thing with that is, the bone marrow is associated there, the bone marrow produces our red blood cells, it produces our immune blood cells, right? That alone gives it a lot of reach. Then the Bone Driver also is associated with calcium metabolism, which if you look up, what calcium does in the body, you’re talking about nerve transmission. You’re talking about the beating of the heart, and the circulation of blood and just about everything. For me because of its broad reach, I just happen to really like that one.
The other one that jumps to my mind is Nerve Driver. Nerve Driver, a lot of us are way up in our high frequency brainwaves, and we’re always active, active, active. We have a hard time sleeping because we’re so active by then and Nerve Driver is designed in part to help balance all the brainwaves including the deeper ones. A lot of people actually find that it helps them to sleep. If the problem has been that they are just too up here, it helps to balance things out and may help them to sleep. Why I love Nerve Driver is because overall, when I have worked with people who have had some nervous system issue, I have generally seen very fast responses.
It actually excites me if I see that somebody is coming to me for help with that type of thing because I feel pretty confident that they may see some results pretty quickly. There are a lot of infoceuticals associated with the nervous system, so I would include all of them in there. Nerve Driver is just one that I have found and this is just anecdotal, this is my experience, but I have found often shows up in those situations and often is part of any solution I might find for that.
Wendy Myers: I love Nerve Driver also and that’s what I’ve actually been using to control my nerve pain is taking… I’m sorry not taking the Nerve Driver infoceuticals. You can use that to calm the nervous system down and calm down these nerve impulses that are communicating pain, and pain signal to the brain, but I’ve been using-
Steve McArdle: You can use that setting as well on the miHealth.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. I don’t have my miHealth here, I should probably go grab it but I have this miHealth device, it looks like a cell phone. I would put that on the nerve setting and put it on my face right here where it’s hurting. It’s just amazing my pain just went away after doing it for 20 minutes. It’s just mind blowing. It always surprises me I don’t know why but how I can do all the different things on miHealth, and the NES Health Program infoceuticals can do. I love the Nerve also because I’m very much in my head thinking, thinking, thinking, planning, doing researching and what am I going to do next? I get very excited about my work and bioenergetics and detoxification and always thinking about it, and how to educate people more about it. I have a hard time going to sleep, and I have a hard time sleeping because of that visible this brain activity.
NES has just helped me bring that it’s not necessarily stress, some of it is stress, but just bring all that energy down so that I can calm down and be healthier. As a result, I can sleep better and stress reduction. That’s really I think one of the biggest benefits of doing a NES Health Bioenergetic Program with infoceuticals is stress reduction. That’s just the number one thing that I think it really helps with it gets people better.
Steve McArdle: Well, for sure because it is when you are more balanced with the parasympathetic system, nervous system that you can heal. So many of us are stuck so strongly in the sympathetic nervous system the fight, or flight whatever, that we never give our bodies a chance to rest and heal and yet it’s so essential. Yeah, when we can balance that out a little bit and get a deeper rest, it’s super important. Of course, in your line of work where you’re also supporting people for basically detoxifying and cleansing the body that Nerve Driver is just helping to charge the nervous system, do it has the power to do that type of thing. Because, the nervous system of course it’s central, when you get to above the communication system that we’re talking about, and you get into the biochemical body, that nervous system is so, so critical, and it is highly impacted by the toxins in our world. We need to make sure that, that is kept clean as much as possible.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. Let’s talk about what is causing these energetic blocks in the body. Why don’t you just explain what energetic blocks are on the meridians and then how the infoceuticals work to clear those energetic blocks so to speak.
Steve McArdle: Right. Let’s go back to that concept of a map for example. I mean, if you’re in construction season, you know it without a map you’re driving along, and there’s a block in the road up, and they say, “Detour, go this way.” It takes you longer to get where you’re going, it takes more gas to get where you’re going because there was a block in the road. We were talking about either information blocks where there’s a gap in the map that you’re using, and that creates, “Okay, well, now I’m going to take longer to figure out how to get there, because part of my map was ripped up or something like that.”
That would be more you’re blocking in the communication system, and then you’ve got a block in end. If something is blocking the energy, it means that literally, it’s like somebody putting the brakes on your car while you’re trying to drive somewhere, you need to slam the gas down even harder to get the same distance, right? We’re trying to remove those types of impediments to the information processes working correctly, the communication processes working correctly, and the energy working efficiently, right? We’re trying to combine those to address things. That’s an analogy of what we mean when we’re talking about this.
Wendy Myers: Yes. These blocks and these just roadblocks in our meridians, and our communication systems and energy flowing our body can be caused by heavy metals, by chemicals, by emotional trauma, which is a huge underlying cause of physical health issues that I think so many people that aren’t getting better it’s because of that. EMF, different frequencies acting upon your energy field screwing it all up. That’s why EMF makes us sick and causes cancer, it’s just interfering in our body’s ability to communicate. Is there anything else I’m missing that causes energetic block?
