Transcript: #37 Grace Fat Loss Method with Grace Suh

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  • 03:05 Grace’s Background
  • 06:17 Grace Fat Loss Method
  • 17:40 Meditation for Weight loss
  • 19:13 Umami
  • 23:55 Exercise 10 minutes a day for weight loss

Wendy Myers: Welcome to the Live to 110 podcast. I’m your host, Wendy Myers. Today I’m going to be interviewing Grace Suh, a licensed acupuncturist about her seemingly strange approach to weight loss. It’s very interesting. We’re going to be talking about her Grace Fat Loss Method; Ancient Secrets to Burn Fat and Boost Energy. If you’re trying to lose weight and you’ve been around the block with all the weight loss methods and books, believe me, you have not heard anything like what Grace Suh is about to discuss with me today.

I know a lot about weight loss I but learned some really fun, interesting new techniques with her Grace Fat Loss Method because it’s such a unique approach incorporating principles of eastern medicine. She really has a lot of simple effective tips that you can incorporate into your weight loss regime.

But first I have to do a little disclaimer. Please keep in mind that this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. The Live to 110 podcast is solely informational in nature. Please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging in any treatment we suggest on the show.

For those of you who are not in the know, I’ve just put a new and improved version of my Live to 110 by Weighing Less E-Guide up on the site. I’m a perfectionist so I just wanted to rewrite and add a couple of things that I thought were really really important. So if you want to learn more about weight loss or The Modern Paleo diet, which is my version of Paleo, go to and sign up for my free 35-page Live to 110 by Weighing Less e-Guide and my 14-part email series about The Modern Paleo diet which are all about living a healthy, disease-free, long life.

Today I’m thrilled to be interviewing our guest, Grace Suh on the show. Grace Suh is a celebrity acupuncturist, founder of, and the creator of the Grace Fat Loss Method specializing in stress and weight management which you can find at She’s maintained a busy private practice in Venice, California the last 14 years – all by word of mouth referrals. People from all over the world fly in to Los Angeles to work with Grace. She’s also an avid speaker and a blogger for the Huffington Post, which I’m very envious about. It’s so nice to have you on the show, Grace.

Grace Suh: Thank you, Wendy and I love Live to 110!

Wendy Myers: Thank you so much! Haha. Yeah, I thought it was a little bit funny.

Grace Suh:  I love it.

3:05 Grace’s Background

Wendy Myers: Thank you, thank you. Well, why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself and what set you on this path to do the work that you’re doing?

Grace Suh: Wow. Looking back, what set me on my path was a long time ago. It was around the time when I started to notice my body change in my teenage years. And I really got fascinated with diets like celebrity diet and exercises and I started following what these experts were saying because I did not like the way my body was changing. I was overweight, I was putting on weight and I was under a lot of stress so I had belly fat. I was going through a lot of struggles so I looked to the celebrities, I looked to the experts that were out there, and what I found myself doing was doing dangerous cleanses and over-exercising. I remember I was a vegetarian for about 4 years and I remember having so much gas and bloating. Next, I wanted to try the vegan diet so I was a vegan for a couple of years. I remember when I was a vegan; I was freezing cold all the time and I didn’t understand why. And I had skin issues, I was moody, I couldn’t sleep, but yet I was doing all these things that these experts were saying to do. I was putting on more weight, I was getting more tired.

The reason why I hit rock bottom was when I started doing dangerous cleanses, the maple-cayenne cleanse, I don’t know if you remember that but I remember doing this and fainting in the bathroom several times. But I’m telling myself “you are going to do this because celebrities are doing this and they’re saying they’re losing weight.” So I kept at it and I got really sick. I couldn’t get out of bed, I was fatigued, I was depressed, I hit rock bottom. By this time, I was in college. When I left college, I was thinking, “I have to take control of this.” What better way than to become an expert and learn about the body so I was looking at medical school, traditional western medical school and traditional eastern medical school. I took the road less traveled and decided to go to eastern medical school because, you were talking about the mind-body approach; I knew when I had those cleanses and diets and those programs, I knew it was more than food, diet, exercise. I knew there was something else that they weren’t addressing. I knew somewhere in my gut that it was the mind, something with the emotion connected to everything. And so I took the road less traveled, went to acupuncture school for four years, and that’s where I am able to learn what I’m able to share today. I’m going to share as much as I can and give you more information towards the end to find out more. I learned something about meridians in acupuncture school which connects everything – the mind, body, and the emotion related to our weight and food.

