Transcript #419 The Dangers and Benefits of Ozonated Water with Eileen Durfee


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  1. Find out what’s in store on this Myers Detox Podcast with Eileen Durfee, who joins the show to talk about the dangers and the benefits of using ozonated water. Eileen goes over all of ozones amazing benefits for both your body and your home, how drinking ozone increases your body’s oxygen levels, how to properly drink ozonated water, how to use ozone with your pets, and so many other great topics.
  2. Learn more about what ozone is.
  3. Find out all of the amazing health benefits of using ozone.
  4. Learn about the many different uses of ozone, including using it to wash your vegetables and disinfect your home.
  5. Find out the dangers of ozone and how Eileen made a system that is both efficient and safe for producing ozonated water.
  6. Learn more about all of the benefits of drinking ozonated water.
  7. Find out how much ozonated water Eileen recommends you drinking.
  8. Learn about two of Eileen’s ozone generators, the Tri-Oxy FRESH and the Tri-Oxy REFRESH.
  9. Find out more about the many other uses of ozonated water, such as treating plants and using it on pets and livestock.
  10. Learn about the difference between a medical grade ozone generator and Eileen’s ozone machines which use corona discharge.
  11. To learn more about Eileen’s incredible ozone generators and get a special offer on one of her great bundles, click here!


Wendy Myers: Hello, everyone. How are you doing? I’m Wendy Myers of Today we have my friend Eileen Durfee on the show, and she’s going to be talking about ozone. She’s going to talk about the dangers and the benefits of using ozone gas in water.

Wendy Myers: It’s a really interesting show because one of my most popular videos on YouTube is actually the shocking benefits of ozone therapy. Ozone has tremendous potential, has so many different benefits, and we talk about how you can drink ozonated water every single day to kill pathogens in your body. We talk about how you can use it as a household cleanser, to clean all your vegetables and your fruits, get rid of parasites on them and kind of neutralize all the glyphosate and herbicides and pesticides that can be on your vegetables and fruits. We also talk about how you can use it in your garden, how you can use it with your animals. So many different uses.

Wendy Myers: It’s such an interesting show today, and for you guys watching the video I’m in my backyard in Mexico. So excuse all the birds. There’s a lot of noise going on, but I’m in the Mayan Jungle, the Mayan Riviera, and there’s lots of birds and it’s really wonderful. I sit out here every morning to have my coffee, but that’s all the racket and the noise that you hear. It’s such a beautiful day right now, and I wanted to do my podcast outside. So I did.

Wendy Myers: I know you guys listening to the show, you’re concerned about heavy metals and toxins in your body. Many of you haven’t done any testing and want to know your body’s burden of toxins. So I created a quiz that you can take at It just takes a couple of minutes to take the quiz. So go there and check it out. Take the quiz. Afterwards, you get a free video series that answers all of your frequently asked questions about toxins. You also get your quiz results. How toxic are you? How toxic is your body? So go check that out at

Wendy Myers: So our guest today, Eileen Durfee, she’s a former nuclear power engineer and she’s an auditor and inspector. She became really toxic from this job and suffered from allergies, chemical sensitivities, and thyroid disease. During her journey to heal and detoxify and achieve natural health, she invented a lot of different helpful solutions. She takes her engineer’s mind and kind of rethinks how we can detox our body and creates tools and protocols to more effectively and easily detox her body. She’s really passionate about taking good ideas and creating better health products to support detoxification, energy production, mineralization, and natural health. She’s been granted a ton of patents. She’s got a new patent on a back pain solution we’re going to talk about in another podcast. Just lots of amazing products on her site, Eileen, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Eileen Durfee: Well, thanks for having me again.

Wendy Myers: Let’s talk about ozone. So using ozone right now is really hot. I think people are becoming more aware of the benefits of ozone. So why don’t we tell the listeners first, what ozone is exactly.

Eileen Durfee: Well, ozone can be in different states. It can be a gas, and it can be dissolved in liquid. Ozone is actually three singlets of oxygen. It’s O1 plus O1 plus O1, and that is unstable in nature. There’s a reaction that takes place pretty quickly after ozone gas has been generated because positive negative pairs so an O1 will break off and leave pure oxygen basically, O2. That O1 has an oxidation where it can actually destroy things. It’s like nature’s cleanser, like after a rainstorm or there’s been thunder and lightning, that fresh smell. That’s that ionized ozonated air where nature is cleaning up the atmosphere, and you can actually dissolve it in water. Then it’s less reactive, but it can be used for a lot of different purposes.