Steve McArdle: Yeah. I would throw pathogens into the mix, bacteria, fungus viruses. Now, when you get into those, those themselves are, again, that could be another day of us having an interesting conversation because there’s a lot of different thoughts on viruses, for example, what they are and the nature of them and the body’s use of viruses and things like that. It’s very interesting. Pathogens in general when not dealt with swiftly they become another blockade as well.
Wendy Myers: Interesting, yes. Let’s talk about how the infoceuticals exactly clears those out. It’s not a clear path into that, but the infoceuticals will strengthen the immune system to assist the body to deal with those. How do the infoceuticals helps to clear these energetic blocks?
Steve McArdle: Well, if I were to take toxins as an example, I mean, the body has as you know, the body has its own methods of already doing that. It’s when the body becomes depleted of energy, that the organs aren’t functioning correctly and aren’t able to then do this, right? They aren’t able to cleanse themselves the way they’re designed to do. It’s not that we are coming in and giving the body some super power, we’re just restoring the energy to the different organ fields and allowing those organs, then to function more the way they’re meant to and then they do their natural thing, which is to clean this stuff out.
Of course, as you then generally are going to combine that with making sure they’re getting the right things to replace whatever might have been in the organs or whatever. From our standpoint from the infoceutical standpoint, we’re just charging the organs fields up so that they can go back to their natural function of doing that. When you’re talking about emotions actually, NES Health was originally introduced without anything to deal with the emotional component as far as infoceuticals but several years into, I want to say six or seven years into the company. They then released stuff that did deal more with what are the residues of emotions that we were not able to process it would be really traumatic events that somebody did not process correctly.
When that happens, we end up with what we call them energetic oscillators, they’re basically these spheres, they stay within that field. It’s like you can think of a magnetic field, and you bring another magnet near it and it bounces off, right? It’s like it blocks things from moving through that area, and we need to resolve that. We have certain infoceuticals that are designed specifically to help resolve the energetic residue of different emotions that were not fully processed. It’s not that we’re going in and doing talk therapy or something like that. We are simply saying the problem with that unprocessed emotion is that it resides still in your body fields memory or your control systems memory, and it’s blocking everything. All we really need to do, we don’t need to make you talk about it or anything, we simply need to resolve it, and then it’s gone.
We have had people who just have these types of remedies, who just overnight… Of course, obviously, sometimes it takes a long time, but we have instances where just about overnight, they feel this dramatic shift in how they respond to things. It’s because a lot of times we’re responding in the same way over and over because of that initial imprint in really a survival mechanism that kicked in as a result. Once that’s resolved, and that fever mechanism is no longer needed, and you can start to make decisions about how you respond to things.
Wendy Myers: Yes. One thing I love about NES is that it’s one of those things where, and all of us have emotional trauma. I think a lot of people that are very, very sick, may have more emotional traumas or may have even a trauma becoming very, very ill, and fearful of that diagnosis or that illness and they can pinpoint, “This is where my health started to decline.” It’s not always just that infection or that car wreck or divorce or what happened. It’s also that emotional trauma from that happening to them. That just stays with them and they may be conscious of it. They may not be, but when doing a scan, you can see what emotional traumas you have, what organs those traumas reside in and take infoceuticals to release that trauma.
I think it’s such an amazingly elegant way to address emotional trauma. An amazingly effective way also because I think for so many of my clients that have been searching for that physical solution to their physical health issue for so long. Trying us and then the emotion stuff comes up they take infoceuticals to clear that they have this dramatic shift in their health, and it’s hard for them to explain it or put it into words, but it propels them finally on to the path of healing.
Steve McArdle: You’re exactly right. It’s neat to see the different ways that those are process because again, we’re not going in with talk therapy, but a lot of times it is brought up then to the conscious mind to process. A lot of people actually see this happening through dreams. They’ll end up having vivid dreams where they realize what it’s connected back to or reawakens them to something that they had forgotten about. It gets processed through a dream that they remember as they wake up. Alternately, some people will just feel this surge of an emotion, in their cases where somebody will just suddenly feel angry and not know why, but it’s been released. It’s like finally being expressed something that should have been expressed long ago and has been suppressed and suppressed and that’s causing all these problems.
They may finally release it for a day or two and all of a sudden, it’s gone. Or they may do so through tears or something that at first maybe seems like, “Well, I don’t want to feel like that. I don’t want to feel angry.” When they realize that this is just like, this short period of going through it and releasing something that was causing problems for years, it’s this weight off the shoulders. I think anybody who knows, especially those who rarely, if ever cry, and then they have a good cry. They know how cleansing it feels and how much weight they feel coming off their shoulders. That’s the type of thing I’m talking about is, “Well, I don’t want to be crying.” Actually, in the end, that was a very healthy thing to do. The problem is we hold so many things in our bodies, and it’s really difficult for the body.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. That’s one of the reasons I was very attracted to NES Health is that I felt I was at a place where I was very healthy. I didn’t have any diagnoses and but I didn’t feel my best. I felt like there’s this other level I could take my health to. I felt like I should wake up feeling better, feeling happy, there’s just something amiss. When I started the NES Health Program, I just felt like I started getting lighter and lighter and lighter and just really resonating at my highest level. Really performing at my highest level, feeling really good. It’s hard to put into words the transformation, it can be very subtle for some people. It can take time for some people. NES Health is not, and for some people it is the first 30 days are like “Oh my god, lightning strikes.” For many people, this is not something we untangle overnight. It’s like anything-
Steve McArdle: Probably, you’re just suppressing symptoms. Right?