6:17 Grace Fat Loss Method

Wendy Myers: Well, you have this weight loss method called, Grace Fat Loss Method. When I first found out about you through Sarah Gottfried’s newsletter, I thought it was really interesting to take an eastern medicine approach to weight loss because I know a lot about weight loss but I have never seen anything like what you were doing or talking about. So can you tell the listeners a little bit about your unique fat loss method?

Grace Suh: My unique fat loss method is based on eastern medicine. It’s about using our communication pathway. We have a communication system. We can communicate with our bodies to become a fat burner, de-stress, let go using something called meridians. Meridians are simple highways; think of it as a highway on a freeway where you’re traveling and if there’s an accident, there’s a blockage. These meridians, you want to think of as removing blockages or allowing the free flow of those energy systems to be flowing, to be letting go. You could access this by putting simple pressure on certain parts of the body using your hands and your breath. This is the unique system of the fat loss method.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I actually watched one of your videos or all of the videos. In one of them, you talked about ear flapping. I have been faithfully doing that. I’m flapping my ears every night in my infrared sauna. It was really fun. It’s really interesting to stimulate my adrenal glands. Can you basically tell us what these meridians are how you harness the meridians?

Grace Suh: These meridians, you harness it with your hands. The power of eastern medicine, what I learned, is that you don’t need needles or acupuncture needles, for example. You could access these meridians with your hands using slight pressure with your breath and your intention. Going back to the ear-flapping, we have something called the micro system. They’re these systems that are on our body. So we have ear micro system, we have the hands, we have the feet, we even have the face. These are micro systems which basically means that you could access the entire body including your brain, your nervous system, your internal organs, and your immune system. You could access all these systems on a small surface area. In our case, it’s the ear, which I shared with you in the video. By massaging or flapping those ears, you’re bringing blood circulation to all those parts on the ears and therefore to the rest of the body because it’s the micro system of the bigger body.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I think that’s really interesting because a lot of people know about reflexology and I’ve done lots of reflexology myself to help with detoxing and whatnot but I’ve never really clued into the ear and also the hands being a big part of that as well, and being an access gateway to your meridians.

Grace Suh: That’s right. The feet are a big one that a lot of us are familiar with and we feel it immediately, right? The hands, too. But I love the ears because it’s less maintenance. Haha. I’m always using my hands, washing my hands. When I do something on the hands, I put some pressure points on it like these hand seats but you got to keep washing your hands, you got to take it off and put it back on again. But on the ear, you could let it go for days.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, can you give us a demonstration of using some of these pressure points?

Grace Suh: Well, I love to show this anti-stress point. I like to show this point as often as I can because it helps relax your neck, balance your nervous system, and it’s going to feel great. So for those of you who are listening or watching, just follow along. You’re going to take one hand, take the opposite hand right hand for example, and put the palm of that hand on the opposite side of the chest right below you collarbone. I want everyone, with your fingertips, to find the highest point on the shoulder where your neck meets your shoulders. With your fingertips, I want you to press down and rub back and forth. Most of you listening or watching will feel a slight tenderness, if not a little bit more tenderness in other people. That’s a good sign. That’s the tension you’re pressing to release. When you rub back and forth, you’re acupressuring one of the most important points to help you de-stress, release your neck, and balance your nervous system. We want to do that for fat loss and for stress management. With this, I want you to take a deep breath in through your nose, and out through the mouth.