Wendy Myers: So what are the benefits? What are the benefits of using ozone for your health, and how do you recommend people using it?

Eileen Durfee: Well, there’s medical use of ozone where they will have a medical grade ozone generator that is fed by oxygen tanks. You get a prescription from your doctor to refill the oxygen tanks, and then you can put it in bags, and then you can put it in orifices in your body: in your rectum, vagina, your ears, all kinds of things like that.

Eileen Durfee: But typically, the most common use of ozone is making food safe, using it to clean water, using it as a sanitizer because chlorine bleach, for instance, is used a lot as a sanitizer, but there’s toxic by-products. Well, the wonderful thing about ozone is one molecule of ozone has the disinfecting power of up to 10,000 molecules of bleach. So you’re wondering, “Why isn’t that toxic?” Well, ozone is kind of selectively smart. Pathogens don’t have a protective enzyme coating like normal cells that are healthy cells that aren’t infected have a protective enzyme coating, and so ozone passes that by. It doesn’t oxidize healthy tissues, but it will oxidize pathogens.

Eileen Durfee: It’s something with COVID it’s like, “Oh, we’re into antibacterial everything,” but there’s lots of studies on how that creates superbugs because pathogens mutate against these antibacterial chemicals and soaps and things. With ozone, the wonderful thing about ozone is that the pathogens can’t mutate against it. I guess I could say it’s like having a pathogen that has a cell. It blows a hole in it. It’s like getting a hole punched in your tire. It’s an unrepairable kind of thing, and that’s what it does to the bad guys.

Wendy Myers: Okay, great. I love using ozone to clean my vegetables. So I have your ozonator, and I like to bubble it in water and create lots of ozone in that water and then dunk all my vegetables, especially delicate fruits like strawberries and things like that because it helps to get all the bacteria and the pathogens and neutralize any pesticide residue that might happen to be on it. So ozone has so many different uses. You can disinfect your water with it. What are some of the other uses that you recommend to people?

Eileen Durfee: Well, meat, for instance. They always tell you never rinse your chicken because it’s covered in salmonella, and be careful not to get it on your sponge or your rag because then you’re just going to put the salmonella everywhere. Well, with ozone, ozonated water, you can take a black light and you can see all the salmonella crawling all over the chicken. People don’t think about cleaning their meat. But you can put the meat in a bath of water and put the ball in there, and it will completely kill all of it. So it will make your food safe, even your meat. Not everybody gets organic grass-fed food or maybe they get a cured ham. You can put those meats in the water and then ozonate them, and it’ll pull a lot of that stuff out, just like you said: pesticides, herbicides, that kind of thing. It breaks it down and it makes it safe.

Eileen Durfee: Ozone is used in a lot of industries. I mean, just about everything from bottled water to the dairy farm, to growing crops, vegetables and grapes because it gets rid of powdery mildew and the small insect larvae like you talked about washing your fruits and your vegetables, especially strawberries. It gets in there because there’s microscopic parasites that we’re ingesting. Say if somebody juices something, didn’t realize the carrots and all that, you can wash it, but there still could be parasite larvae and then that goes in your body and hatches. So I love cleaning all my fruits, my vegetables, my meats, and then I’d use it for just the simplest things.

Eileen Durfee: I get Mountain Valley Spring Water in five gallon glass jars, and I have a crock. So the whole top of this glass jar gets put in the water. Well, I want to sanitize that. So I actually take ozonated water and clean that off of there. I mean, anything I want sanitized I’m using it because it’s going to kill E. coli and salmonella 0.1 part-per million in 15 seconds. The ozone generator that I sell uses air instead of oxygen so you don’t need a prescription, but it will make up to, depending on the temperature of the water, 1.5 to almost two parts-per million. So it’s killing these things on absolute contact. That’s just one aspect.