Wendy Myers: Yes. You have to do this program for at least six to 12 months. I say 12, 24 months, I’ve been doing it for three years, and I’m not going to be stopping anytime soon. Because I just had too many benefits, and I want to keep ascending. I want to keep improving and keep getting deeper and deeper and deeper and releasing emotional trauma and just correcting other things affecting my energy field and optimum function.
Steve McArdle: Yeah, yeah. We know, I mean, realistically we spend years getting, unwell. Then you know the most unfair thing we can do to ourselves or to a practitioner of any sort is to say, “Okay, I’m going to give you two months to unravel this thing that’s taken years to build up in me.” The most honest thing is to say, “I understand this on an intellectual basis, on an intuitive basis, I understand this, but I’m going to make a commitment to working with a person and not just jump from person to person thinking, in 30 days, they should have my symptoms all gone.” The body sometimes has that ability to just change overnight, but it can take time.
The other nice thing I wanted to comment on this, you’re talking about this raising up, raising up. One nice thing I love about bioenergetics is just by its nature, it forces us to think about the world differently. That’s another way that we get raised up. Because when you suddenly realize that we’re not just chemistry, and you start realizing that there are deeper ways to view the world, it starts to make just a shift in your whole worldview. It starts opening you up to learning about other things and to me, it’s a journey. It’s not just the physical wellness journey, it is the journey you go on as a person as well.
The cool thing is that when you’re working with a NES practitioner, like you Wendy, is that you’re already well along on this journey. You’ve learned so many things that if somebody were to come from the conventional world of, “Just give me a drug or whatever to get me well.” They come over, and they start working with someone like you, all of a sudden their world is going to shift because of all the things you know and all the things you teach them. Month after month, they’re going to learn things, little tips, little tricks they can do to change their lives. Six months, a year from now, it’s not only what the infoceutical has done, it’s the journey the two of you have been on together, that will make them think that they are living a brand new life. That’s what I think is so cool because honestly, I know all of us, we want to feel better physically. At the end of the day, what excites me most is people growing and changing and transforming. That’s what I think it happened when somebody is working with somebody who does what you’re doing.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. This is why I am a huge proponent of NES Health and bioenergetics and infoceuticals because this is not only for me been an improvement in my physical health, my being on NES Health program, but also very much an emotional improvement. Really connecting more with my emotions, releasing trauma, but also a spiritual journey as well.
Steve McArdle: Absolutely.
Wendy Myers: In letting go of things that no longer resonate with me, removing people from my life who drain me energetically. Attracting and bringing into my life and having a more of an awareness of the people that I want around me and don’t want around me, and doing the work that I want to do. You come into your life’s purpose, or step into it much more so because of this increased awareness that you have. Because you have more of an awareness of your environment and how it works more so how the body works, how everyone emits these energy fields that you can feel. You can feel when there’s a negative, toxic, sick person around you and you feel repulsed, and you understand more so why that is. For me, it’s just a really a profound program on so many levels.
Steve McArdle: It’s almost like we should give people fair warning like, “Warning, before you come and see me, are you ready for real change to happen? Not just have symptoms suppressed.” Because in my view you go in, and you see the doctor for example, and you’re given a drug to suppress symptoms, and ultimately, that’s likely to drive more symptoms and then you’ll go get on another drug, there’s no changes happening. You don’t change your lifestyle, you don’t change your mindset. Really, you’re not changing your health, that you’re actually likely making it worse, and I’m a big fan of emergency medicine. I think there’s a time, and a place for a drug to simply suppress something to clot your blood to do whatever it an emergency situation.
For me, for long term transformation and wellness, I’m thinking in a totally different way. There are some people who are not really ready for that change. I’ve seen people who have gone through symptomatic corrections by working with me that Western medicine never would have given them. They couldn’t stick around because it was like, they didn’t want that change happen, because we know sometimes they’re actually benefits to being sick emotional benefits to being sick. The question is, are you looking for real transformation of your life? If so, this is just an outstanding way to do it.