Wendy Myers: Mine’s as hard as a rock. Haha.

Grace Suh: One more time, in, and out. Let’s switch to the other side. Take the other hand, place it on the opposite chest right below your collarbone and use the tips of your fingers to find the highest point on the shoulders, where your neck meets your shoulders. Press, and rub back and forth. Take a deep breath in, and out. One more time. In, and out. With this same point, I want to show you how to de-stress your emotion or any stress you might be going through. Everybody watching or hearing this, take ones stress from your life, your number one stresser, and think about that stress for a moment. I want you to rate that between 1 and 10 – 1 low stress, 10 high stress. Rate them for me right now. So, what I want you to do is while thinking of the stress, go back to the first side and while you’re pressing and rubbing, I want you take a deep breath in through your nose and I want you to release that stress out. Take a deep breath in. While you’re pressing the point, you’re releasing out the stress that you just thought about or thinking about right now. One more time. In and out.

Wendy Myers: I’m thinking about doing a video podcast. Haha. It’s stressing me out. Haha.

Grace Suh: Okay. Let’s do the other side.  So what you want to think about is, “This is to de-stress myself for the video podcast.” Take a deep breath in, and breathe out that stress. Good. One more time, in and out. Great. What I want you to do is come back to your stress and gauge it. is it still as high as it was before you did the acupressure? If it is, do it again because this method works. Your stress level should come down or you should feel more distant from your stress. This is how you let go of the stress while doing the pressure points.

Wendy Myers: Well, if someone wants to use these pressure points, how often do they need to do this and how long does it take to do?

Grace Suh: Gosh. I have my patients do this all the time. I practice this every day. I recommend people doing this simple method that I just showed you right now, de-stressing the upper part  of your shoulders, de-stressing from whatever stress you’re going through, on a daily basis. It only takes about 3-5 breaths. And if you have more stress or more tension, you could go ahead and do this as often as  possible. I have a patient of mine who is an actress. Before she learned this method, and I show more in my program, other areas to de-stress, and what she’s done is she uses this method to de-stress before all her auditions because before, she used to overeat, get nervous, anxious and she would freeze when she gets to the audition and not do so well. But now, she’s relaxed, she doesn’t overeat, she shows up and she rocks it out. I also have a patient of mine who is a rock star, a little rock star, he’s touring and he has a famous band. He’s on the tour six months out of the year right now. He says, “You know Grace, I use these pressure points all the time. It helps me stop overeating. He used to overeat a lot on tour because he has all this food that’s in front of him all the time. He says it helps him stop overeating and it also helps him feel less bloated and he’s losing weight on the tour, and he said he could even sing better so he does it all the time, he uses it all the time.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s really interesting because I always tell my clients that are trying to lose weight that they need to find different approaches to reducing anxiety because a lot of it are just out of habit or overeating or whatnot but they can do other things. I think this is a very very simple tool that someone could use to reduce anxiety and just replace their bad habits.

Grace Suh: Absolutely. It’s one of these things. We have our bodies on us all the time. This is a tool, a journey, a gift, that we have, which is our bodies and we have this amazing system that we can access with our hands, with our breath, and with our intention. It’s amazing.

Wendy Myers: I love the ear-flapping like I mentioned before and I’ve been doing it in my sauna. I do an infrared sauna overnight so I’m like flapping away at my sauna. Haha. I’m trying to stimulate those adrenal glands. Can you explain what ear-flapping is to the listeners? And why should they be doing it?

Grace Suh: The ear, once again, is a micro system and the flapping is the easiest way to increase circulation to the entire ear and therefore to the rest of the body. In the video that you watched, Wendy, it was the adrenal glands. I focused a lot on the adrenal glands because this is the endocrine gland that gets stressed out and a lot of… with fatigue or access cortisol. And so this why I have you focus on your adrenal glands and supporting that. I learned this system from a very important master of mine, a Chi-Gong teacher, a long time ago and he said, “You know Grace, all the Chi-Gong masters that do this, they stay strong, fit, lean and live a very long life. How fun is that?