Eileen Durfee: But the other thing I do is I make ozonated water, and I drink it on an empty stomach. It’s actually pretty amazing. I just wanted to read something from the National Center of Biotechnology. They’ve got studies where ozonated water benefits include increased glutathione, superoxide dismutase, catalase, red blood cell glycolysis rate, oxygen metabolism. They’ve verified that it inactivates bacteria, virus, fungus, yeast, and protozoa.

Eileen Durfee: There’s just a lot of things from drinking ozonated water on an empty stomach that can really help you out with. I was concerned … I’m always wanting to create a gizmo that makes it easier to use something. So we can stack our hacks so things take less time. I created an ozone diffuser, degasser. It’s kind of like a filter tap that screws on a glass jar that actually diffuses the ozone gas in the water up to 10 times faster. So now when you have an ozone machine and you use this, I call it the REFRESHER, when you use it, it extends the life of your equipment that you’re investing in. Then the other thing that’s great about this is that see, not all of the ozone gas dissolves in the water.

Wendy Myers: I was going to say, that’s a big problem using ozone. You don’t want to breathe that in. It’s really not good for you to breathe it in, but I love your mind that you create all these amazing solutions to be able to enjoy the benefits of ozone without having maybe the dangerous or the problematic side effects that can come with trying to generate your own ozone.

Eileen Durfee: Yeah. I mean, before, I would turn on an exhaust fan, open the window, go in the other room and then every once in a while after my coffee enema, I would follow up with an ozonated water enema. But I couldn’t ozonate the water in there nearby where I was doing it, so therefore I wouldn’t do my ozone water enema. It was a hassle. So now I just wanted something that didn’t matter if somebody had COPD or asthma. Some people are just super sensitive to ozone. So I wanted to have a gizmo that I could have right there, not worry about the off-gassing, that I could make my ozonated water and then I could use it after a coffee enema. So this little glass container with the filter cap, the granules in there basically just get rid of that extra O1 particle so anything that comes off is pure oxygen. It’s simple to use and safe.

Eileen Durfee: People don’t realize ozone gas, it’s like matter on earth is either solid, liquid or gas. Gas is so reactive. It’s super duper powerful. Where ozone dissolves in water, like a diffuser only dissolves 15% of the gas, 85% of it’s going to the air. But water will only hold so much ozone. You just can’t ozonate it for 24 hours and have the highest concentration. No, after about 10 minutes, this water won’t hold any more ozone. It’s at its maximum. Making it safe, having it finish quicker, like 10 times faster … Literally this 32-ounce glass will be completely ozonated in less than five minutes.

Wendy Myers: Oh wow.

Eileen Durfee: It’s super fast. The other ones, it’s usually a minute per ounce that you use. But yeah, ozonated water, a lot of athletes are using it now where they’re drinking it, and it’s giving them extra oxygen energy as if they just had some kind of a supplement to jazz up their energy. We can always use more oxygen.

Eileen Durfee: That’s the other thing I love about drinking ozonated water is that a lot of us are sedentary and we’re indoors, especially with the pandemic. A lot more people are indoors, but our heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems are stripping oxygen and negative ions out of the air. So we want to do things to basically increase oxygen levels in our body because there’s a known fact that the body has this threshold. It has to have so much oxygen, and if it doesn’t have that oxygen, what does it do? It’s kind of like if your car needs a new alternator, but you don’t change it so you jump start it all the time and then you drive it and you don’t turn the headlights on. Well, the body begins selectively shutting down systems in the body.

Eileen Durfee: At first, you might not notice things, but if that goes on long enough, then you’re going to develop disease. What we want to do is we want to give the body its oxygen. The other thing is that protective enzyme coating that I was talking about, the cells, that actually helps cells so that viruses, bacteria, fungus, all those things can’t invade the cell. It’s like this first line of defense. It’s like part of our immune system. When we don’t have enough oxygen, our body sacrifices that coating around the cells, so then more cells are prone to infection. Now all we have is our immunity.

Eileen Durfee: So with making ozonated water and not damaging your lungs and having it to increase the oxygen, it will actually increase the amount of cells that maintain and keep that enzyme coating. It’s just a phenomenal thing. A lot of people are out there … For years, I used to have an ozone air purifier, and I thought the smell of ozone was great. Little did I know that that terrible indigestion that I had that I thought was from something else was actually a side effect of inhaling ozone gas. So it’s like all these people out there that are using ozone generators and not putting two and two together. With digestion being also our main immune function, anything that we’re doing trying to help ourselves, we don’t want to do harm as well.