Wendy Myers: Yes. That’s true, some people do get a payoff for being set that maybe they don’t have to work or they get more attention or what have you. People have to have awareness of that, if that’s the case. I love myself NES Health, I love infoceuticals, I highly recommend it to anyone to try it and commit to it for at least six months. It’s just like anything, it’s not a miracle by itself, you still have to have the diet and the lifestyle and get out in the sun and do healthy things. It will really help you much more so than a lot of conventional methodologies, and even functional medicine is amazing. It’s an improvement over conventional, but even functional is not addressing the emotional trauma part that drives this illness that we know in the research adverse childhood events. People that have more adverse childhood events have a much higher likelihood of having chronic illness and this is well established in the research.
There’re benefits to all this stuff but with NES Health, I recommend people do at least six months, ideally 12 months to allow the body to make these corrective changes because again, the body can only do so much every day, every month. For some people, those changes can come slow and for other people, those changes can come very, very quickly. You have to give it a chance. It’s just like eating salad, for instance. There’re some people out there that they go on a diet, they want to eat healthy, or they eat salads for like a month. Some people don’t see a lot of change or weight loss as a result of doing that. They’re like, “Why bother?” They just go back to their old diet. It’s the same concept, you’re not going to have some miracle in your life from just eating a salad every day.
Steve McArdle: Yes. Well, it’s this idea of a tipping point, where some people might be much closer to a tipping point of change happening than others. It’s often hard to know because it’s that hidden factor, like how much change have I already gone through, so that the next thing is going to push me over that edge? Some people, they need to reach this point, and they might see very subtle changes, very subtle changes for months and months and months and not feel that anything really profound is happening for them. Then they hit that point and everything shifts, right? That’s why it’s always a shame when you push along just for a short time, and you have no idea how close the profound change is.
It’s why I really encourage people when they go on to a program like this, to pay attention to the subtle things that happen. Sometimes, it’s just a shift in how often they feel like they need to eat, or a shift in how they respond to somebody in their life, or just slightly better quality of sleep. There’s a lot of subtle things that people will experience along the way. If they track those and if they work with a practitioner like you, the practitioner is likely writing down. Write these changes over time, that’s usually part of a discussion in doing a scan assessment. Either way, remembering these subtle things along the way, after six months of a lot of little subtle things, that totals a lot of changes in your life when you add them all up.
I would just say don’t discount that because those are the things that ultimately change your opportunities in life, the people you meet. All sorts of things shift when these little… it’s like if you are walking from one end of the room to another, and you’re off by just a tiny bit, you’re going to get where you’re going, no problem. If you did that going to the moon, you would completely miss the moon, and you have to be very precise. Those little changes instead of getting to the moon you go somewhere else entirely, right? You’re not stopped at the moon. You got to keep going and going, and it’s just this idea that little changes build into massive transformation in your life over time.
Wendy Myers: Yes. One step at a time, one infoceutical at a time. Yeah, because I’m definitely in my own journey on us. When the first 30 days I had subtle things happening, and I started this before I went to training before I really fully understood it. When I started taking, I took six infoceuticals and I started having really vivid dreams, and I had hadn’t been dreaming prior to that. I attribute part of that to NES Health helping me to sleep better, reducing stress and sleeping better so that I was remembering my dreams, but it was also after I went to training, it was that emotional trauma that I was releasing and processing in my dreams. Then I also had an uptick in my mood, I felt like a little bit little cheerier and I felt more relaxed I felt less stressed. These are also things where you might think, “I wake up and I just felt pretty good today.” And, not attribute that to NES, to the infoceuticals.
I think that’s what people have to be careful about is realizing that these subtle changes when you’re doing in NES program are because of NES.
Steve McArdle: You’re right, exactly.
Wendy Myers: Giving credit where credit is due. It’s one of the things that I go through periods myself to where I’ll have a couple months where I’m like, “Yeah, I know I don’t really feel anything taking infoceuticals and doing the miHealth.” I know that I have to keep going to reach that tipping point where I have that huge shift. It can be in shifts that I have had, it being breaking up with a relationship have been that no longer resonated with me. I feel like I’m just not in alignment with this person any longer, or even business relationships reaching a point where I just can’t, I can’t be around this person anymore. It doesn’t work for me anymore, because of how I feel and how their energy is affecting me, and how that makes me feel. It’s just getting away from people in my life that don’t work for me anymore and that was painful.
That’s not pleasant, and also that’s in a nutshell, some of the lot of the changes that I’ve had, but I’m so happy now, I’m so much more happier now that I’ve made those changes and shifts. Even though they were painful to do that and let go of certain people that you love and care about, sometimes they just don’t work for you any longer. That can be the same with your job also, where you’re just in a job, you’re not happy and you start doing this, and you finally have the energy or the brain clarity or the motivation or something where this doesn’t resonate for me and you make that change finally.
Steve McArdle: Yeah, absolutely. I couldn’t say it better myself. That’s good.
Wendy Myers: This is much more than improving your physical health symptoms. It’s just helping to elevate you as a person emotionally, spiritually, and making profound change in your life that helps you to step into your life purpose.