17:40 Meditation for Weight Loss

Wendy Myers: Well, I know. All my clients that come to me, I do hair mineral analysis and they all show adrenal fatigue. It’s just rampant in our society. So I think it’s really important to do things like this to support your adrenals and this a really simple tool to do that. So you guys will have to watch the video to find out how to do it. Go to So you recommend meditation in your program which I think is incredibly important. I do a version called the Roy Masters meditation but there are millions of different kinds.

Grace Suh: Oh, I know about Roy Masters.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it’s really simple but there’s so many different kinds, so many and they’re all amazing. How in your opinion does meditation help weight loss?

Grace Suh: I use meditation in my weight-loss programs simply to help the body relax and de-stress. We know from research that it lowers the heart rate and it helps the body get into more of the parasympathetic mode. What that gives your body the opportunity to do is to become a fat burner. See, we are naturally a fat burner but happens when we’re stressed out or we’re in sympathetic overdrive, what happens to us is we become fat-storers and we start putting on the weight. So if we could relax the body, de-stress the body, give enough time throughout the day to do that, naturally our bodies want to become a fat burner. This is why I like to use meditation because it’s a simple thing that anyone can do. I’m sure by now when you could tell I’m into what anyone can do at anytime, right?

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and meditation’s easy. I only do it for 10 minutes a day. Anyone has 10 minutes a day.

Grace Suh: Exactly. This is why, because it helps the nervous system balance out and helps you become a fat burner.

19:13 Umami

Wendy Myers: Yeah, so you talked about an interesting concept when it comes to eating that I haven’t heard anyone mention before, except on the really high-end cooking shows, but you talked about Umami flavor. I’ve watched a lot of high-end cooking shows. So why do you believe that one needs to incorporate this specific flavor ingredient to lose weight?

Grace Suh: I believe this concept to be something that is related on this simple idea that if your food doesn’t taste great, there’s something missing. And if you don’t feel that yummy factor in your food, something is missing from your life. See, we are gifted with this ability to enjoy, to taste food and what I see a lot of people missing is this flavor called Umami which is considered the 5th taste. It’s a simple amino acid that triggers the brain to telling you you’re satisfied, happy, satiated. This has been around since we’ve been cooking as humans – slow cooking, searing, barbecuing, or grilling – those things naturally create that 5th taste and I’m sure watching in here just love grilled food, or slow cooking food. But we could actually choose foods that have this high element of something called glutamate and it’s going to trigger the brain. What most of you will recognize is, “Wow! I feel satiated, happy and satisfied.” I saw so many of my patients saying, “Grace, I eat so well and I’m full but I’m always in the kitchen after looking to snack on something.” It was because they were missing this element. When you incorporate that 5th taste or Umami into your food, then you will no longer be looking for that snack or that extra food in the kitchen after you’ve had dinner, lunch, or breakfast.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I absolutely agree with you because when people are not psychologically fulfilled or even biologically fulfilled, they’re going to keep eating. That’s why I think it’s really really great that you mentioned that in your fat loss method because people have to feel satiated whether it be from fat or the umami flavors, or focusing on their food, being mindful of their food, or they’re just going to keep eating. So I think it’s wonderful that you incorporate that.

Grace Suh: You know, that amino acid glutamate, what it does is our body uses that amino acid abundantly to produce energy so it’s no wonder why our bodies are looking for that all the time and if you don’t get it, you’re going to be in the kitchen, opening up covers and refrigerators, trying to find that. But if you’re not looking for the right things, you’re going to eat foods that are going to put on weight and store fats.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I think why a lot of people are doing it is because we have millions of these glutamate receptors on our tongue. MSG which is a glutamic acid, people are eating these MSG-rich foods to satiate that taste but MSG is implicated in obesity. They’re fulfilling it but in the wrong way. They’re tricking their body but the result is obesity so we need to these flavors naturally.