Wendy Myers: So it’s okay to drink the ozonated water, but it’s not okay to inhale it.

Eileen Durfee: Right. Right. Yeah. You definitely want to degass it.

Wendy Myers: What happens when you drink the ozonated water? Because I know so many people, they’re lacking oxygen in their tissues, especially when they live at a high altitude. There’s a lot of things working against us having properly oxygenated tissues, which is really important for a number of reasons. Can you talk a little bit about that?

Eileen Durfee: Sure. Well, when you drink the ozonated water, see the colder the water is, the longer the ozone gas stays in the water without having the reaction to oxidize and release. So with our body temperature, 98.6, and we’re drinking it, it’s immediately coming out of solution, oxidizing bad stuff selectively because ozone is smart, and then leaving extra O2 to circulate, to get through our digestive system into the bloodstream. A lot of people ask me, “Well, what about the good bacteria?” Because of the temperature of our body in drinking ozonated water, that’s why the NIH study talks about all these benefits in ozonated water and what it did for the body because that reaction happens fairly quickly so it’s not getting through your whole intestinal tract to wipe out the good bacteria. But it is increasing the body oxygen levels and also increasing the cell enzyme coatings.

Eileen Durfee: Now, there’s a lot of people that will do medical, what they call insufflation with ozone gas. That can be expensive and kind of really harsh. It’s like a real detox program, let me tell you. So it is a milder approach to use the ozonated water, say, after your coffee enema. You never combine the two because the ozone will break down the palmitic acid and the caffeine in the coffee that gives its wonderful benefits, and it’ll use up the oxidation power of the ozonated water. So it’ll make both therapies less effective. You always want to separate them, use them separately. But it’s a lot more gentle. But on that end, we talk about drinking it, say if it’s not going to destroy your gut biome, but when you follow up with an ozonated water enema, what that’s going to do is that’s going to kill everything.

Eileen Durfee: A lot of people are doing stool testing, and they have bad bacteria or whatever. That’s excellent because it’ll kill off the bad, it’ll kill off the good. Then you could do implants. I’m not talking about fecal transfer, but you could use kefir water and yogurt or open up capsules of the right probiotic blend that you want to have populated in your gut, and then you can repopulate it. It’s just an excellent tool. It’s just that everybody was endangering themselves by inhaling the ozone gas and not really connecting that their indigestion was because of ozone or excess coughing.

Eileen Durfee: People would think that, “I love the smell of ozone gas. It makes me breathe deeper.” I’m telling you that that was a survival mechanism of your body because the ozone gas actually competes with oxygen receptor sites in your lungs. So you’re breathing deeper, because your body says, “I need more oxygen.” Then your lung tissue is full of lipids. So it’s oxidizing those. So it’s actually giving your lungs, the skin, the cells, a sunburn kind of like that it has to shed and it has to heal. A lot of people aren’t connecting the maybe some coughing or something that they think is an allergy could be because they’ve been breathing too much ozone gas as well.

Wendy Myers: How many glasses of ozonated water should people drink per day? What’s your protocol for that?

Eileen Durfee: I say every person is different. This is a powerful tool. So I would say the first time you make it and drink it and the reason why we give you a generator is because there’s a time limit. The reaction happens, if it’s sitting on the counter in a cool glass of water, you have about 20 minutes before it’s deactivated. Yes, you’re going to have pure water. I mean, you could take water from a mud puddle and ozonate it to the point where it would be crystal clear and it would be drinkable and it wouldn’t hurt you. I mean, it would kill everything. But you’ve got to make it and drink it and start with about two ounces and then work up from there because I have clients who had trouble with migraines. They drank two ounces of ozonated water, four ounces of ozonated water, and their headache went right away. Gone. Vanished. But then I have another person who drank eight ounces, just chugged it down the first time and they got a headache. So, there’s detox potential reactions with this.