Steve McArdle: That’s why I so encourage working with a practitioner like yourself, because those journeys are better done with somebody who is walking alongside you. A lot of times, a transformational journey can feel very lonely. It’s great when you have somebody who’s on a similar type of journey, who’s maybe seen some of the types of things you’re going to go through and can guide you through that. Yeah, I agree. I think that’s the real power, all of us are here to make a difference in the world. When we’re held back by block information, and even blockages in our relationships, our jobs, anything like we do, we need to clear all of that out because we all have a role to play, that we are best suited to play that nobody else is best suited to play. It’s a shame to think that a lot of people don’t ever express that, but it’s exciting to think that we have so many people who could still tap into it that can transform the world itself.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. Because we’re talking about addressing physical health symptoms or releasing emotional trauma, but the bigger conversation is releasing people from illness, so they can be who they were meant to be in the world.
Steve McArdle: Exactly.
Wendy Myers: That’s the bigger conversation we’re having because when like Harry Massey, he was bedridden for seven years with chronic fatigue, couldn’t work, couldn’t do anything barely could get up to go eat, or go to the bathroom. I mean, you can’t be who you’re meant to be in the world when you’re dealing with symptoms like that. Even just having daily brain fog, or you can’t remember anything or you’re just too tired to spend time with your kids, at the end of the day. You just can’t show up in the world with who you want to be or you were meant to be with even just mild subclinical symptoms. NES Health, I think it’s just going to have a profound effect on the world and that’s why I’m trying to help get the word out as much as I can about it.
Steve McArdle: Yep. I love the work that you’re doing. It’s amazing.
Wendy Myers: Thank you. Let’s talk about homeopathy, I think no conversation would be complete without talking about homeopathy and how that’s different than infoceuticals. Because, homeopathy is like, again, trying to impart information into your body with a diluted substance. I feel like infoceuticals are the evolution of homeopathy. Can you give me your two cents about the differences between the two?
Steve McArdle: Sure. Well, that actually goes directly back to the conversation we had with herbs, and the difference between herbs and infoceuticals. Where herbs are actually acting as a mild toxin, and your body needs to then respond. If the body is supposed to be like this, but it’s out like this, it’s almost like the herb is going in and poking it and hoping it will respond and come back closer to where it was supposed to be. It’s just an analogy, a visual analogy, but you get the idea. Homeopathy is really the same concept, or instead of the original herb, it’s doing so through the inflammation of the earth, but it’s still that that toxic pressure and asking the body to respond.
In one sense, or in a large sense, I would say it’s likely far safer than taking the herb, but it’s still working on that same principle. Again, we see, say that, you could use the two as complimentary, right? One is poking the bear and getting it to respond, while the other is showing and through resonance, trying to bring it back to where it is, where it’s meant to be. There is that idea where you can use them in a complimentary way, the challenge with homeopathy is that if you poke the control system and ask it to respond, and come back to hear, it may not have the energy to do that, or it may not know what the correct response is. You’re asking it to have a correct response and it has no energy or the knowledge of how to do that. That’s why for me, if I’m using homeopathy, I’m using infoceuticals with it. If I only have one to choose from, I’m choosing the infoceuticals first for that reason.
As I said, they’re much more susceptible to challenges from if you’re not supposed to keep them near a microwave, you’re not supposed to brush your teeth within 30 minutes of eating them. You’re not supposed to use toothpaste at all, with homeopathy, you have these things where you have a lot of rules around what will make it effective and not effective. Whereas, that just doesn’t apply with infoceuticals. You can take them with food, you can take them apart from food, there’s no issues with brushing teeth. They do have a lot of differences between them including that main principle of one is corrective, and one is asking for a corrective response. Yes, infoceuticals do approach it all differently, even though they’re both working from the basis of field or information or this control system. They’re both working on that level, but in different ways.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. I think another inherent issue or problem with homeopathy is the guesswork involved in choosing one thing, homeopaths will look at symptoms and then guess as to what homeopathic remedies will be used. Then apply them systematically like, “If I have a thyroid issue, I’ll use this homeopathy.” Or “I have this heavy metal uses homeopathy for that. Homeopathic remedy for that.” That isn’t how you go about addressing the body and that’s how people have been trained to think, “I have this symptom. I got to take something for this symptom, to get rid of the symptom.” The body doesn’t work like that, there’s a lot of different multiple factors affecting and causing that symptom and these underlying things, probably need to be addressed first in order to get rid of that symptom. Can you explain that concept a little bit about bioenergetics and how NES Health has revolutionized and has created this revolution in the research in the order in which the body is supposed to heal?
Steve McArdle: Yes. It’s funny I was smiling as you’re talking because my wife literally just this morning was talking about how challenging it is for a homeopathic practitioner to choose the right remedy. Because really if you go in and study homeopathy and how you’re supposed to determine, there might be several different remedies for a set of symptoms on the surface. Then you have to dig deeper, and you have to start finding out well is it worse when you’re laying down or when you’re sitting up? In tradition, the homeopath would sit with a client, and there are a lot of things in order to find the right symptom. It’s very time consuming, it requires very precise observation. A lot of times, if you’re just asking the client, the clients got to remember the client has to observe himself. How often are we accurate in the way we observe things, especially about ourselves, right?