Grace Suh: Yeah, naturally. For everybody watching and listening, I want to offer you some ideas. Some of you may be asking, “What are some of the foods?” There’s a lot of foods. There are books written on this. There are cooking shows based on this. But simply, you want to look for that yummy factor. You want to be able to be like, “Wow, that tasted great.” So tomatoes, for example, are high in umami. Simply by adding some tomatoes, tomato paste, tomato sauce, it’s great. It’s high in vitamins. It’s tasty and it falls under the rainbow colors so you know it’s good for you. If you’re not allergic to tomatoes, tomatoes are a great thing to add to give you that umami level of taste.

23:55 Exercise 10 minutes a day for weight loss

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I noticed that. You have a little cooking demo in one of your videos so I thought it was really interesting so I definitely recommend the listeners to go check that out. Sign up for and you’ll be sent those videos where you can get a few tips to start incorporating that umami flavah. Haha. You mentioned in one of your videos that you only need to work out for 10 minutes a day. Can you explain that? That’s really going to peak people’s interests.

Grace Suh: Well, this came from one of my struggles. Looking back at my journey, in the midst of dieting and following all these celebrity fitness experts and nutritionists and celebrities, what they were doing, I followed a celebrity fitness expert who told everybody that was reading his books and watching his shows to exercise two and a half hours a day, six days a week, and do an hour of cardio in between, during your workout. I did that. I over exercised 9000 hours of my life following his program. That left me fatigued. That left me wasting my muscles away. That left me really weak. That was also during the time when I hit rock bottom. That struggle of over exercising really forced me to find a different way and I learned something called high-intensity interval workout. What that is you workout in short bursts, you get to that level within a minute where your heart rate is up, your lungs are working, you’re out of breath and your muscles are fatigued. So when you work out to that level within 1 minute and then you do this cycle 4-7 times, then you get into a fat-burning mode and this could be done in less than 10 minutes. This has saved my life, this has saved me time, it saved my energy, it’s helped tons of my patients.

Just to share with you, I had a patient of mine who came. She was an aerobics teacher and she says, “Grace, I’m so embarrassed because I’m putting more weight on. What am I doing wrong?” I looked at her exercise schedule. She was doing the same thing. She was exercising about 2 hours a day, 5-6 days a week, and I said. “What are you doing?” She said, “I’m an aerobics teacher. That’s what I have to do.” and I said, “No. You’re putting on weight.” What we did was we cut our exercise down to only 3 times a week 6. She applied the high-intensity, low-impact interval method and she started losing the weight, and she has so much more time.

I had another patient of mine who came and said, “Grace, I’m so healthy, I belong to this running group. We ride once a week together, sometimes twice a week. We do marathons together and we jog for about 10-12 miles every time we get together. I looked at her and I said, “Would you do me a favor? If you want to lose this weight that you’re putting on, stop jogging for so long.” apply the high intensive method. You can still jog but apply this high intensity interval method workout and see how your body responds. She noticed that she was losing weight. She used to always get sick with a cold or flu because you know what happens when you do that kind of long, endurance workout, you start storing fat and your immune system drops. So this patient used to always get sick after the weekend run. It’s because your immune system would drop. So she prevented that after she applied the high-intensity, low-impact method.

Wendy Myers: I know, I have client after client coming to me as well. They’re doing this chronic cardio because they’ve been told exercise more, eat less. It’s counter-productive. There’s so much research, I love it that you’re talking about this because there’s so much research behind the high intensity interval training because it’s how cave men worked out. Haha. They would chase prey and they would stop and rest and they would try again and they would rest. It’s kind of how our bodies were evolutionarily designed. They weren’t jogging 10 miles. They walked places but they weren’t running. I think it’s a really effective method and I totally agree with you that people need to pull it back a little bit. There are methods that are more effective.

Grace Suh: Exactly. You’re a Paleo gal so you understand how cave people used to go, just go and run run run run run and stop, right?