Eileen Durfee: So every person’s different. You just go slow and work up from there. Just remember, you’ve got to have it about 20 to 30 minutes before you eat or two hours afterwards, and don’t swallow your supplements with it. Again, the rule is it’s going to break down anything that you take it with. So always on an empty stomach. Places like, they recommend, not as a standalone cancer treatment but just for people to consume two liters of ozonated water per day. So you can go anywhere between two ounces and two liters, but it’s more of a calisthenic way of fitting it in when you’re not eating, to limit how much you’re going to be able to consume.

Eileen Durfee: But now you don’t have to worry because the thing I always did before, is I’d set the ozonator up, turn on the exhaust fan and I’d go and I’d do something. Then I would forget, and I’d come back and then it’s been longer than 20 minutes. So I was always not getting my ozonated water in when I should. So now with this device, I can have it right with me. The ozone generator is small as well. Our new one is small. It’s got a remote control. So you can pretty much set it up anywhere. So you’re not going to forget to use this tool.

Wendy Myers: Can you show us the ozone generator that you created? Do you have one?

Eileen Durfee: Sure. Yeah. Our old one used to produce 400 mg per hour. This one produces 800 mg per hour. But the ozone generator life is still 8,000 hours. So between the more powerful ozone generator and the degasser diffuser that gets it into the water 10 times faster, again, you don’t have to take very much time, but you’re extending the life of your machine.

Wendy Myers: What is the name of this? What’s the name of your ozone generator?

Eileen Durfee: This is the Tri-Oxy FRESH. I call this the REFRESH, and they’re bundled in a kit to where you save a lot of money if you buy the two together. But this one also has an internal fan. It can run a lot longer than the prior unit that I had. It also has a remote control or you can just punch on the keypad here to control it, and then it’s got an intermittent function as well that I use this without the degassers, like when I’m getting ready to leave. Maybe I burnt whatever I was cooking and the house smelled, then I can turn it on and then I can have it do an intermittent function, run for an hour, rest for 10 minutes, run for an hour, that kind of thing. So this one is a lot more powerful and capable than the previous Tri-Oxy FRESH.

Wendy Myers: Okay, Fantastic. What are some of the household uses for ozone as well? I have a little device for … I use the Tri-Oxy FRESH, but I have another device also where you can make this ozonated water and then use it for disinfecting in the area that’s way better than bleach or some of these other sanitizers and the really harsh chemical, very toxic sanitizers that a lot of people are using in their homes. The wipes, I can’t stand the wipes. Antibacterial gels, just barf. I’m just not into those at all.

Eileen Durfee: Yeah. Well that’s the beauty of this is you can make a jar of this. You can get more jars from us and screw it on and just keep on making ozonated water and get clean rags. That’s how I clean the walls of the inside of my sauna, to completely sterilize and clean it. The countertops in the kitchen. I’ll go around because I’ve got four grandsons that come over here. Some handrails on the stairs and the doorknobs. I’m just using it for sanitizing everything.

Eileen Durfee: Then if you have house plants, you could put it in a sprayer bottle and you can spray and mist them because it’ll help, if you catch it early, to kill the larvae of the bugs, it will give it more oxygen, get rid of powdery mildew and molds. You can use it on any plant inside or outside the house.

Eileen Durfee: For pets. Oh my gosh, pets. Their skin conditions, the smell, everything like that. You can ozonate and clean them with the water. We have one version where you can literally-

Wendy Myers: You can dunk your doggy in the ozonated water.

Eileen Durfee: We have one machine where you just garden hose in, garden hose out. I’ve got one place that’s a dog kennel operation, and they’re spraying down the dog kennels in the gravel and it doesn’t smell like feces or anything. It’s just amazing. They’re giving their pets baths with it and just all the itching and just the different things for pets. It’s amazing. They love drinking the ozonated water. Oh my gosh.

Wendy Myers: Forget the deworming, all those medications and things. I think it’s just much better to give them ozonated water. It’s much healthier.

Eileen Durfee: Yeah. Between that and then a lot of garlic in their food, that’s a great dewormer for pets.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And then they have great breath too with the garlic, adding the garlic in the food. So let’s talk about the difference between say the medical grade ozone machines and the oxygen-fed medical grade ozone generators and your Corona discharge machine. What’s the difference there?