The challenge of finding that right solution it’s really difficult. When you’re dealing with this control system, yes, things are not always, as I said, we each tangle things up in a unique way because we’re all walking these unique pathways in life. If you go from a symptom standpoint, you are saying, “Well, I assume that underneath this symptom is this, this and this.” Ii need to be addressed in a particular order, when in fact, two people with the same symptom can have just this different cascade of what led to that. The body knows that, the body knows the process that it was developed, and therefore the process of unwrapping it all or unraveling it all. It knows how to untangle that mess that we have underneath, and it can tell us if we ask it, what needs to be addressed today. Then a month later, or a few weeks later, what needs to be addressed today and we can support it according to the body’s own wisdom.
The body is amazing. It’s got us this far because it’s amazing because as these amazing healing abilities. If we listen to it, it will help us unravel all of that, and that’s what we’re able to do with a NES scan or NES assessment that we use to advise on infoceuticals. If you’re not doing that, you’re just going by your own gas, then you’re using your brain, this very conscious brain instead of the power of the subconscious that’s trapped within this body field and really knows what’s going on. We barely scratched the surface, and we’re thinking from this brain, we just can’t assess everything that is going on in these deeper levels.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. A really good example of this is to see people that have diabetes, which is, going to break the healthcare system in the coming years, if not already.
Steve McArdle: Probably, if we can’t help it first.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, exactly. People with diabetes, they think, “The pancreas is breaking down, it’s not producing enough insulin or responding properly.” It’s actually the stomach, when you have an energetic block in the stomach, that then is the first warning sign that eventually could lead to diabetes. That needs to be addressed first, or you can even prevent to a large degree, that improper response because it’s just a response is what the body is doing, when it’s not producing enough insulin. You can correct that by… you can see this in the scan when you do a scan, when people are having blood sugar regulation issues, or they’re not tolerating carbohydrates. Also, the order in which that you need to address this, and it’s not like “Let’s take Pancreas Driver, let’s take something from the pancreas.” To fix that, it’s not that simple.
Steve McArdle: No, it’s not. I mean, even from a conventional viewpoint, the liver plays a huge role in blood sugar regulation. We always see, whenever I see liver or pancreas showing up within an assessment, I’m looking for the other one also. I’m seeing, is there a connection between, are both of them showing up, right? Because, it tells me a story. You’re right when we’re talking bioenergetics, we’re talking about communication that happens throughout the body in ways that we don’t normally think of. Yes, bioenergetically, the stomach and the pancreas are connected. We may have something going on with the stomach, when we are thinking pancreas and that’s exactly right.
It’s why I rely so strictly on using the assessment, and I never just say, “You’re having some digestive issues? Here take something to support your small intestine or your large intestine.” I don’t do that. I say, “What’s really going on underneath all of this, and where is the body really looking for support?” Because, I trust that it knows how it’s going to untangle that digestive issue, without me assuming it’s the stomach. It’s this, it’s that, it’s the microbiome, right? The body field knows where it needs support.
Wendy Myers: Yes, yes. Just follow the scan. Do the scan, take the infoceuticals recommended by the scan, sometimes the practitioner will reassess what the software says or recommends based on the client’s needs. It’s just really such an amazing program. I just really encourage people to try infoceuticals, try NES Health scan. With enough NES Health scan, when you do this scan your recommended five infoceuticals, and most of those are only available if you’re working with a practitioner. You can’t just go buy these on their own, but there are some infoceuticals what we call Feel Good Infoceuticals that you can try on your own without employing or consulting with a practitioner or doing a scan. Can you talk a little about those?
Steve McArdle: Sure. Well, you still would purchase them through practitioner for example, like yourself, right? Yeah, these are the ones that we have generally found have a more positive, uplifting experience. They’re not necessarily likely to cause strong detoxification or something like that, that might be better overseen with a coach, right? These generally have more uplifting or positive immediate benefits and energy, which you showed a moment ago, that was one example of Feel Good Infoceuticals, for somebody feeling low energy that’s one that they could try out. We have one called Sleep, and even Nerve Driver that we spoke about earlier, is one of the Feel Good because it just tends to have that balancing effect on the brainwaves. It can calm the nervous system, and I’ve seen like I said, tremendous positive experience by people who have different types of nervous system issues.
Wendy Myers: That one is called Chill, correct?
Steve McArdle: No, I’m specifically speaking of Nerve Driver in this case.
Wendy Myers: Nerve Driver.
Steve McArdle: That Nerve Driver what you and I spoke about earlier, that is among the Feel Good. Another Feel Good is the Heart Driver, which is really, really connected to a lot of positive emotions. The heart field in general is connected to positive emotions, and it’s really perhaps the most uplifting emotionally of the infoceuticals.