Wendy Myers: Yeah, if they have to chase that prey, they don’t have to chase it forever, just for a minute or two and they’d make the kill. They usually would miss and they would just keep trying and then they’d make the kill and then they’d stop.

Grace Suh: They’ll go faster and they’ll catch it and then they’d have their meat for the month or something.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, exactly. So if someone wants a more individualized approach to weigh loss, what kinds of testing do you offer at your clinic where you can design an individualized program for weight loss?

Grace Suh: I love this question because I’d love to share the integration that I’ve created in my practice. I take the eastern medical perspective of ancient wisdom on using the body’s intelligence and I combine that with the technology of testing. So I love to look at the blood chemistry. I love to start there to see if there’s any nutritional deficiency to rule the whodunit thyroid issues and from there, I love to do the genetic testing to see which foods might be the best for you. So this is based on your genes. What that means is this gives us the overall strategy. It’s like being on top of the mountain and looking at the horizon to know where you’re at and where you want to go. Genetically, we have four main diets. We have the low-carb diet, low-fat diet, Mediterranean imbalance. I fall under something called the low-carb diet. Before I had this information, I was eating a lot of quinoa beans and brown rice. Of course with my protein and my vegetables, but I love my carbs, right? Even though I wasn’t eating wheat or refined carbs,I was eating good carbs and I thought I was doing great and all of that but when I did this test for myself, I realized that genetically I don’t do well with high carbs.

We’re talking about good carbs, right? I don’t do well with those as much genetically so I focused more on the Paleo, the high-protein, the high-fat, the vegetables and I do get my carbs in but the proportion is a lot less than I was used to. I used to eat more of a balanced, everything looked equal but looking at my genetic profile, I do a lot better with a smaller portion of carbs given it’s healthy. It’s really helped me strategize and it’s helped my patients strategize. Next, I love doing the food sensitivity test because we get to see what your body is reacting to. I test for something called IGG4 which is the lake food sensitivities. These are the symptoms that show that 3 or 4 days later that you don’t really connect your symptoms with, right? So I get to see what you’re sensitive to and pull those out for about three months and your body naturally finds its balanced weight when you do that. So I love to incorporate all of that.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s really interesting. I want to come in and speak to you about doing some testing because it’s always good to look at your bio-markers, you can play around with your diet. For me, I went really low-carb Paleo at first, but I just didn’t feel right. I always have extreme sugar cravings but when I put in some safe starches like some sweet potatoes and white rice and things like that, the sugar cravings went away. Everyone’s different.

Grace Suh: Exactly, and even if we’re eating healthy, with protein, fats and healthy carbs, there are proportions that are genetically geared, meaning, in my condition, I need to ;ook up a carb diet and I would’ve never known that if I hadn’t done the genetic testing. I love to combine that; our body’s intelligence using the meridians. I like to use the stress management to release that negative stress or painful past. Now this is in psychotherapy but it is about the mind-body connection and being aware of those negative thoughts or emotions and letting that out through the power of your breath and using the meridian system.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I think that what you’re doing in your practice is really effective; combining that eastern medicine, acupuncture point of view, with the western functional medicine. I think they complimented each other really really nicely.

Grace Suh: Yes. I love it.

Wendy Myers: So what would you want my listeners take away from our interview today?

Grace Suh: If you’ve tried a lot of diets and programs out there that just didn’t work for you, please don’t lose hope. There’s another way. There’s another system that may be better for you or that might really work for you. I want everybody listening or watching this never to lose hope, keep on searching, keep on looking, listen to your body and really stay present. If something isn’t working for you, move on.

Wendy Myers: Absolutely. I amsomebody who has tried so many different things, there’s so much diet dogma out there, and it’s really just about going back to basics. It doesn’t really have to be that difficult and that’s what I like about the simplicity, almost the Feng Shui of the Grace Fat Loss Method because it incorporates very simple things that everyone can do and because it doesn’t have to be that difficult. I have a question I like to ask all of my guests. What do you think is the most compelling health issue in the world today?