Eileen Durfee: Well, when you feed a machine with pure oxygen, it has no nitric acid, which is very important because when you’re doing insufflation, that’s like taking the gas and catching it in a bag and then releasing that bag into your rectum, vagina, your ears. You don’t want to have any nitric acid. So, then you ask yourself, “What is a Corona discharge?” Corona discharge makes higher levels of ozone gas more powerful from the air. It actually uses ambient air to generate ozone gas. So there’s no consumable. There’s nothing that you need to replace on a Corona discharge machine. There’s other types of ozone generators that use sparks and these metal mesh things that actually in time get corroded with dirt and then they arc and it actually burns a hole through the metal screen. So you’re always having to replace and maintain these other kinds of ozone generators.

Eileen Durfee: But with Corona discharge, there is 0.003%. So that’s tenths, hundredths, thousandths, there’s three thousandths nitric acid. So even less than 1%. 0.003 is not suitable for taking that gas and putting it inside a body cavity. But it’s just fine. I mean, that is so minuscule that when you’re dissolving it into the ozone water, it’s totally non-toxic. It’s totally safe. So it makes owning an ozone generator very affordable because a medical grade one’s, a good one’s a couple thousand dollars, where this machine is like 249, but when you buy it in the kit and sometimes we have specials, it’s so affordable for something that is easy to use, safe and is so versatile.

Eileen Durfee: Every pathogen has a contact time and a concentration for a kill rate. The City of Los Angeles ozonates their sewage for so long at such high concentration, it turns into pure drinking water. Any of the household pathogens that we’re coming across with ozonating this water and using it, it’s going to be sufficient. I mean, COVID. It cannot live with ozonated water. That’s the name of the game is washing your hands, keeping the surfaces clean, regular sanitization, and this is the non-toxic way to do it.

Wendy Myers: I just love this device. I use it constantly. I love ozonated water, and there’s so many different uses and applications for it. I think it has to be the part of any home that you’re trying to detox your home, be healthy, kill pathogens in your body. This is a replacement for toxic household cleansers. There’s so many different uses for it. For me, the top thing is cleaning my vegetables with it. Super, super important that garbage is not going in your body and that parasites and things too. So tell us, where can we get one of these? What’s your website, and where can we learn more about it?

Eileen Durfee: You can go to That’s C-R-E-A-T-R-I-X Solutions. We’ve got an ozone section that you can read because we’ve got the FRESH, we’ve got the giant machine for the COMPLETE that you could use in a farming operation. I have one guy who does 4-H so he raises pigs and sheep and horses and all that. He uses that machine with a spray and he sprays down the pigpens, and he does it all year long, because he goes out and slops the pigs. He sprays it down, no flies. He doesn’t even have to use miticide around the animal’s eyes anymore for the horses or anything.

Eileen Durfee: Then there’s a rancher that does chickens and he set it up on a timer to do the automatic feeding because normally there’s so much algae in the troughs that they have to clean them all the time. Zero algae. Even this is natural, so many areas to graze and let the chickens run around kind of thing. There’s always some that die every year from hatching and growing these chickens. After they implemented the ozonated water, they didn’t have one loss, and it’s like the chickens like the water and they drank more so they were healthier. Each one has a little hen house where they can go in the nest and this and that. But if you’re growing chickens, sometimes you’re going to deal with lice and different mites that bother the chickens. Well, when they started misting down those, they even got rid of that. For the 4-H person or somebody who likes ranching their own food or whatever, ozone is indispensable, I mean, it kills bird flu on contact. You can just keep your animals and your flock safe.

Wendy Myers: Fantastic, fantastic. There’s so many different uses for it. I love it. I love that you’re a nuclear engineer, and you’ve just taken your genius and applied it to all of these different applications that we can use for detoxing our bodies and our homes. So go to There’s also a link below this podcast as well below this video.

Wendy Myers: So Eileen, thanks for coming on the show, and everyone, thanks so much for tuning into the Myers Detox Podcast, where I aim every week to bring you all kinds of experts on the show to give you helpful tips to help detox your life, detox your body and detox your home as well. You deserve to feel good. You deserve to feel happy and healthy every single day, and I want to help you achieve that. So thanks for tuning in every week. I’m Wendy Myers of I’ll talk to you guys very soon.