Wendy Myers: Yes, yeah. I like Liberator also, that’s a great one to help to release trauma and on a mild level. I really like Liberator, I use that a lot on miHealth also because that settles-
Steve McArdle: Liberator is actually not a Feel Good, so it’s not one they’ll be able to just go to a practitioner just buy. It’s one that’s more based on the scan, but I agree it’s a ride. I love using Liberator, it’s one that a lot of times, and I will use Liberator at night before I go to sleep specifically to trigger those deep dreams. Yes, sometimes you can definitely see that there are emotional processing dreams, but other times I’ve really had some ideas come to me, like business ideas and things like that. It’s a really cool one because it’s one of the few that people connect strongly to having these types of dreams.
Now the one that you mentioned a moment ago Chill, Chill is considered something that’s in the Feel Good range. It’s another one that a lot of people find helps to bring things to the surface and they can they’ll get those types of dreams out of Chill as well. Chill because it is really about helping to calm one down especially from incessant thinking, and especially when that thinking is worry, anxiety, right? And they can’t stop their thoughts and they can’t fall asleep because they can’t stop their thoughts. That’s where we tend to recommend Chill, as something that may be able to help them.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. Chill comes up in my scan quite a bit, because I’m just tried to calm my brain down. What about CFI? Cold Flu Immunity, can you talk about that one?
Steve McArdle: Yes. I like to call it Cold, Flu and Immunity support even though you named it correctly. Just to distinguish for people we’re not saying it is a cure for the cold or anything like that, what it really does when we’re talking about, this belongs to a group of infoceuticals called the energetic terrains. Each terrain is really associated with certain tissues within the body and supporting those tissues. When we’re talking about CFI, we’re talking about mainly your ear, nose and throat down into the lungs, these tissues that are associated very often with Cold’s and Flu’s.
A lot of people will keep that on hand just as a home remedy, they won’t open the bottle until they need it. They just keep it around and then if they feel something coming on, they will take the drops. I would recommend taking them for several days to make sure you’re really supporting those tissues as well as you can to either not end up coming down with something or to help to shorten the duration. I do know people who take it this way, who will just keep it and wait for their first sign or something, and they’ll take it and they swear by it. It’s a fun one, to see people so committed to just using that, and seeing the results that they see.
Wendy Myers: Let’s talk about EMF. EMF protection is a huge issue, I think EMF exposure and the rollout of 5G is going to dramatically impact people’s health negatively because it impacts our communication system. How does the EMF infoceutical, and the NES Health Program in general, help to repair the damage that EMF does to the body?
Steve McArdle: Right. I mean, we can just intuitively understand some people are more sensitive to EMF than others and why is that? From our perspective, from the bioenergetics perspective, it’s because some fields, some people’s control systems or body fields are able to adjust and respond more… I don’t want to say more proactively, they’re just able to respond better and deal with it. Just like some people can eat certain foods and respond to those foods better than other people. Each of us has these different levels of sensitivity, but when the body field is strong, it’s able to adjust and react to these fields better. We’re not saying that 5G or any other non-native electromagnetic fields are ever going to be a healthy thing for you.
What we’re saying is that we have ways to support the body field to have a better response to it. There’s actually several infoceuticals within the scan that would relate to supporting the body field in this way, because we can look at certain things in the scan that are actually damaged or harmed within the body field especially. In other words, certain aspects of the body field are more compromised by electromagnetic fields than others and some of those are very important parts of the body field. As you talked about earlier can really cause a breakdown, a major breakdown of communication, if it’s not addressed.
EMF, the Feel Good infoceuticals we have called EMF, that’s something anybody can buy at any time as something to take just on a regular basis. Maybe especially if they are dealing with, if they are exposed on a regular basis to EMF’s or they’re traveling, and they’re going through X-ray machines and things like that. Polarity, is another field good that we especially recommend people take if they are going on airplane flights, for example. There are others that are within the scan that also support the body field and say, “Here, this damage has been done to this aspect of the field that we know is related to this type of non-native electromagnetic field.” We then use the infoceutical in order to focus on correcting that aspect of the field.
Wendy Myers: You talked about how the body is responding in appropriately like, we have these stressors, and the body is trying to figure out how to respond to that. One reason people have symptoms and are sick is because their body responds inappropriately. Many times that’s because people’s bodies don’t have the energy to respond appropriately to stressors. That’s one thing that NES Health does and infoceuticals do is not only feed corrective information, but feed the energy to the body, different types of energy. The body then has that energy to make shifts, make changes and to respond appropriately.
Let’s talk a little about that, there’s a book called Energy for Life where people can get more information about infoceuticals, about how bioenergetics help to increase energy, and it’s really interesting concepts. I think everybody that’s interested in health or improving their health should read and learn more about. Can you tell us about that book?