Grace Suh: Wow. That’s such a great question. Being in practice for 14 years, I’ve worked on a lot of different conditions and over the years, I focused it on weight management because most of my patients after they got better with their pain or with their immune system, they would say, “Grace, can you help me lose weight now?” Haha. So my patients have helped me shape my practice into what it is now and for most of my patients, stress is a big deal. Stress, I would say, is the number one health issue even though it could be a symptom as well. Because stress makes our system, for example, it makes our bodies become sympathetic dominant so what that means is it’s going to make your body a little bit more acidic. That’s going to mean that it’s going to shift your body’s entire chemistry. What that’s going to mean is you’re going to increase inflammation. When you increase inflammation, even just slightly, but that goes on for years, that’s going to make you hold on to fat, toxins, and it’s going to cause all sorts of chronic conditions. That’s what we’re fighting, the inflammation. But I go further back at what’s causing that inflammation. And what I see in my practice, over fourteen years, is stress.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I absolutely agree with you because in my practice, I approach it a little bit differently but I do hair mineral analysis to determine if people do in fact have sympathetic dominance, it’s one thing that shows on the test. I have sympathetic dominance. It’s true, it’s one of those things where, if you’re in a sympathetic as opposed to parasympathetic state, your stress is going going going and why is it rising all the time. Your body can’t detox. You have to be in a parasympathetic state to detox and that causes all types of problems just like you said, including that.

Grace Suh: Yeah, just that little bit of having your body be a little more acidic, gosh, that has symptoms that affect the entire body.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s one reason I’ve done acupuncture for many years off and on, to calm the system down and relax and come out of that sympathetic dominant state and it helps adrenal fatigue among other things. That’s really great. I love it.

Grace Suh: Yeah, so that’s what I would say, stress.

Wendy Myers: So can you tell the listeners a little bit more about you and where they can find you?

Grace Suh: I would love to answer any question you may have so you could always go ahead and email [email protected] but what I have for other viewers or listeners to get more of this information, is a free training series and, Wendy, I know you spoke about the ear-flapping. I’ll be sharing one of those techniques in their videos and in the first video I go into that. The second I’ll go into the food, I’ll go ahead and give you the list of foods that you can start incorporating to have that umami or that 5th taste in your diet and I go into the 10-minute workout and it’s based on the fat burning Chi-Gong method, this is using the high-intensity, low-impact. So there is too much running around, you’re in one position mainly, creating this fat burning exercise system and program that you’ll be following and so I would love for everybody watching and hearing this to go ahead and sign up to join me in this free training video series.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I know. I did. I’m really glad that I did. I learned a lot and it prompted my having you come on the show because I thought it was really really interesting and I loved it. So Grace, thank you so much for coming on the show. I’m thrilled that you shared your really interesting approach to weight loss with the listeners. I’m on a little weight-loss mission myself as of lately. I’m trying to lose 20 pounds because I packed on writing my book on weight loss ironically. So I’ve been putting a few of your tips to work so I’m really excited to see the results.

Grace Suh: Great! I am too. Thank you.

Wendy Myers: Thank you so much for coming on the show.

Grace Suh: Oh, thank you. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you everyone. Bye.

Wendy Myers: If you want to learn more about health, you can find me, Wendy, on You can follow me on Facebook and twitter @Iwillliveto110 and I’m also on YouTube. I got lots of fun videos on there at Wendyliveto110. If you like what you heard on the show today, please give the Live to 110 podcast a review in iTunes. I need reviews to push the show further up the charts and into the search engines because people, when they search for health or nutrition or whatnot, they’re not going to find me unless there are enough reviews so I would appreciate so much if you could take a couple minutes of your day to give me a review. Thank you listeners for tuning in, if you’re waiting for a solution to your weight issues, you no longer have to wait on pins and needles. Try some acupressure points as per the Grace Fat Loss Method. Thank you so much for listening to the live to 110 podcast.

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