Steve McArdle: Yes. The book it’s pretty exciting because it has a real simple theme, and then it’s broken down into a lot more detail. The overall simple theme is that you need to charge what we call the body battery in the body, literally assess if you understand the way that water structures within the body, and the way that we breathe in oxygen that is used to power us. It’s just fascinating to learn more and more and I’m hearing other people talk about it as a battery more and more as well, it functions really as a battery. We know we are electric, we know that this electricity runs through the body, and we need to support that. We need to support the body battery, and then as we’ve talked about here, you need to make sure that that energy is used correctly. That’s where the control system comes into play.
The book is all about how to go about charging that body battery and then through the system, how to go about making sure that, that control system is optimized. It really takes a look, it really explains a lot more about how the NES platform works from the miHealth that you’ve been talking about to the infoceuticals that does talk about some of the water science that we’ve been discussing. It talks about the nature of the assessment itself, the scan that you would do. It really covers all of this. It even covers where bioenergetics is going in the future, because we’re still in the beginning. I mean, we have this incredible platform already, and this is just the beginning, we will continue moving it forward, and finding new ways to assess and correct this control system so that people can, as the title suggests, recover their energy from life.
This goes back to that point you made earlier, when people are not well, their focus is on their symptoms, right? They can be surrounded by their loved ones who they would love to spend time with and do fun things with, but they’re focused on their symptoms. That is the sorriest thing of all, right? We want you to be able to restore that energy for life and restore that ability to focus on your loved ones, and the things that you want to get out of life. When Harry was bedridden, as you talked about, his whole goal was to develop a system that people who couldn’t get out of bed, who couldn’t even go to see a doctor or a wellness practitioner, could from their homes, be able to work with someone and have a solution. Then in this case, sent to their home right and be able to take it and start to restore that energy for life and be able to get out of bed. Is the whole idea of a home wellness system, even though with the NES system you can go see a practitioner like you face to face. You can also work remotely with a practitioner, and that is really fulfilling that goal Harry had all those years ago.
Wendy Myers: Yes. Everyone, I have the book right here. I got a copy this weekend, when I went to the NES Health Conference and I’m just learning about all the exciting things that NES Health is doing and what’s coming down the pipeline. This is the book, you can get a free copy of this book. I encourage you to just email us at support at to get your free copy and check it out. You can get it digitally or sent this hard copy to you like that. Again, just email support at and get your free copy.
Steve McArdle: Awesome. I don’t know.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. Well, Steve, thank you so much for coming on the show and just imparting your vast wisdom of being a NES Practitioner and working in the Bioenergetic field over the last 10 years. You’re such a wealth of knowledge, and I really enjoyed listening to you this weekend at the conference and just teaching me even more about it and just listening to other people’s stories and just the stories of change. I mean, it’s just phenomenal. It’s so exciting. NES Health and Bioenergetics is just such an elegant way, an easy way to address your health issues. It’s really relatively so inexpensive compared to a lot of other modalities out there and just such an easy way to address your health.
Thanks for coming on the show. Are there any words of wisdom or anything else we’ve left out of the conversation that you have?
Steve McArdle: Well, I would just say, I think it’s my passion and my pleasure to be here because I do see this as the future. I want to move like you, right? Like all the NES community. I want humanity moving into the future, right? It’s what I’m really excited to be part of, and as you say, it’s everybody like you bring all this unique stuff to what you offer your clients and every practitioner offers something unique and when we all come together the stories we hear, and the things we’ve learned collectively, are amazing. That’s the one thing that I would just leave us with is remembering it’s by coming together and working together, that we get the most out of everything.
It’s why I encourage someone to go see a Wendy, to see a practitioner who, again, has part of that journey behind them. Can be a coach can work with you, and really transform one individual life, but then as we’re all doing this together, we’re all bringing our unique perspectives, our unique talents, and we just raise, we lift it for everybody. That includes the clients, every client brings something unique to the practitioner as well, and we all benefit together as we do this.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. If anyone, and we piqued your interest during the show, you guys can start your own NES Health Program, go to and click on the programs tab, and you can see NES Health. Then you can also NES Health for pets as well, we have a veterinarian on board that can work with your horse or doggie or kitty. It’s not just for humans. You can do with your whole family and your children as well. I use NES Health on my dogs, and it was great to help make them happier and extend their life and have a better quality of life as well.
Go check that out and again, get your free copy of this amazing book and it’s not too long. It’s just very digestible, even in one day or a few hours. Go to email support at Steve, thanks so much for coming on the show. Our listeners, I will talk to you guys next week, we have another exciting show. Next week, I forget exactly what it is, but we have so many amazing things lined up for you guys. We have Dr. Anna Cabeca coming on the show, talking about hormones and libido and what things impacts your hormones. That was an amazing podcast. Lots of really cool shows coming down the pipeline to continue your education about the underlying root causes of your health issues. Thanks for tuning in, and I will talk to you next week.